What is the conjugate acid of each of the following Brønsted- Lowry bases? a) HCO3b) CO32c) OHd) H2PO4-
1.8 x 10-5 at 25 C
BL acid strength
We give the equilibrium constant a special name for reactions like these – the acid dissociation (or ionization) constant Ka. Since the value of the constant is less than one, the acetic acid does not dissociate to a great extent – it is a weak acid!
Cl H3O
1 x106 at 25 C
Hydrated protons and hydronium ions
What is the strongest Brønsted-Lowry acid there is? The strongest Brønsted-
Lowry acid is H+. The ultimate proton-donor is a proton itself!
Chapter 16
Acids and Bases
With the exception of Friedel-Crafts acylation, these methods do not increase the size or complexity of molecules. In the following sections of this chapter we shall find that one of the most useful characteristics of aldehydes and ketones is their reactivity toward carbon nucleophiles, and the resulting elaboration of molecular structure that results. In short, aldehydes and ketones are important intermediates for the assembly or synthesis of complex organic molecules. 16-4. Properties of Aldehydes and Ketones
16-2. Occurrence of Aldehydes and Ketones Natural Products Aldehydes and ketones are widespread in nature, often combined with other functional groups. Example are shown in the following diagram. The compounds in the top row are found chiefly in plants or microorganisms; those in the bottom row have animal origins. With the exception of the first three compounds (top row) these molecular structures are all chiral. When chiral compounds are found in nature they are usually enantiomerically pure, although different sources may yield different enantiomers. For example, carvone is found as its levorotatory (R)-enantiomer in spearmint oil, whereas, caraway seeds contain the dextrorotatory (S)-enantiomer. Note that the aldehyde function is often written as –CHO in condensed or complex formulas.
课堂用 chapter 16 旅游宣传材料的汉英翻译
比作小麦加(Mecca ),将孔子比作希腊的city亚里
• 5.删减omission
• 删减的是多余的对译文理解没有多大帮助的 内容。需要对原文进行删减的有几种情况。
• 首先,各种历史考证对中国读者来说是必要的, 而对外国人来说,则是不必要的,有时还可能使 他们越看越糊涂。
• It tears and boils along turbulently through the mountains and at some places, flows on quietly with a sedate appearance and glistening 黄河的磅礴气势;英语译文对原文进行了改写, 去掉了那些带有主观色彩的词语,变得直观简洁, 形象生动,和原文有异曲同工之妙。
Chinese-English Translation
中华民族的传统文化博大精深,源远流长。早在两千多年前, 涌现出以孔孟为代表的儒家学说和以老庄为代表的道教学说,以 及其它许多学说流派,在中国的思想史上均占有一席之地。这就 是著名的诸子百家。
The traditional culture of the Chinese nation is profound and has a long history.As early as more than 2000 years ago, there emerged /existed the confucianism represented by Confucius and Mencius , and the Taoism represented by Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, as well as many other doctrines and schools ,which occupied a position in China’s history of thoughts. These constituted the well-known Hundreds Schools of Thought.
Chapter 16 WTO
Chapter 16 WTO (3) ----the Doha RoundⅠ. Teaching ObjectiveLet students have the basic knowledge of the Doha RoundⅡ. Teaching FocusesDoha RoundⅢ. Teaching Procedure1.Why called Doha Round2001年11月,在卡塔尔多哈举行的世贸组织第四次部长级会议启动了新一轮全球多边贸易谈判,即多哈回合。
2.Objectives of Doha Round1)to further reduce barriers to international trade and investment bylowering tariffs on industrial goods and streamlining investment regulations2)to liberalize agricultural trade by cutting or eliminating huge farmsubsidies3.Importance of Doha RoundIt is crucial to poverty alleviation in developing countries, globaleconomic growth and international cooperation4.Background against which Doha Round occurred1)GDP growth slowed down2)9.11 terrorism3)Global trade declined5.Issues on Doha Agenda1)Agriculture2)Service, including education, healthcare, tourism, banking, insurance,etc.3)Reduction of industrial tariffs4)Environment5)Reform of WTO rules6)Government procurement and investment7)Intellectual property rights and public health多哈回合谈判范围包括8 个具体议题,即农业、非农产品市场准入、服务贸易、规则谈判、贸易与发展、争端解决、知识产权、贸易与环境问题。
Fig. 16.4 Color struc ture m em b ers.
2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.
• Pen objects
Color Control
– Used to draw lines – Constructors allow specification of color and drawing width – Pens collection (System.Drawing) contains predefined Pens
2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.
16.1 Introduction
Font FontFamily Graphics Icon Pen Region SolidBrush TextureBrush Image SolidBrush
2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.
16.1 Introduction
• GDI+
– extension of the Graphical Device Interface – System.Drawing and System.Drawing.Drawing2D
2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.
Cla ss Desc rip tio n
Color Control
Uses a rectangular brush to fill a region with a pattern. The pattern is defined by a member of the HatchStyle enumeration, a foreground color (with which the pattern is drawn) and a background color. LinearGradientBrush Fills a region with a gradual blend of one color into another. Linear gradients are defined along a line. They can be specified by the two colors, the angle of the gradient and either the width of a rectangle or two points. SolidBrush Fills a region with one color. Defined by a Color object. TextureBrush Fills a region by repeating a specified Image across the surface. Fig. 16.5 Cla sses tha t d erive fro m c la ssBrush.
《学而篇》中的几个重要章节的英文译文如下:“Is it not a pleasure to have friends coming from distant quarters?” (Chapter 1)“The wise find pleasure in water; the virtuous find pleasure in hills. The wise are active; the virtuous are tranquil. The wise are joyful; the virtuous are long-lived.” (Chapter 6)“The Master said, "In archery it is not going through the leather which is the principal thing; - because people's strength is not equal. This was the old way." (Chapter 9)“The Master said, "The cautious seldom err." (Chapter 16)《为政篇》中的几个重要章节的英文译文如下:“The Master said, "It is only the man who is possessed of the most complete sincerity that can exist under heaven, who can give its full development to his nature. Able to give its full development to his own nature, he can do the same to the nature of other men." (Chapter 1)“The Master said, "A. youth, when at home, should be filial, and, abroad, respectful to his elders. He should be earnest and truthful. He should overflow in love to all, and cultivate the friendship of the good. When he has time and opportunity, after the performance of these things, he should employ them in polite studies." (Chapter 2)“The Master said, "The man who is fond of daring and is dissatisfied with poverty, will proceed to insubordination. So will the man who is not virtuous, when you carry your dislike of him to an extreme." (Chapter 8)《仁篇》中的几个重要章节的英文译文如下:“Tzu-kung asked about the practice of virtue. The Master said, "The mechanic, who wishes to do his work well, must first sharpen his tools. So must the teacher do likewise." (Chapter 1)“Tsze-lu said, "The ruler of Wei has been waiting for you, in order with you to administer the government. What will you consider the first thing to be done?" The Master replied, "What is necessary is to rectify names." (Chapter 13)“The Mas ter said, "When a man stands in the proper relation to his fellow-men, he has fulfilled the relation to them; when he stands in the proper relation to his ruler, he has fulfilled the relation to his ruler. (Chapter 20)《义篇》中的几个重要章节的英文译文如下:“The Master said, "With coarse rice to eat, with water to drink, and my bended arm for a pillow; - I have still joy in the midst of these things. Riches and honors acquired by unrighteousness, are to me as a floating cloud." (Chapter 7)“The Master said, "The cautious seldom err." (Chapter 16)“The Master said, "A horse is called a faithful beast, and there are others who are faithful without being called so. Li Yi* behaved with conspicuous fidelity to the purposes of his friend." (Chapter 22)《礼篇》中的几个重要章节的英文译文如下:“The Master said, "The object of the superior man is truth. Food is not his object. There is plowing; - even in that there is sometimes want. So with learning; - emolument may be found in it. The superior man is anxious lest he should not get truth; he is not anxious lest poverty should come upon him." (Chapter 1)“Tsze-chang asked, saying, "What is the way of a man?""The Master said, "The way of a superior man is threefold, virtuous; he is free from anxieties; wise; he is free from perplexities; bold; he is free from fear.""(Chapter 16)“The Master said, "Being in a state of superior distress, it is still necessary to have friends." (Chapter 22)三、总结《论语》是中国古代文化中的重要经典,它记录了孔子及其弟子的言行和思想,包含了22篇,约有500余段。
Page 240 View of the bridge from the north bank of the firth, looking south. (Courtesy of University of St Andrews.)
Figure 16.3 Y value for the crack (dimensions in mm).
Michael F Ashby & David RH Jones Engineering Materials 1, Fourth edition Copyright © 2012 MF Ashby & DRH Jones. Published by Elsevier Ltd
Figure 16.1 The weld between the shell and the end cap of the pressure vessel (dimensions in mm).
Michael F Ashby & David RH Jones Engineering Materials 1, Fourth edition Copyright © 2012 MF Ashby & DRH Jones. Published by Elsevier Ltd
Michael F Ashby & David RH Jones Engineering Materials 1, Fourth edition Copyright © 2012 MF Ashby & DRH Jones. Published by Elsevier Ltd
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辣手女销售_chapter 16 谁赢了这场战争?
chapter_16 General Equilibrium and Economic Efficiency 平狄克微观英文版课件
Chapter 1
Slide 7
Two Interdependent Markets: Movie Tickets and Videocassette Rentals
Assume the government imposes a $1 tax on each movie ticket.
Number of Videos
Two Interdependent Markets: Movie Tickets and Videocassette Rentals
$6.82 $6.75 $6.35
The increase in the price of videos increases the
Chapter 1
Slide 20
Efficiency in Exchange
James’s Clothing
A: UJ1 = UK1, but the MRS is not equal. All combinations in the shaded
area are preferred to A.
Chapter 1
Slide 16
The Advantage of Trade
Individual Initial Allocation Trade Final Allocation
James 7F, 1C -1F, +1C 6F, 2C
Karen 3F, 5C +1F, -1C 4F, 4C
Karen’s MRS of food for clothing is 3. James’s MRS of food for clothing is 1/2. Karen and James are willing to trade: Karen trades 1C for 1F. When the MRS is not equal, there is gain from trade. The economically efficient allocation occurs when the MRS is equal.
Example: Homemade Leverage and ROE
• Current Capital • Proposed Capital Structure Structure • Investor borrows $500 • Investor buys $250 worth of and uses $500 of her own stock (25 shares) and $250 to buy 100 shares of stock worth of bonds paying 10%. • Payoffs: • Payoffs:
– RA is the “cost” of the firm’s business risk, i.e., the risk of the firm’s assets – (RA – RD)(D/E) is the “cost” of the firm’s financial risk, i.e., the additional return required by stockholders to compensate for the risk of leverage
• Proposition II
– The WACC of the firm is NOT affected by capital structure
Case I - Equations
• WACC = RA = (E/V)RE + (D/V)RD • RE = RA + (RA – RD)(D/E)
Capital Restructuring
• We are going to look at how changes in capital structure affect the value of the firm, all else equal • Capital restructuring involves changing the amount of leverage a firm has without changing the firm’s assets • The firm can increase leverage by issuing debt and repurchasing outstanding shares • The firm can decrease leverage by issuing new shares and retiring outstanding debt
【通用文档】chapter 16- punctuation.doc
Chapter 16: PunctuationIf you have ever wondered if punctuation is truly important, try reading a passage that does not have punctuation. It in nearly impossible to correctly figure out what the writer was trying to say. Punctuation tells us when one idea stops and another starts. It tells use who owns things and who said what. Punctuation helps us to understand what we are reading.Capitalization is also important, generally we capitalize one of a kind things. We capitalize proper names like Bill and America because they refer to a particular person or place. We capitalize name brands like Band-Aid but not the product-bandages. We also capitalize nations, religions, places, languages, and unique items like the Declaration of Independence.Abbreviations should only be used if necessary to refer to time, a person`s title like Dr., or organizations that are usually referred to by their initials.美文欣赏1、走过春的田野,趟过夏的激流,来到秋天就是安静祥和的世界。
Chapter 16 Stress Physiology 植物生理学 教学课件
• Mechanical injuries: caused by cytoplasm shrinking
• Damage membrane system • Senescence inducing • Development and metabolism dysfunctions
Plant Stress Physiology
What is stress?
• Adverse environmental factors to plants, such as drought, waterlogging, salinity, high or low temperatures, air pollutes, high light (visible or UV lights), heavy metals, infection, grazing and et al.
Roles of plant hormones in stress responses:
Abscisic acid Ethylene Jasmonates Salicylic acid Brassinosteroids
Why we study stress physiology of plants?
Russia experienced heat waves, drought and wildfires in 2010
Red = decreased plant productivity Green = increased
In 2011 seed companies released water-optimized corn
Drought & Salinity Stress
第十六章机修站Chapter 16 Mechanical Maintenance Station第一节词汇Section 1 Words一、工具及器械 Tools and machines1.开口板手 Open end wrench2.套筒扳手 socket wrench3.套筒端 socket end4.摇杆 speed handle5.敲击扳手 striking wrench6.榔头、锤子 hammer7.扁铲 chisel8.扁口螺丝刀 flat-head screw driver9.铁把螺丝刀 iron-knob screw driver10.钳子 pliers11.链条管钳 chain pipe wench12.台钻 bench drill13.麻花钻 twist drill14.钻头 drill bit15.锯条 saw blade16.刀 knife17.锉刀 file18.砂纸 sand paper19.游标卡尺 sliding calipers, vernier caliper20.深度尺 depth gauge21.钢尺 steel rule22.皮卷尺 tape rule23.千分尺 micrometer24.外卡钳 outside caliper25.内卡钳 inside caliper26.塞规、塞尺 feeler gage,feeler gauge27.钢丝绳 wire rope28.撬杠 crowbar29.铜棒 copper bar30.钢刷 steel-wire brush31.拉马 puller32.千斤顶 jack33.刮刀 blade34.找正仪 alignment tool35.听诊器 stethoscope36.测温器 thermoscope37.测振器 vibroscope38.轴承加热器 bearing heater39.千分表 dial indicator40.螺距规 thread pitch gage41.热处理 heat treatment42.铅丝 lead thread43.铁皮 sheet iron44.簸箕 dust pan45.肥皂 soap46.毛毡 wool felt47.劳保 labor protection48.连体服 overall49.劳保鞋 working shoes50.橡皮手套 rubber glove51.墨镜 sunglasses52.准入证 entry permit53.起重设备 hoisting machinery54.桅杆、桅柱 mast55.起重臂、动臂、吊杆 boom56.压块、配重 weight57.起重绳、载重绳 load line58.枕木 railway sleeper59.吊带、吊索 sling60.吊耳 lifting lug61.吊车手势信号 crane signals62.液压千斤顶 hydraulic jacks63.绞车 winch64.绞车、卷扬机 winch,crab winch65.抓斗 grab bucket66.焊工 welder67.气焊 gas welding68.电弧焊arc welding69.气割 gas cutting70.电弧 arc71.焊钳 electrode holders72.焊炬 welding torch73.气焊吹管welding blowpipe74.焊条 welding rod75.焊剂、焊药 welding paste76.钢丝刷 wire brush77.手持式面罩 hand shield78.焊工保护镜 welding goggles79.接地卡、接地卡钳 earth clamp80.焊工围裙 welding apron81.乙炔瓶 acetylene cylinder82.氧气瓶 oxygen cylinder83.钢瓶手推车 cylinder trolley84.氧气带 oxygen hose85.瓦斯带 gas hose86.焊道、焊缝 weld bead87.焊接接头 welding joint88.焊接电缆 welding cable89.尖头榔头、刨锤 chipping hammer90.气体净化器 gas purifier91.焊接工作间、焊接车间 welding booth92.焊接工作台 welding table,welding bench93.加工件 workpiece94.机加工车间 machining workshop95.砂轮机 grinding machine96.铣床 milling machine97.车床 turning lathe98.刨床 planer99.钳工平台 work bench100.卷板机 bending rolls101.剪板机 shearing machine102.摇臂钻床 radial drilling machine103.车辆 vehicle104.卡车 truck105.轿车 car106.油罐车 tanker107.拖车 trailer108.救护车 ambulance109.压路机 road roller110.自行车 bicycle, bike111.刹车 brake112.离合器 clutch113.油门 accelerator114.驾驶室、出租车 cab115.后视镜 rear mirror,driving mirror 116.停车场 parking lot二、测量 Measurement1.外径 outside diameter2.内径 inside diameter3.直线度 straightness4.圆度 roundness5.偏心 off centre6.中心距 center distance7.轴向间隙 axial clearance8.径向间隙 radial clearance9.公称直径 nominal diameter10.公称尺寸 nominal dimension11.规定长度 specified length12.过盈配合shrink fit/ interference fit13.过渡配合 transition fit14.间隙配合 clearance fit15.标高 elevation16.粗糙度 roughness17.间隙 clearance18.尺寸 dimension19.啮合间隙 mesh clearance20.顶间隙 top clearance21.光洁度 fineness22.模数 modulus23.平行度 degree of parallelism24.水平度 degree of level25.螺距 screw pitch26.节圆 pitch circle27.水平偏转 horizontal direction28.视图 view29.性能 performance30.轴承温度 bearing temperature31.壁厚 wall thickness三、工艺设备及零部件 Process equipment and parts1.板式塔 tray column2.吊杆 davit3.回流口 reflux inlet4.人行通道 manway5.手孔 handhole6.人孔盖 manhole cover7.支撑圈 support ring8.返回口 return9.温度计接口 thermometer connection10.破涡流器、防涡流板 vortex breaker11.裙座放气口 skirt vent12.裙座 skirt13.出入口 access hole14.底圈、底环 base ring15.液体出口 liquid outlet16.液面计接口 level gauge connection17.气体出口 gas out, vapor outlet18.液体入口 liquid in, liquid inlet19.出/入口堰 outlet/inlet weir20.折流挡板 baffle21.泡罩 bubble cap22.升气管 riser23.甲板 deck,floor24.孔 hole25.溢流堰 overflow weir26.塔顶平台 top platform27.护腰、横挡 mid rail28.直梯踏步、梯蹬 rung29.盘梯、悬梯 winding staircase30.护罩 cage31.管壳式换热器 shell and tube heat exchanger32.固定管板换热器 fixed tube-sheet exchanger33.U形管换热器 U-tube heat exchanger34.内浮头换热器 internal floating-head exchanger35.板式换热器 plate type heat exchanger36.U型管束 U-tube bundle37.夹套 jacket38.鞍座 support saddle39.横向折流板 transverse baffle40.纵向折流板 longitudinal baffle41.支持板 support plate42.管线内 in-line43.管板 tube sheet ,tube plate44.分程隔板 pass partition45.固定喷头 stationary head nozzle46.壳体管口 shell nozzle47.防冲板、缓冲挡板 impingement baffle48.管箱 pipe header49.鼓风式 forced draft50.引凤式 induced draft51.百页窗(固定) louver52.百页窗(活动) shutter53.翅片管束 finned tube bundle54.翅片管 finned tube55.三角皮带传动、V形皮带传动 V-belt drive56.管孔丝堵 tube plug57.丝堵板 plug sheet58.风机 fan59.管式加热炉 pipe heater60.油喷嘴 oil nozzle61.辐射管 radiant tube62.耐火砖 refractory brick,firebrick63.防爆门 explosion door64.燃烧室 combustion chamber65.储罐 storage tank66.内浮顶罐 internal floating roof tank67.外浮顶罐 external floating roof tank68.拱顶罐 dome roof tank69.锥顶罐 cone roof tank70.浮盘 roof deck71.浮船 pontoon72.罐壁 tank wall73.挡雨板 rain shield74.量油口、检尺口 gage hatch75.液位指示器 level indicator76.液位标尺 tank gauge77.管壁人孔 shell manhole78.排出阀 vent valve79.球罐 spherical tank80.底板 base plate81.支柱 support82.拉杆 tie rod83.球心阀 globe valve84.减压阀 reducing valve85.三通阀 three way valve86.速动阀 quick action valve87.疏水阀、滤网 trap valve88.阀体 valve body89.阀板 valve plate90.阀座 valve seat91.阀杆 valve stem92.阀心 valve core93.阀盖 valve bonnet94.上游压力表 upstream pressure gauge95.驱动器 drivers96.旁通阀 bypass valve97.管子 pipe,tube98.三通 tee99.四通 cross100.活接头 union101.六角丝堵 hexagonal plug102.方头丝堵 square head plug103.封头 stop end104.管线保温 piping insulation105.金属丝网 wire mesh106.绝缘胶 insulating cement107.管吊 pipe hanger108.管架 pipe support109.预制管弯头 fabricated pipe bend110.U形补偿器 expansion “U” bend111.管道泵 inline pump112.蒸汽往复泵 steam-driven reciprocating pump 113.计量泵 metering pump114.喷射泵 jet pump115.螺杆泵 screw pump,spiral pump116.潜水泵 submersible pump117.隔膜泵 diaphragm pump118.多级泵 multistage pump119.悬臂式离心泵 overhung centrifugal pump 120.双吸式离心泵 double-suction centrifugal pump 121.键 key122.轴套 shaft sleeve123.定子 stator124.叶轮 impeller125.导叶 guide blade126.叶轮螺母 impeller nut127.泵壳、泵体 pump case128.泵盖 pump cover129.端面密封 face seal130.轴封 shaft seal131.金属波纹管密封 bellows type mechanical seal 132.静环 stationary seal ring133.动环 rotating seal ring134.密封腔 seal chamber135.轴承 bearing136.止推轴承 thrust bearing137.径向轴承 radial bearing138.油封 oil seal139.骨架密封圈 frame oil seal ring140.唇型密封圈 lip seal ring141.迷宫密封 labyrinth seal142.平衡盘 balance disk143.平衡鼓 balance drum144.轴承盖 bearing cap145.壳体口环 casing wear ring146.叶轮口环 impeller wear ring147.隔板 diaphragm148.级间套 interstage bushing149.甩油环 oil slinger150.弹簧 spring151.O型圈 O-ring152.颈衬套 neck bush153.定距套 spacer sleeve154.冷却水线 cooling water line155.动环传动销 seal driving156.轴承锁紧螺母 bearing lock nut157.恒液位油杯 constant level oiler158.活塞式压缩机 piston compressor159.轴流式压缩机 axial flow compressor160.柱塞 plunger161.吸入阀 suction valve162.排出阀 discharge valve163.扩压器 diffuser164.十字头滑道 crosshead guide165.曲柄 crank166.单作用汽缸 single acting cylinder167.双作用汽缸 double acting cylinder168.隔离段 distance piece169.行程 stroke170.下止点 end of stroke171.干气密封 dry gas sealing172.迷宫 labyrinth173.紧固螺钉 holding screw174.刮油环 wiper ring175.回流弯道 return bend176.进口导叶 inlet guide vane177.滑片 sliding vane178.膨胀 expansion179.压缩 compression180.汽轮机 steam turbine181.凝汽式汽轮机 condensing turbine182.背压式汽轮机 back pressure turbine183.背压 back pressure184.叶片 blade185.动叶片 moving blades186.动叶片排 rows of moving blades187.填密片 packing strip188.配气室 distribution box189.汽室 steam chamber190.排气管 vent pipe191.节流调节 throttle governing192.高压式迷宫密封 high pressure labyrinth packing 193.低压式迷宫密封 low pressure labyrinth packing 194.再热器 reheater195.中间级 intermediate stage196.锅炉给水泵 boiler feed water pump197.主油泵 main oil pump198.辅助油泵 auxiliary oil pump199.冷油器 oil cooler200.齿轮泵 gear pump201.强制润滑系统 forced lubrication system 202.调速器 governor203.蜗杆 worm204.飞锤 fly ball205.伺服马达 servo motor206.超速脱扣装置 overspeed tripping device四、维修repair1.故障 defect, failure, fault, malfunction2.技改技措 innovation3.变形 deform4.磨损 wear, abrasion5.气蚀 cavitation6.松动 loose7.砂眼 sand hole8.打磨 polish9.折断 break10.堆焊 build-up welding11.飞边 flap edge12.老化 age13.毛刺 burr14.矫直 straightening15.划痕 scratch16.裂纹 crack, flaw17.型钢 steel section, profile steel18.槽钢 U-steel19.圆钢 round steel20.扁钢 flat steel21.角钢 angle steel22.工字钢、工字梁 I-beam steel23.镀层 cladding24.石墨 graphite25.非金属垫片 non-metallic gasket26.流程图 flow diagram27.管道布置图 piping layout28.平面视图 plan view29.无损检测 non-destructive testing30.液体渗透试验 liquid penetrating test31.超声波检测 ultrasonic testing32.X射线 X-ray第二节短语Section 2 Sentences1.测量并记录各部位间隙及尺寸。
CHAPTER 16TEACHING NOTESI spend some time in Section 16.1 trying to distinguish between good and inappropriate uses of SEMs. Naturally, this is partly determined by my taste, and many applications fall into a gray area. But students who are going to learn about SEMS should know that just because two (or more) variables are jointly determined does not mean that it is appropriate to specify and estimate an SEM. I have seen many bad applications of SEMs where no equation in the system can stand on its own with an interesting ceteris paribus interpretation. In most cases, the researcher either wanted to estimate a tradeoff between two variables, controlling for other factors – in which case OLS is appropriate – or should have been estimating what is (often pejoratively) called the “reduced form.”The identification of a two-equation SEM in Section 16.3 is fairly standard except that I emphasize that identification is a feature of the population. (The early work on SEMs also had this emphasis.) Given the treatment of 2SLS in Chapter 15, the rank condition is easy to state (and test).Romer’s (1993) inflation and openness example is a nice example of using aggregate cross-sectional data. Purists may not like the labor supply example, but it has become common to view labor supply as being a two-tier decision. While there are different ways to model the two tiers, specifying a standard labor supply function conditional on working is not outside the realm of reasonable models.Section 16.5 begins by expressing doubts of the usefulness of SEMs for aggregate models such as those that are specified based on standard macroeconomic models. Such models raise all kinds of thorny issues; these are ignored in virtually all texts, where such models are still used to illustrate SEM applications.SEMs with panel data, which are covered in Section 16.6, are not covered in any other introductory text. Presumably, if you are teaching this material, it is to more advanced students in a second semester, perhaps even in a more applied course. Once students have seen first differencing or the within transformation, along with IV methods, they will find specifying and estimating models of the sort contained in Example 16.8 straightforward. Levitt’s example concerning prison populations is especially convincing because his instruments seem to be truly exogenous.205SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS16.1 (i) If α1 = 0 then y1 = β1z1 + u1, and so the right-hand-side depends only on the exogenous variable z1 and the error term u1. This then is the reduced form for y1. If α1 = 0, the reduced form for y1 is y1 = β2z2 + u2. (Note that having both α1 and α2 equal zero is not interesting as it implies the bizarre condition u2–u1 = β1z1-β2z2.)If α1≠ 0 and α2 = 0, we can plug y1 = β2z2 + u2 into the first equation and solve for y2:β2z2 + u2 = α1y2 + β1z1 + u1orα1y2 = β1z1-β2z2 + u1–u2.Dividing by α1 (because α1≠ 0) givesy2= (β1/α1)z1– (β2/α1)z2 + (u1–u2)/α1≡π21z1 + π22z2 + v2,where π21 = β1/α1, π22 = -β2/α1, and v2 = (u1–u2)/α1. Note that the reduced form for y2 generally depends on z1 and z2 (as well as on u1 and u2).(ii) If we multiply the second structural equation by (α1/α2) and subtract it from the first structural equation, we obtainy1– (α1/α2)y1= α1y2-α1y2 + β1z1– (α1/α2)β2z2 + u1– (α1/α2)u2= β1z1– (α1/α2)β2z2 + u1– (α1/α2)u2or[1 – (α1/α2)]y1 = β1z1– (α1/α2)β2z2 + u1– (α1/α2)u2.Because α1≠α2, 1 – (α1/α2) ≠ 0, and so we can divide the equation by 1 – (α1/α2) to obtain the reduced form for y1: y1 = π11z1 + π12z2 + v1,where π11 = β1/[1 – (α1/α2)], π12 = -(α1/α2)β2/[1 –(α1/α2)], and v1 = [u1– (α1/α2)u2]/[1 – (α1/α2)].A reduced form does exist for y2, as can be seen by subtracting the second equation from the first:0 = (α1–α2)y2 + β1z1–β2z2 + u1–u2;because α1≠α2, we can rearrange and divide by α1-α2 to obtain the reduced form.(iii) In supply and demand examples, α1≠α2 is very reasonable. If the first equation is the supply function, we generally expect α1 > 0, and if the second equation is the demand function, α2 < 0. The reduced forms can exist even in cases where the supply function is not upward206207sloping and the demand function is not downward sloping, but we might question the usefulness of such models.16.2 Using simple economics, the first equation must be the demand function, as it depends on income, which is a common determinant of demand. The second equation contains a variable, rainfall , that affects crop production and therefore corn supply.16.3 No. In this example, we are interested in estimating the tradeoff between sleeping and working, controlling for some other factors. OLS is perfectly suited for this, provided we have been able to control for all other relevant factors. While it is true individuals are assumed to optimally allocate their time subject to constraints, this does not result in a system ofsimultaneous equations. If we wrote down such a system, there is no sense in which eachequation could stand on its own; neither would have an interesting ceteris paribus interpretation. Besides, we could not estimate either equation because economic reasoning gives us no way of excluding exogenous variables from either equation. See Example 16.2 for a similar discussion.16.4 We can easily see that the rank condition for identifying the second equation does not hold: there are no exogenous variables appearing in the first equation that are not also in the second equation. The first equation is identified provided γ3 ≠ 0 (and we would presume γ3 < 0). This gives us an exogenous variable, log(price ), that can be used as an IV for alcohol in estimating the first equation by 2SLS (which is just standard IV in this case).16.5 (i) Other things equal, a higher rate of condom usage should reduce the rate of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). So β1 < 0.(ii) If students having sex behave rationally, and condom usage does prevent STDs, then condom usage should increase as the rate of infection increases.(iii) If we plug the structural equation for infrate into conuse = γ0 + γ1infrate + …, we see that conuse depends on γ1u 1. Because γ1 > 0, conuse is positively related to u 1. In fact, if the structural error (u 2) in the conuse equation is uncorrelated with u 1, Cov(conuse ,u 1) = γ1Var(u 1) > 0. If we ignore the other explanatory variables in the infrate equation, we can use equation (5.4)to obtain the direction of bias: 1ˆplim()β - β1 > 0 because Cov(conuse ,u 1) > 0, where 1ˆβ denotes the OLS estimator. Since we think β1 < 0, OLS is biased towards zero. In other words, if we use OLS on the infrate equation, we are likely to underestimate the importance of condom use in reducing STDs. (Remember, the more negative is β1, the more effective is condom usage.)(iv) We would have to assume that condis does not appear, in addition to conuse , in the infrate equation. This seems reasonable, as it is usage that should directly affect STDs, and not just having a distribution program. But we must also assume condis is exogenous in the infrate : it cannot be correlated with unobserved factors (in u 1) that also affect infrate .We must also assume that condis has some partial effect on conuse , something that can be tested by estimating the reduced form for conuse . It seems likely that this requirement for an IV – see equations (15.30) and (15.31) – is satisfied.16.6 (i) It could be that the decision to unionize certain segments of workers is related to how a firm treats its employees. While the timing may not be contemporaneous, with the snapshot of a single cross section we might as well assume that it is.(ii) One possibility is to collect information on whether workers’ parents belonged to a union, and construct a variable that is the percentage of workers who had a parent in a union (say, perpar). This may be (partially) correlated with the percent of workers that belong to a union.(iii) We would have to assume that percpar is exogenous in the pension equation. We can test whether perunion is partially correlated with perpar by estimating the reduced form for perunion and doing a t test on perpar.16.7(i) Attendance at women’s basketball may grow in ways that are unrelated to factors that we can observe and control for. The taste for women’s basketball may increase over time, and this would be captured by the time trend.(ii) No. The university sets the price, and it may change price based on expectations of next year’s attendance; if the university uses factors that we cannot observe, these are necessarily in the error term u t. So even though the supply is fixed, it does not mean that price is uncorrelated with the unobservables affecting demand.(iii) If people only care about how this year’s team is doing, SEASPERC t-1 can be excluded from the equation once WINPERC t has been controlled for. Of course, this is not a very good assumption for all games, as attendance early in the season is likely to be related to how the team did last year. We would also need to check that 1PRICE t is partially correlated with SEASPERC t-1 by estimating the reduced form for 1PRICE t.(iv) It does make sense to include a measure of men’s basketball ticket prices, as attending a women’s basketball game is a substitute for attending a men’s game. The coefficient on1MPRICE t would be expected to be positive: an increase in the price of men’s tickets should increase the demand for women’s tickets. The winning percentage of the men’s team is another good candidate for an explanatory variabl e in the women’s demand equation.(v) It might be better to use first differences of the logs, which are then growth rates. We would then drop the observation for the first game in each season.(vi) If a game is sold out, we cannot observe true demand for that game. We only know that desired attendance is some number above capacity. If we just plug in capacity, we are understating the actual demand for tickets. (Chapter 17 discusses censored regression methods that can be used in such cases.)16.8 We must first eliminate the unobserved effect, a i1. If we difference, we have∆1HPRICE it= δt + β1∆lEXPEND it + β2∆1POLICE it + β3∆1MEDINC it+ β4∆PROPTAX it + ∆u it,208for t = 2,3. The δt here denotes different intercepts in the two years. The key assumption is that the change in the (log of) the state allocation, ∆1STATEALL it, is exogenous in this equation. Naturally, ∆1STATEALL it is (partially) correlated with ∆1EXPEND it because local expenditures depend at least partly on the state subsidy. The policy change in 1994 means that there should be significant variation in ∆1STATEALL it, at least for the 1994 to 1996 change. Therefore, we can estimate this equation by pooled 2SLS, using ∆1STATEALL it as an IV for ∆1EXPEND it; of course, this assumes the other explanatory variables in the equation are exogenous. (We could certainly question the exogeneity of the policy and property tax variables.) Without a policy change, ∆1STATEALL it would probably not vary sufficiently across i or t.SOLUTIONS TO COMPUTER EXERCISESC16.1 (i) Assuming the structural equation represents a causal relationship, 100⋅β1 is the approximate percentage change in income if a person smokes one more cigarette per day.(ii) Since consumption and price are, ceteris paribus, negatively related, we expect γ5≤ 0 (allowing for γ5) = 0. Similarly, everything else equal, restaurant smoking restrictions should reduce cigarette smoking, so γ5≤ 0.(iii) We need γ5 or γ6 to be different from zero. That is, we need at least one exogenous variable in the cigs equation that is not also in the log(income) equation.(iv) OLS estimation of the log(income) equation givesincome= 7.80 + .0017 cigs+ .060 educ+ .058 age-.00063 age2 log()(0.17) (.0017) (.008) (.008) (.00008)n = 807, R2 = .165.The coefficient on cigs implies that cigarette smoking causes income to increase, although the coefficient is not statistically different from zero. Remember, OLS ignores potential simultaneity between income and cigarette smoking.(v) The estimated reduced form for cigs iscigs= 1.58 -.450 educ+ .823 age-.0096 age2-.351 log(cigpric)(23.70) (.162) (.154) (.0017) (5.766)-2.74 restaurn(1.11)n = 807, R2 = .051.209While log(cigpric) is very insignificant, restaurn had the expected negative sign and a t statistic of about –2.47. (People living in states with restaurant smoking restrictions smoke almost three fewer cigarettes, on average, given education and age.) We could drop log(cigpric) from the analysis but we leave it in. (Incidentally, the F test for joint significance of log(cigpric) and restaurn yields p-value ≈ .044.)(vi) Estimating the log(income) equation by 2SLS givesincome= 7.78 -.042 cigs+ .040 educ+ .094 age-.00105 age2 log()(0.23) (.026) (.016) (.023) (.00027)n = 807.Now the coefficient on cigs is negative and almost significant at the 10% level against a two-sided alternative. The estimated effect is very large: each additional cigarette someone smokes lowers predicted income by about 4.2%. Of course, the 95% CI for βcigs is very wide.(vii) Assuming that state level cigarette prices and restaurant smoking restrictions are exogenous in the income equation is problematical. Incomes are known to vary by region, as do restaurant smoking restrictions. It could be that in states where income is lower (after controlling for education and age), restaurant smoking restrictions are less likely to be in place.C16.2 (i) We estimate a constant elasticity version of the labor supply equation (naturally, only for hours > 0), again by 2SLS. We gethours= 8.37 + 1.99 log(wage) -.235 educ- .014 agelog()(0.69) (0.56) (.071) (.011)-.465 kidslt6-.014 nwifeinc(.219) (.008)n = 428,which implies a labor supply elasticity of 1.99. This is even higher than the 1.26 we obtained from equation (16.24) at the mean value of hours (1303).(ii) Now we estimate the equation by 2SLS but allow log(wage) and educ to both be endogenous. The full list of instrumental variables is age, kidslt6, nwifeinc, exper, exper2, motheduc, and fatheduc. The result is210。
01Chapter 16 企业营业收入月报表营业收入是指企业在销售商品、提供劳务以及让渡资产使用权等日常活动中所形成的经济利益的总流入。
创建企业营业收入月报表Lesson 01. 制作营业收入月报表标题Lesson 02. 输入营业收入月报表数据Lesson 03.设置营业收入月报表边框和底纹要抚分析营业收入月报表,首先就需要在营业收入月报表中输入记录。
最终文件:第16章最终文件营业收入月报表.xlsxStudy 01 创建企业营业收入月报表制作营业收入月报表标题新建一个工作簿,在表格中输入营业收入月报表的标题和表头字段,然后对标题所在的单元格区域进行合并,在利用“设置单元格格式”对话框对表头字段的字体格式、对齐方式和填充颜色进行设置。
STEP 01 新建一个工作簿,将其保存为“营业收入月报表.xlsx ”,在Sheet1工作表中输入标题“营业收入月报表”,然后在第二行中输入各表头字段。
STEP 02 选择A1:H1单元格区域,在“开始”选项卡下单击按钮右侧的下三角按钮,从展开的下拉列表中单击“合并后居中”选项。
STEP 03 选中合并后的A1单元格,在“开始”选项卡下的“字体”组中设置字体为“微软雅黑”,从“字号”下拉列表中选择字号为“18”。
STEP 04 选择A2:H2单元格区域,在“开始”选项卡下单击“字体”组中的对话框启动器。
单击1单击2单击Lesson01 Excel 2007 ? 从入门到精通STEP05 弹出“设置单元格格式”对话框,在“字体”选项卡下设置字体格式为“华文中宋”、“加粗”、“10”号。
Chapter 16 business
The American Psychiatric Association rendered a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) to describe psychological disorders.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
1. Persistent and uncontrollable tenseness and apprehension. 2. Autonomic arousal. 3. Inability to identify or avoid the cause of certain feelings. 4. Muscles tension. 5. Excessive worries. 6. Insomnia.
1. 2. 3. Etiology: Cause and development of the disorder. Diagnosis: Identifying (symptoms) and distinguishing one disease from another. Treatment: Treating a disorder in a psychiatric hospital. Prognosis: Forecast about the disorder.
Axis I Is a Clinical Syndrome (cognitive, anxiety, mood disorders [16 syndromes]) present? Is a Personality Disorder or Mental Retardation present?
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寡头市场的特征 Characteristics of an Oligopoly Market
寡头市场的本质是只有少数几个卖者。 The essence of an oligopolistic market is that there are only a few sellers. 因此市场上任何一个卖者的行动都对其他卖者 的利润有重大影响。 As a result, the actions of any one seller in the market can have a large impact on the profits of all the other sellers. 寡头市场以一种竞争企业不具备的方式相互依 赖。 That is, oligopolistic firms are interdependent in a way that competitive firms are not. 4
垄断竞争Monopolistic Competition
一个有许多出售相似但不相同的产品的企业 的市场结构。 Many firms selling products that are similar but not identical.
市场结构的四种类型 The Four Types of Market Structure
寡头市场的特征 Characteristics of an Oligopoly Market
由于只有少数几个卖者,寡头 市场的关键特征是合作与利己 之间的冲突。 Because of the few sellers, the key feature of oligopoly is the tension between cooperation and self-interest.
寡头市场的特征 Characteristics of an Oligopoly Market
为了分析象在寡头市场上存在的合 作与利己之间的冲突,需要利用博 弈论的工具。 To analyze the tension between cooperation and self-interest as exists in oligopolistic markets, it is necessary to use tools of game theory.
反托拉斯法把禁止寡头之间的公开协议作为公共政 策的重点。 Antitrust laws prohibit explicit agreements among oligopolists as a matter of public policy. 有时卡特尔成员之间对如何瓜分利润的争斗也使它 们之间的协议成为不可能。 Squabbling among cartel membmers over how to divide the profit in the market sometimes makes agreement among them impossible. 13
纳什均衡 Nash Equilibrium
纳什均衡是一组策略(每个参与者对应其中一 个),它使得在其他所有参与者保持该策略组 合规定的策略时,没有参与者可以通过改变到 其他某个可行的策略而收益更多。 A Nash Equilibrium in a game is a list of strategies, one for each player, such that no player can get a better payoff by switching to some other strategy that is available to her while all the other players adhere to the strategies specified for them in the list.
第十六章 寡头 Oligopoly
不完全竞争市场的类型 Types of Imperfectly Competitive Markets
只有少数几个卖者,每个卖者提供与其他企 业相似或相同的产品。 Only a few sellers, each offering a similar or identical product to the others.
我(吉尔 )最优的 产量选择 是……
60 60(50) 50 50(40) 40 40(30) 60
3,600 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,600 1,200 900
纳什均衡 Nash Equilibrium
纳什均衡是指这样的情况:相互作用中的 每一个经济人,在其他方所选择的策略为 既定时,选择了自己的最优策略。 A Nash equilibrium is a situation in which economic actors interacting with one another each choose their best strategy given the strategies that all the others have chosen.
有差别产品 Differentiated products
垄断竞争 Monopolistic Competition • 小说 Novels • 电影 Movies
垄断 Monopoly
• 自来水 Tap water •有线电视 Cable TV
• 网球 Tennis balls • 原油 Crude oil
双头的例子 A Duopoly Example
双头是只有两个卖者的寡头。 双头是最简单的寡头模型。 A duopoly is an oligopoly with only two members. It is the simplest type of oligopoly.
双头的例子:水的需求表 A Duopoly Example: Demand Schedule for Water
卡特尔 Cartel
两个企业联合起来,协调行动。 The two firms may join together and act in unison.
竞争、垄断和卡特尔 Competition, Monopolies, and Cartels
尽管寡头希望形成卡特尔并赚到垄断利润,但 这往往是不可能的。 Although oligopolists would like to form cartels and earn monopoly profits, often that is not possible.
P = MC = $0 Q = 120 gallons
在垄断的市场中,价格和数量使垄断者的总利润最 大化。The price and quantity in a monopoly market would be where total profit is maximized:
P = $60 Q = 60 gallons
寡头的均衡 Equilibrium for an Oligopoly
给定对方 (杰克) 选择产量 为…… 寡头的均衡结果
Quantity 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Price $120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Total Revenue $ 0 1,100 2,000 2,700 3,200 3,500 3,600 3,500 3,200 2,700 2,000 1,100 0
双头的例子: 价格和供给量 A Duopoly Example: Price and Quantity Supplied
在完全竞争的市场中,水的价格等于边际成本即零 The price of water in a perfectly competitive market would be driven to where the marginal cost is zero:
竞争、垄断和卡特尔 Competition, Monopolies, and Cartels
双头可以同意垄断的结果。 The duopolists may agree on a monopoly outcome.
勾结 Collusion
两个企业就生产的数量和收取的价格达成一致 The two firms may agree on the quantity to produce and the price to charge.
Quantity 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Price $120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Total Revenue $ 0 1,100 2,000 2,700 3,200 3,500 3,600 3,500 3,200 2,700 2,000 1,100 0
寡头市场的特征 Characteristics of an Oligopoly Market
最好是合作,象垄断那样生产少量产品并把价 格定在高于边际成本的地方。 Best off cooperating and acting like a monopolist by producing a small quantity of output and charging a price above marginal cost. 但由于每个寡头只关心自己的利润,所以有强 大的激励使企业集团难以维持垄断的结果。 Yet because each oligopolist cares about only its own profits, there are powerful incentives at work that hinder a group of firms from maintaining the monoploy outcome.