
Teaching PlanAppreciating English from the Screen英语影视作品欣赏Finding Nemo授课学时3第一课时:教学目标:1. 通过看电影培养学生英语学习的兴趣,提高英语的听说能力,增强用英语表达思想的信心2。
提高学生的听力和口语3. 通过欣赏,练习片段,使学生能够进行简单的配音或是能够表演出其中自己欣赏的小片段。
教学重点:1. 了解剧情,在老师的引导下根据自己的理解用英语简单说出自己对电影的理解。
2. 给电影小片段配音教学方法:教师讲解,学生分组讨论和观看影片教学过程:1.介绍电影背景.通过幻灯片出示电影片头,和电影海报,带学生初步感知电影,引起他们的兴趣.由于这部电影很有名,估计有的同学已经看过,让学生讨论,说出对这部电影的初步认识,教师讲解电影背景及大概剧情,调动学生的积极性。
但幸运的是,玛林遇到了来自撒马力亚(Samaritan)的蓝唐王鱼(Regal Blue Tang)多瑞(Dory)。

英文影视欣赏1.叫我第一名Front of the class 主人公;布拉德利.科恩根据真人真事改编,叙述患有妥瑞症的男孩努力达到成为老师的梦想,并且克服病症的故事;主角在小学时,因为没办法克制的发出怪声,而被学校认为是不受管教的坏小孩,不仅老师们不谅解,同学之间更是会取笑他这种行为;到了国中,幸好碰到了一位好的校长,因缘际会下让他上台发表自己的这种症状,并且也让主角说了一些自己的想法,让大家了解他并不是故意作怪,之后,他对自己就比较有信心了; 大学毕业后,他秉持着每个学生都值得被教导而很想当老师的想法,去各个学校面试寻求教职,但是,校方人员总因为他的症状而对他抱持着怀疑的态度,甚至还要求他上课中不能发出声音才会聘请他,这些种种原因让他感到挫折,但幸好有母亲一直支持他鼓励他,让他勇敢的面对生活,克服困难,在这过程中他也收获了爱情;最后,经过了大约25间学校的面试后,终于有一间小学愿意聘请他担任有一年合约的二年级导师而他也印证了他非常适合当老师,与学生的关系都想处的很融洽,最后甚至获选为那年度的优秀新进教师;2.成长教育An Education成长教育中16岁的珍妮是一个聪明开朗的小姑娘,就读于英国伦敦乡下一所女子学校的预科班,她的成绩很好,是众所期待考上牛津大学的“种子选手”;某天,她遇见了成熟时髦、风趣迷人的男人大卫,并闪电般地与他陷入爱河不可自拔;大卫带她见识了大都市的灯红酒绿和浮华奢靡,这一直是她非常向往的生活;在此之前她从来未曾想过,这种生活如此轻易就能得到;很快她就沉迷其中不可自拔,备考牛津的念头也被抛诸到九霄云外;与大卫一起的日子看起来是如此美妙,但是某一天,真相却如一记砖头重重地敲在珍妮头上;她从一个天真活泼的女学生变成了一个世故圆滑的女人,她开始反思这种生活是否真的是她想要的……3.铁娘子The Iron Lady影片重点聚焦1982年马岛战争期间撒切尔夫人度过的17天,这17天也是她整个政治生涯的转捩点;马岛战争全称马尔维纳斯群岛战争Malvinas War或福克兰群岛战争Falklands War,是1982年4月到6月间,英国和阿根廷为争夺福克兰群岛阿根廷称“马尔维纳斯群岛”的主权而爆发的一场局部战争;这场战争以英国获胜而告终,撒切尔夫人的支持率也成倍增加,并在来年成功赢得了连任;4.雪狗snow dogs迈阿密牙科医生泰德·琼斯古巴·古丁意外获知自己成为一份遗产的继承人;以为自己即将成为一个有钱人,当他兴致冲冲地来到阿拉斯加准备继承遗产时,却发现自己继承的遗产竟然是八只拉雪橇的狗;不过这几只狗可不简单,他们一直是北级狗拉雪橇比赛的冠军.本年度的拉雪橇比赛即将举行,泰德却对这种比赛一无所知;尽管如此,他仍决定参加比赛,不过这些狗显然不愿听从他的指挥并且捉弄他;但泰德并不服输,并开始了他的训练计划,期间则笑料百出……5.女王Queen当黛安娜王妃意外死亡的消息传出后,世界震惊;大众对英国皇室产生了怀疑,皇室信用急剧下降,英女王伊丽莎白二世这时并没有站出来,而是和家人们躲到了度假行宫巴尔莫罗堡的高墙之后;首相托尼·布莱尔一上任就要面对国内日益高涨的反皇室情绪,压力颇大,他必须尽快找出办法,令女王和人民的关系再次和睦起6.护宝狗狗Treasure Buddies迪士尼家庭出品,温馨狗狗电影的专业户导演罗伯特·文斯每年一部作品;继2011年恐怖狗狗之后,明年又开始幻想夺宝题材;在最新一辑中,他们将结伴同往古埃及遗迹,展开一段全新的惊险夺宝之旅.7.辣妈辣妹Freaky Friday如果发生怪事的话,没有比发生在13号星期五这一天更适合了;——这个故事就是发生在一个诡异的星期五早晨;单身母亲苔丝·科尔曼和自己15岁的女儿安娜对各种事情的意见都不一致,两人总在斗嘴;母亲不理解女儿的高中生活,女儿也不明白做医生的母亲的责任和她的未婚夫;这天两人又闹起来,并认为对方在生活中的表现让自己很不满意,觉得如果相同的情况让自己来应付,肯定可以轻松搞定,活得漂漂亮亮,而不象现在这样;这天在唐人街的一家餐馆,两人同时冒出个念头,希望自己变成对方,好让对方看看自己是如何应对的;这种幻想,在一块神秘的幸运饼干的参与下,在这个奇怪的星期五,居然实现了……妈妈跑到了女儿的身体中,而女儿则变成了妈妈的样子;这还不算完,就在这个星期六,苔丝就要嫁人,再做新妇了;她当然不想错过自己的婚礼而女儿也不想糊里糊涂成了继父的新娘,这太超过她的想象了;在星期五的这一天当中,她们不仅必须以对方的身分应付各自原本认为简单轻松的日常生活,还必须想出办法在星期六婚礼之前恢复原来面貌,否则,事情就大糟特糟了;单身母亲苔丝和15岁的女儿安娜对各种事情的意见都不一致,两人老在斗嘴;母亲不理解女儿的高中生活,女儿也不明白做医生的母亲的责任和她的未婚夫;某天在唐人街的一家餐馆,两人同时冒出个念头,希望自己变成对方,好让对方看看自己如何应对;这种幻想,在一块神秘的幸运饼的催生下得以实现:妈妈进入女儿的身体,而女儿则变成了妈妈的样子;这还不算完,就在那个星期六,苔丝就要嫁人,再做新娘;她当然不想错过自己的婚礼,而女儿也不想糊里糊涂成了继父的新娘;于是在星期五,她们不仅必须以对方的身分应付原本认为简单轻松的日常生活,还必须想出办法在星期六婚礼之前恢复原来面貌;8.搏击俱乐部Fight Club杰克爱德华诺顿饰演是一个充满中年危机意识的人,他非常憎恨自己的生活及一切,再加上他患有严重的失眠症,所以他常常参加各种团体谘询会,只为了能接触人群;在某一个团体谘询会上,杰克遇上了一个跟他同样理由来参加的女烟枪,玛拉海伦娜邦汉卡特饰演,在莫名激素的影响下,杰克和玛拉一起逃离了谘询会,两人的情愫因而滋生……;在一个街头大战中,杰克遇到了卖肥皂的商人泰勒布拉德皮特饰演,两人因缘际会地成了好友,并开始创建了“斗阵俱乐部”:一个让彼此不戴护具而互殴的聚会,宗旨在发泄情绪; 某夜,泰勒在杰克的公寓中把玛拉给“上”了,这让杰克非常忌妒;同时“斗阵俱乐部”也成了全国性的地下大组织,所有成员都将泰勒视为教父;为了辨识起见,成员还都剃了光头;杰克对于“斗阵俱乐部”的现况及泰勒的疯狂模样越来越无法忍受,所以他决定疏远泰勒;但是,此时的“斗阵俱乐部”成员却发起全国性的暴动,他们炸毁了不少建筑物……,一切的局势都是杰克始料未及的,他该如何解决这混乱的现状“斗阵俱乐部”又会疯狂成什么样子杰克与泰勒之间的恩恩怨怨会如何了结9.美丽心灵 A Beautiful mind这是一部关于一个真实天才的极富人性的剧情片;英俊而又十分古怪的数学家小约翰纳什念研究生时便发明了他着名的博弈理论,短短26页的论文在经济、军事等领域产生深远的影响,他开始享有国际声誉;但纳什出众的直觉受到了精神分裂症的困扰,使他向学术上最高层次进军的辉煌历程发生了巨大改变;面对这个曾经击毁了许多人的挑战,纳什在深爱着他的妻子艾丽西亚的相助下,与被认为是只能好转、无法治愈的疾病作斗争;经过十几年的不懈努力,完全通过意志的力量,他一如既往地坚持工作,并于1994年获得诺贝尔奖,他在博奕论方面颇具前瞻性的工作也成为20世纪最具影响力的理论;这是一个真人真事的传奇故事,今天纳什继续在他的领域中耕耘着;10.誓言The vow影片讲述一对新婚的新墨西哥夫妇,在遭遇一场车祸后幸福戛然而止,妻子陷入昏迷,深爱她的丈夫一直无微不至的在旁照料,但当有一天妻子醒来的时候,已经失去了一切与丈夫和婚姻有关的记忆,丈夫向她示爱并努力慢慢挽回爱人的心;11.夏洛特的网Charlotte's Web小姑娘芬家的母猪又下了一窝猪崽;其中一只很弱;芬的爸爸拿斧子要杀死这头小猪;芬拼命把小猪救了下来,给他取名威伯;威伯住进了谷仓里,和牛马羊鹅做了邻居;它孤单极了,伤心地哭了起来;芬每天给小威伯喂牛奶并跟他一起玩;后来小威伯渐渐长大了,结识了不少新伙伴,有小鹅、小羊、小鸭;有一天晚上,突然有谁用细弱的声音喊他:“威伯,你愿意和我做朋友吗”就这样,威伯认识了和它说话的朋友--灰蜘蛛夏洛特,夏洛特正在谷仓的门框角上织网呢; 日子静静地过去,夏洛特成了威伯的好朋友;它既聪明又能干,任何苍蝇蚊子都逃不过他织的网;威伯长得越来越胖了;一天,老羊带来了坏消息:主人要在圣诞节前把威伯杀掉,做成美味的腌肉和火腿;威伯吓坏了,恐惧地尖叫着大哭起来:“我不想死”夏洛特安慰它:“你不会死的;我来想办法救你”于是夏洛特开始在房上织起一张大网;清晨,主人惊奇地发现门框的蜘蛛网上,竟然织着这样两个字:“好猪”,牧师说是神在暗示,这是一头出类拔萃、非同寻常的猪;消息很快传开了,人们从四面八方赶来观看这个奇迹,以为威伯是了不起的动物,对威伯赞赏不已……12.八月迷情August Rush一见钟情的背后,往往都是无尽的苦果和数不清的等待……12年前,华盛顿广场某个被月光笼罩的美丽夜晚,莱拉·诺瓦切克,一个从小就被父亲保护过度的大提琴手,希望可以从让人透不过气的紧密盯防中稍稍松一口气,跑到屋顶的她却偶遇背着吉他、英俊且魅力十足的爱尔兰歌手路易斯·康纳利;在街头歌手演奏的月宫舞徐徐萦绕的旋律中,莱拉和路易斯相遇并迅速坠入爱河,音乐成了他们能够分享的共同语言,发生在他们之间的情感维系是真实不可否定的,可惜的是,却很短暂;在两人共度了一个浪漫到让人意乱情迷的夜晚之后,尽管莱拉不断地表示抗议,可是她的父亲却坚持甚至强迫她继续举办音乐会,害得她不能履行去见路易斯的承诺;相爱的人如果太在乎对方,就很容易产生误会,路易斯沮丧地认为,优秀且家境丰厚的莱拉对自己的爱根本就没有他想象得那么深沉,因为心碎而丧失了勇气,路易斯发现自己没办法继续创作和弹吉他了,最终,他放弃了音乐,离开了这块伤心地;而莱拉,也失去了今生的爱人,几个月后,一场车祸还夺走了她那未出生的宝宝;转眼10多年过去了,不知真相的莱拉和路易斯一直生活在各自的悔恨与伤感当中,他们并不知道,其实莱拉的孩子并没有死,而是被她的父亲偷偷送走了;如今那个名叫奥古斯特·拉什的小男孩已经有11岁了,不仅勇敢活泼,还具有非同一般的天赋--任何发生在他周围的声响,到了他的耳朵里,都变成了美丽的旋律,只要他站在麦田间,甚至能将微风扫过麦穗的沙沙声变成宏大的交响乐,显而易见,奥古斯特是一个天生的作曲家和指挥家;虽然是以孤儿的身份长大的,奥古斯特却坚信他的双亲仍然活着,而且就像他对他们的迫切希望一样,他们也需要他;下定决心去寻找自己的父母,奥古斯特离开孤儿院只身来到纽约,却在纽约的街头迷失了方向;这时,奥古斯特被一个在街头演奏的孩子所吸引,并跟在他的身后,来到了一所废弃的菲尔莫东大剧院,他发现,这个暂时的避难所还有许多像他一样无家可归的孩子,一个被称为“巫师”的神秘人保护着他们;那一晚,奥古斯特第一次拿起吉他,随即无师自通的他,就即兴为大家表演了一曲;一个从未受过音乐训练的小男孩,竟然可以释放出如此具有激情的旋律,这让“巫师”惊讶不已,于是他为奥古斯特设计了一系列的表演计划……奥古斯特并没有觉得“巫师”的做法有什么不妥,因为他相信,他的双亲就生活在这个城市的某个地方,如果他们听到他的音乐,一定会找到他的;那个时候的奥古斯特还不知道,他期盼的“寻找”,已经开始了;莱拉的父亲终于将真相告诉她,原来她以为已经夭折的婴儿竟然还活着……莱拉发了疯似地找到社工理查德·杰弗里斯,希望他能够帮助自己找到失散了11年的儿子;而远走他乡的路易斯,因为仍然无法对莱拉忘情,也回到了他们当初相遇的地方;莱拉、路易斯和奥古斯特,他们虽然因为生活的无奈与欺骗,而被迫分开,可是他们之间通过爱和音乐建立起来的联系却从未断过,他们终将找到彼此,因为只有这样,他们的生命才有可能完整;。

思想道德修养Philosophy and Ethics Training中国通史The General History of China中国文学史The History of Chinese Literature现代汉语Mordern Chinese Literature文学概论General Literature Theory语言学概论General Linguistic Theory军事理论Militery Theory法律基础Fundamentals of Law古代汉语(上)Ancient Chinese(1)马克思主义哲学原理Marxism Philosophy Principles写作基础教学实习合格Fundamentals of Writting Teaching Practice写作基础Fundamentals of Writting鸡尾酒技艺Cocktail Making Skills网络初探An Introduction to Networks数据库原理与应用Database Principles and Applications古代汉语(下)Ancient Chinese(2)中国旅游地理Chinese Tourism Geography中国现当代文学Chinese Mordern and Contemporary Literature数据库教学实习Database Teaching Practice毛泽东思想概论Basics of Maoism交际语言学教学实习Social Liguistics Teaching Practice中国旅游地理教学实习Chinese Tourism Geography Teaching Practice交际语言学Social Liguistics德语与德国文化Germany and Germany Culture日语入门与日本文化Japanese and Japanese Culture外国文学史History of Foreign Literature英美影视欣赏English and American Movie Evaluation生活中的博弈论Game Theory in Life管理学原理Management Principles当代世界经济与政治Contemporary Economis and Politics of the World公共关系学Public Relations公关文秘类教学实习(一) Public Relations and Secetary Teaching Practice(1) 美学Art Theory中国语言学史History of Chinese Liguistics语言逻辑学Logic in Linguistics邓小平理论概论Basics of Dengism公关心理学Public Psychology汉语言学类教学实习(二) Public Relations and Secetary Teaching Practice(1) 计算语言学Computing Liguistics政治经济学Politics and Economics政治经济学教学实习Politics and Economics Teaching Practice办公自动化Office Automation社会语用学Social Use of Lauguages环境保护概论General Environment Protection Theory对外汉语教学概论General Theory of Chinese Teaching to Foreigners导游讲解艺术The Art of Tour Guiding公共行政与公共事务Public Administration and Public Affairs公关文秘类教学实习(二) Public Relations and Secetary Teaching Practice(2) 实用写作Practical Writting Skills书法作品欣赏Chinese Script Writting Evaluation谈判学Negotiation现代秘书学Mordern Secretary Study写作类教学实习(二) Writting Practice(2)形势与政策Trends and Policies广告营销策划Advertising, Marketing & Planning中国传统文化概论General Theory of Chinese Traditional Culture播音与主持艺术The Art of Radio and TV Broadcasting and Presenting中国旅游风光Chinese Tourism Sceneries汉语史History of Chinese文化语言学Culture and Liguistics辩论技巧Debating Techniques影视节目制作 Video Programme Making。

二、课程教学内容周次授课内容学时累计学时1 影视鉴赏的基本概念2 362 影视艺术的审美特征 2 363 影视艺术的语言要素 2 364 影视作品的类型和体裁 2 365 影视艺术的鉴赏与评论 2 366 影视艺术的发展历程 2 367 美国影片 2 368 苏联影片 2 369 法国影片 2 3610 意大利影片 2 3611 英国影片 2 3612 德国影片 2 3613 澳大利亚影片 2 3614 日本影片 2 3615 韩国影片 2 3616 越南影片 2 3617 伊朗影片 2 3618 中国影片 2 36三、课程教学的基本要求本课程以教师授课为主,配以课内外放映多媒体等形象化教学手段。

影视鉴赏英文作文英文:As a film and television enthusiast, I have always been fascinated by the art of storytelling and the power of visual media. Watching movies and TV shows is not just a form of entertainment for me, but also a way to appreciate the creativity and talent of filmmakers and actors.One of my all-time favorite films is "The Shawshank Redemption." This movie, directed by Frank Darabont, tells the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker who is sentenced to life in Shawshank State Penitentiary for the murder of his wife and her lover, even though he claims to be innocent. The film is a powerful portrayal of hope, friendship, and the human spirit. The performances of Tim Robbins as Andy and Morgan Freeman as Red are simply outstanding, and the storytelling is gripping from start to finish.Another film that has left a lasting impression on meis "Inception," directed by Christopher Nolan. This mind-bending thriller explores the concept of dreams and reality, and the visual effects are truly mind-blowing. The ensemble cast, led by Leonardo DiCaprio, delivers a stellar performance, and the film's intricate plot keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.In addition to movies, I also enjoy watching TV shows, and one of my recent favorites is "Stranger Things." Thissci-fi series, created by the Duffer Brothers, is set inthe 1980s and follows a group of kids who encounter supernatural forces in their small town. The show is a nostalgic homage to 80s pop culture, and the young actors give remarkable performances that make the characters relatable and endearing.For me, the appeal of film and television lies in their ability to transport viewers to different worlds, evoke a range of emotions, and provoke thought and discussion. Whether it's a heartwarming drama, an action-packedthriller, or a thought-provoking documentary, there is something for everyone in the world of visual storytelling.中文:作为一名影视爱好者,我一直被故事讲述的艺术和视觉媒体的力量所吸引。

Teaching PlanAppreciating English from the Screen英语影视作品欣赏Finding Nemo授课学时3第一课时:教学目标:1. 通过看电影培养学生英语学习的兴趣,提高英语的听说能力,增强用英语表达思想的信心2. 提高学生的听力和口语3. 通过欣赏,练习片段,使学生能够进行简单的配音或是能够表演出其中自己欣赏的小片段。
教学重点:1. 了解剧情,在老师的引导下根据自己的理解用英语简单说出自己对电影的理解。
2. 给电影小片段配音教学方法:教师讲解,学生分组讨论和观看影片教学过程:1.介绍电影背景。
但幸运的是,玛林遇到了来自撒马力亚(Samaritan)的蓝唐王鱼(Regal Blue Tang)多瑞(Dory)。
英语影视欣赏幻灯片 威尔-史密斯

• 1.第81届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 81st Annual Academy Awards (2009) • 2.第64届金球奖颁奖典礼 The 64th Annual Golden Globe Awards (2007) • 3.第78届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 78th Annual Academy Awards (2006) • 4.第76届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 76th Annual Academy Awards (2004) • 5.2003年MTV电影颁奖典礼 2003 MTV Movie Awards (2003) • 6.第74届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 74th Annual Academy Awards (2002) • 7.Muhammad Ali‘s All-Star 60th Birthday Celebration! (2002) • 8.2000年大热门娱乐奖颁奖典礼 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (2000) • 9.第69届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 69th Annual Academy Awards (1997) • 10.第68届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 68th Annual Academy Awards (1996)
我,机器人 I, Robot (2004).....Del Spooner
全民情敌 Hitch (2005).....Alex 'Hitch' Hitchens
当幸福来敲门 The Pursuit of Happiness (2006).....Chris Gardner
我是传奇 I Am Legend (2007).....Neville
威尔-史密斯出演影片锦集 威尔 史密斯出演影片锦集

《英语电影欣赏》英文名称:《Appreciating Cinema》1.课程定位《英语电影欣赏》旨在培养学生审美情趣,开拓学生视野,提高学生的文化艺术修养,并进一步促进英语的听说能力。


Actors and Actresses (电影演员)
• • • • • • • • • •
演员表 全名星阵容 电影明星 超级明星 共同主演 性格演员 最佳男演员 最佳女演员 影帝 影后
cast all star cast movie star superstar co-star character best actor best actress movie king movie queen
•木偶片 •色盲片 •半记录电影 •劣等电影 •场面壮观影片 •正片前加演的短片 •全景宽银幕电影 •电影分级 •立体电影 •宽银幕立体电影
puppet film color blind film semi-documentary B-picture spectacular film short subject cimepanoramic film ratings cinerama stereoscopic film
• • • • • • • • • •
主要演员 男演员 女演员 男主角 女主角 男配角 女配角 拙劣演员 第二主角 第三主角
Principle Actor Actress Leading actor/male lead Leading actress /female l Supporting actor Supporting actress Ham Second lead Third lead
Genre of Films (电影种类)
音乐片 新闻片 犯罪片 故事片 爱情片 文艺片 武侠片 侦探片 伦理片 有声电影
Musical Newsreel crime film feature film romance, love film literary film swordsmen film detective film ethical film sound/talking film; talkie;

影视赏析的英文作文英文:As a lover of film and television, I find great pleasure in analyzing and appreciating the artistry behind the screen. There are a multitude of elements that go into creating a successful film or TV show, from the writing to the cinematography to the acting. Each aspect contributes to the overall experience of the viewer, and it's fascinating to dissect how they all come together.One of the most important elements, in my opinion, is the writing. A well-written script can make or break a film or TV show. It's the foundation upon which everything else is built. The dialogue, character development, and plot all stem from the script, and a weak script can result in a lackluster final product. On the other hand, a strongscript can elevate even mediocre performances and cinematography.Another crucial aspect is the acting. A talented actor can bring a character to life and make the audience care about their journey. It's not just about delivering lines convincingly, but also about embodying the character and bringing their emotions and motivations to the forefront. A great example of this is Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight. His portrayal was so haunting and captivating that it's hard to imagine anyone else in the role.Cinematography is also a key component in creating a memorable film or TV show. The way a scene is shot can convey a certain mood or emotion, and can even becomeiconic in its own right. Think of the opening shot of The Godfather, with the cat sitting in Marlon Brando's lap. It immediately sets the tone for the rest of the film and is instantly recognizable.Finally, music and sound design can greatly enhance the viewing experience. A well-crafted score can heighten the emotional impact of a scene, while sound effects can add to the realism and immersion of the world being portrayed. Theuse of music in the final scene of The Shawshank Redemption is a perfect example of this. The swelling score perfectly captures the sense of hope and liberation that the characters are feeling.Overall, analyzing and appreciating film and television is a deeply rewarding experience. It allows us to delveinto the artistry behind the screen and gain a greater understanding and appreciation for the medium.中文:作为一名影视爱好者,我非常喜欢分析和欣赏屏幕背后的艺术。
英文影视欣赏Fight Club

Fight ClubBasic Information:Fight Club is a screen adaptation of Chuck Palahniuk’s novel of the same name. The movie was directed by David Fincher and stars Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, and Helena Bonham Carter. The director David Fincher was born on August 28, 1962 in Denver, Colorado. He is an American film and music video director who is known for his dark and stylish thrillers. At first, Fight Club was an early disappointment at the box-office and received mixed reviews. It was panned by several critics and alienated audiences leading to its box-office failure in the United States. However, many critics and audiences later changed their opinions and the movie appeared on many 'best of the year' lists and soon developed a cult following. In 2008, Fight Club was named the 10th greatest movie of all time by Empire Magazine in its issue of The 500 Greatest Movies Of All Time.Synopsis:The main character was an ordinary urban white-collar worker and he worked hard, did with human relations carefully and did the things that he thought was meaningful day by day. He liked the pursuit of materialism and enjoyed the spirit of vanity. He lived in a dull life but had no surprise no insurance. Because of this situation, he suffered from insomnia. He went to see the doctor, but the doctor suggested him to visit a support group to witness more severe suffering. But unfortunately, Marla broke up his original quiet life and The only thing he can do is to make a protocol with her. A flight home from a business trip, his apartment was destroyed by an explosion. Then he moved into Tyler’s ruined house and created Fight Club. Everything seemed peaceful, but actually it was just a beginning. With the development of the plot, he realized that in fact he was Tyler. He caught the schizophrenia and just stayed in his own fantasy. At the end of the film, he defeated Tyler and the schizophrenia was cured.Genre:The genre of this movie is film noir. There are chiaroscuro lighting and dark scene in this kind of movie. Film Noir is defined by the subtle qualities of style, mood and tone and it is most easily recognizable on account of its distinctive visual style.In this movie, there are two main visual styles: majority of scenes are lit for night and strong attachment to water. In the movie Fight Club, we can see that the most of the scenes are set in the night. In order to present the atmosphere of Fight club, they chose a basement of the bar as the place for the people to join it. Because of the night, they should not pay attention to the outside world and just enjoyed themselves. On the other hand, they started the destruction action in the night. Apart from the dark scene, the water also played an important role in the movie. When Tyler drove the car and wanted to experience the death, it was raining heavily outside.In addition to atmosphere, the characters was also an important part. In thismovie, the main character was morally ambivalent, it was hard to define him to be good or bad. At first, he was just a white-collar worker and worked hard. When he met Tyler and everything was changed. They created Fight club and did something wrong. In the end we know that actually he was Tyler. He was a person who had double character and was afraid of the future.Characters:The protagonist is the narrator and the antagonist is the society. The hero narrator was an ordinary urban white-collar worker and he worked hard. He did with human relations carefully and did the things that he thought was meaningful day by day. Because of this, he was tired and wanted to break this peace. He enjoyed the spirit of vanity and created Fight club.The opposite society was cruel and it made him insomnia. The narrator wanted to live in a happy life and then he just worked hard without any complaint. Under the pressure of the work and society, he chose to give up and just released himself. The society was the main reason that led him to give up and indulge himself.The mirror Tyler was a person that narrator met in the airplane and lived with him after his apartment was destroyed by an explosion. Tyler taught him to indulge himself and they created Fight club. In the night, they went to stole the fatty oil and stayed in the basement to make soap. Tyler put hydrochloric acid powder into narrator’s hand and told him to be give up all.There is no doubt that Marla who he met in the support group was romance. Marla was a woman who lost confidence of life. Her life was full of erosion and she smoked everywhere. From this we can see that, she lost the hope and just drifted with the current. Because of the her presence, narrator could not sleep again and then these two people closed together. Maybe actually Marla was not the love of narrator, she just liked a dispensing to narrator.Narrative:The hook of the movie was the blood vessels in the body. Along with the visual constantly switching, we just found that the gun was pointing at the mouth of the narrator. Then the story began and we got to know the plot of the story gradually. The key line was that the narrator suffered from insomnia and the doctor suggested him to visit a support group. He slowly got confront from there and no longer suffered from insomnia. But unfortunately, the inciting incident turned up. Marla appeared and broke his peaceful life. He made an agreement with her, but after his apartment’s explosion, he met Tyler and moved to his ruined house.The turning point I was that in order to seek stimulation, the Fight Club was established. The most important rule of Fight Club was that you do not talk about Fight Club. The members of the club just took part in this activity in the night. But it didn’t last long. The point of no return was that Marla appeared again and l ived in his house. The narrator was very distressed and regretful that he had not heard of her complaint.The turning point II was that Tyler assigned a task that all the members in this club must enrage a stranger to fight with them. After that, Tyler had a new idea and began to build up an army troop, tried to do damage to the city buildings. At a sabotage, Bob was shot and soon died. The climax was coming. The narrator couldn’t find Tyler and then he finally realized that in fact he was Tyler. All the things were done by him when in the night. The resolution was that the narrator tried every means to forbid the things happening again. In the end, he overcame himself and the schizophrenia was cured.Of course, it did follow the classical three-act linear model. Faust, The Wandering Jews and Circe are the basic stories shown in this movie.Style:In this movie, Which impresses me most in this film is the raw instinct VS death instinct. When the narrator was on the plan, there was a plot. He said that if the plane was shaking badly, he prayed to crash, explosion or anything else. In most cases, we always try our best to avoid his body hurt, but his behavior went against common sense and he was desire to die. When he chose the way to use the violence to seek his salvation and at the same time he also stepped onto a suicidal road.About the style: The majority of scenes are lit for night. When the main character met Tyler for the first time, they went to a bar. When they went out and the night was coming. Then they began to fight against with each other. Passing people saw it and then joined them. Fight club was built and it was always held in the basement of a bar in the night. When in the daytime, the members of Fight club just worked as common. But in the night, they vented themselves and fought against with others. Even they began to destroy the Buildings and facilities, they also chose the night. Because of this, they could do the things better. On the other hand, in the nigh they often went to stole the fatty oil and then stayed in the basement to make soap. Everything was happened in the night.Strong attachment to water. When he moved into Tyler’s ruined house, the house was broken badly. When in a rainy day, the house was in leak and had no electricity. From this, we can find that the main character lived in a hard life and he just did his own things. Also when they first fought outside the bar, the ground was full of water. Another scene is that when Tyler drove the car and wanted to experience the death, it was raining heavily outside.Critical perspective:The theme of this movie is the human heart. It is a mysterious feeling of psychological research, perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination and verbal psychological process, it reflects the humanity under the guise of instinct, desire, even morbid facts existence. The narrator caught the schizophrenia and just stayed in his own fantasy. The simplest and most direct solution to know himself is to abandon everything, to be free, and then understand the reality.Auteur theory: His movie is filled with dark, gloom and sad tone. He usually creates this kind of low atmosphere through the lamplight decorate and photography technique. In his movie he rarely uses the natural light, on the contrary he will use a large number of the artificial light to make the movie with the lighting effects. At the end of the movie, the main character will experience some psychological trauma because of the changes in his life.Psychoanalysis: The narrator and Bob embraced each other to cry and then the narrator miraculously healed insomnia, also found out his dependence. The narrator hated the women and he didn't like to admit this woman with his contact, so he took it all back to the a man Taylor who just appeared out.Feminism: The film reflected male kingships and was filled with the anger to father and women from the "middle-aged boy". In the movie men did endless beat with each other and enjoyed the stimulation process of the beating.Structuralism: According to the personality structure theory, Tyler represented the pleasure principle to follow himself. The narrator just did what he thought was right and never repressed himself. When the id and the ego conflicted seriously, the personality was split.。

名词解释1.Protagonist: The character whose actions trigger the chain of causes and effects that drive the plot forward .The motivation and goal of the protagonist is what provides the impetus for the story and when that goal is concluded the story ends. The protagonist will be involved through the whole course of the narrative, and thus will be on screen most of the time.2.Antagonist:The opposition character(also known as the antagonist)is the character who opposes the intentions of the protagonist. Antagonist stands in the way of protagonist, and create obstacles for them. Antagonists are usually individual figures, but they often also represent and embody the whole system against which the protagonist is fighting.3.The mirror character: the mirror character (also known as the support) is the character most clearly aligned with, and supportive of, the protagonist ---offer support to the protagonist, through the difficulties he encounters often because. They share with him certain beliefs and attitudes. they have the important character function of engaging in regular dialogue with the protagonist helping him to formulate his goal. (The mirror character offer support to the protagonist, because they have their dreams in common.)4.The romance character: the love interest is the character with whom the protagonist is——or becomes——romantically involved. The romance character alter nautically support the protagonist and oppose him, help him out and at the same time, create difficulties for him. In this sense, the romance character can be viewed as a character combining the functions of both support character and antagonist.edy: According to Aristotle is a form of drama that deals in an amusing way with ordinary characters in everyday situations. Later, in comedy, the characters are private individuals from the micelle level in society that the dangers they face are not serious and that their actions conclude happily.Differ from tragedy: it shows a basically positive attitude to life; life is not to be fled from or rejected but to be grasped and enjoyed for what it is,At the heart pf much comedy lists the figure of the fool: comic fool is never simple a fool. He is also the source of an usually perceptiveness and wisdom. A wise fool, a holly fool. the source of an usually perceptiveness and wisdom which the ordinary man could not understand.6. High-concept: The idea of blockbuster.High-concept, in film, is a term typically used to refer to the style and mode of production developed by Hollywood studios in the late 1970s. High concept movies feature relatively simple characters and a heavy reliance on conventions of film genre. High concept movies tend to be high-tech, crisp, and polished. Such movies also rely on pre-sold properties such as movie stars to build audience anticipation, and use heavy advertising, market research, and test screenings to ensure maximum popularity. Often high concept movies are pitched as combinations of existing high concept movies, or unique twists on existing titles. High concept movies also have a presence outside of theaters, and usually have soundtrack and music video tie-ins to cross-promote the movie. Such as the Matrix.7. Hyper reality:, Hyper reality is to describe the basic quality of the word, in which we now live. In essence it is the idea that in the post modern world the real has been almost totally displaced by the simulated. such as "reality TV" "Internet dating"(where people enter into a world of take identities)8.Social drama: Social drama are the film whose central narrative concern or conflict is a social problem——poverty、inequality、discrimination、racism. The genre has cuodefining conventionsidentify a social ill, dramatize its remedy. For one flew over the cuckoo’s nest which deals with the mental health system)9. The force opposed to love: This is the essence of the romantic film. By presenting obstacles to the lovers. "The force opposed to love" turns a love affair into a story. In the past this force has taken the form of so called. blocking characters (is the characters that oppose the lover affairs) Traditionally the blocking characters would be the parents of the husbands and wives.As presental control over children has replaced and as the possibility of divorce has arisen. Neither of these forces is sufficiently convincing as an obstacle and scriptwriters have had to employ totter mechanisms for impeding the cause of true love. In When Harry MET Sally, for example, the blocking force is the conventional idea10.The "unlikely couple" scenario: This is the another method employed by romantic films. The unlikely couple consists of two character who are thoroughly ill——matched come fro, different class, or racial back grounds are of different ages or occupations or are temperamentally opposites. The source of the conflict and difficulties that drives the plot forward.. Such as a professor and a 15-year-old girl.-Lolita。
影视欣赏英文版 ppt课件

Silent movie: The Tramp《流浪汉》 1915
Don Juan《唐璜》 (1926)
Post-Classical Hollywood Cinema
• Draws on the tradition of classical Hollywood in a flexible, eclectic变通的 manner电影灵活、变通地应用了经典好莱 坞的传统
2、“我们是目睹一种不寻常的艺术,也许是唯一 的现代艺术诞生的见证人,因为它既是技术的产 物,又是人类精神的产物。”
——路易·德吕克 (LouisDeluc,法国)
• History电影史 • Genre['ʒa: nrə]电影类型 • Character角色 • Narrative叙述 • Style风格 • Critical Perspectives 评论角度
• A cinema of narrative叙述性的电影时期
• It was the era in which the “star” was born诞生了“明星”
• The major cinematic genres[‘ʒa:nrə] emerged主要影片 类型形成的时期
English Movie Appreciation
Before Class
• Why we have this course? • How to learn it?
Academic Achievements: 1. Class performance 2. Final examination

Do you still remember this film?
After eighty-four years,a 100-years-old women named Rose,She tells the story to her granddaughter Lizzy and some researchers (研究人员)that reaching on Titanic about her life set in April 10th 1912 ,on the Titanic
are not the most important ,I think the most important is
"enjoy everyday" with our lover,maybe are parents, maybe
arefriends,or husband,Whoever,at least we must have a great
They met,knew and loved each other。
They danced together , and Jack painted a picture for her.
Rose promosed Jack that she would survive and never give up no matter what happens.
That's all Thanks for listening!
__By Yolanda
My feeling
影视欣赏 《美丽人生》 英文

Class: Student Number:Name:The impression of 《Life is beautiful》This is the first move I have seen in our class named move speeches appreciation. Although I have seen it before, I also moved on the love, optimism, courage and inner strengthof the father in the move.As we know that it is directed by Roberto Benigni in 1997 and makes people from all over the word impressed of it. In 1930s Italy, a carefree Jewish book keeper named Guido who moves from the country to a Tuscan town starts a fairy tale life by courting and marrying a lovely woman named Dora who is a schoolteacher from a nearby city. Guido and his wife have a son and live happily together until the occupation of German forces.At the same time, because of racial issue, he and his son are arrested by German Maze and placed in Concentration Camp. After their arresting, the mother follows them although she is not Jewish but for her only family and the unity of the happy family.In an attempt to hold his family together and help his son survive the horrors of a Jewish Concentration Camp, Guido imagines that the Holocaust is a game and that the grand prize for winning is a tank.As for me, I think the father is very great and courageous in the hard time of Jewish Concentration Campand of cause he is good and highly competent father for his son, not only because he keeps his son safe in the war, but also keepshis young son's high spirits and childhood naivety intact and makes him unafraid in the cruelHolocaust during war.The beginning of the story is certainly humorous and funny. Perhaps for the development of the movie’s plot, some movie clips happen by a lucky coincidence. For example, Guido meets his wife many times, which gives him the big chance to know more about Dora. The atmosphere here is happy and active, which I think also creates contrast between the beginning and ending. What’s more, when an open-minded Jewish librarian and his son become victims of the holocaust, he tries his best to keep his son safe and he uses a perfect mixture of will, humor and imagination to protect his son from the dangers around their camp.At the end of the move, an American tank arrives and takes his son find his mother, which surprised me. It is obvious that what Guido said to his boy just for protecting him from the cruel holocaust and not influenced by the war. Finally, the tank occurs, I think it not only can make his son verify his father’s words, but also can give all of us an unexpected ending. On the one hand, Guido dies for seeking his wifewhen the Jewish Concentration Camp becomingchaos and disorder. Although he dies, the happy he gives his son will always surrounding him, which is the great heritage from a common father.On the other hand, the unity between his son and his mother can provide Guido some comfort.Basically the movie is about a man who tries to shelter his son from the ugliness of the world. Guido has a Jewish background, and when he and his son are sent to a concentration camp, he does his best to keep his son from finding out the brutal truth of their situation. He mostly does this by telling him they are playing a game. The film is admittedly rather uneven, especially when it really starts to get heavy and dark near the end, but I think the approach here is an interesting one to take when trying to educate kids about such a dark era.《Life is Beautiful》is an unforgettable film. You go through emotions you were surprised could have for a fictional film. The story, although totally implausible, is uplifting and depressing at the same time.The unforgettable move proves love, family and imagination conquer all, not about the Nazis or the Holocaustmainly. In my opinion, the Nazis and the Holocaust are just a tool or carrier to present the theme of the story. I think this film address a heavy subject like the Holocaust in the manner done here, which is predominately with a lighthearted tone. That's a big risk, but it mostly pays off here.Also, I think the story is a WW II tragicomedy; it isa mirror and reflex of many tragedies from that time.The war is cruel for everyone, especially for children. But this story proves the importance of protecting the heart and soul. If we can’t change the situation, we must try our best to adapt it in our different way.In addition, the optimism of Guido is worth learning. When we are in difficult, if we are optimistic for the future, I believe that the development will be not bad.All in all, a good story plot is necessary for a good movie, and sometimes we should know and realize more from what the move delivers.The 《Life is Beautiful》is a movie like what I write above.。

英文影视赏析英语作文英文:When it comes to film and TV appreciation, I believe there are a few key elements to consider. Firstly, the storyline and plot must be engaging and well-crafted. This means that the characters must be well-developed and the pacing must be just right. Secondly, the cinematography and visuals must be stunning and visually appealing. This can include everything from the lighting and framing to the special effects and set design. Finally, the acting and performances must be top-notch, with actors who are able to fully embody their characters and bring them to life on screen.One example of a film that meets all of these criteria is The Godfather. The storyline is complex and engaging, with well-developed characters and a gripping plot. The cinematography is stunning, with iconic shots like the opening scene of the wedding and the final shot of Michaelsitting alone in his office. And the acting is superb, with Marlon Brando and Al Pacino delivering unforgettable performances.Another example of a TV show that excels in all of these areas is Breaking Bad. The storyline is intense and gripping, with characters that are complex and multi-dimensional. The cinematography is beautiful, with shots that are both visually stunning and thematically relevant. And the acting is top-notch, with Bryan Cranston delivering an unforgettable performance as Walter White.Overall, when it comes to film and TV appreciation,it's important to look for works that excel in all of these areas. A great story, stunning visuals, and top-notch acting can all come together to create a truly unforgettable viewing experience.中文:在谈到影视欣赏时,我认为有几个关键元素需要考虑。

以下是一些方法,帮助我们发现美的英文:1. Take a walk and observe the world around you. - 去散步,观察你周围的世界。
2. Look up at the sky and appreciate the clouds and the colors of the sunset. - 抬头看天空,欣赏云朵和日落的颜色。
3. Listen to music and let yourself be moved by the lyrics and melodies. - 听音乐,让自己被歌词和旋律所感动。
4. Read a book and immerse yourself in its story and characters. - 读一本书,沉浸在它的故事和角色中。
5. Watch a movie and appreciate the cinematography and acting. - 看一部电影,欣赏影视摄影和演技。
6. Cook a meal and appreciate the colors and flavors of the ingredients. - 煮一顿饭,欣赏食材的颜色和味道。
7. Look at art and let yourself be moved by the emotions it evokes. - 欣赏艺术,让自己被它所唤起的情感所感动。
8. Take a photograph and capture the beauty of the moment. - 拍一张照片,捕捉那一刻的美。

电影欣赏英文作文英文:As a movie lover, I always enjoy watching films and analyzing their themes and messages. I believe that movies are not just a form of entertainment, but also a reflection of our society and culture.When I watch a movie, I pay attention to various elements such as the plot, characters, cinematography, and music. These elements work together to create a unique viewing experience that can evoke different emotions and thoughts.For example, I recently watched the film "Parasite" directed by Bong Joon-ho. The film explores the theme of social class and inequality through the story of a poor family who infiltrates the lives of a wealthy family. The cinematography and music in the film were also exceptional, creating a sense of tension and suspense throughout themovie.Another film that I enjoyed was "La La Land" directedby Damien Chazelle. The film is a musical that tells the story of two struggling artists who fall in love while pursuing their dreams in Los Angeles. The music and choreography in the film were captivating, and the endingleft me feeling both satisfied and emotional.Overall, I believe that movies have the power to inspire, educate, and entertain us. They can transport usto different worlds and perspectives, and help usunderstand ourselves and others better.中文:作为一个电影爱好者,我喜欢观看电影并分析它们的主题和信息。
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• Blockbuster Film强档片 • Comedy Film喜剧片 • Social Drama Film社会问题片 • Action Film动作片 • Disaster Film灾难片 • Romance Film爱情片 • Musical Film音乐片 • War Film战争片 • Horror Film恐怖片 • Science Fiction Film科幻片
Lecture1 History and Genre
•Early Cinema •Classical Hollywood Cinema •Post-Classical Hollywood Cinema
•Classification of Genres •The functions of Genre
• A cinema of narrative叙述性的电影时期
• It was the era in which the “star” was born诞生了“明星”
• The major cinematic genres[‘ʒa:nrə] emerged主要影片 类型形成的时期
• It record and represent aspects of “real life”记录和 重现现实生活的某些方面
• It relied primarily on spectacle rather than narrative依赖于景象,而不是叙事
Auguste Lumière and Louis Lumière , French, they produced the first movie in the worldArrivée d'un train à La Ciotat
He is a famous Hollywood star in the era of silent movie and brought laughter to millions. In most of his films, he is a man with the toothbrush moustache, bowler hat, bamboo cane, and a funny walk.
• Get to know the history of cinema • Understand the classification of genres • Understand the functions of genre
• Early Cinema
English Movie Appreciation
Before Class
• Why we have this course? • How to learn it?
Academic Achievements: 1. Class performance 2. Final examination
2、“我们是目睹一种不寻常的艺术,也许是唯一 的现代艺术诞生的见证人,因为它既是技术的产 物,又是人类精神的产物。”
——路易·德吕克 (LouisDeluc,法国)
• History电影史 • Genre['ʒa: nrə]电影类型 • Character角色 • Narrative叙述 • Style风格 • Critical Perspectives 评论角度
1、艺术门类 :音乐、舞蹈、绘画、雕塑、建筑 、诗、电影——第七艺术!
意大利诗人、电影先驱者里乔托·卡努杜:“ 在建筑、音乐、绘画、雕塑、诗、和舞蹈这六 种艺术,建筑和音乐是主要的;绘画和雕塑是 对建筑的补充;而诗和舞蹈则融化于音乐之中 。电影所有这些艺术都加以综合,形成运动中 的造型艺术。” 在电影史上第一次宣称电影是 一种艺术。从此 ,“第七艺术”成“电影艺术 ”的同义语。
吕米埃尔兄弟,法国人, 于1895年拍设了世界上 第一步电影《火车进站》。
这部不到1分钟的短片成为世界电影诞生的象征和标志, 不久迅速传到世界各地。
Classical Hollywood Cinema
• The arrival of sound and color声音和色彩的出现
• The emergence of the “studio system”产生了“制片厂制 度”(Big Five: Warner Brothers华纳兄弟公司;Loew’sMGM米高梅公司;Fox福克斯公司;Paramount派拉蒙公 司;Radio-Keith-Orpheum雷电华公司 Little Three: Columbia哥伦比亚公司;Universal环球公司;United Artists联美公司)
Charlie Chaplin
Silent movie: The Tramp《流浪汉》26)
Post-Classical Hollywood Cinema
• Draws on the tradition of classical Hollywood in a flexible, eclectic变通的 manner电影灵活、变通地应用了经典好莱 坞的传统
美国电影业中心,位于 美国加利福尼亚州洛杉
• Classical Hollywood Cinema 经典好莱坞电影
• Post-Classical Hollywood Cinema 后经典好莱坞电影
Early Cinema
• Production was based on the so-called “cameraman system”, according to which films were the product of one individual (the cameraman) who took charge of planning, writing, filming and editing电影的制作依靠所谓的“摄影师 制度”,也就是说,每部电影都是由个人制作,这 个人负责策划、编剧、摄影和剪辑