大学英语视听说 答案 截图版



Though more state school students want to attend Oxford, spots are very limited. With over 17,000 applications for only 3,200 spots, Oxford candidates still must work hard to win their place at the historic university.
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The “Hogwarts Generation” is embracing the idea of a more formal educational setting. In fact, Oxford’s head of admissions says that the latest generation of students is excited about the idea of attending a school that requires students to wear long flowing robes and has a grand dining hall.
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□■ 1UnitlWhfch Part 1(H th* vid«D dip anol cornpiMt ll» 肆打饶僦的X NW * INs sJMly Trrhe guMttlBd : 2£i !B-03-->6 16 5fl 〔Riday|iBOOH'■ ■・ ■ 4 Mw| 科 aw Mmrda曲d4w” Ha^ani LhlwK0 In 匚 Kuj is.(1 jm ha Mark! Wta wte toAJs« JM». Pn v^wrti^ Hevd M C O *S W W S»B H S fW 冲anwd kart.打 Vv bM Hfll mnl &\ TWriE ' W WI WE-B ^AJfi ■ Hii-hnni BC 3R win fluoail^ E IF «Dund ■■ wcrH Che V MRT »Krtirti ・M K WI nn E. ft?.・.刚钮 曰MEIJ I 疔 m “Jrfjr «■V.iMh 总 bV9"VRL ftifbUMHBM Itf 野 H9fl -tTQV' * "W Mn* •***«hw* v< t** K?oqi. UH , and.and* twi 耳Ri«iy Sdw 刃i <ri C5uw vim^ ar tws Jrts F KmnMls 业U Si Crf^vinnwil. U. tr ww i9b »»k ** MT |I - BtavrM «hdvnb vwi wi haw 側 romdom * H F !h««.VMMMI .'Mt MKl 辰 HiKtafMi iiir <H1T H *I J 2 I H I 上 R K I AI rwhM. A«M«V- Vrii 倍・.Whh^il -i ■ flk Mid ■剖 AiUMI lw*. tout hnad^ I M HK * ■ L I hn ewtiy viywyi, ■ I Mv *日■ g 0JoM Mot ewr^cne aouM agrw " e <mout^ but ■■ IH 穴…Bl 胚MM" to ba(51 9UX1K»IIto ✓etoVMK5 SO W f I dOMam Yt, <« Mte^vr pv ® —n io ■・ E X “ to B;IT» 9M » 0 wv*v*a 00 out RE do ・r»E)you car It 0 w**ma •* . ycu eom and 嶄8y al pc ite my bond ow here, you can aw do mt1. WY M does Ashtov . Msngon kr her zordiAabey ntoHwelm tor 2 reeee 心papets ” •e mm «*lt X2 Ian M B Aaht^ Mlhe l«lb«PAattfey uwt (he kUVMt (1) XM ✓* (2> JML ✓term3. Wto UBM T* Imofnee to cfioct n«r cWu*>〜溯✓*• IM Wvmi to 6KA 也ux*»4 W»wl dow Jcim mo^ uw Itw Wanw< BMn ra»y LCM the Irmnwt to« frWLfltfpem X '「5 5 . M fWS«Ml «*4T! Of fMByTDS. Whnw John do EO・ of M urwwnrfywovt*>Join doos «IME of hM awocfrb MXt in ffahartt ✓Next >□■< It «at is a fund to *^c>o n*cNews report > 1Me* *<xd»O<負imjooo BtW.000o >M.a»XJW Witch Part 2of tM v3o clip and compete tfw answersOone 冊INs a^Mty Tme sutntted. 2O1W3-MDo i n«w5> report >nd c hom. th« d4rsw»r Io th* qursWns you ho«rDore wtr- tha 血脚Tire sUsrrrited. 20lM<i j Da 16.3fl iSurxlary^Z FKXTV imU S^w- s inMr for tier irnt^gr am■3C£<k』LA 5** i ・》<加■申豪Ungy帀B *a*f q皿fw ^qw^uaMitC WHIN U^*0 3nt In to inti4 ptchnn irf rw Ita «« V« USLB Aafns V-^HH mw noa^rani kiDwfin ihan U M hu mna冥,1C. S^e- WMi'ns In pipw^TO? n'cra- CarntrafgH > dini je dflur?&S*H M^ili -to nwa tMc^.LKt»n I D Pafi-uga 1 and ctiKk th* con»t aMvuvrs in tlw tabl*thisadrvriy 1 VTE sutmTHed-抽!Ig 1 ZfM iA-tkvy|-BQCTfit V14411 Who «■ 9ii«y honaiich^✓2 Who HFkiEi tab« J lK&jr«"3#3 *<i B •电.rtK i Knflwui probta"?5 MHrw ku lU *A Wfro X E MH tBneh*Passage-2QUNHflrl* i *Mu i hfu raou fUEiDri & f?』 3 UAwi ■伽friM «P・"i R«HJ如linp r^wwl屮Hl•會*严a4 WdS rws h*Mt Tu woond stMKiw ID dteI NHH ViwJi?』i Was W5 tw Iwtl 5{Mdliir i 邱也如n tv Fkfi rtigrrilTp1i" A Wy ft Hw 恤Zfr MiMriur taqftg hltiM mF# T Mhiii M Vv tpvtiiir 4onii I D ncrawhw-tunoea,"?』•帼WHNwi*年ntumnwM anf^ apv#»rFC. fc£d uinvamv rad^ SHUXIJh.拿ht A Hit ual^MlVH, HtVWTI lwi« ■ ChBfQnifl 如■ nwn|h內S»w Mil do *n4G ZmMhBh^ pmy»H3d・LD. Hw- F MI Baton * pwUM 也-M-i walw.F. Work ■ Vw HT I V M H rniKn mart,Passage21pn feualEi^■■■¥■* A| Mrtr|K D U * I孑% n llw b$ unlwpItK IsZk?# 4L Whgl k*M • P M M网5 UWI HI Ewrwut iFimuHcm•空Zu tUk«7K«yt:D ■*? 5=fli — idr (En^ lap in 叭nanUng d Vx warkfi. bml ■nMnikn.E. Tripji m iMj ST?vvy bwJ如bwlkfnga-@. Ovkxd jndl Erwtrti^hanv irmLcfid gwt WH啦hetflHi w tK«mCanlrtgci I UK pniducH! enf pH KH I H I CPassage22gr沖1 rwr LandenJ QO J old3 maMMin 1JW*塑亠尸、3.1 uAjyui.gpwHri'4*HnMliF wcrid'tmKUB- detHfcng sno^tift BTM听Chfr FwW *9 UUDI *flD. rd B&ui R JX*J Passage23C raw wtnaiiw0 hr Qriw2 OamkUQA ■Uni#&irp »M fcuittfed »A rwut & a•吗HM bM・wt・ Ch#wil tlhlWFSIy tachw?.B gw・(Jhvwiih MwdsNi ・nJ taew»右£M«ri Unmlv ■bfJvdiUni t1testSection c Unclerslaindifig 1 pz»ag«• l&aL M I T I时¥曲・hUi J fatt曲耳辑.¥MJI H* F冲uii・ri 0 llrfMA U3-呂1.0£0#业申CUL¥ OhCE. Tht q.古峠I ・di tM ldlfcTW*dl bf 力quwlKm Lsten KMrrMhr a<id E X OM H W QtH miwi Irnw V K R MF C A O I CH- |>nn>.■ A,lb iriijprkTH oitwribIQA V9LH1PT 也gmg Mirer E< As^iKtanL titudytig □□ Rural sljeiesA iJP* 詡*Sp 吟虫11i»cecwi □ Undcf^Ufidttiig g HWM% rifurtO'-- Q O e ■ F if ・•■ ■ ■创<!・JTIkM o SectKffl D: Under5tafKl4<ig i news rtfwrtIII Av SJK K M ifiMil hr*1« "em rtfw»«V»wi! rpqaH te Weni tn Ifre rwwWfl O*iL* C9HCK. J rwws- npcirt >■ Mbwd 刖 3 ■MfefroM Laton wwf F ni <zhoDM! Ii«bill h<orw V Mteu> iAciik*i- QMn>.4. H H tin l» Klwd h 1*w U FI M KjngatoirU Th* &mw*ine«g M oNftoii tf-A rivw htlhil*C II 冲^Aiv1 *1^樟暂呻tU| 9V A$1加I*叶0 II Ml i»^d IfrihfW wM ih IMA J414< Ta *Wid and iTOEOte 他djiv d ITJ mars 丸E:B Td> MMdli 2 feri IWliift lifN% iKa ■中uL・*“MpQ To-i^ltr -oiMfllE oHuruiiMc Ice pwKaii ■・[*iwc*■ Th■- FKiJtp b Li* Ail^dH* 雷4 rnpolWMjH E H ^un^Mj few.□ INwii LlFvnH <aita lorghDiHi mrttai sn huFnA maUnit2iiwords• (ZflD1 he «M youn^KJ Ms oere lobe・vEat«<✓2 EOandIQaav*<xvMr*✓3 tOoinee txw< n^orkHFwtlO✓4 nwiMM trwpcMVf can t»fnaMkredNMtaMn arourdlor a✓tOHlMtrnglo✓0 EQ to MXM too yourmtopeopWMM ho«^Cp^r-Qkeyou iMi✓1 Gtrnr^^arg^ peo(Ma«M•nporUrt tw» twnQ«*tvm»)r rMgortf76 ThM«・2Mr次 Q • S□ne wtn tri* 4 1931 t■✓Outside view >✓•.一Answerk 0〉f JP«q>W t»w^ s • UM.CMtw\ «twN I thK rMfl^ ■ E d<tar«nc«O *MtO. I moan, you can a tram®c" md twr wH »at mnt Zp 4». but 4 you jutf oantHI ✓Nm<youM«emlcmnrMtoatfh hm I you knot not rwl^r vutISIJMU 丁2. So I 9u«m «v Wi—■ ■ ol mportanc* 6 on hMX) ^rut (1)KlMXM ✓Bu: War I movod t>F M 8WM. I Mml how o atAocdta anth peocn. M MonQ2. Sc. I a** " • M of mportunc* cn ei・k>«HD».6 tw<^g 9rwf (U tQioww ✓M 2 I to r«9Utok I iMmi ho* oMtoodfa "th PM0B. M along E l» M M wM EO ⑵OKH ■ “ ycuhAO*. Elston^, omg Mca If. &ssKaly ho* RJ |3)X —PM* ✓ .ho» you irate(*««• tnl. end hw ■•甲・w^aM . W I ■*•••vvonanl. M t M«mlMlln»oUttomworMWy toM erf «lr«M on *M«(4) .Kmcr* 丿b«e* n r« day* 21 •aU 9^9t\ fou knew now IMfIrernef aM pecM K comnMKtflnQ (S| s f" *^r< “ . Faar” a1 3v, a M pen ol vw, n grwn, ■ litwn^ i gw rm taMg a lot ngr<no* ouKyou w q f ・mg wet ■h peo0e >DU阳一o (1) Mteg torw^ . io p«t J ■ ITMM< mavte Z you* moJh tv • RW M B Mid teten .cthm, aM IhtR |0v em (21 tnmund 1M fiBfnjMaie ✓•• then* .a b«t«« ««F S>. p«< erf CO. I VarK . tafi»rv^)- Mvmg t> cttHV- and il can X nxv ifrpcrtBrrt Ifwi IQAnswerOutside view >Watch video clip agam and comptett th* semenc^s冊INs a^Mty Tme summed 201M5O4 19 35 (Rl«K •• t—xrw ir»« (hr fw wvtf tQ CD ca^a UP“ . you tow.(D■> io.、'•pp 厂4«4・4 000( loothng✓5 mrgate✓e hwM> reWui✓r hot✓✓• P*«»M.quw<✓10✓11 pum Wsh✓(2.7✓13 MWKFthy✓14 iCOMl haco)✓巧Rtw.hom✓16即5✓■i. <K1- 卜3如3w/mg N A U E W片怦巒理冲El«| 14 faiiod «n 岂PH gJH MOUf 3—p B^』射咖世»q f 旳巳砂iA^A put (mra^jm. fe.M{t UAMM g4_wsw ・w r ?nm TTJAJWI QWQH V細h 囲|r HTWd T79UOH W)fCUJ IHW £tnapri I«MJ ・HHU四lAttteu d ■* 州• I H* n 4^nri «J WJBWU vnw* HUIXK^■Oj fur AlMtij -MS D|. u«M puMiflt ApKiwd fiM 9UA« vvui斗b)d」.3dcud gp CMM帀&如'Mucnnu 4ui* ymopa ejodE7H« W4i ita* M*K>*i uJGMi -Urt*op*ri Hniw1 «mu UflMd ^k«v |IMM T£WUOLMNPPgE4fdom W ■沖£:』«|i¥*ww Hffmd fi ^r«i jiMA tLCHHL UJE ¥K4j>n MKXKl何«<4H4i sfitHji fttufe. Irrnfluva uiw| ieii H84>|_P J D IFLJiJt OQPHD MF 9M* «0U0d rG*q ZD M£vJfU UOUWOP«0UM r«* w*r *wr "ss* n*wrt £护口也憾|匸|是期E创tkH ^dotid !>«#■ r. IKV MOM i 严lAw. j- |.f-6L H>5C-9;(JZ paUILdqnfi 翻11丄初阿歯*闻切卑>M«XZI5L^BMS4J F HU. UUM 9-U)MJ5«lt> 科4|3iFLM PUF UlBifC £ lOmiVd 且I< J dBess«d■电叫—*3m宁凹w* O B U PA wifWM^ that Z H昨EIM入oenru^ thdt eperaoes mr7® and iwiHEng pods-.& th* HIMilHSu9hW np *<yw> s p*a^a"K atnupUntEwtfflw iWKia ta e fa Uw tp/mta >£■.• twafehftocten; *iaw H M &wt wbton« g c*^y p»rt*TmD. UHdersufldufig i HE从repert■ fci ■■■■■ Y&tf, Biw d Uplift F**in.rtiW tft fcHMrlo tfW mcmni—O WL F OhCife. Tha mw raped ■ fate—d*・•*«揪STUnit3Outside view 3Lt¥t»n t<] a n«w rvfKwtand 宅hew 罚・負imvwrlfii thfl! qu«ti#n« you M ATbone wth Itie adMty. Time MMwOed. 201fr4M-CO2Z3& fMon轲:YtiurMxrt icmB hftn muhi MIW;i*aA*uidfid ・h toM& hArt 沽4M I wih£ Fw tfbMn 血丫BK4Hd 叭屯ItBra* taw-gD Mm (F^hcwttf ^nwn prin m Mr taun >rw.A Ife^t ■ {Moornngi i 清唧■pprlinE M iiW*ng A H IA I M.E wotks miw run fnaaion# n naainq ETUTW<] pnxMV^D IT fi» devil ■» fGQB <ariK0fii voti wli hJta im IsMW-tMuk p«ittrriiof Uh*^^owigE MM师p« alh*H(1) .«KW #true <I D(Y ikfiofl<?) attiKrtav tZlocnofi the SUa mKMni34i m fl* PWran JWnffUM ehHii^teii4»> 整wn «J 事《5drji^lk! turMgpAlnt ampmCl] feu # bwu w *fiBirriN* vlyl*□ullT^ihvniS^ 耐w加j 1/ I D tivte d Ifwdmb tai Passage-2曙3|0鼻艸・u* A W N now" IRH事vI 沖皿I I S&JO* »fiN I ■ VSJW^L 4JCOC IPQA.gny:号J 挺川贺-frCHHW pa«iuqm BUI j AlAipetLfl 屮跆・u叱Si v lkjiu*4.5*| jo «dA| IBIIHK H»Q|3 pue e *C岭冈u«iw]tQffA Uifli QumFlUwSV R 4tlQu ■*!}“MUHDi UKM| uAU "ft MfrtUI 1 MQfftefS Qj MtlUijg * ^pautuux^ ・| 话Ml^lUU th HW <MVHin> 列 .irq MMUF4MJ *<^1M0P waul . « tKi flExuLim jfi ik£ufl|^ 41H Wi, MjMMduS ■期吟副mT if 甲袒i杯呻尹"*「声吨4WU¥ UHAAMri Mfl <Lj Fwa ^aiq QMfddins- puE «0ood .p sm faunbflu pm F«u-£pd:钿皿EJ □gge6essedI < 2 *0«s«dMHUH bl 删■ill!立出p泊晒i禺謝IMTdy iLk# ] •2 UV^I! gtabT dQM du Ef^KLh』udtfWCT? G Thty wlu* sMf w«4*F"w呻G#mw.六* 3 Whtil Jfw Ei^igh Imm Iw*1* APB wwing H M R|Nr*» Thn ■ ■ pfe» bt tw D i^fTWTW^Idia^f |* n> flQwiturqi Egfehfl * G PTVMF V^ 0 E H tfKmg& Wfrfl ■ #il riilJ pvftDn ku hMCJl V M tMfA. 4 KA|>k£快GAfTTWl “M鼻8呻I W I NI V M mnw*fl WOTfl■仙SPB“ D. AiMn StwFur fw gmilf. Hew Car 1 血Tw m0ii dm tM scar* 17 E. H D sccroa 1 dH«! two En_AK" pliv-Unit3 testfl D U P pn bn I ripOfSectKW □: UnderstavidiRg i news r»mrt■■* BMlee r°" ■ trt-riH J ym t>«|»fL Y*u JFA r•孑・I■曲la iMbtfi id tht 皿匚勧idw甲-DM_Y ONCL. B M rtfrfMl m 1(xlnM»d■ 3 LHlffll ri^d «hODM> ffl« ■<llrW hlFH> UW *U« lAokM-严12.A tl if4^4^TW ClwwVQ bwiiBCiHi MjpmdHK Vm Ung !*■&■ IMFWMlAng 邛rmrudvid wifi Bi停IM E U削my fw N息* 材~弓上雷阳吧A. In Jaruw>'-Be hu*cRIIIUnit 4■K E *■ a P [jkii! 4 ¥11B ■ r-i.rr~i:iOutside view * 1•M VR^-Q I m wit be UM Iv eanKn MW H !«Ma Mn wH «■ ijaHufBdTmnM MWI * DIMW vtugWM rSffl# WnGn*A H M N*H BI KWIM rnvft碎Mgnpww I* TVC. Pisopta- ara EM nKfAd P helping 杞brne^D 曲・*4» ■ ri Muh 幻*^ ttki rg«ajrq nwtlfm ftom prwxi.*A Sadi m«n nudMKl tur-dflhfenAC. i&tfh nwn ■BTfDHifir Emwx^j ® g ETW Fwy flidnl 阿]・d. C* Bull mn■«*^HHI<Ar<M • p aamt "»w «M MK» K lbw CMMkDn wffl 3(7k r Jlth EiHkT %1-auD4-rH» J 7: Monday0 l^e hov tw IranMi x> brir ans vtcp fww £ H* anf*pfEMd^s Ih* I WH bu»glV}P Ha 4 Ail Hi« gft*iLfteb七■mily Eiyifwi-A mb* iJua^v:hvdfc «3> hofflM mil 血rf| luw* an jkvm 甸1・<」蚪TM> *i•序br* E D hornw iw tw pf 事"C IPwp u^uAh M£・d homu EU: ham 丄wouilv 町I I BHIPassaged1 Thaii nJiapi IN H! I J K T K I rum■皓EaiT »M3url!| ntar rup- Mill ha—'J AM■申:■^*rfcw la vvw pw: h*ax Imrfli f Qang ta Bal* nfJ 加ZTMinQi < h* 昨押fVud 点5屯>1 MX ir^tW E-.WO Ari I'A UkAA H.i Uta ^uf M A H HH^HQ tftbvn J ^licni bUfli — Ihvf ft-nrifad hrh vMii IM wtt 4hl Urftahg tif T H■3 The E0 -wdgErft P ug. oui w■讪sure 唏tm gurirya1创Passage21Done Allh 1>也Time* Mbmitted. 19 2>55 Einday:V DK BCUB 100%• ■PassagedUnit 4 testczaiI New words✓tOVBtMTf zA. A t*qjr«vT»e ttf! M»rwBtoaBBfiWitch Part 2of (M video clip and compim the sentencesDone g tNs MMy Tme sutmned 201M5O4 2012 (Rd®刃Voo^v^r. For gpte M>* Io aaf an IOQUTO•wwy⑴ tfraAiIrwMKn ✓Women: OK 0?外Q Qm®n B ©n* f G© uM^g Eat movttJoe ^w»y WOrifr7 g e. not AvflyMown. Joa. a know r» my Ui ・>wo nm X mM r ・M> IWMI<•co niM nwMM flByhlWi rm p« ooma gn wm* ccMwJoe* i EY ・e vnichra twl tend ol movr Pt» I OWt 師JSa*Ro6Mt& I H«h hMa thM tno«wVo«ce<ver J M Zsec htf tfml a baucfbtfl ga^ on Uxnorrue nigMHe aartibMkh<Mends ww toMfth tVtewtf ). I MM M m*cVkewM 1.OK Mxv 4bcM Z MMSVktwM ). Than OK But r* Men t(4> toommrUiMi “VtewM2. YMh M tooVteww 2. YMh >oJre ntftViewer 1: Hey. XJW aboui WQOO U andget K»ne poza?Viewer 3: Trafl a good dea Turn that of.Mum* i 01 you to Um r N CMT fm gng to tirn fl o<Wom»n: Oh.杓over I fjgt Z El ^XMe* Th®»u Hx (•l槽X W V S <•not)«ir te¥0M»taJg Ti OK » loim<W»— 5 f Ktg E 财> ow l>IQ Tw 9»vw ✓Woman: CH. «ur» lew I «nl be ATV*V* rommotr? rm 0ong to vMn>v MvJoe: On ywrv ThM» 5Voiceover The buwww rwei. »wn» to haw VMd H M f8l WM>✓・■ prtgrwmw that »wn t>stooo And Fuf* ail lor cn^ht teas/ B< iax« 1o Lne n tomonwrVtowM 2: Na he etM«r Men M Macn»«•A csW« Wwf cvttoHm to owhour of pUytwwC. Mar^ calto ony Liropear sttateg/ girvesD stto MX charge ・i I EUIW I MA The* donl IM ^a/ng Q»nM >n Mr own hornB The> 3 me fcod ana dims that M« urved xC. ・0 0QVT1^^8“? (MJy® y tt>5®rC®^BSTha pccuterty of Z MUM INews report >Done ”6 tns ided 201MMM 19 48 (RWay)A nmcsy 和IMW E MI V IU I•MtHw6 Tctet rw^tn M« ticto* tor tv prw»C Ron ^iA(nowAM OCMBI HmaonMMM M T* vh1 M'D-CLJXin IXZI1 TM¥盘舛如Fl 7 3 JTtai fJymgi fla^vra 勺* * aw npK1 bMllmn'i WHP S fflBtarr ■MHfl 3 < 6 ifti W- ftp jSptf IwrlW"Z1 / T■VHW23 “The AOf^kinA. H* <HX事['I |>nd 隆*1 rfB H« is sci™**i^ borod wtti <C Hf n ingWIy 仕解"i HA FnjtfidC S MUM A I I0 Inchiilmii亀葩Ehq 爾谪a 4»Eg■ I4W1«4 up BO««口口□叭町和twig kui in-iia dw^j:B ¥<uifi wip* AH I•柿nmi 血硝HfHha 甲C '任pAapiA An uruvMfMAUi I M■vie afur< 凸^LM>^ pmifd* ara taiaraJad! iwttii wtrU aHwrv{空}Unit 6■1 r剧理=1J mtnB IhKauw heEF^WEUitwirgiOTYflHo. t Dwm h« ■« T klHMfl *M 1VN* Zrt WfwSMtJOfl □: UnderEtafi^ifig d news report■“r j・F Q H I hut « Mm ・・呻*1_ T MJ jr* K^uarid la khten io th*-『■匚右1序网-ONLY ONCE. Tlu imn r»fi<w1 r* fol«iM»d靳3 別•■■DHI L H I PII unhdlp1 »nd «haM« lw bill ■IHHH tn l*ui dwlui-A Ha -luKi found Pw»maC A IttuM certoM by A canlrM cun^Jat0. A tlMlM w<iojt • oc«n>UB^4 WV«il VM! wa»y H>OM n« wnwl home“ KU 沁JJB. AcorcxmrC A bjrg^rO. AW<vv««wKro9QrirQ<5 如v O" yoop =0"・》・*wir cow^Jtr M a ratted frwntf?A 11 (Mr centB H RT otm負1. rwertd thenleo dp,UMC. The M» of corpuiors r» Ti>nMm0. Ow ge of ” erg tecR2. W\rt pmcBHe al hMm In — N H« A COM^UB P1 WMt« a tnan ewxm>A A hXN0 W<« • OOfTpUtefA Thipopd^t^ax^pklwBB fe^r oof*C. 44 centr—h>.負■♦・Done 加(Ns a^Mty nne sutrrNM 201&O5O41959score 100%N^w wrvH<m a very «rponant x cf mow (Il JiMh a ■ “ ■dM«n ・y no po*c«ana h sdB. But «hey 9n beccmng wenpottart ⑵ECM hO«W 丿• ■ Tt»y1l MO corM am 怙• ■•**•»! WW ■ (J) (ORVMHf-90^9M ✓houm The »TWI howt »MM a rwi pocsOity If ■(4 | Ow IxncetiM. w a b^rgtar Mm■ME x UghH rMtfv tef you to ocm home Md of OCMM«btoto($) new raVudom ✓stw compeer ho* your fnoMe phone So f your ptan. cf»mgnKnw VM! (6) jMCtMUMt^L J nomMhn««|oliotoafl<how X EMde (7| TYE ti—mat ✓tocMte . vwy•wm. »o |XM/1 tXi■ Ou*ml fltwfvw* ywWarr. II rhe TpfrWue ft) WE? ^4H9H ✓ . «he VHB Hhome ■ F*aveta inwd* Tha coeipunfMl iho dote f« MMa II 9m ■ to Hop ■ rwdi (91 jtfi from Earn 7 ■roan AM■ /OU WM to Mt wfwn you gat kMe, m» cc*n^ular ■<10) Um fw 90 ✓far »W/f)8 T>w»hm^ • pood vyw/* n dartvww C Dw* M net (Mkxll )0 LB.0 !>»•> oan »<tNhv«j 0 Wvm re# bofy次 Q 5 • I讪Tfl* -News report > 1NoIgM0 TMy«en1 MliMtvtMKi〔New MX切A RmaiKtWB rrMM«d he tWnaD «nd wM “ oocAroectmIS印91!un严[皿uav3dflig|jy 3^呼讯•网*■祕轉静報辑剔祖||t rr«W 件如出檸耳整! 1尸dad fipati srikifi 40 lufijb 4M>- P unrwduh] IEJUMH^ jonpE -aqi ICM P«IJ44! uqdit rairf op MD_ - aww| E»W啊*i m pb >i#in vwwwq 叭I.FVM dpNE rs ■£卢认Fiun *1 !■・4I 理冋¥XK| do WpKJ [fcg J3 tpjOMJ 2£4J «m t z li^lu <|t 員M dMi wUnqi * tfvuj faMvw jd Mhft t IWM卑Hh> £/*Ehttit^o^u fuaqEuguP amn inq fiCuij VUKWIU wm I OuWn vuauj z严■单trd.gii1酎期阿华AJB«U, p4ujofi - fkin ineaqu 口Kj ■屮鼻w | Kiteq■o 卿I ajcra ricUi,0 ■ClVI**- iUVudp'H^l-UI' dill *AJ|.¥K>i|->Ji^iL ijUnit 7 Outside view > 1Walxh ttit vKfeH flip >gasn ind* eofiipMt lti« urM:«ne*s1. WeW hn now «1 fw AuFTriBn 伙・Mvnm4 Dt t» Art E hfl I:”"HT FI OA*2. rtaihl |1;-惘rr哺耐• /fwnLeil wn i即tnis< * .J. Fia ia E 甲B»口『J u^iiiM' arhiM ktam脚 d ml hnown ■M ■剧Ihm 血9码■*«!Ml MFIHlft! # h/i««ra■祁CD 饶刑血*4 ThrtHaR 4* ii IM 吐厅yi*;4« liuF *他bw«臼■■p irWfMiMMiUCin 鼎E H■剛IfBW 0 GW 円耳h・hFi> MrjQEmoi& ttwf -truglhi' an ttw l^mnci HfarH '曲匕r and n^nnr [i |0«11>0|5 d won An Ihtf tuw happml|』| tflii *& ■ rHfifii 111iZ M QI^ |we s*o■MHG aataM * n * e•屈i 比朴mfr h Uuon wm A kMdf ^uuirmOutside view > 3* I SlfWWWi Wn Ji Pwft如匹如.9urmm^racusoii*旷WplM 删邛4AV IM rd»W4 4l WM WbrI, ww to ” mawita*»d H 财・r・i4 B**SAr rj^hAAd rwdj*dc of wq*£« gdimHi jnd oritaML』I MtMto Tw Hri M htamarv * ih» 1bn« cf PitUrAm^Mohf# 3 AH&HC Dwy it ■ P1M; H曲■! ik*mOboe iMlh <Ns Errc xjibr-rHfld 沁勺口14~£占Q 04 | Monday|^tjy B^QTB 100%15>STWEiBIX>・□6ity Tlfi J18-O44S23 (M■ A TM Mnette the FoOA'tl Gl 841 dtart8 The «M*K MW Mlerf rrtenra m««< m US irrwwim0 H»e US MTwarvlm <4v to aMSvtA MAtoM YVMtfw «rtv ««I Utrwa MuOma*0 8M>wt «<h trot«m«A «MAn0 to M B1 Whri dm Ehorjig way jfcnjl VUrwn»4i ■ 耐"^書k wn-«<T 曲iff呵7l杓曲祁*W?llv:u-j^il ywwH !flis3|ngi ^rvl nJ碑i*j«d Stm Lj-ibH—rg *生m^:世M M ±K H F U WAAF?3IW Krtwf an ■ llijiiftp lh« QqrnMn4. WhiL ■>« Dorl-s uy W K期1 Pw of Krtjng in tha WAAF?Th*y w* ■■阿・ifi i* 伙wi| tom*』9- *ntaj 如° g. w Hw pilB* 他EUdi am ■ *• W"W 呻的廿』« mudie «H MW! AMU IWH. VW 4 flMUtR 函剛”忖处帕3C- D YAH L AD Ej<^*rdrvAn< Il mM> M M I F Amnan hMi 'b hm M>wi ・tora 197SH WKTI:an optar tor ftrnran lanjn !□ lu理i'flfcwn M U'D 1B750 II wi-t >g«4 Mi ^HtfWi irav K i»rt Vtvitwrti W» 19?5 區曲叫Iw IM 4±l 冲B 卜祜lit hus twi ioo coriKNiBraaiU hi* u«0 II ■割旳10 -MwwUnit7 test・■ Vw MI^WH finni hw 9 thirl1 f-enn jFMatww Y M■* 曲〜*・沖w I MMU he 1h» mttMlnf ONLY OW ・M oflwiMilic-<wm*i4lMn g■ iVJeilK^ wil be Htoaid AtXMri wtial hM- bten KMd Ltsten cairrlui^ and choone Hit belt jniwrf fr«n the- row岂F rq# |Qi匚FXi«P争讯・*U klv- Ih hn Ewn ta ftB II • rwnfl.Section D. UniSerstandmg « news report・—BMd>oavo<・ ht ・[■MEpoaJjrt tofcUHitothert<o (XOWUYOC^.TWiww>fpo<tmfokMwd✓Sectxxi C; Understanding a passa9e!2Unit 8z pn-haa Irijk□: Undcrslanding i news rspcrtfHWl l*pon r* -To4iiJM4iA 戌H IWRWWd E WWrmpB 咅wU E* n .衿昇e ^ngrj仃* 匚A IrinM oUl Mppvwi *1Adwndh on BdAr owtig13.JL B* BUM an E JU J V uU^ratpv^ parxdv ■■ Md m 9-M port. B Mriu#rwr m BW* n^jr* 101* P** L B#n t JI ■wiiKrui tah^ilinl> i' w •Outside view >Wateh Hit vKfeHi flip and cofi^pMt th« iMtfile.Desie vAlh Bill acO呻r■晦tubt^rlM 2JD1B-CM-19 2Q 57 |Pu*day?Faclilte期9 rail沪majitaiiij ■ FMiaR IlnlM-M^nral97 43 25 lRiAiiiin£a'.1?1D30hkmAf E PM0& 峑Hag dJ啲PKP*RilWtnft-pwpt■-LftnjBn 0 -davlp |HrPeirencf ■iMIT-jOS Cf pn^K; N CumMTirtnnWiikiijJll0 prn«pr± n E i^nr*Brir uocnimin^RjiFhiariiCBacmvuityat m Ma jrv ChiirxuwJwrture-I'lw artrtori UMri itw wfcdHlewi n nonglo b JU1« ma*A, dnirari t>pn E bfkfaG Mwvri nalwwfliO. a wv WTIQ I A pari cf I M WF Ui w i* llw lb ■»*电MWwiiri WFl rn !pnM ZOutside view > 2B D * tl «■pn bm I ripiL vHJ >U N^ M |UQ| Epfddlia FWMF GUtaJ 和tVf hfea T in Thi prafKl* f** 剧iritmC ■ MI艸 E rh・nhwnwi fif CMU m HUgg■. E local Boonorr*■C hid su4w*«l Uu4Outside view > 3。


Exercise 7
1 The thing about
2 It’s amazing
3 Let me see
4 Anyway where was I
5 You were telling me about
6That’s fascinating
3 It is important, because their choices of subject are likely to have an impact on their future
4 He wants to work in IT.
5 Not at all. (In Britain each university has a different mixture of courses; some courses can only
New Standard College English(Book 3)
Unit 1
Inside View
Conversation 1
Exercise 1
1 Janet is a Chinese student in England.
2 She studies at the University of Oxford.
2 Because he was lying on the floor screaming and screaming.
3 Because she wanted to go home and she couldn’t get her coat on.
4 Because they used to fight (but actually, they’re just having fun).



青蛙大学出版社Hang on leaveout the deal wear ads Sounds good work out appear Cool In fact picture So for so good comes up like that what else all sdited accepting a blibein a show myage get to went away meet up together sort of like hung out hate talking back and forth keep this friendship going a long way awayUnit2get iced teaComing right up a little get hold of told used to stopped Too bad brother works outI ’d rather complicated acting catch up acting tip likewisemajor falling out awkward kind of mean complaining to sort of hyper weird with ruining so bad conflicts right in the middle quit pretty much coming back toUnit312/19 by the way real stage an agent As a matter of fact incredible surprised do seem film director wait adore celebration celebrating Nothing really ever eaten ateexciting the right places exciting the right places booked perfect people-watching impressed plan aheadhand-made funniest usually do cut around the edges favorite a bunch of cut out creativity no limitsUnit4shoe companyserious quite serious I ’ve got must be talking to find out celebrate booked Great work plece of cake reservation was planning being understanding anything slse a lot two hourshave got to go by in between you scheduce good for really good otherwise ever good for closeby quite a bit coming out单元测试一1. Talia has proof the tape was edited .is too involved in the story2. 1.offer sympathy about a 2.to give options for the3.Find out what happened3. 1.she says he is very good 2.Talia needs time to get there4. 1.she believes… 2.it is… 3.famous…5. 1.nick tells… 2 .Nick mentions… 3 .nick talks…6. 1.at school 2.too class7. 1.he find s it intersting 2.it will take place in a park8. 1.army tells… 2 talia… 3 army asks…Vocabulary1 1.beef up 2.Fancy 3.struck 4.charmed 5.out of line 6.ads2 1.attractive 2.sane3 1. down the line 2. lay it on the line 3.smart cookie 4.piece of cake4 1.agent 2.stunt personGrammar1 to ask can’t you much is completed2 have been working have decided3 must yourself4 a little are going to going5 1.me to visit 2.hasn’t she 3.eat6 must have can each other7 if we can get where the restaurant is excited Pronunciation1 might have was2/v/ nonu compound2. IS THERE I was PLANING3 and an4 question statement56he was TKICKED no,it just SOUNDSthat way1 1.what’s your impression 2.It’s fabulous 3.what do you like2 1.It’s benn nice 2.It’s fabulous 3.what do you likeUnit5as I was saying feelingas soon as conversation plant their table Brilliant researcher _ table watch for plant the mikecough or something warn Hurry up clos thee menu order _ really hungry Neither am I here comeswonderful award even though deserve earned audience Teacher of the Year sounds sort of appreciate throughout the years an honor to be chosen honestly support of principal superintendent grateful opportunity bestowed on meUnit6Calm down worried get into phony tape posed as Big deal superb get suspended actress Speaking of which introduce film director a star patient ridiculous quit the business my big break at all tricked stand forreally curious opin ion cloning kind of crimpy science fiction personality something like that clone organs genetic material getting completely out of hand nature versus nurture debate upbringing grieving government control draw the lineUnit7。



视听说第册答案SANY标准化小组 #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#Unit 1Lesson A1Vocabulary LinkB a——8 b----2 C----1 d----4 e----1、4、5 f-----6、7、8、9 g-----1、3、6、7h----1、4、52 ListeningActivity 1 A report about GreenlandA1、 Her paper is about Greenland’s and trees.2、His knowledge of geography is not very good. He doesn’t knowwhich country Greenland belongs to.3、The first settlers of Greenland gave it the name to attract others.B 1、F 2、T 3、F 4、T 5、T 6、F 7、TActivity 2 A flying disasterA1 “The Titanic of the sky”2 zeppelin3 40 passengers and crew4 Germany5 the US6 two and a half7 it was landing8 35 correct picture 2B1、2、5、7Activity 3ACorrect picture 2B1---k 2---j 3----k、j 4---j 5---kC1 Jack seems to want a bigger car more than Kayla.2 Jack suggests they get more information about several kinds of cars.Activity 41 very famous buildings2 made of glass, steel, and concrete3 designed4 style5 19986 452 meters high7 modern and the traditional sideB1 world-famous museum Paris 500 six million2 ancient capital big enough millions of shopping centerCLouvre Museum Kyoto, Japan 1989 Hiroshi Hara to copewith the millions of visitors brings new life into the city center an ugly, modern mistakeActivity 5A1 It means building underground.2 First, there is plenty of space underground. Second, with new technology, building costs are not as high as in the past. Third,it’s safer than building skyscrapers.B2、4、6、73 PronunciationBa 2 narrow harborb 3 long, sunny beach c4 busy vacation d1high cliffs4 Speaking & CommunicationActivity 1A1 We worked as volunteers2 What’s it like3 It was kind of hard4 We actually saw bears5 That does sound exciting6 It’s special program forinternational studentsActivity 2A1 c2 b 3b 4 c 5 b 6 a 7 c 8 a 9 bLesson BPart 11 Before You WatchA2 Mount Fuji3 glaciers4 Niagara FallsB1---b 2---c 3---a 4---d2 While You WatchA1~5 T F T F TMan-made structures1 Before You WatchA2 lift3 Golden Gate Bridge4 crane5 Great Wall of ChinaB1 concrete2 impressive3 advancement2 While You WatchA1 thousands2 by car 3unimpressedB1 The most impressive man-made wonder2 it stretches3 like cranes and lift4 I had a chance to drive across5 What an amazing feat of engineering6 it’s just a wonderful chance to see the cityPart 21 PreviewB1~5 b c b c cC1 skyscrapers2 Eiffel Tower3 parking garage4 Empire State Building5 caveD1—I 2---b 3---d 4—c 5---a 6---I 7---e 8---f 9---h 10---g2 While You WatchE1 architectural structures2 make it big3 performers4 spot5 feats6 fancy7 incredible8 engineering9 popped up 10 Overcrowding2 While You WatchA1—g 2---e 3---c 4---a 5---d 6---f 7---h 8----bB1 impressed2 underground3 disagrees4 feats of engineering5 first6 hotel7 doesn’t think8 amusedC1 Man2 Something being build3 goes up4 you never know what’s going to be around next week5 but on the other hand6 building down more7 underground instead of aboveground8 that’s too much like living in a cave 9 True 10 built right here 11 That’s right 12 all these buildings popped up 13 when it’s finished 14 I’ll bet 15 what do you think it’s going to look like 16 you know whatD1 He wanted to use the two architectural structures as examples of famous buildings.2 He thought it cool to have pictures of a famous place before anything was built there. He was convinced that the place would become famous in the future.3 He said it because he thought Takeshi was behaving oddly.ETakeshi initially thought a famous hotel would be build on the site, but he later discovered it would be a parking garage. He was embarrassed, but he laughed at his error and said that some rich and famous people might eventually park there.3 After You WatchA1 true2 Man3 You know what4 You are too muchB1 walked by a construction site2 how much he admired the skyscrapers 3started taking pictures of the site 4 something famous might be there someday 5 the rich and famous would stay6 with picture of it7 Takeshi felt very embarrassed8 and Takeshi learned it was to be a parking garageUnit 21 Vocabulary LinkB1 window2 address3 hardware4 mouse5 menu6 icon7 surfing8 crashed9 crashed 10 mouse 11 surfing 12 window 13 icon 14 hardware 15 menu 16 addressLesson AActivity 1A1—b 2—a 3—cB1 friend2 to All3 keyboard4 coffee5 computer6 fiveActivity 2A1 pet2 cell phonesBConversation 1 a c d eConversation 2 dActivity 3AToaster microwareCoffee maker clockWashing machine lightHeater air conditionerRefrigerator telephoneBTrue: 1 2False: 3 coffee maker—clock 4 today—in the future will5 wanted—didn’t want6 All—SomeC1 Typical smartphone features include a music player, gaming apps, Internet browser, electronic dictionary, camera, and video recorder.2 One advantage of smartphones is having access to entertainment on the go; another is the convenience of having multiple entertainment and communication functions in a single device.3 One disadvantage of smartphones is that they use up too much people’s time, and they may also negatively affect social and interpersonal skills.D1 the merits of2 entertainment on the go3 the convenience of4 entertainment and communication functions5 a single device6 eating up too much of people’s timeActivity4ATrue: 4 5 6 8 9 10False:1 unhappy because she lost her leg—happy because she is alive2 first period—fourth period3 pierced through—was on7 brought—did not bringBA—3 b—6 c—4 d—2 e—5 f—7 g—1Activity 51 from any computer with an Internet connection and at any time2 accelerates upload and download times3 that they can easily upgrade and expand at any point in the future4 The necessary security solutionsB1 F only suitable for company—suitable for company and individual2 F have to—no longer have to3 T4 F even if you can’t—as long as you can5 F are still extremely anxious—have now been put at ease3 PronunciationB\s\:2 4 \z\:1 34 Speaking & CommunicationActivity 1A1 I hate writing term papers! It takes forever2 We used to write our papers on typewriters3 Oh, reallyThat sounds difficultLesson BPart 11 Before You WatchA1~6: f e b c a dB1 search the web2 surf the Internet3 instant messenger4 digital camera5 downloading music6 chatting onlineC1~4: c a b d2 While You WatchATrue: 1 2 3 5 7 8False: 4 cell phone—computer 6 phones—e-mails 9 reliable—not reliableB1 electronics2 are very cool3 they’re so easy to use4 you don’t have to think all the time that you forgot the camera5 you always have it with you and that’s so smart Part 21 PreviewBTrue: 1 2 5False: 3 tomorrow—today 4 a computer—a typewriter6 happy—terribleC1 laptop2 battery3 computer lab4 typewriterD1 affordable2 amazing3 correction4 crashed5 disposable6 old—fashioned7 portable8 reliable9 term paper 10 word processor2 While You WatchA1~6: a a b a b bB1~6: b c e a f dC1 make those corrections2 I’ll e-mail my paper to you later today3 technology is amazing4 I used to write my term papers on a typewriter5 it must have taken a long tome to write a paper6 I was pretty fast7 made some mistakes8 weren’t that bad9 as for10 oh my gosh 11 were so unreliable 12used to crash all the time 13 as affordable or as fast as they are now 14 Mine’s pretty fast 15 as fast as some of the newer, more expensive ones 16 nowadays 17 In those days 18 used to use the ones at the universityD1 She assumes computers used to have backup batteries as they do today.2 Everybody, including Prof. Morgan, lost their term papers.E1 I went back to the good , old –fashioned way2 affordable portable reliable disposable3 word processor3 After You Watch1 as for2 in those days3 No big deal4 nowadays5 oh my goshUnit 3Lesson A1 Vocabulary LinkA1~8: A D G C F B H E2 ListeningActivity 1AInternational correspondentJournalist photographerB1—c 2—d 3—c 4—b 5—b 6—dActivity 2A1 likes2 dislikesB1 the comics the horoscope the price2 the news coverage the headlinesActivity 3ATom Joseph Olivia Randy TinaB1 Olivia2 Amy3 Randy4 TinaActivity4A1 They Couldn’t Communicate2 A Dangerous Occupation3Silent Beauties 4A Clean CrimeB1 could not reach an agreement holdup note couldn’t read it crumpled it up2 goalie he slipped on ice and hurt his back3 they were camels tall humps4 cleaned it leaving it at the side of the roadActivity5AKangaroo to the Rescue!!An Underwater Post OfficeB1 102 farmer3 barking4 rare5scuba diving 6 draw tourists’ attention 7 three 8 four3 Speaking &communicationLesson BPart one1 Before You Watch1 international correspondent 2critic 3 news anchor4 editor5 cameraman2 While You Watch1—T2—F interesting…….creative—boring and not very creative3—T4—F thinks—doesn’t think5—F cameraman—news anchors6—F feels—doesn’t feel7—T1 Before You Watch1~3: b c a2 While You WatchA1~6:f d b e a cB1 the most accessible medial2 around me at least3 to be carrying4 that well5 see how my team’s are doing6 what’s going on in my area7 save the comics for last8 that’s the fun part1 PreviewB1~5: B C B A CC1~7:B G F A E D CD1 guitarist2 journalist3 spiky4 headlines2 While You WatchAB1—e 2—a 3—c 4—d 5—bC1 headlines2 stuff 3Hey 4 Look at this 5 that famous blues guitarist 6 silver guitar 7 long, black hair 8the singer 9 short spiky hair 10 wears that really cool white suit 11 man 12 It’s sold outD1 Takeshi whispers as he is nervous. That’s because he likes Anna, and he thinks she is pretty.2 Anna lives in the same building as Mike and Takeshi live.3 Anna is a journalist and she writes music reviews.4 Mike asks him to speak to Anna to try and get tickets for the show.5 He hesitates because he doesn’t know Anna well, and because he is nervous to talk to a girl he likes.6 Takeshi feels pressure from Mike, who scowls at him.EActivity 11 What’s up2 Not much3 Dedicated Music Reviewer4 As a matter of fact5 reviewing a show tonight6 That’d be great7 It’s a date8 You andI can go togetherActivity 2Takeshi is surprised by Anna’s invitation. He thinks Anna is pretty and is therefore pleased to have a date with her. He might even be more pleased about the date than he is about seeing James Hammond’s show.F1 He thinks he will get to see the show.2 At first, Mike feel a bit disappointed but then he is happy for his friend.3 Takeshi is worried that Mike will be unhappy about not seeing the show.4 He tells Takeshi not to worry about it. He also says there are lots of other shows he can attend.3 After You WatchA1 stuff2 You’re kidding me!3 I hardly know her!4 manB1 the show was sold out2 a pretty woman across the room3 a music reviewer4 was nervous and hesitated at fitst5 went over and spoke to Anna6 she was still writing for The Village Voice7 not only was she a dedicated music reviewer8 just couldn’t believe it9 aticket to the show and a date 10 disappointed at first11 not to worry about it 12 he had more important things to doUnit 41 Vocabulary LinkB1 pleasant2 active3 punctual4 careful5 flexible6 independentC1—c 2—a 3—d 4—b 5—f 6—e2 ListeningActivity 1A1 Diane2 Mimi3 AliceB1 six customers2 punctual Last week3 eight energyActivity2A aB1~3: No 4 YesActivity3A1 become a teacher2 the teaching program is very good3 a lot of practice4 young kids5 graduate from the university next June6 a kindergartenBPosition: brochure designerRequirements: computer skills cooperative flexibility in working hours available right nowActivity 4AJob—voice talent Company—National TelephoneHer work—recording information messages Job requirements—sound warm and friendly, even at the end of eight hours Her schedule—three days a week Good points of her job—fun, helping people by using her voice, people are surprised Bad points of her job—has to be careful about her voice, doesn’t go outside in cold weather, can’t go to horror moivesB1 Because she has to avoid hurting her voice.2 First she got the job information from her friend. Then shelistened to all the telephone company messages on her own phone, recorded a cassette of all those messages in her own voice and sentit to the company. She then called the company every day for a month before she got the job.Activity 5AKen: 1 3 Steven: 2 4B1 interviews2 introduces3 famous4 loves5 videotape6 moves7 drive8 dependent9 stressful 10 hired3 PronunciationsB1 for two days2 for six hours3 for years4 for monthsActivity 2 I really want this jobAQ: honest, caring A: first-aid skills Q: creative A: graphic designQ:helpful A: speak a foreign language Q: ambitious A: give presentationsCA tour guide b fashion designer c flight attendant d police officer e taxi driver f fitness instructorLesson BPart 12 While You WatchTrue:1 4 5 6 False: 2 31 Before You Watch1 well-informed2 foundation3 animation4 up-to-date5 animator6 passionate7 developing8 unconfident2 While You WatchA1~7: b d f c a g eB1 strong foundation in art2 it helps to be able to speak3 animator in movies or video games4 be patient, work hard, and be creative5 that way6 keep up-to-date with events7 be able to write well8 well-informed1 PreviewBTrue: 1 4 5 6 False: 2 3 7C1—d 2—a 3—b 4—cD1 high energy level2 customers needs3 pleasant manager4 software programsE1~8: f d b g a c e h2 While You WatchA5 6 3 1 2 4B1~5: a a c b cC1 Thanks very much for coming in2 bring your resume3 Here you are4 tell you a little bit about the job5 looking for someone to sell our new software product6 requires flexibility, independence7 most importantly8 really listen to my customers to find out what they need9 I’m really good at that 10 your experience with software programs 11 how to use a similar software product 12 at my current job 13 customer needs 14 interesting 15 my present company16 my present position 17 I’ve been named salesperson18 top sales awards several times 19 impressive20 understand the market better 21 the competition22 We’ll be in touchD1 Bill is Ms. Li’s boss2 She thought Claudia was energetic and experienced—the right person for the job.3 She wanted to inform Claudia that she got the job.4 They were going to an aerobics class.5 Claudia was excited and anxious to find out if she had got the job.3 After You WatchA1 by the way2 something3 We’ll be in touch4 a little bitUnit 51 Vocabulary LinkB1 produces purchase employs2 developsship manage 3 advertise compete2 ListeningAName Richard Branson Company Virgin Group, LtdB1 3 4 5 7 8Activity 2AFor mountain climbing for trimming hair for relaxing for opening bottles for slicing food for cams and the corkscrewActivity 3B1 April 4, 19752 Bill Gates and Allen3 Redmond, Washington, United States4 Worldwide5 Microsoft Windows Microsoft Office Computer hardware products Home entertainment productsActivity 4A1 department stores shopping malls2 put up their Christmas window displays3 companies just want them to spend more money4 we can start thinking about what we really need in lifeB1 Buy Nothing Day2 They shouldn’t spend any money for 24 hours.3 In over 15 countries4 Canada5 The Christmas shopping season starts6 People are forgetting the real meaning of the holidays.7 People’s ideas about shoppingActivity 5A: b d e g f a c hB1 too much2 1960 affordable advertising educate high school students3 necessary4 talk about the company at any time say positive things about the companyreferring people to themWORD-OF-MOUTH ADVERTISING: It’s cost-effective. It’s much more believable. The company doesn’t have to create a complex business plan to advertise products.PAIDMEDIA ADVERTISING: It can sound insincere or unconvincing4 Speaking & CommunicationActivity 1AWe have about 10000 We do business in a large number of we made over five millionWill grow by up to 10%Activity 2BHistory of TV2 was not very popular in the beginning3 became popular when Michael Jackson’s videos were played4 started a second video channel, VH1in 19855started MTV Asia, MTV Latino, and MTV Russia in the 1990sMTV Today1 is a worldwide success story3 also broadcasts other programs4 is consistently voted one of the most popular TV stationsCA hobby students Jerry and David’s Guidecomputers grew quickly Internetmillions of information e-mail services profit Lesson BPart 11 Before You WatchA1~10: d f b I c l e h a gB1 flyers2 smoothie3 brochures2 While You WatchA: b e a f d cBDo education for executives send out to invite those people to come to our trainings smoothie business back in college word of mouthhand out flyers janitorial service he has people come in and clean the building, after hoursPart 21 previewB1~6: f e b a c dcC: 1~10: f I j c b d a e g h2 While You WatchA: 1~5: c e a d bBTrue: 2 4 5 8False: 1film school project—commercial 3 had to study—was sick 6 unsatisfactory—satisfactory 7 remark the tape—make more tapesC1 By the way2 helping me out with this3 on the day of my first real commercial shoot4 especially since you have a “love assistant” like me 5Right…there6 that should do it7 Check8 And rolling9 take one 10 Hello there 11 the most successful 12 The keys to our success 13 great design14 affordable prices 15 who are these keys for16 Why 17 premier pieces 18 Like this sleek and stylish lounge chair 19 100% genuine leather20 talk about well-made 21 you’ll ever lay your head on22 See for yourself 23 here today, gone tomorrow 24 pride ourselves in giving 25 at the right priceDActivity 11 on my first paying client2 sent in3 who knows what’ll happen4 Plus that couch was really comfortable `5 booked me for another6 the best part7 what this calls for8 encoreActivity 21 He most probably sent it in to Mr. Howard.2 Mike was worried that he might have made a bad impression on Takeshi’s client by falling asleep.3 Mr. Howard was pleased that people could see the Super Sleeper Sofa lives up to its name.3 After You WatchA1 talk about2 Check!3 folks4 that should do itB1 shoot a TV commercial2 starring3 show off4 elaborated on how well each piece was made5 fell asleep6 failed to help him with7 hire Takeshi to make five more commercialsUnit 6Lesson A1 Vocabulary LinkB1 summer house2 limousine driver3 designer clothes4 private school5 personal trainer 6luxury suite 7 credit card 8 private jet9 spending money2 ListeningActivity 1AThe Burj Al Arab Hotel Dubai, United Arab EmiratesB1—p 2—p 3—r 4—r 5—b 6—b 7—p 8—pActivity 2A bB1—D 2—D 3—JC 4—JC 5—D 6—D 7—J 8—JActivity 3A1 a brand new 20th2 Joseph’s friendB1 When she was a university student.2 Not at all. It was really old.3 She worked the whole summer vacation in a restaurant.4 Yes, she did. She took all her friends driving around every weekend.5 The car was destroyed in an accident.Activity 41 60 hours2 To pay for a big house, expensive furniture, a new car, and all the “important “ thing in life3 Going out on her old houseboat.4 She can go fishing from her living room.5 She goes along the river on her boat, exploring new places.B: 2 4 6Activity 5B1 They will sell their knowledge about using plants as medicine.2 They will get jobs and education for their people to save their culture and language.3 The monks record and sell their music.4 They use the money to pay for summer camps for teenagers.CF: 1 2 5 T: 3 4 6Lesson BPart 111—b 2—c 3—a21~8?: d f b a c h g e11 charity2 equipment3 purchase2A1 Woo Sung: buy a car or cars buy a house buy a university2 Calum: take a holiday3 Natalie: buy a car or cars buy a house invest money for the future4 Dave: spend it as fast as possible buy a car or carsB1 strike it big time2 somewhere warmer than where I live3 live on the beach for a whilePart 2PreviewB1~5: a b b c cCLuxurious penniless well-off generous lavishD1~9: d c a f e g I b hEApparently will packets paid off invested loads timer struck it rich turned out2 While You WatchA1~8: F F T F F F T FB1~5: b a e c dC1 It was about Mike’s uncle’s will.2 On a farm in Minnesota.3 Because Uncle Max had left all his land to Mike.4 Mike remembers his uncle living a simple life. It was not luxurious.\D1 strike it rich or something2 used to tell me3 all a man needs4 a strong back5 invested in his land6 it paid off7 lavish lifestyle8 I mean9 generous 10 offered to give me spending money11 wanted me to go to private school 12 wanted to vacation 13 turns out he’s got one 14 how could you not have known 15 I’m telling you 16 wasn’t on sale 17 have a timer by his phone 18 ketchup packets 19 A nd no one knew 20 In fact21 No wonder 22 Who would have thought he was that well offE1 loads of cash2 pay for dinner tonight3 I’ll take you all out to a nice dinner4 my treat5 alittle short on cash 6 I could borrow some 7 I’m good for it 8 we’re taking a nice dinner3 While You Watch1 I’m telling you2 No wonder3 I’m good for it4 I’m a little short onUnite 7Lesson A2 ListeningAHe is complaining about a broken traffic light in his communityB1 traffic accidents in danger2 pose great danger3 look into it immediatelyActivity 2AKnow their neighbors well rarely patrolBJohn: 1 F patrolling—neighborhood watch 2 T 3 F put up notice—put signs in our windowsSusan: 1 T 2 F by bike—in cars 3 T 4 F in cars—on foot or on bicycleActivity 3A cB 1: a b d 2: b c 3: bActivity 4A: 1BTyra: S SMatt: C SMercedes: C CC1 Tyra2 Matt3 Mercedes4 Matt5 MattActivity 51 The global population has grown quickly, and in some places it is creating a lot of problems.2 When women are educated , they become equal partners and participate more in family decisions.B1—d 2—c 3—a 4—bC1 F 3500 new babies are born worldwide—3500 new lives are added to the world’s population2 F 1978—19873 T4 T5 F small—big6 T7 T8 T9 in their late twenties—at the age of 3010 F there is—there isn’tSpeaking & CommunicationAWords or drawing that are illegally sprayed on wallsLesson B1 Before You Watch1—c 2—b 3—f 4—g 5—d 6—a 7—e2 While You Watch1 are2 don’t have3 noise4 fire5 a lot6 bothers1 Before You Watch1 Global warming2 Hunger3 Spread4 Poverty5 Disease6 HIV7 AIDS2 While You WatchA1~6: f a d e c bB1 The oceans are rising as well as the temperatures2 before it’s too late3 the world get together and help to make sure4 everyone gets a chance to learnPart 21 previewB1~6: c f b e d aC1~7: c d b e f g aD1 conduct a survey2 make a mistake3 interesting viewpoint4 rush hour5 affordable apartments6 push yourself7 noise pollutionE1~3: b c a2 While You WatchBTrue: 3 5False: 1 singles in the city—city living 2 air—noise4 people—restaurants 6 Takeshi—Sun-hee 7 money—timeC1 Do you have a couple of minutes2 This won’t take long3 Do you agree, disagree, or have no opinion about4 Me too5 Rush hour in the city has become unbearable6 I totally agree7 traffic’s been an issue here for years8 with all the construction going on 8 withall the construction going on 9 it’s not an issue for me10 I guess 11 I like the fact that there are so many opportunities 12 push yourself 13 it goes the other way too 14 like if you make a mistake 15 waiting to take your place 16 talentedD1 They disagreed about life in New York. Sun-hee said there were many problems related to living in the city, but Takeshi said it was n’t that bad.2 Sun-hee said ‘Enjoy it If you can get there in this traffic!” she was sarcastic as she thought it was hard to enjoy anything in New York because the traffic was so bad.3 Takeshi listed the good things in the city such as beautiful buildings and interesting places.4 The reporter left because she had finished her survey. It was not rude of her to leave. It was however rude of Takeshi and Sun-hee to engage in an argument during her interview.3 After You WatchA1 you know2 I guess3 Where do I start4 it goes the other way tooB1 on the sidewalk2 what they liked and disliked3 seemed to have different opinions about other issues4 pointed out that there was not enough parking , too few affordable apartments5 too much to enjoy in the city6 arguing about the issues7 But see8 I told you New Yorkers were rudeUnit 8Lesson A1 Vocabulary LinkB1~9: c a f h b I e g dC1 morals2 a while lie3 not worth doing4 has something on his conscience5 against the law6 hurt my feelings7 obvious8 depends on the circumstances2 ListeningActivity 1AThe speaker thinks that telling while lies is sometimes acceptable or even necessary.B1 encourage people2 to comfort people3 to soothe people4 to childrenActivity 2A1 work in the same office2 moving to another city3 lying about her work experienceB1 with her two co-workers2 Sally really has done3 might get a jobActivity 3A1 sometimes2 never1~6:D R R D R DActivity 41 a2 He thinks it’s not trustworthy because the reporters exaggerate and are not serious.3 She likes infotainment, or shows that report on current trends and famous people.B1 Graham: TV newspaper2 Lucinda: TV onlineActivity 5A1 P and S2 P and S3 D4 S5 PB1 The man who got out of the other car was friendly.2 Philippe and Sophie climbed into the car.3 The man drove Philippe and Sophie to a nearby village.4 Philippe and Sophie had tea and local delicacies.5 The man’s family was thrilled to meet Philippe and Sophie.6 The driver fixed the car that night.C1 hired driver2 doze3 an odd, loud4 get help5 no houses6 wild animals7 colder and darker8 a couple of9 get into his car10 windshield 11 his phone number 12 they stay for dinner 13 called to say the car was running again14 thanked the couple for visiting their home4 Speaking $ CommunicationA1 Mrs. Ward orders chicken and Mrs. Ward orders steak.2 Mr. Ward wants his steak to be medium rare, but it is well done. Lesson B1 Before You WatchA1~4: b c d aB1~5: b c d e a2 While You Watch。



新时代视听说第3级答案截图(总26页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--Unit 1 8/1910/19’11/1912/19take/a/break/why/not/some/other/time/party/available/listen/without/talk/to/you/about/researching/background/work /on/hoping/for/break/may/be/it /By/the/way1A/51B/5was thinkingf/it's/about/right/I/did/past/three/years/paid/off/earned/break/the/case/in/comparison/to/depends/on/a/lot/harder/in/general/my/roommate/way/too/for/myself/a/balanceconfident/relaxed/tense/in a bad mood2B/51)How about 2)too 3)Why don't 4)enough 5)Let's 6)to walk 3/51)am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing4/55/53/198/1910/1911/1912/19get/expert/run/broadcast/competition/In/ fact/Speaking/ought/to/give/away/Good/ thinking/handle/care/audio/expert/fast/ on/it/You/do/hard/to/believe/wake/up/ smell/the/coffee/crazy/famous/taking/a/bribe/smart/I/hope/get/in/the/way/work/on1A/51B/5heard/about/was/caught/they/say/what/to/think/stuff/you'd/like/to/really/convinc ed/actually/natural/athlete/in/the/season/any/opinion/about/disqualify/for/the/sa ke/of/shame/to/in/trouble/with/start/rumors2A/52B/53/52123314/5forward/eliminate/apparently/incredible 5/5Unit33/198/1910/1911/1912/19Bad/news/audio/expert/check/urgent/be/sure/absolutely/sure/have/an /idea/may /remember/confide/in/reporterResearcher/chance/lose/one/more/day/only/one/more/day/won’t/be/s orry/story/get/tell me/everything/deserve/a/break/storyCharming/charm/out of/1A/51B/51)was thinking 2)That would be ok 3)this new mall 4)having a sale 5)kind of 6)a whole lot less 7)just really 8)endup using 9)Well 10)little girl 11)the whale 12)sounded really good 13)a lot 14)a lot less 15)you know what 16)treat you to2A/52B/53A/53B/5 4/55/5Unit4 3/198/1910/1911/1912/19listen your side of the story Nope all alike judge me trust only goal helping win deal with mess charges serious threw a game gambling debts gave access to stop from Did you ordidn’t you throw the game get show viewers Take your pick innocent1A/51B/5ran into my gosh doing fantastic the same old how exciting perfect for or something like thata boring job gets to telemarketing telephone company2A/52B/53A/5a a the a 3B/54/55/5大测Listen 1/32/33/3Vocabulaty 1/32/33/3Crammer 1/32/33/3Pronunciation 2/53/55/5Speaking1/32/33/3Unit5 3/198/1910/1911/1912/19sounds like stupid a minute deliberately from college works for recognize teammate both excuse us media you’ve got that right get it worry you getting some pressure sit out badly frankly win without you1A/5。



新时代视听说3全屏截图版,具体单元见截图的右上角Unit 13/19take/a/break/why/not/some/other /time/party/available/listen/without/talk/to/you/about/researching/background/work /on/hoping/for/break/may/be/it/By/the/way/did/past/three/years/paid/off/earned/break/the/case/in/comparison/to/depends/on/a/lot/harder/in/general/my/roommate/way/too/for/myself/a/balance2B/5How about 2)too 3)Why don't 4)enough 5)Let's 6)to walk 3/5am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing4/5unique/seriously/mention/journalism5/53 1 1 2 3 1***二***12/19get/expert/run/broadcast/competition/In/fact/Speaking/ought/to/give/away/Good/thinking/handle/care/audio/expert/fast/on/it/You/do/hard/to/believe/wake/up/smell/the/coffee/crazy/famous/taking/a/bribe/smart/I/hope/get/in/the/way/work/on1B/5heard/about/was/caught/they/say/what/to/think/stuff/you'd/like/to/really/c onvinced/actually/natural/athlete/in/the/season/any/opinion/about/disqualify/for/the/sake/o f/shame/to/in/trouble/with/start/rumors12/19 Bad news audio expert check urgent be sure absolutely sure have an idea mayremember confide in reporterresearcher chance lose one more day only one more day won’t be sorry story get tellme everything deserve a break storycharming charm out of1B/5 1)was thinking 2)That would be ok 3)this new mall 4)having asale 5)kind of6)a whole lot less 7)just really 8)end up using9)Well 10)little girl 11)the whale 12)sounded really good 13)a lot 14)a lot less 15)you know what 16)treat you to12/19listen your side of the story Nope all alike judge metrust only goal helping win deal with mess charges seriousthrew a game gambling debts gave access to stop from Did you ordidn’t you throw the game get show viewers Take your pickinnocent1B/5 ran into my gosh doing fantastic the same old how excitingperfect for or something like thata boring job gets to telemarketing telephone company3A/5 a a the a单元测试12/19sure sounds like stupid a minute deliberately from collegeworks for recognize teammate bothexcuse us media you’ve got that right get it worry you gettingsome pressure sit out badlyfrankly win without you1B/5 the whole story on the phone this rebate A hundred dollarssupposed to of the camera nice aboutit serial number is gone Oh man 80012/19 keep investigating have no choice going with beat us to it You’ve got to admitmissing something as they seem in this case too trusting skeptical all right working onfair let my emotions color myjudgment let me down won’t be sorry1B/5 says at bars to have their parents thirteen years old get drunkyou know drinking irresponsiblytheir kids baby-sitter bar owners this is happening crazy12/19 here it comes juice bar Aren’t you Do I knowyou Not yetinteresting proposition Keep goingLet’s say deal endorse athletic That’s it business card on secondthought pay visit1B/5 great opportunity audition for such a wonderful show the same nightother plays coming along so perfect sogreat about be invited go for it。


Unit2 test
Outside view 3
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit6 test
Passage2-3 uni光阴不可轻
Passage2-1 Passage2-2
Passage2-3 Unit1 test

大学英语视听说第1册 听力答案

大学英语视听说第1册 听力答案

Unit 1Lesson AP4 A. 第一幅图c; 第二幅图(左) a; 第三幅图(右)bP4 B 1.Hiromi 2. Fiona 3. Miguel 4. Fiona 5.Hiromi 6.Miguel 7. Miguel 8. Hiromi 9.FionaP5 A 1.tall 2.long 3.30s 4.brownP5 B long brown hair; short, blond hairP6 A Emilio is the first on the left. Alexis is the second from the right.P6 BEmilio tall,about 182cm; brown eyesKathy in her forties; slim; long, straight, blond hairMichael tall; average weight; dark, brown eyesAlexis young; slimAshley average height; green eyes; long, curly, red hairP7 A UA238; the Marketing DepartmentP7 B he has a problem with his carP8 A 1. looks like Beckham and they want to take his picture2.can make good money being a Beckham doubleP8 B 1.movie star-----soccer player2.True3.in movies-----on TV and in newspaper ads.4.world leaders-----pop singers5.TrueP9 C (1) twenty- two-year-old hairdresser (2) blond hair (3) good looks (4) on the street (5) take his picture (6) Beckham (7) travels (8) good money (9) doubleP9 3 A 1. Are you from Seoul? 升Where are you from?降2.Do you have a brother?升W hat’s his name?降B 1.降 2.升 3.升 4.降 4.降 5.升 6.降P10 A It’s nice to meet you.Nice to meet you,too.What do you do, Danny?Lesson BPart 11 Before You Watch1.athletic build2.tan3.muscular4.Hazel-colored5.cute6.light-skinned7.skinny2 While You WatchA. 1. the United States2.Seoul; 203.25; the United States4.Brazil5.the United States; 28P13 B1c 2a 3f 4b 5e 6dP13 C1.the United States. He is28 years old. Dan is pretty tall, about six feet. He works at ahospital and speaks English, Spanish and Portuguese.2.is tall and has dark hair and brown eyes. Her friend looks like Antonio Banderas, butis less muscular.P15 1b 2c 3b 4c 5bP15 A 1,3,4,6,8 (True) 2. 3.00----2.00 5.does not speak----speaks 7.the same as always----differentP16 B 1e 2b 3c 4a 5dP16 C 1.Sun-hee to teach her class from two to four p.m.2.she has to meet her cousin at three.3.Oh,I see.Gee,I don’t know what to do.4.That’s great! Thanks a lot! See you at 1:30.P17 D 1. Got it.2.Thanks so much for doing this for me.3.Hey, what are friends for!Activity 2 OK; Uh-huh; OK. So, does he speak English? Got it. Hey, what are friends for?P17 E 1. so different 2. so thin 3. eat healthier food 4. go to the gym 5. Good for you 6. looks good on you 7. look greatP18 F Tara holds up a sign board.P18 A 1b 2e 3a 4d 5cP19 B 1. Good for you! 2. No problem. 3. Got it. 4. What are friends for? 5. Oh, my Gosh!Unit 2Lesson AP20 1c 2c 3b 4a 5eP22 A 1.右图 2.右图 3.左图P22 B 1. stay inside 2. go outside 3.stay insideP23 A 1.checking in at the airport.2.looking at3.checking into a hotelP23 B 1.Berlin 2.New York 3.ShanghaiP24 B 1. should pack 2. plane ticket 3. the traffic; really fast 4.to stay cool 5.shouldn’tP25 AItaly: April and May;because April and May are warm and beautifulAustralia: From December to April; because the weather is usually very goodHong Kong,China: October and November; because it’s warm an d not so humidGermany: July and August; because it’s usually warm and sunnyIndia: From November to April; because the weather is nice and cool.P26 B 1.850,000 2. goat; false 3. cell phones, keys, sunglasses, wallets 4. 300,000/three hundred thousand 5. finderP27 B 1.should 2.shouldn’t 3. shouldn’t 4.shouldLesson BP31 1.warm 2.rainy 3. cold 4. hot,sunny 5. rainstormsP32 1.true 2.snowstorms---rainstorms 3. true 4.really likes---doesn’t like 5.summer—winterP32 1d 2c 3a 4bP33 A 1f 2e 3a 4cdbP33 B 1. should bring your bathing suit and your sun lotion2.should visit San Antonio where the Alamo is located because it’s a historical siteP34 B 1. No 2.Yes 3.Yes 4.No 5.No 6.NoP35 A 1. Mexico City 2. Tuesday 3. on vacation 4. family 5. T-shirt or a baseball cap 6. Claudia 7.teddy bearP35 B 1c 2b 3e 4d 5aP36 C 1. sometimes at night it gets chilly. 2. a big meeting on TuesdayP36 D 1. Maria; niece; ten years2.something more fun; a videogame3. love books; really smartP36 E 1. Is this hers too? 2. belongs 3.a souvenir 4.present 5. T-shirt 6. Good idea 7. That’s it.P36 F Because after the business meeting he will have a vacation and his family lives in Mexico City.P37 A 1d 2c 3a 4bP37 B 1.You should 2. Yes and no 3. That’s it 4. Good ideaUnit 3Lesson AP38 A 1a 2h 3b 4f 5c 6g 7i 8e 9d music drama school newspaperP38 B play baseball/tennis/soccer/basketball/chessGo swimming/bowling/rowingP39 A Mike’s familyP39 B brother: basketballSister: swimmingDad: tennisMom:golfMike: surfingP40 Activity 21.hardworkingpetitive3.independent4. careful5.seriousP40 Activity 3A Ashley’s major at schoolB 1.art 2.business 3.a lot 4.too competitiveP41 A job applicantsP41 B 1.Sara 2.Jason 3.Jason 4.Jason 5.Sara and Jason 6.Sara 7.JasonP42 B 1.doctor 2.actor,doctor,businessperson 3.none 4.businessperson 5. actor,doctor 6.doctor 7.businessperson 8.doctor 9.businessperson 10.businesspersonP46 B 1P 2D 3A 4T 5DP 6PT 7A 8TLesson BP47 A 1i 2b 3a 4f 5g 6d 7h 8c 9eP48A 1.gym 2.to the movies 3.drums 4.coffee shop 5.snowboarding6.swimming7.hiking8.football9.basketball 10.individual activitiesP48 B 1b 2a 3d 4c 5f 6eP48 C 1b 2c 3cP50 B 1.park 2.Claudia 3. not that often 4.tennis 5.playbaseball 6.isP50 A 1.all the time-----five or six times a year2.twice a week------once a week3.once a month-------twice a month4.baseball team-------tennis team5.true6.true7.aren’t very athletic----are very athletic8.trueP51B 1b 2a 3d 4c 5eP51C 1.so fun, play 2.pretty athletic 3. five or six times a year 4.she thinks5. for funP51D 1.serious 2.all the time 3.on 4.about 5.not all that 6.having fun P52E 1.Sure 2.Well,I’m not very good 3.Oh,well, in that case 4.We’d love toP52F Claudia says she is pretty athletic and plays all the time but she actually does sports only once in a while. Mostly she and Sun-hee play sports just for fun.P53A 1a 2a 3a 4aP53B 1.wait a minute 2.in fact 3.you know 4.it’s all aboutUnit 4Lesson AP54A 1.get 2.get 3.join 4.lose 5.quit 6.make 7.get 8.joinP55A 1.get a new job 2.danceP56B 1.true 2.does n’t make very much money-----------makes good money3.true4.true5.is-------isn’tP56A 1.singer 2.Turkish 3.17 4.travels a lotP57B 1pretty exciting 2.take a break 3.Follow your dreams 4.successfulP57 Activity 3 1.think about your goals every day2.join a business club3.work every night and every weekendP58A 1.From dream to real life2.Think about today3.Ask for help4.Learn from other peopleP58B 1.doing rmation 3.help 4.TalkingP59A 1.chemistry 2.films 3.money 4.China; around the world 5.play soccer6.business; law7.change their mindsP59B 1.a university inBeijing 2.to make films 3.move to Beijing from all over the country 4.their lives and work 5.show the film 6.around the world 7.togo to college 8.major in 9.to become a lawyer or a businessman 10.to be aprofessional soccer playerP62B 1.too much money, but doesn’t know how to save moneye her credit cards so much and should go out less oftente for work and his boss is threatening to fire him4.ues two or even three alarm clocks, which will definitely wake him up on time. Lesson BP63 1 Before You Watch1.Journalism2.engineercation4.EngineeringP63 2 While You Watch1.true2.true3.happy----unhappy4.change jobs----go back to college5. journalism----engineering6.engineering----journalism7.true8.true9.sister----friend 10.trueP64 1 Before You Watch1.picky2.training3.career4.honeymoon5.presidentP64 2 12.new job 3.New York 4.hospital 5.president 6.months 7.business 8.help people 9.happyP66B 1.knows------doesn’t know 2,true 3.watch more TV----watch less TV 4.true 5.less often----more often 6.Takeshi----MikeP66 2 While You WatchA.1,2,3,5,6,8,9,11 trueB.1e 2b 3a 4d 5cc. 1. in his opinion to have a haircut is nothing of any importance2.He’s lazy; he watches too much TV; and he eats too much junk food.3.He doesn’t believe that Mike would stop his bad habits, just as he doesn’t believe it wouldsnow in July.P68D 1.that’s right 2.That was last week 3.No way 4.I’m going to 5.That sounds great 6.to be about 7.starts with 8.I’m sure of itP68E At first, he wanted to become a famous movie star. But a week later he changed his ideaand wanted to become a famous writer.He is a day-dreamer, he doesn’t do anything to make his goals come true. He’s only day-dreaming. P69A 1b 2b 3a 4aP69B 1.I’m not kidding 2.guy 3.No way 4.And it’s going to snow in July,too. Unit 5Lesson AP71B 1.a bank 2.Exercise 3.an Internet café 4. At a library 5. watch movies 6.a post office 7.your haircut 8.a LaundromatP71 Activity 1 a2 b1 c4 d3P71B to get money; to mail a letter; to color her hair; to check e-mailP72A 1.Getafe 2.MadridP72B affordable, small city; not very excitingP73B 1.There are many interesting things to see including beautiful parks and good restaurants.2.You can visit Chinatown and Little India. There are also some great beaches near thecity.3.Singapore has very good public transportation. You can take a bus,train or subway.4.Yes,Singapore is a safe city. There isn’t much crime.5.It is very expensive to live in SingaporeP73Apopulation: 9 million; 600 thousandWeather: good in summer, cold in winter; lots of rainCost of living: affordable; high pricesTransportation: subways, trains, buses, but too many cars; good public transportation Nightlife: popular seafood restaurants; great restaurants and nightclubsP74A 1. San Jose 2.Hong Kong 3.San Jose 4.Hong Kong and San Jose 5. Hong Kong and San Jose 6.Hong KongP75B 1.A:Terry B: front theater2.A: car parked B: gym, Eighth Avenue3.A: Laundromat B: café, 14th StreetLesson BP79 1 Before You Watch2.bankundromat4.pizza shop5.post office6.bakery7.pharmacy8.clothing storeP79 2 While You Watch1.a pizza shop; a clothing store; a pharmacy2.a supermarket; a post office; a train stationundromats; pizza restaurants; Chinese restaurants4.a bakery; a post office; little shopsGlobal Viewpoints1 Before You Watch1.pollution2.crime3.transportation4.cost of living2 While You Watch1,2,3,8 (true); 4,5,6,7(false)4.difficult---not difficult5.clean---poluted6.doesn;t like-----loves7.inexpensive---expensiveP82B 1.a note 2. go to the restaurant 3.the directions to the restaurant 4.can’t5.taxiP82A 1,3,6,8 (true)2.the office---a restaurant4the bus---the subway5.a woman---a man7.a walk-----take a taxiP83B 1b 2d 3c 4a 5cP83C 1.They found a note from Claudia on the table.2.She invited them to a new good restaurant on her treat3.Yes.She gave them detailed directions4.It was easy to find. She said, “ You can’t miss it!”5.Because the traffic down there was terrible.6.Yes. She said,” It sounds like fun!”P84D 1.It’s pretty close 2.down this street 3.at the gym 4.walk one more block 5.on the corner of 6.Turn right 7.in the middle of 8.on the rightP84E 1.I don’t believe 2.on 3.We’re lost 4.Me too 5.right across the street from 6.you can’t miss itP84F the same street they were five minutes ago and the restaurant was right across the street from the subway station.P85A 2. What street is it on? 3. I know the name 4.Do you know where it is? 5.It’s on West HoustonP85B 5,2,4,1,6,3。


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视听说第册答案LG GROUP system office room 【LGA16H-LGYY-LGUA8Q8-LGA162】U n i t 1Lesson A1Vocabulary LinkB a——8 b----2 C----1 d----4 e----1、4、5 f-----6、7、8、9 g-----1、3、6、7h----1、4、52 ListeningActivity 1 A report about GreenlandA1、 Her paper is about Greenland’s and trees.2、His knowledge of geography is not very good. He doesn’t know which country Greenland belongs to.3、The first settlers of Greenland gave it the name to attract others.B 1、F 2、T 3、F 4、T 5、T 6、F 7、TActivity 2 A flying disasterA1 “The Titanic of the sky”2 zeppelin3 40 passengers and crew4 Germany5 the US6 two and a half7 it was landing8 35 correct picture 2 B1、2、5、7Activity 3ACorrect picture 2B1---k 2---j 3----k、j 4---j 5---kC1 Jack seems to want a bigger car more than Kayla.2 Jack suggests they get more information about several kinds of cars.Activity 41 very famous buildings2 made of glass, steel, and concrete3 designed4 style5 19986 452 meters high7 modern and the traditional sideB1 world-famous museum Paris 500 six million2 ancient capital big enough millions of shopping centerCLouvre Museum Kyoto, Japan 1989 Hiroshi Hara to cope with the millions of visitors brings new life into the city center an ugly, modern mistakeActivity 5A1 It means building underground.2 First, there is plenty of space underground. Second, with new technology, building costs are not as high as in the past. Third, it’s safer than building skyscrapers.B2、4、6、73 PronunciationBa 2 narrow harborb 3 long, sunny beach c4 busy vacation d1 highcliffs4 Speaking & CommunicationActivity 1A1 We worked as volunteers2 What’s it like3 It was kind of hard4 We actually saw bears5 That does sound exciting6 It’s special program for international students Activity 2A1 c2 b 3b 4 c 5 b 6 a 7 c 8 a 9 bLesson BPart 11 Before You WatchA2 Mount Fuji3 glaciers4 Niagara FallsB1---b 2---c 3---a 4---d2 While You WatchA1~5 T F T F TMan-made structures1 Before You WatchA2 lift3 Golden Gate Bridge4 crane5 Great Wall of ChinaB1 concrete2 impressive3 advancement2 While You WatchA1 thousands2 by car 3unimpressedB1 The most impressive man-made wonder2 it stretches3 like cranes and lift4 I had a chance to drive across5 What an amazing feat of engineering6 it’s just a wonderful chance to see the cityPart 2B1~5 b c b c cC1 skyscrapers2 Eiffel Tower3 parking garage4 Empire State Building5 caveD1—I 2---b 3---d 4—c 5---a 6---I 7---e 8---f 9---h 10---g2 While You WatchE1 architectural structures2 make it big3 performers4 spot5 feats6 fancy7 incredible8 engineering9 popped up 10 Overcrowding2 While You WatchA1—g 2---e 3---c 4---a 5---d 6---f 7---h 8----bB1 impressed2 underground3 disagrees4 feats of engineering5 first6 hotel7 doesn’t think8 amusedC1 Man2 Something being build3 goes up4 you never know what’s going to be around next week5 but on the other hand6 building down more7 underground instead of aboveground8 that’s too much like living in a cave 9 True 10 built right here 11 That’s right 12 all these buildings popped up 13 when it’s finished 14I’ll bet 15 what do you think it’s going to look like 16 you know whatD1 He wanted to use the two architectural structures as examples of famous buildings.2 He thought it cool to have pictures of a famous place before anything was built there. He was convinced that the place would become famous in the future.3 He said it because he thought Takeshi was behaving oddly.ETakeshi initially thought a famous hotel would be build on the site, but he later discovered it would be a parking garage. He was embarrassed, but he laughed at his error and said that some rich and famous people might eventually park there.3 After You WatchA1 true2 Man3 You know what?4 You are too muchB1 walked by a construction site2 how much he admired the skyscrapers3started taking pictures of the site 4 something famous might be there someday 5 the rich and famous would stay 6 withpicture of it 7 Takeshi felt very embarrassed 8 and Takeshi learned it was to be a parking garageUnit 21 Vocabulary LinkB1 window2 address3 hardware4 mouse5 menu6 icon7 surfing8 crashed9 crashed10 mouse 11 surfing 12 window 13 icon 14 hardware 15 menu 16 addressLesson AActivity 1A1—b 2—a 3—cB1 friend2 to All3 keyboard4 coffee5 computer6 fiveActivity 2A1 pet2 cell phonesBConversation 1 a c d eConversation 2 dActivity 3AToaster microwareCoffee maker clockWashing machine lightHeater air conditionerRefrigerator telephoneBTrue: 1 2False: 3 coffee maker—clock 4 today—in the future will 5 wanted—didn’t want 6 All—SomeC1 Typical smartphone features include a music player, gaming apps, Internet browser, electronic dictionary, camera, and video recorder.2 One advantage of smartphones is having access to entertainment on the go; another is the convenience of having multiple entertainment and communication functions in a single device.3 One disadvantage of smartphones is that they use up too much people’s time, and they may also negatively affect social and interpersonal skills.D1 the merits of2 entertainment on the go3 the convenience of4 entertainment and communication functions5 a single device6 eating up too much of people’s timeActivity4True: 4 5 6 8 9 10False:1 unhappy because she lost her leg—happy because she is alive2 first period—fourth period3 pierced through—was on7 brought—did not bringBA—3 b—6 c—4 d—2 e—5 f—7 g—1Activity 51 from any computer with an Internet connection and at any time2 accelerates upload and download times3 that they can easily upgrade and expand at any point in the future4 The necessary security solutionsB1 F only suitable for company—suitable for company and individual2 F have to—no longer have to3 T4 F even if you can’t—as long as you can5 F are still extremely anxious—have now been put at ease3 PronunciationB\s\:2 4 \z\:1 34 Speaking & CommunicationActivity 1A1 I hate writing term papers! It takes forever2 We used to write our papers on typewriters3 Oh, really That sounds difficult Lesson BPart 11 Before You WatchA1~6: f e b c a dB1 search the web2 surf the Internet3 instant messenger4 digital camera5 downloading music6 chatting online C1~4: c a b d2 While You WatchATrue: 1 2 3 5 7 8False: 4 cell phone—computer 6 phones—e-mails 9 reliable—not reliableB1 electronics2 are very cool3 they’re so easy to use4 you don’t have to think all the time that you forgot the cameraPart 21 PreviewBTrue: 1 2 5False: 3 tomorrow—today 4 a computer—a typewriter 6 happy—terribleC1 laptop2 battery3 computer lab4 typewriterD1 affordable2 amazing3 correction4 crashed5 disposable6 old—fashioned7 portable8 reliable9 term paper 10 word processor2 While You WatchA1~6: a a b a b bB1~6: b c e a f dC1 make those corrections2 I’ll e-mail my paper to you later today3 technology is amazing4 I used to write my term papers on a typewriter5 it must have taken a long tome to write a paper 6I was pretty fast 7 made some mistakes 8 weren’t that bad9 as for 10 oh my gosh 11 were so unreliable12 used to crash all the time 13 as affordable or as fast as they are now 14 Mine’s pretty fast 15 as fast as some of the newer, more expensive ones 16 nowadays 17 In those days 18 used to use the ones at the universityD1 She assumes computers used to have backup batteries as they do today.2 Everybody, including Prof. Morgan, lost their term papers.E1 I went back to the good , old –fashioned way2 affordable portable reliable disposable3 word processor3 After You Watch1 as for2 in those days3 No big deal4 nowadays5 oh my goshUnit 3Lesson A1 Vocabulary LinkA1~8: A D G C F B H E2 ListeningActivity 1AJournalist photographerB1—c 2—d 3—c 4—b 5—b 6—dActivity 2A1 likes2 dislikesB1 the comics the horoscope the price2 the news coverage the headlinesActivity 3ATom Joseph Olivia Randy TinaB1 Olivia2 Amy3 Randy4 TinaActivity4A1 They Couldn’t Communicate2 A Dangerous Occupation 3Silent Beauties 4A Clean CrimeB1 could not reach an agreement holdup note couldn’t read itcrumpled it up2 goalie he slipped on ice and hurt his back3 they were camels tall humps4 cleaned it leaving it at the side of the roadActivity5AKangaroo to the Rescue!!An Underwater Post Office?B1 102 farmer3 barking4 rare 5scuba diving6 draw tourists’ attention7 three8 four3 Speaking &communicationLesson BPart one1 Before You Watch1 international correspondent 2critic 3 news anchor 4 editor 5 cameraman2 While You Watch1—T2—F interesting…….creative—boring and not very creative3—T4—F thinks—doesn’t think5—F cameraman—news anchors6—F feels—doesn’t feel1 Before You Watch1~3: b c a2 While You WatchA1~6:f d b e a cB1 the most accessible medial2 around me at least3 to be carrying4 that well5 see how my team’s are doing6 what’s going on in my area7 save the comics for last 8that’s the fun part1 PreviewB1~5: B C B A CC1~7:B G F A E D CD1 guitarist2 journalist3 spiky4 headlines2 While You WatchAB1—e 2—a 3—c 4—d 5—bC1 headlines2 stuff 3Hey 4 Look at this 5 that famous blues guitarist 6 silver guitar 7 long, black hair 8the singer 9 short spiky hair 10 wears that really cool white suit 11 man 12 It’s sold outD1 Takeshi whispers as he is nervous. That’s because he likes Anna, and he thinks she is pretty.2 Anna lives in the same building as Mike and Takeshi live.3 Anna is a journalist and she writes music reviews.4 Mike asks him to speak to Anna to try and get tickets for the show.5 He hesitates because he doesn’t know Anna well, and because he is nervous to talk to a girl he likes.6 Takeshi feels pressure from Mike, who scowls at him.EActivity 11 What’s up2 Not much3 Dedicated Music Reviewer4 As a matter of fact5 reviewing a show tonight6 That’d be great7 It’s a date 8 You and I can go togetherActivity 2Takeshi is surprised by Anna’s invitation. He thinks Anna is pretty and is therefore pleased to have a date with her. He might even be more pleased about the date than he is about seeing James Hammond’s show.1 He thinks he will get to see the show.2 At first, Mike feel a bit disappointed but then he is happy for his friend.3 Takeshi is worried that Mike will be unhappy about not seeing the show.4 He tells Takeshi not to worry about it. He also says there are lots of other shows he can attend.3 After You WatchA1 stuff2 You’re kidding me!3 I hardly know her!4 manB1 the show was sold out2 a pretty woman across the room3 a music reviewer4 was nervous and hesitated at fitst5 went over and spoke to Anna6 she was still writing for The Village Voice7 not only was she a dedicated music reviewer 8 just couldn’t believe it 9 a ticket to the show and a date 10 disappointed at first 11 not to worry about it 12 he had more important things to doUnit 41 Vocabulary LinkB1 pleasant2 active3 punctual4 careful5 flexible6 independentC1—c 2—a 3—d 4—b 5—f 6—e2 ListeningActivity 1A1 Diane2 Mimi3 AliceB1 six customers2 punctual Last week3 eight energyActivity2A aB1~3: No 4 YesActivity3A1 become a teacher2 the teaching program is very good3 a lot of practice4 young kids5 graduate from the university next June6 a kindergartenBPosition: brochure designerRequirements: computer skills cooperative flexibility in working hours available right nowActivity 4Job—voice talent Company—National Telephone Her work—recording information messages Job requirements—sound warm and friendly, even at the end of eight hours Her schedule—three days a week Good points of her job—fun, helping people by using her voice, people are surprised Bad points of her job—has to be careful about her voice, doesn’t go outside in cold weather, can’t go to horror moivesB1 Because she has to avoid hurting her voice.2 First she got the job information from her friend. Then she listened to all the telephone company messages on her own phone, recorded a cassette of all those messages in her own voice and sent it to the company. She then called the company every day for a month before she got the job.Activity 5AKen: 1 3 Steven: 2 4B1 interviews2 introduces3 famous4 loves5 videotape6 moves7 drive8 dependent9 stressful 10 hired3 PronunciationsB1 for two days2 for six hours3 for years4 for months Activity 2 I really want this jobAQ: honest, caring A: first-aid skills Q: creative A: graphic designQ:helpful A: speak a foreign language Q: ambitious A: give presentationsCA tour guide b fashion designer c flight attendantd police officer e taxi driverf fitness instructorLesson BPart 12 While You WatchTrue:1 4 5 6 False: 2 31 Before You Watch1 well-informed2 foundation3 animation4 up-to-date5 animator6 passionate7 developing8 unconfident2 While You WatchA1~7: b d f c a g eB1 strong foundation in art2 it helps to be able to speak3 animator in movies or video games4 be patient, work hard, and be creative5 that way6 keep up-to-date with events7 be able to1 PreviewBTrue: 1 4 5 6 False: 2 3 7C1—d 2—a 3—b 4—cD1 high energy level2 customers needs3 pleasant manager4 software programsE1~8: f d b g a c e h2 While You WatchA5 6 3 1 2 4B1~5: a a c b cC1 Thanks very much for coming in2 bring your resume3 Here you are4 tell you a little bit about the job5 looking for someone to sell our new software product6 requires flexibility, independence7 most importantly8 really listen to my customers to find out what they need9 I’m really good at that10 your experience with software programs 11 how to use a similar software product 12 at my current job 13 customer needs14 interesting 15 my present company 16 my present position 17 I’ve been named salesperson 18 top sales awards several times 19 impressive 20 understand the market better21 the competition 22 We’ll be in touchD1 Bill is Ms. Li’s boss2 She thought Claudia was energetic and experienced—the right person for the job.3 She wanted to inform Claudia that she got the job.4 They were going to an aerobics class.5 Claudia was excited and anxious to find out if she had got the job.3 After You WatchA1 by the way2 something3 We’ll be in touch4 a little bitUnit 51 Vocabulary LinkB1 produces purchase employs2 develops shipmanage 3 advertise compete2 ListeningName Richard Branson Company Virgin Group, LtdB1 3 4 5 7 8Activity 2AFor mountain climbing for trimming hair for relaxing for opening bottles for slicing food for cams and the corkscrewActivity 3B1 April 4, 19752 Bill Gates and Allen3 Redmond, Washington, United States4 Worldwide5 Microsoft Windows Microsoft Office Computer hardware products Home entertainment productsActivity 4A1 department stores shopping malls2 put up their Christmas windowdisplays 3 companies just want them to spend more money 4 we can start thinking about what we really need in lifeB1 Buy Nothing Day2 They shouldn’t spend any money for 24 hours.3 In over 15 countries4 Canada5 The Christmas shopping season starts6 People are forgetting the real meaning of the holidays.7 People’s ideas about shoppingActivity 5A: b d e g f a c hB1 too much2 1960 affordable advertising educate high school students3 necessary4 talk about the company at any time say positive things about the company referring people to them WORD-OF-MOUTH ADVERTISING: It’s cost-effective. It’s much more believable. The company doesn’t have to create a complex business plan to advertise products.PAIDMEDIA ADVERTISING: It can sound insincere or unconvincing4 Speaking & CommunicationActivity 1AWe have about 10000 We do business in a large number of we made over five millionWill grow by up to 10%Activity 2B2 was not very popular in the beginning3 became popular when Michael Jackson’s videos were played4 started a second video channel, VH1in 19855started MTV Asia, MTV Latino, and MTV Russia in the 1990sMTV Today1 is a worldwide success story3 also broadcasts other programs4 is consistently voted one of the most popular TV stationsCA hobby students Jerry and David’s Guidecomputers grew quickly Internet millions of information e-mail services profitLesson BPart 11 Before You WatchA1~10: d f b I c l e h a gB1 flyers2 smoothie3 brochures2 While You WatchA: b e a f d cBDo education for executives send out to invite those people to come to our trainings smoothie business back in college word of mouth hand out flyers janitorial servicehe has people come in and clean the building, after hoursPart 21 previewB1~6: f e b a c dcC: 1~10: f I j c b d a e g h2 While You WatchA: 1~5: c e a d bBTrue: 2 4 5 8False: 1film school project—commercial 3 had to study—was sick6 unsatisfactory—satisfactory7 remark the tape—make more tapesC1 By the way2 helping me out with this3 on the day of my first real commercial shoot4 especially since you have a “love assistant” like me 5Right…there 6 that should do it7 Check 8 And rolling 9 take one 10 Hello there 11 the most successful 12 The keys to our success13 great design 14 affordable prices 15 who are theseand stylish lounge chair 19 100% genuine leather 20 talk about well-made 21 you’ll ever lay your head on 22 See for yourself23 here today, gone tomorrow 24 pride ourselves in giving25 at the right priceDActivity 11 on my first paying client2 sent in3 who knows what’ll happen4 Plus that couch was really comfortable `5 booked me for another6 the best part7 what this calls for8 encoreActivity 21 He most probably sent it in to Mr. Howard.2 Mike was worried that he might have made a bad impression on Takeshi’sclient by falling asleep.3 Mr. Howard was pleased that people could see the Super Sleeper Sofa lives up to its name.3 After You WatchA1 talk about2 Check!3 folks4 that should do it B1 shoot a TV commercial2 starring3 show off4 elaborated on how well each piece was made5 fell asleep6 failed to help him with7 hire Takeshi to make five more commercialsUnit 6Lesson A1 Vocabulary LinkB1 summer house2 limousine driver3 designer clothes4 private school5 personal trainer 6luxury suite7 credit card 8 private jet 9 spending money2 ListeningActivity 1AThe Burj Al Arab Hotel Dubai, United Arab EmiratesB1—p 2—p 3—r 4—r 5—b 6—b 7—p 8—pActivity 2A bB1—D 2—D 3—JC 4—JC 5—D 6—D 7—J 8—JActivity 3A1 a brand new 20th2 Joseph’s friend1 When she was a university student.2 Not at all. It was really old.3 She worked the whole summer vacation in a restaurant.4 Yes, she did. She took all her friends driving around every weekend.5 The car was destroyed in an accident.Activity 41 60 hours2 To pay for a big house, expensive furniture, a new car, and all the “important “ thing in life3 Going out on her old houseboat.4 She can go fishing from her living room.5 She goes along the river on her boat, exploring new places.B: 2 4 6Activity 5B1 They will sell their knowledge about using plants as medicine.2 They will get jobs and education for their people to save their culture and language.3 The monks record and sell their music.4 They use the money to pay for summer camps for teenagers.CF: 1 2 5 T: 3 4 6Lesson BPart 111—b 2—c 3—a21~8: d f b a c h g e11 charity2 equipment3 purchase2A1 Woo Sung: buy a car or cars buy a house buy a university2 Calum: take a holiday3 Natalie: buy a car or cars buy a house invest money for the future4 Dave: spend it as fast as possible buy a car or carsB1 strike it big time2 somewhere warmer than where I live3 live on the beach for a whilePart 2PreviewB1~5: a b b c cCLuxurious penniless well-off generous lavish1~9: d c a f e g I b hEApparently will packets paid off invested loads timer struck it rich turned out2 While You WatchA1~8: F F T F F F T FB1~5: b a e c dC1 It was about Mike’s uncle’s will.2 On a farm in Minnesota.3 Because Uncle Max had left all his land to Mike.4 Mike remembers his uncle living a simple life. It was not luxurious.\D1 strike it rich or something2 used to tell me3 all a man needs4 a strong back5 invested in his land6 it paid off7 lavish lifestyle 8 I mean 9 generous 10 offered to give me spending money 11 wanted me to go to private school12 wanted to vacation 13 turns out he’s got one14 how could you not have known 15 I’m telling you16 wasn’t on sale 17 have a timer by his phone 18 ketchup packets 19 A nd no one knew 20 In fact 21 No wonder 22 Who would have thought he was that well offE1 loads of cash2 pay for dinner tonight3 I’ll take youall out to a nice dinner 4 my treat 5 a little short on cash6 I could borrow some7 I’m good for it 8we’re taking a nice dinner3 While You Watch1 I’m telling you2 No wonder3 I’m good for it4 I’m a little short onUnite 7Lesson A2 ListeningAHe is complaining about a broken traffic light in his communityB1 traffic accidents in danger2 pose great danger3 look into it immediatelyActivity 2AKnow their neighbors well rarely patrolBJohn: 1 F patrolling—neighborhood watch 2 T 3 F put up notice—put signs in our windowsSusan: 1 T 2 F by bike—in cars 3 T 4 F in cars—on foot or on bicycleActivity 3A cB 1: a b d 2: b c 3: bActivity 4A: 1BTyra: S SMatt: C SMercedes: C CC1 Tyra2 Matt3 Mercedes4 Matt5 Matt Activity 51 The global population has grown quickly, and in some places it is creating a lot of problems.2 When women are educated , they become equal partners and participate more in family decisions.B1—d 2—c 3—a 4—bC1 F 3500 new babies are born worldwide—3500 new lives are added to the world’s population2 F 1978—19873 T4 T5 F small—big6 T7 T8 T9 in their late twenties—at the age of 3010 F there is—there isn’tSpeaking & CommunicationAWords or drawing that are illegally sprayed on wallsLesson B1 Before You Watch1—c 2—b 3—f 4—g 5—d 6—a 7—e2 While You Watch1 are2 don’t have3 noise4 fire5 a lot6 bothers1 Before You Watch1 Global warming2 Hunger3 Spread4 Poverty5 Disease6 HIV7 AIDS2 While You Watch1~6: f a d e c bB1 The oceans are rising as well as the temperatures2 before it’s too late3 the world get together and help to make sure4 everyone gets a chance to learnPart 21 previewB1~6: c f b e d aC1~7: c d b e f g aD1 conduct a survey2 make a mistake3 interesting viewpoint4 rush hour5 affordable apartments6 push yourself7 noise pollutionE1~3: b c a2 While You WatchBTrue: 3 5False: 1 singles in the city—city living 2 air—noise 4 people—restaurants 6 Takeshi—Sun-hee 7 money—timeC1 Do you have a couple of minutes2 This won’t take long3 Do you agree, disagree, or have no opinion about4 Me too5 Rush hour in the city has become unbearable6 I totally agree7 traffic’s been an issue here for years8 with all the construction going on8 with all the construction going on 9 it’s not an issue for me 10 I guess 11 I like the fact that there are so many opportunities 12 push yourself 13 it goes the other way too 14 like if you make a mistake 15 waiting to take your place16 talentedD1 They disagreed about life in New York. Sun-hee said there were many problems related to living in the city, but Takeshi said it was n’t that bad.2 Sun-hee said ‘Enjoy itIf you can get there in this traffic!” she was sarcastic as she thought it was hard to enjoy anything in New York because the traffic was so bad.3 Takeshi listed the good things in the city such as beautiful buildings and interesting places.4 The reporter left because she had finished her survey. It was not rude of her to leave. It was however rude of Takeshi and Sun-hee to engage in an argument during her interview.3 After You Watch1 you know?2 I guess3 Where do I start?4 it goes the other way tooB1 on the sidewalk2 what they liked and disliked3 seemed to have different opinions about other issues4 pointed out that there was not enough parking , too few affordable apartments5 too much to enjoy in the city6 arguing about the issues7 But see8 I told you New Yorkers were rudeUnit 8Lesson A1 Vocabulary LinkB1~9: c a f h b I e g dC1 morals2 a while lie3 not worth doing4 has something on his conscience5 against the law6 hurt my feelings7 obvious 8 depends on the circumstances2 ListeningActivity 1AThe speaker thinks that telling while lies is sometimes acceptable or even necessary.B1 encourage people2 to comfort people3 to soothe people4 to childrenActivity 2A1 work in the same office2 moving to another city3 lying about her work experienceB1 with her two co-workers2 Sally really has done3 might get a jobActivity 3A1 sometimes2 neverB1~6:D R R D R DActivity 41 a2 He thinks it’s not trustworthy because the reporters exaggerate and are not serious.3 She likes infotainment, or shows that report on current trends and famous people.B2 Lucinda: TV onlineActivity 5A1 P and S2 P and S3 D4 S5 PB1 The man who got out of the other car was friendly.2 Philippe and Sophie climbed into the car.3 The man drove Philippe and Sophie to a nearby village.4 Philippe and Sophie had tea and local delicacies.5 The man’s family was thrilled to meet Philippe and Sophie.6 The driver fixed the car that night.C1 hired driver2 doze3 an odd, loud4 get help5 no houses6 wild animals7 colder and darker 8a couple of 9 get into his car 10 windshield11 his phone number 12 they stay for dinner 13 called to say the car was running again 14 thanked the couple for visiting their home4 Speaking $ CommunicationA1 Mrs. Ward orders chicken and Mrs. Ward orders steak.2 Mr. Ward wants his steak to be medium rare, but it is well done.Lesson B1 Before You WatchA1~4: b c d aB1~5: b c d e a2 While You WatchATrue: 1 2 4 7 8False: 3 always—never 5 never—sometimes 6 shopping—to the moviesB1 lie2 get3 somebody4 explain the situation to mePart 21 previewBTrue: 1 3 6False: 2 Claudia—Tara 4 should—shouldn’t 5 skirt—jacketC1~4: d b c aD1 told a while lie2 exception to the rule3 depend upon the circumstances4 hurt someone’s feelings。



大学英语视听说第1册听力答案Unit 1Lesson AP4 A. 第一幅图c; 第二幅图(左) a; 第三幅图(右)bP4 B 1.Hiromi 2. Fiona 3. Miguel 4. Fiona 5.Hiromi 6.Miguel 7. Miguel 8. Hiromi 9.FionaP5 A 1.tall 2.long 3.30s 4.brownP5 B long brown hair; short, blond hairP6 A Emilio is the first on the left. Alexis is the second from the right.P6 BEmilio tall,about 182cm; brown eyesKathy in her forties; slim; long, straight, blond hairMichael tall; average weight; dark, brown eyesAlexis young; slimAshley average height; green eyes; long, curly, red hairP7 A UA238; the Marketing DepartmentP7 B he has a problem with his carP8 A 1. looks like Beckham and they want to take his picture2.can make good money being a Beckham doubleP8 B 1.movie star-----soccer player2.True3.in movies-----on TV and in newspaper ads.4.world leaders-----pop singers5.TrueP9 C (1) twenty- two-year-old hairdresser (2) blond hair (3) good looks (4) on the street (5) take his picture (6) Beckham (7) travels (8) good money (9) doubleP9 3 A 1. Are you from Seoul? 升Where are you from?降2.Do you have a brother?升W hat’s his name?降B 1.降 2.升 3.升 4.降 4.降 5.升 6.降P10 A It’s nice to meet you.Nice to meet you,too.What do you do, Danny?Lesson BPart 11 Before You Watch1.athletic build2.tan3.muscular4.Hazel-colored5.cute6.light-skinned7.skinny2 While You WatchA. 1. the United States2.Seoul; 203.25; the United States4.Brazil5.the United States; 28P13 B1c 2a 3f 4b 5e 6dP13 C1.the United States. He is28 years old. Dan is pretty tall, about six feet. He works at ahospital and speaks English, Spanish and Portuguese.2.is tall and has dark hair and brown eyes. Her friend looks like Antonio Banderas, butis less muscular.P15 1b 2c 3b 4c 5bP15 A 1,3,4,6,8 (True) 2. 3.00----2.00 5.does not speak----speaks 7.the same as always----differentP16 B 1e 2b 3c 4a 5dP16 C 1.Sun-hee to teach her class from two to four p.m.2.she has to meet her cousin at three.3.Oh,I see.Gee,I don’t know what to do.4.That’s g reat! Thanks a lot! See you at 1:30.P17 D 1. Got it.2.Thanks so much for doing this for me.3.Hey, what are friends for!Activity 2 OK; Uh-huh; OK. So, does he speak English? Got it. Hey, what are friends for?P17 E 1. so different 2. so thin 3. eat healthier food 4. go to the gym 5. Good for you 6. looks good on you 7. look great P18 F Tara holds up a sign board.P18 A 1b 2e 3a 4d 5cP19 B 1. Good for you! 2. No problem. 3. Got it. 4. What are friends for? 5. Oh, my Gosh!Unit 2Lesson AP20 1c 2c 3b 4a 5eP22 A 1.右图 2.右图 3.左图P22 B 1. stay inside 2. go outside 3.stay insideP23 A 1.checking in at the airport.2.looking at3.checking into a hotelP23 B 1.Berlin 2.New York 3.ShanghaiP24 B 1. should pack 2. plane ticket 3. the traffic; really fast 4.to stay cool 5.shouldn’tP25 AItaly: April and May;because April and May are warm and beautifulAustralia: From December to April; because the weather is usually very goodHong Kong,China: October and November; because it’s warm an d not so humidGermany: Ju ly and August; because it’s usually warm and sunnyIndia: From November to April; because the weather is nice and cool.P26 B 1.850,000 2. goat; false 3. cell phones, keys, sunglasses, wallets 4. 300,000/three hundred thousand 5. finderP27 B 1.should 2.sh ouldn’t 3. shouldn’t 4.shouldLesson BP31 1.warm 2.rainy 3. cold 4. hot,sunny 5. rainstormsP32 1.true 2.snowstorms---rainstorms 3. true 4.really likes---doesn’t like 5.summer—winterP32 1d 2c 3a 4bP33 A 1f 2e 3a 4cdbP33 B 1. should bring your bathing suit and your sun lotion2.should visit San Antonio where the Alamo is located because it’s a historical siteP34 B 1. No 2.Yes 3.Yes 4.No 5.No 6.NoP35 A 1. Mexico City 2. Tuesday 3. on vacation 4. family 5. T-shirt or a baseball cap 6. Claudia 7.teddy bearP35 B 1c 2b 3e 4d 5aP36 C 1. sometimes at night it gets chilly. 2. a big meeting on TuesdayP36 D 1. Maria; niece; ten years2.something more fun; a videogame3. love books; really smartP36 E 1. Is this hers too? 2. belongs 3.a souvenir 4.present 5. T-shirt 6. Good idea 7. That’s it.P36 F Because after the business meeting he will have a vacation and his family lives in Mexico City.P37 A 1d 2c 3a 4bP37 B 1.You should 2. Yes and no 3. That’s it 4. Good idea Unit 3Lesson AP38 A 1a 2h 3b 4f 5c 6g 7i 8e 9d music drama school newspaperP38 B play baseball/tennis/soccer/basketball/chessGo swimming/bowling/rowingP39 A Mike’s familyP39 B brother: basketballSister: swimmingDad: tennisMom:golfMike: surfingP40 Activity 21.hardworking/doc/765956661.html,petitive3.independent4. careful5.seriousP40 Activity 3A Ashley’s major at schoolB 1.art 2.business 3.a lot 4.too competitiveP41 A job applicantsP41 B 1.Sara 2.Jason 3.Jason 4.Jason 5.Sara and Jason 6.Sara 7.JasonP42 B 1.doctor 2.actor,doctor,businessperson 3.none 4.businessperson 5. actor,doctor 6.doctor 7.businessperson 8.doctor 9.businessperson 10.businesspersonP46 B 1P 2D 3A 4T 5DP 6PT 7A 8TLesson BP47 A 1i 2b 3a 4f 5g 6d 7h 8c 9eP48A 1.gym 2.to the movies 3.drums 4.coffee shop5.snowboarding6.swimming7.hiking8.football9.basketball 10.individual activitiesP48 B 1b 2a 3d 4c 5f 6eP48 C 1b 2c 3cP50 B 1.park 2.Claudia 3. not that often 4.tennis 5.playbaseball 6.isP50 A 1.all the time-----five or six times a year2.twice a week------once a week3.once a month-------twice a month4.baseball team-------tennis team5.true6.true7.aren’t very athletic----are very athletic8.trueP51B 1b 2a 3d 4c 5eP51C 1.so fun, play 2.pretty athletic 3. five or six times a year4.she thinks5. for funP51D 1.serious 2.all the time 3.on 4.about 5.not all that 6.having fun P52E 1.Sure 2.Well,I’m not very good 3.Oh,well, in that case 4.We’d love toP52F Claudia says she is pretty athletic and plays all the time but she actually does sports only once in a while. Mostly she and Sun-hee play sports just for fun.P53A 1a 2a 3a 4aP53B 1.wait a minute 2.in fact 3.you know 4.it’s all aboutUnit 4Lesson AP54A 1.get 2.get 3.join 4.lose 5.quit 6.make 7.get 8.joinP55A 1.get a new job 2.danceP56B 1.true 2.does n’t make very much money-----------makes good money3.true4.true5.is-------isn’tP56A 1.singer 2.Turkish 3.17 4.travels a lotP57B 1pretty exciting 2.take a break 3.Follow your dreams 4.successfulP57 Activity 3 1.think about your goals every day2.join a business club3.work every night and every weekendP58A 1.From dream to real life2.Think about today3.Ask for help4.Learn from other peopleP58B 1.doing /doc/765956661.html,rmation 3.help 4.T alking P59A 1.chemistry 2.films 3.money 4.China; around the world5.play soccer6.business; law7.change their mindsP59B 1.a university inBeijing 2.to make films 3.move to Beijing from all over the country 4.their lives and work 5.show the film 6.around the world 7.togo to college 8.major in 9.to become a lawyer or a businessman 10.to be aprofessional soccer playerP62B 1.too much money, but doesn’t know how to save money/doc/765956661.html,e her credit cards so much and should go out less often/doc/765956661.html,te for work and his boss is threatening to fire him4.ues two or even three alarm clocks, which will definitely wake him up on time. Lesson BP63 1 Before You Watch1.Journalism2.engineer/doc/765956661.html,cation4.EngineeringP63 2 While You Watch1.true2.true3.happy----unhappy4.change jobs----go back to college5. journalism----engineering6.engineering----journalism7.true8.true9.sister----friend 10.trueP64 1 Before You Watch1.picky2.training3.career4.honeymoon5.presidentP64 2 12.new job 3.New York 4.hospital 5.president 6.months 7.business 8.help people 9.happyP66B 1.knows------doesn’t know 2,true 3.watch more TV----watch less TV 4.true 5.less often----more often 6.Takeshi----MikeP66 2 While You WatchA.1,2,3,5,6,8,9,11 trueB.1e 2b 3a 4d 5cc. 1. in his opinion to have a haircut is nothing of any importance2.He’s lazy; he watches too much TV; and he eats too much junk food.3.He doesn’t believe that Mike would stop his bad habits, just as he doesn’t believe it wouldsnow in July.P68D 1.that’s right 2.That was last week 3.No way 4.I’m going to 5.That sounds great 6.to be about 7.starts with 8.I’m sure of itP68E At first, he wanted to become a famous movie star. But a week later he changed his ideaand wanted to become a famous writer.He is a day-dreamer, he doesn’t do anything to make hisgoals come true. He’s only day-dreaming. P69A 1b 2b 3a 4a P69B 1.I’m not kidding 2.guy 3.No way 4.And it’s going to snow in July,too. Unit 5Lesson AP71B 1.a bank 2.Exercise 3.an Internet café 4. At a library 5. watch movies 6.a post office 7.your haircut 8.a Laundromat P71 Activity 1 a2 b1 c4 d3P71B to get money; to mail a letter; to color her hair; to check e-mailP72A 1.Getafe 2.MadridP72B affordable, small city; not very excitingP73B 1.There are many interesting things to see including beautiful parks and good restaurants.2.You can visit Chinatown and Little India. There are also some great beaches near thecity.3.Singapore has very good public transportation. You can take a bus,train or subway.4.Yes,Singapore is a safe city. There isn’t much crime.5.It is very expensive to live in SingaporeP73Apopulation: 9 million; 600 thousandWeather: good in summer, cold in winter; lots of rainCost of living: affordable; high pricesTransportation: subways, trains, buses, but too many cars; good public transportation Nightlife: popular seafood restaurants; great restaurants and nightclubsP74A 1. San Jose 2.Hong Kong 3.San Jose 4.Hong Kong and San Jose 5. Hong Kong and San Jose 6.Hong KongP75B 1.A:Terry B: front theater2.A: car parked B: gym, Eighth Avenue3.A: Laundromat B: café, 14th StreetLesson BP79 1 Before You Watch2.bank/doc/765956661.html,undromat4.pizza shop5.post office6.bakery7.pharmacy8.clothing storeP79 2 While You Watch1.a pizza shop; a clothing store; a pharmacy2.a supermarket; a post office; a train station/doc/765956661.html,undromats; pizza restaurants; Chinese restaurants4.a bakery; a post office; little shopsGlobal Viewpoints1 Before You Watch1.pollution2.crime3.transportation4.cost of living2 While You Watch1,2,3,8 (true); 4,5,6,7(false)4.difficult---not difficult5.clean---poluted6.doesn;t like-----loves7.inexpensive---expensiveP82B 1.a note 2. go to the restaurant 3.the directions to therestaurant 4.can’t5.taxiP82A 1,3,6,8 (true)2.the office---a restaurant4the bus---the subway5.a woman---a man7.a walk-----take a taxiP83B 1b 2d 3c 4a 5cP83C 1.They found a note from Claudia on the table.2.She invited them to a new good restaurant on her treat3.Yes.She gave them detailed directions4.It was easy to find. She said, “ You can’t miss it!”5.Because the traffic down there was terrible.6.Yes. She said,” It sounds like fun!”P84D 1.It’s pretty close 2.down this street 3.at the gym 4.walk one more block 5.on the corner of 6.Turn right 7.in the middle of 8.on the rightP84E 1.I don’t believe 2.on 3.We’re lost 4.Me too 5.right across the street from 6.you can’t miss itP84F the same street they were five minutes ago and the restaurant was right across the street from the subway station.P85A 2. What street is it on? 3. I know the name 4.Do you know where it is? 5.It’s on West HoustonP85B 5,2,4,1,6,3。

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/researching/background/work /on/hoping/for/break/may/be/it /By/the/way
confident/relaxed/tense/in a bad mood
1)How about2)too3)Why don't4)enough5)Let's6)to walk 3/5
1)am taking2)work3)have4)am writing
get/expert/run/broadcast/competition/In/ fact/Speaking/ought/to/give/away/Good/ thinking/handle/care/audio/expert/fast/ on/it/You/do/hard/to/believe/wake/up/ smell/the/coffee/crazy/famous/taking/a/
heard/about/was/caught/they/say/what/to/think/stuff/you'd/like/to/really/convinced/actually/natural /athlete/in/the/season/any/opinion/about/disqualify/for/the/sake/of/shame/to/in/trouble/with/start/r umors
forward/eliminate/apparently/incredible 5/5
U nit4 3/19
listen your side of the story Nope all alike judge me trust only goal helping win deal with mess charges serious threw a game gambling debts gave access to stop from Did you or
didn’t you throw the game get show viewers Take your pick innocent
ran into my gosh doing fantastic the same old how exciting perfect for or something like that
a boring jo
b gets to telemarketing telephone company
3A/5 a a the a 3B/5
大测L isten 1/3
V ocabulaty 1/3
C rammer 1/3
P ronunciation 2/5
S peaking
Unit5 3/19
sure sounds like stupid a minute deliberately from college works for recognize teammate both
excuse us media you’ve got that right get it worry you getting some pressure sit out badly
frankly win without you
