
要实现统一,就要有个适当方式。 要坚持把教育放在优先发展的战略地位, 加快各级各类教育发展。
To achieve a peaceful unification, we must find a proper means. We need to make education a strategic priority and accelerate the development of all types of education at all levels.
操作说明不应使用长词或复杂结构。 这本书整整写了两年了。 要多接触,增进了解。 一看到那棵大树,我便想起了童年的情 景。
Long words or complex constructions should not be used in instructions for operation./Instructions for operation should not use long words or complex constructions . This book took me two entire years to write./The writing of this book lasted two entire years.(?)/ It took me two entire years to write this book.(?) Let there be more contact for more understanding between the two sides. The sight of the big tree always reminds me of my childhood.

在汉语中,无主句和省略主句是比较常见的句型,但在英语中,无主句和省略主句的使用相对较少。在汉译英中 ,需要根据英语的表达习惯对无主句和省略主句进行处理,可以采用增补主语、变换句型等方法,使得译文更加 符合英语的表达习惯,提高译文的准确性和流畅性。
主语在句子中起到引导句子的作 用,是句子逻辑和语义的核心, 同时影响谓语和宾语的语法结构 和意义。
选择正确的主语可以使句 子语法结构完整,避免出 现语法错误。
选择合适的主语可以明确 动作的执行者或状态的变 化者,使句子的语义更加 清晰。
在汉译英过程中,有时候原文中的一些词汇或短语在英文中并不需要翻译出来,因为它 们对于句子的结构和意义没有实质性的影响。省略法可以在主语选择时使用,例如在翻
主谓一致是指英语句子中主语和谓语动词在数、时态和语态上保持一致。在汉译 英过程中,需要根据英语语法规则,选择适当的主语形式,以确保句子结构正确 。
主语与谓语逻辑关系混乱是指英语主语与谓 语在逻辑上不一致,导致句子意义不明确。
在进行汉译英时,需要特别注意主语与谓语 的逻辑关系,确保它们在时态、语态和语气 等方面保持一致。例如,“如果明天下雨, 我们就不去公园了”应该翻译为“If it rains tomorrow, we won't go to the park”,

• 因为距离远,又缺乏交通工具,农村社会是与外界隔绝的。这 种隔绝状态,由于通讯工具不足,就变得更加严重了。 • a. Due to Long distances and lack of transport facilities, the rural areas are isolated from the outside world,which is made more serious by the lack of communication instruments. • (基本保留了原文句法结构)
1)热烈欢迎世界各地客商来此进一步加强合作,建立和 发展贸易关系。 Customers from various countries and regions are warmly welcome to establish and develop business contacts. 2) 希望今后上海能够与更多的外国城市结为友好城市。
The warmth of the stove soon brought sleep to me.
4 2008年奥运会将在北京举行。
There will be the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008. The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008. Beijing will host the 29th Olympic Games in 2008. The year 2008 will witness the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing . The 29th Olympic Games is to be held in Beijing in 2008.

例如:使用我们的护肤品,让你的肌肤焕发 年轻光彩,重拾自信美丽。
在翻译过程中,首先需要明确原 句的主谓关系,即确定句子的中 心思想,这将有助于我们选择合
在翻译过程中,要注意语境对主语选择的影响。不同的语境下,可能需要选择不同的主语 。例如,在描述一个物体的位置时,汉语中通常使用物体作为主语,而英语中则更倾向于 使用地点作为主语。
在翻译过程中,要注意不同语言习惯对主语选择的影响。不同语言习惯下,主语的类型和 位置可能会有所不同。因此,在翻译时要注意根据目标语言的习惯选择合适的主语。
例如:在2023年,中国成功发射 了嫦娥五号月球探测器,实现了 中国航天史上的又一里程碑。
科技文献类文章通常以“事物”或“ 现象”作为主语,以此来突出科学的 严谨性和客观性。
例如:在量子力学中,波粒二象性是 一个非常重要的概念,它指的是粒子 可以同时具有波和粒子的属性。
在翻译过程中,需要考虑原文所处的 语言环境,以及该语言环境下的语法 和词汇特点,从而选择合适的主语。
不同的文化背景可能会影响主语的选 择。在某些文化中,可能更倾向于使 用无主语句,而在其他文化中则可能 更常见使用主语。
如果原文的主题比较复杂,可能需要拆分句子结构或者使用从句等方式来处理 ,以避免出现复杂的主语。

3) 到了济南府,进得城来,家家泉水,户 户垂柳,比那江南风景觉得更为有趣。 When he reached Jinan and entered the city, he found streams flowing by every house and willows standing by every door, which delighted him even more than the scenery of the south. . (刘鹗《老残游记》 杨宪益、戴 乃迭译)
1)论文我们已经写了一大半了。 We have finished a good part of the papers. 2)大多数同学论文都写完了。 Most of the students have finished their papers. 3)这些材料我们只够盖一栋房子。 We could only build one house with these materials.
1)起大风了。 It’s blowing hard. 2)如果预测天气恶化,预报员必须能够在该机飞 行范围内指定另一个天气适合降落的机场。 If bad weather is expected, the forecaster must be able to suggest another airport within the range of the aircraft where the weather will be suitable for landing.
3) 离上海仅有几小时路程的苏州和杭州 苏州和杭州,是中国园 苏州和杭州 林艺术的代表,被人称为“天堂”。 a. Neighbouring Suzhou and Hangzhou, only a couple of hours away from Shanghai by train or by car, embody the essence of Chinese gardening architecture and are considered by the Chinese to be "paradise on earth." (保留了原句的主语) b. A few hours ride (from Shanghai 上文暗含)will take you to Suzhou and Hangzhou, which represents the essence of Chinese Gardening Arts, and is, therefore, known as “paradise on earth.” (主语选择灵活,便于构句)

Determining the Subject of a Sentence汉译英的一个关键步骤是考虑译文的整个句子怎么摆放,如何构建译文句子的总体框架,主要确定那拿什么作为英语主语。
英语是一种注重主语的语言(subject-prominent language),而汉语则是注重主题的语言(topic-prominent language)。
(通顺)This you don’t need to worry about. (×)You don’t need to worry about this. (√)This is not something you need to worry abo ut. ( √)It is unnecessary for you to worry about this. ( √) (汉语没有对应结构)There is no need for you to worry about this. ( √) (汉语没有对应结构)汉语是主题显著的语言,其句法特征是意合,这一特征往往使句子中的指代关系(尤其是主语)在形式上不明显(有时主语不清)。


4. 主语为偏正结构短语
The richness of soil favors the growth of crops.
除了其传染性,该疾病的严重状况最终导致肺结核。 In addition to its contagiousness, the severity of the disease resulted in tuberculosis.
3. 主语为动宾结构短语 发明计算机是人类历史上的一大奇迹。 The invention of the computer is a marvel in human history. 操作电机需要了解电机的一些性能情况。 The operation of an electric machine needs some knowledge of its performance.
5. 主语从句 除地球外的任何别的行星上是否适合生命存在,是值得怀疑的。
Whether life can exist on any planet other than the earth is very doubtful. 理论必须紧密联系实际是我们应当记住的一条原则。 That theory must go hand in hand with practice is a principle we should always keep in mind.
要创造新物质,就需要一个超热和高能的环境。 Creation of new matter requires an exceedingly hot and energydense environment.

一. 主语的确定1. 确定主语时,必须符合英语的语言习惯和英美等国的文化习俗;1)热烈欢迎世界各地客商来此进一步加强合作,建立和发展贸易关系。
2) 希望今后上海能够与更多的外国城市结为友好城市1)热烈欢迎世界各地客商来此进一步加强合作,建立和发展贸易关系。
Customers from various countries and regions are warmly welcome to establish and develop business contacts. 分析:汉语省略了主语“我们”,这既反映了汉语重主题而非重主语的语言特点,同时也反映了汉民族喜欢以主人的姿态欢迎客人这一文化特征。
2) 希望今后上海能够与更多的外国城市结为友好城市。
It is hoped/anticipated that Shanghai will establish friendly relations with more foreign cities in the future.分析:汉语省略了主语“我们”或是“人们”。
为了避免这种指代不清,英语中有一种左右逢源的办法,即使用“It is +过去分词+that从句”的结构。
2. 确定主语时,必须符合英美人的思维方式;1)她从来没想到他是个不诚实的人。
It never occurred to her that he was a dishonest man.分析:译文中,主语是“It”,这是西方人的思维方式,译文意为:这种念头从来没有闪过她的脑际。

译:I know nothing about his complaint against you.析:“他投诉你的事”是汉语语句的主题结构,而在英译文中“I”却成了主语,视角的变化引发主语选择的变化。
The resignation of the Prime Minister was hourly expected三、主语必须是句中应该突出的主要信息例:到去年年底,我部已同有关省市签订了100余艘中小船舶建造合同和协议。
By the end of last year,contracts and agreements were slgned with some provinces and cities concerned for the construction of more than 100 medium-and—smail—sized vessels析:此句“合同和协议”至关重要,放在句首合情合理,让人一目了然。
Laziness makes success impossible.析英美人则强调客观,不妨取形容词“懒惰”为主语,更符合英美人的思维方式。
A dark stain on the carpet caught his eyes.没有用原句中的代词作主语,而用名词为译文主语,符合英语的语言特色。
论在汉译英中主语的选择 ——以张培基《英译中国现代散文选》为例

关键词:汉译英;主语的选择;英汉主语的差异;张培基;英译中国现代散文选AbstractTranslation is a language activity of transforming between two languages. In the process of Chinese-English translation, choosing the suitable words as subjects is one of the tasks people facing with. However, it's not easy for people to choose subjects in Chinese-English translation because of the differences between Chinese and English. The subjects of Chinese and English have differences in forms and sentence structure. Furthermore, Chinese is topic-prominent language and English is subject-prominent language. This thesis begins with these differences, puts up some methods and advises about how to choose a suitable subjects through learning Selected Modern Chinese Essays by Zhang Peiji and the author own practices and conclusion. First, keeping the subjects of the original sentences. Second, choosing other constituents of the original sentences. Third, replenishing new subjects for the translation. Fourth, reducing of changing the subjects. And then, the writer shows the conclusion that it should be considered the mode of thinking in western countries, combining with the English language habits, fully understanding the origin text, and use some skills to choose the appropriate subjects.Key words: Chinese-English Translation;the choice of subjects;the differences of subjects in English and Chinese;Zhang Peiji;Selected Modern Chinese EssaysContentsAbstract (I)1.Literature Review 01.1 Existing Researches on this Topic 01.2 Purposes and importance of the study 02. Differences between Chinese and English Subjects (1)2.1 In Forms (1)2.2 Topic-prominent Language vs. Subject-prominent Language12.3 In Sentence Structure (2)3. Methods of Choosing the Subjects in Chinese-English Translation 23.1 Keep the Subjects of the Original Sentences (3)3.2 Choose other constituents of the Original Sentences (3)3.2.1 Choose the Objects to be the Subjects (4)3.2.2 Choose the Adverbials to be the Subjects (4)3.2.3 Choose the Attributives to be the Subjects (6)3.2.4 Choose the Predicates to be the Subjects (6)3.3 Replenish New Subjects for the Translation (6)3.3.1 Replenish the Suppressed Subjects of the Original .. 73.3.2 Replenish the Impersonal Pronoun “It” (7)3.4 Reduce of Changing the Subjects (8)4. Conclusion (9)Bibliography (10)Acknowledgements (10)1.Literature Review1.1 Existing Researches on this TopicMany scholars discussed the translation of Chinese and English sentences from the perspective of differences between Chinese and English subjects. According to the existing research, there are many different forms of expression between Chinese and English, which can be divided into topic-prominent language and subject-prominent language, covert subject and overt subject, parataxis and hypotaxis in sentence structure, personal subject and impersonal subject. These studies focus on the analysis of subjective differences between Chinese and English languages, but the discussion of subjects in Chinese-English translation is relatively less detailed. In the book Chinese-English Translation Studies and Practice written by Ji Dequan (2005: 105), who puts forward five principles of determining the subjects in Chinese-English translation: "(1) It must conform to the English expression and the background. (2) It must conform to the English way of thinking ". (3) It must be the information that should be emphasized in the sentence. (4) It must follow the logical order of the sentence. (5) It should meet the context of the request ". In addition, Liu Miqing (1992: 37:46) has concluded in his book Contrast and Translation of English and Chinese three specific methods of selecting the subjects in the procession of translating Chinese into English, which are equivalence, shift, and supplement. These studies provide translators with some theories, principles, and strategies to choose the subject of Chinese to English translation.1.2 Purposes and importance of the StudyThe main purposes and importance of my paper can be summarized as the following two aspects. First of all, as a famous translator and translation theorist, Zhang Peiji made a great contribution to the translation of Chinese papers. The qualities and standards of the articles which he translated are very high. His Selected Modem Chinese Essays was widely accepted by readers and scholars to help spread the Chinese culture, so his translation of the paper worthy of translators’ unremitting study, they learned a lot, so as to improve translators’ ability to translate; the other aspect is that there is no denying the important role of the subject in shaping and constructing sentences in both Chinese and English. They also have a significant impact on the cohesion of sentences,but because of the differences between English and Chinese subjects, translators choose an appropriate subject from Chinese into English as a challenge, so it seems that it should be investigated and made detailed use of some useful translation techniques and strategies to help translators’ determine the subject of Chinese to English translation. Zhang Peiji's Chinese prose translation has set a good example in choosing the appropriate subject, so the author chose to analyze own translation works together with him and explore the method of choosing the subject.2.Differences between Chinese and English SubjectsChinese and English belong to two different language families, therefore Chinese finds its root in the Sino-Tibetan Language Family, while English belongs to Indo-European Language Family. Differences exist between the two languages, one of which is the difference between their subjects, so as bring difficulties to us in English learning and Chinese and English translation. This chapter will generally discuss the differences between Chinese and English subjects mainly in the following three facts.2.1 In FormsChinese subjects are diverse and highly compatible. Wei Zhicheng (2003) points out that all kinds of words, phrases and clauses can be used as Chinese subject. Liu Miqing (1992) argues that, due to the diversity of Chinese characteristics, the Chinese language features, almost any form of expression can be directly used as the subject of Chinese, or in other words, topics, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, quantifiers or any other words, phrases or terms, we consider them to be "topics" rather than "subjects". “TmS (time subject), PlS (place subject), DaS (subject matter), MrS (modifier subject) Chinese subject” (Liu Meiqing, 1992: 39). Unlike Chinese subjects, English subjects are less incompatible and form singular, because they must be nominal. Thus, noun and subject pronouns can be used as subject of English, and as for other non-nominal words, phrases or clauses, if you want to use them as subjects of English, you must change their form and make them nouns.2.2 Topic-prominent Language vs. Subject-prominent LanguageAccording to Li and Thompson (1976) theory, different languages can be divided into four categories, namely the subject-prominent language, thetopic-prominent language, both the subject-prominent and the topic-prominent language, neither the subject-prominent nor the topic-prominent language. And they show that Chinese belongs to the topic-prominent language which is the informational units of topic and comment that are basic to the structure of sentences, while English is the subject-prominent language which is the grammatical units of the subject and predicate that are basic to the structure of sentences. English focuses more on the relationship between the subject and the actor and the action, and the performance of the behavior can be found in the close grammatical relationship between the English subject and the predicate. This is not the same as Chinese. Zhao Yuanren (1979) said that only about 50% of the relationship between the Chinese subject and the predicate reflects the relationship between the actor and the behavior, so it is best to be the Chinese subject and predicate as the topic and comment. This also explains why Chinese subjects are more diverse than English subjects.2.3 In Sentence StructureFrom the above discussion, you can conclude that that English emphasizes the subject. They are indispensable in constructing sentences. In most cases, the subject is the starting point, the center and the must in English sentences. Often using the formal subject "it" can also be a good explanation of the English subject is indispensable. They have a decisive grammatical function and have a comprehensive and close relationship with the whole sentence. In English, the subject decides the number of predicates, so it should be consistent with the subject when the sentence is constructed. “The main body and the predicate form the seven main English sentences, namely SV, SVC, SVO, SVA, SVOO, SVOC, SVOA.” (Quirk, R., Greenbaum, G. Leech & J. Svartvik, 1985: 721). These forms of sentences also reveal the importance of English subjects. Chinese sentences are more flexible and do not have to follow strict sentences as English. As for the Chinese subject, they are not indispensable in the sentence structure and are not related to the form of the predicate. No subject sentences are common to meet in Chinese, and in many cases the subject can be omitted.3.Methods of Choosing the Subjects in Chinese-English Translation3.1 Keep the Subjects of the Original SentencesFrom the analysis and discussion in section two, translators understand that the subject of English sentences is mainly nouns, subjective pronouns or nominal words. If the original Chinese has a clear subject, and the subject is composed of nouns or subjective pronouns, and in line with the English primitive order, which is the thematic progression pattern. And then the translation of the original subject can be used as the subject of English translation. This is the easiest and most reliable means of choosing a subject in Chinese to English translation.(1)这激流永远动荡着,并不曾有一个时候停止过,而且它也不能够停止;没有什么东西可以阻止它。

英语--注重主语的语言(subject-prominent language);
3. 懒惰的人不会成功。 本句可依照原文结构,选择“人”作为主语, 译成:
a)A lazy person will never succeed.
1. 也可换种说法,取形容词成分“懒惰”为主语, 表达为“懒惰使人无法成功”,译成:
b) Laziness makes it impossible for one to succeed.
c) Bad weather caused us to cancel our trip.
2. 已经有数千人在持续了一年的战争中丧生。 可以选择“人”作为主语,依照原文结构译成:
a) Thousands of people have died in the war, which broke out a year ago. 如果改为“战争”作主语,需要在词语表达上 灵活处理;若按 “战争使数千人丧生”结构译为the war caused thousands of people to die, 就显得生硬。 这要求我们去寻找相应的英语习惯表达,如 “使死 亡”可译为claim lives:
由上可知,汉语的句式十分复杂。由于汉 文化重意念,汉语句子也建构在意念主轴上, 句子强调的是意义,而不是结构。

主语的选择①名词特性②搭配合理③主题突出④注意尾重⑤注意连贯①名词特性主语必须是名词,包括名词短语,名词性从句,也包括具有名词特性的-ing分词,动词不定式to do全球发展不平衡加剧。
Imbalance in global development has widened.求和平、谋发展、促和平已经成为各国人民的普遍愿望。
To promote peace, development and cooperation has become the shared aspiration of people across the world.建设生态文明,是关系人民福祉、民族未来的长远大计。
Promoting ecological progress is a long-term task of vital importance to the People’s well-being and China’s future. (to do 也可以)②搭配合理上海豫园的九曲桥,景随步移,美不胜收,旅游小册子中有这样一句话:每一次转折都会看到不同的景色。
Every turning can see/admire/enjoy a different view. ???转折做主语吗?中文是话题为主的,汉语看上去是主语,实际在英文中不过是时间,是地点或是状语。
Traditional Chinese architecture in a real sense first emerged/appeared in the Tang Dynasty.宋朝发明了活版印刷术。
The scale of the 41st World Expo is the biggest of its kind???The 41st World Expo is the biggest of its kind in scale.中国古典园林规模大小不等。

译1:Someone also believes that the kite was invented by the ancient Chinese carpenter Lu Ban. 译2:It is also believed that the kite was invented by the ancient Chinese carpenter Lu Ban.
译2:We cannot judge people from their appearance, just as we cannot measure the ocean by pints.
3. 增补主语
下雨了。 It’s raining. 刮风了。 It’s blowing. 下雪了。 It’s snowing. 打雷了。 It’s thundering.
译2:If vocabulary is the building materials for language, sentences are the fundamental parts of writings.√
例:在中国文化中,红色通常象征着好运、长寿和 幸福。
译1:The color of red in Chinese culture usually symbolizes good luck, longevity and happiness. 译2:In Chinese culture, the color of red usually symbolizes good luck, longevity and happiness. 译3:The color of red usually symbolizes good luck, longevity and happiness in Chinese culture.
Unit15 汉译英技巧-主语的选择

a) China’s per capita agricultural land cannot compare with that of many other countries in the world. 如果选择原文中的形容词成分“中国” 作为主语,就可以直接与其它国家相 比较,而把“土地面积”转化为状语 成分。 • b) In its amount of agricultural land per capita, China compares unfavorably with many other countries in the world. • c) China compares unfavorably with many other countries in the world in terms of per capita agricultural land .
Unit 15
The Choice of Subjects 主语的选择
汉语句子译成英语的一个关键步骤 是考虑译文的整个句子怎么摆放,如何 构建译文句子的总体框架,主要是确定 拿什么作为英语的主语。 传统语法认为汉英句子总体框架相 同,都属于主--动--宾(SVO)类 型。按照这一理论,当我们进行汉译英 时,译文与原文在句子结构上,尤其在 主语、谓语、宾语等重要 成分的位置处 理上,应当能做到大致相同。因而,在 很多情况下,我们能够直接把原文的主 语取为译文的主语。
• 2. 已经有数千人在持续了一年的战争中丧生。 • 可以选择“人”作为主语,依照原文结构译成: • a) Thousands of people have died in the war, which broke out a year ago. • 如果改为“战争”作主语,需要在词语表达上灵活 处理;若按 “战争使数千人丧生”结构译为the war caused thousands of people to die, 就显得生硬。这 要求我们去寻找相应的英语习惯表达,如 “使死亡” 可译为claim lives: • b) The war, which has been going on for a year, has claimed thousands of lives. • 我们还可以根据本句的内容,添加原文字面上没有 的词语“死亡人数”,从而改译为: • a) The death toll of the war, which broke out a year ago, has amounted to several thousand.
第3讲 汉英翻译:主语的确定课件

英汉翻译 HY
• 与汉语相反,英美人比较强调客观,注意客观事物对人的 影响和作用,因此无生命、抽象的名词作主语远比汉语中 多。英语这类非人称主语句采用“无灵主语” (inanimate subject), 表示抽象概念、心理感觉、事物名 称或时间地点,但谓语却常常使用“有灵动词” (animate verb),表示人或社会团体的动作和行为,如 see, find, bring, give, kill, send, permit, invite, take, drive. • 英语用“无灵主语” 与“有灵动词”搭配的句式比汉语 多,使用的场合也比汉语广。 • 汉语的“有灵动词”一般只能与人搭配,因为根据中国人 的思想习惯,人或社会团体才有这类有这类意识、有意志 的行为,非人类的、无生命的事物一般只能有一些无意识、 无意志的行为、运动或变化。
英汉翻译 HY
• 只可惜宫粉涂不平脸上的皱纹,看起来好 像驴粪蛋上下了霜。 • 译文:Unfortunately powder could not smooth over her wrinkled face. It only made it look like a frosted donkey turd.
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由上可知,汉语的句式十分复杂。由于汉 文化重意念,汉语句子也建构在意念主轴上, 句子强调的是意义,而不是结构。
汉语中有许多无主句;还有的句子主语不 明显,但意义一目了然。
在主谓关系上,汉语句子的主语和谓语只 要求语义上一致,无须在形式上呼应(譬如, 没有人称和数的一致),处在主语位置的词 并不定是谓语动词的逻辑施动者。
汉语--注重主题的语言(topic-prominent language)
汉语经常采用主题--述题(topic-comment)的句式, 主语的句法功能弱,有时还不易辨别,但这并不影响我 们对句子意思的理解;英语主语的句法功能强,几乎都 采用主语+谓语(subject--predicate)的句式,主语是 整个句子最关键的成分。就英语而言,主语一旦选定, 句子的总体框架大致就确定了。
7、it 作主语,表时间、气候或距离:It is late./It is hot.
it 作形式主语:It is impossible to finish the work.
鉴于汉语主语的句法功能弱,而英语主语句法功能强,汉 译英时寻找合适的主语便格外重要。虽然汉语主语不易辨识 且种类繁多,有些尚未定论,汉译英时仍然可以设法套用上 述七类英语主语。
传统语法认为汉英句子总体框架相同, 都属于主--动--宾(SVO)类型。按照 这一理论,当我们进行汉译英时,译文与原 文在句子结构上,尤其在主语、谓语、宾语 等重要 成分的位置处理上,应当能做到大致 相同。因而,在很多情况下,我们能够直接 把原文的主语取为译文的主语。
英语--注重主语的语言(subject-prominent language);
1、施动主语(agentive subject)
Susan is growing flowers.
2、受动主语(affected subject)
Her books translate well.
3、工具主语(instrumental subject)
A stone 同,英语句子构建在形式(或 称主谓)主轴上,强调句子结构完整,逻 辑严密。绝大多数英语句子需要主语和谓 语。英语属于“注重主语的语言” (subject-prominent language),主语在句中占 有非常重要的地位,是突出阐述的对象。 而且,英语的主语和谓语之间有很多严格 的相互制约的语法规范。
这件事”是主题,“ 你不用操心”是述题。英 语却不能照搬汉语结构,译为
This you don’t need to worry about. 而要说You don’t need to worry about this.
如果要在译文中突出汉语的主题“这件事”,就 需要在句式上做相应调整,比如表达为This is not something you need to worry about.
必须添加必要的主语 必须符合句中应突出的信息 必须符合英美人的思维方式 必须符合句中的逻辑关系 必须符合行文连贯的需要
汉语句子译成英语的一个关键步骤是考 虑译文的整个句子怎么摆放,如何构建译文 句子的总体框架,主要是确定拿什么作为英 语的主语。
汉语重意念,寻找主语时应先理解全句的意思,然后找 出话题,抑或用英语中的对等词语、抑或易词而译、抑或补 充主语,有时还需要考虑与上下文的呼应与衔接。
一般说来,无论汉语原句是典型的主题—述题结构,还 是与英语类似的主-动-宾结构,假如直接把原文的主题或主 语取作主语后,译文显得生硬,句子结构不平衡,或者与上 下文在语气上不连贯的话,那么就要设法把原文的其他成分, 也许是名词、形容词、副词或动词,取作译文的主语。
4、地点主语 (locative subject)
The jar contains honey.
5、时间主语 (temporal subject)
Yesterday was Monday.
6、事件主语 (eventive subject)
The dispute over the problem lasted a decade.
The Choice of Subjects 主语的选择
1. 钱你不用还了。 2.这锅饭能吃十个人。 3. 这匹马骑着两个人。 4.被人缠上是件讨厌的事。 5.老子打儿子,天经地义。 6.上面坐着主席团。 7.从她那儿能找到解决问题的办法。 8.说的是古代的一个老头,名叫愚公。
在很多情况下二者是主题(topic)与述题 (comment)的关系。
现代汉语在很大程度上是以主题为主的 语言。正因为汉语的这些特点,有人将汉语 划归为“注重主题的语言”(topic-prominent
只要和评述的东西在语义上有联系,即 使没有直接的逻辑关系和语法搭配关系,任 何内容、成分、词类都可处在主语的位置上。 如名词或名词词组(例1,2,3),动词或动 词词组(例4),主谓结构(例5),介词或 介词词组(例7),零主语(例8)。
另外,也可采用英语常用而汉语没有对应结构 的it或 there打头的句式,译成 It is unnecessary for you to worry about this 或There is no need for you to worry about this.
一般而言,无论汉语原句是典型的主题-述题结构还是与英语类似的“主-动-宾” 结构,假如直接把原文的主题或主语取作译 文的主语后,译文显得生硬,句子结构不平 衡,或者与上下文在语气上不连贯,那么就 要设法把原文的其他成分,也许是名词、形 容词、副词或动词,取作译文的主语。在此 过程中,我们必须充分考虑汉英语言的各种 差异,如英语里面以事物作主语的句子比汉 语更常见,用名词结构表示动作比汉语要普 遍等。依此规律来选择译文的主语,就能使 译文更加地道,更符合英语的习惯表达。