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加油!—Come on!


很好!—V ery good!


学习无坦途。—There is no royal road to learning.

光阴一去不复返。—Lose time is never found again.

学习从不嫌晚。—It's never too late to learn.

熟能生巧。—Practice makes perfect.

不劳无获。—No pains, no gains.

昨日不再来。—No one can call back yesterday.

放弃就是失败。—To give up is to fail.

百说不如一干。—Actions speak louder than words.

有志者事竟成。—Where there is a will there is a way.

一知半解很危险。—A little learning is a dangerous thing.

苦尽甘来最是甜。—Sweet is pleasure after pain.

学问无涯,人生有限。—Art is long, but life is short.

不提问的人,是什么也学不到的。—He that nothing questions ,nothing learning.

1. Well done! / Good job!

2. Good. / Very good.

3. Excellent. / Perfect.

4. I enjoyed reading your composition.

5. Good grammar. / Good grammar. / Good choice of words.

6. Please pay more attention to your spelling / grammar / choice of words.

7. Good handwriting!

8. You've made great progress.

9. Keep going. You'll soon catch up with others.

10. Work harder and catch up with your classmates.

11. Please do your homework more carefully.

What a beautiful handwriting! If only be more careful!

(多漂亮的书法呀!要是作业再仔细一点就好了!)Well done!But would you please improve your handwriting?


I'm so glad to see yourgreat progress in your exercises.


I'm pleased that you have made so great progress now.Thank you!


Try again,I'm sure you will do better next time!


“Well done!Try to be better next time,will you?(


If only your handwriting were better!


How I wish you did your homework all by yourself! Ithink you can!


I'm sorry to see you didn't use your own head this time. Will you do it all by yourself n ext time?


Would you please pay attention to……?


I'm afaid you used Chinglish here,do you think so?


(“Chinglish ”是“Chinese English”
