飞利浦 Dynalite 案例分析 迪拜塔 智能照明控制
FLIR SYSTEMS为“尽享照明之乐”增光添彩 菲力尔

应用案例Delta Light 在建筑照明领域是真正的潮流引领者。
目前,Delta Light 在比利时韦弗尔海姆总部拥有200名员工,业务覆盖全球110多个国家。
Delta Light 质量与标准经理Koen Dequae 表示:“我们的产品采用创新系统设计,可营造舒适的灯光氛围并选用优质材料。
因此,为了更好地监控产品的温度曲线,我们决定从FLIR Systems 引进红外热像仪产品。
关键温度在过去的几年中,Delta Light 已经实现了令人欣喜的增长。
得益于其快速成长,公司决定在研发部做一些重要投资,而FLIR E30手持式红外热像仪正是其中之一。
由于对热成像概念已十分熟悉, Delta Light 无需花较长时间就能得出这样的结论:在性能与成本效益方面,FLIR 红外热像仪无疑是各类应用的最佳之选。
Koen Dequae 表示:“对产品温度实施监控在设计、开发与鉴定阶段至关重要。
现在,我们采用的LED 灯使用寿命高达100,000小时。
当意识到照明系统FLIR 通过监控产品温度曲线帮助改善Delta Light 照明系统的耐久性。
“尽享照明之乐”这一口号已成为照明专家Delta Light 亘古不变的信念。
为了实现这一目标,该团队使用了FLIR Systems 的热成像技术。
FLIR SYSTEMS为“尽享照明之乐”增光添彩FLIR E30采用对准即拍设计,将最佳性能与价值融合于一款紧凑的热像仪中。
转眼之间,Delta Light 的研发专家们已经能够查看整套照明系统设计的温度值。
Delta Light 是楼宇、办公室、展厅和户外照明领域的优质品牌。

智能控制 节能专家 飞利浦智能照明控制系统

智能控制 节能专家飞利浦照明控制解决方案目录356781212~2015171921~3321232527293033智能照明解决方案智能照明方案什么是照明控制?为什么需要照明控制?节约能源的高效照明控制策略LED控制概述调光如何选择照明控制产品什么是最简单的节能方案?什么是优化的能源控制方案?什么是网络集成控制?案例介绍申隧设计大厦Interface 太仓基地中石油天然气股份有限公司总部One Shelley 大街贝克街55号利物浦竞赛与会议中心(ACC Liverpool)中国区部分项目业绩智能照明方案我们知道,选择合适的照明方案对您至关重要。
为什么需要照明控制?节约能源,降低成本各种潜在的危险地球变暖,海岸线升高, 旱灾,飓风…环境变化已经显而易见照明耗电也影响环境办公室采用飞利浦节能照明解决方案,可以为员工打造舒适的工作环境,激发员工的动力和活力。
提高舒适度, 增加员工幸福感提高工作效率自动调节照明输出亮度自动提供适度照明创造特定的视觉效果实现不同灯光场景氛围改变空间的感觉保持建筑外观的最佳状态实 现早上 8:00 下午4:00傍晚6:00中午皮质醇LED控制概述固态照明,即通常所称的LED照明,除了作为工作岗位照明和产生色彩照明效果这两种已被广泛接受的用途外,还能作为通用的照明手段。
智能控制 节能专家 飞利浦智能照明控制系统

智能控制 节能专家飞利浦照明控制解决方案目录356781212~2015171921~3321232527293033智能照明解决方案智能照明方案什么是照明控制?为什么需要照明控制?节约能源的高效照明控制策略LED控制概述调光如何选择照明控制产品什么是最简单的节能方案?什么是优化的能源控制方案?什么是网络集成控制?案例介绍申隧设计大厦Interface 太仓基地中石油天然气股份有限公司总部One Shelley 大街贝克街55号利物浦竞赛与会议中心(ACC Liverpool)中国区部分项目业绩智能照明方案我们知道,选择合适的照明方案对您至关重要。
为什么需要照明控制?节约能源,降低成本各种潜在的危险地球变暖,海岸线升高, 旱灾,飓风…环境变化已经显而易见照明耗电也影响环境办公室采用飞利浦节能照明解决方案,可以为员工打造舒适的工作环境,激发员工的动力和活力。
提高舒适度, 增加员工幸福感提高工作效率自动调节照明输出亮度自动提供适度照明创造特定的视觉效果实现不同灯光场景氛围改变空间的感觉保持建筑外观的最佳状态实 现早上 8:00 下午4:00傍晚6:00中午皮质醇LED控制概述固态照明,即通常所称的LED照明,除了作为工作岗位照明和产生色彩照明效果这两种已被广泛接受的用途外,还能作为通用的照明手段。

统 高度灵 活 , 在 一 个控 制 器 内就 能提 供 可 驱动 多种 类 型 负载 的 混合 控 制
系统来 满足 客户 日益 多元 化 的需求 , 为客户创 造可持续 的未来空 问。
“ 能 +智 能 ” 照 明 需 求 节 的 良 好 的 办 公 空 间 设 计 可 以 提 高
“ 键 满 足 不 同 客 户 ” 1 浦 一 。 { - 利 D nle系 统 服 务 领 域 广 泛 ,町 实 现 y ai t
飞利 浦 D nle 沿 袭 飞利浦“ y ai , t 精
于 心 , 丁形 ” 品 牌 承 诺 , 持 “以 简 的 坚 人 为 本 ” 全 方 位 创 新 客 户 体 验 , 先 , 将
进 科 技 与简 单 易 用 相 结合 , 倡“ 提 健
康 舒 适 , 质 生 活 ” 通 过 丰 富 的 照 明 优 ;
新 闻链 接
飞 利浦 D n e全 面打 造 y ai l t 调 光控 制领 先 品牌
上海 2 1 0 2年 5月 2 4日 电 / 通 美 社 亚 洲 / 21 一 0 1年 , 飞 利 浦 与 D — y n le共 同签 署 了 《 面 战 略 合 作 协 议 at i 全 及 谅 解 备 忘 录 》 全 面 打 造 中 国 调 光 , 控 制 领 域 的 领 先 品牌 , 每 一 个 消 费 让
系统还 可 实现 日光 收集功 能 , 根据 获 取 的 自然 光 的 照 明度 来 自动调 整人
_ 光 照 明度 。这 不 仅 能 节 能 , 时 也 _ f = 同 能 将 照 明 度 控 制 在 预 先 设 定 的 人 体
02 绿色办公照明案例解析---飞利浦总部办公楼的设计

• 订制灯具2*25W
• 靠窗镇流器HFR1-10V • 靠走道镇流器HFP
• 功率密度<8W/m2
• 风口方案的变化 • 照明控制 - Occuswitch
• 两块2400mm*1200mm膜结构天花,每块膜内24根TL5灯管(12根 2700K+12根6500K),达到色温连续渐变的效果,同时满足会议桌 面的照度和:30-12:00 12:00-13:00 13:00-14:00 14:00-14:30 14:30以后
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
蓝色 黄色 青色 橙色 紫色
全彩 全彩 全彩 全彩 全彩
蓝色 黄色 青色 橙色 紫色
最高亮度 蓝色
最高亮度 蓝色
最高亮度 蓝色
• 三个小型培训室各配置了一个触摸屏DTP170 • 提供两种界面:调光、场景设置
TC Room
• 订制嵌入式筒灯配LEXEL Module • To Be Touched随意控制色彩
• StyliD 24W筒灯 • iColor Cove PowerCore • LTP • 订制蓝色星空LED 1W
• 项目共采用了30款灯具,其中25款为LED灯具形式,仅有5款为传统灯具。LED 几乎完全实现了办公室空间从功能性到装饰性的照明效果,其中包括高端类灯具 DayWave、DayZone、LumiStone、LTP、styliD,也涵盖了办公空间范围最广且 最常使用的LuxSpace、PowerBalance、LED MR16灯杯等。

【关键词】 DYNALITE系统智能照明光场1 引言21世纪随着社会的进步及科技的发展,人们对光照环境——包含光源及光场分布——的要求较20世纪大幅度提高。
2 DYNALITE系统的特点DYNALITE系统是一种有线智能照明系统,与传统照明及早期的照明控制技术相比,具有以下主要优势:分布式控制;稳压;软启动;远程控制;可靠性;开放式通信协议及BA集成。
3 系统原理DYNALITE系统所控制的照明灯具为LED节能灯并自带电子镇流器,照明回路控制信号通过RVVP2×1.0屏蔽双绞线接入调光器主板,一个区域的调光器、时钟管理器、液晶显示屏、PLC控制器、网桥用屏蔽双绞线“手拉手”方式连接,网桥将RS485通信协议转换为网络层通信协议(TCP/IP),之后用UTP-6网线接入中央控制室交换机,之后交换机将信号发给中央控制主机、远程主机或移动设备。
照明改善情绪 创新实现双赢

董事会036照明改善情绪 创新实现双赢LED 照明,节能环保利器对于照明行业来说,LED 的发展有着突破性的意义。
经过照明品牌厂商长期的研发努力,LED 与传统照明产品相比具有明显的节能优势。
目前LED 照明产品与T5、T8荧光灯管相比,可以进一步实现50%的节能率,未来的2、3年内,室内的LED 照明产品会有非常快速的增长。
长期以来,我们熟知的传统照明主要是 “开”和“关”两个动作。
随着LED 照明技术的出现,我们对于照明的认识被重新升级——LED 可以与智能控制系统相结合, 通过感应达到“人来灯亮,人走灯灭”效果;还可以通过智能终端实现对室内所有照明的网络化控制和管理。
法国布依格电信公司的总部Tour Sequana 大楼的改造方案中,运用了飞利浦照明提供的尚飞平衡照明解决方案,使得其室内照明能够随着自然光的变化进行自动调节。
采用了飞利浦尚飞照明平衡解决方案以后,Tour Sequana 大楼实现了能耗降低至年均90千瓦时/平米的节能目标。
一旦被贴上LEED 等绿色建筑认证标志,就能够吸引更多住户和使用者,提升地产价值。
Philip 照明应用

“穹顶在灯光中呼吸!”PUB 百货公司,瑞典斯德哥尔摩照明在这个项目中扮演着非常重要的角色,在悠久的历史与现代的,不断变化的现实之间实现了平衡。
“穹顶在灯光中呼吸!”Kai Piippo,照明设计师、PLDA 专业会员项目此项目旨在对PUB 这一瑞典历史最悠久的百货商店进行重新设计。
PUB 之前是一条名气不大的城市商业街,目前正在逐渐成长为现代化的百货商店,主要经营面向年轻人、城市人口、国际目标顾客群的时尚产品。
在PUB 这一斯德哥尔摩最古老的百货商店里,采用雅致照明风格的穹顶充当了视觉中心。
设计师想要营造具有动感的氛围,顾客会在购物期间经历各种各样的场景,而事实证明,飞利浦智能LED 照明是将他们的设想变成现实的理想选择。
团队建筑师Hans Birkholz,Ulrika Lundgren照明设计Kai Piippo,Clara Fraenkel解决方案500 盏RGB LED 灯隐藏在建筑中,而通过改变这些灯的动态效果的颜色、强度和速度,穹顶变成了有生命的元素,在灯光中呼吸。
iColor CoveCorporativo World Plaza墨西哥墨西哥城Corporativo World Plaza(企业世界广场)是一座美轮美奂的摩天大楼,位于墨西哥城的圣达菲区,已成为这个充满活力的新商业区的标志性建筑。

随着智能技术在酒店业的广泛应用,对灯光要求已经不仅限于普通的照明功能,除了节约能源和便于管理外,希望它能在烘托酒店气氛中发挥更大的作用:· 外墙泛光照明烘托整个酒店建筑的独特品位和宏伟气派,第一感官吸引客人。
· 利用明暗有序和适度的照明环境让进入酒店大厅的客人就感受到典雅舒适、宾至如归的气氛,加深客人对酒店的第一印象。
· 酒店的宴会区、大会议室、多功能厅等主要功能区依据不同应用场合变幻灯光效果,营造人性化的照明环境。
· 酒店的灯具数量多、品质高且价格昂贵,照明耗电占整个建筑物能源消耗的1/3左右,需要配有高效的节能措施与设备,降低酒店日常经营和维护费用,同时尽量延长灯具的使用寿命。
1 设计思路通过智能照明控制系统,期望达到以下的目的和效果:· 使用世界顶尖的技术保持酒店设施的先进性,树立人性化、智能化的管理形象。
· 借助个性化的照明手段创造理想的照度环境,给宾客带来完美的视觉享受.· 延长灯具使用寿命,减少运行开支,降低维护费用,达到可观的节能效果.为此,根据各楼层区域划分、房间功能要求和照明电气设计图,整个照明控制系统覆盖区域为地下1层至地面33层,包括停车场、大堂、多功能宴会厅、中/西餐厅、咖啡厅、休息厅、接待室、会议室、各层通道、高档套房及部份娱乐场所等:地下一层:停车场首层:大堂、咖啡厅、茶座式洽谈室、走道二层:西餐厅、茶座、专卖店等三层:中餐厅四层:中餐厅、雅座、走道五层:西餐厅、雅座、走道六层:多功能宴会厅、大/中会议室(共4个)、贵宾休息室七层:游泳池、网球场、健身室、休息室八层:各功能房间照明总线九至十层:会议室十一至二十六层:公共通道二十七至二十八层:会议室、公共通道三十层:各高档套房、走道三十二层:空中酒吧三十三层:旋转餐厅各照明功能区设置独立的控制子网,通过网桥将各个控制区域联成一个完整的网络;另外配置智能时钟控制器,对各工作公共区域的照明实现24小时定时控制.系统最终接入建筑设备监控系统(BAS)中,在大楼1层的保安监控室对照明系统集中监控与管理。

二、案例二:巴黎设计师Inga Semp与瑞典公司合作设计的Lampyre设计亮点:采用乳化玻璃制作,光线自然、柔和,具有机械美感。
三、案例三:瑞典灯具品牌设计的w162 dalston照明灯设计亮点:外形简单,坚固耐用,可安装LED灯,具有独特的艺术感。
五、案例五:台灯设计作品——fade task设计亮点:可调节的不固定铰接杆,高性能的LED系统,直观调光器和色温滑块控件,集成USB接口。
总结:灯具设计在满足基本照明需求的同时,还应注重以下方面:1. 材料选择:选用环保、耐用的材料,如LED灯源、金属、玻璃等。
Dynalite智能灯光控制系统 ppt课件

图2 典型系统框图
大堂 西餐厅、酒吧厅、咖啡厅 宴会厅 娱乐中心 会议室 世界上离地最高的客房
HPM881 (HPM881J2、HPM881J3、HPM881D) 八个预设置场景切换 区域连接(区域分割或归并) 面板具有锁定功能 具有可编程功能
大堂 西餐厅、酒吧厅、咖啡厅 宴会厅 娱乐中心 会议室 世界上离地最高的客房
大堂 西餐厅、酒吧厅、咖啡厅 宴会厅 娱乐中心 会议室 世界上离地最高的客房
场景模式一:准备。宴D会yn厅a所lit有e智的能照灯明光控控制制回系路统关闭,只保留筒灯80% 的亮度,既保证服务生布置宴会有足够的灯光亮度,同时也为酒店起到 节能的作用。 场景模式二:欢迎。宴会厅所有的照明控制回路90%亮度,明亮的灯光 让宴会显得富丽堂皇,绚丽多彩,衬托出宴会的隆重氛围。 场景模式三:宴会模式。宴会厅导轨灯的照明控制回路100%亮度,灯槽 80%亮度,壁灯90%亮度,筒灯80%亮度,整个宴会厅的灯光错落有致, 导轨灯的照明突出了宴会的主题。 场景模式四:视频模式。宴会厅导轨灯的照明控制回路关闭,灯槽30% 亮度,壁灯20%亮度,筒灯15%亮度,微暗而柔和的灯光环境,让人的 注意力融入到视频的环境当中去。 场景模式五:清扫模式。宴会厅所有的照明控制回路关闭,只保留部分 筒灯90%的亮度,保证清洁人员的清洁灯光亮度。

中央控制器调光器传感器030201电源适配器网络通信设备01 02 03调试前准备工作安全注意事项象。
A B C D照明设备布局规划根据实际需求和环境条件,合理规划照明设备的布局,包括灯具类型、数量、位置和照射角度等。

大堂 西餐厅、酒吧厅、咖啡厅 宴会厅 娱乐中心 会议室 世界上离地最高的客房
会议室 会议室作为酒店一个重要的组成部分,采用智能照明控制系统通过对各照明 回路进行调光控制可预先精心设计多种灯光场景,使得会议室在不同的使用场合 都能有不同的合适的灯光效果,工作人员可以根据需要手动选择或实现定时控制。 · 通过Dynalite系统特有的链接功能,可以根据会议室的使用需要灵活的实现各种 分割和合并,而无需改变原有系统配置。 · 会议室的灯光控制系统可以和投影仪设备相连,当需要播放投影时,会议室的 灯能自动地缓慢地调暗;关掉投影议,灯又会自动地柔和地调亮到合适的效果。
大堂 西餐厅、酒吧厅、咖啡厅 宴会厅 娱乐中心 会议室 世界上离地最高的客房
宴会厅 宴会厅是金茂君悦酒店的重要礼仪场所。整个宴会厅的照明控制系统 共有108个照明控制回路,通过移动隔板可将宴会厅分为A、B、C三个厅, 每个厅有三十六个照明控制回路;根据不同的功能需要可将A、B、C厅进行 分隔和合并。宴会厅的光源由冷阴极管灯槽、筒灯、壁灯、导轨射灯组成, 利用智能灯光控制系统对不同的光源进行调光控制,使大厅显得高贵典雅, 富丽堂皇,大放异彩。每个厅都安装手动控制面板,只要轻按面板按键,随 时可调用预先设置的灯光场景,满足不同的灯光需求,具体场景控制模式如 下: 场景模式一:准备。宴会厅所有的照明控制回路关闭,只保留筒灯80% 的亮度,既保证服务生布置宴会有足够的灯光亮度,同时也为酒店起到 节能的作用。 场景模式二:欢迎。宴会厅所有的照明控制回路90%亮度,明亮的灯光 让宴会显得富丽堂皇,绚丽多彩,衬托出宴会的隆重氛围。 场景模式三:宴会模式。宴会厅导轨灯的照明控制回路100%亮度,灯槽 80%亮度,壁灯90%亮度,筒灯80%亮度,整个宴会厅的灯光错落有致, 导轨灯的照明突出了宴会的主题。 场景模式四:视频模式。宴会厅导轨灯的照明控制回路关闭,灯槽30% 亮度,壁灯20%亮度,筒灯15%亮度,微暗而柔和的灯光环境,让人的 注意力融入到视频的环境当中去。 场景模式五:清扫模式。宴会厅所有的照明控制回路关闭,只保留部分 筒灯90%的亮度,保证清洁人员的清洁灯光亮度。
飞利浦 Dynalite Envision Manager 网络控制系统 提高照明性能和降低运营成本

Networked Controls2Envision Manager SoftwareThe Philips Dynalite approach hinges on the belief that no Array two lighting systems are the same and that every lighting installation should be tailored to best match the customers needs. Lighting systems can be set up for automatic operation – through the use of clocks and sensors – or for manual operation, or a combination of the two. The Dynalite platform is designed to be easily configured and yet powerful enough for any customized task. When properly set up and configured, the lighting system will respond to the needs of the occupants seamlessly; optimizing lighting for the tasks at hand while ensuring energy is not wasted in unoccupied areas.Envision Manager offers a number of flexible control and monitoring capabilities for your Dynalite system which: •facilitates two-way communication and control with each lighting system component, including sensors, user interfaces and DALI lighting fixtures.•enables monitoring of all system components, withreal-time failure alerts and reporting of maintenance issues and energy usage.•allows entire floors, buildings or campuses to be controlled remotely, through any authorized web browser-enabled devices, providing an ideal solution for offices, hotels, arenas,stadia, museums, shopping malls, leisure centers, schools,university applications and more.Envision Manager Software3Technical Specifiers Facility Managers End-users•We offer a complete lighting system, comprising luminaires, lamps and control system. In additional tothis, the Philips team are thereto assist with system design and commissioning should you need them.•As Philips luminaires and control systems have been designed to work together, industry problems such as ‘LED flicker’ are avoided.•The partnership of energy-efficient LED luminaires and the Philips Dynalite control system supports corporate social responsibility initiatives through the reduced environmental impact of materials and energy use.•The system is capable of controlling any light source to ensure both the customers energy and aesthetic/ functional lighting requirements are supported in the best possible manner.•The design of a DALI system allowsthe easy re-grouping of lightingfixtures should internal partition wallsbe moved. This delivers flexibilityand cost savings to meet futurerequirements without the need forany re-wiring.•The system provides alerts for lampand component failure, as well asinformation that calculates whenlamps are approaching the end oftheir lives. This allows maintenanceactivities to be optimized, loweringmaintenance costs and minimizingany disruption.•‘Report Manager’ allows systemreports to be generated on hardwarestatus, energy consumption and DALIemergency lighting performance.•The ‘DALI Emergency Test’ featureenables DALI emergency lightingsystems to be efficiently tested viathe software, automating this oftenmandatory routine operation.•Providing end-user lighting controlensures that light levels are adjustablefor task-specific operations, increasingproductivity and user satisfaction.•Web-based and mobile tools allow usersto control lighting remotely.•The ‘Schedule Manager’ ensuresthat regular lighting changes occurautomatically.Benefitsof a lighting control system4Envision Manager SoftwareAdvanced time scheduling‘Schedule Manager’ enables pre-defined system state changes – such as lights on/off or sensor enable/disable, as well as dimming levels – to occur automatically at set times or at a variable time relative to sunrise/sunset.Lamp MaintenanceThe ‘Lamp Maintenance’ function identifies lamps approaching the end of their operational life, allowing these to be replaced to maintain the performance of the system.Live MonitoringEnvision Dashboard presents energy consumption data at a glance so that crucial system status details can be understood easily. An additional ‘Alerts Overview’ provides details about any potential issues on the system. This helps the building/ facilities manager prioritize and address maintenance activities – both planned and unplanned.Reporting‘Report Manager’ allows system reports to be generated on hardware status, energy consumption and DALI emergency lighting performance. The report functionality is particularly important with the growing mandatory requirement in different markets for accurate reporting of energy usage.Occupancy detectionMultipurpose sensors include occupancy detection. Thiscan be set to turn off or dim down an area once it has been unoccupied for a specified length of time, contributing to the energy efficiency and operational performance of a building.Daylight harvestingMultipurpose sensors also incorporate light-level detection. This can be used to measure the incoming natural light levels and adjust lights up/down to meet predetermined lux levels for different areas. Daylight harvesting strategies have the potential to deliver huge energy savings for a building.ZoningLights are grouped into areas so that they can be controlled together. Lighting areas can easily be modified through Envision software. DALI fixtures can be easily re-grouped to support changes in building layouts without the need for any manual rewiring.Corridor hold-onWhen an area of a building is occupied after hours, the lighting system can be programed to ensure a lighting pathwayis maintained from any occupied area to provide egress, maximizing occupant comfort and safety.Features of theDynalite system5Envision Manager Software6Envision Manager SoftwareSystem architecturePhilips Dynalite system architecture makes choosing the right control hardware for your project easy with a broad range of load controllers available to match any type of lighting load. The system flexibility where “every product can work with every other product” and its virtually unlimited scalability, means that should you need to change the design as the project evolves, all you need to do is swap out or add on to what has already been designed.DYNETDALIMULTIMASTERLAN KEY:DYNET DALILED INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENTCURTAINS & BLINDSLIGHTINGLOAD CONTROLLER• Able to control any light source • Operates seamlessly with otherparts of the systemENVISION TOUCH• Allows the user control their lighting and HVAC from their mobile device • Enables override of existing light levels for speci c tasks•Permits authorized users to rede ne saved levels for lighting scenesENVISION SWITCH• Desktop virtual control panel giveslocal control to the lighting over each desk.TO BMS• Shares information with the BMS tosupport the needs of each user•Allows the BMS to control the lighting • Embedded OPC server reports statusof areas, devices, drivers and lamps to the BMSENVISION MANAGER• Provides full system monitoring and identi es any system issues in real time• O ers a console overview page for instant system status visualization •Provides detailed system oor plans to assist with maintenance and managementENVISION GATEWAY ETHERNET• Connects each network spur to the Ethernet backbone• Contains a local clock to runscheduled eventsSENSOR• Surface mounted sensor monitors light level and occupancy simultaneously.•Powered directly from the DALI bus7Envision Manager Software SENSOR• Surface mounted sensor monitors light level andoccupancy simultaneously.•Multiple modes can be scheduled to adapt the operation for di erent time of dayDRIVERS• Supporting individual/group dimming of orescent ttings •Supports lamp status and runtime reportingLED DRIVER• Supporting individual/groupdimming of LED ttings •Supports lamp status and runtime reportingEMERGENCY FITTINGS• Supporting individual/group dimming ofDALI emergency ttings•Supports lamp status and runtime reporting • Supports DALI emergency testing forfunctional and duration testsDRY CONTACT INTERFACE• Dry contact interface for third-party connectivity •Powered directly from the DALI busTOUCHSCREEN• Graphical touchscreen provides a soft keypad for local control of lighting and third-party systems • Custom screens can be tailored to clients exacting speci cations •The screen can be connected directly to the LAN or to the DyNet spur.USER INTERFACE• Attractive keypad for localroom controlEnvision Manager overviewAimed specifically for projectswhere it is necessary to controland manage lighting, Envision Manager provides the idealsolution for offices, hotels, arenas, stadiums, museums, shopping malls, leisure centers, schools, university applications and more.The Envision Manager difference•Is compatible with all current Dynalite products/solutions.•Provides live energy performance monitoring display.•Controls the entire lighting system on one screen.•Macro builder allows end-users to tailor the operation of the system to their own needs.•Monitors hardware performance in real time.•Controls scheduling, reports, DALI emergency testing, preset scenes and specific events, such as Earth Hour.•Monitors the performance of all devices, drivers and lamps, with an alert function to send custom notifications.ScalabilityEnvision Manager is inherently scalable, able to handle up to 65,535 different control zones within a building and capable of multiple-site applications.AccessibilityEnvision Manager permits remote access and control of the system via a web-page, which opens up control through any web-enabled device.ComfortOccupancy comfort is supported by Envision Manager’s ability to fine-tune lighting levels to meet the exact needs of each end-user for the tasks in which they are engaged. Moreover, any system or component failures trigger immediate alerts to the facilities manager. As soon as a problem is identified, the facilities manager fix it, minimizing disruption.8Envision Manager SoftwareSafetyEnvision Manager enables lighting settings to be optimized based on real performance data in each area, enhancing occupant safety. The system’s ability to perform testing on DALI Emergency Lighting further ensures the safety of building occupants during emergency situations.Energy efficiencyEnvision Manager promotes energy efficiency through a number of means. It allows lighting in unoccupied areas to be switched off or dimmed down without compromising occupants’ comfort or safety and facilitates aggressive energy reduction strategies during out-of-hours or non-working periods.In addition to this, Envision Manager supports daylight harvesting schemes to balance artificial lighting with natural daylight.Load Shedding reduces non-essential lighting energy consumption and is often required as part of an energy management strategy. Envision Manager can make this easier by allowing the facility manager to define a load shed statefor each area within the building. These states can be initiated easily either directly from EM or from the building management system (BMS).9Envision Manager SoftwareThe control aspect of Envision Manager puts the facilities manager firmly in the driving seat. Individual lampsor user-defined groups of lamps can be selected and controlled from the floorplan or overview console. Macros can be created and scheduled to occur at different times of the day or different days of the week. These can be a single action, multiple actions or reoccurring actions.The system differentiates between working days, weekends and public holidays, creating lighting scenes that support comfort while minimizing energy use. For example, time-out functions for unoccupied areas can be set to 30 minutes during office hours but reduced to five minutes during other times.Features•Real time system status •Highly granular control options •Streamlined operationControl SCALABLE CONTROL THROUGHOUTTHE BUILDING10Envision Manager Software11Envision Manager Software Envision Manager’s dashboards simplify monitoring currentstatus and operational performance.Operational performance can be viewed by area, showingfacilities managers how their lighting system is performing andhelping to identify where additional savings may be possible.As well as presenting performance data, Envision Manager isable to highlight a number of additional factors such as: itemsfor attention, pending scheduled activities, the status of eacharea; and results of emergency lighting testing.Features •Visualizes system energy performance •Provides an analysis tool, Envision Dashboard, to compare the consumption of different areas within the building •Displays performance graphs on a screen or touchpanel to engage occupantsMonitorENERGY PERFORMANCE AND OPERATIONALDATA AT A GLANCEEnvision Manager facilitates a wide range of lighting system management activities.•The scheduling feature enables pre-defined lighting events to occur automatically at set times or in relation to sunrise/ sunset times.•The reporting feature allows system reports to be generated on hardware status, energy consumption and DALI emergency lighting performance. The report functionalityis particularly important with the growing mandatory requirement in different markets for accurate reporting of energy usage.•The ‘Emergency Test’ feature enables DALI emergency lighting systems to be tested via the software.Features•Scheduled activities ensure the building operates as designed at all times•DALI emergency tests can be run when the building is unoccupied•Custom schedules can easily be added by the end-userManageMANAGE PRE-DEFINED LIGHTING EVENTS, GENERATEREPORTS AND TEST SYSTEMS12Envision Manager SoftwareSystem maintenance ensures ongoing occupancy safetyand comfort. The ‘Lamp Manager’ identifies lamps that are approaching the end of operational life or that have already failed. The system can also identify failed drivers and other faults on the system.The ‘Alerts Overview’ summarizes current alerts on the system with details of the state of each item. This helps the facilities manager prioritize planned maintenance activities and address unplanned outages.Features•Allows staff to manage DALI maintenance, avoiding service call costs•Shows problems on the floorplan•Lamp life reports support efficient maintenanceMaintainIDENTIFY FAULTS AND FAILURES AND ANTICIPATE THEEND OF OPERATIONAL LIFE FOR LAMPS13Envision Manager SoftwarequestionsIs the Dynalite system designed only for large buildings?What happens when our business grows and we want to expand our control system?I heard that it is very expensive to make changes to the system once it is installed. Is this true?How can I control specific lighting in my office easily without having to add expensive light switches?Why would I not just use the Building Management System (BMS) to manage my lighting?Can the Dynalite system support DALI drivers?We have color changing architectural lighting in our building. Can I control and manage these lights using Envision Manager?I have been hearing about Philips’ range of warm/cool white tuneable fittings. How do they fit in with the Envision Manager offering?14Envision Manager SoftwareEnvision Manager Software15。

帆船(BurjAl-Arab) 酒店,翻译成汉语又称“阿拉伯塔”,又叫做“阿拉伯之星”。
金碧辉煌、奢华无比的阿拉伯塔酒店,曾是世界上第一家7星级酒店,现已升级为世界上唯一的8星级酒店设计师:汤姆赖特汤姆赖特(Tom Wright) 阿联酋迪拜阿拉伯塔的设计师,英国皇家建筑师学会会员。
凯莉赫本(KellyHoppen)是英国顶尖设计师.为很多名人设计住宅及很多商业场所包括航空公司头等舱等等.她将奢华做到极至. 以冷静、简洁、优雅并富有创意的设计而闻名于世的顶级室内设计师凯丽赫本(Kelly Hoppen) 可谓载誉无数,早在1997年,她就赢得了安德鲁马丁“年度国际设计师奖”;2006年,赢得“Ella 室内设计奖”。
饭店由英国设计师W.S. Atkins 设计,外观如同一张鼓满了风的帆,白色帆体采用加强帆布材质,具有透光性,一共有56 层、321米高,是全球最高的饭店酒店大堂世界最大的中庭,高182米,放下自由女神像也绰绰有余。
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C A S E S T U DY– lighting control system a towering achievementBurj KhalifaAt over 828 metres, Burj Khalifa is a building that sets a lot of world records – the world’s tallest building, fastest elevators, highest swimming pool and observation deck.But behind the glimmering façade, is a state-of-the-art lighting control system that ensures the building also sets new standards in lighting ambience and functionality.Opened in January 2010, the 160 floor mixed-use tower in Dubai features residences, corporate suites and the world’s first Armani Hotel and residences.Not surprisingly for a building of this height, it employed the latest advances in wind engineering, structural engineering, construction materials and technology.The Philips Dynalite lighting control system is an example of the innovative technology used to meet the practical and logistical demands of a project of this magnitude.Client requirementsThere were some highly specific and practical criteria thatthe lighting control system needed to meet:it had to behighly modular and distributed to accommodate all interiorand exterior lighting;it had to be intelligent to support sophisticated programming requirements;and it had to bevirtually invisible and easy for the end-user.Harmonious lightingNaturally,delivering ambient lighting to complement thisdynamic architectural project was essential.One of the key challenges of the project was to housecontrollers in a rack enclosure in a utilities cupboard.The client also wanted a lighting control system that could accommodate potential changes in lighting design at thelast minute.The Philips Dynalite solutionPhilips Dynalite designed an intelligent bespoke lighting control system that delivers the advanced functionality, flexibility and ambience necessary for a building of this magnitude and quality.The hundreds of guestrooms,residences and offices housed within Burj Khalifa each contain a lighting control and automation system founded on the same basic architecture.The modular multipurpose controllers are fixed in a rack enclosure that was specially modified by Philips Dynalite to fit within a utilities cupboard.Built in intelligenceThe entire network has been designed with appropriate levels of isolation right down to room level so if the computer head-end goes down it doesn’t affect room operation.Above all,the system is user friendly and delivers the appropriate lighting scheme according to the time of day and the user’s location within a room with the press of a button on the interface panel.Basically,the system is smart enough to understand what the user wants to do whenever they want to do it.The intelligence of thePhilips Dynalite advancedlighting control system forBurj Khalifa has achieved ahigh level of functionalityand flexibility that greatlyenhances the dynamicnature of the building.“”Every suite on every floor is linked to a central control room via 13 separate DyNet riser trunks.Philips Dynalite EnvisionManager software acts as the system head-end in the control room, providing control, status and scheduling information.Streamlined integrationOver 7,000 Philips Dynalite multipurpose controllers have been installed within the building, each one configured to a specific load schedule. Philips Dynalite’s uniquely modular controller design allows different output modules to be ‘plugged’ into the motherboard.It allowed minor changes in the system design to be accommodated right up to the last minute.Over 14,000 Revolution operator interface panels were installed throughout the tower, with each suite containing up to ten slim-line fascia-matched panels. In-built intelligence ensures the panels retain their programming when disconnected from the communications network.Products and technology usedKey client benefitsThe intelligent design of the Philips Dynalite lighting control system has made it possible to deliver functional andresponsive lighting that is largely invisible to the end-user in keeping with the building’s discreet luxury design.The lighting control system seamlessly delivers innovative and clever interior and exterior lighting.Creating a lighting control system for the world’s tallest building was no small job but the Philips Dynalite solution is an integrated system capable of delivering for every imaginable scenario in this landmark building.“”For more information, please contactCS-0022-0211-AZZAUS-1KHeadquarters & All other countries/regions P: +61 (0) 2 8338 9899E: @ W: Australia, New Zealand SYDNEY , AUSTRALIA P: +61 (0) 2 8338 9899E: @ W: North AsiaSHANGHAI, PR CHINA P: +86 21 2412 8035E: @ W: South AsiaSINGAPORE, SINGAPORE P: +65 6882 3000E: @ W: India DELHI, INDIA P: +91 124 460 6333E: @ W: Europe ()EINDHOVEN, THE NETHERLANDS E: info.lightingcontrols@ W: United KingdomGUILDFORD, UNITED KINGDOM P: +44 (0) 148 329 8950E: lcuk.sales@ W: dynalite.euMiddle East & North AfricaDUBAI, UAE P: +971 4 214 6130E: @ W: .au United StatesDALLAS, TEXAS P: +1 800 526 2731E: W: CanadaLACHINE, QUEBEC P: +1 514 636 0670E: W: 。