

我的家乡 English PPT

我的家乡 English PPT

选用优质鲜鱼、 精盐、茨粉等原 料,采用传统工 艺精工制作,营 养丰富,鲜香可口, 富含人体必须的 钙、铁、磷等营 养元素,是一种 高蛋白、低脂肪、 低胆固醇,是真 正的纯天然传统 食品。为佐膳佳 品,也可做主食。 它不含任何色素、 添加剂。其味鲜 香、爽滑、柔韧、 适口。
Selection of highquality fresh fish, salt, CIpowder raw materials, using traditional craft Seiko production, nutrient rich, delicious taste, rich in the human body must be of calcium, iron, phosphorus and other nutrients is a kind of high protein, low fat, low cholesterol, is truly pure natural traditional food. As with food Jiapin, also can be the staple food. It does not contain any pigment, additives. Its taste delicious, smooth, flexible, palatability.
Gan Zhou
NGanzhou is an ancient city, it has been 2100 years of history since the Han Emperor for six years (201 BC) established the county so far. In ancient times, a research into the origin who have, also known as Tiger Town people. History has been Ganzhou Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Fujian and the southern city of communication, Su called "Fujian throat" always with the Guangdong and Southeast Asia has a



: 会
天 林
、 花
香 炉
实 用
感 ,
造 型
技 艺
作 ,

会 场 水 液 之 优 名 江 良 几 盐
重点大学,6.1万余人被本科院校录取。 今年高考,全县7所高
中9299名考生全部上线,近四成学生考上重点大学。 会泽县


泽 欢迎您
唐继尧故居坐落在会泽县城北内街三道巷14号,占地面积851.1平方 米。 整座宅院坐南朝北,分前后两院,大门迎东,是一座小型的封 闭式的四合院建筑群落,属会泽典型的清代中晚期民居建筑风格, 前院有正堂三间、对厅、书房及马房,后院有仓房可装谷物,还有 厨房,院中有一口井,井中的泉水清澈见底。
, 吸 引 着 八 方 游 客 , 久 享 盛 誉 。
形 成 了 会 泽 旅 游 得 天 独 厚 的 资 源
。 独 特 的 历 史 人 文 景 观 与 自 然 景
年 , 被 国 务 院 列 为 国 家 历 史 文 化
南 省 政 府 列 为 省 历 史 文 化 名 城 ,


well -known fishing village Township,the town
of calligraphy village,billow Township; what's more it is called
"A museum without walls".5000years of . Chinese history can f3ind
Local product
If you come to Shaoxing, you will miss a roundtrip
Thank you!
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英文-我的家乡ppt课件 culturalcity well-known fishing village township,the town calligraphyvillage,billow township; what?s more museumwithout walls".5000years chinesehistory can find manyfamous person chinesehistory. qiujin, lu xun, cai yuanpei zhou enlai guqiandao guqian dao anchangtown anchang town luxunhome village luxun home village shengarden shen garden lantingforest park lanting forest park moremore luxunhome village luxun home village youlike stop-and-go look youcome shaoxing,don?t miss youcome shaoxing,don?t miss youcome shaoxing,you roundtripppt模板下载:www.1p pt. com/moban/行业ppt模板:www.1ppt .com/hangye/节日ppt模板:www.1p pt. com/jier ppt素材下载:www.1ppt. com/sucai/ ppt背景图片:www.1p pt. com/beijing/ ppt图表下载:www. /t ubiao/优秀ppt下载:www.1p pt. com/xiazai/ ppt教程:www.1ppt .com/powerpoint/ wor d教程:www. /word/ excel教程:www. 1p pt .com/excel/资料下载:www.1p pt. com/ziliao/ ppt课件下载:www.1p pt .com/kejian/范文下载:www.1p pt. com/f anwen/试卷下载:www. 1ppt .com/shit教案下载:www.1ppt. com/jiaoan/ 黄冠文化 分享于 2021-02-20 00:23:35.0 英文-我的家乡pp


My Hometown
——County of Xuyi, Jiangsu Province
1 2
Introduction Geography and Resource
4 5
Culture and History
Scene and food Future
我的家乡盱眙是一座美丽、古老而又文明 的小城。在这里,有着丰富的资源,有着 秀丽的山水,有着精致的美食 盱眙:“盱,张目也;眙,直视也”,寓 登高望远、高瞻远瞩之意。读作XuYi, not yutai not xuyu
Text in here
Thousands of people sit together, Watch the evening party and eat lobsters.
Chinese Lobster Festival
Xuyi Today
Text in here
明朝开国皇帝朱 元璋祖父、曾祖父、 高祖父的衣冠冢,也 是朱元璋祖父朱初一 的实际殁葬地。 清康熙十九年 (公元1680年),黄 河夺淮入海,明祖陵 和泗州城被滔滔洪水 吞没,1963年,洪泽 湖水位下降,明祖陵 才得以重见天日。 铁山禅寺始建于 东汉末年,是汉人出 家的第一位僧侣严佛 调所建,为其开山之 道场。 国家AAAA级景区, 位于苏皖交界处,距 盱眙县城38公里,是 江苏省保存最好、面 积最大的野生动植物 王国。 早在汉朝,孔子的 后裔孔安国为临淮太 守时,就在此创立了 “崇圣书院”。 第一山国家森林公 园又是历史文化明山, 宋元以来,众多的文 人墨客、翰林学士、 官府政要都慕名而来, 留下了大量的碑刻和 碑碣 从1943年1月初 到1945年2月底,在 全国抗日战争由相持 转入反攻的关键阶段 和高潮时期,新四军 军部移驻黄花塘。使 华中地区刘少奇、陈 毅、张云逸、罗炳辉 等老一辈无产阶级革 命家曾在这里运筹帷 幄,决胜千里。



The hometown of Top Chef
I believe every place have something delicious and special to eat, but in my hometown, it seems too many. As some of them I don’t know how to introduce, so I just put several pictures here to you : Spring Rolls, Slide meat, Pettitoes meal …..
Natural scenery
Peach Flower Festival
We have not only beautiful ginkgoes but also great peach flowers. In Shangshi, a small town of Suizhou, when it comes to Spring, there will be a Peach Flower Festival. All kinds of colors and different types of peach flowers will bloom all over the mountains and plains, everyone who has been there will have a great implications and enjoy himself.
Humane scenery
The birthplace of Emperor Yan
On 26th day of the 4th lunar month every year, there will be a great festival ,called Roots Festival. Chinese people from all of the world come here to the cave in Suizhou to commemorate the legendary Chinese forebears.

我的家乡菏泽英文 ppt课件

我的家乡菏泽英文 ppt课件

Let us enjoy it
the hometown of painting and calligraphy
❖ Heze City is the famous hometown of painting and calligraphy. ❖ Heze painting, which mainly paints Peony, has a long history.
The history of Heze peony
❖ It was originally recorded in the Southern Song Dynasty. To the Ming Dynasty , cultivation had been sung. To the Qing Dynasty became more flourishing and cultivated area had reached thousands acres. There were several peony garden, such as mulberry gardens, Ningxiang garden, Yi Park. Heze peony in the history of the development of Chinese has more than 500 years. In 2012 the Heze peony planting area had reached more than 120000 acres.
Fried dumplings
Golden color, crisp but not hard, sweet but not greasy and very delicious



My Hometown - HuizeNestled in the deep southwest of China, within the rolling hills and vast farmland of Yunnan province, lies a place called Huize. This is my hometown, a place where my roots grow deep and my heart finds its truest home.Huize is a county rich in history and culture, with a long lineage of ancestors who have called this land their home. The landscape is a beautiful blend of natural wonders, from the towering karst mountains to the lush green rice paddies that dot the valleys. The people of Huize are as diverse as the landscape, with each village and community having its own unique traditions and customs.One of the most distinctive features of Huize is its vibrant marketplaces. These bustling hubs of activity are a testament to the hardworking spirit of the people. From the early morning hours, vendors set up their stalls, offering a wide array of goods from fresh fruits and vegetables to handcrafted goods and traditional medicines. The aroma of fresh produce and the livelychatter of customers and vendors fill the air, creating a vibrant and energetic atmosphere.Another noteworthy aspect of Huize is its rich cultural heritage. The people of Huize are proud of their traditions and customs, which are passed down through generations. From the intricate embroidery on traditional costumes to the melodious songs and dances performed during festivals, every aspect of Huize culture is a testament to the hardworking spirit and creativity of its people.Education is also highly valued in Huize. The county boasts several schools and universities that have produced countless scholars and leaders who have gone out into the world to make their mark. The emphasis on education has helped shape Huize into a place that is not only beautiful but also intellectually vibrant.Despite its rural roots, Huize is also home to some of the most technologically advanced industries in the region. The county has seen significant growth in recent years, with new factories and infrastructure projects being established to supportthis growth. The combination of traditional culture and modern development has created a unique identity for Huize that is both respectful of its past and hopeful for its future.In conclusion, Huize is a place that is deeply rooted in history and culture but is also constantly evolving and growing. It is a place where the beauty of nature and the warmth of human connections are ever-present. As I write this, I feel a deep sense of pride and gratitude for the land that has nurtured me and the people who have shaped me into who I am today. Huize, my hometown, will always hold a special place in my heart.**我的家乡——会泽**位于中国西南深处的云南省,坐落在连绵起伏的山丘和广阔的农田之间,有一个名叫会泽的地方。



会泽,我深爱的家乡Nestled in the vast land of Yunnan, Huize, my beloved hometown, is a place of rich history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking natural beauty. From its ancient copper minesto its bustling streets, Huize exudes a charm that is uniquely its own.The town's history is as storied as the land itself.For centuries, Huize has been renowned for its copper mining, attracting miners and traders from all corners of the empire. The mines not only provided wealth andprosperity to the region but also left behind a rich legacy of historical sites and artifacts. Walking through the town, one can still see remnants of this bygone era, like theruins of ancient mines and temples that stand as silent witnesses to the town's past glories.Despite its rich historical background, Huize is also a vibrant and modern town. The streets are bustling with activity, and the markets are filled with the sounds and smells of local cuisine. From spicy dishes to sweet treats, the food of Huize is a testament to its cultural diversityand culinary prowess. The locals are friendly and welcoming, always ready to share a story or a laugh with visitors.But what truly sets Huize apart is its natural beauty. The town is surrounded by mountains and valleys, each with its own unique landscape. The sunsets over the mountainsare breathtaking, and the views from the higher elevations are simply stunning. Whether it's hiking through the mountains or simply taking a leisurely stroll through the town, there is always something new to discover in Huize.As I grow older, I find myself increasingly drawn to my hometown. Its familiar sights and sounds bring a sense of comfort and peace that no other place can replicate. Every time I return, I discover something new about its rich history, vibrant culture, or breathtaking natural beauty.In conclusion, Huize is not just a place; it's a feeling, a memory, and a part of me that I carry wherever I go. It's where my roots are, and it's where my heart will always be. I am proud to call Huize my hometown, and I look forward to sharing its beauty and charm with the world.**会泽,我深爱的家乡**会泽,这座我深爱的家乡,坐落于广袤的云南大地上,是一个历史悠久、文化灿烂、自然风光旖旎的地方。



英文回答:As I reflect upon my hometown of Huize County, I am inundated with vivid sensory recollections. The first aspect that captivates me about the region is its awe-inspiring natural splendor. The verdant majesty of the mountains, the limpid clarity of the rivers, and the resplendent array of floral hues collectively evoke a sense of serenity and equilibrium. The gentle rustle of the leaves in the breeze, the melodious chirping of the avian denizens, and the tranquil murmur of the streams coalesce into a symphony of natural harmonies that exude a profound calming effect.当我回想起家乡惠泽县时,吸引我关注这个区域的第一个方面是它令人敬畏的自然辉煌。


When ites to the local food, let me tell you, it's like a flavor explosion in your mouth! The spices they use in their traditional dishes really wake up your taste buds and leave you craving for more. And the way they cook everything up, with all the sizzling and the amazing smell of fresh herbs, it's a feast for your senses.You can't help but be blown away by the colors and the way they put everything together. It's a whole experience, not just a meal, when you sit down to eat in Huize County.当它到当地的食物,让我告诉你,这就像一个味道爆炸在你的嘴里!他们在传统菜肴中使用的香料真正唤醒了你的味蕾让你更渴望他们烹饪一切的方式,和所有的震荡和令人惊叹的新鲜草药的味道,这是一个宴会你的感官。



会泽滑雪介绍英文作文英文:Hello everyone, today I want to introduce a great place for skiing Huize Ski Resort. This ski resort is located in Huize County, Yunnan Province, China. It is a popular destination for skiing enthusiasts in China.Huize Ski Resort has a total of 5 ski trails, including 2 beginner trails, 2 intermediate trails, and 1 advanced trail. The longest trail is about 1.5 kilometers, and the vertical drop is about 200 meters. The resort also offers a variety of skiing equipment for rent, including skis, snowboards, and helmets.One of the best things about Huize Ski Resort is the snow quality. The resort is located at an altitude of 2,500 meters, which means that the snow is dry and powdery, perfect for skiing. In addition, the resort has a snowmaking system that ensures the trails are alwayscovered in snow, even when the natural snowfall is low.In terms of facilities, Huize Ski Resort has a ski school for beginners, a restaurant, and a hotel. The ski school offers group and private lessons, and the instructors are experienced and patient. The restaurant serves a variety of Chinese and Western dishes, and the hotel offers comfortable rooms with stunning views of the surrounding mountains.Overall, Huize Ski Resort is a great place for skiing in Yunnan. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced skier, you will find something to enjoy at this resort.中文:大家好,今天我想介绍一个非常适合滑雪的地方——会泽滑雪场。



用英语介绍我的家乡会泽县的作文English:Located in the southwestern part of China's Yunnan Province, Huize County is a charming destination rich in cultural heritage and natural beauty. Blessed with picturesque landscapes, including lush mountains, serene lakes, and meandering rivers, it captivates visitors with its tranquil ambiance. Huize County boasts a long history dating back to ancient times, evidenced by its well-preserved traditional architecture and historical sites such as the ancient town of Shibaoshan. The county is renowned for its diverse ethnic composition, with a significant population of Bai, Yi, and Hui ethnic groups, each contributing to the vibrant local culture. Visitors can immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of traditions, festivals, and culinary delights, experiencing firsthand the warmth and hospitality of the locals. Furthermore, Huize County is renowned for its unique local specialties, including Pu'er tea, Huize ham, and Yunnan Baiyao, enticing food enthusiasts from far and wide. With its harmonious blend of cultural heritage and natural wonders, Huize County offers a memorable experience for travelers seeking to explore the enchanting allure of China's southwest.中文翻译:坐落在中国云南省西南部,会泽县是一个充满文化遗产和自然美景的迷人目的地。



我的家乡-会泽英语作文## My Hometown: Huize Nestled amongst the rolling hills of Yunnan Province, Huize is more than just a place on the map; it's a tapestry woven with vibrant threads of history, culture, and natural beauty. It's where I took my first breath, where the echoes of my childhood laughter still linger, and where the spirit of my ancestors whispers through the rustling leaves of ancient trees. Huize is, quite simply, home. The air in Huize is crisp and clean, carrying the scent of pine forests and wildflowers. The sky stretches out like an endless canvas, paintedwith hues of blue so intense they seem to belong to another world. The landscapeis a breathtaking mosaic of verdant valleys, terraced fields that climb the slopes like giant staircases, and towering mountains that pierce the clouds. Thisnatural splendor isn't just a backdrop; it's the lifeblood of our community. It dictates the rhythm of our lives, from the crops we cultivate to the festivals we celebrate. Huize is steeped in history, a living testament to the resilience and ingenuity of its people. The remnants of ancient kingdoms and dynasties are etched into the very fabric of the town, whispering tales of emperors and warriors, of trade routes and cultural exchanges. Walking through the narrow, winding streets, one can almost hear the echoes of the past – the clatter of horses' hooves, the rhythmic chants of monks, the lively chatter of merchants in the marketplace. These echoes are not just reminders of a bygone era; they are the foundation upon which our present identity is built. The heart and soul of Huize reside in its people. We are a community bound by shared traditions, a deep respect for our elders, and an unyielding spirit of hospitality. Our lives are interwoven, our joys and sorrows shared. We celebrate together during the vibrant Lantern Festival, our streets aglow with the warm light of countless lanterns, and we mourn together during the solemn Qingming Festival, paying respects to our ancestors. This sense of community is our anchor, our source of strength and resilience. Huize is not without its challenges. As with many rural areas, we grapple with issues of economic development and modernization. Yet, even in the face of these challenges, the spirit of Huize remains unbroken. We are a people who have learned to adaptand innovate, to find opportunity amidst adversity. Our young people, armed with education and ambition, are venturing out into the world, carrying the spirit ofHuize with them. They are our ambassadors, our hope for a brighter future. Huizeis more than just my hometown; it's a part of me. It's in the way I greet my neighbors with a warm smile, in the way I savor the simple pleasures of life, in the way I hold onto the values of community and family. It's a place I carry in my heart, wherever I go. And it's a place I will always return to, drawn back by the irresistible pull of home. **Idiomatic Expressions:** * **Nestled amongst:** (Origin: Old English) - meaning comfortably positioned within something * **Tapestry woven:** (Origin: Middle English) - meaning a complexand interconnected system or situation * **Echoes of laughter:** (Origin: Greek mythology) - meaning lingering traces of something * **Whispers through the leaves:** (Origin: Unknown) - meaning to communicate subtly or indirectly ***Crisp and clean:** (Origin: Middle English) - meaning fresh and pure ***Endless canvas:** (Origin: Latin) - meaning a vast and limitless space ***Breathtaking mosaic:** (Origin: Greek) - meaning a stunning combination of different elements * **Verdant valleys:** (Origin: Latin) - meaning lush and green valleys * **Towering mountains:** (Origin: Old English) - meaning verytall mountains * **Steeped in history:** (Origin: Old English) - meaning deeply immersed in history * **Living testament:** (Origin: Latin) - meaning a tangible proof or evidence * **Winding streets:** (Origin: Old English) - meaning streets that curve and turn * **Clatter of hooves:** (Origin: Middle English) - meaning the sound of horses' hooves striking the ground * **Lively chatter:** (Origin: Middle English) - meaning the sound of people talking animatedly * **Bygoneera:** (Origin: Old English) - meaning a past time period * **Heart and soul:** (Origin: Old English) - meaning the most important or essential part of something * **Bound by traditions:** (Origin: Latin) - meaning united by shared customsand practices * **Unwavering spirit:** (Origin: Latin) - meaning a determinedand resolute attitude * **Interwoven lives:** (Origin: Old English) - meaning lives that are closely connected and interdependent * **Aglow with light:** (Origin: Old English) - meaning shining brightly * **Solemn occasion:** (Origin: Latin) - meaning a serious and dignified event * **Paying respects:** (Origin: Latin) - meaning showing deference and honor * **Grapple with issues:** (Origin: Middle English) - meaning to struggle with problems * **Unbroken spirit:**(Origin: Latin) - meaning an unyielding and resilient attitude * **Venturing out:** (Origin: Middle English) - meaning to go out and explore * **Ambassadors of hope:** (Origin: Greek) - meaning representatives of a positive future ***Simple pleasures:** (Origin: Latin) - meaning the uncomplicated joys of life * **Irresistible pull:** (Origin: Latin) - meaning an overpowering force ofattraction。



《广东通志》这样记述阳春的山水,“烟云缈霭,径石离奇,棱棱 千仞”。游过阳春石林的游客无不惊叹其山之巍峨,其峰之险峻, 就连造梦工场里的大导演也相中这里的奇景,到此处来演绎武侠演 义的江湖险恶,侠义传奇…… -
东湖水库是阳江八景之一。该库区水面星星点点分布着 东湖水库是阳江八景之一。 108个岛,故名曰“东湖星岛”。 个岛, 个岛 故名曰“东湖星岛”
阳春凌霄岩 -
凌霄岩是省级风景名胜区, 凌霄岩是省级风景名胜区, 被誉为“南国第一洞府” 被誉为“南国第一洞府”。
通天蜡烛位于春湾镇,这里山水相依,风光旖旎,江河穿山绕畴,湖岸垂柳依 依“通天蜡烛”破水而出,直向蓝天伸出。它高七十余米,酷似一支竖着的蜡 通天蜡烛” 烛,四缘附着一团团、一块块的石块,像凝固的蜡液,顶端上小石柱,似蜡烛 的烛芯,用“拔地攀天起,一柱乾坤连” 的烛芯,用“拔地攀天起,一柱乾坤连”来形容其气势是恰如其分的。
东水山 -
施工中的阳 江核电站和 核电站效果 图-
阳江有中国风筝之乡的美誉 南国风筝场 -
端午节 龙舟竞 赛
阳江—刀剪之都 阳江 刀剪之都
刀,无可否认的锋利。 (欢迎订购)
阳 东 温 泉
春 都 温 泉 阳江温泉度假 来到阳江, 村 来到阳江, 泡一下温泉也 是不错的选择 !-
月亮湾海滨,海岸线弯长达 公里 极像新月弧形,故名。 公里, 月亮湾海滨,海岸线弯长达6.5公里,极像新月弧形,故名。 月亮湾海滩两侧悬崖峭壁,礁石奇立,犹如世外桃源: 将军台” 月亮湾海滩两侧悬崖峭壁,礁石奇立,犹如世外桃源:“将军台” 与冼夫人祠”遥相响应,更抹上了壮丽而神秘的色彩。 与冼夫人祠”遥相响应,更抹上了壮丽而神秘的色彩。 -


My hometown— —Suqian
Suqian is located in the northern part of Jiangsu Province. It is indeed the connecting link through the LongHai economic belt and coastal economic zone. My birth place is also one of the centers of biological evolution, wellrenowned as ”Creature Paradise ”. In the floating river of its long history, there stands out numerous distinctives such as Xiangyu, called as ”XiChu BaWang” who virtually every Chinese people has known as long as I mention, of course along with his attractive wife, Yuji, anti-Japanese hero Yangsihong to defend Taiwan, the military commander of the artillery, as well as Beijing Opera performing artist, Zhurui and they are all good sons and daughters of the Suqian people. Moreover, Suqian owns fabulously painting scenery where it is really deserved for you to come here to have a sip of tea and to have a sip of surroundings around you.

衡水介绍 英文PPT

衡水介绍 英文PPT
bounded on the east longitude 115 ° 10'-116 ° 34 'north latitude and 37 ° 03'-38 ° 23'
between. The total area of 8815 square kilometers.
• (衡水市位于河北省东 南部,界于东经 115°10′-116°34′, 北纬37°03′-38°23′ 之间。总面积8815平 方公里。)
Lake National Nature Reserve
– Lake National Nature Reserve is the only North China Plain to maintain the integrity of wetland ecosystems marshes, waters, tidal flats, meadows and forest nature reserve, coveringan area of 283 square kilometers.
• (衡水湖国家级自然保护
Wetland landscape
• Hengshui Ruin, "one of Hengshui goldfish, called the court goldfish.
• (衡水“三绝”之一, 衡水金鱼,人称宫 廷金鱼)
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