管理学原理 满分课后作业答案
管理学原理各章练习第一章管理与管理学一、单项选择题1.层次越高的主管人员,对___D___的要求越高.A.技术技能B.人事技能C.管理技能D.概念技能2.管理的主体是( D )A.企业家B.全体员工C.高层管理者D.管理者3管理是一门应用性科学,是指管理的(D )A一般性B多样性C历史性D实践性4.管理作为一门艺术,是强调管理的_____A_____A.实践性B.精确性C.系统性D.理论性5.管理的载体是( D )A.管理者B.技术C.工作D.组织6.管理的核心是( C )A.建立组织机构B.协调人力物力C.协调人际关系D.尽力减少支出7.管理的核心是___B___.A.决策B.处理好人际关系C.组织D.控制8.管理的核心是( A )A.处理好人际关系B.制定目标C.管理好管理者D.实施控制9.管理的核心是( D )A.决策B.领导C.激励D.处理好人际关系10.在学习、研究管理学的方法论中,起总的指导作用的是( C )A.系统方法B.理论联系实际的方法C.唯物辩证法D.比较分析法11.管理的第一次转折是___B___科学管理理论的出现A.法约尔B.泰罗C.卢瑟D.马歇尔12._____A___是马克思主义关于管理问题的基本观点.A.管理的两重性B.管理的一般性C.管理的多样性D.管理的实践性13.管理学应属于( A )A.边缘科学B.经济学C.社会科学D.自然科学14.管理的载体是___C___A.管理者B.技术C.组织D.工作15.管理学的第二次大转折发生于_____D____A.19世纪末B.产业革命C.第二次世界大战中军需准备时期D.第二次世界大战后电子技术迅速发展时期16.管理内部的要素,一般是___D______A.不可控制B.部分可控C.部分不可控D.可以控制17.管理的两重性是指管理的______B___A.自然属性和历史属性B.自然属性和社会属性C.经济属性和技术属性D.连续属性与间断属性18.研究管理学的总的方法论指导是___C____A.系统方法B.理论联系实际的方法C.唯物辩证法D.比较分析法19.一般来说,组织的外部要素是( C )A.可以控制的B.无法控制的C.部分可以控制的D.不可以控制的20.发展中国家经济落后,关键是____C_____落后A.技术B.体制C.管理D.科学21.在组织的五个基本要素中,管理的媒介是( B )A.人与物B.信息C.机构D.目的22.在组织的内部要素中,表明为什么要有这个组织的要素是( D )A.人与物B.信息C.机构D.目的23.管理的主体是( A )A.管理者B.组织C.人D.管理机构24.管理的主体是___D____A.员工B.国家C.领导D.管理者25.美国管理学家彼德·德鲁克认为,管理者的第一个责任是( B )A.管理管理者B.管理一个组织C.管理工作和工人D.从事管理活动26.管理过程中的首要职能是( C )A.人员配备B.组织C.计划D.指导与控制27.管理的五大基本职能是____B____A.计划、组织、协调、领导、控制B.计划、组织、人员配备、指导与领导、控制C.计划、协调、指导、人员配备、控制D.组织、人员配备、指导与领导、控制、协调28.马克思主义关于管理问题的基本观点是( B )A.辩证唯物主义观点B.管理二重性观点C.系统的观点D.发展的观点29.反映管理同生产力、社会化大生产相联系的属性是( C )A.社会属性B.艺术性C.自然属性D.科学性30.管理学原理区别于专门管理学的特点在于( C )A.历史性B.科学性C.一般性D.实践性31.管理学属于边缘学科,这说明管理学的特点是( B )A.一般性B.多样性C.实践性D.历史性32.管理学研究的侧重点或主线是( C )A.社会生产方式B.管理历史C.管理过程及职能D.资源配置33.具有消亡倾向的系统是( B )A.开放系统B.封闭系统C.子系统D.反馈系统34.在自动调节系统中,为使工作维持在规定工作状况下而采取的措施,叫作( a )A.控制B.协调C.反馈D.交换35.在一个社会系统内,可以用不同的输入或不同过程去实现同一目标,这是系统的( D )观点.A.整体B.信息反馈C.不断分化和完善D.等效36.现代社会文明发展的三大支柱是:科学、技术和(D )A.资源B.生产力C.泰罗制D.管理37.管理是一种( C )A.经济现象B.自然现象C.社会文化现象D.科学现象38.管理是生产过程固有的属性,是指_____B___A.管理的目的性B.管理的必要性C.管理的科学性D.管理的民主性39.下列管理层次中____B____的职能是按照规定的计划和程序,协调基层组织的各项工作和实施计划.A.上层B.下层C.中层D.经营管理层40.中层主管人员主要任务是____B______A.监督执行B.协调执行C.决策控制D.激励员工41.主管人员的层次划分是指( D )A.内层外层B.深层浅层C.表层里层D.上中下层42.决定学习、研究管理学必要性的是( C )A.管理的自然性B.管理的社会性C.管理的重要性D.管理的历史性43.上层主管人员的重要任务是( D )A.监督执行B.协调执行C.监督控制D.决策控制44.管理直接或间接地同生产资料所有制有关,反映了管理的_____B____A.必要性B.目的性C.科学性D.艺术性23._____D____是主管人员最基本的准则A.有强烈的管理愿望B.掌握大量的管理理论C.以公司利益为准则D.尽职尽责29.主管人员的权力很大程度上表现的是____D_____A.能力B.素质C.物质基础D.自主程度二、多项选择题1.管理者在管理过程中承担的职能是( ACDE )A.计划B.预测C.组织D.控制E.指导与领导2.管理的二重性是指管理的( CD )A.科学性B.艺术性C.自然属性D.社会属性E.实践性3.管理的基本特征有__ABCE_____A.管理是一种社会现象B.管理是一种文化现象C.管理的主体是管理者D.管理的核心是决策E.管理的核心是处理好人际关系4.管理的客体是( ABE )A.人B.信息C.机构D.目的E.物5.美国管理学家彼德·德鲁克认为,管理者的责任是( ABD )A.管理一个组织B.管理管理者C.实现管理目的D.管理工作和工人E管理计划过程6.一个组织通常划分为如下层次( BE )A.主管层、执行层和作业层B.经营决策层、执行管理层和监督作业层C.经营管理层、外部管理层和核心管理层D.经营决策层、监督作业层和执行管理层E.上层、中层和基层7.管理是一种社会文化现象,其存在的必要条件是( BD )A.管理理论B.一致目标C.管理实践D.集体活动E.管理原理8.虽然组织的类型、形式和规模可能各有差异,但其内部都含有以下基本要素( ABDE )A.人与物B.信息C.管理D.机构E.目的9.管理的基本特征是( BCDE )A.具有内部基本要素和外部环境要素B.主体是管理者C.具有任务、职能和层次D.核心是协调人际关系E.是一种文化现象和社会现象10.管理的两重性反映出管理的( BE )A.科学性和艺术性B.必要性和目的性C.部分可控性和部分不可控性D.技术性和阶级性E.生产力属性和生产关系属性11.管理的社会属性体现着生产资料所有者指挥劳动、监督劳动的意志,因此管理与下列因素相联系( BD )A.生产力B.生产关系C.社会化大生产D.社会制度E.科学技术12.管理学作为一门不精确的、有待于发展的科学,具有以下特点( ACDE )A.一般性B.专业性C.多样性D.历史性E.实践性13.推动现代社会发展的、缺一不可的“两个轮子”是( CE )A.丰富的资源与先进的技术B.科学技术与管理人才C.先进的科技D.发达的科技与管理水平E先进的管理14.学习与研究管理学的一般方法有以下三个( ABD )A.唯物辩证法B.系统方法C.科学管理方法D.理论联系实际方法E.管理过程方法15.从管理的角度看,系统包含有两个含义,它们分别是( BD )A.系统是一个有机整体B.系统是一个实体,例如组织C.系统从属于环境超系统D.系统是一种方法或手段E.系统的维持依赖于反馈信息16.当把管理过程或活动看作实体的系统时,它具有如下几个特征( ABCDE )A.整体性B.目的性C.开放性和交换性D.相互依存性E.控制性17.学习和研究管理学的具体方法有( BCDE )A.系统方法B.比较法C.案例分析法D.综合法E.分析法18.管理逐渐形成理论并得到重视,在历史上经历过二次大的转折,它们是( AD )A.泰罗制的出现B.社会化大生产的出现C.十月革命以后D.第二次世界大战以后E.工业革命以后19.管理学研究生产力方面的内容包括( AE )A.组织中人、财、物的配置问题B.调动各方面积极性与创造问题C.环境适应问题D.产权问题E.寻求最佳经济效益与社会效益问题20.管理学所研究的生产关系方面的内容包括( AC )A. 组织内部人际关系问题B.合理配置人财物问题C.完善组织机构与管理体制问题D.使规章制度与上层建筑保持一致问题E.环境适应问题三、名词解释管理学;系统;系统的方法;主管人员;四、问答题系统的特征15;系统的观点及其内容;管理的基本特征;科学技术与管理的关系;掌握管理的两重性,对于学习管理学和从事管理工作的意义;管理学的特点;为什么要学习、研究管理学;学习和研究管理学的方法;五、论述题如何理解管理既是一门科学又是一门艺术,实际工作中如何运用;管理二重性及其现实意义6;第二章管理学的形成一、单项选择题1.泰罗的科学管理理论出现在( A )A.19世纪末20世纪初B.20世纪初30年代C.20世纪40年代D.20世纪60年代2.泰罗认为工人和雇主双方都必须来一次( D )A.管理培训B.管理实践C.劳动竞赛D.心理革命3.新古典管理理论的形成发展主要是( C )A.从18世纪到19世纪末B.从20世纪初到20世纪30年代C.从20世纪30年代到20世纪60年代D.从20世纪60年代至今4.马克斯韦伯的理论属于_____A______A.理想行政组织体系理论B.人际关系理论C.科学管理理论D.行为科学理论5.古典管理理论阶段的代表性理论是( A )A.科学管理理论B.管理科学理论C.行为科学理论D.权变理论6.在“管理科学理论”中,首先提出“系统分析”概念的是__C__.A.日本松下电器公司B.德国西门子公司C.美国兰德公司D.美国通用公司7.霍桑试验提出要重视管理中( B )A.物的因素B.人的因素C.工程技术方面因素D.人\事\物的结合8.泰罗是__B____--的代表人物之一A.管理萌芽阶段B.古典管理理论阶段C.新古典管理理论阶段D.现代管理理论阶段9.管理学形成的标志是____B______A.法约尔管理过程理论的出现B.泰罗科学管理理论的出现C.马克斯•韦伯组织理论的出现D.梅奥行为科学理论的出现10.科学管理的中心问题是____D____A.作业标准化B.计划工资制C.心理革命D.提高劳动生产率11.被称为组织理论之父的是____D_____A.泰罗B.萨伊C.法约尔D.韦伯12.马基雅维利的两类型领导者是指____A_______A.自然或天生型、后天获得型B.自然或天生型C.聪明和后天获得型D.内向和外向型13.古典管理理论中,把人视为_____A____A.经济人B.复杂人C.社会人D.自我实现人14.行为科学理论的形成和发展,处于管理学形成的___D____阶段.A.早期阶段B.萌芽阶段C.古典管理理论阶段D.新古典管理理论阶段15泰罗科学管理理论出现于(C )阶段。
管理学原理课后习题答案2011年06月19日星期日上午 10:03第一章答案一、填空1.计划,组织,领导,控制;资源2. 计划,组织,领导,控制;3. 计划4. 人际角色,信息角色,决策角色;5. 决策;6. 协调,人;7. 技术技能,人际技能,概念技能8.组织目标的实现;9. 计划10. 自然,社会11. 管理原理,管理方法;12. 人力资源,物力资源,财力资源,信息资源二、单项选择1.C2. D3.D4.A5. A6.C7.C8.B9.B 10.D11.B 12.C 13.B三、多项选择1. ABEF2. ABD3.ABD四、判断1.×2. ×3.√4. ×5. ×6.√7. √8.√五、简答(要点,非完整答案)1.管理是一个过程,就是一个组织通过计划、组织、领导、控制等工作,对组织所拥有的资源进行合理配置和有效使用,以实现组织预定目标的过程。
2. 管理的科学性表现在它是对劳动过程的管理;管理的艺术性表现在它是对人的管理;二者不可分离。
第一章习题答案1. 什么是管理?答:管理是社会组织中,为了实现预期的目标,以人为中心进行的协调活动。
2. 如何理解管理的二重性?答:管理的根本属性在于管理具有二重性。
3. 如何正确处理管理的科学性和艺术性?答:管理学是一门科学,它是在人们总结管理工作客观规律的基础上形成的,管理活动的艺术性,指一切管理活动都应当具有灵活性和创造性。
4. 管理活动具有哪些职能?它们之间的关系怎样?答:管理的职能是指计划、组织、领导和控制。
.《管理学原理》教学辅助资料集教学大纲《管理学原理》教学大纲(Principals of management)一、课程编号:二、课程名称:管理学原理三、学时: 48学分:3实验学时:0课内上机学时:0四、先修课程要求:高等数学,英语五、适用专业:管理类专业六、适用年级:一、二年级七、课程的性质和任务:管理学原理是管理学科体系中的一门重要学科,主要是从一般理论、一般原理、一般特征的角度对管理活动加以研究,从中找出一般规律性。
九、学时安排:序号教学内容学时1第一章导论:管理的涵义、职能、管理者技能、角色42第二章管理思想与管理理论的发展43第三章管理道德与社会责任34第四章决策4概述、过程、决策类型及一般方法5第五章计划7计划的基础、目标管理、战略性计划、计划方法、规划实务6第六章组织结构与设计8概述、组织结构类型、设计方法、组织设计挑战、组织文化7第七章控制4控制的类型、过程、方法8第八章领导领导本质、理论与艺术49第九章激励激励原理、过程与理论410第十章沟通概述,沟通过程、类型和冲突管理411第十一章创新212总复习(机动)0 或 2十、实验内容和要求:无十一、考核方式:考试成绩由两块构成,其中期末成绩占70% ,平时成绩占 30% 。
《管理学原理(Chapter One:Managers and Management)》习题与答案
Chapter One: Managers and ManagementMultiple Choice Questions1. When we classify managers according by their level in the organization they are described as _______.a. functional, staff and line managersb. top managers, middle managers and supervisorsc. high level and lower level managersd. general managers and administrative managers2. Conceptual skills relate to a manager’s ability toa. take a strategic view of how the parts of the organization function.b. solve detailed problems in groups.c. correctly evaluate organizational problems.d. understand and interact effectively with others in the organization.3. The ability to build networks and power bases that increase one’s power in the organization is referred to as _____.a. influence skillb. political skillc. controllingd. strategic skill4. A manager is someone whoa. actually performs the service or produces the product.b. works anonymously behind the scenes.c. sets the goals of the organization.d. supervises the work of others.5. Which of the following skills is most important for top managers (CEO’s)?a. Interpersonalb. Technicalc. Functionald. Conceptual6. A manager who has a reputation for being open and honest and understands how to motivate employees and customers is said to have good ________ skills.a. salesb. politicalc. Interpersonald. technical7. Annie’s Pies produces cakes and pies that come in 207 different flavors that are shipped across theUSA. Each week, 3 or 4 new flavors are added. Annie’s produces high quality cakes and pies using the best ingredients, it wastes little, and few employees work overtime because the business operatesa. effectively.b. reliably.c. efficiently.d. flexibly.8. Doing a job in a way that achieves results without wasting any resources is referred to as being ______.a. effective.b. efficientc. conservatived. Both a and b.9. The importance of managerial roles varies depending on the _____.a. manager’s salaryb. manager’s acceptance by the employeesc. size of the organizationd. length of time the manager has worked in the organization10. According to Mintzberg, which management category includes the roles of figurehead, leader, andliaison?a. interpersonalb. informationalc. decisionald. planning11. Which of the following roles is categorized as a decisional role?a. Monitorb. Disseminatorc. Resource allocatord. Leader12. An organization must contain all except which of the following characteristics?a. purposeb. peoplec. structured. product13. An organization is commonly considered aa. systematic arrangement of people to sell goods or services.b. structural grouping of people to accomplish a set of objectives.c. structural grouping of managers and subordinates who are attempting to increase profits.d. systematic grouping of people to establish procedures, rules, and regulations.14. Operatives can BEST be described asa. Those who actually do the tasks of an organization.b. Those who work anonymously behind the scenes.c. Manual laborers.d. Those who supervise others.15. The managers who work most closely with the operatives are known asa. top management.b. middle management.c. first-line managers.d. operative managers.16. The level of management that translates the goals of the organization into specific plans that lower-level managers can perform is known asa. top management.b. middle management.c. first-line managers.d. operative managers.17. _____ are responsible for making decisions about the direction of the organization and establishingpolicies that affect all organizational members.a. Operativesb. Top managersc. Middle managersd. First-line supervisors18. Performing the task right and considering the relationship between inputs and outputs isa. effectiveness.b. goal attainment.c. efficiency.d. a management characteristic.19. If you get more output for a given input, you havea. decreased effectiveness.b. increased effectiveness.c. decreased efficiency.d. increased efficiency.20. In an organization, _____ translate(s) into goal attainment.a. effectivenessb. efficiencyc. resource minimizationd. managerial functions21. If a college cuts the cost of an education by using mostly part-time faculty and at the same time failsto adequately educate its students, it can be said to be doing the wrong things well. In other words, the college isa. efficient and effective.b. efficient but not effective.c. effective but not efficient.d. neither efficient nor effective.22. Tim's Tire Shop is concerned only with using the least amount of labor possible as it repairs/replaces the tires of its customers. Its primary goal isa. effectiveness.b. goal attainment.c. efficiency.d. management characteristics.23. All of the following are included in the four components of the management process excepta. planning.b. organizing.c. leading.d. delegating.24. Mintzberg grouped the ten managerial roles into three primary headings. Which of the following isnot one of these headings?a. interpersonal relationshipsb. transfer of informationc. planningd. decision making25. As managers move up the organization, they do lessa. leadingb. controllingc. planningd. organizing26. Which of the following roles is most important for managers in small firms?a. disseminatorb. leaderc. spokespersond. figurehead27. Katz developed four critical skills that managers must possess. Which of the following is not one ofthose four skills?a. conceptualb. interpersonalc. technicald. connection28. Angelo is well known for his skills in using the advanced programming software of the engineeringfield. In fact, it was his specialized knowledge that led to his promotion as manager. Which managerial skill is Angelo demonstrating?a. conceptualb. interpersonalc. technicald. political29. Nancy’s strength as a manager lies in her ability to work with people. She is able to work with,motivate, and lead others easily. Nancy is demonstrating which managerial skill?a. conceptualb. interpersonalc. technicald. political30. Which of the following is not true about operatives?a. They have no responsibility for overseeing the work of others.b. They work directly on a job or task.c. They have no more than four employees who report directly to them.d. A person on an assembly line could be described as an operative.31. The managerial concept that focuses on task completion isa. efficiency.b. of little concern for first-line managers.c. mostly the job of top managers.d. effectiveness.32. Which one of the following best demonstrates the concept of efficient management?a. Getting activities completed.b. Maximizing output.c. Maintaining output with fewer resources.d. Increasing output and input.33. When a manager fails to complete the department's tasks but has used the resources sparingly andwisely, the results are said to bea. efficient and effective.b. efficient and ineffective.c. inefficient and effective.d. inefficient and ineffective.34. The planning function of management includesa. directing the activities of others.b. monitoring an organization's performance.c. comparing actual results with plans.d. establishing an organization's goals.35. The organizing function of management includesa. how tasks are to be grouped.b. conflict resolution among subordinates.c. comparison of actual results with a budget.d. definition of an organization's goals.36. The activities of motivating employees, directing others, selecting the most effective communicationchannels, and resolving conflicts refer to which management function?a. planning.b. organizing.c. leading.d. controlling.37. When a famous speaker, Such as the President of the United States, addresses a college graduatingclass, he or she is exhibiting Mintzberg's role ofa. liaison.b. disturbance handler.c. disseminator.d. figurehead.38. Concerning Mintzberg's managerial roles, which of the following statements is MOST accurate?a. Managers perform essentially different roles in different types of organizations.b. Managers perform essentially different roles at different levels of an organization.c. The emphasis managers give the various roles differs with various organizational levels.d. Roles of figurehead, disseminator, and liaison seem to be most appropriate for first-line managers.39. Which of the following statements is LEAST correct?a. Regardless of the organizational level, managers perform essentially the same functions.b. Most managerial functions are the same throughout the world.c. Small or large organizations perform essentially the same functions.d. The entrepreneurial role is more prevalent in small organizations than in large ones.40. Management is BEST described as the process ofa. personally completing tasks in an efficient manner.b. efficiently completing tasks with the help of others.c. using scarce resources to minimize output.d. organizing activities over a long period of time.Chapter Three: Foundations of PlanningMultiple Choice Questions1. Which of the following is not included in the definition of planning?a. Define the organization’s objectives or goals.b. Establish an overall strategy for achieving these objectives or goals.c. Allocate resources and develop a chain of communication.d. Develop a hierarchy of plans to integrate and coordinate activities.2. Which of the following is an argument against formal planning?a. Planning focuses on the future.b. Planning may create rigidity.c. Planning replaces creativity.d. Planning ignores prior successes.3. Which of following is not one of the reasons why managers should engage in planning as that wasstated in the text?a. Planning reduces cost.b. Planning minimizes waste and redundancy.c. Planning provides direction.d. Planning facilitates control.4. Plans that determine specific details about organizational objectives that are to be achieved arecalleda. strategic plans.c. long-term plans.d. detailed plans.5. Successful plans may providea. a false sense of security.b. only success.c. increased awareness of the environment.d. increased awareness of change.6. Which of the following statements is MOST accurate?a. Many studies confirm the positive relationship between planning and performance.b. All organizations that plan extensively outperform those that plan less formally.c. All organizations that plan outperform those that do not.d. Many studies confirm that planning does not lead to greater performance because labor unionsare weak.7. _____ plans are differentiated by their breadth.a. Directional and specificb. Single use and standingc. Strategic and tacticald. Long-term and short-term8. Which of the following is not a popular way to describe plans?a. breadthb. time framec. specificityd. length9. Tactical and strategic plans differ in all of the following ways excepta. time frame.b. scope.c. known set of organizational objectives.d. environmental effects.10. The greater the uncertainty, the more plans should be of the _____ variety.a. long-termb. short-termc. intermediate in lengthd. rigid11. When uncertainty is high and management must maintain flexibility, which of the following types ofplans are preferable?a. long-term plansb. no plansc. directional plansd. specific plans12. Which type of plan is used to meet a particular or unique situation?b. operational planc. single-use pland. standing plan13. Which of the following is not a step in objective setting?a. Specify deadlines.b. Allow the employee to actively participate.c. Link rewards to effort.d. Prioritize goals.14. Each MBO objective must havea. a percentage change specified.b. a concise time period.c. a reference to quality.d. a specified dollar amount.15. MBO advocates participative goal setting. Research comparing participative set and assigned goalson performancea. shows consistently higher performance with participatively set goals.b. shows consistently lower performance with participatively set goals.c. has not shown any strong or consistent relationships.d. has been biased by the researchers.16. Which of the following is not an ingredient in MBO programs?a. goal specificityb. participative decision makingc. performance feedbackd. general time period17. According to the philosophy of MBO,a. Feedback occurs at the annual performance reviewb. Goals follow a top-down approachc. Goals typically are broad, general statements of intentd. Constant feedback is provided18. MBO assists in answering "What's in it for me as an employee" bya. Linking rewards to goal attainmentb. Identifying employees' key job tasksc. Allowing employees to participate activelyd. Prioritizing goals19. Managers can overcome the criticisms of management by objectives bya. ensuring that employees have multiple goals.b. treating MBO as a single-event activity.c. punishing employees who fail to achieve goals.d. rewarding employees for setting easy goals.20. Which of the following is not a component of the MBO process?a. Objectives are determined jointly by subordinates and supervisorb. Progress towards objectives is reviewed every three months.c. Employees are given ratings based on reaching specific targetsd. Rewards are based on progress towards achieving objectives.21. Which of the following is a nine-step process that involves strategic planning, implementation, andevaluation?a. decision-making processb. strategic management processc. tactical management processd. long-range planning process22. In environmental SWOT analysis, the external organizational position is analyzed according to itsa. strengths and weaknesses.b. opportunities and weaknesses.c. strengths and threats.d. opportunities and threats.23. The starting point in strategic management process is usuallya. analyzing current mission, strategies and objectives.b. identifying opportunities and threats.c. conducting an environmental scan.d. identifying opportunities and weaknesses.24. After analyzing and learning about the environment, management needs to evaluate opportunitiesand threats. Opportunities area. internal resources.b. unmet needs.c. positive external environmental factors.d. internal competitive strategies.25. Which of the following is NOT a grand strategy that an organization can use for defining its all-encompassing focus?a. Stability strategyb. Market gain strategyc. Growth strategyd. Combination strategy26. Tim's Company is analyzing the technology that allows it to produce wireless communication equipment for less money. This technological breakthrough for Tim's Company is which of the following?a. strengthb. weaknessc. opportunityd. threat27. SWOT analysisa. Matches the organization's competencies with its environmental forcesb. Sometimes involves industrial espionage tacticsc. Occurs during the mission statement formulationd. Is most useful for helping an organization sustain its competitive28. The type of organizational strategy that emphasized increasing market share or the level of anorganization's operations is calleda. Stability Strategyb. Combination strategyc. Market gain strategyd. None of the above29. When Northwest Airlines began serving its own in-flight meals, which of the following strategies wasit pursuing?a. growthb. stabilityc. retrenchmentd. combination30. Larry's Company is in the process of buying a smaller competitor and incorporating that company'sresources into his business. This is an example of which of the following types of strategies?a. mergerb. stabilityc. retrenchmentd. acquisition31. Strategy formulation involves__________.a. developing and evaluating a set of alternative strategiesb. evaluating a set of alternative strategies and selecting the best for each levelc. selecting a strategy that will increase the level of operationsd. completing a SWOT analysis32. Susan's Ceramics is expanding the size of its unfinished products while decreasing the amount offiring and finishing of products it does. This is known as which of the following strategies?a. growthb. stabilityc. retrenchmentd. combination33. A company states that its product is reliable, even to the extent of never needing a service call, suchas Maytag, is practicing which of the following competitive strategies?a. cost-leadership strategyb. differentiation strategyc. focus strategyd. retrenchment strategy34. Lila's Luscious Lips produces a cherry flavored lipstick and is targeting the "teen" girl who is between 12 and 14 years old. The strategy pursued isa. cost leadership.b differentiation.c. focus.d. segmentation.35. The premise behind _____ is to design in quality as the product is being made.a. six sigmab. TQMc. reengineeringd. benchmarking36. A large discount store, like Wal-Mart, whose primary goal is to have the lowest prices in the industry,is using which of the following strategies to maintain a competitive advantage?a. cost-leadership strategyb. differentiation strategyc. focus strategyd. retrenchment strategy37. According to Michael Porter, the goal of the focus strategy is toa. exploit a narrow segment of the market.b. seek competitive advantages in large market segments.c. use technological innovation to target customers more accurately.d. bring suppliers and distributors together and combine efforts.38. Who determines employee goals in MBO?a. employeesb. managersc. managers and employeesd. managers and the CEO39. The basic idea in _____ is that management can improve quality by analyzing and copying the methods of the leaders in the field.a. reengineeringb. benchmarkingc. TQMd. six sigma40. Which of the following is not a competitive strategy that a business may use in order to gaina distinctadvantage, according to Michael Portera. retrenchmentb. cost-leadershipc. focusd. differentiationChapter Four: Foundations of Decision MakingMultiple Choice Questions1. __________ is not one of the eight steps in the decision making process.a. Identifying the problemb. Analyzing alternative solutionsc. Implementing the decisiond. Delegating the decision making2. Which of the following sequences is correct for the decision-making Process?a. Identify decision criteria, analyze alternatives, allocate weights to criteriab. Analyze alternatives, select an alternative, implement the alternativec. Select an alternative, evaluate decision effectiveness, weight the criteriad. Analyze alternatives, develop alternatives, allocate weights to criteria3. Once a problem is formulated, the next step is toa. Select an alternativeb. List all possible Solutionsc. Observe a discrepancyd. Decide what is critical in the decision4. When a manager who is contemplating all the features a new purchase should have prioritizes themost important, he or she is practicinga. selection of criteriab. problem formulationc. weighting of criteriad. analyzing alternatives5. After implementation has been accomplisheda. The decision-making process is completeb. The control function of management become importantc. The alternatives are rankedd. The manager must complete written evaluation forms6. When a plant manager who is trying to reduce turnover of production workers notices that turnoverhas decreased by 10 percent four months after he instituted a new training program, at which step in the rational decision-making process is this manager?a. Identify the problem.b. Evaluate the decision criteria.c. Analyze the alternatives.d. Evaluate the results.7. According to the concept of bounded rationality, decision makers are limited by _______.a. less than complete informationb. environmentc. timed. All of the above.8. __________ is selecting the first minimally acceptable alternative.a. Bounded rationalityb. Unbounded rationalityc. Satisficingd. Rational decision-making9. Suppose that you need a math elective to take in order to graduate. There are five different courses you could take. You call one friend and, on the basis of her terrific experience in onecourse, you choose that one. What would Herbert Simon call what you have just done?a. Bounded rationalityb. Unbounded rationalityc. Escalation of commitmentd. Rational decision-making10. ______________ occurs when a manager purchases stock in a company and refuses to sell it evenafter it has dropped 40 percent in value over the past 6 months.a. Optimizingb. Satisficingc. Bounded Rationalityd. Escalation of Commitment11. ____________ is one of the disadvantages of group decisions that typically results in groups thatare very cohesive.a. Conflictb. Groupthinkc. Dominationd. Compromise12. Which of the following is an advantage of group decision-making when compared to individualdecision-making?a. The group process takes less time.b. Groupthink may occur.c. More decision alternatives are generated.d. One person can dominate the group.13. Bounded rationality refers to the idea thata. Managers are bound by ethical considerations to be rationalb. Managers will promote rationalization as an aid to decision makingc. Managers employ model construction to simplify decision makingd. Managers are to behave according to rational guidelines within the bounds of their authority inthe workplace14. The tendency for decision makers to base their judgments on information that is readily accessibleto them is best described asa. Escalation of commitmentb. Representative heuristicc. Bounded rationalityd. None of the above15. “Decision making under risk” means ____________.a. the decision has no data on which to base his or her decisionb. the decision maker is used to dealing with high-risk situationsc. the decision maker knows all of the risks involved in the situationd. the decision maker can estimate the risk involved in making a decision16. How do managers know when they have a disparity or discrepancy in the decision-making process?The best way is to compare their current state and some standard. Which of the following would not be a relevant standard?a. previously set goalsb. past performancec. the performance of some unit in or out of the organizationd. use future projections17. Putting a decision into action and conveying the decision to the persons who will be affected by it isknown asa. problem identification.b. decision implementation.c. rational decision making.d. irrational decision making.18. When decisions must be made with limited information because full knowledge of the problem isunavailable and the probability of outcomes is unknown, the condition of __________ exists.a. uncertaintyb. certaintyc. riskd. bounded rationality19. Which of the following is not an assumption of the rational decision-making model?a. The problem is clear and unambiguous.b. A single well-defined goal is to be achieved.c. Preferences change slowly.d. Final choice will maximize economic payoff.20. Creativity is formed when the elements of creative skills, expertise, and _____ intersect.a. personalityb. experiencec. task motivationd. None of the above.21. In the decision-making process known as bounded rationality,a. the final choice maximizes economic payoff.b. the final choice minimizes economic payoff.c. the first choice that is "good enough" is chosen.d. all "good enough" choices are selected.22. Jane just conducted the performance appraisals of five of her employees. Her appraisal was heavilyinfluenced by the performance of the individuals during the last month. Jane's bias is an example ofa. availability heuristic.b. representative heuristic.c. escalation of commitment.d. optimal decision making.23. The decision-making process concludes witha. analysis of alternatives.b. identification of a problem.c. identification of decision criteria.d. evaluation of decision effectiveness.24. Problems where information is ambiguous or incomplete are which type of problem?a. well-structuredb. ill-structuredc. programmedd. nonprogrammed25. Well-structured problems area. Newb. Closely aligned with the assumptions of perfect rationalityc. Ambiguousd. Characterized by limited information26. When a decision maker relies on a programmed decision, he or Shea. may fall back on rules, procedures, or policiesb. will develop many alternatives from which to select a solutionc. will spend considerable time on the decisiond. must be dealing with a unique or unusual problem27. A procedure can be defined as aa. method to guide a manager's thinking in one general direction.b. hierarchy of authority relationships in an organization.c. series of interrelated sequential steps for problem solving.d. collection of explicit statements about what a manager can or cannot do.28. A rule is BEST described by which of the following?a. A general guideline designed to direct a manager's focus.b. A series of interrelated sequential steps.c. A prohibition against desired activity.d. An explicit and specific statement of correct behavior.29. A policy typically containsa. parameters to constrain behavior, not specific rules.b. nothing but explicit, unambiguous terminology.c. a sequence of steps to follow for approved decision making.d. specific rules.30. "Whenever possible, we promote from within" is an example of which of the following?a. ruleb. procedurec. policyd. nonprogrammed decision31. "Only employees with top-secret clearance may enter the sealed room," is an example of aa. rule.b. procedure.c. policy.d. nonprogrammed decision.32. As managers move up the organizational hierarchy, problems are more likely to becomea. well-structured.b. ill-structured.c. programmed.d. nonprogrammed.33. A conceptual style of decision-making reflects an individual whoa. thinks intuitively and has a low tolerance for ambiguity.b. thinks rationally and has a high tolerance for ambiguity.c. thinks intuitively and has a high tolerance for ambiguity.d. thinks rationally and has a low tolerance for ambiguity.34. Peggy Juarez uses a decision-making style characterized by low tolerance for ambiguity and a rational way of thinking. They generally turn out to be fast decisions of a short run nature. What style does Peggy use?a. analyticb. conceptualc. directived. behavioral35. Which of the following is not true about group decisions?a. Group decisions are faster.b. Group decisions tend to be more accurate.c. Group decisions are more creative.d. Group decisions are more widely accepted.36. Group decisions will usually be Superior to individual decisions whena. speed is a concern.b. accuracy is critical.c. minimizing the tendency of groupthink is importantd. flexibility is needed.37. Which of the following is NOT an example of a situation in which groupthink occurs?a. Group members rationalize any resistance to the assumptions they have made.b. Group members apply direct pressure on those who express doubts.c. Group members avoid openly showing lack of consensus.d. Group members question those who are silent and try to sway them.38. Bounded rationality differs from the rational model in that decision makers:a. act irrationally.b. focus on easy-to-find choices.c. seek advice from employees.d. act outside the boundaries set by their organizations.。
2013 “Fundamentals of Management”Referential answers for assignmentsChapter1: Managers and ManagementQ4 Is your course instructor a manager? Discuss in terms of both planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Also discuss using Mintzberg’s managerial roles approach.Answer– A college instructor is both an individual contributor and a manager. Planning (defines class goals, establishes plans for achieving goals, and develops lesson plans), organizing(execution and class participation), leading(motivating students, direct the activities of others, select the most effective communication channel, resolve conflicts) , controlling(grading).Mintzberg’s managerial role s: Interpersonal roles: the roles of leader and liaison. Informational roles: monitor and disseminator. Decisional roles: disturbance handler and resource allocator.Q7 Why are managers important to organizations?Answer–Managers are individuals in an organization who direct and oversee the activities of others. Managers perform managerial activities that ensure to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently. Providing details about management levels. (Please refer to page 5-6)Q9 An article by Gary Hamel in the February 2009 issue of Harvard Business Review addresses how management must be reinvented to be more relevant to today’s world? Get a copy of that article. Choose one of the 25 grand challenges identified. Discuss what it is and what it means for the way that organizations are managed.Answer–The 25 grand challenges include: ensure management serves a higher purpose, reduce fear and increase trust, reinvent the means of control, redefine the work of leadership, expand and exploit diversity, etc. Choose one of them and discuss. Chapter3: Foundations of Decision MakingQ1 Why is decision making often described as the essence of a manager’s job? Answer– Decision making is a process of responding to a problem by searching for and selecting a solution or course of action that will create value for organisational stakeholders. Everything that a manager does in term of planning, organizing, leading and controlling involves decision making. Managers in organizations also are called decision makers.Q3 “Because managers have software tools to use, they should be able to m akemore rational decisions.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why? Answer– Disagree. Decision making is a complex process which needs information, skills, experiences and creativity. Software tools will allow managers easily gather information and analyze it, but it is doubtful software tools can make managers more rational, as software tools do not make decisions.Rational decision making means making logical and consistent choices to maximize value. Rational decision making must satisfy several assumptions. However, the reality is full of uncertainty and risk. Managers’decision making still will not be perfectly rational by using software tools.Q4Is there a difference between wrong decisions and bad decisions? Why do good managers sometimes make wrong decisions? Bad decisions? How might managers improve their decision making skills?Answer– Wrong decisions can not help to achieve organizational goals, bad decisions do help to achieve goals but may not maximize value or solve problems in a large expense. In addition to uncertainty and risk, time pressure, incomplete information in today’s environment and limited capacity make managers often use intuition to make decisions, so good managers sometimes also make wrong or bad decisions. Managers can improve decision making skills by focus on what is more important, logic and consistency, gathering relevant information, blending subjective and objective thinking with analysis and remaining flexible, etc.Chapter4: Foundations of PlanningQ2 Describe in detail the six-step strategic management process.Answer–The six-step strategic management process involves: Identify the organization’s current mission, goals, and strategies; External analysis (identify opportunities and threats); Internal analysis (identify strengths and weaknesses); Formulate strategies, implement strategies and evaluate results. (Please refer to page 87-89 )Q5 Under what circumstances do you believe MBO would be the most useful? Discuss.Answer–MBO is a process of setting mutually agreed-upon goals and using those goals to evaluate employee performance. MBO makes objectives operational by cascading them down through the organization.Under circumstances where employee commitment is important, where concrete goals help a company directs its efforts, when there is a need coordination and communication in a company, etc.Q9 Do a personal SWOT analysis. Assess your personal strengths and weaknesses (skills, talents, abilities). What are you good at? What are you not so good at? What do you enjoy doing? Not enjoy doing? Then, identify career opportunities and threats by researching job prospects in the industry you’reinterested in. Look at trends and projections. You might want to check out the information the Bureau of Labor Statistics provides on job prospects. Once you have all this information, write a specific career action plan. Outline five-year career goals and what you need to do to achieve those goals.Answer–SWOT analysis is an a nalysis of an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in order to identify a strategic niche that the organization can exploit. The answer will vary based on students. (Please refer to page 88-89) Chapter5: Organizational Structure and CultureQ2 Can an organizati on’s structure be changed quickly? Why or why not? Should it be changed quickly? Why or why not?Answer– Yes, an organization’s structure can be changed quickly. However, t he speed of changing an organization’s structure depends on its size. A small organi zation can change its structure more rapidly than a large organization. But a large organization can change its structure and does in response to the changing environment and strategy. Whether an organization’s structure should be changed quickly or not de pends on the organization’s strategy, the environment and the form of technology it uses.Q5 Researchers are now saying that efforts to simplify work tasks actually gave negative results for both companies and their employees. Do you agree? Why or why not?Answer–Facing today’s competitive environment, managers need to consider how to allocate limited resources and group activities to achieve organizational goals. Make the right person do the right task. Simplify work tasks can have positive results for companies and employees. For example, work specialization makes efficient use of the diversity of skills that employees hold.Q8 Pick two companies that you interact with frequently (as an employee or as a customer) and assess their culture according to the culture dimensions shown in exhibit5-13.Answer–The answer will vary based on the companies students choose. Culture dimensions include: attention to detail, outcome orientation, people orientation, team orientation, aggressiveness, stability, innovation and risk taking.Chapter8 : Motivating and Rewarding EmployeesQ1 Most of us have to work for a living, and a job is a central part of our lives. So why do managers have to worry so much about employee motivation issues? Answer– Motivation refer s to the process by which a person’s efforts are energized, directed, and sustained toward attaining a goal. Even though most of us have to work and therefore need a job, managers still have to worry about employee motivation issues. Employees are not always willing to put effort to do their job well. Employeecan work for different rewards: money, recognition, achievement, affiliation, power and so on. Motivation can lead to higher productivity, improve employee satisfaction, reduce the high cost of employee turnover and maintaining the competitive edge. Motivation plays a critical role in achieving organizational goals.Q3 What role would money play in (a)the hierarchy of needs theory, (b)two-factor theory, (c)equity theory, (d)expectancy theory, and (e)motivating employees with a high aAch?Answer– (a) Money might be a security need, providing shelter, food, and clothing, or it could be a self-esteem need in giving the individual a sense of self-worth. (b) Money is a hygiene factor. (c) Money becomes a measure of fairness—Is my raise, salary appropriate to my position? (d) Money is relevant only to the degree the individual perceives that the monetary reward is appropriate for the amount of effort put forth. (e) Money could be seen as a way to measure success.Q6 Many job design experts who have studied the changing nature of work say that people do their best work when they are motivated by a sense of purpose rather than by the pursuit of money. Do you agree? Explain your position? What are the implications for managers?Answer–The answer will vary. Employees come to organizations with different needs, skills, abilities and interests. Employees need to cooperate with others in today’s diversit y and competitive environment. People do not work only for money, such as professional and technical employees, whose chief reward is the work itself. Employee can work for other rewards: recognition, achievement, affiliation or power. Managers should focus more on the sense of purpose and look at different types of rewards that help motivate employees.Chapter9: Leadership and TrustQ2 What would a manager need to know to use Fiedler’s contingenc y model? Be specific.Answer–The Fiedler’s contingency model proposed effective group performance depends on the pro per match between the leader’s style of interaction and the degree to which the situation gives control and influence to the leader. He isolated three situational criteria—leader-member relations, task structure, and position power—that can be manipulated to create the proper match with the behavioral orientation of the leader. Fiedler argued that leadership style is innate to a person—you can’t change your style. It is necessary to match the leader with the situation based on three situational criteria. (Please refer to page 247-249)Q5 Do you think trust evolves out of an individual’s personal characteristics or out of specific situations? Explain.Answer– Both, trust is in a person given certain circumstances. Some individuals are always trusted regardless of circumstances; others can be trusted to respond inpredictable ways in different circumstances.Q6 Do followers make a difference in whether a leader is effective? Discuss. Answer–Yes,t he ability to influence others outside of one’s own author ity and to perform beyond expectations are essential to high performing organizations and are characteristic of leaders. Leaders have followers. Followers make significant contribution to leaders’effectiveness. Successful leadership is contingent on the f ollower’s level of readiness. “R eadiness” refers to the extent that people have the ability and the willingness to accomplish a specific task. Regardless of what the leader does, effectiveness depends on the actions of his or her followers.Chapter10: Communication and Interpersonal SkillsQ1 Which type of communication do you think is most effective in a work setting? Why?Answer– Each communication method has its own benefits and drawbacks. No one method is appropriate in all circumstances. Justify your choice based on the advantages of communication type that you choose. (Please refer to page 270-272)Q3 Which do you think is more important for a manager: speaking accurately or listening actively? Why?Answer–The answer will vary. Students may think listening actively is more important. Actively listening refers to listening for full meaning without making premature judgments or interpretations, demands total concentration. Correct information can not be returned to employees if managers have not listened actively and correctly heard the information request. Students also can make argument that it is more important for the manager to speak accurately to begin with.Q5 Is information technology helping managers be more efficient and effective? Explain your answer.Answer- Yes, information technology is helping managers to be more efficient and effective. It can improve a manager’s ability to manager employees’ performance. It can allow employees to have more completed information to make decisions. It has provided employees more opportunities to collaborate and share information. Chapter11: Foundations of ControlQ3 How are planning and control linked? Is the control function linked to the organizing and leading functions of management? Explain?Answer–The control process assumes that standards of performance already exist. They are created in the planning function. Objectives are the standards against which progress is measured and compared. An effective control system ensures that activities are co mpleted in ways that lead to the attainment of the organization’s goals. So control is linked to all functions of management, not just organizing and leading.Q7 “Every individual employee in an organization plays a role in controlling work activities.” D o you agree with this statement, or do you think control is something that only managers are responsible for? Explain.Answer– Controlling is the management function involving the process of monitoring activities to ensure that they are being accomplished as planned and correcting any significant deviations. Managers play extremely important role in controlling, however, every individual employee also play a role in control work activities. Both managers and individual employee must make sure activities are completed in ways that lead to the attainment of the organization’s goals.Q8 How could use the concept of control in your personal life? Be specific.(Think in term of feedforward, concurrent, and feedback controls as well as specific controls for the different aspects of our life-school, family relationships ,friends, hobbies, etc.)Answer–The answer will vary. Feedforward control takes place in advance of the actual activity. Concurrent control takes place while an activity is in progress. Feedback control takes place after the action.。
管理学原理课后答案:管理学原理第2版课后习题答案管理学原理课后答案本文话题:管理学原理课后答案管理学案例分析心理学家心理素质工作方法解决问题的方法组织目标第一章管理、管理者与管理学一、单项选择题 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.D 二、多项选择题1.C 2.BCDE 3.BCE 4.ACDE 5.ABCDE三、判断题1.× 2. × 3.√ 4.× 5. × 四、简答题1.简述组织的含义和类型。
第一章管理与管理学一、单项选择题1.(P3)认为“管理就是决策”的学者是()A.赫伯特·A ·西蒙B.小詹姆斯·H·唐纳利C.弗里蒙特·E·喀斯特D.托尼·布洛克特2.(P5)管理的载体是()A.管理者B.技术C.工作D.组织3.(P5)管理的主体是()A.企业家B.全体员工C.高层管理者D.管理者4.(P6)管理的任务就是设计和维持使人们能够用尽可能少的支出去实现既定目标的()A.氛围B.环境C.制度D.体制5.(P6)管理者的层次划分是指()A.表层、里层B.上层、中层、基层C.内层、外层D.深层、浅层6、(P7)管理是一种艺术, 这是强调管理的()A.复杂性B.有效性C.实践性D.精确性7、(P8)管理直接或间接生产资料所有制有关, 这反映了管理的()A.科学性B.艺术性C.必要性D.目的性8、(P8)管理的两重性是马克思主义关于管理问题的基本观点, 它反映的是()A、A.经济性和目的性 B.必要性和目的性 C 经济性和必要性 D 有效性和经济性B、9、(P8)管理是生产过程固有的属性, 是有效地组织劳动所必需的, 反映了管理的()科学性 B.艺术性 C.必要性 D.目的性10、(P11)管理学中的原理和方法适用于各种类型组织, 说明管理学具有()A.一般性B.多样性C.历史性D.实践性11.(P12)管理学的学科性质是()A.社会科学B.经济学C.边缘科学D.自然科学12、(P17)在学习、研究管理学的方法中, 起总的指导作用的是()A.系统方法B、理论联系实际的方法C、唯物辩证法D、比较分析法二、多项选择题1.(P5)德鲁克认为管理者在组织中应承担的责任包括()A.管理一个组织B.管理管理者C.管理工作和员工D.决策E、计划2.(P8)管理的二重性是指管理的()A.科学性B.艺术性C.自然属性D.社会属性E、实践性3、(P13)根据管理活动总是在一定生产方式下进行的, 其研究内容包括A.生产力方面B.生产关系方面C.上层建筑D.经济基础E、社会关系4.(P17)学习和研究管理学的一般方法有()A、A.唯物辩证法 B.直观法 C.因果法 D.系统方法E、理论联系实际的方法B、5.(P19)系统的特征有()目的性 B.交换性C、控制性D、相互依存性E、开放性三、名词解释1.(P4)管理: 是指组织中的管理者, 通过实施计划、组织、人员配备、领导、控制等职能来协调他人的活动, 使他人同自己一起实现既定的目标的活动过程。
2013管理学原理(双语)各章课后作业题答题要点2013 “Fundamentals of Management”Referential answers for assignmentsChapter1: Managers and ManagementQ4 Is your course instructor a manager? Discuss in terms of both planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Also discuss using Mintzberg’s managerial roles approach.Answer–A college instructor is both an individual contributor and a manager. Planning (defines class goals, establishes plans for achieving goals, and develops lesson plans), organizing(execution and class participation), leading(motivating students, direct the activities of others, select the most effective communication channel, resolve conflicts) , controlling(grading).Mintzberg’s managerial role s: Interpersonal roles: the roles of leader and liaison. Informational roles: monitor and disseminator. Decisional roles: disturbance handler and resource allocator.Q7 Why are managers important to organizations?Answer– Managers are individuals in an organization who direct and oversee the activities of others. Managers perform managerial activities that ensure to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently. Providing details about management levels. (Please refer to page 5-6)Q9 An article by Gary Hamel in the February 2009 issue of Harvard Business Review addresses how management must be reinvented to be more relevant to today’s world? Get a copy of that article. Choose one of the 25 grand challenges identified. Discuss what it is and what it means for the way that organizationsare managed.Answer– The 25 grand challenges include: ensure management serves a higher purpose, reduce fear and increase trust, reinvent the means of control, redefine the work of leadership, expand and exploit diversity, etc. Choose one of them and discuss. Chapter3: Foundations of Decision MakingQ1 Why is decision making often described as the essence of a manager’s job? Answer– Decision making is a process of responding to a problem by searching for and selecting a solution or course of action that will create value for organisational stakeholders. Everything that a manager does in term of planning, organizing, leading and controlling involves decision making. Managers in organizations also are called decision makers.Q3 “Because managers have software tools to use, they should be able to make more rational decisions.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why? Answer– Disagree. Decision making is a complex process which needs information, skills, experiences and creativity. Software tools will allow managers easily gather information and analyze it, but it is doubtful software tools can make managers more rational, as software tools do not make decisions.Rational decision making means making logical and consistent choices to maximize value. Rational decision making must satisfy several assumptions. However, the reality is full of uncertainty and risk. Managers’ decision making still will not be perfectly rational by using software tools.Q4Is there a difference between wrong decisions and bad decisions? Why do good managers sometimes make wrong decisions? Bad decisions? How might managers improve their decision making skills?Answer– Wrong decisions can not help to achieve organizational goals, bad decisions do help to achieve goals but may not maximize value or solve problems in a large expense. In addition to uncertainty and risk, time pressure, incomplete information in today’s environment and limited capacity make managers often use intuition to make decisions, so good managers sometimes also make wrong or bad decisions. Managers can improve decision making skills by focus on what is more important, logic and consistency, gathering relevant information, blending subjective and objective thinking with analysis and remaining flexible, etc.Chapter4: Foundations of PlanningQ2 Describe in detail the six-step strategic management process.Answer– The six-step strategic management process involves: Identify the organization’s current mission, goals, and strategies; External analysis (identify opportunities and threats); Internal analysis (identify strengths and weaknesses); Formulate strategies, implement strategies and evaluate results. (Please refer to page 87-89 )Q5 Under what circumstances do you believe MBO would be the most useful? Discuss.Answer– MBO is a process of setting mutually agreed-upon goals and using those goals to evaluate employee performance. MBO makes objectives operational by cascading them down through the organization.Under circumstances where employee commitment is important, where concrete goals help a company directs its efforts, when there is a need coordination and communication in a company, etc.Q9 Do a personal SWOT analysis. Assess your personal strengths and weaknesses (skills, talents, abilities). What are you good at? What are you not so good at? What do you enjoy doing? Not enjoy doing? Then, identify careeropportunities and threats by researching job prospects in the industry you’re interested in. Look at trends and projections. You might want to check out the information the Bureau of Labor Statistics provides on job prospects. Once you have all this information, write a specific career action plan. Outline five-year career goals and what you need to do to achieve those goals.Answer– SWOT analysis is an analysi s of an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in order to identify a strategic niche that the organization can exploit. The answer will vary based on students. (Please refer to page 88-89) Chapter5: Organizational Structure and CultureQ2 Can an organization’s structure be changed quickly? Why or why not? Should it be changed quickly? Why or why not?Answer– Yes, an organization’s structure can be changed quickly. However, t he speed of changing an organization’s structure depen ds on its size. A small organization can change its structure more rapidly than a large organization. But a large organization can change its structure and does in response to the changing environment and strategy. Whether an organization’s structure shoul d be changed quickly or not depends on the organization’s strategy, the environment and the form of technology it uses.Q5 Researchers are now saying that efforts to simplify work tasks actually gave negative results for both companies and their employees. Do you agree? Why or why not?Answer–Facing today’s competitive environment, managers need to consider how to allocate limited resources and group activities to achieve organizational goals. Make the right person do the right task. Simplify work tasks can have positive results for companies and employees. For example, work specialization makes efficient use of the diversity of skills that employees hold.Q8 Pick two companies that you interact with frequently (as an employee or as a customer) and assess their culture according to the culture dimensions shown in exhibit5-13.Answer– The answer will vary based on the companies students choose. Culture dimensions include: attention to detail, outcome orientation, people orientation, team orientation, aggressiveness, stability, innovation and risk taking.Chapter8 : Motivating and Rewarding EmployeesQ1 Most of us have to work for a living, and a job is a central part of our lives. So why do managers have to worry so much about employee motivation issues? Answer–Motivation refers to the process by which a person’s efforts are energized, directed, and sustained toward attaining a goal. Even though most of us have to work and therefore need a job, managers still have to worry about employee motivationissues. Employees are not always willing to put effort to do their job well. Employee can work for different rewards: money, recognition, achievement, affiliation, power and so on. Motivation can lead to higher productivity, improve employee satisfaction, reduce the high cost of employee turnover and maintaining the competitive edge. Motivation plays a critical role in achieving organizational goals.Q3 What role would money play in (a)the hierarchy of needs theory, (b)two-factor theory, (c)equity theory, (d)expectancy theory, and (e)motivating employees with a high aAch?Answer– (a) Money might be a security need, providing shelter, food, and clothing, or it could be a self-esteem need in giving the individual a sense of self-worth. (b) Money is a hygiene factor. (c) Money becomes a measure of fairness—Is my raise, salary appropriate to my position? (d) Money is relevant only to the degree the individual perceives that the monetary reward is appropriate for the amount of effort put forth. (e) Money could be seen as a way to measure success.Q6 Many job design experts who have studied the changing nature of work say that people do their best work when they are motivated by a sense of purpose rather than by the pursuit of money. Do you agree? Explain your position? What are the implications for managers?Answer– The answer will vary. Employees come to organizations with different needs, skills, abilities and interests. Employees need to cooperate with others in today’s diversit y and competitive environment. People do not work only for money, such as professional and technical employees, whose chief reward is the work itself. Employee can work for other rewards: recognition, achievement, affiliation or power. Managers should focus more on the sense of purpose and look at different types of rewards that help motivate employees.Chapter9: Leadership and TrustQ2 What would a manager need to know to use Fiedler’s contingenc y model? Be specific.Answer– The Fiedler’s contingency model proposed effective group performance depends on the proper match between the leader’s style of interaction and the degree to which the situation gives control and influence to the leader. He isolated three situational criteria—leader-member relations, task structure, and position power—that can be manipulated to create the proper match with the behavioral orientation of the leader. Fiedler argued that leadership style is innate to a person—you can’t change your style. It is necessary to match the leader with the situation based on three situational criteria. (Please refer to page 247-249)Q5 Do you think trust evolves out of an individual’s personal characteristics or out of specific situations? Explain.Answer– Both, trust is in a person given certain circumstances. Some individuals are always trusted regardless of circumstances; others can be trusted to respond in predictable ways in different circumstances.Q6 Do followers make a difference in whether a leader is effective? Discuss. Answer–Yes,the ability to influence othe rs outside of one’s own authority and to perform beyond expectations are essential to high performing organizations and are characteristic of leaders. Leaders have followers. Followers make significant contribution to leaders’ effectiveness. Successful leadership is contingent on the follower’s level of readiness. “R eadiness” refers to the extent that people have the ability and the willingness to accomplish a specific task. Regardless of what the leader does, effectiveness depends on the actions of his or her followers.Chapter10: Communication and Interpersonal SkillsQ1 Which type of communication do you think is most effective in a work setting? Why?Answer– Each communication method has its own benefits and drawbacks. No one method is appropriate in all circumstances. Justify your choice based on the advantages of communication type that you choose. (Please refer to page 270-272)Q3 Which do you think is more important for a manager: speaking accurately or listening actively? Why?Answer– The answer will vary. Students may think listening actively is more important. Actively listening refers to listening for full meaning without making premature judgments or interpretations, demands total concentration. Correct information can not be returned to employees if managers have not listened actively and correctly heard the information request. Students also can make argument that itis more important for the manager to speak accurately to begin with.Q5 Is information technology helping managers be more efficient and effective? Explain your answer.Answer- Yes, information technology is helping managers to be more efficient and effective. It can improve a manager’s ability to manager employees’ performance. It can allow employees to have more completed information to make decisions. It has provided employees more opportunities to collaborate and share information. Chapter11: Foundations of ControlQ3 How are planning and control linked? Is the control function linked to the organizing and leading functions of management? Explain?Answer– The control process assumes that standards of performance already exist. They are created in the planning function. Objectives are the standards against which progress is measured and compared. An effective control system ensures thatactivities are completed in ways that lead to the attainment of the organization’s goals. So control is linked to all functions of management, not just organizing and leading. Q7 “Every individual employee in an organization plays a role in c ontrolling work activities.” Do you agree with this statement, or do you think control is something that only managers are responsible for? Explain.Answer– Controlling is the management function involving the process of monitoring activities to ensure that they are being accomplished as planned and correcting any significant deviations. Managers play extremely important role in controlling, however, every individual employee also play a role in control work activities. Both managers and individual employee must make sure activities are completed in ways that lead to the attainment of the organization’s goals.Q8 How could use the concept of control in your personal life? Be specific.(Think in term of feedforward, concurrent, and feedback controls as well as specific controls for the different aspects of our life-school, family relationships ,friends, hobbies, etc.)Answer–The answer will vary. Feedforward control takes place in advance of the actual activity. Concurrent control takes place while an activity is in progress. Feedback control takes place after the action.。
这是组织工作的( B )。
A效率原则 B统一原则 C平衡原则 D灵活原则2、组织工作力求达到“一加一大于二”的效果,这是指组织工作的( A )。
A效率原则 B统一原则 C平衡原则 D灵活原则3、组织设计的依据是( A )A组织目标 B组织环境 C组织战略 D组织理论4.提出组织的定义是“两人以上有意识地协调和活动的合作系统”的人是社会系统学派的代表人物(B )。
A、韦伯B、巴纳德C、厄威克D、古利克5.企业组织结构的本质是(A )。
A、职工的分工合作关系B、实现企业目标C、职工的权责利关系D、一项管理职能6.组织结构设计的出发点和依据是(A )。
A、权责利关系B、一项管理职能C、分工合作关系D、实现企业目标7.企业中体现企业目标所规定的成员之间职责的组织体系就是(D )。
A、结构等级B、非正式组织C、企业结构D、正式组织8.采取多种经营,向几个领域扩张的发展战略,这样的企业多采用( D )的模式。
A、集权B、授权C、均权D、分权9.社会系统学派的代表巴纳德提出了构成组织的基本要素,它们包括:( B )。
A、共同的目标,相互的协调,信息的交流B、共同的目标,合作的意愿,信息的交流C、共同的目标,合作的意愿,情感的沟通D、相互的协调,合作的意愿,情感的沟通10.当企业外部环境比较稳定,预测可信度较高,部门之间的协作关系可以较多地运用规范的手段来实现,权力分配可以体现( C )的特点。
A、集权B、分权C、均权D、授权12.若企业高层管理人员能力较强,则适于采用( C )。
A、均权管理B、分权管理C、集权管理D、不确定13.大批量生产的企业生产专业化程度较高,产品品种少,主要是进行标准化生产,对职工技术要求相对较低,一般适于采用( B )组织形式。
第一章导论1. 什么是管理?什么是管理学?管理是通过计划、组织、领导、控制等职能对组织资源予以协调,以便能够有效率和有效果地实现组织目标的过程。
2. 如何理解管理的二重性?管理的自然属性,与具体的生产方式和特定的社会制度无关。
3. 如何理解管理既是一门科学又是一门艺术?管理的科学性是指管理作为一个活动过程,存在着一系列基本的客观规律。
2013 “Fundamentals of Management”Referential answers for assignmentsChapter1: Managers and ManagementQ4 Is your course instructor a manager? Discuss in terms of both planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Also discuss using Mintzberg’s managerial roles approach.Answer– A college instructor is both an individual contributor and a manager. Planning (defines class goals, establishes plans for achieving goals, and develops lesson plans), organizing(execution and class participation), leading(motivating students, direct the activities of others, select the most effective communication channel, resolve conflicts) , controlling(grading).Mintzberg’s managerial role s: Interpersonal roles: the roles of leader and liaison. Informational roles: monitor and disseminator. Decisional roles: disturbance handler and resource allocator.Q7 Why are managers important to organizations?Answer–Managers are individuals in an organization who direct and oversee the activities of others. Managers perform managerial activities that ensure to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently. Providing details about management levels. (Please refer to page 5-6)Q9 An article by Gary Hamel in the February 2009 issue of Harvard Business Review addresses how management must be reinvented to be more relevant to today’s world? Get a copy of that article. Choose one of the 25 grand challenges identified. Discuss what it is and what it means for the way that organizations are managed.Answer–The 25 grand challenges include: ensure management serves a higher purpose, reduce fear and increase trust, reinvent the means of control, redefine the work of leadership, expand and exploit diversity, etc. Choose one of them and discuss. Chapter3: Foundations of Decision MakingQ1 Why is decision making often described as the essence of a manager’s job? Answer– Decision making is a process of responding to a problem by searching for and selecting a solution or course of action that will create value for organisational stakeholders. Everything that a manager does in term of planning, organizing, leading and controlling involves decision making. Managers in organizations also are called decision makers.Q3 “Because managers have software tools to use, they should be able to m akemore rational decisions.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why? Answer– Disagree. Decision making is a complex process which needs information, skills, experiences and creativity. Software tools will allow managers easily gather information and analyze it, but it is doubtful software tools can make managers more rational, as software tools do not make decisions.Rational decision making means making logical and consistent choices to maximize value. Rational decision making must satisfy several assumptions. However, the reality is full of uncertainty and risk. Managers’decision making still will not be perfectly rational by using software tools.Q4Is there a difference between wrong decisions and bad decisions? Why do good managers sometimes make wrong decisions? Bad decisions? How might managers improve their decision making skills?Answer– Wrong decisions can not help to achieve organizational goals, bad decisions do help to achieve goals but may not maximize value or solve problems in a large expense. In addition to uncertainty and risk, time pressure, incomplete information in today’s environment and limited capacity make managers often use intuition to make decisions, so good managers sometimes also make wrong or bad decisions. Managers can improve decision making skills by focus on what is more important, logic and consistency, gathering relevant information, blending subjective and objective thinking with analysis and remaining flexible, etc.Chapter4: Foundations of PlanningQ2 Describe in detail the six-step strategic management process.Answer–The six-step strategic management process involves: Identify the organization’s current mission, goals, and strategies; External analysis (identify opportunities and threats); Internal analysis (identify strengths and weaknesses); Formulate strategies, implement strategies and evaluate results. (Please refer to page 87-89 )Q5 Under what circumstances do you believe MBO would be the most useful? Discuss.Answer–MBO is a process of setting mutually agreed-upon goals and using those goals to evaluate employee performance. MBO makes objectives operational by cascading them down through the organization.Under circumstances where employee commitment is important, where concrete goals help a company directs its efforts, when there is a need coordination and communication in a company, etc.Q9 Do a personal SWOT analysis. Assess your personal strengths and weaknesses (skills, talents, abilities). What are you good at? What are you not so good at? What do you enjoy doing? Not enjoy doing? Then, identify career opportunities and threats by researching job prospects in the industry you’reinterested in. Look at trends and projections. You might want to check out the information the Bureau of Labor Statistics provides on job prospects. Once you have all this information, write a specific career action plan. Outline five-year career goals and what you need to do to achieve those goals.Answer–SWOT analysis is an a nalysis of an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in order to identify a strategic niche that the organization can exploit. The answer will vary based on students. (Please refer to page 88-89) Chapter5: Organizational Structure and CultureQ2 Can an organizati on’s structure be changed quickly? Why or why not? Should it be changed quickly? Why or why not?Answer– Yes, an organization’s structure can be changed quickly. However, t he speed of changing an organization’s structure depends on its size. A small organi zation can change its structure more rapidly than a large organization. But a large organization can change its structure and does in response to the changing environment and strategy. Whether an organization’s structure should be changed quickly or not de pends on the organization’s strategy, the environment and the form of technology it uses.Q5 Researchers are now saying that efforts to simplify work tasks actually gave negative results for both companies and their employees. Do you agree? Why or why not?Answer–Facing today’s competitive environment, managers need to consider how to allocate limited resources and group activities to achieve organizational goals. Make the right person do the right task. Simplify work tasks can have positive results for companies and employees. For example, work specialization makes efficient use of the diversity of skills that employees hold.Q8 Pick two companies that you interact with frequently (as an employee or as a customer) and assess their culture according to the culture dimensions shown in exhibit5-13.Answer–The answer will vary based on the companies students choose. Culture dimensions include: attention to detail, outcome orientation, people orientation, team orientation, aggressiveness, stability, innovation and risk taking.Chapter8 : Motivating and Rewarding EmployeesQ1 Most of us have to work for a living, and a job is a central part of our lives. So why do managers have to worry so much about employee motivation issues? Answer– Motivation refer s to the process by which a person’s efforts are energized, directed, and sustained toward attaining a goal. Even though most of us have to work and therefore need a job, managers still have to worry about employee motivation issues. Employees are not always willing to put effort to do their job well. Employeecan work for different rewards: money, recognition, achievement, affiliation, power and so on. Motivation can lead to higher productivity, improve employee satisfaction, reduce the high cost of employee turnover and maintaining the competitive edge. Motivation plays a critical role in achieving organizational goals.Q3 What role would money play in (a)the hierarchy of needs theory, (b)two-factor theory, (c)equity theory, (d)expectancy theory, and (e)motivating employees with a high aAch?Answer– (a) Money might be a security need, providing shelter, food, and clothing, or it could be a self-esteem need in giving the individual a sense of self-worth. (b) Money is a hygiene factor. (c) Money becomes a measure of fairness—Is my raise, salary appropriate to my position? (d) Money is relevant only to the degree the individual perceives that the monetary reward is appropriate for the amount of effort put forth. (e) Money could be seen as a way to measure success.Q6 Many job design experts who have studied the changing nature of work say that people do their best work when they are motivated by a sense of purpose rather than by the pursuit of money. Do you agree? Explain your position? What are the implications for managers?Answer–The answer will vary. Employees come to organizations with different needs, skills, abilities and interests. Employees need to cooperate with others in today’s diversit y and competitive environment. People do not work only for money, such as professional and technical employees, whose chief reward is the work itself. Employee can work for other rewards: recognition, achievement, affiliation or power. Managers should focus more on the sense of purpose and look at different types of rewards that help motivate employees.Chapter9: Leadership and TrustQ2 What would a manager need to know to use Fiedler’s contingenc y model? Be specific.Answer–The Fiedler’s contingency model proposed effective group performance depends on the pro per match between the leader’s style of interaction and the degree to which the situation gives control and influence to the leader. He isolated three situational criteria—leader-member relations, task structure, and position power—that can be manipulated to create the proper match with the behavioral orientation of the leader. Fiedler argued that leadership style is innate to a person—you can’t change your style. It is necessary to match the leader with the situation based on three situational criteria. (Please refer to page 247-249)Q5 Do you think trust evolves out of an individual’s personal characteristics or out of specific situations? Explain.Answer– Both, trust is in a person given certain circumstances. Some individuals are always trusted regardless of circumstances; others can be trusted to respond inpredictable ways in different circumstances.Q6 Do followers make a difference in whether a leader is effective? Discuss. Answer–Yes,t he ability to influence others outside of one’s own author ity and to perform beyond expectations are essential to high performing organizations and are characteristic of leaders. Leaders have followers. Followers make significant contribution to leaders’effectiveness. Successful leadership is contingent on the f ollower’s level of readiness. “R eadiness” refers to the extent that people have the ability and the willingness to accomplish a specific task. Regardless of what the leader does, effectiveness depends on the actions of his or her followers.Chapter10: Communication and Interpersonal SkillsQ1 Which type of communication do you think is most effective in a work setting? Why?Answer– Each communication method has its own benefits and drawbacks. No one method is appropriate in all circumstances. Justify your choice based on the advantages of communication type that you choose. (Please refer to page 270-272)Q3 Which do you think is more important for a manager: speaking accurately or listening actively? Why?Answer–The answer will vary. Students may think listening actively is more important. Actively listening refers to listening for full meaning without making premature judgments or interpretations, demands total concentration. Correct information can not be returned to employees if managers have not listened actively and correctly heard the information request. Students also can make argument that it is more important for the manager to speak accurately to begin with.Q5 Is information technology helping managers be more efficient and effective? Explain your answer.Answer- Yes, information technology is helping managers to be more efficient and effective. It can improve a manager’s ability to manager employees’ performance. It can allow employees to have more completed information to make decisions. It has provided employees more opportunities to collaborate and share information. Chapter11: Foundations of ControlQ3 How are planning and control linked? Is the control function linked to the organizing and leading functions of management? Explain?Answer–The control process assumes that standards of performance already exist. They are created in the planning function. Objectives are the standards against which progress is measured and compared. An effective control system ensures that activities are co mpleted in ways that lead to the attainment of the organization’s goals. So control is linked to all functions of management, not just organizing and leading.Q7 “Every individual employee in an organization plays a role in controlling work activities.” D o you agree with this statement, or do you think control is something that only managers are responsible for? Explain.Answer– Controlling is the management function involving the process of monitoring activities to ensure that they are being accomplished as planned and correcting any significant deviations. Managers play extremely important role in controlling, however, every individual employee also play a role in control work activities. Both managers and individual employee must make sure activities are completed in ways that lead to the attainment of the organization’s goals.Q8 How could use the concept of control in your personal life? Be specific.(Think in term of feedforward, concurrent, and feedback controls as well as specific controls for the different aspects of our life-school, family relationships ,friends, hobbies, etc.)Answer–The answer will vary. Feedforward control takes place in advance of the actual activity. Concurrent control takes place while an activity is in progress. Feedback control takes place after the action.。
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2013 “Fundamentals of Management”Referential answers for assignmentsChapter1: Managers and ManagementQ4 Is your course instructor a manager? Discuss in terms of both planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Also discuss using Mintzberg’s managerial roles approach.Answer– A college instructor is both an individual contributor and a manager. Planning (defines class goals, establishes plans for achieving goals, and develops lesson plans), organizing(execution and class participation), leading(motivating students, direct the activities of others, select the most effective communication channel, resolve conflicts) , controlling(grading).Mintzberg’s managerial role s: Interpersonal roles: the roles of leader and liaison. Informational roles: monitor and disseminator. Decisional roles: disturbance handler and resource allocator.Q7 Why are managers important to organizations?Answer– Managers are individuals in an organization who direct and oversee the activities of others. Managers perform managerial activities that ensure to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently. Providing details about management levels. (Please refer to page 5-6)Q9 An article by Gary Hamel in the February 2009 issue of Harvard Business Review addresses how management must be reinvented to be more relevant to today’s world? Get a copy of that article. Choose one of the 25 grand challenges identified. Discuss what it is and what it means for the way that organizations are managed.Answer– The 25 grand challenges include: ensure management serves a higher purpose, reduce fear and increase trust, reinvent the means of control, redefine the work of leadership, expand and exploit diversity, etc. Choose one of them and discuss.Chapter3: Foundations of Decision MakingQ1 Why is decision making often described as the essence of a manager’s job?Answer– Decision making is a process of responding to a problem by searching for and selecting a solution or course of action that will create value for organisational stakeholders. Everything that a manager does in term of planning, organizing, leading and controlling involves decisionmaking.Managers in organizations also are called decision makers.Q3 “Because managers have software tools to use, they should be able to make more rational decisions.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?Answer– Disagree. Decision making is a complex process which needs information, skills, experiences and creativity. Software tools will allow managers easily gather information and analyze it, but it is doubtful software tools can make managers more rational, as software tools do not make decisions.Rational decision making means making logical and consistent choices to maximize value. Rational decision making must satisfy several assumptions. However, the reality is full of uncertainty and risk. Managers’decision making still will not be perfectly rational by using software tools.Q4Is there a difference between wrong decisions and bad decisions? Why do good managers sometimes make wrong decisions? Bad decisions? How might managers improve their decision making skills?Answer– Wrong decisions can not help to achieve organizational goals, bad decisions do help to achieve goals but may not maximize value or solve problems in a large expense. In addition to uncertainty and risk, time pressure, incomplete information in today’s environment and limited capacity make managers often use intuition to make decisions, so good managers sometimes also make wrong or bad decisions.Managers can improve decision making skills by focus on what is more important, logic and consistency, gathering relevant information, blending subjective and objective thinking with analysis and remaining flexible, etc.Chapter4: Foundations of PlanningQ2 Describe in detail the six-step strategic management process. Answer–The six-step strategic management process involves: Identify the organization’s current mission, goals, and strategies; External analysis (identify opportunities and threats); Internal analysis (identify strengths and weaknesses); Formulate strategies, implement strategies and evaluate results. (Please refer to page 87-89 )Q5 Under what circumstances do you believe MBO would be the most useful? Discuss.Answer–MBO is a process of setting mutually agreed-upon goals and using those goals to evaluate employee performance. MBO makes objectives operational by cascading them down through the organization.Under circumstances where employee commitment is important, where concrete goals help a company directs its efforts, when there is a need coordination and communication in a company, etc.Q9 Do a personal SWOT analysis. Assess your personal strengths and weaknesses (skills, talents, abilities). What are you good at? What are you not so good at? What do you enjoy doing? Not enjoy doing? Then, identify career opportunities and threats by researching job prospects in the industry you’re interested in. Look at trends and projections. You might want to check out the information the Bureau of Labor Statistics provides on job prospects. Once you have all this information, write a specific career action plan. Outline five-year career goals and what you need to do to achieve those goals.Answer– SWOT analysis is an a nalysis of an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in order to identify a strategic niche that the organization can exploit. The answer will vary based on students. (Please refer to page 88-89)Chapter5: Organizational Structure and CultureQ2 Can an organizat ion’s structure be changed quickly? Why or why not? Should it be changed quickly? Why or why not?Answer–Yes, an organization’s structure can be changed quickly. However, t he speed of changing an organization’s structure depends on its size. A small organization can change its structure more rapidly than a large organization. But a large organization can change its structure and does in response to the changing environment and strategy. Whether an organization’s structure should be changed quickly or not d epends on the organization’s strategy, the environment and the form of technology it uses.Q5 Researchers are now saying that efforts to simplify work tasks actually gave negative results for both companies and their employees. Do you agree? Why or why not?Answer–Facing today’s competitive environment, managers need to consider how to allocate limited resources and group activities to achieve organizational goals. Make the right person do the right task. Simplify work tasks can have positive results for companies and employees. For example, work specialization makes efficient use of the diversity of skills that employees hold.Q8 Pick two companies that you interact with frequently (as an employee or as a customer) and assess their culture according to the culture dimensions shown in exhibit5-13.Answer– The answer will vary based on the companies students choose. Culture dimensions include: attention to detail, outcome orientation, people orientation, team orientation, aggressiveness, stability, innovation and risk taking.Chapter8 : Motivating and Rewarding EmployeesQ1 Most of us have to work for a living, and a job is a central part of our lives. So why do managers have to worry so much about employee motivation issues?Answer– Motivation refe rs to the process by which a person’s efforts are energized, directed, and sustained toward attaining a goal. Even though most of us have to work and therefore need a job, managers still have to worry about employee motivation issues. Employees are not always willing to put effort to do their job well. Employee can work for different rewards: money, recognition, achievement, affiliation, power and so on. Motivation can lead to higher productivity, improve employee satisfaction, reduce the high cost of employee turnover and maintaining the competitive edge. Motivation plays a critical role in achieving organizational goals.Q3 What role would money play in (a)the hierarchy of needs theory, (b)two-factor theory, (c)equity theory, (d)expectancy theory, and (e)motivating employees with a high aAch?Answer–(a) Money might be a security need, providing shelter, food, and clothing, or it could be a self-esteem need in giving the individual a sense of self-worth. (b) Money is a hygiene factor. (c) Money becomes a measure of fairness—Is my raise, salary appropriate to my position? (d) Money is relevant only to the degree the individual perceives that the monetary reward is appropriate for the amount of effort put forth. (e) Money could be seen as a way to measure success.Q6 Many job design experts who have studied the changing nature of work say that people do their best work when they are motivated by a sense of purpose rather than by the pursuit of money. Do you agree? Explain your position? What are the implications for managers?Answer– The answer will vary. Employees come to organizations with different needs, skills, abilities and interests. Employees need to cooperate with others in today’s diversit y and competitive environment. People do not work only for money, such as professional and technical employees, whose chief reward is the work itself. Employee can work for other rewards: recognition, achievement, affiliation or power. Managers should focus more on the sense of purpose and look at different types of rewards that help motivate employees.Chapter9: Leadership and TrustQ2 What would a manager need to know to use Fiedler’s contingenc y model? Be specific.Answer–The Fiedler’s contingency model proposed effective group performance depends on the pr oper match between the leader’s style of interaction and the degree to which the situation gives control and influence to the leader. He isolated three situational criteria—leader-member relations, task structure, and position power—that can be manipulated to create the proper match with the behavioral orientation of the leader. Fiedler argued that leadership style is innate to a person—you can’t change your style. It is necessary to match the leader with the situation based on three situational criteria. (Please refer to page 247-249)Q5 Do you think trust evolves out of an individual’s personal characteristics or out of specific situations? Explain.Answer– Both, trust is in a person given certain circumstances. Some individuals are always trusted regardless of circumstances; others can be trusted to respond in predictable ways in different circumstances.Q6 Do followers make a difference in whether a leader is effective? Discuss.Answer–Yes,t he ability to influence others outside of one’s own authority and to perform beyond expectations are essential to high performing organizations and are characteristic of leaders. Leaders have followers. Followers make significant contribution to leaders’effectiveness. Successful leadership is contingent on the follower’s level of readiness. “R eadiness” refers to the extent that people have the ability and the willingness to accomplish a specific task. Regardless of what the leader does, effectiveness depends on the actions of his or her followers.Chapter10: Communication and Interpersonal SkillsQ1 Which type of communication do you think is most effective in a work setting? Why?Answer– Each communication method has its own benefits and drawbacks. No one method is appropriate in all circumstances. Justify your choice based on the advantages of communication type that you choose. (Please refer to page 270-272)Q3 Which do you think is more important for a manager: speaking accuratelyor listening actively? Why?Answer– The answer will vary. Students may think listening actively is more important. Actively listening refers to listening for full meaning without making premature judgments or interpretations, demands total concentration. Correct information can not be returned to employees if managers have not listened actively and correctly heard the information request. Students also can make argument that it is more important for the manager to speak accurately to begin with.Q5 Is information technology helping managers be more efficient and effective? Explain your answer.Answer- Yes, information technology is helping managers to be more efficient and effective. It can improve a manager’s ability to manager employees’ performance. It can allow employees to have more completed information to make decisions. It has provided employees more opportunities to collaborate and share information.Chapter11: Foundations of ControlQ3 How are planning and control linked? Is the control function linked to the organizing and leading functions of management? Explain? Answer–The control process assumes that standards of performance already exist. They are created in the planning function. Objectives are the standards against which progress is measured and compared. An effective control system ensures that activities are completed in ways that lead to the attainment of the organization’s goals. So control is linked to all functions of management, not just organizing and leading.Q7 “Every individual employee in an organization plays a role in controlling work activities.” Do you agree with this statement, or do you think control is something that only managers are responsible for? Explain.Answer–Controlling is the management function involving the process of monitoring activities to ensure that they are being accomplished as planned and correcting any significant deviations. Managers play extremely important role in controlling, however, every individual employee also play a role in control work activities. Both managers and individual employee must make sure activities are completed in ways that lead to the attainment of the organization’s goals.Q8 How could use the concept of control in your personal life? Be specific.(Think in term of feedforward, concurrent, and feedback controls as well as specific controls for the different aspects of our life-school, family relationships ,friends, hobbies, etc.)Answer–The answer will vary. Feedforward control takes place in advance of the actual activity. Concurrent control takes place while an activity is in progress. Feedback control takes place after the action.(注:专业文档是经验性极强的领域,无法思考和涵盖全面,素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。