英语专业论文 小说《远大前程》的体裁分析
关键词:狄更斯心理意象内心意象泛化意象中图分类号:I106.4 文献标识码:A查尔斯・狄更斯是英国19世纪最有代表性的批判现实主义作家之一。
校园英语 / 文艺鉴赏浅析狄更斯的成长小说——《远大前程》的成长主题赣南师范学院外国语学院/黄菲菲【摘要】查尔斯•狄更斯是英国当代著名的现代主义作家。
【关键词】成长小说 《远大前程》 皮普 成长查尔斯•狄更斯(1812—1870)是最伟大的英国批判现实主义作家之一,《远大前程》是他晚期创作的一部堪称完美的作品,也是他的主要三部成长小说之一。
英国文学论文 远大前程
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Charles Dickens is one of the greatest critical realists in English literature history. Oliver Twist is his masterpiece. It is Dickens’ favorite novel. Oliver Twist is a very moving story, it is the first novel that readers are led to a very sad world, and Oliver is such a role who has so many characters brave, kindness, innocence and so on. They are all showed from his attitudes towards the peoples and things around him. No matter whom they are, Oliver always expresses his kindness to them, no matter what the things are, difficult or good, he also showed brave. That’s the reason that he gets a good and happy life finally.
Pip’s Kindness
Pip’s inner value, innocence The theme of crime, guilt, and innocence is explored throughout the novel largely through the characters of the convicts and the criminal lawyer Jaggers. From the handcuffs Joe mends at the smithy to the gallows at the prison in London, the imagery of crime and criminal justice pervades the book, becoming an important symbol of Pip’s inner struggle to reconcile his own inner moral conscience with the institutional justice system. In general, just as social class becomes a superficial standard of value that Pip must learn to look beyond in finding a better way to live his life, the external trappings of the criminal justice system (police, courts, jails, etc.) become a superficial standard of morality that Pip must learn to look beyond to trust his inner conscience.
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法律英语翻译中的动态对等理论分析7071 《傲慢与偏见》中的对立与统一72 浅谈英语影片名的翻译73 从巴斯奈特文化翻译观谈汉语新词的英译74 The Alternation of Language: A Study of Microblogging V ocabulary75 从中西方节日看中西文化差异76 跨文化交际下的中英文禁忌语的对比研究77 An Analysis of Symbolic Metaphor in To the Lighthouse78 Cultural Effects on Advertisement Translation79 从《马丁•伊登》分析杰克•伦敦的“超人”思想80 英汉习语中的文化差异及翻译研究81 跨文化交际中的语用失误及对策82 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中汤姆叔叔的性格分析83 A Comparative Study of “Two Roses”in Wuthering Heights--Catherine Earnshaw and Catherine Linton84 信用证中英语语言特点及应用研究85 从功能对等理论角度看求职简历汉译英86 《等待戈多》中的矛盾分析-分裂的语言与互补的人物87 试析《伊坦弗洛美》中细娜的药品与乡村生活的不和谐性88 环保宣传语翻译中的文化介入89 系统功能语法理论在BB电子商务网站中的应用与实例分析90 高中英语互动式课堂教学模式研究91 The Improvement of English Learning Skills Through Nursery Rhymes92 从功能翻译理论看电影《功夫熊猫》的字幕翻译93 从女性主义角度解读《灶神之妻》94 广告语篇中的预设分析95 英文影片名汉译中的文化多元性初探96 Saussure’s Five Contributions to Linguistic Study and Its Modern Applications97 在幻想中回归童年──评析《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》98 目的论视角下的《边城》的英译研究99 在经济全球化下中西方文化差异与跨文化管理100 “自爱这罪恶占据着我的眼睛”:莎士比亚《十四行诗》中的自恋情结101 关于爱伦坡诗歌死亡主题的探讨102 An Interpretation of Initiation Theme in Heart of Darkness103 颜色词的英汉翻译研究104 从警察与赞美诗中分析欧亨利的写作风格105 从女性主义视角解读《疯狂主妇》106 The Influence of the Current American Marital Status on the Christian Views of Marriage 107 A CP-based Analysis of Humor in Friends108 英汉爱情隐喻对比研究109 从涉外婚姻分析中西方文化差异110 《雾都孤儿》中的善与恶111 多媒体英语教学的优势与劣势112 论中美家庭教育的差异113 A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Humor114 从目的论的角度谈商标翻译的原则及技巧115 网络环境下小组合作学习模式研究116 The Impact of Loan Words on English V ocabulary117 An Analysis of Marguerite’s Tragedy in The Lady of the Camellias118 马丁伊登的自杀根由119 Saussure’s Five Contributions to Linguistic Study and Its Modern Applications120 中医术语翻译方法研究121 跨文化广告传播中的语用失误研究122 会话含义的语用初探123 英语谚语中关系分句之先行词he高频使用之探析124 从合作原则的违反看小品“卖拐”中的幽默125 唐诗中比喻修辞格的翻译——以许渊冲英译本为例126 爱玛人物形象分析127 “雨中的猫”与“一个小时的故事”中女性意识觉醒的比较研究128 高中英语阅读技巧教学129 基于微博(推特)文化的新型营销模式130 从《人鼠之间》中人物的精神分析看美国梦的幻灭131 《沉默的羔羊》三部曲中汉尼拔博士性格探析132 从语用学角度看现代汉语对英语外来词的吸收和使用133134 The Transcultural Differences in the Translation of Commercial Advertisements135 从旅游看中美核心文化差异136 浅析《红字》中女性主义的具体体现137 论狄更斯在《双城记》中的人道主义思想138 关于英语口语纠错的研究与建议139 凝视与对抗:《屋顶丽人》中的两性战争140 浅谈高中英语教师课堂提问与课堂互动141 从文化差异的角度看英汉动物习语的互译142 对《呼啸山庄》里所反映的人性的解读143 基于语料库的汉语空间隐喻认知分析——以前后为例144 Scarlett O'Hara and Feminism145 A Comparison of Chinese and Western Taboos of Social Communication146 《红字》中霍桑的女性观147 论《百舌鸟之死》中的百舌鸟象征148 对美国总统就职演说的修辞分析149 国际贸易往来电子邮件写作原则150 试论《永别了,武器》中的悲观宿命论(开题报告+论文)151 学习英语词汇方法初探152 Translation of the Implied Meaning in Communication153 从性别歧视浅析两位复仇女性之困境——美狄亚及莎乐美154 模因论视角下的中国网络新词翻译策略155 中美家庭教育文化对比及其根源分析156 从多视角比较《论读书》的两个译本157 中西方常用标语分析158 《夜莺与玫瑰》和《快乐王子》中奥斯卡•王尔德的唯美主义159 The Comparison of Diet Culture between China and America160 广告翻译中的功能对等161 A Comparative Analysis of English V ocabulary Teaching between China and America at the Primary and Secondary School Level162 Analysis on Humors in Short Stories by Mark Twain163 男权制度下的悲剧——论《德伯家的苔丝》164 梭罗《瓦尔登湖》中的“简单”原则165 浅谈《永别了,武器》中的感伤主义166 弥尔顿《失乐园》中撒旦形象的双重性167 浅析中西方饮食文化差异168 解读《嘉莉妹妹》中的新女性形象169 简•奥斯汀《诺桑觉寺》中人物对爱情和婚姻的不同态度170 文化差异对商标翻译的影响及翻译策略171 新课程背景下中学英语教学培养学生跨文化交际能力的意义与对策172 Improving the College Students’Writing Skill through Cohesive Devices173 隐喻在英语政治演讲辞中的认知功能—以奥巴马的竞选演讲辞为例174 从英汉颜色词的内涵看其翻译175 外语词汇磨蚀及对外语教学的启示176 浅谈中西文化中的思维差异177 《了不起的盖茨比》中黛西的人物性格分析178 从跨文化交际的角度看广告翻译的策略179 解读布莱克的《伦敦》与华兹华斯的《在西敏寺桥上》的诗歌异同180 论英语奢侈品牌的文化及其翻译181 理智胜于情感182 浅谈商标的特点及其翻译183 《道连·格雷的画像》中意识与潜意识的对抗与结合184 《查泰莱夫人的情人》中的重生185 关于英语课堂中教师体态语的研究186 从消费文化看《美国悲剧》187 大陆高等教育中英语课堂上教师使用汉语的状况及分析188 A Popular Form of Subtitles Translation by Fansub Group on the Internet189 为爱而叛逆——简·爱对爱的渴求的分析190 从关联理论视角看影视字幕翻译——结合美剧“绯闻少女”进行个案分析191 论圣经诗篇的修辞特点192 论《霍华德庄园》中的象征主义193 The Illusory American Dream--A Comparative Analysis on Martin Eden & The Great Gatsby194 从违反合作原则研究《生活大爆炸》195 从跨文化角度对品牌名称的研究——以化妆品品牌为例196 英语新闻标题的翻译197 分析西方末世论在美国电影中的体现198 狄更斯小说《远大前程》中的批判现实主义特点解读199 A Contrastive Study on Meanings of Animal Words in English and Chinese200 克里斯加德纳的成功之路——电影《当幸福来敲门》评析。
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远大前程英语论文第一篇:远大前程英语论文Report on Great Expectations Key words: report, Charles Dickens, great expectation, Pip, Estella Abstract: The story happened in England in 19th century.His parents died when Pip was only five years old, and he then lived with his elder sister and her husband.One night when he was looking at his parents’ tombstones, an escaped convict sprung up.Pip helped him with some food, and he was grateful.But at last he was taken by the policemen.One day Pip was taken to the Satis House, the home of the wealthy dowager Miss Havisham, who was both very rich and eccentric.This old lady was abandoned by her husband when they were going to married, and she lived in sufferings and memories for many years.During his visit, he met a beautiful girl named Estella, who treated him coldly and contemptuously.Nevertheless, he fell in love with her and dreamed of becoming a wealthy gentleman so that he might be worthy of her.One day a lawyer came to Pip and brought him a strange news: a secret benefactor has given Pip a large fortune, and Pip must come to London immediately to begin his education as a gentleman.Pip came to London, learned how to communicate, how to dance, and how to become a real gentleman…摘要:故事发生在19世纪的英国。
文学研究Serial No.682014No.1A Typical Bildungsroman:Genre Analysis ofCharles Dickens蒺Great Expectations陈雅欣1周晓亮2贾红霞3(School of Foreign Studies Beijing Information Science and Technology University,Beijing100192)Abstract:Much research has been on Dickens’Great Expectations as a Bildungsroman,but no genre analysis is on till now. The present paper is a genre analysis of the novel as a typical Bildungsroman,focusing on its theme statement,character design and plot pattern to identify its features of bildungsroman.Keywords:Charles Dickens’Great Expectations;Bildungsroman;genre analysis1.IntroductionGreat Expectations,one of Charles Dickens’best novels,is about its protagonist Pip’s growth and development.Much research has been concerned with this novel as a Bildungsroman,but no genre analysis is on till now.The present paper is to have a genre analysis of the novel, focusing on its theme statement,character design and plot pattern to identify its features as a typical bildungsroman.2.Genre Analysis of Great Expectations as a Typical BildungsromanIn form,Great Expectations fits a pattern popular in nineteenth-century European fiction:the bildungsroman,or novel depicting growth and personal development,generally a transition from boyhood to manhood such as that experienced by Pip.(Zhang,2006:354)Literary critic M.H.Abrams states in his A Glossary of Literary Terms that bildungsroman is a German term signifying“novel of formation”or“novel of education.”The subject of the these novels is the development of the protagonist’s mind and character,in the passage from childhood through varied experiences,and often through a spiritual crisis,into maturity,which usually involves recognition of one’s identity and role in the world.(Abrams, 2004:193)In a novel there are some elements such as theme, character,plot,point of view,style,tone and irony,and symbol,a bildungsroman is no exceptional.Among them, theme,character and theme are the most important.Theme is defined as the central or dominating idea in a literary work. The most significant agent of plot is character.And plot is the arrangement of events that make up a story.They are independent,and they also complement each other.They join together to make up a story which depicts a process of maturation and self-discovery through experience as Pip,the protagonist,moves from childhood to adulthood.1陈雅欣(1990—),女,北京人,研究方向:英语语言文学2周晓亮(1983—),山东人,讲师,硕士,研究方向:英国文学、翻译理论3贾红霞(1960—),女,辽宁大连人,副教授,硕士,研究方向:英国文学、翻译理论60··2.1Theme StatementHere are some major themes of Great Expectations from critics.The first one is crime,guilt,and innocence,the second,growth of human nature,and the third expectations or dream.(Zhang,2006:354).The second and the third fit the subject of the development of the protagonist’s mind and character in a bildungsroman.2.1.1The Growth of Human NatureGreat Expectations is a realistic study of human nature’s growth from the social critical point of view.By tracing the personal development of Pip from a naturally kind and innocent,honest and sympathetic boy to a vain,selfish, snobbish young gentleman and finally to a totally disillusioned,contaminated,experienced grown-up,Dickens tries to show us the painful yet inevitable experience in our struggle to grow up,to“climb up”or to succeed in the world.2.1.2Expectations or dreamIn Great Expectations,Dickens depicts Pip’s growth and development.The title of the novel,great expectations,refers to Pip’s ambition and self-improvement.To some extent,it is an irony because they are due to Pip’s unrealistic thought and desires.After experiencing sufferings,Pip learns lessons and gets an epiphany.Pip’s growth is revealed from his gradual changes of his expectations that Dickens designs for his three stages of life.Pip’s childhood’s expectation is to be a blacksmith just like Joe.The adolescent Pip under the influence of Miss Havisham and Estella cherishes the expectation of being an educated gentleman.And the adult Pip has become practical and got self-identity and has an expectation of being a common person with a down-to-earth approach to working.2.2Character DesignIn a bildungsroman,there are main character and minor character.The main character refers to the protagonist,and the minor character acts as a foil for the main character. According to Forster’s theory of flat character and round character,we can defined a main character in a bildungsroman as a round character who would change as the story progresses;while a minor character quite often is a flat one who changes a little.In Great Expectations Dickens keeps up with these rules to depict his characters.2.2.1Main Character DesignIn Great Expectations,Pip,the protagonist,is a round character,Dickens depicts in details his changes and growth from an innocent boy to a snobbish young man,finally to a mature man.We can take some inner monologues in the novel to get an overview of Pip’s psychological growth.. Let’s come to the opening chapter of the novel.“My first most vivid and broad impression of the identity of things,seems to me to have been gained on a memorable raw afternoon towards evening.At such a time I found out for certain,that this bleak place overgrown with nettles was the churchyard;...and that the low leaden line beyond,was the river;and that the distant savage lair from which the wind was rushing,was the sea;and that the small bundle of shivers growing afraid of it all and beginning to cry,was Pip.”(Chapter1)Here Dickens describes a scene of desolation in Pip’s eyes and introduces a frightened boy to readers.This implies Pip’s little knowledge of the world.Pip is a very generous and sympathetic young man at heart,he helps Magwitch,secretly buying Herbert’s way into business,and his essential love for all those who love him also indicates the fact.Even when he lives in London and being selfish and arrogant,he always has an inner conflicts. Pip’s development in the novel is a process of learning to place his naive sense of kindness and conscience above his immature idealism.Here is another inner monologue.“As I left the peaceful sleeping village,the mist over the marshes was rising,to show me the great unknown world I was entering.Suddenly I realized what I was leaving behind-my childhood,my home,and Joe.61··大学英语教学与研究Then I wished I had asked him to walk with me to the coach,and I could not stop crying.Whenever the horses were changed on the journey,I wondered with an aching heart whether to get down and go back to say goodbye properly.But the mist had completely risen now,and my new world lay ahead of me.”(Chapter19)This is Pip’s internal struggle when he leaves home.It is clear that Pip is confused.To be a gentleman,the first step is leaving his original life.This is the foundation to know the outside world and contact with the upper class.However,he is afraid of the unknown world and feels sorry for Joe.This is an indispensable step for his growing.The symbol of“mist”here is to imply Pip’s destiny.When Pip discovers that it is Magwitch,but not the wealthy Miss Havisham,who is his secret benefactor,Pip’s dream is broken.He comes to realize that one’s social position is not the most thing and that his immature expectation has hurt people who love him.Dickens once more uses Pip’s inner monologue to show Pip’s remorse.“I,for my part,was thoughtful too;for,how best to check this growing change in Joe,was a great perplexity to my remorseful thoughts.That I was ashamed to tell him exactly how I was placed, and what I had come down to,I do not seek to conceal;but,I hope my reluctance was not quite an worthy one.He would want to help me out of his little savings,I knew,and I knew that he ought not to help me,and that I must not suffer him to do it.(Chapter57)”From Joe,Biddy,and Magwitch,Pip learns that social and educational improvement are irrelevant to one’s real worth and that conscience and affection are above erudition and social status.2.2.2Minor Character DesignIn a bildungsroman,minor characters can be defined as growth guides who exert influences on the protagonist’s development.According to their good or bad influences,they are divided into positive growth guides and negative growth guides.In Great Expectations,Dickens creates two positive growth guides,two remarkable paternal images,the blacksmith Joe Gargery and the convict Abel Magwitch.The two men act as positive growth guides for Pip’s maturation. They give him warm,love and support,thus guiding his development.Dickens also designs negative growth guides who mislead Pip to an illusory world.Miss Havisham is a negative growth guide in the novel.To revenge her fiancéwho abandons her on their wedding,she adopts Estella.She cultivates Estella to be a cold,proud and selfish girl to allure men and hurts them.She invites Pip to Satis House to accompany Estella.Pip falls in her trap.He falls in love with Estella and longs to be a member of upper class to match her. Poor Pip never knows what he has to pay for his illusory expectations.2.3Plot PatternPlot,as one of the main elements of a novel,acts as the structure to support a story.In a classical bildungsroman,the protagonist’s story usually starts from his or her innocent childhood,and their life can be divided into several stages.“The three-part structure”of bildungsroman in Alexandra Palme’s research goes with the three stages of innocence—experience—maturity.At the stage of innocence,the protagonist is an immature child with little knowledge about the world.He lives in a simple but happy life.Due to his immaturity,he is easily influenced by other people around him.As growing up,he has unrealistic expectations of life.At the stage of experience,the protagonist may leave home to pursue his self-improvement in society.During this process, because the troubles he encounters in society,he finds that the reality is different from what is in his mind.At the stage of maturity,the protagonist gets an epiphany and becomes mature and realistic.And he tries to learn how to live in the62··society.The story of Great Expectations is also revolved around the three stages of growth of Pip,the hero.2.3.1Pip’s Innocent BoyhoodFrom Chapter1to Chapter19,Pip created by Dickens is innocent and immature,simple and kind-hearted.The image of Pip depicted is a lonely and frightened little boy.“...and that the small bundle of shivers growing afraid of it all and beginning to cry,was Pip.”(Chapter1)When the poor boy meets a fearful escaped convict,he pleads in terror,“O! Don’t cut my throat,sir.Pray don’t do it”Here,we can see that Pip is a timid boy.However,when he realizes the man has suffered a lot,Pip sympathizes him much and steals food and tool for him.It indicates that Pip is at heart a kind-hearted boy.In addition,he also feels guilty and afraid of being arrested when he helps the convict.It indicates he is a conscientious boy as well.When he visits Satis House,he first gets touch with the upper class.Estella criticizes him in a prejudiced tone.He cries and decided to be a wealthy gentleman as the people from upper class.This just implies Pip’s immature thought.At the end of Chapter19,Dickens used some words to describe Pip’s farewell to his past.He is on the way of pursuing his expectations.He is excited about his social-advancement but has no idea about the coming difficulties.2.3.2Pip’s Experiences in LondonFrom Chapter20to Chapter39,Dickens depicts Pip’s experiences in London.Pip obtains good education,wears decent clothes and has good manners.He enjoys his identity as a member of the upper class.But his social-advancement is accompanied by losing his confidence and happiness.He is ashamed of his original common life,but feels guilty for it as well.He resists everything and the people that would remind him of his past.So he feels uneasy when Joe visits him and when he returns home.In the meantime,Pip is suffering from Estella’s indifference to him.He would have thought that Estella would love him as long as he became a gentleman.But he realizes that is impossible.Estella is just a charming girl who is cultivated by Miss Havisham to allure men.She does not have a heart.With Magwitch’s appearance,Pip knows that it is the humble convict who benefits him.It changes his views to the society.The convict who he regarded as a bad man is actually a poor man;the girl he longs for marries an arrogant man.He finds the difference between his illusory world and the realistic world.After released from prison with Joe’s help,he gets an epiphany that affection and loyalty are the most valued things.2.3.3Pip’s Self-discovery and MaturationAs all bildungsroman story,protagonists grow up to be mature in the end.In Great Expectations,from Chapter40to Chapter59are the end of the novel and the stage of maturation.After experiencing some suffering,Pip gets an epiphany. He learns to be realistic and mature.He understands the great expectations he desires are unrealistic and worthless.As Joe said to him before,one may succeed someday only if he takes on the honest path.After leaving London,he gets a common job and makes living by himself.When he returns home with guilt,he finds Joe and Biddy are married and wait for him.They forgive Pip. Pip feels the warm of affection as well.Pip is awakened from his fault and starts his new life.Experiencing the common but real life in childhood and the illusory fantasy in teenage,Pip knows and understands the world and finds his identity in reality.He finds his kind nature back and gains experiences in life,growing up with maturation and self-discovery finally. Pip’s story ends with his reunion with Estella in ruined Satis House.At that time,Estella is divorced and changes greatly.She asks for Pip’s forgive.Both the two youth get a rebirth and expect their hopeful future.3.ConclusionThis paper has a genre analysis of Great Expectations63··大学英语教学与研究which includes the theme statement,character design and plot pattern.As for the theme statement,the author pins down the growth of human nature and the designed changes of Pip’s expectations in life.As for the character design,the main character and minor characters are discussed for Dickens’success in depicting Pip’s psychological development in details and creating Joe,Magwitch and Miss Havisham as growth guides.And as for the plot of Great Expectations it is in line with the three-stage pattern of innocence—experience—maturation.With a systematic genre examination of the novel,a conclusion is drawn that Great Expectations is a typical bildungsroman.课题项目:本文系2013年度北京信息科技大学校科研基金项目“英国作家对文学术语贡献研究”(项目编号:1335020)成果之一。
英语论文 浅析《远大前程》主要人物性格变化的内外因素
![英语论文 浅析《远大前程》主要人物性格变化的内外因素](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a22ebacf84254b35eefd343a.png)
狄更斯是十九世纪英国最伟大的小说家,狄更斯这不仅是因为他非凡的观察力和想象力,文章能牢牢抓住人物的性格特征,在人物塑造当中赋予角色独特的个性与生命,更在于他的小说不仅真实地反映了整整一代人的生活经历,而且生动地揭示了19 世纪中叶整个英国的社会现实,其深度与广度远远超过了同时代的其它大部分作品。
关键词:《远大前程》;狄更斯;主要人物;性格变化;内外因素AbstractBritain is an ancient country with a long history and culture, from early-age residents of Iberia, to Roman times ruled by Julius Caesar, and then to the Norman conquest, the Renaissance, the industrial revolution, the British empire not only harvests all the economy boom, but also has a sea of incomparable gorgeous culture. Among them, Shakespeare pulls ahead, only the nineteenth century outstanding representative of critical realism, novelist, Dickens is the comparable. Generally regarded as the greatest literary geniuses of his time in Victorian England, Charles Dickens (1812 -1870) enjoyed a wider popularity than any previous author had done during his lifetime “because of the magnitude of his artistic achievement and because of the comprehensiveness of the picture it gives of his age. This article is about to analysis Dickens' masterpiece "great expectations". Dickens was named the nineteenth century Britain greatest novelist, not only because his special powers of observation and imagination, but his article can hold characteristics into unique individual character and life. His novels not only reflect the whole generation of life experience, but also vividly reveal the picture of middle age of the nineteenth century, and the whole of the UK social reality. Their depth and breadth are far more than the contemporary other works. "Great expectations" is an important work written by Dickens in his old age, we can say this is the greatest achievement of critical realism. This novel describes around the hero Pip, and his great expectations of disillusion process, through the facts he finally realized his target for the flashy life in a luxury and dissipation in polite society was of no value. In order to make people better understand this works, and more clearly see Dickens works' great power ofcritical realism, this article focus on the influence factors of the development of the main characters.Key words: "great expectations ";Dickens;main figures;development of character;inner and outer factorsTable of ContentsOutline (1)Introduction (3)Chapter I Dickens' Cultural Position and the Content of the "Great Expectation " (4)1.1 The Important Status of Dickens (4)1.2 The Main Content of the "Great Expectation " (4)Chapter II Several Main Characters’ Personality Development Process (7)2.1 The Original Characteristics of the Main Figures (7)2.1.1 The Original Characteristic of Pip (7)2.1.2 The Original Characteristic of Joe Gargery (7)2.1.3 The Original Characteristic of Miss Havisham (8)2.2 The Development of Characteristics of the Main Figures (10)2.2.1 The Development of Characteristics of Pip (10)2.2.2 The Development of Characteristics of Joe Gargery (11)2.2.3 The Development of Characteristics of Miss Havisham (12)Chapter III Analysis of the Inner and Outer Factors for the Above Development (14)3.1 The Inner Factors (14)3.2 The Outer Factors (15)Chapter IV Conclusion (17)Bibliography (18)Acknowledgements (20)OutlineThesis statement: Through the analysis of several main characters’personality development process, we get the inspiration that we should have strong heart and use external factors positively.I . Dickens is the most important figure in the English literature, knowing his cultural position is the first step to analysis the "Great Expectation ".A.The important statue of Dickens will never be overestimated, for that studying him canshow us a panorama of his times.B .As the most distinctive master work of Dickens, the "Great Expectation" can not onlyindicate how Dickens is, but also itself is a appreciating book.II . Character is the soul of a book, and in order to know a work better, we have to study its characters and in this book, the development of the main characters is the most sparking point.A. We need to know how the original characteristics of the main figures are so that we canset the basis of the cooperation.1. Pip is a kind hearted boy and full of sympathy.2. Joe Gargery is an honest, industrious, mild, good-natured and easy-going dear fellow.3. Miss Havisham is an eccentric and most impressive woman.B.The development of the main characters is the more weighting part, in this one we canfind that how these figures grow up and change.1.Pip changes little by little and almost becomes a bad man.2.Joe becomes unselfish and warm-hearted.3.Miss Havisham becomes an invalid in heart.III . For any development, there are some reasons; no matter they are about outside forces or inside eager, so in this part I am going to analyses the inner and outer factor for the above characters.A.Inner factors include family, family condition, faith and knowledge etc.B.Outer factors include envi ronment, friends, other’s help etc.IV. Conclusion: We should actively use external factors to pursue the great expectations.IntroductionMy first name was Philip, but when I was a small child I could only manage to say Pip. So Pip was what everybody called me. I lived in a small village in Essex with my sister, who was over twenty years older than me...With the words, we are into a story: This article is about to analysis Dickens' masterpiece "great expectations”. Dickens was named the nineteenth century Britain greatest novelist, not only because his special powers of observation and imagination, but his article can hold characteristics into unique individual character and life. His novels not only reflect the whole generation of life experience, but also vividly reveal the picture of middle age of the nineteenth century, and the whole of the UK social reality. Their depth and breadth are far more than the contemporary other works. "Great expectations" is an important work written by Dickens in his old age, we can say this is the greatest achievement of critical realism. This novel describes around the hero Pip, and his great expectations of disillusion process, through the facts he finally realized his target for the flashy life in a luxury and dissipation in polite society was of no value.Chapter I Dickens' Cultural Position and the Content ofthe "Great Expectation "1.1 The Important Status of DickensDickens is the most significant novelist of the English. In English history of culture, there is one peak that cannot be surpassed by any other figures. Dickens is the only comparable outstanding figure with William Shakespeare.Dickens is the greatest novelist in 19th century, critical realism outstanding delegates. His novels is not only a true reflection of the whole generation of life experience, but vividly reveals the mid 19th century Britain's entire social reality, the depth and breadth is far beyond the contemporary most other works .Dickens’s later work Great Expectations (1861), which is considered as his artistic master piece, is the most perfectly constructed of all Dickens’s novels. “Surely the characters in Great Expectations are the greatest collection in all of English fiction.”(Dickens 279)1.2 The Main Content of the "G reat Expectation”Dickens is one of the world's best-loved writers, and Great Expectations may be Dickens' most autobiographical work. Although an earlier novel, David copperfield, followed the facts of Dickens' life more closely, the narrator David seems a little too good to be true. The narrator of Great Expectations, Pip, is, in contrast, a man of many faults, who hides none of them from the reader. If Pip is a self-portrait, Dickens must have been a reservoir of inferiority complexes, guilt, and shame.The beginning of the novel is set shortly after Dickens' birthdates (1812) in the country of his childhood--the Kentish countryside by the sea (the nearest large town is Rochester, where Miss Havisham lives). Dickens wasn't an orphan, as Pip is, but he may well have felt like one. His parents were sociable, pleasant people, but when Charles, who was the eldest boy, was nine, the Dickens’s pulled up roots and moved to London to try to live more cheaply. Charles was appalled by the cramped, grubby house they lived in there, and even more as hamed when his father was arrested and taken to debtors' prison. “The rest of the Dickens’s were allowed to move into prison with their father, but twelve-year-old Charles had to live alone.” (Ashley 9)In spite of his depression, Dickens managed to include in Great Expectations the untranscended comedy he was known and loved for. His driving need to please his public kept him on balance. The novel's themes, however, are very serious. He writes about human nature itself, a mixture of misery, joy, hope, and despair. Dickens wrote it because his vision of life was growing complex, and he was too great a genius to simplify it. Luckily, he was also a great enough genius to write a book that people could enjoy. Though Dickens bared his psychological problems in this novel, he was still trying to reach out to his readers, to make them see their own lives more clearly. Perhaps this is why people love Dickens--because he is so human, so honest, and so much likes all of us.In this novel, Dickens set the beginning in a village cemetery, a small boy, Pip, is accosted by a runaway convict Magwitch who demands food and a file to saw off his leg iron. Pip helped him. Not long after this, Pip is invited to the gloomy home of rich, eccentric Miss Havisham, who wants a boy to "play" for her amusement. But Pip's real role at MissHavisham's turns out to be as a toy for Miss Havisham's adopted daughter, Estella, who has been raised with one purpose--to break men's hearts, Pip falls in love with Estella and becomes self-conscious about his low social class and unpolished manners. From then on, his abiding dream is to be a gentleman.Then a London lawyer, Jiggers, comes to the village to tell Pip that he has come into a fortune from an anonymous source. Finally, he came to know that it was Magwitch who helped him. (Blamers 23) Back in London, Pip learns that Magwitch once had a baby girl, but she was abandoned by her mother. Piecing together evidence, Pip realizes with shock that Estella was that baby girl. Later, he accepted a job in an overseas branch of Herbert's office. Returning to England many years later, Pip visits Miss Havisham's house, which has been pulled down. Estella is there, too. As they walk away hand in hand, it looks as though they would finally get together.Chapter II Several Main Characters’ PersonalityDevelopment Process2.1 The Original Characteristics of the Main Figures"Great Expectation” contains a lot of characters, such as Pip; his sister, Mrs. Joe Gargery; the town blacksmith Joe; Mr. Wopsle; Mr. and Mrs. Hubble ; Miss Havisham, eccentric old lady who lives up town ; Estella , Miss Havisham's snooty , beautiful daughter ; Biddy ; Orrick ; V ompeyson ; Abel Magwitch ; Miss Skiffins and so on . In my paper, I focus on three main figures .They are Pip, Joe Gargery, and Miss Havisham.2.1.1 The Original Characteristic of PipThe novel begins at the church graveyard on Christmas Eve. Pip informs us that he is an orphan and lives in the marsh country. (Julie 29) An escaped convict appears and threatens Pip. He commands Pip to bring him a file and vittles (food) or he'll cut Pip's throat. Although Pip is scared to death, and knows clearly that the man is a escaped dangerous prisoner, he goes back home to steal food and even a bottle of brandy for him, and gives him a smooth file to help him to cast off the iron chain. On Pip's way to the church graveyard, he imagines that all the animals are sneering and blaming him. The leopard cat hung in the food cupboard is calling Joe wake up to seize the thief, and the cattle are talking about his misconduct and scoring him, which are the typical illusion of a naive little kid. So at the first place Pip is described as a kind hearted boy and full of sympathy. (Douglas 19)2.1.2 The Original Characteristic of Joe GargeryJoe is Pip’s brother-in-law, but there is a big gap in their ages. He actually plays the role of Pip’s father. But this father is somewhat different because he in fact has authority in the family run by Mrs. Joe. Compared with Pip, Joe is only a fellow-sufferer of Mrs. Joe’s cruelty. Joe’s situation and influence is too feeble.He is an honest, industrious, mild, good-natured and easy-going dear fellow. Pip always treats him as a large species of child, and as no more than his standard. He protects and loves Pip. Joe is not well educated and even has difficulty in spelling his own name, but Joe encourages Pip to learn. Joe is also very forgiving. When talking about the causes of his tolerance of Mrs. Joe, Joe says: "I'm dead afraid of going wrong in the way of not doingwhat's right by a woman, and I'd fur rather of the two go wrong the other way, and be a little ill-conveniences myself. I wish it was only me that got put out, Pip; I wish there won’t no tickler for you, old chap; I wish I could take it all on myself."(Dickens 101)From this part of novel we can clearly see that Joe is the most kind-hearted person who is willing to do every thing to help pip, and to satisfy his wife. The image of Joe maybe the most direct influence positive factor that make Pip grow up as such an honest and simple boy that at the very ending, readers can have quite a beautiful picture.2.1.3 The original characteristic of Miss HavishamIn Great Expectation,the distinctive character Miss Havisham attracts critics’ and researchers’ attention, the articles at home referred to the analyses on the character and image of Great Expectation are numerous. In a typical study of this type, Li Guangming (2007) suggested that Miss Havisham is a victim of complex forces which from her family and thebourgeois society.Miss Havisham is an eccentric and most impressive woman that Dickens had ever created, who is even regarded as mad by some critics because of her appearance, behaviors and words. However, Mis s Havisham’s fate is tragic: She is jilted by Compeyson on their wedding day. From then on, she lived an eccentric life and aimed to revenge on all men.Through Pip's eye, we can find that at the first place Miss Havisham's cruelty lies in the following aspects:First, she is cruel to her relatives.Once she is cheated by Compeyson, she decides to maltreat those people around her. She believes in nobody but her lawyer. She let everything in her house stop and rot. In her mind, there is nothing but hatred and revenge. Every year on her birthday, her relatives would come to see her; on such occasions, she uses all kinds of sharp words to mock those relatives because of their greed for her wealth. By doing so, she can get satisfaction in seeing her relatives’ presence, compliment and greed to no avail.Secondly, she is also cruel to herself.Actually, she is the victim who suffered most. A woman using her whole life to revenge is so terrible and so pitiable. Everyone could experience setbacks in life and should learn from them; unfortunately Miss Havisham learns nothing from her failure but hatred feeling. Also her revenge is not for someone specific, but for the whole human race. She hates almost everyone just because she is wronged once. This is unreasonable. Thus, all the people around her suffered, especially those who were near her, like Pip and Estella. She seems to be a ghost in the bridal clothes with a wicked smile on her face. The revenge on men is also revenge onherself. What she had gained is far fewer than what she has given out-her youth, happiness, common thought…At last, even Estella treats her coldly. She is so disappointed and miserable. Just as the adage goes: As you brew, so you must drink.Whereas some critics feel that Miss Havisham has her own limitations, as Cai Wei (2006) claimed that her insane actions don’t start from her abnormal psychology but her double personality. (Jiang 35-39)Great Expectation“attracts the attention of scholars coming from a wide variety o f critical approaches: feminist, new historicist, psychoanalytic, and deconstructionist, as well as from more traditional historical and formalist perspectives.”(Patten. R. L. 24)2.2 The Development of Characteristics of the Main Figures2.2.1 The Development of Characteristics of PipIn Great Expectation, moral, social, and educational factors are the motivation of Pip’s best and his worst behavior throughout the novel. First, Pip hankers for moral self-improvement. He is extremely stringent on himself, and when he acts immorally he feels deeply guilt. It is these that push him to act better courtesy in the future. After he is being aided financially to live a high-level life in London, he is overcritical about himself on having behaved so wretchedly toward Joe and Biddy. So this gives a best improvement of Pip. To a extent, moral factor makes up the good Pip. Second, Pip hankers for social self-improvement. In love with Estella, he longs to become a member of her social class, and, is encouraged by Mrs. Joe and Pumblechook; He entertains fantasies of becoming a gentleman. Although seeking for higher and more decent social status should not be over criticized, at that time, theso-called upper society is full of rot and hypercritical figures. What they care is to compare unrealistically and fabricate rumors. So under this circumstances, Pip changes little by little and almost becomes a bad man, and then loses both his luck and his expectations. “Through this rise and fall, however, Pip learns how to find happiness.”(Mannion 39)He learns the meaning of friendship and the meaning of love and, of course, becomes a better person for it. Dickens used the growth of his characters in Great Expectations, particularly Pip in relation to others to write about social reform, and most effectively illustrated this by using the first-person narrative style.2.2.2 The Development of Characteristics of Joe GargeryWhen Pip comes back from the Sati Manor for the first time and lies to Mrs. Joe and Uncle Pumblechook, Joe advises that no lies in the future. Interviewed by Miss Havisham, Joe would not be lured by money. Joe is unselfish and warm-hearted. He is far away from Pip's London life because he never wants himself or his simple manners to embarrass Pip and to make Pip uncomfortable.Joe is always present in Pip's mind. He tends to remind Pip of the precious positive values. He is a man of simple dignity: he would not be lured by money. This is quite the opposite of his wife. Joe has strong sympathy for Pip. He says: “When I offered to your sister to keep company, and to be asked in church, at such times as she was willing and ready to come to the forge, I said to her: ‘And bring the poor little child. God blessed the little child, ‘I said to your sister’,there i s room for him at the forge!’’ The most unselfish love comes from Joe. He is so warm-hearted. He is the one who quietly protects little Pip by words oractions. When Pip’s gentleman dreams are broken, still Joe, comes to take care of him until he recovers.No matter how deep the gap is, Joe is always ready to be a good listener and helper for Pip. Even when Pip becomes an upper society gentleman, and sneers at him, but Joe still treats him as the same, and at the very ending, Joe helps him again by taking him home and repaying his debt. As Dickens himself said: It is not possible to know how far the influence of any amiable honest-hearted duty-doing man flies out into the world; but it is very possible to know how it has touched one’s self in going by. (Dickens 139)2.2.3 The Development of Characteristics of Miss HavishamThe social influence on Miss Havisham’s tragic destiny is too apparent to be neglected. Great Expectations is set in Victorian England, a time when great social changes were sweeping the nation. Although the Victorian Age meets a material prosperity, the polarization of wealth is widening and the class contradiction is becoming more serious, and this result in the corruption of money to human’s relationship. Marriage, love, courts, j ails are based on this. Also, The Victorian Age is a male-centered society, the idea that women should be subjective to men roots in women’s mind. Miss Havisham is just the victim of this society. She is abandoned on her wedding day, but she keeps the room like the day she got married, while on the other hand she tries every means to revenge men. Bearing these two conflictive thoughts in mind, Havisham certainly fails to live her own life out of the control or influence from male. She suffered greatly from the pain of love and her quest for revenge. As an ordinary woman, Miss Havisham can’t be independent from men and her fragile souls make her unableto envisage sufferings in life bravely .Thus the tragedy of Miss Havisham is inevitable.On the way she plays Pip, she step by step falls into the deepest hole of depression. Finally she set herself on fire, and it is Pip who rescues her out by burnt his arms. At last, Miss Havisham admits to Pip that she leads him on falsely and takes pity on him, and Miss Havisham becomes an invalid. Miss Havisham is the most tragically figure in all the foreign navels.Chapter III Analysis of the Inner and Outer Factors forthe Above Development3.1 The Inner FactorsThe hero Pip lost this parents since he was very young and Dickens narrators this in the first person tone asMy first name was Philip,but when I was a small child I could only manage to sayPip.So Pip was what every-body called me.I lived in a small village in Essex withmy sister,who was over twenty years older than me,and married to Joe Gargery,the village blacksmith.My parents had died when I was a baby,so I could notremember them at all,but quite often I used to visit the churchyard,abut a milefrom the village,to look at their names on their gravestones.My sister,Mr. Joe Gargery,was very proud of the fact that she had brought me up‘by hand’.Nobody explained to me what this meant,and because she had a hardand heavy hand,which she used freely on her husband as well as me,I supposedthat Joe and I were both brought up by hand.She was not a beautiful woman,beingtall and thin,with black hair and eyes and a very red face.She clearly felt that Joeand I caused her a lot of trouble,and she frequently complained about it.Joe,onthe other hand,was a gentle,kind man with fair hair and weak blue eyes,whoquietly accepted her scolding.(Dickens 1)We can see from here, in that era such an orphan brought up by his black sister , is impossible to obtain a very good education .The loss of the education and the familycircumstance gives the little Pip the dream to be a man like the brother-in-law, Joe. And, in fact, in this family, sister has the power authority on the home; brother-in-law is the only one who can "talk to trust each other." Readers can know from lines that, Dickens takes a great pain portraying little Pip. But even growing up in such a family full of domestic violence, he is still naive and simple and unadorned. Little Pip is a kind-hearted person, even facing the escaped prisoner.Miss Havisham changes all of this. When Pip insulted by Miss Havisham and her daughter Estella, he becomes not satisfied with his social status, and wants to be a high-class gentleman.We must pay attention to one philosophic thinking of Dickens. That is, he holds that environment has a great influence on personality, and different environment brings up different characters. We know the primary factor is the inner one, so we can infer safely that if Pip is a mature and obstinate gay not such a simple and unsophisticated young man, we may read another ending.For Miss Havisham who is determined to revenge every man, Pip is a quite suitable target to take advantage of and to let off. She on the one hand, asks her adopted daughter Estella to approach Pip actively and on the other hand let her to humiliate him at the same time. This plan is carried out successfully, and the young Pip is played as a puppet by the strings grasped by Miss Havisham and Estella.3.2 The Outer FactorsTo love Stella always make Pip to abhor myself,he begins to hate his ’rough hands and that has a thick skull boots. Just as Pip himself says, now I am looking down on these things, which did not irritate me before, but they do now. And they are really vulgar and coarse. At the same time he starts to complain that Joe is too uneducated and dose not give him a decent upbringing, and he becomes more and more suspect of his friends who are so close to him.We should say, as a child, Pip has some complain before vanity is understandable. After all, it also conforms to the human nature. At the same time, from here we also see that in the Great Expectations, the descriptions of the characters are more exquisite, authentic, than ever, and an inner world of characters is explored more firmly and thoroughly by Dickens.Compared to Dickens' previous characters, the main characters images are richer and lifelike performance that author has been out of the oneness and certainty of characters. The author's mature also makes the characters closer to reality, and reflect better the social situation at the times. Looking at Pip, we can't see Dickens' description of profiling of his early works or see the author directly defined character, but a character has its own behavior, its independent inner activities. To understand and define the figures' right and wrong, readers has to judge and evaluate them themselves.Chapter IV ConclusionDickens, the most distinguishable delegate of the English culture, the nineteenth century outstanding representative of critical realism novelist. The Great Expectation,the most matured works of Dickens, describes around the hero Pip, and his great expectations of disillusion process, through the facts he finally realized that his target for the flashy life in a luxury and dissipation in polite society were no value. From the story we can see that there are inner factors and outer factors that impress on the formation and development of the main characters. And as readers, what we should learn is that we need know great inspiration: strengthen our inner heart, and make full use of external cause of positive factors.BibliographyAshley Emerson.GREAT EXPECTATIONS .S.W.A.T. 2009:9Blamires, H. "The Victorian Age of Literature". London: Longman York Press. 1988: 23. Dickens C. "Great Expectations." (Cover to Cover Classics). London: Penguin Classics, 2002: 101Douglas John Bowen ."Great expectations in hard times ".Railway age 2010:19Geoff Gaherty."Starting Out-Great Expectations”. The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 2007:4Jiang Yu-qin 江玉琴, 宋庆丽. 自恋, 神经病, 抑或双重人格——辨析《远大前程》中赫维仙小姐性格. 江西广播电视大学学报, 2000: 35-39Julie Towers.Great Expectations. Municipal journal. Feb.12 2009:29Kimberly Palmer ."Generation Y's Great Expectations ".U.S. news & world report .2009:6Li Guang-ming 李广明, 夏海. 复杂力量下的牺牲品-赫薇香小姐.语文学刊. 2007: 60-63. 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张中秋 (绥化学院 文学与传媒学院, 黑龙江 绥化 152061)
[摘 要] 十九世纪英国伟大的现实主义作家查尔斯 狄更斯, 以天才之笔为读者呈现了一个丰富的艺术世界。 其一生创作颇丰, 当时所有的体裁他几乎都尝试过, 但其中成就最高的还是小说。 这里对其后期作品 《远大前程》 的创作 进行探讨。 [关键词] 小说 《远大前程》 狄更斯; ; 作品分析 狄更斯是 19 世纪英国最伟大的小说家之一, 批判现实主义 的杰出代表。他以 《远大前程》 等为代表的小说, 不仅真实地反 映了整整一代人的生活经历,而且生动地揭示了 19 世纪中叶 整个英国的社会现实, 其深度与广度远远超过了同时代的任何 作品。 1、远大前程》 《 的叙事手法及其效果 在 《远大前程》 狄更斯使用叙述自我和经验自我的双重 中, 视角来讲故事, 在当时的创作惯例中, 无疑具有开创性的意义。 文中这种效果是通过成年匹普和少年匹普两种视角之间的相互 渗透、 相互参照来获得的, 这样就大大增强了小说的生动性和真 实性。 《远大前程》反映了理想与幻灭的主题, 叙述了建筑在沙土 上的 “远大前程” 如何破灭的故事。 《远大前程》 “ 和狄更斯早期 作品一样, 都是其人道主义理想的载体。 ”这集中体现在狄更斯 在小说中流露出的对下层民众善良品质的颂扬以及对某些所谓 上等人虚伪面目的揭露上。 小说 《远大前程》 不是简单地创作出一个映衬或说明主人公 的世界, 而是发现了一个匹普的视觉所触及到的世界, 其中包括 他对自己和周围人甚至社会的看法。这种叙述视角,正好深刻 地表现出了传统与现实间的差异。 作为从现实主义向现代主义过渡的心理现实主义创作,自 身又有着许多特征。远大前程》 《 故事的叙述者既不是无所不知、 “上帝” 似的作者, 也不是第一人称定格化了的 “我” 而是不断变 , 化、 交叉、 更迭的 “我” 。小说中的叙述、 描写都是从这个随时可 能变化的角色的观察和认识出发, 叙述细节都必须通过这个 “意 识中心” 人物的思想过滤。而这种过滤行为本身, 反过来又能更 好地折射这个 “意识中心” 人物的心灵。从现代叙述学的角度分 析, 这一叙事模式的要点, 是改变传统小说的叙述视点, 抛弃全 知全能的故事叙述者,通过变化叙述视角来建构整部小说。匹 普见到艾丝黛拉前后的心理描写以及接受资助前后对待乔的态 度, 就是很典型的例子。 2、远大前程》 《 对丑恶现象的揭露和批判 生活的经历使狄更斯 《远大前程》 这一晚期作品更具思想力。 丰富的人生经历使作者对人、 对周围环境有了深刻的认识, 更把 自己的人生观、 哲学和道德的思想都在这部创作中进行了总结, 因而这部小说具有深刻的社会意义,对丑恶现象的揭露与批判 意味浓厚。 狄更斯生动地描写人性的丑恶,目的是教人向善。他是温 良的人道主义者, 其全部作品都渗透着一种人道主义精神, 即使 对有些作恶多端的人, 也让他们最后受到感化、 良心发现、 弃恶 从善, 这也就是一种 “圣诞精神” 。他始终抱着明确的道德意图 去创作, 毫不犹豫地攻击社会罪恶以及由此造成的人性沦丧, 并 确信大多数人都是善的, 时刻站在他们一边, 给他们以温暖、 安 慰、 信心和希望, 《远大前程》 也不例外。逃犯被捕, 艾丝特拉和 别人结婚。匹普失去金钱和上流社会, 理想幻灭了, 最终恢复了 他淳朴的天性。乔大嫂在遭受歹徒袭击、瘫痪在床后性情变得 温和, 临死前依恋地拉着乔, 还说了声 “原谅我” 艾丝特拉嫁给 ; 一个暴戾的男人, 惨遭虐待, 严酷的恢复了她的人性, 并希望 “自 己变好了一些。 ”在小说的最后一章, 匹普和她又在即将拆除的 作者简介: 张中秋, 绥化学院文学与传媒学院 2008 级文秘班。 沙堤斯庄屋相遇, 尽管她那明艳的美貌的确已经一去不复返了, 但她那难以形容的端庄容止, 以及那难以描绘的风韵, 依然不减 当年。 “她那双曾经顾盼无人的眸子里如今却透出一道凄婉和 柔和的光彩;她那只曾经麻木不仁的手如今握在手里竟是那么 温存友好。 ”这个曾经不可一世的人最终吸取了教训, 感情真挚 地投向匹普。哈维沙姆小姐在那暗无天日的屋子里于仇恨中度 过岁月, 后来, 匹普使她看清了自己的卑鄙、 无耻, 再次唤醒她被 抛弃式的痛苦。于是, 报复的欢乐变成事后的悔恨, 在生命的最 后, 人性得以复苏, 对她所犯下的罪孽进行了忏悔。 3、远大前程》 《 创作中反讽艺术的运用 3.1 故事结构中反讽艺术的运用。 首先, 我们来探讨一下 《远 大前程》 中的戏谑反讽。戏谑反讽, 即戏拟或滑稽模仿, 它是小 说最典型的一种叙述反讽方式。实际上, 戏拟就是一种反讽模 仿。模仿和母本之间的差异和对比会产生强烈的讽刺和批判 效果。 通读完整部小说, 我们就会发现 《远大前程》 中蕴含的对中 世纪英雄救美题材的反讽。这主要表现在匹普想要阻止艾丝黛 拉嫁给蛛穆儿的那一段上。在一般的英雄救美故事里,都是拿 着长矛利剑的骑士救美貌的贵族少妇或小姐于水火之中,最终 骑士抱得美人归云云。而在 《远大前程》 这里, “骑士” 匹普既没 有长矛利剑也没有金钱权势, 他要拯救的 “美女” 艾丝黛拉也没 有被拯救的愿望, 反而还欣然地想要嫁给 “恶魔” 蛛穆儿, 惹得骑 士无奈地伤心离开。这更反衬出了匹普的在金钱权势面前的无 能为力, 增加了小说的感伤基调, 其批判效果也不言而喻。 3.2 人物对话中反讽艺术在话语表现。话语反讽也在 《远大 前程》 中被狄更斯运用得巧妙自如。 最常见的话语反讽是反语。 人们说话行文, 通常都是正面运用词语的词典意义, 有时为了达 到特殊的修辞目的而运用与本意正好相反的词语,或是用正面 的话语表达反面的意思, 或是用反面的话语表达正面的意思, 这 就是反语, 也叫说反话。 从修辞的功能而言, 在不同的语境当中, 反语具有嘲弄、 讥讽、 挖苦、 谴责、 批判、 否定、 幽默、 暗示、 亲昵、 怜爱、 喜欢等不同的情感意味, 从而更加强化和突出了作者的真 实表达意图。潘波趣舅舅在匹普贫贱时, 处处以他的恩人自居, 动辄对他加以训斥。 匹普幸运之后, 他立刻改变态度, 察言观色, 处处投其所好。与匹普握手使他激动万分, “背心也随着起伏 连 不已, 俨然动了真情” 联想到他以前对匹普的态度不禁使人好 , 笑。然而作者接下来却笔峰一转,只可惜这一起一伏的地方并 “ 不是心房, 而是远在心房下边的肚皮” 这里的反语使这个小人 , 物的庸俗和根深蒂固的等级观念跃然纸上。 4、 结语 《远大前程》作为英国文学乃至世界文学的一朵奇葩, 一直 绽放在文学的殿堂。不仅是世界新老读者的宠儿,更是值得文 学人士研究探讨的宝藏。 《远大前程》 的作者狄更斯在这部小说 的创作中展现了高超的文学素养、 文体及叙述技巧, 值得我们不 断深入地进行探究。 【参考文献】
这部作品原题名是《Great Expectations》,意思是指一笔巨额遗产,而把它译成“远大前程”,会给读者一种印象,即作品的主人公是有远大前程的。
第!7卷第12期2016年12月赤峰学院学报(汉文哲学社会科学版)Journal of Chifeng University (Soc.Sci)Vol. 37N o.l2Dec. 2016试析《远大前程》的浪漫主义手法王文婧,王娟(阜阳师范学院信息工程学院,安徽阜阳236000)摘要:文学艺术反应社会存在。
关键词:狄更斯;《远大前程》;浪漫主义;艺术手法中图分类号:11〇6 文献标识码:A文章编号&1673-2596(2016)12-0167-02英国批评家大卫•麦森评价狄更斯时说:“狄更斯的创 作充满‘诗的激情’,他着意渲染自己的理想,他笔下的人物 都超越现实生活的范围”[1&,从《雾都孤儿》到《我们共同的朋 友》,从《双城记》到《远大前程》,狄更斯都将浪漫主义与对 现实社会的批判结合在一起,用小人物的生活境遇来描述 整个英国的社会现实,在现实生活的描述中又融入怪诞的 意象来追求深刻又现实的效果。
作为“19世纪杰出的批判现 实主义小说家之一”%2&,狄更斯在《远大前程中》,通过主人公 匹普童话般的成长经历,与女主人公艾丝黛拉美满的爱情 故事,生动地表现了小说的浪漫主义色彩。
一、狄更斯浪漫主义倾向的根源(一)浓厚浪漫色彩的人生经历狄更斯的墓碑上这样评价他的一生"“他是贫穷、受苦 与被压迫人民的同情者;他的去世令世界失去了一位伟大 的英国作家。
”%3&狄更斯早年家境小康,但由于父母原因,家 道中落后他当过鞋油场学徒,从事过律师、报社职员、新闻 记者等职业,18岁初坠爱河,24岁一举成名。
远大前程赏析BeSpiritualGentleNottheGentlemanTitleBe Spiritual Gentle Not the Gentleman Title 当一份远大前程从天而降,命运即将扭转为金碧辉煌的华美,谁人不会心动呢?匹普有幸得到这样的馈赠,从下等人一跃进入上等人的生活圈,心性和生活态度的改变是必然的,他的内心被财富和优越感慢慢侵蚀,他开始漠视善良的乔和毕蒂,并凭借着上等人的自信开始追求自己的爱情。
Who would reject great expectations falling from the sky and changing his fate to magnificent beauty? Pip is lucky to have such a gift. He jumps into the gentleman's circle from the inferior circle. As a result, it is inevitable that the value and life attitude change; his heart comes tobe eroded by wealth and superiority. Because of that, Pip abandons the life of past and his conscience, leaves Joe and pure love Biddy, and with great confidence, he begins to pursue hislove.Along with Pip's change in the attitude towards life, the cruel truth begins to surface. When Pip learns that he has been funded to become a gentleman by the escaped convict Magwitch, it is interesting of Pip’s gradual emotional change from aversion to grateful about him, through Dickens’s detailed descriptions, The gratitude and pride were completely making he fell into a deep contradiction and pain. But after a further connection, he realizes that criminal with manic appearance, in order to repay his dinner and a hammer, uses the whole life to pay back, not for salvation. The humanity of Magwitch is no better than a gentleman.那个外表狂躁无比的罪犯,一心一意要把皮普培养成上流社会的绅士,在与皮普相处后,变得愈发温和与向善。
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中国网络大学CHINESE NETWORK UNIVERSITY本科毕业设计(论文)小说《远大前程》的体裁分析院系名称:专业:学生姓名:学号:*********指导老师:中国网络大学教务处制2018年03月01日摘要关于个人成长和教育的传统文学体裁被称为成长小说,该小说体裁起源于18世纪德国,并流行于欧美各国。
关键词:《远大前程》;成长小说;体裁分析;文学元素AbstractThe initiation story(also known as Bildungsroman)is a novel of personal development or of education. It originated from Germany in the latter half of the 18th century and has since become one of the major narrative genres in European and Anglo-American literature. Some classics of this type published across the global, one of them is Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations. Dickens’ novel Great Expectations presents the growth and development of Pip, the protagonist of the novel.Many researches on Great Expectations as an initiation story have been done. But no researches have included all the three main elements of theme, character and plot in the novel. With the three elements from the Elements of Literature by Zhang Jian, this paper is to have a genre analysis of Dickens’ Great Expectations from three aspects---the initiation theme, the character design and the plot pattern, thus proving that Great Expectations is a typical Initiation story.This paper consists of four parts. The first part is about an introduction to Charles Dickens and his novel Great Expectations, researches done and the research needed to be done. The second part is an introduction to the initiation story, its definition, its origin, its development and its characteristics. The third part is an analysis of Great Expectations as a typical initiation story which involves the initiation theme, the character design, and the plot pattern. The last part concludes with a reiteration of the main points discussed in this paper.Key Words: Great Expectations; Initiation story; genre analysis; literary elementsContents摘要 (II)Abstract ........................................................................................................................................ I II 1. Introduction . (1)1.1 Charles Dickens and His Works (1)1.2 Introduction of Great Expectations (1)1.3 The Current Research of Great Expectations and the Significance of this Paper (2)2. The Initiation Story---a Specific Literature Genre (3)2.1 Its Definition (3)2.2 Its Origin and Development (3)2.3 The Characteristics of the Initiation Story (4)3. The Analysis of Great Expectations as a Typical Initiation Story (5)3.1 The Initiation Theme in Great Expectations (5)3.1.1 The Initiation in the Protagonist’s Life Changes (5)3.1.2 The Initiation in the Protagonist’s Characteristic Changes (7)3.2 The Character Design (8)3.2.1 The Main Character Design (9)3.2.2 The Minor Character Design (10)3.3 The Plot Pattern (11)3.3.1 The Similarity of Plots in Pip’s Boyhood (11)3.3.2 The Turning Point of the Initiation (11)3.3.3 The Maturation and Self-discovery of the Protagonists (12)4. Conclusion (12)Bibliography (13)Acknowledgments.......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1. IntroductionThe initiation story is a traditional literary genre describing a hero’s growth and development. There are a number of classical novels belonging to this genre. Great Expectations is one of the typical Initiation stories written by Charles Dickens who is regarded as the greatest British novelist of Victorian period. This part would give an overview of Charles Dickens, and an introduction to the novel Great Expectations, current research and the significance of this thesis.1.1 Charles Dickens and His WorksCharles Dickens, whose full name is Charles John Huffam Dickens, was born in 7 February 1812 and died in 9 June 1870. He is one of the great British writer and social critic in the 19th century. During his life, he enjoyed unprecedented fame for his works, and by the twentieth century his literary genius was broadly acknowledged both by the critics and scholars.Dickens had written various novels, including the picaresque novel The Pickwick Papers; the historical novel A Tale of Two Cities; these three novels: Bleak House, Hard Times and Little Dorrit which reflect social and political problems; three classical Initiation stories Oliver Twist, David Copperfield and Great Expectations; and other famous novels and novellas, such as Dombey and Son, The Old Curiosity Shop, and A Christmas Carol. Among them, David Copperfield is regarded as Dickens’ autobiography. His fictions, with vivid descriptions of life in 19th-century England, have inaccurately and anachronistically come to symbolize on a global level Victorian society (1837 – 1901) as uniformly "Dickensian", when in fact, his novels' time scope spanned from the 1770s to the 1860s. His creative genius has been praised by a lot of writers—from Leo Tolstoy to G. K. Chesterton and George Orwell—for its realism, comedy, prose style, and social criticism.Most significantly, Dickens is one of the British writers who developed the Initiation story from Germany to Europe.1.2 Introduction of Great ExpectationsGreat Expectations is Charles Dickens' thirteenth novel in his later years. It is Dickens’ third Initiation story. The other two works are Oliver Twist and David Copperfield. This novel depicts the growth and personal development of an orphan named Pip. Collected and dense, with an unusual conciseness for Dickens, the novel represents Dickens' peak and maturity as an author.According to G. K. Chesterton, Dickens penned Great Expectations in "the afternoon of his life and fame.” Once published, the novel got a great popularity and also received mixed reviews from critics: Thomas Carlyle speaks of "All that Pip's nonsense,” while George Bernard Shaw praised the novel as "All of one piece and consistently truthful.” It was also adapted many times in popular movies and stage plays.The entire story is understood to have been written as a retrospective, rather than as a narrative or a diary.The story is divided into three parts of Pip's expectations. The first "expectation" starts from chapter 1 to chapter 19, the second part is from chapter 20 to chapter 39, and the last part is from chapter 40 to the end. The general plot of this novel is like this: Pip is a kind-hearted and innocent little boy living with his bad-tempered sister and kind-hearted brother-in-law Joe. Under his sister’s maltreatment and Joe’s protection, Pip lives in a poor yet happy life. He has no ambition but to be a blacksmith like Joe. All of that is changed since he is invited to be a companion with Estella in Satis House which belongs to a rich but strange woman Miss. Havisham. Pip is ashamed of himself compared with Estella, and longs to be an educated gentleman. In a fortuitous chance, Pip gets a fortune from a secret benefactor and is asked be trained as a gentleman in London. There Pip’s vanity and ambition get fulfilled. After several years, the benefactor appears. Pip’s dream is broken. He realizes how wrong he was in the past. He changes to be practical and grows up to be a mature man living by his own hands in the end.We can get something about Dickens’ thought from the novel. Created in Dickens’ later years, Great Expectations contains his deeper understanding about human, surrounding environment and life experiences. As the title, the phrase “great expectations” has the meaning of irony. It is not just a story about the disillusionment of Pip’s great expectations of being a gentleman, but pays more attention to the influence of environment on human, which is one of Dickens’ philosophical thoughts.1.3 The Current Research of Great Expectations and the Significance of this PaperThere are many researches about Great Expectations. While, the current research usually focuses on several aspects of it. Firstly, the narrative perspective, such as Luo Yufeng’s An Analysis of Narrative Perspective in Great Expectations. Secondly, the theme of values, such as Ruan Yajun’s The Ture Fortune Through Pip’s Eyes in Great Expectations. Thirdly, the feminism, such as Wang Min’s A Sacrifice in the Male-dominated Society: on the Image of Miss Havisham in Great Expectations.Some researchers also focus on its different themes like crime, socialclass, empire and ambition.However, there is little research on the genre analysis of Great Expectations. The thesis focuses on this point and uses the three main elements of novels to analyze.As Charles Dickens is one of novelists who developed Initiation story in Europe, it is meaningful to let the genre analysis show how Dickens developed Initiation story in his own way, and to get more knowledge about the social environment of the Victorian age and stories of normal individuals at that time.2. The Initiation story---a Specific Literature GenreIn literary criticism, the initiation story is a literary genre that focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the protagonist from youth to adulthood and in which character change is extremely important. The birth of the initiation story is normally dated back to the publication of Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship by Johann Wolfgang Goethe in 1795–96. Although the initiation story arose in Germany, it has had extensive influence first in Europe and later throughout the world.2.1 Its DefinitionAccording to Carly. M. Bonar, “The Bildungsroman, a particularly difficult genre to pin down, has traditionally designated the maturation process of young boys through adolescence, culminating with the achievement of self-identity.”Though many scholars are trying to define it, the best definition of it is still not established. Among all the definitions now we have, Mark’s is the most widely accepted one: the initiation novel describes that the young hero changes his previous world view, or transfigures his disposition, or he changes the both after suffering physical and mental traumas; this change let him get rid of his innocent childhood, and finally leads him to the complicated adult society.In A Glossary of Literary Terms, literary critic M.H.Abrams states that the Bildungsroman illustrates: the development of the protagonist’s mind and character from childhood through varied experiences and often through a spiritual crisis into maturity, and in such process, the novel also usually involves the recognition of one’s identity and role in the world.2.2 Its Origin and DevelopmentThe Initiation Story, as an independent literary genre, has experienced nearly three centuries’position in the field of literary stories.The initiation novel begins at the 18th century, first in Germany, and then prevails in Europe and America. The traditional Initiation story is considered to have originated from Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship, and the German term "Bildungsroman" has come to signify it. According to Anniken Telnes Iversen, “Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister is a point for reference because it is generally recognized as the founding work of the genre and a major inspiration for the early writers of bildungsromans in Britain.”Then, it is named as the Initiation story in English.However, it did not develop smoothly. There was a long-time controversy about Initiation Story in history. Critics and scholars consistently debated on the origination and definition of the special literary genre since it appeared in the 18th century.In the 19th century, with Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship’s translated into English, the Initiation story prevails in British. British writers inherited the Initiation story and developed it with their own writing style. The traditional realism of British novels contributed to the popularity of British writing style and make it focus on individual’s growth, and even developed it into a literary genre,such as Robinson Crusoe(1719), which is a novel about survival and adventure, and which also depicts an unruly story of a teenager’s growth. Other nineteenth-century English authors produced similar novels—Charles Dickens's Great Expectations(1861) and Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre (1847) are generally considered as two out-standing examples of the Initiation Story genre. Though these novels resemble their German counterparts, scholars have noted that after being transplanted to England, their forms took on some unique characteristics.2.3 The Characteristics of the Initiation StoryThere are several views towards the Initiation story’s characteristics. Firstly, on structure, the Initiation story is usually narrated from the perspective of the first person, and the growth of protagonists could be generally divided into several stages in each of which he or she has different growing experiences and characteristics. Secondly, on content, the Initiation story usually depicts a man or a woman’s growth since his or her childhood and the protagonists usually suffers a lot in their earlier life, such as leaving home, and they would gain self-awakening at last. Thirdly, there are plenty of psychological describing about the protagonists’growth in terms of mental maturity.3. The Analysis of Great Expectations as a Typical Initiation StoryIn this part, This paper will prove that Great Expectations is a typical Initiation story based on the analysis of its theme, character and plot. Firstly, This paper would start with a brief introduction of the three main elements of a novel. There are totally seven elements of a novel including theme, character, plot, point of view, style, tone and irony, and symbol. Among them, theme, character and theme are the main elements. Theme is defined as the central or dominating part of a literary work. Character can be divided into protagonists and antagonists, and Plot is the arrangement of events that make up the story. They are independent from yet complement each other. They altogether make up the whole story. The Initiation story is not exceptional, but it do has a special and narrow definition.3.1 The Initiation Theme in Great ExpectationsAccording to Springfield, “An Initiation story is ‘a novel about the moral and psychological growth of the main character’ ”. The theme of an Initiation story is usually about protagonists’ physical and psychological growth. At the beginning, the protagonists in the Initiation story are innocent or immature. Later they encounter a series of events and experience sufferings. During this process they feel confused and lost. They continually raise questions about the outside world and the society, struggling to find an answer and a way to be one part of the society. At last, they embrace a new birth and become mature.In Great Expectations, Dickens depicted the protagonist’s growth as an initiation story. Here, this paper would make a plot analysis of Pip’s initiation in his life changes and psychological changes.3.1.1 The Initiation in the Protagonist’s Life ChangesIn Pip’s three stages of life, he has three different great expectations. The three expectations are more and more mature and practical with Pip’s growth. From his life changes, We could analyze his initiation in terms of social status and psychological maturity.At the beginning of the novel, the story depicts an innocent and timid young protagonist. The little poor orphan Pip lives a humble life with his ill-tempered elder sister and her strong yet gentle husband, Joe Gargery. They belong to the lower class in society. At that time, his is willing to become a blacksmith like Joe. He learns a lot from Biddy due to a little boy’s longing forat a graveyard, he never knows that the mysterious man will influence his whole life. He is afraid of the convict but sympathizes him in the meantime, so he provided him with food and tools. This implies the boy’s kindness. Pip’s peaceful life does not change until he is hired by an embittered wealthy woman, Miss Havisham, as an occasional companion to her and her beautiful but haughty adopted daughter - Estella. From that time on, Pip gradually feels ashamed of his status and life, and aspires to change his simple life and become a gentleman. He spends more years as an apprentice to Joe, so that he may grow up to have a livelihood working as a blacksmith and to reach Estella’s class. He longs for self-perfection. This life is suddenly changed when he is visited by a London attorney, Mr. Jaggers, who informs Pip that he is to come into the "Great Expectation" of a handsome property and be trained to be a gentleman at the behest of an anonymous benefactor.To be a gentleman, the first step is to leave his original life,which is the foundation to know the outside world and to contact with the upper class. However, he is afraid of the unknown world and feels sorry for Joe. This is a dispensable step for his growing. It leads to his new views towards the world. The description of “mist” is appropriate to imply Pip’s destiny.The second stage of Pip's life has happened in London, he learns about the details of being a gentleman. There, he has tutors, fine clothing, and joins the cultivated society. It seems that he has stepped into the upper class and almost became a gentleman. As he adopts the physical and cultural norms of his new status, he also adopts the class attitudes that go with it, and when Joe comes to visit Pip and his roommate Herbert to deliver an important message, Pip is embarrassed to meet with Joe's unlearned ways, despite his protection in the name of love and friendship for Joe. At the end of this stage, Magwitch’s appearance again changes his world. It is a signal pulling Pip back to his original life, and make things even worse.The third and last stage of Pip's expectations alters Pip's life from the artificially supported world of his upper class life and brings him back to the realities that he must deal with - facing moral, physical and financial challenges. After Magwitch is arrested, Pip loses his all money and goes to the debtor’s jail. He thinks a lot and understand everything at last. After a few days, with Joe’s help, he was released. with Joe’s encouragement, he decides to rebuild his life by his own hands, so he goes to England and gets a job. At that time, we could see that Pip has grown up to be a real mature man and could shoulder responsibility for himself.Having a review of Pip’s three stages of life, we could see that the second stage is the best.At that time, Pip lives in the upper class, wears fine clothes and acts in a gentle manner, and his social status is higher, the most important elements of all. However, he gets those illusory things at the cost of affection and loyalty, so he is not happy at all. His great expectation at that stage is immature and fragile. In contrast, although he is a common clerk after he leaves London and begins new life, he can support himself with his own hands and is respected by others. This is the real social status that he earned all by himself.3.1.2 The Initiation in the Protagonist’s Characteristic ChangesPip’s characteristics alter with the psychological changes in his inner world. By analyzing the changes, we can get a psychological initiation of Pip.At the beginning, little Pip is a timid boy since his childhood. Joe loves him and he loves Joe, which is crucial for the ability to form close relationships between them later in their life. On the other hand, his sister is a tyrannical, inconsistent “mother” who metes out punishment for no reason. She brings him up “with hands” is probably the reason for Pip’s deep-seated fear, particularly his constant fear of doing something wrong. When he helps Magwitch, he feels guilty; he is also afraid that someone will find out his crime and arrest him.In fact, Pip is a very generous and sympathetic young man by his nature. There is a fact that can prove it, for instance, he helps Magwitch, secretly buying Herbert’s way into business, and his essential love for all those who love him also indicates the fact. Even when he lives in London and being selfish and arrogant, he always has an internal struggle with his conscience throughout the book. The main line of the novel-Pip’s growth may be seen as the process of learning to place his native sense of kindness and conscience above his immature idealism.Because he is not confident and narrowly educated, he gets ill-treatment from Miss. Havisham and Estella without any words and he even felt shamed on himself being so poor and normal. After meeting Estella and Miss. Havisham, shame becomes his most dominant characteristic, and he tells us, “it is a most miserable thing to feel ashamed of home” (chapter 14). Estella’s judgment of him is “common” (chapter 8) and “ignorant and backward” (chapter 9).In order to reach Estella’s class, he tries his best to learn. To some extent, Pip can be regarded as an idealist. In Pip’s great expectations, he pursues self-improvement in three aspects, they are respectively moral, social, and educational. Pip desires his own moral improvement. First, in order to become a gentleman, he lost Joe and his original life, and he even discriminates them. At last, when he realizes his fault and leaves London, he regrets for having ever been sobad to Joe. He gets a moral initiation. Second, in order to marry Estella, Pip longs to be a gentleman to fit her. It is the first time for Pip to have a sense of inferiority when he meets Estella at Satis House. He wants to become a member of Estella’s social status, so he accepts to go to London. Third, a gentleman must be an educated man. Pip tries his best to learn to read to make his ambition come true. At last, learning from his suffering and the examples of Joe, Biddy, and Magwitch, Pip learns that social and educational improvement are irrelevant to one’s real worth and that conscience and affection are to be valued above erudition and social statuses.His characteristic does not change until he meets Miss Havisham and Estella when Pip’s desire for advancement expands and it overshadows his kindness. After receiving his mysterious fortune, his idealistic wishes seem to have been justified, and he gives himself over to a gentlemanly life of idleness. His ambition becomes stronger during that period.However, when he discovers that Magwitch, but not the wealthy Miss Havisham, is his secret benefactor, Pip’s dream is broken. The fact that he comes to admire Magwitch while losing Estella to the brutish nobleman Drummle ultimately forces him to realize that one’s social position is not the most important quality one have, and that his behavior as a gentleman has made him to hurt the people who care about him most. He learns to be practical instead of pursuing after the illusory expectation. He knows about his own identity and do what he really wants. Pip’s psychological initiation embodied in his identity to himself. After experienced heart-breaking and physical pain, he realizes the true values of life.From this part, we can conclude that the theme of Great Expectations accords with the Initiation theme. Now, let’s come to the character design.3.2 The Character DesignIn the character design of the Initiation story, there are main character design and minor character design. The Main character design is an author’s description of the protagonists, and minor character design acts as a foil to the main character design. In the Initiation story, the authors usually design minor characters as the initiation guides who exert influences on the protagonists’ maturation. According to the positive and negative influences, it can be respectively defined as positive initiation guides and negative initiation guides. Besides, we will have a thorough discussion in this regard. This part would make a detailed analysis of the character design in Great Expectations.3.2.1 The Main Character DesignIn the initiation story, main characters are commonly regarded as the protagonists. Authors design main characters by describing details of their life and their psychological initiation. In the novel Great Expectations, Dickens depicts a lot of details about Pip’s life changes and characteristic changes in his three initiation stages.Dickens described a scene of desolation in Pip’s eyes and introduced a frightened boy to readers. This implies Pip’s little knowledge to the world and his innocent nature.“Conscience is a dreadful thing when it accuses man or boy; but when, in the case of a boy, that secret burden cooperates with another secret burden down the leg of his trousers, it is (as I can testify) a great punishment”(Chapter1)From this description about Pip’s thoughts, we can be informed of Pip’s guilty psychology to his conscience. Actuated by his sympathy for the convict, Pip steals his sister’s pie and Joe’s tool, but he cannot bear sufferings from his own conscience. It implies that Pip is a kind-hearted and conscientious boy.After Pip has visited in Satis House, he is impressed by different lifestyles of the upper class and Estella’s pride and prejudice. He begins to be unsatisfied with his own life and social status, so he decides to make himself uncommon.From Chapter 20 to Chapter 39 is the second stage of Pip’s life in London. Dickens used a number of conversations to illustrate Pip’s curiosity towards his new life and his changes. In conversations between Pip and Jaggers’, we can know that Pip is excited about his intended role as a gentleman; in conversations between Pip and Joe, it is clearly to see Pip’s disgust to his original surrounding; in conversations between Pip and Herbert, we can see that Pip is happy to make a new friend in the upper class and his warm-hearted nature. In addition, Dickens also depicted Pip’s love for Estella, which is the motivation of Pip’s great expectations:“Ah me! I thought those were high and great emotions. But I never thought there was anything low and small in my keeping away from Joe, because I knew she would be contemptuous of him. It was but a day gone, and Joe had brought the tears into my eyes; they had soon dried, God forgive me! Soon dried”In Chapter 39, Dickens depicted Pip’s shock when he meets his secret benefactor, which shows Pip’s self-awakening. He used a lot of Pip’s internal monologue to describe Pip’s psychological changes.In the third stage, Pip is self-awakening. After experiencing lots of sufferings in life, Pip realizes his fault. Dickens described Pip’s inner monologue for Joe, showing his remorse.In the end, Pip grows up as a mature young man with real valued great expectations. Pip finishes his maturation from immaturity to independence. Dickens designed the protagonist’s initiation in different stages. The main character design is in accordance with the initiation story’s character design.3.2.2 The Minor Character DesignIn the initiation story, minor characters can be defined as the Initiation guides who exert influences on the protagonist’s development. According to their good influences and bad influences, it is classified as positive initiation guides and negative initiation guides. Firstly, let’s come to the positive initiation guides.In Great Expectations, Dickens created two remarkable paternal images, the blacksmith Joe Gargery and the convict Abel Magwitch. The two men act as the positive initiation guides for Pip’s maturation. They give Pip warm love and support, guiding his growth.Joe has the characteristics of a positive initiation guide, which make he get along with younger people: he is kind-hearted and sympathetic. When Pip’s parents died, Joe sympathizes the poor orphan so he cares Pip as father with his love and protects him at any time. Joe is also Pip’s best friend. Little Pip loves him and admires him. His expectation is to be a blacksmith like Joe. It is clear that Pip’s kind nature is learned from Joe. Joe’s love to Pip does not reduce even when Pip hurts him in London, although he is disappointed towards Pip. As Joe excitedly finds Pip in London and send message to him, Pip treats him coldly. He realizes they are different people and his arrival embarrassed Pip, so he calls Pip “Sir”. Then, when Pip goes to a debtor’s jail, it is Pip who repays his debt with all his money and cares about him till he recovers.The other initiation guide exerting positive influences on Pip’s maturation is Abel Magwitch. Although he is an escaped convict and is impressed by readers as a scary image at the beginning of the novel, his love to Pip is selfless. He gives all his fortune made in Austria to Pip partly because little Pip has ever helped him with a pie and a file. Another reason is that Pip has the same circumstance as him. They are both the poor persons living in lower class, without knowledge about their parents. With the same experience, he places his hope on Pip of becoming a wealthy gentleman in the upper class.In the initiation story, the negative initiation guides also exert influences on the protagonist’s。