





为验证“名词+le ss/free”生成规则的有效性和能产性,用Google在线搜索Internet语义受less/free限制的名词组合的形容词,结果为合法有效,进而窥探人类思维活动的规律性。

关键词:否定后缀;生成机制;语义限制;语义区别中图分类号:H 030文献标识码:A文章编号:1671623X(2013)06008805一、引言:逻辑学意义“否定”与语言学意义“否定”曾炳衡指出,逻辑意义上的“否定”(negation)是“肯定”(affirmation)的对立面,二者皆为思维和言语中必不可少的范畴。




[1]正因如此,Hamawand将英语中的否定前缀进行主要与次要之分,主要否定前缀是:a(n), de, dis, in, non和un;次要否定前缀指:ab, anti, contra, counter, mal, mis, pseudo, quasi, sub, semi和under。
























英语否定前缀的构词特点及语义特征高 学 群(怀化职业技术学院, 湖南 怀化 418000) 摘 要:英语否定前缀在构词上各有特色。



关键词:否定前缀;构词法;语义特征中图分类号:H31文献标识码:A文章编号:1671-1785(2006)03-0065-03 在繁多的英语前缀中,表示否定含义的前缀非常多。

如: a-,an-,ab-,anti-,in-,im-,il-,ir-,des-,dis-,dy s -,mal-,mis-,no n-和un-等。








如;“like喜欢,dislike不喜欢;agr ee赞成,disagr ee不赞成;no rmal正常的,abnor mal反常的,异常的;polit ical政治, apolitical非政治的,无政治意义的,不关心政治的; emplo yment就业,unemplo yment失业。




段敏维-duan关于英语词汇否定前缀的总结 DMW

段敏维-duan关于英语词汇否定前缀的总结 DMW

中公考研,双十一优惠:/zhuanti/shuang11/1 中公考研学员专用资料 报名专线:400-6300-966关于单词否定前缀的总结段敏维之前总结英语单词复习策略和学习方法的时候,建议大家对词汇进行理解性记忆和归纳性的记忆,也就是用词根词缀法对单词进行记忆,这样不仅可以提高大家记忆单词的速度,而且通过对单词进行理解性的记忆,大家对单词遗忘的速度也会比死记硬背慢。





主要的否定前缀有,a -,ab -,dis-,de -,il -,im -,ir -,in -,mal -,mis -,non -,un -等。

a -,ab -主要加在形容词动词前,例如typical (adj.典型的),atypical →(adj.非典型性的),normal (adj.正常的)→abnormal (adj.非正常的);dis -主要加在名词、形容词,动词之前,dis -为否定前缀的词有:agreement (n.同意)→disagreement (n.意见不同),agreeable (adj.使人愉快的)→disagreeable (adj.不愉快的),agree (v.同意)→disagree (v.不同意);de -加在名词、形容词前,常见的有decrease 减少,deteriorate 恶化,demobilize 遣散 使…复员 il-加在以i 开头的形容词之前,如legal (adj.法律的, 法定的)→illegal (adj.违法的),logical (adj.合乎逻辑的)→illogical (adj.不合逻辑的);im-加在以b,m,p 开头的形容词之前,如possible (adj.可能的)→impossible (adj.不可能的),balanced (adj.平衡的)→imbalanced (adj.不平衡的),moral (adj.道德的)→immoral (adj.不道德的);ir-加在以r 开头的形容词之前,如regular (adj.规则的)→irregular (adj.不规则的),rational (adj.理性的)→irrational (adj.无理性的);in-主要用于其它字母开头的词之前,如human (adj.人性的)→inhuman (adj.野蛮的),correct (adj.正确的)→incorrect (adj.不正确的),justice (n.正义,公平)→injustice (n.不正义,不公平);mal -主要加在形容词名词之前,例如function (n.作用,功能)→malfunction 功能紊乱,malicious 恶意的;mis -加在动词、名词前,常见的词有understand (v.理解)→misunderstand 误解,judge (v.判断,评价)→misjudge (v.误判),fortune (adj.幸运的)→misfortune (adj.不幸的);2 中公考研学员专用资料 non -加在形容词、名词前,这样以non -为否定前缀的词有non -existence 不存在,non -essential 不主要的,non -electrical 非电的;un 只能用于形容词和动词之前,如friendly (adj.友好的)→unfriendly (adj.不友好的),lucky (adj.幸运的)→unlucky (adj.不幸的),unexpected (adj.未预料到)→unhurt (adj.没有受伤的);用于动词之前表示做相反的动作tie (vt.系,打结)→untie (vi.松开,解开),cover (vt.覆盖)→uncover (vt.揭开,揭露)。



常用英语单词前缀大全(否定前缀篇)im-加在字母m,b,p之前impossible(不顺能的),impolite(不礼貌的),impudence(厚颜无耻)in-加在形容词,名词之前incorrect(不正确的),inability(无能,无力),inaccurate(不准确的)ir-加在以r开头的词前irregular(不稳定的),irresistable(不可抵抗的),irresolvable(不能分解的,不能解决的)un-加在名词,形容词,副词之前unfinished(未完成的)undoubted(无疑的)unemployment(失业)还有一些前缀的规则:non-加在形容词,名词前non-existence(不存在),non-essential(不主要的),non-electrical(非电的)8.mis-加在动词、名词之前misunderstand(误解),misjudge(误判),misleading(误导),misfortune(不幸)9.dis-加地动词之前disappear(消失),disarm(解除武装),disconnect(失去联系)10.de-加在名词,形容词之前demobilize(遣散;使…复员) decolor (脱色,漂白)11.anti-加在名词、形容词之前anti-Japanese(抗日战争),anti-social(厌恶社会的,反社会的),antidite(解毒药)12.counter-加在名词、动词前counterattack(反攻,反击),counteract(抵抗,阻碍)counterrevolution(反革命)dis(not, the opposite of)disadvantage, dislike, disagree, disappear, disarm, disaster, disastrous, disap point, disable, disability, discharge, disclose, discount, discourage, discove r, discovery, discrepancy, disease, disgrace, disguise, disgust, dishonor, dish onest, dislike, dismay, disorder, dispatch, disperse, displace, displacement, d isplease, disregard, dissatisfy, distort , distract, disintegrate, isparage, di spassion, disproportionate2) in- (not, in, into)inability, incorrect, inability, incapable, indirect, inhuman, injustice, infor mal, inside, include, inclusive, income, increase, increasingly, incredible, in definite, independence, independent, indifferent, indirect, indispensable, indi vidual, indoor, inertia , inevitable, infamous , infinite, inhabit , inhabitan t, inherent , inject, inland , inlet , inner, innocent, innumerable , input, in quire, inquiry, insane, insensitive, insert, inside, insight, insist, inspect, inspiration , inspire, install, installation, installment , instance, instant, instinct, insulate , intense, interior, internal, into, intrinsic, invade, inva lid , invaluable , invariably , invasion, invert , investigate, invisible, invo lve, inward, incomplete, indecisive, inedible, inept, inevitably, infection, in firm, injection, innate, insatiable, insecurity, insider, insidious3) im-(not, in, into) impossible, imbalance, immature, immoral, impatient, implicit , impress, impression, import, immigrate, imprison, immerse4) il- (not)illegal, illiterate, illogical ir- (not) irregular, irresponsible, irrespective 5) un- (not)unable, uncover, undo, undoubtedly, undress , uneasy, unemployment , unexpecte d, unfold , unfortunately, unimportant, unlike, unload, unusual, unaware, enlig htened, unparalleled, unsustainable,6) non- (not)nonsmoker, nonexistence, non-cooperation, nonstop, nonmetal, nonresident, nonse nse, nonfundamentalist, nonspecialist7) mis- (wrong, wrongly)mislead, misspell, misstep, misfortune, misuse, misguided, misinformation8) de- (showing the opposite, to remove, to reduce)deform, deface, demobilize, destruction, deforest, denationalize, depress, depr ession, decode, decrease, degenerate , degrade , descend, descendant , descent。


首先 。 我们 以 i*为检索项 . n 提取所有 以 i一 n 开头的词。 因 为英语 中本来就存 在很多 以 i一 头的非派生词 。所 以教师 n开
被使用 。传统 灌输式 的教育依 旧泛滥于 高职高专英 语课堂 , 而应试 型的教学亦依 旧横行无忌 。一方 面 。 语教师 习惯于 英
简单 告诉学 生某个单 词的意义 及用法 ; 另一 方面 , 多学 生 诸 为 了过级或 不挂科 。习惯 生硬 地接受教 师灌输 给他 们 的知 识 , 干脆 捧着词 汇手册死记硬背 。的确 , 或 他们 可能在 某个 时
以鱼不如授人以渔 。况且 , 使用语 料教学还可 以培养学生 自 பைடு நூலகம்学 习英 语 的能力 。以及 激发他 们对 英语学 习的兴趣 和热 情。
参 考文献 :
[ Wi is D A : nus c i L n ae T a h g【 】 E w M ro t, 9 2 1 l n , . . L g ii n a g g ec i M . d a A n l Ld 1 7 . ] k i ts u n d
A e c n E g s;C C 。 它 是 由 美 国 Bihm o n m r a n lh O A) i i r a Y u g g
进行第 二步 , 把学生 分为几 个小组 , 他们讨 论并 分享在 语 让 料库中的发现。最后 。 学生们归纳出以下两个 以 i一 n 作为否定 前缀 的否定词的构词 规律 : 其一 . i一 与 n 这个 否定前缀搭 配的
该 语 料 库 语 料 来 自 19 — 0 90 2 1 1年 s kn f t n m gz e o p e 、c o 、 aai 、 ii n n w pp r aa e i 这五大领域 , e sae 及 cd m c 是美 国最 新的语料库 , 也 是 当今世界 上最大的英语平衡语 料库 。在语 言教学方面 , 传




即上表中以dis-, im-, in-, ir-开头的七个例词。



例如:an unusual boy。

◇dis-否定前缀除了形容词dishonest外,还常常用在动词前构成否定形式,如dislike, disagree, disappear等。

用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. You will be_____________ (able) to pass the exam if you don’t study hard.2. There are lots of ________ (common) kinds of birds in Zhalong. Many people like to go birdwatching there.3. It is ___________ (necessary) for you to walk the little dog once a week to the park.4. It is ___________ (important) to keep quiet when you watch the birds and insects.5. He feels _________(happy) because he lost his wallet.6. There is a ________ (regular) rain in Sahara desert every year.7. Is it __________(possible) to get to the city by train?8. Some people are ___________ ( friendly) to birds. They throw stones to them.9. Some people feel ____ (happy) that government give poor people such small and ____(comfortable) flats.10. It is _______ (safe) to walk on the street at night.11. We should keep students staying away from the ________ (healthy) books.12. These trainers are too small. They are ______________(comfortable) to wear.13. If someone does not show good manners to others, he is ____________(polite).14. Jim never tells lies and he is an ___________ (honest) boy.15. This girl is so __________(care) that she often makes mistakes in her homework.◇江苏13城市中考试题汇编◇1. It's ________(friendly) of him to say such bad words to his classmates. (08常州)2. Don't get _________(patient) about your personal trouble. (08无锡)3. He seemed ______(friend) at first, but now I've got to know him and I realize he's warm and kind. (08徐州)4. If someone doesn't show good manners to others, he or she is __________(polite). (08宿迁)5. It’s so ___________(不公平的)! Mary gets more money for less work. (09镇江)6. The basketball team was __________(luck) to lose in the final minute of the game. (09徐州)7. In some ways, the space shuttles travel fast, but the journey to Mars may be very___(comfortable). (09泰州)8. it’s ___________(possible) for us to finish s o much work within so little time. We need help. (2010南通)9. Simon is such a __________(honest) person that no one believes him. (2010扬州)10. Don’t be ________(patient)! You should listen to what he is saying first. (2010常州)11. It is _________(possible) for me to design the poster without your help. (2010泰州)12. it’s not easy for those superstars to face ___________(无穷无尽的)interviews and doubts. (2010镇江)Keys:用所给单词的适当形式填空1. unable2. uncommon3. necessary4. important5. unhappy6. irregular7. possible8. unfriendly9. unhappy,uncomfortable 10. unsafe 11, unhealthy 12. uncomfortable 13. impolite 14. honest 15. careless江苏13城市中考试题汇编1. unfriendly2. impatient3. unfriendly4. impolite5. unfair6. unlucky7. uncomfortable8. impossible9. dishonest 10. impatient 11. impossible 12. endless。



Literature ReviewC08英语(3)班赵雁081323327The term morphology was coined by August Schleicher in 1859. In linguistics, morphology is the identification, analysis and description of the structure of a given language's morphemes and other linguistic units, such as words, affixes, parts of speech, intonation/stress, or implied context . However, English acquisition is a difficult part in English learning, for the vocabulary is very large and it is enlarged continuously with the rapid development of modern society. No matter how large the English vocabulary is, words are formed according to certain word-formation rules. Affix knowledge is considered to be an important aspect of vocabulary knowledge. It plays an important part in vocabulary development and reading. The master of affix is of great importance to both language teaching and language learning. Affix knowledge contributes to determining how well a learner reads new words. Thus, the English learners must master the rules in word-formation so well that they can use and remember the vocabulary fluently. Through two months’ efforts in searching, collecting and reading an abundance of scholars and professors’ literature concerning the usage of negative prefixes in morphological aspects , I made a detail analysis of the morphology and created the following essay which summoned up the essence of the negative prefixes used in the BNC corpus.Morphology by Matthews demonstrates the definition of morphology in the modern social life from many aspects. The paper points out that the morphology has many meanings. Words are usually treated as the basic and minimal units of a language to make sentences, which are combinations of words according to syntactic rules. Structurally, however, a word is not the smallest unit because many words can be separated into even smaller meaningful units. These minimal meaningful units are known as morphemes. Since the morphology can develop the people’s knowledge and good values, it is quite important for the researchers to study on it. In this sense, goodacademic knowledge in the study is a part of the tough task. This paper offers much practical ideas for me to think about the meaning of the research on the negative prefixes. Morphemes vary in functions. Accordingly, we can classify morphemes into several general categories: free versus bound, derivational versus inflectional, and lexical versus grammatical. However, their boundaries are not as clear-cut as they appear to be due to some overlapping. For the sake of discussion, we shall define each type in terms of its characteristics.The negative prefixes that the essay researched here are under the circumstances of morphology. It is quite significant for me to start my paper.English V ocabulary Learning Course by Zhang Weiyou is a book that points out a large number of views on word formation. The word itself is an elusive notion, which needs immediate consideration. The relationship between words and vocabulary, between sound and meaning, and between sound and form demands explanation as well. Language is not a fixed list of words but a growing and developing store, which is quite formidable. However, the huge unstable vocabulary of English can be classified into a few manageable categories by different criteria. This is also part of our concern. The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on word formation. There is a variety of means being at work now. According to Pyles and Algeo, words produced through affixation constitute 30% to 40% of the total number of new words. Affixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-formation or derivational affixes to bases. This process is also known as derivation, by which new words are derived from old or base forms. The words created in this way are called derivatives. According to the positions affixes occupy in words, affixation falls into two subcategories: prefixation and suffixation. Prefixation is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to bases. Prefixes do not generally change the word-class of the base but only modify its meaning. For convenience of study, we shall present prefixes on a semantic basis, that is, we shall group prefixes into semantic sets, each consisting of all the major prefixes that have similar meaning and functions. At the same time, the author exactly gives a complete theory of word-formation. It makes me have a better understanding offormation---- how the prefixes are formed.On Ten Semantic Classifications of English Prefixes by Mao Donghui makes an analysis on semantic meanings of negative prefixes. The richness and abundance of English vocabulary is closely related to its prefixes as they provide semantic meanings to the roots in limitation, modification and supplement. In analyzing and generalizing English prefixes, grammarians are also likely to study them from the angle of their semantic functions, and therefore, in learning and studying affixes, it is critical to be in semantic awareness of English prefixes. They are classified into ten kinds of prefixes. All of them are mentioned as follows: negative prefixes, reversative prefixes, pejorative prefixes, prefixes of degree or size, prefixes of orientation and attitude, locative prefixes, prefixes of time and order, number prefixes, miscellaneous neo-classical prefixes and conversion prefixes. Prefixes are very dynamic in word formation. Actually, word-formation mainly has five types. It is called derivation which is made out by adding affixes. Derivation is the most active way in word-formation. And meanwhile, prefixes play an important role in derivation. In many circumstances, prefix and suffix have exactly different functions. Prefix changes the meaning of the roots. But the suffix not only changes its semantic meaning, but also changes its natural characteristic. We can see “in-” and “non-” are part of negative prefixes, but “un-” is part of reversative prefixes. This paper makes me pay more attention to the semantic meanings of negative prefixes.Analyses on Usage of Negative Prefixes “IN-”“UN-”“NON-” by Chen Huanfu discusses the such aspects as prefix’s productivity, origin, distribution and distinctive characteristics in meaning. He also presents a description of three negative prefixes in English, “IN-”, “UN- ” and “NON-”, each of which tends to combine with positive adjectives and the resultant derived adjectives are often lexicalized and assigned negative sense. Being more productive than “IN-”and less productive than “NON-”, “UN-” shows features from both sides, depending on the given stems with which it combines. It also mentions the distinctive semantic features. It contains the difference of concepts and difference of tones. The author also finds out that “NON-”mainly forms the contradictory and complementary opposites. Learning that helps me to havea better understanding in the usage of the negative prefixes.Negative Prefixes and Their Extended Meanings in English by Zhao Chunfeng makes a detail of analysis of their extended meanings. The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on word formation. There are a variety of means being at work now. The most productive are affixation, compounding and conversion. Prefixation is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to bases. Prefixes do not generally change the word-class of the base but only modify its meaning. This essay tries to express the extended meanings of negative prefixes, such as "negative, opposite, and reverse" etc. in the view of word - building of English. The author does not only try to explain these negative prefixes, but to expound their extended meanings as well. We get to know by means of studying them that these prefixes have undergone through a course from their original simple meanings to their various ones of today, which helps us further and better understand English affixes. It struck me again that the negative prefix plays an essential part; therefore, the study of it seems to be significant.A Contrastive Study of the Characteristics of the Lexical Structural Systems Between English and Chinese by Zhang Weiyou gives me a quite comprehensive knowledge of the lexical structural system. English and Chinese have their own conspicuous characteristics in structural systems of lexis, which are reflected in the morphological structures of words and word-formation. The most productive are affixation, compounding and conversion. According to the positions affixes occupy in words, affixation falls into two subcategories: prefixation and suffixation. Prefixes do not generally change the word-class of the base but only modify its meaning. For convenience of study, we shall present prefixes on a semantic basis, that is, we shall group prefixes into semantic sets, each consisting of all the major prefixes that have similar meaning and functions. A contrastive study of the lexical systems of English and Chinese in such respects of morphemes and words, morphemes and affixes, positions of morphemes in words, words and non-words, word-formation and syntax, etc. discloses that there are both similarities and differences in the vocabularies of the two languages, but the differences overwhelm similarities. This paper teaches me howto choose the factors to study and analyze the different concepts and gives me the idea of trying to analyze usage in special ways by the BNC corpus.A Corpus-based Study on Derivational Affixes in English for Science and Technology by Leng Hui gives a comprehensive summarization of negative prefix’s similarities and differences. The study is aimed at finding out the basic similarities and differences among “IN-”, “UN –”and “NON-”. Description of the negative prefix’s productivity, distribution and distinctive characteristics in meaning are also mentioned. This paper briefly analyzes the diachronic study of English word-formation in an attempt to depict English negative prefixes from an etymological perspective. One way to distinguish English synonyms is to detect their origins: “IN-”, and “UN-”are separately attached to word bases that share origins. Studying the word-formation characteristics and semantic features of negative prefix can help us understand its word-formation, semantic features and master the usage features. Thus, we can improve our ability of word-formation, expand vocabulary effectively and improve the ability of reading, listening, writing, speaking and understanding. Thereby we can reduce remembering-vocabulary failure caused by the structures of each word. And the idea leads me to think more about the ways and results the vocabulary differences among words can change by affixes.A Corpus-based Study of Morphological Productivity of Negative Prefixes in English by Du Lifang focuses on the influences of the productivity of negative prefixes. In English, there are at least ten prefixes that denote negative meaning, and it’s often very confusing to English learners as to the subtle differences in their usage. English learners are especially puzzled about the phenomenon that the same base takes different negative prefix to express its negative, like immoral and unmoral; inhuman, unhuman and non-human. Although some research has been done in this field as to the application/combination rules concerning the different negative prefixes, e.g. factors that influence the productivity of a particular one, there seems to be a gap as to the quantitative study of productivity of these negative prefixes. So the author would like to make an attempt in this field. In this paper, five commonly-usednegative prefixes in English are selected for the present study :a-,dis-, in- (including its variants il-, ir-, im- ),non- and un-.Scholars have been trying to provide effective ways of accessing the productivity of affixes quantitatively. However, it seems that no one of the measurements is hardly without any objections, either in theoretical point of view or in practical application. However, each measure does reflect a different aspect of productivity. When applying those measures, one should have a clear view in mind about that. In view of theoretical and methodological problems in practical application, and also of its significance of the results for the future, this paper adopts two measures to assess the productivity of negative prefixes in English: one is type frequency, which is to gauge past productivity, that is to make a survey of how many members each of the prefixes has so far generated. It imposes me to enlarge my thinking span.Talking about the English Negative Prefixes by Leng Hui gives me a general and detailed outlook of the English negative prefixes. Among all the English prefixes, the ability of word formation in negative prefixes is very strong. And the words formed by negative prefixes hold a large proportion in amount of the derivation. However, due to its own characters on word-formation and semantic in negative prefixes, it seems to be changeable for the learners who are begin to learn English. Meanwhile, it is difficult for them to remember the new words. Thus, in order to know these negative prefixes well, the learners must learn from two aspects. These are their features of word-formation and the characters of their semantic. The elements that affect the word formation of the negative prefixes can be summarized into three rules, namely homologous rules, collocation rules and assimilation rules. Studying the word-formation characteristics and semantic features of negative prefix can help us understand its word-formation, semantic features and master the usage features. Thus, we can improve our ability of word-formation, expand vocabulary effectively and improve the ability of reading, listening, writing, speaking and understanding. And this paper offers much to the frame of my paper; its idea is beneficial to my paper.Prefixal Negation and Non-prefixal negation of English Adjectives written byHu Youxin and Li Xuzhong gives me a quite comprehensive knowledge of negation of English adjectives.There are various negative prefixes in English word formation. It is essential to grasp the negative features of the prefixes in the study and practice of English. This paper focuses on prefixal negation and non-prefixal negation of English adjectives. The authors begin by discussing the lexical gaps, contextual constraints and semantic differences. They found out that it did have the pragmatic and semantic differences between the prefixal negation and non-prefixal negation, which seem to have the same meaning. The paper aims to find out their situation when to use and factors which are restricted. At the end, they conclude the theory about adjectives by many examples in the sentences with an emphasis on each semantic feature. Results analyzed in the following chapters are meaningful for my paper where is stating the differences in their semantic meanings, and impose me to enlarge my thinking span.Having read the above literature concerning English negative prefixes of their usages, we have no difficulty in finding that we should focus more on the usage of negative prefixes “IN-”, “UN –”and “NON-”. Meanwhile, we also realize the corpus-based research play an important role in the study of linguistics. More and more scholars and professors both at home and abroad are paying more attention to the field of negative prefixes. From the literature, we know some important ideas and information about negative prefixes, how to classify negative prefixes according to different word formations and their natural characters. Teachers of English need also do some experimental research to see how the findings from the study could be used to teach words containing negative prefixes efficiently and effectively. In order to learn English well and communicate with people better, we should learning much about morphology, use them reasonably. Because it is the foundation of learn English. Besides, morphology is useful for us to pursue research into negative prefixes. I hope that I can make some contribution to this field by reading and researching extensively and analyzing the morphology.ReferencesAdams, V. An Introduction to Modern English Word-Formation[M]. Harlow, Essex, UK: Longman Group Ltd, 1973:23-25.Algeo, J. The Voguish Use of non-, American Speech[J]. 1971:87-105.Barber, C. The English Language: A Historical Introduction[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993:45-46.Lipka, L. An Outline of English Lexicology: Lexical Structure, Word Semantics and Word-Formation[M]. Tubingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag. 1990:63-65. Mattews. Morphology[M]. 2nd ed. Beijing: Foreign language teaching and research press, 2000.程焕福。



否定词前缀总结第1篇im-polite-impolite礼貌的- 不礼貌的adj.possible-impossible可能的- 不可能的adj.in-correct-incorrect正确的- 错误的adj.convenient-inconvenient方便的- 不方便的adj.dependent-independent依赖的- 独立的adj.dis-agree-disagree同意- 不同意v.able-disabled有能力的- 丧失能力的,有残疾的adj. il-legal-illegal合法的- 不合法的adj.ir-regular-irregular有规律的- 无规律的adj.挖掘“活跃词”的深意否定词前缀总结第2篇●Everyone should learn how to be ________ in our daily life. (depend) (2021年长宁区一模)解析:independentbe independent in our daily life在日常生活中要独立●Eventually students will graduate from schools to live as fully ________ adults. (depend) (2021 年青浦区一模)解析:independentfully independent adults完全独立的成年人●Studying abroad has made me much more ________ in many ways.(depend) (2020年宝山区一模)解析:independentmake sb. independent使某人独立通过如上三题,你会惊人地发现,一些经常出现的单词里,原来暗藏着老师们的谆谆教诲,希望我们养成优秀的品质啊!所以我们继续来探索,除了独立,我们还需要摒弃哪些陋习呢?否定词前缀总结第3篇否定前缀dis-往往可以加在动词、形容词之前构成否定,这些是大家平日学习中不太熟悉的,一定要特别注意。




























agraphia loss of the ability to write, resulting from a brain lesion
akinesia loss of normal motor function
loss of the ability to read
anakmesis arrest of maturation
























pseudo-, pseudonym(假名), pseudoscience
de-, defend, demodulation(解调)
dis-, disarm, disconnect
un-, ui-, ant- antiknock( 防震), antiforeign,(排外的)
ne-, n-, none, neither, never
non-, noesense
neg-, neglect
un- unable, unemployment
male-, mal-, malfunction, maladjustment(失调)
mis-, mistake, mislead
a-, an-, asymmetry(不对称)anhydrous(无水的)
dis- dishonest, dislike
in-, ig-, il, im, ir, incapable, inability, ignoble, impossible, immoral, illegal, irregular
1)aud-, 表示听,声audience,
2)bio-, 表示生命,生物biography(传记)
3)ge-, 表示地球,大地geography
contra-, contre-, contro-, contradiction, controflow(逆流)
counter-, counterreaction, counterbalance





















关键词:English language learning foreign language language teaching 杭州论文文献综述论文题目:英语******调查分析论文语种:英文您的研究方向:英语是否有数据处理要求:否您的国家:杭州您的学校背景:普通大学要求字数:1500论文用途:本科文献综述是否需要盲审(博士或硕士生有这个需要):否补充要求和说明:Literature ReviewResearch abroadEnglish dictionary is not only the indispensable reference book in the English language learning, but also a kind of good textbook. Dictionary can give learners a large number of useful information includes spelling, pronunciation, meaning and grammar. Therefore, in the process of learning a foreign language, the role of dictionary must be emphasized. The use of dictionary has not been a kind of associative activity for listening, speaking, reading, writing and transformation but a component of language learning. It is reported that Chinese students majoring in English suffer various kinds of issues upon how to learn English efficiently and how to use dictionaries effectively. In order to use dictionary effectively, dictionary users must have certain skills and the requirement of the skills needs certain kind of trainings. Some foreign countries have made some achievements in the dictionary users and relevant research situations. The study has found that the retrieval ability of dictionary users is quite low and it can not meet /language/2012/0113/lw201201131711534474.html the need of dictionary retrieval. And the reason is that people are lack of necessary training. In addition, the language teachers do not pay adequate attention to the cultivation of dictionary retrieval skills and they do not take the cultivation of dictionary retrieval skills into account as a part of language teaching. Furthermore, some foreign scholars also study the specific process of dictionary retrieval as well as retrieval skills in the process. For example, Scholfield’s model captures the main procedures of dictionary use in the comprehension activity. In his model, he has pointed out several main steps in d/language/2012/0113/lw201201131718469559.htmlictionary use. When the learner identifies a vocabulary problem, he should make the decision to use a dictionary to solve the problem. When he or she looks up in the dictionary, the right specific entry or part of an entry has to be located. In all, his model was one of the early efforts to make procedures of dictionary use.Domestic researchReferences[1] Cowie, A. P. (2000). English Dictionaries for Foreign Learners: A History [M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社[2] Hartmann R R K, James G. (1998). The Dictionary and the Language Learner [M]. London, New York: Rutledge[3] Berwick G, Horsfall P. (1996). Making Effective Use of the Dictionary [M].。





1.常用英语否定前缀解析 [J], 李冬梅
2.英语否定前缀un-的语义特征 [J], 张馨月
3.浅析英语否定前缀 [J], 冷卉;
4.英语中否定前缀派生词的语义探析 [J], 孙启萌
5.英语形容词的前缀否定与非前缀否定 [J], 胡友信;李旭中

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Literature ReviewC08英语(3)班赵雁081323327The term morphology was coined by August Schleicher in 1859. In linguistics, morphology is the identification, analysis and description of the structure of a given language's morphemes and other linguistic units, such as words, affixes, parts of speech, intonation/stress, or implied context . However, English acquisition is a difficult part in English learning, for the vocabulary is very large and it is enlarged continuously with the rapid development of modern society. No matter how large the English vocabulary is, words are formed according to certain word-formation rules. Affix knowledge is considered to be an important aspect of vocabulary knowledge. It plays an important part in vocabulary development and reading. The master of affix is of great importance to both language teaching and language learning. Affix knowledge contributes to determining how well a learner reads new words. Thus, the English learners must master the rules in word-formation so well that they can use and remember the vocabulary fluently. Through two months’ efforts in searching, collecting and reading an abundance of scholars and professors’ literature concerning the usage of negative prefixes in morphological aspects , I made a detail analysis of the morphology and created the following essay which summoned up the essence of the negative prefixes used in the BNC corpus.Morphology by Matthews demonstrates the definition of morphology in the modern social life from many aspects. The paper points out that the morphology has many meanings. Words are usually treated as the basic and minimal units of a language to make sentences, which are combinations of words according to syntactic rules. Structurally, however, a word is not the smallest unit because many words can be separated into even smaller meaningful units. These minimal meaningful units are known as morphemes. Since the morphology can develop the people’s knowledge and good values, it is quite important for the researchers to study on it. In this sense, goodacademic knowledge in the study is a part of the tough task. This paper offers much practical ideas for me to think about the meaning of the research on the negative prefixes. Morphemes vary in functions. Accordingly, we can classify morphemes into several general categories: free versus bound, derivational versus inflectional, and lexical versus grammatical. However, their boundaries are not as clear-cut as they appear to be due to some overlapping. For the sake of discussion, we shall define each type in terms of its characteristics.The negative prefixes that the essay researched here are under the circumstances of morphology. It is quite significant for me to start my paper.English V ocabulary Learning Course by Zhang Weiyou is a book that points out a large number of views on word formation. The word itself is an elusive notion, which needs immediate consideration. The relationship between words and vocabulary, between sound and meaning, and between sound and form demands explanation as well. Language is not a fixed list of words but a growing and developing store, which is quite formidable. However, the huge unstable vocabulary of English can be classified into a few manageable categories by different criteria. This is also part of our concern. The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on word formation. There is a variety of means being at work now. According to Pyles and Algeo, words produced through affixation constitute 30% to 40% of the total number of new words. Affixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-formation or derivational affixes to bases. This process is also known as derivation, by which new words are derived from old or base forms. The words created in this way are called derivatives. According to the positions affixes occupy in words, affixation falls into two subcategories: prefixation and suffixation. Prefixation is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to bases. Prefixes do not generally change the word-class of the base but only modify its meaning. For convenience of study, we shall present prefixes on a semantic basis, that is, we shall group prefixes into semantic sets, each consisting of all the major prefixes that have similar meaning and functions. At the same time, the author exactly gives a complete theory of word-formation. It makes me have a better understanding offormation---- how the prefixes are formed.On Ten Semantic Classifications of English Prefixes by Mao Donghui makes an analysis on semantic meanings of negative prefixes. The richness and abundance of English vocabulary is closely related to its prefixes as they provide semantic meanings to the roots in limitation, modification and supplement. In analyzing and generalizing English prefixes, grammarians are also likely to study them from the angle of their semantic functions, and therefore, in learning and studying affixes, it is critical to be in semantic awareness of English prefixes. They are classified into ten kinds of prefixes. All of them are mentioned as follows: negative prefixes, reversative prefixes, pejorative prefixes, prefixes of degree or size, prefixes of orientation and attitude, locative prefixes, prefixes of time and order, number prefixes, miscellaneous neo-classical prefixes and conversion prefixes. Prefixes are very dynamic in word formation. Actually, word-formation mainly has five types. It is called derivation which is made out by adding affixes. Derivation is the most active way in word-formation. And meanwhile, prefixes play an important role in derivation. In many circumstances, prefix and suffix have exactly different functions. Prefix changes the meaning of the roots. But the suffix not only changes its semantic meaning, but also changes its natural characteristic. We can see “in-” and “non-” are part of negative prefixes, but “un-” is part of reversative prefixes. This paper makes me pay more attention to the semantic meanings of negative prefixes.Analyses on Usage of Negative Prefixes “IN-”“UN-”“NON-” by Chen Huanfu discusses the such aspects as prefix’s productivity, origin, distribution and distinctive characteristics in meaning. He also presents a description of three negative prefixes in English, “IN-”, “UN- ” and “NON-”, each of which tends to combine with positive adjectives and the resultant derived adjectives are often lexicalized and assigned negative sense. Being more productive than “IN-”and less productive than “NON-”, “UN-” shows features from both sides, depending on the given stems with which it combines. It also mentions the distinctive semantic features. It contains the difference of concepts and difference of tones. The author also finds out that “NON-”mainly forms the contradictory and complementary opposites. Learning that helps me to havea better understanding in the usage of the negative prefixes.Negative Prefixes and Their Extended Meanings in English by Zhao Chunfeng makes a detail of analysis of their extended meanings. The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on word formation. There are a variety of means being at work now. The most productive are affixation, compounding and conversion. Prefixation is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to bases. Prefixes do not generally change the word-class of the base but only modify its meaning. This essay tries to express the extended meanings of negative prefixes, such as "negative, opposite, and reverse" etc. in the view of word - building of English. The author does not only try to explain these negative prefixes, but to expound their extended meanings as well. We get to know by means of studying them that these prefixes have undergone through a course from their original simple meanings to their various ones of today, which helps us further and better understand English affixes. It struck me again that the negative prefix plays an essential part; therefore, the study of it seems to be significant.A Contrastive Study of the Characteristics of the Lexical Structural Systems Between English and Chinese by Zhang Weiyou gives me a quite comprehensive knowledge of the lexical structural system. English and Chinese have their own conspicuous characteristics in structural systems of lexis, which are reflected in the morphological structures of words and word-formation. The most productive are affixation, compounding and conversion. According to the positions affixes occupy in words, affixation falls into two subcategories: prefixation and suffixation. Prefixes do not generally change the word-class of the base but only modify its meaning. For convenience of study, we shall present prefixes on a semantic basis, that is, we shall group prefixes into semantic sets, each consisting of all the major prefixes that have similar meaning and functions. A contrastive study of the lexical systems of English and Chinese in such respects of morphemes and words, morphemes and affixes, positions of morphemes in words, words and non-words, word-formation and syntax, etc. discloses that there are both similarities and differences in the vocabularies of the two languages, but the differences overwhelm similarities. This paper teaches me howto choose the factors to study and analyze the different concepts and gives me the idea of trying to analyze usage in special ways by the BNC corpus.A Corpus-based Study on Derivational Affixes in English for Science and Technology by Leng Hui gives a comprehensive summarization of negative prefix’s similarities and differences. The study is aimed at finding out the basic similarities and differences among “IN-”, “UN –”and “NON-”. Description of the negative prefix’s productivity, distribution and distinctive characteristics in meaning are also mentioned. This paper briefly analyzes the diachronic study of English word-formation in an attempt to depict English negative prefixes from an etymological perspective. One way to distinguish English synonyms is to detect their origins: “IN-”, and “UN-”are separately attached to word bases that share origins. Studying the word-formation characteristics and semantic features of negative prefix can help us understand its word-formation, semantic features and master the usage features. Thus, we can improve our ability of word-formation, expand vocabulary effectively and improve the ability of reading, listening, writing, speaking and understanding. Thereby we can reduce remembering-vocabulary failure caused by the structures of each word. And the idea leads me to think more about the ways and results the vocabulary differences among words can change by affixes.A Corpus-based Study of Morphological Productivity of Negative Prefixes in English by Du Lifang focuses on the influences of the productivity of negative prefixes. In English, there are at least ten prefixes that denote negative meaning, and it’s often very confusing to English learners as to the subtle differences in their usage. English learners are especially puzzled about the phenomenon that the same base takes different negative prefix to express its negative, like immoral and unmoral; inhuman, unhuman and non-human. Although some research has been done in this field as to the application/combination rules concerning the different negative prefixes, e.g. factors that influence the productivity of a particular one, there seems to be a gap as to the quantitative study of productivity of these negative prefixes. So the author would like to make an attempt in this field. In this paper, five commonly-usednegative prefixes in English are selected for the present study :a-,dis-, in- (including its variants il-, ir-, im- ),non- and un-.Scholars have been trying to provide effective ways of accessing the productivity of affixes quantitatively. However, it seems that no one of the measurements is hardly without any objections, either in theoretical point of view or in practical application. However, each measure does reflect a different aspect of productivity. When applying those measures, one should have a clear view in mind about that. In view of theoretical and methodological problems in practical application, and also of its significance of the results for the future, this paper adopts two measures to assess the productivity of negative prefixes in English: one is type frequency, which is to gauge past productivity, that is to make a survey of how many members each of the prefixes has so far generated. It imposes me to enlarge my thinking span.Talking about the English Negative Prefixes by Leng Hui gives me a general and detailed outlook of the English negative prefixes. Among all the English prefixes, the ability of word formation in negative prefixes is very strong. And the words formed by negative prefixes hold a large proportion in amount of the derivation. However, due to its own characters on word-formation and semantic in negative prefixes, it seems to be changeable for the learners who are begin to learn English. Meanwhile, it is difficult for them to remember the new words. Thus, in order to know these negative prefixes well, the learners must learn from two aspects. These are their features of word-formation and the characters of their semantic. The elements that affect the word formation of the negative prefixes can be summarized into three rules, namely homologous rules, collocation rules and assimilation rules. Studying the word-formation characteristics and semantic features of negative prefix can help us understand its word-formation, semantic features and master the usage features. Thus, we can improve our ability of word-formation, expand vocabulary effectively and improve the ability of reading, listening, writing, speaking and understanding. And this paper offers much to the frame of my paper; its idea is beneficial to my paper.Prefixal Negation and Non-prefixal negation of English Adjectives written byHu Youxin and Li Xuzhong gives me a quite comprehensive knowledge of negation of English adjectives.There are various negative prefixes in English word formation. It is essential to grasp the negative features of the prefixes in the study and practice of English. This paper focuses on prefixal negation and non-prefixal negation of English adjectives. The authors begin by discussing the lexical gaps, contextual constraints and semantic differences. They found out that it did have the pragmatic and semantic differences between the prefixal negation and non-prefixal negation, which seem to have the same meaning. The paper aims to find out their situation when to use and factors which are restricted. At the end, they conclude the theory about adjectives by many examples in the sentences with an emphasis on each semantic feature. Results analyzed in the following chapters are meaningful for my paper where is stating the differences in their semantic meanings, and impose me to enlarge my thinking span.Having read the above literature concerning English negative prefixes of their usages, we have no difficulty in finding that we should focus more on the usage of negative prefixes “IN-”, “UN –”and “NON-”. Meanwhile, we also realize the corpus-based research play an important role in the study of linguistics. More and more scholars and professors both at home and abroad are paying more attention to the field of negative prefixes. From the literature, we know some important ideas and information about negative prefixes, how to classify negative prefixes according to different word formations and their natural characters. Teachers of English need also do some experimental research to see how the findings from the study could be used to teach words containing negative prefixes efficiently and effectively. In order to learn English well and communicate with people better, we should learning much about morphology, use them reasonably. Because it is the foundation of learn English. Besides, morphology is useful for us to pursue research into negative prefixes. I hope that I can make some contribution to this field by reading and researching extensively and analyzing the morphology.ReferencesAdams, V. An Introduction to Modern English Word-Formation[M]. Harlow, Essex, UK: Longman Group Ltd, 1973:23-25.Algeo, J. The Voguish Use of non-, American Speech[J]. 1971:87-105.Barber, C. The English Language: A Historical Introduction[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993:45-46.Lipka, L. An Outline of English Lexicology: Lexical Structure, Word Semantics and Word-Formation[M]. Tubingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag. 1990:63-65. Mattews. Morphology[M]. 2nd ed. Beijing: Foreign language teaching and research press, 2000.程焕福。
