
考研英语语法基础讲义屠皓民一、考研语法考什么?二、定语从句1. 关系词的产生2. 介词+which/whom 的由来3. When/where/why 的演变4. 限定性与非限定性从句区别与翻译5. 定语从句省略实战演练:将下面的句子翻译成英文1. All those____________ (想去长城的) will get together at the bus—stop at six tomorrow morning .2. The building ________________________ (座落于我们学校附近的) is a hospital.3. Tom is really the bravest boy _________________________ (我所认识的)。
4. Have you received the letter ___________________________ (我上星期六写的)?5. Can you help me find the person ________________________(救我女儿命的)6. This is the one hundredth letter_________________________ (我上个月收到的)。
7. Tennis______________ (夏季最好的运动之一) can be played by two or four players .8. I shall use the machine in such a way____________________________ (他使用过的).强化练习Fill in the blanks with “prep + whom/which”.1. The teacher ____ _______ I learnt most was Mrs. Zhu.2. Mathematics is the subject ______ _______ I am most interested.3.This is the house __________ _________ I was born.课程内容一、 考研语法考什么?二、 考研语法巅峰考点——定语从句三、 考研语法重点考点——状语从句四、 考研语法特殊考点——倒装结构五、 长难句四步拆分——选自《考研工具书之语法长难句》(屠皓民编)《考研英语基础核心教程》4.Is that the girl ________ ________ you lent your bicycle?5.This is the pen ________ _______ I wrote the letter.6.These are the things _______ ________ I spoke just now.7.Is that the fish _______ _______ you asked the waiter?8.We love the village _______ _______ we work for two years.9.Peter, ______ ______ I played tennis on Sundays, was stronger than I.Fill in the blanks with “where 、why、when ”1. I don’t know the reason ___________ he was late for the class.2. I will never forget the day _____________ I joined the army.3. This is the factory ____________ my father worked 30 years ago.Multiple Choicesl . I will never forget the day I joined the League.A. whichB. whenC. in whichD. on that2. September 18, 1931 is the day we'll never forget.A. thatB. whenC. on whichD. on that3. This is the factory we visited last year.A. whereB. which C . the one D .at which4. Is this the factory your father works?A. whereB. whichC. of whichD. in that5. This is the best factory I have visited all my life.A. whereB. which C . when D. that6. Is this the factory color TV set are produced?A. thatB. which C . in which D . in that7. Have you found the woman purse was lost?A. herB. of whichC. thatD. whose8. Where is the window glass is broken?A. whichB. thatC. whoseD. its9. The book, the cover is broken, is not mine.A. of itB. forC. whoseD. of which10. Who' s the comrade you just shook hands with?A . whomB .which C. whose D. of which11. Do you know the comrade we are talking?A. to whomB. to who C . whom D. to that12. The comrade is speaking at the meeting is a good worker.A. whomB. whichC. whoD. whose13. Mr. Green, has come for a visit to China, arrived in Shanghai yesterday.A. whomB. thatC. whichD. who14. This is Mr. Smith, I think has something to tell you.A. who B . whom C. that D. x15. His father is an engineer, makes him very proud.A. for whatB. which C . that D. what16. He talked about the teachers and schools he had visited.A. whichB. whoC. thatD. what17. He is the only man I can find for the work.A. who'sB. whoseC. thatD. which18. I, your close friend, will try my best to help you out.A. who isB. who amC. that isD. what is19. Those want to see the film please put down your names.A. whichB. whatC. whoseD. who20. He does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.A. whatB. who C . which D. as21. That was the reason Mac refused to speak at the meeting.A. whyB. thatC. whichD. of which22. Do you know the reason he was late for school.A. of itB. for itC. whichD. for which23. Please bring back the dictionary I lent to you last week.A. whereB. whatC. whichD. who*24. The knife we cut the bread is very sharp.A. with whichB. that whichC. which with D . which25. He bought me a dictionary on my birthday, made me happy.A. whichB. thatC. whoD. whom26. His dog, was now very old, became ill and died.A. itB. thatC. whoseD. which27. I saw some trees , the leaves of were black with disease .A. thatB. which C . whose D . the trees28. He told me all he knew.A. whichB. whatC. thatD. who29. The first English novel I read was Robinson Crusoe.A. whichB. thatC. whereD. who30. This is the very book I am after.A. whichB. thatC. whoseD. whom31. A football fan is _____ has a strong interest in football.A. a thing thatB. something thatC. a person whoD. what32. The house, _____ was destroyed in the terrible fire, has been repaired.A. the roof of whichB. which roofC. its roofD. the roof33. Can you lend me the novel _____ the other day?A. that you talkedB. you talked about itC. which you talked withD. you talked about34. They talked for about an hour of things and persons _____ they remembered in the school.A. whichB. thatC. whoD. whom35. All the apples _____ fell down were eaten by the pigs.A. thatB. thoseC. whichD. what36. I’ll tell you _____ he told me last night.A. all whichB. all whatC. that allD. all37. A child _____ parents are dead is called an orphan.A. whoB. who’sC. whoseD. which38. -How do you like the book?-It’s quite different from _____ I read last month.A. thatB. whichC. the oneD. the one what39. Which sentence is wrong?A. The finger I dipped into the cup was not the one I put it into my mouth.B. Do you know the boy who jumped onto the platform?C. Science and new technology have made it possible for farmers to produce more food on the sameamount of land.D. People in ancient times took it for granted that the sun moved round the earth.40. The train _____ she was traveling was late.A. whichB. whereC. on whichD. in that41. He has lost the key to the drawer _____ the papers are kept.A. whereB. on whichC. under whichD. which42. He often helps the students _____ he thinks are not quick at their studies.A. whomB. whoC. whenD. because43. The Second World War _____ millions of people were killed ended in 1945.A. whenB. during thatC. in whichD. which44. Mr. Crossett will never forget the day _____ he spent with his various students.A. whenB. whichC. during whichD. on which45. We are going to spend the Spring Festival in Guangzhou, _____ was decided last year.A. whichB. thatC. whoD. where三、状语从句1.类型2.状语从句省略3.虚拟语气四、倒装结构1.全部倒装2.部分倒装特殊句型真题再现z Reaching new peaks of popularity in North America is Iceberg Water, which is harvested from icebergs off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.z Emerging from the 1980 census is the picture of a nation developing more and more regional competition, as population growth in the Northeast and Midwest reaches a near standstill.z Scattered around the globe are more than 100 small regions of isolated volcanic activity known to geologists as hot spots.z Not only has the highway system affected the American economy by providing shipping routes, it has led to the growth of spin-off industries like service stations, motels, restaurants, and shopping centers/malls.五、长难句四步拆分策略长难句是考研的重点,完形和阅读中需要通过理解来解答题目,翻译部分直接考查考生对于长难句的理解和中文转换能力。

考研英语词汇分类总结考研英语词汇分类总结abnormal a.反常的,不正常的[记忆方法] ab-开头,表示反的(在a字母开头的词汇中,非常普遍),normal 正常的aboard ad.在船(飞机,车)上,上船(飞机,车);prep.在(船,飞机,车)上,上(船,飞机,车)[记忆方法] board n.木板, 甲板(参见另一记忆文章) abroad ad.到国外,在国外;到处abolish v.废除,取消[发音记忆] 剥离没有了废除,取消[类比记忆] -rupt 打断的abrupt a.突然的,意外的;(举止,言谈等)唐突的,鲁莽的bankrupt a.破产的银行的(经营)被打断的破产了bankruptcy n.破产;v.使破产corrupt v.贿赂,收买;a.腐败的,贪污的从内部core(核心) 被打断的被收买,贿赂了erupt v.(尤指火山)爆发e-向外interrupt v.中断,遮断,阻碍;打断(话),打扰在中间inter 被打断rupt[分类记忆] -stract 拉abstract a.抽象的;n.摘要,提要;v.提(抽取)attract v.吸引,招引,引诱,引起(注意等)attractive a.有吸引力的,引起兴趣的,动人的contract n.契约,合同,包工;v.缩小,缩短;订(约) 大家扯皮的结果订立合同distract v.分散,打扰;迷惑,扰乱dis-往外拉extract v./n.拔出,抽出;摘录ex-出来,出去extraction n.抽出,拔出subtract v.减(去) sub-下面的,往下面拉减少tractor n.拖拉机,牵引车[记忆方法] a开头的字母,如果它的后面接的是双写的辅音字母的话,那么考虑该词词义是不是加强后面的核心词的作用,ac-加强,celer-速度,ate放在词尾表示动词加速度加快,促进。
accelerate v.加快,促进反义词decelerate 减(慢)速度accent n.腔调,口音;重音(符号) ac-表加强access n.接近,进入;入口,通道,入口;接近(或进入)的方法have/gain access to可以获得ac-加强,强调可行性,过得去accessory n.附件,配件;a.附属的accept v.接受,认可;同意,认可-cept接受acceptable a.可接受的acceptance n.接受,验收;承认,认可concept n.概念,观念,思想con-共同的,-cept接受共同接受的东西概念(性的)conception n.概念,观念;设想,构想except prep.除...之外except for除...之外ex-表示除外,除了(这个都)接受exception n.例外,除外;with the exception of除...之外exceptional a.例外的,异常的reception n.接待,招待会;接收,接受,接收效果re-表示反复[分类记忆] cess-表示走concession n.迁就,让步;con-共同,大家都退一步,退一步海阔天空迁就,让步concession n.让步,迁就excess a.过量的,额外的;n.过量,过剩in excess of超过ex-超出,走过头了!excessive a.过多的,过分的inaccessible a.(to)达不到的access强调可行性,过得去,那么加in-就是不可行了microprocessor n.微处理器micro-微型的,这样开头的单词很多,尤其高科技玩意儿。

2018考研英语词汇分类总结屠皓民主讲1.经济类economist经济学家economy 节约economic economicaltraditional virtues, such as 厉行节约practicing economybull market 牛市= economic boom/ prosperity = thrive / flourish (v.) bear market 熊市= economic recession/ downturneconomic policy 经济政策=monetary policy 货币政策= fiscal policyeconomic fluctuation经济波动economic depression 经济衰退economic stability经济稳定[stable = steady]inflation 通货膨胀stagnation停滞,萧条,不景气devaluation (货币)贬值duty 税DFS[duty free shop]care-free / care for / care about /child-freex-freetax-free免税的joint venture 合资企业joint 连接make joint efforts to** We are expected to make joint efforts to advocate the traditional virtues, such as..... venture --- adventurejoint venture**ad- adore ad- oral English or- 说Adore 反复说---在意,爱慕,倾慕I adore you. / I love you.adhere toinherent 内在的,与生俱来的advocateinfrastructurebudget预算deficit 赤字consolidation 兼并【con- solid ation】merge merger 兼并emerge 出现---emergence 出现/// emergency 紧急事件submerge出现浸入,subway subconscious submarine[Subway赛百味]词汇辨析——单词完型contract合同con- tract拉tractor拖拉机attractcontract v. 缩短n. 协议,合同甲方乙方partyaffiliate(n./v.)分公司,附属机构;使附属于accustom accompany affix affirm acclaim appraise appropriate assimilateaffiliate fill填充,加入affiliate 。

新东方考研英语考研重点语法(长难句分)突破高级语法讲义 (1)省略: (2)定语从句的回顾 (2)定语从句省略 (2)状语从句省略 (3)独立主格结构 (4)虚拟语气 (5)倒装: (6)全部倒装 (6)部分倒装 (7)实例练习(1) (9)实例练习(2) (9)否定: (10)全部否定和部分否定 (10)双重否定 (10)实例练习 (11)长难句分析 (12)实例练习 (12)非谓语动词 (13)插入语 (15)强调句 (16)屠皓民长难句突破班省略:定语从句的回顾Fruit that contains vitamin C can relieve a cold. The man who we met yesterday is a famous psychologist. iuThis is the right book that you are looking for.二、关系词充当宾语的时候三、关系词充当主语(1)谓语结构为实词(2)谓语结构为be + 名词四、先行词为the way定语从句省略A control box fitted to the car contains a mini-cellphone, amicro-processor and memory, and a GPS (全球定位系统) satellite positioning receiver. (06。
6 旧)She is likely to have fewer but healthier children and can insist on the development of all her children, ensuring that her daughters are given a fair chance. (06。
6 旧)Interest in pursuing international careers has soared in recent years, enhanced by chronic (长久的) personnel shortages that are causing companies to search beyond their home borders for talent.(06。

:2009考研英语大纲词汇莫玄第一部分做梦娶媳妇篇ceive- cept(握有,获得)●conceive (3) [ ☜⏹♦♓ ]con(整体,全部)+ceive(获得)=获得整体概念=构想v.①(of)设想,构思,想象;②怀胎,受孕concept (19) [ ⏹♦♏☐♦ ]n.概念,观念,思想concept ion(2) [ ☜⏹♦♏☐☞☜⏹ ]n.①概念,观念;②设想,构想●deceive (1) [ ♎♓♦♓ ]v.欺骗,蒙蔽deceit (无) [ ♎♓♦♓♦ ]n.欺骗,欺骗行为,谎言●receive (24)[ ❑♓♦♓ ]v.①收到,接到;②接待,接见(引)receiver n. 接收者,接收器receipt (无)[ ❑♓♦♓♦ ]n.①收据,收条;②收到,接到reception (6)[ ❑♓♦♏☐☞☜⏹ ]n.①接待,招待会;②接收,接受,接收效果●perceive (4)[ ☐☜♦♓ ]v.①察觉,感知;②理解,领悟●ac cept (33)[ ☜♦♏☐♦ ]v.①接受, 认可;②同意,认可accept able[ ☜♦♏☐♦☜♌● ]a.可接受的accept ance[☜♦♏☐♦☜⏹♦]n.①接受,验收;②承认,认可第二部分站如青松篇stable/stacle/state-stance/stand/stant-stin/stim-siststim 促进其余都是“站”的意思一.stable/stacle●stab (无)[ s♦✌♌ ]v./n.刺,戳stable (8)[ ♦♦♏♓♌● ]a.稳定的,安定的n.马厩,马棚st ability (3)[ ♦♦☜♌♓●♓♦♓ ]n.稳定,安定in stability (无)[ ♓⏹♦♦☜♌♓●♓♦♓ ]n.不稳定(性)stadi um(3)[ steidi☜m]n.运动场,体育场●ob stacle (1)[ ♌♦♦☜●]n.障碍,妨碍,干扰(to)e stablish (15)[ ♓♦♦✌♌●♓☞ ]v.①建立,设立;②安置,使定居e stablish ment (3)[ ♓♦♦✌♌●♓☞❍☜⏹♦ ]n. ①建立,设立②建立的机构(或组织)二.state ●e state (2) [i steit]n.房地产,地产 state (82) [ ♦♏♓♦ ] n. ①状态,情况; ②国,州 v. ③陈述,说明 ④规定state ment [ ♦♦♏♓♦❍☜⏹♦ ] n.声明,陈述states man [ ♦♦♏♓♦♦❍☜⏹ ] n.政治家,国务活动家 stat ic(al) (无) [ ♦♦✌♦♓ ] a.静态的,静力的●station (8) [ ♦♦♏♓☞☜⏹ ] n.车站;所,站,局;身份,地位v.安置,驻扎 station ary (2) [ ♦♦♏♓☞☎☜✆⏹☜❑♓ ] a.静止的,固定的 stationery (无) [ ♦♦♏♓☞☎☜✆⏹☜❑♓ ] n.文具 ●statistical (3) [ ♦♦☜♦♓♦♦♓☜● ] a.统计的,统计学的 statistics (10) [ ♦♦☜♦♓♦♦♓♦ ]n.统计(学)注:-ics 学科 stat ue (无) [ ♦♦✌♦◆] n.塑像,雕像 stat ute (无) [ ♦♦✌♦◆♦] n.法规,章程,规则stat us (17)[ ♦♦♏♓♦☜♦ ]n. ①地位,身份;②情形,状况三.stance/stand/stant ●circum stance (9)[ ♦☜☜❍♦♦☜⏹♦ ]n .①[pl.]情况,形势,环境; ②经济情形,境况 in stance (7)[ ♓⏹♦♦☜⏹♦ ] n.例子,事例,例证 in stant (4)[ ♓⏹♦♦☜⏹♦ ] a.①立即的,直接的; ②紧迫的;③(食品)速溶的,方便的 n.瞬间,时刻 instant aneous (1)[ ♓⏹♦♦☜⏹♦♏♓⏹☜♦ ] a.瞬间的,即刻的 instant ly (2)[ ♓⏹♦♦☜⏹♦●♓ ] ad.立即,即刻 ●sub stance (26)[ ♦✈♌♦♦☜⏹♦ ] n. ①物质, 实质; ②财产,财物 ③大意;a. ①实质的,真实的;②坚固的,结实的; ③富裕的stand [ ♦✌⏹♎ ] v.①站,站立; ②坐落,位于; ③坚持,维持原状;④经受,忍受 n.台,座 standard (29)[ ♦♦✌⏹♎☜♎ ]n.标准,规则a.标准的 standard ize (3) [ ♦♦✌⏹♎☜♎♋✋] v.使符合标准,使标准化●con stant (9次) [ ⏹♦♦☜⏹♦ ] a. ①经常的,不断的;②坚定的,永恒的 ③忠实的 stand point (无) [ ♦♦✌⏹♎☐✋⏹♦] n.立场,观点 di stance (11)[ ♎♓♦♦☜⏹♦ ] n.距离,间隔,远方,路程di stant (7)[ ♎♓♦♦☜⏹♦ ] a.远的,久远的 四.stim/stin 篇●stim ulate (4次) [ ♦♦♓❍◆●♏♓♦ ] v. ①刺激, 使兴奋; ②激励,鼓舞sting (无) [ ♦♦♓☠ ]v./n. ①刺,刺痛,剧痛;②刺,叮 stir (2) [ ♦♦☜ ]v.①搅拌,搅动;②摇动; ③激动; ④轰动; ⑤煽动,鼓动 stir up 激起,鼓动,煽动 stitch (无) [ ♦♦♓♦☞ ] n.一针,针脚v.缝,缝合●ob stinate (无) [ ♌♦♦♓⏹♓♦ ] a.顽固的,固执的di stinct (14) [ ♎♓♦♦♓☠♦ ] a. ①清楚的, 明显的; ② (from)截然不同的 di stinct ion[ ♎♓♦♦♓☠☞☜⏹ ] n.差别,区分 di stinguish (10)[ ♎♓♦♦♓☠♈♦♓☞ ] v. ① (from)区别,辨别; ②辨认出; ③使杰出 五.sist 篇●ex ist (37)[ ♓♈♓♦♦ ] v.存在;生活exist ence [ ♓♈♓♦♦☜⏹♦ ] n. ①存在,实在; ②生存,生活(方式)exist ent[ ♓♈♓♦♦☜⏹♦ ] a.存在的 non existent 不存在的●as sist (18)[ ☜♦♓♦♦ ] v.帮助,援助,协助assist ance [ ☜♦♓♦♦☜⏹♦ ] n.帮助,援助assist ant [ ☜♊♦♓♦♦☜⏹♦ ] n.助手,助教 a.辅助的,助理的 v.(in)在于,存在于;(of)由…组成,由...构成 consist ent (7)[ ☜⏹♦♓♦♦☜⏹♦ ] a. ① (with)前后一致的 ②始终如一的 ●in sist (9)[ ♓⏹♦♓♦♦ ] v.(on)坚持要求, 坚持(强调坚决主张)per sist (5)[ ☐☜☎✆♦♓♦♦ ]v.(in)坚持,持续(强调一种精神)●re sist (3)[ ❑♓♓♦♦ ]v.①抵抗, 反抗;②抗,忍得住,抵制resist ance (2)[ ❑♓♓♦♦☜⏹♦ ]n.①(to)抵抗,反抗;②抵抗力,阻力;③电阻resist ant(3次)[ ❑♓♓♦♦☜⏹♦ ]a.(to)抵抗的,有抵抗力的第三部分飞刀切菜篇cad/case/cide-cise/cide-pend/pense-set/stall/pose-press-here落-切-悬-放-压-粘一.cad/case 篇dec ade (23)[ ♎♏♏♓♎ ]n.十年dec 十dec imal 十进(制)的decay (无)[ ♎♓♏♓ ]v./n.①腐朽,腐烂;②衰减,衰退case (35)[ ♏♓♦ ] n.①箱,盒,容器;②情况,事实;③病例;④案件cash ier (无)[ ☜☞♓☜ ]n.收银员,出纳员cash(14)[ ✌☞ ]n.现金,现款v.兑现,付(或收)现款cas ual (6)[ ✌✞◆☜● ]a.①偶然的, 碰巧的;②临时的,非正式的casualty (1)[ ✌✞◆☜●♦♓ ]n.①伤亡人员;②受害人occasion (3)[ ☜♏♓✞☜⏹ ]n.①场合, 时节, 时刻;②时机,机会occasion al (5)[ ☜♏♓✞⏹☜● ]a.①偶然的,非经常的,特殊场合的;②临时的;③不时的二.cide/cise 篇●de cide (16)[ ♎♓♦♋♓♎ ]v.①决定, 下决心;②解决,裁决decided (5)[ ♎♓♦♋♓♎♓♎ ]a.①决定了的的,坚决的;②明显的,明确的decision (24)[ ♎♓♦♓✞☜⏹ ]n.①决定,决心;②决议;决策decisive (2)[ ♎♓♦♋♓♦♓ ]a.①决定性的;②明确的;③果断的;de term ine (25)[ ♎♓♦☜❍♓⏹ ]v.①决心,决定;(强调坚忍不拔)②确定,限定a.精确的,准确的precis ion(2)[ ☐❑♓♦♓✞☜⏹ ]n.精确,精确度con cise (2)[ ☜⏹♦♋♓♦ ]a.简明的,简洁的●sui cide (10)[ ♦◆♓♦♋♓♎ ]n.自杀,自取灭亡ac cid ent (14)[ ✌♦♓♎☜⏹♦ ]n.①事故;②意外的事,偶然的事ac cid ent al (1)[ ✌♦♓♎♏⏹♦● ]a. 偶然的,意外的―ly adv.in cid ence (1)[ ♓⏹♦♓♎☜⏹♦ ]n.发生(率)in cid ent (8)[ ♓⏹♦♓♎☜⏹♦ ]n.事件,事变incident ally(1)[✋⏹♦✋♎♏⏹♦☜●✋]ad.附带地,顺便提及co in cide (无)[ ☜◆♓⏹♦♋♓♎ ]v.和...一致,相符,相同coincid ence(2)[ ☜◆♓⏹♦♓♎☜⏹♦ ]n.①巧合,巧事;②一致,符合三. pend/pense 篇●de pend (23)[ ♎♓☐♏⏹♎ ]v.①(on/upon) 取决于, 依靠②信赖,相信depend ence(4)[ ♎♓☐♏⏹♎☜⏹♦ ]n.(on)依靠;依赖;信赖depend ent(6)[ ♎♓☐♏⏹♎☜⏹♦ ]a.①依靠的, 依赖的②从属的;随...而定的in dependence (5)[ ♓⏹♎♓☐♏⏹♎☜⏹♦ ]n.独立,自主in 相反in depend ent(15)[ ♓⏹♎♓☐♏⏹♎☜⏹♦ ]a.(of)独立的,自主的in 相反in dispensable (3)[ ♓⏹♎♓♦☐♏⏹♦☜♌● ]a.(to,for)必不可少的,必需的in 相反●sus pend (3)[ ♦☜♦☐♏⏹♎ ]v.①吊, 悬挂;②推迟,暂停sus pense (无)[ ♦☜♦☐♏⏹♦ ] n.悬而未决,不确定sus pens ible (无)[ ♦☜♦☐♏⏹♦☜♌● ]a.可吊的,可悬浮的,可悬挂的append ix(无)[ ☜☐♏⏹♎♓♦ ]n.附录,附属物四.set/stall●set [ ♦♏♦ ]n.①(一)套,(一)副,(一)批;②机组,接收机v.①放,安置;②树立,创造;③调正,校正;④落山,下沉a.不变的,固定的,规定的setting (3)[ ♦♏♦♓☠ ]n.①安置,安装;②落山;③(固定东西的)柜架底座;④环境,背景set tle (12)[ ♦♏♦● ]v.①安定, 安顿;②停息;③定居;④解决,调停settle ment (4)[ ♦♏♦●❍☜⏹♦ ]n.①解决, 决定, 调停;②居留区,住宅区●stall (1)[ ♦♦● ]n.①货摊;②畜栏,厩v.(使)停转,(使)停止in stall/instal (3)[ ♓⏹♦♦● ]v.安装,设置install ation(无)[ ♓⏹♦♦☜●♏♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①安装,设置;②装置,设备install ment(无)[ ♓⏹♦♦●❍☜⏹♦ ]n.①分期付款;②就任,就职五. pose●dose (1)[ ♎☜◆♦ ]n.剂量,一服,一剂v.(给...)服药pose[ ☐☜◆ ]v.①造成(困难等);②提出(问题等),陈述(观点等);③摆姿势;④假装,冒充position (10)[ ☐☜♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①位置;②职位,职务;③姿势,姿态;④见解,立场,形势positive (8)[ ☐☜♦♓ ]a.①确实的,明确的;②积极的,肯定的;③正的,阳性的;④十足的,完全的n.(摄影)正片●im pose (6)[ ♓❍☐☜◆ ]v.①征(税);②(on)把...强加给ex pose (8)[ ♓♦☐☜◆ ]v.①(to)使暴露,受到;②使曝光expos ure (1)[ ♓♦☐☜◆✞☜ ]n.①暴露,揭露;②(to)受到dis posal (无)[ ♎♓♦☐☜◆☜● ]n.①处理,处置;②布置,安排dis pose (2)[ ♎♓♦☐☜◆ ]v.①(of)处理,处置;②(for)布置,安排de pos it(2)[ ♎♓☐♓♦ ]v.①存放;②储蓄;③使沉淀;④付(保证金)n.①存款,保证金;②沉积物deposit ion(无)[ ♎♏☐☜♓☞☜⏹, ♎♓ ]n.沉积作用,沉积物op pose (7)[ ☜☐☜◆ ]v.反对,反抗oppos ite(9)[ ☐☜♓♦ ]a.(to)对面的,对立的,相反的n.对立面,对立物prep.在...的对面●sym posium (2)[ ♦♓❍☐☜◆♓☜❍, ☐ ]n.①讨论会, 专题报告会;②专题论文集de compose (无)[ ♎♓☜❍☐☜◆ ]v.分解com pose (5)[ ☜❍☐☜◆ ]v.①组成, 构成;②(of)由...组成;③创作(作曲,诗歌等)composit ion(15)[ ❍☐☜♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①作品,作文, 乐曲;②写作,作曲;③结构,组成,成分pre position (无)[ ☐❑♏☐☜♓☞☜⏹ ]n.介词pur pose (26)[ ☐☜☐☜♦ ]n.①目的, 意图;②用途,效果pro posal (2)[ ☐❑☜☐☜◆☜● ]n.①提议, 建议;②求婚pro pose (5)[ ☐❑☜☐☜◆ ]v.①提议, 建议;②提名,推荐;③求婚pro position (3)[ ☐❑☐☜♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①主张, 建议;②陈述,命题sup pose (7)[ ♦☜☐☜◆ ]v.①料想, 猜想;②假定,以为;③[用于祈使语句]让,没六.press 篇●press [ ❑♓ ]v.①压,揿,按;②压榨,压迫;③紧迫,催促,逼迫n.①报刊, 出版社, 通讯社;②压榨机,压力机;③压,揿,按press ure (10)[♊☐❑♏☞☜☎❑✆]n.①压(力);②强制,压迫,压强im press (4)[ ♓❍☐❑♏♦ ]v.①(on) 印, 盖印;②留下印象,引人注目n.印记impress ion(4)[ ♓❍☐❑♏☞☜⏹ ]n.①印象, 感想;②盖印,压痕impress ive(1)[ ♓❍☐❑♏♦♓ ]a.给人深刻印象的,感人的ex press (32)[ ♓♦☐❑♏♦ ]v.表达,表示a.特快的,快速的n.快车,快运ex pression[ ♓♦☐❑♏☞☜⏹ ]n.①表达,表示;②词句,措词;③式,符号●de press (9)[ ♎♓☐❑♏♦ ]v.①压抑, 降低;②使沮丧,压下op press (1)[ ☜☐❑♏♦ ]v.压迫,压制sup press (1)[ ♦☜☐❑♏♦ ] v. ①镇压, 压制; ②抑制,忍住; ③查禁 com press (1)[ ☜❍☐❑♏♦ ] v.压缩,浓缩 ●pess imistic (1) [ ☐♏♦♓❍♓♦♦♓ ] a.悲观(主义)的 optimistic (8) [ ☐♦✋❍✋♦♦✋] a.乐观主义的optim ize (无) [ ☐♦♓❍♋♓ ] v.使优化七.here 篇 ●co herent (无) [ ☜◆♒♓☜❑☜⏹♦ ] a.粘着的,粘附的 in herent (2)[ ♓⏹♒♓☜❑☜⏹♦ ] a.固有的,内在的,天生的 in her it (无) [ ♓⏹♒♏❑♓♦ ] v.继承 ad here (无) [ ☜♎♒♓☜ ] v.①(to)粘附,胶着;②坚持 her it age (1)[ ♒♏❑♓♦♓♎✞ ] n. ①遗产,继承物; ②传统 ●her[ ♒☜ ] pron.[she 的宾格]她; [she 的所有格]她的 herd (无) [ ♒☜♎ ] n.群,兽群,牛群 v.放牧,群集 here [ ♒♓☜ ] ad.①这里,在这里;②从这里,到这里; ③在这一点上,这时 hero (5)[ ♒♓☜❑☜◆ ] n. ①英雄, 勇士;②男主角,男主人公heroin e (无) [ ♒♏❑☜◆♓⏹ ] n. ①女英雄; ②女主角 heroin (3)[ ♒♏❑☜◆♓⏹ ] n.海洛因 hero ic (无)[ ♒♓❑☜◆♓ ] a.英雄的,英勇的 ●hers [ ♒☜ ] pron.[she 的物主代词]她的(东西)herself [ ♒☜♦♏●♐ ] pron.她自己,她亲自,她本人 he sit ate (4) [ ♒♏♓♦♏♓♦ ]v. ①犹豫,踌躇; ②含糊,支吾 hesitat ion (无)[ ♒♏♓♦♏♓☞☜⏹ ] n.犹豫,踌躇highjack (无 )[`♒♋✋♎✞✌] v. 抢劫,劫持,揩油第四部分 女子十二乐坊篇feas/feat/fect- fic/fac/fact-ag/act/oper- feit/fit/labor 做一. feas/feat ●feas ible (无) [ ♐♓☜♌● ] a.可行的f east (无)[ ♐♓♦♦ ]n.①节日;②宴会feather (无)[ ♐♏❆☜ ]n.羽毛feat ure (9)[ ♐♓♦☞☜ ]n.①特征,特色;②特写二. feat/fect/fic●de feat (5)[ ♎♓♐♓♦ ]v./n.战胜,挫败n.失败de fect (2)[ ♎♓♐♏♦ ]n.缺点,缺陷de ficiency (1)[ ♎♓♐♓☞☜⏹♦♓ ]n.①缺乏,不足;②缺陷de ficit (无)[ ♎♏♐♓♦♓♦ ]n.赤字,逆差●ef ficiency (10)[ ♓♐♓☞☜⏹♦♓ ]n.①效率;②功效ef fici ent(10)[ ♓♐♓☞☜⏹♦ ]a.①有效的, 效率高的;(in-)②有能力的,能胜任的suf ficient (14)[ ♦☜♐♓☞☜⏹♦ ]a.(for)足够的,充分的in sufficient (3)[ ♓⏹♦☜♐♓☞☜⏹♦ ]a.(for,of)不足的,不够的pro ficiency (2)[ ☐❑☜♐♓☞☜⏹♦♓ ]n.(in)熟练,精通●ef fect (66)[ ♓♐♏♦ ]n.①(on)作用,影响;②结果;③效果,效力v.产生,招致ef fect ive[ ♓♐♏♦♓ ]a.有效的,生效的af fect (19)[ ☜♐♏♦ ]v.①影响;②感动affect ion (1)[ ☜♐♏☞☜⏹ ]n.①爱,慈爱,感情;②影响●per fect (5)[ ☐☜♐♓♦ ]a.①完善的, 无瑕的;②完全的,十足的;③[语法]完成的v.使完美,改进perfect ion (无)[ ☐☜♐♏☞☜⏹ ]n.尽善尽美,完美perfect ly (1)[ ☐♐✋♦●✋]ad.很,完全●super ficial (3)[ ♦◆☐☜♐♓☞☜● ]a.①表面的;②肤浅的,浅薄的art i fic ial (7)[ ♦♓♐♓☞☜● ]a.①人工的, 人造的;②人为的,娇揉造作的office (26)[ ♐♓♦ ]n.①办公室,办事处;②职务,公职;③部,局,处offic er (4)[ ♐♓♦☜ ]n.①官员, 办事员;②工作人员;③军官offic ia l (11)[ ☜♐♓☞☜● ]n.官员,行政官员a.①官方的,官方的,②正式的,公务的三. fac/fact-ag 篇●fac ulty (2)[ ♐✌☜●♦♓ ]n.①才能;②学院,系;③(学院或系的)全体教学人员fac ility (无)[ ♐☜♦♓●♓♦♓ ]n.①灵巧, 熟练;②[pl.]]设备,设施,便利条件fac ilitate (1)[ ♐☜♦♓●♓♦♏♓♦ ]v.使变得(更)容易,使便利●fact or (15)[ ♐✌♦☜ ]n.因素,要素fact ory[ ♐✌♦☜❑♓ ]n.工厂fact (50)[ ♐✌♦ ]n.事实,实际ex ag gerate (2)[ ♓♈✌♎✞☜❑♏♓♦ ]v.夸大,夸张四.act 篇●act [✌♦]v.①行动,做事;②(on)起作用;③表演n.①行为,动作;②(一)幕;③法令,条例act ion(17)[ ✌☞☜⏹ ]n.①行动, 行为;②动作,活动;③(on)作用act or[ ✌♦☜ ]n.男演员actr ess[ ✌♦❑♓♦ ]n.女演员●re act (8)[ ❑♓✌♦ ]v.①反应, 起作用;②(against)反对,起反作用react ion[ ❑♓☎✆✌☞☜⏹ ]n.反应react or(无)[ ❑♓☎✆✌♦☜ ]n.反应堆●inter act (17)[ ♓⏹♦☜❑✌♦ ]v.互相作用,互相影响interact ion[ ♓⏹♦☜❑✌☞☜⏹ ]n.互相作用,互相影响●act ive(12)[ ✌♦♓ ]a.有活力的,活跃的,敏捷的,在活动中的activ ate(4)[ ✌♦♓♏♓♦ ]v.使活动,起动activ ity(12)[ ✌♦♓♓♦♓ ]n.①活动;②活性,活力act ual(24)[ ✌♦◆☜● ]a.实际的,现实的●ex act (14)[ ♓♈✌♦ ]a.确切的,正确的,精确的exact ly[ ♓♈✌♦●♓ ]ad.确切地,精确地,恰好五.oper 篇●opera (2)[ ☐☜❑☜]n.歌剧oper ate(4)[ ☐☜❑♏♓♦ ]v.①运转,开动;②(on)动手术,开刀,(对...)施行手术operat or(无)[ ☐☜❑♏♓♦☜ ]n.①操作人员②(电话)接线员operat ion(13)[ ☐☜❑♏♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①运转, 开动, 操作;②(on)手术;③运算operation al(1)[ ☐☜❑♏♓☞☜⏹● ]a.操作的,运转的●co operate (2)[ ☜◆☐☜❑♏♓♦ ]v.(with)合作,协作,相配合cooperat ive(4) [ ☜◆☐☜❑☜♦♓ ]a.合作的,协作的n.合作社六. feit/fit/laborcount[ ◆⏹♦]v.①数,计算;②算入;③看作,认为n.计数,计算,总数counter[ ♋◆⏹♦☜ ]n.①柜台;②计数器a./ad.相反(的)v.反对,反击counter part (3) [ ♋◆⏹♦☜☐♦ ]n.对应的人(或物)counter feit(无) [ ♋◆⏹♦☜♐♓♦ ]v.伪造for feit (无)[ ♐♐♓♦ ]n.没收;罚金●bene ficial (3)[ ♌♏⏹♓♐♓☞☜● ]a. (to)有利的, 有益的bene fit (27)[ ♌♏⏹♓♐♓♦ ]n.利益,好处,恩惠v.①有益于;②(from,by)受益●pro fit (18)[ ☐❑♐♓♦ ]n.利润,收益,益处v.①(by,from)得利,获益;②利用;有利于profit able[ ☐❑♐♓♦☜♌☜● ]a.有利可图的,有益的●favor/favour (19)[ ♐♏♓☜ ]n.①恩惠,帮助;②好感,喜爱v.①赞成,支持②偏爱,偏袒favor able/favourable[ ♐♏♓☜❑☜♌● ]a.赞许的,有利的,顺利的favor ite/favourite[ ♐♏♓☜❑♓♦ ]n.最喜欢的人或物a.特别喜欢的,中意的●col labor ate(无)[ ☜●✌♌☜❑♏♓♦ ]v.协作,合作e labor ate (4)[ i ●✌♌☜❑☜♦ ]a.详尽的,精心的v.精心制作,详细说明第五部分美女的心事篇man - mini - miss/mit/port - move/mobe/mote/mate/cur/trol- flu/fuse 人、手-小-出去-运动-流动一.男人篇●male [ ❍♏♓● ]n./a.①男性(的)②雄性(的)mal function (无)[ ❍✌●♐✈☠☞☜⏹ ]n./v.①失灵;②功能失常mal treat (无)[ ❍✌●♦❑♓♦ ]v.虐待●man [❍✌⏹]n.①男人;②人类,人manage[ ❍✌⏹♓♎✞ ]v.①经营, 管理, 处理;②设法,对付;③操纵,运用manager[ ❍✌⏹♓♎✞☜ ]n.经理,管理人manage ment(19)[ ❍✌⏹♓♎✞❍☜⏹♦ ]n.①经营,管理;②管理部门●manifesto (1)[ ❍✌⏹♓♐♏♦♦☜◆ ]n.宣言manifest (8)[ ❍✌⏹♓♐♏♦♦ ]v.表明,证明,显示a.明白的,明了的mani pul ation (2)[ ❍☜⏹♓☐◆●♏♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①操作;②控制;③应付manipul ate (2)[ ❍☜⏹♓☐◆●♏♓♦ ]v.①操作, 控制;②应付,处理●man ner (18)[ ❍✌⏹☜ ]n.①方式, 方法;②举止;③[pl.]风度,礼貌;④规矩;⑤风俗man ly(无)[ ❍✌⏹●♓ ]a.男子气概的,果断的man kind (6)[ ❍✌⏹♋♓⏹♎ ]n.人类●manu al (2)[ ❍✌⏹◆☜● ]a.手的,手工做的,体力的n.手册,指南manu fact ure (6)[ ❍✌⏹◆♐✌♦☞☜ ]v.制造,加工n.①制造, 制造业;②产品manu script (1)[ ❍✌⏹◆♦❑♓☐♦ ]n.手稿,原稿二.迷你篇●mine [ ❍♋♓⏹ ]pron.[I的物主代词]我的(东西)n.矿,矿山,矿井v.①采矿;②布雷min er[ ❍♋✋⏹☜☎❑✆]n.矿工miner al(2)[ ❍✋⏹☜❑☎☜✆●]n.矿物,矿石a.矿物的,矿质的●mini stry (无)[ ❍♓⏹♓♦♦❑♓ ]n.①(政府的)部;②牧师mini ster (3)[ ❍♓⏹♓♦♦☜ ]n.部长,大臣ad ministrate/administer(无)[ ☜♎❍♓⏹♓♦♦❑♏♓♦ ]v.①掌管,料理...的事务;②实施,执行;③给予,投(药)administrat ion(5)[ ☜♎❍♓⏹♓♦♦❑♏♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①管理,经营;②行政(机关,部门);③政府●mini ature (无)[ minj☜t☞☜ ]n.缩小的模型,缩图a.微型的,缩小的mini m ize/minimize (无)[ ❍✋⏹✋❍♋✋]v.①使减少到最少②使降到最低mini mum (3)[ ❍♓⏹♓❍☜❍ ]n.最小值,最低限度a.最小的,最低的maxi mum (2)[ ❍✌♦♓❍☜❍ ]n.最大值,极限a.最大的,最高的min or(3)[ ❍♋♓⏹☜ ]a.较小的,较小的,较次要的n.兼修学科v.(in)兼修maj or (30)[ ❍♏♓♎✞☜ ]a.(较)大的,(较)重要的n.①专业,主修科目;②专业学生;③少校v.(in)主修,专攻minor ity [ ❍♋♓⏹❑♓♦♓ ]n.少数,少数派,少数民族major ity[ ❍☜♎✞❑♓♦♓ ]n.多数,大多数●min us(无)[ ❍♋♓⏹☜♦ ]a.负的,减的prep.减去n.负号,减号plus (1)[ ☐●✈♦ ] prep.加上a.正的,加的n.加号,正号di minish (4)[ ♎♓❍♓⏹♓☞ ]v.缩小,减少,递减pro minent (1)[ ☐❑❍♓⏹☜⏹♦ ]a.①突起的,凸出的;②突出的,杰出的三.Miss/mit/port篇●miss [ ❍♓♦ ]n.[Miss]小姐v.①未击中, 错过, 没达到;②惦念;③(out)漏掉,省去miss ile(无)[ ❍♓♦♋♓● ]n.导弹,发射物missing (6)[ ❍♓♦♓☠ ]a.漏掉的,失去的,失踪的●miss ion(5)[ ❍♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①使命, 任务;②使团,代表团sub mission (无)[ ♦☜♌❍♓☞☜⏹ ]n.提交,呈送com mission (4)[ ☜❍♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①委员会;②委任,委托(书),代办;③佣金,手续费per mission (3)[ ☐☜☎✆❍♓☞☜⏹ ]n.允许,同意ad mission (3)[ ☜♎❍♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①允许进入,接纳,收容;②承认●e mission (2)[ ♓❍♓☞☜⏹ ]n.散发,发射e mit (1)[ ♓❍♓♦ ]v.散发,发射trans mission (2)[ ♦❑✌⏹❍♓☞☜⏹ ]n.①播送,发射;②传动,传送trans mit (4)[ ♦❑✌⏹❍♓♦ ]v.①传播,发射;②传递,传导●sub mit (2)[ ♦☜♌❍♓♦ ]v.①(to)使服从,屈服;②(to)呈送,提交com mit (9)[ ☜❍♓♦ ]v.①把...交托给,提交;②犯(错误),干(坏事)per mit (4)[ ☐☜☎✆❍♓♦ ]v.许可,允许n.许可证,执照ad mit (9)[ ☜♎❍♓♦ ]v.①让...进入,接纳;②承认●com mittee (9)[ ☜❍♓♦♓ ]n.委员会,全体委员dis miss (4)[ ♎♓♦❍♓♦ ]v.①免职,解雇,开除②解散inter mittent (1)[ ♓⏹♦☜☎✆❍♓♦☜⏹♦ ]a.间歇的,断断续续的●port [ ☐♦ ]n.港口port able (无)[ ☐♦☜♌● ]a.轻便的,手提(式)的port er(无)[ ☐♦☜ ]n.①搬运工人;②门房port ion(3)[ ☐☞☜⏹ ]n.一部分,一份port rait (无)[ ☐♦❑♓♦ ]n.肖像,画像●ex port (7)[ ♏♦☐♦ ]v./n.输出,出口n.出口商品im port (4)[ ♓❍☐♦ ]v.进口,输入n.①进口, 输入;②[pl.]进口商品,进口物资;③要旨,含意import ance(77)[ ♓❍☐♦☜⏹♦ ]n.重要,重要性import ant[ ♓❍☐♦☜⏹♦ ]a.①重要的, 重大的;②有地位的,有权力的●op port unity(12)[ ☐☜♦◆⏹♓♦♓ ]n.机会pro portion (11)[ ☐❑☜☐☞☜⏹ ]n.①比例;②部分,份儿;③均衡,相称report (49)[ ❑♓☐♦ ]n.①报告,汇报;②传说,传阅v.报告,汇报,报到report er[❑♓☐♦☜]n.①报告人,通讯员;②记者,报导者四.动心篇●move (41)[❍◆]v.①移动,搬家②活动;③感动,激动n.移动,活动,行动move ment[ ❍◆❍☜⏹♦]n.①运动,活动;②移动,迁移re move(9)[❑♓❍◆]v.①排除,消除;②搬迁,移动,运走re mov al(无)[ri mu:v☜l] n.①移动, 迁居;②除去●mov ie (3)[ ❍◆♓]n.电影,电影院re mote (7)[❑♓❍☜◆♦]a.①远的,长久的;②偏僻的;③关系疏远的;pro mote (6)[☐❑☜❍☜◆t]v.①促进,发扬;②提升,提拔;③增进,助长mob ile (2)[ ❍☜◆♌♋♓●]a.可动的,活动的,运动的mobil ize/mobilise (无)[♊❍☜☺♌✋●✋]v.动员●auto [ ♦☜◆]n.汽车auto mobile (3)[ ♦☜❍☜◆♌♓●]n.汽车mot or(12)[ ❍☜◆♦☜]n.发动机,电动机motor way (1)[ ❍☜☺♦☜♦♏✋]n.高速公路●mot ion (10)[ ❍☜◆☞☜⏹]n.①运动,动;②提议,动议v.提议,动议mot ive(3)[ ❍☜◆♦♓]n.动机,目的a.发动的,运动的e motion (18)[♓❍☜◆☞☜⏹]n.情绪,情感●auto matic (5)[ ♦☜❍✌♦♓]n.自动机构a.自动的,无意识的,机械的auto mation (1)[ ♦☜❍♏♓☞☜⏹]n.自动(化)●cur rency (无)[ ✈❑☜⏹♦♓]n.通货,货币cur rent (12)[ ✈❑☜⏹♦]n.①电流, 水流, 气流;②潮流,趋势a.①当前的, 现在的;②通用的,流行的oc cur (18)[☜☜]v.①发生,出现;②想起,想到occurr ence[☜✈❑☜⏹♦]n.①发生,出现;②事件,事故,发生的事情in cur (无)[♓⏹☜:]v.招致,惹起,遭受con trol (58)[ ☜⏹♦❑☐●]n.(over)控制,支配v.控制,支配五.流泪篇●in fluence (23)[ ♓⏹♐●◆☜⏹♦]n.①(on) 影响,感化;②势力,权势v.影响,感化in fluent ial(2)[ ♓⏹♐●◆♏⏹☞☜●]a.①有影响的;②有权势的super fluous (无)[ ♦◆☐☜♐●◆☜♦]a.过剩的,多余的●flu [♐●◆]n.流行性感冒flu id (无)[ ♐●◆☎✆♓♎]a.流动的,液体的n.流体,液体flu ent (无)[ ♐●◆☎✆☜⏹♦]a.流利的,流畅的flu ctuate (1)[ ♐●✈♦◆♏♓t]v.使波动,使起伏flu sh (1)[♐●✈☞]v.冲洗,奔流n./v.脸红a.(with)齐平的,同高的●fuse [♐◆]n.保险丝,导火线,引信v.熔化,熔合dif fuse (1)[♎♓♐◆]v.①扩散;②传播,散布a.①(文章等)冗长的,漫无边际的;②四散的,弥漫的con fuse (6)[ ☜⏹♐◆]v.使混乱,混淆confus ion[ ☜⏹♐◆✞☜⏹]n.混乱,混淆re fusal (1)[❑♓♐◆☜●]n.拒绝,回绝re fuse (11)[❑♓♐◆]v.拒绝,谢绝n.废物,垃圾●re fute (1)[❑♓♐◆♦]v.反驳,驳斥re fuge (2)[ ❑♏♐◆♎✞]n.避难处,藏身处fut ure (25)[ ♐◆♦☞☜]n.①将来,未来;②前途,前景a.将来的,未来的第六部分嫂夫人与赛先生soph – sci – techn – form智慧-科学-技术-形式一.soph 篇●soph omore (无)[ ♦♐☜❍ ❍❑]n.(大学)二年级学生phil o soph er (8)[♐♓●♦☜♐☜]n.哲学家,哲人phil o soph y (5) [♐♓●♦☜♐♓]n.哲学soph is ti cat ed (1)[♦☜♐♓♦♦♓♏♓♦♓♎]a.①尖端的,复杂的,先进的;②老练的,老于世故的naïve (1)[⏹♓]a.天真的二.sci 篇●science (97)[ ♦♋♓☜⏹♦]n.①科学;②学科con science (无)[ ⏹☞☜⏹♦]n.良心,良知scientif ic(61)[♦♋♓☜⏹♦♓♐♓]a.科学上的scient ist(58)[ ♦♋♓☜⏹♦♓♦♦]n.科学家●con scious (18)[ ⏹☞☜♦]a.①(of) 意识到的, 自觉的;②有意识的,神志清醒的conscious ness(1)[ ⏹☞☜♦⏹♓♦]n.意识,觉悟,自觉con sci entious (无)[ ⏹☞♓♏⏹☞☜♦]a.认真的,勤勤恳恳的三.techn 篇●techn ical(15)[ ♦♏⏹♓☜●]a.技术的,工艺的technic ian (1)[♦♏⏹✋☞☎☜✆⏹]n.技术员,技师,技工techn ique (6)[♦♏⏹♓]n.①技术,技能;②工艺techn ology(41)[♦♏⏹●☜♎✞♓]n.工艺,技术technolog ical(13)[ ♦♏⏹☜●♎✞♓☜●]a.工艺的四.form 篇●uni form (1)[ ◆⏹♓♐❍]n.制服,军服a.相同的,一律的platform (1)[ ☐●✌♦♐❍]n.①平台,台;②站台,月台;③政纲,党纲form[♐❍]n.①形状,形式;②表格v.①组成,构成;②形成form al (13)[ ♐❍☜●]a.①正式的;②形式的for um(1)[ ♐❑☜❍]n.论坛,讨论会●in form (12)[♓⏹♐❍]v.①(of, about) 通知, 告诉, 报告;②告发,告密re form (10)[❑♓♐❍]v./n.改革,改造,改良information (84)[ ♓⏹♐☜❍♏♓☞☜⏹]n.①通知, 报告;②情报,资料,消息;③信息form ation (5)[♐❍♏♓☞☜⏹]n.形成,构成●de form (无)[♎♓♐❍]v.(使)变形de formation (无)[ ♎♓♐❍♏♓☞☜⏹]n.变形per form (17)[☐☜♐❍]v.①履行, 执行, 做, 完成;②表演,演出perform ance[☐☜♐❍☜⏹♦]n.①履行,执行;②表演,演出;③性能,特性per fume (无)[ ☐☜♐◆❍]n.①香味,芳香;②香水;③香料●form er(13)[ ♐❍☜]a.以前的,在前的latterpron.前者form ula([pl.]formulae) (无) [ ♐❍◆●☜]n.公式,程式form u late(6) [ ♐❍◆●♏♓♦]v.①构想,规划;②系统地阐述con form (6)[ ☜⏹♐❍]v.①(to)遵守,依照②符合,顺应con firm (2)[ ☜⏹♐☜❍]v.①使更坚固, 使更坚定;②(进一步)证实;③确认,批准第七部分原罪篇vig- vio- vit- viv活力●vig or (无)[ ♓♈☜]n.活力vigor ous(2)[ ♓♈☜❑☜♦]a.有力,朝气蓬勃的,精力旺盛的vio let(无)[ ♋♓☜●♓♦]n.紫罗兰,紫色vio lin(1)[ ♋♓☜●♓⏹]n.小提琴vio late (无)[ ♋♓☜●♏♓♦]v.违犯,违背●vio lence (3)[ ♋♓☜●☜⏹♦]n.①暴力,暴行;②激烈,猛烈vio lent (3)[ ♋♓☜●☜⏹♦]a.①猛烈的,激烈的;②暴力引起的,强暴的vit amin (8)[ ♋♓♦☜❍♓⏹ ♓]n.维生素vit al (4)[ ♋♓♦●]a.①生死攸关的, 重大的;②生命的,生机的●re vive (2)[❑♓♋♓]v.①恢复;②(使)复苏sur vive (18)[♦☜♋♓]v.①幸免于,幸存;②比...长命surviv or(无)[♦☜♋♓☜]n.幸存者surviv al(11)[♦☜♋♓☜●]n.①幸存, 生存;②幸存者,残存物viv id (2)[ ♓♓♎]a.①鲜艳的;②生动的,栩栩如生的第八部分野外郊游篇tin- tain- prise- hibit拿住一.tin 篇●con tinent (21)[ ⏹♦♓⏹☜⏹♦]n.大陆,洲con tinue (28)[ ☜⏹♦♓⏹◆]v.继续,连续,延伸continu al (4)[ ☜⏹♦♓⏹◆☜●]a.不断的,连续的,频繁的continu ous(5)[ ☜⏹♦♓⏹◆☜♦]a.连续的,持续的●intimate (4)[ ♓⏹♦♓❍♓♦]a.亲密的,密切的in timid ate (无)[♓⏹♦♓❍♓♎♏♓♦]v.恫吓,恐吓,威胁●in stinct (5)[ ♓⏹♦♦♓☠♦]n.本能,直觉,天性ex tinct (7)[♓♦♦♓☠♦]a.①灭绝的;②熄灭了的ex tinguish (1)[♓♦♦♓☠♈♦♓☞]v.熄灭,扑灭二.tain 篇●at tain (4)[☜♦♏♓⏹]v.达到,获得de tain (无)[♎♓♦♏♓⏹]v.①耽搁;②扣押,拘留con tain (10)[ ☜⏹♦♏♓⏹]v.①包含,容纳,装有;②等于,相等于contain er(无)[ ☜⏹♦♏♓⏹☜]n.①容器;②集装箱●ob tain (20)[☜♌♦♏♓⏹]v.获得,得到main tain (17)[❍♏⏹♦♏♓⏹]v.①维修,保养;②维持,保持;③坚持,主张,支持mainten ance (无)[ ❍♏♓⏹♦♓⏹☜⏹♦]n.①维修, 保养;②维持,保持enter tain (12)[ ♏⏹♦☜♦♏♓⏹]v.①招待,款待;②使娱乐;③使欢乐entertain ment[♏⏹♦☜♦♏♓⏹❍☜⏹♦]n.①招待,款待;②表演文娱节目sus tain (9)[♦☜♦♦♏♓⏹] v.①支撑, 撑住;②维持,持续③经受,忍耐re tain (2)[❑♓♦♏♓⏹]v.保持,保留三.prise 篇●enter [ ♏⏹♦☜]v.走进,参加,加入enter prise (13)[ ♏⏹♦☜☐❑♋♓]n.①事业,企(事)业单位;②事业心,进取心●pris on (2)[ ☐❑♓⏹]n.监狱prison er(无)[ ☐❑♓⏹☜]n.囚犯im prison (1)[♓❍☐❑♓⏹]v.关押,监禁imprison ment (无)[✋❍♊☐❑✋☜⏹❍☜⏹♦]n.关押,监禁com prise (1)[ ☜❍☐❑♋✋]v.包含,包括,构成(93年完型)四.hibit 篇●ex hibit (14)[♓♈♓♌♓♦]v.展出,陈列exhibit ion[ ♏♦♓♌♓☞☜⏹]n.①展览会;②陈列,展览pro hibit (1)[☐❑☜♒♓♌♓♦]v.①禁止,不准;②阻止第九部分恋爱三步曲ver/verse/vert旋转一.偶遇酒吧间●a ver age(19)[ ✌☜❑♓♎✞]n.平均(数)a.①平均的;②通常的,一般的v.平均,均分be verage (无)[ ♌♏☜ ❑♓♎✞]n.饮料con verse ly (无)[ ⏹♦●✋]ad.相反地con vers ion(无)[ ☜⏹☜☞☜⏹]n.变换,转化con vert (1)[ ☜⏹☜♦]v.变换,转化(98年单选)conversat ion(10)[ ⏹☜♦♏♓☞☜⏹]n.会话,谈话二.恋爱大校园●ad verse (无)[ ✌♎☜♦]a.①相反的, 敌对的;②不利的,有害的advers ity(无)[☜♎☜♦♓♦♓]n.①逆境,不幸事件;②苦难,灾难,不幸经历●uni versal (9)[ ◆⏹♓☜♦☜●]a.①普遍的, 全体的, 通用的;②宇宙的,世界的uni verse (17)[ ◆⏹♓☜s]n.宇宙,万物uni versity (21)[ ◆⏹♓☜♦♓♦♓]n.大学●di verse (4)[♎♋♓☜♦]a.①多种多样的②(from)不同的divers ion(2)[♎♋♓☜☞☜⏹]n.转向,转移anni versary (无)[ ✌⏹♓☜♦☜❑♓]n.周年(纪念日)contro versial (2)[ ⏹♦❑☜☜☞☜●]a.引起争论的,有争议的re verse (3)[❑♓☜♦]n.①相反,反转,颠倒;②背面,后面a.相反的,倒转的v.颠倒,倒转,(使)倒退三.矛盾千重天●verse (1)[ ☜♦]n.①韵文,诗;②诗节,诗句vers ion(1)[ ☜☞☜⏹]n.①型,版本;②译本,译文;③说法,看法versus/vs.(4)[ ☜♦☜♦]prep.①与...相对,与...相比;②以...为对手,对vers at ile(无) [ ☜♦☜♦♋♓●]a.①通用的, 万用的;②多才多艺的,多方面的●vert ical (4)[ ☜♦♓☜●]a.垂直的,竖的n.垂线advertise (14)[ ✌♎☜♦♋✋]v.做广告per verted (无)[☐☜☜♦♓♎]a.堕落的,变坏的,违反常情的a vert (无)[☜☜♦]v.①防止,避免;②转移(目光,注意力等)in vert (无)[♓⏹☜♦]v.倒置,倒转,颠倒第十部分大佛东来篇fer 来●pre fer (18)[☐❑♓♐☜]v.(to)更喜欢,宁愿prefer able[ ☐❑♏♐☜❑☜♌●]a.(to)更可取的,更好的prefer ence[ ☐❑♏♐☜❑☜⏹♦]n.①(for,to)偏爱,喜爱;②优惠;③优先选择●re fer (22)[❑♓♐☜]v.①参考,查阅,查询;②(to)提到,引用;③提交,上呈refer ence[ ❑♏♐❑☜⏹♦]n.①提及,涉及;②参考,参考书目;③证明书(人);④介绍(人)●suf fer (21)[ s✈♐☜]v.①(from)受痛苦,患病;②受损失;③遭受;④忍受,忍耐●dif fer (97)[ ♎♓♐☜]v.①(from)与...不同;②(with)与...意见不同differ ence[ ♎♓♐☜❑☜⏹♦]n.差别,差异,分歧differ ent[ ♎♓♐❑☜⏹♦]a.差异的,差异的,不同的different iate(无)[ ♎♓♐☜❑♏⏹☞♓♏♓♦]v.①区分, 区别;②(使)不同●con fer (10)[ ☜⏹♐☜]v.①商谈, 商议;②授予,赋予confer ence[ ⏹♐☜❑☜⏹♦]n.会议,讨论会of fer (34)[ ♐☜]v.提供,提出,呈现,出现n.提议,提供trans fer (12)[♦❑✌⏹♦♐☜]v.①转移,调动;②转车;③转业,转学;④转让,过户●in fer (23)[♓⏹♐☜]v.推论,推断inter fere (6)[ ♓⏹♦☜♐♓☜]v.①(in) 干涉, 干预;②(with)妨碍,打扰interfer ence (1)[ ♓⏹♦☜♐♓☜❑☜⏹♦]n.①(in)干涉,干预;②(with)妨碍,打扰●in terior (7)[♓⏹♦♓☜❑♓☜]a.内部的,里面的n.内部,内地in ferior (4)[♓⏹♐♓☜❑♓☜]a.①(to)下等的,下级的;②差的,次的n.下级,晚辈super ior (2)[♦◆☐♓☜❑♓☜]a.①优良的, 卓越的;②(to)较...多的,优于...n.上级,长官superior ity(1)[♦◆☎✆☐♓☜❑♓❑♓♦♓]n.优越性,优势circum ference (无)[♦☜✈❍♐☜❑☜⏹♦]n.圆周,周围第十一部分声如洪钟篇voc/voke- phone 声音●micro phone (无)[ ❍♋✋❑☜♐☜☺⏹]n.话筒,扩音器tele phone (8)[ ♦♏●♓♐☜◆⏹]n.电话,电话机v.打电话sym phony (无)[ ♦♓❍♐☜⏹♓]n.①交响乐,交响曲;②(色彩等的)和谐,协调●ad vocate (17)[ ✌♎☜♓♦]n.提倡者,鼓吹者v.提倡,鼓吹pro voke (无)[☐❑☜☜◆]v.①挑动;②招惹③激发;voc abulary (41)[ ☜✌♌◆●☜❑♓]n.①词汇, 词汇量;②词汇表voc ation (4)[ ☜◆♏♓☞☜⏹]n.职业,行业第十二部分媒体篇med 中间●metal (2)[ ❍♏♦●]n.金属,金属制品medal (5)[ ❍♏♎●]n.奖章,勋章,纪念章med ical (37)[ ❍♏♎♓☜●]a.①医学的, 医疗的, 医药的;②内科的med icine (13)[ ❍♏♎♦♓⏹ ♎♓♦♓⏹]n.①内服药,医药;②医术;③医学,内科学●Med iterranean (无)[ ❍♏♎♓♦☜❑♏♓⏹☜⏹]n./a.地中海(的)med ium([pl.]media) (5)[ ❍♓♎☜❍]n.①中间,适中;②媒介物,介质,传导体a.中等的,适中的med ia (13)[ ❍♓♎☜]n.媒体●im mediate (14)[♓❍♓♎☜♦]a.①立即的, 即时的;②直接的,最接近的inter med iate (无)[ ♓⏹♦☜❍♓♎☜♦]a.①中间的,居间的;②中级的n.中间体,媒介物第十三部分打斗篇dyn/pote/fort/force- bat/fend/fense- crime力量-打斗-罪一. dyn/pote 篇●dyn amic(al) (2) [♎♋♓⏹✌❍♓]a.①动力的,电动的;②有生气的dyn asty (无) [ ♎♓⏹☜♦♦♓]n.王朝,朝代pot ent (无)[ ☐☜◆♦☜⏹♦]a.强有力的im potent (无)[ ♓❍☐☜♦☜⏹♦]a.无力的omni potent (无) [ ❍⏹♓☐☜♦☜⏹♦]a.万能的pot ential (20)[☐☜♦♏⏹☞☎☜✆●]a.①潜在的,可能的;②势的,位的n.潜能,潜力二. fort/force 篇●com fort (3)[ ✈❍♐☜♦]n.①舒适, 安逸;②安慰,慰问v.安慰,使舒适comfort able (7)[ ✈❍♐☜♦☜♌●]a.舒适的,自在的ef fort (19)[ ♏♐☜♦]n.努力,艰难的尝试●fort une (4)[ ♐♦☞☜⏹]n.①命运, 运气;②财产mis fortune[❍♓♦♐♦☞☜⏹]n.不幸,灾祸,灾难fortun ate (10)[ ♐♦☞☜⏹♓♦]a.幸运的,侥幸的un fortunately[✈⏹♐♦☺⏹☜♦●✋]ad.不幸地●afford (7)[☜♐♎]v.①担负得起,买得起,花得起(时间);②供给,给予en force (1)[♓⏹♐♦]v.①实施,执行;②强制三.bat/fend/fense- crime 篇●bat (无)[♌✌♦ ♌♦]n.①球拍, 球棒, 短棒;②蝙蝠de bate (14)[♎♓♌♏♓♦]v./n.争论,辩论com bat (1)[ ❍♌☜♦]v./n.战斗,搏斗,格斗battle (1)[ ♌✌♦●]n.①战役, 战斗;②斗争v.战斗,斗争,搏斗battery (无)[ ♌✌♦☜❑♓]n.①电池(组);②炮兵连,炮组●of fend (6)[☜♐♏⏹♎]v.①冒犯, 触犯, 得罪;②使不快,使恼火of fense/offence (无)[☜♐♏⏹♦]n.①犯罪, 犯规, 过错;②冒犯,触怒of fensive (1)[☜♐♏⏹♦♓]a.冒犯的,攻击的n.攻势,进攻de fend (11)[♎♓♐♏⏹♎]v.①防守,保卫;②为...辩护,为...答辩de fense/defence (1)[♎♓♐♏⏹♦]n.①防御,保卫;②[pl.]防务工事;③辩护,答辩●crime (12)[ ❑♋♓❍]n.罪行,犯罪commit crimes 犯罪crim in al (12)[ ❑♓❍♓⏹●]n.罪犯,刑事犯a.犯罪的,刑事的criminal activities 犯罪活动criminal behavior 犯罪行为dis criminate (无)[♎♓♦❑♓❍♓⏹♏♓♦]v.①区别, 辨别;②(against)有差别地对待,歧视第十四部分独坐深山篇side 坐●pre side (17)[☐❑♓♋♓♎]v.(at,over)主持presid ent[ ☐❑♏♓♎☜⏹♦]n.总统,校长,会长,主席re sid ence (2)[ ❑♏♓♎☜⏹♦]n.住处,住宅resid ent (4)[ ❑♏♓♎☜⏹♦]n.居民,常住者a.居住的●con sider (72)[ ☜⏹♦♓♎☜]v.①认为,把...看作;②考虑,细想;③体谅,照顾consider able[ ☜⏹♦♓♎☜❑☜♌●]a.①相当大(或多) 的, 可观的;②值得考虑的consider ate[ ☜⏹♦♓♎☜❑♓♦]a.考虑周到的,体谅的consider ation[ ☜⏹♦♓♎☜❑♏♓☞☜⏹]n.①需要考虑的事,理由;②考虑,思考;③体谅,照顾sub sidiary (无)[♦☜♌♦♓♎☜❑♓]a.辅助的,附带的,次要的n.辅佐者,副手第十五部分新上帝造人说一.神把泥土与基因和好(the-hum/terr-gene)泥土中却埋藏着恐怖1. the-hum 篇●the ory (31)[ ♓☜❑♓]n.①理论, 原理;②学说,见解,看法theoret ical(1)[ ♓☜❑♏♦♓☜●]a.理论(上)的theor ist (无)[ ♓☜❑♓♦♦]n.理论家,理论工作者●hum an (120)[ ♒◆❍☜⏹]a.人的,人类的n.人in human (1) [♓⏹♒◆❍☜⏹]a.残忍的human ity(2) [♒◆☎✆❍✌⏹♓♦♓]n.①人类, 人性, 人情;②[pl.]人文科学hum ble (4) [ ♒✈❍♌●]a.①谦卑的, 恭顺的;②低下的,卑贱的v.降低,贬抑hum iliate (1)[♒◆☎✆❍♓●♓♏♓♦]v.羞辱,使丢脸●hum id (1)[ ♒◆❍♓♎]a.湿的,湿气重的humid ity (无) [♒◆❍♓♎♓♦♓]n.湿气,湿度hum or/humour (13)[ ♒◆❍☜]n.幽默,诙谐humor ous[ ♒◆❍☜❑☜♦]a.幽默的,诙谐的2. terr 篇terr it ory (3)[ ♦♏❑♓♦☜❑♓]n.①领土;②版图;③领域,范围terr ible (4)[ ♦♏❑☜♌●]a.①很糟的, 极坏的;②可怕的,骇人的;③极度的,厉害的terr ific (无)[♦☜❑♓♐♓]a.极好的,非常的,极度的terr ify(1)[ ♦♏❑♓♐♋♓]v.使害怕,使惊恐terr or (1)[ ♦♏❑☜]n.①恐怖;②可怕的人(事)terror ist(无)[ ♦♏❑☜❑✋♦♦]n.恐怖主义者3.gene 篇●gene [♎✞♓⏹]n.基因de generate (无)。

1Part One英语语法基本句型:简单句&并列句1.简单句的构成My father is listening to the popular music in the garden.The handsome boy is my brother.主语谓语宾语定语状语表语补语简单句的五种形式:(1)主语+谓语(不及物动词);(2)主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语;(3)主语+谓语+宾语+补语;(4)主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语;(5)主语+系动词+表语。
谓语▪ 实义动词①及物动词watch, see②不及物动词sit▪ 系动词①be动词;②一些实义动词用作系动词:feel, taste, smell等;▪ He is crying.▪ Parents watch TV every night.▪ My father gave me some advice.▪ We can make our country beautiful.▪ The boy is the tallest in the class.▪2.并列句两个简单句并列在一起,中间用一些连接词连接起来的句子。
连接词:(1)并列关系句型:连接词有and, either…or…,neither…nor…, not only…but also…eg: Last year I met Kate and we became friends.Either my uncle can do it, or my aunt can do it.(2)转折概念并列句型:转折词有buteg: It has no mouth, but it can talk.(3)对比关系的并列句型:eg: He liked sports, while I would rather collect stamps.简单句和并列句是复合句的基础。

英语词汇分类总结主讲教师:屠皓民一.经济类1.joint adj.联合的,共同的◆真题例句The overall productivity of an economy is driven by many other factors such as joint investment in equipment and machinery, new technology, and investment in education and training. (1998年英语一阅读Text 2)2.contract n.合同◆真题例句In the American economy, the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights, including the right to make a free contract with another private individual. (1994年英语一阅读Text 1)3.fund n.基金;储备;(复)资金◆真题例句It was the Federal Circuit itself that introduced such patents , approving a patent on a way of pooling mutual-fund assets. (2010年英语一阅读Text 2)4.decline v.下降,下跌;衰退;谢绝◆真题例句The most far-reaching change has been the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage. (2010年英语一阅读Text 1)petitive adj.竞争的,比赛的;好胜的;具有竞争力的◆真题例句Qualified multilingual youngsters from other countries are proving to have a competitive advantage over their British counterparts in global companies and organizations. (2017年英语一翻译)6.capital n.资本,资金◆真题例句The independence of standard-setters is essential to the proper functioning of capital markets. (2010年英语一阅读Text 4)7.enterprise (n.) 企业;艰巨的事业;事业心,进取心,创业精神◆真题例句Since the days of Aristotle, a search for universal principles has characterized the scientific enterprise. (2012年英语一翻译)8.financial adj.财政的,财务的,金融的◆真题例句A smartphone may contain an arrestee’s reading history, financial history, medical history and comprehensive records of recent correspondence. (2015年英语一阅读Text 2)9.employee n.受雇者,雇员◆真题例句Steelworkers, airline employees, and now those in the auto industry are joining millions of families who must worry about interest rates, stock market fluctuation,and the harsh reality. (2007年英语一阅读Text 3)10.stock n.库存,存货;贮藏,储存;股票◆真题例句The FASB and IASB have been exactly that, cleaning up rules on stock options and pensions, for example, against hostility from special interests. (2010年英语一阅读Text 4)11.profit n.利润,收益;好处,裨益◆真题例句The report makes heavy reading for publishers who have made handsome profits. (2008年英语一阅读Text 2)12.boom n.繁荣;激增◆真题例句Investors now view stock-market swings as a necessary ingredient to a sustained boom. (2004年英语一阅读Text 3)13.prosperity n.繁荣;昌盛,兴旺◆真题例句The report deserves praise for affirming the importance of the humanities and social sciences to the prosperity and security of liberal democracy in America. (2014年英语一阅读Text 4)14.flourish v.繁荣,茂盛,兴旺◆真题例句It often leaves railroads in the position of determining which companies will flourish and which will fail. (2003年英语一阅读Text 3)15.budget n.预算◆真题例句Half of all advertising budgets are wasted—the trouble is, no one knows which half. (2013年英语一阅读Text 2)16.depression n.沮丧;不景气,萧条◆真题例句During the Depression and the war, Americans had learned to live with less. (2011年英语二阅读Text 3)17.impose v.征税;把…强加给◆真题例句Our feet and back continue to struggle with bipedal posture and cannot easily withstand repeatedstrain imposed by oversize limbs. (2008年英语一阅读Text 3)18.property n.财产,资产,所有物;房地产,不动产◆真题例句He has promised to sell off some of the property and restructure the company. (1997年英语一阅读Text 4)19.transaction n.处理,办理;交易,事务◆真题例句Conrail’s net railway operating income in 1996 was just $427 million, less than half of the carrying costs of the transaction. (2003年英语一阅读Text 3)20.charge v.索(价),收费;控告;充电◆真题例句Railroads charged all customers the same average rate. (2003年英语一阅读Text 3)21.delivery n.投递;交付;分娩◆真题例句The development of technologies enables the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations. (1995年英语一阅读Text 3)bour n.劳动;(复)工作,任务;劳工,劳动阶级◆真题例句In the last half of the nineteenth century “capital” and “labour” were enlarging and perfecting their rival organizations on modern lines. (1996年英语一阅读Text 3)23.output n.产量;输出量◆真题例句The intellectual and emotional reaction receives little attention as compared with physical output. (2009年英语一翻译)24.promote v.促进,增进◆真题例句Continuing economic growth promotes the development of education even when governments don’t force it. (2009年英语一阅读Text 3)25.manufacture v.制造,加工;编造,捏造◆真题例句If you look hard enough, you’ll find that many of the products we use every day are results of manufactured habits. (2010年英语一阅读Text 3)26.occupation n.占领,占据;职业◆真题例句A small group of Hawaiians have long viewed their presence as a painful reminder of the occupation of what was once a sovereign nation. (2017年英语一阅读Text 2)27.permit v.允许,许可◆真题例句They are permitted to hire labor, gain control over natural resources, and produce goods and services. (1994年英语一阅读Text 1)28.profitable adj.有利可图的;有益的◆真题例句Moreover, most of the changes that companies make are intended to keep them profitable. (1998年英语一阅读Text 2)merce n.商业,贸易◆真题例句Another major shift in the model for Internet commerce concerns the technology available for marketing. (1999年英语一阅读Text 2)30.fierce adj.凶猛的;狂热的真题例句Any threat of monopoly, they argue, is removed by fierce competition from trucks. (2003年英语一阅读Text 3)其它考研英语高频经济类词汇【可参照《真题词汇秒学妙用》进行自测】even count ratio earnnumber stem account pacesubstance energy amount benefitessential shift consume firmavailable trust order togethercut dependent lay privateappropriate goal intend labeloperation sound compare consequenceeffort establish potential wavehit worth credit concentratesite stake bid independentperform trade contract coreexcess fuel relative trafficchannel due figure gainoutlet rival board copedamage deed depress efficientgiant threaten sustain conductreward scale storage associateestimate exceed excessive exclusivelystaff mechanism director executivewage deliberately enrich foundationgenerate implement capable incorporateintervene isolate undergo easerage hold extend rejectpiece expand fault interiordegree delay dependence derivedeserve device entertain extentignore impressive proportion scopesystematic task accurate displayengage enormous largely mereprolong optimistic additional adjustbelt dominant enhance equipflight fulfill gather gradualhospitality improvement indicate necessarilyfever alternative attain diminisheffectively machinery request savingurban sweep commission compensatecontend economics elaborate fertilemeasurable prevail prior profoundquote squeeze deliberate energeticexpansion extensive yield tightcommercial consumption tax efficiencyguarantee master port regularsignificance approval domestic interviewprocedure sample accuracy opponentregulate fortune二.教育类1.discipline n.训练,磨炼,纪律,学科真题例句They reveal a mental discipline in thinking skills—and in their choices on when to share on social media. (2018年英语一阅读Text 2)2.intellectual n.知识分子adj.智力的,脑力的;需要动脑的◆真题例句Sharpening judgment by absorbing and reflecting on law is a desirable component of a journalist’s intellectual preparation . (2007年英语一翻译)3.literary adj. 文学的◆真题例句A native literary drama had been created, its alliance with the public playhouse established. (2018年英语一翻译)4.brains n. 智力◆真题例句When we consciously develop new habits, we create parallel paths, and even entirely new brain cells. (2009年英语一阅读Text 1)5.subject n.主题,科目,主语;v.使遭受,使服从;adj.易遭…的,受…支配的◆真题例句The computer programs a company uses to estimate relationships may be patented and not subject to peer review . (2009年英语一阅读Text 2)6.means n.方法,手段◆真题例句University men were quick to turn to these theaters as offering a means of livelihood. (2018年英语一翻译)7.mental adj.精神的,心理的,智力的◆真题例句Scoring is based on a statistical population distribution, rather than dividing the mental age by the chronological age and multiplying by 100. (2007年英语一阅读Text 2)8.identify v.认出,识别;发现,察觉;认同,理解,体会◆真题例句Joshua Greenberg takes a more empirical approach to universality,identifying traits shared by many language. (2012年英语一翻译)9.measure v.衡量,估量;测量;n.计量制;标准量;尺度,标准;(复)措施◆真题例句Traditional test best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge. (2007年英语一阅读Text 2)10.acquire v.获得;购得;获得(技能),养成(习惯)◆真题例句Disciplines acquire a monopoly not just over the production of knowledge, but also over the production of the producers of knowledge. (2011年英语一新题型)11.major adj.较大的;较重大的;主要的;n.主修科目,主修课程,专业◆真题例句The bodies playing major professional sports have changed dramatically over the years. (2008年英语一阅读Text 3)12.obtain v.获得,得到;存在;流行◆真题例句In many cases, it would not be overly onerous for authorities to obtain a warrant to search through phone contents. (2015年英语一阅读Text 2)position n.作品;作文;乐曲;组成;结构◆真题例句While few craftsmen or farmers, let alone dependents and servants, left literary compositions to be analyzed. (2009年英语一阅读Text 4)14.project v.拟定,设计;投射;伸出,突出;预测,推断;n.计划;方案;科研项目,课题◆真题例句Databases used by some companies lump together information from different research projects. (2009年英语一阅读Text 2)15.patent v.取得(某项发明或方法的)专利权;adj.明显的;有专利的,受专利权保护的◆真题例句The computer programs a company uses to estimate relationships may be patented . (2009年英语一阅读Text 2)16.mind n.头脑,大脑;思想,思维;v.照看;留心,注意;介意,反对◆真题例句He expressed the opinion that in two or three respects his mind had changed during the preceding twenty or thirty years. (2008年英语一翻译)17.demonstrate v.表明,证明;显示,表露;进行示威游行或集会;示范,演示◆真题例句They demonstrate a seriously flawed understanding of psychology. (2012年英语一阅读Text 1)18.academic adj.学院的;学术的;学究式的;纯理论的,空谈的◆真题例句Mr. McWhorter’s academic speciality is language history and change. (2005年英语一阅读Text 4)19.physics n.物理学◆真题例句Many, like the Fundamental Physics Prize, are funded from the telephone-number-sized bank accounts of Internet entrepreneurs. (2014年英语一阅读Text 3)20.civilization n.文明,文化◆真题例句“Shareholding” meant leisure and freedom which was used by many of the later Victorians for thehighest purpose of a great civilization. (1996年英语一阅读Text 3)21.formula n.方案;公式,程式◆真题例句It’s time to reinvent the formula for how work is conducted, since we are still relying on a very 20th century notion of work, Hagel says. (2014年英语二阅读Text 3)22.psychological adj.心理的,心理学的◆真题例句It is financially terrifying, psychologicallyembarrassing and you know that support is minimal and extraordinarily hard toget. (2014年英语一阅读Text 1)23.institution n.协会;制度,习俗◆真题例句One place where children soak up A-characteristics is school, which is, by its very nature, a highly competitive institution. (1995年英语一阅读Text 4)24.conservative adj.保守的;n.思想保守者,因循守旧者◆真题例句Amid the outcry, many conservative leaders are seeking a return to the prewar emphasis on moral education. (2000年英语一阅读Text 4)25.initiative adj.主动的;自发的;起始的;n.主动权;首创精神;新方案;倡议◆真题例句If the Administration won’t take the legislative initiative, Congress should help to begin fashioning conservation measures. (2005年英语一阅读Text 2)26.participant n.参加者;adj.参与的;有关系的◆真题例句Problems in dispute can be settled without the participants leaving their homes. (1995年英语一阅读Text 3)27.psychology n.心理学;心理◆真题例句Psychology teaches that you do get what you want if you know what you want. (1996年英语一阅读Text 1)28.specialist n. 专家◆真题例句Future doctors and lawyers must study a non-specialist liberal-arts degree before embarking on a professional qualification. (2011年英语一新题型)29.elementary adj.基本的;初级的◆真题例句Why mention the elementary schools? Because thanks to these schools our early mechanics were generally literate (1996年英语一阅读Text 4)30.conventional adj.普通的;惯例的◆真题例句Since conventional measures suggest that both economies, and especially America’s, have little productive slack. (1997年英语一阅读Text 5)其它考研英语高频教育类词汇【可参照《真题词汇秒学妙用》进行自测】cause direct being careunit process general foundindividual adapt correspond widesense express intelligence inferinvolve matter particular groundsequence concept detail diginvention learning skill speakertreat courage effective tempt memory pattern attend climate learned maintain manner attach extreme beyond seek speech encourage stage tale challenge score sight assess educate honour construct intelligent spirit spread accomplish admire characterize conformity consideration review survey civilize fiction graduate gravity long harm consistent constant emotional flash initial native notion orient persuade plus severe sympathy tour worthy activate anticipate athlete attractive biology branch concerning conclude contact faculty enlighten ensure genius reality religion religious complicated confuse consent craftdraft inevitable infant inquiry institute instruct integrity league scene segment teenager tonevirtue compelling content convince deduce file personnel series sketch soul surgery symbol thesis criticism conception imagination curiosity mathematical phenomenon lecture absorb confidence atmosphere outline approach tradition remark community attitude character vision evolutiontechnology paragraph三.媒体类1.event n.事件,大事◆真题例句Social media allows users to experience news events more intimately and immediately . (2018年英语一阅读Text 2)munication n.表达,交流;通讯,交通联系◆真题例句But specialization was only one of a series of related developments in science affecting the process of communication. (2001年英语一阅读Text 1)3.trend n./v.倾向,趋势;时尚/ 显示某种趋向◆真题例句Children and adolescents have increased in height by about an inch and a half every 20 years, a pattern known as the secular trend in height. (2008年英语一阅读Text 3)bine v.结合,联合;(使)合并;兼备◆真题例句Sad to say, this project has turned out to be mostly low-level findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes, combined with lots of head-scratching puzzlement. (2001年英语一阅读Text 3)5.convention n.大会;习俗,惯例;传统手法,惯常做法;公约,协定,协议◆真题例句But the idea rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media. (2007年英语一翻译)6.creative n./adj.富于创造力的人,搞创作的人/创造的;创作的;有创造力的◆真题例句In fact, the more new things we try,the more inherently creative we become. (2009年英语一阅读Text 1)7.interpret v.解释,说明;口译;领会◆真题例句One could interpret much of the work of Beethoven by saying that suffering is inevitable. (2014年英语一翻译)8.specific adj.特定的,特别的;确切的,具体的◆真题例句A rather similar process of differentiation has led to professional geologists coming together nationally within one or two specific societies. (2001年英语一阅读Text 1)9.sphere n.球形,球体;范围,领域;阶层,圈子◆真题例句While still catching up to men in some spheres of modern life, women appear to be ahead in at least one undesirable category. (2008年英语一阅读Text 1)10.evidence n./v.根据,证据;证物,证词;迹象,形迹/证明◆真题例句They have been spurred in part by DNA evidence made available in 1998. (2008年英语一阅读Text 4)11.interact v.相互交流;互动;相互影响◆真题例句Even the most influential members of a population simply don't interact with that many others. (2010年英语一阅读Text 3)anization n.组织,机构,团体;组织,安排,筹备;条理,系统性◆真题例句Organizations such as universities or international laboratories support institutional repositories. (2008年英语一阅读Text 2)13.advertise v.为…做广告;宣传,使尽人皆知◆真题例句These labels encourage consumers to see clothes as disposable--meant to last only a wash or two, although they don't advertise that. (2013年英语一阅读Text 1)14.audience n.观众,听众,读者;与统治者或要人的正式会见◆真题例句They must first change the relationship between America’s oldest orchestra and the new audience it hopes to attract. (2011年英语一阅读Text 1)ment v./n.发表意见,作出评论;批评/意见,评论◆真题例句Comment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories. (2007年英语一翻译)16.press v./n.压,按;催促,逼迫;急于做/报刊,出版社,通讯社;压榨机◆真题例句Some may ignore a DNT signal and press on anyway. (2013年英语一阅读Text 2)17.critical adj.关键的,决定性的;批评的;临界的;严重的,有危险的;批评的,挑剔的◆真题例句They found that the principal requirement is the presence of a critical mass of easily influenced people. (2010年英语一阅读Text 3)18.opinion n.意见,看法,主张;舆论◆真题例句When public opinion is particularly polarized, monarchs can rise above “mere” politics and “embody” a spirit of national unity. (2015年英语一阅读Text 1)19.attribute n.v.属性,品质,特征/把…归因于;认为(文章、艺术品或评论)出自…◆真题例句Some attributed virtually every important cultural achievement to the inventions of a few, especially gifted peoples . (2009年英语一新题型)20.mass v./n.使聚集,使集结/一堆,一团;一群;(复)群众,平民大众◆真题例句In the West, before mass communication and literacy, the most powerful mass medium was the church. (2006年英语一阅读Text 4)21.significant adj.有意义的;显著的;重要的,重大的;意味深长的◆真题例句You make further inferences, for instance, about how the text may be significant to you, or about its validity . (2015年英语一新题型)22.recommend v.推荐,介绍;劝告,建议◆真题例句This is how far in advance authorities are recommending people show up to catch a domestic flight.(2017年英语一阅读Text 1)23.typical adj.典型的,有代表性的;特有的,独特的◆真题例句Fines are generally 40% lower than the typical punishment for bribing foreign officials. (2016年英语一阅读Text 3)24.distinction n.差别,不同,区分◆真题例句But this distinction misses the point that it is processing and aggregation, not the mere possession of bits, that gives that data value. (2018年英语一阅读Text 3)municate v.传达,交流;通讯;通话◆真题例句Scientists must communicate their message to the public in a compassionate, understandable way -- in human terms. (2003年英语一阅读Text 2)parative adj.比较的,相对的◆真题例句But a comparative study of linguistic traits published online today supplies a reality check. (2012年英语一翻译)27.broadcast n./v广播,播音◆真题例句The Corporation will survive as a publicly-funded broadcasting organization. (1996年英语一阅读Text 2)28.medium n./adj方法;媒体;媒介;中间物/中间的,中等的;半生熟的◆真题例句Much of the world's media culture has been defined by a single medium - television. (2012年英语一新题型)29.circulation v.流传,传播;流通;报纸﹑杂志等售出的份数,销售量;血液循环◆真题例句The words that have mattered are efficiency, flexibility in newspapers' circulation. (2015年英语一阅读Text 4)30.editorial n.社论,期刊的社论◆真题例句“Readers must have confidence in the conclusions published in our journal,” writes McNutt in an editorial. (2015年英语一阅读Text 3)其它考研英语高频媒体类词汇【可参照《真题词汇秒学妙用》进行自测】opera line warm translate type describe occur attack drop necessary physical distinctly exhibit expression further origin remain risk settle suffer threat universe cast comment complex connect continent couple desire historic imply inner notice predict push radical stress urge wind access consist defend focus intention personality progress scatter strange argument attract blame constitute contain frequent original negative nerve organism organize partlysort species station sufficient suggest suit transfer wonder admit apparent appeal shock assert bear bright crude current desirable dim distant dramatic emerge introduce item leading manifest odd precise rare universal vast arise assemble blind contribution locate lump mature merit mood mountainous muted remove single casual impact remarkable represent reveal popular prejudice explore vocation praise span magnificentconvenience assumption artificial reflectstatistics revolution prospect definitionconclusion responsible immediate emphasisargue deliver relevant amateurorgan trait四.法律类1.sentence n./v.句子;宣判,判决/宣判,判决◆真题例句He believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating advantage of forcing him to think long and intently about every sentence. (2008年英语一翻译)2.state v./n.声明,宣称/州;国家,政府;状态,情况◆真题例句The current state of affairs may have been encouraged. (2007年英语一阅读Text 4)3.service v./n维修;向…提供服务/服务;政府部门,公用机构;帮助,益处◆真题例句During the decade before the economic crisis, spending on legal services in America grew twice as fast as inflation. (2014年英语一阅读Text 2)4.rally v./n集合;重整;恢复,重新振作/集合;重整;恢复,康复,复苏;群众大会◆真题例句In Wisconsin the unions have rallied thousands of supporters against Scott Walker, the hardline Republican governor. (2012年英语一阅读Text 4)ern v.统治,治理;控制,支配◆真题例句The structures of the languages are lineage, specific and not governed by universals. (2012年英语一翻译)6.issue v./n.向…颁发;发行;发表,发布/议题;发出◆真题例句It has been issued more than 300 business-method patents. (2010年英语一阅读Text 2)7.advocate v./n.提倡,拥护,支持/提倡者,鼓吹者◆真题例句He advocated freedom of thought and of personal expression. (2014年英语一翻译)8.election n.选举;当选◆真题例句The three-fifths formula handed Jefferson his narrow victory in the presidential election. (2008年英语一阅读Text 4)9.grant v./n.拨款;同意;授予;承认/授予物;(尤指政府的)拨款,补助金◆真题例句Washington granted his slaves their freedom in his will. (2008年英语一阅读Text 4)10.p rinciple n.道德原则,行为准则;原理,法则,定律◆真题例句The Constitutional principles are noncontroversial. (2013年英语一阅读Text 4)11.j udge v./n.判断,断定;评价,评论;断定/审判官,法官;裁判员,仲裁人;鉴赏家◆真题例句The high court’s decision said the judge in Mr. McDonnell’s trial failed to tell a jury that it must look only at his “official acts” . (2017年英语一阅读Text 4)12.f undamental adj./n.基本的;十分重要的/基本规则,基本原则,基本原理,基本部分◆真题例句A few generative rules are then sufficient to unfold the entire fundamental structure of a language, which is why children can learn it so quickly. (2012年英语一翻译)13.v alid adj.有效的;合理的,有根据的◆真题例句Certainly, there are valid concerns about the patchwork regulations that could result if every state sets its own rules. (2012年英语一阅读Text 2)14.j ustify v.证明…是正当/正确的;对…作出解释;为…辩护◆真题例句The company provoked justified outrage in Vermont last week . (2012年英语一阅读Text 2)15.p rivilege v./n给予优惠,给予特权/特权,优惠,特许◆真题例句On the overturned provisions the majority held the Congress had deliberately “occupied the field,” and Arizona had thus intruded on the federal’s privileged powers. (2013年英语一阅读Text 4)16.s ecurity n.安全,保障;安全措施;抵押;有价证券◆真题例句“Setting the proper investment level for security, re dundancy, and recovery is a management issue, not a technical one,” he says. (2007年英语一阅读Text 4)17.c riminal n./adj.罪犯,刑事犯/犯罪的,刑事的;可耻的◆真题例句The court’s ruling is legally sound in defining a kind of favoritism that is not criminal. (2017年英语一阅读Text 4)18.e ntitle v.把…称作;给…权利或资格;给…题名◆真题例句Yet these creatures are members of the biotic community and, if its stability depends on its integrity, they are entitled to continuance.19.r egulation n.规章,规则;调整,调节,校准◆真题例句But under anti-bribery laws, proof must be made of concrete benefits, such as approval of a contract or regulation. (2017年英语一阅读Text 4)20.r eform v./n.改进;改革;(使)改过自新/改革,改良,改造◆真题例句They argue for computers in the classroom for broader reasons of radical educational reform. (1999年英语一阅读Text 3)21.j ury n.陪审团,全体陪审员◆真题例句Many Americans regard the jury system as a concrete expression of crucial democratic values. (2010年英语二阅读Text 4)22.d emocracy n.民主,民主制,民主制国家◆真题例句In a direct democracy, citizens take turns governing themselves, rather than electing representatives to govern for them. (2010年英语二阅读Text 4)23.d ominate v.统治,支配,控制;占优势◆真题例句He was searching for tiny engraved seals attributed to the ancient Mycenaean culture that dominated Greece from the 1400s to 1200s BC. (2014年英语一新题型)24.c onfront v.使面临;正视;与…对峙,与…对抗;与…当面对质◆真题例句As one clergyman learned in confronting folk along the coast who mocked that they had not come to the New world for religion . (2009年英语一阅读Text 4)25.i llegal adj.不合法的,非法的◆真题例句Many people mistakenly believe the term drug refers only to some sort of medicine or an illegal chemical taken by drug addicts. (1997年英语一阅读Text 3)26.l icense n./v.许可;执照/准许◆真题例句They are brought many channels for an annual license fee of 83 pounds per household. (1996年英语一阅读Text 2)27.p roposition n.命题,陈述;主张,建议◆真题例句No thinking man can refuse to accept their first proposition. (2000年英语一阅读Text 3)28.p arliament n.议会,国会◆真题例句He taught himself shorthand to get an even better job later as a court stenographer and as a reporter in Parliament. (2017年英语一新题型)29.p unishment n.惩罚,处罚◆真题例句The French measures, however, rely too much on severe punishment to change a culture that still regards beauty as skin-deep ---and bone-showing. (2016年英语一阅读Text 1)30.c ongress n.大会;国会,议会◆真题例句Yet its report may well set back reform by obscuring the depth and breadth of the challenge that Congress asked it to illuminate. (2014年英语一阅读Text 4)其它考研英语高频法律类词汇【可参照《真题词汇秒学妙用》进行自测】part pass stand signaid base letter limitcase pain alter concern raw claim assist purpose central court obvious trouble serious commit meeting assurerude fundamental verbal official resident survive bound assume attempt aware implication incident increasingly liability liable linkpolicy warn witness abusechief contest resolve stern objection prescribe routine royalshot split struggle decisive declare defeat passage tendought society abandon vice oppose partial secure sensitive extension contradict divorce complain guilt politics primary frontier guard verify impartial influential liberal adopt release dispute invalid obscure propose reinforce restrain supreme terminate confess confirm conviction elimination vote suspicion immigrant minister conflict detach democratic territory declaration launch committee candidate aggressive circumstance statement innovation responsibilityselection status situation panel。

海天考研词汇长难句讲义屠皓民1.With regard to Futurist poetry, however,the case is rather difficult,for whateverFuturist notary may be ——even admitting that the theory on which it is based may be right —— it can hardly be classed as Literature.2.The method of scientific investigation is nothing but the expression of the necessarymode of working of the human mind; it is simply the modes by which all phenomena are reasoned about and given precise and exact explanation.3.Ten years ago young people were hardworking and saw their jobs as their primaryreason for being, but now Japan has largely fulfilled its economic needs, and young people don't know where they should go next.4.In the American economy, the concept of private property embraces notonly the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights, including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract with another private individual.5.When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find outwhat its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem today, it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal.6.It's theory to which many economists subscribe, but in practice it often leavesrailroads in the position of determining which companies will flourish and which will fail.7.By contrast,they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1650 to 1750,whenEngland was still a completely agricultural country, a period of great abundance and prosperity.8.Even though the day-to-day experience of raising kids can be soul crushingly hard,Senior writes that “the very things that in the moment dampen our moods can later be sources of intense gratification and delight.”9.Often it’s the delivery that causes the audience to smile, so speak slowly andremember that a raised eyebrow or an unbelieving look may help to show that you are making a lighthearted remark.10.Arguing from the view that humans are different from animals in every relevantrespect,extremists of this kind think that animals lie outside the area of moral choice.11.Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the worldto produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place.12.Here, Darwinism seems to offer justification, for if all humans share common origins,it seems reasonable to suppose that cultural diversity could also be traced to more constrained beginnings.13.The American economic system is organized around a basically private-enterprise,market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most.14.Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers,coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it.15.If, on the other hand, producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost,this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller-producers, which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product.16.However, whether such a sense of fairness evolved independently in capuchins andhumans, or whether it stems from the common ancestor that the species had 35 million years ago, is, as yet, an unanswered question.17.They are the possessions of the autonomous man of traditional theory, and they areessential to practices in which a person is held responsible for his conduct and given credit for his achievements.18.As families move away from their stable community, their friends of many years,their extended family relationships, the informal flow of information is cut off, and with it the confidence that information will be available when needed and will be trustworthy and reliable.19.Unhappy parents rarely are provoked to wonder if they should n’t have had kids, butunhappy childless folks are bothered with the message that children are the single most important thing in the world: obviously their misery must be a direct result of the gaping baby-size holes in their lives.20.The communications revolution has influenced both work and leisure and how wethink and feel both about place and time, but there have been controversial views about its economic, political, social and cultural implications.21.Changes in the social structure may indirectly affect juvenile crime rates. Forexample, changes in the economy that lead to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment in general make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain.22.Numerous other commercial enterprises, from theaters to magazine publishers, fromgas and electric utilities to milk processors, bring better and more efficient services to consumers through the use of computers.23.As a linguist, he acknowledges that all varieties of human language, including non-standard ones like Black English, can be powerfully expressive—there exists no language or dialect in the world that cannot convey complex ideas.24.This trend began during the Second World War, when several governments came tothe conclusion that the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment cannot generally be foreseen in detail.。

考研英语大纲词汇〔电子版〕Aacre n.英亩;田地;地产acrobat n.特技演员,杂技演员activate vt.启动,激活;驱动,驱使;使开场起作用actual a.实际的;现实的真实的,目前的acute a.剧烈的;敏锐的;成锐角的;尖的,高音的addition n.加,加法;附加局部,增加(物)additional a.额外的,附加的,另外的adequate adj.充足的,足够的;适当的,胜任的adhere vi.(to)粘着;坚持,遵守;依附,追随adjacent a.(to)(时间上)紧接着的;邻近的,毗邻的adjective n.形容词a.形容词的,用作形容词的adjoin v.临近,靠近;贴近,毗连adjust vt.调节;整顿,调整vi.适应(to);使调节administer v.施行,实施;掌管,料理...的事务;给予administration n.经营,管理;行政,行政机关,管理部门admission n.允许进入;成认;入场费,入会费,入场券adolescent n.青少年 a.青春期的,青少年的adopt vt.采用,采取(态度等);选定;收养adore vt.崇拜,敬慕,爱慕;非常喜欢advance n.前进,预付vi.前进,进展vt.促进,推进advanced a.超前的,先进的;高级的;开明的;前进的advent n.(重要事件等的)到来,降临adverse a.逆的,相反的;敌对的;不利的;有害的aesthetic a.(esthetic)美学的,艺术的;审美的affair n.[pl.]事务;事情(件);(个人的)事affect vt.影响;(疾病)侵袭;感动n.情感,感情affection n.爱,喜爱;爱慕之情;感情;疾病,不适affiliate v.使隶属(或附属)于n.附属机构,分公司affirm vt.断言,坚持声称;肯定;证实,确认;agitate v.摇动(液体);使焦虑不安;困扰;煽动agony n.(精神或肉体的)极大痛苦,创伤agreeable a.符合的;一致的;欣然同意的;令人愉快的aircraft n.飞机,飞船,飞行器Aisle n.(教堂、教室、戏院等里的)过道,通道album n.(同一表演者的)集锦密纹唱片;集邮册,相册alcohol n.酒精,乙醇;含酒精的饮料Alert a.机敏的,警觉的;机灵的vt.使…警觉Alien n.外侨,外国人;外星人a.外国的;相异的allege v.断言,宣称;指控alleviate v.减轻,缓和,缓解(痛苦等)alliance n.同盟,同盟国;结盟,联姻allocate v.分配,分派;拨给;划归allowance n.补贴,津贴;零用钱;减价,折扣;允许Alloy n.合金vt.将…铸成合金Ally n.同盟者,同盟国,vt.使结盟;与…有关联alongside ad.在旁边prep.和...在一起;在...旁边alphabet n.字母表;初步,入门Alter vt.改变,更改;改做(衣服) vi.改变,变化alternate a.交替的,轮流的v.(使)交替,(使)轮流alternative n.二选一;供选择的东西;取舍a.二选一的altitude n.高度,海拔;[pl.]高处,高地altogether ad.完全,总之,全部地;总共;总而言之aluminum n.(aluminium)铝amateur a.&n.业余(水平)的(运发动、艺术家等) ambassador n.大使;特使,(派驻国际组织的)代表ambiguous a.引起歧义的,模棱两可的,模糊不清的ambition n.对(成功、权力等)的强烈欲望,野心;雄心ambitious a.有抱负的,雄心勃勃的;有野心的ambulance n.救护车,救护船,救护飞机amend vt.修改,修订,改进amiable a.和蔼可亲的,友善的,亲切的Amid prep.在…中间,在…之中,被…围绕amount n.总数,数量;数额v.共计;等同,接近(to) ample a.充分的,富裕的;宽阔的,宽大的amplifier n.放大器,扩大器amplify vt.放大,增强;详述,详加讲解amuse vt.向…提供娱乐,使…消遣;引人发笑analogue n.类似物;相似体;模拟analogy n.类似,相似,类比,类推analyse vt.〔analyze〕分析,分解analytic a.(analytical)分析的;分解的ancestor n.祖宗,祖先;原型,先驱anchor n./v.锚;危难时可依靠的人或物;用锚泊船anecdote n.轶事,趣闻,短故事angle n.角,角度v.钓鱼;(采用各种方法〕取得anguish n.(尤指心灵上的)极度痛苦,烦恼ankle n.足踝,踝关节anniversary n.周年,周年纪念日annoy vt.使恼怒,使生气;打搅vi.招人讨厌annual a.每年的,一年生的n.年刊;一年生植物anonymous a.匿名的,无名的,姓氏不明的ant n.蚁;蚂蚁antenna n.(无线电或电视的)天线anticipate vt.预料;期望;预先考虑;抢先;提前使用antique a.古式的,过时的n.有价值的古物,古董anxiety n.挂念,焦虑,焦急,忧虑;渴望,热望anxious a.焦虑的,担忧的;急于(得到的),渴望的apartment n.[英]房间,套间;[美]公寓appal v.使惊骇,使恐惧apparatus n.器械,器具,仪器;机构,组织apparent a.外表上的,貌似真实的;显然的,明明白白的appeal vi.呼吁,恳求;申诉n.呼吁;申诉;吸引力appearance n.出现,露面;外表;(在会议等)作短暂露面appendix n.附录,附属物;阑尾,盲肠appetite n.食欲,胃口;欲望,性欲;爱好,趣味applaud vt.鼓掌欢送;赞同vi.鼓掌欢送,欢呼applause n.鼓掌;喝彩;夸奖,赞扬appliance n.电器;器械,装置;应用,适用applicable a.可应用(实施)的;适当的,适宜的application n.申请,请求,申请书;应用,实施,实用性appoint vt.任命,委派;指定,约定(时间、地点等) appraisal n.对...作出的评价;评价,鉴定,评估appreciate vt.为...表示感谢,感;欣赏,赏识,评价approach v.靠近,接近n.接近;途径,入门;方式,方法appropriate a.适当的,恰当的,特有的vt.拨给,挪用,盗用approval n.批准,通过;赞成,同意approve v.(of)赞成,赞许,同意;批准,审议,通过approximate a.近似的vi.(to)接近apt a.恰当的,适当的;易于…的,有…倾向的arbitrary a.任意的,任性的,主观的;专断的,武断的arch n.拱门,桥拱洞v.拱起,(使)变成弓形architect n.建筑师;设计师;缔造者;创造者architecture n.建筑,建筑学;建筑式样或风格,建筑物arise v.出现,发生;(from)由…引起,由…产生arithmetic n.算术,四那么运算arouse vt.唤醒,叫醒;唤起,激起arrange v.安排,筹划;整理,使有条理,排列,布置array n.大量;排列;盛装v.列阵;装扮;排列arrest n.逮捕,拘留vt.逮捕,拘留;阻止;吸引arrogant a.傲慢的,自大的arrow n.箭,矢,箭状物;箭头符号artery n.动脉;干线,要道articulate a.善于表达的;有关节相连的v.清楚地讲话artificial a.人工的,人造的,人为的;虚伪的,做作的artistic a.艺术(家)的,美术(家)的;善于艺术创作的ascend vi.渐渐上升,升高vt.攀登,登上ascertain vt.确定,查明,弄清ash n.灰,灰末;(pl.)骨灰;(pl.)废墟ashamed a.惭愧的,羞耻的,害臊的ashore ad.上岸;在岸上,向岸上aside ad.在旁边,到一边n.旁白;离题的话aspect n.样子, 外表, 面貌, (问题等的)方面aspire vi.(to,after)渴望,追求,有志于assassinate vt.暗杀,行刺;中伤assault v.猛烈地攻击,袭击n.突然而猛烈的攻击assemble vt.集合,召集;装配;收集vi.集合,聚集assembly n.集合;会议;装配;(美)洲议会的众议院assert vt.断言,宣称;坚持;主〔权利、权威等〕assess vt.(为征税)评估(财产、收入);征税;评价asset n.(pl.)资产,财产;有价值的物品;天赋assign vt.派给,分配;选定,指定(时间、地点等) assignment n.分配,指派;(指定的)作业,(分派的)任务assimilate vt.吸收,消化;使同化vi.被吸收;被同化assist vt.协助,帮助,促进vi.帮助,参加assistance n.协作; 援助; 帮助assistant a.帮助的,辅助的n.助手,助教;辅助物associate vt.联想;交往;联合;n.伙伴;a.联合的association n.联盟,协会,社团;交往,联合;联想assume vt.假装;假定,设想;承当;呈现,采取assumption n.假定,设想;采取;承当;推测;假装assurance n.保证,担保;确信,断言;信心,信念assure vt.使确信,使放心(of);向…保证astonish vt.使惊讶,使吃惊astronaut n.太空人,太空旅行者astronomy n.天文学athlete n.运发动,体育家,身强力壮的人atom n.原子;微粒,微量attach v.系,贴,装,连接;使成为一局部;使依恋attain vt.到达;完成;获得vi.到达attendant n.陪从;出席人;效劳员a.出席的;伴随的attorney n.(业务或法律事务上的)代理人;辩护律师attribute v.(to)归因于,归属于n.属性,品质,特征auction n./vt.拍卖audit v.审计;查帐;核对;旁听auditorium n.观众席,听众席;会堂,礼堂augment vt.(使)增大,增加,增长,扩aural a.听觉的,听力的authentic a.真的,真正的;可靠的,可信的,有根据的authority n.权力,权威;权威人士;(pl.)官方,当局auto n.(automobile)(口语)汽车automatic a.自动(装置)的;无意识的;n.自动机械automation n.自动,自动化,自动操作autonomy n.自治,自治权;autumn n.秋,秋季;成熟期,渐衰期auxiliary a.辅助的,支援的n.辅助者,辅助设备avail n.[一般用于否认句或疑问句中]效用,利益available a.(用于物)可利用的;可见到的,承受采访的avenue n.林荫路,大街;(比喻)途径,渠道,方法avert v.防止,防止;转移(目光、注意力等) aviation n.航空,航空学;飞机制造业await vt.等候,期待;(事情等)降临于award vt.授予,给予;判定n.奖,奖金;仲裁aware a.知道的,意识到的;awe n.敬畏,惊惧vt.使敬畏,使惊惧awful a.极度的,极坏的;威严的,可怕的awkward a.笨拙的;为难的;使用不便的;难处理的axe n.〔ax〕斧子;削减vt.用斧砍axis n.轴,轴线,中心线;坐标轴,基准线bait n.饵,引诱物vt.用饵引诱;折磨,奚落bake v.烤,烘,焙;烧硬,焙干balcony n.阳台;(电影院等的)楼厅,楼座bald a.秃的,秃头的ballet n.芭蕾舞,芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞团balloon n.气球,飞船;a.气球状的v.乘坐气球;膨胀ballot n.(不记名)投票;投票总数;投票权vi.投票ban v.取缔,查禁;(from)制止n.制止,禁令band n.条,带;乐队;波段;一群,一伙v.缚,绑扎bite v./n.咬,叮n.一口bizarre adj.异乎寻常的,稀奇乖僻的blackmail n.讹诈,敲诈,讹诈;胁迫,恫吓blade n.刀刃,刀片;桨叶;草叶,叶片blame v.责备;怪,把…归咎于n.责任,过错;责备blanket n.毯子(可数);厚厚一层(可数) vt.铺上一层blast n.一阵(风);爆炸冲击波;管乐器声v.爆炸blaze n.火焰;火光;闪光,光芒v.燃烧,冒火焰bleak a.荒凉的;冷酷的;没有希望的bleed v.出血,流血blend n.混合(物) v.混和,混杂bless v.祝福,保佑block n.大块木〔石〕料;街区;障碍物v.阻塞,拦阻bloody a.流血的,血腥的bloom n.花(朵);开花(期) v.开花blossom n.花(簇);花期;青春vi.开花;展开;繁荣blouse n.女衬衣,短上衣,宽阔的罩衫blow vi.吹,吹气,打气;吹奏;爆炸;n.打,打击blueprint n.蓝图,设计图,方案vt.制成蓝图,方案blunder v.(因无知等而)犯大错;踉踉跄跄地走n.大错blunt a.率直的;钝的v.(使)钝;(使)迟钝blur n.模糊不清的事物;污点vt.使模糊;玷污blush v./n.脸红boast v.(of,about)自夸,夸耀n.自夸,大话bold a.大胆的,勇敢的;冒失的;黑体的,粗体的bolt n.螺栓,(门,窗的)插销v.闩(门),关窗,拴住bomb n.炸弹v.投弹于,轰炸bond n.结合(物),粘结(剂),联结;公债,债券,契约bonus n.奖金,红利boom v.迅速开展,兴旺;发出隆隆声boost n./ vt.提升;增加;抬高〔价格〕;支援;boot n.靴;(汽车后部的)行箱;[the-]辞退booth n.亭,货摊border n.边界,国界;边(沿) v.交界,与…接壤;接近bore v.钻(孔),挖(洞);烦扰n.讨厌的人,麻烦事bosom n.胸,胸部;胸怀;心;a.亲密的bother vt.打搅,麻烦vi.担忧,烦恼n.烦恼,焦急bounce n./vi.(球)弹起,弹回;弹起,跳起;n.弹力bound v./n.跳(跃) a.被束缚的,一定的;n.界限boundary n.分界限,边界bowel n.肠;[pl.]部,深处bowl n.碗(状物),钵bowling n.保龄球运动boycott n./v.(联合)抵抗,拒绝参与brace v.使防范;支撑;使(手,足,肩等)绷紧n.托架bracket n.(方)括号brake v./n.制动(器),闸,刹车branch n.(树)条,分支;分店;(学科)分科,部门;支流brand n.商标,标记,牌子v.使铭记;打火印,打烙印brandy n.白兰地酒brass n.黄铜,铜器breach n.违反,不履行;破裂vt.冲破,攻破breadth n.宽度,幅breakdown n.崩溃;衰竭;(关系、方案或讨论等的)中断breast n.胸膛,乳房breed v.(使)繁殖,生殖;产生;教养,抚养n.品种breeze n.微风;轻而易举的事vi.来去匆匆,急速走bribe n.贿赂v.向…行贿,买通brick n.砖块,砖;v.用砖围砌,用砖填补bride n.新娘briefcase n.手提箱,公事皮包bright a.明亮的,辉煌的;聪明的;欢快的,美好的brilliant a.光芒的,灿烂的;卓越的,有才华的brim n.边缘,帽沿bring v.拿来,带来;产生,引起;使处于某种状态brisk a.轻快的;生气勃勃的;兴隆的brittle a.易碎的;脆弱的;冷淡的;(声音)尖利的broad a.宽的,广阔的;广阔的;宽宏的,豁达的brochure n.小册子bronze n.青铜;青铜色,古铜色;青铜制品,铜牌brook n.小溪vt.[常用于否认句或疑问句]容忍broom n.扫帚brow n.眉(毛);额brown n./a.褐色(的),棕色(的)browse vi.随意翻阅,浏览;(牛、羊等)吃草bruise n.青肿,挫伤;伤痕vt.打青;挫伤brush n.刷(子),毛刷;画笔v.刷,擦,掸,拂;掠过brutal a.残忍的;严峻的;严酷的bubble n.泡,水泡,气泡v.冒泡,起泡,沸腾bucket n.水桶,吊桶bud n.芽,花苞v.发芽,含苞欲放buffet n.自助餐bug n.臭虫;小毛病;窃听器v.窃听bulk n.体积,容积;主体,大批,大量,大块bull n.公牛bullet n.子弹,枪弹bulletin n.公报,公告,告示bully n.恃强欺弱者,小流氓vt.威胁,欺侮bump v.(against,into)碰;颠簸着前进n.碰撞bunch n.(一)簇,束,捆,串bundle n.捆,包,束burden n.担子,重担,负担vt.给予负担或麻烦bureau n.署,局,司,处bureaucracy n.官僚主义,官僚机构;(非民选的)委任官员burglar n.(入室行窃的)盗贼burn v.燃烧,烧着;烧毁;灼伤n.烧伤,灼伤burst v.爆裂,炸破;突然发生n.突然破裂,爆发bury v.埋(葬),安葬;埋藏,遮盖bush n.灌木(丛)butcher n.屠夫,卖肉者bypass n.(by-pass)旁道;vt.绕过cab n.出租车,出租马车;驾驶室vi.乘出租马车cabin n.客舱,机舱;小(木)屋cabinet n.阁,阁会议;(带玻璃门存物品的)橱柜cable n.电报;电缆;缆,索,钢丝绳v.拍电报camp n.野营,营地;帐篷,阵营v.设营,宿营campaign n.战役;运动canal n.运河;(沟)渠candidate n.候选人,候补者;报考者cannon n.大炮,火炮canoe n.独木舟,小游艇canteen n.(工厂、办公室等)食堂或小卖部canvas n.帆布;帆布画布,(帆布)油画cap n.便帽,军帽;盖,罩,套v.覆盖于…顶端capable a.有本领的,有能力的;(of)可以…的,能…的capacity n.容量,容积;能量,能力;承受力cape n.海角,岬;披肩,短披风capital n.首都;大写字母;资本a.主要的,大写字母的capitalism n.资本主义capsule n.胶囊;太空舱captive n.俘虏a.被俘虏的,被监禁的capture v./n.捕获,俘虏;夺得,攻占carbohydrate n.碳水化合物; 糖类;(plural)淀粉质或糖类cardinal n.(天主教的)红衣主教a.首要的,根本的caress vt./n.爱抚,抚摸cargo n.船货,货物carpenter n.木工,木匠carpet n.地毯carriage n.(四轮)马车;(火车)客车厢carrier n.搬运人;载体carrot n.胡萝卜cart n.(二轮货运)马车,手推车carve v.(雕)刻cashier n.收银员,出纳员cassette n.盒子;盒式磁带cast v.投,扔,掷,抛;铸造;投票;n.演员表castle n.城堡;(国际象棋中的)车casual a.偶然的,碰巧的;临时的,非正式的casualty n.伤亡人员;受害人;损失的东西;急诊室catalog n.〔catalogue〕目录(册) v.编目(录) catastrophe n.大灾难;(悲剧)结局category n.种类,部属,类目;畴,类型cater vi.(for/to)满足,迎合;(for)提供饮食及效劳cathedral n.大教堂centigrade n./a.摄氏温度计(的);百分度(的) centimetre n.(centimeter)厘米central a.中心的,中央的,中枢的;主要的cereal n.加工而成的谷类食物;谷类植物,谷物ceremony n.典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪certainty n.必然,肯定;必然的事certificate n.证(明)书,执照certify vt.证明,证实;发证书(或执照)给chain n.链(条);(pl.)镣铐;一连串v.用链条拴住chalk n.粉笔,白垩chamber n.房间,室;会议室;议院;(动物体)腔室champagne n.香槟酒;微黄色chancellor n.(英)大臣;法官;(德、奥)总理;大学校长chaos n.混乱,紊乱chap n./v.(皮肤)变粗糙;发痛;n.小伙子characterize v.(characterize)表示…的特性;描述…特性charge v.索(价);控告;充电n.(pl.)费用,代价;电荷charity n.慈善(团体),仁慈,施舍charm n.吸引力,魅力v.迷人,(使)醉;施魔法于chart n.图表;航海图;航行图vt.绘图表,制图表charter v.租船,租车,租用飞机;n.宪章,特许状chase v./n.追逐,追求cheek n.面颊,脸cheese n.干酪,乳酪chorus n.合唱队;合唱v.异口同声地说,随声附和Christ n.基督,救世主,耶稣Christian n.基督教徒a.基督教徒的chronic a.(疾病)慢性的;积习难改的;严重的,坏的cigar n.雪茄烟cigaret n.(cigarette)香烟,纸烟,卷烟click n.滴答声;vi.发出滴答声client n.律师等的当事人,委托人;商店的顾客cliff n.悬崖;峭壁climax n.顶点,高潮climb v./n.攀登,爬cling v.(to)粘住;依附;坚持coherent a.一致的,协调的;(话语等)条理清楚的cohesive a.粘合性的,有结合力的coil v.卷,盘绕n.(一)卷,(一)圈;线圈,绕组coincide vi.同时发生;巧合;一致;相符;coincidence n.巧合;同时发生,共同存在;符合,一致collaborate vi.协作,合作;(与敌人)勾结collapse v./n.倒塌;崩溃;(价格)暴跌;倒闭,破产collar n.衣领;环状物colleague n.同事,同僚collective n.集体a.集体的,共同的collide vi.[with]互撞,碰撞;冲突,抵触collision n.碰撞;(利益,意见等的)冲突,抵触colonel n.(陆军)上校colonial a.殖民地的,关于殖民的n.殖民地居民colony n.殖民地;侨民;聚居区;(动植物的)群体column n.圆柱,柱状物;列;(报刊中的)专栏b n.梳子v.梳(理)bat v./n.战斗,搏斗,搏斗bination n.结合,联合;化合;团体;组合数码bine v.联合;结合;化合n.集团;联合企业ic a.喜剧的,滑稽的n.连环漫画杂志;喜剧演员mand n./v.命令,指挥,控制n.掌握,运用能力memorate vt.纪念,庆祝mence vt.开场vi.获得学位mend v.称赞,表扬:委托保管;推荐ment n.注释,评论,意见v.(on)注释,评论merce n.商业,贸易;交际,交往mercial a.商业的;商务的;可获利的n.广告节目mission n.委员会;委任,委托(书),代办;佣金,手续费mit v.把…交托给,提交;犯(错误),干(坏事)mittee n.委员会,全体委员modity n.(pl.)日用品;商品;农/矿产品;有用之物monplace a.普通的,平庸的n.寻常的事物,平庸的东西monwealth n.国,联邦,共同体munism n.共产主义munity n.同一地区的全体居民,社会,社区;共同体mute v.乘公交车上下班,乘车(船等)往返于两地pact a.严密的,结实的;简明的v.使紧凑,压缩panion n.同伴,共事者;伴侣parable a.(with,to)可比较的,比得上的parative a.比较的,相当的parison n.比较,比照,比喻,比较partment n.卧车包房,(客车车厢的)隔间;分隔的空间pass n.罗盘,指南针;(pl.)圆规passion n.同情;怜悯(for)patible a.能和睦相处的,合得来的;兼容的pel v.强迫,迫使pensate v.(for)补偿,赔偿pensation n.补偿(或赔偿)的款物;补偿,赔偿petent a.有能力的,能胜任的;足够的pile vt.编辑,编制,搜集plaint n.抱怨,诉苦,怨言,控告;疾病plement n.补足物,船上的定员;补语vt.补充,补足plex a.复杂的;合成的,综合的n.联合体plication n.复杂,纠纷;并发症pliment n.(pl.)问候,致意n./v.称赞,恭维ply v.(with)遵照,照做,应允;顺从,服从ponent n.组成局部,成分,元件a.组成的,合成的pose v.组成,构成;(of)由…组成;创作(诗歌等) posite a.混合成的,综合成的n.合成物,复合材料position n.作品,作文,乐曲;作曲;构造,组成,成分pound n.混合物,化合物a.混合的,化合的;vt.混合prehend vt.理解,领会;包含,包括prehension a.理解(力),领悟;包含,包含力prehensive a.容广泛的,总括性的,综合的press vt.压紧,压缩;(把思想、文字等)浓缩prise vt.包含,包括,由...组成;构成,组成promise n.妥协,折衷vi.妥协vt.危及,放弃(原那么等) pulsory a.必须做的,强制性的,(课程)必修的pute v./n.计算,估计rade n.同志,同事,同伴,朋友conceal v.隐藏,隐瞒,隐蔽concede vt.成认;容许;(比赛完毕前)认输;退让conceive v.(of)设想,构思,想象;以为;怀胎,怀有concentrate v.(on)集中,专心;浓缩n.浓缩物concentration n.专心,专注;集中,集结;浓度concept n.概念,观念,设想concern v.涉及,关系到v./n.关心n.(利害)关系concerning prep.关于,论及concession n.让步,妥协;特许(权);concise a.简明的,简洁的concrete a.具体的,实质性的n.混凝土v.用混凝土修筑condemn v.谴责,指责;判刑,宣告有罪condense v.(使)冷凝,(使)凝结;浓缩,压缩,简缩conduct n.行为,品行v.引导;管理;指挥(乐队);传导conductor n.管理者;(汽车)售票员;领队,指挥;导体confer v.商讨;授予,颁给(勋衔,学位等) conference n.(正式)会议;讨论,商谈confess v.供认,成认,坦白,忏悔confidential a.秘(机)密的;表示信任的;担任工作的confine vt.限制;使不外出,禁闭n.[pl.]界限,围confirm v.使更巩固,使更坚决;(进一步)证实;确认conflict n.战斗,斗争;抵触,冲突v.(with)抵触,冲突conform vi.(to)遵守,适应;相似,一致,符合confront v.使面临,使遭遇;面对(危险等)confusion n.困惑,糊涂;混淆;混乱,骚乱congress n.(代表)大会;(美国等国的)国会,议会conjunction n.接合,连接,联合;连(接)词conquer v.征服,战胜,占领;抑制,破除(坏习惯等) conquest n.征服,征服地,掠取物conscience n.良心,良知conscientious a.审慎正直的,认真的,本着良心的conscious a.(of)意识到的,自觉的;神志清醒的consecutive a.连续的;连贯的;顺序的consensus n.(意见等的)一致,一致同意,共识consent v./n.(to)同意,赞成,容许consequence n.结果,后果,影响;重要性consequently ad.结果,因此,所以conservation n.保存,保护,保守;守恒,不灭conservative a.保守的,守旧的n.保守主义者considerable a.相当大(或多)的,可观的;值得考虑的considerate a.考虑周到的,体谅的consideration n.需要考虑的事,理由;考虑,思考;体谅,照顾consist v.(in)在于,存在于;(of)由…组成,由…构成consistent a.(in)前后一致的;〔with〕一致,符合console n.控制台,仪表板;落地柜vt.抚慰,慰问consolidate v.使加固,使加强;(把...)联为一体,合并conspicuous a.显眼的,明显的conspiracy n.阴谋,密谋,共谋constant a.固定的,持续的,忠实的n.常数,恒量constituent n.选民;成分,组分a.组成的,构成的constitute vt.组成,构成,形成;设立,建立,任命constitution n.构成,构造,组成(方式),成分;体格;宪法constrain vt.限制,约束;抑制,抑制construct v.建立,建造,构造;创立construction n.建造,构造;建筑物,构造;释义,解释consult v.请教,向...咨询,找...商量;查阅,查看consultant n.会诊医师,参谋医生;参谋consume vt.消耗;吃完,喝光;(with)使着迷;烧毁consumption n.消费(量),消耗contact v./n.(使)接触,联系,交往container n.容器;集装箱contaminate v.弄污,弄脏,毒害,传染,染污contemplate vt.盘算,计议;周密考虑;注视,凝视contemporary a.现代的,当代的;同时代的contempt n.轻视,藐视;受辱,丢脸contend v.竞争,斗争;坚决主content n.容量,容,(pl.)目录a.(with)满足的contest n.竞争,竞赛,比赛v.竞争,比赛,争论context n.〔文章等〕前后关系;(事件等发生的)背景continent n.大陆,洲continual a.不断的,连续的,频繁的continuous a.连续的,持续的contract n.(承包)合同/契约v.订合同/契约;使缩小contradict v.反驳;同…矛盾,同…抵触contradiction n.反驳,否认;矛盾,不一致contrary a.(to)相反的,矛盾的n.反对,矛盾;相反contrast n.比照,对照vi.形成比照vt.把…与…比照contrive vt.谋划,筹划;设法做到;设计,想出controversial a.引起争论的,有争议的controversy n.争论,辩论,争吵convenience n.便利,方便;(pl.)便利设备convention n.大会,会议;惯例,常规,习俗;公约,协定conventional a.惯例的,常规的conversely ad.相反地conversion n.转变,转换;信仰的改变;convert v.变换,转换;改变〔信仰等〕;兑换〔钱〕convey v.运送,搬运,转运;传达,传播convict v.(经审讯)证明…有罪,宣判…有罪n.囚犯conviction n.深信,确信;定罪,判罪;convince v.(of)使信服,使确信cooperate v.(with)合作,协作,相配合cooperative a.合作的,协作的n.合作社coordinate a.同等的,并列的;坐标的n.坐标coordinate a.同等的n.同等者,坐标vt.协作,协调cop n.警察(slang 俚语)cope v.(with)竞争,对抗;(with)对付,妥善处理copper n.铜;铜币,铜制器cord n.绳,索cordial a.诚恳的,亲切的,热诚的core n.果核;中心,核心corn n.谷物,庄稼,玉米corporation n.市镇自治机关;法人;公司,企业correlate n.相互关联的事物v.(with,to)(使)互相关联correspond v.通信,(with)符合,一致;(to)相当于,对应correspondence n.通信,信件;(with)符合;(to)相当于,对应correspondent n.记者,通讯员;通信者corresponding a.符合的,相应的,对应的corridor n.走廊,通路corrode v.(受)腐蚀,侵蚀corrupt v.贿赂,收买a.腐败的,贪污的cosmic a.宇宙的;无比巨大的,无穷尽的costly a.昂贵的,价值高的,豪华的costume n.(流行的)服饰;戏装,(特定场合的)套装cosy a.暖和舒服的;舒适的[反]unfortable cottage n.村舍,小屋,别墅couch n.发;(病人躺的)长榻vt.表达council n.理事会,委员会,议事机构counsel v./n.劝告,忠告n.法律参谋,辩护人count v.数,计算;算入;看作,认为n.计数,总数counter n.柜台;计数器a./ad.相反(的) v.反对,还击counterpart n.对应的人(或物)county n.(英国)郡,(美国)县coupon n.证明持券人有某种权利的卡片,票证,赠券courtesy n.谦恭有礼;有礼貌的举止(或言词) courtyard n.院子,庭院,天井cousin n.堂(或表)兄弟,堂(或表)姐妹coward n.懦夫,害怕者crab n.螃蟹,蟹肉crack n.裂纹,缝隙;破裂声v.(使)破裂,砸开cradle n.摇篮;发源地craft n.工艺,手艺,技巧;飞机,飞船crane n.起重机,鹤crash v./n.碰撞,坠落,摔坏n.失败,瓦解;爆裂声crawl v./n.爬行,蠕动;缓慢(的)行进cream n.乳脂,(鲜)奶油;奶油色creature n.人,动物;生物credential n.凭证,(pl.)国书,证明书creep v.爬,爬行;(植物)蔓延crew n.全体船员,全体乘务员cricket n.板球;蟋蟀cripple n.跛子,残疾人v.使跛,使残疾crisis n.(pl.crises)危机,紧要关头crisp a.脆的,易碎的;简明扼要的;〔空气〕清爽的criterion n.(pl.criteria或criterions)标准,尺度critic n.批评家,评论家critical a.批评的,评论的;危急,紧要的;临界的criticism n.评论性的文章,评论;批评,指责,非难criticize v.(criticise)批评,评论crow n.乌鸦v./n.鸡啼,鸣叫crucial a.至关重要的,决定性的crude a.天然的,未加工的;未熟的;粗鲁的,粗野的cruel a.残忍的,残酷的cruise v.巡航;以节省燃料的速度前进n.乘船巡游crush n./v.压碎,压坏v.压服,压垮crust n.外皮,壳;地壳crystal n.水晶,水晶饰品;结晶a.水晶的,透明的cube n.立方形,立方体;立方,三次幂cucumber n.黄瓜cue 暗示, 提示, 球杆cultivate v.耕作,栽培,养殖;培养,教养,磨炼culture n.文化,文明;修养;耕种;栽培,培育; cunning a./n.狡猾(的),狡诈(的)cupboard n.碗柜,小橱curb n.路边,场外证券市场,vt.制止,抑制curiosity n.好奇心;古董,古玩curl v.(使)卷曲,蜷缩n.卷发;卷曲状;卷曲物currency n.流传,流通;通货,货币current n.电流,水流;潮流,趋势a.当前的;流通的curriculum n.(pl.curricula)课程,(学校等的)全部课程curse n.诅咒,咒语,祸因vt.诅咒,咒骂,使受罪curtain n.窗帘,门帘;幕(布);完毕;vt遮掩curve n.曲线,弯曲(物) v.弄弯,成曲形cushion n.垫子,软垫vt.装垫子;缓和,减轻;custom n.习惯,风俗,惯例;(pl.)海关,关税customary a.习惯的,惯例的cyberspace n.虚拟信息空间;网络空间cylinder n.圆筒,圆锥体;汽缸dairy n.牛奶场,奶店dam n.水坝,水闸damn int.该死vt.遣责;使失败a.十足的ad.极damp n.潮湿a.潮湿的vt.使潮湿;使衰减dance n.舞(蹈);舞曲,舞会v.跳舞;跳动dare v.敢,胆敢dash v./n.冲,猛冲,突进n.破折号data n.(datum的复数)资料,数据database n.(databank)数据库date n.日期,年代v.注明…的日期n./v.约会dawn n.黎明,拂晓v.破晓;开场现出deficit n.赤字,逆差;亏损,亏空;缺乏,缺乏define v.给…下定义;阐述;阐释;限定,规定definite a.明确的;一定的;意志坚强的,立场坚决的definition n.定义,解释;(轮廓影像等的)清晰度;说明; defy v.(公然)违抗,对抗;蔑视degenerate v.衰退,堕落,蜕化a.堕落的n.堕落者delegate n.代表vt.委派…为代表;授;委托deliberate a.深思熟虑的,成心的vt.研讨,商讨delicate a.纤弱的;精致的;微妙的;灵敏的delight n.快乐,快乐v.(使)快乐,(使)欣喜deliver v.交付,递送;发表,表达;释放;接生delivery n.递送;交付;分娩;交货;引渡demand n./v.要求,请求,需要(量) v.查问democracy n.,制,国家democratic a.的demonstrate v.论证,证实;演示,说明denial n.否认;拒绝;否认某事或某事实的声明denote vt.表示,意味着denounce vt.公开指责,公然抨击;谴责dense a.浓厚的,密集的,稠密的density n.密集,密度,浓度dental a.牙齿的;牙科(用)的dentist n.牙医deny v.否认,否认;拒绝depart vi.离开,起程 a.过去的,逝世的dilemma n.(进退两难的)窘境,困境diligent a.勤奋的,用功的dilute vt.稀释,冲淡a.稀释的,冲淡的dim a.暗淡的,模糊的dimension n.尺寸,尺度;维(数),度(数)diminish v.缩小,减少,递减dine v.吃饭,进餐dip v./n.浸,蘸diploma n.毕业文凭,学位证书diplomatic a.外交的,从事外交的;策略的,有手腕的directory n.人名地址录,()簿dirt n.污物,污垢disable vt.使残废;使失去能力;丧失能力disappear v.不见,消失disappoint vt.失望;(希望等)破灭,挫败(方案等) disaster n.灾难,大祸;彻底的失败disastrous a.灾难性的disc n.(disk)圆盘,圆面,盘状物discard vt.丢弃,抛弃,遗弃discern v.认出,发现;区分,识别discharge v./n.卸货,排出;发射,放(电);遣散,辞退discipline n.纪律,学科disclose v.提醒,泄露discount n.折扣;贴现(率) vt.打折扣;不重视discourage v.使泄气,使失去信心discourse n.论文;演说;谈话;话语vi.讲述,著述discreet a.(言行)慎重的;慎重的;有判断力的discrepancy n.相差;差异;矛盾;discriminate v.区别,区分;(against)有差异地对待,歧视disgrace n.失宠,耻辱v.使失宠;玷辱,使蒙羞disguise n./v.假装,伪装disgust n.厌恶,恶心v.使厌恶dish n.碟子,盘子,菜肴dismay n./v.(使)沮丧;(使)惊慌;(使)失望,(使)绝望dismiss v.免职,辞退,开除,解散disorder n.混乱,杂乱;骚乱;失调,疾病disperse v.(使)分散;(使)散开;疏散displace v.移置,转移;取代,置换display v./n.列,展览,显示(器)disposal n.处理,处置;布置,安排dispose v.(of)处理,处置;(for)布置,安排disposition n.排列,部署;性格倾向;倾向,意向dispute n.争论,争执v.争论,辩论;反驳;疑心;阻止disregard vt.不理会;无视;漠视n.无视;漠视disrupt vt.使混乱,使崩溃,使分裂,使瓦解dissipate v.驱散;(使云、雾、疑虑等)消散;挥霍dissolve v.(使)溶解,(使)融化;解散,取消distill vt.蒸馏,用蒸馏法提取;吸取,提炼distinct a.清楚的,明显的;(from)截然不同的distinction n.区别,差异;级别;特性;声望;显赫distinguish v.(from)区别,区分;识别出;使出色distort v.弄歪(嘴脸等);扭曲;歪曲(真理、事实等) distract v.分散;使分心;打搅;使心情烦乱distress n.苦恼;危难;不幸v.使苦恼distribute v.分发;分配;分布;配(电);(over)散布district n.地区,行政区;美国各州的众议院选区disturb v.扰乱,阻碍,使不安disturbance n.动乱,骚乱,干扰ditch n.沟,沟渠,水沟diverse a.多种多样的,(from)不同的diversion n.转向,转移;牵制;解闷;娱乐divert vt.使转向,使改道;转移(注意力);使娱乐divide v.分,划分,分开;分配;(by)除dividend n.红利,股息;回报,效益;被除数divine a.神的,神授的,天赐的;极好的,极美的division n.分,分割;部门,科,处;除法;分界限divorce v./n.离婚,别离dizzy a.头晕目眩的,眩晕的;(可能)使人头晕的dock n.船坞,码头doctorate n.博士学位;博士头衔document n.公文,文献documentary a.文献的n.记录片doll n.玩偶,玩具娃娃domain n.(活动,思想等)领域,围;领地dome n.圆屋顶domestic a.家里的;本国的;驯养的dominant a.支配的,统治的,占优势的dominate v.支配,统治,控制;占优势donate vt.损赠(金钱等);赠予donkey n.驴子;蠢人;顽固的人doom n.厄运,劫数v.注定,命定doorway n.门口dorm n.(dormitory)[美][口]宿舍dose n.剂量,一服,一剂v.(给…)服药dot n.点,圆点v.在…上打点dove n.鸽子downward a.向下的ad.(also downwards)向下,往下doze v./n.瞌睡;假寐。

(完整word版)研究生综合英语(陆效用,复旦大学)单词整理(第一册).docxFlabby弱的,松的Exhilarating令人高的Lapse 陷入,流逝,失效,Greasy 油的,油滑的Consummation房Amok 狂怒Snap突然,猛咬,突然折断Antagonism抗的,意的Cobble石,粗制造Scapegrace 混蛋Take a liking to喜Snippy粗的Infatuation迷恋Have to do with sb 与??有关Hyperstimulation 度刺激Intuition Rapport关系密切,和Forge 造,造Craving渴望,Stem from源于Curator,管理者,Hold true for sth ??也适用Count on指望Bemoan悲悼,哀Giddiness眩,浮Revert to回到??Muster召集Larder食品柜Gutter民窟,水沟Incentive刺激(的),激励Perversity反常,倔,Infamous声名狼藉Outback内地Hilarious极其可笑的,的Dissolute放Swoop俯冲Chuck拍,;放弃(in/up ),Rogue棍,小淘气Flutter拍翅膀,不跳,打走、扔掉( out)Workhouse救所,囚犯工厂,,抖Expostulation告感化院Wallaby沙袋鼠Unscrupulous肆无忌惮的,无耻Yacht快艇Hector威吓,作威作福得人Amendment改正,修正案Sovereign土Plunk down突然落下Qualm(about)疑,担心,Settle down安Cook up内疚,心Wash one’s hands of sb/sth拒Peck sth out啄出,力的打字Convict 明有罪、判决(of),Be in sb’s debt欠?? A buffer zone冲地使悔悟,囚犯Make a point of doing一定Wipe out底,抹去,擦Vindictive复性的做??干Scoundrel棍Chitchat Be akin to密切关系的,相似的Philander玩弄女性Spam垃圾件En route在途中Grudge 嫉妒(v,n+ against),Detritus碎屑,腐Mount (使)登、爬、;架不情愿做(to do/doing )Suck/rock吮,/ 晃,令人,嵌;(攻);(警Levy 征收,征募,(争)震惊);展出,搬上舞台Tip the scale (against/in favor of)Harry不断Ultimatum最后通牒Come across 偶遇,出,清,Snoop,管事的人,私Chronic慢性走来家探Tardiness拖拉More often than not Shrivel(使)萎、无能力Clamp 子,,行施或As opposed to Barrage阻,猛烈攻取Seedy 多种子的,下流,不愉快,Mind-boggling令人吃惊Riot 乱衣衫Disparate迥异Escalate(使)逐步升,自Sensation感知,Hassle争,麻扶梯爬升Premise 假定,Salvage挽救,可利用的品Squabble争吵Trashy垃圾似的Far-flung遥的Airborne空运,媒Inoffensive 无害的,不人Visceral内Intone吟的Transcend超越Enlist 征募,入伍,取(支持)Appeal 呼吁,求助( to/for ),有Flatten弄平,打倒De rigueure 盛行吸引力的(to)Hierarchy等Tightrope拉的索,危的Intermediary 中介的,中介Purveyor建者境Thrill使,使,使抖Prurient色情Enunciate清晰地音,宣布Overt明,公然,蓄意Spew One-liner小笑Truculent凶狠、好、粗暴Mentor良益友Make for走向,攻,致Buttress支持物Forte特,响的,很响地Get away with幸逃脱Caricature 漫画,夸手法Steak牛排,肉排Speculate on思索,推Guise外,装Tentative性的Imbue sb(sth) with sth灌Gag插科打,塞住嘴,噎住Irrevocable不可撤回的Infuse sb(sth) with sth 注入Blitz炸Forego放弃Raise sb’s hackles 生气Citadel 城堡,要塞,安全的地方Marrow骨髓,精髓,葫芦Call sth forth起Aloofness冷漠,高傲Transient短的,瞬的,Dredge sth up挖取,出,提起Contagion染,染病住客,候Deceptive 虚的,人的Defiant 抗的,挑的,大胆的Galvanizing,Bracket 支架,括弧,,等Protocol ,礼,IT Imposter子,档次,同等的人/物Implore求Vivacious活的Falsify 造,歪曲,撒Ladle勺,用勺舀Crack裂开,开,(笑),Cog ,吻合Chalk up下,取得响,破解,掉,俏皮,Oversight失察,疏忽Patch up修,平息裂,入Flirt 情,一想到,In a twinkling一瞬Trepidation惶恐,抖Demotion 降Be caught up in sth ?特感Arrogance傲慢Banter 取笑,逗弄,开玩笑趣Hotshot能人,自命不凡的人,Scarlet 猩色Theologian神学家快Dissect 解剖,仔分析Bioethicist生物理学家Bravado 虚声,蛮干,冒Bluff 愚弄,吓Permeate渗入,弥漫Lovelorn失恋,相思病Abysmally 极坏的,极度的Mammary乳腺的,乳房的Dropout退出,退学,退学生,Bait ,引Nascent初生的,不成熟的漏掉Magnate 巨,要人,Atheist无神者Infatuation迷恋,迷恋的西Orchestra 管弦Agnostic不可知者Seductress勾引男人的女人Zenith 天,最高点,鼎盛Inundate泛,倒Potency 力量,潜力,力,效Becomingly 合适的,得体的Pharmaceutical 制的力Prima 第一的,主要的Insulin胰素Soother慰者Bolster 子,支持物,靠枕Reiterate 重申,反复做Chameleon色Mastermind 才横溢的人,智Uterine 子的Pejorative蔑的,的囊,幕后操Transfix刺穿,把某人怔住Modus operandi 一做法,工Obliterate 擦掉痕迹,消,忘掉Ply 向,定期往返,不断地做作方法to all intents and purposes 上Juggernaut世界主宰Omnipotent 全能的,至高无上的As opposed to 与?相,而不是Mandate命令,授Fortify加,加固,筑防御工At every turnOnslaught突,猛攻事于,支持,,提高养,Mark time原地踏步,无展Docile温,容易服的提高酒的度数At stake 危急关A host of大量Brim(杯碗、帽子)Come by从旁,得到Grapple with搏斗,努力付Obstinately固的,固的Break off中断,断交,折断Be entitled to有??利Howl叫Exert oneself尽力Walk of life行,Tug拉,拖In the nick of time 及Incandescent 的,的Blemish疤,瑕疵Provisional的,定的Forthcoming即将到来的,有Moratorium 延期付,停,的,意帮助的Bail out保,舀出,跳。
考研英语熟词生义归纳 突破500难词

1. work 1. n. 工作,作品2. v. 努力;起作用2. yield: 动词,“ 出产,生产”,词组yield to somebody / something 则是“ 投降,屈从于或者妥协”的含义。
n. 产量,收获How much can you yield from that field? 那块田你能有多少的产量?He never yielded during the interrogation. 他在整个审问过程中都没有屈服。
3. plague: 动词,“折磨,烦扰,肆虐”。
4. plain: “十足,彻底”,有的时候也表示“浅显易懂”,或者“太过普通”。
5. plant: (重工业)工厂,电站;造纸厂paper plant;power plant 发电厂6. play n. 戏剧,playgoer戏迷; player 运动员7. plug away at something: “埋头苦干”。
8. plunge: “急速下降,下跌”。
9. point: 名词“目的,意义”。
10. poke fun at someone: “拿… 寻开心”。
11. policy: “原则”。
12. polish: “雕琢,完善”。
13. pop: 比较熟悉的含义是“流行音乐”,但是作为动词,它的含义是“爆炸,开枪”,词组为“ popup ”,含义为“突然出现”。
14. pose: “造成,形成”,通常表达消极的含义,比如“ pose challenge ”或者“ post athreat ”。
15. post: 名词“岗位,职位”。
v. 邮寄,寄送;刊登,发布在poster海报16. power: 1. 力量Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。
2. “ 电力,动力”。
powerfailure 断电;power-off 停电,关机 3. 权利The powerful is (真实题) 17. practice: 名词“惯例,(长期一贯的)做法”。
屠皓民-英语大纲解析文字版 (1)


according to按照,根据
in the air在流行中,在传播中

单词(考研英语词汇 屠浩明)5月1日星期四第三轮 词汇记忆232、233页5月2日星期五第三轮 词汇记忆234、235页5月3日星期六第三轮 词汇记忆236、237页5月4日星期日第三轮 词汇记忆238、239页5月5日星期一复习上周背诵过的单词 重点是复习没有背会的单词和意思5月6日星期二第三轮 词汇记忆240、241页5月7日星期三第三轮 词汇记忆242、243页5月8日星期四第三轮 词汇记忆244、245页5月9日星期五第三轮 词汇记忆246、247页5月10日星期六第三轮 词汇记忆248-250页5月11日星期日英语课5月12日星期一复习上周背诵过的单词 重点是复习没有背会的单词和意思5月13日星期二复习第三轮词汇记忆中的词缀、词根部分 掌握词根词缀表示的意思 (174-225页)单词记忆是一个不断重复加深记忆的过程,大家记不住也在课堂上的讲过的单词、长难句的分析和阅读方法。
5月14日星期三5月15日星期四第四轮 词汇记忆 09年阅读Text1(251-252页)5月16日星期五第四轮 词汇记忆 09年阅读Text2(253-254页)5月17日星期六第四轮 词汇记忆 09年阅读Text3(254-256页)5月18日星期日第四轮 词汇记忆 09年阅读Text4(256-257页)5月19日星期一复习上周阅读真题中的单词 重点是掌握单词在文章中的意思5月20日星期二第四轮 词汇记忆 10年阅读Text1(258-259页)5月21日星期三第四轮 词汇记忆 10年阅读Text2(259-261页)5月22日星期四第四轮 词汇记忆 10年阅读Text3(261-262页)5月23日星期五第四轮 词汇记忆 10年阅读Text4(262-264页)5月24日星期六英语课5月25日星期日第四轮 词汇记忆 11年阅读Text1(264-265页)5月26日星期一复习上周阅读真题中的单词 重点是掌握单词在文章中的意思5月27日星期二第四轮 词汇记忆 11年阅读Text2(266-267页)5月28日星期三第四轮 词汇记忆 11年阅读Text3(267-269页)5月29日星期四第四轮 词汇记忆 11年阅读Text4(269-270页)5月30日星期五第四轮 词汇记忆 12年阅读Text1(271-272页)复习第三轮词汇记忆中的词缀、词根部分 掌握词根词缀表示的意思 (174-225页)5月31日星期六第四轮 词汇记忆 12年阅读Text2(272-274页)阅读:注:各部分要求如下1.第一遍做:在不借助任何工具的情况下按照考试的形式完成2.第二遍做:将不会的单词查出来,没看懂的句子对照后面的翻译看句子结构;3.将不会的单词背会。

考研英语语法精讲讲义北京新东方学校国内部屠皓民总述1. 考研语法的重要性2. 考研语法有哪些简单句20%并列句10%三大从句60%特殊句法10%3. 考研语法怎么考直接考查(1)完形填空The words used by the speaker may stir up unfavorable reactions in the listener ___ interfere with his comprehension.A. whoB. asC. whichD. what分析:The words used by the speaker may stir up unfavorable reactions in the listener ___ interfere with his comprehension.used by the speaker 分词结构充当the words 的修饰定语;句子的主体结构为the words may stir up unfavorable reactions;填空部分引导从句修饰名词reactions(2)书面表达语言多样化The boy is standing there. He was praised by the teacher.The boy who was praised by the teacher is standing there.间接考查(1)理解阅读理解文章,对比选项帮助理解阅读理解People are absorbed into “a culture of consumption” launched by the 19th-century department stores that offered “vast arrays of goods in an elegant atmosphere.”句子主体:People are absorbed into “a culture of consumption”(2)分析翻译部分长句完成翻译考题中的句子分析Only recently did linguists begin the serious study of languages that were very different from their own.语言考点:部分倒装+定语从句第一讲定语从句It is Liu Yinan.Liu Yinan likes playing volleyball.用who替代指代人的相同名词who引导的句子放在相同名词的后面It is Liu Yinan who likes playing volleyball. (who代替Liu Yinan)He enjoys reading newspapers.Newspapers can tell him a lot of knowledge.用which替代指代物的相同名词which引导句子放在相同名词的后面He enjoys reading newspapers which can tell him a lot of knowledge.(which替代newspapers) The boy is my brother.He helped me.= The boy who helped me is my brother.This is the mountain village.I visited it last year.= This is the mountain village which/that I visited last year.定语从句:用who/which/that等关系代词引导一个句子修饰前面的名词The factory is over there.My father worked in it ten years ago.= The factory which my father workedin ten years ago is over there.The factory in which my father worked ten years ago is over there.His father died that year.He was born in that year.= His father died that yearwhich he was born in.His father died that year in which he was born.I cannot forget the dayMy family moved into the city on that day.= I cannot forget the day which my family moved into the city on.I cannot forget the day on which my family moved into the city.His father died that year in which he was born.in which= in whichHis father died that year when he was born.I cannot forget the day on which my family moved into the city.I cannot forget the day when my family moved into the city.The factory in which my father worked ten years ago is over there.The factory where my father worked ten years ago is over there.定语从句:用who/which/that等关系代词和where/when等关系副词引导一个句子修饰前面的名词第二讲定语从句的拆分Have you heard of a pig that is nearly as smart as a human being?从句部分:that is nearly as smart as a human beingAn elephant and a mouse fell in love with each other, which is most unusual.从句部分:which is most unusual 非限定性定语从句定语从句类型非限定性定语从句He got the first prize, which is out of my expectation.限定性定语从句Have you finished the work that the teacher asked?I have a sister who is a nurse.I have a sister, who is a nurse.区别:【1】从句作用不同【2】翻译方式不同The speed at which China’s economy has been growing in the past decade is remarkable.从句部分:at which China’s economy has been growing in the past decade拆分步骤1. 圈定句中动词2. 圈定句中关系代词或关系副词3. 动词1+ 关系词+动词2关系词+ 动词1 + 动词2The child whose parents died in the car crash was left in the care of his grandparents.The first case of bird flu that was reported in Thailand captured the attention of officials from WHO. She has the confidence with which she can overcome every obstacle that she may come across in her life.第三讲定语从句的省略句子主体构成The teacher praised the boy.主谓宾The man is the professor of the university.主系表I know the girl who comes from Beijing.I know the boy who was praised by the teacher.The book which is related to the development has been published recently.当关系词在从句中充当主语时,可以省略,后面的动词发生形式变化——主动语态时,动词变成-ING形式被动语态时,动词保留过去分词形式I know the girl who comes from BJ.I often like reading short novels which were written by Hemingway.I often like reading short novels written by Hemingway.I raise a dog which is named KING.* I raise a dog named KING.I believe the candidate who made the speech in the assembly yesterday is sure to win the support.*I believe the candidate making the speech in the assembly yesterday is sure to win the support.I know the boy who was praised by the teacher.The book which is related to the development has been published recently.They lived in a house facing the south.= They lived in a house which faced the south.The workers working in the factory are well-paid.= The workers who work in the factory are well-paid.= The workers who are working in the factory are well-paid.The tie worn by our head was made in Shanghai.= The tie which is worn by our head was made in Shanghai.The book written by Wang sells well.= The book which was written by Wang sells well.第四讲定语从句真题演练America and Americans were prosperous beyond the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economies the war had destroyed.For a while,it looked as though the making of semiconductors, which America had invented and which sat at the heart of the new computer age, was going to be the next casualty.People are absorbed into “a culture of consumption” launched by the 19th-centur y department stores that offered “vast arrays of goods in an elegant atmosphere.”The emphasis on data gathered first-hand, combined with a cross-cultural perspective brought to the analysis of cultures past and present, makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science.The researchers made great progress in the early 1970s, when they discovered that oncogenes, which are cancer-causing genes, are inactive in normal cells.第五讲特殊句型之倒装基本句型主谓宾定状表I like watching the romantic movies in my spare time.He is a famous teacher in this university.谓语动词的助动词watch--- dowatched--- didwatches--- doeshas/have watched--- has/havehad watched--- hadcan watch --- can全部倒装——谓语动词放置在主语之前An old man lives in the city center.= In the city center lives an old man.A temple stands on the mountain.= On the mountain stands a temple.全部倒装?强调句中的地点副词或状语There goes the bus.In the city center lives an old man.Under the tress sat a wounded soldier.With economic growth has come centralization: fully 76 percent of Japan’s 119 million citizens live in cities where community and the extended family have been abandoned in favor of isolated, two-generation house-holds.考研阅读全部倒装难点:分词结构的倒装(a) All kinds of sea animal bodies are buried in the deep sea.(b) Our teacher was walking at the head of the line.(a)Buried in the deep sea are all kinds of sea animal bodies.(b)Walking at the head of the line was our teacher.(a) Added to the stress is their opportunity for stress. (2008)(b) Emerging from the 1980 census is the picture of a nation developing more and more regional competition, as population growth in the Northeast and Midwest reaches a near standstill.部分倒装——主语和谓语动词位置不变,将谓语动词的助动词放置到主语的前面。
2024考研英语核心词汇分类 社会生活类

# 《考研英语核心词汇分类》### 社会生活#### 01、生态环境- **emit** v.排放*emit more carbon than they absorb*(英二2019T2)(森林)碳排放量超过吸收量。
- **emission** n.排放*emissions-permit auctions*(英二 2019T2)碳排放许可拍卖。
- **aggravate** v. 恶化*The negative feelings generated during the day tend to aggravate in our unconscious mind*(2005T3)白天产生的不良情绪往往在潜意识中恶化。
- **deteriorate** v.恶化*deteriorating* a.恶化的*deterioration* n.恶化*stop such deterioration*(1989T3)阻止情况恶化。
- **preserve** v.保护;n.专属领域*preserve the diversity of species*(英语二 2019T2)保护物种多样性。
- **conservation** n.保护- **conservative** a.保守的;n.保守党*conservative business strategies*(英二 2020T2)保守的商业战略。
- **restore** v.恢复原状*restore public trust in financial institutions*(2019T1)重建公众对金融机构的信任。
- **crude** n.原油;a.粗糙的*the price rise of crude*(2002T3)原油价格上升。
- **tap** n.水龙头;v.开发*a one-way tap*(2012B)单向水龙头。
*tap resources*(200OC)开发资源。
考研英语5500词汇分频记忆 屠皓民pdf

考研英语5500词汇分频记忆屠皓民pdfTitle: Memorizing the 5500 Vocabulary Words for the Postgraduate Entrance Exam by Tu HaominAs postgraduate entrance exams become increasingly competitive, students are constantly looking for effective ways to improve their English vocabulary. One popular resource that has gained recognition in recent years is the book "Memorizing the 5500 Vocabulary Words for the Postgraduate Entrance Exam" by Tu Haomin.This comprehensive vocabulary book is designed to help students enhance their English vocabulary for the postgraduate entrance exam. It covers a wide range of topics and includes essential vocabulary words that are commonly tested on the exam. The book is divided into different sections, each focusing on a specific topic such as education, science, technology, and more.One of the key features of this book is its frequency-based approach to vocabulary learning. Tu Haomin has carefully selected 5500 high-frequency words that are frequently used in academic texts and exams. By focusing on these words, studentscan build a strong foundation of vocabulary that will be beneficial for the postgraduate entrance exam.Moreover, Tu Haomin provides various memory techniques and exercises to help students retain and recall the vocabulary words more effectively. From flashcards to mnemonics, students can choose the learning method that works best for them. Additionally, the book also includes practice questions and sample sentences to help students understand the usage of each word in context.Many students who have used this book commend Tu Haomin for his clear and concise explanations, as well as his meticulous selection of vocabulary words. By following the strategies outlined in the book, students can improve their English vocabulary skills and increase their chances of success on the postgraduate entrance exam.In conclusion, "Memorizing the 5500 Vocabulary Words for the Postgraduate Entrance Exam" by Tu Haomin is a valuable resource for students preparing for the postgraduate entrance exam. With its comprehensive coverage of high-frequency words and effective memory techniques, this book can help students enhance their vocabulary skills and achieve their academic goals.。

海天名师屠皓民:2014考研英语词组归类整理Aarise from 由…产生的;由…带来的abide by 遵守,接受,遵循(决定、规则、协定等)adhere to 坚持,奉行;be about to do 即将,刚要(做某事)keep/stay abreast of sth 与…齐头并进,跟上…的步伐in abundance 大量,丰富,充裕,充足by accident 偶然,意外地be in accord with 同…相一致,与…相符合in accordance with 依照,根据,按照according to根据,按照be of no/little account 不重要的,无足轻重的on account of sth 由于,因为on no account/not on any account 绝不take account of sth /take sth into account 仔细考虑清楚act on/upon sth 根据(建议、命令、信息等)行事be out of action (机器、交通工具等) 坏了,无法工作了add up to sth 合计达,总共是in addition 另外,从另一方面来讲in addition to sb/sth 除…以外(还)in advance(of sth) 预先,事先;在…之前take advantage of sb(欺骗性地)利用,占…的便宜take advantage of sth 利用,把握着…的机会to (good/best) advantage 有效地,出色地be in the air 存在的,即将出现的be on/off (the) air(电视、收音机等)正在播放节目或停止播放节目be up in the air 无法做出决定的,悬而未决的be on the alert (for) 警戒着,随时准备着above all 首先,尤其是after all 最终还是,毕竟,终归还是all in all总的来看,考虑到各方面in all 总共,合计allow for sb/sth 把…计算在内,考虑到,估计到make allowance(s) for sth (做决策、决定等时)考虑到,估计到make allowances (for sb) 体谅,谅解along with sth/sb 和…一起one after another 一个接一个one another 相互answer for对…负有责任,因…而受到惩罚anything but 绝对不apart from/ aside from除了as for= as to关于,至于as if/though 好像as it is事实上as it were 可以说,在一定程度上be associated with 与……有关,与……有关系pay attention to 关注attribute … to 把……归于on (the/an) average平均;通常be aware of 意识到Bback and forth来回地,反复地be born with 天生具有because of 因为,由于to begin with 开始;首先,第一on behalf of sb /on sb ’s behalf 代表某人或代替某人come into being/be brought into being 产生,形成be beyond belief 难以置信的believe in 相信at best 充其量,至多do/try your best 尽力had best/ better do sth 最好,应该be better off 比以前有钱;比别人富裕give birth (to s b/sth ) 生(孩子),产生a bit 一点儿,细微地,轻微地bit by bit 一点一点地,逐渐地,慢慢地do your bit 各尽所责,作好自己份内的事turn a blind eye (to sth ) 装作没看见,睁一只眼闭一只眼on board 在船(飞机或火车)上be bound up with 与( 某事) 紧密相连behind the scenes 私下,暗地里/break in打断,插嘴break out突然出现,爆发break through (sth) 突破,冲破,扫除(途中的障碍) break up 弄破;(学校) 放假;(会议等)结束,散会hold your breath 屏着呼吸be out of breath 呼吸困难的,上气不接下气take sb’s breath away 使(某人)惊叹不已in brief 简言之bring about 导致,引起bring forward 提出,提议(某项法案、方案、计划等) build up 增加,增强,增多;增进in bulk 大量,大批burn down 烧毁burn out/burns itself out 熄灭;筋疲力尽burst into 突然开始…起来burst out laughing/crying/singing 突然开始get down to business开始着手处理,开始做事but for 假如没有,要不是cannot but 不得不(做某事),禁不住(要做某事) by and large 大体上来看,总的来说Ccater to迎合be charged with…承担…;负责…a piece of cake容易的事,小菜一碟call for sth 应有,需要call off 取消,停止进行call on/upon to do sth 号召,呼吁,要求call on/upon sb. 短暂拜访,看望be capable of (doing sth ) 有…的能力care for 照顾,照看;喜欢,爱take care 当心,小心take care of 照顾,照料,照看carry on 继续进行carry out 实施,落实;履行,执行carry through 实现,完成carry sb through (sth ) 帮助(某人)度过难关a case in point 有关的事例,例证in any case无论如何,不管怎样in case 以防,万一in case of sth 如果发生,假如in no case conj.无论如何不,决不cast/shed light on 阐明某事catch up (with sb/sth ) 追上,赶上center on 把...集中在,以...为中心be characterized by 以...为特征by chance 偶然,碰巧take a chance 冒险,碰运气be in charge (of sth )管理,掌管take charge of sth 管理,掌管check in 在旅馆、机场等)登记,报到check out 调查,核查,核实;结帐离开(旅馆等)check up on sb/sth 监督;核实,核对keep/hold sb/sth in check 控制,抑制cheer on 为…鼓气,向…喝彩chew over 仔细考虑,深思熟虑;详细讨论choke up(因感情激动而)说不出话来,哽咽under /in no circumstances 无论在任何情况下都不会,决不能in/under the circumstances 既然是这样,在这种特殊情况下clean up 把(某处)收拾干净整洁;清理,整顿clear up (天气)转晴round the clock日夜不停地coincide with 与…相符come across(偶然)遇见,找到,发现(某人或某物)。

最新考研词汇汇总aart.一个;每一个;同类事物中任一个abandonvt.离弃,丢弃;遗弃,抛弃;放弃abdomenn.腹,下腹胸部到腿部的部分abidevi.abode,abidedby遵守;坚持abilityn.能力;本领;才能,才干;专门技能,天资ablea.有能力、时间、知识等做某事,有本事的abnormala.反常的,不正常的,不规则的aboardad.心不在焉的absolutea.绝对的,完全的;确实的,肯定的absorbvt.吸收水、光、蒸汽等);使全神贯注abstracta.抽象的n.摘要,梗概vt.提取;摘录要点absurda.荒谬的,荒诞的,荒唐可笑的;不合理的abundancen.丰富,充裕,大量abundanta.大量充足的;in丰富富裕的abusevt.滥用;辱骂;诋毁n.滥用;恶习;弊端academica.学院的,大学的;学术性的;理论的academyn.高等专科院校;学术社团,协会,研究院acceleratev.使加速,使增速,促进vi.加快,增加accentn.口音,腔调;重音符号vt.重读acceptvt.接受,领受;认可,同意vi.同意,认可acceptancen.接受,接收,验收,接纳;承认,认可accessn.进入;接入;到达;享用权;入口vi.存取accessoryn.附件,附属品;为全套衣服增加美感的服饰accidentn.意外遭遇,事故;意外因素accidentala.偶然的;意外的;无意中的acclaimv.向欢呼,公认n.欢呼,喝彩,称赞accommodatevt.向提供住处;对...予以照顾性考虑accommodationn.accommodations 住宿,留宿;膳宿供应accompanyv.陪伴,陪同;伴随,和...一起发生,伴奏accomplishv.实现计划等;达到目的;完成任务accordvt.给予欢迎、称颂等vi.集邮册,相册alcoholn.酒精,乙醇;含酒精的饮料Alerta.机警的,警觉的;机灵的vt.使警觉Alienn.外侨,外国人;外星人a.外国的;相异的Alikea.同样的,相像的ad.一样地;同程度地Alivea.活着的;存在的;活跃的;to敏感的Alla.全部的;非常的ad.完全地,很pron.全部allegev.断言,宣称;指控alleviatev.减轻,缓和,缓解痛苦等alliancen.同盟,同盟国;结盟,联姻allocatev.分配,分派;拨给;划归Allowvt.允许,准许;承认;给予;for考虑到allowancen.补贴,津贴;零用钱;减价,折扣;允许Alloyn.合金vt.将铸成合金Allyn.同盟者,同盟国,vt.使结盟;与有关联almostadv.几乎,差不多alonea.单独的,孤独的ad.单独地,独自地;仅仅alongad.向前;和...一起,一同prep.沿着,顺着alongsidead.在旁边prep.和...在一起;在...旁边aloudadv.出声地,大声地alphabetn.字母表;初步,入门alreadyad.已,已经,早已Alsoad.而且也,此外还;同样地Altervt.改变,更改;改做衣服vi.改变,变化alternatea.交替的,轮流的v.使交替,使轮流alternativen.二选一;供选择的东西;取舍 a.二选一的althoughconj.尽管,虽然...但是altituden.高度,海拔;[pl.]高处,高地altogetherad.完全,总之,全部地;总共;总而言之aluminumn.aluminium铝alwaysad.总是,无例外地;永远,始终amateura.任何的anybodypron.否定句任何人;肯定句随便哪个人anyhowad.不管怎么说,无论如何;不论用何种方法anyonepron.用于疑问句,否定式任何人anythingpron.任何东西事物;无论什么东西事物anywayad.不管怎么说,无论如何;不论以何种方式anywheread.无论哪里;用于否定、疑问等任何地方apartad.分离,离开,隔开a.分离的,分隔的apartmentn.[英]房间,套间;[美]公寓apologisev.to,for道歉,认错apologyn.道歉,认错,辩解,辩护appalv.使惊骇,使恐怖apparatusn.器械,器具,仪器;机构,组织apparenta.表面上的,貌似真实的;显然的,明明白白的appealvi.呼吁,恳求;申诉n.呼吁;申诉;吸引力appearvi.出现;出场;问世;仿佛;出版,发表appearancen.出现,露面;外表;在会议等作短暂露面appendixn.附录,附属物;阑尾,盲肠appetiten.食欲,胃口;欲望,性欲;爱好,趣味applaudvt.鼓掌欢迎;赞同vi.鼓掌欢迎,欢呼applausen.鼓掌;喝彩;夸奖,赞扬applen.苹果,苹果树appliancen.电器;器械,装置;应用,适用applicablea.可应用实施的;适当的,合适的applicationn.申请,请求,申请书;应用,实施,实用性applyvi.以书面形式申请;请求vt.应用;实施appointvt.任命,委派;指定,约定时间、地点等appointmentn.约会,约定;任命,委派;委任的职位appraisaln.对...作出的评价;评价,鉴定,评估appreciatevt.为...表示感激,感谢;欣赏,赏识,评价approachv.靠近,接近n.接近;途径,入门;方式,方法appropriatea.适当的,恰当的,特有的vt.拨给,挪用,盗用approvaln.批准,通过;赞成,同意approvev.of赞成,赞许,同意;批准,审议,通过approximatea.近似的vi.to接近April名四月apta.恰当的,适当的;易于的,有倾向的arbitrarya.任意的,任性的,主观的;专断的,武断的archn.拱门,桥拱洞v.拱起,使变成弓形architectn.建筑师;设计师;缔造者;创造者architecturen.建筑,建筑学;建筑式样或风格,建筑物arean.面积;地区,地域;领域,范围arguevi.辩论,争论vt.辩论,论证;说服,劝说argumentn.争论吵,辩论;理由;论证arisev.出现,发生;from由引起,由产生arithmeticn.算术,四则运算armn.手臂,扶手,臂状物v.武装;配备n.武器armyn.军队,陆军,军;大群,大批aroundad.在...周围,到处prep.在..四周或附近arousevt.唤醒,叫醒;唤起,激起arrangev.安排,筹划;整理,使有条理,排列,布置arrayn.大量;排列;盛装v.列阵;装扮;排列arrestn.逮捕,扣留vt.逮捕,扣留;阻止;吸引arrivaln.到达,到来;到达者,到达物arrivevi.到达;时间、事件到来,发生;达到arroganta.傲慢的,自大的arrown.箭,矢,箭状物;箭头符号artn.艺术,美术;技术,技艺;文科,人文科学arteryn.动脉;干线,要道articlen.文章,论文;条款,条文;物件;冠词articulatea.善于表达的;有关节相连的v.清楚地讲话artificiala.人工的,人造的,人为的;虚伪的,做作的artistn.艺术家,美术家;某方面的能手artistica.艺术家的,美术家的;善于艺术创作的asad.同样地conj.由于;像...一样prep.作为ascendvi.渐渐上升,升高vt.攀登,登上ascertainvt.确定,查明,弄清ashn.灰,灰末;pl.骨灰;pl.废墟ashameda.惭愧的,羞耻的,害臊的ashoread.上岸;在岸上,向岸上asidead.在旁边,到一边n.旁白;离题的话askvt.问,询问;请求,要求;邀请,约请asleepa.睡觉,睡着用作表语aspectn.样子, 外表, 面貌, 问题等的方面aspirevi.to,after渴望,追求,有志于assassinatevt.暗杀,行刺;中伤assaultv.猛烈地攻击,袭击n.突然而猛烈的攻击assemblevt.集合,召集;装配;收集vi.集合,聚集assemblyn.集合;会议;装配;美洲议会的众议院assertvt.断言,宣称;坚持;主张(权利、权威等)assessvt.为征税评估财产、收入;征税;评价assetn.pl.资产,财产;有价值的物品;天赋assignvt.派给,分配;选定,指定时间、地点等assignmentn.分配,指派;指定的作业,分派的任务assimilatevt.吸收,消化;使同化vi.被吸收;被同化assistvt.协助,帮助,促进vi.帮忙,参加assistancen.协作; 援助; 帮助assistanta.帮助的,辅助的n.助手,助教;辅助物associatevt.联想;交往;联合;n.伙伴;a.联合的associationn.联盟,协会,社团;交往,联合;联想assumevt.假装;假定,设想;承担;呈现,采取assumptionn.假定,设想;采取;承担;推测;假装assurancen.保证,担保;确信,断言;信心,信念assurevt.使确信,使放心of;向保证astonishvt.使惊讶,使吃惊astronautn.太空人,太空旅行者astronomyn.天文学atprep.[表示价格、速度等]以,达;在..方面athleten.运动员,体育家,身强力壮的人atmospheren.大气层;空气;气氛,环境;大气压atomn.原子;微粒,微量attachv.系,贴,装,连接;使成为一部分;使依恋attackv./n.攻击,抨击;着手,开始n.病发作attainvt.达到;完成;获得vi.达到attemptvt.企图,试图n.努力,尝试,企图attendvt.出席,参加;照顾,护理vi.注意;侍奉attendancen.出席;出席人数;护理,照料attendantn.陪从;出席人;服务员 a.出席的;伴随的attentionn.注意,注意力;立正;特别照顾;照料attituden.态度,看法to, toward, about;姿势attorneyn.业务或法律事务上的代理人;辩护律师attractvt.引起的注意或兴趣等,吸引;引起;激起attractivea.吸引人的,引人注意的;漂亮的,迷人的attributev.to归因于,归属于n.属性,品质,特征auctionn./vt.拍卖audiencen.听众,观众,读者;见面,会见audion./a.音频响的;声音的,听觉的auditv.审计;查帐;核对;旁听auditoriumn.观众席,听众席;会堂,礼堂augmentvt.使增大,增加,增长,扩张Augustn.8月auntn.姨母,姑母,伯母,婶母,舅母,阿姨aurala.听觉的,听力的authentica.真的,真正的;可靠的,可信的,有根据的authorn.作者,作家,著作人;创始人,发起人authorityn.权力,权威;权威人士;pl.官方,当局auton.automobile口语汽车automatica.自动装置的;无意识的;n.自动机械automationn.自动,自动化,自动操作autonomyn.自治,自治权;autumnn.秋,秋季;成熟期,渐衰期auxiliarya.辅助的,支援的n.辅助者,辅助设备availn.[一般用于否定句或疑问句中]效用,利益availablea.用于物可利用的;可见到的,接受采访的avenuen.林荫路,大街;比喻途径,渠道,方法averagen.平均,平均数 a.平均的;普通的v.平均avertv.防止,避免;转移目光、注意力等aviationn.航空,航空学;飞机制造业avoidvt.防止,避免;逃避,避开awaitvt.等候,期待;事情等降临于awakea.醒着的vt.唤醒,使觉醒vi.醒来,醒悟到awardvt.授予,给予;判定n.奖,奖金;仲裁awarea.知道的,意识到的;awayad.在远处;离开;渐渐远去;一直;去掉awen.敬畏,惊惧vt.使敬畏,使惊惧awfula.极度的,极坏的;威严的,可怕的awkwarda.笨拙的;尴尬的;使用不便的;难处理的axen.(ax)斧子;削减vt.用斧砍axisn.轴,轴线,中心线;坐标轴,基准线babyn.婴儿;年龄最小的人;小动物 a.婴儿似的bachelorn.单身汉;亦作B-学士学位backa.后面的ad.向后v.倒退;支持n.背;后面backgroundn.背景,经历;幕后backwarda.向后的,倒行的;迟钝的ad.向后,朝反方向baconn.咸猪肉,熏猪肉bacteriumn.pl.bacteria 细菌bada.坏的;低劣的;不舒服的;腐败的;严重的badgen.徽章,像章;标记;象征;记号badlyad.非常,严重地;坏地,差地,拙劣地badmintonn.羽毛球bagn.袋,提包v.把装入袋中;猎杀;占有baggagen.行李baitn.饵,引诱物vt.用饵引诱;折磨,奚落bakev.烤,烘,焙;烧硬,焙干balancev.称,使平衡n.天平;平衡,均衡;差额,余款balconyn.阳台;电影院等的楼厅,楼座balda.秃的,秃头的balln.球状物;正式的舞会vt.把捏成球状balletn.芭蕾舞,芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞团balloonn.气球,飞船;a.气球状的v.乘坐气球;膨胀ballotn.不记名投票;投票总数;投票权vi.投票banv.取缔,查禁;from禁止n.禁止,禁令bananan.香蕉bandn.条,带;乐队;波段;一群,一伙v.缚,绑扎bandagen.绷带v.用绷带扎缚bangn.砰砰的声音;猛击v.砰地关上,猛撞,猛击bankn.银行;岸,堤;vi.存入经营银行;信赖bankrupta.破产的;彻底缺乏的vt.使破产n.破产者bannern.旗帜banquetn.正式的宴会vi.参加宴会vt.宴情barn.条,杆,闩;酒吧;栅,障碍物v.闩上,阻拦barbecuen.烤肉;烤肉用的台架vt.炙烤肉等barbern.理发师barea.赤裸的,空的;稀少的,仅有的v.露出,暴露barelyad.赤裸裸地,无遮蔽地;仅仅,勉强,几乎没有bargainn.廉价货;交易,契约,合同v.议价,成交barkvi.狗等吠,叫n.吠声,叫声;树皮barnn.谷仓,仓库barreln.桶;枪管,炮管barrena.贫瘠的;不育的;植物不结果的;无用的barriern.栅栏,屏障;障碍物basen.基础,底部;根据地v.on 把基于baseballn.棒球basementn.建筑物的底部,地下室,地窖basica.基本的,基础的basinn.盆,脸盆;内海,盆地basisn.基础,根据basketn.筐,篮,篓basketballn.篮球,篮球运动batn.球拍,球棒,短棒;蝙蝠batchn.一批,一组,一群bathn.沐浴,洗澡;浴室池,盆v.给洗澡bathev.游泳,洗澡,浸,弄湿bathroomn.浴室;盥洗室,卫生间batteryn.电池组;器具等的一组,一套;炮兵连battlen.战役,战斗;斗争v.战斗,斗争,搏斗bayn.海湾,港湾bev.就是,等于;存在;到达,来到,发生beachn.海滩,湖滩,河滩beamn.横梁,桁条;光线的束,柱v.微笑beann.豆;菜豆,蚕豆bearn.熊v.忍受,容忍;负担;结果实,生子女beardn.胡须bearingn.轴承;忍受;关系,影响;举止;方向beastn.兽,牲畜;凶残的人,举止粗鲁的人beatn.敲打;心脏等跳动v.打败;心脏等跳动beautifula.美的,美丽的;出色的,完美的beautyn.美,美丽;美人,美丽的事物becauseconj.因为,由于becomevi.变成,开始变得vt.适合,同相称bedn.床,床位;苗床,坛;河床,湖、海的底been.蜂,蜜蜂;忙碌的人beefn.牛肉beern.啤酒beforeprep.指时间在以前,在..前面,在..之前beforehandad.预先,事先begvt.请求,乞求vi.恳请,行乞beginv.began,begun开始,着手beginningn.开始,开端;起源,早期阶段behalfn.利益behavev.举止,举动,表现;运转,开动behaviorn.behaviour行为,举止;机器等运转情况behindprep.在...的背后,遗留在..后面;落后于beingn.生物,生命,存在;beliefn.信任,相信,信念;信仰,信条believevt.相信,认为vi.相信,信任,信奉belln.钟,铃bellyn.肚子,腹部;像肚子一样鼓起的部分,膛belongv.to属于,附属,隶属;应归入类别,范畴等beloveda./n.受爱戴的,敬爱的;爱人,被心爱的人belowprep.在下面,在以下ad.在下面,向下beltn.皮带,腰带;地带benchn.长凳,条凳;工作台,座bendv.使弯曲;屈从,屈服n.弯曲处,曲折处beneathprep.在下边,在之下ad.在下方beneficiala.to有利的,有益的benefitn.利益,好处,恩惠v.有益于;from,by受益benigna.病良性的,气候良好的,仁慈的,和蔼的besideprep.在...旁边,在...附近;和...相比besidesad.此外;并且prep.于之外;除以外besta.最好的good和well 最高级ad.最好地;最betv.赌,打赌n.打赌,赌注betrayv.背叛,出卖;暴露,流露,泄露bettera.较好的ad.更好地v.改良n.较佳者betweenprep.在之间,在两者之间ad.在中间beveragen.水,酒等之外的饮料bewarev.当心,谨防bewilderv.使迷惑,难住beyondprep.在或向...的那边,远于;超出;biasn./v.使有偏见,偏心,偏袒Biblen.圣经bibliographyn.有关某一专题的书目;参考书目bicyclen.bike自行车vi.骑自行车bidv.祝愿;命令,吩咐;报价,投标n.出众,投标biga.大的;重要的;宽宏大量的;大受欢迎的billn.账单;招贴,广告;人员,职称等的表;钞票billionnum./n.美十亿,英万亿binn.贮藏食物等用的箱子bindv.捆,绑,包括,束缚biographyn.传记;传记文学biologyn.生物学birdn.鸟,雀;女人;嘘声birthn.出生,诞生;出身,血统;起源;出现birthdayn.生日;成方纪念日biscuitn.饼干,点心bitev./n.咬,叮n.一口bittera.有苦味的;痛苦的,厉害的bizarreadj.异乎寻常的,稀奇古怪的blacka.黑色的;黑暗的n.黑色;黑暗;黑人blackboardn.黑板blackmailn.讹诈,敲诈,勒索;胁迫,恫吓bladen.刀刃,刀片;桨叶;草叶,叶片blamev.责备;怪,把归咎于n.责任,过错;责备blanka.空白的,空着的;失色的n.空白;表格blanketn.毯子可数;厚厚一层可数vt.铺上一层blastn.一阵风;爆炸冲击波;管乐器声v.爆炸blazen.火焰;火光;闪光,光辉v.燃烧,冒火焰bleaka.荒凉的;冷酷的;没有希望的bleedv.出血,流血blendn.混合物v.混和,混杂blessv.祝福,保佑blinda.盲的,瞎的;盲目的vt.使失明n.百叶窗blockn.大块木(石)料;街区;障碍物v.阻塞,拦阻bloodn.血液,血;血统,血亲;血气bloodya.流血的,血腥的bloomn.花朵;开花期v.开花blossomn.花簇;花期;青春vi.开花;展开;繁荣blousen.女衬衣,短上衣,宽阔的罩衫blowvi.吹,吹气,打气;吹奏;爆炸;n.打,打击bluea.蓝色的;青灰色的;沮丧的,阴郁的n.蓝色blueprintn.蓝图,设计图,计划vt.制成蓝图,计划blunderv.因无知等而犯大错;踉踉跄跄地走n.大错blunta.率直的;钝的v.使钝;使迟钝blurn.模糊不清的事物;污点vt.使模糊;玷污blushv./n.脸红boardn.板,木板;全体委员;伙食v.上船车,飞机boastv.of,about自夸,夸耀n.自夸,大话boatn.小船,艇bodyn.身体,本体;主体;尸体;物体;一群,批,堆boilv.使沸腾,煮沸bolda.大胆的,勇敢的;冒失的;黑体的,粗体的boltn.螺栓,门,窗的插销v.闩门,关窗,拴住bombn.炸弹v.投弹于,轰炸bondn.结合物,粘结剂,联结;公债,债券,契约bonen.骨骼bonusn.奖金,红利bookn.书,书籍vt.订票,座位,房间等,预定boomv.迅速发展,兴旺;发出隆隆声boostn./ vt.提升;增加;抬高(价格);支援;bootn.靴;汽车后部的行李箱;[the-]解雇boothn.电话亭,货摊bordern.边界,国界;边沿v.交界,与接壤;接近borev.钻孔,挖洞;烦扰n.讨厌的人,麻烦事borna.出生的,产生的;天生的,十足的borrowvt.借,借入;思想、文字等采用,抄袭bosomn.胸,胸部;胸怀;内心;a.亲密的bossn.老板,上司vt.指挥,控制,发号施令bothprep.两者都,双方都)adj.两个..都bothervt.打扰,麻烦vi.担心,烦恼n.烦恼,焦急bottlen.瓶子v.装瓶bottomn.底部;基础,根基;海底,湖底,河床bouncen./vi.球弹起,弹回;弹起,跳起;n.弹力boundv./n.跳跃 a.被束缚的,一定的;n.界限boundaryn.分界线,边界bowv./n.鞠躬,点头n.弓形;蝴蝶结boweln.肠;[pl.]内部,深处bowln.碗状物,钵bowlingn.保龄球运动boxn.盒,箱;包厢v.把装箱;拳击,打耳光boyn.男孩子,儿子;男性服务员boycottn./v.联合抵制,拒绝参与bracev.使防备;支撑;使手,足,肩等绷紧n.托架bracketn.方括号brainn.大脑,骨髓;pl.脑力,智能brakev./n.制动器,闸,刹车branchn.树条,分支;分店;学科分科,部门;支流brandn.商标,标记,牌子v.使铭记;打火印,打烙印brandyn.白兰地酒brassn.黄铜,铜器bravea.勇敢的v.勇敢地面对危险等breachn.违反,不履行;破裂vt.冲破,攻破breadn.面包breadthn.宽度,幅breakvt.打破;中止;违反vi.破裂n.休息时间breakdownn.崩溃;衰竭;关系、计划或讨论等的中断breakfastn.早餐v.给某人吃早餐breastn.胸膛,乳房breathn.呼吸,气息breathev.呼吸,吸入breedv.使繁殖,生殖;产生;教养,抚养n.品种breezen.微风;轻而易举的事vi.来去匆匆,急速走briben.贿赂v.向行贿,买通brickn.砖块,砖;v.用砖围砌,用砖填补briden.新娘bridgen.桥;桥牌;鼻梁vt.架桥;渡过briefa.简短的,简洁的v.简短介绍,简要汇报briefcasen.手提箱,公事皮包brighta.明亮的,辉煌的;聪明的;欢快的,美好的brillianta.光辉的,灿烂的;卓越的,有才华的brimn.边缘,帽沿bringv.拿来,带来;产生,引起;使处于某种状态briska.轻快的;生气勃勃的;兴隆的brittlea.易碎的;脆弱的;冷淡的;声音尖利的broada.宽的,广阔的;广大的;宽宏的,豁达的broadcastv./n.广播节目brochuren.小册子bronzen.青铜;青铜色,古铜色;青铜制品,铜牌brookn.小溪vt.[常用于否定句或疑问句]容忍broomn.扫帚brothern.兄弟;同胞;教友brown.眉毛;额brownn./a.褐色的,棕色的browsevi.随意翻阅,浏览;牛、羊等吃草bruisen.青肿,挫伤;伤痕vt.打青;挫伤brushn.刷子,毛刷;画笔v.刷,擦,掸,拂;掠过brutala.残忍的;严峻的;严酷的bubblen.泡,水泡,气泡v.冒泡,起泡,沸腾bucketn.水桶,吊桶budn.芽,花苞v.发芽,含苞欲放budgetn.预算v.做预算buffetn.自助餐bugn.臭虫;小毛病;窃听器v.窃听buildvt.建造,建筑;建设,建立vi.增大,增强buildingn.建筑物,房屋,大楼[同]structure bulbn.灯泡,球状物bulkn.体积,容积;主体,大批,大量,大块bulln.公牛bulletn.子弹,枪弹bulletinn.公报,公告,告示bullyn.恃强欺弱者,小流氓vt.威胁,欺侮bumpv.against,into碰;颠簸着前进n.碰撞bunchn.一簇,束,捆,串bundlen.捆,包,束burdenn.担子,重担,负担vt.给予负担或麻烦bureaun.署,局,司,处bureaucracyn.官僚主义,官僚机构;非民选的委任官员burglarn.入室行窃的盗贼burnv.燃烧,烧着;烧毁;灼伤n.烧伤,灼伤burstv.爆裂,炸破;突然发生n.突然破裂,爆发buryv.埋葬,安葬;埋藏,遮盖busn.公共汽车,总线,信息通路bushn.灌木丛businessn.商业,生意;事务,业务,职责busya.忙,忙碌的;热闹的,繁忙的;电话占线butconj.但是prep.除...以外ad.只,才,仅仅butchern.屠夫,卖肉者buttern.黄油,奶油v.涂黄油于上butterflyn.蝴蝶buttonn.纽扣,按钮开关v.扣紧;扣上纽扣buyvt.买,买得;向行贿,收买vi.购买东西byprep.被;凭借;经由;由于ad.在近旁;经过bypassn.by-pass旁道;vt.绕过cabn.出租车,出租马车;驾驶室vi.乘出租马车cabbagen.洋白菜,卷心菜cabinn.客舱,机舱;小木屋cabinetn.内阁,内阁会议;带玻璃门存物品的橱柜cablen.电报;电缆;缆,索,钢丝绳v.拍电报cafen.咖啡馆,小餐馆cafeterian.自助食堂cagen.鸟笼caken.饼,糕,蛋糕;扁平的块状物calciumn.钙化学符号Ca calculatev.计算,推算;计划,打算calendarn.日历,月历callvt.叫,喊;打电话vi.叫;访问n.叫;号召calma.天气,海洋等静的n.平静v.使平静calorien.卡路里食物所产生的热量或能量单位cameln.骆驼cameran.照相机,摄影机campn.野营,营地;帐篷,阵营v.设营,宿营campaignn.战役;运动campusn.大学校园canaux.v.能;可以n.罐头;容器vt.把装罐canaln.运河;沟渠cancelv.取消,把作废;删去,划掉cancern.癌candidaten.候选人,候补者;报考者candlen.蜡烛candyn.糖果cannonn.大炮,火炮canoen.独木舟,小游艇canteenn.工厂、办公室等食堂或小卖部canvasn.帆布;帆布画布,帆布油画capn.便帽,军帽;盖,罩,套v.覆盖于顶端capablea.有本领的,有能力的;of可以的,能的capacityn.容量,容积;能量,能力;接受力capen.海角,岬;披肩,短披风capitaln.首都;大写字母;资本 a.主要的,大写字母的capitalismn.资本主义capsulen.胶囊;太空舱captainn.首领,队长;船长;上尉v.做的首领,指挥captiven.俘虏a.被俘虏的,被监禁的capturev./n.捕获,俘虏;夺得,攻占carn.汽车,车辆,车;火车车厢carbohydraten.碳水化合物; 糖类;plural淀粉质或糖类carbonn.碳cardn.卡片,名片;纸牌;纸片cardinaln.天主教的红衣主教 a.首要的,基本的caren.小心;关怀,照料v.about关心,介意,计较careern.个人的事业;专业,生涯,职业,经历carefula.小心的,仔细的;细致的,精心的caressvt./n.爱抚,抚摸cargon.船货,货物carpentern.木工,木匠carpetn.地毯carriagen.四轮马车;火车客车厢carriern.搬运人;载体carrotn.胡萝卜carryv.运送,搬运;传送,传播;领,带cartn.二轮货运马车,手推车cartoonn.漫画,幽默画;动画片carvev.雕刻casen.箱,盒,容器;情况,事实;病例;案件cashn.现金,现款v.兑现,付或收现款cashiern.收银员,出纳员cassetten.盒子;盒式磁带castv.投,扔,掷,抛;铸造;投票;n.演员表castlen.城堡;国际象棋中的车casuala.偶然的,碰巧的;临时的,非正式的casualtyn.伤亡人员;受害人;损失的东西;急诊室catn.猫;猫科;catalogn.(catalogue)目录册v.编目录catastrophen.大灾难;悲剧结局catchv.捕捉,捕获;赶上;感染;理解,听到categoryn.种类,部属,类目;范畴,类型catervi.for/to满足,迎合;for提供饮食及服务cathedraln.大教堂Catholica.天主教的n.天主教徒cattlen.牛;牲口,家畜causen.原因;事业,事件,奋斗目标v.使产生,引起cautionn.谨慎;注意事项,警告vt.劝小心cautiousa.of小心的,谨慎的caven.洞,穴ceasev./n.停止,中止ceilingn.天花板;规定价格、工资等的最高限额celebratevt.庆祝;颂扬,赞美vi.庆祝,过节celebrityn.名人,名流;著名,名声,名望celln.细胞;小房间;蜂房;电池cellarn.地窑,地下室cementn.水泥;胶泥,胶接剂v.胶合;巩固,加强cemeteryn.坟墓,墓地,坟场censusn.人口普查调查centn.分币;百per cent百分之centigraden./a.摄氏温度计的;百分度的centimetren.centimeter 厘米centrala.中心的,中央的,中枢的;主要的centren.中心,中央,中间vt.集中vi.以..为中心centuryn.世纪,一百年cerealn.加工而成的谷类食物;谷类植物,谷物ceremonyn.典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪certaina.某,某一,某些;of一定的,确信的,可靠的certainlyad.一定,必定,无疑;当然,行certaintyn.必然,肯定;必然的事certificaten.证明书,执照certifyvt.证明,证实;发证书或执照给chainn.链条;pl.镣铐;一连串v.用链条拴住chairn.椅子;会议的主席vt.当。
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精品文库考研英语词汇分类总结屠皓民主讲1.经“类economist “学家public sector公n部,公n成分economic fluctuation“—economic depression“衰退economic stability“ 定economic policy“政策holding company控股公司infrastructure 基本建standard of living生活准 ,生活水平purchasing power, buying power力stagnation 停⋯ ,条 ,不景气real estate 不 ,房地investment 投 ,investor 投人cheque 支票(美作 :check)cash 金devaluation ()esecurities business券市stock exchange股票市share 股份 ,股票shareholder, stockholder股票持有人,股dividend股息,~bull market牛市bear market市interest ~息rate of interest~ 率discount,斤甘allowance, grant, subsidy,助金 ,津income 收 l ,收益yield 呈duty 税tax-free 免税的retail 零售joint venture合企budget 算deficit 赤字monetary policy政策inflation通膨consolidation兼并contract 合同精品文库enterprise(n.)企(事)业单位,事业,事业心,进取心u真题例旬The important factor in a private enterprise economy is that individuals are allowed to own productive resources (private property) , and they are permitted to hire labor, gain control over natural resources, and produce goods and services for sale at a profit.revenue (n.) 财政收l ,税收u真题例旬In many cases, he believes, the loss of revenue has been greater than the reductions in cost.rebound (v.) 跳回;回生;( n.)跳回,弹回;回生,回复u真题例旬The trouble is that part of the recent acceleration is due to the usual rebound that occurs at this point in a business cycle, and so is not conclusive evidence of a revival in the underlying trend.revival (n.) 苏醒,复苏,复活;复兴,u’行u真题例旬The trouble is that part of the recent acceleration is due to the usual rebound that occurs at this point in abusiness cycle, and so is not conclusive evidence of a revival in the underlying trend.statistics(n.) 统计( 学 ) ; statistical ( a.) 统计的,统计学的u真题例旬The official statistics are mildly discouraging.affiliate (n./v. ) 分公司,附属机构;a附属于u真题例旬International affiliates account for a fast-growing segment of production in economies that open up andwelcome foreign investment.monopoly (n.) 垄断,垄断者,专~ 权,专~ 事业u真题例旬Any threat of monopoly, they argue, is removed by fierce competition from trucks.fluctuation(n.) —动u真题例旬Steelworkers, airline employees, and now those in the auto industry are joining millions of families who must worry about interest rates, stock market fluctuation , and the harsh reality that they may outlive their retirement money.精品文库2.教育类president 大学校长dean 院长principal中学校长register/enroll登记、报到opening ceremony开学r礼required course必d课optional/selective course选d课kindergarten幼 i 园 elementaryeducation 初等教育secondaryeducation 中等教育highereducation 高等教育graduateschool 研究生院openuniversity夜大、函大privateschool私立学校public school公立学校universal education普及教育postgraduate 研究生undergraduate 本科scholarship 奖学金credit system学分制mark/score/grade分数schedule=school timetable课程表diploma=graduation certificate毕业证书drop out 辍学expel sb from school开除tuition学费consultant 顾问application form申请表presentation 针对某一专题发表的演讲semester 学期curriculum课程exceptional (a.反常的,有缺陷的;杰出的,出类拔拔萃的;1chil(r).需要特殊照顾的i 童u真题例旬Exceptional children are different in some significant way from others of the same age.potential (..潜能,潜力,full1最大的潜能; ( a. ) 潜在的,可能的u真题例旬For these children to develop to their full adult potential , their education must be adapted to those differences.discipline (n.) 训练,磨炼,纪律,学科精品文库u真例旬As a member of a British commissi on visiting here in 1853 reported,“ With a mind prepared by thorough school discipline , the American boy develops rapidly into the skilled workman.”term (n.) 学期,期限,期;(pl. ) on equal ? s 以平等的地位;in ? s of c 据,按照,用⋯措辞u真例旬Fortunately, however, the increasing power and organization of the trade unions, at least in all skilled trades,enabled the workmen to meet on equal terms the managers of the companies who employed them.conception(n.) 思想,念,概念;构思,想;孕u真例旬Rather, we have a certain conception of the American citizen, a character who is in- complete if he cannotcompetently assess how his livelihood and happiness are affected by things outside of himself.intellectual( n.) 知分子u真例旬The most thoroughly studies intellectual in the history of the New World are the ministers and politicalleaders of seventeenth-century New England.literary(a. ) 文学的u真例旬While few craftsmen or farmers, let alone dependents and servants, left literary compositions to be analyzed,it is obvious that their views were less fully intellectualized.brains(n.) 智力u真例旬4So few authors have brains enough or literary gift enough to keep their own end up in journalism ,"Newman wrote.subject ( n.)主,科目,主;( v.) ?( to)a 遭受, a 服从;( a.) 易遭⋯的,受⋯支配的u真例旬The Corporation will survive as a publicly-unded broadcasting organization, at least for the time being, but itsrole, its size and its programmes are now the subject of a nation-wide debate in Britain.unenlightened ( a.) 未受启蒙的,愚昧无知的,落后的;enlightened ( a.) 开明的,有知的,文明的;enlightening ( a.) 有启迪作用的;enlightenment ( n.)u真例旬A few have already appeared. The goal of all will be to try to explain to a confused and often unenlightened citizenry that there are not two equally valid scientific theories for the origin and evolution of universe and life.精品文库3.社会媒体类press 媒体行业coverage 新闻报道issue 出版、发行newsstand 报摊mass media 大众媒体entertainment娱乐journalism新闻业journal 期刊exclusive news独家新闻workaholic工作狂ambitious 雄心壮志的、野心勃勃的flow of personnel人才’动competitive竞争激烈的a fat salary收l颇丰a decent job 一份体面的工作chance of promotion升迁机会kinship( .. ) 亲属关系u真题例旬Among the most popular: paternity and kinship testing, which adopted children can use to find theirbiological relatives and families can use to track down kids put up for adoption.ancestor( n.) 祖先u真题例旬When our ancestors were hunters and gatherers 10,000 years ago, they didn’ t have time to wonder much about anything besides finding food.succession (n.)继承,继任u真题例旬As boards scrutinize succession plans in response to shareholder pressure, executives who don 3 t get the nodalso may wish to move on.depart(v.) 离职u真题例旬When Liam McGee departed as president of Bank of America in August, his explanation was surprisinglystraight up.domestic (a.)家庭的u真题例旬The kinds of interpersonal violence that women are exposed to tend to be in domestic situations, by,unfortunately, parents or other family members, and they tend not to be one-shot deals.obligation (n.)义务,责任精品文库u真题例旬But most women today are coping with a lot of obligations , with few breaks, and feeling the strain.peer ( n. )同辈u真题例旬A journal editor would then remove the authors3names and affiliations from the paper and send it to theirpeers for review.recruit (v.)招募u真题例旬In the case of NBA players, their increase in height appears to result from the increasingly commonpractice of recruiting players from all over the world.father(v.)生养, f .....的父亲u真题例旬They have been spurred in part by DNA evidence made available in 1998, which almost certainly provedThomas Jefferson had fathered at least one child with his slave Sally Hemings.retiree( n.) 退休人员u真题例旬For much of the past year. President Bush campaigned to move Social Security to a savings-account model,with retirees trading much or all of their guaranteed payments for payments depending on investment returns.divisive (a.)引起分歧的;引起争议的u真题例旬Are there divisive issues and pockets of seething anger in America?turbulent( a.) 动荡的;”乱的u真题例旬But particularly when viewed against America 3 s turbulent past, today 3 s social induces suggest a dark and deteriorating social environment.resident( n.) 居民u真题例旬The worthy residents of Stratford doubt that the theatre adds a penny to their revenue.humanity (n.)人(总称),人类;人性,普通人具有的特性;仁慈,博爱,同情心;[用复数]人文学科 ( 尤指文学、语言、历史和哲学)u真题例旬4 Those things that do not show up in the test scores 2 personality, ability, courage or humanity 2 are completely ignored, " says Toshiki Kaifu, chairman of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party 3 s education committee.impoverished ( a.) 贫穷的u真题例旬To take advantage of this tool, some impoverished countries will have to get over their outdated anti-colonial prejudices with respect to foreign investment.精品文库4.法律政治类arbiter 仲裁者validity有效性,合法性suspension 中止,悬而未决parliament国会,议会bureaucratic 官 h主义的self-governing自治的jury 陪审团privilege特权withdraw撤退,取钱assume office就任launch 开始legal ground法律c据legislation( .. ) 法律,条规u真题例旬Now the company is suddenly claiming that the 2002 agreement is invalid because of the 2006legislation ,and that only the federal government has regulatory power over nuclear issues.federal(a.) 联邦的u真题例旬( 同上 )clause (n.) 条款u真题例旬The southern states would not have signed the Constitution without protections for the“ peculiar ins including a clause that counted a slave as three fifths of a man for purposes of congressional representation.policymaker(n.) 政策制定者u真题例旬Scholars, policymakers , and critics of all stripes have debated the social implications of these changes,butfew have looked at the side effect family risk has risen as well.revolution(n.)革Pu真题例旬The victims of this revolution , of course, are not limited to designers.propose (v.)提议u真题例旬In December 2010 America’ s Federal Trade Commission (FTC)proposed adding a“ do not track (DNT)option to internet browsers, so that users could tell advertisers that they did not want to be followed.administration(n.) 管理,行政部门u真题例旬On a five to three vote, the Supreme Court knocked out much of Arizona’ s immigration---a law Monday精品文库modest policy victory for the Obama Administration .provision (n.)规定,条款u真题例旬In Arizona v. United states, the majority overturned three of the four contested provisions of Arizona’ s controversial plan to have state and local police enforce federal immigrations law.Congress (n.)国会u真题例旬On the overturned provisions the majority held the Congress had deliberately“ occupied the field” and Arizona had this intruded on the federal’s privileged powers.executive(a.) 执行的u真题例旬The 8-0 objection to President Oba shocking assertion of federal executive ma turns on what Justice Samuel Alito describes in his objection as“power ”.statute(n.) 条例,法令u真题例旬The White House argued that Arizona’ s laws conflicted with its enforcement priorities, even if state laws complied with federal statutes to the letter.legitimate(a.) 合法的u真题例旬In effect, the White House claimed that it could invalidate any otherwise legitimate state law that it disagrees with.civil servants 公务员u真题例旬If the trade unionist Jimmy Hoffa were alive today, he would probably represent civil servants.authorize (v.)授权,许可u真题例旬Now the nation’ s top patent court appears completely ready to scale back on business -method patents, which have been controversial ever since they were first authorized 10 years ago.ruling (n.)裁决;裁定u真题例旬That ruling produced an explosion in business-method patent filings, initially by emerging internet companiestruing to stake out executive rights to specific types of online transactions.formula (n.)准则,方案u真题例旬The three-fifths formula handed Jefferson his narrow victory in the presidential election of 1800 by inflatingthe votes of the southern states in the Electoral College.。