法律英语讲座之十一 美国刑事诉讼法(中)

陪审团一般分为两类:小陪审团(pet it j ur y )和大陪审团(gr and j ur y )。
(一)小陪审团(peti t j ur y )美国小陪审团一般由12人组成,人少的话则规定由6人组成即可。
下面是一段对小陪审团的介绍:Incri m inal cases it s taskis t odeter m ine punishable gui lt,andi t usual lydoes sow ithli ttle cr itici sm .Its positi onas a bul w arkof liberty,a pr otector against executi ve oppression,and as a m ode of l esseningthe r igor s of overlystrictlegislationissecure.T he civi l j ury's taskis generallytodet erm ine li abilit ytopaym oneydam ages.It i snotew or thy,how ever,that theci vil juryis not now andnever hasbeenusedinequit ycases,althougha few states pr ovide for equi tyjurytrial s inverylim i tedci rcum stances.刑事案件中小陪审团的主要任务是判定当事人是否犯有应受惩罚的罪行,其所起的作用通常很少受到非议。

众议员的数目,不得超过每三万人口有众议员一人,但每州至少应有众议员一人;在举行人囗调查以前,各州得按照下列数目选举众议员: 新罕布什尔三人、麻萨诸塞八人、罗德岛及普罗维登斯垦殖区一人、康涅狄格五人、纽约州六人.新泽西四人、宾夕法尼亚八人、特拉华一人、马里兰六人、弗吉尼亚十人、北卡罗来纳五人、南卡罗来纳五人、乔治亚三人。
刑事诉讼法 英文版

刑事诉讼法英文版The Criminal Procedure LawIntroduction:Criminal Procedure Law is a fundamental aspect of any legal system, as it sets out the rules and procedures that govern the legal process for addressing criminal offenses. In this article, we will delve into the essence of the Criminal Procedure Law and its significance in the English legal system.I. Overview of the Criminal Procedure Law:The Criminal Procedure Law forms the basis for the investigation, prosecution, and trial of criminal cases in the English legal system. It serves to uphold the principle of fairness, protect individual rights, and ensure due process. This law outlines the rights and obligations of all parties involved in a criminal case, including the accused, the prosecutor, and the court.II. Stages of Criminal Proceedings:A. Investigation:1. Initial Inquiry: The investigating authority gathers evidence, interviews witnesses, and examines the crime scene to establish the facts of the case.2. Arrest: If there is sufficient evidence to indicate the involvement of a suspect, they may be arrested and brought into custody.3. Interrogation: The suspect is questioned by the police, and their statement is recorded as evidence.4. Bail: Depending on the seriousness of the offense and the likelihood of the suspect fleeing or interfering with the investigation, bail may be granted or denied.B. Charging of the Accused:1. Charge Sheet: The prosecutor reviews the evidence collected during the investigation and decides whether to formally charge the accused.2. Arraignment: The accused is presented with the charges against them and enters a plea of guilty or not guilty.C. Trial:1. Trial Preparation: Both the prosecution and defense engage in pre-trial preparations, including the exchange of evidence, witness statements, and legal arguments.2. Trial Proceedings: The trial takes place in front of a judge and, in some cases, a jury. The prosecutor presents the evidence and witnesses, followed by the defense. The judge or jury then deliberates and reaches a verdict.3. Sentencing: If the accused is found guilty, the court imposes an appropriate sentence based on the severity of the offense and relevant legal guidelines.III. Safeguarding Individual Rights:The Criminal Procedure Law prioritizes the protection of individual rights to ensure a fair trial. Some key rights include:A. Presumption of Innocence: Every person accused of a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof lies with the prosecution.B. Right to Legal Representation: The accused has the right to legal representation, either provided by the state or privately hired.C. Right to Silence: The accused has the right to remain silent and not incriminate themselves during the investigation and trial.D. Right to Due Process: The accused has the right to a fair and impartial trial, with the opportunity to present a defense, challenge evidence, and cross-examine witnesses.IV. Appeals and Review:If a party is dissatisfied with the outcome of the trial, they have the right to appeal the decision to a higher court. The appellate court reviews the case for errors of law or procedural irregularities. In some instances, the court may order a retrial or amendment of the original decision.V. Conclusion:The English Criminal Procedure Law plays a crucial role in ensuring justice, protecting individual rights, and maintaining the integrity of the legal system. It establishes a framework for conducting investigations, prosecutions, and trials, upholding the principles of fairness, due process, and the presumption of innocence. By following these established procedures, the criminal justice system can effectively address criminal offenses while safeguarding individual liberties.。

美国刑事诉讼法规定英文版In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law …在一切刑事訴訟中,被告應享受下列之權利:發生罪案之州或區域之公正陪審團予以迅速之公開審判,其區域當以法律先確定之;Sheppard v. Maxwell, 384 U.S. 333 (1966), was a United States Supreme Court case that examined the rights of freedom of the press (新聞自由)as outlined in the 1st Amendment when weighed against a defendant…s right to a fair trial (受公平審判權)as required by the 6th Amendment.After suffering a trial court conviction(定罪)of second-degree murder(二級謀殺)for the bludgeoning (棍棒毆打的)death of his pregnant(懷孕的)wife, Sam Sheppard challenged the verdict(陪審團裁定)as the product of an unfair trial(不公正審判).Sheppard, who maintained his innocence(無辜)of the crime, alleged that the trial judge failed to protect him from the massive, widespread, and prejudicial(有偏見的)publicity(公開宣揚)that attended(出席、伴隨)his prosecution(起訴).陪審團宣告無罪Once acquitted(宣告無罪), a defendant may not be retried (重新審判)for the same offense(同一犯罪行為): “A verdict (陪審團裁定)of acquittal(宣告無罪), although not followed by any judgment(法院判決), is a bar to a subsequent prosecution for the same offense.“ Acquittal by a jury is generally final and cannot be appealed(上訴)by the prosecution(檢方).法院自己判無罪An acquittal in a trial by judge (bench trial) is also generally not appealable by the prosecution(檢方). A trial judge may normally enter an acquittal if he deems the evidence insufficient for conviction(不足以定罪). If the judge makes this ruling before the jury reaches its verdict, the judge…s determination is final. If, however, the judge overrules(推翻)a conviction by the jury, the prosecution may appeal to have the conviction reinstated(恢復)證據不足撤銷定罪If a defendant appeals a conviction and is successful in having it overturned(推翻), they are subject to retrial(接受重審).An exception arises if the verdict is overturned on the grounds of evidentiary insufficiency(證據不足), rather than on the grounds of procedural faults(程序錯誤).不同罪名Another exception arises in cases of conviction for lesser offenses(較輕罪名). If a defendant charged with murder in the first degree(一級謀殺)is convicted for murder in the second degree, and later the jury…s conviction is overturned on procedural grounds, the defendant may be retried for second degree but not firstdegree murder; the jury, by convicting the defendant of second degree murder, is deemed to have implicitly(暗示)acquitted them of first degree murder.同一犯罪De fendants may not more than once be placed in jeopardy for the “same offense”(同一犯罪行為). Sometimes, however, the same conduct may violate different statutes. The defendant had first been convicted of operating an automobile without theowner…s consent, and l ater of stealing(偷竊)the same automobile. The Supreme Court concluded that the same evidence was necessary to prove both offenses, and that in effect there was only one offense. Therefore, it overturned the second conviction.審判無效mistrialMistrials(審判無效)are generally not covered by the double jeopardy clause. If a judge dismisses the case or concludes the trial without deciding the facts in the defendant's favor (for example, by dismissing the case on procedural grounds), the case is a mistrial and may normally be retried.Furthermore, if a jury cannot reach a verdict(陪審團無法達成裁定), the judge may declare a mistrial and order a retrial. When the defendant moves for(提議)a mistrial, there is no bar to retrial, even if the prosecutor or judge caused the error that forms the basis of the motion.雙重主權The clause, it has been held, does not prevent separate trials by different governments, and the state and federal governments are considered “separate sovereigns”(不同主權). Therefore, one may be prosecuted for a crime in a state court, and prosecuted for the same crime in another state, a foreign country, or (most commonly) in a federal court.球隊隊員強暴啦啦隊員In March 2006 Crystal Gail Mangum, an African American student at North Carolina Central University who worked as a stripper(脫衣舞女),dancer and escort(儀隊), falsely accused three white Duke University students, members of the Duke Blue Devils men…s lacrosse(曲棍球)team, of raping her at a party held at the house of two team's captains in Durham, NorthCarolina on March 13, 2006.DNA檢測Shortly after the party, the prosecution ordered 46 of the 47 team members to provide DNA samples.On Monday, April 10, 2006, it was revealed that DNA testing had failed to connect any of the 46 tested members of the Duke University men's lacrosse team.照片指認問題During the photo identifications(照片指認), Mangum was told that she would be viewing Duke University lacrosse players who attended the party, and was asked if she remembered seeing them at the party and in what capacity.this was essentially a “multiple-choice test(複選題)in which there were no wrong answers",… "[t]he officer was telling the witness that all are suspects, and say, in effect, 'Pick three.' U.S. Department of Justice guidelines suggest to include at least five non-suspectfiller photos for each suspect included撤回起訴On April 11, 2007, North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper dropped(撤回)all charges and declared the three players innocent(無辜). Cooper stated that the charged players –Reade Seligmann, Collin Finnerty, and David Evans –were victims of a “tragic rush to accuse.”(急於指控之悲劇)檢察官被除名That June, Nifong was disbarred for “dishonesty(不誠實), fraud(詐欺), deceit (欺騙)and misrepresentation(不實陳述)”, making Nifong the first prosecutor in North Carolina history to lose his law license(證照)based on actions in a case. Nifong was found guilty of criminal contempt(藐視)and servedone day in jail. Mangum never faced any charges for her false accusations as Cooper declined to prosecute her.法律倫理“Legal ethics” (法律倫理)in the United States is generally understood to primarily apply to lawyers, while codes of professional responsibility(專門職業人員責任)also apply in a derivative sense (indirectly) to non-lawyers who work with lawyers, such as paralegals(律師助理、法務)or private investigators(私人調查員).美國律師公會職業行為規則The American Bar Association (美國律師公會)has promulgated(公布)the Model Rules of Professional Conduct (職業行為模範規則)which, while formally only a recommendation by a private body, have been influential in many jurisdictions.各州州法自行規定律師執業守則In the United States, the practice of law is regulated by the governments of the individual states and territories(領域).Each state or territory has a code of professional conduct dictating rules of ethics. These may be adopted by the respective state legislatures and/or judicial systems.各州懲戒權Every town in the United States has a regulatory(管制性)body (usually called a state bar association) that polices(維持)lawyer conduct. When lawyers are licensed (被許可)to practice(職業) in a state, those lawyers subject themselves to this authority. Overall responsibility often lies with the highest court in a state (such as state supreme court).懲戒Lawyers who fail to comply with(遵守)local rules of ethicsmay be subjected to discipline(懲戒)ranging from private (non-public) reprimand(訓斥)to disbarment (取消資格).。
美国宪法修正案 中英文对照版

美国宪法修正案Amendments to the Constitution修正案[一]国会不得制定关于下列事项的法律:确立国教或禁止信教自由,剥夺言论自由或出版自由;剥夺人民和平集会和向政府诉冤请愿的权利。
[1791年12月15日批准]Amendment[I]Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.修正案[二]管理良好的民兵是保障自由州的安全之所必需,此人民持有和携带武器的权利不得侵犯。
[1791年12月15日批准]Amendment[II]A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.修正案[三]士兵在和平时期,未经房主许可不得驻扎于任何民房;在战争时期,除依法律规定的方式外亦不得进驻民房。
[1791年12月15日批准]Amendment[III]No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.修正案[四]人民保护其人身、住房、文件和财物不受无理搜查扣押的权利不得侵犯;除非有合理的根据认为有罪,以宣誓或郑重声明保证,并详细开列应予搜查的地点、应予扣押的人或物,不得颁发搜查和扣押证。

【摘要】<正>美国刑事诉讼法(American Criminal Procedure Law)是美国刑事诉讼法律制度的核心。
1.美国宪法性刑事诉讼法:意旨、构造与启示 [J], 林喜芬
2.美国民事没收制度的启示——兼评新《刑事诉讼法》中违法所得的没收程序 [J], 亢晶晶
3.美国辩诉交易中反悔后的救济问题研究及制度启示——基于对2018年刑事诉讼法再修改的分析 [J], 张宏宇;谢祺
4.美国辩诉交易中反悔后的救济问题研究及制度启示——基于对2018年刑事诉讼法再修改的分析 [J], 张宏宇; 谢祺
5.宪政视野下的刑事正当程序——美国宪法与刑事诉讼法关系的实证分析 [J], 丁玮

中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法(英文版)Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of ChinaCriminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China - 1996(Adopted by the Second Session of the Fifth National People's Congress on July 1, 1979, and amended pursuant to the Decision on Amending the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China adopted by the Fourth Session of the Eighth National People's Congress on March 17, 1996)ContentsPart One General ProvisionsChapter I Tasks and Fundamental PrinciplesChapter II JurisdictionChapter III WithdrawalChapter IV Defense and RepresentationChapter V EvidenceChapter VI Compulsory MeasuresChapter VII Incidental Civil ActionsChapter VIII Time Periods and ServiceChapter IX Other ProvisionsPart Two Filing a Case, Investigation and Initiation of Public ProsecutionChapter I Filing a CaseChapter II InvestigationSection 1 General RulesSection 2 Interrogation of Crime SuspectsSection 3 Questioning of the WitnessesSection 4 Inquest and ExaminationSection 5 SearchSection 6 Seizure of Material Evidence and Documentary EvidenceSection 7 Expert EvaluationSection 8 Wanted OrdersSection 9 Conclusion of InvestigationSection 10 Investigations of Cases Directly Accepted by the People's ProcuratoratesChapter III Initiation of Public ProsecutionPart Three TrialChapter I Trial OrganizationsChapter II Procedure of First InstanceSection 1 Cases of Public ProsecutionSection 2 Cases of Private ProsecutionSection 3 Summary ProcedureChapter III Procedure of Second InstanceChapter IV Procedure for Review of Death SentenceChapter V Procedure for Trial SupervisionPart Four ExectionPart One General ProvisionsChapter I Tasks and Fundamental PrinciplesArticle 1Pursuant to the Constitution and for the purposes of guaranteeing the correct operation of the Criminal Law, punishing crime, protecting the public, safeguarding the security of the State and the public safety of society, and ensuring the socialist order, this Law is enacted.()Article 2The tasks of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China shall be: to ensure accurate and prompt ascertainment of the facts of crimes, to correctly apply laws, to punish criminal offenders, to guarantee any innocent person from criminal prosecution, to educate citizens to voluntarily observe the law and actively struggle against criminal acts, so as to uphold the socialist legal system, to protect the citizens' rights of person, rights over their property, democratic rights and other rights, and to guarantee the smooth progress of the socialist modernization.()Article 3The public security organs shall be responsible for the investigation, detention, execution of arrests and pre-trial examination in connection with criminal cases. The people's procuratorates shall be responsible for the procuratorial work, the approving of arrests, and the investigation and initiation of public prosecution in connection with cases accepted directly by them. The people's courts shall be responsible for the trial. No other organ, organization or person shall have the rightto exercise such powers, unless the laws otherwise provide.()The people's courts, people's procuratorates and public security organs must, in conducting criminal proceedings, strictly adhere to this Law and the relevant provisions of other laws.()Article 4Subject to the provisions of the law, the State security organs shall handle criminal cases endangering the State security and exercise the same functions and powers as the public security organs.()Article 5The people's courts shall exercise independently the judicial powers as prescribed by the laws, the people's procuratorates shall exercise independently the procuratorial powers as prescribed by the laws, and they shall be free from any interference from any administrative organ, social organization or person.()Article 6The people's courts, the people's procuratorates and the public security organs must, in conducting criminal proceedings, rely on the masses, stand on facts and under the laws. The law applies equally to all citizens, and no privilege whatsoever is permissible before the laws.()Article 7The people's courts, the people's procuratorates and the public security organs shall, in conducting criminal proceedings, divide their functions and responsibilities, coordinate their efforts and check each other so as to ensure the correct and effective enforcement of the law.()Article 8The people's procuratorates shall exercise legal supervision over criminal proceedings according to law.()Article 9Citizens of any nationality shall have the right to use their respective native spoken and written language in the proceedings. The people's court, the people's procuratorate or the public security organ shall provide translations for any party to the proceedings who is not familiar with the local spoken or written language commonly used.()In a place where people of a minority nationality live in a concentrated community or where a number of nationalities co-inhabit, hearings shall be conducted in the spoken language commonly used in the said place, and judgments, notices and other documents shall be issued in the written language commonly used in the said place.()Article 10The people's courts shall, in trying cases, adopt the system whereby the second instance is final.()Article 11All hearings in the people's courts shall be public, unless this Law provides otherwise. The defendants shall have the right to have access to defense, and the people's courts shall be obliged to guarantee their access to defense.()Article 12Prior to a judgment rendered by the people's court according to law, no one may be convicted of guilty.()Article 13The people's courts shall, in trying cases, adopt the system of people's assessors taking part in trials in accordance with this Law.()Article 14The people's courts, the people's procuratorates and the public security organs shall guarantee the rights to action for participants in the proceedings as they are so entitled according to law.()With regard to cases of crimes committed by minors under 18 years old, the legal representatives of the crime suspects and defendants may be notified to be present at the time of interrogation and trial.()Participants in proceedings shall have the right to file charges against judicial, procuratorial and investigating personnel whose acts have infringed upon the citizens' rights to action or have caused personal insult thereto.()Article 15Under any of the following circumstances, no criminal responsibility shall be investigated, or the case shall be dismissed if the criminal responsibility has already been investigated, or no prosecution shall be initiated, or the trial shall be arrested, or innocence shall be declared:1. where the circumstance is obviously minor, has caused no serious harm and shall not be deemed as a crime;2. where the time limitation for criminal prosecution of the crime has expired;3. where exemption of criminal punishment has been granted by a special amnesty order;4. where no complaint has been filed or the complaint has been withdrawn if the crime is to bedealt with only upon complaint according to the Criminal Law;5. where the crime suspect or defendant is deceased; or6. where exemption from investigation for criminal responsibility is so provided for by the law.()Article 16The provisions of this Law shall apply to foreigners who commit crimes for which criminal responsibility should be investigated.()With regard to foreigners with diplomatic privileges and immunities who commit crimes for which criminal responsibility should be investigated, such cases shall be settled by means of diplomatic channels.()Article 17Pursuant to international treaties to which the People's Republic of China has accredited or joined, or according to the principle of reciprocity, the judicial organs of our country and judicial organs of foreign countries may request from each other for criminal judicial assistance.()Chapter II JurisdictionArticle 18Criminal cases shall be investigated by the public security organs, unless the law otherwise provides.()The people's procuratorate shall file a case for investigation of a crime of embezzlement and bribery, crime of dereliction of duty by a State functionary, crime infringing upon the citizen's right of the person committed by a State functionary by abusing his power as illegal detention, extorting confessions by torture, reprisal and calumniation or illegal search, or crime infringing upon citizen's democratic right. With regard to any other serious criminal case committed by a State functionary by abusing his power, if it is necessary for the people's procuratorate to take cognizance of directly, the people's procuratorate may file the case for investigation upon the decision of the people's procuratorate at or above the provincial level.()Private cases shall be accepted by the people's courts directly.()Article 19The basic people's courts shall have jurisdiction as courts of first instance over ordinary criminal cases, with the exception of those falling under the jurisdiction of the people's courts at higher levels as provided for by this Law.()Article 20The intermediate people's courts shall have jurisdiction as courts of first instance over the following criminal cases:1. counter-revolutionary cases and cases jeopardizing the State security;2. ordinary criminal cases punishable by life imprisonment or the death sentence; and3. criminal cases in which the offenders are foreigners.()Article 21The high people's courts shall have jurisdiction as courts of first instance over major criminal cases that are of significance to an entire province (or municipality directly under the Central Government or autonomous region).()Article 22The Supreme People's Court shall have jurisdiction as the court of first instance over major criminal cases that are of significance to the whole country.()Article 23A people's court at the higher level may, when necessary, try a criminal case over which a people's court at the lower level shall have jurisdiction as the court of first instance; A people's court at the lower level which considers the circumstances of a criminal case of first instance to be major or complex and considers it to be appropriate to be tried by a people's court at the higher level may request that the case be transferred to the people's court at the next higher level for trial.()Article 24A criminal case shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court in the place where the crime was committed. If it is more appropriate for the people's court in the place where the defendant resides to try the case, that court may have jurisdiction over the case.()Article 25A criminal case under the jurisdiction of several people's courts at the same level shall be tried by the people's court that first accepted it. The case may, when necessary, be transferred to the people's court in the principal place where the crime was committed for trial.()Article 26A people's court at the higher level may appoint a people's court at the lower level to try a case over which jurisdiction is unclear, and may also instruct a people's court at the lower level to transfer the case to another people's court for trial.()Article 27The jurisdiction over cases in special people's courts shall be laid down separately.()Chapter III WithdrawalArticle 28Under any of the following circumstances, a member of the judicial, procuratorial or investigating personnel shall voluntarily withdraw from the case, and any party concerned and its legal representative shall have the right to demand his withdrawal:1. if he is a party to the case or a near relative of the party to the case;2. if he himself or his near relative has an interest in the case;3. if he has served as a witness, expert witness, defender or agent in the case; or4. if he has any other relations with any party to the case that could affect the fair handling of the case.()Article 29No member of the judicial, procuratorial and investigating personnel may accept any treat or gift from the parties and persons entrusted by the parties, and meet, in violation of regulations, any party or any person entrusted by the party.()Any member of the judicial, procuratorial or investigating personnel who violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph, shall be investigated his legal responsibilities according to law. Any party and its legal representative shall have the right to demand his withdrawal.()Article 30The withdrawal of a member of the judicial, procuratorial and investigating personnel shall be decided respectively by the president of a court, the chief procurator or the person in charge of the public security organ; the withdrawal of the president of a court shall be decided by the judicial committee of the court; and the withdrawal of the chief procurator or the person in charge of the public security organ shall be decided by the procuratorial committee of the people's procuratorate at the same level.()Prior to a withdrawal decision made on an investigating personnel, he may not suspend the investigations into the case.()If a decision is made to reject the request for withdrawal, the party concerned or its legal representative may apply for one reconsideration.()Article 31The provisions of Articles 28, 29 and 30 of this Law shall also apply to court clerks, interpreters and expert witnesses.()Chapter IV Defense and RepresentationArticle 32In addition to exercising the right to defend himself, a crime suspect or defendant also may entrust one or two persons as his defender(s). The following persons may be entrusted to serve as defenders:1. lawyers;2. persons recommended by the people's organization or the unit to which the crime suspect or defendant belongs; and3. guardians and relatives and friends of crime suspects and defendants.()Persons still serving their criminal sentences or being deprived of or being restricted their freedom of the person according to law may not serve as defenders.()Article 33With regard to the case of public prosecution, the crime suspect shall have the right to appoint his defender as of the day on which the case is transferred for examination and prosecution. As for private cases, the defendants shall have the right to appoint their defendants at any time.()The people's procuratorate shall, within three days from the day on which the case files for examination and prosecution are received, inform the crime suspect his right to appoint the defender. The people's court shall, within three days from the day on which they decide to accept the private case, notify the defendant his right to appoint the defender.()Article 34With regard to a case in which the public prosecutor appears before the court to conduct a public prosecution, if the defendant has not yet entrusted any defender due to financial difficulty or any other reasons, the people's court may appoint a lawyer undertaking the duty of legal aid to provide defense thereto.()If a defendant is blind, deaf or mute, or is a minor, and has not entrusted a defender, the people's court shall designate a lawyer undertaking the duty of legal aid to provide defense thereto.()If a defendant could be sentenced to death, but has not entrusted a defender, the people's court shall designate a lawyer undertaking the duty of legal aid to provide defense thereto.()Article 35The responsibility of the defender shall be: to present, according to facts and the law, materials and opinions to prove the innocence or pettiness of the crime of the crime suspect or the defendant, or to prove to mitigate or exempt his criminal responsibility, and to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the crime suspect and the defendant.()Article 36A defense lawyer may, from the day on which the people's procuratorate begins to examine and prosecute the case, consult, make abstracts of or reproduce the indictment and technical appraisal materials of the case, may meet and correspond with the crime suspect in custody. Any other defender, with permission of the people's procuratorate, also may consult, make abstracts of or reproduce the aforesaid materials, and meet and correspond with the crime suspect in custody.()A defense lawyer may, from the day on which the people's court accepts to hear the case, consult, make abstracts of or reproduce the materials of the facts of the crime charged against in the case, may meet and correspond with the defendant in custody. Any other defender, with permission of the people's court, also may consult, make abstracts of or reproduce the aforesaid materials, and meet and correspond with the defendant in custody.()Article 37A defense lawyer may, with the consent of the witness or any other unit or person concerned, gather therefrom materials related to the case, also may apply to the people's procuratorate or people's court to gather therefrom and order for evidence, or apply to the people's court to notify the witness to appear before the court to testify.()A defense lawyer, with permission of the people procuratorate or the people's court and with the consent of the victim or his near relative and the consent of the witnesses provided by the victim, may gather therefrom materials related to the case.()Article 38A defense lawyer or any other defender may not help a crime suspect or defendant to collude to make his confessions tally, or to conceal, destroy or make false evidence, may not coerce or induce the witness to change his testimony or to make false testimony or to conduct any act that interrupts the prosecution activities of the judicial organ.()If any person violates a provision of the preceding paragraph, legal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.()Article 39In the course of trial, a defendant may refuse to have his defender continue to defend him, and also may entrust his defense to another defender.()Article 40A victim and his legal representative or near relative of a public prosecution case and the partiesand their legal representatives of incidental civil proceedings shall have the right to entrust agents ad litem from the day on which the case is transferred for examination and prosecution. A private prosecutor and his legal representative of a private prosecution case and the parties and their legal representatives of incidental civil proceedings shall have the right to entrust their agents ad litem at any time.()The people's procuratorate shall, within three days from the day on which the case files for examination and prosecution are received, notify the victim and his legal representative or near relative and the parties and their legal representatives of incidental civil proceedings their rights to entrust agents ad litem. The people's court shall, within three days from the day on which it decides to accept the private case, notify the private prosecutor and his legal representative and the parties and their legal representatives of incidental civil proceedings their rights to entrust agents ad litem.()Article 41The entrustment of agents ad litem shall be governed with the reference to the provisions of Article 32 of this Law.()Chapter V EvidenceArticle 42All facts that prove the true circumstances of a case shall be evidence.()Evidence includes the following seven categories:1. material or documentary evidence;2. testimony of witnesses;3. statements of victims;4. statements and apologia of the crime suspects and defendants;5. conclusions of expert witnesses;6. written records of inquests and examination; and7. video and audio materials.()Any of the above-listed evidences must be verified to be true before it can be used as the basis for settling the case.()Article 43Judicial, procuratorial and investigating personnel must, in accordance with the statutoryprocedures, gather various kinds of evidences that can be used to prove the guilt or innocence of crime suspects and defendants and the gravity of the crimes. It shall be strictly forbidden to extort confessions by torture or to collect evidences by coercion, inducement, deceit or any other unlawful means. It must be guaranteed that all citizens who are involved in a case or who have information about the case to objectively and fully provide evidence, and with the exception of special circumstances, they may be brought in to assist the investigations.()Article 44Warrants of arrest submitted for approval by the public security organs, the bills of prosecution by the people's procuratorates and judgments rendered by the people's courts must be faithful to facts. Any one who intentionally conceals facts shall be investigated for responsibility.()Article 45The people's courts, the people's procuratorates and the public security organs shall have the power to gather and obtain evidences from relevant units and persons. Units and persons involved shall provide evidence truthfully.()Evidences involving State secrets shall be kept confidential.()Any one who falsifies, conceals or destroys an evidence, regardless of which side of a case he belongs to, must be investigated and brought before the law.()Article 46In settling any case, stress and emphasis must be given to evidences, investigation and study, and oral confessions shall not be readily depended on. Any defendant cannot be found guilty and sentenced to criminal punishment if there is only his statement but no other evidence to support; Notwithstanding, a defendant still may be found guilty and sentenced to criminal punishment if evidences are sufficient and reliable, even without his statement.()Article 47The testimony of witnesses must be questioned and cross-examined in the courtroom by the public prosecutor, the victim, the defendant and the defenders, should the testimonies of witnesses of all sides have been heard and verified can they be used as the basis for settling the case. If the court finds through investigation that a witness has intentionally given false testimony or concealed a criminal evidence, it shall deal with the matter according to law.()Article 48Every person who has information about a case shall have the duty to testify.()Persons with physical or mental defects, minors who cannot distinguish right from wrong or persons who cannot properly express themselves shall be disqualified as witnesses.()Article 49The people's courts, the people's procuratorates and the public security organs shall guarantee the safety of witnesses and their near relatives.()Where a threat, insult, beating or revenge committed against the witness or his near relative constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law; if the circumstance is not yet subjected to criminal punishment, a penalty of public security management may be meted out thereto according to law.()Chapter VI Compulsory MeasuresArticle 50The people's court, the people's procuratorate and the public security organ may, in light of the circumstances of a case, issue a warrant to compel the appearance of the crime suspect or defendant, release him upon bail pending trial or subject him to residential surveillance.()Article 51Under any of the following circumstances, the people's court, the people's procuratorate and the public security organ may subject the crime suspect or defendant to release upon bail pending trial or to residential surveillance:1. if he could be sentenced to punishment of control, criminal detention or could be subjected to accessory punishment separately; or2. if a sentence at or above termed imprisonment could be meted out thereto and the adoption of the release upon bail pending trial or residential surveillance would not likely cause the occurrence of a social danger.()The release upon bail pending trial and residential surveillance shall be executed by the public security organ.()Article 52Crime suspects and defendants already taken into custody, their legal representatives and near relatives shall have the right to apply for their release upon bail pending trial.()Article 53When a people's court, people's procuratorate and public security organ decide to grant the release upon bail pending trial to a crime suspect or defendant, they shall order him to provide a guarantor or deposit a security.()Article 54A guarantor must satisfy the following requirements:1. being not related to the present case;2. being capable of executing the obligation and responsibility under the guarantee;3. enjoying political rights, and freedom of the person not being restricted; and4. having a permanent domicile and regular income.()Article 55A guarantor must be under the following duties:1. supervising the guaranteed in observing the provisions of Article 56 of this Law;2. reporting without delay to the executing organ when he finds that the guaranteed is likely to commit or has already committed an act in violation of a provision of Article 56 of this Law.()Where the guaranteed has an act in violation of a provision of Article 56 of this Law, but the guarantor fails to make a prompt report, a fine shall be imposed on the guarantor, if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.()Article 56A crime suspect or defendant being released upon bail pending trial must observe the following provisions:1. may not leave the city or county in which he resides without approval of the executing organ;2. shall appear before the court whenever being summoned;3. may not interrupt in any manner the witness to testify; and4. may not destroy or falsify any evidence or collude to make confession tally.()If a crime suspect or defendant being released upon bail pending trial violates a provision of the preceding paragraph and has already deposited a security, the security shall be confiscated, and in light of different circumstances, he shall be instructed to write a statement of repentance, deposit a security or provide a guarantor again, or be subject to residential surveillance or be arrested. If the crime suspect or defendant did not violate the provisions of the preceding paragraph during the period of release upon bail pending trial, the security shall be returned when the period ends.()Article 57A crime suspect or defendant being placed under residential surveillance must observe the following provisions:1. may not leave the residence without approval of the executing organ, or may not leave the designated residence without approval if he does not have a permanent domicile;2. may not meet any other person without approval of the executing organ;3. shall appear before the court whenever being summoned;4. may not interrupt in any manner the witness to testify; and5. may not destroy or falsify any evidence or collude to make confession tally.()A crime suspect or defendant being placed under residential surveillance who violates a provision of the preceding paragraph shall be arrested under a serious circumstance.()Article 58The maximum period for release upon bail pending trial granted by the people's court, people's procuratorate and public security organ may not exceed 12 months, and the maximum period for residential surveillance may not exceed six months.()During the period of release upon bail pending trial or residential surveillance, the investigations, prosecution and trial of the case may not be suspended. If it has been found that no criminal responsibility shall be investigated or the time limit for release upon bail pending trial or residential surveillance has expired, it shall be discharged promptly. In that case the person being released upon bail pending trial or placed under residential surveillance as well as the relevant units shall be promptly notified thereof.()Article 59An arrest of a crime suspect or a defendant must be approved by a people's procuratorate or decided by a people's court, and shall be executed by a public security organ.()Article 60When facts prove that a crime suspect or defendant has committed a crime and he could be sentenced to a criminal punishment of not less imprisonment, and if such measures as releasing upon bail pending trial or placing under residential surveillance would not be sufficient to prevent the occurrence of danger to society and an arrest is necessary, the crime suspect or defendant shall be arrested without delay according to law.()A crime suspect or defendant being arrested who is suffering from serious illness or is a pregnant woman or a woman breast-feeding her own baby may be allowed to be subjected to such measures as release upon bail pending trial or residential surveillance.()Article 61Under any of the following circumstances, a public security organ may initially detain an active。
中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法 双语

中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法双语The Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China第一章总则Chapter I General Provisions第一条为了正确适用刑事诉讼法,维护社会秩序,保障人民权利,惩治犯罪,保护公民人身、财产安全,制裁违法人员,这个法律订立。
Article 1 This law is enacted in order to properly apply thecriminal procedure law, maintain social order, safeguard the rightsof the people, punish crime, protect the personal and property safety of citizens, and sanction offenders.第二条公安机关、人民检察院、人民法院在刑事诉讼活动中,应当依法彼此协助,互相制约,加强联系。
Article 2 Public security organs, people's procuratorates, and people's courts shall cooperate with each other, constrain each other, and strengthen their connections in criminal proceedings in accordance with the law.第三条刑事诉讼的任务是查明案件的事实,确定案件的性质,依法惩罚犯罪。
Article 3 The task of criminal proceedings is to ascertain the factsof a case, determine its nature, and punish crimes in accordancewith the law.第四条公安机关负责侦查犯罪;人民检察院负责对刑事案件侦查阶段的违法行为进行监督,负责审查逮捕、审查起诉和对其他违法行为的追究;人民法院负责审判犯罪案件。
(2)联邦上诉法院 始创于1891年; 现50个州设11个巡回上诉法院,华盛顿特区单设1
所联邦巡回区上诉法院,共计12所; 只审理上诉案件,没有初审权; 一般由3名巡回法官组成合议庭审理,重大案件也
开支,因此警察局规模的大小、人员的多少,完 全取决于当地政府的财政能力和维护治安的实际 需要;
6.大学校园、桥梁隧道等重要设施也都有自己的警 察;
7.各州、县、市、镇警察(警徽标志、着装样式等 各不相同)在其管辖范围内独立行使职权;
审理的案件约占全国案件的90%。州法院分普通法院和专 门法院,专门法院通常是初审法院,如未成年人法院、家
第一节 美国刑事司法制度的形成和特点
提出辩护的权利,包括被告人传唤己方证人和提 出自己关于案件事实的说法的权利。

Constitution of the United States美国宪法中英文对照版PreambleWe, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.序言我们美利坚合众国的人民,为了组织一个更完善的联邦,树立正义,保障国内的安宁,建立共同的国防,增进全民福利和确保我们自己及我们后代能安享自由带来的幸福,乃为美利坚合众国制定和确立这一部宪法。
Article ISection 1 - Legislative powers; in whom vestedAll legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.第一条第一款本宪法所规定的立法权,全属合众国的国会,国会由一个参议院和一个众议院组成。
Section 2 - House of Representatives, how and by whom chosen Qualifications of a Representative. Representatives and direct taxes, how apportioned. Enumeration. Vacancies to be filled. Power of choosing officers, and of impeachment.1. The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several States, and the elector in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State Legislature.众议院应由各州人民每两年选举一次之议员组成,各州选举人应具有该州州议会中人数最多之一院的选举人所需之资格。

----------------------- Page 1----------------------- ----------------------- Page 2-----------------------外国刑事诉讼法典系列美国联邦刑事诉讼规则和证据规则卞建林译----------------------- Page 3-----------------------序一切事物只有互相比较才能见差别长短,只有互相借鉴才能促发展进步。
中国法制建设,包括中国刑事诉讼法制的改革和健全,既要立足中国国情,不断总结自己的经验,也应当研究外国的法制建设情况,借鉴他们的经验,以奏 "他山之石,可以攻玉"之效。
最后,我们感谢美国福特基金会对《美国联邦刑事诉讼----------------------- Page 4-----------------------规则和证据规则》的出版予以资助。
陈光中1996年1月----------------------- Page 5-----------------------目录1目录美国刑事诉讼简介................................................ (1)联邦刑事诉讼规则 ............................................. (35)第一章范围、目的和结构 ................................. (35)第1条范围 ............................................. (35)第2条目的和结构 .................................... (35)第二章预备诉讼 ............................................. (36)第3条控告 ............................................. (36)第4条根据控告签发逮捕令或传票 ............... (36)第5条在治安法官前初次聆讯 ..................... (37)第5.1条预备审查.................................... (39)第三章大陪审团起诉书和检察官起诉书 ......... (41)第6条大陪审团 ....................................... (41)第7条大陪审团起诉书和检察官起诉书 ......... (45)第8条共同犯罪和共同被告 ........................ (47)第9条根据大陪审团起诉书或检察官起诉书签发逮捕令或传票 .................. (47)第四章传讯和准备审判 .................................... (50)----------------------- Page 6-----------------------2目录第10条传讯............................................. (50)第11条答辩............................................. (50)第12条审判前的书状和申请;辩护和异议...... (54)第12.1条通知不在犯罪现场 ..................... (56)第12.2条通知作精神病辩护或者专家关于被告人精神状况的证词 ........................ (58)第12.3条通知以公共权利为由辩护 ............ (59)第13条将大陪审团起诉书或检察官起诉书合并审理....................................... (60)第14条将可能有不公正影响的共同诉讼分开....................................... (61)第15条证据保全....................................... (61)第16条透露和审查.................................... (63)第17条传票............................................. (67)第17.1条庭审前会议 .............................. (69)第五章审判地点 ............................................. (70)第18条起诉和审判地点.............................. (70)第19条(已废除).................................... (70)第20条为答辩和判刑而移送........................ (70)第21条为审判而移送................................. (71)第22条申请移送的时间.............................. (72)第六章审判 ................................................... (73)第23条陪审团审判或法庭审判..................... (73)----------------------- Page 7-----------------------目录3第24条审判陪审员.................................... (74)第25条法官;无资格................................. (75)第26条作证............................................. (75)第26.1条确定外国法律 ........................... (75)第26.2条提供证人陈述 ........................... (76)第27条官方记录的证明.............................. (77)第28条译员............................................. (77)第29条申请宣判无罪................................. (77)第29.1条终结辩论 ................................. (79)第30条指示............................................. (79)第31条裁决............................................. (79)第七章判决 ................................................... (81)第32条课刑和判决.................................... (81)第32.1条撤消或变更缓刑或监视释放 ......... (85)第33条重新审判....................................... (86)第34条阻止审判....................................... (86)第35条纠正课刑....................................... (86)第36条文字错误....................................... (87)第八章上诉(已废除) .................................... (88)第37条提起上诉;申请调卷令(已废除)...... (88)第38条延期执行....................................... (88)第39条上诉监督(已废除)........................ (89)第九章补充诉讼和特别诉讼 .............................. (90)----------------------- Page 8-----------------------4目录第40条提交另一地区................................. (90)第41条搜查和扣押.................................... (91)第42条刑事藐视法庭(罪)........................ (96)第十章一般规定 ............................................. (97)第43条被告人到庭.................................... (97)第44条获得律师和被指定律师的权利............ (98)第45条期间............................................. (98)第46条从监狱释放 ................................. (100)第47条申请 .......................................... (102)第48条撤消 .......................................... (102)第49条文件的送达和存档 ........................ (102)第50条案件日程表;及时处理的计划 ......... (104)第51条不必要的例外 .............................. (104)第52条无害错误和明显错误 ..................... (104)第53条法庭内行为规则 ........................... (104)第54条适用范围和例外 ........................... (105)第55条记录 .......................................... (107)第56条法院和书记官 .............................. (108)第57条地区法院制定规则 ........................ (108)第58条轻罪和其他轻微犯罪的程序 ............ (108)第59条生效日期 .................................... (113)第60条标题 .......................................... (113)联邦证规则...................................................... (114)----------------------- Page 9-----------------------目录5第一章一般规定............................................. (115)第101条适用范围....................................... (115)第102条目的和结构.................................... (115)第103条关于证据的裁定.............................. (115)()错误裁定的后果.................................... (115)a(1)异议................................................... (115)(2)提供证明............................................. (116)()关于提供证据和裁定的记录 .................. (116)b()陪审团审理.......................................... (116)c()显见错误 .......................................... (116)d第104条初步询问....................................... (116)()关于可采性的一般询问........................... (116)a()以事实为条件的相关性 ........................ (116)b()陪审团审理.......................................... (116)c()被告人作证 ....................................... (117)d()重要性和可信性.................................... (117)e第105条有限的可采性................................. (117)第106条书面或录音证词的剩余部分或相关部分....................................... (117)第二章司法认知............................................. (118)第201条关于裁判事实的司法认知.................. (118)()适用范围............................................. (118)a()事实种类 .......................................... (118)b----------------------- Page 10-----------------------6目录)任意采用............................................. (118)(c()强制采用 .......................................... (118)d()被听证的机会....................................... (118)e()采用司法认知的时间.............................. (118)f()指示陪审团 ....................................... (118)g第三章民事诉讼中的推定................................. (120)第301条民事诉讼中推定的一般规定............... (120)第302条民事诉讼中州法的适用性.................. (120)第四章相关性及其限制.................................... (121)第401条 "相关证据"的定义........................ (121)第402条相关证据一般可以采纳;无相关性的证据不能采纳................................. (121)第403条因偏见、混淆或浪费时间而排除相关证据... (121)第404条品格证据不能采纳来证明行为;例外;其他犯罪.............................. (121)()品格证据的一般规定.............................. (121)a(1)被告人的品格....................................... (122)(2)被害人的品格....................................... (122)(3)证人的品格.......................................... (122)()其他犯罪、错误或行为 ........................ (122)b第405条证明品格的方法.............................. (122)()名声或评价.......................................... (122)a----------------------- Page 11-----------------------目录7()特定行为实例 .................................... (122)b第406条习惯;日常工作.............................. (123)第407条随后的补救措施.............................. (123)第408条和解和要求和解.............................. (123)第409条支付医疗或类似费用........................ (123)第410条答辩、答辩讨论和有关陈述不可采纳....................................... (124)第411条责任保险....................................... (124)第412条性犯罪案件;与被害人过去行为相关....................................... (125)第五章特权................................................... (127)第501条一般规则....................................... (127)第六章证人................................................... (128)第601条关于证人能力的一般规则.................. (128)第602条缺乏亲身体验................................. (128)第603条宣誓或郑重声明.............................. (128)第604条译员............................................. (128)第605条法官作为证人的能力........................ (129)第606条陪审员作为证人的能力..................... (129)()参加审理 .......................................... (129)a()对陪审团裁决或起诉书合法性的调查 ...... (129)b第607条谁可以提出质疑.............................. (129)第608条关于证人品格和行为的证据............... (129)----------------------- Page 12-----------------------8目录)关于品格的评价证据和名声证据 ............ (129)(a()行为的具体实例 ................................. (130)b第609条以曾被定罪的证据提出质疑............... (130)()一般规则 .......................................... (130)a()时间限制 .......................................... (131)b()赦免、撤消或证明恢复名誉的效果 ......... (131)c()未成年人的裁判 ................................. (132)d()上诉未决 .......................................... (132)e第610条宗教信仰或主张.............................. (132)第611条询问和举证的方式和次序.................. (132)()法庭控制 .......................................... (132)a()交叉询问的范围 ................................. (132)b()诱导性问题 ....................................... (133)c第612条使用书面材料来唤醒记忆.................. (133)第613条证人先前的陈述.............................. (134)()就证人先前的陈述进行询问 .................. (134)a()有关证人先前陈述不一致的外部证据 ...... (134)b第614条法庭传唤和询问证人........................ (134)()法庭传唤证人 .................................... (134)a()法庭询问 .......................................... (134)b()异议 ................................................ (134)c第615条排除证人....................................... (134)第七章意见证据和专家证词.............................. (136)----------------------- Page 13-----------------------目录9第701条一般证人的意见证词........................ (136)第702条专家证词....................................... (136)第703条专家意见证词的基础........................ (136)第704条关于最终争议的意见........................ (136)第705条公开专家意见所依据的事实和数据...... (137)第706条法庭指定专家................................. (137)()指定 ................................................ (137)a()补偿 ................................................ (137)b()将指定公开 ....................................... (138)c()当事人自己选择专家 ........................... (138)d第八章传闻证据............................................. (139)第801条定义............................................. (139)()陈述 ................................................ (139)a()陈述者 ............................................. (139)b()传闻................................................... (139)c()不是传闻的陈述 ................................. (139)d(1)证人的先前陈述.................................... (139)(2)为对立当事人承认................................. (139)第802条传闻证据规则.............................. (140)第803条传闻证据的例外;陈述者可否作证无关紧要.................................... (140)(1)表达感觉印象....................................... (140)(2)刺激的发泄.......................................... (140)----------------------- Page 14-----------------------10目录(3)当事存在的精神、感情或身体状态............ (140)(4)出于医疗诊断或治疗目的的陈述............... (141)(5)被记录的回忆....................................... (141)(6)关于日常行为、活动的记录..................... (141)(7)在第(6)项规定的记录中缺乏记载 ......... (141)(8)公共记录或报告.................................... (141)(9)重要统计资料....................................... (142)(10)缺乏公共记录或没有记载 ..................... (142)(11)宗教组织的记录 ................................. (142)(12)婚姻、洗礼或类似证明 ........................ (143)(13)家庭记录 .......................................... (143)(14)反映财产利益的文件记录 ..................... (143)(15)文件中反映财产利益的陈述 .................. (143)(16)在陈年文件中的陈述 ........................... (143)(17)市场报告,商业出版物 ........................ (144)(18)学术论文 .......................................... (144)(19)关于个人或家庭历史的名声 .................. (144)(20)关于边界和一般历史的名声 .................. (144)(21)性格方面的名声 ................................. (144)(22)先前定罪的判决 ................................. (145)(23)关于个人、家庭、或一般历史、或边界的判决 .................................... (145)(24)其他例外 .......................................... (145)----------------------- Page 15-----------------------目录11第804条传闻证据的例外;陈述者不能到庭作证....................................... (145)()不能出庭的定义.................................... (145)a()传闻证据的例外 .................................(146)b(1)先前证词............................................. (146)(2)临终陈述............................................. (146)(3)对己不利的陈述.................................... (147)(4)关于个人或家史的陈述........................... (147)(5)其他例外............................................. (147)第805条传闻中的传闻................................. (148)第806条攻击和支持陈述者的可信性............... (148)第九章鉴定和辨认.......................................... (149)第901条要求鉴定或辨认.............................. (149)()一般规定............................................. (149)a()说明 ................................................ (149)b(1)具有知识的人的证明.............................. (149)(2)对笔迹的非专家意见.............................. (149)(3)由审判者或专家证人进行比较.................. (149)(4)与众不同的特征或类似品质..................... (149)(5)声音辨认............................................. (149)(6)声音通话............................................. (149)(7)公共记录或报告.................................... (150)(8)陈年文件或数据汇编.............................. (150)----------------------- Page 16-----------------------12目录(9)过程或系统.......................................... (150)(10)法律或规则规定的方法 ........................ (150)第902条自我鉴定....................................... (150)(1)国内盖有印章的公文.............................. (151)(2)国内未盖印章的公文.............................. (151)(3)外国公文............................................. (151)(4)经证实的公共记录的副本........................ (151)(5)官方出版物.......................................... (151)(6)报纸和期刊.......................................... (152)(7)商品注册或类似标记.............................. (152)(8)被承认的文件....................................... (152)(9)商业票据和相关文件.............................. (152)(10)根据国会立法推定 .............................. (152)第903条不必要有补强证人证词..................... (152)第十章文字、录音和照相的内容........................ (153)第1001条定义 .................................... (153)(1)文字和录音.......................................... (153)(2)照相................................................... (153)(3)原件................................................... (153)(4)复制品................................................ (153)第1002条要求原件 .................................... (153)第1003条复制品的可采性 ........................... (154)第1004条其他关于内容的证据的可采性 ... (154)----------------------- Page 17-----------------------目录13(1)原件遗失或毁坏.................................... (154)(2)原件无法获得....................................... (154)(3)原件在对方掌握中................................. (154)(4)附属事项............................................. (154)第1005条公共记录 .................................... (154)第1006条摘要 .......................................... (155)第1007条当事人的证词或书面承认 ............... (155)第1008条法庭和陪审团的职能 ..................... (155)第十一章综合规则.......................................... (156)第1101条规则的适用性 .............................. (156)()法院和治安法院.................................... (156)a()诉讼范围 .......................................... (156)b()关于特权的规则.................................... (156)c()不适用规则的情况 .............................. (156)d()部分适用的规则.................................... (157)e第1102条修改 .......................................... (158)第1103条标题 .......................................... (158)----------------------- Page 18-----------------------美国联邦刑事诉讼规则和证据规则1美国刑事诉讼简介在法律传统上,美国源自英国普通法系,实行判例制度,没有系统成文的刑事诉讼法典。

双语法律百科美国刑事案件的司法程序The judicial process in a criminal case differs from a civil case in several important ways. At the beginning of a federal criminal case, the principal actors are the U.S. attorney (the prosecutor) and the grand jury. The U.S. attorney represents the United States in most court proceedings, including all criminal prosecutions. The grand jury reviews evidence presented by the U.S. attorney and decides whether there is sufficient evidence to require a defendant to stand trial.在美国,刑事案件的司法程序与民事案件在多个重要⽅⾯有所不同。
After a person is arrested, a pretrial services or probation officer of the court immediately interviews the defendant and conducts an investigation of the defendant's background. The information obtained by the pretrial services or probation office will be used to help a judge decide whether to release the defendant into the community before trial, and whether to impose conditions of release. At an initial appearance, a judge advises the defendant of the charges filed, considers whether the defendant should be held in jail until trial, and determines whether there is probable cause to believe that an offense has been committed and the defendant has committed it. Defendants who are unable to afford counsel are advised of their right to a court-appointed attorney. The court may appoint either a federal public defender or a private attorney who has agreed to accept such appointments from the court. In either type of appointment, the attorney will be paid by the court from funds appropriated by Congress. Defendants released into the community before trial may be required to obey certain restrictions, such as home confinement or drug testing, and to make periodic reports to a pretrial services officer to ensure appearance at trial.某⼈被捕后,法院的审前服务或缓刑监督官⽴即会见被告,并对被告的背景进⾏调查。
英美司法制度criminal law

Elements of a Crime
A crime including the following components: (1)
the wrongful act (actus reus); (2) the culpable state of mind (mens rea)); (3) causation.
➢ It is often difficult to prove that person acted
with a guilty mind, and prosecutors often have to prove it indirectly and circumstantially.
➢ The Model PenThe wrongful act: an unlawful voluntary
act– a voluntary act occurs when the accused causes his or her body to move in a manner that produces prohibited conduct.
sentence of imprisonment of over one year are felonies, while those authorizing sentences of one year or less are misdemeanors.
Classifying Crimes
In the U.S.
against the public that is punishable by imprisonment or fine (or both).
➢a wrong -- an act that violates the law as
法律英语讲座之12 美国刑事诉讼法(下)

刑事诉讼制度的具体步骤一般来说,犯罪嫌疑人从被逮捕到受到起诉确认罪行所经历的步骤有:1. Arrest(逮捕)Once the suspect has been identified, the police may make an arrest if they obtain an arrest warrant froma magistrate or possess sufficient knowledge of the facts and circumstances to lead a reasonable person toconclude that the suspect committed or is in the process of committing the crime.一旦犯罪嫌疑人被确认,如满足以下情形警察就可以对其实施逮捕,即:警方得到治安法官的逮捕证;警方掌握的充分的事实依据已可使任何一个理智人认定犯罪嫌疑人正在或已经实施了犯罪。
那么,如果警方抓错了人,这又叫做什么呢?If you have been the subject of an arrest by the police or other state or federal official which took placewithout probable cause, in bad faith or if someone deprived you of your liberty, you may be able to makea claim and recover damages, including attorney's fees and costs. Your rights are safeguarded by both theUnited States Constitution and state common law. False imprisonment is frequently alleged by a person whofeels that he or she was unlawfully arrested. If the police did not have "probable cause" to arrest you, youcan sue for false imprisonment.如果警察或其他州或联邦官员无合理原因、违反规定对你实行逮捕,或者有人非法剥夺你的自由,你可以提起诉讼,要求赔偿损失(包括要求对方支付律师费和其他费用)。

以下是一些主要的美国刑事诉讼法律规定:1. 宪法第四修正案:规定了“不得无理搜查和扣押”,保护公民不受非法搜查和扣押的权利。
2. 宪法第五修正案:规定了“不得自证其罪”,即不得强迫被告人在法庭上自证有罪。
3. 宪法第六修正案:规定了被告人在刑事诉讼中的权利,包括获得公正审判、被告人的辩护权等。
4. 联邦刑事诉讼规则:规定了联邦法院的刑事诉讼程序。
5. 州刑事诉讼法:各州有自己的刑事诉讼法律,但基本原则与联邦法律类似。
二、英国刑事诉讼法律规定英国刑事诉讼法律体系以普通法为主,以下是一些主要的英国刑事诉讼法律规定:1. 《1984年警察与刑事证据法》:规定了警察的搜查权、逮捕权和证据收集程序。
2. 《1994年刑事司法与公共秩序法》:规定了刑事审判程序、被告的权利和证据规则。
3. 《2003年刑事司法法》:对刑事诉讼程序进行了重大改革,包括加强被告人的权利保障。
三、德国刑事诉讼法律规定德国刑事诉讼法律体系以成文法为主,以下是一些主要的德国刑事诉讼法律规定:1. 《德国刑事诉讼法》:规定了刑事诉讼的基本原则、程序和证据规则。
2. 《德国宪法》:规定了公民在刑事诉讼中的基本权利,如公正审判权、辩护权等。
3. 《德国刑法》:规定了犯罪的构成要件、刑罚等。
四、法国刑事诉讼法律规定法国刑事诉讼法律体系以成文法为主,以下是一些主要的法国刑事诉讼法律规定:1. 《法国刑事诉讼法典》:规定了刑事诉讼的基本原则、程序和证据规则。
2. 《法国宪法》:规定了公民在刑事诉讼中的基本权利,如公正审判权、辩护权等。
3. 《法国刑法》:规定了犯罪的构成要件、刑罚等。

众议员的数目,不得超过每三万人口有众议员一人,但每州至少应有众议员一人;在举行人囗调查以前,各州得按照下列数目选举众议员: 新罕布什尔三人、麻萨诸塞八人、罗德岛及普罗维登斯垦殖区一人、康涅狄格五人、纽约州六人.新泽西四人、宾夕法尼亚八人、特拉华一人、马里兰六人、弗吉尼亚十人、北卡罗来纳五人、南卡罗来纳五人、乔治亚三人。

英美法系国家的抗辩式诉讼制度(the adversary procedure)是在控告式诉讼制度(the accusatorial procedure)的基础上产生和发展起来的。与之相对应的是大陆法系国家采用的纠问式或审问士诉讼制度(the inquisitorial procedure).前者的基本原则之一是“不告不理”(No accusation, no trial.)。不过,英国的传统是“私诉”(private prosecution),即由公民(包括警察)以个人名义提起刑事诉讼;而美国则在殖民地时期就建立了“公诉”(public prosecution)制度,即由检察官代表政府或人民提起刑事诉讼。
毫无疑问,对抗制或抗辩制也是美国刑事诉讼程序的最主要特点,而且它往往具有较民事诉讼更为重要的意义。此外,美国的刑事诉讼规则中很强调对被告人权利的保护,因此有许许多多“程序保障”(procedural safeguards)。不过,美国的刑事诉讼制度对被告人的保护“太多了,以至于在某些情况下不得不牺牲社会安全和公众利益。刑事司法系统不能有效地打击犯罪活动,这显然是美国社会中犯罪问题严重的原因之一。有些美国学者批评美国的刑事司法系统(criminal justice system)是“不公正的无系统”(“no-justice non-system”,在英语中,”justice”一次既可以表示“司法”也可以表示“公正”)。
法律英语翻译 /archives/2039
美国的刑事诉讼法律在很大程度上受其宪法的影响。例如,美国宪法的第四、第五、第六等修正案都直接与刑事诉讼有关。因此,美国一些法学院教授刑事诉讼法的课程就称为“宪法刑事诉讼”(Constitutional Criminal Procedure)。美国各州都有自己的刑事诉讼法典。最高法院于1946年颁布的“联邦刑事诉讼规则”(Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure)对各州的影响要比其民事诉讼规格的影响小得多。
法律英语学习 美国刑诉程序(1)

审前程序(procedure prior to trial)基本包括以下几个步骤:提出控告(complaint)、逮捕(arrest)、在警察局“登记”(booking)、逮捕后在治安法官面前聆讯(appearance before magistrate after arrest)、预审(preliminary examination)或预先听证(preliminary hearing)、审查性审判(examining trial)、正式起诉(filing of accusation or pleadings)、提审(arraignment)、被告人答辩(plea by defendant)。
审理程序(procedure during trial)包括:选定陪审团(“voir dire”,selection of jurors)、开场陈述(opening statements)、起诉方举证(presentation of government’s case)、辩护方举证(presentation of defendant’ s case)、终结辩论(closing arguments)、指示陪审团(instructing the jury)、陪审团评议(jury deliberations)、陪审裁决(conviction or acquittal)。
审后程序(procedure after trial)包括:判刑(sentencing)、上诉(appeal)等。
刑事诉讼法 英文版

中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法于1979 年7 月1 日通过,自1980 年1 月1 日起实施。
1996 年3 月17 日,根据第八届全国人民代表大会第四次会议通过的《关于修改〈中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法〉的决定》进行了第一次修订。

美国联邦刑事诉讼规则和证据规则第一章一般规定第 101条适用范围本规则根据第1101条规定的范围和例外,适用于在联邦法院、联邦破产法院和联邦治安法院进行的诉讼。
(根据 1987年 3月 2日的修改,同年 10月 1日生效; 1988年 4月 25日的修改,同年 11月 1日生效) 第 102条目的和结构本规则将用以保证公正施行,消除不合理的耗费和延误,促进证据法的发展壮大,以实现确定事实真相,公正处理诉讼。
第 103条关于证据的裁定 (a)错误裁定的后果除非影响到当事人的实体权利和具有下列情况,否则错误可以不作为采纳或排除证据的依据: (1)异议对于一项采纳证据的裁定,适时提出要求撤消的异议,或申请记录在案并阐明异议的具体理由,如果该理由未能从上下文中显露出来;或者 (2)提供证明对于一项排除证据的裁定,可以提供该证据的要旨使法庭了解或者使其从所提问题的内容中显露出来。
第 104条初步询问 (a)关于可采性的一般询问关于证人资格、存在 (拒绝作证的)特权或证据可采性的初步询问将由法庭决定,适用下述 (b)款的规定。
(c )陪审团审理在所有案件中,有关 (被告人)自白的可采性的审理将避开陪审团。
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In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law …在一切刑事訴訟中,被告應享受下列之權利:發生罪案之州或區域之公正陪審團予以迅速之公開審判,其區域當以法律先確定之;Sheppard v. Maxwell, 384 U.S. 333 (1966), was a United States Supreme Court case that examined the rights of freedom of the press (新聞自由)as outlined in the 1st Amendment when weighed against a defendant…s right to a fair trial (受公平審判權)as required by the 6th Amendment.After suffering a trial court conviction(定罪)of second-degree murder(二級謀殺)for the bludgeoning (棍棒毆打的)death of his pregnant(懷孕的)wife, Sam Sheppard challenged the verdict(陪審團裁定)as the product of an unfair trial(不公正審判).Sheppard, who maintained his innocence(無辜)of the crime, alleged that the trial judge failed to protect him from the massive, widespread, and prejudicial(有偏見的)publicity(公開宣揚)that attended(出席、伴隨)his prosecution(起訴).陪審團宣告無罪Once acquitted(宣告無罪), a defendant may not be retried(重新審判)for the same offense(同一犯罪行為): “A verdict(陪審團裁定)of acquittal(宣告無罪), although not followed by any judgment(法院判決), is a bar to a subsequent prosecution for the same offense.“ Acquittal by a jury is generally final and cannot be appealed(上訴)by the prosecution(檢方).法院自己判無罪An acquittal in a trial by judge (bench trial) is also generally not appealable by the prosecution(檢方). A trial judge may normally enter an acquittal if he deems the evidence insufficient for conviction(不足以定罪). If the judge makes this ruling before the jury reaches its verdict, the judge…s determination is final. If, however, the judge overrules(推翻)a conviction by the jury, the prosecution may appeal to have the conviction reinstated(恢復)證據不足撤銷定罪If a defendant appeals a conviction and is successful in having it overturned(推翻), they are subject to retrial(接受重審).An exception arises if the verdict is overturned on the grounds of evidentiary insufficiency(證據不足), rather than on the grounds of procedural faults(程序錯誤).不同罪名Another exception arises in cases of conviction for lesser offenses(較輕罪名). If a defendant charged with murder in the first degree(一級謀殺)is convicted for murder in the second degree, and later the jury…s conviction is overturned on procedural grounds, the defendant may be retried for second degree but not firstdegree murder; the jury, by convicting the defendant of second degree murder, is deemed to have implicitly(暗示)acquitted them of first degree murder.同一犯罪De fendants may not more than once be placed in jeopardy for the “same offense”(同一犯罪行為). Sometimes, however, the same conduct may violate different statutes. The defendant had first been convicted of operating an automobile without the owner…s consent, and l ater of stealing(偷竊)the same automobile. The Supreme Court concluded that the same evidence was necessary to prove both offenses, and that in effect there was only one offense. Therefore, it overturned the second conviction.審判無效mistrialMistrials(審判無效)are generally not covered by the double jeopardy clause. If a judge dismisses the case or concludes the trial without deciding the facts in the defendant's favor (for example, by dismissing the case on procedural grounds), the case is a mistrial and may normally be retried.Furthermore, if a jury cannot reach a verdict(陪審團無法達成裁定), the judge may declare a mistrial and order a retrial. When the defendant moves for(提議)a mistrial, there is no bar to retrial, even if the prosecutor or judge caused the error that forms the basis of the motion.雙重主權The clause, it has been held, does not prevent separate trials by different governments, and the state and federal governments are considered “separate sovereigns”(不同主權). Therefore, one may be prosecuted for a crime in a state court, and prosecuted for the same crime in another state, a foreign country, or (most commonly) in a federal court.球隊隊員強暴啦啦隊員In March 2006 Crystal Gail Mangum, an African American student at North Carolina Central University who worked as a stripper(脫衣舞女),dancer and escort(儀隊), falsely accused three white Duke University students, members of the Duke Blue Devils men…s lacrosse(曲棍球)team, of raping her at a party held at the house of two team's captains in Durham, North Carolina on March 13, 2006.DNA檢測Shortly after the party, the prosecution ordered 46 of the 47 team members to provide DNA samples.On Monday, April 10, 2006, it was revealed that DNA testing had failed to connect any of the 46 tested members of the Duke University men's lacrosse team.照片指認問題During the photo identifications(照片指認), Mangum was told that she would be viewing Duke University lacrosse players who attended the party, and was asked if she remembered seeing them at the party and in what capacity.this was essentially a “multiple-choice test(複選題)in which there were no wrong answers",… "[t]he officer was telling the witness that all are suspects, and say, in effect, 'Pick three.'U.S. Department of Justice guidelines suggest to include at least five non-suspectfiller photos for each suspect included撤回起訴On April 11, 2007, North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper dropped(撤回)all charges and declared the three players innocent(無辜). Cooper stated that the charged players –Reade Seligmann, Collin Finnerty, and David Evans –were victims of a “tragic rush to accuse.”(急於指控之悲劇)檢察官被除名That June, Nifong was disbarred for “dishonesty(不誠實), fraud(詐欺), deceit (欺騙)and misrepresentation(不實陳述)”, making Nifong the first prosecutor in North Carolina history to lose his law license(證照)based on actions in a case. Nifong was found guilty of criminal contempt(藐視)and served one day in jail. Mangum never faced any charges for her false accusations as Cooper declined to prosecute her.法律倫理“Legal ethics” (法律倫理)in the United States is generally understood to primarily apply to lawyers, while codes of professional responsibility(專門職業人員責任)also apply in a derivative sense (indirectly) to non-lawyers who work with lawyers, such as paralegals(律師助理、法務)or private investigators(私人調查員).美國律師公會職業行為規則The American Bar Association (美國律師公會)has promulgated(公布)the Model Rules of Professional Conduct (職業行為模範規則)which, while formally only a recommendation by a private body, have been influential in many jurisdictions.各州州法自行規定律師執業守則In the United States, the practice of law is regulated by the governments of the individual states and territories(領域).Each state or territory has a code of professional conduct dictating rules of ethics. These may be adopted by the respective state legislatures and/or judicial systems.各州懲戒權Every town in the United States has a regulatory(管制性)body (usually called a state bar association) that polices(維持)lawyer conduct. When lawyers are licensed (被許可)to practice(職業) in a state, those lawyers subject themselves to this authority. Overall responsibility often lies with the highest court in a state (such as state supreme court).懲戒Lawyers who fail to comply with(遵守)local rules of ethics may be subjected to discipline(懲戒)ranging from private (non-public) reprimand(訓斥)to disbarment (取消資格).。