
﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡Part I Vocabulary and Grammar (30 points)1. When he ______ all the newspapers, he’ll go home.a. sellb. has soldc. will have soldd. will be sold2. The machine starts the moment the button ______.a. will be pressedb. is pressedc. has pressedd. has been pressed3. Now that you ______, what are you going to do?a. returnb. are returningc. have returnedd. returned4. I had hoped Mr. Smith ______ me an early reply.a. would giveb. gavec. to gived. giving5. Please be sure to call me the next time you ______.a. will comeb. would comec. comed. shall come6. He went on foot, but he ______ by bus.a. should gob. could have gonec. ought have goned. could be gone7. “Time is running out, ______?”a. hadn’t we better got startb. hadn’t we better get startc. hadn’t we better get startedd. hadn’t we better got started8. Were it not for the debts, we ______ all right.a. would beb. would have beenc. wered. are9. When Joyce was told the whole story, she ______ in the film.a. ceased interestb. ceased being interestedc. ceased interestedd. ceased to interest10. We often hear about airplanes ______ because of technical faults.a. delayingb. being delayedc. be delayedd. to be delayed11. Revolution means ______ the productive forces.a. to liberateb. liberatec. liberatedd. liberating12. Why do you stand and watch the milk ______ over?a. boilingb. boiledc. to boild. being boiled13. A phone call sent him ______ to the hospital.a. hurryb. hurryingc. to hurryd. hurried14. They want the power station ______ as soon as possible.a. to set upb. to be set upc. being set upd. to have been set up15. Once ______ oxygen, the brain dies.a. deprived ofb. depriving ofc. having deprived ofd. deprived16. Every means ______ tried but without much result.a. has beenb. have beenc. ared. is17. The young in spirit ______ the vital forces in our society.a. isb. arec. has beend. have been18. Rarely ______ such a silly thing.a. have I heard ofb. I have been heard ofc. have I been heard ofd. I have heard of19. He knows little of mathematics, ______ of chemistry.A. as well as b. and still less c. no less than d. and still more20. Five minutes earlier, ______ we could have caught the last train.a. orb. butc. andd. so21. He works too hard. That is ______ is wrong with him.a. that whichb. that whatc. whatd. the thing that22. Scarcely was George Washington in his teens ______ his father died.a. thanb. asc. whiled. when23. Electricity power is transmitted from power plant to places ______.a. that it is neededb. to which it is neededc. where it is neededd. when it is needed24. That terrible noise is ______ me mad.a. puttingb. settingc. drivingd. turning25. All the rooms have ______ carpets, which are included in the price of the house.a. adaptedb. designedc. equippedd. fitted26. Is this a good camera? Can it take color ______?a. portraitsb. filmshowsc. picturesd. paintings27. His advice to wear white clothes in a hot, sunny climate was followed.This ______ helped people to be cooler.a. demandb. recommendationc. inventiond. request28. I just have a few household ______ to cope with and then I’ll be freeto come out with you.a. assignmentsb. chargesc. choresd. errands29. His breaking of the rules set a dangerous ______.a. customb. precedentc. practiced. usage30. They had dug out an ice cave to provide ______ for the night.a. safetyb. refugec. retreatd. shelterPart II Reading Comprehension (40 points)Read the article carefully and answer the questions that follow in Section A, B, C, and D.CIVILIZATION & HISTORY1 Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history books are great conquerors and generals and soldiers, whereas the people who really helped civilization forward are often never mentioned at all. We do not know who first set a broken leg, or launched a seaworthy boat, or calculated the length of the year, or manured a field, but we know all about the killers and destroyers. People think a great deal of them, so much so that on all the highest pillars in the great cities of the world you will find the figure of the conqueror or a general or a soldier. And I think most people believe that the greatest countries are those that have beaten in battle the greatest number of other countries and ruled over them as conquerors. It is just possible they are, but they are not the most civilized. Animals fight; so do savages; hence to be good at fighting is to be good in the way in which an animal or a savage is good, but it is not to be civilized. Even being good at getting other people to fight for you and telling them how to do it most efficiently----this, after all, is what conquerors and generals have done ----is not being civilized. People fight to settle quarrels. Fighting means killing, and civilized peoples ought to be able to find some way of settling their disputes other than by seeing which side can kill off the greater number of the other side, and then saying that that side which has killed most has won. And not only has won, but, because it has won, has been in the right. For that is what going to war means; it means saying that might is right.2 That is what the story of mankind has on the whole been like. Even our own age has fought the two greatest wars in history, in which millions of people were killed or mutilated. And while today it is true that people do not fight and kill each other in the streets----while, that is to say, we have got to the stage of keeping the rules and behaving properly to each other in daily life---nations and countries have not learnt to do this yet, and still behave like savages.3 But we must not expect too much. After all, the race of men has only just started. From the point of view of evolution, human beings are very young children indeed, babies, in fact, of a few months old. Scientists reckon that there has been life of some sort on the earth in the form of jelly-fish and that kind of creature for about twelve hundred million years; but there have been men for only one million years, and there have been civilized men for about eight thousand years at the outside. These figures are difficult to grasp; so let us scale them down. Suppose that we reckon the whole past of living creatures on the earth as one hundredyears; then the whole past of man works out at about one month, and during that month there have been civilizations for between seven and eight hours. So you see there has been little time to learn in, but there will be oceans of time in which to learn better. Taking man’s civilized past at about seven or eight hours, we may estimate his future, that is to say, the whole period between now and when the sun grows too cold to maintain life any longer on the earth, at about one hundred thousand years. Thus mankind is only at the beginning of its civilized life, and as I say, we must not expect too much. The past of man has been on the whole a pretty beastly business, a business of fighting and bullying and gorging and grabbing and hurting. We must not expect even civilized peoples not to have done these things. All we can ask is that they will sometimes have done something else.Section AAnswer the following questions.31.This essay can be divided into two main parts, although it has threeparagraphs. Where do you think the second part begins----at the beginning of the second paragraph or of the third?32.Which of the following sentences gives the best summary of the firstpart?(a) Some of the people who helped civilization forward are notmentioned at all in history books.(b) Conquerors and generals have been our most famous men, but theydid not help civilization forward.(c) It is true that people today do not fight or kill people in the streets.33.Which of the following sentences best summarizes the second part ofthe essay?(a) In order to understand the long periods of history, we have to scalethem down to shorter periods.(b) The past of man has been on the whole a pretty beastly business.(c) Mankind is only at the beginning of civilized life; so we mustexpect a great deal of civilization at this stage.34. What the examples does the author give of people who really helpedcivilization forward?35. In what way are great soldiers similar to animals?36. Are people today more civilized in any way than in the past? If so, inwhat way?37. What were the earliest forms of life on this earth?38. When will there be no life on this earth, according to the author?39. The word ‘figure’ is both used in the first paragraph and in the third.Does it have the same meaning in both places? If not, what are itstwo different meanings?40. Is the author hopeful about the figure of civilization? How do you know?Section BAnswer the questions by choosing the best alternative (a, b, c, d) under each.41. In the first sentence, the author says that______.(a) most history books were written by conquerors, general and soldiers.(b) no one who really helped civilization forward is mentioned in anyhistory books.(c) history books tell us far more about conquerors and soldiers than about thosewho helped civilization forward.(d) conquerors, generals and soldiers should not be mentioned in history books.42. On all the highest pillars in the great cities of the world, we find_____.(a) the figure of the same conqueror or general or soldier.(b) the figure of some conqueror or general or soldier.(c) a figure representing the number of conquerors, generals andsoldiers in that country.(d) the figure of a person who helped civilization forward.43. Most people believe that the greatest countries are _____.(a) those that built the highest pillars.(b) those that were beaten in battle by the greatest number of othercountries.(c) those that were ruled by the greatest number of conquerors.(d) those that won greatest number of battles against other countries.44. In the author’s opinion, the countries that ruled a large number ofother countries are _____.(a) certainly not the greatest in any way.(b) neither the greatest not the most civilized(c) possibly the most civilized but not the greatest.(d) possibly the greatest in some sense but not the most civilized.45. The author says that civilized people _____.(a) should not have any quarrels to settle.(b) should not fight when there are no quarrels to settle.(c) should settle their quarrels without fighting.(d) should settle their quarrels by seeing which side can kill off the greater number of the other side.46. ‘That is what going to war means; it means saying that might is right.’ The meaning of this sentence is that _____.(a) those who fight believe that the winner is right and the loser wrong.(b) only those who are powerful should go to war.(c) those who are right should fight against those who are wrong.(d) in a war only those who are powerful will win.47. ‘Even our own age has fought the two greatest wars in history.’ The author says this in order to show that our own age is _____.(a) different from those of the past.(b) not much better than those of the past.(c) much better than those of the past.(d) not so civilized as those of the past.48. ‘From the point of view of evolution, human beings are very young children indeed.’ The author says this in order to show that _____.(a) very young children are not civilized.(b) evolution does not help civilization forward.(c) human beings have learnt very little in a very long time.(d) human beings are still at the beginning of their life on this earth.49. The scale which the author uses for representing time is _____.(a) one month = one million years.(b) one hundred years = eight thousand years.(c) one year = one million years.(d) one month = twelve hundred million years.50. ‘We must not expect even civilized peoples not to have done thesethings.’ Thissuggests that _____.(a) those who have done any fighting and bullying cannot be consideredcivilized.(b) there is nothing wrong if civilized people do some fighting andbullying.(c) even civilized people have done some fighting and bullying.(d) civilized people have never done any fighting and bullying. Section CFind single words in this essay which have roughly the meanings given below.51.uncivilized person52.fertilized53.image of a person made from stone, metal etc.54.quarrel or difference of opinion55.strength or power56.all human beings considered together57.boneless sea-animal which evolved very early on58.count or estimate59.as bad as animals in behaviors60. causing painSection DMatch the words given under A with the meaning given under B. list B has some extra items.A B61. grab (a) gradual development62. mutilate (b) honorable, famous63. seaworthy (c) a straight, tall support64. reckon (d) good at producing results65. conqueror (e) fit to sail in the sea(f) think (on the basis of a calculation)66. glorious (g) get hold of67. bully (h) one who defeats another country68. pillar (i) be cruel to someone weaker69. evolution (j) destroy or injure an important part70. efficient (k) one who gets other people to fight for him(l) put things on a smaller scale(m) an officer of the navyPart III Translation (50 points)Section ATranslate the underlined part of the Chinese text into English.人生里有离别也是好事。

青岛大学2017年翻译专业硕士研究生入学试题科目代码:211科目名称:翻译硕士英语(共9页)请写明题号,将答案全部写在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效㌱‷൬I GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY(20Points)There are twenty sentences in this section.For each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one word or phrase that best completes each sentence.1.൬he issue of e-commerce did not any detailed discussions at theconference.㌱.take delight in B.give rise toC.give way toD.take advantage of2.Bing aware of the potential objections,they launched a reform at thebeginning stage.㌱.humble B.modest C.timid D.middle3.Fingerprints form an unchangeable despite changes in the individual’sappearance or age.㌱.mark B.sign C.remark D.signature4.It is illegal in some countries that children unattended at home.㌱.be left B.left C.are leaving D.being left5.㌱new material,we have good reason to be optimistic.㌱.developed B.being developedC.was being developedD.was developed6.I think much attention your pronunciation.㌱.must be paid to B.ought to be paid toC.must pay toD.should be paid to7.Hurry up,or the tickets out by the time we get there.㌱.will have sold B.will sellC.have soldD.will have been sold18.Nothing helps success more than what you are doing.㌱.know B.to know C.be known to D.knowing9.Because of my‷ussian,I cannot make myself.㌱.broken;understood B.broken;understandC.break;understoodD.breaking;understanding10.It is better to die on one’s feet than.㌱.live on one’s knees B.living one’s kneesC.on one’s kneesD.to live on one’s knees11.In the Christian religion,the lucky number13back to the LastSupper.㌱.tracks B.traces C.dates D.tails12.When we are reading,the important thing is to the essentialmeaning,not to learn every single word.㌱.clasp B.grab C.grasp D.grapple13.He applied for a(n)position in a company.㌱.empty B.vacant C.vacuum D.margin14.൬he Channel൬unnel is one of the biggest engineering projects ever.㌱.understated B.undertaken C.undergone D.underneath15.Water enters into a great variety of chemical reactions,have beenmentioned in previous pages.㌱.a few of it B.a few of that C.a few of them D.a few of which 16.൬hey will have you if you don’t pay your taxes.㌱.to be arrested B.arrest C.arrested D.being arrested17.Small boys are questioners.൬hey ask questions all the time.㌱.original B.imaginative C.peculiar D.persistent18.Some people avoid questions of right and wrong or remain neutralabout them.㌱.violently B.enthusiastically C.sincerely D.deliberately19.Despite their good service,most inns are less costly than hotels ofstandards.㌱.equivalent B.alike C.uniform D.likely2。

页(共 12 页)
II. In each of the following 10 sentences is an underlined word or phrase. Beneath each sentence are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one word or phrase which will best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined part. (5 points) 21. Martin Luther King was regarded as an indefatigable fighter for the rights of the blacks. A. legendary B. confidential C. determined D. authoritative 22. The war and its aftermath changed me; it gave me a respect and affection for the so-called common man that I have never lost. A. consequence B. destruction C. sanity D. contempt
23. Japan is projected to grow 1.4 percent in 2000, the same as the OECD is predicting for 1999 but a big improvement from the 2.8 percent drop in 1998. A. predicted B. believed C. reported D. planned

﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡I.Directions:Translate the following words,abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively.There are altogether30items in this part of the test,15in English and15 in Chinese,with one point for each.(30points)1.GDP2.WPS3.APECN5.EMU6.GATT7.CBDDD9.IRC10.import quota11.remote puter aided design13.preparatory committee14.United Arab Emirates15.United Nations Development Programme16.外汇储备17.西部大开发战略18.综合国力19.国际竞争力20.公益性文化事业21.西电东送22.南水北调工程23.统筹城乡发展24.全民健身运动25.知识创新工程26.科教兴国战略27.配套资金28.人才市场29.反倾销30.侵犯知识产权II.Directions:Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively.(120points)Source Text1(60points):Prolonging human life has increased the size of the human population.Many people alive today would have died of childhood diseases if they had been born100years ago.Because more people live longer,there are more people around at any given time.In fact,it is a decrease in death rates,not an increase in birthrates,that has led to the population explosion.Prolonging human life has also increased the dependency load.In all societies,people who are disabled or too young or too old to work are dependent on the rest of society to provide for them.In hunting and gathering cultures,old people who could not keep up might be left behindto die.In times of famine,infants might be allowed to die because they could not survive if their parents starved,whereas if the parents survived they could have another child.In most contemporary societies,people feel a moral obligation to keep people alive whether they can work or not.We have a great many people today who live past the age at which they want to work or are able to work;we also have rules which require people to retire at a certain age. Unless these people were able to save money for their retirement,somebody else must support them.In the United States many retired people live on social security checks which are so little that they must live in near poverty.Older people have more illness than young or middle-aged people;unless they have wealth or private or government insurance,they must often“go on welfare”if they have a serious illness.When older people become senile or too weak and ill to care for themselves,they create grave problems for their families.In the past and in some traditional cultures,they would be cared for at home until they died.Today,with most members of a household working or in school,there is often no one at home who can care for a sick or weak person.To meet this need, a great many nursing homes and convalescent hospitals have been built.These are often profit-making organizations,although some are sponsored by religious and other nonprofit groups.While a few of these institutions are good,most of them are simply“dumping grounds”for the dying in which“care”is given by poorly paid,overworked,and under-skilled personnel.(397words)Source Text2(60points):中国的历史文化始终处于发展进步之中。

第 页(共7页)1青 岛 科 技 大 学二○一七年硕士研究生入学考试试题考试科目:翻译硕士英语注意事项:1.本试卷共5道大题(共计51个小题),满分100分;2.本卷属试题卷,答题另有答题卷,答案一律写在答题卷上,写在该试题卷上或草纸上均无效。
﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡ I. There are 20 sentences in this part. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. (10 points)1. She _____that position in the company, and she felt she was qualified, _____, overqualified..A. desired for, on the contraryB. aspired to, if anythingC. conspired for, in factD. aspired for, or more properly2. I agree with the resolution _____, but I think a couple of ambiguities should be eliminated.A. in essenceB. in personC. in principleD. in general3. The sign read: Don’t __________ on the grass.A. treadB. trounceC. trekD. trip4. Businesspeople are inquiring ___________ the cause of a bankruptcy.A. ontoB. afterC. intoD. for5. That shop doesn’t have brown sugar in ____________ at the moment, but they expect to have some tomorrow.A. storageB. stockC. saleD. demand6. He was ________ by a bee when he was collecting the honey.A. stungB. scratchedC. prickedD. bitten7. Gloria is too __________; she always insists she is right.A. incompetentB. dilatoryC. punctiliousD. dogmatic8. It is seldom acceptable to ______________ words in formal writing.A. omitB. explainC. inventD. abbreviate9. Some philosophers insist that one way to __________ knowledge is through an empirical approach.A. disseminateB. acquireC. learnD. classify10. Because the Appalachian Mountains were difficult to cross, Kentucky was not settled __________ 青岛科技大学考研专业课真题试卷精都考研网(专业课精编资料、一对一辅导、视频网课)。

17. “Here are two keys. Will ______ of them fit this door?”
“No, ______ of them will.”
A. both/none B. either/neither C. both/no one D. both/no one
18. On his next birthday he _______ married for ten years.
A.succession B. success C. successor D. succeeding
5. Blaming what it said were hostileU.S.policies,North Korea_______ a meeting that was to have been held in September.
13. _______ your help I should have failed in carrying out my duty.
A.But for B. Due to C. Owing to D. Thanks to
14. I believe that they are now closer to their customers and more able to cater for the needs of their customers, including those who_______ with their payments.

2011-2012 学年第 1 学期英语(2) 课程考试试题(A )卷类别成教学院函授拟题人适用专业(答案写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上无效)Part I Reading Comprehension(40%)Directions:There are four reading passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions.For each of them there are four suggested anseers marked A\B\Cand D.Choose the best answer to each question.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:A few years ago it was common to speak of a generation gap between young people and their elders.Parents said that children did not respect and listen to them,while children said that their parents did not understand them at all. What had gone wrong?Why had the generation gap suddenly appeared?Actually ,the generation gap has been around for a long time .Many people argue that it is built into every part of our society.One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own ways of life.In a more traditional society.when children grow up ,they are expected to live in the same area as their parents,to marry people that their parents know and like,and often to continue the family jobs.In our society,young people often travel great distances for their education.move out of the family at an early age,marry or live with people whom their patents have never met ,and choose jobs different from those of their parents.In our society,parents often expect their children to do better than they did ,to find better jobs,to make more money and to do all the things they awere unable to do .Often ,that is another cause of the gap between them.Often ,they discover that they have very little in common with each other.Finally ,the speed at which changes take place in our society is the third cause of the gap between the generations.In a traditional culture,senior people are valued for their knowledge ,but in our society the knowledge of a life time may become out of date.The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds,separated by different skills and abilities.No doubt ,the generation gap will continue in American life for some time to come.1.The first paragraph tells us that ( )A)the problem of the generation gap draws much attention from peopleB)it is out of date to talk about the generation gapC)children and parents are trying to understand each otherD)it is very important for people to frequently communicate with each other2.In a more traditional society,old people( )A)have their children respect and listen to themB)do not care of their children at allC)expect their children to rebel against themD)do not live together with their children3.In American society young people( )A)do not neet to find jobsB)marry people younger than themC)have better education than their parentsD)leave home at an early age4.Which of the following is NOT the cause of the generation gap?A)Young people like to depend more on themselvesB)Parents do not love their children dearlyC)American society changes rapidlyD)Parents expect too much of their children5.The main idea of the passage is ( )A)that the generation gap needs consideringB)when the generation gap is necessary in American societyC)why the generation gap existsD)how we can reduce the generation gapQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:Telephone,television,radio,and the internet help people communicate with each other.Because of these devices,ideas and news of events spread quickly all over the world.For example ,within seconds,people can know the results of an election(选举)in another country .An international football match comes into the homes of everyone with a television set .News of disaster(灾难),such as a flood,can bring help from distant countries.Within hours ,help is on the way .This is because modern technology information travels fast.How has this speed of communication changed the world?To many people,the world has become smaller. Of course ,this does not mean that the world is actually physically smaller.It means that the world seems smaller.Two hundren years ago,communication between the continents took a long time.All news was carried on ships that took weeks or even monthsto cross the oceans.In the 17th and 18th centuries,it took six weeks for news from Europe to reach the Americas.This time difference influenced people’s actions.For example,a few battles in the war of 1812 between England and the United State could have been avoided .A peace agreement had already been signed.Peace was made inEngland ,but the news of peace took six weeks to reach America.During these six weeks,the large and serious Battle of New Orleans(新奥尔良)was fought.Many people lost their lives after a peace treaty had been signed.They would not have died of news had come in time ,In the past ,communication took much more time than it does now.There was a good reason why the world seemed so much larger than it does today.6.News spreads fast because of ( )A)modern transportationB)new technologyC)the changes of the worldD)a peace agreement7.Acoording to this passage,( )is very important to people in a disaster area.A)fast communicationB)modern technologyC)the newsD)new ideas8.Which of the following statements is true based on the text?A)The world now seems smaller because of faster communicationB)The world is actually smaller todayC)The world is changing in sizeD)The distance between England and America has changed since the War of18129.Two hundred years ago ,news between the continents was carried( )A)by teleploneB)by landC)by airD)by sea10.The New Orleans Battle was fought because( )A)t he peace agreement had not been signed by both sidesB)t he peace agreement had not been signed in timeC)t he peace agreement had not been signed in AmericaD)t he peace agreement had not been signed in EnglandQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:Doreen Sykora is now a junior at MeGill Universiey.She had a difficult time when she first began college.She said,”I was always well prepared for my examinations.But I would go into class to take the exam,and I would fall apart.I could not answer the questions correctly ---even though I knew the answers! I would just blank out because of nervousness and fear.”Hitoshi Sakamoto,an anthropology student at Temple University in Tokyo reports similar experiences.These two young students were experiencing something called test anxiety.Because a student worries and is stressed about a test,his or her mind does not work as well as it usually does.The student cannot write or think clearly because of the severe tension and nervousness.Now there are special university courses to help students.In these courses,advisors and psychologists try to help students by teaching them to manage test anxiety.Such a course helps students learn to live with stress and not fail because of it .First students take a practice test to measure their worry level .If the tests show that their stress level is high,the students can take a short course to manage the fear.Theae courses teach students how to relax their bodies.They get training to become calm in very tense situations.By controlling gheir nervousness,they can let their minds work more easily.Learned information then comes out without difficulty on a test.Doreen Sykora saw immediate results after taking such a course.She now has enthusiasm about the relaxation methods.”mostly,what I do is imagine myself in a very calm place.Then I imagine myself picking up a pencil.I move slowly and carefully.I breathe easily and let all the tension out.With each treath,more worry leaves me .It really works too.My grades have improved greatly!I’m really doing well at MeGill now.This relaxation method works not only on examinations,but it has improved the rest of my life as well”For Hitoshi in Tokyo ,The results were much the same .He is enjoying school a lot more and learning more.11.What is the similarity between Doreen Sykora and Hitoshi Sakamoto?A)Students from the same universityB)Failing in all the examinationsC)Experiences of test anxietyD)Having the same poor studying habits12.These are signs of test anxiety EXCEPT( )A)worries about a testB)stressed about a testC)low grades and poor study habitsD)nervousness during the test13.What’sthe purpose of some special university student-help course?A)To help students to reduce test anxietyB)To show a stress level experienced by studentsC)To learn more knowledge about test anxietyD)To have a better understanding of test anxiety14.What’s the meaning of “blank out”in paragraph one ?A)To be like a blanketB)To be sure of an answerC)To be relaxedD)To be unable to think clearly15.What’s the organization of the passage?A)Examples—theories---ideasB)Problem—strategy—resultC)General statement—examples—resultD)Strategy—experiment—examplesQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:Banks are not ordinarily prepared to pay out all accounts:they rely on depositors(存款人)not to demand payment all at the same time.If depositors should come to fear that a bank couldn’t pay off all its depositors,then that fear might cause all the depositors to appear on the same day.If they did ,the bank could not pay all accounts.However,if they did not all appear at once,then there would always be funds to pay those who wanted their money when they wanted it.Mrs.Elsie Vaught has told us of a terrifying bank run that she experienced.One day in December of 1925 several banks failed to open in a city whese she lived.The other banks anticipated a run the next day,and so the officers of the bank in which Mrs.Vaught worked as a teller(出纳员)had enough funds on hand to pay off as many depositors as might apply.The officers simply instructed the tellers to pay on demand.Next morning a crowd gathered in the bank and on the sidewalk outside.The length of the line convinced many that the bank could not possibly pay off everyone.People began to push and then to fight for places near the teller’s windows.Clothing was torn and limbs broken,but the jam continued for hours.The power of the panicatmosphere is evident in the fact that two tellers,though they knew that the bank was sound and could pay out all depositors,nevertheless withdrew the funds in their own accounts.Mrs.Vaught says that she had difficulty restraining herself from doing the same16.A bank run occurs when( )A) a bank is closed for one or more daysB)employees of a bank take their own funds out of the bankC) too many depositors attempt to draw out their money at one timeD) there appear long lines in front of the tellers’windows17.What happened to some of the customers of the band where Mrs.Vaught worked?A)They lost their moneyB)They got injuredC)They had to leave part of their money in the bankD)They were forced to put their money into other banks18.The essential cause of a run on bank is ( )A)lack of sufficient funds B)inefficient tellers C)too many depositorsD)loss of confidence19.The crowds gathered in Mrs.Vaught’s bank and on the sidewalk because of ( )A)doubt B)greed C)anger D)curiosity20.According to the passage,the actions of the customers of Mrs.Vaught’s bank were influenced chiefly by( )A)the failure of the bank to pay off everyoneB)the failure of several banks to openC)the actions of the two tellers in the bankD)The difficulty with which they obtain their moneyPart II V ocabulary &Structure(40%)Directions:For each of the following sentences ,there are four choices marked A\B\Cand D.Choose the one answer that best completes the sentences.21.They overcame all the difficulties and fulfilled the plan ten days ahead of schedule,( )was something we had not expected.A)that B)this C)it D)which22.If Dorothy had not been badly hurt in a car accident,( )in last month’s marathon race.A)she would participate B)she might participate C)she would have participate D)she must have participated23.I suddenly realized that he was trying to ( )quarreling with me.A)consider B)enjoy C)avoid D) prevent24.The real trouble( )their lack of confidence in their abilities.A)lies in B)lies on C)results in D)leads to25.The team really looks good tonight because the coach had them ( )every night this week.A)practice B)to practice C)practiced D)practicing26.Jane’s dress is similar in design ( )her sister’s.A)with B)like C)to C)as27.The actual cost of the building was much higher than our original( )A)consideration B)judgment C)estimate D)plan28.The waiter walked out 9 )the counter and began to drive the drunk out of the bar.A)from before B)form under C)from behind D)from across29.We ( )that you knew the whole matter.A)thought it for sure B)regarded it for sure C)took it for certainty D)took it for granted30.I prefer his plan to yours,( )it is more practical and easier to be carried outA)for which B)for that C)in which D)in that31.If I had remembered ( )the windows,the thief would not have got in.A)closing B)having closed C)to close D)to have closed32.( )mainly for the invention of the telephone ,Alexander Graham Bell devoted his life to helping the deaf.A)While remembering B)Though remembered C)To have rememberedD)He is remembered33.An ambulance(救护车)must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of ( )A)crisis B)urgency C)emergency D)emergence34.It was difficult to guess what her( )to the news would be.A)impression B)reaction C)comment D)opinion35.Let’s hang up some paintings on these ( )walls.A)bare B)empty C)exposed D)located36.Five sections( )the examination.A)consist of B)are composed of C)constitute D)comprise ofputers have been applied ( )almost every field nowadays.A)for B)in C)at D)to38.He had reviewed his lessons( ),and passed the exam at last.A)consequently B)continuously C)constantly D)consistently39.When it ( )English ,he is the best in our class.A)comes about B)comes up to C)comes across D)comes to40.Doubts began to ( )in my mindA)stick up B)bring up C)spring up D)make up41.( )driving to work ,Mr.Randolph usually goes to his office by subway.A)Rather than B)Without C)Instead of D)In spite of42.California relies heavily on income from fruit crops,and ( )A)also does florida B)so Florida does C)so does Florida D)Florida does either43.There was no point( )him to come early since everything was ready.A)to ask B)to have asked C)being asking D)in asking44.I’ll finish the job,( )long it takes.A)no matter however B)no matter how C)no matter so D)no matter rather45.It’s the ( )in this country to go out and pick flowers on the first day of spring .A)custom B)conduct C)habit D)customs46.This place was regarded as ( )for settlement.A)unable B)uncertain C)unjust D)unfit47.The freshmen already have ( )to the best library books.A)references B)courses C)authority D)access48.He ( )me to give up the holidays in Spain next month.A)accompanied B)agreed C)persuaded D)promoted49.They hope to start a small company,but they are not too sure how to ( )itA)run B)try C)found D)contact50.The Peace Hotel is a high building ( ),these shops nearby are very small.A)In this way B)In contrast C)In addition D)On the contrary51.Concerning this matter you should be well advised to ( )a lawyer.A)declare B)identify C)consult D)inspect52.Some scientists believed that mine would be ( )within five years.A)exploded B)explored C)exported D)exhausted53.We arranged to meet at the station ,but she didn’t( )A)turn on B)turn out C)turn round D)turn up54.It isn’t the sort of thing one should talk of ( ).A)in turn B)in company C)in contrast D)in private55.Scientists are still ( )inventing new methods of reaching outer space.A)working on B)working as C)working out D)working with56.The teacher had a pleasant talk with those students ( )were models of diligence(勤奋)A)two of which B)two of these C)two of whom D)tow of them57.The two boys had so ( )in common that they soon became good friends.A)little B)few C)much D)many58.Our students are free to study( )interests them.A)whatever B)that C)which D)anything59.Under no circumstances ( )to such a proposal.A)could the director agree. B)the director agreed C)the director will agreeD)the director did agree60.By the end of this week,they( )a solution to the problem.A)are finding B)will be finding C)will have found D)have foundPart III. Translation(20%)Section ADirections:Translate the following sentences into Chinese61.As far as the method itself is concerned,it is worth trying .The trouble is we don’t have enough hands.62.I don’t think the idea can be put into practice.One reason is that we don’t have the necessary funds.Another reason is that we don’t have the manpower needed to complete it.63.You can obtain no goal if you don’t have an honest attitude and a strong will.64.No matter how much advice you give him ,he does exactly what he wants.65.Most of her poems were not published until after her death in 1886. Section BDirections:Translate the following sentences into English66.很多美国人喜欢驾车旅行,而不喜欢乘其它的交通工具。

青岛科技大学二○一二年硕士研究生入学考试试题考试科目:英语注意事项:1.本试卷共6道大题(共计 47 个小题),满分100 分;2.本卷属试题卷,答题另有答题卷,答案一律写在答题卷上,写在该试题卷上或草纸上均无效。
﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡PART I. READING COMPREHENSION (38%)Directions: Read the passages given below and choose the best answer to the questions attached to each of them.Passage OneQuestions 1-3 are based on the following passage.If you like the idea of staying with a family, living in house might be the answer. Good landladies---those who are superb cooks and launders, are figures as popular in fiction as the bad ones who terrorize their guest and overcharge them at the slightest opportunity. The truth is probably somewhere between the two extremes. If you are lucky, the food will be adequate, some of your laundry may be done for you and you will have a reasonable amount of comfort and companionship .For the less fortune,house rules may restrict the freedom to invite friends to visit, and shared cooking and bathroom facilities can be frustrating and row-provoking if tidy and untidy guest are living under the same roof.The same disadvantages can apply to flat sharing, with the added difficulties that arise from deciding who pays for what, and in what proportion. One person may spend hours on the phone, while another rarely makes calls. If you want privacy with guest, how do you persuade the others to go out; how do you persuade them to leave you in peace, especially if you are student and want to study?Conversely, flat sharing can be very cheap, there will always besomeone to talk to and go out with, and the chores ,in theory, can beshared.1.According to the passage ,landladies are ________ ually strict. B. always mean. C. adequately competent. D. very popular with their guest.2.What is the additional disadvantage of flat sharing ? A. Problems of sharing and paying. B. Differences in living habits. C. Shared cooking and bathroom facilities. D. Restriction to invite friends to visit.3.What is NOT mentioned as a benefit of flat sharing? A. Rent is affordable B. There is companionship. C. Housework.D. There is peace and quiet.Passage TwoQuestions 4-8 are based on the following passage. I am afraid to sleep. I have been afraid to sleep for the last few weeks.I am so tired that, finally, I do sleep, but only for a few minutes. It is not abad dream that wakes me; it is the reality I took with me into sleep . I tryto think of something else. Immediately the woman in the marketplace comes into my mind. I was on my way to dinner last night when I saw her . She was sellingskirts. She moved with the same ease and loveliness I often saw in thewomen of Laos. Her long black hair was as shiny as the black silk of theskirts she was selling. In her hair, she wore three silk ribbons, blue, green,and white. They reminded me of my childhood and how my girlfriendsand I used to spend hours braiding ribbons into our hair. I don’t know the word for “ribbons”, so I put my hand to my own hairand , with three fingers against my head , I looked at her ribbons and said “Beautiful.” She lowered her eyes and said nothing. I wasn’t sure if sheunderstood me (I don’t speak Laotian very well). I looked back down at the skirts. They add designs in them: squaresand triangles and circles of pink and green silk. They were very pretty. Idecided to buy one of those skirts, and I began to bargain with her overthe price. It is the custom to bargain in Asia. In Laos bargaining is done in soft voices and easy moves with the sort of quiet peacefulness. She smiled, more with her eyes than with her lips. She was pleased by the few words I was able to say in her language, although they were mostly numbers, and she saw that I understood something about the soft playfulness of bargaining. We shook our heads in disagreement over the price; then, immediately, we made another offer and then another shake of the head. She was so pleased that unexpectedly, she accepted the last offer I made. But it was too soon. The price was too low. She was being too generous and wouldn’t make enough money. I moved quickly and picked up two more skirts and paid for all three at the price set; that way I was able to pay her three times as much before she had a chance to lower the price for the larger purchase. She smiled openly then, and, for the first time in months, my spirit lifted. I almost felt happy. The feeling stayed with me while she wrapped the skirts in a newspaper and handed them to me. When I left, though, the feeling left, too. It was as though it stayed behind in marketplace. I left tears in my throat. I wanted to cry. I didn’t , of course. I have learned to defend myself against what is hard; without knowing it, I have also learned to defend myself against what is soft and what should be easy. I get up, light a candle and want to look at the skirts. They are still in the newspaper that the woman wrapped them in. I remove the paper, and raise the skirts up to look at them again before I pack them. Something falls to floor. I reach down and feel something cool in my hand. I move close to the candlelight to see what I have. There are five long silk ribbons in my hand, all different colors. The woman in the marketplace! She has given these ribbons to me! There is no defense against a generous spirit, and this time I cry, and very hard, as if I could make up for all the months that I didn’t cry.4. Which of the following in NOT correct?A. The writer was not used to bargaining.B. People in Asia always bargain when buying things.C. Bargaining in Laos was quiet and peaceful.D. The writer was ready to bargain with the woman.5. The writer assumed that the woman accepted the last offer mainly because womanA. thought that the last offer was reasonable.B. thought she could still make much money.C. was glad that the writer knew their way of bargaining.D. was tired of bargaining with the writer any more.6. Why did the writer finally decide to buy three skirts?A. The skirts were cheap and pretty.B. She liked the patterns on the skirts.C. She wanted to do something as compensation.D. She was fed up with further bargaining with the woman.7. When did the writer left the marketplace, she wanted to cry, but did not becauseA. she had learned to stay cool and unfeeling.B. she was afraid of crying in public.C. she had learned to face difficulties bravely.D. she had to show in public that she was strong.8. Why did the writer cry eventually when she looked at the skirts again?A. she suddenly felt very sad.B. she liked the ribbons so much.C. she was overcome by emotion.D. she felt sorry for the woman.Passage ThreeQuestions 9-14 are based on the following passage.The kids are hanging out. I pass small bands of students, in my way to work these morings. They have become a familiar part of the summer landscape.These kids are not old enough for jobs. Nor are they rich enough for camp. They are school children without school. The calendar called the school year ran out on them a few weeks ago. Once supervised by teachers and principals, they now appear to be “self care”.Passing them is like passing through a time zone. For much of our history, after all, Americans arranged the school year around the needs of work and family. In 19th-century cities, schools were open seven or eight hours a day, 11 months a year. In rural America, the year was arranged around the growing season. Now, only 3 percent of families follow the agricultural model, but nearly all schools are scheduled as if our children went home early to milk the cows and took months off to work the crops. Now, three-quarters of the mothers of school-age children work, but the calendar is written as if they were home waiting for the school bus.The six-hour day, the 180-day school year is regarded as something holy. But when parents work an eight-hour day and a 240-day year, it means something different. It means that many kids go home to empty houses. It means that, in the summer, they hang out. “We have a huge mismatch between the school calendar and realities of family life,” says Dr. Ernest Boyer, head of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.Dr. Boyer is one of many who believe that a radical revision of the school calendar is inevitable."School, whether we like it or not, iseducational. It always has been.”His is not popular idea. School are routinely burdened with the job of solving all our social problems. Can they be asked to meet the needs of our work and family lives?It may be easier to promote a linger school year on its educational merits and, indeed, the educational case is compelling. Despite the complaints and studies about our kids’ lack of learning, the United State still has a shorter school year than any industrial nation. In most of Europe, the school year is 220 days. In Japan, it is 240 days long. While classroom time alone doesn’t produce a well-educated child, learning takes time and more learning takes more time. The long summers of forgetting take a toll.The opposition to a longer school year comes from families that want to and can provide other experiences for their children. It comes from teachers. It comes from tradition. And surely from kids. But the most important part of the conflict has been over the money.9. Which of the following is an opinion of the author’s?A."The kids are hanging out.”B."They are school children without school.”C."These kids are not old enough for jobs.”D. “The calendar called the school year ran out on them a few weeks ago.”10. The current American school calendar was developed in the 19th century according toA. the growing season on nation’s form.B. the labor demands of the industrial age.C. teachers’ demands for more vacation time.D. parents’ demands for other experiences for their kids.11. The author thinks that the current school calendarA. is still valid.B. is out of date.C. can not be revised.D. can not be defended.12. Why was Dr. Boy’s idea unpopular?A. He argues for the role of school in solving social problems.B. He supports the current school calendar.C. He thinks that school year and family life should be considered separately.D. He strongly believes in the educational role of school.13. “The long summers of forgetting take a toll ”in the last paragraph but one means thatA. long summer vacation slows down the progress go learning.B. long summer vacation has been abandoned in Europe.C. long summers result in less learning time.D. long summers are a result of tradition.14. The main purpose of the passage isA. to describe how American children spend their summer.B. to explain the needs of the modern working families.C. to discuss the problems of the current school calendar.D. to persuade parents to stay at home to look after their kids. Passage FourQuestions 15-19 are based on the following passage.Women's minds work differently from men's. At least, that is what most men are convinced of. Psychologists view the subject either as a matter of frustration or a joke. Now the biologists have moved into this minefield, and some of them have found that there are real differences between the brains of men and women. But being different, they point out hurriedly, is not the same as being better or worse.There is, however, a definite structural variation between the male and female brain. The difference is in a part of the brain that is used in the most complex inte11ectual processes-the link between the two halves of the brain.The two halves are linked by trunkline of between 200 and 300 million nerves, the Corpus callosum. Scientists have found quite recently that the Corpus callosum in women is always larger and probably richer in nerve fibers than it is in men. This is the first time that a structural difference has been found between the brains of women and men and it must have some significance. The question is "What?", and, if this difference exists, are there others? Research shows that present-day women think differently and behave differently from men. Are some of these differences biological and inborn, a result of evolution? We tend to think that is the influence of society that produces these differences. But could we be wrong?Research showed that these two halves of the brain had different functions, and that the Corpus callosum enabled them to work together. For most people, the left half is used for word - handling, analytical and logical activities; the right half works on pictures, patterns and forms. We need both halves working together. And the better the connections, the more harmoniously the two halves work. And, according to research findings, women have the better connections.But it isn't all that easy to explain the actual differences between skills of men and women on this basis. In schools throughout the world girls tend to be better than boys at“language subjects”and boys better at maths and physics. If these differences correspond with the differences in the hemispheric trunkline, there is an unalterable distinction between the sexes.We shan't know for a while, partly because we don't know of any precise relationship between abilities in school subjects and the functioning of the two halves of the brain ,and we cannot understand how the two halves interact via the corpus callosum. But this striking difference must have some effect and, because the difference is in the parts of the brain involved in intellect, we should be looking for differences in intellectual processing.15. Which of the fo11owing statements is CORRECT?A. Biologists are conducting research where psychologists have given up.B. Brain differences point to superiority of one sex over the other.C. Results of scientific research fail to support popular belief.D. The structural difference in the brain between the sexes has long been known.16. According to the passage it is commonly believed that brain differences are caused by ________ factors.A. biologicalB .psychologicalC. physicalD .social17."these differences" in paragraph 5 refer to those inA. skills of men and women.B. school subjects.C. the brain structure of men and women.D. activities carried out by the brain.18. At the end of the passage the author proposes more work onA. the brain structure as a whole.B. the functioning of part of the brain.C. the distinction between the sexes.D. the effects of the corpus callosum.19. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To outline the research findings on the brain structure.B. To explain the link between sex and brain structure.C. To discuss the various factors that cause brain differences.D. To suggest new areas in brain research.PART II CLOZE (15%)Directions: Choose a proper word from the list to fill in each blank in the following passage. Change the form of the word if necessary. base create evoke suffice handdeeply poorly dispose degree dependvary religious present movement endeavorEverything that the human race has done and thought is concerned with the satisfaction of (1)__________ felt needs and the assuagement of pain. One has to deep this constantly in mind if one wishes to understand spiritual (2)___________ and their development. Feeling and longing are the motive force behind all human (3)___________ and human creation, in however exalted a guise the latter may (4)__________ themselves to us. Now what are the feelings and needs that have led men to(5)__________ thought and belief in the widest sense of the words? A little consideration will (6)___________ to show us that the most(7)___________ emotions preside over the birth of religious thought and experience. With primitive man it is above all fear that (8)__________ religious notions—fear of hunger, wild beasts, sickness, death. Since at this stage of existence understanding of causal connections is usually (9)__________ developed, the human mind (10)__________ illusory beings more or less analogous to itself on whose wills and actions these fearful happenings (11)___________. Thus one tries to secure the favor of these beings by carrying out actions and offering sacrifices which, according to the tradition (12)_________ down from generation to generation, propitiate them or make them well (13)___________ toward a mortal. In this sense I am speaking of a religion of fear. This, though not created, is in an important (14)___________ stabilized by the formation of a special priestly caste which sets itself up as a mediator the people and the beings they fear, and erects a hegemony on this (15)________. PART III TRANSLATION (15%)(I).Translate the following into Chinese:(10%)1. This discovery suggests that life is probably a pretty ordinary phenomenon that occurs any place you give it half a chance.2. But I find it helpful to consider what might have happened in my own marriage if a copy of me had been made to overcome infertility.3. Forty years after the Wright Brothers’ first flight, by contrast, commercial air travel was a dauntingly expensive but widespread and growing industry.4. The promissory notes of well-known individuals and bills of exchangedrawn on English merchants readily exchanged hands for severalmonths.5.When the demand becomes immoderate, consumption of drugs increases and the incidence of adverse effects and waste follows suit.(II). Translate the following into English (5%)随着1997年许多东亚国家经济中出现的戏剧性的货币贬值,这些国家遭受了急剧而且徘徊不去的经济衰退。

青岛大学2012年翻译专业硕士研究生入学试题科目代码:211科目名称:翻译硕士英语(共11 页)请写明题号,将答案全部写在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效PART I GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (30 Points)(I) There are twenty sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four words or phrases marked a, b, c and d. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes each sentence.1. This country’s chief exports are coal, cars and cotton goods, c oal _____ the most important of these.a. have beenb. arec. beingd. are being2. The weather forecast says it may rain tomorrow, ______ the picnic will be cancelled.a. in this caseb. in that casec. in cased. in which case3. This is an illness that can result in total blindness _____ left untreated.a. afterb. ifc. sinced. unless4. It is not so much the language _____ the cultural background that makes the novel difficult to translate.a. butb. notc. asd. than5. His fondness for music was ______ most of his income went into it.a. so thatb. much thatc. such thatd. in that6.He said it was impossible for _____ a mistake in a computer’s calculation, so you can rely on that.a. there to beb. there would bec. there beingd. there was7. ____________the station earlier, you would not have missed the train.a. If you reachb. If you reachedc. If you have reachedd. If you had reached8. Until then,his family __________ from him for six months.a. didn’t hearb. hasn’t been hearingc. hasn’t heardd. hadn’t heard9. On the other hand, it links these concepts to everyday realities in a which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news.a. mannerb. lightc. sensed. method10. It was the first day of spring 2002, and she was standing in ahelicopter as it ______roughly a kilometer up in the sky above Kabula. coveredb. hoveredc. stoppedd. fluttered11. I’ll try to get in touch with the actor but he’s ____ ever at home when I phone.a. rarelyb. almostc. hardlyd. occasionally12. In spite of what they said, she refused to ______ to the police.a. give herself wayb. give herself offc. give herself awayd. give herself up13. Swarms of ants are invading my window. They are such a _______.a. troubleb. disturbancec. nuisanced. annoyance14. Although badly damaged by the earthquake, the pagoda wasfinally ___ to its original magnificence.a. recoveredb. restoredc. renewedd. replaced15. The woman and children were taken to Matagorda RegionalHospital in Bay City, where the woman was in _____Wednesday night, Lewis said.a. surgeryb. operationc. rescued. action16. It is considered bad manners to _____ other people behind their backs.a. do upb. do byc. do away withd. do down17. I would rather you ___ for Canada for a visit next year when it is warm there.a. leftb. leavec. would leaved. had left18. It has been discovered that the water _____ the coast is rich in all kinds of fish.a. offb. ofc. ind. along19. A letter from over 2,000 Crisis volunteers has been delivered toDowning Street calling ___ the Prime Minister to ensure people get the help they need when they approach their local council as homeless.a. forb. onc. atd. in20. Crisis has passed the half way mark towards an ambitious target to____ almost 1,700 single homeless people in privately rented homes across England.a. provideb. letc. offerd. house(II) Error correction. In each sentence, there is one error. Find eacherror and correct it.1. A nger over her position became violent at times, with her Tucson office vandalizing after the House passed the overhaul last March and someone showing up at a recent gathering with a weapon.2. The sheriff blamed the vitriolic political rhetoric that has consumed the country, much of it was centered in Arizona.3. You have the satisfaction of having saved it on your own, and the knowledge which you don’t owe anyone.4.Most of time there are consequences for violating rules at work—whether they are safety rules of the workplace, or directives on how to perform your specific job duties.5. He later set out a fictional etymology for the name, to the effect like it was being derived from the word “Holbytlan”which translates “hole-dweller” in Old English.6. In his writings, Tolkien depicted Hobbits as fond of an unadventurous bucolic life of farming, eating, and socializing, although able of defending their homes courageously if the need arises.7. A group of escapees, find sanctuary in a Church compound, risk their lives as they struggle to survive the plight and persecution brought on by the violent invasion of the city.8. MTI Film provides software based integrated solutions for post production with a focus in technology for digital film restoration and digital dailies.9. The MTI degree, short for Master of Translation and Interpreting, is a professional level of education approved by the Commission of Academic Degrees of the State Department of China.10. But if you get into an accident because of a personal risk you take for yourself, and not your employer, you could lose your right of benefits. PART II READING COMPREHENSION (40 Points)In this section there are five passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then write your answers on your answer sheet.Passage 1Few creations of big technology capture the imagination like giant dams. Perhaps it is humankind’s long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the ideal of forcing the waters to do our bidding so fascinating. But to be fascinated is also, sometimes, to be blind. Severalgiant dam projects threaten to do more harm than good.The lesson from dams is that big is not always beautiful. It doesn’t help that building a big, powerful dam has become a symbol of achievement for nations and people striving to assert themselves. Egypt’s leadership in the Arab world was cemented by the Aswan High Dam. Turkey’s bid for First World status includes the giant Ataturk Dam.But big dams tend not to work as intended. The Aswan Dam, for example, stopped the Nile flooding but deprived Egypt of the fertile silt that floods left—all in return for a giant reservoir of disease which is now so full of silt that it barely generates electricity.And yet, the myth of controlling the waters persists. This week, in the heart of civilized Europe, Slovaks and Hungarians stopped just short of sending in the troops in their contention over a dam on the Danube. The huge complex will probably have all the usual problems of big dams. But Slovakia is bidding for independence from the Czechs, and now needs a dam to prove itself.Meanwhile, in India, the World Bank has given the go-ahead to the even more wrong-headed Narmada Dam. And the bank has done this even though its advisors say the dam will cause hardship for the powerless and environmental destruction. The benefits are for the powerful, but they are far from guaranteed.Proper, scientific study of the impacts of dams and of the cost and benefits of controlling water can help to resolve these conflicts. Hydroelectric power and flood control and irrigation are possible without building monster dams. But when you are dealing with myths, it is hard to be either proper, or scientific. It is time that the world learned the lessons of Aswan. You don’t need a dam to be sav ed.1.According to the passage, why is the ideal of building big dams so fascinating?a. Because it involves a lot of high technology.b. Because human beings have suffered too much from floods and droughts.c. Because big dams can bring us great benefits.d. Because it is very beautiful and powerful.2. According to the passage, building a big dam_______.a. helped Egypt win the leadership among the Arab countries.b. made Turkey a powerful country in the Arab world.c. is both fascinating and blind.d. is always a symbol of achievement and power.3. The Aswan Dam _____.a. worked as intended.b. prevented the Nile from flooding too oftenc. stopped the myth of controlling waters.d. formed a reservoir which can hardly generate power.4. Which is true about big dams?a. Slovakia won its independence through a big dam.b. The Narmada Dam got the support of the World Bank.c. The Three Gorges Dam is an exception.d. Hydroelectric power and flood control are their only functions.Passage 2The advance of spring made the climate of Pisa too hot for comfort; and early in April Trelawny and Williams rode off to find a suitable lodging for themselves and the Shelleys on the Gulf of Spezia. They pitched upon a house called the Villa Magni, between Lerici and San Terenzio, which “looked more like a boat or a bathing-house than a place to live in. It consisted of a terrace or ground-floor unpaved, and used for storing boat-gear and fishing-tackle, and of a single storey over it, divided into a hall or saloon and four small rooms, which had once been white-washed; there was one chimney for cooking. This place we thought the Shelleys might put up with for the summer. The only good thing about it was a verandah facing the sea, and almost over it.” When it came to be inhabited, the central hall was used for the living and eating room of the whole party.The Shelleys occupied two rooms facing each other; the Williamses had one of the remaining chambers, and Trelawny another. Access to these smaller apartments could only be got through the saloon; and this circumstance once gave rise to a ludicrous incident, when Shelley, having lost his clothes out bathing, had to cross, in puris naturalibus, not undetected, though covered in his retreat by the clever Italian handmaiden, through a luncheon party assembled in the dining-room. The horror of the ladies at the poet's unexpected apparition and his innocent self-defence are well described by Trelawny. Life in the villa was of the simplest description. To get food was no easy matter; and the style of the furniture may be guessed by Trelawny's laconic remark that the sea was his only washing-basin.5. According to the passage, it can be inferred that ______.a. The Shelleys asked Trelawny and Williams to look for lodgings for them.b. Trelawny and Williams liked to live with the Shelleys.c. The Shelleys went to Pisa for summer holidays.d. Trelawny and Williams found a house by the sea.6. What is true about the Villa Magni?a. It was a boat or bathing-room rather than a house.b. Its central hall was used as a dining-hall by all the inhabitants.c. It was a three-storey building.d. Its hall was used for storing boat-gear and fishing-tackle.7. What is true about the incident that happened to Shelley one day?a. He tried to find clothes to cover himself.b. Shelley frightened away the ladies eating their lunch.c. puris naturalibus means “stark naked”.d. Shelley was grateful to the clever housemaid.Passage 3Over the past decade, thousands of patents have seen granted for what are called business methods. received one for its “one-click” online payment system. Merrill Lynch got legal protection for an asset allocation strategy. One inventor patented a technique for laying a box.Now the nation’s top patent court appears completely-property lawyers abuzz the U.S. court of Appeals for the federal circuit said it would use a particular case to conduct a broad review of business-method patents. In the Bilski, as the case is known, is a “very big deal”, says Dennis’D Crouch of the University of Missouri School of law. It “has the potential to eliminate an entire class of patents.”Curbs on business-method claims would be a dramatic about-face, because it was the federal circuit itself that introduced such patents with is 1998 decision in the so-called state Street Bank case, approving a patent on a way of pooling mutual-fund assets. That ruling produced an explosion in business-method patent filings, initially by emerging internet companies trying to stake out exclusive rights to specific types of online transactions. Later, move established companies raced to add such patents to their files, if only as a defensive move against rivals that might bent them to the punch. In 2005, IBM noted in a court filing that it had beenissued more than 300 business-method patents despite the fact that it questioned the legal basis for granting them. Similarly, some Wall Street investment films armed themselves with patents for financial products, even as they took positions in court cases opposing the practice.The Bilski case involves a claimed patent on a method for hedging risk in the energy market. The Federal circuit issued an unusual order stating that the case would be heard by all 12 of the court’s j udges, rather than a typical panel of three and that one issue it wants to evaluate is whether it should “reconsider” its state street Bank ruling.The Federal Circuit’s action comes in the wake of a series of recent decisions by the Supreme Court that has narrowed the scope of protections for patent holders. Last April, for example the justices signaled that too many patents were being upheld for “inventions” that are obvious. The judges on the Federal circuit are “reacting to the anti-patent trend at the supreme court”, says Harold C.Wegner, an attorney and professor at George Washington University Law School.8. Business-method patents have recently aroused concern because ofa. their limited value to businessb. their connection with asset allocationc. the possible restriction on their grantingd. the controversy over authorization9. Which of the following is true of the Bilski case?a. Its ruling complies with the court decisionsb. It involves a very big business transaction]c. It has been dismissed by the Federal Circuitd. It may change the legal practices in the U.S.10. The word “about-face” (Para 3) most probably meansa. loss of good willb. increase of hostilityc. change of attituded. enhancement of dignity11. We learn from the last two paragraphs that business-method patentsa. are immune to legal challengesb. are often unnecessarily issuedc. lower the esteem for patent holdersd. increase the incidence of risks12. Which of the following would be the subject of the text?a. A looming threat to business-method patentsb. Protection for business-method patent holdersc. A legal case regarding business-method patentsd. A prevailing tread against business-method patentsPassage 4In 1854 my great-grandfather, Morris Marable, was sold on an auction block in Georgia for $ 500. For his white slave master, the sale was just “business as usual.” But to Morris Marable and his heirs, slavery was a crime against our humanity. This pattern of human rights violations against enslaved African-Americans continued under racial segregation for nearly another century.The fundamental problem of American democracy in the 21st century is the problem of “structural racism”: the deep patterns of socio-economic inequality and accumulated disadvantage that are coded by race, and constantly justified in public speeches by both racist stereotypes and white indifference. Do Americans have the capacity and vision to remove these structural barriers that deny democratic rights and opportunities to millions of their fellow citizens?This country has previously witnessed two great struggles to achieve a truly multicultural democracy.The First Reconstruction(1954-1877)ended slavery and briefly gave black men voting rights, but gave no meaningful compensation for two centuries of unpaid labor. The promise of “40 acres and a mule” was for most blacks a dream deferred.The Second Reconstruction (1954-1968), or the modern civil rights movement, ended legal segregation in public accommodations and gave blacks voting rights. But these successes paradoxically obscure the tremendous human costs of historically accumulated disadvantage that remain central to black Americans’ lives.The disproportionate wealth that most whites enjoy today was first constructed from centuries of unpaid black labor. Many white institutions, including some leading universities, insurance companies and banks, profited from slavery. This pattern of white privilege and black inequality continues today.Demanding reparations is no just about compensation for slavery and segregation. It is, more important, an educational campaign to highlight the contemporary reality of “racial deficits”of all kinds, the unequal conditions that impact blacks regardless of class. Structural r acism’s barriers include “equity inequity,” the absence of black capital formation that is a direct consequence of America’s history. One third of all blackhouseholds actually have negative net wealth. In 1998 the typical black family’s net wealth was $ 16,400, less than one fifth that of white families. Black families are denied home loans at twice the rate of whites.Blacks remain the last hired and first fired during recessions. During the 1990-91 recession, African-Americans suffered disproportionately. At Coca-Cola, 42 percent of employees who lost their jobs were blacks. At Sears, 54 percent were black. Blacks have significantly shorter life spans, in part due to racism in the health establishment. Blacks are statistically less likely than whites to be referred for kidney transplants or early-stage cancer surgery.13. To the author, the auction of his great-grandfather is a typical exampleof _______.a. crime against humanityb. unfair business transactionc. racial conflicts in Georgiad. racial segregation in America14. The barrier to democracy in 21st century America is ______.a. widespread use of racist stereotypesb. prejudice against minority groupsc. deep-rooted socio-economic inequalityd. denial of legal rights to ordinary blacks.15. What problem remains unsolved in the two Reconstructions?a. Differences between races are deliberately obscured.b. The blacks are not compensated for their unpaid labor.c. There is no guarantee for blacks to exercise their rights.d. The interests of blacks are not protected by law.16. It is clear that the wealth enjoyed by most whites ________.a. has resulted from business successes over the yearsb. has been accompanied by black capital formationc. has derived from sizable investments in educationd. has been accumulated from generations of slaveryPassage 5In the last half of the nineteenth century “capital” and “labour” were enlarging and perfecting their rival organizations on modern lines. Many an old firm was replaced by a limited liability company with a bureaucracy of salaried managers. The change met the technical requirements of the new age by engaging a large professional element and prevented the decline in efficiency that so commonly spoiled the fortunes of family firms in the second and third generation after the energeticfounders. It was moreover a step away from individual initiative, towards collectivism and municipal and state-owned business. The railway companies, though still private business managed for the benefit of shareholders, were very unlike old family business. At the same time the great municipalities went into business to supply lighting, trams and other services to the taxpayers.The growth of the limited liability company and municipal business had important consequences. Such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class, an element in national life representing irresponsible wealth detached from the land and the duties of the landowners; and almost equally detached from the responsible management of business. All through the nineteenth century, America, Africa, India, Australia and parts of Europe were being developed by British capital, and British shareholders wer e thus enriched by the world’s movement towards industrialization. Towns like Bournemouth and Eastbourne sprang up to house large “comfortable” classes who had retired on their incomes, and who had no relation to the rest of the community except that of drawing dividends and occasionally attending a shareholders’ meeting to dictate their orders to the management. On the other hand “shareholding” meant leisure and freedom which was used by many of the later Victorians for the highest purpose of a great civilization.The “shareholders” as such had no knowledge of the lives, thoughts or needs of the workmen employed by the company in which he held shares, and his influence on the relations of capital and labor was not good. The paid manager acting for the company was in more direct relation with the men and their demands, but even he had seldom that familiar personal knowledge of the workmen which the employer had often had under the more patriarchal system of the old family business now passing away. Indeed the mere size of operations and the numbers of workmen involved rendered such personal relations impossible. Fortunately, however, the increasing power and organization of the trade unions, at least in all skilled trades, enabled the workmen to meet on equal terms the managers of the companies who employed them. The cruel discipline of the strike and lockout taught the two parties to respect each other’s strength and understand the value of fair negotiation.17. It’s true of the old family firms that.a. they were spoiled by the younger generationsb. they failed for lack of individual initiativec. they lacked efficiency compared with modern companiesd. they could supply adequate services to the taxpayers18. The growth of limited liability companies resulted in .a. the separation of capital from managementb. the ownership of capital by managersc. the emergence of capital and labour as two classesd. the participation of shareholders in municipal business19. According to the passage, all of the following are true except that .a. the shareholders were unaware of the needs of the workersb. the old firm owners had a better understanding of their workersc. the limited liability companies were too large to run smoothlyd. the trade unions seemed to play a positive role20. The author is most critical of .a. family firm ownersb. landownersc. managersd. shareholdersPART III WRITING (30 Points)Write an essay of about 400words, expressing your views on the following title. In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar, diction and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.Should We Help the Injured Old People?11。
目 录2013年青岛大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2014年青岛大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2015年青岛大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2016年青岛大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2013年青岛大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解PART I GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (30 Points)(I) There are twenty sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four words or phrases marked a, b, c and d. Choose the one word or phrase that best complete each sentence.1.The Commissioners also recognized that there were certain to achieving greater participation.A. impedimentsB. preventionsC. difficultiesD. problems【答案】A【解析】句意:委员们还认识到,实现更大的参与存在某些障碍。
2.The majority of nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in the minority.A. overwhelmingB. wideC. maximumD. minimum【答案】A【解析】句意:大多数护士都是女性,但在医学界拥有较高职务的人中,女性却占少数。
3.George Bush’s retirement from next January.A. carries into effectB. takes effectC. has effectD. gets effect【答案】B【解析】carry into effect实行;使生效。

﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡PART I LINGUISTICS (60 points)Section I Define the following terms (20 points)Give the definition of each term in no less than 50 words.1. paradigmatic relations2. displacement3. dialect4. applied linguisticsSection II Essay questions (40 points)Answer each of the following questions in no less than 100 words.1.What is cohort theory?2.What is speech act theory?3.What does Chomsky mean by Language Acquisition Device?4. What is the difference between langue and parole?PART II TRANSLATION (60 points)Section I Translate the following passage into Chinese (20 points) Resignation is of two sorts, one rooted in despair, the other in unconquerable hope. The man who has suffered such fundamental defeat that he has given up hope of serious achievement may learn the resignation of despair, and if he does, he will abandon all serious activity. He may camouflage his despair by religious phrases, or bythe doctrine that contemplation is the true end of man, but whatever disguise he may adopt to conceal his inward defeat, he will remain essentially useless and fundamentally unhappy. The man whose resignation is based on unconquerable hope acts in quite a different way. Hope which is to be unconquerable must be large and impersonal. Whatever my personal activities, I may be defeated by death, or by certain kinds of diseases; I may be overcome by my enemies; I may find that I have embarked upon an unwise course which cannot lead to success. In a thousand ways the failure of purely personal hopes may be unavoidable, but if personal aims have been part of larger hopes for humanity, there is not the same utter defeat when failure comes.--From “On Resignation” by Bertrand RussellSection II Translate the following passage into English (20 points)阳光滑到玻璃板上。


青岛大学翻译硕士英语学位MTI考试真题2012年(总分:150.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Part Ⅰ (总题数:20,分数:40.00)1.ACN(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:美国电缆网(American Cable Network)2.BHC(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:银行控股公司(Bank Holding Company)3.CBD(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:中心商务区(Central Business District)4.CPI(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:消费物价指数(Consumer Price Index)5.ETDZ(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:经济技术开发区(Economic and Technical Development Zone)6.suicide bombers(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:自杀式炸弹7.Most-favored-nation Treatment(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:最惠国待遇8.water scarcity(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:水资源短缺9.Pacific Fleet(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:太平洋舰队10.debt collection(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:讨债11.体育彩票(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:sports lotteries12.网络犯罪(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:cyber crime13.国家公务员(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:national public servant14.自助游(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:DIY tour15.经济适用房(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:economically affordable house16.月光族(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:()解析:1ive from paycheck to paycheck17.假文凭(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:()解析:fake diplomas18.按揭购房(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:()解析:to mortgage a house19.钉子户(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:()解析:nail household(a Chinese term for those who refuse to give up the house or land when it is called for by the government)20.印花税(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:()解析:stamp duty二、Part Ⅱ (总题数:1,分数:50.00)21."The days that make us happy make us wise." ——John MasefieldWhen I first read this line by England"s Poet Laureate, it startled me. What did Masefield mean? Without thinking about it much, I had always assumed that the opposite was true. But his sober assurance was arresting. I could not forget it.Finally, I seemed to grasp his meaning and realized that here was a profound observation. The wisdom that happiness makes possible lies in clear perception, not fogged by anxiety nor dimmed by despair and boredom, and without the blind spots caused by fear.Active happiness—not mere satisfaction or contentment—often comes suddenly, like an April shower or the unfolding of a bud. Then you discover what kind of wisdom has accompanied it. The grass is greener; bird songs are sweeter; the shortcomings of your friends are more understandable and more forgivable. Happiness is like a pair of eyeglasses correcting your spiritual vision. Nor are the insights of happiness limited to what is near around you. Unhappy, with your thoughts turned in upon your emotional woes, your vision is cut short as though by a wall. Happy, the wall crumbles.The long vista is there for the seeing. The ground at your feet, the world about you—people, thoughts, emotions, pressures—are now fitted into the larger scene. Everything assumes a fairer proportion. And here is the beginning of wisdom.(分数:50.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:“快乐的日子使人睿智。
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注意事项:1.本试卷共 6 道大题(共计61 个小题),满分100 分;
﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡I. There are 20 sentences in this part. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. (10 points)
1. The word “artery” is often used ____ to refer to main rivers or railways that are important in transportation.
A. materially
B. similarly
C. exemplarily
D. metaphorically
2. Thousands of people turned out into the streets to _________ against the local authorities’ decision to build a highway across the field.
A. contradict
B. reform
C. counter
D. protest
3. He was reported missing in the war, and was _________ dead. Nobody expected to see him suddenly appear after 10 long years.
A. assumed
B. supposed
C. presumed
D. resumed
4. We all know the person who has a string of _____ anecdotes; they have nothing new to tell.
A. stock
B. block
C. strange
D. peculiar
5. We have ___________ many environmentally-friendly features into the design of the building.
A. invented
B. operated
C. cooperated
D. incorporated
6. We often advise him not to drink more wine _____ is good for his health.
A. as
B. that
C. than
D. but
7. Neither Tom nor I had ever heard of, let alone ____ such a fascinating book.
A. see
B. to see
C. seeing
D. seen
第 1 页(共12 页)
8. Barry had an advantage over his mother ______ he could speak French.
A. since that
B. in that
C. so that
D. at that
9. They have ____________ the dance many times before they perform in the theater.
A. rehearsed
B. overheard
C. entreated
D. interchanged
10. He failed to ________ himself to the new environment.
A. adopt
B. adapt
C. adept
D. addict
11. The men who went through the violent battle ________ themselves with a thought: later generations would remember what they did there.
A. consoled
B. canceled
C. concealed
D. consulted
12. At that time all worries about his personal safety ______ his mind. He was determined to secure the secret documents.
A. varnished from
B. varnished off
C. vanished from
D. vanished off
13. We have only one day in Paris, so we’d better _____________ it.
A. make of
B. make for
C. make up for
D. make do with
14. It was not until he came back ____ where he had put his book.
A. and he remembered
B. when he remembered
C. did he remember
D. that he remembered
15. ___________ that you win the prize, you will be notified by mail.
A. In the event
B. In any event
C. At the event
D. At any event
16. In those days, buses, schools, restaurants and hotels were all ___________ in South Africa.
A. separated
B. divided
C. split
D. segregated
17. What keen satisfaction we find in belittling the opinions, or attacking the opinions, of somebody ____ whom we are jealous, or of somebody ______ whom we bear a grudge!
A. for…against
B. of…for
C. of… against
D. of…for
18. She looked closely at the picture for a long time ___________ every detail in it.
A. jeopardizing
B. scrutinizing
C. visualizing
D. disconcerting
19. The criminal _______ of drug-taking prevents many addicts from seeking help.
A. stigma
B. stamina
C. streak
D. stern
20. __________ the Atlantic Ocean crosses the equator, the trade winds cause a flow of water to the west.
A. Where
B. And
C. That
D. As
第 2 页(共12 页)。