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美术馆志愿者的学习与管理 The Studies & Management of Museum Volunteer

中央美术学院人文学院 余 丁

Pro. & D oc. Y u D ing T he H umani4es S chool, C AFA















艺术行销的核心是观众开发和拓展 观众拓展的核心是观众教育




Current V olunteers

If y ou a re a r egistered B ruce M useum v olunteer, p lease u se t he V olunteer Informa4on C enter l ink b elow t o a ccess y our v olunteer r ecords file. Volunteer I nforma4on C enter

Prospec/ve V olunteers

If y ou w ould l ike t o b ecome a B ruce M useum v olunteer, c lick h ere t o a pply o nline. There a re m any o pportuni4es t o p ar4cipate a t t he B ruce M useum. W hat k ind o f volunteering c an I d o a t t he B ruce? V olunteers s erve i n t hese c apaci4es: Docent


Museum A mbassador – g ree4ng v isitors, r eques4ng e xhibi4on s urvey p ar4cipa4on Museum S tore Recep4on D esk Special E vents

Art a nd C raR F es4val -­‐ a dmission g ates, c ustomer s ervice, v endor a mbassadors, membership s ales Staff S upport Simple T asks

What k ind o f v olunteering c an I d o i f I a m a h igh s chool o r c ollege s tudent?

Y outh V olunteers s erve i n t hese c apaci4es Arts a nd C raRs A ssistant

Digital M edia a ssistance, filming a nd e di4ng e vents a nd e xhibi4on p rojects

Museum A mbassador – g ree4ng v isitors, r eques4ng e xhibi4on s urvey p ar4cipa4on Museum A mbassador

Youth C ommiVee (special p rojects)

Assistant a t t he S easide C enter (summer o nly) Office A ssistant

What a re t he b enefits o f b eing a V olunteer? Volunteers r eceive:

15% d iscount i n t he M useum S tore Volunteer R ecogni4on L uncheon

Behind-­‐the-­‐scenes t ours o f t he M useum Involvement i n s pecial e vents

Admission t o w ai4ng-­‐list o nly e vents w hen v olunteering a t t he e vent Reference f or c ollege a pplica4ons

Allowable t ax d educ4ons o f t ravel e xpenses t o a nd f rom t he M useum When c an I v olunteer? Will i t fit i n m y s chedule?

Hours a re flexible a nd a re a vailable o n w eekdays, w eekends a nd e venings. How w ill I k now w hat t o d o?

We'll t each y ou o r d raw o n s kills y ou c urrently h ave. Are t here a ny r equirements t o b e a v olunteer?

When y our V olunteer A pplica4on i s r eceived, t he V olunteer M anager w ill telephone o r e mail y ou t o s chedule a n i nterview i f t he p resent n eeds o f t he Museum m atch y our s tated a bili4es a nd a vailable 4me. Q ualified c andidates may b e r eferred t o a d epartment f or a s econd i nterview. V olunteering i s a privilege o f M useum m embership (youth a re e xempt). Y ou m ay c omplete a B ruce M useum M embership A pplica4on o nline n ow o r m ake a rrangements t o join a t y our i nterview. P arental c onsent f or t hose l ess t han 18 y ears o ld m ay b e required.
