
















r or f m a ii e c ur a g m e y t m , t i p o m e t ofm a ii e t i p o e d n nd t bu l ng o ef m o rtm o t m na e nt s s e he m r ve n rtm ral r c e i gs a he idi f
又 与 国际 公 约 接 轨 的海 事 诉 讼 特 别 程 序 法 律 规 范 , 中华 人 民共 和 国 海 事 诉 讼 特 别 程 序 法 》 具 体 司法 实践 中取 得 《 在 了较 好 的效 果 , 有力 地 推 进 海 事 法 院 管 理 体 制 的 改 革 、 事 审 判 程 序 的完 善 和 海 事 审 判 队伍 的建 设 。 并 海 关 键 词 : 事 立 法 ; 中华 人 民共 和 国海 事 诉 讼 特 别 程 序 法 》 海事 审判 海 《 ;
t sa— cfc e o he A i Pa ii r gin. W ih Chi s ha ace itc a d n lne t ne e c r t rs is n i i wih i t r ton l onv nton t n e na i a c e i s。 S c a a ii e pe i l M rtm
Ab ta t sr c :Th r mug t n a d i lme tto fS ca rtmePr cd r a o h o e sRe bi o ep o lai n mp e n a in o peilMa i oe u e L w f t ePepl’ pu l f o i c
第 2 1卷
第 4 期
中 国 海 商 法 年 刊
Annu lo a f Chi a ii e La na M rtm w







《民事诉讼法》第二十七章 海事诉

《民事诉讼法》第二十七章   海事诉

2 扣押船舶的范围 我国可以扣押的船舶有两类:一是当事船舶。 。 二是姊妹船舶。 3 扣押船舶的方式 扣押船舶的方式有“死扣押”和“活扣押”两种。 4 关于重复扣船和多次扣船 重复扣船是指基于同一海事请求扣押已被扣押过 的船舶或者被申请人所有或者光船租赁的其他船 舶。 多次扣船是指基于不同的海事请求两次以上扣押 同一船舶。

五、 海事诉讼协议管辖 海事诉讼协议管辖是指当事人在法律规定的范围内自行约 定由某一法院对其争议案件进行审判,从而达到排除其他 法院管辖且方便诉讼的目的。 六、 海事执行管辖 当事人申请执行海事仲裁裁决,申请承认和执行外国法院 判决、裁定以及国外海事仲裁裁决的,向被执行的财产所 在地或者被执行人住所地海事法院提出。 被执行的财产所在地或者被执行人住所地没有海事法院的, 向被执行的财产所在地或者被执行人住所地的中级人民法 院提出。 被执行的财产为船舶的,无论该船舶是否在海事法院管辖 区域范围内,均由海事法院管辖。船舶所在地没有海事法 院的,由就近的海事法院管辖。

一、 海事诉讼管辖概述 海事诉讼管辖,是指海事法院与上级人民 法院之间,以及各海事法院相互之间,受 理第一审海事案件的分工和权限。也即确 定哪些第一审海事案件由海事法院或者上 级人民法院受理,哪些第一审海事案件由 哪个地方的海事法院受理。

二、 海事诉讼级别管辖 海事诉讼级别管辖,是指海事法院与上级 法院之间受理第一审海事案件的分工和权 限。它解决的是法院内部受理第一审海事 案件的纵向分工。 海事案件的审级则为“三级两审终审制” 。 三、 海事诉讼地域管辖 海事诉讼地域管辖,是指各海事法院之间 受理第一审海事案件的分工和权限。



作者: 蔡鸿达
作者机构: 不详
出版物刊名: 中国对外贸易
页码: 50-51页
主题词: 中国 海事诉讼特别程序法 立法背景 海事仲裁 管辖





第31卷第4期2020年12月Vol.31No.4Dec.2020中国海商法研究Chinese Journal of Maritime Law张勇,匡浩•论海事法院受理实现担保物权案件范围之扩张——兼议《海事诉讼特别程序法》修订中国海商法研究,2020, 31(4):104-111论海事法院受理实现担保物权案件范围之扩张——兼议《海事诉讼特别程序法》修订张勇,匡浩(青岛海事法院,山东青岛266061)摘要:中国海事法院受理实现担保物权案件范围过窄,导致审判实践出现问题。





关键词:实现担保物权;受理范围;扩张中图分类号:D925文献标志码:A文章编号:2096-028X(2020)04-0104-08On the expansion of the scope of cases of security interest realization accepted by maritime courts —concurrendy on the amendment of Special Maritime Procedure Law of the People's Republic of ChinaZHANG Yong?KUANG Hao(Qingdao Maritime Court,Qingdao266061,China)Abstract:The scope of cases of security interest realization accepted by maritime courts are so narrow that problems arise in trial practice.According to the analysis of review contents,standards and time limit of security interest realization,the char­acteristics of maritime special jurisdiction,and the ability of controlling cases of maritime courts,the scope should be ex­panded in order that the master contract consisting of maritime contract should be accepted by maritime courts.In terms of the expansion methods,the legislative theory but not the interpretation theory is feasible.In terms of the expansion modes, the realization procedure of the security interest should be an independent chapter in the new Special Maritime Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China,and the provisions of scope of cases accepted by maritime courts of security interest should be added.After expansion,there may be multiple security interest under the master contract,and the same secured property may be guaranteed in multiple master contracts,so the scope of cases needs to be further clarified.The maritime courts which have the jurisdiction over maritime contracts have the jurisdiction over the cases after expansion.Key words:security interest realization;scope of cases to be heard;expansion2012年修改的《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》(简称《民事诉讼法》)新创了实现担保物权程序制度,随着配套规定的完善,该制度也开始在海事审判领域运行。



海上运输合同纠纷:转运港所在地,约定 于实际不一致,以实际为准;
海船租用合同:交船港、还船港、船籍港 所在地、被告住所地;
海上保赔合同纠纷:保险标的物所在地、 事故发生地、被告住所地;
海船的船员劳务合同纠纷:原告住所地、 合同签订地、船员登船港或者离船港所在 地、被告住所地;
2 ?海事诉讼法?已不再严格区分国内海
我国现有广州、上海、青岛、天津、大 连、武汉、海口、厦门、宁波和北海等 十个海事法院。
海事法院与其所在城市的中级人民法院 同级。
二、 我国海事法院的受案范围和海 事诉讼管辖
海事法院的受案范围又称收案范围, 是指海事法院受理海事案件的规模和 程度。
海事担保纠纷:担保物所在地、被告住所 地;
船舶物权〔所有权、占有权、使用权、优 先权)纠纷提起的诉讼:船舶所在地〔起诉
时的停泊地或被扣押地〕、船籍港所在地、 被告住所地
海难救助纠纷:被救助地、被救助船最先 到达地
合同:可协议选择—or—最密切联系地法律 船舶所有权:船旗国法;
1. 海事请求人均应以书面形式向海事法院提
2. 海事法院受理海事请求保全申请,可以责
3. 海事法院接受申请后,应当在48小时内
当事人对裁定不服的,可以在收到裁 定书之日起5日内申请复议一次。海事 法院应当在收到复议申请之日起5日内 作出复议决定。复议期间不停止裁定的

第二十四章 海事诉讼特别程序

第二十四章 海事诉讼特别程序



























中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法(英文版)Maritime Procedure Law of The People’s Republic of ChinaCONTENTSCHAPTER I GENERAL PRINCIPLESCHAPTER II JURISDICTIONCHAPTER III PRESERVATION OF MARITIME CLAIMSSection 1 General ProvisionsSection 2 Arrest and Auction of ShipsSection 3 Attachment扣押 and Auction of Cargo Carried by ShipsCHAPTER IV MARITIME INJUNCTIONCHAFFER V PRESERVATION OF MARITIME EVIDENCECHAPTER VI MARITIME SECURITYCHAPTER VII SERVICECHAPTER VIII TRIAL PROCEDURESSection 1 Provisions for Trial of Collision CasesSection 2 Provisions for Trial of General Average CasesSection 3 Provisions for Exercising the Right of Subrogation by Marine Insurers Section 4 Summary Procedure, procedure for Exhortation and Procedure for Public InterpellationCHAPTER IX PROCEDURE FOR CONSTITUTION OF LIMITATION FUND FOR MARITIME CIAIMS CHAPTER X PROCEDURE FOR REGISTRATION AND SATISFACTION OF CLAIMSCHAPTER XI PROCEDURE FOR INTERPELLATION OF MARITIME LIENSCHAPTER XII SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONCHAPTER I GENERAL PRINCIPLESArticle 1This Law is enacted with a view to safeguarding the rights in litigation of the parties 在各方的诉讼to maritime cases and ensuring that the people's courts can ascertain the facts, establish分清 the liabilities, properly apply the laws and promptly hear and determine maritime cases.Article 2The Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and this Law shall apply to maritime actions brought in the People's Republic of China. Where the provisions of this Law are applicable, such provisions shall prevail.Article 3Where international conventions entered into or acceded to 缔结或者参加by the People's Republic of China have provisions concerning foreign-related maritime actions涉外海事诉讼 which are different from those contained in the Civil Procedure law of the People's Republic of China and this Law, the provisions of such international conventions shall apply except those on which the People's Republic of China has made reservations.Article 4Maritime courts shall entertain actions brought by the parties in respect of maritime tort, disputes arising out of maritime contracts and other maritime disputes as provided for by law.Article 5Maritime courts, high people's courts at the place where such maritime courts are located and the Supreme People's Court shall apply this Law in hearing and determining maritime cases.CHAPTER II JURISDICTIONArticle 6The relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China shall apply to territorial jurisdiction地域管辖of maritime actions.The territorial jurisdiction of the maritime actions set forth hereunder shall be determined as follows:In addition to application of Articles 29, 30 and 31 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the maritime court at the place of the ship's port of registry船籍港 may also have jurisdiction in an action brought in respect of maritime tort;In addition to application of Article 28 of the Civil Procedure law of the People' s Republic of China, the maritime court at the place of the port of transshipment may also have jurisdiction in an action brought in respect of contract for carriage by sea;The maritime court at the place of the port of delivery, the port of delivery, the ship's port of registry and the domicile 住所of the defendant shall have jurisdiction in an action brought in respect of charter-party disputes of seagoing ships;The maritime court at the place of the subject-matter of insurance, the place of accident or the domicile of the defendant shall have jurisdiction in an action brought in respect of disputes in protection and indemnity contracts海上保赔合同;The maritime court at the domicile of the plaintiff, the place of signature of the contract, the place of th e port of embarkation[,embɑ:'keiʃən]登船港 or disembarkation of the crew, and the domicile of the defendant shall have jurisdiction in an action brought in respect of crew's service contract for sea-going ships; The maritime court at the place where collateral is provided and the domicile of the defendant shall have jurisdiction in an action brought in respect of maritime security; the maritime court at the place of the ship's port of registry may also have jurisdiction in an action brought in respect of ship mortgage; andThe maritime court at the place of the ship, the place of the ship's port of registry, and the domicile of the defendant shall have jurisdiction in an action brought in respect of ownership, possession, employment and maritime liens of sea-going ships.Article 7The maritime courts specified in this Article shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the following maritime actions:The maritime court at the place of the port shall have jurisdiction in an action brought in respect of coastal['kəʊstl] port operations;The maritime court at the place of pollution, the place of damaging consequences or the place where pollution prevention measures are taken shall have jurisdiction in an action brought in respect of pollution damage to sea caused by discharge, spill 泄漏or dumping of oil or other hazardous substances有害物质from ships, by production or operation at sea or by ship demolition 拆船or repair;And The maritime court at the place of performance of the contract shall have jurisdiction in an action brought in respect of disputes arising out of an offshore exploration[,eksplə'reɪʃən]勘探,研究and exploitation[,eksplɔɪ'teɪʃən]开发;开采;开拓contract海洋勘探开发合同performed within the territory of the People's Republic of China and the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China.Article 8Where all the parties to a maritime dispute are aliens['eiljən]外国的, 外国人的, stateless persons, foreign enterprises or 0rganisations and have agreed in writing to be subject to the jurisdiction of a maritime court of the People's Republic of China, such maritime court shall have jurisdiction over the dispute notwithstanding[,nɔtwiθ'stændiŋ]that the place that has genuine['dʒenjuin] link with the dispute is not within the territory of the People's Republic of China.A party who applies for determination of certain property at sea as being ownerless shall file the application with the maritime court at the place of the property; one who applies for declaration of a person as dead in an accident at sea shall file the application with the maritime court at the place of the competent authority dealing with the accident or with the maritime court that has entertained the relevant maritime case.Article 10Any controversy ['kɔntrəvə:si]between a maritime court and a local people's court in respect of jurisdiction shall be resolved by the two courts through consultation, failing which the matter shall be submitted to their common superior people's court for designation of jurisdiction.Article 11A party who applies for enforcement of a maritime arbitration award, recognition and enforcement of a judgment or order of a foreign court or a foreign maritime arbitration award shall file the application with the maritime court at the place of the property against which enforcement is sought or the domicile of the person against whom enforcement is sought. In the absence of a maritime court at such place or domicile, the application shall be filed with the intermediate people's court at the place of the property against which enforcement is sought or the domicile of the person against whom enforcement is sought.CHAPTER III PRESERVATION OF MARITIME CLAIMSSection 1 General ProvisionsArticle 12Preservation of maritime claims means compulsory measures taken by a maritime court on the application of a maritime claimant against the property of the person against whom a claim is made to ensure the realization of the claim of the maritime claimant.A party who applies for preservation of maritime claims before instituting an action shall file the application with the maritime court at the place of the property subject to preservation.Article 14Preservation of maritime claims shall not be prejudiced by the jurisdiction agreement or arbitration agreement between the parties in respect of the maritime claim.Article 15A maritime claimant who applies for preservation of a maritime claim shall file the application in writing with a maritime court. Such an application shall specify the particulars of the maritime claim, reasons therefor, subject-matter of the preservation and the amount of security required, and enclose the relevant evidence 附有关证据.Article 16The maritime court, having entertained an application for preservation of a maritime claim, may enjoin[en'dʒɔɪn]责令the maritime claimant to provide security. The application shall be rejected if the maritime claimant fails to do so.Article 17The maritime court, having accepted an application, shall make an order within 48 hours. Where the order is to adopt measures for preservation of a maritime claim, it shall be executed forthwith; where the conditions for preservation of the maritime claim are not met, the application shall be rejected ]ay order.Any party who is dissatisfied with such an order may apply for a review not mere than once within 5 days after receipt thereof. The maritime court shall give the result of the review within 5 days after receipt of the application therefor. Execution of the order shall not be suspended during the period of the review.Where preservation of a maritime claim is objected by an interested person利害关系人, the maritime court shall examine the objection and discharge the preservation against its property if the reasons therefor are justified.Article 18Where a person against whom a claim is made被请求人 provides security or a party applies for discharge of preservation of the maritime claim on justified 有正当理由的,合理的grounds正当理由, the maritime court shall discharge the preservation promptly.Where a maritime claimant fails to bring an action within the time limit prescribed in this Law or apply for arbitration in accordance with the arbitration agreement, the maritime court shall discharge the preservation or return the security promptly.Article 19Where legal proceedings or arbitral proceedings are not commenced in respect of a maritime dispute after the execution of the preservation of a maritime claim, any party may bring an action in respect of the maritime claim in the maritime court ordering preservation of the maritime claim or any other maritime court that has jurisdiction, unless the jurisdiction agreement or arbitration agreement between the parties provides otherwise.Article 20A maritime claimant who has wrongfully applied for preservation of a maritime claim shall indemnify the person against whom the claim is made or any interested person for loss sustained thereby.Section 2 Arrest and Auction of ShipsArticle 21An application may be made for the arrest of a ship with respect to the following maritime claims:Loss of or damage to property caused by ship operation;Loss of life or personal injury in direct connection with ship operation;Salvage at sea;Damage or threat of damage caused by a ship to environment, coast-line or interests of other parties; measures taken to prevent, minimise or remove such damage; compensation paid in respect of such damage; costs for reasonable measures taken or to be taken for reinstatement复原 of the environment; loss incurred or likely to be incurred by third parties in connection with such damage; and damage, costs, or loss of a similar nature to those identified in this subparagraph;Expenses relating to the raising, removal, recovery, destruction or the rendering harmless of使其无害有关 a ship which is sunk, wrecked, stranded or abandoned, including anything that is or has been on board such ship, and expenses relating to the preservation of an abandoned ship and maintenance of its crew;Any agreement relating to the use or hire of a ship;Any agreement relating to the carriage of goods or passengers;Loss of or damage to or in connection with goods (including luggage) carried on board a ship在船上;General average;Towage;Pilotage;Goods supplied or services rendered to a ship for its operation, management, preservation or maintenance;Construction, re-construction, repair, conversion1.变换, 转化 2.(宗教、信仰等)彻底改变; 皈依 or equipment of a ship;Dues and charges规费和费用 of port, canal, dock,harbour 港湾and other waterway;Crew's wages and other moneys, including costs of repatriation遣返and social insurance contributions payable on behalf of the crew;Disbursements incurred on behalf of a ship or its ship-owner;Insurance premiums (including mutual insurance calls) in respect of a ship, payable by or on behalf of the ship-owner or demise charterer;Any commissions, brokerages or agency fees payable in respect of a ship by or on behalf of the ship-owner or demise charterer光船承租人;Any dispute in connection with ownership or possession of a ship;Any dispute between co-owners of a ship in connection with the employment or earnings of the ship;A ship mortgage or fights权利 of the same nature; andAny dispute arising out of contract for sale of a ship.Article 22A ship may only be arrested in respect of maritime claims specified in Article 21 of this Law, except for the enforcement of a judgement, arbitration award or other legal documents.Article 23The maritime court may arrest the ship concerned in any of the following circumstances:The ship-owner is liable for the maritime claim and is the owner of the ship when the arrest is effected;The demise charterer of the ship is liable for the maritime claim and is the demise charterer or owner of the ship when the arrest is effected;The maritime claim is based upon a ship mortgage or rights of the stone nature;The maritime claim relates to ownership or possession of a ship; orThe maritime claim is secured by a maritime lien.The maritime court may arrest other ship or ships which, when the arrest is effected, is or are owned by the ship-owner, demise charterer, time charterer or voyage charterer who is liable for the maritime claim, except for claims with respect to ownership or possession of a ship. Ships engaged in military or governmental services are not subject to不遵守arrest.Article 24A maritime claimant may not apply for arrest of a ship which has been arrested and released in respect of the same maritime claim except in any of the following circumstances:The person against whom a claim is made fails to provide sufficient security;The surety 担保人is unlikely to be able to perform the obligations under the security in whole or in part; orThe maritime claimant agrees to release the ship under arrest or return the security provided on reasonable grounds; or the maritime claimant could not by takingreasonable steps prevent the release of the ship under arrest or the return of the security provided.Article 25A maritime claimant may apply for arrest of the ship concerned notwithstanding that the name of the person against whom the claim is made cannot be ascertained forthwith 立即.Article 26When issuing an order for arresting or releasing a ship, the maritime court may give a notice to relevant organisations for assistance in execution of the order. Such a notice shall specify the scope and requirements of the assistance in execution, and the relevant organisations have the obligation to assist the execution. The maritime court may directly send officers on board for purpose of supervision if it thinks necessary.Article 27Where preservation of a ship has been adopted by order, the maritime court may, with the consent of the maritime claimant, allow the ship to resume operation with restraints on disposing or mortgaging the ship.Article 28The time limit for ship arrest for preservation of a maritime claim is 30 days. Where a maritime claimant brings an action or applies for arbitration within 30 days, or where a maritime claimant applies for arrest of a ship during legal proceedings or arbitral proceedings, the arrest of the ship is not subject to the time limit prescribed in the foregoing paragraph.Article 29Where the person against whom a claim is made fails to provide security on the expiry of the time limit for arrest of a ship, and it is not appropriate to keep the ship under arrest, the maritime claimant, having brought an action or applied forarbitration, may apply for auction of the ship to the maritime court ordering the arrest of the ship.A rticle 30The maritime court shall, after receipt of an application for auction of a ship, examine the application and make an order to allow or disallow the auction.Any party who is dissatisfied with such an order may apply for review not more than once within 5 days after receipt thereof. The maritime court shall give the result of the review within 5 days after receipt of the application therefor. Execution of the order shall be suspended during the period of the review.Article 31Where a maritime claimant, having filed an application for auction of a ship, applies for termination of the auction, the maritime court has discretion to allow or disallow the termination by order, ff the maritime court terminates the auction of the ship by order, the expenses incurred in preparation for auction of the ship shall be home承担by the maritime claimant.Article 32The maritime court that orders auction of a ship shall issue an announcement in newspapers or other news media. In the case of auction of a foreign ship, such an announcement shall be issued in the newspapers or other news media for overseas distribution对外发行.Such an announcement shall contain:(1) name and nationality of the ship for auction;(2) reasons and grounds for auction of the ship;(3) constitution of the ship auction committee;(4) time and venue of the ship auction;(5) time and venue 会场for demonstration of the ship for auction;(6) formalities.正式手续3.形式上的措施 to be completed for taking part in bidding;(7) particulars necessary for registration of claims; and(8) other matters which need to be announced.The announcement period for ship auction shall not be less than 30 days.Article 33The maritime court shall issue a notice 30 days before auction of a ship to the ship registrar of the registry state of the ship for auction and to the known maritime lien holders, mortgagees and ship-owners.Such a notice shall contain the name of the ship for auction, time and venue of the ship auction, reasons and grounds for the ship auction, registration of claims etc. Means of such a notice include written form and other appropriate forms the receipt thereof can be confirmed.Article 34Auction of a ship shall be conducted by a ship auction committee. A ship auction committee shall consist of 3 or 5 persons, including the enforcement officer of the maritime court and the auctioneer and ship surveyor retained指定 by the maritime court.The ship auction committee is responsible for arranging assessment and evaluation of the ship; arranging and presiding over 1.主持(会议、仪式等) 2.管理; 对(某事物)负有责任the auction; signing auction confirmation with the bidder; and completing ship delivery formalities.The ship auction committee is responsible to and under the supervision of the maritime court.Article 35Bidders shall register with the ship auction committee within the prescribed time limit. Certificates of identification of the person who registers with the committee, the legal representative of the enterprise or the responsible officer of other organisation and the power of attorney of the authorized proxy 1.代表权;代理权(尤指投票);shall be submitted at the time of registration for examination together with payment of a certain amount of bidding deposit.The ship auction committee shall, before auction of a ship, demonstrate the ship for auction and make the ship available for inspection and provide relevant documents and information of the ship.Article 37A buyer, having signed the auction confirmation, shall pay forthwith not less than 20% of the purchase price; the balance shall be paid within 7 days after the date of the purchase, unless the ship auction committee has agreed otherwise with the buyer.Article 38When a buyer has paid the purchase price in full, the ship-owner shall deliver the ship as is at the berthing place to the buyer within the designated time limit. The ship auction committee shall arrange and supervise the delivery of the ship and sign a confirmation of delivery and acceptance with the buyer after delivery of the ship. After delivery of the ship, the maritime court shall issue an order to discharge the arrest of the ship.Article 39When a ship is delivered, the maritime court shall issue an announcement in newspapers or other news media stating that the ship has been sold by auction and delivered to the buyer.Article 40A buyer, having taken delivery of the ship, shall by virtue of the auction confirmation and other relevant documents, complete the formalities of ownership registration with the ship registrar. The former ship-owner shall cancel the ownership registration with the previous ship registrar. Ownership of the ship is transferred notwithstanding that the former ship-owner fails to cancel the ownership registration.An auction is void if there is malicious collusion恶意串通between the bidders. The bidders who take part in malicious collusion shall be liable for the expenses of the auction and compensate the consequential loss. The maritime court may impose upon the bidders taking part in malicious collusion a free of not less than 10% but not more than 30% of the highest bidding.Article 42In addition to the provisions of this Section, the relevant provisions of the Auction Law of the People's Republic of China shall apply to auction of a ship.Article 43The relevant provisions of this Section may be applied mutatis mutandis to auction of a ship under arrest for discharge of debts in the procedure for enforcement.Section 3 Attachment and Auction of Cargo Carried by ShipsArticle 44A maritime claimant may apply for attachment of the cargo carried by a ship to ensure realisation 1.认识, 领会 2.实现of his maritime claim.The cargo against which an attachment is sought申请扣押shall be owned by the person against whom the claim is made.Article 45The value of the cargo against which an attachment is sought by a maritime claimant shall be in line with the amount of his claim.Article 46The time limit for attachment of the cargo carried by a ship for preservation of a maritime claim is 15 days.Where a maritime claimant brings an action or applies for arbitration within 15 days or where a maritime claimant applies for attachment of the cargo carried by a ship during legal proceedings or arbitral proceedings, the attachment of the cargocarried by the ship is not subject to the time limit prescribed in the foregoing paragraph.Article 47Where the person against whom a claim is made fails to provide security on the expiry of the time limit for attachment of the cargo carried by a ship, and it is not appropriate to keep the cargo under attachment, the maritime claimant, having brought an action or applied for arbitration, may apply for auction of the cargo to the maritime court ordering the attachment of the cargo carried by the ship.A maritime claimant may apply for an earlier auction if the cargo cannot be preserved, or it is difficult to preserve, or the preserving expenses are likely to exceed the value of the cargo.Article 48A maritime court shall, after receipt of an application for auction of the cargo carried by a ship, examine the application and make an order to allow or disallow the auction within 7 days.Any party who is dissatisfied with such an order may apply for review not more than once within 5 days after receipt thereof. The maritime court shall give the result of the review within 5 days after receipt of the application therefor. Execution of the order shall be suspended during the period of the review.Article 49Auction of the cargo carried by a ship shall be conducted by an auction committee consisting of the enforcement officer of the maritime court and the auctioneer retained by the maritime court, or conducted by an organisation entrusted by the maritime court.The relevant provisions of Section 2 of this Chapter in respect of auction of ships may be applied mutatis mutandis to auction of the cargo carried by a ship in the absence of applicable provisions in this Section.Article 50The provisions of this Section shall apply to the application by a maritime claimant for preservation of a maritime claim in respect of ship's bunkers and provisions relating thereto.CHAPTER IV MARITIME INJUNCTIONArticle 51A maritime injunction means the compulsory measures taken by a maritime court on the application of a maritime claimant to compel the person against whom a claim is made to act or refrain from action to prevent the legitimate rights and interests of the claimant from being infringed侵害. infringe upon v.侵害Article 52A party who applies for a maritime injunction before instituting an action shall file the application with the maritime court at the place where the maritime dispute arises.Article 53A maritime injunction is not prejudiced by the jurisdiction agreement or arbitration agreement between the parties in respect of the maritime claim.Article 54A maritime claimant who applies for a maritime injunction shall file the application in writing with a maritime court. Such an application shall specify the reasons therefore, and enclose the relevant evidence.Article 55The maritime court, having entertained an application for a maritime injunction, may enjoin责令 the maritime claimant to provide security. The application shall be rejected if the maritime claimant fails to do so.Article 56The following conditions shall be met before a maritime injunction can be granted: the claimant has a specific maritime claim;a breach of legal provisions or contractual provisions by the person against whom a claim is made needs to be redressed; andas a matter of urgency, loss will occur or increase if a maritime injunction is not granted forthwith.Article 57The maritime court, having accepted an application, shall make an order within 48 hours. Where the order is to grant a maritime injunction, it shall be executed forthwith; where the conditions for a maritime injunction are not met, the application shall be rejected by order.Article 58Any party who is dissatisfied with such an order may apply for review not more than once within 5 days after receipt thereof. The maritime court shall give the result of the review within 5 days after receipt of the application therefor. Execution of the order shall not be suspended during the period of the review.Where a maritime injunction is objected by an interested person, the maritime court shall examine the objection and cancel the maritime injunction by order if the reasons therefor are justified有正当理由的,合理的.Article 59Where a person against whom a claim is made refuses to comply with the maritime injunction, the maritime court may impose a fine or order a detention according to the seriousness of the case; if a crime is committed, criminal liability shall be fixed in accordance with the law.A fine imposed upon an individual shall be not less than RMB1 000 yuan but not more than RMB 30 000 yuan. A fine imposed upon a legal person shall be not less than RMB 30 000 yuan but not more than RMB 100 000 yuan.The detention period shall not exceed 15 days.。




























裁中采取; (2) 海事请求保全案件原则上由海事法院管辖; (3) 海事请求保全只能依当事人申请启动,不能由法院依职权主动
采取保全措施; (4) 海事请求保全的对象只限于船舶、船载货物、船用燃油以及船
用物料。 (5) 海事请求保全的重要目的是促使被申请人提供担保,或者通过
拍卖该财产保存价款,以保障海事请求权的行使和实现,保证法院判 决的顺利执行。
第三节 海事请求保全
一、 海事请求保全概说 (一) 海事请求保全的概念和特点 海事请求保全,是指海事法院根据海事请求人的申请,为保障其海事
请求的实现,对被请求人的财产所采取的强制措施。 海事请求保全与民事诉讼中的财产保全相比具有如下特点: (1) 海事请求保全既可以在诉讼或仲裁前采取,也可以在诉讼或仲
第一节 海事诉讼与海事诉讼法
一、 海事诉讼概述
海事诉讼是指海事审判机关在海事纠纷当 事人和其他诉讼参与人的参加下,依法审 理和裁判海事纠纷案件的全部诉讼活动。
这里的“海事纠纷”主要是指在海上或者 通海水域发生的,与船舶或者船舶运输、 生产、作业相关的纠纷,具体包括海事侵 权纠纷、海商合同纠纷以及法律规定的其 他海事纠纷。
二、 我国的海事法院
三、 海事诉讼特别程序法
海事诉讼特别程序法,是指国家制定或者 认可的,用以调整海事法院、海事案件诉 讼参与人的诉讼活动和诉讼关系的法律规 范的总称。它是海事法院审理海事案件所 遵循的基本依据,是海事案件诉讼参与人 进行海事诉讼活动的行为准则。
第二节 海事诉讼管辖
一、 海事诉讼管辖概述 海事诉讼管辖,是指海事法院与上级人民
(3) 海事诉讼规则的特殊性。海事纠纷常 常涉及非常专业的船舶知识、航海知识、 海上贸易知识以及海上风险分担知识,这 些专业性是一般民事纠纷所没有的,所以, 各国都在民事诉讼制度之外设置专门适用 于海事诉讼的特别规则,并且设立专门的 海事法院或专门审理海事案件的法庭,以及各海事法院相互之间,受 理第一审海事案件的分工和权限。也即确 定哪些第一审海事案件由海事法院或者上 级人民法院受理,哪些第一审海事案件由 哪个地方的海事法院受理。






















2.最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法》若干问题的解释[J], ;
3.最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法》若干问题的解释[J], ;
释 [J],
和国工会法〉若干问题的解释》等二十七件民事类司法解释的决定(法释〔2020〕17号) [J],

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