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46, five steps (a) on the first floor, ten step (have) a pavilion

47, who can destroy (qin) and 48, eventually to admit exemption (penalty) and not huai ren

49, 50, lv indicates when shadowing

51, hence without your base, no long no less 52, the children of judah and took and ask how

53, alternative to the all ZiZhu 54, think three drive thought

Seven, literature common sense

1, jia yi (before 200 - before 200), he Jia Sheng, or jia a teacher, jia changsha. The western han dynasty in luoyang people (now in henan) people. Publicists, astronomers. On behalf of poetry is "qu yuan fu", "bird", later generations have "jia changsha set".

2, sima qian (145 ~ 87 before?) Smaller, word, was born in longmen, the western han dynasty xia Yang (now shaanxi). Historians, writers. , have too history Mr Book, the later generations called "historical records", is our country the first biographical history among the top of the history of "24".

3, Wang Xizhi (303 ~ 361), the word escape, called "the king right". Koh larn evil linyi (now in linyi in shandong province) people. Calligrapher of the eastern, the ancients said of his brushwork momentum "floating clouds, such as lithe dragon". On behalf of have the preface to lanting collection.

4, tao yuanming (365 ~ 427), a poet of the eastern, a latent, word YuanMing, yuan liang, the "five," Mr Liu. Invertors Yang chai mulberry (now southwest of jiangxi jiujiang less). China's first pastoral poet, poetry, prose and ci and good. Representative poems: poems "drinking" "belongs to the garden and field in the modeled and guo master book.

5, han yu (768-824), the word back, the self-proclaimed "looking changli county", he Han Changli, changli, Mr Writings.finally, also called Han Wengong, Korean official department. Yang river (now in henan) people. Essayist and poet in the tang dynasty, and liu zongyuan and said "Han Liu", as the ancient prose movement advocate, among the top of the eight people of tang and song dynasty, "Mr Changli collection".

6, tu mu (803 ~ 852), the word of animal husbandry, "du FanChuan". Astronomer in tang dynasty, there are many mock of current affairs, good rhyme. In collection of the author of "FanChuan, including chibi" rhyme "qing dynasty palace" China "rhyme", jiang, etc.

7, wei (580 ~ 643), the word hyun sung, in politicians, have Wei Zheng male corpus. He put forward "do LiangChen, don't do loyal subjects", be courageous and knowledgeable, dare to straight fight. 8, liu zongyuan (773 ~ 819), the word child thick, hedong (now shanxi), he ha yu dong, liu liuzhou. With han yu's advocacy movement of ancient prose, as one of the eight people of tang and song dynasty. The author of "ha yu east" prose "three ring", landscape, fables "yongzhou eight" and so on.
