深圳市中恒盛大科技开展高清广告机解码驱动一体板T10使用说明书目录1.产品概述12.使用说明22.1遥控器说明22.2设置菜单32.2.1通用设定32.2.2播放设定42.2.3字幕设定62.2.4时钟设定62.2.5屏幕显示设置72.2.6存储器文件管理73.滚动字幕文件制作84. USB拷贝及文件名要求84.1文件拷贝84.2文件制作要求95. 工厂菜单96.软件升级107. 文件支持格式108. 播放列表与分屏工具使用说明:128.1播放列表使用说明128.2分屏使用说明128.3参数设置131.产品概述该主板可以直接驱动LVDS接口的液晶屏。
CPU为A9单核,主频1G, 内存:256M DDR3 1600M1支持完全无缝切换〔目前市面上的同类产品两个视频切换时有一到两秒的黑屏或需做停顿处理〕。
2通过USB拷贝播放内容,拷贝速度可达10M/S以上,内置8G 〔7.1G可用〕内置存储空间。
2.使用说明2.1遥控器说明本产品使用的遥控器如下列图:遥控器各按键功能:电源键:电源键,控制开关机静音:静音功能按一次往前跳3秒按一次往后跳3秒:暂停/播放功能向上移动光标向左移动光标: 向右移动光标: 向下移动光标MENU :进入设定菜单,进入菜单后是确认功能VOL+:音量加VOL-:音量减播放类型为图片或视频模式下一曲播放类型为图片或视频模式上一曲E*IT :退出菜单或退出播放DEL:光标停留在文件上时,按该键删除选中文件2.2设置菜单菜单主界面如下列图:2.2.1通用设定1.菜单语言:中文:设定菜单语言为中文;英文:设定菜单语言为英文2.机器编号:设置本机的编号,为5位数字;在该项上面按遥控器中间的MENU 键进入设置界面,设置每个数字。
1:支持标准H.323协议,支持H.264(high profile)编解码和标准H.239双流,支持广泛的网络通信协议,可提 供全高清1080p/60的终端接入及媒体处理特性。 2:高清:支持1080P/60 3:低延时:小于200ms ◆4:低带宽:超低带宽占用,1M能开1080P高清会议 ◆5:超大容量:单机120个用户; 6:多媒体框架协议 ITU-T H.323、IETF SIP 7:支持H.264(支持最高Highprofile) 8:视频分辨率:QCIF、CIF、4CIF、480P、D1、720P、1080P24、1080P25、1080P30、1080P50、1080P60 ◆9:支持混速、混视频格式、混协议会议 10:静态图文:XGA、HD 720P、640x480、1280x1024、1080P(1-60帧) ◆:支持H.239数字双流技术,主辅流皆可达到1080P60 ◆13:1Mbps带宽能开 1080p/30HZ视频会议,2Mbps带宽能开 1080p/60HZ视频会议 14:音频编解码:G.711A/U、G.722、G.7221、G.722.1.C、G.723、iLBC、AAC等 ◆15:具有唇音同步、多路混音、回声消除、自动增益、噪音消除、幻象供电等音频处理功能 16:具备双100M/1000M网络接口 ◆17:可适应DDN、ISDN、ATM、SDH、VPN、卫星专线、ADSL等线路 ◆18:具备跨越路由器及防火墙的能力,保证系统安全,支持双网接入 ◆19:支持H.264 SVC,提供抗网络误码能力,可承受5%的网络丢包,不影响会议进行 20:支持语音优先,支持Qos策略 21:支持H235信令加密、AES媒体流加密 22:具有会议加入密码、控制密码、管理员密码等安全设置功能 23:支持多画面,常见多种多画面布局,每屏最多16画面 24:支持自动分屏 ◆25:支持导演会议模式、主席会议模式、MCU召集模式、会议室模式、广播模式、自由模式 26:支持语音激励功能 27:支持断点重邀功能 28:支持摄像头远程遥控,背光设置 29:中英文管理界面,可实现中英文WEB管理 30:支持Telnet、ssh等远程维护方式 31:软件升级:支持本地升级、远程升级 32:IP网络诊断:PING、丢包、延迟、抖动检测 33:网络丢包状态指示 34:支持事件日志记录 35:支持配置导入导出
Win7+Android双系统优派ViewPad 10 十寸平板电脑简单超薄,完美随身行•美国ViewSonic首款10寸平板电脑,圆弧边角设计,铝质拉丝后盖,整体设计简约时尚,厚度仅为15mm,相当于一支铅笔的厚度。
•多点触摸,随意掌握•采用10寸电容触摸屏规格,支持多点触摸,具有反映速度快,精度准确的特点•双系统随时体验•内置Google Android 1.6系统,完整的X86架构系统可同时安装Android 和win7双系统,让使用便利性更为提升,并且可以依照个人使用习惯进行操作系统的选择。
•内置SSD固态硬盘,高速新潮流•内建16GB SSD固态硬盘,比照传统硬盘有着功耗低,热量小,超高读写性能以及完全不怕震动等优势,对于随时移动的平板电脑而言如虎添翼,同样支持通过Micro SD扩展功能,最高支持32GB•铝质拉丝后盖,时尚又散热•Viewpad10采用铝质拉丝后盖,美观大方之外进一步增强了散热能力•疾速传输,毫无线缆束缚•内建802.11 b/g/n无线网络,搭载蓝牙V2.1+EDR,可方便地与移动设备进行畅连,尽享数码前沿科技带来的乐趣。
产品参数产品系列V iewSonic智能平板电脑型号ViewPad 10价格内核处理器Intel Atom N450,(1.66GHz, FSB 667)芯片组Intel NM10图像芯片Intel GMA3150 集成显卡液晶面板尺寸10.1〞电容式触摸屏支持多点触摸最正确分辨率1024 x 600内存内存标配1GB DDRIII 800Mhz,最大支持2GB内存插槽内存插槽x1存储性能硬盘16GB SSD固态硬盘,另外可通过Micro SD进行容量扩充(最大32GB)多媒体摄像头130万像素摄像头多媒体喇叭立体声音效通讯无线LAN 802.11 b/g/n蓝牙Bluetooth 2.1+EDR扩展接口USB USB 2.0 x 3VGA(D-Sub) Mini-VGA x1(需通过VGA转接头)RJ45 无麦克风麦克风in x 1耳机耳机 x 1读卡器Micro SDExpressCard无电源接口DC-in x 1输入键盘无触摸板无电源输入AC 输入 100-240V电源适配器 50~60Hz DC output 10.8V 40W适配器电池3200MAh 锂聚合物电池扩展插槽PCI-E扩展插槽无操作系统预装操作系统外观产品尺寸(mm)275(W) x 170(D) x 14.5(H)mm重量净重(g) 875g附件附件快速开始手册,保修卡,电源适配器,电源线,电池等。
User Guide© Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.Bluetooth is a trademark owned by its proprietor and used by Hewlett-Packard Company under license. Google is a trademark of Google Inc. Windows is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.First Edition: September 2013Document Part Number: 743472-001Product noticeThis guide describes features that arecommon to most models. Some featuresmay not be available on your tablet.Software termsBy installing, copying, downloading, orotherwise using any software productpreinstalled on this tablet, you agree to bebound by the terms of the HP End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). If you do notaccept these license terms, your soleremedy is to return the entire unusedproduct (hardware and software) within 14days for a refund subject to the refundpolicy of your place of purchase.For any further information or to request afull refund of the tablet, please contact yourlocal point of sale (the seller).Table of contents1 The basics (1)Lock and unlock the screen (1)2 Using the Home screen (2)3 Using apps and widgets (3)Using the on-screen keyboard (3)Using Gmail (3)Using the calendar (4)Using Google Now (4)Using the clock (4)Downloading apps (4)Uninstalling apps (4)4 Using the cameras (5)Taking your own photo (5)Recording a video (5)Taking a screenshot (5)Viewing photos or videos (5)Printing photos (5)5 Connecting to networks (7)Connect to a wireless network (7)Connect to Bluetooth (select models only) (7)Connect to a mobile network (select models only) (8)Activate data transfer (8)Activate tethering or a portable hotspot (select models only) (8)Connect to a Miracast-compatible wireless display (select models only) (8)Connect to a Windows computer (select models only) (9)6 Using Settings (10)WIRELESS & NETWORKS (10)DEVICE (10)PERSONAL (10)ACCOUNTS (11)iiiSYSTEM (11)7 Securing your tablet (12)8 Backing up and recovering your data (13)Updating apps, widgets, and the operating system (13)Back up and reset (13)Factory data reset (13)9 More HP resources (14)Index (15)iv1The basicsBefore using the tablet for the first time, connect it to external power, and thenTo start using your tablet, follow these instructions:1.After charging the battery, and while the battery image is displayed on the screen, turn on thetablet by pressing and holding the power button about 5 seconds until the HP logo is displayed.The first time you turn on the tablet, you will see a Welcome screen.displayed.2.Follow the on-screen instructions to select a language, connect to a wireless network, and signinto your Google™ account.synchronized with your tablet. If you have additional Google accounts, you can add them later. Lock and unlock the screenLock—Press the power button.Unlock—Press the power button to turn on the tablet, then place your finger on the lock icon andslide the icon to the unlock position.Lock and unlock the screen12Using the Home screenThe Home screen provides a central location where you can access information and email, browsethe Web, stream videos, view photos, and access social media websites.●Swipe down from the top to display notifications.●Swipe up from the bottom to display Google Now cards.●Touch an icon to perform the action described in the table.Icon DescriptionSearch—Allows you to type one or more keywords to search with Google.Voice search—Allows you to touch , and then speak one or more keywords to search withGoogle.Back—Opens the previous screen.Home—Opens the central Home screen.●To see a left or right Home screen, swipe to the left or right.●To quickly return to the Home screen, touch .Recent apps—Opens a list of apps that you have used recently.●Touch an app to open it.●To remove an app from the list, swipe it to the left or right.All apps—Displays a list of all apps.To see all widgets, touch the Widgets tab.2Chapter 2 Using the Home screen3Using apps and widgetsApps are shortcuts placed on the Home screen and used to open applications installed on yourtablet.Widgets are apps with special functionality that displays content that is updated frequently. You canview the updated content without opening the widget.To see all apps, touch .●To open an app, touch the icon. To return to the Home screen, touch .●To add an app to the Home screen, touch and hold the app icon until the Home screen appears,and then slide it to the location where you want it to be.●To remove an app from the Home screen, touch and hold the app icon, and then drag it to theicon at the top of the screen.To see all widgets, touch , and then touch the Widgets tab.●To open a widget, touch the icon. To return to the Home screen, touch .●To add a widget to the Home screen, touch and hold the widget icon until the Home screenappears, and then slide it to the location where you want it to be.●To remove a widget from the Home screen, touch and hold the widget icon, and then drag it tothe icon at the top of the screen.Using the on-screen keyboard●To open the on-screen keyboard, touch the text field at the top of the screen, type one or morekeywords, and then touch or .●To use voice search, touch at the top of the screen, and then speak one or more keywords.Using Gmail1.Touch , and then touch .2.Under ACCOUNTS, touch Add account.3.Touch Google, and then follow the on-screen instructions.4.To access your Gmail account, touch the Gmail icon.Using the on-screen keyboard3Using the calendar●Touch the Calendar icon, and then follow the on-screen instructions.●To add the Calendar to the Home screen, touch and hold the Calendar icon until it appears onthe Home screen.Using Google NowGoogle Now uses time of day, your current location, and your location history to display informationon your commute. Information from other Google products, such as your Web history or yourcalendar, is used to display appointment reminders, maps, sports scores, and flight status.●To opt into Google Now, swipe up from the bottom of the screen, and then follow the on-screeninstructions.●To display Google Now cards, swipe up from the bottom of the screen.Using the clock●Touch , and then touch the Clock icon.●To add the Clock to the Home screen, touch and hold the Clock icon until it appears on theHome screen.●To add an alarm, touch the Clock icon, touch Set alarm, and then follow the on-screeninstructions.Downloading appsDownload apps, music, books, games, and more from the Google Play Store.●Touch , and then touch a category.– or –Touch , and then type a keyword in the search field.●To download and install an app, follow the on-screen instructions.Uninstalling apps1.Touch , and then touch .2.Under DEVICE, touch Storage, and then touch Apps.3.Touch the app that you want to uninstall, and then touch Uninstall.4.Touch OK, and then touch OK again.4Chapter 3 Using apps and widgets4Using the camerasTake your own photo or take screenshots with the front camera.Taking your own photo●Touch , and then touch .●To take a photo, touch the rotating camera icon above the blue circle, and then touch the bluecircle.The photo is saved in the Gallery.Recording a video●Touch , and then touch .●To record a video, touch the video camera icon.The blue circle turns red.●To begin recording, touch the red circle.●To stop recording, touch and hold the red circle.The video is saved in the Gallery.Taking a screenshotPress the power button and the volume down button at the same time for about 1 second.A message is displayed when the screenshot is saved in the Gallery.Viewing photos or videos●To view the photos or videos in your Gallery, touch , and then touch the Gallery icon.●To delete a photo or video, touch the photo or video, and then touch in the upper-right cornerof the screen.Printing photos1.Touch , and then touch the Gallery icon.2.Touch the photo to select it.3.Touch in the upper-right corner of the screen, and then touch Print.4.The first time that you use the printing function, follow the on-screen instructions to select aprinter.Taking your own photo55.Select the number of copies.6.To select options, touch the down arrow, and then follow the on-screen instructions.7.Touch Print.A message is displayed to indicate the print status.– or –Activate HP ePrint (select models only), which allows you to print directly to an HP ePrint-enabledprinter. For more information, go to /go/2eprint.1.Touch , and then touch the HP ePrint icon.2.Follow the on-screen instructions, and then touch Activate Now.3.Enter your email address, and then touch Activate.An activation code is sent to the email address that you entered.4.Touch, and then touch the HP ePrint icon.5.Enter the activation code, and then touch Activate.6Chapter 4 Using the cameras5Connecting to networksYou can connect the tablet to a wireless network, Bluetooth® devices (select models only), a mobilenetwork (select models only), a Miracast-compatible wireless display (select models only), or aWindows® computer.Connect to a wireless networkBrowse the Web, read your email, or perform other online activities.To connect to a wireless network:1.Touch , and then touch .2.Under WIRELESS & NETWORKS, be sure that Wi-Fi is turned on.3.Touch Wi-Fi, and then touch one of the available networks that is displayed.4.Type the security key if required, and then touch Connect.Connect to Bluetooth (select models only)Pair a Bluetooth device, such as a headset, keyboard, or mouse with your tablet.To connect to a Bluetooth device:1.Turn on the Bluetooth device.2.Touch , and then touch .3.Under WIRELESS & NETWORKS, turn on Bluetooth, and then touch Bluetooth.4.Touch your device name to make it Visible to all nearby Bluetooth devices.5.To find available Bluetooth devices, touch SEARCH FOR DEVICES.6.When the device name appears, touch it to pair the device to your tablet.Connect to a wireless network7Connect to a mobile network (select models only)If a SIM card is not preinstalled, a SIM card can be purchased from a mobile carrier. To insert the SIMcard, see the Quick Start guide included with your product.1.Touch , and then touch .2.Under WIRELESS & NETWORKS, touch Mobile Networks, and then touch Access PointNames.3.Touch the , touch Select New APN, and then follow the on-screen instructions.Activate data transferTo enable data transfer over a mobile network:1.Touch , and then touch .2.Under WIRELESS & NETWORKS, touch Mobile Networks, and then touch Mobile data. Activate tethering or a portable hotspot (select models only)To share your product's mobile data connection via USB or as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot:1.Touch , and then touch .2.Under WIRELESS & NETWORKS, touch Mobile Networks, and then touch Tethering andportable hotspot.3.To set up a portable Wi-Fi hotspot, touch Mobile Hotspot.4.To share your product's mobile data connection, touch USB tethering.USB tethering works with Windows 7, Vista, or Linux.Connect to a Miracast-compatible wireless display (select models only)To connect to a Miracast-compatible wireless display:1.Touch , and then touch .2.Under WIRELESS & NETWORKS, touch Miracast, and then touch Miracast wireless display.3.Follow the on-screen instructions.8Chapter 5 Connecting to networksConnect to a Windows computer (select models only)1.Connect the micro USB cable to your tablet and to a Windows computer.The USB storage appears as a drive on the computer. You can copy files back and forth as youwould with any other external device.2.When you are finished, disconnect the USB cable.Connect to a Windows computer (select models only)96Using SettingsUse Settings for connecting to networks, setting preferences, and finding information about yourtablet.●Touch , and then touch .– or –●Swipe down from the top, and then touch .WIRELESS & NETWORKS●Wi-Fi—Enable or disable Wi-Fi, and connect to a wireless network so that you check email,search the Web, or access social media websites.●Bluetooth—Enable or disable Bluetooth, and pair a Bluetooth device, such as a headset orkeyboard, with your tablet.●Data usage—View a graph of the data used during the selected period. The data usage by eachinstalled app is also displayed.●More...—Enable or disable Airplane mode or VPN.DEVICE●Sound—Select Volumes, Default notification, and enable or disable Touch sounds andScreen lock sound.●Display—Select Brightness, Wallpaper, Sleep, and Font size.●Storage—View available space in tablet memory and SD™ card memory (if installed).●Battery—View battery charge percentage and battery usage by various features.●Apps—View downloaded apps and running apps. To view information or uninstall an app, touchthe app.PERSONAL●Location access—Enable or disable Access to my location and Wi-Fi network location.●Security—Set preferences for SCREEN SECURITY, PASSWORDS, DEVICEADMINISTRATION, and CREDENTIAL STORAGE.●Language & input—Set preferences for Language, KEYBOARD & INPUT METHODS,SPEECH, and MOUSE/TRACKPAD.●Backup & reset—Set preferences for BACKUP & RESTORE, and PERSONAL DATA.10Chapter 6 Using SettingsACCOUNTSExisting accounts are displayed.●Add an email account or another type of account—Under ACCOUNTS, touch + Addaccount, and then follow the on-screen instructions.●Sync an account—Under ACCOUNTS, touch the name of the account. Touch the name of theaccount again, touch in the upper-right corner of the screen, and then touch Sync now.●Remove an account—Under ACCOUNTS, touch the name of the account. Touch the name ofthe account again, touch in the upper-right corner of the screen, and then touch Removeaccount.SYSTEM●Date & time—Enable or disable Automatic date & time, and select preferences for time zone,time format, and date format.●Accessibility—Enable or disable TalkBack, Large text, Auto-rotate screen, Speakpasswords, Text-to-speech output, Touch & hold delay, and Enhance web accessibility.●Developer options—Enable or disable various Developer options.●About tablet—Display the software version and legal information for your tablet.You can also check for software updates.ACCOUNTS117Securing your tabletTo prevent others from accessing the data on your tablet, select a screen lock method.Set a screen lock1.Touch , and then touch .2.Under PERSONAL, touch Security, and then under SCREEN SECURITY, touch Screen lock.3.Under Choose screen lock, select one of the following types of screen locks, and then followthe on-screen instructions.●Slide—Unlock the screen by swiping to the right.●Face Unlock (select models only)—Unlock the screen by looking at the screen.●Pattern—Draw a simple pattern to unlock the screen.●Pin—Enter four or more numbers to unlock the screen.●Password—Enter four or more letters or numbers. This option provides the mostprotection, if a strong password is selected.12Chapter 7 Securing your tablet8Backing up and recovering your dataUpdating apps, widgets, and the operating system HP recommends that you update your apps, widgets, and the operating system on a regular basis tothe latest versions. Updates can resolve issues and bring new features and options to your tablet.Technology is always changing, and updating apps, widgets, and the operating system allows yourtablet to run the latest technology available. For example, older apps and widgets might not work wellwith the most recent operating system.Go to the Google Play store to download the latest versions of HP and third-party apps and widgets.The operating system will download system updates automatically and notify you when it is ready toinstall these updates. If you want to update the operating system manually, go to /support.Back up and resetYou can set preferences for backing up and restoring your data in case of loss.1.Touch , and then touch .2.Under PERSONAL, touch Back up & reset.3.Under BACKUP & RESTORE, select one or more of the following:●Back up my data—Select the check box to enable backing up app data, Wi-Fi passwords,and other settings to Google servers.●Backup account—Select a Google account for backing up data.●Automatic restore—Select the check box to enable backed up settings and data to berestored when an app is reinstalled.Factory data resetTo reset all settings and delete all data on the device:1.Touch , and then touch .2.Under PERSONAL, touch Back up & reset.3.Under PERSONAL DATA, select Factory data reset, and then follow the on-screeninstructions.Updating apps, widgets, and the operating system139More HP resourcesTo locate product details, how-to information, and more, use this table.Resource ContentsHP supportFor U.S. support, go to /go/ contactHP.For worldwide support, go to / country/us/en/.html.●Online chat with an HP technician.●Email support.●Find telephone numbers.●Locate HP service center locations.GoogleFor Google support, go to /mobile/android.●Access Google online help and support.Quick StartThe Quick Start document is located in the documentfolder of the tablet box.●Important regulatory notices.Product NoticesThe Product Notices document is located in thedocument folder of the tablet box.●Important regulatory notices.Limited WarrantyThe warranty is located in the document folder of thetablet box. You can also go to /go/orderdocuments.●Warranty information about this tablet. 14Chapter 9 More HP resourcesIndexAaccounts10all apps icon2apps3Bback icon2backup and recovery13 battery10Beats Audio10 Bluetooth7, 10Ccalendar3camera5clock3computer7Ddate & time10display10download3FFace Unlock12factory data reset13GGmail3Hhome icon2Iicons2Llanguage10Nnetwork7Ppassword12photos5PIN12printing5Product Notices14QQuick Start14Rrecent apps icon2Sscreen lock12screenshot5search icon2settings10sound10storage10Vvoice search icon2Wwarranty14wi-fi7, 10widgets3Windows7Index15。
Rifton K710产品说明书
Support Station K710 Product ManualK710 Product Manual2© 2018 Rifton EquipmentContentsImportant information 2Safety messages 3Recommended use 4Item dimensions 5Check your order 6Installation 6Basic components7Accessories 8Operation 9Maintenance, cleaning and warranty 10Materials and user modifi cations11IMPORTANTPlease save this product manual for future reference. Additional copies areavailable at• Thoroughly read and understand the information in this product manual beforeattempting to use this product. If the procedures and instructions in this product manualare not followed, serious injury or death could occur.• A qualifi ed professional must assess the appropriateness and safety of all equipment foreach user.• This product is intended for use by clients of unreliable judgment. Adult supervision isrequired at all times.• To prevent falls and injuries:○Ensure the appropriate use of straps and supports at all times. Straps and supportsare provided for the safety of the user and must be carefully adjusted for comfort andsecurity.○Tighten all adjustment knobs before use and immediately after making anyadjustments.○Do not adjust the height of the trunk board while in use.○Do not use this product for clients outside the height and weight limits specifi ed inthis manual.○Do not use the pivot feature when the client is unable to move his or her feet.○Only use the pivot feature when the trunk board is horizontal.• To prevent structural failure, which may result in serious injury or death:○Inspect this product and accessories regularly for loose or missing screws, metalfatigue, cracks, broken welds, missing attachments, general instability or other signsof excessive wear.○Immediately remove this product from use when any condition develops that mightmake operation unsafe.○Do not use Rifton components or products for any purpose other than their intendeduse.34Figure 4a: The fi xed confi guration canbe used as a stand-alone unit with the kneeboard and padded trunk board. It enables a client to assist in sit-to-stand for clothing adjustment and hygiene care. The client may remain in the assisted upright position for a diaper change orkneeboard, the trunk board cannot pivot.Figure 4b: The pivot confi guration canbe used as a transfer aid to a stationary toilet. Without the kneeboard, the padded trunk board can pivot 180º. Installed near a standard toilet, a client can use the Support Station to assist in sit-to-stand from a wheelchair and rest their torso on the padded trunk board. Then, whilea position close to the toilet.Recommended useThe Rifton Support Station is a Class 1 medical device. It provides front-leaning support during toileting and hygiene care for children and adults with disabilities. When not in use, it folds neatly against the wall.Figure 4b5User and item dimensionsBasic dimensions: in use, and folded up with kneeboard.Height46-80 (117-203)Important: U ser height and weight must not exceed the maximum.Trunk board size24x24 (61x61)Maximum trunk board height 45 (114)Minimum trunk board height 26 (66)Max. working load lbs (kg)250 (113)Suggested layout for installation when used with pivot design.6Check your orderThe Rifton Support Station comes fully assembled. Do not dispose of packaging materials until you are completely satisfi ed that the product is installed properly and working.If your shipment is incomplete or in any way damaged on arrival, please call Customer Service,InstallationTo prevent falls and serious injury:• Make sure the bottom ends of thevertical extrusions rest weight-bearing on the fl oor.• A qualifi ed professional, such as a building contractor or maintenance person, must securely install thisproduct to the wall using the following procedure:1. Figure 6a: Remove one end cap from each horizontal crosspiece of the frame with a fl at-head screwdriver. Slide out the cover strips to access the bolt holes. Fasteners are not included. Use fasteners to suit the wall construction. Installation must be adequate to support a 250 lb.(113 kg) user.2. Fasten product securely to the wall with a minimum of two fasteners per horizontal crosspiece.3. Replace the cover strips and end caps.4. Frame must be level and perpendicular to the fl oor so that the height adjusters move and latch smoothly.5. If height adjusters do not operatesatisfactorily, contact Customer Service.Figure 6aTo prevent falls orinjury, do not adjust the height or angle of the trunk board with a client on it.The Rifton Support Station is equipped with two adjustment bars:• Figure 7a: The lower adjustment bar sets the height of the trunk board (A).• Figure 7a: The upper adjustment bar sets the angle of the trunk board (B).• Figure 7b: The adjustment bars canbe worked from either side. Grasp the handle (C) from one side only, lift the handle, and squeeze the trigger (D) while using your other hand to lift on the front edge of the trunk board as shown in fi gure 7a. The built-in safety stop will prevent you from squeezing the triggerwhile the trunk board is bearing weight.• Move the adjustment bar to the desired position and release the trigger, allowing the trigger to engage into the nearest position.• Figure 7b: The height of the trunk board from the fl oor is indicated on the inside of the frame (E), referenced from the top edge of the lower adjustment bar.• The trunk board may be folded against the wall while not in use. To do this, set the lower adjustment bar to less than 37", then raise the upper adjustment bar to its maximum. If the kneeboard is not attached, make sure the pivot latch is rotated to center before collapsing the trunk board.Figure 7aABFigure 7bCDEBasic item78Figure 8aFigure 8bPivot Confi gurationFigure 8a: The trunk board can rotate tofacilitate transfers to a stationary toilet. This feature does not function with the kneeboard attached. The trunk board must be horizontal before using the pivoting feature.Figure 8a: The rotation of the trunk boardcan be set in 15˚ increments using the pivot latch. Press down on the pivot latch handle (A) fi rmly while rotating the trunk board. Release the latch and allow it to engage into the nearest position. The trunk board can be rotated 180 degrees.Removal of kneeboardFigure 8b: To remove the kneeboard,pull out the four quick-release pins (B) underneath the trunk board. To install the kneeboard, line up the braces and insert the pins.AccessoriesHandholdsFigure 8c: The handholds can be securedin the slots of the trunk board for users who require a vertical hold. To attach the handhold, remove the nut from the bottom and assemble it again through the slot in the trunk board.Support strapTo avoid falls or injury, adult supervision isrequired at all times. The support strap is not a substitute for close caregiver supervision.Figures 8d and 8c: The support strap (C)can be secured around the user’s trunk to help maintain position on the trunk board. To attach the strap on the trunk board, fasten the short straps (D) around the edge of the trunk board and through the hand slot.BFigure 8cFigure 8dFigure 8eCD9Figure 9a. The user approaching the trunk boardand reaching out for the handholds.Figure 9b. The user in the raised position.Operation• Adjust the trunk board to theappropriate height and angle for the user. The recommended height is just below the hips of the user.• Figure 9a: Wheel the client to the Support Station facing the padded concave trunk board.• With the handholds or slots the user can assist, pulling up or forward, or can be helped up onto the trunk board to support the upper body.• Secure the support strap if needed (see Page 8).• The cutouts on the sides of the trunk board may be used for additional support for the elbows.• While the user is positioned securely on the trunk board, the caregiver can complete necessary care and clothing adjustments.Fixed confi gurationFigure 9b: When the user is securelypositioned with the upper body supported by the trunk board, the wheelchair can be removed and replaced by a portable toilet.Pivot confi gurationSecurely position client on the trunk board. Pivot the user and trunk board to enable access to the fi xed toilet. The client must have enough leg control to move their feet during pivot.MaintenanceThis product is designed and tested for an expected life of 5 years when used andmaintained in accordance with this manual. At all times, users must ensure that theproduct remains in a safe and useable condition, including regular maintenance andinspections as specifi ed in the manual.To prevent structural failure, which may result in serious injury or death:• Inspect this product and accessories regularly for loose or missing screws, metalfatigue, cracks, broken welds, missing attachments, general instability or other signs ofexcessive wear.• Immediately remove this product from use when any condition develops that mightmake operation unsafe.• Do not use Rifton components or products for any purpose other than their intendeduse.• Replace or repair components or products that are damaged or appear to be unstable.• Use only Rifton authorized replacement parts. Order information for replacement partsis provided on the back of this product manual.CleaningAs needed, clean with disinfectant wipes or a solution of up to 10% bleach. Do not useexcessive amounts of water. Do not use pine oil cleaners.Warranty StatementIf a Rifton product breaks or fails in service during the fi rst year, we will replace itfree of charge.10Materials• Steel hardware items (nuts, bolts, screws, etc) are typically zinc or nickel plated, orstainless steel.• Upholstery items (pads, support blocks, padded prompts, etc) are typically polyurethanefoam with a fi re-retardant cover made from expanded vinyl.• Frames are typically steel or aluminum tubing, welded together, and coated with abaked-on paint fi nish. Some frame components may also be stainless steel.• Straps are typically made of polypropylene or nylon webbing.• Plastic components are typically injection molded from a variety of industrial resins.All materials are latex, lead and phthalates free.User modifi cationsproducts or components, or use Rifton products or componentsin conjunction with products from other manufacturers. Rifton does not acceptresponsibility for any modifi cations or alterations made to our components or productsafter they leave our premises. Customers modifying or altering our components orproducts, or using them in conjunction with products from other manufacturers, do soat their own risk.11。
型号 配置 IPC-B502 DU
. 1/1.9“ CMOS传感器,彩色低照可达0.02Lux; . 120dB光学宽动态,满足高反差场景监控 ★ . 支持强光抑制功能 ★ . 支持9:16走廊模式,有效监控距离增加一倍; . 支持3码流套餐,实时流,存储流和手机流★ . AC24V/DC12V/PoE三种供电方式; . 宽压保护,容忍电压波动±25%; . 网口6KV防浪涌设计;
经济型双灯筒 960P/1080P
红外定焦筒 960P/1080P
红外变焦筒 960P/1080P
红外高清球20X 960P/1080P
红外室外球30X 1080P
红外防暴半球 960P/1080P
红外海螺 960P/1080P
红外防暴半球 1080P
网 络 视 频 录 像 机
8盘位16/32路 网络视频录像机
型号 NVR-B100-E8 NVR-B100-E8
配置 16 32
双千兆网卡,支持双网络IP设定等应用; 支持8个SATA接口,单盘最大6TB,支持1个eSATA接口; 支持1个HDMI、1个VGA、1个CVBS同时输出; 支持12V电源输出,用于外设供电; 可接驳符合ONVIF标准及众多主流厂商的网络摄像机; 支持国标GB/T28181协议可接入公安平台; 支持按键键盘及飞梭控制; 支持4K高清网络视频的预览、存储与回放; 支持最大16路同步回放及多路同步倒放; 支持重要录像文件加锁保护功能; 支持支持智能录像查询及回放; 支持即时回放功能,在预览画面下对指定通道的当前录像进行回 放,并且不影响其他通道预览; 支持网络检测(网络流量监控、网络抓包、网络资源统计)功能。
同辉电子 THS-7100 系列 DTMB 高清数字机顶盒 技术参数 说明书
符合GB20600-2006《数字电视地面广播传输系统帧结构、信道编码和调制》和H.264《ISO/IEC 14496-10:2010》/AVS《信息技术先进音视频编码第二部分:视频》(GB/T 20090.2)编码标准,符合《数字视频广播中文业务信息规范JY/Z-174-2001》、《数字电视广播电子节目指南信息规范》等。
3、机顶盒通过了中国强制性产品认证即3C(China Compulsory Certification)认证及国家能效标示认证。
二、产品技术参数1、硬件平台技术参数1CPU处理器双CPU架构(MIPS24KE)处理器2主芯片M88CS8001(澜起)内嵌512Mbits/1Gbits DDR (H.265需用M88CS8051-T)3高频头调谐芯片ATBM8880+Si21414FLASH存储器8MB(64Mbits)5SDRAM128MB DDR2(即1Gb内存)6射频输入接口英制F型7视频输出接口1路CVBS复合信号,RCA接口8音频输出接口1组左、右声道(立体声),RCA接口,600欧姆不平衡9HDMI高清接口1路,支持HDMI 1.410USB接口1路USB 2.0接口11电源供电内置电源板220V/AC供电,(也可5V/2A或12V/1A)12显示面板3位LED数码管,1电源指示灯,1信号锁定灯,6按键2、主要技术指标1)、射频输入项目参数射频输入频率47-870MHz输入电阻75欧姆最小输入电平UHF≤25dBuV(模式7)VHF≤24dBuV(模式7)最大输入电平≥82dBuV物理频道带宽8MHz高斯C/N门限15.2dB(模式7)莱斯C/N门限16.1dB(模式7)瑞利C/N门限20.1dB(模式7)回波延时30uS23dB(模式7)频率捕捉范围±150kHz输入反射损耗≥8dB(在射频调谐器当前调谐频道进行测试)解调方式自适应16,32,64,256QAM(基本要求)符号率 3.6-6.952Mbaud(64QAM)2)、视频输出项目参数视频输出幅度683.4mVp-p视频同步幅度288.1mVp-p视频幅频特性-0.16dB(≤4.8MHZ以内)-0.34dB(4.8~5MHZ)-1.08dB(≥5.5MHz)视频信噪比(加权)66.3dB 微分增益 2.1%p-p微分相位 1.7度p-p亮度非线性 2.2%色度/亮度增益差0.1%色度/亮度时延差 5.8nsK系数 1.9% 3)、音频输出项目参数音频输出电平-0.8dB音频失真度0.13%音频幅频特性0.27dB 音频信噪比(无权重)76dB 音频左右声道串扰-77.5dB 音频左右声道相位差0.21度音频左右声道电平差0.1dB 4)、信号解码要求信道编码RS编码RS(204,188)卷积交织深度I=12升余弦平方根滤波滚降系数0.15视频解码器支持:-HEVC/H.265MP@level 4.0High tier(只有M88CS8051T支持)-MPEG-2MP@ML/HL−H.264BP(with no ASO/FMO),MP&HP@L3/L4.1−AVS Jizhun profile@L6.0/L4.0−AVS Broadcast profile@L6.0/L4.0−MPEG-4SP Profile,Advanced Simple Profile@Level5without GMC/Data Partitioning/Reversible VLC−VC1SP@ML,MP@HL,AP@L0~3−H.263baseline profile−JPEG decoder engine音频解码器支持:MPEG-1/2Layer I/II/IIIDolby AC3/AC3+(optional1)DRA2CH/5.1CH(optional1)支持单声道、双声道和立体声等解复用器16个硬件PID过滤器(至少)解扰器支持DVB通用解扰算法。
松下 数码相机 DC-GH5 DC-GH5L 使用说明书
亲爱的顾客, 我们很高兴能借此机会感谢您购买此款 Panasonic 数码相机。请仔细阅读本 使用说明书,并将其妥善保管以备日后参考。请注意,您的数码相机的实际 控件、元件、菜单项等看起来可能与本使用说明书的图例中所显示的略有不 同。
请严格遵守版权法。 • 若非个人使用,复制先期录制的磁带、磁盘、其他出版物或播放材料都侵犯版权 法。 即使是个人使用,也严禁复制某些特定的材料。
回放图像 ........................................ 70 回放动态影像................................. 70 切换回放方式................................. 71 回放组图像 ....................................72 删除图像 ........................................ 73
保护盖被牢牢地关闭。 – 如果本相机接触到水、沙子或其它任何异物,请尽快清洁,采取必要的预防措
施使异物不会进入到相机的内部。 – 决不要在相机内部或在相机的影像传感器附近触碰或者放置任何异物。 在温度介于 s10 oC 到 0 oC 之间寒冷环境中使用本相机时 : – 在使用前,请在建议的最低工作温度 s10 oC 下连接 Panasonic 可互换镜头。 如果沙子、灰尘或水滴等液体附着在监视器上,请用软的干布将其擦去。 – 否则,可能会导致监视器对触摸操作作出不正确反应。 – 如果在有液体等时关闭监视器,可能会导致故障。
在电视屏幕上回放图像 ................102 下载软件 ...................................... 102 监视器显示 / 取景器显示 .............105 信息显示 ...................................... 109 故障排除...................................... 110 规格 ............................................. 114 数码相机附件系统 .......................120 阅读使用说明书 (PDF 格式)....121
其中标清内容占总内容: 75% 高清内容占电影、电视剧总量:45%,40%
、奇艺、电影网达成战略合作,其中优朋自有内容量超过50万小时,上线运营片量达 10万小时,多样性内容片库,满足全家庭用户观看需求。
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谢 谢!
国内外电影6000多部总时长10000多小时。其中好莱坞精品影片2000多部,是目 前国内唯一和好莱坞五大制片方合作的精品好莱坞内容库。 热播电视剧600多部30000余集40000小时。包含200多部美剧100多部韩剧。 综艺热播栏目内容20多栏目5000小时。 少儿频道20000小时。独家与台湾MOMO亲子,东森幼幼合作,拥有独家授权。 体育类栏目15个4000小时。 动漫频道15000小时。 纪录片频道5000小时。
1、目前不能直接看直播和回放 (需通过第三方直播软件)。 2、能观看点播类视频。
电影网拥有6000余部正 版电影,超过90%为独家 版权,是互联网领域最大 的电影版权库
机型 XT710
方案 MST
XT780 XT880 XT890 XT900 XT910 K100 K160
K600 K610ຫໍສະໝຸດ MTK MTKK660
升级方法 将usb.bin和version.txt文件拷贝到U盘根目录,将电视切换到VGA状态,将U盘插入电视USB3电视自动提示,U盘内 的升级文件版本必须高于电视才能识别.强制升级连续按遥控器的菜单键。 将升级文件upgrade_loader.pkg拷贝到到U盘根目录,插到电视机上。重启机器,系统自动升级,升级结束后电 视机自动启动。注意,空片时不能采用U盘升级,需先使用串口写loader程序:主程序\loader\**_nandboot.bin 将usb.bin和version.txt和Mboot.bin放到将TargetHis文件夹内拷贝到U盘根目录,插到电视高频头旁边的USB接 口(其他端口无升级提示),电视会弹出升级提示,U盘内的升级文件版本必须高于电视才能识别.强制升级连 续按电视机的设置键 将usb.bin和version.txt和Mboot.bin放到将TargetHis文件夹内拷贝到U盘根目录,插到电视高频头旁边的USB接 口(其他端口无升级提示),电视会弹出升级提示,U盘内的升级文件版本必须高于电视才能识别.强制升级连 续按电视机的设置键 将usb.bin和version.txt和Mboot.bin放到将TargetHis文件夹内拷贝到U盘根目录,插到电视高频头旁边的USB接 口(其他端口无升级提示),电视会弹出升级提示,U盘内的升级文件版本必须高于电视才能识别.强制升级连 续按电视机的设置键 将usb.bin和version.txt和Mboot.bin放到将TargetHis文件夹内拷贝到U盘根目录,插到电视高频头旁边的USB接 口(其他端口无升级提示),电视会弹出升级提示,U盘内的升级文件版本必须高于电视才能识别.强制升级连 续按电视机的设置键 将升级文件upgrade_loader.pkg拷贝到到U盘根目录,插到电视机上。重启机器,系统自动升级,升级结束后电 视机自动启动。注意,空片时不能采用U盘升级,需先使用串口写loader 42寸一下的:要将LED39K100N0012.bin,放在U盘的根目录下;再操作工厂菜单中,Function\Software Update 选项。46寸以上的:将usb.bin和version.txt和Mboot.bin放到将TargetHis文件夹到USB根目录,插入USB,根据 升级提示选择,升级完毕自动重启。 将TargetHis文件夹到USB根目录,插入USB,根据升级提示选择,升级完毕自动重启。 强制升级:插入USB后交流关机,开机同时按几次遥控器MENU按键,开始升级。 升级数据与K160系列电视通用,升级方法通用 通过U盘升级时,需要将LED32K180D.bin,放在U盘的根目录下;再操作工厂菜单中,Function\Software Update选项。 将TargetHis文件夹到USB根目录,插入USB,根据升级提示选择,升级完毕自动重启。 强制升级:插入USB后交流关机,开机同时按几次遥控器MENU按键,开始升级。 X3D版本为MTK,升级方法为:将Hisense_5505文件夹放到U盘的根目录,插入电视的USB3接口,交流关机再开机 电视自动升级。K270D版本为MST方案,升级方法同K260系列。 将Hisense_5505文件夹放到U盘的根目录,插入电视的USB接口,交流关机再开机电视自动升级。 通过U盘升级时,需要将LED24K300.bin,放在U盘的根目录下;再操作工厂菜单中,Function\Software Update K310版本为MST方案,通过U盘升级时,需要将LED24K300.bin,放在U盘的根目录下;再操作工厂菜单中, Function\Software Update选项。 K310X3D版本为MTK方案升级方法:将U盘升级文件upgrade_loader.pkg拷 贝到到U盘根目录,插到电视机上。重启机器,系统自动升级,升级结束后电视机自动启动。注意:空片时不能 采用U盘升级,需先使用串口写loader程序:主程序\loader\**_nandboot.bin 将TargetHis文件夹到USB根目录,插入USB,根据升级提示选择,升级完毕自动重启。 强制升级:插入USB后交流关机,开机同时按几次遥控器MENU按键,开始升级。 K316系列为MTK方案升级方法:将U盘升级文件upgrade_loader.pkg拷贝到到U盘根目录,插到电视机上。重启机 器,系统自动升级,升级结束后电视机自动启动。K316X3D系列为MST方案,升级方法:将TargetHis文件夹到 USB根目录,插入USB,根据升级提示选择,升级完毕自动重启。 K326J3D为MTK方案,将U盘升级文件upgrade_loader.pkg拷贝到到U盘根目录,插到电视机上。重启机器,系统 自动升级,升级结束后电视机自动启动。K316X3D系列为MST方案,升级方法:将TargetHis文件夹到USB根目录, 插入USB,根据升级提示选择,升级完毕自动重启。K326X3D为MST方案:将TargetHis文件夹到USB根目录,插入 将Hisense_5505文件夹放到U盘的根目录,插入电视的USB接口,交流关机再开机电视自动升级。强制升级将文 件夹内的PKG文件名改为:upgrade 将升级文件K510_2D_2GFlash_2GDDR.pkg放到U盘K510_2D文件夹,插到电视机上。重启机器,系统自动升级,升 级结束后电视机自动启动。或将升级文件K510_3D文件夹拷贝到到U盘根目录,插到电视机上。重启机器,系统 将TargetHis文件夹到USB根目录,插入USB,根据升级提示选择,升级完毕自动重启。 将TargetHis文件夹到USB根目录,插入USB,根据升级提示选择,升级完毕自动重启。 将TargetHis文件夹到USB根目录,插入USB,根据升级提示选择,升级完毕自动重启。
Solo 15 10 TV音响系统用户指南说明书
ད (Pb) ӌ (Hg) ᕇ (Cd) ʬᄆკ (CR(VI)) εʷᑌ߽ (PBB) εɚ߽⺀ (PBDE)
O: 表示此零件中所有同類物質包含的有毒或有害物質低於 SJ/T 11363-2006 中的限定要求。
ᙆѓ : • 為降低失火或電擊風險,請勿使本產品受雨淋或受潮。 • 本產品不得受液體淋濺或噴灑,不得將裝有液體的物體(如花瓶等)置於本產品上或 本產品附近。請勿讓液體濺入系統的任何部分,就像對待所有的電子產品一樣。液體 可能導致故障和/或火災。 • Solo 10 Ⴧછኜj ᙆѓj請勿吞咽電池,存在化學灼傷危險。 此產品提供的遙控器中包含一個紐扣式電池。如吞入紐扣式電池,會在兩小時內造成 嚴重體內灼傷,並可能導致死亡。不要讓兒童接觸新的和用過的電池。若電池倉沒有 關緊,請停止使用產品並且不要讓兒童接觸。如您認為電池可能已被吞入或被塞入體 內的任何部位,請立即就醫。如果更換或處理不當,紐扣式電池可能會爆炸或導致著 火或化學灼傷。請勿對其充電、拆解、加熱到 212°F (100°C) 以上或焚化。只能使用有關 機構認可的( UL 除外)CR2032 或 DL2032 3 伏鋰電池更換。請及時處理廢舊電池。 • Solo 15 Ⴧછኜj請勿拆解、打開或破碎電池組或蓄電池。切勿將電池或電池組暴露於 熱或火中。存放時避免陽光直射。請勿使電池短路。不要將電池隨意放在一個盒子或 抽屜中,它們在那裏可能彼此短路或被其他金屬物體短路。除非需要使用,否則不要 將電池從原始包裝中取出。請勿使電池受機械性衝擊。如果電池漏液,請避免讓液體 與皮膚或眼睛接觸。如果已經發生接觸,請用大量水沖洗接觸液體的部位,並聽取醫 生的建議。注意電池和設備上的加 (+) 和減 (-) 號以保證使用正確。請勿使用並非為產 品使用設計的任何電池組或電池。請勿讓兒童接觸電池。如果吞下電池,請立即求醫。 始終為設備購買正確的電池。保持電池清潔乾燥。請用清潔的乾布擦拭變髒的電池接 頭。只能在目標應用場合中使用電池。不使用設備時,儘量將電池取出。只能使用 AA (IEC LR06) 鹼性電池更換。 • 請勿將任何明火火源(如點燃的蠟燭)置於本裝置上或靠近本裝置。 • 絕對不能將裝置放在不平穩的表面上。設備可能會滑落,引起嚴重的人身傷亡。只要 採取一些簡單的預防措施,即可避免許多傷害,特別是對孩子的傷害。 - 請使用設備製造商建議的機櫃或支架。 - 僅使用可為設備提供安全支撐的傢俱。 - 確保設備沒有超出支撐傢俱的邊緣。 - 將設備置於高處的傢俱(比如,碗櫃或書架)上時,傢俱和設備都要固定到合適的 支撐物上。 - 設備與支撐傢俱之間不要夾置布料或其他材料。 - 告訴孩子爬到傢俱上碰觸設備或其控制項的危險性。 • 如果您覺得自己無法安全地固定電視或對此產品進行設定,請與專業安裝人員聯絡以 獲取幫助。 • 切勿讓兒童推、拉或爬上 A/V 顯示器。這可能導致傾翻,可能會造成人身傷亡。為了 加強安全性和穩定性,請確保使用合適的防傾裝置來固定顯示器。
海尔 MK-QTWIFI-10 产品说明书
海尔MK-QTWIFI-10产品说明书版本:20191101目录1、概述 (1)1.1产品简介 (1)1.2 引脚排列 (2)1.3 引脚定义 (2)2、电气参数 (3)2.1 工作条件 (3)2.2 I/O口参数 (3)2.3 功耗参数 (3)2.4工作环境 (3)3、射频参数 (4)3.1 射频基本功能 (4)3.2基本射频参数 (4)3.3工作信道 (4)3.4发送特性 (5)3.5接收灵敏度 (5)4、应用参考电路 (5)4.1 UART-COM接口及定义 (5)4.2推荐底板与模块连接方式及参考电路图 (6)5、天线信息 (7)5.1 天线类型 (7)5.2 PCB天线净空区 (7)6、生产信息 (8)6.1 尺寸规格 (8)6.1.1 机械尺寸图 (8)6.1.2 产品实物 (9)6.2 贴片 (10)6.2.1 回流焊温度控制曲线 (10)6.2.2 钢网及焊盘要求 (10)6.2.3 贴片EB组件见下图 (11)6.3运输 (11)6.4存储 (11)6.5包装方案 (12)6.6其他注意事项 (14)1、概述MK-QTWIFI-10模块硬件采用Realtek推出的低功耗、低成本、单芯片嵌入式WIFI模块,内置低成本、高性能ARM-CM4处理器,外围搭载1M Flash及40MHz晶振。
1.1产品简介下图是MK-QTWIFI-10的硬件框图,主要包括以下几部分:●ARM-CM4内核●WLAN MAC/BB/RF/ANT●Flash ●晶振●电源具体为:1、CPU(ARM-CM4)的最大工作频率为125MHz,内部ROM为512Kb,SRAM为200Kb,支持高速UART,以及多个GPIO接口等。
流量一定。 ③ 温度控制:将温度传感器的检测值作为反馈量,可控制
变频器的主电路采用最新一代 IGBT 功率模块,最高载波频 率为 16kHz,电动机基本无电磁噪声。
TVF7000 系列通用变频器使用说明书
使 用 条
适用环境 振动
件 储存方式
室内,海拔低于 1 千米,无尘、无腐蚀性气体和无日光直射 -10°C∽+40°C(裸机为-10°C∽+50°C), 20%∽90%RH(无凝露) 小于 0.5g -25°C∽+65°C 壁挂式,落地电控柜式
15kW 以内为 IP20,18.5kW 以上为 IP10
R S T PB U V 图 1-2 控制回路端子和主回路端子配置 W
1.2.2 本机键盘的各部分名称
本机键盘各部分名称及其功能如图 1-3 和表 1-3 所示。
1.2.2 本机键盘的各部分名称
本机键盘各部分名称及其功能如图 1-3 和表 1-3 所示。
TVF7000 系列通用变频器使用说明书
LED 监视器 键盘电位器
单位指示灯 状态指示灯
图 1-3 本机键盘各部分名称
1.2.3 远控键盘的各部分名称
远控键盘各部分名称如图 1-4 所示。远控键盘的功能与本机键盘 的功能相同。
LED 监视器 液晶显示器
状态指示灯 单位指示灯
图 1-4 远控键盘各部分名称
TVF7000 系列通用变频器使用说明书
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