









图1在图1中,方框1Create new OWL ontology:新建OWL本体;Open OWL ontology:打开一个OWl本体;Open OWL ontology from URI:通过通用资源标识符(URI)打开一个OWL本体;Open from the TONES repository:从TONES库打开OWL本体。

方框2Open recent:最近打开的OWL本体路径。

More actions:更多功能。


2、新建OWL本体文件介绍图2在图2中,方框1Ontology IRI:默认的IRI路径(不可随意更改,必须符合RDF文件规则)。

方框2Default base:默认URI路径信息。

图3图3为URI默认设置,方框1Default base URI:默认的URI路径。



Protege4.0使用说明1 准备知识OWL-Lit e它是OWL中句法最简单的一种子语言。




是基于描述逻辑的(Description Logics),所以以DL后缀。











注意:Protégé 4在编辑DL和Full的时候并没有什么明显区别,尺度把握在你自己心目中。

OWL本体的重要组成部分在早期的Protégé版本中,你们会发现这样的术语,Protégé frames Instances, Slots and Classes,3个重要的部分是:Instances、Slots、Classes,其实就对应OWL本体中的如下三个部分,它们是:- 1 -Indivi dual s个体。


可以理解成一个类的实例(instances of classes)。



目录第一章概述 (2)1.1产品简介 (2)1.2特点功能 (2)1.3应用场景 (2)第二章规格参数 (2)2.1极限参数 (2)2.2工作参数 (3)第三章机械尺寸与引脚定义 (4)第四章快速使用 (5)4.1快速使用指南 (5)4.2空中配置 (6)4.3数据传输 (8)4.2.1 SPP数据透传 (8)4.2.2 BLE数据透传 (9)4.4其他 (11)第五章功能说明 (11)5.1配置 (11)5.2MAC地址绑定 (11)5.3状态或事件打印 (11)5.4经典蓝牙配对 (11)5.5UUID说明 (12)5.6打包机制 (12)第六章 AT指令 (12)第七章硬件设计 (24)第八章常见问题 (25)9.1传输距离不理想 (25)9.2 模块易损坏 (25)9.3误码率太高 (25)第九章焊接作业指导 (26)9.1回流焊温度 (26)9.2回流焊曲线图 (26)第十章批量包装方式 (27)修订历史 (27)关于我们 (27)第一章概述1.1 产品简介E104-BT40模块是一款基于蓝牙4.2+3.0版本的串口转双模蓝牙从机模块,即低功耗蓝牙BLE与经典蓝牙SPP Profile,可在BLE与经典蓝牙之间自由切换,工作在2.4GHz频段。




1.2 特点功能●支持蓝牙Bluetooth Specification V4.2 +3.0协议;●支持AT指令配置;●支持BLE;●支持SPP 3.0;●GPIO输入/输出;●2路PWM输出●串口缓存249字节●有效通讯距离 30米以上●支持全球免许可ISM 2.4GHz频段;●支持1~2Mbps空中速率;●自带PCB板载天线,无需外接天线。

1.3 应用场景●蓝牙无线数据传输●无线抄表无线传感●智能家居、工业控制●工业遥控、遥测●智能楼宇、智能建筑●自动化数据采集●健康传感器●汽车检测设备●智能机器人第二章规格参数2.1 极限参数2.2 工作参数第三章机械尺寸与引脚定义①用户可配置输出IO默认输出低电平,设置后,下次上电后依然按照设置的参数输出电平;②PWM默认关闭,设置后,下次上电后依然按照设置的参数输出PWM;③MODE引脚切换模式仅在建立连接后有效第四章快速使用调试/测试推荐软件:●PC端串口工具-SSCOM.exe或者AccessPort●手机端ble调试APP BLE-nRF connect 经典蓝牙-蓝牙串口助手4.1快速使用指南●模块未连接时均为AT指令模式,建立连接时,模块进入透传模式,可通过拉低MODE引脚进入AT指令模式,拉高MODE引脚返回透传模式。



知识图谱学习与实践(5)——Protégé使⽤⼊门1 Protégé简介Protégé是⼀个本体建模⼯具软件,由斯坦福⼤学基于java语⾔开发的,属于开放源代码软件。













2 Protégé的安装直接运⾏Protege.exe即可。


3 软件主要⼯作tab打开软件后,可以看到⼯作区域是由很多tab组成。

Active ontology是显⽰当前的实体名称,以URI的形式显⽰,前⾯是后⾯跟着主机名(我的主机名称为dell),再后⾯是默认的根据时间命名实体。



Object properties,物体关系,可以理解为编辑实体外部的关系,也就是实体和实体之间的关系。



Impulse X4 系列便携式复合气体检测仪操作说明书!重要提示:!在首次使用仪器以前请认真阅读本手册,您将会掌握仪器正确的使用方法和了解仪器的功能,包括操作,维护,功能设置等容。


!如果在使用过程中,遇到的故障或问题在本手册中没有提到,请直接联系制造商Zellweger Analytics,或联系当地的代理商/服务商。


·如果需要使用存储卡,请选用Zellweger Analytics 提供的存储卡(订货号2566-0435),使用其它的存储卡有可能损坏仪器的本质安全结构。

















087-0047,版本 G/2020 年 1 ⽉PROTÉGÉ ZM便携式零维护单⼀⽓体检测仪⽤⼾指南警告:所有负责或将要负责使⽤、维护或维修本产品的人员必须仔细阅读本手册全部内容。


PROTÉGÉ ZM便携式零维护单⼀⽓体检测仪⽤⼾指南087-0047,版本 G087-0047,版本 G/2020 年 1 ⽉PROTÉGÉ ZM便携式零维护单⼀⽓体检测仪⽤⼾指南ii版权所有 © Teledyne Gas Measurement Instruments Ltd, 2020 年 1⽉相关产品⽂档⽂件名称⽂件编号⽤途Protégé ZM 系统指南087-0048有关 Protégé ZM 检测仪、测试站、适⽤软件和固件的安装、配置、操作、维护和故障排除信息。

087-0047,版本 G/2020 年 1 ⽉PROTÉGÉ ZM便携式零维护单⼀⽓体检测仪法律声明iii法律声明Teledyne 、Teledyne 徽标、Gas Measurement Instruments 、GMI 和 Protégé 均为Teledyne Gas Measurement Instruments Ltd (下称“本公司”)已注册和/或未注册商标。







《Victoria 4.2》中文图文使用说明教程

《Victoria 4.2》中文图文使用说明教程

《Victoria 4.2》中文图文使用说明教程Victoria, 下载, 硬盘坏道, 硬盘维修, smart中国硬盘基地网()原创禁止转载未完待续,最后编辑日期:07-1-8介绍:一款具备硬盘表面检测/硬盘坏道修复/SMART信息察看保存/Cache缓存控制等多功能的工具;工具支持众多型号硬盘解密;支持全系列检测和修复;程序版本:4.2(当前最新测试版)运行平台:windows系列平台版本说明:在4.x版本以前的3.x都是用于DOS平台,并且改进了PRO接口和众多以前在DOS版本无法处理的功能,支持IDE/SATA硬盘,在硬盘密码操作方面;可以备份BIN文件获得察看和修改;支持最新标准ATA-8协议;可以对处理速度做出对比;那么我们首先了解这个程序吧 ^_^下载:网友已经提供中文版下载:Victoria 4.2下载地址/viewthread.php?tid=16378下边两个英文版地址由于升级失效,暂时还未纠正;Victoria 4.2下载地址/2008/0123/down_663.html图一:Victoria 4.1程序文件程序中文使用说明:打开程序后显示图一窗口:图二:程序主界面注意: 进入程序后,首先查看状态指示灯DRSC与DRDY是否为蓝色状态;当出现BUSY或者IDNF/ABRT等状况,请重新启动硬盘,硬盘没有就绪则除电源控制等综合通用通能外;修复执行等命令无法进行;图三:Standard界面窗口Standard面板说明:1)红色标注框为主菜单选项按钮;2)蓝色部分为Standard设置窗口3)粉红色为Standard子设置窗口4)黄色部分为公用控制面板5)橘红色部分为硬盘状态指示灯信息面板Standard窗口关键按钮解释:图四:端口扫描/资源选择(红色框)PORT 端口Custom 自定义Primary 主盘Secondary 从盘图五:端口资源扫描结果显示(蓝色框,这里可以直接点击选择)PCI SCAN:扫描SATA/ATA端口;Host protected areaRHPA:取得原始LBA;HPA:设置新的LBA;Security manager:Lock:SET PASSWORD 设置密码Unlock:解锁Erase:清除Master:主控制密码High:高级密码User:用户密码Max:最大长度一:硬盘检测与坏道修复:进入程序如下图:上图中DRSC与DRDY指示灯可以看出,硬盘未准备就绪或者端口没有选择;Standard----port内选择端口;选择待修硬盘端口,选择后如下图显示;DRSC与DRDY指示灯准备就绪;port显示为我们待修硬盘端口;正确选择后,进入TESTS功能窗口;如下图:上图绿色部分设置测试方式;然后选择红色标注部分;测试将会开始;绿色部分设置名词,可以参考本站MHDD说明内术语;使用ERASE/REMAP/Defectoscop这几个功能使用后都可以起到修复缺陷的功Victoria 4.3硬盘检测软件的使用方法在网上都可以找到,但是都是抄来抄去。

SIGMA Photo Pro 4.2 说明书

SIGMA Photo Pro 4.2 说明书

S I G M A P h o t o P r o用户手册此为适马数码相机之专用软件4.2 版For Macintosh重要事项:在开始使用本软件前,请先阅读以下条文多谢阁下选购适马产品。



警告 !!如忽视此警告标志,在使用本产品时可能会导致严重受伤或危险结果。



而使用本产品内附之光盘放在音乐光盘SIGMA Photo Pro 用戶手冊i目录重要事项:在开始使用本软件前,请先阅读以下条文iSIGMA Photo Pro 用戶手冊ii目录从充电池转换至AC交流电 (SD9/SD10) (11)当软件在运行中连接相机 (SD9/SD10) (11)3.2软件启动11开启和关闭SIGMA Photo Pro (11)使用和取消自动执行模式 (11)SIGMA Photo Pro 用戶手冊iii目录图像标记和解除标记 (20)图像锁定和解除锁定 (20)5.7在主窗口及检视窗口内,将图像删除21图像删除 (21)SIGMA Photo Pro 用戶手冊iv目录储存未被存储的实时设定 (27)当图像档案是JPEGs 或 TIFFs 格式。

(28)档案模式: 在非修改情况下预视图像。

(28)自动模式: 以自动修改模式检视图像 (28)自定模式: 以特别自定模式检视图像 (28)SIGMA Photo Pro 用戶手冊v目录8.3色彩修正37使用色彩之轮 (37)使用色彩之轮,以手动方式修改色彩 (38)使用色彩修正点滴器以修改颜色 (38)SIGMA Photo Pro 用戶手冊vi目录圖像副本 (47)资料打印 (47)页首 / 页尾打印 (47)10.2在主窗口展示幻灯片48幻灯片展示的显示格式 (48)SIGMA Photo Pro 用戶手冊vii1用戶手册简介在此章节中,你会学到…•Sigma Photo Pro 的主要特性。



4.7 OWL Object Property Characteristics(特征)
• OWL允许通过使用property characteristics来 增强properties的含义(内涵)。
(1)Functional Properties
• If a property is functional, for a given individual, there can be at most one individual that is related to the individual via the property.. 也就是说,Properties是单值 的。例如::hasBirthMother ,这个就是 functional的,因为一个人他只能有一个生 母。
注:: a)If a property is transitive then its inverse property should also be transitive.(祖先那个 例子) b) if a property is transitive then it cannot be functional.






∙l ite是清淡的意思OWL-DL∙O WL-DL较之OWL-Lite,它的表达能力加强了。

是基于描述逻辑的(Description Logics),所以以DL后缀。





OWL-Full∙O WL-Full是最具有表达能力的子语言了。






∙注意:Protégé 4在编辑DL和Full的时候并没有什么明显区别,尺度把握在你自己心目中。

OWL本体的重要组成部分在早期的Protégé版本中,你们会发现这样的术语,Protégé frames Instances, Slots and Classes,3个重要的部分是:Instances、Slots、Classes,其实就对应OWL本体中的如下三个部分,它们是:Individuals个体。


可以理解成一个类的实例(instances of classes)。



Beagle 4.1Brian L. Browning Department of Medicine Division of Medical Genetics University of WashingtonJanuary 21, 2017ContentsContents (i)1Introduction (1)1.1Citing Beagle (1)1.2Variant Call Format (1)2Command line arguments (2)2.1Arguments for specifying data (2)2.2Other arguments (3)2.3Identity by descent detection arguments (4)3Output files (5)1IntroductionBeagle version 4.1 has two major improvements: a more accurate haplotype phasing algorithm, and a very fast and accurate genotype imputation algorithm. Beagle version 4.1 also implements the Refined IBD algorithm for detecting homozygosity-by-descent (HBD) and identity-by-descent (IBD) segments. Version 4.1 does not model parent-offpspring relationships (this will be added later), but version 4.0 is available if you need this capability.Beagle 4.1 requires a version 1.8 (or later) Java interpreter. Java will print an "Unsupported Class Version" error, if you use an earlier version of Java to run Beagle. Enter “java –version” at the unix command line prompt to check if a java interpreter is installed on your system. The most recent Java interpreter can be downloaded from .The Beagle software program is freely available and can be downloaded from the Beagle web site:/browning/beagle/beagle.html1.1Citing BeagleIf you use Beagle and publish your analysis, please report the program version and cite the appropriate article:The citation for Beagle’s phasing algorithm is:S R Browning and B L Browning (2007). Rapid and accurate haplotype phasingand missing data inference for whole genome association studies by use oflocalized haplotype clustering. Am J Hum Genet 81:1084-97.doi:10.1086/521987The citation for Beagle’s imputation algorithm is:S R Browning and B L Browning (2016). Genotype imputation with millions ofreference samples. Am J Hum Genet 98:116-126. doi:10.1086/j.ajhg.2015.11.020The citation for Beagle’s IBD detection algorithm is:B L Browning and S R Browning (2013). Improving the accuracy and efficiencyof identity by descent detection in population data. Genetics 194(2):459-71.doi:10.1534/genetics.113.1500291.2Variant Call FormatBeagle uses Variant Call Format (VCF) 4.2 for input and output file. VCF files can be manipulated and analysed with VCFtools, PLINK/SEQ, and the Beagle Utilities.Beagle assumes that any input VCF file that has a name ending in “.gz” is compressed with gzip or bgzip, and that any reference VCF file that has a name ending in “bref” is compressed with the bref program. Output VCF, IBD, and HBD files are compressed with bgzip and can be uncompressed with the unix gunzip program.X chromosome: version 4.1 requires male non-pseudoautosomal X-chromosome genotypes to be coded as homozygous diploid genotypes.2Command line argumentsTo run Beagle version 4.1, enter the following command at the computer prompt:java –Xss5m –Xmx[GB]g –jar beagle.version.jar argumentswhere [GB] is the maximum permitted size of the memory pool in gigabytes (e.g. –Xmx8g), version is the Beagle version code (eg. “01Oct15.6a3”), and arguments is a space separated list of arguments. Each argument has the format parameter=value. There is no white-space between the parameter, equal sign, and parameter value. The java –Xss5m option sets the default stack size to 5 Mb. The –Xss option can be omitted unless you encounter a stack overflow error for your data set.There are only two required command line arguments: a gt,gl or gtgl argument to specify the input file and type of input data, and an out argument to specify the output file prefix. If you are imputing ungenotyped markers, the map parameter is recommended.Use the gl or gtgl argument if you want to estimate posterior genotype probabilities. The input data can be genotype likelihood data (gl) or a combination of genotype likelihood and genotype data (gtgl). The estimated genotypes in the output VCF file will be unphased. You can phase the genotypes in the output VCF file by running Beagle again and setting the gt argument equal to the output VCF file.A reference panel can be specified with the ref parameter. All genotypes in the reference panel must be non-missing and phased. Corresponding markers in the reference and target VCF files must have identical CHROM, POS, REF, and ALT fields. Before using a reference panel, you may need to run the conform-gt program to adjust the genomic position, allele order and chromosome strand of the markers in your data to match the reference panel.Markers that are in the reference panel but not in the target data will be imputed when the gt argument is used. If you do not wish to impute ungenotyped markers in the target data, use the impute=false argument.For IBD segment detection, use the gt argument with the ibd=true and impute=false options. For best results, you may need to use the ibdtrim argument.2.1Arguments for specifying datagt=[file] specifies a VCF file containing a GT (genotype) format field for each marker. Ifa genotype contains the phased allele separator, ‘|’, then Beagle will preserve the phase ofthe genotype during the analysis. If you use the gt argument, all genotypes in the output file will be phased and[file] specifies a VCF file containing a GL or PL (genotype likelihood) format field for each marker. Any data in the GT format field will be ignored. If both GL and PL format fields are present for a marker, the GL format will be used.gtgl=[file] specifies a VCF file containing a GT, GL or PL format field for each marker. Ifa genotype is non-missing, Beagle will ignore the genotype likelihood. If both GL and PLformat fields are present for a marker, the GL field will be used.ref=[file]specifies a VCF file containing phased reference genotypes. See the impute parameter.out=[prefix]specifies the output filename prefix. The prefix may be an absolute or relative filename, but it cannot be a directory name.excludesamples=[file] specifies a file containing non-reference samples (one sample per line) to be excluded from the analysis and output files.excludemarkers=[file] specifies a file containing markers (one marker per line) to be excluded from the analysis and the output files. An excluded marker identifier can either be an identifier from the VCF record’s ID field or a genomic coordinate in the format:[file] specifies a PLINK format genetic map on the cM scale. HapMap GrCh36 and GrCh37 genetic maps in PLINK format are available for download from the Beagle website. Use of a genetic map is recommended if you are imputing ungenotyped markers.If no genetic map is specified, Beagle will assume a constant recombination rate of 1 cM / Mb.chrom=[chrom:start-end]specifies a chromosome or chromosome interval using a chromosome identifier in the VCF file and the starting and ending positions of the interval. The entire chromosome, the beginning of the chromosome, and the end of a chromosome can be specified by chrom=[chrom], chrom=[chrom:-end], and chrom=[chrom:start-]respectively.maxlr=[number ≥1] specifies the maximum likelihood ratio (default: maxlr=5000) at a genotype. If MM is the maximum of the likelihoods of each possible genotype, any⁄) is set to 0.0 to improve computational efficiency.likelihood that is less than (MM maxlr2.2Other argumentsnthreads=[positive integer] specifies the number of threads of execution. If no nthreads parameter is specified, the nthreads parameter will be set equal to the number of CPU cores on the host machine.lowmem=[true/false]specifies whether a memory efficient algorithm should be used.The memory efficient algorithm increases run-time by a factor less than 2.0 (default: lowmem=false).window=[positive integer]specifies the number of markers to include in each sliding window (default: window=50000). The window parameter must be at least twice as large as the overlap parameter. The window parameter controls the amount of memory used in the analysis. For human data, I recommend that the window parameter be greater than or equal to the typical number of markers in 5 cM.overlap=[positive integer]specifies the number of markers of overlap between sliding windows (default: overlap=3000). For human data, I recommend that the overlap be set to the typical number of markers in 0.5 cM (when ibd=false) or two times the ibdcm parameter (when ibd=true).niterations=[nonnegative integer] specifies the number of phasing iterations (default: niterations=5). The phasing iterations are preceded by 10 burn-in iterations which carry out the Beagle version 4.0 phasing algorithm. If you want to phase your data with the Beagle 4.0 phasing algorithm, use niterations=0. Accuracy and compute time increase with the number of iterations.impute=[true/false] specifies whether markers that are present in the reference panel but absent in your data will be imputed (default: impute=true). This option has no effect if the ref and gt arguments are not used.cluster=[non-negative number]specifies the maximum cM distance between individual markers that are combined into an aggregate marker when imputing ungenotyped markers (default: cluster=0.005).gprobs=[true/false]specifies whether a GP (genotype probability) format field will be included in the output VCF file when imputing ungenotyped markers (default: gprobs=false). By default, a GP fields is not printed because a DS (alternate allele dose) format field is always printed when imputing ungenotyped[integer] specifies the effective population size when imputing ungenotyped markers.The default value is suitable for a large outbred human population (default: ne=1000000).Smaller values in the hundreds or thousands for the ne parameter are suggested for inbred human and animal populations.err=[nonnegative number] specifies the allele miscall rate. The default value should give good results for most sequence and SNP array data (default: err=0.0001).seed=[integer] specifies the seed for the random number generator (default: seed=-99999).modelscale=[positive number] specifies the model scale parameter when sampling haplotypes for unrelated individuals (default:modelscale=0.8). Increasing the modelscale parameter will trade reduced phasing accuracy for reduced run-time. However, when estimating posterior probabilities from genotype likelihood data, increasing the modelscale parameter could improve both accuracy and run-time.2.3Identity by descent detection argumentsibd=[true/false] specifies whether IBD analysis will be performed when the gt argument is used (default: ibd=false).ibdlod=[non-negative integer] specifies the minimum LOD score for reported IBD (default:ibdlod=3.0).ibdcm=[positive number] specifies the minimum length in cM of shared haplotypes that are reported in the output IBD file (default: ibdcm=1.5). If a genetic map is not specified with the map argument, the cM position of a marker will be estimated by dividing the position coordinate by 1,000,000.ibdscale=[non-negative number] specifies the scale parameter used to build the haplotype frequency model for IBD analysis. If no ibdscale parameter is specified the scaleparameter for the IBD analysis will be set to max�2,�[sample size]/100�, which we have found to work well for outbred populations.ibdtrim=[non-negative integer] specifies the number of markers trimmed from the end ofa shared haplotype when testing for IBD (default: ibdtrim=40).Note: The default ibdtrim parameter is designed for European samples genotyped with a 1M SNP array (~ 1 marker per 3 kb). For human SNP array data, I suggest setting theibdtrim parameter to the typical number of markers in a 0.15 cM region. Pilot studies of randomly selected genomic regions can be used to fine-tune the values of the ibdtrim parameter.3Output filesAll output filenames begin with the output file prefix specified on the command line. Output filenames end with the suffixes: .log, .vcf.gz, .hbd.gz, and .ibd.gz.The log file gives a summary of the analysis that includes the Beagle version, the command line arguments, and the running time.The output VCF file contains information for all non-reference samples in the analysis. Estimated haplotypes are reported in the GT format field as phased genotypes. If ungenotyped markers are imputed, the INFO field will contain an “IMP” flag, the estimated squared correlation, and the estimated alternate allele frequencies in the target samples.An HBD file and an IBD file are produced when the ibd=true option is specified (see Section 2.3). Each line of an HBD/IBD output file has 8 fields and represents a detected HBD/IBD segment:1)First sample identifier2)First sample haplotype index (1 or 2)3)Second sample identifier4)Second sample haplotype index (1 or 2)5)Chromosome6) Starting genomic position (inclusive)7) Ending genomic position (inclusive)8) LOD score (larger values indicate greater evidence for IBD)。



protege4.2使用说明Protege4.2使用说明2013,01,28安装JDK1.6:下载资源进行安装,环境变量配置:变量名Java_home,变量值G:\Study\JDK1.6 安装protege_4.2_alpha:安装时软件会自动检测java虚拟机环境,将jdk安装路径G:\Study\JDK1.6下jre文件复制到G:\Study,即与JDK1.6文件夹同一级。

开始安装,选择安装路径,生成文件物理位置,continue 即可。

安装graphviz-2.26插件:下载资源进行安装,安装后生成bin,etc,include,lib,share五个文件夹,打开bin文件夹,找到dot.exe,打开protege4.2,点击菜单栏Reasoner—>Configure,点击OWL Viz项,在Dot Application Path 中输入G:\Study\graphviz2.26\bin\dot,G:\Study\graphviz2.26是安装目录。

OWL本体由Individual个体,Properties(Object Properties对象属性和Data Properties数据属性)属性或关联,Class类组成,三者分别和实例Instances,扩展连接点Slot,类Class相通信。

在protégé中最重要的就是Classes(类),Object Properties(对象属性或关联),Data Properties(数据属性),Individuals(个体)这四个栏目。

OWL Viz 类关系层次图,DL Query类查询或简单推理,OntoGraf本体关系图,这三个栏目辅助进行构建本体。

一Classes类它是个体的集合,如class fruit,它可以是个体apple,banana,orange等组成的集合。

SubclassOf,Equivalent,Disjoint是类的三大axiom公理,可以理解为类与类之间的关系:类与类之间存在父子关系,即superclass父类,subclass子类;Equivalent class相同类,主要用于推理;Disjoint classes 互不相交关系,即一个个体不能同时属于两个类。
























通过制作一个简单的动物本体,来使大家了解protege 建立owl的基础用法。

步骤1 建立新的项目。

打开protege,然后会出现对话框,点击Create New Project...,出现Create New Project对话框后,选择OWL Flies(.owl or .rdf)后,点击Finish,而不选Next。

步骤2 建立类。

protege的主页面中会出现,OWL Classes(OWL类),Properties(属性),Forms(表单),Individuals(个体),Metedata(元类)这几个标签。

我们选择OWL Classes 来编辑。

在Asserted Hierarchy(添加阶层)中,会有所有类的超类owl:Thing上点击Asserted Hierarchy旁边的Create subclass或者在OWL:Thing,点击右键选择Create subclass。


在右边的CLASS EDITOR(类编辑器)的Name选项中,输入Animal来替换自动定义的名字。


)步骤3 建立Animal的子类,在Animal点击上右键,选择Create subclass,并按照上述方法将其名字变为Herbivore(素食动物)。


状态如下图步骤5 因为动物和植物是不同的事物,也就是说它们互相具有排他性(owl:disjointWith),我们来定义这个关系。

在选中Animal的状态下,点击右下角的Disjoints的第三个按钮,在出现的Add sibling to disjoints(将互为兄弟节点的类设为排他)对话框中,选择Mutually between all siblings。

Micro Focus Rhythm 4.2 产品说明说明书

Micro Focus Rhythm 4.2 产品说明说明书

Micro FocusThe Lawn22-30 Old Bath RoadNewbury, Berkshire RG14 1QNUKCopyright © Micro Focus 2017. All rights reserved.MICRO FOCUS, the Micro Focus logo and MF are trademarks or registered trademarks ofMicro Focus IP Development Limited or its subsidiaries or affiliated companies in the UnitedStates, United Kingdom and other countries.All other marks are the property of their respective owners.2017-04-25iiContentsAbout Rhythm (4)What's New in Rhythm (5)4.2 (5)Web-Based T raining (5)User Capacity Planning (5)Quick Find (5)Search (5)Change Package Support (6)Accessing Stories in Native SCM Environments (6)Relationship Impact Management (6)T eam Room Cumulative Flow (7)T racking Cumulative Flow (7)T eam Room Burndown Chart (7)Sprint Activity Window (8)Decorators for Story Tabs (8)T eam Room Points By T ype (8)T eam Room Health Auto-Filters (8)Filter Sensitive T eam Room Charts (9)Copy T asks Preview Window (9)Project Quick Switch (9)4.1 (9)Attachments (9)Bulk Edit in Grids (9)Customizable Swimlanes (9)Discussions (10)Import/Export (10)Input Streams (10)Relationships (10)StarT eam Agile Replacement (10)T ags (10)Versions (10)4.0 (11)Rhythm (11)System Requirements (12)Databases (12)Integrations (14)Known Issues (15)Enhanced Security Bundle (ESC) Windows Server Editions (15)IIS Conflict with Default Port (15)Timeout on First Login (15)Updates and SupportLine (16)Contacting Micro Focus (16)Information Needed by Micro Focus SupportLine (16)Creating a Dump File (16)Contents | 3About RhythmRhythm is an agile project tracking tool designed to allow you to:•Organize, prioritize, and manage your Agile teams' backlogs.•Plan your sprints, task out the work, and then track progress throughout the sprint.•Get comprehensive visibility of all your Agile assets.In addition to the Online Help, Installation Guide, and Release Notes, for more information about Rhythm,refer to and the Micro Focus Community. The latest version of the Release Notes and alldocumentation can be found at SupportLine.4 | About RhythmWhat's New in Rhythm4.2The following are the latest features for Rhythm:Web-Based TrainingUse the following link to order the new, free Rhythm web-based training. Order it here!User Capacity PlanningThis release introduces user capacity planning:Individual User Capacity Each user can now customize their availability at both the Project level and the Sprint level. Y ou can see these values reflected for each user by using a Quick Filter for a user in the Team Room and also in the Task Owner field.Administrator Manages Availability Although individual users can modify their own availability (see above), each administrator can open the Edit Sprint window and use the Team Availability grid to change the availability for each user for the currentSprint and Project.Note: This applies to Private Projects only.Task Owner Assignment T o aid in deciding who is available to work on a certain Task, the Team Room and Story Editor now display all users availability when you attempt to assign a user to a Task that is in a Sprint.This indicates if a team member is over- or under-allocated for the Sprint.Quick FindWhen you are in the Breakdown and Backlog views of the Planning perspective, you can use the QuickFilter's text field to search for text in the current view. This capability is invaluable for quickly finding itemsin the Backlog:1.Place cursor in the Quick Filter's text field.2.T ype in the text to search for.3.Click Enter.This will behave exactly as if you opened the Filter dialog box and created a filter using Name Contains<Text> or ID Equals <Text> (the second part is only if the text is numeric).SearchRhythm now provides search capabilities for Stories. Using the search, users can easily scan all Storiesand their attributes, including the content of attached files. Used together with the Quick Find and Filtering,all data is quickly at your finger tips.What's New in Rhythm | 5Change Package SupportRhythm now provides visibility to change sets/packages and their contents directly from the Rhythm userinterface. When your native SCM environment is connected to the Atlas Hub, Rhythm includes changesets/packages in the relationship diagram and Story/Tasks lists. Understanding related files and impactsprovides users greater understanding of work context.These Stories display the Change Packages in the Team Room via the Impact column.Additionally, any Change Packages associated with a T ask are visible in the Story Editor.When viewing relationships in a Story, Change Packages display in the diagram and you can click them toopen the Change Packages Viewer.Accessing Stories in Native SCM EnvironmentsRhythm provides direct Story and T ask links to the StarT eam Cross-Platform Client when Atlas Hub fileactivity is detected. T ask links can be used to establish StarTeam Cross-Platform Client work context fordeveloper activity, for example, check-ins. Check-in's in task context automatically create related changespackages that are in turn visible in Rhythm. Just click the ID field in the Story Editor.Relationship Impact ManagementRhythm now provides more ways to understand related work and the impact of change. Using therelationship diagram, users view related items and can filter on item type, relationship type, or relationshipstatus. This aids in quickly understanding how data is related and how change propagates through relateditems.6 | What's New in RhythmTeam Room Cumulative FlowThe Team Room Cumulative Flow chart represents the amount of work in the Sprint in different states foreach day of the Sprint. The vertical axis represents the points in the Sprint. The horizontal axis representseach day of the sprint. It includes Points Not Started (light green), Points In Progress (green), PointsCompleted (dark green), and Points Accepted (blue). The height of the chart defines the scope. Ifsomething is added or the estimate is increased, then the whole chart gets taller. If something is removedor the estimate decreased, then the chart gets smaller. It provides the ability to see changes in scope in thesprint.Additionally, when a Quick Filter is applied, the chart adjusts to the items selected in the Filter.Tracking Cumulative FlowThe Tracking Cumulative Flow chart represents the amount of work in the Release in different states foreach Sprint of the Release. The vertical axis represents the points in the Sprint. The horizontal axisrepresents each Sprint of the Release. It includes Points Not Started (light green), Points In Progress (green), Points Completed (dark green), and Points Accepted (blue). The height of the chart defines thescope. If something is added or the estimate is increased, then the whole chart gets taller. If something isremoved or the estimate decreased, then the chart gets smaller. It provides the ability to see changes inscope in the Release.Team Room Burndown ChartThe Team Room Burndown chart now displays (1) Capacity (2) ideal Burndown (3) current Burndown and(4) Burnup. Additionally, when a Quick Filter is applied, the chart adjusts to the items selected in the Filter.What's New in Rhythm | 7Sprint Activity WindowThe Sprint Activity window is available in the Team Room and provides activity that occurs on all Tasks,Stories, Discussions for all users. Y ou can filter T asks by Date (From, To), Type, User and many more (seebelow). Y ou can use this information to:•Provide detailed support or explanation for data in the Team Room Charts (status changes, work record hours, etc).•Filter by Type to see what was Added/Created or Removed/Deleted and by whom. Y ou can also isolate Tasks by: Edited, Worked, Discussed, Carry Over, Blocked/Unblocked.•Use the data however you need to as the basis for your daily stand-ups or Sprint retrospective.From the top-right of the Team Room, click the Sprint Activity button: .Decorators for Story TabsIn the Story Editor, the tabs for Discussions, Attachments, Relationships, and Tagswill now show orange decorators when items exist.Team Room Points By TypeThe Team Room Points By Type chart is now clickable and will apply a filter with the items selected. Usethis bias chart to quickly understand the allocation distribution for Epic, Themes, Stories, Defects, and TechT odo's. Additionally, when a Quick Filter is applied, the chart adjusts to the items selected in the Filter.Team Room Health Auto-FiltersThe Team Room Health & Progress chart is now enabled with clickable auto filters. When warning labelsare clicked, for example 1 Story without Tasks, the full Team Room is automatically filtered toshow only those items matching the criteria. Locating health and progress issues has never been easier.8 | What's New in RhythmFilter Sensitive Team Room ChartsT eam room filtering has been updated to apply to not only the grids, but also to all visible charts and health.As selection filters are applied/removed, Team Room charts and health are updated to reflected the target data. The available filtered Team Room charts enable you to quickly identify trends and problem areas.Click the clear icon () to clear any filter.Copy Tasks Preview WindowThe new Import Task preview capability enables you to quickly identify which Story to copy Tasks from.It provides a one-click action to provide visibility to selected Story Tasks before electing to copy them. This lets you accurately copy predefined T asks from existing Stories and templates.Project Quick SwitchY ou can now use the Switch Project menu (available in all perspectives) to quickly change from thecurrent Project to any of your Favorite Projects.4.1The following are the latest features for Rhythm:AttachmentsStories allow you add file attachments, just like Atlas. Refer to the topic titled Using Attachments withStories in the online help.Bulk Edit in GridsY ou can now perform bulk edits on multiple rows for any visible column in grids.Customizable SwimlanesTask Status values are now customizable.For Administrators In Admin Tools, click the Task Status/Swimlanes tab to create new Status values and enable the ones you want the team to use.Users In grids and theStory Editor The Status control will contain the number of Status Valuesthat are defined. Just click the Value.What's New in Rhythm | 9In the Team Room When you select a Story in the Sprint Cards view, your tasks display in columns based on the Status Values. Simply drag-drop the T ask to change the Status.DiscussionsStories in Rhythm allow you to have Discussion T opics, similar to those in Atlas. Refer to the topic titledDiscussions in the online help.Import/ExportY ou can now import Stories into or export Stories out of a CSV file.Import Use your favorite CSV editing tool, such as Microsoft Excel, to create Stories and import directly into Rhythm.Export Export selected Stories out of Rhythm and use your tool of choice to consume the data.Input StreamsInput Streams () enable business and quality teams to work in seamless cadence with the Agiledevelopment team. Using Micro Focus Connect, Input Streams allow you to pull in external Requirementsand Defects into the Rhythm Breakdown view for you to review and discuss. If you then choose to Acceptthem, new Epics/Defects are created in Rhythm with clear traceability back to the original external asset.This link provides a mechanism for feedback to the original author.RelationshipsY ou can now create direct, traceable relationships from Story to Story. Further, you can view and track therelationship directly back to the Requirement or other related asset in Atlas and monitor and action anychanges. Refer to the topic titled Relationships in the online help.StarTeam Agile ReplacementStarT eam Agile customers should now use Rhythm as their agile tracking tool. If you plan to continue touse StarTeam Agile, you need to open the ALMConfiguration.xml file and change this value:<goToStarTeamAgile>TRUE</goToStarTeamAgile>. Additionally, refer to the installation guide tolearn about enabling the StarT eam Agile .WAR file.TagsY ou can now T ag Stories. This provides the ability to tag similar Stories with relevant labels to group andreview the items together. Refer to the topic titled Using Tags in the online help.VersionsStories now save versions for every time the Story is changed. Y ou can easily see how the Story changedby comparing the differences. Refer to the topic titled Viewing and Comparing Versions of a Story in theonline help.10 | What's New in Rhythm4.0RhythmRhythm is the new delivery-focused application within the Atlas Planning and Tracking Suite allowing agileteams to breakdown and manage work delivery in agile cadence. Some features include:•Enables definition and breakdown of program objectives into actionable stories.•Defines/manages sprints and team releases.•Collaborate and status with the Team Room's List and Card views.•Tracks progress against defined dates and payloads.What's New in Rhythm | 11System RequirementsRhythm has the following system requirements:ServerOperating Systems•Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit)•Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (64-bit).•Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP2 (64-bit).Hardware Minimum 64-bit quad core system with 16 GB RAM.ClientBrowsers•Internet Explorer 10+.•Mozilla Firefox, recent versions.•Google Chrome, recent versions.Note: Other products used with Rhythm, for example, Micro Focus Connect,have their own set of system requirements. Please refer to the Release Notesfor those products.Minimum 1680x1050 resolution.ScreenResolutionDatabasessupports both 32-bit and 64-bit databases. The following databases have been tested and are supported:•Microsoft SQL Server 2014•Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express•Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP1•Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express R2•Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express•Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2•Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP3•Oracle Database 12c version•Oracle Database 11g R2•PostgreSQL 9.3Important: Never modify database contents or vault files other than through the client or the ServerAdministration T ool. Direct database manipulation is unsupported.Database User and PasswordThe PostgreSQL database server installed by default with has two default users created:•Admin user = postgres•Superuser = Borland_LoginThe password for both is Borland_123.12 | System RequirementsWhen you use the default PostgreSQL database, you will be asked for a System Password. It is the sameas the Admin user password, Borland_123.System Requirements | 13IntegrationsThe following describes how Rhythm integrates with other products:Atlas Atlas and Rhythm are tightly integrated, even sharing Projects and Users.Y ou Push Requirements from Atlas into Rhythm as Epics, using one of the followingmethods:Individual Requirement From the Gear menu () of a Requirement, select Send to delivery Backlog.Full Plans In the Atlas Plan perspective, edit a plan and click Send todelivery Backlog.Micro Focus Connect This application allows you to synchronize your Requirements/Defects from third-party applications into the Atlas Hub. Then, you can create Input Streams to pick and choose which items to import as Stories. Some examples include Rally, Microsoft Team Foundation Server, JIRA, and VersionOne.The following diagram illustrates how Stories can be added to Rhythm: 14 | IntegrationsKnown IssuesThis section identifies known issues in Rhythm.Enhanced Security Bundle (ESC) Windows ServerEditionsIf Atlas does not show the login dialog after installation on Window Server 2008, 2012 or 2012 R2, theremay be an issue with ESC.Y ou can disable ESC using the Administrator tools. For more information, go to https:///en-us/library/cc775800%28v=ws.10%29.aspx.IIS Conflict with Default PortIf after installation, the Atlas Apache server fails to start, check if there is an IIS Server running. It may belistening on port 80. The installer prompts the user if IIS should be stopped as a service. If a user clicksNext without stopping the IIS service, the Apache server fails to start.Timeout on First LoginOccasionally after starting the server, Atlas times out on the very first login. Data caching on the firstaccess takes a long time and causes Atlas to time out. The timeout does not indicate a serious problem,and you are able to login subsequently without problems.Known Issues | 15Updates and SupportLineOur Web site gives up-to-date details of contact numbers and addresses.Contacting Micro FocusMicro Focus is committed to providing world-class technical support and consulting services. Micro Focusprovides worldwide support, delivering timely, reliable service to ensure every customer's businesssuccess.All customers who are under a maintenance and support contract, as well as prospective customers whoare evaluating products, are eligible for customer support. Our highly trained staff respond to your requestsas quickly and professionally as possible.Visit /assistedservices.asp to communicate directly with Micro FocusSupportLinetoresolveyourissues,*********************************.Visit Micro Focus SupportLine at for up-to-date support news and accessto other support information. First time users may be required to register to the site.Information Needed by Micro Focus SupportLineWhen contacting Micro Focus SupportLine, please include the following information if possible. The moreinformation you can give, the better Micro Focus SupportLine can help you.•The name and version number of all products that you think might be causing an issue.•Y our computer make and model.•System information such as operating system name and version, processors, and memory details.•Any detailed description of the issue, including steps to reproduce the issue.•Exact wording of any error messages involved.•Y our serial number.To find out these numbers, look in the subject line and body of your Electronic Product Delivery Noticeemail that you received from Micro Focus.Creating a Dump FileIf reporting a protection violation you might be asked to provide a dump ( .dmp) file. To produce a dump fileyou use the Unexpected Error dialog box that is displayed when a protection violation occurs. Unlessrequested by Micro Focus SupportLine, leave the dump setting as Normal (recommended), click Dump,then specify a location and name for the dump file. Once the dump file has been written you can email it toMicro Focus SupportLineY ou may also be asked to provide a log file created by the Consolidated Tracing Facility (CTF) - a tracinginfrastructure that enables you to quickly and easily produce diagnostic information detailing the operationof a number of Micro Focus software components.16 | Updates and SupportLineIndexAabout 4Ccontact information 16 Customer Care 16Ddatabase support 12 downloads 16Iintegrations 14Kknown issues 15Pproduct support 16Product Support 16Sserial number 16SupportLine 16WWebSync 16works order number 16Index | 17。

Program EQP-4调音器插件使用说明书

Program EQP-4调音器插件使用说明书

Program EQP-4均衡器使用详解2012-04-28 10:14:25| 分类:默认分类|字号大中小订阅提升声卡音质的foobar2000插件新蓝管Program EQP-4均衡器界面如下:通常这部分不常使用,如图:(尽量不要动它)常使用部分1:注意:1.让BOOST和ATTEN字母间的按钮状态如图所示,分别表示低切和高切,这样调出来的均衡曲线较为清晰。



















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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Protege4.2使用说明2013,01,28安装JDK1.6:下载资源进行安装,环境变量配置:变量名Java_home,变量值G:\Study\JDK1.6 安装protege_4.2_alpha:安装时软件会自动检测java虚拟机环境,将jdk安装路径G:\Study\JDK1.6下jre文件复制到G:\Study,即与JDK1.6文件夹同一级。


安装graphviz-2.26插件:下载资源进行安装,安装后生成bin,etc,include,lib,share五个文件夹,打开bin文件夹,找到dot.exe,打开protege4.2,点击菜单栏Reasoner—>Configure,点击OWL Viz项,在Dot Application Path中输入G:\Study\graphviz2.26\bin\dot,G:\Study\graphviz2.26是安装目录。

OWL本体由Individual个体,Properties(Object Properties对象属性和Data Properties数据属性)属性或关联,Class类组成,三者分别和实例Instances,扩展连接点Slot,类Class相通信。

在protégé中最重要的就是Classes(类),Object Properties(对象属性或关联),Data Properties (数据属性),Individuals(个体)这四个栏目。

OWL Viz类关系层次图,DL Query类查询或简单推理,OntoGraf本体关系图,这三个栏目辅助进行构建本体。

一Classes类它是个体的集合,如class fruit,它可以是个体apple,banana,orange等组成的集合。

SubclassOf,Equivalent,Disjoint是类的三大axiom公理,可以理解为类与类之间的关系:类与类之间存在父子关系,即superclass父类,subclass子类;Equivalent class相同类,主要用于推理;Disjoint classes互不相交关系,即一个个体不能同时属于两个类。

在protege4.2左边部分可以分别Add subclass创建子类,Add sibling class创建兄弟类,Delete selected classes删除选中类三个操作,右上部分的Annotations(注释)对类进行注释,在简单本体构建中用处不大。


1.Equivalent classes相等类,用来定义与当前类相等等同的类,或not class不相等的类,主要用来推理,如,A,B是class m的个体,class n是class m的Equivalent classes,则推理机可以退出A,B也是class n的个体。

2.Superclasses 超类或父类,定义当前类的父类,限制类,打开项目,选择Object restriction creator(创建对象限制),选择Restriction property(对象属性),Restriction filler(类),Restriction type,Some存在量词,Only全称量词,Min基数量词最小值,Max基数量词最大值,Exactly 基数量词准确值,这些是约束属性的条件,用来限制对象属性的。

如下图:class Giraffe长颈鹿类eat(对象属性,谓词)only(全称量词,约束限制eat)leaf(叶子类),理解为一句话:长颈鹿只吃叶子。


3.Inherited anonymous classes继承匿名类,继承父类,匿名类定义在父类中,被子类继承,是子类的必要条件,上例中,食草动物Herbivore在Superclasses定义了eat only Plant,被子类Giraffe继承,是子类Giraffe存在逻辑的必要条件。

4.Members成员,类中的个体,打开Add individual,可以添加个体,添加后从Classes转换到Individual,可以得到相应类的个体,如下图增加Giraffe的一个Members ,wangwang,在类的Individual中可以找到5.Keys关键字,描述类的行为或属性。

6.Disjoint classes互不相交类,即不存在一个个体同时属于两个Disjoint class,如下图,食草动物Herbivore与食肉动物carnivore不相交,定义类Herbivore的Disjoint classes为carnivore,则在类carnivore中的Disjoint classes显示为Herbivore,两个类互为Disjoint classes。

7.Disjoint union of互不相交类的集合,即一个类的所有子类都不相交,如,类‘中国直辖市’,子类‘北京市’,‘天津市’,‘上海市’,‘重庆市’,四个子类均不相交,构成类‘中国直辖市’。

二Object Properties对象属性它用来连接两个个体,如上例中class Giraffe长颈鹿类eat(对象属性,谓词)only(全称量词,约束限制eat)leaf(叶子类)其中eat谓词就是已经定义的对象属性,连接两个类Giraffe和leaf。

在protege4.2中打开Object Properties,左边部分可以分别Add sub property 创建子属性,Add sibling property创建兄弟属性,Delete selected properties删除选中属性三个操作,右上部分的Annotations(注释)对属性进行注释,Usage查看当前对象属性的使用情况,如下图发现四个使用记录。



1 Functional函数性,当前对象属性标注了这个性质,说明该对象属性只能连接一个个体。


2 Inverse functional逆函数性,是Functional函数性的反性质,对于一个给定的个体,只有最多一个个体能通过该属性连接那个个体。

如:小张的最好的朋友是我,小王的最好的朋友是我,定义对象属性‘最好的朋友是’为Inverse functional逆函数性,那么可以推理出是小张和小王是同一个人。

3 Transitive传递性,具有传递性,如:A大于B,B大于C,如果定义对象属性‘大于’为Transitive 传递性,那么可以推理出A大于C.4 Symmetric对称性,两个个体关系对称,如:A的同学是B,B的同学是A,对象属性‘同学’就具有Symmetric对称性。


5 Asymmetric不对称性,Symmetric对称性的反。

6 Reflexive自反性,自身与自身相关联。

7 Irreflexive不自反性,Reflexive自反性的反。

Description(表达式,表现)1 Domain定义域,或类型。

如下图,eat的定义域为Animal,即Animai eat something。

2 Range值域,如下图,mainEat的值域为Animal,即SomethingmainEat Animal属性连接的是定义域的个体到值域的个体,对象属性的定义域和值域主要用来推理。

3 Equivalent object properties相等对象属性,定义与当前对象属性相等的对象属性。

4 Super properties超属性,父属性,如上例中,mainEat的Super properties就是eat。

5Inverse properties逆属性,上例中eat与eated互逆,对象属性的定义域与值域相反,如图6 Didjoint properties互不相交属性,两个属性没有交集。

7 Property chains属性链。

三Data Properties数据属性它用来连接个体和XML Schema数据类型值或rdf literal,该属性不能为传递的,对称的,反函数的,可以为函数的。

如张三的电话号码是123456,数据属性‘电话号码’连接个体‘张三’和数据‘123456’.在protege4.2中打开Data Properties,左边部分可以分别Add sub property创建子属性,Add sibling property创建兄弟属性,Delete selected properties删除选中属性三个操作,右上部分的Annotations(注释)对属性进行注释,说明数据属性的内容,如下图,数据属性address的Annotations comment为‘地址’右下方的Characteristic(特征),Description(表达式,表现)非常重要。

Characteristic(特征)与Object Properties相比只有Functional函数性一项,这是由于它连接的是个体和XML Schema数据类型值或rdf literal。

Description(表达式,表现)1 Domain定义域2Range值域,从上图中可以看到address的Domain为zoo,值域为string,即zoo动物园的个体具有地址数据属性,其值的类型是string数据类型。

3 Equivalent properties相等数据属性,定义与当前数据属性相等的数据属性。

4 Super properties超属性,父属性。

5 Disjoint properties互不相交属性,两个属性没有交集。

