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2019-2020 年七年级英语上册课时提升练习题(V) Ⅰ.词汇运用 (10 分)

(Ⅰ)根据句意及图片提示完成单词。(5 分)

1. Tom has two .

2. Jane ’ s aunt has a good .

3. My mom ’ s keys are in her .

4. This is not expensive(昂贵的 ).

5. My is black.

(Ⅱ)用所给词的适当形式填空。(5 分)

6. The notebook is not (I).

7. These (dictionary)are Tom ’s and Jane ’s.

8. Are these (card)in your desk?

9. My sister (lose)her keys in the library.

10. Those watches (be)new(新的 ).

答案 : 1. baseballs 5. watch 6. mine 2. ring 3. bag

7. dictionaries

4. computer

8. cards9. lost 10. are

Ⅱ.单项选择 (10 分)

1. —Are your pens your schoolbag?

—Yes, they are.

A. at

B. in

C. of

D. for

2. I found a set of in the classroom.

A. key

B. keys

C. a key

D. an key

3. Jim lost his ID card and he must it.

A. lose

B. find

C. see

D. say

4. This isn’t bag.is

A. hers; Its; his

C. her; It; his



A. What ’ s this?

C. What color is it?

答案 : 1~5. BBBCD

Ⅲ.完成句子 (10 分)

1.你的身份证号码是多少 ? the

number of your


B. his; It; she

D. his; It’s; hers

B. How is it?

D. How do you spell it?


2.这个游戏有趣吗 ?

the interesting?

3.打扰一下。请问你叫什么名字 ?

. What ’s your name, please? 4.这些笔记本是她的。

These are.

5.你怎么拼写你的名字 ?

you spell your name?

答案 : 1. What ’s; ID card2. Is; game 3. Excuse me

4. notebooks; hers

5. How do

Ⅳ.补全对话 (10 分)

根据对话内容 , 用恰当的单词补全对话。

A: Excuse me. I 1 a book. Is it here?

B: What ’ s your book2 ?

A: It ’ s about computers.

B: Is 3 name on the book?

A: Yes, 4 is. My name is Tom.

B: Oh, your book is 5 .

A: Thank you!

B: You ’ re6 . Mike found your book.

A:I must thank Mike. Bye!


1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

答案 : 1. lost 2. about 3. your 4. it 5. here 6. welcome

Ⅴ.阅读理解 (10 分)

Alice: Hi, Peter, is this your schoolbag?

Peter: Yes, it is.

Alice: It ’ s blue, and I like it. What are in it?

Peter: Look, these are four books and this is my pencil box.

Alice: And the English dictionary? Is it yours?

Peter: No, it ’ s Helen ’ s. Whatour schoolbag?areiny

Alice: Five books, a red pencil box, my school ID card and six keys. Peter: What color is your schoolbag?

Alice: It ’ s yellow.

根据对话内容 , 判断正误 (T/F) 。

( )1. Peter has a blue schoolbag.

( )2. Four things are in Peter ’s schoolbag.

( )3. The English dictionary is not Peter ’s.

( )4. We can ’t find Alice ’s school ID card in her schoolbag. ( )5. Alice ’s schoolbag is red.

答案 : 1 ~5. TFTFF
