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There are many kinds of book clubs where members discuss a different book every month. What about dinner clubs, where people get together once a month or four times a year to make and eat dinner? In the dinner club that I joined, the hostess of the dinner club would prepare a big dinner first. 16.This was the beginning of our dinner club.

There are two variations of a dinner club. One has a group of people who try a different restaurant once a month17.When they all meet, they order and share different dishes. This is a great idea, especially if you live in a big city where there are hundreds of different restaurants.

18.One way is to have the hostess for the month decide on a type of food. The hostess is responsible for cooking the entrees. The other members make different courses at home, like salad and dessert, and bring them to the dinner club. For an even more exciting and interactive type of dinner clubs, the entire group comes together in the hostess 'kitchen.19.In this way the members of the group not only learn about different types of food, but also different methods of cooking.

The great thing about a dinner club is that it serves in many different ways.You can make the dinner club even more special one month by inviting partners.20.A stay-at-home mother can get a couple of other stay-at-home mothers together and start a children's lunch club.If you have a group of friends that love to get together and experiment with different types of food,the possibilities are endless!

A.They prepare the entire meal in a group effort.

B.Usually one member decides on the restaurant.

C.Then the members would begin discussing the food.

D.They are like-minded people with similar education level.

E. The second kind of dinner clubs has many different forms.

F. It offers regular well-organized social events in selected places.

G. Couples can get together for some food and great conversations.



Having proper manners is essential in all aspects of life if you want others to respect you. Here are some of the advantages of having good manners:

Professional manners get positive attention.16.. However, knowing how to do the work isn’t the only thing expected of you. Following the manners rules at work will also help you earn respect and possibly even contribute to promotions and raises.

17.. Show your customers your good manners by speaking to them politely and giving them an opportunity to express their needs, and you are more likely to earn their future business.

Being polite to your friends will keep them calling you.18., they are more likely to include you in activities and events. Treating other people with respect makes them want to be nice back to you. Whether you need help at the grocery store or you have a complaint about a product, showing good manners will make the store employees want to work with you. 19.. Smile at someone, and that just might be the bright spot in his or her day.

Knowing and using proper manners regularly can help with confidence. If you are in the habit of using good manners all the time, which is a sign of respect for others, you won’t have to worry about whether or not you’re doing or saying the right thing. It will come natural to you. 20..

A.Skills on the job are important

B.If you want to make more honest friends

C.Being kind to customers increases sales

D.And then others will respect you more for it

E. Employers are trying to earn much money from their customers

F. When your friends know you care enough to have good manners with them
