《商务翻译》_Business Translation-


商务英语翻译 Unit 4

商务英语翻译 Unit 4
- 殖民主义者的性格既残暴,又狡猾。
对于英语中以实喻虚的形象表现手法,翻译时应想方设法维系原 文的具体性及形象性,一个常用的手段即是从“实”到“实”,将英 语的以实喻虚译成汉语的以实喻虚。 The magic spades of archaeology have given us the whole lost world of Egypt. - 考古学家变魔术似地把古埃及的整个世界都给我们发掘出来了。 - 考古学家用神奇的铁铲把古埃及的整个世界都给我们发掘出来了。
Sam knows he can depend on his family, rain or shine. - 山姆知道不论境遇如何,他都可把家庭作为靠山。
There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the colonialists.
The newspaper claims to be the mirror of public opinions. -该报宣称忠实反映了公众的意见。
What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. - 少时所学,到老不忘。 How do we account for this split between the critics and the readers, the head and the heart? - 评论家和读者之间,也就是理智和感情之间的这种分歧如何解释呢?
2.用范畴词使抽象概念具体化。 What they wanted most was an end of uncertainties. - 那时他们最渴望的就是结束这摇摆不定的局面。 We want to learn to laugh in the face of the inevitable, to smile at the looming of the death. - 我们需要学会对不可避免的事情报以大笑,甚至以微笑面对死亡的 威胁。

商务翻译 英译汉 Unit 2

商务翻译  英译汉 Unit 2
• 其次,了解该广告受众国的文化传统以及消费 心理,了解在翻译时应注意的禁忌。无论任何 国家、民族都存在许多这样那样的忌讳,对于 千百年来形成的民族风俗,我们应给予必要的 尊重,这也同时会影响到出口商品的销路问题。
• 一、 要熟悉外族文化,了解异域人民审美心理;否 则的话,就会在出口商品的商标翻译中出现败笔。
• 首先应深入地了解所译广告及商品的特点。这 包括:第一,掌握商品的特征 ,即品质和品位; 第二,了解原广告策划的6M,即围绕具体的广 告目标,在策划中应该考虑以下六个方面(简 称6M):Market市场、Message信息、 Media媒体、Motion活动、Measurement评估、 Money金钱。
Unit 2 Ugly Is Only Skin-deep
《商务英语翻译》 (英译汉)
• It may not be much to look at. But beneath that humble exterior beats an air-cooled engine. It won’t boil and ruin your piston rings. It won’t freeze over and ruin your life. It’s in the back of the car for better traction in snow and sand. And it will give you about 29 miles to a gallon of gas. • After a while you get to like so much about the VW②, you even get to like what it looks like. • You find that there’s enough legroom for almost anybody’s legs. Enough headroom for almost anybody’s head. With a hat on it. Snugfitting bucket seats. Doors that close so well you can hardly close them. They’re so airtight, it’s better to open the window a crack first! • Those plain, unglamorous wheels are much suspended independently. So when a bump makes one wheel bounce, the bounce doesn’t make the other wheel bump. It’s things like that you pay $1585 for, when you buy a VW. The ugliness doesn’t add a thing to the cost of the car. • That’s the beauty of it.


Business Translation

商务翻译涵盖范围很广,它包括所有在 商务场合下从事的翻译活动,它涉及技 术引进、对外贸易、招商引资、对外劳 务承包、合同、国际合同,国际金融、 涉外保险、国际旅游、海外投资、国际 运输等等。

根据商务交际活动的不同功能,商务文 本可分为商务信函(business correspondence)、备忘录 (Memorandum),会议纪要 (Synopsis of Minutes),广告(Commercials),报告 (Report),通知(Notice),说明书 (Specification),协议或合同 (Agreement or Contract),以及各种相关单据与表格 (Bills and Forms)。
Biblioteka 3G将带来的是巨大的产业机会。如果中国 3G时代来临,将极大地带动电信行业及其 他各相关行业的发展。 3G will bring us huge industry potential. With the advent of the 3G era, China will see a new growth surge for the telecom industry and related industries.

上海地理位置优越,是一个良好的江海港 口,总面积达6340平方公里。 Thanks to its advantageous geographic location, Shanghai has become an excellent sea and river port, covering an area of 6, 340 square kilometers.























记者招待会 经济议题 和谐社会 货币政策 经济过热 消费者价格指数 科学发展观 文化软实力 反腐倡廉 调控房价 • • • • • • • • • • press conference economic issues harmonious society monetary policy overheated economy consumer price index scientific outlook on development soft power of Chinese culture anti-corruption bid housing prices control
In the first two months of this year, milk powder products accounted for a large proportion of imported goods. Those who make dairy products and dairy companies, as well as the administrative departments, are responsible for the public’s lack of confidence in the quality of milk powder.
结构调整取得积极成效。粮食产量超过1.2万亿斤, 实现“十连增”。 服务业增加值比重达到46.1%,首次超过第二产业。 中西部地区生产总值.9%,主要 实物量指标与经济增长相互匹配。
Business English Translation 3
Business English Translation 2
城乡差距 教育公平 司法公正 民主监督 人均收入 扩大内需 医疗改革 农村留守人口 综合国力 就业指导 • • • • • • • • • • rural-urban divide equal access to education judicial justice democratic supervision per-capita income expand domestic demand healthcare reform rural left-behind population overall national strength career guidance

商务翻译 business translation I

商务翻译 business translation I

• 转让;召集; 临时; 实现; 签字;结束,终止;创始, 发起 • Assign, convene, interim, effect, execute, terminate, initiate
• • • • • • • • • •
2. acronyms B/L: bill of landing/ bill of lading POD: port of destination L/C: letter of crediቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ M/L: mail transfer D/P: documents against payment D/A: documents against acceptance C.O.D: cash on delivery C.I.F. (cost, insurance and freight) F.O.B. (free on board)
• They give 10% discount for cash payment. • The exporter may take the accepted bill to a discount bank before the maturity if he is in urgent need of the amount of money. • 现金付款,他们给予九折优惠。 • 如果出口商急需这笔钱,可以把承兑了但 没到期的汇票去贴现银行贴现。
• Business English: language knowledge, communication skills, professional content, management skills, cultural awareness
Business vocabulary
• 1.formal and precise • To acquaint you with the Light Industrial Goods we handle, we are sending you, by separate airmail, a commodity list and several sample books for your reference. • 为使你方熟悉我方经营的轻工产品,另航 寄上商品目录和一些样品,供你参考。

商务翻译(汉译英) Unit 14 来自国外的管理人员

商务翻译(汉译英) Unit 14 来自国外的管理人员

Finding a fish in kitchen was lost, the host swore to find out the thief who stole the fish. 尽管汉语中似乎有“厨房”“主人”两个主语,译者果 断地选定了the host作主语。打点清晰,增强了句子的内聚力。 夏威夷的沙滩上,椰影婆娑,海风习习,一妙龄女郎正 躺在白色的塑料椅上养神。 On the Hawaiian sandy beach, the coconut palms are whirling, the congenial sea breeze is blowing, and a young lady is lying in the white plastics chair resting to restore energy. 因为是轻松读本,又是描述性的文字,使用三个主语 the coconut palms、the congenial sea breeze、a young lady仍是 可取的。
四戒 —— 主语暗淡
主语是句子的灵魂, 定住译文的主语的是关键的一步棋。 主语定偏了,整个句子将显得松散乏力,甚至会误导读者:
如果这个问题不解决,势必影响两国的利益。 Failure to settle this issue is bound impair the relations between the two countries seriously. If the problem is not solved , it is sure to affect the interests between the two countries 在上面的两种译文中,显然第一种译文主语选得好,句 子流畅。 共同的利益把我们两个伟大的国家连接在一起。 What holds our two great nations together is the cement of common interests. 此句主语部分处理得颇为干练。


重要性:商务 英语翻译是商 务活动中不可 或缺的一部分, 它直接影响到 商务活动的顺 利进行和效果。
准确性:商务 英语翻译需要 准确传达原文 的意思和意图, 避免因翻译不 准确导致的误
快速性:商务 英语翻译需要 快速完成,以 便商务活动能 够顺利进行, 避免因翻译速 度慢导致的延
跨文化沟通:了解不同文化 背景,确保翻译的跨文化沟 通能力。
临场应变:在口译过程中 遇到突发情况时,能够迅 速调整策略,确保翻译的 顺利进行。
听解技巧:注意关键词、短语和句子结构,理解上下文 实践方法:通过模拟口译场景,提高听解能力 听解难点:口音、语速、背景噪音等 解决策略:通过反复练习,提高听解速度和准确性
文化差异:注意中西方文化的差异, 避免翻译中的误解和误译
翻译技巧:使用适当的翻译技巧,如 直译、意译、增译、减译等
语言风格:保持原文的语言风格和语 气,使译文更加自然流畅
专业词汇:掌握商务英语中的专业词汇 和术语
校对与修改:翻译完成后,进行校对 和修改,确保译文的准确性和流畅性
定义:商务英 语翻译是指在 商务活动中, 将一种语言的 商务信息准确、 快速地翻译成 另一种语言的



李明《商务英语翻译(英译汉)》笔记及翻译示例汇总(关于商务英语)【圣才出品】第1单元关于商务英语1.1 复习笔记“商务”的内涵。



一、商务英语的界定1. 商务英语,即商业主体在国际商务活动中,为实现商业目的而使用的一种英语变体。

这种英语变体的语言特征和文体风格的独特性使它从普通英语(General English)中独立出来,称之为商务英语(Business English)。

从学术角度则称之为商务用途英语(English for Business Purposes)。

2. 商务英语属于英语的一种社会功能变体,是专门用途英语(English for Specific Purposes)中的一个分支,是英语在国际商务活动领域中的具体应用。




3. 在包括技术引进、对外贸易、招商引资、对外劳务承包与合同、国际金融、涉外保险、国际旅游、海外投资、国际运输、商业广告等在内的各种商务活动中所使用的英语,即称之为商务英语。

4. 商务英语发源于普通英语,因此完全具有普通英语的语言学特征。



二、商务英语的特点作为一种功能性语言变体,商务英语有以下特点:1. 商务英语的词汇、语法以及内容等各个方面均有较强的专业性。



Sentence translation
Long sentence analysis and processing methods
Identify the backbone
When dealing with long sentences, first identify the backbone of the sentence, that is, the subject verb object structure, to determine the core meaning of the sentence.
Translation skills
including skills in word meaning selection, sentence structure
transformation, long sentence processing, passive voice processing,
and professional terminology translation.
Analyze modifiers
Analyze modifiers such as adjectives and adverbs in a sentence, clarify their relationship with the main body, in order to accurately convey the meaning of the original text.
Vocabulary translation
Professional terminology translation
The translation of professional terms must be accurate and

商务翻译(英译汉) Unit 6 Invitation for Bids[精]

商务翻译(英译汉) Unit 6 Invitation for Bids[精]

【Version for Reference】
招标书 日期: 贷款号:1313-RPC 招标号:CMCA 956105 (1)中华人民共和国已得到亚洲开发银行的一笔美元贷 款,将用于大连供水项目(二期段工程)。部分贷款的资金将 用于支付C2钢管线制造与安装合同项。本次招标面向全部亚 行合格的成员国的投标人。 (2) 中国工业机械进出口公司(中国机械进出口总公司 的子公司)与中国沈阳机电设备招标公司(SYTC)(两公司 以下简称C & S)受大连市自来水公司的委托,作为本项目招 标代理,现在邀请资格预审合格的投标人对大连供水项目(二 期工程)C2钢管的制造与安装工程的承建和完成进行密封投 标。其工程内容简述如下:
Unit 6 Invitation for Bids
《商务英语翻译》 (英译汉)
Loan No.:1313-PRC
Bid No.: CMCA 956105 (1) The People’s Republic of China has received a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in US Dollars towards the cost of Dalian Water Supply Project (Part II) and it is intended that part of the proceeds of this loan will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for C2 Manufacture and Installation of Steel Pipeline. Bidding is open to all bidders from eligible source countries of ADB. (2) China National Industrial Machinery Import/Export Corporation (a subsidiary of CMC) and China Shenyang Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Corporation (SYTC) (hereinafter called C & S), authorized by the Dalian Water Supply Company to be the tendering agent, invites sealed bids from prequalified eligible bidders for the construction and completion of C2 Manufacture and Installation of Steel Pipeline with the brief description stated as follows:

商务翻译英译汉 Unit (2)

商务翻译英译汉 Unit  (2)

• 一种出口干电池的商标叫“白象”,英译成“White Elephant”。殊不知a white elephant是条固定的英文短 语,意为“沉重的负担”(a burdensome possession) 或“无用而累赘的东西”(useless)。“蜜蜂”牌洗 澡香皂被直译为“Bees”。这是完全对应的英译,但英 文读者却不欢迎这个译名,因为蜜蜂身上有几乎看不见 的绒刺,擦在身上自然感觉不到舒服。马戏牌扑克牌被 音译成“Maxipuke”也是符合翻译技巧和原则的。但这 个汉语拼音牌名正好是两个英义词“Maxi”(=very large or particularly big特大的)和“puke” (=vomit 呕吐物,催吐剂;令人作呕的人成物)的集合。人们玩 扑克无疑多为娱乐,起名“马戏”对中国人来说是个很 理想的名字。可英国人对此译名却可能是望而却步。它 不仅不给人以快乐的感觉,反而令人感到恶心。
Unit 2
Ugly Is Only Skin-deep
《商务英语翻译》 (英译汉)
It may not be much to look at. But beneath that humble exterior beats an air-cooled engine. It won’t boil and ruin your piston rings. It won’t freeze over and ruin your life. It’s in the back of the car for better traction in snow and sand. And it will give you about 29 miles to a gallon of gas. • After a while you get to like so much about the VW②, you even get to like what it looks like. • You find that there’s enough legroom for almost anybody’s legs. Enough headroom for almost anybody’s head. With a hat on it. Snugfitting bucket seats. Doors that close so well you can hardly close them. They’re so airtight, it’s better to open the window a crack first! • Those plain, unglamorous wheels are much suspended independently. So when a bump makes one wheel bounce, the bounce doesn’t make the other wheel bump. It’s things like that you pay $1585 for, when you buy a VW. The ugliness doesn’t add a thing to the cost of the car. • That’s the beauty of it.


经贸报道、评述、 语言贴近读者、生动 可读性 保留原文风格,
品牌、广告、推 介或促销文字
措辞精炼、生动活泼、 认同感、 不拘一格,考虑 富有美感、创新。 宣传效 受众背景。

The Continuum for Business Translation
转换成相应的目 标语通用格式。
保留原文风格, 可酌情摘译或编 译。
商务翻译 具体文本类型 语言特点 类别
译文强 翻译策略 调
法律性文 件
经济法规、条约、 严谨、正式;用词规
合同、提单、发 范、准确;多术语、
专业论著、教科 书、论文、经贸 文件
直译:当商标意象在中西文化中具有类似含义时,可根据 原商标的含义,在译入语中选择与其意义相同或相近的词 语译出。
Snow (雪花啤酒);True Color (真彩水笔);F人对其的接受):Bosideng(波司 登);QiSheng(奇声)
语言特点:构思奇巧;感召力强;简洁生动;富于 美感
Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。 (Cannon 佳能打印机)
A diamond is forever (De Beers Diamond 戴比尔斯钻石) Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(Maxwell
Adapted from
不同类别的文本有不同的目的和功能,在翻译中往 往需要采取不同的翻译原则和策略。



Brain game•Why is the river rich?Because it has two banks.•“为什么说河水富有?”译文一:“因为它总向前(钱)流。



”—史雨川•“Translation is not simply a matter of seeking other words with similar meaning, but of finding appropriate ways of saying things in another language. Translating is always meaning-based, i.e. it is the transfer of meaning instead of form from the source language to the target language.”-Wolfram Wills, The Science of Translation: Problems & Methods.Process of Translation1.Analyze the source language comprehensivelythe writing style/language features/cultural background prehend the content fullyunderstanding accurately the meaning of the sourcelanguage, e.g. what is it talking about? what’s the idea of the writer? what does it imply?3.Express the meaning properlychoose the proper words in the target language to express the content of the source language.4.Revise it carefullycheck again and again to polish the translation•If you want to do a thing, you’ll just have to get your feet wet.译文一:要想做好一件事,就得自己动手。

商务英语翻译练习 1 词义的选择

商务英语翻译练习 1 词义的选择

Business Translation Exercise 11.It is not surprising, then, that the world saw a return to a floating exchange ratesystem. Central banks were no longer required to support their own currencies. 2.Floating policy is of great importance for export trade; it is, in fact, a convenientmethod of insuring goods where a number of similar export transactions are intended, e.g. where the insured has to supply an overseas importer under an exclusive sales agreement or maintains sales representatives or subsidiary companies abroad.3.The claim concerning the quality of the commodity shall be lodged within 30days after arrival of the cargo at the port of destination.4.Not only a panic run on banks, but snowballing deposit cancellation could triggeran ominous chain reaction leading to a financial crisis.5.Deposits are, so to speak, unsecured credit held by the people and kept atfinancial institutions.6.He bought the furniture on credit.7.There is no financial risk in selling to East European countries on credit.8.The amount of the minimum royalty paid by the Company to Licensor will becredited against the payment of running royalty accruing under this agreement.9.It is possible that more of the company’s stores will be closed.10.Stock prices of many major commercial banks closed lower, as they had inprevious trading.11.The number of bank accounts that are closed compulsorily has been increasingrapidly.12.A foreign business representative, neither overly sympathetic toward China noroverly disposed against it, would need to be convinced on a number of scores before he could commit his firm to taking an equity position in a Chinese enterprise.13.Part of the underwriter’s job is to ensure that people who attempt to buy policiesbecause they expect to “die” soon do not succeed in fooling him and his company.14.The home of your dreams awaits you behind this door. Whether your taste be acountry manor estate or a penthouse in the sky, you will find the following pages filled with the world’s most elegant residences.15.Assuming the laboratory tests go well, and you can quote us a competitive price,we’d certainly be able to place more substantial orders on a regular basis.16.China’s top industrial regular said on Tuesday that the country is unlikely to see a“double dip” in its economy in the second half of this year.17.The change in plan resulted from a misjudgment on the part of the firm’s topmanagement on what the company’s employees and business partners wanted. 18.Should the buyers have to lodge a claim against the sellers, it must be done within30 days after the arrival of the tanker at the port of destination.19.In order to protect vested interests and interfere with the entry of new businesses,some public interest corporations began setting their own standards and obliged private companies to undergo inspections and receive certifications.。

商务英语翻译技巧解析 Bussiness Translation

商务英语翻译技巧解析 Bussiness Translation

1 IntroductionBusiness English refers to the professional English used in the business world,that is, in international business and foreign trade, and it could be called a special variety of English. With the rapid development of global economic integration, international economic exchanges and business contacts are becoming increasingly frequent.we should be aware of the fact that business English is playing a very important role in these activities.Business English covers different lines of business and a wide range of business events and activities,including business letters contracts,fairs and shows,talks and negotiations,marketing and advertising,shipment and insurance,and so on and so forth.And this alone accounts for the great difficulty of business English translation.When we do business English translation,we must not only adhere to the basic principles and standards of translation,but also need to grasp some common translating methods and techniques.There are five sections in this essay.The first part is the introduction of the business English,I introduced the definition and the special fields of business English.The second part is the literature review.In this section,I studied some books home and abroad about business English translation,and also introduced some popular ideas.Although there are many different opinions about business English translation techniques,we should still pay more attention on the basic methods.So in the third part,I analysis three basic methods of business English techniques.The forth part is the conclusion,I concluded the main idea of my essay.The last part are the references.2 Literature ReviewWith the deepening of globalization of the world economy, international business intercourse has been in a much more frequent trend.translators in all lines are begin to study the translation of the business English,especially about the standards and techniques of translation.2.1 Study on Business English Translation AbroadTranslation is a means by which communication is possible between nations using different languages.It involves two languages and requires a wide range of knowledge.Nida: “Translation consists in the reproduction in the receptor language of the message of the source language understood the original message.(Nida,Eugen A,Charles R. Tabel..The theory and Practice of Translation ,1965[M])[1] However,Business English contains many different professional vocabulary. Many General English words used in business English have completely different meaning .Business English sentence translation is also more difficult than General English.The standard of Business English even higher than General translation.Peter Newmark,a famous English translation theorist and educator. In 1981, in his book "Approaches to Translation",he proposed two major translation strategies "Semantic Translation" and "Communicative Translation",which became the translation milestone of the western countries in the history(Beijing Electric Power College Academic Press,No. 20, 2010).But in Business English translation,we can't apply the communicative approach fully, we can refer it appropriately.2.2 Study on Business English Translation at HomeAs to the translation in China, what we should first mention is Yan Fu’s three-character translation standard, namely, faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance, which has exercised great flounce on our translation work since it was founded 100 years ago.Beside,Zhang Hong, Li Ming think that the Business English "translators should not only fluent in two languages to its culture and familiar with the translation skills, but also must be familiar with business knowledge, understanding of all areas of business characteristics and expressions of language. "(2010,20)[3]Mr. Liu Fagong's "true, accurate, and unity " principle in Business English translation adapted the special nature of business English.(2004,86)[4]To some extent, These standards can be neither wholly applied to business translation.Though Yan Fu’s translation standard is suitable for literary translation, it does not surely meet the needs in business translation.In my opinion, “conciseness”“accuracy” and“elegance”are relative to the readers.“Faithfulness” is the perquisite in standardized business English, but Commercial English translation requires translators to transfer completely the messages through the professional business English. Such as the following translation:1)Original text:Because we no longer carry that product ,we will either replace it with a comparable model or refund the purchase price ——you make the decision.Target text:由于我们不再运送这批产品,我们是将它放回同一等级还是退还产品的购买价格,你做决定。

Business Translation商务英语翻译

Business Translation商务英语翻译
衷心祝你取得更大的成就。 此致 敬礼
随函附上…… Enclosed we hand/We are enclosing…
Would you please kindly advise us when our order will be shipped?
We regret to inform you that our company is not in a position to supply such large demands.
draft quotation against call at
草稿 引文,引用 反对 访问
汇票 报价 凭…… (船)停靠
贵函收悉 We are in receipt of your letter. 兹回复贵方(某日)来函 Regarding your letter of…/In reply to your letter of…
从今天的报纸上,我非常高兴地获悉, 你最近被任命为《晨报》的顾问。你这次晋 升想必会收到许多贺信,而我还是要给你添 上一封,以表祝贺。
你年纪这么轻就迅速得到晋升,是极其 难得的。这肯定是你工作勤奋、坚持不懈、 才能非凡的缘故。
凭你出众的资质和坚强的意志,你肯定 会胜任这一职务。《晨报》终于有了一位能 使其成为风扉全国的出色刊物的顾问。
Non-firm offer 虚盘(无时间限制,可修改)
Terms of Payment 付款方式 Remittance 汇兑 Collection 托收 Letter of Credit 信用证 L/C
L/C (Letter of Credit)
At sight/Usance 期/远期 Revocable/Irrevocable 可撤销/不可撤销
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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Business Translation
二、教學目標 Course Objectives


This English to Chinese translation course intends to teach students the basic skills of translation through lectures that break down English sentence patterns, introduce to them translation techniques and skills, and lead them to do hands-on translation
practice. Assignments will feature a variety of texts found in the business
environment so that students can practice workplace English, increase financial
literacy, and expand business vocabulary, in addition to building up their knowledge about translation.
三、適合修讀對象 Target Learners
四、課程內容大綱 Course Introduction
五、教學方式(可複選)Instructional Methods
■提供線上課程主要及補充教材Offering course materials and supportive materials online
■提供線上非同步教學Offering instruction in asynchronous mode;
■有線上教師或線上助教With teacher(s) and TA’s available online;
提供面授教學Classroom meetings,次數:9次Times,總時數:18小時Hours in Total;
□提供線上同步教學Online synchronous instructions,次數:次Times,總時數:小時Hours in Totla
1.提供給系統管理者進行學習管理系統資料庫管理Check the roles and functions your E-Learning system provides.
1.提供給系統管理者進行學習管理系統資料庫管理Provide the system manager functions
to manage learners’ information database.
■個人資料Personal Information
■課程資訊Course Information
2.提供教師(助教)、學生必要之學習管理系統功能Provide teacher (TA) and student
necessary functions to manage their teaching and learning.
■最新消息發佈、瀏覽What’s New—announcing and reading news
■教材內容設計、觀看、下載Course material content design, viewing and downloading.
■成績系統管理及查詢Grading system management and inquiries
□進行線上測驗、發佈Online assessment and announcement;
■學習資訊Learning information;
■互動式學習設計(聊天室或討論區) Functions for Interactions (Chatroom or Forum)
□各種教學活動之功能呈現Display of Learning Activity’s functions.
七、師生互動討論方式(包括教師時間、E-mail信箱、對應窗口等)Ways of Interactions
b)即時討論(透過MSN Messenger 或英才網的線上聊天室)、

Assignments 翻譯習作50%
Midterm Exam期中考25%
Final Exam期末考25%
