
象人读后感篇一:象人读书笔记《象人》读后感ilookedabookinthesummerholiday.thebookcalledman>>. thisbooktellaboutapooranduglypeaple.noonelikehim,eveeryoneallmock him.because,heisveryugly.therearemorebagsofdirtyskinonthefrontandback ofhisbody.therighthandislikeamarlsfoot.butthelefthandisbeautiful!apeople closehiminacage.andshowhim.untiloneday,adoctorlookedhim.hefeeltheelephantmanveryinterested.andwanttostudyhim.sotheelepha ntmanfamous,everyonewanttovisithim,eventhequeenofenglandvisithim.inthethr eeandhalfyears,heisveryhappy.onapril15thnight,hedied.afterireadthebook,ik nockareason:auglypeople,buthissouldoesntugly.hewillveryhappy.first,theelephantmanisverypoor,helivesacoldanddarkroom.afterthedoctor seehim.hebecamehappy.because,heissimple,notbad.peoplelittlebylittlenoti cehim.ithink,theworldhasalotofpeopleliketheelephantman----poorandugly.butalsohasalotofpeoplelikethedoctor----readytohelpothers.so,ithinktheworld willverybeautiful!andtheelephantmanpeoplewillveryhappy!mayle,theywil lbecameausefutpeople.so,theworldhaveaword:youcantjudgeabookbyitscov er.篇二:象人读后感thingsalwaysgowell?not,ithinkthedeadoftheelephantmanisreallya ridiculousthing,hediedjustbecauseoftryingtosleeponhisbacklikeyouand me.however,hisheavyheadcameoffthebed,andhebrokehisneck.so,whythea uthorchoosethiswaytoendtheelephant’sbeginningwonderfullife?whydoeshecutthebeautifulconnection betweenelephantandothers?andthisremindedmeoftheappearanceoftheelep hantman.thebooksaidthathismomwasabeautyandakindpeople,however,whyhis momindeedtoabandonhim,justbecauseofhisreallyhatefulface?personally,ihave anotheridea:hemustdosomethingreallywrongandevenhismomcannotforgiv ehim. thereisaquestionthatwhytheauthorwantedhimtohavehalfbodyofelephantan dahalfbodyofhuman.atfirst,ithoughthewouldbesomelovedandtookgoodcare ofhim.however,theresultgivemealotoflessons.thewholelifetheelephanthas isatrike,andallthehappytimeistheillusionhedreamed.maybethestorywant totellusyoushouldnottodreamthethingswhatnotbelongtoyou.butiwasquitec onfusedthereasonwhytheauthorwrittenit.soisearchedontheinternet,thereissomethingabout:”hundredsyearagotheworldwasvery different.mostpeoplelivewithoutelectricityintheclod,dampenvironment.the ynevergotothehospital,oftendiedmiserable.thisbooktellsofapoor,uglystory.”andthisisthebackground.doyouunderstand?idonot.篇三:象人读后感name:王瑞鑫number:20XX061035thdate:december14 impressionafterreadingilookedabookrecently.thebookcalled>.thisbooktella boutapooranduglypeaple.noonelikehim,eveeryoneallmockhim.because,heisveryugly.therearemorebagsofdirtyskinonthefrontandback ofhisbody.therighthandislikeamarlsfoot.butthelefthandisbeautiful!a peopleclosehiminacage.andshowhim。

象人,英文读后感篇一:象人读后感《象人》读后感I looked a book in the summer holiday.The book called <<The Elephant Man>>.This book tell about a poor and ugly peaple.No one like him,eveeryone all mockhim.Because,he is very ugly.There are more bags of dirty skin on the front and back of his body.The right hand is like a marls foot.But the left hand isbeautiful!A people close him in a cage.And show him.Until one day,a doctor looked him.He feel the Elephant Man very interested.And want to study him.So The Elephant Manfamous,everyone want to visit him,even the Queen of England visit him.In the three and half years,he is very happy.On April15th night,he died.After I read the book ,I knock a reason:Augly people,but his soul doesn't ugly.He will very happy.First,the Elephant Man is very poor,He lives a cold and dark room.After the doctor see him.He became happy.Because,he is simple,not bad.People little by little notice him.I think,the world has a lot of people like the Elephant Man ---- poor and ugly.But also has a lot of people like the doctor----ready to help others.So,I think the world will very beautiful!And the Elephant Man people will very happy!Mayle,They will became ausefut people.So,the world have a word: You can't judge a book by it's cover.篇二:象人读后感Before I search on the internet, I really can not understand what the meaning about this story.It began in a little black and gray,it described a person looked like a elephant and was treated unequally. People around him always hated him,including his mom,she abandoned him when he was very young. His appearance looked terrible for everyone. And the first time when doctor saw him,all of him was filled with depressed and sadness. People around him all laughed at him,even more threw stones to him. Because of his terrific appearance,he was caught by the police,blamed by the neighboring,hated by the children,refused by the women. He can write and sing,but nobody hired him. Although through the doctor’s help,he become more happier than before and he can also chatted with others and had fun with others. What’s more,the Queen Alexandra,the queen of England came to see and talked with him.Things always go well? Not,I think the dead of the elephant man is really a ridiculous thing,he died just because of trying to sleep on his back like you and me. However,his heavy head came off the bed,and he broke his neck. So,why the author choose this way to end theelephant’s beginning wonderful life? Why does he cut the beautiful connection between elephant and others? And this reminded me of the appearance of the elephant man. The book said that his mom was a beauty and a kind people,however,why his mom indeed to abandon him,just because of his really hateful face? Personally,I have another idea:he must do something really wrong and even his mom cannot forgive him. There is a question that why the author wanted him to have half body of elephant and a half body of human. At first,I thought he would be some loved and took good care of him. However,the result give me alot of lessons. The whole life the elephant has is a trike,and all the happy time is the illusion he dreamed. Maybe the story want to tell us you should not to dream the things what not belong to you.But I was quite confused the reason why the author written it.So I searched on the Internet,there is something about:”hundreds year ago the world was very different.Most people live without electricity in the clod,damp environment.They never go to the hospital,often died miserable. This book tells of apoor,ugly story.”And this is the background. Do you understand ? I do not.篇三:英语原著《象人》读写指导英语原著《象人》读写指导一.《象人》悬念设置In a little room, a magnificent woman, who was called Your Majesty, came to visit an ugly and horrible man whose head looked like an elephant. The ugly man was surprised and woman was smiling warmly. Who was this ugly man? Why do they look so harmonious? 一个小房间里,气质华贵被的英国女王拜访了一位长相丑陋不堪,头畸形的像大象的一个人。

Name:王瑞鑫Number:2012061035Date:December 14thImpression after readingI looked a book Recently .The book called <<The Elephant Man>>.This book tell about a poor and ugly peaple.No one like him,eveeryone all mock him.Because,he is very ugly.There are more bags of dirty skin on the front and back of his body.The right hand is like a marls foot.But the left hand is beautiful ! A people close him in a cage .And show him。
So he was not ill but he couldn't go to work either .Until one day,a doctor looked him.He feel the Elephant Man very interested.And want to study him.So The Elephant Man famous,everyone want to visit him,even the Queen of England visit him.In the three and half years,he is very happy.On April 15th night,he died.After I read the book ,I knock a reason: A ugly people ,but his soul doesn't ugly. Because he always kept the beautiful things in his mind.First,the Elephant Man is very poor,He lives a cold and dark room.After the doctor see him.He becamehappy.Because,he is simple,not bad.People little by little notice him.I think,the world has a lot of people like the Elephant Man ---- poor and ugly.But also has a lot of people like the doctor----ready to help others.So,I think the world will very beautiful!And the Elephant Man people will very happy!Mayle,They will became a usefut people.So,the world have a word: You can't judge a book by it's cover.。

《象人》读后感I looked a book in the summer holiday.The book called <<The Elephant Man>>.This book tell about a poor and ugly peaple.No one like him,eveeryone all mock him.Because,he is very ugly.There are more bags of dirty skin on the front and back of his body.The right hand is like a marls foot.But the left hand is beautiful!A people close him in a cage.And show him.Until one day,a doctor looked him.He feel the Elephant Man very interested.And want to study him.So The Elephant Man famous,everyone want to visit him,even the Queen of England visit him.In the three and half years,he is very happy.On April 15th night,he died.After I read the book ,I knock a reason:Augly people,but his soul doesn't ugly.He will very happy.First,the Elephant Man is very poor,He lives a cold and dark room.After the doctor see him.He became happy.Because,he is simple,not bad.People little by little notice him.I think,the world has a lot of people like the Elephant Man ---- poor and ugly.But also has a lot of people like the doctor----ready to help others.So,I think the world will very beautiful!And the Elephant Man people will very happy!Mayle,They will became ausefut people.So,the world have a word: You can't judge a book by it's cover.。

elephantman读书笔记the elephant man (象人)的主要人物有几个.都叫什么名字呢?维多利亚时代,一名英国医生在马戏团发现了一个头部畸型的象人,受尽不人道的待遇,于是将其带回医院作研究。

象人,英文读后感篇一:象人读后感《象人》读后感I looked a book in the summer holiday.The book called <<The Elephant Man>>. This book tell about a poor and ugly peaple.No one like him,eveeryone all mockhim.Because,he is very ugly.There are more bags of dirty skin on the front and back of his body.The right hand is like a marls foot.But the left hand is beautiful!A people close him in a cage.And shoan very interested.And an famous,everyone an is very poor,He lives a cold and dark room.After the doctor see him.He becamehappy.Because,he is simple,not bad.People little bylittle notice him.I think,the an ---- poor and ugly.But also has a lot of people like the doctor----ready to help others.So,I think the an people ayle,They aybe the story ost people live ajesty, came to visit an ugly andhorrible man r. Cars Gomn .appealed money to help Joseph Merrick.( development ) 3) Joseph Merrick lived happilyin the hospital and met a lot of people. (climax ) 4) Joseph Merrick died because of changing sleepinghabit.( ending ) 四.《象人》主题归纳---kindness andprejudice 与主题相关的佳句 ugh and the errick 2. The story of Dr Fredrick Treners. 3. The story of Simon Silcork 4. The story of F.C. Carr Gomm 5. The miserable experience beterrick and Simon Silcork 6. The death of the elephant man 7. the story? 六.写作指导--提高篇 1. The call of eliminating prejudice (呼唤消除偏见) Supposing you have a classmate whose arms are disabled and who is always pessimistic and worried about his future. ates. 1) I'm sorry to point out that you all have sort of prejudice….2) I'm terribly shocked by what you have done to your classmate…3) I think it was foolish for you to do this. As is known, prejudice only makes one proud and concealed. 2. The role of kindness (善良的力量) Ask your friend to give his opinion on what the doctor has done for this poor man. 1). Summary 2). From the story of the doctor, we know it was the doctor and the hospital chairman who helped this poor man. 3). 举例证明你的观点4). 归纳总结One should always be kind to other. Just as the saying goes, kindness are more than coros. Try to be a novel man in the world.《象人,英文读后感》。
elephant man 英文读后感

elephant man 英文读后感全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hey guys, I just finished reading the book "Elephant Man" and I wanted to share my thoughts with you all. It's a super cool book about this guy named John Merrick who looks really different from everyone else. People call him the Elephant Man because he has a lot of lumps and bumps on his face and body.At first, I felt really sad for John because everyone treated him badly just because he looks different. They made fun of him and called him names. But then Dr. Frederick Treves comes along and wants to help John. He takes him to the hospital and gives him a nice place to stay. Dr. Treves is super nice and he's the first person to treat John like a real human being.As I kept reading, I learned more about John's life and how he's actually really smart and kind. He loves reading and talking to people. He even becomes friends with some of the doctors and nurses at the hospital. It made me realize that it doesn't matter what someone looks like on the outside, it's what's on the inside that really counts.The book made me think about how important it is to be kind to everyone, no matter how different they may seem. John's story taught me that we should always treat others with respect and understanding. It's not nice to judge someone just because they look different. We should try to see the good in everyone, just like Dr. Treves did with John.I really enjoyed reading "Elephant Man" and I hope you guys give it a try too. It's a touching story that will make you think about how we treat others. Let's all try to be a little kinder and more accepting, just like Dr. Treves was to John. Thanks for listening, guys!篇2Hello everyone, today I want to talk about the book "Elephant Man" that I read and it was super duper interesting!So the story is about this guy named Joseph Merrick, who was called the Elephant Man because he looked different from other people. He had some kind of disease that made his body grow really weird and he looked like an elephant. People were mean to him and would stare at him and say mean things.But then this doctor, Dr. Frederick Treves, found Joseph and he took care of him and showed him love and kindness. Dr.Treves helped Joseph to find a safe place to live and he even had some friends who were nice to him. Joseph was so happy to have people who cared about him.Even though Joseph had a hard life, he was always kind and gentle. He never let the bad things people said about him bring him down. He stayed positive and was grateful for the good things in his life.The story of Elephant Man teaches us an important lesson about being kind and treating others with respect. No matter how someone looks or acts, everyone deserves to be loved and accepted. We should always celebrate our differences and be there for each other.I really loved reading this book and it made me think about how I can be a better friend and help others who may be going through a tough time. I hope you all read Elephant Man too and learn something from Joseph's story. Thank you for listening to my reading response!篇3Today, I read a book called "Elephant Man". It's a really cool book about a man named Joseph Merrick who had a really tough life because he looked different from other people. He had areally big head, big lips, and a lot of bumps on his skin. People used to call him the Elephant Man because he looked like an elephant.Even though people were mean to Joseph and made fun of him, he was actually a really nice guy. He had a kind heart and just wanted to be treated like everyone else. But because of how he looked, a lot of people were scared of him and didn't want to be his friend. It made me sad to see how Joseph was treated just because he was different.But there were also some people who saw past Joseph's appearance and treated him with kindness and respect. They helped him and took care of him when he needed it most. It made me realize that it's important to be kind to everyone, no matter what they look like. We should all treat each other with love and understanding.The book "Elephant Man" made me think a lot about how we should treat others and not judge them based on their appearance. It also taught me the importance of kindness and compassion. I really enjoyed reading this book and would recommend it to all my friends.篇4The Elephant Man is a very interesting book that I read in my English class. It's about a man named Joseph Merrick who is very different from other people because he looks like an elephant. People call him the Elephant Man because of his appearance.I was really touched by Joseph's story. Even though he looks different, he is actually a very kind and gentle person. He is treated very badly by people because of his looks, but he doesn't let it bring him down. He stays positive and kind to everyone he meets.In the book, Joseph meets a doctor named Frederick Treves who is very kind to him. Dr. Treves helps Joseph and takes care of him. He shows Joseph that not everyone in the world is mean and that there are still good people out there.The Elephant Man made me think about how we should treat people who are different from us. Just because someone looks different, it doesn't mean they are bad or should be treated poorly. We should be kind and accepting of everyone, no matter what they look like.I really liked this book because it taught me an important lesson about kindness and acceptance. I think everyone should read The Elephant Man and learn from Joseph's story. It's a reallytouching and inspiring book that will make you think about how you treat others.篇5Title: My Thoughts on Elephant ManHey guys, today I want to talk about the book "Elephant Man". It's a really sad but inspiring story about a man called John Merrick who had a very deformed body. He was treated very badly by a lot of people because of his looks, but he never let it bring him down.John Merrick was really smart and kind, even though he had a difficult life. He loved to read books and learn new things, and he always tried to be positive even when people were mean to him. He made friends with a doctor called Frederick Treves, who helped him find a place to live and showed him kindness.One of the things I liked most about the book was how it showed that it's important to treat everyone with kindness and respect, no matter what they look like. John Merrick had a lot of challenges in his life, but he never stopped being a good person. He showed that it's possible to be strong and brave even when things are tough.Reading "Elephant Man" made me think about how lucky I am to have a good life and nice people around me. It also made me want to be more understanding and compassionate towards others who might be going through a hard time. I think everyone should read this book because it's a great reminder that we should always be kind and caring towards everyone we meet.篇6Elephant Man - My Favorite BookHi everyone! Today I want to tell you about my favorite book called Elephant Man. It's a really cool book that I read recently and I wanted to share my thoughts on it with you.The story is about a man named John Merrick who is known as the Elephant Man because of his disfigured appearance. People are really mean to him and treat him badly just because he looks different. But despite all the challenges he faces, John is actually a kind and gentle person on the inside.I really felt sad for John because no one treated him with kindness or respect. It made me think about how important it is to be nice to everyone, no matter what they look like. The book taught me that it's what's on the inside that counts, not how someone looks on the outside.I also loved how John never gave up, even when things were really tough for him. He always stayed positive and tried to make the best of his situation. That inspired me to never give up on my dreams, even if things get difficult.Overall, Elephant Man is a heartwarming story that teaches important lessons about kindness, acceptance, and perseverance.I would recommend it to anyone who wants to be inspired and learn more about the power of compassion.So, if you're looking for a good book to read, definitely check out Elephant Man. I promise you won't be disappointed!。

He is not like people, not animal, man is man. This is the theme of the movie, is also the he-ro-in-e Merrick into despair when the angle between the last call, but seek not to save. Like the film slowly open the Prelude: a photo of a beautiful woman, the next desperate guy s mother, a group of noisy elephant. With the background of noisy sound of a horn, a womans body was trampled trampling elephants. The woman, a mother, the tropical rainforest in absurd experience, the origin of the story with this montage to abstract over. Then the long two hours. A monochrome picture. With people have a natural physiological aversion wheeze, deformation of the body, ugly skin, big head, only can distinguish the clear eye and a left hand or true colours, ugly face beauty under the holy heart, night prayer nervous lambs, slaughtered lambs. That is the man.Man is innocent, he is like a child tremble with fear in ones boots, he is afraid of people to his whip, for he laughed at, he is afraid of outside the window suddenly appeared in the faces of the people who harbour evil designs, he is afraid of even a sudden closing of the door, he is afraid to talk. He took his mothers photo, with an angelic face woman, and then he was sad to say: if my mother is, she never wanted to see me, she ... ... Be ashamed of me, I, I let her down ... ... Even if someone posturing as close to him, he would be overwhelmed by an unexpected favour, happy like a child, he would say: is it true, is it true? He dare not believe, he thought his life would really like an animal, in a dark and damp low layer through, with failing health, asthma and heavy sound. He hopes to the church, from he only wanted to be an ordinary person s desire, but that the church is the place not far away, so close, he could not see, he can only in the heart of draw the outline of its, use their imagination to create his ideal, one for ordinary people. Ideal.I think this is David Lynch invented by freak to deride the world of black humor, a" Notre Dame de Paris" and the continuation of the reconstruction, with cruel body face to praise the holineof heart. When I started to search for more information about the mans time, I searched the Joseph Merrick story. " Elephant Man" is based on the Joseph Merrick real undergoes a change from. This is shocked and sad fact. One hundred years ago, people had existed really. In fact, reality than the film appear to be cruel, Merrick after death, the body has been reserved for Royal London hospital, doing the experiment, he has become a rare pathology medical community for 100 years problem. The film with malformation of dwarfs rescue and the doctor last conscience to show the good side, but still unable to save the mans death. Joseph Merrick had personally used cardboard for a church, and fragile.。

One of the most famous cases of the human elephant is that of Joseph Merrick, who lived in the late 19th century. Merrick's condition caused severe deformities to his face, skull, and bo exploitation. However, despite his physical appearance, Merrick maintained a gentle and compassionate spirit. His story, which has beenimmortalized in literature, film, and theater, serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of empathy and understanding.

象人英文作文及翻译英文:As an elephant, I have always been fascinated by humans. They are such complex creatures with a vast range of emotions and behaviors. I have observed them closely and have come to understand some of their ways.One thing I have noticed about humans is that they are very social creatures. They thrive on interaction with others and form close bonds with family and friends. They also have a strong need for communication and often express themselves through language.Another interesting aspect of humans is their abilityto create and innovate. They are constantly coming up with new ideas and inventions, which has led to great advancements in technology and science. This creativityalso extends to the arts, where humans express themselves through music, painting, and other forms of artisticexpression.However, humans are also prone to negative emotionssuch as anger, jealousy, and greed. These emotions canoften lead to conflict and even violence. It is importantfor humans to learn to control these negative emotions and find ways to resolve conflicts peacefully.Overall, humans are fascinating creatures with a complex range of emotions and behaviors. As an elephant, I am constantly learning from them and finding new ways to understand their ways.中文:作为一只大象,我一直对人类很着迷。
象人中the card部分的读后感

象人中the card部分的读后感初看《象人》的时候,一是自己惯来对黑白色的偏爱,二是冲着导演大卫·林奇(David Lynch)的名字,这次的《象人》,大卫·林奇1980年的处女作,让我哭了,象人读后感。

象人英语读后感范文您需要登录后才可以回帖登录 | 注册发布I looked a book in the summer holiday.The book called <>. This book tell about a poor and ugly peaple.No one like him,eveeryone all mock him.Because,he is very ugly.There are more bags of dirty skin on the front and back of his body.The right hand is like a marls foot.But the left hand isbeautiful!A people close him in a cage.And show him.Until one day,a doctor looked him.He feel the Elephant Man very interested.And want to study him.So The Elephant Manfamous,everyone want to visit him,even the Queen of England visit him.In the three and half years,he is very happy.On April 15th night,he died.After I read the book ,I knock a reason:Augly people,but his soul doesnt ugly.He will very happy.First,the Elephant Man is very poor,He lives a cold and dark room.After the doctor see him.He became happy.Because,he is simple,not bad.People little by little notice him.I think,the world has a lot of people like the Elephant Man ---- poor and ugly.But also has a lot of people like thedoctor----ready to help others.So,I think the world will verybeautiful!And the Elephant Man people will veryhappy!Mayle,They will became ausefut people.So,the world have a word: You cant judge a book by its cover.At first glance, "the elephant man" when one is his austomed to black and white color preference, two is directed to director David Lynch (DavidLynch) name, the "Elephant Man", David Lynchs 1980 debut, let me cry.He is not like a man, not an animal, man is man.This is the theme of the film is also the protagonist is Merrick - angle into despair when the last shout, but do not seek to rescue.Like the slow start of a film: a beautiful girl in a picture frame, a mother of desperate people, a herd of noisy elephants.With the background of the noisy sound of the horn, a girls body by elephants trampled trampling.The girl, a mother, the absurd experiences in the rainforest, the origin of the story, was brought to the abstract with such montage.Then it was a long two hours.Black-and-white picture.As people have natural aversion physiological wheeze, deformed body, ugly skin, big head, only can distinguish the left eye and a clear or are left, the beautiful ugly appearance of the sacred heart, night prayer nerve lamb slaughtered lamb.That is the man.Man is innocent, he tremble with fear like a child, he was afraid of his people to the whip, he laughed at, he was afraid of those people outside the window harbour evil designs appear suddenly in the face, he is afraid of even a sudden closing sound, he is afraid to speak.He took a picture of his mother with a girl with an angels face, and then he said sadly, "if my mother is still there, she must not want to see me."......Will be ashamed of me, I, I put her to shame......Even those who just posturing like close to him, he was overwhelmed by an unexpected favour, happy like a child, he would say: it is really, really s He did not dare to believe that he thought his life would really like an animal in the lower dark wet through with a weak body, and heavy wheeze.He expected to e from outside the church, he just wants to do for an ordinary person, but the church is not far out of the window, so close that he could not see, he can only draw the outline of it in the heart, to create his ideal to use their own imagination, one for ordinary people not worth mentioning the ideal.Sentimental personality signature cold girlI think that this is just Lynch made up by the abnormal people to ridicule the world of black humor, a "Notre Dame de Paris" continuity and reconstruction, with cruel body face tosing the sanctity of the heart.When I began to search for more information about the driver, I find the story of JosephMerrick."The elephant man" is based on the real experiences of change and JosephMerrick.Its a shock and a sad truth.More than 100 years ago, before the real man.In fact, the reality is far more cruel than what the film shows. After Merrick died, his body was kept by the Royal Infirmary in London for experiments. His rare pathology became a problem that puzzled the medical munity for more than 100 years.While the film with deformity of dwarf relief and the doctor finally conscience to prove a perfect one, but still unable to save the mans death.JosephMerrick had personally made a church out of cardboard, and it was gorgeous and fragile."If not, maybe I can please you better and please the world," says JosephMerrick.......If I could......If you can measure his worth with ones soul......In the end, the film es back to the beginning of abstraction and illusion, because we can not get answers in the real world.A voice said, it is a dead mother, she said: nothingwilldie.[象人英语读后感]相关文章:1.读简爱英语读后感2.追风筝的人英语读后感3.灰姑娘读后感200字英语4.做最好的老师读后感_读后感大全5.《简爱》读后感大全6.阳光校园读后感7.择天记读后感8.简爱读后感大全9.谈美读后感10.法的门前读后感。

象人读后感英文After reading "To Kill a Mockingbird", I was deeply moved by the powerful themes and messages conveyed in the novel. Harper Lee's masterpiece not only sheds light on the issues of racism and injustice, but also presents a touching coming-of-age story that resonates with readers of all ages.One of the most striking aspects of the novel is its portrayal of racial inequality in the American South during the 1930s. Through the character of Tom Robinson, a black man falsely accused of raping a white woman, Lee exposes the deep-rooted prejudices and discrimination that plagued society at that time. The trial of Tom Robinson, and the subsequent verdict, serves as a stark reminder of the harsh realities faced by African Americans in a segregated society. As a reader, I was both saddened and angered by the injustice that Tom Robinson and others like him had to endure simply because of the color of their skin.In addition to its exploration of racial injustice, "To Kill a Mockingbird" also delves into the moral growth and development of its young protagonist, Scout Finch. Through her eyes, we witness the complexities of human nature and the importance of empathy and understanding. As Scout learns valuable lessons from her father, Atticus, and her experiences with Boo Radley, she begins to understand the importance of seeing the world from different perspectives and standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity.The novel's title, "To Kill a Mockingbird", is a metaphor that carries significant meaning throughout the story. Atticus tells Scout and Jem that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird, as they do nothing but bring joy to the world through their songs. This symbolizes the innocence and vulnerability of those who are unjustly persecuted, such as Tom Robinson and Boo Radley. The novel's message is clear: we must protect and cherish those who are marginalized and mistreated, and strive to create a more just and compassionate society.As I reflect on the themes and characters of "To Kill a Mockingbird", I am reminded of the enduring relevance of the novel in today's world. While progress has been made in the fight for civil rights and equality, there are still many challenges and injustices that persist. The novel serves as a poignant reminder of the need for empathy, understanding, and the courage to stand up for what is right.In conclusion, "To Kill a Mockingbird" is a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers for its powerful portrayal of social injustice and the enduring human spirit. Harper Lee's masterful storytelling and compelling characters have left a lasting impact on me, and I believe that the novel's themes will continue to inspire and provoke thought for generations to come.。

象人读后感英文范文lambs, slaughtered lambs. That is the man.Man is innocent, he is like a child tremble with fear in ones boots, he is afraid of people to his whip, for he laughed at, he is afraid of outside the window suddenly appeared in the faces of the people who harbour evil designs, he is afraid of even a sudden closing of the door, he is afraid to talk. He took his mothers photo, with an angelic face woman, and then he was sad to say: if my mother is, she never wanted to see me, she ... ... Be ashamed of me, I, I let her down ... ... Even if someone posturing as close to him, he would be overwhelmed by an unexpected favour, happy like a child, he would say: is it true, is it true? He dare not believe, he thought his life would really like an animal, in a dark and damp low layer through, with failing health, asthma and heavy sound. He hopes to the church, from he only wanted to be an ordinary person s desire, but that the church is the place not far away, so close, he could not see, he can only in the heart of draw the outline of its, use their imagination to create his ideal, one for ordinary people. Ideal.I think this is David Lynch invented by freak to deride the world of black humor, a" Notre Dame de Paris" and the continuation of the reconstruction, with cruel body face to praise the holineof heart. When I started to search for more information about the mans time,。

象人英语读后感As a reader of the English novel "To Kill a Mockingbird", I was deeply moved by the powerful themes and thought-provoking characters. The novel, written by Harper Lee, takes place in the small town of Maycomb, Alabama, during the 1930s and follows the story of a young girl named Scout Finch and her brother Jem as they navigate the complexities of racism, injustice, and morality.One of the most striking aspects of the novel is its exploration of the deep-seated racism that permeates the town of Maycomb. Through the character of Atticus Finch, Scout and Jem's father, the novel presents a powerful and unwavering moral compass in the face of prejudice and bigotry. Atticus serves as a role model for his children and for readers, demonstrating the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of overwhelming opposition.The character of Boo Radley also serves as a poignant commentary on the destructive nature of prejudice. Boo, who is initially portrayed as a mysterious and frightening figure, ultimately proves to be a kind and compassionate person. Through Boo's story, the novel challenges readers to look beyond the surface and to recognize the humanity in all people, regardless of their outward appearance or reputation.In addition to its exploration of racism, "To Kill a Mockingbird" also delves into the complexities of morality and justice. The trial of Tom Robinson, a black man falsely accused of raping a white woman, serves as a powerful indictment of the flawed and biased nature of the justice system. The novel forces readers to confront the harsh realities of inequality and injustice, and to consider the ways in which these issues continue to impact society today.As I read "To Kill a Mockingbird", I found myself deeply engrossed in the story and the characters, and I was struck by the novel's timeless relevance. Despite being set in the 1930s, the themes of racism, prejudice, and justice remain as urgent and important today as they were when the novel was first published. Through its powerful storytelling andunforgettable characters, "To Kill a Mockingbird" challenges readers to confront difficult truths and to strive for a more just and equitable society.In conclusion, "To Kill a Mockingbird" is a powerful and thought-provoking novel that continues to resonate with readers of all ages. Its exploration of racism, morality, and justice is as relevant today as it was when the novel was first published, and its characters and themes will continue to inspire and challenge readers for generations to come. I am grateful for the opportunity to have read this novel, and I am certain that its impact will stay with me for years to come.。

象人读后感英文象人读后感英文范文At first sight" Elephant Man" when, one is his accustomed to black and white color preference, two to director David Lynch ( David Lynch ) name, the" Elephant Man", David Lynch 1980 s debut, let me cry.He is not like people, not animal, man is man. This is the theme of the movie, is also the he-ro-in-e Merrick into despair when the angle between the last call, but seek not to save. Like the film slowly open the Prelude: a photo of a beautiful woman, the next desperate guy s mother, a group of noisy elephant. With the background of noisy sound of a horn, a womans body was trampled trampling elephants. The woman, a mother, the tropical rainforest in absurd experience, the origin of the story with this montage to abstract over. Then the long two hours. A monochrome picture. With people have a natural physiological aversion wheeze, deformation of the body, ugly skin, big head, only can distinguish the clear eye and a left hand or true colours, ugly face beauty under the holy heart, night prayer nervous lambs, slaughtered lambs. That is theman.Man is innocent, he is like a child tremble with fear in ones boots, he is afraid of people to his whip, for he laughed at, he is afraid of outside the window suddenly appeared in the faces of the people who harbour evil designs, he is afraid of even a sudden closing of the door, he is afraid to talk. He took his mothers photo, with an angelic face woman, and then he was sad to say: if my mother is, she never wanted to see me, she ... ... Be ashamed of me, I, I let her down ... ... Even if someone posturing as close to him, he would be overwhelmed by an unexpected favour, happy like a child, he would say: is it true, is it true? He dare not believe, he thought his life would really like an animal, in a dark and damp low layer through, with failing health, asthma and heavy sound. He hopes to the church, from he only wanted to be an ordinary person s desire, but that the church is the place not far away, so close, he could not see, he can only in the heart of draw the outline of its, use their imagination to create his ideal, one for ordinary people. Ideal.I think this is David Lynch invented by freak toderide the world of black humor, a" Notre Dame de Paris" and the continuation of the reconstruction, with cruel body face to praise the holineof heart. When I started to search for more information about the mans time, I searched the Joseph Merrick story. " Elephant Man" is based on the Joseph Merrick real undergoes a change from. This is shocked and sad fact. One hundred years ago, people had existed really. In fact, reality than the film appear to be cruel, Merrick after death, the body has been reserved for Royal London hospital, doing the experiment, he has become a rare pathology medical community for 100 years problem. The film with malformation of dwarfs rescue and the doctor last conscience to show the good side, but still unable to save the mans death. Joseph Merrick had personally used cardboard for a church, and fragile.Joseph Merrick said:" if not, perhaps I can please you, please the world ... ... If I can ... ... If you can use a persons soul to measure his worth ... ... At the end of the film is to go back to the beginning of abstraction and illusory, because in reality we cannot obtain the answer. Said a voice, that is he dead mother,she said: nothing will die.象人读后感英文范文I looked a book in the summer book called .This book tell about a poor and ugly one like him,eveeryone all mock ,he is very are more bags of dirty skin on the front and back of his right hand is like a marls the left hand isbeautiful!A people close him in a show one day,a doctor looked feel the Elephant Man very want to study The Elephant Manfamous,everyone want to visit him,even the Queen of England visit the three and half years,he is very April 15th night,he died.After I read the book ,I knock a reason:Augly people,but his soul doesnt will very happy.First,the Elephant Man is very poor,He lives a cold and dark the doctor see became ,he is simple,not little by little notice think,the world has a lot of people like the Elephant Man ---- poor and also has a lot of people like the doctor----ready to help ,I think the world will very beautiful!And the Elephant Man people will very happy!Mayle,They will became ausefut ,the world have a word: You cant judge a book by its cover.。

象人,英文读后感篇一:象人读后感《象人》读后感I looked a book in the summer holiday.The book called >.This book tell about a poor and ugly peaple.No one like him,eveeryone all mock him.Because,he is very ugly.There are more bags of dirty skin on the front and back of his body.The right hand is like a marls foot.But the left hand isbeautiful!A people close him in a cage.And show him.Until one day,a doctor looked him.He feel the Elephant Man very interested.And want to study him.So The Elephant Manfamous,everyone want to visit him,even the Queen of England visit him.In the three and half years,he is very happy.On April15th night,he died.After I read the book ,I knock a reason:Augly people,but his soul doesn’t ugly.He will very happy.First,the Elephant Man is very poor,He lives a cold and dark room.After the doctor see him.He became happy.Because,he is simple,not bad.People little by little notice him.I think,the world has a lot of people like the Elephant Man ---- poor and ugly.But also has a lot of people like the doctor----ready to help others.So,I think the world will very beautiful!And the Elephant Man people will very happy!Mayle,They will became ausefut people.So,the world have a word: You can’t judge a book by it’s cover.篇二:象人读后感Before I search on the internet, I really can not understand what the meaning about this story.It began in a little black and gray,it described a personlooked like a elephant and was treated unequally. People around him always hated him,including his mom,she abandoned him when he was very young. His appearance looked terrible for everyone. And the first time when doctor saw him,all of him was filled with depressed and sadness. People around him all laughed at him,even more threw stones to him. Because of his terrific appearance,he was caught by the police,blamed by the neighboring,hated by the children,refused by the women. He can write and sing,but nobody hired him. Although through the doctor’s help,he become more happier than before and he can also chatted with others and had fun with others. What’s more,the Queen Alexandra,the queen of England came to see and talked with him.Things always go well? Not,I think the dead of the elephant man is really a ridiculous thing,he died just because of trying to sleep on his back like you and me. However,his heavy head came off the bed,and he broke his neck. So,why the author choose this way to end theelephant’s beginning wonderful life? Why does he cut the beautiful connection between elephant and others? And this reminded me of the appearance of the elephant man. The book said that his mom was a beauty and a kind people,however,why his mom indeed to abandon him,just because of his really hateful face? Personally,I have another idea:he must do something really wrong and even his mom cannot forgive him. There is a question that why the author wanted him to have half body of elephant and a half body of human. At first,I thought he would be some loved and took good care of him. However,the result give me a lot of lessons. The whole life the elephant has is a trike,and all the happy time is the illusion he dreamed. Maybe the story want to tell us you should not to dream the things what not belong to you. But I was quite confused the reason why the author written it.So I searched on the Internet,there is something about:”hundreds year ago the world wasvery different.Most people live without electricity in the clod,damp environment.They never go to the hospital,often died miserable. This book tells of apoor,ugly story.”And this is the background. Do you understand ? I do not.篇三:英语原著《象人》读写指导英语原著《象人》读写指导一.《象人》悬念设置In a little room, a magnificent woman, who was called Your Majesty, came to visit an ugly and horrible man whose head looked like an elephant. The ugly man was surprised and woman was smiling warmly. Who was this ugly man? Why do they look so harmonious? 一个小房间里,气质华贵被的英国女王拜访了一位长相丑陋不堪,头畸形的像大象的一个人。

象人读后感读后感i looked a book in the summer holiday。
the book called <>。
this book tell about a poor and ugly peaple。
no one like him,eveeryone all mock him。
because,he is very ugly。
there are more bags of dirty skin on the front and back of his body。
the right hand is like a marls foot。
but the left hand is beautiful!a people close him in a cage。
and show him。
until one day,a doctor looked him。
he feel the elephant man very interested。
and want to study him。
so the elephant man famous,everyone want to visit him,even the queen of england visit him。
in the three and half years,he is very happy。
on april 15th night,he died。
after i read the book ,i knock a reason:augly people,but his soul doesn't ugly。
he will very happy。
first,the elephant man is very poor,he lives a cold and dark room。
after the doctor see him。
he became happy。
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象人读后感英文象人读后感英文范文At first sight" Elephant Man" when, one is his accustomed to black and white color preference, two to director David Lynch ( David Lynch ) name, the" Elephant Man", David Lynch 1980 s debut, let me cry.He is not like people, not animal, man is man. This is the theme of the movie, is also the he-ro-in-e Merrick into despair when the angle between the last call, but seek not to save. Like the film slowly open the Prelude: a photo of a beautiful woman, the next desperate guy s mother, a group of noisy elephant. With the background of noisy sound of a horn, a womans body was trampled trampling elephants. The woman, a mother, the tropical rainforest in absurd experience, the origin of the story with this montage to abstract over. Then the long two hours. A monochrome picture. With people have a natural physiological aversion wheeze, deformation of the body, ugly skin, big head, only can distinguish the clear eye and a left hand or true colours, ugly face beauty under the holy heart, night prayer nervous lambs, slaughtered lambs. That is theman.Man is innocent, he is like a child tremble with fear in ones boots, he is afraid of people to his whip, for he laughed at, he is afraid of outside the window suddenly appeared in the faces of the people who harbour evil designs, he is afraid of even a sudden closing of the door, he is afraid to talk. He took his mothers photo, with an angelic face woman, and then he was sad to say: if my mother is, she never wanted to see me, she ... ... Be ashamed of me, I, I let her down ... ... Even if someone posturing as close to him, he would be overwhelmed by an unexpected favour, happy like a child, he would say: is it true, is it true? He dare not believe, he thought his life would really like an animal, in a dark and damp low layer through, with failing health, asthma and heavy sound. He hopes to the church, from he only wanted to be an ordinary person s desire, but that the church is the place not far away, so close, he could not see, he can only in the heart of draw the outline of its, use their imagination to create his ideal, one for ordinary people. Ideal.I think this is David Lynch invented by freak toderide the world of black humor, a" Notre Dame de Paris" and the continuation of the reconstruction, with cruel body face to praise the holineof heart. When I started to search for more information about the mans time, I searched the Joseph Merrick story. " Elephant Man" is based on the Joseph Merrick real undergoes a change from. This is shocked and sad fact. One hundred years ago, people had existed really. In fact, reality than the film appear to be cruel, Merrick after death, the body has been reserved for Royal London hospital, doing the experiment, he has become a rare pathology medical community for 100 years problem. The film with malformation of dwarfs rescue and the doctor last conscience to show the good side, but still unable to save the mans death. Joseph Merrick had personally used cardboard for a church, and fragile.Joseph Merrick said:" if not, perhaps I can please you, please the world ... ... If I can ... ... If you can use a persons soul to measure his worth ... ... At the end of the film is to go back to the beginning of abstraction and illusory, because in reality we cannot obtain the answer. Said a voice, that is he dead mother,she said: nothing will die.象人读后感英文范文I looked a book in the summer book called .This book tell about a poor and ugly one like him,eveeryone all mock ,he is very are more bags of dirty skin on the front and back of his right hand is like a marls the left hand isbeautiful!A people close him in a show one day,a doctor looked feel the Elephant Man very want to study The Elephant Manfamous,everyone want to visit him,even the Queen of England visit the three and half years,he is very April 15th night,he died.After I read the book ,I knock a reason:Augly people,but his soul doesnt will very happy.First,the Elephant Man is very poor,He lives a cold and dark the doctor see became ,he is simple,not little by little notice think,the world has a lot of people like the Elephant Man ---- poor and also has a lot of people like the doctor----ready to help ,I think the world will very beautiful!And the Elephant Man people will very happy!Mayle,They will became ausefut ,the world have a word: You cant judge a book by its cover.。