读写unit4 A课文翻译及练习答案
新视野大学英语第三版读写教程第二册Unit 4 A Heroes among us课文翻译

U4 A Heroes among us我们身边的英雄Who's a hero these days? In an era of heightened heroism, the word hero has become more common. We use hero to describe both victims and survivors of all kinds of difficulties and tragedies. Who are the heroes among us?谁是当今的英雄?在一个英雄主义发扬光大的时代,“英雄”一词已经变得更加常见。
那么,我们身边哪些人是英雄呢?In the days subsequent to a mass shooting in Tucson, Arizona, many described 20-year-old political associate Daniel Hernandez as a hero. During the horrible shooting, he courageously ran through the danger to save the life of one of the victims, his boss and friend, congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Daniel held her head up so she could breathe and applied pressure to her wounds. He spoke tender words of sympathy, telling her that he would find her husband and her parents and that everything would be fine. And he never left her side, staying beside her in the ambulance all the way to the hospital.在亚利桑那州图森市枪击案发生后的日子里,许多人都把20 岁的政界同事丹尼尔•赫尔南德兹描述为英雄。
英语读写译4课文翻译第二版新视野大学英语读写教程第四册课文翻译Unit 1 text A名气之尾艺术家追求成名,如同狗自逐其尾,一旦追到手,除了继续追逐不知还能做些什么。
知名作家的文风一眼就能看出来,如田纳西?威廉斯的戏剧、欧内斯特?海明威的情节安排、罗伯特?弗罗斯特或 T.S.艾略特的诗歌等。

新视野大学英语4读写教程4课后翻译标准答案Unit 4 Text AI. 翻译练习1. “我们确实相信,我们正在努力把我们的世界变得更美好。
”2. “如果科学家和工程师们共同努力,我们就能实现这个目标。
”3. “我们的技术进步速度如此之快,以至于我们无法预测未来会发生什么。
”4. “我们需要培养下一代的创新思维,以便他们能够应对未来的挑战。
”5. “我们应该鼓励年轻人追求他们的梦想,并为实现这些梦想提供支持。
”Unit 4 Text BI. 翻译练习1. “在过去,我们依赖传统媒体获取信息,如报纸、电视和广播。
”2. “然而,现在我们可以通过互联网和社交媒体获取实时信息。
”3. “这种变化对新闻行业产生了深远的影响,许多传统媒体不得不适应新的媒体环境。
”4. “互联网的普及也带来了一些问题,如虚假新闻和隐私泄露。
”5. “我们需要提高公众的媒体素养,以便他们能够辨别真实和虚假信息。
”Unit 4 Text CI. 翻译练习1. “我们生活的世界变得越来越紧密相连,国际关系变得日益重要。
”2. “我们需要通过外交手段解决国际争端,而不是通过战争。
”3. “全球化带来了许多机遇,但也带来了一些挑战,如贸易保护和环境问题。
”4. “我们应该加强国际合作,共同应对全球性问题,如气候变化和贫困。
”5. “作为全球公民,我们有责任为创造一个更加和平、繁荣和可持续的世界做出贡献。
”Unit 4 Text AII. 翻译练习1. “我们正在努力让我们的世界变得更加美好。
”2. “如果科学家和工程师们共同努力,我们就能实现这个目标。
”3. “我们的技术进步速度如此之快,以至于我们无法预测未来会发生什么。
”4. “我们需要培养下一代的创新思维,以便他们能够应对未来的挑战。
”5. “我们应该鼓励年轻人追求他们的梦想,并为实现这些梦想提供支持。
”Unit 4 Text BII. 翻译练习1. “在过去,我们依赖传统媒体获取信息,如报纸、电视和广播。

新版新视野大学英语读写教程第四册答案及课文翻译答案部分:Unit OneIII.1. idle2. justify3. discount4. distinct5. minute6.accused7. object8. contaminate9. sustain 10. worship IV.1. accusing... of2. end up3. came upon4. at her worst5. pay for6. run a risk of7. participate in8. other than9. object to/objected 10. at best V1. K2. G3. C4. E5. N6.O7.I8. L9. A 10. D CollocationVI.1. delay2. pain3. hardship4. suffering5. fever6. defeat7. poverty8. treatment9. noise 10. agonyWord buildingVII.1. justify2. glorify3. exemplifies4. classified5. purified6. intensify7. identify8. terrifiedVIII.1. bravery2. jewelry3. delivery4. machinery5. robbery6. nursery7. scenery8. discoverySentence StructureIX.1. other than for funerals and weddings2. other than to live an independent life3. other than that they appealed to his eye . . `4. but other than that, he'll eat just about everything .5. other than that it's somewhere in the town centerX.1. shouldn't have been to the cinema last night2. would have; told him the answer3. they needn't have gone at all4. must have had too much work to do5. might have been injured seriouslyTranslationXI. -1. The plant does not grow well in soils other than the one in which it has been developed.2. Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what wemay have done during the day.3.Some people tend to justify their failure by blaming others for not trying their best.4.We remain tree to our commitment: Whatever we promised to do; we would do it.5.Even Beethoven's father discounted the possibility that his son would one day become the greatest musician in the world. The same is true of Edison, who seemed to his teacher to be quite dull.6. They were accused by authorities of threatening the state security.XII.l.出入除自己家以外的任何场所时,如果你带有宠物,一定要了解有关宠物的规定。
新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程2 Unit 4 A篇练习答案及课文翻译

Trying doors as he went, twirling his club with many intricate and artful movements, turning now and then to cast his watchful eye adown the pacific thoroughfare, the officer, with his stalwart form and slight swagger, made a fine picture of a guardian of the peace. The vicinity was one that kept early hours. Now and then you might see the lights of a cigar store or of an all-night lunch counter; but the majority of the doors belonged to business places that had long since been closed.
Warming Up
In The Ransom of Red Chief, two men kidnap a boy of ten. The boy turns out to be so bratty and obnoxious that the desperate men ultimately pay the boy’s father $250 to take him back. The pattern of “The Ransom of Red Chief” is suggested by the first sentence of the story: “It looked like a good thing: but wait till I tell you.” The story is essentially ironic; in a series of comic reversals, the expected event is replaced by its opposite.

第3版新视野大学英语4读写教程课本练习答案(全)第三版的答案找了很久找不到,干脆自己做一个!客观题总结全了,有能力的请下载下来支持我1个下载券,在线阅读的也请在下面评价文档处点个五星,谢谢!Unit 1Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.crumbled2.discern3.surpass4.shrewd5.conversion6.distort7.radiant8.ingenious9.stumped 10.propositionText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1delicacybankruptcyaccountancysecrecyvacancyurgencyatmosphericmagnetmetallicgloomguiltText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 21.bankruptcies2.atmospheric3.delicacies4.urgency5.accountancy6.gloom7.magnet8.metallic9.mastery 10.vacancy 11.guilt 12.secrecyText A > Language focus > Banked cloze(1)mentioned(2)determine(3)gained(4)responsible(5)heavily(6)artistic(7)(8)analytical(9)distorted(10)stumpedText A > Language focus > Expressions in use1.were dripping with2.in exchange for3.flared up4.make an analogy between5.set a date for6.make ... out of7.made a pact8.had appealed toText B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingCABDB DCAText B > Language focus > Words in use1.triggering3.hypothesis4.formulate5.threshold6.incidence7.refute8.realm9.decay10.testimonyText B > Language focus > Expressions in use1.play the odds2.subject to3.attributes to4.be factored into5.call for6.By virtue of7.get stuck one into playCollocation: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2Unit 2Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.deficient2.prosecution3.outrage4.appeased5.conformity6.strandplement8.transient9.appliances 10.outfitText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1dominationorientationconfrontationcomposerbinderscannermanufacturereraseimperialistleftistterroristhumanistText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 21.domination2.scanners3.humanist4.confrontation5.leftists6.orientation7.erased8.terrorists9.manufacturers 10.binder 11.imperialists posersText A > Language focus > Banked cloze(1)achieving(2)gorgeous(3)considered(4)context(5)accessories(6)appreciated(7)complexion(8)handsome(9)comment(10)admirationText A > Language focus > Expressions in use1.in hopes of2.came up with3.excused herself4.was obsessed with5.reaching out to6.voice an opinion on7.live up to8.in terms ofText B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingBDDAD BCAText B > Language focus > Words in use1.hampered2.mortal3.corrode4.preface5.embodies6.interwoven7.knit8.collide9.costume10.predominantText B > Language focus > Expressions in use1.enquired about2.from a ... perspective3.on the rise4.be accountable to5.are worn out6.is exempt from7.approve of8.being addicted toCollocation: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2Unit 3Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.exquisite2.dispersed3.decentralized4.deduce5.fixture6.frugality7.administrate8.disjointed9.Reviving 10.elapseText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1punctualitypurityscarcitysenioritysensitivitysolemnityspecialtysuperiorityvalidityvisibilityreassurerestructureText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 21.seniority2.purity3.specialties4.reassure5. scarcity6.punctuality7.sensitivity8.restructuring9.superiority 10.validity 11.visibility 12.solemnityText A > Language focus > Banked cloze(1)frequently(2)immersed(3)disrupted(4)stress(5)sphere(6)challenges(7)quantifythe pleasure with money. It offers more than (8) financial(9)administrate(10)addictionText A > Language focus > Expressions in use1.held ... in high regard2.In the interim3.was onto something4.in turn5.from time to time6.pick on7.take a stab at8.boil down toText B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingADCBB ACDText B > Language focus > Words in use1.stimulus2.magnitude3.velocity4.quota5.stipulated6.tease7.eligible8.premium9.reminiscence10.decreeText B > Language focus > Expressions in use1.be embedded in2.a trace of3.is critical to4.adjacent to5.beat sb. down6.remains committed to7.conceive of8. be eligible forCollocation: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2Unit 4Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.consolidate2.differentiate3.dreadful4.incompatible5.alleged6.alleged7.alleged8.alleged9.habitats 10.intelligibleText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1harmoniousdisastrousspacioushazardousvirtuousvictoriousdesirousadventurousevenlyroutinelyconsequentrespectivelyText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 21.victorious2.hazardous3.consequent4.adventurous5.disastrous6.disastrous7.spacious8.respectively9. virtuous10.routinely 11.harmonious 12.desirousText A > Language focus > Banked cloze(1)incompatible (2) preserve biodiversity.(3) available (4) proportion (5)utilized (6) converted (7) dreadful (8) balance (9)sane (10) considerableText A > Language focus > Expressions in use1.took on2.called upon3.runs against the grain4. be incompatiblee through 6.is bound up 7.differentiate between 8.have struck a chord withText B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingBCCDA ABCText B > Language focus > Words in use1.converge2impaired3contaminate4.vulgar5.dweller6.alienate7.prefer8.injected9.deplore10.invertedText B > Language focus > Expressions in use1.be obedient to2.leaned against3.subscribe to4.preside over5.shutting out6.plunged into7.plunged into8.are disconnected from Collocation: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2Unit 5Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.fabricate2.nominal3.temporal4.reciprocal5.denotes6.consecutive7.spectators8.mutteringposite positeText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1assertivedecisivedigestiveimaginativeconsultativequalitativeauthoritativeconservequantitativeunbuttonunsettleunveilText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 21.conserve2.unbuttoning3.authoritative4.consultative5.imaginative6.quantitative7.unveil8.assertive9.unsettled 10.decisive 11.digestive 12.qualitativeText A > Language focus > Banked cloze(1)exterior (2)insights (3) complete (4)course(5) inconsistencies (6)offended (7)gestures (8) ornaments (9)sense(10) distinctiveText A > Language focus > Expressions in use1.got to the point2.are attached to3.would have starved to death4.If anything5.were suspicious of6.wandered around7.on the side8.was representative ofReading skills > PracticeADBDCText B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingDACDA CDBText B > Language focus > Words in use1.refund2friction3.mute4.detained5.extractpiles7.convertibles8.mediated9.tactful10.cohesionText B > Language focus > Expressions in usegs behind2.put in charge of3.take a(n) ... approach to4.singled out5.headed for6.incorporated into7.divert … to8. has had an impact onCollocation: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2Unit 6Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.stalked2.stalked3.symmetrical4.lubricated5.twinkled6.mediator7.outposts8.traversing9.emancipate 10.deductiveText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1prevalentpersistentcorrespondentrespondentinclusiveindicativeinductiveinteractiveoperativeresponsive / respondentinitiatespeculativeText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 21.operative2.indicative3.prevalent4.interactive5.speculative6.initiate7.respondents8.inclusive9.persistent 10.inductive 11.responsive 12.correspondentText A > Language focus > Banked cloze(1)reason(2)levy(3)generating(4)lightweight(5)reduction(6)enhance(7)achieved(8)emancipate(9)relationships(10)approachesText A > Language focus > Expressions in use1.being extracted from2.emancipate ... from3.cater to4.have a say on5.made a racket6.was destined to7.run errands8.has scraped byText B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingDBABC ACDText B > Language focus > Words in use1.transit2.colonized3.execution4.distill5.segregation6.illiterate7.artifacts8.displace9.vigilant10.overthrowText B > Language focus > Expressions in use1.was ejected from2.was ejected from3.forbid ... from4.were coiled up with5.ran for6.against his will7.a ghost of8. took upCollocation: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2Unit 7Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.fringe2.unify3.extinct4.indefinite5.slash6.intricate7.inaugurate8.ventilate9.collaboration 10.diffusedText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1competence / competitionadolescentdelegationcondemnationrestorationpreservationspecificationreconciliationresignationspeculationrevelationsituateText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 21.delegation2.restoration3.situate4.specificationspetence6.adolescent7.condemnation8.reconciliation9.preservation 10.resignation 11. speculation12.revelationText A > Language focus > Banked cloze(1)particulates(2)viable(3)disagree(4)cite(5)rotary(6)vary(7)little(8)minimize(9)locating(10)designedText A > Language focus > Expressions in use1.fill up2.fill up3.have factored in4.pose a risk to5.clear up6.is derived from7.hinge on8.is uponText B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingDCABB CDAText B > Language focus > Words in use1.intrigued2.neutralize3coherent4.volatile5.disclose6.foretell7.dodge8.intermittent9.wholesale10.dualText B > Language focus > Expressions in use1.level off2.keep ... at bay3.account for4.point to5.are starved of6.ona collision course 7.on a collision course 8. rescued ... from Collocation: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2Unit 8Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.stalked2.expectancy3.terminate4.condolences5.chronicling6.malpractice7.retrospective8.boycott9.incur 10.batchesText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1breakagedrainagebriberyrefineryconstitutionalexceptionalinstitutionalorientalsensationtutorialpresidentialprovincialText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 21.provincial2.breakage3.institutional4.bribery5.sensations6.drainage7.tutorial8.refineries9.oriental 10.constitutional 11.presidential12.exceptionalText A > Language focus > Banked cloze(1) depressing (2)figure (3) flexibility (4) seemingly (5)sued (6) imagine (7) sparked (8) suffering (9) leaflets (10) passionateText A > Language focus > Expressions in use1.stay on the sidelines2.alerted to3.turned upy siege to5.followed suit6.In the face of7.put out8.get revenge forText B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingCBADD CDBText B > Language focus > Words in use1.vibrate2.indignant3.activate4.adherence5.timely6.patrons7.tentatively8.serial9.denounces10.impetusText B > Language focus > Expressions in use1.has been swamped with2.in adherence to3.in essence4.marvel at5.feel strongly about6.was dubbed…as7.tacking ... upes to lifeCollocation: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2。
新视野大学英语读写教程2 unit4 课文翻译

Section A College sweethearts大学情侣1 我微笑着看着我那两个可爱的女儿,她们似乎比她们的父母还是大学情侣那会儿更为成熟。
琳达,21岁, 在大学一年级交过一个男友,她曾以为会跟那个男孩结婚,但他们已不再来往了。
谁曾想到,布奇和我最终会结婚呢?他之所以成为我男友,只是因为当时我那肤浅的打算:我要找一个可爱的男友!2 我们通过我的大学室友介绍在大学食堂相识。
3 他骑着自行车经过我的宿舍,装作与我“偶遇”,看到我时还假装惊讶。
4 我担心他会怎么看我。

Unit 4 Section A 课文精彩回顾1.(P25, 1a) Mario, you used to be short, didn't you? 马里奥,你过去很矮,对吗?2.(P26, 2d) It's been three years since we last saw our primary school classmates. 自从上次小学同学见面以来已经有三年的时间了。
3.(P27, 3a) Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness. 坎迪告诉我她过去非常害羞,于是开始唱歌来对付她的羞怯。
4.(P27, 3a) As she got better, she dared to sing in front of her class, and then for the whole school. 当她变得更好一点时,她敢与在全班同学面前唱歌,然后为全校唱歌。
5.(P27, 3a) Only a very small number of people make it to the top. 只有很少一部分人做到最好。
典型题例1.Zhang Lin used to ___ in the daytime, but now he is used to at night.A. read, readB. reading, readC. read, readingD. reading, reading2.—Only a small number of students ___ able to pass the exam.—Yes. The number _______ no more than 20.A. is; isB. are; isC. is; areD. are; are重点短语回顾自我测试及解答【1 】She WaS Very shy, SO She USed to be _ 说话)in class.【2】I ' m afraid OfiVing a S ______ in public.【3】After that, he became more _______ (interest) in history.【4】He didn ' t dare _______ (SPeak) in front of the people.【5】At last, he made an important ____ 决定).【6】He won' t dare _____ his promise.A. breakB. to breakC. break ingD. breaks【7】 一Mike, you ' Ve got so many beautiful Stam P—Yeah. I ____ collect StamPS Whe n I WaS 8 years old.A. WaS USed toB. USed toC. am USed toD. USed【8】Mario is afraid of __ alone.A. be B bei ng C. is D. to【9】 _____ StUdy in No.4 MiddIe School?A. Did you USed toB. Do you USe toC. Do you USed toD. Did you USe to【10 】There ______ a SWimming pool here.A. USed to haveB. WaS USed to beC. USed to beD. is USed to hav ing1. u sed to do sth. 故去常常做某事 3. f rom time to time 时常;有时 5. take up 开始做 7. not …anymore 不再 9. worry about 为 . 担心 11. a small number of 少数13. give a SPeeCh 做演讲2. be afraid of Sth. 害怕某事 /物4. O n the SOCCer team 在足球队6. d eal with 处理;应对8. tonS of attention 很多关注10. hang out 闲逛12. give uP 放弃14. in PubliC 当众中考真题再现1.--Many StUdents dontknow how to ______ StreSS and become worried.--I think they'd better ask their teacher for help.A. argue WithB. deal WithC. quarrel WithD. come UP With2.In our school Iibrary there _ a number of books on SCience, and in theseyears the nu mber of them ___ grow ing Iarger and larger.A. are; isB. is; areC. have; areD. have; is3.--My aunt goes to climb mountains every SUn day.--Oh? BUt She ______ hate CIimbi ng mountains.A. used toB. was usedtoC. is usedtoUnit 4 Section A 课文精彩回顾1.(P25, 1a) Mario, you used to be short, didn't you? 马里奥,你过去很矮,对吗?【点拨】USed to意为过去常常”这是个固定结构,to后跟动词原形,而且没有人称和数的变化,它只有一种时态,只表示过去,而现在已经不再做了,因此常用助动词did进行否定或提问。

The surprising purpose of travel令人惊奇的旅行目的It's 4:15 in the morning, and my alarm clock has juststolen away a lovely dream. I alm ost return back tosleep before my eye catches my packed suitcase and I g roan groan , remem bering that I'm going to theairport. The taxi is late and then lost, and I'm gettingincrea singly nervous that I'll miss my flight . I run inwhen we arrive, stagger through securit y and finallyget to my gate. After all the trouble of this morning,my flight is canceled and I'm stuck in this terminal for the next 218 minutes , and my only consolation is a cup of c omplimentary complimentary airport coffee.This is traveling, a burdensome series of runni ng and waiting, and after countless hours, finallygetting there. 早晨四点一刻,闹钟把我从美梦中惊醒,要不是突然看见早已收拾好的行李箱,我几乎又要睡着。

新视野大学英语读写教程4(第三版)课本练习参考答案[1-5单元A部分]朝MWr人人)UNIT ONESection ALanguage focusWords in use[3]crumbled discern surpass shrewd conversion distort radiant ingenious stumped proposition1.As the gender barriers crumbled,the number of women working as lawyers,doctors,or bankers began to increase significantly form the mid-20th century.随若性别障碍的瓦解.从20世纪中期开始.从事律师、医生或银行家工作的女性数最开始显著增加.2.With the data collected each year,the owner of the shop can discern customer trends and how things like weather and economic indicators a f leet sales performance.通过每年收集的数据.店主可以了解顾客的趋势.以及天气和经济指标对销售业绩的影响。
3.His supervisor pushes and motivates him in such a positive manner that he is not only able to reach but to surpass his personal goals.他的上司以一种积极的方式推动和激励他,使他不仅能够达到.而且能够超越自己的目标.4.He is a man with a(n)shrewd business sense.He has built his initial investment into a substantial and even excessively large fortune.他是个精明的生意人.他把最初的投资变成了一笔可观的、旌至是巨额的财富。

新视野大学英语4:Unit4TextA课文+译文新视野大学英语4:Unit4 TextA(课文+译文)新视野大学英语包括《读写教程》、《听说教程》、《视听说教程》、《综合训练》和《教师用书》等。
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1.Environmental sensitivity is now as required an attitude in polite society as is, say, belief in democracy or disapproval of plastic surgery. But now that everyone from Ted Turner to George H. W. Bush has claimed love for Mother Earth, how are we to choose among the dozens of conflicting proposals, regulations and laws advanced by congressmen and constituents alike in the name of the environment? Clearly, not everything with an environmental claim is worth doing. How do we segregate the best options and consolidate our varying interests into a single, sound policy?1.在上流社会,对环境的敏感就如同信仰民主、反对整容一样,是一种不可或缺的态度。

B. Choose the most suitable word or phrase for each of the following sentences.
1. Heavy smokers are twenty times more likely to be _____ by lung cancer than non-smokers.
Before Reading
Reading Comprehension
Detailed ReadingR-C-VA2f.t8er Reading
Vocabulary Development
8. More and more athletes play games just for money. Sport is being _____ by commercialism.
particular person or group
( C) rapport
F. as a matter of convention
( D) covert
G. obedience; submissiveness
Before Reading
Reading Comprehension
Detailed ReadingR-C-VA1f.t2er Reading
Reading Comprehension
Detailed ReadinRg -C-V2A.f1te0r Reading
Vocabulary Development
10. With an air of authority, as if every jug and bottle in the place existed to _____, the landlord gave Harold his drink.

Structured writing P101
At the beginning of the semester, my English teacher gave the assignment of speaking for three minutes in front of the class. It was an individual project worth 10 percent of the course grade. Since I was very nervous to speak in public, I worried about it for two months. Having no choice, I wrote all of my ideas on note cards. I practiced my speech with my notes in front of a mirror and in front of my dog. Would I be able to give my speech in front of my class?
Critical thinking P95
3 • Try everything I can to secure it. • Interact and communicate with my date frankly. • Figure out what the problem is and then try to solve it. • Don't care since it's useless if my date is not interested in me anymore. 4 • Responsible, smart, honest, considerate, understanding, diligent, rich, good-looking, funny, having the same interest. 5 • Appearance, because I like to see someone who is good-looking. • Character, because appearance will change as time goes by, while one's character is essential to marriage.

TEXT AThe surprising purpose of travel令人惊奇的旅行目的1 It's 4:15 in the morning, and my alarm clock has just stolen away a lovely dream. I almost return back to sleep before my eye catches my packed suitcase and I groan, remembering that I'm going to the airport. The taxi is late and then lost, and I'm getting increasingly nervous that I'll miss my flight. I run in when we arrive, stagger through security and finally get to my gate. After all the trouble of this morning, my flight is canceled and I'm stuck in this terminal for the next 218 minutes, and my only consolation is a cup of complimentary airport coffee. This is traveling, a burdensome series of running and waiting, and after countless hours, finally getting there.早晨四点一刻,闹钟把我从美梦中惊醒,要不是突然看见早已收拾好的行李箱,我几乎又要睡着。

Unit 11.这种植物只有在培育它的土壤中才能很好地成长。
The plant does not grow well in soils other than the one in which it has been developed.2.研究结果表明,无论我们白天做了什么事情,晚上都会做大约两个小时的梦。
Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we may have done during the day.3.有些人往往责怪别人没有尽最大努力,以此来为自己的失败辩护。
Some people tend to justify their failure by blaming others for not trying their best. 4.我们忠于我们的承诺,凡是答应做的,我们都会做。
We remain tree to our commitment: Whatever we promised to do; we would do it.5.连贝多芬的父亲都不相信自己儿子日后有一天可能成为世界上最伟大的音乐家。
Even Beethoven's father discounted the possibility that his son would one day become the greatest musician in the world. The same is true of Edison, who seemed to his teacher to be quite dull.6. 当局控告他们威胁国家安全。
They were accused by authorities of threatening the state security.Unit 21.要是这部喜剧中的人物更幽默些的话,就会吸引更多的观众。

读写教程4课后翻译原文及详细答案读写教程4课后翻译原文及答案Unit 11. 这种植物只有在培育它的土壤中才能很好地成长。
The plant does not grow well in soils other than the one in which it has been developed.2. 研究结果表明,无论我们白天做了什么事情,晚上都会做大约两个小时的梦。
Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we may have done during the day.3. 有些人往往责怪别人没有尽最大努力,以此来为自己的失败辩护。
Some people tend to justify their failure by blaming others for not trying their best.4. 我们忠于我们的承诺:凡是答应做的,我们都会做到。
We remain true to our commitment: Whatever we promised to do, we would do it.5. 连贝多芬的父亲都不相信自己儿子日后有一天可能成为世界上最伟大的音乐家。
Even Beethoven's father discounted the possibility that his son would one day become the greatest musician in the world. The same is true of Edison, who seemed to his teacher to be quite dull.6. 当局控告他们威胁国家安全。
They were accused by the authorities of threatening the state security.Unit21 .要是这部喜剧中的人物更幽默些的话,就会吸引更多的观众。

Unit 4When a stud ent's work did not measure up to the teacher's expectations,as often happened,the stud ent was not treated with disappointment,anger,or annoyance.Instead,the teacher assumed that this was an exception,an accid ent,a bad day,a momentary〔短暂的〕slip-and the stud ent believed her and felt reassured〔安心〕.The next time around,he tried hard er,d etermined to live up to what the teacher knew he coul d d o.The exact part of communication that tells a child,I expect the best,is difficult to pinpoint〔确定〕.In part it consists of a l evel tone showing assurance,a lack of verbal impatience,an absence of negative qualities such as irony〔挖苦〕,put-d owns,and irritation〔刺激〕.The teacher who expects the best asks her questions with conviction〔确信〕,knowing the answers she gets will be right,and the chil d picks up that conviction.学生的成绩达不到老师的期望是常有的事。

新视野第四册答案与翻译Unit 1Section A. The Temptation of a Respectable Woman《读写教程IV》: Ex. II, p. 81.Her husband expected his friend, Gouvernail, to stay about one or two weeks in their home. 2.He was a boring and withdrawn person with a strange personality.3.She decided to leave for her aunt’s house and wouldn’t come back till Gouvernail left their home.4.A once ambitious person, Gouvernail now became one with the mere desire to enjoy a genuinelife now and then.5.His tones of voice and personal charm.6.She was afraid that she could not resist being attracted by Gouvernail.7.He mistook his wife’s feeling towards Gouvernail for pure dislike.8.She had overcome both her misunderstanding of and her subtle feelings towards Gouvernail. 《读写教程IV》: Ex. III, p. 81.Idle2.melting3.imposes4.penetrate5.presence6.nuisance7.nonsense8.keen《读写教程IV》: Ex. IV, p. 91.run down2.taken seriously3.drinking in4.in no sense5.made excellent observations on6.counted on7.for my part8.make a fuss《读写教程IV》: Ex. V, p. 91.sanctions2.Restrictions3.fine4.limits5.problems6.tax7.duty8.responsibility《读写教程IV》: Ex. VI, p. 101. justify2. glorify3. exemplifies4. classified5. purified6. intensify7. identify8. terrified《读写教程IV》: Ex. VII, p. 101. bravery2. jewellery3. delivery4. machinery5. robbery6. nursery7. scenery8. discovery《读写教程IV》: Ex. VIII, p. 111. She said it might have been all right, if the weather had been good.2. Mrs. Baroda said she might have liked Gouvernail if he had been like the others.3. If I had been there, I could have helped you.4. He could have got tickets if there had been some cheap ones.5. Mrs. Baroda might have yielded to the temptation if she hadn’t been a respectable and sensible person.《读写教程IV》: Ex. IX, p. 111. “You were different then.” “So was she.”2. “You used to say he was a man of wit.”“So he is.”3. “You’ve made a mistake here.”“Oh, so I have. Thank you.”4. “Children should behave themselves.”“So should adults.”5. “This glass is cracked.”“Oh, so it is. I hadn’t noticed.”《读写教程IV》: Ex. X, p. 121. He imposed his company upon her in spite of her repeated hints of hoping to be left alone.2. His friends can never count upon how he is going to act under given conditions, as he is always full of surprises.3. Don’t make a fuss about such a small thing because that is the last thing I expected.4. Besides being an upright and respectable woman Mrs. Baroda was also a very sensible one.5. She had never known her thoughts to be so confused, unable to gather anything from them.6. From Gouvernail’s talk, Mrs. Baroda came to know that his periods of silence were not his basic nature, but the result of moods.7. To Gaston’s delight, his wife had finally overcome her dislike for Gouvern ail and invited Gouvernail to visit them again wholly from herself.8. Mrs. Baroda felt confused with Gouvernail’s puzzling nature and found it hard to penetratethe silence in which he had unconsciously covered himself.《读写教程IV》: Ex. XI, p. 121. 在一起呆了几天,她仍感到对这个客人很陌生,只得大部分时间让丈夫陪着他。
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Unit4 Globalization全球化正在扫除国界、改变国与国之间的关系。
问题是,达沃斯人是否需要再花上140年,才能搞明白如何在全球规模上取得同样的平衡课后练习答案:Text AT ext rganization 1.2.VocabularyI.1) advantageous 2) let alone3) witnessing/vanishing 4) landmark5) entitled 6) displace7) Establishment 8) patriotic/strengthen9) contradictions 10) aspires11) divorced 12) pendulums2. 1) come to 2) dozed off3) believed in 4) was set apart5) take in 6) sucks in7) clean up 8) turn away3. 1) For me, it makes no/little difference whether we go there by train or by bus.2)Toyata has overtaken General Motors as the world’s biggest car maker.3)Shortly after their marriage, Mr. Chambers was at odds with his wife over money matters.4)Henry has been at the forefront of nanotechnology research.5)She doesn’t even know how to boil potatoes, let alone cook a meal.5.a) is increasingly/to accelerate/their investmentb) economy/make an earnest/domestic/strike a balance betweenc) a handful of/be endorsed by/on a large scaleIII. Usage1.An unusual present, a book on ethics, was given to Henry for his birthday.2.The reason(he gave) that he didn’t notice the car till too late was unsatisfactory.3.Football, his only interest in life, has brought him many friends.4. Cloning had been raised as a possibility decades ago, then dismissed, something that serious scientists thought was simply not going to happen anytime soon.Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze (A)1. academics 3.a variety of 5. vanish 7. endorsing 9. sweeping aside 11. erasing (B) 1. aided2.effects3.distances4. connected5. invested6. features7. prevailing8. qualitatively9. volume10. Distinguishing2. networking 4. growth 6. facilitate 8. outlook 10. patriotic12. strike a balance。