抗心律失常药物【药品名称】通用名:酒石酸美托洛尔胶囊英文名:Metoprolol Tartrate Capsules本品主要成分及其化学名称为:1-异丙氨基-3-[对-(2-甲氧乙基)苯氧基]-2-丙醇L(+)-酒石酸盐其结构式为:分子式:(C15H25NO3)2·C4H6O6分子量:【性状】本品为胶囊剂【药物别名】倍他乐克,美多心安,美多洛尔Betaloc,lopressor,【药理毒理】本药属于2A类即无部分激动活性的β1-受体阻断药(心脏选择性β-受体阻断药)。
苯妥英钠 phenytoin sodium 1. 作用与lidocaine 相似; 2. 用于室性心律失常; 3. 与强心苷竞争Na+-K+-ATP酶
普萘洛尔 propranolol
1. ↓窦房结、普氏纤维自律性; 2. ↓房室传导; 3. ↑房室结 ERP; 4. 主要用于室上性及交感兴奋所致各种
Na+内流↑, K+外流↓ Ca2+内流↑,K+外流↓
最大舒张电位负值↓ 阈电位负值↑
2 . Afterdepolarization (后除极) 心肌细胞在一个AP后产生一个提前的除极化 。
早后除极 ( Early afterdepolarization, EAD ) 发生在2、3相中,由Ca2+内流↑引起。
§2 Mechanism of Arrhythmia 心律失常发生机制
1. Automaticity (自律性)↑
(maximal diastolic potential , MDP)
阈电位 (threshold potential , TP)
4相自动去极化速度 (为主)
(spontaneous depolarizing speed of phase 4)
胺碘酮 amiodarone (安律酮) 1. 明显延长APD、ERP; 2. 广谱抗心律失常。
维拉帕米 verapamil(异搏定 isoptin) 1. ↓窦房结自律性, ↓房室传导; 2. ↑窦房结、房室结ERP; 3. 用于室上性心律失常
Antiarrhy thmic drugs
(抗心律失 常药物)
中南大学药学院药理学系 陈 小平
Arrhythmia: 心跳频率、节律和传导的异 常;
CO , life-threaten;
引起心律失常的因素:疾病(心肌梗死、高血压、 心衰)和药物(如地高辛、麻醉药)。
Qunidine (奎尼丁)
01 Pharmacokinetics: 口服易吸收; 心肌组织中浓度为血浆中的10倍; 肝脏代谢,代谢产物有活性; CHF、肝肾疾病t1/2 。
02 Therapeutic use: 广谱(broad-spectrum)抗心律失常 Atrial fibrillation; atrial flutter; Supraventricular and ventricular tachycardia; Supraventricular and ventricular premature beat.
ClassⅠ Sodium channelblocking agents
Class I A:
适度抑制Na+通道 : ↓Vmax, ↓conduction, ↓ phase 4 slope, ↓ automaticity;
↓ K+ efflux , ERP and APD; 代表药物: quinidine, procainamide, disopyramide (丙吡胺).
➢ Improve myocardial ischemia.
Pharmacological effects
Therapeutic use:
抗心律失常药物的分类,作用机制及不良反应 (1)
![抗心律失常药物的分类,作用机制及不良反应 (1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/be5c15c0b9f3f90f76c61b74.png)
抗心律失常药物的分类,作用机制及不良反应1药物简介英文名称:antiarrhythmic drugs抗心律失常药是一类用于治疗心脏节律紊乱的药物。
【临床应用】 窄谱,仅适用于室性心律失常。 可用于胸腔手术、洋地黄中毒和急性心梗所
致室性早搏、室动过速、室颤。 为急性心梗致室性心律失常首选药,可降低
显著延长ERP,减少期前收缩的发生。 ②相对延长ERP:利多卡因缩短APD更明显,
对额外冲动的传播起到一定抑制作用。 ③提高邻近细胞ERP的均一性,如奎尼丁。
2. 抗心律失常药分类:(略)
二.常用抗心律失常药: (一)I类药: 1.Ia类药:适度阻滞Na+通道,减慢传导;抑 制膜K+、Ca+ +通透性,延长ERP及APD。
(2)改善传导、消除折返: 奎尼丁降低病变部位传导性,使单向传导
阻滞变为双向传导阻滞。 钙拮抗剂减慢房室传导治疗室上性折返。
(3)减少后除极与触发: 如利多卡因促进3期K+外流,加速复极过程
(4)改变ERP: ①绝对延长ERP:奎尼丁延长APD和ERP,但
【体内过程】 血浆蛋白结合多,心肌浓度比血浓高; 弱碱性药,酸性尿排泄增多;肝、肾功不良
、老年人代谢和排泄减慢。 【临床应用】
广谱,治疗急、慢性室上性和室性心律失常 ;房扑、房颤。
【不良反应】 中毒量:降低窦房结、房室结和浦氏纤维传
导性,引起房室及室内阻滞,甚至停搏; 严重中毒:浦氏纤维自律性增强,可致室动
(二)、Ⅰb类 轻度阻滞钠通道的药物
利多卡因 lidocaine
脉给药。显效快,持续时间短。几乎全部在肝脏 代谢,t
利多卡因 lidocaine
1. 对激活态和失活态的Na+通道均有阻断作用,当通道恢复
思 考 题
1、叙述抗心律失常药的分类及各类代表药。 2、简述奎尼丁、普鲁卡因胺、利多卡因、苯妥因、普罗帕酮、
The end
22.3 抗心律失常药分类
复活时间常数(τ recovery):从药物对通
22.2 心律失常发生机制
22.2 心律失常发生机制
迟后除极:出现在完全复极后的4相。是由于细胞内Ca2+超载, 而引起短暂Na+内流所致。诱发因素有强心苷中毒、心肌缺血、 细胞外高钙等。 早后除极:心肌尚未完全复极时出现的除极,多出现在2、3 相中,APD过度延长时易发生,以尖端扭转型心动过速 (trosades de pointes)多见。
奎尼丁 quinidine
奎尼丁 quinidine
属广谱抗心律失常药。 治疗各种快速型心律失常: 心房纤颤和心房扑动 频发性室上性和室性早搏 用于治疗和转复心律。
奎尼丁 quinidine
1. 中毒剂量降低窦房结、房室结和浦氏纤维的传导性, 引起房内及室内传导阻滞。 Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞者禁用。 严重中毒者浦肯纤维自律性↑,出现室性心动过速和心
第4.3章 抗心律失常药wc
![第4.3章 抗心律失常药wc](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f87c64805ebfc77da26925c52cc58bd63186938b.png)
11 2024/1/14
Adverse effects
Arrhymias心律失常 Hypotension Nausea and vomiting恶心,呕吐
12 2024/1/14
Class Ⅱ : β –adrenoceptor antagonists
Ⅱ类:β-肾上腺素受体阻断药 ★ propranolol普萘洛尔 ▲metoprolol美托洛尔 atenolol阿替洛尔 pindololol 吲哚洛尔
★ Lignocaine利多卡因 ★ Phenytoin 苯妥英钠
Mexiletine 美西律 Mechanisms: Inhibit phase 4 Na+ current,抑制4相钠内流. Facilitate phase 3 outward K+ current 促进
钾外流, Decrease APD缩短动作电位时程 Increase ERP延长相对有效不应期 (ERP/APD↑缩短APD较缩短ERP更显著.)
16 2024/1/14
Decrease autonomy 降低自律性 Decrease conductance 减慢传导 Prolong ERP
17 2024/1/14
Ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias 室性及室上性心律失常 为广谱抗心律失常药
5 2024/1/14
Adverde effects
Arrhymias心律失常 Hypotension 低血压
Nausea and vomiting恶心,呕吐 Agranulocytosis粒细胞缺乏 Thrombocytopenia血小板减少
example of “functionally defined” (or “leading circle”) re-entry. 房颤和室颤是其极端表现。
Atrial flutter
Atrial fibrillation
Ventricular fibrillation
Cardiac arrhythmias
抗心律失常药双语缩减版演示文 稿
Principles of cardiac electrophysiology
一、心脏电活动和心电图 Cardiac electrical activity and ECG
Mechanisms of antiarrhythmic drug action
1、降低自律性 slow automatic rhythms
①decrease phase 4 slope, ②increase maximum diastolic potential, ③ increase threshold potential, ④ increase action potential duration.
Re-entry can occur when impulses propagate by more than one pathway between two points in the heart, and those pathways have hetero-geneous electrophysiological properties.
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Introduction and development ofanti-arrhythmic drugsAuthor:赵恒军Instructor:刘静庭Abstract Objective:summaries of the classification, progress and security applications of antiarrhythmic drugs. Methods:searching and retrieving relevant documents about the latestanti-arrhythmia at home and abroad. Results: this paperreviewed the classification, the latest progress and securityapplications of antiarrhythmic drugs. And it will help toformulate the proper treatment of rational anti-arrhythmia.Conclusions: the paper can be used to help people get basicknowledge of anti-arrhythmic drugs rapidly.Key words Antiarrhythmic agents, application, and development The concept of arrhythmiaUnder normal circumstances, the impulse of the heart comes from the sinus node, through the atrium, atrioventricular node, atrioventricular bundle and Purkinje fibers in turn and then to ventricular muscle finally which cause the contraction of the heart in a rhythm. Cardiac arrhythmia is a serious heart disease which is caused by abnormal of heartbeat law and frequency. At the same time, normal atrial and ventricular activationand movement sequence are disordered. The disease has slow and fast types, the former can be treated by isoproterenol (β agonist or atropine (M receptor blocker). The drug therapy of the latter is more complex, we usually say that the anti- arrhythmic drugs is for the fast type of arrhythmia.MechanismThe mechanism of anti-arrhythmic drugs is mainly through the influence of the Na+, Ca2+ and K+ transport of myocardial cell membrane, affecting the period of cardiac action potential, inhibition of self-regulation and (or) stop reentry to correct the arrhythmias.Since the mechanism of arrhythmia is complex, the side effects of various anti-arrhythmic drugs are different in many aspects. So it must be fully taken into account when select drugs. We also should pay attention to the dose of medication and methods to achieve the desired effects.CategoriesThe classification of antiarrhythmic drugs, proposed by the Vaughan Williams and completed by Harris etc., has been used for nearly 30 years. Vaughan Williams classified drugs into four categories based on the electrophysiological characteristics of the drugs. Ⅰclass medicines block sodium channels and inhibit atrial, ventricular and Purkinje fiber of fast response organizations conduction velocity.Ⅱ class medicinescan be further divided into 3 categories. Ⅰa sodium channel block in a medium speed, extended the period of repolarization, such as quinidine, procainamide, double disopyramide.Ⅰb sodium channel block in a fast speed such as lidocaine , mexiletine, Ⅰc sodium channel block in a slow speed, such as fluorine Cain, propafenone. Ⅱclass is a β-receptor blocker.Ⅲclass medicines prolong cardiac repolarization process and block potassium channel in the action potential of 2,3 phase. Thereby prolong the refractory period of cardiac tissue, such as amiodarone, sotalol. Ⅳclass medicines block calcium channels and inhibit sinus node, slow response organizations of atrioventricular node, such as verapamil, diltiazem.Antiarrhythmic drug efficacy and potential hazardsAlthough antiarrhythmic drugs can reduce or eliminate the symptoms which caused by the arrhythmia itself and / or risk of death, it may cause some potential dangers, including non-cardiac adverse reactions (such as dizziness, nausea), organ toxicity (eg, agranulocytosis, hepatitis), cardiac events, post-induced arrhythmia or arrhythmic death.Cardiac adverse reactions of antiarrhythmic drugs including: ① "early" arrhythmogenic effect, which refers to the treatment of early antiarrhythmic drug induced arrhythmia, or new deterioration of the existing arrhythmia. ②induce congestive heart failure or to the deterioration, ③induce cardiac conduction disturbances, such as theheight of atrioventricular block or "sick sinus syndrome."The most serious potential risk of antiarrhythmic drugs is to increase risk of late arrhythmia death, which known as the "late proarr-hythmiceffect ". Organ toxicity, such as agranulocytosis or hepatitis, are specifically found in quinidine, procainamide, tocainide, as well as amiodarone treatment. Treatment cases of flecainide, encainide shown it can effectively suppress ventricular arrhythmia and also well tolerated, but the risk of death in the late arrhythmia is still higher than placebo 2 to 3 times.This dangerous of "late proarr-hythmiceffect", can be seen in 10 months later of follow-up visit. Quinidine, mexiletine, Morrissey throat, also can make the late cause arrhythmogenic risk of death increased. So far known only when the β blockers treatment can reduce the risk of cardiac arrhythmias sudden death and total cardiac death.Progress in anti-arrhythmic drugsThe advance in antiarrhythmic drug research is rapid. There are nearly 20 varieties clinical application drugs. Quinidine, which started for clinical purposes in 1918, is the broad-spectrum anti-arrhythmic drug. And it was used as standard drugs in this class of preparations. Due to side effects, earlier application such as Procainamide and Lidocaine current consumption diminished.After 80 years of the 20th century, propafenone, flecainide, Encainidehave been applied in succession. These drugs, which can work directly on the cell membrane and make a difference, are the sodium channel blocker of strong activity. In 1995, pirmenol, anti-malignant ventricular arrhythmia drugs, go public in Japan. In 1999, the development of nifekalant by the Japanese Mitsui Corporation was approved listed on the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias which known as the only progress in drug.Looking from our antiarrhythmic drugs structure, the mature drug applying has little difference compared with abroad.Treatment of supraventricular, ventricular tachycardia drug propafenone, sotalol and amiodarone have high popularizing rate. Verapamil and diltiazem that control atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter also occupy a certain amount of market share. The new type Ⅲ class potassium channel Blockers has been the general concern of the indust.Type Ⅲnew potassium channel blocker ibutilide, dofetilide and sematilide is a recent development of products which is the class Ⅲantiarrhythmic drugs with a certain class Ⅰactivity. New Heart Ⅲdrugs has smaller side effects than amiodarone.However, the torsade type of tachycardia (TDP) incidence is not less than amiodarone. Ibutilide which belongs to methyl sulfonamide derivatives, is a new type of class Ⅲantiarrhythmic drugs with ion channel activity used on acute atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter patients. Pharmacia & Upjohnwhich researched and developed by the United States, come into the market in the United States in 1996. It has listed 11 countries in Europe and America. The treatment effect of intravenous administration is more significant. It provide a new type of good medicine to cure atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter to sinus rhythm.Duofeilite, which developed by the U.S. Pfizer and come into the market the first times in the United States in 2000, is the third-generation oral administration anti-arrhythmic drug. Duofeilite is a new type of potassium channel agonist with similar mechanism of action as ibutilide. The function on atrial is more obvious than ventricular.It is used in clinical to treat atrial fibrillation and atrial flapping and to make the rhythm of the heart to sinus rhythm. The main side effect is the torsade type of tachycardia. The occurrence rate of intravenous application is about 3%, while the incidence of oral administration is about 1%. Most adverse events happened within 3d after treatment. The torsade type of tachycardia risk factors are QT interval prolongation, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia and bradycardia.Dronedarone is a new antiarrhythmic drug which was reported in the Europe heart meetingin the August 2004. It is an analogue of amiodarone, because they are free of iodine compared with amiodarone, there is no organ toxicity. It is easier to adjust the dose with the half-life of 1 ~ 2d. EURIDS study shown, 77 European Hospital with 612 patientswith 2: 1 randomized into the group were due to auricular fibrillation or atrial flapping to try this medicine. All patients confirmed atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter within the first 3 months of at least 1 ECG before taking part in the group. 411 patients received dronedarone 400mg, 2 times a day, 201 patients received placebo treatment for 12 months. The results observed from random assignment to the first occurrence of atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter recurrence time for comparison (ECG confirmed onset time at least more than 10min). The results, from the random assignment to first atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter onset, shown that dronedarone group was 2.3 times longer than placebo group. The dronedarone reduced the recurrence rate of 33%, while medication side effects was similar to the placebo group, medicine group 59.4%, 58.2% in the placebo group, no significant difference.The drug was well tolerated, so it is very promising in control of atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter episode. Because it improves the amine iodine AZD7009 which is the drug being developed with sodium, potassium channel blocking effect, it has obvious effect on atrial muscles and is effective in treating atrial arrhythmias. It also can prolong QT interval, but no the torsade type of tachycardia happened. AZD7009 will enter Phase Ⅲclinical trials.RSD1235 is a new, fast acting and can be intravenous administration antiarrhythmic drugs. It has been shown to be effective in treating atrialfibrillation. It is of high degree of selection in the atrium, and almost no effect on the ventricle. The drug is safe and relatively well tolerated and no drug-related the torsade type of tachycardia. Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) meeting announced the arrhythmia cardioversion trial, that RSD1235 AF cardioversion rate is about 50% to 60% in America in 2005. In summary, for a long period of time, represented by amiodarone class Ⅲantiarrhythmic drugs will remain our first line of drug clinical arrhythmia. And the complex class Ⅲantiarrhythmic drug therapy with multi-channel block (IKr, IKs, Ito, INa etc.) effects may shed light on arrhythmic drugs.References[1] Vaughan Williams EM. A classification of antiarrhythmic actions reassessed after a decade of new drugs. 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