





中国式:The last bus leaves at 12 o'clock. It's about 12 now, hurry up !美国式:The last bus leaves at 12 o'clock. It's nearly 12 now, hurry up !周六去某景点游玩,见路边一告示:“请勿践踏草地。

”还加了英文对照:Don't step on the grass.这是典型的中国式英语。


你会怎么说呢?美国式:Keep off the grass.窃贼是从窗户进来的。

你会怎么说呢?中国式:The thief got in from the window.美国式:The thief got in through the window.从第十页开始这是英语老师常用的,但你会说成中国式英语吗?中国式:Let's begin from page 10.美国式:Let's begin at page 10.给我点钱吧,如果你有的话。

找父母要钱时的常用语,你会怎么说呢?中国式:Give me money, if you have.美国式:Give me money, if you have any.我建议你修长假。

如果“建议”用recommend,你会怎么说?中国式:I recommend you to take a long vacation.美国式:I recommend that you take a long vacation.不要对我期望太高。

期望用expect,你会怎么说咧?中国式:Don't expect me too much.美国式:Don't expect too much from me.有人在敲门,去看看是谁。





这篇长文的标题是Chinglish 2 English(从中式英语到标准英语),作者是浙江大学的美国外教Chuck Allanson,内容则是Chuck在中国五年任教期间所听到、所看到的各种Chinglish说法。


我们要点Chinese dumpling(饺子)和Chinese beancurd (豆腐),您看可以吗?Chuck以前从未听说过这两种东西,但出于好奇,就说可以,结果饭菜端上来一看,原来就是ravioli(饺子,来自意大利语)和tofu(豆腐,来自日语)。

Chuck当时心里暗想,这两种东西,国际上早已经有通用的说法(ravioli和tofu),他们中国人为什么还要用那种生僻的说法呢?以后Chuck 跟陈先生混熟了,就问他,当初你为什么不说ravioli和tofu呢?陈先生听了大吃一惊,连忙解释说,我真的不知道这两个词,而且我们的《英汉词典》上也没有这两个词。




①欢迎你到... ②welcome you to ... ③welcome to ...①永远记住你②remember you forever ③always remember you(没有人能活到forever)①祝你有个... ②wish you have a ... ③I wish you a ...①给你②give you ③here you are①很喜欢... ②very like ... ③like ... very much①黄头发②yellow hair ③blond/blonde(西方人没有yellow hair的说法)①厕所②WC ③men's room/women's room/restroom①真遗憾②it's a pity ③that's too bad/it's a shame(it's a pity说法太老)①裤子②trousers ③pants/slacks/jeans①修理②mend ③fix/repair①入口②way in ③entrance①出口②way out ③exit(way out在口语中是crazy的意思)①勤奋②diligent ③hardworking/studious/conscientious①应该②should ③must/shall①火锅②chafing dish ③hot pot①大厦②mansion ③center/plaza①马马虎虎②so-so ③average/fair/all right/not too bad/OK(西方人很少使用so-so)①好吃②delicious ③good/nice/tasty/appetizing(delicious在中国被滥用)①尽我最大努力②try my best ③try/strive(try的本意就是try my best)①有名②famous ③well-known/renowned/legendary/popular(famous在中国被滥用)①滑稽②humorous ③funny/witty/amusing/entertaining①欺骗②to cheat ③to trick/to play a joke on/to con/to deceive/to rip off①车门②the door of the car ③the car's door①怎么拼? ②how to spell? ③how do you spell?①再见②bye-bye ③bye/see you/see you later/later(bye-bye有些孩子气)①玩②play ③go to/do(play在中国被滥用)①面条②noodles ③pasta(noodles有些孩子气)①据说②it is said ③I heard/I read/I was told①等等②and so on ③etc.①直到现在②till now ③recently/lately/thus far①农民②peasant ③farmer①宣传②propaganda ③information90%以上中国人最易错发的两个音今天我们来谈谈90%以上的中国人都要发错的两个音。

告别中国式英语 中式英语VS美式英语

告别中国式英语 中式英语VS美式英语


1. 我觉得右手很疼。

中国式:I feel very painful in my right hand.美国式:My right hand is very painful. Or “ My right hand hurts(aches).”2. 他看到她很惊讶。

中国式:He looked at her and felt surprised.美国式:He looked at her in surprise.3. 我读过你的小说但是没料到你这么年轻。

中国式:I have read your novels but I didn't think you could be so young.美国式:After having read your novel, I expected that you would be older.4. 她脸红了,让我看穿了她的心思。

中国式:Her red face made me see through her mind.美国式:Her red face told me what she was thinking.5. 看到这幅画让我想到了我的童年时代。

中国式:The sight of these pictures made me remember my own childhood.美国式:Seeing these pictures reminded me of my own childhood.6. 别理她。

中国式:Don't pay attention to her.美国式:Leave her alone.7. 我没有男朋友。

中国式:I have no boyfriend.美国式:I don’t have a boyfriend.8. 他的身体很健康。



美式英语 举止 behavior
英式英语 behaviour
颜色 最爱
color favorite
colour favourite
美式英语 中心 center
英式英语 centre
纤维 公尺
fiber meter
fibre metre
Girl(britan): I'd like some sweets , too . Boy(American):No problem . All the candy we sell is sweet .
2. 单词篇
英式英语 电梯 汽车 饼干 elevator automobile cookie biscuit 美式英语 lift
Boy(American):What can I do for you ?
Girl(britan): I'd like a piece of rubber , please !
Boy(American):…Er,a piece of eraser ? 0.5 dollar , please ! Anything else ?
高速公路 足球
freeway soccer
motorway football
3. 拼写篇
英式英语 kilogramme
目录 方案
catalog program
catalogue programme

Chinese English and Chinglish 中英文对照

Chinese English and Chinglish  中英文对照





Chinglish, called "Chinese style English". Learners in writing often first the mental note, or play with Chinese listed Chinese compendium, and put the Chinese YiGouGou machinery to convert into English, with obvious Chinese, so can't be traces to English as their mother tongue to accept. Chinese style English refers to Chinese phonetics, grammar, with characteristics of the English vocabulary, is a pidgin language. Chinese style English in English called "Chinglish", is Chinese and English speaking English mixed fit word.中国式英语是指中国的英语学习和使用者由于受母语的干扰和影响,硬套汉语规则和习惯,在英语交际中出现的不合规范或不合英语文化习惯的畸形英语。






下面介绍的就是十大经典的中式英语:1、“Ai Ya”:这是一句十分有中国特色的英文,意思是“哎呀”,十分常用,表达有不好的感受。

2、“Bull shit”:这是一种比较俚语的说法,意思是“废话”,是表示不赞同某种看法时常用的词汇。

3、“You know what!”:这句话主要用于表达震惊、惊讶,也可以表达怒气。

4、“Shut up!”:这句话表示生气或不耐烦,常用于对别人的反对。

5、“What’s up?”:这句话的中文意思是“最近怎么样?”,常用于向他人打招呼。

6、“Not bad”:这句话可以表达对某种情况的满意,类似于“还不错”。

7、“No problem”:这句话表达十分轻松的感觉,比如“不用担心,没问题”。

8、“Easy does it”:这句话用于表达对一件事情的慎重处理,类似于“小心翼翼”。

9、“Hold on”:这句话可以表达“稍等一下”的意思,也可以表达“不要放弃”的意思。

10、“Lose face”:这句话的意思是“丢脸”,常用于表达一种失败的感受。






美式英语和英式英语表达对照表美式英语和英式英语表达对照表American Word----------Britons SayAcetaminophen----------ParacetamolAluminum---------------AluminiumAmericans--------------YanksApartment--------------FlatApartment house--------Block of flatsAppointment Book-------DiaryArgentina--------------The ArgentineArgentinian------------ArgentineArgument---------------Row, argy-bargyBaby Carriage----------PramBabysitter-------------MinderBackpack---------------RucksackBadger-----------------BrockBaked Potato-----------Jacket potatoBandaid----------------Elastoplast (both brand name bandages) Bangs------------------FringeBar--------------------PubBarrette---------------SlideBaseboard--------------Skirting-boardBathroom---------------Loo, Water closet, W.C.Comforter--------------DuvetCondom-----------------SheathConductor--------------Guard, clippie (Scotland) Cookie-----------------BiscuitCotton-----------------Cotton woolCounterclockwise-------AnticlockwiseCracker----------------Savoury biscuitCrazy (person)---------NutterCredit-----------------Hire purchaseCrotch-----------------CrutchCurator----------------KeeperCurb-------------------KerbDead End---------------Close, Cul de sacDessert----------------Afters, PuddingDetour-----------------DiversionDiaper-----------------Nappy, NapkinDoctor's exam room-----SurgeryDropout----------------School leaverDrunk------------------Blotto, legless, paralytic, pissed Dump-------------------TipEasy task--------------DoddleEditorial--------------LeaderEggplant---------------AubergineElated-----------------Over the Moon Electrician------------SparkyElevator---------------LiftEngland----------------BlightyEraser-----------------RubberExercise Class---------Keep FitExhausted--------------Knackered Expensive--------------DearFall-------------------AutumnFaucet-----------------TapFeeble-minded----------DottyFellow-----------------Bloke, ChapFire (verb)------------SackFish Store-------------Fishmongers' Flashlight-------------TorchFourteen Pounds--------One stoneFrench Fries-----------ChipsFruit Store------------Fruiterers'Garage sale------------Jumble sale, boot sale Garbage Bag------------Bin linerGarbage Can------------BinGarbageman-------------DustmanGarter Belt------------SuspendersGas--------------------PetrolGas heater-------------Gas fireGelatin----------------JellyGlasses----------------Bins, SpecsGo away----------------Naff off, sod off Golden raisins---------SultanasGrade------------------FormGranola----------------MuesliGround Beef------------MinceGutter-----------------GullyGuy--------------------Bloke, ChapHam--------------------GammonHamburger bun----------BapHardware store---------Ironmongers' Healthfood-------------WholefoodHeater (gas)-----------Gas fireHeater (electric)------Electric fireHedge------------------HedgerowHighrise---------------Tower blockHighway----------------Carriageway, MotorwayHood-------------------BonnetHooligan---------------Yob, YobboHorse Chestnut---------ConkerHungry-----------------PeckishInclusive--------------All-inInstruction------------TuitionIntermission-----------IntervalInterrogate------------VetInvestigate------------VetJail-------------------GaolJelly------------------JamJuice Concentrate------SquashKerosene---------------ParaffinLadybug----------------LadybirdLady's room------------Ladies'Lawyer-----------------Barrister, SolicitorLeash------------------LeadLemonade---------------Non-carbonated beverage License plate----------Number plateLike (verb)------------FancyLine-------------------QueueLineup-----------------Identity paradeLiquor store-----------Off licenseLiving room------------LoungeMail (noun or verb)----PostMain street------------High streetMen's room-------------GentsMiddle of nowhere------Back of beyond Model (of sorts)-------Page 3 girl Molasses---------------TreacleMonkey Wrench----------Spanner Moron------------------BerkMotor Home-------------CaravanMover------------------Removal man Movie Theater----------CinemaMoving-----------------RemovalMoving truck-----------Removal van Muffler----------------SilencerNail polish------------Nail varnish Naked------------------StarkersNapkin-----------------ServietteNational Holiday-------Bank Holiday Nauseous---------------Sick, SeedyNerd-------------------WallyNewcastle (person from)----Geordie Newscaster-------------PresenterNothing----------------Nought, bugger-all Nudist-----------------NaturistOven-------------------CookerOverpass---------------FlyoverPacifier---------------DummyPanties----------------Pants, KnickersParka------------------AnorakParking lot------------Car parkParty favor------------CrackerPedestrian crossing----SubwayPerfect----------------Spot onPeriod (in punct.)-----Full stopPharmacist-------------ChemistPimple-----------------SpotPin--------------------BroochPlastic Tape-----------Sellotape (brand name) Plastic wrap-----------Clingfilm (brand name) Pleasant---------------HomelyPleased----------------ChuffedPolice Car-------------Panda carPoliceman--------------BobbyPool-------------------SnookerPopsicle---------------Ice lollyPotato Chips-----------Crisps Pregnant---------------Bun in the oven Prenatal---------------Antenatal Preppie----------------Sloane Ranger Prison-----------------The nickPrivate school---------Public school Prom-------------------BallPropeller--------------Air screwPush up----------------Press upPut to sleep-----------Put down Quarrel----------------RowRailroad Tie-----------Sleeper Raincoat---------------Mac, mackintosh Raise------------------RiseRealtor----------------Estate Agent Relish-----------------PickleRent-------------------HireReserve----------------BookRest stop--------------Lay-byRoast------------------JointRun--------------------LadderRutabaga---------------SwedeSandwich---------------ButtySaran Wrap-------------Clingfilm (Both are brand names) SATs-------------------A-levels (college entrance exams) Sausage----------------BangerSausage & potatoes-----Bangers and mashScalper----------------ToutScotch Tape------------Sellotape (Both are brand names) Sedan------------------Saloon carSeedy------------------DownmarketSell-------------------FlogSenior Citizen---------OAP (Old Age Pensioner) Shopping Bag-----------Carrier bagSick-------------------NauseousSideburns--------------SideboardsSidewalk---------------PavementSlate (noun)-----------List of candidates for election Slate (verb)-----------Designate for action or appointment Slowpoke---------------SlowcoachSneakers---------------Daps, Trainers, Plimsolls,PumpsSnow Peas--------------Mange Tout Soccer-----------------FootballSpay-------------------DoctorSpoiled----------------OffSquash-----------------MarrowSteal------------------Nick, Pinch Stingy-----------------MeanStopper----------------BungStreet Musician--------Busker Stupid-----------------Daft, Gormless Subway-----------------Underground Superbowl of Soccer----FA Cup Suspenders-------------Braces Sweater----------------JumperTalk show--------------Chat show Taxi stand-------------Rank Tenement---------------Housing estate Testicles--------------BollocksThank you--------------Cheers, Ta Thicket----------------Copse Thumbtack--------------Drawing pin Toilet-----------------LooToss-------------------BungTraffic Circle---------RoundaboutTraffic Jam------------TailbackTrash Bag--------------Bin linerTrash Can--------------BinTruck------------------LorryTrunk------------------BootTurnip-----------------SwedeTV---------------------TellyTwo Weeks--------------Fortnight Umbrella---------------BrollyUnderpants (men's)-----Y-fronts Underpants (women's)---Pants, Knickers Undershirt-------------VestUnemployed-------------Redundant Unstable---------------WonkyVacation---------------HolidayVery-------------------BloodyVest-------------------WaistcoatVice Girl--------------ProstituteVinyl Top (of car)-----HoodWhine------------------WhingeWine (cheap)-----------PlonkWoman (attractive)-----CrumpetYard-------------------GardenYard sale--------------Jumble saleYears------------------YonksYou're Welcome---------[not used in Britain] Zee (the letter)-------ZedZip code---------------Postal codeZucchini---------------Courgette。



表中式英语与美式英语对照转载自:/c-mistakes.php 经我整理,排版。

Chinese Style: It's seven twenty o'clock.American Style: It's seven twenty.Chinese Style: Your coat is broken.American Style: Your coat is torn.Chinese Style: Susan didn't make a fault anyway.American Style: Susan didn't make a mistake anyway.Chinese Style: Would you mind posting this letter for me ? Yes, certainly.American Style: Would you mind mailing this letter for me ? Of course not. OR ( Not at all )Chinese Style: He becomes better.American Style: He got better.Chinese Style: We'll have a hearing test tomorrow.American Style: We'll have a listening test tomorow.Chinese Style: I recommend you to take a long vacation.American Style: I recommend that you take a long vacation.Chinese Style: The last bus leaves at eleven o'clock. It's about eleven now, Hurry up! American Style: The last bus leaves at eleven o'clock. It's nearly ( almost ) eleven now, Hurry up!Chinese Style: It was still bright outside.American Style: It was still light outside.Chinese Style: Come to here.American Style: Come here.Chinese Style: Common students in US don't wear a uniform.American Style: The average students in US don't wear a uniform.Chinese Style: Who cooked this salad ?American Style: Who made this salad ?Chinese Style: Different from me, she is proficient in English.American Style: Unlike me, she is proficient in English.Chinese Style: Little children are difficult to understand that.American Style: It is difficult for children to understand that.Chinese Style: Don't step on the grass.American Style: Keep off the grass.Chinese Style: I get my salary twice a month.American Style: I get paid twice a month.Chinese Style: Would you like a drink ?American Style: Would you like something to drink ?Chinese Style: Let me examine your pulse.American Style: Let me feel your pulse.Chinese Style: I have no exercise talent.American Style: I am not athletic.Chinese Style: Don't expect me too much.American Style: Don't expect too much from (of ) me.Chinese Style: I forget my hat in the house.American Style: I left my hat in the house.Chinese Style: Lend me some money, for instance 500 dollars, LinAmerican Style: Lend me some money, say 500 dollars, LinChinese Style: I have a free time.American Style: I am free.Chinese Style: The sun rises from the East.American Style: The sun rises in the East.Chinese Style: The thief got in from the window.American Style: The thief got in through the window.Chinese Style: Let's begin from page 10.American Style: Let's begin at ( on ) page 10.Chinese Style: Did you attend college ?American Style: Did you go to college ?Chinese Style: I wanted to go to Europe last summer, but it was too expensive so I gave up to go.American Style: I wanted to go to Europe last summer, but it was too expensive so I gave up the idea.Chinese Style: I am going back my home.American Style: I am going home.Chinese Style: His temperature went down.American Style: His temperature came down.Chinese Style: I like green color.American Style: I like green.Chinese Style: Today's newspapers has his articles on Taiwan.American Style: Today's newspapers carries his articles on Taiwan.Chinese Style: Give me money, if you have.American Style: Give me money, if you have any.Chinese Style: You'll have a cold if you sleep with your window open.American Style: You'll catch a cold if you sleep with your window open.Chinese Style: Somebody's knocking on the door. Go and see who he is. American Style: Somebody's knocking on the door. Go and see who it is.Chinese Style: The head office is in Taipei.American Style: The main office is in Taipei.Chinese Style: He cannot read and write.American Style: He cannot read or write.Chinese Style: Where is here.American Style: Where are we.Chinese Style: How heavy are you ?American Style: How much do you weigh ?Chinese Style: He was talking in a high voice.American Style: He was talking loud.Chinese Style: Most Westerners have high noses.American Style: Most Westerners have long noses.Chinese Style: Are you home tomorrow.American Style: Are you at home tomorrow.Chinese Style: How does she look like ?American Style: What does she look like ?Chinese Style: This is the way how I did it.American Style: This is how I did it. or This is the way I did it.Chinese Style: How do you think about Taiwan.American Style: What do you think about Taiwan.Chinese Style: How can I do ?American Style: What can I do ?Chinese Style: " How long have you been in Taiwan ?"" Six months "" How about Chinese food ?"American Style: " How long have you been in Taiwan ? "" Six months "" Do you like Chinese food ?"Chinese Style: I visited her ill mother in the hospital.American Style: I visited her sick mother in the hospital.Chinese Style: There is a limit in my patience.American Style: There is a limit to my patience.Chinese Style: Please wait inside the white line.American Style: Please wait behind the white line.Chinese Style: Is your house insured for fire ?American Style: Is your house insured against fire ?Chinese Style: I introduce Mr. Smith to you !American Style: May I introduce Mr. Smith to you !Chinese Style: She was first prize.American Style: She took first prize.Chinese Style: Do you have any automatic camera ? Yes I have it .American Style: Do you have any automatic camera ? Yes, I have one.Chinese Style: That was a traffic accident on my way here. It is why I was late. American Style: That was a traffic accident on my way here. That is why I was late.Chinese Style: She is wearing blue jeans pants.American Style: She is wearing blue jeans.Chinese Style: Keep the right.American Style: Keep to the right.Chinese Style: Last night I didn't keep my diary.American Style: Last night I didn't write anything in my diary.Chinese Style: The train was late about an hour.American Style: The train was about an hour late.Chinese Style: Leave your hand from the end of the wire. American Style: Let go of the end of the wire.Chinese Style: I was ten minutes late for the English lesson. American Style: I was ten minutes late for the English class.Chinese Style: How many Chinese letters do you know ? American Style: How many Chinese characters do you know ?Chinese Style: He is fighting for his life.American Style: He is fighting for his bread.Chinese Style: Why do you say like that.American Style: Why do you say that.Chinese Style: I have no house to live.American Style: I have no house to live in.Chinese Style: What a dirty face ! Look at the mirror. American Style: What a dirty face ! Look in the mirror.Chinese Style: He lost conciousness for a long time. American Style: He was unconcious for a long time.Chinese Style: He made a world record.American Style: He set a world record.Chinese Style: Her marriage was happy.American Style: Her married life was happy.Chinese Style: Maybe I think so.American Style: I think so.Chinese Style: The club's members are 55.American Style: There are 55 members in the club.Chinese Style: They didn't understand my mind.American Style: They didn't understand what I was thinking.Chinese Style: This is where you mistake.American Style: This is where you are mistaken.Chinese Style: I felt good mood.American Style: I am in a good mood.Chinese Style: Please allow me more two hours.American Style: Please allow me two more hours.Chinese Style: My watch doesn't move at all. I must get it checked up. American Style: My watch isn't running, I must get it checked up.Chinese Style: We moved house to Johor last month.American Style: We moved to Johor last month.Chinese Style: He is our common friend.American Style: He is our mutual friend.Chinese Style: It was my first time to go abroad.American Style: It was the first time I had gone abroad.Chinese Style: While walking along the street, I met my friend.American Style: While walking along the street, I met a friend of mine.Chinese Style: My this book cost me nearly 300 dollars.American Style: This book of mine cost me nearly 300 dollars.Chinese Style: My room is narrow.American Style: My room is small.Chinese Style: I'll visit my native place for the first time in ten years this summer. American Style: I'll visit my birth place for the first time in ten years this summer.Chinese Style: Here is a pair of nice shoes.American Style: Here is a nice pair of shoes.Chinese Style: Is this seat empty.American Style: Is this seat taken.Chinese Style: Don't be noisy.American Style: Be quiet.Chinese Style: It is not of only your business.American Style: It is none of your business.(不关你的事)Chinese Style: I will do anything I can do for you.American Style: I will do anything I can for you.Chinese Style: This is the key of my room.American Style: This is the key to my room.Chinese Style: I am going to take a two-year course of English. American Style: I am going to take a two-year course in English.Chinese Style: He treated me very friendly.American Style: He treated me in a friendly way.Chinese Style: This is the largest department store of the world. American Style: This is the largest department store in the world.Chinese Style: It's a novel of three volumes.American Style: It's a novel in three volumes.Chinese Style: He is a student of Harvard University.American Style: He is a student at Harvard University.Chinese Style: Do you know the meaning of the word of bumpy ? American Style: Do you know the meaning of the word bumpy ?Chinese Style: He had a child of his former wife.American Style: He had a child by his former wife.Chinese Style: She married old.American Style: She married late in life.Chinese Style: I saw it on the newspapers.American Style: I read ( saw ) it in the newspapers.Chinese Style: He is a liar, and you are one too.Chinese Style: Open page 20 of your books.American Style: He is a liar, and you are too.American Style: Open your books to page 20.Chinese Style: Our Chinese students are diligent. American Style: We Chinese students are diligent.Chinese Style: Don't make the office out of order. American Style: Don't leave the office in a mess.Chinese Style: I like to paint this door to black. American Style: I'd like to paint this door black.Chinese Style: I have a Chinese pen friend.American Style: I have a Chinese pen pal.Chinese Style: Give me a phone.American Style: Give me a phone call.Chinese Style: Is there any place for me in the car. American Style: Is there any room for me in the car.Chinese Style: Let's play together.American Style: Why don't you come over ?Chinese Style: I was very pleasant today.American Style: I had a very good time today.Chinese Style: He got 87 points in chemistry.American Style: He got an 87 in chemistry.Chinese Style: Chang is a popular name in Taiwan. American Style: Chang is a common name in Taiwan.Chinese Style: I'm a public servant.American Style: I work for the government.Chinese Style: She is pure.American Style: She is naive.Chinese Style: I have a question to you.American Style: I have a question to ask you.Chinese Style: This book deserves to read several times. Chinese Style: Open page 20 of your books.American Style: This book deserves to be read several times. Chinese Style: I like red tea.American Style: I like black tea.Chinese Style: History repeats.American Style: History repeats itself.Chinese Style: I make a rule of going to bed early and get up early. American Style: I make a rule to keep early hours.Chinese Style: I went to the sea.American Style: I went to the beach.Chinese Style: The door was shut when I returned home.American Style: The door was closed when I returned home.Chinese Style: Shall we sit in that sofa ?American Style: Shall we sit on that sofa ?Chinese Style: This steak is soft.American Style: This steak is tender.Chinese Style: His new book will be sold well.American Style: His new book will sell well.Chinese Style: There're a lot of sparrows stopping on the telephone lines. American Style: There're a lot of sparrows sitting on the telephone lines.Chinese Style: He hit me strongly.American Style: He hit me hard.Chinese Style: My pay cannot support my living.American Style: My pay is not enough to live on.Chinese Style: He wants to establish a sweet home.American Style: He wants to establish a happy home.Chinese Style: Why don't you take a driving license.American Style: Why don't you get a driving license.Chinese Style: Last year I went to Seattle. I liked there very much. American Style: Last year I went to Seattle. I liked it very much.Chinese Style: My mother likes to drink thick tea.American Style: My mother likes her tea strong.Chinese Style: I think it will not rain tomorrow. American Style: I don't think it will rain tomorrow.Chinese Style: Is your camera this kind ?American Style: Is your camera like this ?Chinese Style: His house was struck by thunder last night. American Style: His house was struck by lightning last night.Chinese Style: My grandmother lived to eighty-five. American Style: My grandmother lived to be eighty-five.Chinese Style: I have a lot of work to be done.American Style: I have a lot of work to do.Chinese Style: To drink too much is bad for one's health. American Style: Drinking too much is bad for one's health.Chinese Style: Today is hot.American Style: It's hot today.Chinese Style: My father will be home today afternoon. American Style: My father will be home this afternoon.Chinese Style: What is the total sum ?American Style: How much does it come to ?Chinese Style: We changed our train at Woodland. American Style: We changed trains at Woodland.Chinese Style: I traveled to Europe.American Style: I made a trip to Europe.Chinese Style: I very like swimming.American Style: I like swimming very much.Chinese Style: Wait for your turn, please.American Style: Wait your turn, please.Chinese Style: What time is your watch.American Style: What time is it by your watch.Chinese Style: I don't know what did he say.American Style: I don't know what he said.Chinese Style: What do you feel now ?American Style: How do you feel now ?Chinese Style: What season do you like best ?American Style: Which season do you like best ?Chinese Style: Welcome you to Taiwan.American Style: Welcome to Taiwan.Chinese Style: Where is the capital of Australia.American Style: What is the capital of Australia.Chinese Style: He has a wide shoulders.American Style: He has a broad shoulders.Chinese Style: We enjoyed the cool wind.American Style: We enjoyed the cool breeze.Chinese Style: I bought this book with 50 dollars.American Style: I bought this book for 50 dollars.Chinese Style: He played all yesterday without working.American Style: He played all yesterday instead of working.Chinese Style: Don't work too hard.Yes, I won'tAmerican Style: Don't work too hard.All right, I won't.Chinese Style: What will you do over the weekend ? I will play tennis with Tom on Sunday. American Style: What are you going to do over the weekend ? I am going to play tennis with Tom on Sunday.Chinese Style: My father bought me a black small leather wallet yesterday.American Style: My father bought me a small black leather wallet yesterday.Chinese Style: Most of the time, it is difficult for Sam in finishing his work on time. American Style: Most of the time, it is difficult for Sam to finish his work on time.Chinese Style: These thugs are quite capable to do really hasty things.American Style: These thugs are quite capable of doing really hasty things.Chinese Style: I very enjoyed it.American Style: I really enjoyed it.Chinese Style: If you determine to make the grade in the entrance examination, you must work extra hard.American Style: If you are determined to make the grade in the entrance examination, you must work extra hard.Chinese Style: Please handle this gold watch carefully. It worths more than five thousand dollars.American Style: Please handle this gold watch carefully. It is worth more than five thousand dollars.Chinese Style: I ran into Maria yesterday morning. She looked healthily.American Style: I ran into Maria yesterday morning. She looked healthy.Chinese Style: I am the only son in the family. I have not brothers.American Style: I am the only son in the family. I have no brothers.Chinese Style: My borther has been busy in preparing for his final examination.American Style: My brother has been busy preparing for his final examination.Chinese Style: As the citizens of Hong Kong, we are necessary to help the police in their fight against crime.American Style: As the citizens of Hong Kong, it is necessary for us to help the police in their fight against crime.Chinese Style: The children were very dangerous as the knife-wielding madman was running amok in the kindergarten.American Style: The children were in great danger as the knife-wielding madman was running amok in the kindergarten.Chinese Style: Mr. Teow arrived at the office lately this morning.American Style: Mr. Teow arrived at the office late this morning.Chinese Style: Joseph did not go to the concert last week, I did not go too.American Style: Joseph did not go to the concert last week, I did not go either.Chinese Style: We have been waiting for half an hour. She has still not come.American Style: We have been waiting for half an hour. She has not come yet.Chinese Style: The hinges of the door had rusted. We had to push hardly to open it. American Style: The hinges of the door had rusted. We had to push hard to open it.Chinese Style: The sea was very rough that the ferry service had to be suspended.American Style: The sea was so rough that the ferry service had to be suspended.Chinese Style: It is unkind of him to ask a little child to do such many things in a day. American Style: It is unkind of him to ask a little child to do so many things in a day.Chinese Style: The three women quarrelled for more than an hour angrily outside the boutique.American Style: The three women quarrelled angrily for more than an hour outside the boutique.Chinese Style: You should describe what has happened detailly.American Style: You should describe what has happened in detail.Chinese Style: I received a letter from my sister two days before.American Style: I received a letter from my sister two days ago.Chinese Style: The driver, as well as four passengers, were injured in the head-on collision. American Style: The driver, as well as four passengers, was injured in the head-on collision.Chinese Style: More than one convict were sentenced to death.American Style: More than one convict was sentenced to death.Chinese Style: One of my students have sent me a birthday card.American Style: One of my students has sent me a birthday card.Chinese Style: Sophie is one of the most intelligent students that has ever existed in our school. American Style: Sophie is one of the most intelligent students that have ever existed in our school.Chinese Style: Reading detective stories are my favorite passtime.American Style: Reading detective stories is my favorite passtime.Chinese Style: " Snow White and the seven Dwarfs " are a very popular fairy tale.American Style: " Snow White and the seven Dwarfs " is a very popular fairy tale.Chinese Style: Five hundred miles are a long distance.American Style: Five hundred miles is a long distance.Chinese Style: Either you or he are the one who stole the watch.American Style: Either you or he is the one who stole the watch.Chinese Style: The quality of these products is more superior than that of the others.American Style: The quality of these products is superior to that of the others. Chinese Style: The living standard in Japan is higher than Korea.American Style: The living standard in Japan is higher than that in Korea.Chinese Style: My younger brother is taller than me.American Style: My younger brother is taller than I.Chinese Style: Which of the two girls is the most intelligent.American Style: Which of the two girls is more intelligent.Chinese Style: The patient felt much better in the morning than afternoon.American Style: The patient felt much better in the morning than in the afternoon.Chinese Style: What we need is the most perfect plan.American Style: What we need is a most perfect plan.Chinese Style: Which of these two shirts do you prefer more.American Style: Which of these two shirts do you prefer.Chinese Style: No sooner had I arrived home when it began to rain.American Style: No sooner had I arrived home than it began to rain.Chinese Style: Mike found it more easier to work out a mathematical problem than to write a poem.American Style: Mike found it easier to work out a mathematical problem than to write a poem.Chinese Style: Charles loves Angel more than Simpson.American Style: Charles loves Angel more than Simpson does.Chinese Style: I saw where my mistakes lay and how to make up for them.American Style: I saw where my mistakes lay and how I could make up for them.Chinese Style: My archrival, Frankie, he scored very high marks in the last test.American Style: Frankie, my archrival, scored very high marks in the last test.Chinese Style: I felt very difficult to deal with this physics problem.American Style: I found it very difficult to deal with this physics problem.Chinese Style: The general meeting is scheduled to be held this afternoon at three. American Style: The general meeting is scheduled to be held at three this afternoon.Chinese Style: She ran into her boyfriend yesterday morning in Fair Avenue.American Style: She ran into her boyfriend in Fair Avenue yesterday morning.Chinese Style: Having not finished her housework, Mrs. Smith could not go window-shopping with her friends.American Style: Not having finished her housework, Mrs. Smith could not go window-shopping with her friends.Chinese Style: All the students are in interested in joining the club.American Style: No student is interested in joining the club.Chinese Style: I do not understand what is he talking about.American Style: I do not understand what he is talking about.Chinese Style: There were three thousands of spectators watching thefinal match.American Style: There were three thousand spectators watching the final match.Chinese Style: I've got many homeworks to do.American Style: I've got a lot of homework to do.Chinese Style: I went shopping at CauseWay Bay yesterday and bought a trousers. American Style: I went shopping at CauseWay Bay yesterday and bought a pair of trousers.Chinese Style: There are more than four million peoples in Singapore.American Style: There are more than four million people in Singapore.Chinese Style: I feel boring.American Style: I feel bored.Chinese Style: Would you give me some advices before I go to the interview.American Style: Would you give me some advice before I go to the interview.Chinese Style: We went fishing last Saturday and John got five fishes.American Style: We went fishing last Saturday and John got five fish.Chinese Style: Typhoon Andrew has caused widespread damages to the crops.American Style: Typhoon Andrew has caused widespread damage to the crops.Chinese Style: Congratulation ! You have passed the driving test atlong last.American Style: Congratulations ! You have passed the driving test atlong last.Chinese Style: I am afraid that this is the dirty mean to gain success.American Style: I am afraid that this is the dirty means to gain success.Chinese Style: Chinese are more conservative than English. American Style: The Chinese are more conservative than the English.Chinese Style: Cow is a useful animal.American Style: The cow is a useful animal.Chinese Style: I have got headache.American Style: I have got a headache.Chinese Style: Comparing with that in Singapore, the living standard in Hong Kong is very high. American Style: Compared with that in Singapore, the living standard in Hong Kong is very high.Chinese Style: Finishing his homework, Walters went to the football pitch with his friends. American Style: After finishing his homework, Walters went to the football pitch with his friends.Chinese Style: Sophia felt embarassing when I asked her how old she was.American Style: Sophia felt embarassed when I asked her how old she was.Chinese Style: It is more hygenic to drink boiling water.American Style: It is more hygenic to drink boiled water.Chinese Style: I have cut my hair at the barber's once a month.American Style: I have my hair cut at the barber's once a month.Chinese Style: I am sorry to have kept you waited.American Style: I am sorry to have kept you waiting.Chinese Style: There is a stranger stand at the door.American Style: There is a stranger standing at the door.Chinese Style: The robbers run into goldsmith's shop, shouted, " This is a robbery ". American Style: The robbers run into goldsmith's shop, shouting, " This is a robbery ".Chinese Style: Anybody is found picking the flowers will be prosecuted.American Style: Anybody who is found picking the flowers will be prosecuted.Chinese Style: Being no other business, the chairman declared themeeting closed.American Style: There being no other business, the chairman declared the meeting closed.Chinese Style: Laura has spent half a day to revise his lessons.American Style: Laura has spent half a day revising his lessons.Chinese Style: Finally, Ricky succeeded to enter the University.American Style: Finally, Ricky succeeded in entering the University.Chinese Style: I am used to watch television with the light on.American Style: I am used to watching television with the light on.Chinese Style: After dinner, my mother suggested to go for a walk.American Style: After dinner, my mother suggested going for a walk.Chinese Style: The government is considering the possibility to build a new airport on Lantau island.American Style: The government is considering the possibility of building a new airport on Lantau island.Chinese Style: Would you mind to pass me the salt, please ?American Style: Would you mind to passing me the salt, please ?Chinese Style: I am going to watch the cinema tonight.American Style: I am going to a movie tonight.Chinese Style: My son will marry next month.American Style: My son will get married next month.Chinese Style: My sister is going to marry with a doctor.American Style: My sister is going to marry a doctor.Chinese Style: You can sit my next seat.American Style: You can sit next to me.Chinese Style: I think you cheat me !American Style: I think you are lying to me !Chinese Style: My head is s ick.American Style: I have a headache.Chinese Style: Which team you support hah.American Style: Which team do you root for.Chinese Style: This is my older brother.American Style: This is my elder brother.Chinese Style: Thanks to see me.American Style: Thanks for dropping by. ( coming ).Chinese Style: Where are you come from ?。



American Word----------Britons SayAcetaminophen----------ParacetamolAluminum---------------AluminiumAmericans--------------YanksApartment--------------FlatApartment house--------Block of flatsAppointment Book-------DiaryArgentina--------------The ArgentineArgentinian------------ArgentineArgument---------------Row, argy-bargyBaby Carriage----------PramBabysitter-------------MinderBackpack---------------RucksackBadger-----------------BrockBaked Potato-----------Jacket potatoBandaid----------------Elastoplast (both brand name bandages) Bangs------------------FringeBar--------------------PubBarrette---------------SlideBaseboard--------------Skirting-boardBathroom---------------Loo, Water closet, .Battery (car)----------AccumulatorBeef extract----------- Bovril (brand name) Bleachers-------------- TerraceBobby pin-------------- Hair pinBodyguard-------------- MinderBoots (rubber)--------- Wellies, Wellingtons Boss------------------- GafferBoy-------------------- LadBroccoli rabe---------- CalabreseButtocks--------------- BumCabbage and potato -----Bubble and squeak Cafeteria-------------- RefectoryCall------------------- RingCan-------------------- TinCarpenter-------------- Cabinet Maker, Joiner Carried away----------- Over the topChat (noun)------------ NatterChat (verb)------------ Natter, Rabbit Checking account------- Current account Check (bank)----------- ChequeCheck (restaurant)----- BillClassy----------------- UpmarketComforter-------------- DuvetCondom----------------- SheathConductor-------------- Guard, clippie (Scotland) Cookie----------------- BiscuitCotton----------------- Cotton wool Counterclockwise------- AnticlockwiseCracker---------------- Savoury biscuitCrazy (person)--------- NutterCredit----------------- Hire purchaseCrotch----------------- CrutchCurator---------------- KeeperCurb------------------- KerbDead End--------------- Close, Cul de sacDessert---------------- Afters, PuddingDetour----------------- DiversionDiaper----------------- Nappy, NapkinDoctor's exam room -----SurgeryDropout---------------- School leaverDrunk------------------ Blotto, legless, paralytic, pissed Dump------------------- TipEasy task-------------- DoddleEditorial-------------- LeaderEggplant--------------- AubergineElated-----------------Over the MoonElectrician------------SparkyElevator---------------LiftEngland----------------BlightyEraser-----------------RubberExercise Class---------Keep Fit Exhausted--------------KnackeredExpensive--------------DearFall-------------------AutumnFaucet-----------------TapFeeble-minded----------DottyFellow-----------------Bloke, ChapFire (verb)------------SackFish Store-------------Fishmongers' Flashlight-------------TorchFourteen Pounds--------One stoneFrench Fries-----------ChipsFruit Store------------Fruiterers'Garage sale------------Jumble sale, boot sale Garbage Bag------------Bin linerGarbage Can------------BinGarbageman-------------DustmanGarter Belt------------SuspendersGas--------------------PetrolGas heater-------------Gas fireGelatin----------------JellyGlasses----------------Bins, SpecsGo away----------------Naff off, sod off Golden raisins---------SultanasGrade------------------FormGranola----------------MuesliGround Beef------------MinceGutter-----------------GullyGuy--------------------Bloke, ChapHam--------------------GammonHamburger bun----------BapHardware store---------Ironmongers' Healthfood-------------WholefoodHeater (gas)-----------Gas fireHeater (electric)------Electric fireHedge------------------HedgerowHighrise---------------Tower blockHighway----------------Carriageway, Motorway Hood-------------------BonnetHooligan---------------Yob, YobboHorse Chestnut---------ConkerHungry-----------------PeckishInclusive--------------All-inInstruction------------TuitionIntermission-----------IntervalInterrogate------------VetInvestigate------------VetJail-------------------GaolJelly------------------JamJuice Concentrate------SquashKerosene---------------ParaffinLadybug----------------LadybirdLady's room------------Ladies'Lawyer-----------------Barrister, SolicitorLeash------------------LeadLemonade---------------Non-carbonated beverage License plate----------Number plateLike (verb)------------FancyLine-------------------QueueLineup-----------------Identity paradeLiquor store-----------Off licenseLiving room------------ LoungeMail (noun or verb)----PostMain street------------ High streetMen's room------------- GentsMiddle of nowhere------ Back of beyond Model (of sorts)------- Page 3 girl Molasses--------------- Treacle Monkey Wrench---------- Spanner Moron------------------ BerkMotor Home------------- Caravan Mover------------------ Removal man Movie Theater---------- Cinema Moving----------------- Removal Moving truck----------- Removal van Muffler---------------- SilencerNail polish------------ Nail varnish Naked------------------ StarkersNapkin----------------- Serviette National Holiday------- Bank Holiday Nauseous--------------- Sick, Seedy Nerd------------------- WallyNewcastle (person from)----GeordieNewscaster-------------PresenterNothing----------------Nought, bugger-all Nudist-----------------NaturistOven-------------------CookerOverpass---------------FlyoverPacifier---------------DummyPanties----------------Pants, KnickersParka------------------AnorakParking lot------------Car parkParty favor------------CrackerPedestrian crossing----SubwayPerfect----------------Spot onPeriod (in punct.)-----Full stopPharmacist-------------ChemistPimple-----------------SpotPin--------------------BroochPlastic Tape-----------Sellotape (brand name) Plastic wrap-----------Clingfilm (brand name) Pleasant---------------HomelyPleased----------------ChuffedPolice Car-------------Panda car Policeman--------------BobbyPopsicle---------------Ice lollyPotato Chips-----------Crisps Pregnant---------------Bun in the oven Prenatal---------------Antenatal Preppie----------------Sloane Ranger Prison-----------------The nick Private school---------Public school Prom-------------------BallPropeller--------------Air screwPush up----------------Press upPut to sleep-----------Put down Quarrel----------------RowRailroad Tie-----------Sleeper Raincoat---------------Mac, mackintosh Raise------------------RiseRealtor----------------Estate Agent Relish-----------------PickleRent-------------------HireReserve----------------BookRest stop--------------Lay-byRoast------------------JointRutabaga---------------SwedeSandwich---------------ButtySaran Wrap-------------Clingfilm (Both are brand names) SATs-------------------A-levels (college entrance exams) Sausage----------------BangerSausage & potatoes-----Bangers and mashScalper----------------ToutScotch Tape------------Sellotape (Both are brand names) Sedan------------------Saloon carSeedy------------------DownmarketSell-------------------FlogSenior Citizen---------OAP (Old Age Pensioner) Shopping Bag-----------Carrier bagSick-------------------NauseousSideburns--------------SideboardsSidewalk---------------PavementSlate (noun)-----------List of candidates for election Slate (verb)-----------Designate for action or appointment Slowpoke---------------SlowcoachSneakers---------------Daps, Trainers, Plimsolls,Pumps Snow Peas--------------Mange ToutSoccer-----------------FootballSpay-------------------DoctorSpoiled----------------OffSquash-----------------MarrowSteal------------------Nick, Pinch Stingy-----------------MeanStopper----------------BungStreet Musician--------Busker Stupid-----------------Daft, Gormless Subway-----------------Underground Superbowl of Soccer----FA Cup Suspenders-------------Braces Sweater----------------JumperTalk show--------------Chat show Taxi stand-------------Rank Tenement---------------Housing estate Testicles--------------Bollocks Thank you--------------Cheers, Ta Thicket----------------Copse Thumbtack--------------Drawing pin Toilet-----------------LooToss-------------------BungTraffic Circle--------- RoundaboutTraffic Jam------------ TailbackTrash Bag-------------- Bin linerTrash Can-------------- BinTruck------------------ LorryTrunk------------------ BootTurnip----------------- SwedeTV--------------------- TellyTwo Weeks-------------- Fortnight Umbrella--------------- BrollyUnderpants (men's)----- Y-fronts Underpants (women's)--- Pants, Knickers Undershirt------------- VestUnemployed------------- Redundant Unstable--------------- WonkyVacation--------------- HolidayVery------------------- BloodyVest------------------- WaistcoatVice Girl-------------- ProstituteVinyl Top (of car)----- HoodWhine------------------ WhingeWine (cheap)----------- PlonkWoman (attractive)-----CrumpetYard-------------------GardenYard sale--------------Jumble saleYears------------------YonksYou're Welcome---------[not used in Britain] Zee (the letter)-------ZedZip code---------------Postal codeZucchini---------------Courgette。




1. 四六级考试:Si Jia Yu Li (Chinese College English Test)
2. 身份证:ID card (Identity Document)
3. 户口本:Household register book (Residence booklet)
4. 豆腐:Bean curd (Tofu)
5. 中文菜单:Chinese menu (Menu in Chinese)
6. 红烧肉:Braised pork (braised in soy sauce)
7. 普通话:Putonghua (Standard Chinese)
8. 煎饼果子:Jianbing Guozi (Pancake rolls)
9. 包子:Baozi (Steamed stuffed buns)
10. 火锅:Huoguo (Hot pot)



中式英文和美式英文读法对比The English language has become a global lingua franca, with hundreds of millions of non-native speakers around the world. As English spreads to different regions, local accents and pronunciations inevitably emerge, leading to variations in how the language is spoken. Two prominent examples of such variations are Chinese English and American English. While both are forms of English, they exhibit distinct characteristics in terms of pronunciation that can be traced back to the linguistic and cultural influences of their respective regions.One of the most noticeable differences between Chinese English and American English lies in the way vowel sounds are produced. In Chinese English, vowels tend to be more monophthongal, meaning they maintain a relatively stable sound throughout their duration. For instance, the word "face" is often pronounced as "fays" by Chinese speakers, with a pure "a" sound rather than the diphthongal "ei" sound found in American English. Similarly, the word "boat" may be pronounced as "bote" with a long "o" sound, instead of the diphthongal "ou" sound in American English.This tendency towards monophthongal vowels in Chinese English can be attributed to the influence of the Mandarin Chinese language. Mandarin, like many other Chinese dialects, has a relatively simple vowel system compared to English, with fewer diphthongs and more pure vowel sounds. As a result, Chinese learners of English often struggle to reproduce the complex diphthongal vowel sounds that are common in American English.Another significant difference between Chinese English and American English is the treatment of consonant clusters. In American English, consonant clusters are often reduced or simplified, particularly in casual speech. For example, the word "just" may be pronounced as "jus," with the final "t" sound being omitted. In contrast, Chinese English speakers tend to maintain the full consonant clusters, often pronouncing words like "just" with a clear "t" sound at the end.This difference can be traced back to the phonological structure of Mandarin Chinese, which generally does not allow for complex consonant clusters. Chinese speakers, when learning English, often transfer this preference for simpler consonant structures to their English pronunciation, leading to a more distinct and deliberate articulation of consonant clusters.Another notable distinction between Chinese English and American English is the treatment of certain consonant sounds, particularly the "th" sound. In American English, the "th" sound is typically realized as either a voiced "th" (as in "the") or a voiceless "th" (as in "think"). However, in Chinese English, the "th" sound is often substituted with a "t" or "s" sound, resulting in pronunciations like "tink" for "think" or "sree" for "three."This substitution can be attributed to the fact that the "th" sound does not exist in Mandarin Chinese, and Chinese learners of English often struggle to produce this unfamiliar sound accurately. Instead, they rely on the closest available sounds in their native language, leading to the characteristic "t" or "s" substitutions in Chinese English.Furthermore, the stress patterns and intonation in Chinese English and American English can vary significantly. In American English, stress is often placed on the first syllable of a word, and the overall intonation tends to be more varied and expressive. In contrast, Chinese English speakers often place equal stress on each syllable, resulting in a more monotonous and evenly-paced delivery.This difference in stress and intonation can be linked to the tonal nature of Mandarin Chinese, where the pitch and tone of a syllable carry important meaning. Chinese speakers, when learning English, may unconsciously transfer this tonal system to their Englishpronunciation, leading to a more evenly stressed and less melodic delivery.Despite these differences, it is important to note that Chinese English is not inherently "incorrect" or "inferior" to American English. Rather, it represents a legitimate variation of the language, shaped by the unique linguistic and cultural influences of the Chinese context. In fact, Chinese English can be seen as a vibrant and dynamic form of the language, reflecting the rich diversity of English speakers around the world.Moreover, the rise of Chinese English has also had a significant impact on the global spread and evolution of the English language. As more non-native speakers use English as a means of communication, the language is becoming increasingly adaptable and accommodating to diverse regional and cultural influences. This evolution is not limited to Chinese English but can be observed in various other forms of "World Englishes" that have emerged in different parts of the globe.In conclusion, the comparison between Chinese English and American English pronunciations highlights the fascinating diversity of the English language. While there are undoubtedly differences in vowel sounds, consonant clusters, specific consonant substitutions, and stress patterns, these variations are a testament to thelanguage's ability to adapt and thrive in different cultural and linguistic contexts. As the use of English continues to expand globally, it is important to recognize and appreciate the rich tapestry of "World Englishes" that are shaping the future of this dynamic and ever-evolving language.。



Chinese Style中国方式American Style 美国方式It was so late there was no taxi It was so late that there was no taxi available. Y our coat is broken. Y our coat is torn.Let me help you to do your work. Let me help you with your work.Susan didn't make a fault anyway. Susan didn't make a mistake anyway.He becomes better. He got better.I recommend you to take a long vacation. I recommend that you take a long vacation.The last bus leaves at eleven o'clock. It's about eleven now, Hurry up ! The last bus leaves at eleven o'clock. It's nearly eleven now, Hurry up !It was still bright outside.It was still light outside.The hall can seat two hundred people. The hall seats two hundred people.Anywhere will do. Any place will do.Wait here please, I'll come back in a minute. Wait here please, I'll be back in a minute.I am uncomfortable. I don't feel well.Common students in US don't wear a uniform. The average student in US don't wear a uniform. Who cooked this salad ? Who made this salad ?His restaurant attracts lots of customers. His restaurant attracts lots of guests.My friend Tony died in a traffic accident. My friend Tony was killed in a traffic accident. Different from me, she is proficient in English. Unlike me, she is proficient in English.Little children are difficult to understand that. It is difficult for children to understand that. Don't step on the grass. Keep off the grass.I get my salary twice a month. I get paid twice a month.Would you like a drink ? Would you like something to drink ?Let me examine your pulse Let me feel your pulse.I have no exercise talent. I am not athletic.Don't expect me too much. Don't expect too much from (of ) me.I know his face. I know him by sight.I forget my hat in the house. I left my hat in the house.I have a free time. I am free.The sun rises from the East. The sun rises in the East.The thief got in from the window. The thief got in through the window.Let's begin from page 10. Let's begin at ( on ) page 10.Did you attend college ? Did you go to college ?I wanted to go to Europe last summer, but it was too expensive so I gave up to go. I wanted to go to Europe last summer, but it was too expensive so I gave up the ideaI'll go there at three. I'll be there at three.I am going back my home. I am going home.His temperature went down. His temperature came down.I like green color. I like green.Chinese Style中国方式American Style 美国方式Today's newspapers has his articles on Taiwan. Today's newspapers carries his articles on Taiwan Give me money, if you have. Give me money, if you have any.Y ou'll have a cold if you sleep with your window open. Y ou'll catch a cold if you sleep with your window open.Somebody's knocking on the door. Go and see who he is. Somebody's knocking on the door. Go and see who it is.The head office is in Taipei. The main office is in Taipei.He cannot read and write. He cannot read or write.Where is here. Where are we.How heavy are you ? How much do you weigh ?He was talking in a high voice. He was talking loud.Most Westerners have high noses. Most Westerners have long noses.Are you home tomorrow. Are you at home tomorrow.How does she look like ? What does she look like ?This is the way how I did it This is how I did it. or This is the way I did it. How do you think about Taiwan. What do you think about Taiwan.How can I do ? What can I do ?I visited her ill mother in the hospital.I visited her sick mother in the hospital" How long have you been in Taiwan ?" " Six months "" How about Chinese food ?" " How long have you been in Taiwan ? " " Six months "" Do you like Chinese food ?"There is a limit in my patience. There is a limit to my patience. Please wait inside the white line.Please wait behind the white line. Is your house insured for fire ? Is your house insured against fire ?I introduce Mr. Smith to you ! May I introduce Mr. Smith to you ! She was first prize She took first prize.Do you have any automatic camera ? Y es I have it . Do you have any automatic camera ? Y es, I have one.That was a traffic accident on my way here. It is why I was late. That was a traffic accident on my way here. That is why I was late.She is wearing blue jeans pants. She is wearing blue jeans.Keep the right. Keep to the right.Last night I didn't keep my diary. Last night I didn't write anything in my diary. The train was late about an hour. The train was about an hour late.Leave your hand from the end of the wire. Let go of the end of the wire.I was ten minutes late for the English lesson. I was ten minutes late for the English class. How many Chinese letters do you know ? How many Chinese characters do you know ? Lend me some money, for instance 500 dollars,Lin.Lend me some money, say 500 dollars, Lin.。




大家对照看看自己有没有犯过这样的错误吧!①欢迎你到... ② welcome you to ... ③ welcome to ...①永远记住你② remember you forever ③ always remember you(没有人能活到forever)①祝你有个... ② wish you have a ... ③ I wish you a ...①给你② give you ③ here you are①很喜欢... ② very like ... ③ like ... very much①黄头发② yellow hair ③ blond/blonde(西方人没有yellow hair的说法)①厕所② WC ③ men's room/women's room/restroom①真遗憾② it's a pity ③ that's too bad/it's a shame(it'sa pity说法太老)①裤子② trousers ③ pants/slacks/jeans①修理② mend ③ fix/repair①入口② way in ③ entrance①出口② way out ③ exit(way out在口语中是crazy 的意思)①勤奋② diligent ③hardworking/studious/conscientious①应该② should ③ must/shall①火锅② chafing dish ③ hot pot①大厦② mansion ③ center/plaza①马马虎虎② so-so ③ average/fair/all right/not too bad/OK(西方人很少使用so-so)①好吃② delicious ③good/nice/tasty/appetizing(delicious在中国被滥用)①尽我最大努力② try my best ③ try/strive(try的本意就是try my best)①有名② famous ③ well-known/renowned/legendary/popular(famous在中国被滥用)①滑稽② humorous ③funny/witty/amusing/entertaining①欺骗② to cheat ③ to trick/to play a joke on/to con/to deceive/to rip off①车门② the door of the car ③ the car's door①怎么拼? ② how to spell? ③ how do you spell?①再见② bye-bye ③ bye/see you/see youlater/later(bye-bye有些孩子气)①玩② play ③ go to/do(play在中国被滥用)①面条② noodles ③ pasta(noodles有些孩子气)①据说② it is said ③ I heard/I read/I was told①等等② and so on ③ etc.①直到现在② till now ③ recently/lately/thus far ①农民② peasant ③ farmer①宣传② propaganda ③ information。




中:weleyou to ...英:wele to...中:rememberyou forever英:alwaysremember you(没有人能活到forever)中:wish youhave a ...英:I wish youa ...中:give you英:here youare中:very like...英:like ...very much中:yellowhair英:blond/blonde(西方人没有yellowhair的说法)中:WC英:men'sroom/women's room/restroom中:it's apity英:that's toobad/it's a shame(it's a pity说法太老)中:trousers英:pants/slacks/jeans中:mend英:fix/repair中:way in英:entrance中:way out英:exit(way out在口语中是crazy的意思)中:diligent英:hardworking/studious/conscientious中:should英:must/shall中:chafingdish英:hot pot中:mansion英:center/plaza中:so-so英:average/fair/allright/not too bad/OK (西方人很少使用so-so)中:delicious英:good/nice/tasty/appetizing(delicious在中国被滥用)中:try mybest英:try/strive(try的本意就是try my best)中:famous英:well-known/renowned/legendary/popular(famous在中国被滥用)中:humorous英:funny/witty/amusing/entertaining中:to cheat英:to trick/to play a joke on/to deceive/to rip off 中:the door of the car英:the car's door中:how to spell?英:how do you spell?中:bye-bye英:bye/seeyou/see you later/later(bye-bye有些孩子气)中:play英:go to/do(play在中国被滥用)中:it is said英:I heard/Iread/I was told中:and so on英:etc.etcetera中:till now英:recently/lately/thusfar中:peasant英:farmer中:propaganda英:information误:The price is very suitable for me.正:The price is right.提示:suitable(合适的、相配的)最常见的用法是以否定的形式出现在告示或通知上,如:下列节目儿童不宜。


① 给你 ② give you ③ here you are
① 很喜欢... ② very like ... ③ like ... very much
① 黄头发 ② yellow hair ③ blond/blonde(西方人没有yellow hair的说法)
① 厕所 ② WC ③ men’s room/women’s room/restroom
栗 剑 2010-06-23 17:08
回复张士奇: 豆腐 とうふ
toufu tofu 回复举报
徐伟~Damita* 2010-06-23 17:24
回复王昊辰 Abel:我也没听说过 一家之言 不能代表全部 回复举报
段傲舒 2010-06-23 18:39
① 尽我最大努力 ② try my best ③ try/strive(try的本意就是try my best)
① 有名 ② famous ③ well-known/renowned/legendary/popular(famous在中国被滥用)
① 滑稽 ② humorous ③ funny/witty/amusing/entertaining;
information… 问询? 回复举报
魏濛:T.T 2010-06-24 13:45
① 大厦 ② mansion ③ center/plaza
① 马马虎虎 ② so-so ③ average/fair/all right/not too bad/OK(西方人很少使用so-so)



美式英语和英式英语表达对照表American Word----------Britons SayAcetaminophen----------ParacetamolAluminum---------------AluminiumAmericans--------------YanksApartment--------------FlatApartment house--------Block of flatsAppointment Book-------DiaryArgentina--------------The ArgentineArgentinian------------ArgentineArgument---------------Row, argy-bargyBaby Carriage----------PramBabysitter-------------MinderBackpack---------------RucksackBadger-----------------BrockBaked Potato-----------Jacket potatoBandaid----------------Elastoplast (both brand name bandages) Bangs------------------FringeBar--------------------PubBarrette---------------SlideBaseboard--------------Skirting-boardBathroom---------------Loo, Water closet, W.C.Battery (car)----------AccumulatorBeef extract-----------Bovril (brand name) Bleachers--------------TerraceBobby pin--------------Hair pinBodyguard--------------MinderBoots (rubber)---------Wellies, Wellingtons Boss-------------------GafferBoy--------------------LadBroccoli rabe----------CalabreseButtocks---------------BumCabbage and potato-----Bubble and squeak Cafeteria--------------RefectoryCall-------------------RingCan--------------------TinCarpenter--------------Cabinet Maker, Joiner Carried away-----------Over the topChat (noun)------------NatterChat (verb)------------Natter, Rabbit Checking account-------Current account Check (bank)-----------ChequeCheck (restaurant)-----BillClassy-----------------UpmarketComforter--------------DuvetCondom-----------------SheathConductor--------------Guard, clippie (Scotland)Cookie-----------------BiscuitCotton-----------------Cotton woolCounterclockwise-------AnticlockwiseCracker----------------Savoury biscuitCrazy (person)---------NutterCredit-----------------Hire purchaseCrotch-----------------CrutchCurator----------------KeeperCurb-------------------KerbDead End---------------Close, Cul de sacDessert----------------Afters, PuddingDetour-----------------DiversionDiaper-----------------Nappy, NapkinDoctor's exam room-----SurgeryDropout----------------School leaverDrunk------------------Blotto, legless, paralytic, pissed Dump-------------------TipEasy task--------------DoddleEditorial--------------LeaderEggplant---------------AubergineElated-----------------Over the Moon Electrician------------SparkyElevator---------------LiftEngland----------------BlightyEraser-----------------RubberExercise Class---------Keep FitExhausted--------------KnackeredExpensive--------------DearFall-------------------AutumnFaucet-----------------TapFeeble-minded----------DottyFellow-----------------Bloke, ChapFire (verb)------------SackFish Store-------------Fishmongers'Flashlight-------------TorchFourteen Pounds--------One stoneFrench Fries-----------ChipsFruit Store------------Fruiterers'Garage sale------------Jumble sale, boot sale Garbage Bag------------Bin linerGarbage Can------------BinGarbageman-------------DustmanGarter Belt------------SuspendersGas--------------------PetrolGas heater-------------Gas fireGelatin----------------JellyGlasses----------------Bins, SpecsGo away----------------Naff off, sod off Golden raisins---------SultanasGrade------------------FormGranola----------------MuesliGround Beef------------MinceGutter-----------------GullyGuy--------------------Bloke, ChapHam--------------------GammonHamburger bun----------BapHardware store---------Ironmongers' Healthfood-------------WholefoodHeater (gas)-----------Gas fireHeater (electric)------Electric fireHedge------------------HedgerowHighrise---------------Tower blockHighway----------------Carriageway, MotorwayHood-------------------BonnetHooligan---------------Yob, YobboHorse Chestnut---------ConkerHungry-----------------PeckishInclusive--------------All-inInstruction------------TuitionIntermission-----------IntervalInterrogate------------VetInvestigate------------VetJail-------------------GaolJelly------------------JamJuice Concentrate------SquashKerosene---------------ParaffinLadybug----------------LadybirdLady's room------------Ladies'Lawyer-----------------Barrister, Solicitor Leash------------------LeadLemonade---------------Non-carbonated beverage License plate----------Number plateLike (verb)------------FancyLine-------------------QueueLineup-----------------Identity paradeLiquor store-----------Off license Living room------------LoungeMail (noun or verb)----PostMain street------------High street Men's room-------------GentsMiddle of nowhere------Back of beyond Model (of sorts)-------Page 3 girl Molasses---------------Treacle Monkey Wrench----------SpannerMoron------------------BerkMotor Home-------------CaravanMover------------------Removal man Movie Theater----------CinemaMoving-----------------Removal Moving truck-----------Removal van Muffler----------------SilencerNail polish------------Nail varnish Naked------------------Starkers Napkin-----------------Serviette National Holiday-------Bank Holiday Nauseous---------------Sick, Seedy Nerd-------------------WallyNewcastle (person from)----Geordie Newscaster-------------PresenterNothing----------------Nought, bugger-all Nudist-----------------NaturistOven-------------------CookerOverpass---------------FlyoverPacifier---------------DummyPanties----------------Pants, KnickersParka------------------AnorakParking lot------------Car parkParty favor------------CrackerPedestrian crossing----SubwayPerfect----------------Spot onPeriod (in punct.)-----Full stopPharmacist-------------ChemistPimple-----------------SpotPin--------------------BroochPlastic Tape-----------Sellotape (brand name) Plastic wrap-----------Clingfilm (brand name) Pleasant---------------HomelyPleased----------------ChuffedPolice Car-------------Panda carPool-------------------Snooker Popsicle---------------Ice lolly Potato Chips-----------Crisps Pregnant---------------Bun in the oven Prenatal---------------Antenatal Preppie----------------Sloane Ranger Prison-----------------The nick Private school---------Public school Prom-------------------BallPropeller--------------Air screwPush up----------------Press upPut to sleep-----------Put down Quarrel----------------RowRailroad Tie-----------Sleeper Raincoat---------------Mac, mackintosh Raise------------------RiseRealtor----------------Estate Agent Relish-----------------PickleRent-------------------HireReserve----------------BookRest stop--------------Lay-byRun--------------------LadderRutabaga---------------SwedeSandwich---------------ButtySaran Wrap-------------Clingfilm (Both are brand names) SATs-------------------A-levels (college entrance exams) Sausage----------------BangerSausage & potatoes-----Bangers and mashScalper----------------ToutScotch Tape------------Sellotape (Both are brand names) Sedan------------------Saloon carSeedy------------------DownmarketSell-------------------FlogSenior Citizen---------OAP (Old Age Pensioner)Shopping Bag-----------Carrier bagSick-------------------NauseousSideburns--------------SideboardsSidewalk---------------PavementSlate (noun)-----------List of candidates for election Slate (verb)-----------Designate for action or appointment Slowpoke---------------SlowcoachSneakers---------------Daps, Trainers, Plimsolls,PumpsSnow Peas--------------Mange Tout Soccer-----------------FootballSpay-------------------DoctorSpoiled----------------OffSquash-----------------MarrowSteal------------------Nick, Pinch Stingy-----------------MeanStopper----------------BungStreet Musician--------BuskerStupid-----------------Daft, Gormless Subway-----------------Underground Superbowl of Soccer----FA Cup Suspenders-------------Braces Sweater----------------JumperTalk show--------------Chat showTaxi stand-------------Rank Tenement---------------Housing estate Testicles--------------Bollocks Thank you--------------Cheers, Ta Thicket----------------Copse Thumbtack--------------Drawing pin Toilet-----------------LooToss-------------------BungTraffic Circle---------Roundabout Traffic Jam------------TailbackTrash Bag--------------Bin linerTrash Can--------------BinTruck------------------LorryTrunk------------------BootTurnip-----------------SwedeTV---------------------TellyTwo Weeks--------------Fortnight Umbrella---------------Brolly Underpants (men's)-----Y-fronts Underpants (women's)---Pants, Knickers Undershirt-------------Vest Unemployed-------------Redundant Unstable---------------WonkyVacation---------------HolidayVery-------------------BloodyVest-------------------WaistcoatVice Girl--------------Prostitute Vinyl Top (of car)-----HoodWhine------------------WhingeWine (cheap)-----------PlonkWoman (attractive)-----CrumpetYard-------------------GardenYard sale--------------Jumble saleYears------------------YonksYou're Welcome---------[not used in Britain] Zee (the letter)-------ZedZip code---------------Postal codeZucchini---------------Courgette。



4.在将来的30到50年间,我们在经济上将达到经济发 达国家的水平。
A: in another 30 to 50 years, we shall approach the level of the economically developed countries
B: in another 30 to 50 years, we shall approach the level of the developed countries (通常情况下,“发达国家”已经意味着是经济上发达 的国家,因此,没有必要再加上修饰语。)
4 写作中中式英语的特点:
6.语法错误Syntactic Error
EXAMPLE: 请再给我两小时。 A:Please allow me more two hours. B:Please give me another two hours. 和他结婚以后,她的麻烦就开始了。 A:After marrying him, her trouble began. B:After marrying him, she began to have troubles.
3 中式英语产生的原因:
1.文化差异Cultural difference 自由恋爱 free love free choice of marriage partner
2.不同的思维方式Different thought pattern The Chinese Team won the American Teem. 中国队战胜了美国队 The Chinese team beat the American Team. 中国队打败了美国队.
3.不同的习惯Different habitual usage 东北—northeast 迟早--- sooner or later 中式英语Welcome to use ATM service 正确:Thanks for using this ATM 中式英语Welcome to ride Line 52 Bus 正确: Thank you for riding Bus Line 52.



要再说这些Chinglish,让你听上去不再那么Asian1. 价格挺合适/挺好的。

Chinglish: The price is very suitable.English: The price is right. / The price is appropriate. / The price is good.提示:suitable(合适的、相配的)最常见的用法是以否定的形式出现在告示或通知中,如:这部影片儿童不宜。

This movie is not suitable for children.2. 你是做什么工作的呢?Chinglish: What's your job?English: Are you working at the moment?提示:前一种说法的语气显得生硬唐突,因为对方可能目前并未上班。

后一种说法——“目前你是在上班吗?”可以引出你要问的问题:目前你在哪儿工作呢?Where are you working at?/ Wheredo you work?或者:你从事哪个行业呢?What line of work are you in? / What type of work doyou do?最简单的问法当然还是:What do you do?3. 用英语怎么说?Chinglish: How to say?English: How do you say that in English?提示:How to say 不是一个完整的句子,而是引领分句。

同类的例子还有:请问这个单词怎么拼?How do you spell that please? 请问这个单词怎么读?How do you pronounce this word?4. 明天我有事。

Chinglish: I have something to do tomorrow.English: I am tied up all day tomorrow.提示:要表达脱不开身,可以说:I'm tied up. 或:I can't make it at that time. I'd love to, but Ican't, I have to stay at home. 即明天不行啊,我很想去,但没办法,得待在家。

“黄油由牛奶制成”别译作“Butter is made of milk”

“黄油由牛奶制成”别译作“Butter is made of milk”

“黄油由牛奶制成”别译作“Butter is made of milk”作者:咔咔来源:《初中生之友·中旬刊》2020年第10期在学习英语的过程中,需要注意中文和英文语言上的文化差异和表达习惯的不同。








中国式:Butter is made of milk.美国式:Butter is made from milk.“be made of”表示“由……制作而成的”时,这个制作出来的物品是能看出原材料的。

比如,“The table is made of wood”(桌子是由木头制作而成的),因为你看到桌子的时候就能看出原材料是木头。

而“be made from”表示“由……制作而成的”时,这个制作出来的物品是不能看出原材料的,也就是材料发生了变化。

“黄油由牛奶制成”,你一眼看不出原材料是牛奶,所以要说“But?ter is made from milk”。


中国式:The cat is too much fat.美国式:The cat is much too fat.词组“too much”中,“too”是程度副词,用来修饰“much”这个形容词,而“much”又是用来修饰名词的,所以“too much”的后面接名词。

而“much too”刚好相反,这时候“much”作为副词,来形容“too”这个副词,而“too”又是修饰形容词或副词的,所以“much too”的后面接形容词或副词。

“这只猫太胖了”的英文翻译中“fat”是一个形容词,所以前面要用“much too”修饰。

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Chinese Style: It's seven twenty o'clock .American Style: It's seven twenty .Chinese Style: Your coat is broken .American Style: Your coat is torn .Chinese Style: Susan didn't make a fault anyway.American Style: Susan didn't make a mistake anyway.Chinese Style: Would you mind posting this letter for me ? Yes, certainly .American Style: Would you mind mailing this letter for me ? Of course not . OR ( Not at all )Chinese Style: He becomes better.American Style: He got better.Chinese Style: We'll have a hearing test tomorrow.American Style: We'll have a listening test tomorow.Chinese Style: I recommend you to take a long vacation.American Style: I recommend that you take a long vacation.Chinese Style: The last bus leaves at eleven o'clock. It's about eleven now, Hurry up! American Style: The last bus leaves at eleven o'clock. It's nearly ( almost ) eleven now, Hurry up! Chinese Style: It was still bright outside. American Style: It was still light outside.Chinese Style: Come to here .American Style: Come here .Chinese Style: Common students in US don't wear a uniform.American Style: The average students in US don't wear a uniform.Chinese Style: Who cooked this salad ?American Style: Who made this salad ?Chinese Style: Different from me, she is proficient in English.American Style: Unlike me, she is proficient in English.Chinese Style: Little children are difficult to understand that.American Style: It is difficult for children to understand that.Chinese Style: Don't step on the grass.American Style: Keep off the grass.Chinese Style: I get my salary twice a month.American Style: I get paid twice a month.Chinese Style: Would you like a drink ?American Style: Would you like something to drink ?Chinese Style: Let me examine your pulse.American Style: Let me feel your pulse.Chinese Style: I have no exercise talent.American Style: I am not athletic.Chinese Style: Don't expect me too much.American Style: Don't expect too much from (of ) me.Chinese Style: I forget my hat in the house.American Style: I left my hat in the house.Chinese Style: Lend me some money, for instance 500 dollars, LinAmerican Style: Lend me some money, say 500 dollars, LinChinese Style: I have a free time.American Style: I am free.Chinese Style: The sun rises from the East.American Style: The sun rises in the East.Chinese Style: The thief got in from the window.American Style: The thief got in through the window.Chinese Style: Let's begin from page 10.American Style: Let's begin at ( on ) page 10.Chinese Style: Did you attend college ?American Style: Did you go to college ?Chinese Style: I wanted to go to Europe last summer, but it was too expensive so I gave up to go.American Style: I wanted to go to Europe last summer, but it was too expensive so I gave up the idea.Chinese Style: I am going back my home.American Style: I am going home.Chinese Style: His temperature went down.American Style: His temperature came down.Chinese Style: I like green color.American Style: I like green.Chinese Style: Today's newspapers has his articles on Taiwan.American Style: Today's newspapers carries his articles on Taiwan.Chinese Style: Give me money, if you have.American Style: Give me money, if you have any.Chinese Style: You'll have a cold if you sleep with your window open.American Style: You'll catch a cold if you sleep with your window open.Chinese Style: Somebody's knocking on the door. Go and see who he is. American Style: Somebody's knocking on the door. Go and see who it is.Chinese Style: The head office is in Taipei.American Style: The main office is in Taipei.Chinese Style: He cannot read and write.American Style: He cannot read or write.Chinese Style: Where is here.American Style: Where are we.Chinese Style: How heavy are you ?American Style: How much do you weigh ?Chinese Style: He was talking in a high voice.American Style: He was talking loud.Chinese Style: Most Westerners have high noses.American Style: Most Westerners have long noses.Chinese Style: Are you home tomorrow.American Style: Are you at home tomorrow.Chinese Style: How does she look like ?American Style: What does she look like ?Chinese Style: This is the way how I did it.American Style: This is how I did it. or This is the way I did it.Chinese Style: How do you think about Taiwan.American Style: What do you think about Taiwan.Chinese Style: How can I do ?American Style: What can I do ?Chinese Style: " How long have you been in Taiwan ?"" Six months "" How about Chinese food ?"American Style: " How long have you been in Taiwan ? "" Six months "" Do you like Chinese food ?"Chinese Style: I visited her ill mother in the hospital.American Style: I visited her sick mother in the hospital.Chinese Style: There is a limit in my patience.American Style: There is a limit to my patience.Chinese Style: Please wait inside the white line.American Style: Please wait behind the white line.Chinese Style: Is your house insured for fire ?American Style: Is your house insured against fire ?Chinese Style: I introduce Mr. Smith to you !American Style: May I introduce Mr. Smith to you !Chinese Style: She was first prize.American Style: She took first prize.Chinese Style: Do you have any automatic camera ? Yes I have it .American Style: Do you have any automatic camera ? Yes, I have one.Chinese Style: That was a traffic accident on my way here.It is why I was late. American Style: That was a traffic accident on my way here. That is why I was late.Chinese Style: She is wearing blue jeans pants.American Style: She is wearing blue jeans.Chinese Style: Keep the right.American Style: Keep to the right.Chinese Style: Last night I didn't keep my diary.American Style: Last night I didn't write anything in my diary.Chinese Style: The train was late about an hour.American Style: The train was about an hour late.Chinese Style: Leave your hand from the end of the wire. American Style: Let go of the end of the wire.Chinese Style: I was ten minutes late for the English lesson. American Style: I was ten minutes late for the English class.Chinese Style: How many Chinese letters do you know ? American Style: How many Chinese characters do you know ?Chinese Style: He is fighting for his life.American Style: He is fighting for his bread.Chinese Style: Why do you say like that.American Style: Why do you say that.Chinese Style: I have no house to live.American Style: I have no house to live in.Chinese Style: What a dirty face ! Look at the mirror. American Style: What a dirty face ! Look in the mirror.Chinese Style: He lost conciousness for a long time. American Style: He was unconcious for a long time.Chinese Style: He made a world record.American Style: He set a world record.Chinese Style: Her marriage was happy.American Style: Her married life was happy.Chinese Style: Maybe I think so.American Style: I think so.Chinese Style: The club's members are 55.American Style: There are 55 members in the club.Chinese Style: They didn't understand my mind.American Style: They didn't understand what I was thinking.Chinese Style: This is where you mistake.American Style: This is where you are mistaken.Chinese Style: I felt good mood.American Style: I am in a good mood.Chinese Style: Please allow me more two hours.American Style: Please allow me two more hours.Chinese Style: My watch doesn't move at all. I must get it checked up. American Style: My watch isn't running, I must get it checked up.Chinese Style: We moved house to Johor last month.American Style: We moved to Johor last month.Chinese Style: He is our common friend.American Style: He is our mutual friend.Chinese Style: It was my first time to go abroad.American Style: It was the first time I had gone abroad.Chinese Style: While walking along the street, I met my friend.American Style: While walking along the street, I met a friend of mine.Chinese Style: My this book cost me nearly 300 dollars.American Style: This book of mine cost me nearly 300 dollars.Chinese Style: My room is narrow.American Style: My room is small.Chinese Style: I'll visit my native place for the first time in ten years this summer. American Style: I'll visit my birth place for the first time in ten years this summer.Chinese Style: Here is a pair of nice shoes.American Style: Here is a nice pair of shoes.Chinese Style: Is this seat empty.American Style: Is this seat taken.Chinese Style: Don't be noisy.American Style: Be quiet.Chinese Style: It is not of only your business.American Style: It is none of your business.Chinese Style: I will do anything I can do for you.American Style: I will do anything I can for you.Chinese Style: This is the key of my room.American Style: This is the key to my room.Chinese Style: I am going to take a two-year course of English.American Style: I am going to take a two-year course in English.Chinese Style: He treated me very friendly.American Style: He treated me in a friendly way.Chinese Style: This is the largest department store of the world. American Style: This is the largest department store in the world.Chinese Style: It's a novel of three volumes.American Style: It's a novel in three volumes.Chinese Style: He is a student of Harvard University.American Style: He is a student at Harvard University.Chinese Style: Do you know the meaning of the word of bumpy ?American Style: Do you know the meaning of the word bumpy ?Chinese Style: He had a child of his former wife.American Style: He had a child by his former wife.Chinese Style: She married old.American Style: She married late in life.Chinese Style: I saw it on the newspapers.American Style: I read ( saw ) it in the newspapers.Chinese Style: He is a liar, and you are one too.American Style: He is a liar, and you are too.Chinese Style: Open page 20 of your books.American Style: Open your books to page 20.Chinese Style: Our Chinese students are diligent. American Style: We Chinese students are diligent. Chinese Style: Don't make the office out of order. American Style: Don't leave the office in a mess.Chinese Style: I like to paint this door to black.American Style: I'd like to paint this door black.Chinese Style: I have a Chinese pen friend.American Style: I have a Chinese pen pal.Chinese Style: Give me a phone.American Style: Give me a phone call.Chinese Style: Is there any place for me in the car. American Style: Is there any room for me in the car.Chinese Style: Let's play together.American Style: Why don't you come over ?Chinese Style: I was very pleasant today.American Style: I had a very good time today.Chinese Style: He got 87 points in chemistry.American Style: He got an 87 in chemistry.Chinese Style: Chang is a popular name in Taiwan. American Style: Chang is a common name in Taiwan.Chinese Style: I'm a public servant.American Style: I work for the government.Chinese Style: She is pure.American Style: She is naive.Chinese Style: I have a question to you.American Style: I have a question to ask you.Chinese Style: This book deserves to read several times. American Style: This book deserves to be read several times.Chinese Style: I like red tea.American Style: I like black tea.Chinese Style: History repeats.American Style: History repeats itself.Chinese Style: I make a rule of going to bed early and get up early. American Style: I make a rule to keep early hours.Chinese Style: I went to the sea.American Style: I went to the beach.Chinese Style: The door was shut when I returned home.American Style: The door was closed when I returned home.Chinese Style: Shall we sit in that sofa ?American Style: Shall we sit on that sofa ?Chinese Style: This steak is soft.American Style: This steak is tender.Chinese Style: His new book will be sold well.American Style: His new book will sell well.Chinese Style: There're a lot of sparrows stopping on the telephone lines. American Style: There're a lot of sparrows sitting on the telephone lines.Chinese Style: He hit me strongly.American Style: He hit me hard.Chinese Style: My pay cannot support my living.American Style: My pay is not enough to live on.Chinese Style: He wants to establish a sweet home.American Style: He wants to establish a happy home.Chinese Style: Why don't you take a driving license.American Style: Why don't you get a driving license.Chinese Style: Last year I went to Seattle. I liked there very much. American Style: Last year I went to Seattle. I liked it very much.Chinese Style: My mother likes to drink thick tea.American Style: My mother likes her tea strong.Chinese Style: I think it will not rain tomorrow.American Style: I don't think it will rain tomorrow.Chinese Style: Is your camera this kind ?American Style: Is your camera like this ?Chinese Style: His house was struck by thunder last night. American Style: His house was struck by lightning last night.Chinese Style: My grandmother lived to eighty-five. American Style: My grandmother lived to be eighty-five.Chinese Style: I have a lot of work to be done.American Style: I have a lot of work to do.Chinese Style: To drink too much is bad for one's health. American Style: Drinking too much is bad for one's health.Chinese Style: Today is hot.American Style: It's hot today.Chinese Style: My father will be home today afternoon. American Style: My father will be home this afternoon.Chinese Style: What is the total sum ?American Style: How much does it come to ?Chinese Style: We changed our train at Woodland. American Style: We changed trains at Woodland.Chinese Style: I traveled to Europe.American Style: I made a trip to Europe.Chinese Style: I very like swimming.American Style: I like swimming very much.Chinese Style: Wait for your turn, please.American Style: Wait your turn, please.Chinese Style: What time is your watch.American Style: What time is it by your watch.Chinese Style: I don't know what did he say.American Style: I don't know what he said.Chinese Style: What do you feel now ?American Style: How do you feel now ?Chinese Style: What season do you like best ?American Style: Which season do you like best ?Chinese Style: Welcome you to Taiwan.American Style: Welcome to Taiwan.Chinese Style: Where is the capital of Australia.American Style: What is the capital of Australia.Chinese Style: He has a wide shoulders.American Style: He has a broad shoulders.Chinese Style: We enjoyed the cool wind.American Style: We enjoyed the cool breeze.Chinese Style: I bought this book with 50 dollars.American Style: I bought this book for 50 dollars.Chinese Style: He played all yesterday without working.American Style: He played all yesterday instead of working.Chinese Style: Don't work too hard.Yes, I won'tAmerican Style: Don't work too hard.All right, I won't.Chinese Style: What will you do over the weekend ? I will play tennis with Tom on Sunday. American Style: What are you going to do over the weekend ? I am going to play tennis with Tom on Sunday.Chinese Style: My father bought me a black small leather wallet yesterday.American Style: My father bought me a small black leather wallet yesterday.Chinese Style: Most of the time, it is difficult for Sam in finishing his work on time.American Style: Most of the time, it is difficult for Sam to finish his work on time.Chinese Style: These thugs are quite capable to do really hasty things. American Style: These thugs are quite capable of doing really hasty things.Chinese Style: I very enjoyed it.American Style: I really enjoyed it.Chinese Style: If you determine to make the grade in the entrance examination, you must work extra hard. American Style:If you are determined to make the grade in the entrance examination, you must work extra hard.Chinese Style: Please handle this gold watch carefully. It worths more than five thousand dollars.American Style: Please handle this gold watch carefully. It is worth more than five thousand dollars.Chinese Style: I ran into Maria yesterday morning. She looked healthily.American Style: I ran into Maria yesterday morning. She looked healthy.Chinese Style: I am the only son in the family. I have not brothers. American Style: I am the only son in the family. I have no brothers.Chinese Style: My borther has been busy in preparing for his final examination.American Style: My brother has been busy preparing for his final examination.Chinese Style: As the citizens of Hong Kong, we are necessary to help the police in their fight against crime.American Style: As the citizens of Hong Kong, it is necessary for us to help the police in their fight against crime.Chinese Style: The children were very dangerous as the knife-wielding madman was running amok in the kindergarten.American Style: The children were in great danger as the knife-wielding madman was running amok in the kindergarten.Chinese Style: Mr. Teow arrived at the office lately this morning.American Style: Mr. Teow arrived at the office late this morning.Chinese Style: Joseph did not go to the concert last week, I did not go too.American Style: Joseph did not go to the concert last week, I did not go either.Chinese Style: We have been waiting for half an hour. She has still not come.American Style: We have been waiting for half an hour. She has not come yet.Chinese Style: The hinges of the door had rusted. We had to push hardly to open it. American Style: The hinges of the door had rusted. We had to push hard to open it.Chinese Style: The sea was very rough that the ferry service had to be suspended.American Style: The sea was so rough that the ferry service had to be suspended.Chinese Style: It is unkind of him to ask a little child to do such many things in a day. American Style: It is unkind of him to ask a little child to do so many things in a day.Chinese Style: The three women quarrelled for more than an hour angrily outside the boutique.American Style: The three women quarrelled angrily for more than an hour outside the boutique.Chinese Style: You should describe what has happened detailly.American Style: You should describe what has happened in detail.Chinese Style: I received a letter from my sister two days before. American Style: I received a letter from my sister two days ago.Chinese Style: The driver, as well as four passengers, were injured in the head-on collision. American Style: The driver, as well as four passengers, was injured in the head-on collision.Chinese Style: More than one convict were sentenced to death. American Style: More than one convict was sentenced to death.Chinese Style: One of my students have sent me a birthday card. American Style: One of my students has sent me a birthday card.Chinese Style: Sophie is one of the most intelligent students that has ever existed in our school. American Style: Sophie is one of the most intelligent students that have ever existed in our school.Chinese Style: Reading detective stories are my favorite passtime. American Style: Reading detective stories is my favorite passtime.Chinese Style: " Snow White and the seven Dwarfs " are a very popular fairy tale.American Style: " Snow White and the seven Dwarfs " is a very popular fairy tale.Chinese Style: Five hundred miles are a long distance.American Style: Five hundred miles is a long distance.Chinese Style: Either you or he are the one who stole the watch.American Style: Either you or he is the one who stole the watch.Chinese Style: The quality of these products is more superior than that of the others. American Style: The quality of these products is superior to that of the others.Chinese Style: The living standard in Japan is higher than Korea. American Style: The living standard in Japan is higher than that in Korea.Chinese Style: My younger brother is taller than me.American Style: My younger brother is taller than I.Chinese Style: Which of the two girls is the most intelligent.American Style: Which of the two girls is more intelligent.Chinese Style: The patient felt much better in the morning than afternoon. American Style: The patient felt much better in the morning than in the afternoon.Chinese Style: What we need is the most perfect plan.American Style: What we need is a most perfect plan.Chinese Style: Which of these two shirts do you prefer more.American Style: Which of these two shirts do you prefer.Chinese Style: No sooner had I arrived home when it began to rain. American Style: No sooner had I arrived home than it began to rain.Chinese Style: Mike found it more easier to work out a mathematical problem than to write a poem.American Style: Mike found it easier to work out a mathematical problem than to write a poem.Chinese Style: Charles loves Angel more than Simpson.American Style: Charles loves Angel more than Simpson does.Chinese Style: I saw where my mistakes lay and how to make up for them. American Style: I saw where my mistakes lay and how I could make up for them.Chinese Style: My archrival, Frankie, he scored very high marks in the last test.American Style: Frankie, my archrival, scored very high marks in the last test.Chinese Style: I felt very difficult to deal with this physics problem. American Style: I found it very difficult to deal with this physics problem.Chinese Style: The general meeting is scheduled to be held this afternoon at three. American Style: The general meeting is scheduled to be held at three this afternoon.Chinese Style: She ran into her boyfriend yesterday morning in Fair Avenue.American Style: She ran into her boyfriend in Fair Avenue yesterday morning.Chinese Style: Having not finished her housework, Mrs. Smith could not go window-shopping with her friends.American Style: Not having finished her housework, Mrs. Smith could not go window-shopping with her friends.Chinese Style: All the students are in interested in joining the club. American Style: No student is interested in joining the club.Chinese Style: I do not understand what is he talking about.American Style: I do not understand what he is talking about.Chinese Style: There were three thousands of spectators watching thefinal match.American Style: There were three thousand spectators watching the final match.Chinese Style: I've got many homeworks to do.American Style: I've got a lot of homework to do.Chinese Style: I went shopping at CauseWay Bay yesterday and bought a trousers.American Style: I went shopping at CauseWay Bay yesterday and bought a pair of trousers.Chinese Style: There are more than four million peoples in Singapore.. American Style: There are more than four million people in Singapore.Chinese Style: I feel boring.American Style: I feel bored.Chinese Style: Would you give me some advices before I go to the interview. American Style: Would you give me some advice before I go to the interview.Chinese Style: We went fishing last Saturday and John got five fishes. American Style: We went fishing last Saturday and John got five fish.Chinese Style: Typhoon Andrew has caused widespread damages to the crops. American Style: Typhoon Andrew has caused widespread damage to the crops.Chinese Style: Congratulation ! You have passed the driving test atlong last.American Style: Congratulations ! You have passed the driving test atlong last.Chinese Style: I am afraid that this is the dirty mean to gain success. American Style: I am afraid that this is the dirty means to gain success.Chinese Style: Chinese are more conservative than English.American Style: The Chinese are more conservative than the English.Chinese Style: Cow is a useful animal.American Style: The cow is a useful animal.Chinese Style: I have got headache.American Style: I have got a headache.Chinese Style: Comparing with that in Singapore, the living standard in Hong Kong is very high. American Style: Compared with that in Singapore, the living standard in Hong Kong is very high.Chinese Style: Finishing his homework, Walters went to the football pitch with his friends. American Style: After finishing his homework, Walters went to the football pitch with his friends.Chinese Style: Sophia felt embarassing when I asked her how old she was. American Style: Sophia felt embarassed when I asked her how old she was.Chinese Style: It is more hygenic to drink boiling water.American Style: It is more hygenic to drink boiled water.Chinese Style: I have cut my hair at the barber's once a month.American Style: I have my hair cut at he barber's once a month.Chinese Style: I am sorry to have kept you waited.American Style: I am sorry to have kept you waiting.Chinese Style: There is a stranger stand at the door.American Style: There is a stranger standing at the door.Chinese Style: The robbers run into goldsmith's shop, shouted, " This is a robbery ".American Style: The robbers run into goldsmith's shop, shouting, " This is a robbery ".Chinese Style: Anybody is found picking the flowers will be prosecuted. American Style: Anybody who is found picking the flowers will be prosecuted.Chinese Style: Being no other business, the chairman declared themeeting closed.American Style: There being no other business, the chairman declared the meeting closed.Chinese Style: Laura has spent half a day to revise his lessons.American Style: Laura has spent half a day revising his lessons.Chinese Style: Finally, Ricky succeeded to enter the University. American Style: Finally, Ricky succeeded in entering the University.Chinese Style: I am used to watch television with the light on.American Style: I am used to watching television with the light on.Chinese Style: After dinner, my mother suggested to go for a walk. American Style: After dinner, my mother suggested going for a walk.Chinese Style: The government is considering the possibility to build a new airport on Lantau island.American Style: The government is considering the possibility of building a new airport on Lantau island.Chinese Style: Would you mind to pass me the salt, please ?American Style: Would you mind to passing me the salt, please ?Chinese Style: I am going to watch the cinema tonight.American Style: I am going to a movie tonight.Chinese Style: My son will marry next month.American Style: My son will get married next month.Chinese Style: My sister is going to marry with a doctor.American Style: My sister is going to marry a doctor.Chinese Style: You can sit my next seat.American Style: You can sit next to me.Chinese Style: I think you cheat me !American Style: I think you are lying to me !Chinese Style: My head is sick.American Style: I have a headache.Chinese Style: Which team you support hah.American Style: Which team do you root for.Chinese Style: This is my older brother.American Style: This is my elder brother.Chinese Style: Thanks to see me.American Style: Thanks for dropping by. ( coming ).Chinese Style: Where are you come from ?。
