
We don’t like the boy, who is too arrogant.
例4:2021年真题 But that’s exactly the kind of false cheerfulness // that positive
the only man alive
b.名词 + 介词短语 man of promising future 前程似锦的人
c.名词 + 非谓语〔注意:中文多主动,英文多被动〕 the information used
所使用的信息 the meeting being held 正在召开的会议 the regulation needed to be observed 需要遵守的法规
When he feels down -- say, after giving a bad lecture -- he grants himself permission to be human.
a unique and distinctly important social science
a unique and distinctly important social science

考研英语二翻译课件Passage 11生词Investment投资Investor投资者Be incapable of doing sth 不能够做某事、无法做某事Currency 货币Slow 下滑---rise增长Weight 高点the Federal Reserve 美联储jointly intervene to do sth 联手干预某事prop up支持the European currency= the euro欧元looking sickly 显得疲软theories 说法the European Central Bank= the ECB欧洲中央银行the euro-area economies欧元区经济are immune to sth对..免疫fighting inflation克服通货膨胀supporting growth支持经济增长plausible explanation合理的解释in and uncertain global economic climate在全球经济不稳定的情况下has resumed its traditional role as a safe-heaven currency重新获得了安全货币的传统角色reckon that认为is undervalued被低估a rebound 反弹optimistic乐观的predicting a rate预测汇率二、长难句解析1. International investors seem incapable of ending their love affair with the dollar.国际投资者们似乎无法舍弃他们对美元的偏爱。
2.America’s economy has slowed sharply this year, yet its currencyhas risen to a 15-year high in trade-weighted terms.本年度,美国的经济已急剧下滑,然而,美元却增长到了15年来的高点。

Although not so world widely accepted, people who are emotionally weak in daily business are often losers who are not able to fulfill any fruitful achievements in their lifetime that they endure.Science developed as an autonomous method of intellectual inquiry that successfully disengaged itself from the social constrains of organized religion and from the political constrains of the centralized modern authority.Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it.Such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class, an element in national life representing irresponsible wealth detached from the land and the duties of the landowners: and almost equally detached from the responsible management of business.Private businessmen. striving to make profits, produce these goods andservices in competition with other businessmen; and the profit motive, operating under competitive pressures, largely determines how these goods and services are produced.Under a system deployed on the white house website for the first time at last time, those who want to send a message to President Bush must now navigate as many as nine web pages and fill out a detailed form that starts by asking whether the sender of the message supports the white house policy or differs with it.These comments, whether accepted, clarified the norms and requirements of the covenant which was already in power in practice and enabled the committee to make a significant contribution to the justice promotion in a particular right or issue, while other article has failed to function as has been expected in those meetings which was held with great hope.The American economic system is organized around a basicallyprivate-enterprise, market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most.Until these issues are resolved, a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected, and with it possibly the only way to solve our problems.The method of scientific investigation is nothing but the expression of the necessary mode of working of the human mind and it is simply the mode by which all phenomena are reasoned about and given precise and exact explanation.Science moves forward,they say,not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools.In short,a leader of the new school contends,the scientific revolution,as we call it,was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions.Over the years,tools and technology themselves as a source of fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science.Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa(反之)often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force.How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount,reliability,and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted.Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.During this transfer,traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study.Under modern conditions,this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts.In the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization—with all the farreaching changes in social patterns that followed—was spread over nearly a century,whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so.The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated only a little more than a hundred years ago, and the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual is only beginning to be recognized and studied.Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.The emphasis on data gathered first-hand, combined with across-cultural perspective brought to the analysis of cultures past and present, makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science. Tylor defined culture as “… that complex whole which includes belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.”Being interested in the relationship of the language and thought,Whorf developed the idea that the structure of the language determines the structure of habitual thought in a societyWhorf came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinism which,in its strongest from,states that language imprisons the mind,and that the grammatical patterns in a language can produce farreaching consequences for the culture of a societyI shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic(苏格拉底) way about moral problems .Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person.In fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear grasp of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on political stories.he believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating advantage of forcing him to think long and intently about every sentence, and thus enabling him to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observations.It may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience ; but this effect is not a part of its original motive。

Addition and subtraction of vocabulary and
Translation Definition and Importance
Translation definition
To accurately and fluently express the content expressed in one language in another language.
Translation is a bridge of language communication that helps promote communication and understanding between different cultures and ethnic
conversion, sentence structure
deletions are made to the original
conversion, etc., to make the
text as needed to make the
translation more authentic and
translation more in line with the
natural through conversion.
expression habits of the target

➢ 1、文章题材:偏文倾向 03:人类学;04:语言与思维的关系; 05:大众传媒;06年:美国的知识分子; 07:法律的学习;08:达尔文的思维表达; 09:教育学;10:自然与经济的关系; 11:书评;12:对普遍真理的追求
➢ 2、语法结构:关系复杂 非谓语动词(形容词短语) 逻辑关系 指代:代词it, they, that, this, one 从句:
妻子、爱人、夫人、老婆、老伴、媳妇、堂客、 内人……
总统、总裁、主席、董事长、议长、会长、社 长、校长……
3)一词多义。这种情况在英汉翻译中最为普 遍,也即是同一个词语有若干词义不同的对应 词,如:
cousin:Байду номын сангаас
堂兄、堂弟、堂姐、堂妹、表哥、表弟、表姐、 表妹、卿…...
II. 遣词用字 恰如其分
1.英汉词字对应关系 2.词义辨析
1)词字对等。这种情况多见于专有名词, 技术词汇等,如:
Marxism = 马克思主义 Aspirin = 阿斯匹林 激光 = laser 白血病 = leukemia
2)多词同义。这种情况在英汉翻译中较为普 遍,也即是同一个词语有若干词义完全一样, 但色彩意义不同的对应词,如:
(1) He [father] sent John to the university and was eager to have him distinguish himself.
(2) Health is above wealth, for this cannot give so much happiness as that.

考验翻译可以提高的三大特点 (1) 考点固定 (2) 技巧有限 (3) 文章体裁固定 有利点:考研翻译判分为分段判分
1. 功底 2. “敢”
3. --- I will kick you. 4. --- You can’t. 5. --- I can. 6. --- You can’t . 7. --- I can.
翻译的三大译法: 一、直译 按原文翻译(literary translation)
eg. Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。 to add fuel to the fire 火上浇油。
二、意译 (free translation) 完全抛开原句的句子结构去翻译 eg. A: Will you attend the meeting this afternoon? 你参加今天下午的会吗? B: Will a duck swim? 我一定去。
译文:第一次世界大战是帝国主义列强之间争夺市场、 资源和领土的冲突,而第二次世界大战却比第一次复 杂。(非限制性定语从句前置)
In such an experiment the insects can be taught to fly to the ultra-violet,which for us is just darkness.
by all means by no means (5)多义词: school 学派 serve起作用 life 生命、生活 (6)熟词生义 set (成套)设备;集、集合 offend 冒犯;排污超标;污染超标 particle 粒子 (7)生词:超纲词
译文:我把这件事情告诉了约翰,约翰又告诉了他的 弟弟。(非限制性定语从句后置处理成并列分句,重复 先行词“约翰”)

Unit 11.In the race to prevent future 9/11- style attacks --- or worse --- Washington has marshaled the U.S. science establishment on a scale not seen since Sputnik.在防止未来的“9·11”事件式攻击—或更恶劣的攻击—的竞赛中,华盛顿以前苏联发射人造地球卫星以来所未有的规模对美国的科学机构做了安排。
2.“A lot of it is securi ty theater technology designed to make you feel better, ” says Bruce Schneier, author of Beyond Fear:Thinking Sensibly about Security in an Uncertain World.超脱恐惧:明智地考虑变幻莫测世界的安全问题》的作者布鲁斯·施奈尔说:“这当中有许多都是做表面文章的保安技术,目的是让你感到更安全。
3.As the archive of visa applicants balloons, scans of all 10 fingers will provide more fail-safe identifications.随着护照签证申请人的档案急剧增加,对十指全部进行扫描将使身份验证更加万无一失。
4.Resembling a sleek outhouse, the $ 150,000 walk-through machine sends a quick blast of air over your clothing to dislodge trace explosive particles。
这种价值15 万美元的从两端都可进入的机器像个造型优美的户外小屋,它在你的衣服上面迅速地吹过一股气流,从衣服上吹下微量炸药粒子。

英语翻译讲义一、大纲要求及其解读(一)《大纲》中对考生翻译能力进行考察的指导思想如下:(二)《大纲》对翻译部分的具体要求如下:(三)评分标准1、英译汉评分标准示例:Progress in communication and transport technologies during the 20th century has enabled us to overcome geographical boundaries and revolutionize our way of living. The world is now linked to such an extent that a local happening/ cannot take place/ without impacting on the international community.Globalization is not just about/increasing/the worldwide circulation of information and ideas. Economically speaking, it entails transnational investment and international trade, t hereby integrating all countries into a single giant world market. In terms of culture, globalization itself is neither positive nor negative: It may be either of them/depending on our viewpoint.二、翻译部分得分目标及复习策略得分目标:复习的基本策略:每周两组翻译训练,可以使用历年真题以及大学英语六级考试的翻译材料(六级是只翻译其中的句子,建议大家在练习的时候尝试翻译一个段落或者全文);在训练过程中把注意力放在如何得到目标分数上。

Introduction to English Translation II CourseBasic knowledge of English translationEnglish Translation PracticeEvaluation and Feedback of English Translation II CourseOutlook on English Translation II Course
Incremental practice opportunities
Outlook on English Translation II Course
Incrementally professional: As the field of English translation continues to develop, the courseware will become more professional, covering more advanced translation theories and techniques
Curriculum revision
Incrementing practice opportunities can help students improve their translation skills This can include providing more translation exercises, holding regular translation workshops, and sourcing students to participate in translation projects outside of class

By contrast, they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1650 to 1750,
一. 翻译“三步曲”之一:看虚词,分结 构
1.1 虚词(function word)------语义的纽带
一般不充单独充当句子成分,意义比较空洞的词,包 括副词、介词、连词、助词、语气词。
1. He is interesting to listen to. a. 他对听别人讲话很感兴趣。
b. 听他讲话很有趣。 深层结构: It is interesting to listen to him.
我们总是把大量的注意力集中在名词、形容词、副词 等实词上面,忽略了虚词----这一表示句子之间或句子内 部各个成分之间逻辑关系的重要关系词,如介词和连词。
一. 翻译“三步曲”之一:看虚词,分结 构
b. Sleep deprivation has as great an impact on the body as the aging process.
c. Sleep deprivation has a greater impact on the body than the aging process.
(3)By contrast, they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1650 to 1750, when England was still a completely agricultural country, a period of great abundance and prosperity.
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连接词:that, what, which, where, when, while, how, or, both, ,and等等
介词短语:介词+名词 (作定语/作状语)
第一部分 总论
原则一:主干结构顺线走(主谓宾,主系表等结 构顺序不能变)
2003年 2004年 2005年 2006年
46.47 49.55 49.78 47.62
5.20 5.32 5.17
2007年 48.84
2008年 49.76
阅读理解题 考研大纲 “主要考察考生准确理解概念或结构较复杂的英
原则二:定语状语往前勾 (后置定语多前置,定 语从句有特例,结果状语也特例)
原则四:名词从句依序翻(主语从句,宾语从句, 表语从句,同位语从句)
二 考研翻译的做题思路与步骤
1. 粗略阅读原文,搞清作者意图。 用3-5分钟时间把整个文章通读一遍,大致搞清原文
(2)从语法结构来讲,侧重考查若干短语,如动词短 语,分词短语(形容词短语),不定式短语以及少量 较难的介词短语。此外,语法结构及逻辑关系比较复 杂,有时不做些语法分析和逻辑推理就理不出头绪。还 有若干代词,如it, they,that, this, one等,它们 必须要根据上下文才能确定其词义所指。以及一些较 难的从句,如what从句, 定语句,as从句等等。
的主旨大意,积极调动相关的思维活动,使头脑进入 最佳考试状态。阅读只需了解个大意即可,遇到生词 一掠而过,千万不要被与所考的五个句子无关的一些 生词、短语,甚至人名地名所纠缠住。
2. 理清考题结构,把握句式重心。 在粗读一遍,大致搞清原文的主旨大意的基础上,逐
句处理5个句子。读第二遍时,重点则应放在这五个句 子上,确定句子的意思。
(3)从词汇来讲,难度增大了,侧重考查一词多义, 一词转义,也就是说,所考词汇,如果照字面直译多 半会出差错,必须通过上下文进行词义引伸,理解某 一词在具体场合的特定含义,才能做出正确的译文, 而死抠词字、句序、语态往往会表达不通顺。
第一部分 总论
五、翻译标准 严复:《天演论》 信达雅 信:忠实原文→忠实的准确地理解 达:通顺畅达→用汉语通顺的表达出来 雅:文字典雅→考研翻译不要求 翻译的两个阶段:理解和表达
3. 分清主次关系,注意”左邻右舍”。从它们与全文 的关系上,特别是从前后句即它们的中寻找有用的信 息,确定代词的确切含义,句子中出现的”超纲词” 的词义也很有可能从上下文中搞清楚。
4. 仔细检查译文,确保准确无误。
14翻译技巧和方法15来自I. 分清主从 把握结构
分清主从是理清原文结构,拟出译文整体框架的关键, 而辨析词义是确保译文准确的前提。
皮尔森汇集世界各地数百位研究人员的成果,编制了 一个独特的新技术千年历,历中列出了人们可望看到 的数百项重大突破和发现的最迟日期。
The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated only a little more than 100 years ago, and the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual is only beginning to be recognized and studied. (2002)
且举几件东西来说吧,汽车、无线电、电影、速冻食 品、电冰箱,这些东西在过去的30年中得到了广泛的 应用,这简直令人难以置信。
1. 抓主谓结构 Pearson has pieced together the work of
hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place. (2001)
第一部分 总论
三、题型特点 1、文章题材:偏文倾向
96:科学研究发展的原因;97:动物权利;98:宇宙 起源;99:历史学研究;00:政府与经济;01:未来 学;02:行为科学;03:人类学;04:语言与思维的 关系; 05年:大众传媒;06年:美国的知识分子;07 年:法律的学习;08年:达尔文的思维表达09年:教 育学 10 自然与经济的关系
第一部分 六、考生的问题 总论
两种句子:简单句:主干结构 定状补
I smiled.
I love you.
主+谓+间宾+直宾 I give you my heart.
主+谓+宾+宾补 You make me crazy.
You are so pretty.
It is hard to believe that automobiles, radios, motion pictures, frozen foods, electric refrigerator, to mention only a few items, have come into common use within thirty years.
+ 概况1
+ 您的内容打在这里,或者通过复制您的文本后。
+ 您的内容打在这里,或者通过复制您的文本后。
一 翻译考试的内容
研究生英语入学考试中的翻译项目旨在通过翻译测试 考生正确理解英文原文的能力及汉语的表达能力。此 项测试方法是通过阅读一篇难度适中的短文(题材不 限,长度约400字上下),翻译其中较为复杂的5个句 子。翻译共5题,每题2分,满分为10分;每题划分为 若干个给分段,每一分段的分值为0.5或1。对考生的 要求是对原文理解正确,译文表达清楚准确,对汉语 不作过高要求。