


❖ 了解国际商务谈判的特征与基本内容 ❖ 理解国际商务谈判与国内商务谈判的联系与
区别 ❖ 掌握世界各国商人的商务谈判风格
❖ 第一节 国际商务谈判的特征与要求 ❖ 第二节 商务谈判风格的国别比较
第一节 国际商务谈判的特征与要求
❖ 国际商务谈判是指在国际商务活动中,不同 国家之间的商务活动主体为满足某一需要或 达到某一目标而进行的讨论和洽谈的商业活 动的总称。
❖ 俄罗斯人重视合同。
❖ 日本是个礼仪的社会 ❖ 日本商人具有强烈的群体意识
❖ 中国商人十分注重人际关系;
❖ 中国文化追求广泛意义上的和谐与平衡。受 儒家文化的影响,“面子”观念深入社会生 活的各个方面与层次,并直接影响商务谈判;
❖ 在沟通过程中,一些被西方人认为是交谈禁 区的话题,如家庭状况、身体状况甚至年龄 和收入等,都可以作为很好的加深了解的话 题。无论什么话题,都要表现得谦虚有礼 ;
❖ 传统中国社会重视关 从地理分布及不同国家商人表现的大体特点 来介绍;
❖ 介绍的角度包括:商人如何建立谈判关系; 在谈判中,他们的决策程序怎样;时间观念 有没有差别;沟通如何进行;对待合同或协 议是什么态度等。
❖ 美国人的性格通常是外向的; ❖ 与美国人做生意,“是”和“否”必须保持清楚,
这是一条基本的原则; ❖ 绝对不要指名批评某人; ❖ 美国人对商品的包装和装潢比较讲究; ❖ 美国人通常喜欢公事公办,个人交往和商业交往是
明确分开的; ❖ 美国人的时间观念很强,办事要预约,并且准时; ❖ 美国商人坦诚直率、真挚热情、健谈,不断发表自



Preparations for Negotiations
negotiations are about positioning and clarification. The resources necessary to negotiate a contract must be on hand:
most important fact to remember
– Contract negotiations are about precision and clarity. They are designed to ensure there are no ambiguities or misunderstandings. – A mistake as small as misplacing a “,” can cost thousands of dollars later.
Understanding the contract
contract is a set of short paragraphs or sentences called articles or clauses. The structure of a contract follows established principles or rules.
receiving an initial draft contract, both sides will seek management direction on what has to be negotiated. Negotiators will be given directions on what concessions may be made.

第九章 技术转让谈判 《国际商务谈判》PPT课件

第九章  技术转让谈判  《国际商务谈判》PPT课件
be used • Values assigned to the different elements of
the technology transfers
• Technology Transfers are complex because of the legal aspects and the assurances that have to be included so as to protect the buyer and seller’s rights.
Beginning the Negotiations
• Both parties will start negotiations once both sides think that a mutually beneficial exchange may be possible.
• Negotiating teams will need to include technical and legal experts.
Negotiations for Technology Transfers
Getting access to new technology
• The transfer of technology is about the transfer of knowledge.
• The value in technology transfer lies in both the time and effort the buyer saves from not having to discover the technology and from the benefits that use of technology offers.

商务谈判课件-第9章 世界各国商人的谈判风格

商务谈判课件-第9章 世界各国商人的谈判风格
第九章世界各国商人的谈判风格底 • 分析透澈,对产品准备充分 • 不了解对手,时间就是金钱
• 同意大原则,然后在细节上谈判 • 让步时必须取得回报
• 深思后才反应,沉默是金 • 总是需要再上层的核准 • 时间就是金钱
(1)多谢社长的一番盛情,将机票交出, 并将回程的各项细节交待给公关部长, 请他代为办理。 (2)多谢社长的一番盛情,告诉对方返程 机票时间待实际谈判情况而定,而且你 才刚刚抵达东京,还有很多时间可以利 用,因此不急于考虑回程机票事宜。 (3)其他方式。
• 谈判是乐趣 • 无时间压力
• 拉关系 • 名正言顺 • 坚持原则
某日本商社邀请你们到东京商谈订购农产品 事宜。当你抵达羽田机场时,该商社社长的公 关部长已在迎候你们。在送你们前往饭店的路 上,该社长交待其公关部长为你们安排回程机 票的预订事宜,并热情要求你们将机票交给该 部长,一切由他代为办理。在这种情况下你该 怎么办?

国际商务谈判(英文)Unit 09 Insurance

国际商务谈判(英文)Unit 09 Insurance
1.Which party should cover the insurance? 2.What risks should be covered on the goods? 3.What should be done if the insurance offered is not enough to protect the goods? 4.How to deal with claims if there are any?
1.Kinds of perils. 2.Losses and charges. 3.Risks coverage. 4.Calculation of insurance premium.
Unit 9 Insurance
What factors will affect premium?
Unit 9 Insurance
In order to protect the goods against possible losses, the buyers or sellers usually cover their goods with an insurance company.This is usually done before the transportation of the goods and has become an indispensable part to the import and export practice. Therefore,the insurance negotiation becomes one of the important parts of the whole transaction negotiation .

国际商务谈判(英文版)chapter9 Skills of Body Language in Business Negotiation[精]

国际商务谈判(英文版)chapter9 Skills of Body Language in Business Negotiation[精]
e in different cultures 9.2.1 Distance between people conversing 9.2.2Physical appearance and physical contact 9.2.3Eye contact 9.2.4 Facial expression 9.2.5Gestures 9.2.6 Posture
9.3Application of the body language in negotiation
9.3.1Body language affects negotiation (1)Positive Attitudes (2)Gestures
9.3.2How to use and understand body language in negotiation
International Business Negotiation
Chapter9 Skills of Body Language in Business Negotiation
Teaching Objectives
After studying this module, you should be able to know: • 1.Signals of body language in different cultures • 2.How to read and understand body language? • 3.Application of body language in international
(1)How to use body language in negotiation a. Making first contact b. Handshaking c. Gauging reception d. Seeing a change of heart

国际商务英语谈判 Chapter 9-done

国际商务英语谈判     Chapter 9-done

II. Multiple Usually, a Transactions single technology can be traded multiple times ,as the
transfer does not involve ownership but only the right to use .
3) The price of the technology transferred is the licensor’s share of licensee’s profits. 技术转让的价格是授权商所持有的许可商利润的份额。
● master the content of international technology trade negotiaternational technology trade negotiation
Lead-in:Case Study
1. What are major content that they are negotiating about? 2. What do you learn from this story?
(2)When licensing takes place, the owner gives his a patent,trademark or know-how to the legal entity of the permission to perform,in the country and for a limited period of time.
(1)International technology trade (international technology transfer) is the process of sharing of skills, knowledge, technologies, methods of manufacturing, samples of manufacturing and facilities among governments and other institutions (2)International technology trade is a complicated aspect of international business which is an organic part of a firm ’s international strategy, influenced by diverse factors, ranging from firm size, global strategy, cultural and geographical distance .

商务英语课件 Unit 9 egotiating the Price

商务英语课件 Unit 9 egotiating the Price

Unit Price
Unit price comprises the employed currency, unit price, unit quantity, and trade term.
每公吨 Unit quantity
Unit price Employed currency Trade term
1.What is trade terms or price terms?
2. When negotiating the price of a product, what are the key elements to be considered?
Trade Terms
Trade terms also referred to as "price terms" or "delivery terms" are a set of uniform rules codifying the interpretation of trade terms defining the price composition and the rights and obligations of the buyer and the seller in international transactions. Trade terms are key elements of international contracts of sale, since they tell the parties what to do with respect to: ♦ delivery terms ( carriage of the goods from the seller to the buyer and division of costs and risks between the parties) ; ♦ price terms (stipulating what are included in the price the buyer paid to the seller, e.g. cost, freight, insurance, export and import clearance fees, etc. ) ; ♦ delivery obligations (what documents should the seller provide, e.g. bill of lading, insurance policy, etc. ).



Paying attention to body language, legal expressions, and tone of voice can provide additional information
Non verbal communication
Repeating or summarizing what the other party has said can ensure that you have understanding their points correctly
Cultural factors in international business negotiations
Body language
Non verbal cues such as factual expressions, posts, and styles can convey messages that are just as important as what is said verbally
Course objectives
This course aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective international business negotiations
Course structure
If necessary, a neutral third party can help resolve conflicts by facilitating communication and bridging cultural divisions

国际商务谈判英文版PPT-9 . International BuyingSelling Negotiations

国际商务谈判英文版PPT-9 .  International BuyingSelling Negotiations

9.2.3 MNEs and international selling
• In multinational MNEs
– Each overseas subsidiary is usually decentralised and bec omes nationally self-sufficient
ween the parties – the national law under which the agreement will be int
9.2.6 Licensing agreements
• A licensing agreement may be a simple patent li cence or a production or process technology lic ence
9.2.3 MNEs and international selling
• Generic strategies which may give an MNE co mpetitive advantage both in developing and de veloped markets are – cost leadership – niche operations – market differentiation
• In global MNEs
– little account is taken of national differences – typically integrate local activities into worldwide operat

《国际商务谈判》罗伊列维奇,原版课件,第九章 PPT

《国际商务谈判》罗伊列维奇,原版课件,第九章 PPT

3. Four Approaches to Ethical Reasoning -1
• Those who write about business ethics tend to approach the subject from the perspectives of major philosophical theories (see table 9.1). • Drawing on this literature, we will now take a closer look at the four ethical standards for making decisions in negotiation that we introduced above: End-Result Ethics, Duty Ethics, Social Contract Ethics, and Personalistic Ethics.
• Ethics Defined
It is broadly social standards for what is right or wrong in a particular situation, or process for setting those standards. They differ from morals, which are individual and personal beliefs about what is right and wrong. Ethics grow out of particular philosophies, which purport to define the nature of the world I which we live, and prescribe rules for living together. Our goal is to distinguish among different criteria, or standards, for judging and evaluating a negotiator’s actions, particularly when questions of ethics may be involved.

国际商务谈判(英文版)Chapter 9 Negotiation in Different Business Fields

国际商务谈判(英文版)Chapter 9  Negotiation in Different Business Fields
Packing and Marking
Marking When packing is finished according to the packing
Packing should be designed to suit shipping requirements.
Packing should tally with the regulations in the country of destination, because some countries levy very heavy import duties on particular kinds of packing materials.
Quality and Quantity
Quality and quantity are the most important factors to be taken into account.
Quality The quality of the product is a combination of the
Quality and Quantity
Some of the units of measurement commonly used in international trade are as follows:
Weight: metric ton, long ton, short ton, kilogram, pound, ounce, gram, etc.;
product, referring to the inherent nature, the constructing elements, and the outside form. It determines the function and the usefulness of the product. Quantity Quantity can be found more related to practical trade, especially in international trade. Quantity of the goods delivered forms one of the important terms of a sales contract.

国际商务谈判英文 chapter9

国际商务谈判英文   chapter9
9.2 Body language in different cultures 9.2.1 Distance between people conversing 9.2.2Physical appearance and physical contact 9.2.3Eye contact 9.2.4 Facial expression 9.2.5Gestures 9.2.6 Posture
9. 1.2Types of body language--Facial expressions
(1)Speaking eyes (2)Speaking brows (3)Mouth expressions
9.1.3Limb languages (1)Movement of upper limbs (2)Movements of lower limbs
business negotiuction of body language in business negotiation
2 Body language in different cultures
3 Application of the body language in negotiation
9.2 Body language in different cultures 9.2.1 Distance between people conversing 9.2.2Physical appearance and physical contact 9.2.3Eye contact 9.2.4 Facial expression 9.2.5Gestures 9.2.6 Posture
9.1Introduction of body language in business negotiation

国际商务谈判(英文) 全套课件

国际商务谈判(英文) 全套课件

• 1.2 Correct understanding of negotiation

• 1. 3 Stages Βιβλιοθήκη f negotiation•
• 1.4 Psychology in negotiating

• Everybody negotiates all the time, at work, at home, and as a consumer. We can say that since the beginning of time, or since the development of human language, there has been negotiations made amongst humans. Negotiating as a significant social activity is a means of dealing with human relationships and resolving conflicts and has never been nonexist. On the other hand, negotiation as a product of social competition has got its different meaning and content with the development of the times.
Characteristics of business negotiation
• Some of the characteristics of business negotiation include:


On the reverse, there are disadvantages to using agents to represent one’s interests in a negotiation, such as:
• Shrinking ZOPA (Exhibit 9-6) • Incompatible incentive structure • Loss of control • Agreement at any cost
Agents’ Surplus Range
$8,367–$8,800 $17,083–$17,600 $21,579–$22,000 $26,170–$26,400
Note: RP = reservation price. In this example, assume that the house is originally listed for sale at $450,000; assume that the buyer’s is $440,000 and the seller’s reservation price is $410,000. If no agency fees were involved, the bargaining range is $30,000 (i.e., any price between $410,000 and $440,000). The agent commission fees mean that the seller must adjust his or her reservation price upward. For example, if the agent commission rate is 6%, the seller cannot sell below $436,170.
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2. Coalitions
4. Constituencies
5. Team Negotiation
3. Principal -Agent
P: principal; C: constituency group; M: group member; A: agent
Analyzing Multiparty Negotiations
Strategies negotiators might use to enhance their ability to expand and slice the pie in a multiparty context (continued):
• Shop around. (Exhibit 9-7) • Know your BATNA before meeting with your
agent. • Communicate your interests to your agent
without giving away your BATNA. • Capitalize on the agent’s expertise. • Tap into you agent’s sources of information. • Use agent networks.
Analyzing Multiparty Negotiations
Exhibit 9-1
Analyzing Multiparty Negotiations
Exhibit 9-2:
1. Multiparty
Levels of analysis in a
Analyzing Multiparty Negotiations
A variety of paradoxes can affect groups aggregating the preferences of team members through voting, such as:
• Condorcet paradox • Impossibility theorem • Strategic voting • Consensus agreements
Principal-Agent Negotiations
Exhibit 9-6:
The bargaining zone, maximum surplus, and agent commission rates for a house sale
Commission 0% (for sale by owner) 2% 4% 5% 6%
Agents’ Surplus Range
$8,367–$8,800 $17,083–$17,600 $21,579–$22,000 $26,170–$26,400
Note: RP = reservation price. In this example, assume that the house is originally listed for sale at $450,000; assume that the buyer’s is $440,000 and the seller’s reservation price is $410,000. If no agency fees were involved, the bargaining range is $30,000 (i.e., any price between $410,000 and $440,000). The agent commission fees mean that the seller must adjust his or her reservation price upward. For example, if the agent commission rate is 6%, the seller cannot sell below $436,170.
Sel ler RP $4 10 ,0 00 $4 18 ,3 67
$4 27 ,0 83 $4 31 ,5 78 $4 36 ,1 70
B uyer R P Asking Price $4 40 ,0 00 $4 50 ,0 00
actual bargaining zone = $25,000
bargaining zone with 2% commission
Analyzing Multiparty Negotiations
If not used wisely, voting rules and the use of majority rule can thwart effective negotiations.
• Majority rule fails to recognize the strength of individual preferences.
bargaining zone with 4% commission bargaining zone with 5% commission bargaining zone with 6% commission
Principal-Agent Negotiations
The following are strategies for negotiators who want to work effectively with agents.
• A multiparty negotiation is a group of three or more individuals, each representing his or her own interests, attempting to resolve perceived differences of interest.
the pie.
Principal-Agent Negotiations:
Many advantages can be realized by using agents to represent one’s interests in a negotiation, such as:
$30,000 $30,000
$21,633 $21,200
$8,422 $8,000
$3,830 $3,600
BargaiBnargianiningg ZoneZone
6. Intergroup
P1 M
Analyzing Multiparty Negotiations
There are several challenges of multiparty negotiations:
• Dividing resources • Coalitions • Formulating trade-offs • Voting and majority rule (Exhibit 9-3)
• Consequently, majority rule does not promote integrative tradeoffs among issues.
• Groups negotiating under unanimous rule reach more efficient outcomes than groups operating under majority rule.
The following are interpersonal strategies for effectively navigating coalitions and maximizing their effectiveness.
• Make your contacts early. • Seek verbal commitments. • Use unbiased-appearing rationale to divide
• Strive for equal participation. • Allow for some points of agreement, even if only
on process. • Avoid the “equal shares” bias. • Avoid the agreement bias. • Avoid sequential bargaining.
On the reverse, there are disadvantages to using agents to represent one’s interests in a negotiation, such as:
• Shrinking ZOPA (Exhibit 9-6) • Incompatible incentive structure • Loss of control • Agreement at any cost
Analyzing Multiparty Negotiations
Given that multiparty negotiations present special challenges, the following are strategies negotiators can use to enhance their ability to expand and slice the pie in a multiparty context.