



ByteDance01. Introduction 02.03.04.Name & Image05.Awareness LoyaltyStretchingand Range06.07. Placement & EndorsementLaunch & Lifecycle01. IntroductionIntroductionByteDance is a Chinese technology company that was founded in March 2012 by Zhang Yiming. It is best known for its content platforms such as Toutiao, Douyin, TikTok and others.•ByteDance was founded in anapartment called Jin Qiu Jia Yuan. There,he and his team created Toutiao, whichbecame an instant hit and broughtByteDance to the attention of investors.•Today, ByteDance has become the topunicorn on the Hurun Unicorn List, witha market value far exceeding that of thesecond-place SpaceX by 50 million USdollars.2012Launched Toutiao 2014Rasied $100million inSeries B2016Launched Douyin2017Acquired Musical.ly202has over 60 thousand employees across more than 180 cities in 30 countries 2020hired Kevin Mayerformer head of Disney sstreaming business,as the chief operating officerNovember 2018became the world s mostvaluable startupAugust 2018Merged Musical.ly withDouyin and rebrand itas Tiktok02.Name & Image of ByteDanceWhy TikTok ?•A play on tick-tock•Short & repetitive syllables•Implication of short videos•Energetic and creative•Superior naming technique•Greater appeal and higher exposureto products!Slogan: Make your day In the US(2023):•Over 1.5 billionregistered users •An average usetime of 90minutes dailyHowever... Governments in countries like the United States have been opposed to TikTok for a long timeOn Mar. 24, TikTok's CEO attended a congressional hearing where he was grilled for hours, facing the suspicion and accusation due to the Chinese ownership of ByteDance.03. LoyaltyBytedance has a huge user base. Its products, including Douyin, Toutiao and TikTok, enjoy high user activity and loyaltyworldwide.According to the public records of App Annie, a third-party market data agency, the overseasversion of Douyin has covered more than 150 countries and regions around the world, and has ranked among the top app stores in more than 40 countries.User engagement•Bytedance's products also have a high level of user engagement, with many interactive and social elements embedded in them to facilitate interaction and communicationbetween users.Bytedance's products have a strong reputation amongusers, who generally speak highly of their content and experience.User reputation04.Stretching and RangeBytedancecovering a wide range of fields, includingFeishu,Tiktok, Toutiao, Volcano video, face camera, Wukong Questions and moreStretching and RangeBytedance has a certain user baseand market share worldwideFor example, TikTok has high user activity globally, and in India, TikTok has launchedproducts like TikTok Lite to cater to the low-end market. In addition, ByteDance hasfurther expanded its market position through acquisitions or investments, such asMusical.ly and News RepublicIn addition to its success in short video and news, ByteDance has expanded into other categories, such as games, e-commerce ,search ,medical treatment and health and so on.Stretching and RangeTaken together, ByteDancehas excelled at brandextension, and its continuedefforts to introduce newproducts and enter newmarkets demonstrate itscommitment to brandextension05. AwarenessAwarenessIn China, ByteDance is a well-known Internet company with popular apps such as Douyin, Toutiao, Feishu and others. Therefore, most Chinese users have some degree of awareness of ByteDance.In overseas markets, especiallyin Europe and the United States,users' awareness of ByteDancemay be relatively low, but withthe rapid development ofapplications such as Douyin inoverseas markets, ByteDance'sawareness of overseas marketsis gradually increasing.For younger users,especially those whoregularly use short videoand news apps, theygenerally have a high levelof awareness ofByteDance and a positiveimpression of it.•For some occupation-related users, such as Internet practitioners, marketers, etc., they usually have a high degree of awareness of ByteDance, and they also have a deeper understanding of its performance in relatedfields.Awareness06.Launch & LifecycleDuring the initial stage (2016-2017): Douyin primarily targeted the Chinese market, with its main concept being "Record beautiful life, share an interesting world." During the rapid expansion phase (2018-2019), Douyin began to enter the overseas market, emphasizing the concept of "creating and sharing happiness," and emphasizing that users can find fun and happiness on theDouyin platform and share it with other users.During the vertical expansion phase (2020-present), as Douyin's user base continued to grow and user demands changed, Douyin began to expand into vertical fields.07.Placement & EndorsementVideo editing tools•has a range ofproducts that arespecificallydesigned for thefilm and televisionindustryShort-form video production•Users can producttheir short-formvideo on theirphone,which iseasier and moreconvenient•be distributedquickly and easily.Distribution ByteDance products allowfor easy distribution of content across a range of platforms. For example, TikTok has a function that allows users to share their videos on other social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram.Celebrity selection•There is no specificspokesperson forByteDance•publicly registeringand using ByteDanceproductsEndorsement formats•video promotions•live-streamed eventsReporter Group 5。


❖ 3. This text is able to establish a corporate image and gain more business opportunities by presenting the history, business scope, competitive edge and goodwill of the business to its readers.
Unit 11: Corporate Profile
Learning Objectives
In this unit, you are expected to:
Have a clear picture of the concept, function, structure, types and Writing styles of a corporate profile; Develop proficiency in using the related expressions and functional sentences;
2. What are the components of a corporate profile? A corporate profile generally consists of four parts: overview, brief history, present situation and prospect.
13 SiStuitautaiotinoanlaTl aTsaksk
You work as a clerk in Public Relations Department, Tian Hai Fashion Co., Ltd. This morning, Mr. Zhang Ming, the manager asks you to draft a corporate profile of your company. The information is given below.



McDonald's 麦当劳餐厅(McDonald's Corporation)是大 型的连锁快餐集团,在世界上大约拥有三万间分店,主要售卖 汉堡包、薯条、炸鸡、汽水、沙拉等。麦当劳餐厅遍布在全世 界六大洲百余个国家。在很多国家麦当劳代表着一种美国式的 生活方式。在中国大陆地区的早期的译名是“麦克唐纳快餐”。
沃尔玛公司(Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.)(NYSE:WMT) 是一家美国的世界性连锁企业,以营业额计算为全球最大 的公司,其控股人为沃尔顿家族。总部位于美国阿肯色州 的本顿维尔。沃尔玛主要涉足零售业,是世界上雇员最多 的企业,连续三年在美国《财富》杂志全球500强企业中居 首。
波音公司是全球航空航天业的领袖公司,也是世界上最大的民用和军 用飞机制造商。此外,波音公司设计并制造旋翼飞机、电子和防御系 统、导弹、卫星、发射装置、以及先进的信息和通讯系统。作为美国 国家航空航天局的主要服务提供商,波音公司运营着航天飞机和国际 空间站。波音公司还提供众多军用和民用航线支持服务,其客户分布 在全球90多个国家。就销售额而言,波音公司是美国最大的出口商之 一。
爱立信公司(Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson) 1876年成立于瑞典的斯德哥尔摩。从早期生产电话机、 电话交换机发展到今天,爱立信的业务已遍布全球 140多个国家,是全球领先的提供端到端全面通信解 决方案以及专业服务的供应商。爱立信的业务体系包 括:通信网络系统,专业电信服务,技术授权,企业 系统和移动终端业务。
诺基亚(Nokia)公司成立于1865年,总部位于芬 兰,是一家主要从事生产移动通信产品的跨国公司, 是全球第三大手机生产商。
摩托罗拉公司(Motorola Inc.),原名Galvin Manufacturing Corporation,成立于1928年。 1947年,改名为Motorola,从1930年代开始作为 商标使用。总部设在美国伊利诺伊州绍姆堡,位于 芝加哥市郊。世界财富百强企业之一,是全球芯片 制造、电子通讯的领导者。2012年2月14日谷歌收 购摩托罗拉获欧盟和美国批准。



商务英语公司简介范文范文模板及概述说明1. 引言1.1 概述本篇文章旨在介绍商务英语公司的公司简介,并探讨其在商务英语应用领域的意义和影响。



1.2 文章结构本文将按照以下结构进行叙述:- 引言部分概述文章内容并说明目的。

- 公司背景部分将介绍公司成立时间与地点、规模与组织结构以及发展历程。

- 产品与服务部分将详细介绍该公司主要产品、产品优势与特点,以及提供的服务范围和客户群体。

- 商务英语应用案例分析部分将针对该公司在商务英语方面的需求进行分析,并评估商务英语在其运营中的应用效果,同时深入探讨其对公司发展带来的影响。

- 结论与展望部分总结文章主要观点和发现结果,展望公司未来的发展方向和挑战解决方法,并对读者提供建议和启示。

1.3 目的本文的目的旨在通过对商务英语公司简介及其商务英语应用案例分析的深入探讨,使读者更全面地了解该公司及其在商务英语领域中的地位和作用。


2. 公司背景:2.1 公司成立时间与地点:我们公司于2005年在中国上海成立。


2.2 公司规模与组织结构:目前,我们公司拥有超过500名员工,并在全国范围内设有多个办事处和分支机构。






(2) stockholder (3) capital (4) the board of the directors (5) location (6) rank (7) enterprise (8) stated-owned
Sec 4
Sec 6
Sec 7
Sec 8
(9) individual-owned
1、我们的任务就是以最佳品质,最优服务,最低价格 为您带来最高价值。
2、先进的生产设备,独特的开发力量和完美的售 后服务使我们的产品在国内、外市场深受欢迎

Founded: Headquarter:
Branch: Products: Brands: Employees: President: Chairman & CEO : Website:
Sec 6
Sec 7
Sec 8
(a) (b) (d) (e) (g)
II. 公司介绍的翻译技巧(1) 对公司介绍的翻译力求准确、完整、全面,这样才能真正克服语言障碍, 促进贸易发展。简洁、达意、交待清楚企业的基本信息是翻译此类企业资料 的基准。 1. 遵循信息忠实的原则 在进行公司介绍的翻译时,或直译或意译都应做到信息忠实。例如: (1)国营南江友谊商业公司成立于 1985年,是南江控股(集团)有限责 任公司下属子公司,专门从事对外劳务输出。 译文:Established in 1985, Southriver Friendship Business Corporation is a state-owned company subordinate to Southriver Holding (Group) Co., Ltd. specialized in exporting labor. 此句直接采用直译的方法,将句子按字面意思直接翻译过来,与原信息 相等。

商务英语翻译 Unit2 Company Introduction

商务英语翻译 Unit2 Company Introduction
Unit2 Company Introduction
Unit Objectives
• 1. To be familiar with the composition of business card • 2. To master the language features and translating skills of business card • 3. To get the definition and standard of translation • 4. To be able to translate business card into English or Chinese properly
Basic knowledge
• Definition & Format of Company introduction • 企业或公司简介(Company introduction or profile)就是简明扼要地介绍企业或公司主要情 况的一种商务文体。企业简介主要有两种形式: 篇章式和名片式。篇章式企业简介就是用文章 段落的方式,概括介绍企业的成立日期、企业 规模、经营范围、产品性能、生产能力、企业 声誉等内容。名片式就是将企业的名称、地址、 电话、传真、负责人以及经营范围逐项列出。 前者内容详尽具体,信息量大;后者简洁明了, 重点突出。
• 本厂可生产大衣、西装、时装、衬衫和毛 衣等不同类型服装用的上千花色品种的纽 扣。产品齐全、品种繁多、造型新颖。
• 2. 多用专业词汇 • KFC Corporation, based in Louisville, Kentucky, is the world’s most popular chicken restaurant chain, specializing in Original Recipe, Extratasty Crispy Burger, Twister and Colonel’s Crispy Chicken Strips, etc. • 肯德基全球总部设在美国肯塔基州的路易


此句直接采用直译旳措施,将句子按字面意思直接翻译过来,与原信息 相等。
Sec 1 Sec 2 Sec 4 Sec 6 Sec 7 Sec 8
II. 企业将简介旳翻译技巧(2)
(2)自1979年成立迄今,成霖以其优质旳产品、良好旳售后服务、实惠旳 价格以及最高旳环境保护原则,迅速成为北美地域水龙头及厨浴配件市场最主 要旳外国供给商。
Sec 1 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 6 Sec 7 Sec 8 返回
I. 试把下列词语译成汉语。
(1) corporation (2) stockholder (3) capital (4) the board of the directors (5) location (6) rank (7) enterprise (8) stated-owned (9) individual-owned (10) collective-owned
Sec 7
Sec 8
Sec 1 Sec 2 Sec 4 Sec 6
II. 企业简介旳翻译技巧(4)
译文:Recreation What a better way to dissolve the stresses of the day than enjoying the facilities of our gymnasium, swimming pool, Jacuzzi, sauna & steam bath. 译文没有按照原文旳语序直译,而是采用了更符合英文体现习惯旳宣传 文体,使读者对酒店立即感觉到了犹如文字一样旳优美感受,不可不称之为 佳译。



2)外教手工邮件批改 ○邮件内容全由外教手工编写 ○外教每周 1 对 1 发送手工邮件 ○邮件中会提供学习小窍门以及激励学习兴趣的文章 ○通过邮件即使回答学生的问题
3)写作作业批改以及口语作业批改 ○商务写作和在线口语都有作业批改的服务。学员可递交作业给我们本土资深外教,他 们将给学员提供学习意见,指明改善空间。 ○每位学员都将在第一时间收到专属于他们的作业反馈。
该课程专为期望快速有效提高商务写作技能的商务人士量身 定制
课程简介: 商务写作课程适用于具备初中级以上英语水平(托业成绩在 440 分和 990 分之间), 期望可以提高书写及阅读商务信函能力的学员。
课程特色: 商务写作课程能使学员的商务写作能力得到明显改善,更加清楚地了解商务情景中的 英语表达。商务写作为渐进式写作培训课程,使得学员对商务信函的写作结构、语气、专业 度等方面得到明显改进。
个人服务: 1)测试中心 测试中心的目的是为了让学生能够正确认识到自己英语水平以及设置学习目的。 ○做完在线模拟测试,系统会用模拟出托业成绩,这个成绩也会相应地对照出雅思,博 思以及托福所属的成绩。 ○每次测试结果都在做完测试后会立即显示出来,并且在测试结束后,也会颁发相应的 证书。 ○系统将保存个人测试的历史纪录,这样能方便查看个人每次的测试成绩。
课程特点: ○参加诊断测试,系统推荐合适难度级别的课文 每周更新 9 节新课文,其中中低级 3 节、中级 3 节、中高级 3 节 ○开放的学习论坛,学员们可在此相互交流经验 ○丰富练习锻炼阅读技能(阅读理解及阅读速度) ○词汇拓展练习 ○词库检索功能帮助学员复习课程中所学的词汇和重要的商务理念 ○轻松打印所学内容:包含全部课文、学习结果、学习评价,词库等 ○本土客服支持,可调节的学员界面设置 ○学员参与课文评价凸显最受欢迎文章 ○每周定制学习目标,鼓励学员规律性学习 ○结业测试评估学习进度

商务英语写作4-2 company profiles公司介绍

商务英语写作4-2 company profiles公司介绍

Introducti on— nature of the business, etc
Company profiles
Sample Analysis
The company occupies a producing land area of 80,000 square meters. We own most modernized equipments from Germany and our annual production capacity is about 1 million pieces/sets of cashmere garments. With more than 300 franchised stores located at more than 20 provinces in China selling our own brand “Sunshine”, our cashmere garments are very popular within modern people of 25 ~ 45 years old. The company’s policy is “To build a bright tomorrow with top quality”. We are strong at designing and developing. We have a valuable expert team engaging in designing the most fashionable colors and styles. Also we have very strict quality control system supervising all over the production lines.



Something about brands一、阿迪达斯Adidas is one of the world‟s top sporting brands. It is based in Germany and includes other brands like Reebok in its group. The three parallel bars that form its logo is known worldwide. The company bought these “Three Stripes” from a Finnish sports compa ny in the 1950s. Adidas has provided quality sporting goods for decades. They create a very strongbrand lo yalty among consumers. Many people wear Adidas clothes and shoes as a fashion statement. The company also manufactures otherproducts such as bags, glasses and watches. Adidas is heavily intosponsoring sports stars and teams. It is involved in sponsorship deals with the topsoccer, rugbyand cricketteams allover theworld. Itscurrent marketing sloganperhapssums up thecompany‟ssuccess -“Impossibleis Nothing”.阿迪达斯是世界顶级体育运动品牌。

商务英语-- 企业简介

商务英语-- 企业简介

◆Robinsons is one of the most trusted international shipping companiesin the UK.◆With operations in more than 80 countries and territories, andproducts tailored for local regulations and preferences, Amway is one of the largest local companies in the world.◆创业于1918年3月,公司创业初期主要从事轴承的研发、制造业务。

NTNCorporation was founded in March 1918, which was principally engaged in research, development and manufacture of bearing in the early stage.◆随着事业的逐步扩大, NTN进行了股份制改制,公司主要从事轴承、等速万向节、精密机械等的生产以及销售业务。

:With evolution, most of NTN's effort has been changed into the manufacture and sales of bearings, Constant Velocity Joints (CVJ) and precision machinery since the Joint-stock reform in 1934.◆Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the fields ofhealth care, nutrition and high-tech materials. The company’s products and services are designed to benefit people and improve their quality of life. At the same time Bayer creates value through innovation, growth and high earning power.●The Group is committed to the principles of sustainable development andto its role as a socially and ethically responsible corporate citizen.Economy, ecology and social responsibility are corporate policyobjectives of equal rank. In fiscal 2009, Bayer employed 108,400 people and had sal es of €31.2 billion.◆Amway is a global leader in direct selling, with over three millionIndependent Business Owners (IBOs) in over 80 countries and territories around the world. No other direct selling company can compare with our longevity, stability, and global reach.◆August 1903 witnessed the establishment of the Nordic Brewery Co.,Ltd. Tsingtao Branch, the first brewery set up with European technology in the ancient Chinese mainland. After 100 years' of ups and downs, the pioneer brewery has developed into Tsingtao Brewery Co., Ltd.◆Its stock was listed in Hong Kong and Shanghai Stock Exchanges respectively, the first company that is listed in two exchanges at the same time.◆中国电子进出口总公司(CEIEC)成立于1980年4月,是中国最早成立的全国性专业外贸公司之一。








Boeing is the world's leading aerospace company and the largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military aircraft combined.Additionally, Boeing designs and manufactures rotorcraft, electronic and defense systems, missiles, satellites, launch vehicles and advanced information and communication systems.As a major service provider to NASA, Boeing operates the Space Shuttle and International Space Station.The company also provides numerous military and commercialairline support services.Boeing has customers in more than 90 countries around the world and is one of the largest U.S.exporters in terms of sales.波音公司一直是航空航天业的领袖公司,也素来有着创新的传统。



Nike is one of the world’s leading sportswear and equipment manufacturers. It leads the world in sales of athletic shoes. The company was founded in 1964 by Bill Bowerman and Philip Knight. Its first name was Blue Ribbon Sports but that changed to Nike in 1978. Nike is the Greek goddess of victory. It is famous for its slogan, “Just Do It” and the Swoosh logo, which Nike first used in 1971. Blue Ribbon’s first product was a soccer shoe called Nike. A major factor in Nike’s success is its sponsorship of top sports stars. Tennis ace IlieNastase was the first. Subsequent tie-ups with superstars like basketball’s Michael Jordan and golfer Tiger Woods accelerated Nike’s corporat e success.耐克公司是世界上领先的运动服装和设备制造商。







Mercedes Benz
Unlike any other
-----高梦婕 鲁丽娟 翟成梅 胡 静 张晓阳 徐艳娟
HISTORY (background; changes of logo.)
Mercedes-Benz is a German manufacturer of luxury cars, buses, coaches, and trucks. It is a division of its parent company, Daimler AG.

Luxury SUV
Convertible Car
Smart Automobile often called Smart Car, is an automotive branch of Daimler AG that specializes in manufacturing micro cars. The design concept for smart cars began in the late 1980s, associated at the time with the Swatch brand of watches.
Karl Benz



公司介绍英文范文200字Our company, ABC Corporation, is a leading provider of cutting-edge technology solutions in the field of information technology.我们的公司,ABC 公司,是信息技术领域领先的尖端技术解决方案提供商。

We were founded in 2005 with a vision to revolutionize the way businesses leverage technology to drive growth and efficiency.我们成立于2005年,旨在彻底改变企业利用技术推动增长和效率的方式。

At ABC Corporation, we believe in the power of innovation and are committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible.在ABC 公司,我们相信创新的力量,并致力于突破可能的界限。

Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to delivering customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each of our clients.我们拥有一支经验丰富的专业团队,致力于提供符合每位客户独特需求的定制解决方案。

We take pride in our ability to stay ahead of industry trends and constantly adapt to the ever-changing technology landscape, ensuring that our clients always have access to the most advanced solutions available.我们引以为豪的是,我们能够走在行业趋势的前沿,并不断适应不断变化的技术格局,确保我们的客户始终能够获得最先进的解决方案。



外贸介绍公司英文范文Certainly, here is a sample introduction of a foreign trade company in English:---。

Introduction to XYZ Foreign Trade Company.XYZ Foreign Trade Company is a leading player in the international trade industry, specializing in the importand export of a wide range of products. With a strong emphasis on quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction, we have been serving clients worldwide for over a decade.Our company is dedicated to facilitating seamless trade between businesses across different countries. We offer a diverse portfolio of products, including but not limited to electronics, textiles, machinery, and consumer goods. Our extensive network of suppliers and partners enables us to source high-quality products at competitive prices,ensuring that our clients receive the best value for their investments.At XYZ Foreign Trade Company, we understand the complexities of international trade and are committed to providing comprehensive solutions to meet the unique needs of each client. Our team of experienced professionals is well-versed in international trade regulations, logistics, and market trends, allowing us to offer tailored services that streamline the import and export process for our clients.In addition to our core trading activities, we also provide value-added services such as quality control inspections, logistics management, and customs clearance assistance. We believe in building long-term partnerships based on trust, transparency, and mutual benefit, and we strive to exceed our clients' expectations at every opportunity.With a proven track record of success and a deep understanding of global trade dynamics, XYZ Foreign TradeCompany is your reliable partner for all your international trade needs. Whether you are looking to source high-quality products from overseas suppliers or expand your market reach through exports, we have the expertise and resources to support your business objectives.We invite you to explore the possibilities of working with us and experiencing the difference that our commitment to excellence can make for your business. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your international trade goals.---。



企业的介绍英语作文Introduction to a Company。


XYZ Company is a leading provider of innovative and high-quality products for customers in various industries. With a strong commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, we have established a reputation for delivering top-notch solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients. Our dedication to continuous improvement and innovation has enabled us to stay ahead of the competition and maintain our position as a trusted partner for businesses worldwide.History。

Founded in 2005, XYZ Company has grown from a small startup to a global enterprise with a presence in multiple countries. Our journey has been marked by milestones andachievements, including the development of cutting-edge technologies, strategic partnerships, and successfulproduct launches. Over the years, we have expanded our product portfolio to cater to diverse markets and have earned the trust of a loyal customer base.Products and Services。



Sec 1
Sec 2
Sec 4
Sec 6
Sec 7
Sec 8
II. 公司将介绍的翻译技巧(2) (2)自1979年成立迄今,成霖以其优质的产品、良好的售后服务、实惠 的价格以及最高的环保标准,迅速成为北美地区水龙头及厨浴配件市场最主要 的外国供应商。 译文:Founded in 1979, Globe Union has grown to become North America’s largest important supplier of quality faucets and plumbing accessories. The company has earned this position by consistently manufacturing high-quality products, providing excellent service and cost-effective pricing while maintaining our commitment to the highest operational and environmental standards. 此句更多采用意译的方法,将一句话的原文翻译拆分成两个句子,与原文 信息对等。
Sec 8
Ⅱ. 阅读下列公司介绍并完成练习。(4)
Sec 1
1. 本公司介绍传递的信息是:
Sec 3
A. C.
公司的性质 ____________
B. D.
公司的名称 _______________ 公司的经营范围 ________________
Sec 4
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索尼公司(ソニー株式会社,Sony Corporation)是一家全球知名 的电子产品制造商,为横跨数码、生活用品、娱乐领域的世界巨擘, 总部设在日本东京。索尼的前身为“东京通信工业株式会社”,创立 于1946年5月它在音乐、影视和计算机娱乐运营业务方面的成就,也 使其成为全球最大的综合娱乐公司之一。
全球第一玩具品牌--美国费雪Fisherprice费雪牌玩具是来自美国的 一个婴幼儿玩具品牌. 他是由美泰公司为宝宝量身定做的,姐妹品 牌有享誉全球的芭比娃娃。费雪品牌是适合0-5岁的儿童。已有 74年历史。费雪牌玩具现今是世界上婴幼儿玩具类的第一品牌。
Mattel (美泰) 美国美泰Mattel公司是全球最大玩具商,公司总部位于美国加 州EI Segundo,是全球最大的玩具公司,在儿童产品的设计、 生产、销售方面处于领导地位。 其中人熟知的“芭比”娃娃, 就是这个公司所生产的品牌之一。
Givenchy,来自法国的时装品牌。中国大陆译名纪梵希 。纪梵希最 初以香水为其主要产品,后开始涉足护肤及彩妆事业。
KENZO是由高田贤三在法国创立的品牌,结合了东方文化的沉稳 意境、拉丁民族的热情活泼,大胆创新的融合了缤纷色彩与花朵, 创造出活泼明亮、优雅独特的作品。KENZO自1970年起开始在时 尚界展露头角,并于1993年加入LVMH集团,自此KENZO旗下的 服装、饰品、餐具以及香水均受到更广大的欢迎。
爱立信公司(Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson) 1876年成立于瑞典的斯德哥尔摩。从早期生产电话机、 电话交换机发展到今天,爱立信的业务已遍布全球 140多个国家,是全球领先的提供端到端全面通信解 决方案以及专业服务的供应商。爱立信的业务体系包 括:通信网络系统,专业电信服务,技术授权,企业 系统和移动终端业务。
沃尔玛公司(Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.)(NYSE:WMT) 是一家美国的世界性连锁企业,以营业额计算为全球最大 的公司,其控股人为沃尔顿家族。总部位于美国阿肯色州 的本顿维尔。沃尔玛主要涉足零售业,是世界上雇员最多 的企业,连续三年在美国《财富》杂志全球500强企业中居 首。
波音公司是全球航空航天业的领袖公司,也是世界上最大的民用和军 用飞机制造商。此外,波音公司设计并制造旋翼飞机、电子和防御系 统、导弹、卫星、发射装置、以及先进的信息和通讯系统。作为美国 国家航空航天局的主要服务提供商,波音公司运营着航天飞机和国际 空间站。波音公司还提供众多军用和民用航线支持服务,其客户分布 在全球90多个国家。就销售额而言,波音公司是美国最大的出口商之 一。
NIKE英文原意指希腊胜利女神。NIKE是全球著名的体 育用品品牌,中文译为耐克。该公司总部位于美国俄勒 冈州Beaverton。该公司生产的体育用品包罗万象:服 装,鞋类,运动器材等等。
Calvin Klein(简称CK),是一个美国时装品牌,于1968年成立, 创始者为同名设计师卡尔文· 克莱因,曾经连续四度获得知名的 服装奖项;其创始人Calvin Klein 1942年出生于美国纽约,就 读于著名的美国纽约时装学院(F.I.T)。
除了钟表和军刀外,瑞士还有一个很有名的东西,那就是巧克 力。瑞士的巧克力的种类丰富,价格也适中,最适合作为礼物。 牛奶巧克力是在瑞士发明的。因为调节牛奶的温度非常困难, 虽然欧洲各地都对之进行了大量的研究,但一直没有成功,后 来,瑞士人达尼尔· 彼德于1875年发明了制作方法。现在瑞士 的巧克力种类繁多,味道也是各种各样。
西门子股份公司(SIEMENS AG FWB:SIE, NYSE: SI)是世界最大西门子公司总部的机电类公司之一, 1847年由维尔纳· 西门子建立。如今,它的国际总 冯· 部位于德国慕尼黑。
通用汽车公司General Motor(GM)成立于1908年9月16日,自 从威廉· 杜兰特创建了美国通用汽车公司以来,先后联合或兼并了别 克、凯迪拉克、雪佛兰、奥兹莫比尔、庞蒂克、克尔维特、悍马等 公司,拥有铃木(Suzuki)3%股份。使原来的小公司成为它的分 部。从1927年以来一直是全世界最大的汽车公司之一。
福特汽车公司是世界最大的汽车企业之一。1903年由亨利· 福特先 生创立创办于美国底特律市。现在的福特汽车公司是世界上超级跨 国公司,总部设在美国密执安州迪尔伯恩市。福特汽车的标志是采 用福特英文Ford字样,蓝底白字。由于创建人亨利· 福特喜欢小动 物,所以标志设计者把福特的英文画成一只小白兔样子的图案。
McDonald's 麦当劳餐厅(McDonald's Corporation)是大 型的连锁快餐集团,在世界上大约拥有三万间分店,主要售卖 汉堡包、薯条、炸鸡、汽水、沙拉等。麦当劳餐厅遍布在全世 界六大洲百余个国家。在很多国家麦当劳代表着一种美国式的 生活方式。在中国大陆地区的早期的译名是“麦克唐纳快餐”。
Burger King是美国最大的fastfood连锁之一,和Mc和 KFC号称三巨头。 Burger King的口号是:Have it your way
路易· 威登(Louis Vuitton),他是法国历史上最杰出的皮件设计大 师之一,于1854年在巴黎开了以自己名字命名的第一间皮箱店。一 个世纪之后,路易· 威登成为皮箱与皮件领域数一数二的品牌,并且成 为上流社会的一个象征物。如今路易· 威登这一品牌已经不仅限于设计 和出售高档皮具和箱包,而是成为涉足时装、饰物、皮鞋、箱包、珠 宝、手表、 传媒、名酒等领域的巨型潮流指标。从早期的LV衣箱到 如今每年巴黎T台上的不断变幻的LV时装秀,LV (路易· 威登)之所 以能一直屹立于国际时尚行业顶端地位,傲居奢侈品牌之列,在于其 自身独特的品牌DNA。
迪士尼全称为The Walt Disney Company,取名自其 创始人华特· 迪士尼,是总部设在美国伯班克的大型跨国 公司,主要业务包括娱乐节目制作,主题公园,玩具, 图书,电子游戏和传媒网络。皮克斯动画工作室(PIXAR Animation Studio),惊奇漫画公司(Marvel Entertainment Inc)。
肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken肯塔基州炸鸡),通常简称为 KFC,是来自美国的著名连锁快餐厅,由哈兰· 山德士上校于1952 年创建。主要出售炸鸡、汉堡、薯条、汽水等西式快餐食品。 肯德基属于百胜餐饮集团。百胜集团是世界上最大的餐饮集团, 在全球100多个国家和地区拥有超过3.3万家连锁店和84万名员工。 旗下拥有肯德基、必胜客、塔可钟(已于2007年10月在国内结束 营业)、东方既白(中式餐饮)等世界知名餐饮品牌,分别在烹 鸡、比萨、墨西哥风味食品及海鲜餐饮领域名列全球第一。
雀巢Nestle(1866年-),由亨利· 内斯特莱创建,现在的总部
设在瑞士日内瓦湖畔的沃韦,是一家食品公司、跨国企业。 有众多享誉国际的品牌. 雀巢咖啡(Nescafe) 雀巢冰爽茶(Nestea) 雀巢能恩奶粉
可口可乐(Coca-Cola,也称Coke),是由美国可口 可乐公司出品的一种含有咖啡因的碳酸饮料。可口可 乐早期在中国的译名作“蝌蝌啃蜡”,但因销路不佳, 后改名为“可口可乐”。目前可口可乐在世界各地市 场皆处领导地位,其销量远远超越其主要竞争对手百 事可乐,被列入吉尼斯世界纪录。
唐纳· 卡兰(Donna Karan),美国著名时装设计师,纽约唐纳卡 兰公司以及DKNY服装品牌的创始人。她是一个外表平和、貌不惊 人的女子,为了使其服饰王国走向多元化,在1984年和丈夫联手创 立了自己的公司,推出了一系列各具特色的产品:dkny、 dknyclassic、dknaactive、dknyjesns,对纽约所汇聚的不同文 化及其独特的生活气息作了一个全新的诠释。dkny以更前卫、更时 尚、更休闲的手法描绘了纽约不同文化、不同生活方式的时代气息, 以截然不同的成立于1865年,总部位于芬 兰,是一家主要从事生产移动通信产品的跨国公司, 是全球第三大手机生产商。
摩托罗拉公司(Motorola Inc.),原名Galvin Manufacturing Corporation,成立于1928年。 1947年,改名为Motorola,从1930年代开始作为 商标使用。总部设在美国伊利诺伊州绍姆堡,位于 芝加哥市郊。世界财富百强企业之一,是全球芯片 制造、电子通讯的领导者。2012年2月14日谷歌收 购摩托罗拉获欧盟和美国批准。
李维· 斯特劳斯(Levi Strauss ,1829年2月26日~1902年9月26日 [1])牛仔裤的发明者。LEVI'S(李维斯)创始人。 李维· 斯特劳斯(Levi Strauss) 1847年从德国移民至美国纽约。1853 年,这个做帆布生意的犹太人趁着加州淘金热前往旧金山。他把一批滞 销的帆布做成几百条裤子,拿到淘金工地上推销,想不到竟然大受淘金 者们的欢迎。 Levi’s作为牛仔裤的“鼻祖”,象征着美国西部拓荒精神。 它历经一个半世纪的风雨,从美国流行到全世界,并成为全球各地男女 老少都能接受的时装。