英语作文 我们家乡My Hometown

My hometown is in the southeast of Shandong, a seaside village.It is a small village. There are about 600 people. Most of them are peasants. They mainly plant wheat, corn and cotton. Some of them often go fishing in the sea.Great changes have taken place in the past ten years. Now the peasants here use tractors in their work. A lot of new buildings have appeared. Many families own fridges and some even have air-conditioners. In the evening they watch TV as the people in cities do.There is a primary school in the village. Most of the peasants children are studying in college now.I love my home town. I believe she will become more and more beautiful in the future.When you visit NuJiang in addition to enjoy the beautiful landscape, there are three things you should try, or the extreme views will lack some climax. The first thing is to drink concentric wine, the second thing is to try liusuo, the third thing is to play in the water. Today I will mainly introduce NuJiang’s culture of concentric wine .Lisu’s culture of wine can be described as broad and profound, colorful, unique, it is not only the crystallization of the Lisu material culture and spiritual culture, but also as the representative of Lisu enthusiasm that is bold and uestrained. Lisu is the host of Sanjiang, which Lisu nationality are mainly distribution in the Jinsha River, Lan -cang River, Nu River where is my hometown.Lisu is a hardworking , brave and bold nation. Wine has a very unique feelings in their cultural life, which is t he symbol of their expression of joy and friendship. Lisu’s wine have rich culture, and best known as to the number of "concentric wine", concentric wine is representative of the Lisu wine culture.When Lisu preside guests, the host or hostess generally toast guests three bowls of concentric wine and will toast no longer. But if guests to retaliate the owner, it will make guests until drunk. Lisu drink concentric wine very civilized, men and women bend each arm round each shoulder and antiphonal singing, which is men andwomen drink and nobody produce evil, lyrics or long or short. The lyrics content from the history of the Chinese nation to grandparents, friendship, lucky life, work orders, etc.Lisu people entertain with it is brewed rice wine that alcohol degree is not high and taste sweet , but the stamina is very high, if drinking in the cool wind, red will float in the face at once. In recent years, the concentric wine has spawned a new form of toast "Three Rivers", which is similar to the concentric wine, The difference is three people drink a bowl of wine. Theother way toast, called "high mountain and flowing water" that is the most horrible way of toast. It is said, when the guests drink, the host side the flagon and add wine until wine is exhau sted by the guests. During this process without stopping and can’t spilled the wine outof mouth, or do it again.My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.Beijing is the capital of China with a long history. There are lots of places of interest, such as the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, and the Summer Palace and so on. Since it lies in the north of China, the winter here is long and it snows sometimes. Autumn is the best season in Beijing, for it is neither too cold nor too hot. One of the most famous traditional foods is Beijing (Roast)Duck. The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. By hosting the Olympics, we”ll have the chance to let the world know more about China and Beijing. So, come to Beijing and you”ll enjoy it.I love me to be full of joyous sound to laugh at the home town of language then. Spring, willow elder sister took off white dress, changed green marriage outfit. Smell of piquant little careless little brother cerebella bag, floret little sister showed white cheek. In farmer uncle afield arduous cultivated, sow. Our dot is on lawn amuse oneself. Birdie ases if to be attracted, also put sound to sing. Good echo stayed in that beautiful country. Summer, brook water clang clang flowing. Our children plays in river side amuse oneself. Old people talks of everything below shade. Cicada is crying, seem to saying: Heat died to be heated updead!birdie is footloose on the sky the ground is happy fly. Good memory kept in that beautiful open country. The autumn, maple elder sister waves falling red autumnal leaves, as if one year when receiving a bumper harvest. Floret preparation goes and its brother elder sisters left. Farmer uncle goes up in the field of the hope, reaping oneself labor gain. We work in help farmer uncle. Birdie gang ground is in and everything here leaves. Leave in what happiness stayed in the field that is full of mirth then sound. In the winter, heavy snow swirls underground rise. We are happy on alley ground amuse oneself. All plants succumbed, only that evergreen tree is in wind snow loftily stand erect. Animal people mostly hibernant. In this quiet winter, kept the track of wintry elder sister.爱我的充满欢声笑家镇语言。
my hometown 英语作文带翻译(优秀10篇)

my hometown 英语作文带翻译(优秀10篇)my hometown 英语作文带翻译篇一我的家乡位于湖北省西部,是一个风景秀丽的好地方。
My hometown is located in the west of Hubei Province, which is a beautiful place. Today, I#39;d like to introduce the scenic spots in my hometown.首先我要介绍的是“神农溪”。
First of all, I would like to introduce shennongxi. It is a beautiful river, clear water, picturesque scenery on both sides, like a beautiful girl born in the mountains.我的家乡还有神秘的“无源洞”。
My hometown also has a mysterious passive hole. It is located between the mountains. The cave is very long and narrow. The water in the cave is warm in winter and cool in summer. There are many strange stone stalactites and bats in the cave, adding a layer of mystery to the original passive cave full of suspense.最后我给大家介绍一下“秋风亭”。

My hometown Ningbo is a beautiful, neat and vibrant city, it has a long history, picturesque scenery, abundant natural resources and peoples diligence and honesty.宁波著名的天一阁是我国现存最古老的私人藏书楼,也是世界上现存历史最悠久的私人藏书楼之一。
The famous Tianyi Pavilion in Ningbo is the oldest existing private library in China, and it is also one of the oldest private books in the world. Antique courtyard, thick ancient customs, each party on this holy land, I will let it has a long history of producing more admiration.距离天一阁不远的天一广场则是另一番繁华的景象。
每当夜幕降临,The day I square, not far from the Tianyi Pavilion, is another flourishing scene. This is the center of Ningbo, a paradise for people to go shopping, sightseeing, leisure and delicacy. Whenever the night comes,天一广场的音乐喷泉总会吸引人们驻足观看。

我的家乡My HometownMy hometown is Xiamen。
I was born there twelve years ago。
Now I live in Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian Province。
Xiamen is a beautiful city that many people visit there。
The whole city is clean and tidy。
I lived in downtown。
It’s near to the port,where is the busiest place, because thousands of people go to the Gulangyu。
Gulanyu is a small island。
There are many distinctive buildings and paths there。
You may get lost in so many paths,but you don’t have to worry。
And every path has its own beautiful scenery。
I love my beautiful hometown。
我的家乡My Home TownMy home town is a beautiful place。
My Hometown英语作文及译文【优秀6篇】

My Hometown英语作文及译文【优秀6篇】my hometown英语作文篇一My hometown is Haimen There is less air pollution in Haimen than in other areas of Nantong You can exercise and go walking there Most of us live in flats There is a supermarket here It has three floors There are many things in it, such as clothes, snacks, stationery, an electrical shop and a bookshop I think the Old House Hotpot Restaurant is the best There is a lot of delicious food in this restaurant It’s very high and in the evening it is very beautifulThe weather in Haimen is good Many birds fly in the sky It’s hot in summer It is cool in autumn and in winter it’s very cold. Do you like my hometown?my hometown英语作文篇二Great changes taken place in my hometown.A few year ago,there were few buildings which were shabby and bare with grassland covered its walls. Nowhere could people go for relaxing since amusement places were exceedingly rare.But now, with the development of the current booming economy, as well as the common reserve fund loan deducted interest policy, those low income staff in my hometown are enjoying enormous benefits 。
My Hometown英语作文(精选9篇)

My Hometown英语作文(精选9篇)My Hometown英语作文及译文篇一My hometown is located in Yibin the Yangtze River, Minjiang River, the Jinsha River Sanjiang will be.In Yibin territory, there is the Yangtze River, the Jinsha River, Minjiang, as well as yuk Jiang, Fu-jiang, Yokoe, Vietnam River, South Canton River, huangshahe and so on, is that these rivers have brought wealth to Yibin, but also gave birth to these rivers Yibin The river culture, and continued the cultural roots of Yibin pulse. Yibin#39;s river culture, covering the dragon worship, respect Chuan master and repairing the town water tower, piers and other folk. Not Sanjiang, there is no Yibin this piece of land, nor did the ancient city of Yibin. Moisturizing of the mountains and wilderness of Yibin, Yibin Tai will also help build primary culture model.For thousands of years, infiltration in human blood vessels in the first Yibin cultural elements, that is, river culture. River to accommodate hundreds of rivers, toward the sea spirit, who shaped Yibin inclusive, open and liberal, advocating freedom and the pursuit of truth and the spirit of temperament, which is the soul of river culture.翻译:我的家乡位于长江、岷江、金沙江三江的宜宾。
介绍家乡的英语作文3篇 .doc

介绍家乡的英语作文3篇我的家乡MyHometown(一)MyhometownisXiamen.Iwasborntheretwelveyearsago.NowIliveinFuzhou ,thecapitalofFujianProvince.Xiamenisabeautifulcitythatmanypeoplevisitth ere.Thewholecityiscleanandtidy.Ilivedindowntown.It’sneartotheport,whereisthebusiestplace,becausethousandsofpeoplegotothe Gulangyu.Gulanyuisasmallisland.Therearemanydistinctivebuildingsandpa thsthere.Youmaygetlostinsomanypaths,butyoudon’thavetoworry.Andeverypathhasitsownbeautifulscenery.Ilovemybeautifulh ometown.我的家乡MyHometown(二)Myhometownisabeautifulplace.Itstandsbesideawideriverandisrichinfishan drice.Butintheolddaysitwasapoorandbackwardlittletown.Manypeoplehadn owork.Theylivedahardlife.In1949myhometownwasliberated.Sincethengre atchangeshavetakenplacethere.Thestreetshavebeenwidened.factories,scho ols,hospitals,cinemasandtheatershavesprunguponeafteranother.Thelifeofth epeopleisgreatlyimproved.Ilovemyhometownandallthepeoplethere.Theyar eworkinghardsoastomakeitstillricherandmorebeautiful.我的家乡MyHomeTown(三)Myhometownisabeautifulplace.Itstandsbesideawideriverandisrichinfishan drice.Butintheolddaysitwasapoorandbackwardlittletown.Manypeoplehadnowor k.Theylivedahardlife.In1949myhometownwasliberated.Sincethengreatchangeshavetakenplacet here.Thestreetshavebeenwidened.Factories,schools,hospitals,cinemasandt heatreshavesprunguponeafteranother.Thelifeofthepeopleisgreatlyimprove d.Ilovemyhometown.AllthemoreIloveitspeople.Theyareworkinghardsoasto makeitstillricherandmorebeautiful.演讲稿我爱我的家乡IloveMyHometown(一)Dearteachersandfriends:Goodmorning!MynameisSomiar,andmyChinesenameisLuZiyan.I’mfromtheSecondExperimentPrimarySchoolinJinyun.IstudyinClass3,Grad e5.Ilikemyteachersandclassmates.AndIlikemyfamily,too.Thatisalovelyfa mily.Therearethreemembersinmyfamily---myfather,mymotherandme.My motherisateacher,myfatherisacook.Theyallloveme,andIlovethem,too.Yous ee,I’malovely,easy-goingandkindgirl.Ilikereadingbooks,singingsongsandplayingcomputergames,andalsoI’mfondofspeakingEnglishwithmyEnglishteacher,MissChen.BecauseIlikeE nglish.DoyoulikeEnglish?Doyouloveme?IhopeIcannotonlyimprovemyEn glishbutalsomakemorefriendsbythespeech.Today,I’dliketotalkaboutmyhometown---Lishui.Ilovemyhometown.It’sabeautifullandinthesouthwestofZhejiang.It’sfamousforgreenmountainandcleanwater.It’sthefirstcountrypicturedinChina.Therearemanygreatplacesofinterestinmyh ometown,suchasSendo,NanmingMountain,East-westRockandsoon.Every years,manypeoplecometovisitLishuiandtakesomebeautifulphotos.Andyou canseethephotosinsomebooks.Howbeautiful!Haveyoubeenthere?It’sapityreally,ifyounot.DoyouknowOuRiver?It’sariverofpeople’slife.Itkeepsrunningandrunningalltheyearround,justlikealivelyhorse.There aremanyresourcesandspecialproductsinmyhometown,likeQingtianstoneca rving,Longquandouble-edgedswordandQingyuanmushroom.Doyouknowt hem?Allofthemarefamousintheworld.Howcool!Ilovemyhometown.It’sgettingmoreandmorebeautifulnow.Oneday,Ithinkitwillbethecentreofshop pingaswellastraveling.Wouldyouliketovisitmyhometown?Ihopetoseeyousoon.“Oneworldonedream.”Le t’shaveagreattimeinmyhometownLishui.That’sall.Thankyou!演讲稿我爱我的家乡IloveMyHometown(二)Iwasborninasmallvillagewithahillbehinditandmanybigareasoffeildsinfront .Mostofthevillagersliveintallbuildingslikethepeopleincities.Intheirhome,th eyhavetelephones,TVsets,washingmachinesandsoon.Theycanalsousedrink ingwatersuppliedbythewatercompanyinthevillage,butitcoststhemalittlemo neyeveryyear.Iftheyplantcrops,thegovermentwillgivethemsomemoneyase ncouragement.Themorelandtheyfarm,themoremoneytheywillget.Allaroun dtheyear,theyworkontheirfarmlandforonlyfourorfivemonths.Intheresttime, theyoftenworkinthecitiesnearbyformoney.Theyneedn’tworryaboutanythingforliving,suchasfoodorclothes.Thereisatallteachingbuildingwithacomputerroom,areadingroom,ameetingr oom,alabandsixteenclass-roomsinourschool.Arounditarebigtreesandbehin dthebuildingisawideplaygroundforustodosportson.Alltheteachersworkcare fullyandteachusverywell.Whatismore,whenweareillorwanttodosomeshoppingandsoon,everythingis OKwithoutleavingthevillage.Butinthepast,itissaidtherewerefewpeoplelivingintwohousesmadeofwood,g rassandmud.ThatiswhyitisstillcalledTwoHousestoday.Itisnothardtoimagin ewhattheirlifewaslike.NowIfeelthatIamproudofmyhometown.Asastudent,Imuststudyhardtogetm oreknowledgesothatIcanbuildmyvillagebetterwhenIgrowup.演讲稿我爱我的家乡IloveMyHometown(三)Everyonehashisownhometown,sodoI.Doyouwanttoknowmyhometown?Le tmetellyousomethingaboutit.IwasborninShicunTown.ItliesinthenorthofGuangrao.It’sabout10kilometersfromGuangraocounty.Althoughtherearenothighmount ainsorlongrivers,therearefriendlyandhard-workingpeoplelikemyparents,th erearemygoodfriendsthathaveplayedandstudiedwithmesincewewereyoung children.SoIstillthinkitisthemostbeautifulandIloveitverymuch.Manyyearsago,peoplelivedinlowandsmallhouses,theyworeshabbyclothesa ndatesimplefood.Theydidn’thavecomputersorTVsets.Ican’timaginewhattheydidforfun.Theydidn’thavecars,buses,motorbikes,evenbikes.Whentheywentout,theycouldonlyb eonfoot.Inaword,theirlifewaspoorandsimple.Butnow,greatchangeshavetak enplaceinmyhometown.ThankstothegoodpolicyoftheParty,peoplearegettingricherandricher.Theybuildwideandbrighthouses,theywearnewandmodern clothes.Theycannotonlygetenoughfood,butalsodeliciousandhealthyfood.N owtheyhavedifferentkindsofdigitaltoolsforfun,suchasmobilephones,TVset sandcomputers.Theycanusethemtorelaxthemselvesafterwork.Whentheywa nttogotosomeplaces,theycangotherebybike,bus,car,eventrainandplane.The ycantravelaroundourcountrytoseebeautifulsceneryinanyway.Iamproudtosa ythatmyhometownisgettingbetterandbetter!Manyyearsago,therewerefewfactories.Theskywasblue,theriverwasclearan dclean,andthereweresomedifferentkindsoffishes,thereweremanygreentrees andbeautifulflowersonbothsidesoftheroad.Butwiththedevelopmentofthein dustry,theenvironmentaroundusisgettingworseandworse.Manytreesarecut downtobuildmorefactories.Theskyisnotsoblueasbefore,waterintheriversisg ettingdirtieranddirtier,fishesarefewerthanbefore.Somefactoriesevenmaket heairterrible.Itisbadforourhealth.Iamsorrytosaythatthepollutioninmyhomet ownisgettingbad.Butluckilypeoplehavealreadyrealizedthatitisimportanttop rotectourenvironment.Manythingshavebeendoneforthat.Asamemberofmyhometown,itisourdutytobuildandprotectourhometown,w eshouldactquickly.Weshouldcallonpeoplenottopourthedirtywaterintotheriv erormaketheairterrible.Everyoneshouldcareforourlivingenvironment.Wes houldplantmoretreesandflowerstomakeourhometownmoreandmorebeautiful.Asastudent,Imuststudyveryhardtogetmoreknowledge.WhenIgrowup,Iw illtrymybesttobuildmyhometown.Iamsuremyhometownwillbebetterandbet ter!Doyouthinkso?Myspeechisover.Thankyou!介绍家乡的英语作文篇二:英语作文大全myfamily英语作文(5篇)篇一MyFamilyIlovemyfamily,becauseIhaveahappyfamily.MyfatherisanEnglishteacher.HisnameisJacky.Heisthirty-eight.Helikesplay ingbasketball.What’smymotherjop?Issheateacher?Yes,you’reright!Mymotherisverykindandnice,sheisthirty-seven.Mymotherisalways laboriouswork.Ilovemyparents!OnStaurdayandSunday,Ioftengotothelibraryandplaythepiano,Myfathergot oplaybasketball.Sometimes,wewatchTVandlistentomusicathome.Ilovemyfamily.BecauseI’mveryhappytolivewithmyparentstogether!篇二MyFamilyMyFamilyEveryonehasafamily.Weliveinitandfeelverywarm.Therearethreepersonsin myfamily,mymother,fatherandI.Welivetogetherveryhappilyandtherearemanyinterestingstoriesaboutmyfamily.Myfatherisahard-workingman.Heworksasadoctor.Healwaystrieshisbesttoh elpevery,patientandmakepatientscomfortable.Butsonetimesheworkssohard thathecan”trememberthedate.Mymotherisawomanwithabadmemory.Shealwaysdoesalotofhousework,bu tsometimesshemakesmistakesoutofcarelessness.Forexample,oneday,shew ashedclothesinthewasher,afterthewasherfinishedthework,shefoundshehad n”tfilledthewasherwithwater.Nowletmetellyouafunnything:oneday,fatherwantedtogetupearlyasusual,bu thewasn”tabletodothat,becausehehadn”tsetthealarmclockthenightbefore,s owhenhegotup,hedideverythinginahurry.Afterfatherleft,mothersaidtomem ysteriously,”Hewillcomebacksoon.”“Why?”Iwasgreatlysurprised.”Becaus etodayisSunday,hisholiday!”Justasmothersaid,fathercamebackhomesoon, andwenttobedagain--hewastootired.Yousee,whataninterestingfamilyhave!Ihopethatyouwillhaveonelikemine,t oo.篇三ILoveMyFamilyIwasborninanordinaryfamily,butitisverywarm.Myfatherisaclerkinacompan y.Andmymotherisahousewife.Everyweekdaymorningmyfatherwillgotowo rkandgoesbackinthelateafternoon.Andmymotherwillgetupearlytocookforu sandthenpickmeuptoschool.Thensometimesshewilldosomecleaningandso metimesshewilldosomethingshelikes.Shewillpickmeupafterschoolandthen cookthedinner.Afterdinner,myparentswillteachmetofinishmyhomeworkan dthenwewillwatchTVtogether.Atweekend,usuallywewillgooutforfamilyac tivity.Ilovemyfamily.篇四MyfamilyIhaveahappyfamily.Therearefourpeopleinmyfamily,theyaremygrandma,myfather,mymotheran dI.Mygrandmaisseventyyearsold,sheisoldandthin,shelikewatchimgTV.Myfat herisfortyyearsold,heisaengineer,heistallandstrong,helikereadandrun.My motheristhirty-eightyearsold,sheisbeautiful,shelikemusicandread.Theylov emeverymuch.Ilovemyfamilyverymuch.篇五MyfamilyHello,everyone,I’mLiuDongdong.I’mastudent.Therearethreepeopleinmyfamily—myfather,motherandI.Myfatheris40yearsold.Heisaworker.Ithinkheisagoodworker.Becausehewor ksveryhard.Hegetsupveryearlyeverydayandheworksformorethan10hoursa day.Soheisalwaysbusy,helooksverytiredwhenhegetshome.Helikesreadingn ewspapers.Heusuallyreadsitaftersupper.Sohegetslotsofnews.Mymotheris38yearsold.Sheisaworkertoo.Sheworksinaverysmallfactory.S heisnottallandshehastwobigeyes.Shelovesmeandsheisgoodforme.Shealwa ysbuyssomebooksforme.Shewantsmetobeatopstudent.Shealsocaresformyd ietandlife.I’m15yearsold.Iwearglasses.Ilikereading.Ialwaysreadbooksafterschool.Ilike singing,too.MyfavoritesingerisJayChou.Hismusicisverynice.Whatdoyouth inkofhim?Ialsolikemakingfriends.Ifyouwanttomeetme,pleasewritetome.Oh,myparentslovemeandIlovethem,too.Myfamilyisahappyfamily.介绍家乡的英语作文篇三:描写家乡景色的作文5篇美丽的……美丽的生物岛我的家乡在广州,它位于中国的南边,那里风景优美,物产丰富,空气清新甜润。

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我的家乡(My Hometown)英语作文

我的家乡(My Hometown)英语作文我的家乡英语作文(一)My hometown is beautiful, and one of the streams in my hometownis the bestplace to stay in my hometown.In the spring, in the dense forest, the stream "clatter" and the song goesaway. The little bird was "chirping" over the stream, greeting the creek sister.See, the spring breeze mother-in-law also came, is giving the brook comb thehead! The ripple of the ripples was the brook sister's gauze. Then we came. Webrought a bouquet of beautiful flowers to the stream sister.Summer came, and the brook sang the merry songs to meet her sister. As thered sun shone on the green forest, the cicadas were calling in the tree, as ifthey were talking to her sister. The little stream reached the crops and sawthat the little plants were dying of thirst, so they gave a drink of water. Theyoung miao immediately became spirit, have curved waist, be like to give thanksto the little brook elder sister! The stream happily left. When autumn came, thestream ran through the crops and saw the farmer's uncle, who had a good harvestthis year, because she had helped uncle farmer. The stream came to the orchardagain, and saw that we were picking the fruit, and she took a bath for thefruit, and she smiled happily, and looked, and her face was red with laughter.The stream happily went away.In winter, the stream has a thick layer of ice and becomes our "paradise".I skate with my friends on it. "Look, it's snowing! "We cried gleefully. Soonthe snow stopped, and we piled a huge snowman on the stream. The snowman laughedso much, so happy to see it, even we smiled happily.The stream in my hometown is like a kind mother, caring for us. I love you,the stream in my hometown!我的家乡风景优美,其中家乡的一条小溪是最值得家乡人留恋的地方。

我的家乡英语作文六篇我的家乡英语作文篇1My hometown is a small village located in the mountains.It is surrounded by lush hills and woods with a brook running through it.This is where children often frolic.The buildings in the village are old in appearance but peaceful.In the middle is a square,where there is a big tree,under which the elderly often meet drinking tea or chatting.Everyone looks satisfied and happy,which is also true of other villagers.I love my hometown,and I hope it may be as beautiful as ever.我的家乡是一个小村庄坐落在山上。
我的家乡英语作文篇2my hometown is XXX,it's a beautiful place,l like playing at my hometown,there are many places of interest there,if you want to go on a trip,l will give you some advice,you can come to my hometown ,l will take you to play with me,my hometown is a good place to trip,l hope you will come to my hometown to trip。

我的家乡英语作文1My hometown, a village locating beside a small river, is a wonderful place with beautiful scenery surrounded. Because of the poor geographical environment and without an asphalt road, the whole village is poor and people’s lives are tough. Generally, people grow rice and some other crops for a living. Most young people work at the city, leaving their parents and children at home, which is the status of the vast majority of rural area. It seems that only in this way can rural people live a better life.我的家乡,是坐落在小河旁,被美景环绕的村庄。
我的家乡英语作文2Welcome to my hometown!My home town is a good place .It is near a hill. There are many big trees、beautiful flowers and nice food.There is a shopping mall in the centre of the town.There are many shops in the shopping mall.Such as: clothes shops 、shoe shops、sports shops and KFC.It also has a park.You can gowalking there .You can see green trees and lakes ,too.There is little air pollution,because cars cant go into the centre of the town.Peple here are very friendly and helpful .I think my home town is a wonderful place to live.I love my home town!我的家乡英语作文3My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.我的家乡英语作文4Everyone has his own hometown, so do I. Do you want to know my hometown? Let me tell you something about it.I was born in Shicun Town. It lies in the north of Guangrao. It’s about 10 kilometers from Guangrao county. Although there are not high mountains or long rivers, there are friendly and hard-working people like my parents, there are my good friends that have played and studied with me since we were young children. So I still think it is the most beautiful and I love it very much.我的家乡英语作文5My hometown is Changsha, the capital city of Hunan Province. Changsha used to be a prasperous city in ancient times.It is widely known of a tomb in Changsha, Mawangdui. Mawangdui has witnessed how rich Changsha was in han dynasty.Although Changsha is a historical city, it is not enough modern as Beijing or Shanghai. It became less important and prosperous due to its ordinary location. On account of the development of industry, Changsha is polluted severely. Sky is not that blue and water is no longer clean. Fog casts a shadow on every person in Changsha.我的家乡英语作文6My hometown is Haimen. It’s not very large, but it’s very beautiful. There is less air pollution in Haimen than in other areas of Nantong. There is a beautiful park; its name is Dongzhou Park. You can exercise and go walking there. There are about one million people in Haimen. Most of us live in flats. They are not very high. There is a supermarket here. Its name is Times Supermarket. It has three floors. It is very large. There are many things in it, such as clothes, snacks, stationery, an electrical shop and a bookshop.The weather in Haimen is good. In spring it’s warm. Many birds fly in the sky. The flowers are very beautiful. It’s hot in summer. We keep air-conditioners on every day. It is cool in autumn and in winter it’s very cold. Do you like my hometown?我的家乡英语作文7Welcome to my hometown!Haimen is my hometown. It is a modern and busy town. It has a long history. There are many big supermarkets, beautiful gardens and good factories here. It is very easy to go shopping. You can see green hills, big trees and nice flowers. There are many restaurants in Haimen. You can enjoy Haimen goat. It tastes very delicious. Many visitors come here to enjoy it.There are many good places to visit. There is a park and a big Shopping Mall. You can see films in Renmin Theatre.My school is one of the best schools in my hometown. It is on Changjiang Road. It is very beautiful. I hope you can come and visit soon.我的家乡英语作文8In the east of China, there is a small city---Haimen. I was born there. Today, I am telling you about my hometown.Haimen is not far from Shanghai. It’s at the mouth of the Changjiang River. Haimen is a modern city. There are lots of high buildings in it. Most of us live in flats. We like to live in flats because we can be close to our friends. In the center of Haimen, there are many shops. You can buy some nice things here. Things in most shops aren’t expensive. You can pay a little money and they are yours.My hometown is a beautiful city. On each of the roads, there are some big trees and nice flowers. The roads are also very clean. They make people happy and comfortable.The seasons here are very nice. From . I like autumn best. It’s neither hot nor cold. A poem says “Flyer of summer come to my window to sing, then fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, just fall there with a sign.” It’s very cool.I love Haimen. It’s a nice place to live. Welcome to my hometown.我的家乡英语作文9My hometown is no strange steep mountains, also does not have the spectacular waterfalls, less famous scenic spots. But in my heart, there is a kind of beauty, a kind of indescribable beauty.A kind of elegant and not common, expensive and not every beauty; The beauty of a deep-rooted, never die; Let me is mostlasting. Hometown is born I keep my place, where there is my familiar homeland; I have loved ones; My childhood, I have wonderful memories.Home, seems to be inclusive, and then when I was frustrated, it let me enjoy the catharsis; I am happy again, it let me sing; When I was a success, it warns me proud; When I was a failure, it encouraged me dont be discouraged. As long as in my hometown, a smile, a concern greetings, sincere encouragement, can let a person feel incomparable happiness; As long as in my hometown, a bunch of beautiful flowers, a wisp of thick tender feelings, a sympathetic regrets, can let people comprehend the true meaning of personal. It found that, hometown is so warm.Hometown, is a boating shelter, faced with difficulties, it will sincerely accept you; Home, is an umbrella when it rains, when meet danger, it will take you to keep out; Home, is one of the long drought desert on pools, twinkle when youre cornered, it also in silently for you encouragement, come on, let the sentence "all road, away from her" become a reality; Home was a sea of light, when you dont know the direction, it is right in front of guidance for you.Home, sounds so nice. It is standing behind me in silence the backer, is when I hunger meal, is when I was ill, plaster, is the warmth of my mind most deep place. Home of the patch, ever let me step, it is so smooth. The silk hometown trickle, ever let me drink, its so sweet. Hometown of the food, feed I grew up, it is so sweet.Dont say mountain, located in the hometown of the water, dont talk about hometown more people who do not speak hometown, alone home, can let a person silent.我的家乡英语作文10My hometown used to be a backwardplace, because it was deep in the mountains, where there were no nice buildingsand the roads were so narrow and dirty. People lived a poor life.While in recent years, with thedevelopment of society, my hometown has been greatly changed.Now the roads aregetting much wider. There are many different cars and buses running on theroads.Trees and flowers are planted on the two sides of the roads.They canprovide us with oxygen and fight against the pollutants. So the sky becomescleaner and brighter. Whats more, you can see many modern and beautifulbuildings everywhere, and the living conditions are improving. People areenjoying a comfortable life now.。

介绍家乡的英语作文 My hometown介绍家乡的英语作文 My hometown(精选12篇)在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。
作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?以下是小编为大家整理的介绍家乡的英语作文 My hometown,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。
介绍家乡的英语作文 My hometown 篇1My hometown is Haimen. It’s not very large, but it’s very beautiful. There is less air pollution in Haimen than in other areas of Nantong. There is a beautiful park; its name is Dongzhou Park. You can exercise and go walking there. There are about one million people in Haimen. Most of us live in flats. They are not very high. There is a supermarket here. Its name is Times Supermarket. It has three floors. It is very large. There are many things in it, such as clothes, snacks, stationery, an electrical shop and a bookshop. There are lots of hotpot restaurants in Haimen.I think the Old House Hotpot Restaurant is the best. I like eating hotpot very much. There is a lot of delicious food in this restaurant.In Haimen, there is a TV tower. It’s v ery high and in the evening it is very beautiful. I think there are lots of nice lights on the TV tower.The weather in Haimen is good. In spring it’s warm. Many birds fly in the sky. The flowers are very beautiful. It’s hot in summer. We keep air-conditioners on every day. It is cool in autumn and in winter it’s very cold. Do you like my hometown?我的家乡是海门。
my hometown 英语作文 (菁选(优秀10篇)

my hometown 英语作文(菁选(优秀10篇)我的家乡英语作文my hometown 篇一I’m very glad to know you will take a vacation in Wenzhou. Welcome to Wenzhou, Wenzhou is a very beautiful city. The weather in Wenzhou is always fun.It’s always w sunny, but it’s alittle cold now ,so you should pack your warm clothes. The food in Wenzhou is also very delicious, it’s not spicy.Wenzhou has many sights, such as Jiangxin Island and Yandang Mountains.It’s very famous and wonderful. And there are many tourists every year. Traffic in Wenzhou is very busy. If you don’t want to spend too much money, you can go somewhere by bus, but it’s usually convenient to take the taxi to the places. People in Wenzhou are very friendly.If you have some problems, you can ask them for help. Near the train station, there are many hotels. It‘s comfortable, though sometimes it’s a little expensive. At last, I hope that you have a good tripe in Wenzhou.my hometown英语作文篇二My hometown is beautiful scenery rich products beautiful and is a beautiful place.My hometown is in ji hills although not a big place it is a very intelligent and a town. In the west of her was a famous JiShan temple the tomb.Is a national key protection object trees lush hill strewn at random have send has now become a tourist area. Attracted many domestic and foreign tourists to come and visit.JiShan is rich in rice fish animal husbandry developed.JiShan fish sell well all over the country JiShan dragon meters and color white taste sweet is famous at home and abroad.Every village of JiShan repaired smooth tarmac. It was built JiShan people walk in the street mood is extremely happy. In the field ?翻译:我的家乡风景优美,物产丰富,人杰地灵,是一个美丽的地方。

我的家乡的英语作文(优秀9篇)我的家乡英语作文篇一My hometown is in jingmen 53 farms, where there is fertile clay, the vast field, the fresh air, cute animals and honest people... When you ask me, where is the most beautiful place in my home town, I would be proud to say: home garden of course.It doesn't, early in the morning, I and pestering my grandfather took me to play in the garden?To vegetable plots, see special blue vegetable field at the top of the day, the sun is our house vegetable weave a golden so leaves a light. A few white clouds are walking leisurely.Further on, he saw the distance of a series of looming mountains. I always think the mountains in the mist is like the fairy covered with fine gauze, shuttle, flying and dancing in the mountains.In the front of the mountain is an orchard, whose trees ShuZhi lamina like dancing on the Spring Festival gala elder sister sisters graceful, neat rows.Finally came to the gate of the garden, the garden is a small, square yard. Standing at the door a look, a piece of green in the garden of different vegetables party down 'are up and waiting for my review .我的家乡英语作文篇二My hometown is no strange steep mountains, also does not have the spectacular waterfalls, less famous scenic spots. But in my heart, there is a kind of beauty, a kind of indescribable beauty.A kind of elegant and not mon, expensive and not every beauty; The beauty of a deep-rooted, never die; Let me is most lasting. Hometown is born I keep my place, where there is my familiar homeland; I have loved ones; My childhood, I have wonderful memories.Home, seems to be inclusive, and then when I was frustrated, it let me enjoy the catharsis; I am happy again, it let me sing; When I was a success, it warns me proud; When I was a failure, it encouraged me don't be discouraged. As long as in my hometown, a smile, a concern greetings, sincere encouragement, can let a person feel inparable happiness; As long as in my hometown, a bunch of beautiful flowers, a wisp of thick tender feelings, a sympathetic regrets, can let people prehend the true meaning of personal. It found that, hometown is so warm.Hometown, is a boating shelter, faced with difficulties, it will sincerely accept you; Home, is an umbrella when it rains, when meet danger, it will take you to keep out; Home, is one of the long drought desert on pools, twinkle when you're cornered, it also in silently for you encouragement, e on, let the sentence all road, away from her bee a reality; Home was a sea of light, when you don't know the direction, it is right in front of guidance for you.Home, sounds so nice. It is standing behind me in silence the backer, is when I hunger meal, is when I was ill, plaster, is the warmth of my mind most deep place. Home of the patch, ever let me step, it is so smooth. The silk hometown trickle, ever let me drink, it's so sweet. Hometown of the food, feed I grew up, it is so sweet.Don't say mountain, located in the hometown of the water, don't talk about hometown more people who do not speak hometown, alone home, can let a person silent.我的家乡英语作文篇三Hacve you ever been to Yongchuan? Yongchuan is my hometown.It’s one of the most beautiful cities in China. It’s in the west of Chongqing. It’s famous for the tea and the bamboo.The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. It’ s a good place to visit. Every year there are many tourists from all over our country ing here for vacation. Some go sightseeing, some go shopping while others go enjoying the delicious tea and food.My hometown has all kinds of fruits. When summer and autumn es, many businessmen drive here to buy them.These years Yongchuan has changed a lot. It is being more and more beautiful. It has bee an important business center. It is being an international big city.My hometown is very beautiful, the people are kind and friendly. Wele to Yongchuan!介绍我的家乡英语作文带翻译篇四I am from Guangzhou. In spring ,the weather is wet and warm. I can play kite.In summer, the weather is wet and hot. I can swim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry. I can play kite, too. in the winter, the weather is cold and dry. it never snow.How about you?我来自广州。

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my hometown 英语作文带翻译

my hometown 英语作文带翻译My hometown英语作文篇一My hometown is Midu. It is a small but beautiful country. It isin the southwest of YunNan Province. Midu has a long history 。
It has a song named “Xiao He tang shui”,it is widely acclaimed as “the Oriental Serenade” 。
It is very beautiful here. There are four different seasons here. They are spring, summer autumn and winter. Spring is the most beautiful among them.Spring is the season full of hopes. Everything begins to growing. You can see green things here and there. The birds sing songs happily in the trees, flowers come out ,trees and grasses turn green. Atthis time we often climb the mountains and pick up flowers. The water in the lakes gets warmer and cleaner. There are several groups of ducks have fun swimming in the lake.I love my hometown not only for these. But also the people in here are very kind and hard-working. They are busy with their work from morning to night.my hometown 英语作文带翻译篇二我是新上海人,我的祖籍是湖南。

介绍我的家乡英语作文篇1My hometown is a small town in the south of China which is sorrounded by clean water and green mountains .You can see trees and flowers everywhere.The air there is very fresh .It s warm in winter and cool in summer ,which is very suitable for living .It is a modern and busy town.It has a long history.But it has not always been like that.In the old days,it was a sad dirty little ndlords and merchants lived in the few good houses.For the working people there were only dark,unhealthy rooms in old buildings and huts in narrow muddy streets.Nearly everyone was poor and many had no work.Everything has changed since liberation.The people,led by the Party,have got rid of the mud and dirt.They have put up schools,theaters,shops and flats.They have an assembly hall and a hospital.Along the river they have built offices,hotels and parks.A lot of factories have sprung up.On the river,streamers and boats come and go busily,day and night.They carry the products of our industries to all parts of the country.I love my hometown very much !It is a nice place to live in.Do you like my hometown?If you come,I will show you around this beautiful city!我的家乡是中国南方的一个小镇,它被清澈的水和绿色的山包围着。
英语作文:My hometown【优秀7篇】

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英语作文我们家乡My Hometown我的家乡My Hometown(一)My hometown is Xiamen. I was born there twelve years ago. Now I live in Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian Province. Xiamen is a beautiful city that many people visit there. The whole city is clean and tidy. I lived in downtown. It’s near to the port, where is the busiest place, because thousands of people go to the Gulangyu. Gulanyu is a small island. There are many distinctive buildings and paths there. You may get lost in so many paths, but you don’t have to worry. And every path has its own beautiful scenery.I love my beautiful hometown.我的家乡My Hometown(二)My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little people had no work. They lived a hard life. In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theaters have sprung up one after life of the people is greatly improved. I love my hometown and all the peoplethere. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.我的家乡My Home Town(三)My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.演讲稿我爱我的家乡I love My Hometown(一)Dear teachers and friends:Good morning! My name is Somiar, and my Chinese name is Lu Ziyan. I’m from the Second Experiment Primary School in Jinyun. I study in Class 3, Grade 5. I like my teachers and classmates. And I like my family, too. That is a lovely family. There are three members in my family---my father,my mother and me. My mother is a teacher, my father is a cook. They all love me, and I love them, too. You see, I’m a lovely, easy-going and kind girl. I like reading books, singing songs and playing computer games, and also I’m fond of speaking English with my English teacher, Miss Chen. Because I like English. Do you like English? Do you love me? I hope I can not only improve my English but also make more friends by the speech.Today, I’d like to talk about my hometown---Lishui.I love my hometown. It’s a beautiful land in the southwest of Zhejiang. It’s famous for green mountain and clean water. It’s the first country pi ctured in China. There are many great places of interest in my hometown, such as Sendo, Nanming Mountain, East-west Rock and so on. Every years, many people come to visit Lishui and take some beautiful photos. And you can see the photos in some books. How beautiful! Have you been there? It’s a pity really, if you not.Do you know Ou River? It’s a river of people’s life. It keeps running and running all the year round, just like a lively horse. There are many resources and special products in my hometown, like Qingtian stone carving,Longquan double-edged sword and Qingyuan mushroom. Do you know them? All of them are famous in the world. How cool!I love my hometown. It’s getting more and more beautiful now. One day, I think it will be the centre of shopping as well as traveling.Would you like to visit my hometown? I hope to see you soon. “One world one dream.” Let’s have a great time in my hometown Lishui.That’s all. Thank you!演讲稿我爱我的家乡I love My Hometown(二)I was born in a small village with a hill behind it and many big areas of feilds in front. Most of the villagers live in tall buildings like the people in their home, they have telephones,TV sets,washing machines and so can also use drinking water supplied by the water company in the village,but it costs them a little money every they plant crops, the goverment will give them some money as more land they farm, the more money they will around the year, they work on their farm land for only four or five the rest time,they often work in the cities nearby for needn’t worry about anything for living, such as food or clothes.There is a tall teaching building with a computer room,a reading room, a meeting room,a lab and sixteen class-rooms in our it are big trees and behind the building is a wide playground for us to do sports the teachers work carefully and teach us very well.What is more,when we are ill or want to do some shopping and so on, everything is OK without leaving the village.But in the past, it is said there were few people living in two houses made of wood,grass and is why it is still called Two Houses is not hard to imagine what their life was like.Now I feel that I am proud of my a student,I must study hard to get more knowledge so that I can build my village better when I grow up.演讲稿我爱我的家乡I love My Hometown(三)Everyone has his own hometown, so do I. Do you want to know my hometown? Let me tell you something about it.I was born in Shicun Town. It lies in the north of Guangrao. It’s about 10 kilometers from Guangrao co unty. Although there are not high mountains or long rivers, there are friendly and hard-working people like my parents, there are my good friends that have played and studied with me since we were young children. So I still think it is themost beautiful and I love it very much.Many years ago, people lived in low and small houses, they wore shabby clothes and ate simple food. They didn’t have computers or TV sets. I can’t imagine what they did for fun. They didn’t have cars, buses, motorbikes, even bikes. When they went out, they could only be on foot. In a word, their life was poor and simple. But now, great changes have taken place in my hometown. Thanks to the good policy of the Party, people are getting richer and richer. They build wide and bright houses, they wear new and modern clothes. They can not only get enough food, but also delicious and healthy food. Now they have different kinds of digital tools for fun, such as mobile phones, TV sets and computers. They can use them to relax themselves after work. When they want to go to some places, they can go there by bike, bus, car, even train and plane. They can travel around our country to see beautiful scenery in any way. I am proud to say that my hometown is getting better and better!Many years ago, there were few factories. The sky was blue, the river was clear and clean, and there were some different kinds of fishes, there were many green trees andbeautiful flowers on both sides of the road. But with the development of the industry, the environment around us is getting worse and worse. Many trees are cut down to build more factories. The sky is not so blue as before, water in the rivers is getting dirtier and dirtier, fishes are fewer than before. Some factories even make the air terrible. It is bad for our health. I am sorry to say that the pollution in my hometown is getting bad. But luckily people have already realized that it is important to protect our environment. Many things have been done for that.As a member of my hometown, it is our duty to build and protect our hometown, we should act quickly. We should call on people not to pour the dirty water into the river or make the air terrible. Everyone should care for our living environment. We should plant more trees and flowers to make our hometown more and more beautiful. As a student, I must study very hard to get more knowledge. When I grow up, I will try my best to build my hometown. I am sure my hometown will be better and better! Do you think so?My speech is over. Thank you!。