Six-Legged Animaloid Robot as a Trainer for Robotic CourseSiti Sendari a,1, Hakkun Elmunsyah a,2, Yogi Dwi Mahandi a,3a Electrical Engineering Department, State University of MalangJl. Semarang 5, Malang 65145, INDONESIA1*********************.id,2************.id,3************************Abstract–The innovation of robot technology attracts students to study and participate in many robot contests. Thus, robotic trainer is very urgent to be developed, especially an animaloid robot, which can encourage both of robotics course and robot contest. Here, the trainer was developed using seven steps of ten steps, i.e., (1) potential and problem, (2) data collection, (3) product design, (4) design validity, (5) design revision, (6) product trials, and (7) product revision. The developed trainer is a six-legged animaloid robot, which consists of five learning modules, i.e., (1) master-slave communication, (2) ultrasonic ranger, (3) motor servos, (4) flame sensors, and (5) extinguisher. The trainer was evaluated by media and material experts, where the validation results are 94% and 90%, respectively, while the validation result in the implementation stage is 87.31%. The result can be concluded that developed trainer is feasible and can be used as the learning media.Index Terms – six-legged animaloid robot, hexapod robot, robotic course, learning media1.IntroductionRobotic Innovation has been enhancing since1990, which starts as industrial tools and becoming as home appliances [11].This enhancement attracts students to studyrobotic course indicated by many of them attended competitions in the robotic field, such as IndonesianRobotics Competition held by The Directorate of HigherEducation.Robotics is one of compulsory courses at the Departmentof Electrical Engineering, State University of Malang (called as the TE-FTUM). The course provides mechanicaland electrical circuits, and the algorithms of movements. Arobotics lab is available to support the robotics course, where some trainers of line follower and arm robots aredeveloped. However, these modules are not enough to coverall competencies, especially for supporting robot contests. In order to support the competency of hardware and software troubleshooting, the “learning by doing” is a suitable method for teaching robotics [12]. Thus, trainers whichsupport the learning course and robotics competition areneeded. The trainers will be used as experiment tools, which could improve the knowledge of students.Robotics can be classified as (1) non-mobile robot, (2)mobile robot, (3) combination of non-mobile and mobile robots, and (4) extraordinary robot [10]. Here, humanoid and animaloid as extraordinary robots are needed to be developed at the TE-FTUM, while developing an animaloid robot is the main focus in this paper. Based on this reason, the six-legged animaloid robot, which imitates the movement of an insect [8] is developed.Fundamental Objectives of Engineering LaboratorariesThe goal of engineering education is to develop studentsto advance their practice skills. It has been studied that the emphasis of laboratory has been paid by the curriculum andteaching methods, while there is a still lack of laboratory instruction. Laboratories have to be the central role ineducation of engineers therefore laboratories can not beforgone completely [6]. There are three basic types of engineering laboratories, i.e., development, research, andeducational, where students do the practices to extract datafor a design, to evaluate devices, or to discover a new knowledge.Feisel explained that the fundamental objectives of engineering laboratories consist of 13 points of the cognitivedomain, i.e., (1) instrumentation, (2) models, (3)experiment, (4) data analysis, (5) design, (6) learn from failure, (7) creativity, (8) psychomotor, (9) safety, (10)communication, (11) teamwork, (12) ethics in the laboratory, and (13) sensory awareness. The first five ofthose objectives are dealing with cognitive domain, i.e.,instrumentation, models, experiment, data analysis, and design. The other two are specified as psychomotor domain,i.e. psychomotor and sensory awareness, while theremaining objectives determine affective domain, i.e., behaviour and attitudes, learn from failure, creativity, safety,communication, teamwork, and ethics in the laboratory. Using these objectives as a framework, laboratorydevelopers and educational researchers can identify thespecific objectives, which work like expectation by engineering education community.2.Research MethodIn order to obtain the goals of engineering laboratories,developing robot trainer is needed to advance the practiceskills of the students in robotic course. The trainer in this research is developed based on Sugiyono’s model [14],where the steps are (1) potential and problem, (2) datacollection, (3) product design, (4) design validity, (5) design revision, (6) product trials, and (7) product revision.The objective of developing the six-legged robot trainer is to support the learning course, however the trainer also should be able to participate in the national robot competition held by the Directorate of Higher Education of Indonesia. Then, parameter data for developing trainer is selected based on the requirements of the Fire –fighting Robot in 2014.Robot Institute of America (RIA) present the definitionof a robot, i.e., a reprogrammable, multifunctional function designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through various programmed functions for the performance of a variety of tasks. Considering thisThe 3rd UPI International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)definition, the trainer is developed into three parts, i.e., (1) Mechanics to interact with environments, (2) Sensor to perceive environments, (3) Control systems of mechanics and sensor data.The trainer is validated by the experts in the TE-FTUM, i.e., media and material experts. After some revisions, the trainer is implemented to the robotic class consisting of 43 students, and the implementation result is analyzed. The data and instrument types are shown in Table 1.Table 1. Data And Instrumentation TypeThe quantitative data is analyzed based on questionnairescores according to the method explained by Akbar [1], thatis, validity is determined by the number of questionnaireitems and Linkert scale used by. The validation isdetermined using Eq. (1) and (2) as follows.∆Score= (N_item× Max_Score) –(N_item× Min_Score)(1)Class_Interval= ∆Score / Linkert Scale (2)Where, N_item, Max_Score, and Min_Score representthe number of questionnaire items, maximum and minimumscore in each item, respectively, while Score calculates thedeviation between those scores. The percentage of validity isdetermined by the rate of score in class interval andmaximum score as shown in Eq. (3).Validity(%) = Class_Interval_Score/ Max_Score x 100%(3)Based on those equations above, the validation criteria ofmedia and material experts are shown in Table 2. Thevalidation in the implementation is also categorized usingTable 2. [3]Table 2. Validation Criteria Of Media And Material3.Developing Animaloid Robot TrainerThe developed animaloid robot here is called as the six-legged robot, which imitates of insect. The robot movesusing six legs, where each leg is developed by two degree offreedom (2-DOF), while another case, can be three DOF.DOF means robot’s joints coupled with servo motors andconstructed like a leg of animal. The six-legged robot isshown in Fig. 1.Fig. 1.The six-legged robot.A.Developing Mechanics of the Six-legged RobotThe developed robot here is the six-legged robot with 2-DOF for each leg. The servo motors are coupled at eachjoint, as shown in Fig. 2(a). Actuator 1 makes the robot tomove forward or backward representing “x” axis at theCartesian graph, while actuator 2 makes it to move up ordown representing “z” axis. Here, the designed robot usestwelve servo motors, i.e., Towerpro series (MG946R),where the motors are assembled as six legs and 2-DOF foreach leg. Each motor can turn until 180 degree. The motorsare assembled to the robot as shown in Fig. 2(b). Thisconstruction can be enhanced to 3-DOF while one DOF isadded to the each leg. Three-DOF makes the robot movesmore flexible to the right or left, however it will beexpensive.(a)(b)Fig. 2.Mechanics of six-legged robot (Hexapod). (a) using 2-DOF (b)assembling servo motors to the six-legged robot.1.The moving model of the six-legged robot in itsenvironment is called gait, i.e., a sequence of footcontacts with the ground, which produces motionpatterns [7]. There are three types of gaits, i.e., (1)metachronal gait, (2) ripple gait, and (3) tripod gait.The typical of those gaits’ patterns are shown in Fig.3, where white color indicates that the foot is inground contact. Among those types, tripod gaitshows the fastest speed [4].Fig. 3.Giat diagram (a) Metachonal giat (b) Ripple gait (c) Tripod gaitThe metachronal gait is a pattern where each leg only lifts when the leg behind it is on the ground position to support the animal weight. So it can be seen as the wave which starts from the back and is transferred forward as each leg in turn of lifts. This pattern provides stability while decrease energy expenditure [9]. The ripple gait is a pattern of robot locomotion where two legs at a time have two independent wave gaits, which means that the opposite side legs are 180 degrees out of phase, and each leg needs three beats to complete one cycle [2]. The tripod gait is used by mostly insects, which hold a stable triangle of legs steady while swinging the opposite triangle forwards [13]. B. Sensor AssemblingIn order to perceive the environment, the robot is equipped with eight ultrasonic sensors, which return the information of the obstacles’ distance in front, behind, left side and right side of it. Here, ultrasonic sensors of Devantech SRF04 are used, which have capability to detect obstacles in the range between 2 cm and 400 cm. The sensors are assembled as shown in Fig. 4.Fig. 4. Ultrasonic sensors assemblingAnother sensor assembled to the robot is a flame detector. When the sensor detects ultraviolet (UV) emission, UV photons in sufficient quantity strike the negative electrode. Then, electrons are released from the electrode and attracted to the positive electrode. While this situation occurs, the sensor returns logic “1” until the output is reset. C. Minimum Systems for Controling the Six-Legged Robot The minimum system of the robot is separated in two parts, i.e. the master part and slave part. The master part serves the main control to handle servo motors, addition buttons, flame detector, display panel, front and rear sensor, sound activation ad extinguisher. While the slave part serves eight ultrasonic sensors. Here, DT-AVR ATmega1280 and ATmega128 are used to the master and slave part of minimum systems, respectively. ATmega128 has fewer input/output channels; therefore, it is only used to detect eight ultrasonic sensors. The diagram block of the minimum systems is shown in Fig.5.Here, the six-legged robot is designed to be a fire fighter, which should extinguish the fire. The robot starts to works when sound activation is detected. First, the robot should detect where the start location, and the appropriate strategy will be selected. The robot scans the wall and moves following the wall using the tripod gait mode. The robot enters the rooms and detects the fire if there is a flameemission. While the flame is detected, the robot will spray water to extinguish the fire. Then, the robot will move back to the start location. The trial of this algorithm is shown Fig.6.Fig. 5. Minimum system of six-legged robotFig. 6. Trial result of controlling the sic-legged robot D. Validation ResultsDeveloping the six-legged robot in this paper is to realize a robot trainer, which can support the robotic course in the TE-FTUM. The trainer is accomplished with a module and job sheets elaborated into five experiments, i.e., (1) Master-Slave Controlling, (2) Ultrasonic sensors to perceive environments, (3) Servo motors as actuators of the six-legged robot, (4) Assembling a flame detector to detect the Fire, and (5) Algorithms of the six-legged robot as a fire fighter. The trainer is validated by the experts in TEUM, i.e., media and material experts.The instrument of media validation was developed using 40 items including three aspects of learning media assessment, i.e., engineering, learning design, and visual communication [15]. On the other hand, the instrument of material validation was developed using 25 items including instructional goals and objectives, student engagement,(a)(b)(c)methodology for active learning, suitable for its intended purpose, and organizing the structure of material [5]. In the implementation stage, the students were given a questionnaire consisting 30 items, which collect the information of their understanding and opinion to the trainer utilization. The validation data of designing the trainer and its module are shown in Fig. 7.According to Table 2 and media validation data as shown in Fig.7(a), the trainer could be valid and feasible to be used for lecturing with percentage of 94%, while the experts media suggest to improve the trainer using modular model, that is, the program is divided into several blocks accomplished with the explanation. Furthermore, the material validation data as shown in Fig.7(b) could confirm that validation was be also valid and feasible to be used for lecturing with percentage 90%.In the implementation stage, the validation result is 87.31%, which means that the trainer was valid to be implemented in lecturing. From 43 students, 34 students said that they enjoy study using the trainer, while remain students suggest to arrange appropriate groups to improve the st udent’s engagement.Fig. 7. Validation data of the trainer and its module4. ConclusionRobotics course at the TE-FTUM provides lecturing of mechanical, electrical circuits, and the algorithms of movements. In order to cover all competencies in robotic skills an also to support the robotic contest, the six-legged animaloid robot was designed. The designed trainer was accomplished with five learning modules, i.e., (1) master-slave communication, (2) ultrasonic ranger, (3) motor servos, (4) flame sensors, and (5) extinguisher. The resultsshow that the trainer is valid to be used as a media and material learning for supporting robotic course, which covers the competency of troubleshooting of hardware and software. In this research, the learning by doing is a suitable method for teaching robotics. References[1] Akbar Sa’dun, “Instrumen Perangkat Pembelajaran,” RemajaRosdakarya Offset. Bandung, 2013. [2] Aparna, Kale and Geeta, Salunke. “Insect Inspired Hexapod Robot forTerrain Navigation”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, vol. 02, issue 08, pp. 63-69, 2013. [3] Arikunto, Suharsimi. “Dasar -Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan (EdisiRevisi)”. Bumi Aksara, 2010. [4] Campos, Ricardo; Matos, Vitor; Oliveira, Miguel; and Santos,Cristina. “Gait Generation for A Simu lated Hexapod Robot: A Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Approach”. Research Report of the Portuguese Science Foundation (grant PTDC/EEA-CRO100655/2008) [5] Davies, Judy. “Evaluation and Selection of Learning Resources: A Guide”, Canada: Prince Edward Island Depart ment of Education, 2008. [6] Feisel, Lyle D. and Rosa, Albert J. “The Role of the laboratory inUndergraduate Engineering Education”, Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 94, Issue 1, pp. 121-130, 2005. [7] Haynes, G. Clark, and Rizzi, Alfred A. “Gaits and Gait Transitions forLegged Robots”, in Proc. Of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, Orlando-Florida, USA, 2006. [8] Jakimovski, Bojan “Biologically Inspired Approaches forLocomotion, Anomaly Detection and Reconfiguration for Walking Robots”. Berlin H eidelberg: Springer, 2011.[9] Parker, Gary B, and Mills, Jonathan W “Metachronal Wave GaitGeneration for Hexapod Robots”, Research Report of NSF Graduate Reasearch Traineeship Grant GER93-54898, 1998. [10] Pitowarno, Endra “ROBOTIKA: Desainn, Kontrol dan Kecerda sanBuatan”. Yogyakarta: ANDI, 2006. [11] Sargent G.: Robotics History Timeline. Robotics Research GroupDesigning Robot Assistant to Help People. http://robotics. ece. auckland. /index.php? option=com_content&task=view&id=31 accessed December 17, 2013. Sc hank, R C. “Learning by Doing in Book of Instructional-Design Theories and Models: New paradigm of Instructional Theory”, Vol. 2. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 1999. [12] Smolka, Jochen; Byrne, Marcus J.; Scholtz, Clarke H., “A NewGalloping Gait in an Insect”. Current Biology, Vol. 23:20, pp. R913-R915, 2013. [13] Sugiyono. “Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D”.Bandung: Penerbit Alfabeta, 2011.[14] Wahono, Romi Satria “Aspects and Criteria of Learning MediaAssessment”, http://romisatriawah /2006/06/21/aspek-dan-kriteria-penilaian-media-pembelajaran/, accessed July 1st, 2014。
CrustCrawler AX12-18智能六腿机器人产品介绍说明书
![CrustCrawler AX12-18智能六腿机器人产品介绍说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/95254c3624c52cc58bd63186bceb19e8b8f6ece9.png)
12R O B O T M A G A Z I N E by the staff of Robot magazine LEADING EDGE ROBOTICS NEWS LE R N CRUSTCRAWLER /phpBB3/index.php (480) 577-5557New Dynamixel AX12-18Powered Smart Hexapod Robot!The AX12-18 Smart Hexapod is CrustCrawlers next generation of walkers to implement “Smart Servo” Technology. Featuring the AX12A and/or the AX18A actuators, the Smart Hexapod offers better torque/cost ratios, and the feedback shortcomings of standard R/C servo based hexapods are no more. Due to the rich feedback nature of the AX series of actuators, true kinematic walking routines can be implemented seamlessly.The AX12-18 Smart Hexapod implements “Smart Servo” Technology which features: Power optimized 3DOF (3-degrees of Freedom)leg design with over 220 oz-in.(15kgf-cm) of torque per axis.This technology provides full feedback data that includes position, speed, load,voltage and temperature, and it has an automatic shutdown capability based on voltage or tempera-ture. Position spans 300degees of rotation with 1024 increments, a very high level of resolution.These smart Dynamixel servos offer a fast 1M bps communica-tion speed. Both the AX12A and/or the AX18A actuatorsare offered, and the system is compatible with all of the commonly used microcontrollers for robots. The chassis plates are rugged, with all aluminum construction for maximum payload capacity and walking kinematic accuracy.Spacious upper and lower decks (16in. X 3.5in.)(40.64cm X 8.89cm)allow plenty of room for mounting gear for controlling electronics,power and accessories. Its hard Anodized finish is designed for max-imum scratch and corrosion resistance. Weight with (18) AX12A orAX18A actuators is 3.12 pounds (1.41kg). Ground Clearance is 3.5in.(8.89cm), and it has integrated Pem nuts on all brackets for quick and seamless assembly. Free Code and SDK Programming Packages The package includes the AX12-18 Smart Hexapod Techical Reference V 1.0. Robotis offers free SDK libraries online () that include but are not limited to Embedded C (For CM-510/700 controllers),the Dynamixel SDK for Windows and one for Linux, and Zigbee SDK for Windows and Linux. Source code includes examples for LabView,MATLab, JAVA, C/C++, Python and more. Learn all the details on Robotis servos and controllers at their support web pages and in the Reference guide.We strongly suggest these sources for direction on the latest drivers, soft-ware, firmware, CAD drawings and tech-nical guides.The USB2Dynamixel option offered by CrustCrawler connects directly to a USB port on your computer. Download the free Dynamixel Manager to set AX12A / AX18A ID’s, current, voltage, temperature and speed B to RS-232, RS-485, and AX-12 (TTL) inter-faces are all in one unit! And don’t forget the Arduino, Parallax Propeller and other controllers—any will work. If you use the CM-700 controller,you will also have a CD-ROM with powerful RoboplusTask , Roboplus Manager and Motion Editor software,mounting kit and interface cable.SEE THE VIDEO!Scan this code on your smartphone with a bar reader app or type in /111101. /watch?v=-xBEk7QWqHY&feature=player_embedded。
例子:G00 X=10 Y=20 Z=30 A=1 B=0 C=0 D=90 以G94设定速度,直线插补的方式运动到目标后, 再执行下一条指令
说明:运行指该指令时结束当前任务,并返回到最近一个调用子程序入口的位置.(注:该指令配 合G20使用)
例子:G20 L999子程序入口[L999为程序民(必须放到主程序后面,即M30后面)]
G24 子程序结束
X=10 Y=20 Z=30 A=0 B=0 C=1 D=90(目标点)
以G94设定的速度,从[开始点]出发,经过[经过点],以圆弧插补的方式运动到[目标点], 到达[目标点]后,再执行下一条指令
X=10 Y=20 Z=30 A=0 B=0 C=1 D=90(经过点2)
以G94设定的速度,从[开始点]出发,以圆弧插补的方式运动到[目标点角度],到达[目标点 角度]后,再执行下一条指令
G04 (SUSPNDED)指令规则(暂停指令):
说明:以[当前点],[经过点]和[目标点]三点成弧,从当前点以G94设定的速度,向[目标点]进行 圆弧插补,途中经过[经过点];注意![经过点]姿态忽略
例子:G02 X=10 Y=20 Z=30 A=0 B=0 C=1 D=90(开始点)
X=10 Y=20 Z=30 A=0 B=0 C=1 D=90(经过点)
例子:G10 A=10 B=20 C=30 D=40 E=10 F=90 以G94设定速度,关节插补的方式运动到目标点后, 再执行下一条指令
六轴机器人单元实训指导书4、工作任务1) 六轴工业机器人单元安装与接线;2) 六轴工业机器人的参数设置与程序编写; 3) 六轴工业机器人单元的PLC 程序设计; 4) 六轴工业机器人单元的调试与运行。
6、设备认识1 机器人夹具2 6轴机器人3 步进驱动器4 标签料台5 升降台A6 推料气缸A7 网孔挂板8 PLC9 挂板接口板 10 桌体 11 按钮面板 12 台面接口板 13 步进电机 14 挡料机构 15 出料台 16物料盒17推料气缸B18升降台B图4-1 六轴机器人单元结构示意图 表4-1 六轴机器人单元部件明细表 87 4 2 1 5 6 910 11 1214 16 17 1815 13 37、控制要求1、初始位置:六轴机器人处于收回安全状态(如图4-1);夹具爪张开,夹具吸盘关闭;升降台A:第一个物料盒刚好升到出料台面上方;推料气缸A:收回状态;升降台B:第一个盒盖刚好升到出料台面上方;推料气缸B:收回状态;挡料气缸:收回状态;2、“单机”工作状态下按“启动”按钮,或者“联机”状态下,主站给出“启动”信号后,系统进入运行状态,“启动”指示灯亮,档料气缸伸出,同时推料气缸A将物料盒推出到装箱台上;机器人开始从检测分拣单元的出料位将物料瓶搬运到物料盒中;物料盒中装满4个瓶子后,机器人再用吸盘将物料盒盖吸取并盖到物料盒上;6轴机器人最后根据装入物料盒内4个物料瓶盖颜色的顺序,依次将与物料瓶盖颜色相同的标签贴到盒盖的标签位上。
第一章准备安装SG5/6机械手所需工具下面是安装SG5/6时所需要的工具:螺丝刀钻孔器1/8英寸的钻头小型号的活动扳手或套筒扳手剪钳少量润滑油或类似物品完全配置机械手物品清单SG5/6基本配置机械手包括下列元器件:电子电器类\软件:SG5:3个HiTec HS-475HB伺服电机,1个HS-805BB伺服电机,1个HS-645MG伺服电机SG6:3个HiTec HS-475HB伺服电机,1个HS-805BB伺服电机,1个HS-225MG伺服电机,1个HS-645伺服电机电机延长线:12英寸长2条,6英寸长2条1个SPST开关1个6V-4A电源(只在完全配置中提供)铝质部件:1个电路板固定支架1个底座底座上转盘下托板底座上转盘上托板3个电机支4个手臂部件2个左手爪部件2个右手爪部件4个扁平连接件1齿轮支架1个电机齿轮传动支架1个前臂支架1个上臂支架螺母、螺钉、垫圈和取间隔装置4个#2螺母4个#2弹垫4颗#2-5/16英寸螺钉35个#4平垫13颗#4-1/2英寸螺钉12颗#4-3/8英寸螺钉26颗#4-1/4英寸螺钉4颗#4-1英寸螺钉1颗#4-5/8英寸螺钉3颗#4-5/16英寸螺钉19颗#4螺母23颗#4锁紧螺母19个#4弹垫14个#4-1/4英寸取间隔尼龙支柱4个#4-5/16英寸取间隔尼龙支柱8个#4-3/16英寸取间隔尼龙支柱14个#6-3/8英寸螺钉1个#6-1/2英寸螺钉8个#6锁紧螺母8个#6螺母8个#6弹垫1个#6平垫6个1/4英寸SAE平垫4个球形支撑件其他1本SG5/6机械手手册10条扎带1根长弹簧1根短弹簧2个齿轮4个橡胶垫2个夹子第二章安装前准备注意:在一个整齐、干净有较大空间的环境下开展组装工作整理和恰当地摆放你的各类不规格的螺钉、螺母等配件,这样有利于你在装配时正确的使用特定大小的螺钉、螺母、垫圈等,也可以很方便地取用它们。
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第三届大赛-六轴-C30 操作手册V1.0_ePad
![第三届大赛-六轴-C30 操作手册V1.0_ePad](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6e824b8d561252d381eb6e56.png)
版本号:ePad_V1.0EFORT机器人C30系统操作手册目录第一章安全 (1)1.1安全责任 (1)1.2安全预防措施 (1)1.2.1目的 (1)1.2.2定义 (1)1.2.3适用范围 (2)第二章欢迎使用埃夫特机器人 (6)2.1示教器 (6)2.1.1关于示教器 (6)2.1.2功能区与接口 (7)2.1.3如何握持示教器 (9)2.2启动系统 (9)2.2.1本体检查 (9)2.2.2系统连接 (10)2.2.3系统上电 (10)第三章操作界面 (11)3.1界面布局 (11)3.1.1状态栏 (11)3.1.2任务栏 (12)3.1.3桌面 (12)3.2登录 (13)3.3桌面上的设置APP (14)3.3.1语言设置 (14)3.3.2IP设置 (15)3.3.3机器人型号设置 (16)3.3.4服务 (18)3.3.5轴参数 (20)3.3.6DH参数 (22)3.3.7切换Logo (23)第四章点动操作 (26)4.1什么是点动操作 (26)4.2坐标系统介绍 (26)4.2.1工业机器人-关节坐标系 (26)4.2.2工业机器人-笛卡尔坐标系 (26)4.2.3工业机器人-工具坐标系 (27)4.2.4工业机器人-用户坐标系 (27)4.3点动操作注意事项 (27)4.4开始点动操作 (27)4.4.1关节坐标系-点动操作 (28)4.4.2笛卡尔坐标系-点动操作 (29)4.4.3工具坐标系-点动操作 (29)4.4.4用户坐标系-点动操作 (30)4.4.5点动-快速运动 (30)4.4.6点动-慢速运动 (31)4.4.7点动-步进运动 (32)第五章坐标系管理 (33)5.1工具坐标系标定 (33)5.1.1工具标定 (33)5.1.2修改工具 (37)5.2用户坐标系标定 (38)5.2.1用户坐标系标定 (38)5.2.2修改用户坐标系 (40)第六章零点恢复 (42)6.1零点恢复简介 (42)6.2零点恢复操作步骤 (42)6.3零点文件重写 (43)第七章文件管理与编程 (44)7.1文件管理 (44)7.2编辑程序 (45)7.2.1程序变量的操作 (46)7.2.2程序指令的操作 (48)7.3调试程序 (51)7.4子程序 (56)第八章故障处理 (59)8.1控制器故障处理 (59)8.1.1查看事件日志 (60)8.1.2控制器的故障处理 (61)8.2驱动器故障处理 (62)8.3程序运行故障处理 (62)附录1 (63)附录2 (80)第一章安全1.1安全责任✓系统集成商负责确保机器人和控制系统按照安装所在地国家施行的《安全规范》安装使用。
运行《电机测试》程序,将得到的电机运行.hex 文件烧入到芯片中,确认所有连线,观察机械手的运动情况。
运行《夹取物体》程序,将得到的hand.hex 文件烧入到芯片中,运行程序,可以看到机械手的动作是将物体从左边夹取到右边。
目录二、设备的主要技术规格………………………………………… 2-1使用电源要求2-2电器组件技术规格2-3程式软件技术规格三、使用前需知…………………………………………………… 3-1设备的固定要求3-2设备组件检查3-3设备的润滑3-4安全事项四、软件操作………………………………………………………. 4-1.座标的规化:4-2.数字的输入4-3.密码的输入4-4.模式简介4-5.生产模式- - - 主画面4-6生产模式- - - 配方查看4-7生产模式- - - 报警查看4-8编程模式---主画面4-9编程模式----报警查看4-10编程模式----配方操作4-11编程模式----常用参数设置4-12编程模式----流程选择4-13编程模式----模式简介4-14编程模式----插入删除4-15编程模式- - - 流程编辑4-16编程模式---模式解析4-17编程模式---模式14-18编程模式---模式24-19编程模式---模式134-20编程模式---模式34-21编程模式---模式144-22编程模式---模式44-23编程模式---模式154-24编程模式---模式54-25编程模式---模式164-26编程模式---模式64-27编程模式---模式174-28编程模式---模式74-29编程模式---模式184-30编程模式---模式84-31编程模式---模式94-32编程模式---模式104-33编程模式---模式114-34编程模式---模式124-35编程模式---模式194-36编程模式---模式204-37编程模式- - - 编程技巧五、常见故障及处理方法……………………………………………六、主要组件清单……………………………………………………七、保养与检查………………………………………………………八、设备电路图………………………………………………………一、概述■本手册适用机型■HC-6X系列往复机是我公司与美国GICOK公司合作开发的机型,采用了先进的设计和制造技术。
6⾃由度机械⼿控制⼿册V16⾃由度机械⼿控制⼿册版本:V1YFROBOT2015年10⽉23⽇1、了解机械⼿ (3)1.1机械⼿ (3)1.26⾃由度机械⼿简介 (3)2、机械⼿安装 (3)2.16⾃由度机械⼿安装 (3)3、硬件选择 (4)3.1材料准备与介绍 (4)3.2材料组合⽅式选择 (6)4、连接与调试 (7)4.1⽅式1连接与调试 (7)4.2⽅式2连接与调试 (8)4.3⽅式3连接与调试 (9)4.4⽅式4连接与调试 (10)5、总结 (12)1、了解机械⼿1.1机械⼿机械⼿是能模仿⼈⼿和臂的动作功能,⽤以按固定程序抓取、搬运物件或操作⼯具的⾃动操作装置。
xPad 六轴系统编程手册(中文) - v1.02
![xPad 六轴系统编程手册(中文) - v1.02](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/93d6c827a32d7375a517800d.png)
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1 教导程序的概念
图 2.4
① 选择输出端口,要按实际接线来选择端口。可以通过
② 扩展输出动作:这里设置成输出打开。
“输出打开”“输出关闭”和“脉冲输出”的区别: 当设置为 “输出打开” 或 “输出关闭”时,指令 在动作时间过后才跳转到下一条指令;当设置为“脉 冲输出”时,端口输出后立马跳到下一条指令等动 作时间到后该端口自动关闭
2 编写教导程序.................................................................................................................................6 2.1 编写顺序结构的教导程序................................................................................................ 6 2.2 编写选择结构的教导程序.............................................................................................. 15 2.3 编写循环结构的教导程序.............................................................................................. 23 2.4 编写组并行(组合)构的教导程序.................................................................................. 25
V A L I R O B O T六轴机器人使用手册客户:版本:1.0版日期:2013-1-1瓦力智能科技V a l i I n t e l l i g e n t T e c h n o l o g yC o r p o r a t i o n操作前,请注意安全。
内容若有错误,请以原厂操作说明书为准!目录第一章安全 (1)1.1 保障安全 (1)1.2 专门培训 (3)1.3 操作人员安全注意事项 (3)1.4 机器人的安全注意事项 (5)1.5 移动及转让机器人的注意事项 (7)1.6 废弃机器人的注意事项 (7)第二章机器人菜单详解 (8)2.1 六轴机器人系统介绍 (8)2.2 系统运行环境 (9)2.3 程序菜单介绍 (9)2.4 数据菜单介绍 (11)2.5 机器人菜单介绍 (12)2.6 显示菜单介绍 (14)第三章手动操作机器人 (17)第四章机器人编程教导 (26)4.1 建立新程序 (26)4.2 常用编程指令介绍 (30)第五章机器人的保养 (42)5.1 机械手的保养 (42)5.2 控制柜的保养 (43)第一章安全安全在生产中是最重要的,无论是自身的安全,还是他人及设备的安全都很重要,所以在这里我们把安全放在首位首先我们来介绍一下在生产操作中应注意哪些安全问题,应该怎么解决。
1.1 保障安全机器人与其他机械设备的要求通常不同, 如它的大运动范围、快速的操作、手臂的快速运动等,这些都会造成安全隐患。
1.2 专门培训• 示教和维护机器人的人员必须事先经过培训。
6th International Conference on Machinery, Materials, Environment, Biotechnology and Computer (MMEBC 2016)The PLC Control of Six-Axis Manipulator Based on S7-200Guodong Zhang a,Ruimin Qi bCollege of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Zhengzhou University of Industrial Technology,Zhengzhou, Chinaa************************,b***************Keywords:PLC; six-axis manipulator;host computerAbstract.In order to improve the automation of industrial production and production efficiency. This paper presented a system with the S7-200 as the core. The system adopted the method of sequence control. The S7-200 mainly controlled the step motor, dc motor, servo motor,Through the control could realize manipulator grasping object, walk, put down,The PC could monitor the process, and the PC could track, detecting objects. So,the system can realize intelligent. IntroductionSix axis manipulator is a new type of device,it can be applied to industry, agriculture and national defense. It can replace human repetition, heavy manual work,It can work in the dangerous environment.The robots can imitate human's arm, and can grab objects, handling object, placed object.Six axis manipulator mainly includes: the base, I joint, II joint, III joint, IV joint, V joint, VI joint, gas to grasp,As shown in figure.1.Fig.1. robot structureBy the structural diagram you can see, drive, drive mode of each joint,I joints is step-motor direct harmonic reducer; II joints is servo motor directly connected harmonic reducer; III joints is stepping motor through the synchronous belt wheel harmonic reducer; IV joints is step-motor direct harmonic reducer; V joints is stepping motor through the synchronous belt wheel harmonic reducer; VI joints is step-motor direct harmonic reducer; Each joint are equipped with photoelectric limit switch plus or minus two direction and two directions hard limit switch.In terms of overall structure, the manipulator is not complicated,The key lies in the parameter matching, because the tandem structure features in the process of the movement is that the torque of each joint is to change all the time. Overall coordination and stiffness are more demanding. At the same time for motorcontrol, the demand is higher, because the torque changing, require motor moment, control is relatively complex and difficult, so the calculation and analysis is more important. In the design process, the point is to calculate the relevant after purchased components,Actually calculating process is to selection speed reducer and motorOverall Designthe I/0 module;Fig.2. overall block diagramThe Choice of HardwareThe Choice Of Movement Control CARDS. Motion control card is the core of the system. Usually, the PC connect control card by bus. The PC can monitor the system.Other control CARDS don't have enough anti-interference ability and it have poor stability, So,This design is mainly use the MP2300,it has enough storage capacity,and has good expansibility,the most important thing is that it has a connector. It has anti-jamming capability,the stable performance is good.The Choice Of Joint Motor And Reducer. How to select the second joint manipulator of the motor? How to choose a reducer?These two problems is very important.Under the experimental conditions,bear the weight of the second joint: F=12Kg;The center of gravity offset: S=300mm; Joint range: θ=900; angular velocity: V=600/s;The angular acceleration:ω=π/2.25. So:The static torque19.8129.80.336N mT F S=⨯⨯=⨯⨯=⋅(1) The acceleration torque:2 21.6N mT F S=⨯⨯ω=⋅(2) The total torque:1237.6N mT T T=+=⋅(3) The choose:Fuji 100 w servo motor;Harmonic reducer XB1-60-150. Proofreading: output torque of servo motor is about 0.32 N·m;The motor inertia:J1=0.054*10-4Kg.m2; harmonic reduction ratio:i=160;servo motor torque is under 72N·m.Servo motor can produce torque though harmonic.The torque is 0.32*150=48N·m. Safety factor: 48/37.6=1.28. It is greater than 1.2.The RV Transmission PrincipleThe RV transmission principle as shown in Figure .3,i t includes involute cylindrical gear planetary retarding mechanism and cycloidal planetary reduction mechanism, involute planet gear II becomes an organic whole repeatedly with the crank shaft III, If the center of involute gear 1 clockwise, involute planetary gear in the revolution and counterclockwise rotation.Fig .3. The RV transmission diagramThe RV drive as a new type of drive, from the point of view of structure, its basic characteristics can be summarized as follows:large range of transmission ratio;high transmission efficiency; Stiffness big;Life is long.The Software DesignThe main purpose of the software design is to determine the state and conditions,As shown in figure.4.first,manipulator is reset,Second, the manipulator I joint turn 90 degrees to the right,II, III, IV, V and VI joints must be in place,Manipulator grasp objects.II, III, IV, V, VI joint go back, the manipulator I joint turn 90 degrees to the left,Robots walk a short distance,Manipulator is opened, Manipulator is reset.PC SoftwareConfiguration software is to realize the human-computer interaction, it is a powerful and it can monitor the machine.Monitoring interface as shown in figure.5,by monitoring the picture,you can see the state of the upper machine and lower machine and reset. In order to improve the humanized design, this monitoring purposely increase the button,and it can realize the reset, alarm and online.SummaryWe realized the control of the manipulator,and we realize the communication between upper machine and lower machine.This system has been used in the experiment.Fig.4. manipulator work flow chart Fig.5. series monitoring figure of the manipulatorReferences[1]Gui qing Zhao & peng Chan.2011. Based on the S7-200 control of the manipulator.[J] Coal mine machinery.[2]Wei ling Huang.2009.The design of the pneumatic carrying manipulator based on PLC[J].Coal mine machinery.[3] Ming-liang Wu. 2005.Programmable controller training tutorial[M].Beijing:Chemical industry press.[4] Zhi yong Zhang.2008. Research on controlled system of apple picking robot arm[J].Journal of China agricultural university.[5]Xiao-dong Wang. 2011. Design method of PLC control system[J].Automation and instrumentation.[6]Xiang yang Li & geng he Luo.2010.The PLC control of the manipulator[J],Journal of xi 'an aviation technology college,。
定梁六轴焊接设备程序设定及使用手册目录设备说明........................................................................ - 1 - 第一章使用手册................................................................ - 2 -1 准备工作.................................................................. -2 -1.1 机械正常............................................................ - 2 -1.2 伺服正常............................................................ - 2 -1.3 系统正常............................................................ - 2 -1.4 参数设置合理........................................................ - 2 -1.5 IO接线和PLC正常.................................................... - 3 -2 系统按键,界面介绍........................................................ -3 -2.1 系统按键介绍........................................................ - 3 -2.2 界面介绍............................................................ - 5 -3 手动各个关节和坐标........................................................ - 6 -3.1 示教盒正确操作姿势.................................................. - 6 -3.2 手动各个关节和坐标.................................................. - 7 -4 编写程序试运行............................................................ - 9 -4.1 示教编程步骤........................................................ - 9 -4.2 实例程序试运行..................................................... - 14 -5 程序运行................................................................. - 15 -5.1 启动............................................................... - 16 -5.2 暂停(停止)....................................................... - 17 -5.3 调速,运行方式,工作模式切换....................................... - 18 -5.4 停止后再启动....................................................... - 20 -5.5 紧急停止........................................................... - 22 - 第二章焊接工艺说明........................................................... - 23 -1、基本情况说明............................................................ - 23 -1.1 坐标的基本概念..................................................... - 23 -1.2 焊接指令........................................................... - 25 -2、焊接工艺设置步骤........................................................ - 27 -2.1 准备工作........................................................... - 27 -3、焊接编程举例............................................................ - 49 -3.1 程序举例........................................................... - 49 -3.2 程序示教步骤....................................................... - 50 -3.3 程序试运行验证..................................................... - 64 -3.4 程序再现........................................................... - 65 - 第三章设备的维护与保养....................................................... - 72 -1.定期检查内容............................................................. - 72 -2.日常检查内容............................................................. - 72 - 第四章安全注意事项.......................................................... - 73 -1. 电击.................................................................... - 73 -2. 电弧光.................................................................. - 74 -3. 焊接烟尘和有毒气体...................................................... - 74 -4. 气瓶.................................................................... - 75 -5. 焊接.................................................................... - 75 -6. 运动部件................................................................ - 76 - 7.电磁场................................................................. - 77 - 8. 综合性预防措施.......................................................... - 77 -设备说明1.产品概述定梁六轴焊接设备是我公司在吸收国内外先进软硬件技术,为配套金属结构件加工而自行开发研制的一种高效率钢板自动焊接设备,可纵向和横向直线焊接,可圆弧焊接,可平面内、空间内的任意曲线焊接,焊接精度高、变形小。
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使用,例如: 直线插补方式移动至目标
位置 P, P 点是在位置型变量 取值范围为 0 至 100 提前示教好的位置点,1 代 取值为 0 表示不设置过渡段速 表该点的序号。 度。
圆弧插补方 式移动至目 标位置。 采用三点圆 弧法,圆弧前 一点为第一 点, 两个 MOVC 为中间点和 目标点。
14.3 移动 1 指令
指令 MOVJ 功能说明 使用举例 参数说明 说明:运行速度百分比取值为 1 至 100,默认值为 25。 关 节 插 补 方 例 1: MOVJ V= 25 BL=0 VBL=0 V=<运行速度百分比> 式 移 动 至 目 关节插补方式移动至目标 标位置。 位置, 保持伺服接通状态下
DR=<圆弧度数> 说明:圆弧度数取值范围为 1 度以上的值。
调 整 机器 人姿 ABC 一共有 3 种 工 作 模式 可供 选择。 对当前指 令 后 的运 动指 令有效, 直到出 现 新
点 到 点 直 线 MOVP V= 25 BL=0 VBL=0 插 补 方 式 移 点到点直线插补方式移动 动 至 目 标 位 至目标位置, 保持伺服接通 置。 状态下依次按下【插入】、
对 速 度 高 而 【确定】。 轨 迹 要 求 不 MOVP P=1 V=25 BL=100 严格时使用, VBL=0 例如:搬运行 业。 点到点直线插补方式移动 至目标位置 P,P 点是在位 置型变量提前示教好的位 置点,1 代表该点的序号。
依次按下 【插入】 、 【确定】 。 运动指令的实际速度=设置中 例 2:MOVJ P=1 V=25 BL=100 MOVJ 最大速度*V 运动指令设 VBL=0 关节插补方式移动至目标 置运行速度百分比*SPEED 指 令速度设置百分比。
位置 P, P 点是在位置型变量 P=<位置点> 提前示教好的位置点,1 代 说 明 : P 的 取 值 范 围 为 1 至 表该点的序号。 1019,其中 1 至 999 用于标定 位置点,1000 至 1019 用于码 垛运动中,自动获取的码垛位
MOVL V= 25 BL=0 VBL=0 MOVC V=25 BL=0 VBL=0 MOVC P=1 V= 25 BL=0 VBL=0 圆弧插补方式移动至目标 位置 P, P 点是提前示教好的 位置。
不规则圆弧 插补方式移 动至目标位 置。
MOVL V= 25 BL=0 VBL=0 MOVS P=1 V= 25 BL=0 VBL=0 不规则圆弧插补方式移动 至目标位置 P, P 点是提前示 教好的位置。
ABCMODE 指令。 MOVL P=3 V=25 BL=0 VBL=0
P1、P2 点以 STANTARD 方式运 为目标姿态,即用户示教什 行,P3 点以 FOLLOW 模式运行 么样的目标姿态,机器人在
从当前位置朝目标位置运动 的过程中,姿态也朝示教的 目标姿态插补运动。当机器 人运动到目标位置时,姿态 也达到示教的目标姿态值。 UNCHANGE:插补程序会忽略 用户示教的目标姿态值。不 管用户示教什么样的目标姿 态,MOVL 和 MOVC 指令在运 动 过 程 中 保持 姿态 不 变 。 FOLLOW: MOVL 指令在运动 过程中姿态保持不变(保持 起点的姿态不变)。MOVC 指 令在 FOLLOW 模式下的处理 稍有不同。插补程序会根据 当前起点姿态和圆弧的角度 生成一个新目标姿态,这个 新的目标姿态的生成是按当 前起点姿态绕圆弧中心轴旋 转 圆 弧 角 度所 生成 的 姿 态 值。 COORD NUM 选择坐标系号。 COORD_NUM COOR= TCS NUM=2 可以操作 WCS、 表示工具坐标系选择 2 号坐 TCS、 PCS1、 PCS2 标系。 例程: COORD_NUM COOR= TCS NUM=1 MOVL P=1 V= 25 BL=0 VBL=0 MOVL P=2 V=25 BL=0 VBL=0 COORD_NUM COOR= TCS NUM=2 MOVL P=3 V=25 BL=0 VBL=0 P1、 P2 点以 1 号工具坐标系 行, P3 点以 2 号工具坐标系 行 WAITM OV 等待运动完成 WAITMOV DIS=10 等待距离终点 10mm 时,视为 DIS=<距离终点的距离> COORD=<坐标系> 说明:可选择以下坐标系: WCS-世界坐标系; TCS-工具坐标系; PCS1-工件坐标系 1; PCS2-工件坐标系 2 NUM=<坐标系 ID> 说明: 坐标系 ID 赋值范围为 0 至 10。
判断要素 2:I=<变量号> 说 明:变量号取值为 1 至 96, 判断要素 2 的变量类型必须 与 1 相同。 I= 整型变量 B= 布尔型变量 WHILE 条件满足的情 WHILE I=001 EQ 况下,进入循 程序 环,条件不满 END_WHILE 足 时 退 出 循 当判断要素 1(整型变量 环。 I001)等于判断要素 2(整 R= 实型变量 I=002 DO 判断要素 1:I=<变量号> 说 明:变量号取值为 1 至 96。 I= 整型变量 B= 布尔型变量 R= 实型变量
IF I=001 EQ I=002 THEN 程序 1 ELSE 程序 2 END_IF
判断要素 1:I=<变量号> 说 明:变量号取值为 1 至 96。 I= 整型变量 B= 布尔型变量 R= 实型变量
表示如果判断要素 1(整型 判断条件:<EQ> 可选择以下 变量 I001) 与判断要素 2 (整 判断条件: EQ:等于 型变量 I002) 相等则执行程 LT:小于 LE:小于等 于 GE:大于 GT:大 序 1,否则执行程序 2。 于等于 NE:不等于
置点。 例 1 中如果没有此参数, 表示目标位置是使用的在运动 过程中标定的位置点,例 2 中 如果有 P 点参数,表示位置点 是在位置型变量里面标定好的 点。 BL=<过渡段长度> 说明: 过渡段长度, 单位毫米, MOVL 直线插补方 式移动至目 标位置。 对速度要求 不高而轨迹 要求较高时 弧焊行业。 例 1: MOVL V= 25 BL=0 VBL=0 此长度不能超出运行总长度一 直线插补方式移动至目标 半, 如果 BL=0 则表示, 不使用 位置, 保持伺服接通状态下 依次按下 【插入】 、 【确定】 。 例 2:MOVL P=1 V=25 BL=100 VBL=0 VBL=<过渡段速度> MOL、MOVC、MOVS 指令中设置 过渡段的速度。 过渡段。
调 整 本条 语句 后 面 的运 动指 令的加速度、 减 速度、 加加速时 间。
DYN ACC= 60 DCC= 60 J= 50 表示本条语句后面的运动指 令的加速度百分比设置为 60%,减速度百分比设置为 60%, 加加速时间设置为 50ms
ACC=<加速度百分比> 说明:加速度百分比取值范 围为 1 至 100, 默认值为 10%。
DCC=<减速度百分比> 说明: 减速度百分比取值范 围为 1 至 100, 默认值为 10%。
J =<加加速度> 说明:加加速度取值范围为 8~800 毫米。默认值为 128。
设置圆弧度数, DEGREE DR=360 一次有效, 圆弧 运 动 完成 后即 效。 MOVL V= 25 BL=0 VBL=0 MOVC V=25 BL=0 VBL=0 MOVC P=1 V= 25 BL=0 VBL=0 表示以最高速的 25%, 走由以 上三点组成的 360 度圆弧轨 迹。
14.4 移动 2 指令
指令 SPEED 功能说明 调 整 本条 语句 后 面 的运 动指 令 的 速度 百分 比。 使用举例 SPEED SP= 70 表示整体速率调整至 70%。 参数说明 SP=<加速度百分比> 说明:取值范围为 1 至 100, 如果不调用 SPEED 指令则程 序默认值为 20%,
运动完成 例程: MOVL P=1 V= 25 BL=50 VBL=0 DOUT DO=1.2 VALUE=1 WAITMOV DIS=10 MOVL P=2 V=25 BL=0 VBL=0 P1 点运行至距离目标点 50mm 时开始输出 1.2 号输出点, 距 离目标点 10mm 时开始过渡至 P2 点。
号 读 取 到 布 表示把第一个 IO 输入点的 尔型变量中。 值读取到 B001 的布尔型变 量中。
1.2 控制指令
指令 JUMP 功能说明 跳转指令。 使用举例 JUMP L= 0001 表示跳转到第一行。 参数说明 L=<行号> 说明:行号取值 为小于 JUMP 所在行行号。
调用子程序指 令。
6 轴机器人编程手册
1.1 IO 指令
IO 指令说明: 指令 功能说明
DOUT 使用举例 参数说明 DO=<IO 位>
IO 输 出 点 复 DOUT DO= 1.1 VALUE=1
位或者置位。 表示把一组远程 IO 输出模 说明:IO 位赋值 A.B A=0,表 块第二个输出点, 位值设置 示端子板上的输出点。 A=1 至 为 1。 16,表示第几组远程输 出 IO 模块。 B, 表示组模块上的第 几个 IO, 取值范围为 0 至 15。 VALUE=<位值> 位值赋值说明:为 0 或者 1。 AOUT 模拟量 IO 输 AOUT AO= 1 VALUE=15 出 表示把第二个模拟量 IO 点 输出最大模拟量的 15%。 AO=<模拟量位>: 说明:模拟 量位赋值为模拟量 IO 对应 0 至 2048 位。 VALUE=<模拟量输出百分比>。 说明:取值范围为 0 至 100。 WAIT 等待 IO 输入 点信号。 WAIT DI= 1.1 VALUE=0 DI=<IO 位>