在此页面下,我们可以看到五种联机类型,但由于PPTP以及Telstra BigPond类型只适用于国外,所以我们只剩下动态、静态以及PPPoE三种情况可以选择。
无线信道选项,可选择自己设备所支持的信道,如果不清楚的话,保持Auto便可,SSID则可以随便输入一个名称用于识别本网络,无线模式保持g and b模式就基本上适合了目前大部分的无线设备了,广播SSID功能我们将其勾选,方便我们找到此无线网络,QoS配置基本上不需修改,让其保持默认即可。
最后,无线路由器设置为AP模式,并且设置WEP 加密以防止被蹭网。
3.添置路由器C,将C放置在台式机P旁边,通过传说中的WDS 技术,将B的无线信号延展到C,台式机P则通过有线网络连接到C 的LAN口。
1. 连接主路由器。
2. 配置主路由器。
3. 启用无线桥接功能。
4. 配置从路由器。
5. 设置从路由器。
6. 启用无线桥接功能。
7. 检查连接。
8. 完善设置。
1. 准备工作在开始设置之前,我们需要准备一些工作。
2. 连接路由器第一步是连接您的电脑或移动设备到贝尔金无线路由器。
3. 设置网络信息完成连接后,打开您的浏览器,输入贝尔金无线路由器的IP地址(通常为192.168.2.1)进入路由器的管理界面。
4. 设置无线安全性为了保护您的无线网络的安全性,贝尔金无线路由器提供了一些额外的安全设置选项。
贝尔金 F5D8230-4 G 无线路由器设置
![贝尔金 F5D8230-4 G 无线路由器设置](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4bb422a8d1f34693daef3e59.png)
设置你的电脑上的本地网卡的IP改成自动获到IP 和DNS,接下来在在IE地址栏输入192.168.2.1,进入路由器设置页面无线的设置:本店新货到了点美国原装贝尔金F5D8230-4 G Plus 54M/108M MIMO 宽带无线路由器,3天线版的。
成色大概8.5到9成新左右,主要是回货的时候没有包装相互擦碰的划痕,这点还请朋友见谅,对成色敏感的朋友就不要拍了,本无线路由器配原装思科12V1A 的电源,为路由器的稳定工作保驾护航.温馨提示:本路由器是不能刷DD版本的,其实原版的固件已经够用了,贵在稳定本商品到手包七天,保修期内产生的费用一人一程,在保期间自行刷机变砖头的不保,请见谅支持MIMO技术说明:MIMO,就字面上看到的意思,是Multiple Input Multiple Output的缩写,大部分您所看到的说法,都是指无线网络讯号通过多重天线进行同步收发,所以可以增加资料传输率。
所以不少强调资料传输速度与传输距离的无线网络设备,纷纷开始拋开对既有Wi-Fi联盟的兼容性要求,而采用MIMO 的技术,推出高传输率的无线网络产品。
优点 :•贝尔金Pre-N 2代宽带无线路由器作为家庭的网络连接点,您的电脑可以和更多的网络外设诸如硬盘、打印机、CD-ROM、DVD播放器等共享宽带。
Belkin 7230-4 54M无线路由器设置说明书
![Belkin 7230-4 54M无线路由器设置说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5916522ce2bd960590c677fe.png)
史上最具迷你的小型路由,坚固,做工扎实,性能卓越,成色近全新,9成左右.,相当漂亮!上网速度快,迷你Belkin 7230-4 54M 无线路由器,即日起仅售88元一台,售完即止!!实图展示:该款设备的亮点是:小巧,功能更为强大,让你体会浓缩就是精华,小的路由器一般只有跨国大公司才有的专利,国内的品牌几乎很少有迷你款式的设备,是一款不可多得的设备!!设置说明资料(请大家直接将连接复制到IE地址栏打开)接下来是官方说明,这份说明是贝尔金中国官方网站上针对这款路由的中文官方说明:(请大家直接将连接复制到IE地址栏打开)首先把电脑与路由器连接好(注意:是接在路由器后面的LAN口,别接错哦!)然后将你的电脑上的本地网卡或者无线网卡的IP改成自动获到IP 和DNS,接下来在在IE地址栏输入192.168.2.1,进入路由器设置页面user name这边填宽带用户名接着下面Password 密码填两次,点(Apply changes)套用变更就OK.设置成功后点右上角的home看状态:看internet settings这边有外网IP出来就OK.下面来说说无线设置使用多线程软件如迅雷 BT超级旋风以及PPLIVE PPSTREAM 等在线电影软件都要开放出相应的端口.以超级旋风为例简单介绍一下:先打开下截软件找出端口.我的端口是下面四个,IP 是192.168.2.2(可双击网卡点支持查看IP) TCP 还是UDP 对应好,按如下填上就行.选Firewall--virtual servers下面的80 8000 4662 4663分配是我下载软件上端口。
(下面图片是无线路由器的截图,同型号基本差不多介面没有单独截图)实物照片:产品成色8成新收到产品成色以实物为准不要以成色为由给予中差评或者退货54g 宽带无线路由器产品编号 F5D7230zh4贝尔金802.11g宽带无线路由器让您体验宽带无线网络连接,在电脑间共享文件。
Belkin 贝尔金路由器设置 篇一:贝尔金路由器设置步骤 篇二:belkin 无线路由器设置 adsl 无线路由器设置方法 belkin 无线路由器设置 belkin(贝尔金)无线路由器,产品外观设计新颖,无线信号的有效传输距离达到了 540 米。
另外,产品也自有四个 LAN 口,可以方便用户进行有线网与无线网的混合应用。
做工相 当精美, 银灰色的上盖配以黑色的四围和底部, 展示出一种不太张扬的高档和沉着, 比较耐看。
产品默认 IP 地址: 登录账户:无 登录密码:无 一、设置概述 此款路由器的配置过程类似于阿尔卡特品牌旗下的产品,即是说产品为用户提供了两种 不同的无线路由配置方式。
一是使用产品附带的“简单安装向导软件”,利用此软件向导可以很 方便的完成最基本的联网配置(如下图所示);另一种成熟的方法就是使用产品内置的 Web 管理界面来进行。
二 、登录 Web 管理界面 在浏览器地址栏中输入默认 IP 地址后,会出现一个简单的登录窗口;其中会有一个 “Password”输入提示框,但路由器出厂时并没有设置任何账户及密码,因此直接单击 “Submit” 按钮即可登录。
三、配置路由器的互联网连接 不管是有线还是无线路由器,进入管理界面后,首先要做的就是配置路由器的互联网接 入参数,使之能正常接入 Internet 网络。
步骤 1:从左方选项栏中的“Internet/WAN”下单击“Connection Type”选项,意为选择当前 网络连接类型。
进入“Connection Type”页面后,单击选中其中的“PPPoE”一项。
步骤 2: 在接下来出现的界面中分别输入宽带连接账号及密码; 注意最好不要修改“MTU” 值;而最下方的“Disconnect after”选项意为自动断开宽带连接的时间设置,比如勾选此项并在 输入框中输入 10,则意为 10 分钟之内如果没有宽带连接活动,路由器的宽带连接即会自动断 开。
5、点击【DHCP服务器】---【DHC服务器设置】,把【地址池起始地址】设置为192.168.1.100;把【地址池结束地址】设置为192.168.1.149 点击保存,重启主路由器。
7、由于新的WDS功能于老式的Bridge有所不同,更为高级,所以仅需所有副路由器开启WDS 并填入主路由的信息即可,如主路由开启WDS或Bridge功能,请关闭,否则WDS功能无法使用。
产品默认IP地址: 登录账户:无登录密码:无一、设置概述此款路由器的配置过程类似于阿尔卡特品牌旗下的产品,即是说产品为用户提供了两种不同的无线路由配置方式。
步骤1:从左方选项栏中的“Internet/WAN”下单击“Connection Type”选项,意为选择当前网络连接类型。
进入“Connection Type”页面后,单击选中其中的“PPPoE”一项。
步骤2:在接下来出现的界面中分别输入宽带连接账号及密码;注意最好不要修改“MTU”值;而最下方的“Disconnect after”选项意为自动断开宽带连接的时间设置,比如勾选此项并在输入框中输入10,则意为10分钟之内如果没有宽带连接活动,路由器的宽带连接即会自动断开。
步骤3:继续完成接下来的简单设置后,路由器即开始与宽带进行连接;连接完成会在管理界面右上方显示“Connection OK”,表示连接成功。
设置方法 无线连接设置路由器
![设置方法 无线连接设置路由器](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/daa3caae8662caaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4afeb605.png)
然后在路由里面选择路由重启,不是手动断电,然后就ok 了,搜到到路由信号,输入你预设的密码一切ok!
WIRELESS N+ ROUTERN600 DBUser ManualF9K1102V3 8820-01233 Rev. B00TABLE OF CONTENTSGetting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 What’s in the Box (1)Initial Setup (1)Manually Set Up Your Internet Connection (10)Additional Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Adding Other USB Devices (24)USB Print and Storage Center (25)Guest Access (26)Media Server by myTwonky (27)Website Filters. Powered by Norton (28)Intellistream QoS (29)IPv6 Configuration (32)Getting to Know Your Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Front Panel (33)Back Panel (34)Technical Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Technical Features (35)System Requirements........................................36Using Your Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Auto Update on Your Belkin Router.. (37)Updating the Router’s Firmware via the Web Interface (38)Resetting the Router (41)Restoring the Router to Default (42)Troubleshooting, Support, and Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Troubleshooting (44)Technical Support (49)Belkin International, Inc., Limited 2-Year Product Warranty (50)Regulatory Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 FCC Statement (53)What’s in the BoxN600 DB Wireless N+ Router Ethernet cable (attached to router) Power supply (attached to router) Network information card (attached to router) Quick Setup Guide Initial SetupWhere to Place Your RouterFor the best results, place the Router next to your modem in an open location, away from large metal objects and magnets such as those found in speakers. Raising the Router above floor level can improve the strength of your wireless signal.How to Set It UpConnect Your N600 DB RouterTurn off your modem by disconnecting its power supply. Some modems have a battery backup; this will need to be disconnected at this time as well.Connect your Router to your modem using the cable (already attached).Power up your modem by plugging in its power supply. If your modem has a battery backup, it can be reconnected at this time; you may need to hold the reset button for 10 seconds.Power up your Router by plugging in its power supply.Connect to Your RouterRetrieve the network ID card from the foot of your new Belkin Router.Can’t find the card? The default network name and password are also printed on the foot of the Router.Use your computer, tablet, or smartphone to connect tothe wireless network shown on the network ID card.For information on how to connect your wireless devices, please see the “Connect Your Wireless Devices” section on page 20.When requested, please enter the password (security key) provided on the card.When your device has connected to the Router, use a browser to visit http://router/. The router homepage will appear.If the page does not load, then try visitinghttp:// to see the router homepage.Click the “Detect my connection” button in green. (Ifyou would rather set up the Router manually, click the“set it up manually” link and proceed to page 10.)After several moments, your Router should automatically detect your Internet connection and restart. This can take anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes depending on your connection type.If your Router is unable to establish an Internet connectionon its own, you may be asked to restart your modem or provide a username and password if your connection requiresone. Follow the on-screen instructions provided.Once your Router is online, it will determine if there is aIf there are no updates available, then setup will proceed. firmware update available and offer to install it. Pleaseallow up to 5 minutes for the firmware to update.At the next screen you will be invited to change your network name and password. Re-using your previous network name (SSID) and password makes connecting your existing devices to the new router much easier.If you decide to change these settings, then enter the new values and click “Save and Continue.” (Note: The password must be at least 8 characters long.)If you changed your network name and password, make note of it on the service card located on the foot of the Router. You will then have to connect to the new network.Please take this opportunity to register your Router. This will help technical support if there is a problem with your Router.Simply complete each of the required fields and click “Complete Registration.” If you don’t want to register right now, click “Register Later” to proceed.At the next screen you can download optionalsoftware that was bundled with your Router.This screen shows you optional software that is available for your Router, such as the USB software to allow you to print through the Router’s USB port. If you wish to download and install any of these software programs, simply click on the button appropriate for your device.Using the WPS Button1 . Start WPS Push Button Connection (WPS PBC) on yourcomputer or other Wi-Fi device that you would like to connectwirelessly to your Router. Often there will be a button for thispurpose in software that came with the device, or a physical“WPS,” “PBC,” or “Security” button on the device itself.2 . Within two minutes, press the WPS button onyour Router and hold for two seconds.The WPS light (small light above WPS button) will blink blue while itlistens for your Wi-Fi device. Once a connection is established, thelight will turn blue and then go out. If a connection is not established,the light will blink amber. You may repeat the process to try again.You can repeat this process for each WPS-enableddevice you’d like to add to your network.When finished installing optional software, click“Thanks, take me to the dashboard.”Congratulations! You are now at your Router’sdashboard. Your Router is set up and ready to use.Manually Set Up Your Internet ConnectionUse a browser to visit http://router/. You can also try visitinghttp:// The Router’s Welcome page should appear.Click the “Set it up manually” link. Please select the typeof connection your ISP provides. Refer to page 16 for adescription of the connection types.If the selected connection type requires additional information (suchas an ISP username and password), the system will ask you for it.At the next screen you will be invited to change yournetwork name and password. Reusing your previousnetwork name (SSID) and password makes connectingyour existing devices to the new router much easier.If you decide to change these settings, then enter thenew values and click “Save and Continue.” (Note: The password must be at least 8 characters long.)If you changed your network name and password, make note of it on the service card located on the foot of the Router. You will then have to connect to the new network. Please refer to page 20 to do this.Click “Great, what’s next?”Please take this opportunity to register your Router. This will help technical support if there is a problem with your Router. Simply complete each of the required fields and click “Complete Registration.” If you don’t want to register right now, click “Register Later” to proceed.At the next screen you can download optional software that was bundled with your Router.This screen shows you optional software that is availablefor your Router, such as the USB software to allow you to print through the Router’s USB port. If you wish to download and install any of these software programs, simply click on the button appropriate for your device. When finished installing optional software, click “Thanks, take me to the dashboard.”Congratulations! You are now at your Router’s dashboard.Your Router is now set up and ready to use.The status of your Internet connection is shown inthe upper left corner of the Router’s homepage.If it does not say “Online,” troubleshooting information will be displayed.Manually Configuring Your Router’sInternet from the DashboardTo set up your ISP connection manually, select “ISP ConnectionType” from the list under the header “WAN Settings.”Dynamic ConnectionCable and fiber customers generally require a dynamic connection. Some DSL customers require a PPPoE connection. Let’s try dynamic first. Select “Dynamic” from the menu that appears and press “Next.”A host name is generally not required.Hit “Save.” The Router will restart.If after a few minutes your Internet Status says“Online,” you’re done! You can surf the Internet.If these steps do not work, try restarting yourmodem and repeating the process.If not, we’ll try a PPPoE connection next.PPPoE ConnectionSome DSL customers require a PPPoE connection. Select PPPoE this time and press “Next.”Enter the username and password supplied by yourInternet provider and click “Save.” Ignore the other fieldsunless required by your ISP. The Router will restart.If after a few minutes your Internet Status says“Connected,” you’re done! You can surf the Internet.If these steps do not work, try restarting yourmodem and repeating the process.Android ™(phones and tablets)1. Open the Settings app and select Wireless and Network .2. From there, select Wi-Fi to see the list of available networks.3. Select your wireless network from the list. If askedto do so, enter your network password.Connect Your Wireless DevicesiOS(iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch)1. Open the Settings app and select the Wi-Fi menu item.2. Select your wireless network from the list that appearsthere. If asked to do so, enter the network password.Mac OS ® XYour Mac ® provides a menu of available wireless networks at the right end of the menu bar.1. Click on theicon showing wireless waves.2. Select your wireless network from the list that appearsthere. If asked to do so, enter the network password.Windows® 7Your computer provides a menu of available wireless networks at the right end of the task bar.1.2. Select your wireless network from the list. If asked,enter your network password (network key).Windows Vista® and Windows XPYour device provides a menu of available wirelessnetworks at the right end of the task bar.1.Right-click on the icon that shows a computer withwireless waves (XP)or two computers (Windows Vista).2. Choose “View Available Wireless Networks (XP)” or“Connect to a network (Vista)” from the menu.3.Select your wireless network from the list. If asked,enter your network password (network key).Adding USB DevicesAdding a DriveYou can share a USB hard drive or flash drive to your network via your Router’s USB port. Once connected, you can share files and music with other computers and devices within your network.Plug your USB hard drive into the USB port on the back of your Router. You can manually check the status of your shared driveby visiting the USB Print and Storage Manager. If youhave difficulty sharing a drive on your network, pleasesee the “Troubleshooting” section of this manual.A few USB hard disks require more power than the Router’s USB port provides. In these cases, you may notice the drive failing to come on or remaining on for a short time. If your disk has an optional power supply, please use it while the disk is attached to your Router.Adding a PrinterYou can add a printer to your network via your Router’s USB port. Once connected, you can print from various computers and wireless devices within your network.Plug your printer’s USB cable into the USB portlocated on the back of your Router.You can manually check the status of your printer by visiting the USB Print and Storage Manager, found under the Belkin icon displayed in your system tray (Windows) or menu bar (Mac). If you have difficulty sharing a printer on your network, please see the “Troubleshooting” section of this manual.Note: Each computer that will use the printer must have both the Belkin software and the printer’s driver installed.If the print driver is not installed, you will be asked to install it by the Belkin USB Print and Storage Manager.Adding Other USB DevicesOther USB devices may also be shared via your Router. Plug your device into the USB port located on the back of your Router. Computers running the Belkin USB Print and Storage Manager will be able to make use of the shared device.Optional SoftwareUSB Print and Storage CenterThe USB Print and Storage Center helps to manage and monitor the use of your USB printers, scanners, hard drives, and other devices that are connected to your Router’s USB port and shared across your network.Guest AccessYou can allow guests to use your Internet connection without joining your personal network. The network name and password for the guest network is located on the network information card found under the foot of your Router.A person using your guest network will be able to join without a password, but will be shown a login page when they attempt to surf the Web. They will need to enterthe guest password into this page to continue.Media Server by myTwonkyMedia Server by myTwonky lets your Router stream music, movies,and photos to different DLNA/UPnP devices on your network.In order to use Media Server by myTwonky, you will need to inserta USB storage device with media content into a free USB porton the back of your Router. Your Router will begin to make yourcontent available to other devices on your network automatically.If you want to configure Media Server by myTwonky, visithttp://router/ and choose “Media Server.”There are several settings in the configuration page:DLNA Server:Enables or disables your media serverServer Name:T he name under which other devices will seeyour contentRefresh:R e-scans your USB storage devices formedia contentShared Drives:S hows information about and status of each of yourattached drives. You can see the name of the drive,its capacity, and whether media is being served fromit or not.When you click “Save,” your Router will save your changes.Website Filters . Powered by Norton Web filters provide a first layer of whole-home Internet protection to guard you from unsafe and inappropriate websites on any device on your network.There are four different filtering options:1. Block malicious, adult, and other non-family-friendly sites2. Block malicious and adult sites3. Block malicious sites4. No filtersIf you think a site should be added to the filteringlist, submit a request at .Content filtering may not work as intended if:1 . You are connecting through a VPN router.2 . You are routing traffic through a proxy server.3 . You have previously visited the site and it has been stored in your cache.4 . You manually set the DNS servers on yourcomputer, tablet, or smartphone.Intellistream QoSIntellistream prioritizes video and gaming traffic for a better online entertainment experience.There are two ways to enable Intellistream:Run a Speed Test:In order for Intellistream to provide you the best media experience, your Router needs to know what your approximate Internet speeds are.Click “Run a Speed Test” and the test will begin.Once complete you will see the results.If your Internet speed is greater than 70Mbps when downloading, Intellistream QoS will only improve your uploading experience.Refresh – This will retest your Internet speed.When you click “Save,” your Router will save your changes.When you click “Save,” your Router will save your changes.Intellistream is now enabled.Manual set – This will let you set your approximate Internet speeds. If you do not know your Internet speeds, contact your ISP.IPv6 ConfigurationA new version of Internet Protocol (IP) uses a128-bit address to implement additional featuresthat are not present in current IP addresses.Contact your ISP to inquire about their support for IPv6.Pass-ThroughDevices connected to your Router can talk to each other usingnative IPv6 packets, but information will be sent to all connecteddevices. Pass-through is not efficient and is not recommended forconsistent use.ABA) Router Status LightYour Router’s status is shown by the light on the front.Off: The Router is not plugged into a power source. Blinking Blue: The Router is starting up.Solid Blue: The Router is connected to the Internet. Blinking Amber: The Router can’t detect the modem. Either themodem is off, is not plugged into the Router, or is unresponsive.B) W i-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) Light and ButtonThe WPS button on the front of your Router can beused to help establish a secure connection betweenyour Router and other WPS-enabled Wi-Fi devicessuch as computers. To use WPS, refer to page 9.The small light near the WPS button shows what is happening while you are using WPS to establish a connection.Off: IdleBlinking Blue: The Router is listening for a WPS-enabled computer or other device.Solid Blue: The Router has made a secure connection with the computer or other device.Amber: A connection was not created.A) Modem (WAN) Connector Connect your modem to thisport using an Ethernet cable.B) Wired (LAN) Connectors Connect computers and other wired network devices to these ports using Ethernet cables.C) USB PortUSB printers, disks, and otherUSB devices plugged into thisport will be shared on yournetwork. Each USB port has alight that indicates its status.Off: No USB device isconnected or the attachedUSB device is not in use.Blinking: Please wait tounplug the device untilthe light turns off.On: The USB device isconnected and beingshared on your network.D) Reset ButtonThis button is used to restartyour Router in rare cases when itfunctions incorrectly. Resettingthe Router will preserve yoursettings. This button may alsobe used to restore the factorydefault settings. Please seethe Troubleshooting sectionfor more information.E) Power ConnectorConnect the included powersupply to this jack.Back PanelTechnical FeaturesIntegrated 802 .11n Wireless Access Point Utilizing Dual-Band Network technology, your Router creates two separate networks (one at 2.4GHz band and the other at 5GHz band), allowing increased bandwidth to all your connected wireless devices and computers.NAT IP Address SharingTo save you the cost of adding IP addresses per computer in your house, your Belkin Router uses Network Address Translation (NAT) technology, allowing you to share a single IP address across your network.SPI FirewallYour Router is equipped with a firewall that will protect your network from a wide array of common attacks and viruses.Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP) CompatibilityUPnP offers seamless operation of voice and video messaging, games, and other applications that are UPnP-compliant.Web-Based Advanced User InterfaceYou can easily make changes to your Router’s advanced settings through your web browser. These changes canbe made from any computer on your network.Integrated 4-Port 10/100 SwitchYour Router has a built-in, 4-port network switch toallow your wired computers to share: printers, data,MP3 files, digital photos, and much more.USB PortThe USB port lets you plug in printers, hard drives, and other USB devices to share across your network.System RequirementsRouterBroadband Internet connection such as a cable orDSL modem with RJ45 (Ethernet) connectionAt least one computer with an installed network interface adapter TCP/IP networking protocol installed on each computerRJ45 Ethernet networking cableInternet browser SetupA computer running Internet Explorer® 8 or higher, Firefox®, Google Chrome™, or Safari®Minimum 1GHz processor and 512MB RAMOr a smart device running iOS or Android operating systemsUSB Print and Storage ManagerWindows XP SP3 or higher, Windows Vista, or Windows 7; or Mac OS X v10.5 or aboveMinimum 1GHz processor and 512MB RAM50MB of free hard-drive space for installationAuto Update on Your Belkin RouterThe Router will automatically check for a newer version of firmware every time you log into the dashboard and alert you with a message at the top of the screen if there is an update available. You can choose to download the new version or ignore it.You will see a series of prompts warning you that the firmware is about to be updated. Please do not disconnect the power from the Router at this time as it could cause the system to fail.Updating the Router’s Firmwarevia the Web InterfaceThe following steps show you how to update your Router’s firmware using its web interface. You do not need to be connected to the Internet as this interface is built into the Router itself.Setup steps:1 . Locate and download the firmware file from the Belkin support site. (Type your part number into the search box in the top right corner and look for “Firmware” in the title.)2 . Save the file to a location on your computer whereyou can get to it easily, such as your desktop.3 . Connect the computer to one of the four LANports on the Router (refer to image).4. Open a web browser on the computer.5 . In the address bar of the web browser, type “http://router” or “” and press “Enter” on your keyboard.6 . Click on “Firmware Update” toward the bottom.7 . Click the “Choose File” button toward the middle of thescreen to search for the file you saved previously.Note:T he firmware version in the image above isdepicted as an example. Your file name will varydepending on your model and version.9 . Click the “Update” button.10 . A prompt asking, “Are you sure you want to continuewith upgrading?” will appear. Click “OK”.11 . A second prompt will open telling you the Router will notrespond during the upgrade and warning you not to remove the power supply from the Router. Click “OK” once more.Congratulations. The firmware has been updated successfully.8 . Select the firmware file by left-clicking on it and then clickthe “Open” button in the lower-right corner of the window. This will take you back into the Router’s interface.Resetting the RouterReset Button – RedThe “Reset” button is used in rare cases when the Router may function improperly. Resetting the Router will restore the Router’s normal operation while maintaining the programmed settings. You can also restore the factory default settings by using the “Reset” button. Use the restore option in instances where you may have forgotten your custom password.Resetting the RouterPush and release the “Reset” button. The lights on the Router will momentarily flash. The “Router” light will begin to blink. When the “Router” light becomes solid again, the reset is complete.Restoring Your Router to Factory Defaults Press and hold the “Reset” button for at least 5 seconds, and then release it. The lights on the Router will momentarily flash. The “Router” light will begin to blink. When the “Router” light becomes solid again, the restore is complete.Restoring the Router to DefaultSettings Using the Web InterfaceSymptomsYou need to restore the factory defaults using the web interface. This may be because the Router is not performing as expected or you wish to remove all previously configured settings.Setup steps1 . Open a web browser on the computer.2. In the address bar of the web browser, type “http://router” or “”. 3 . Click on “Restore Factory Defaults” in the left-hand column underthe “Utilities” heading.4 . Click on the “Restore Defaults” button.5. A warning box will open that says, “Warning: All your settingswill be lost. Are you sure you want to do this?” Click “OK”.6 . The Router will begin the restoring process. Oncethe restore is complete, the Router will reboot.Note: This may take several minutes.Your Router has successfully been restored to its factory settings.TroubleshootingI can’t connect to the Internet wirelessly .If the light on the front of the Router is solid blue, then your Router is connected to the Internet. You may not be connected to the Router’s wireless network. Please refer to “Connect Your Wireless Devices” on page 20 of this manual for instructions.If your Windows XP computer is running SP2, you willnot be able to set up the Router via the wireless setup process. You will need to either update to Windows XPSP3 or complete the setup via a wired connection.I can’t connect to the Internet wirelessly and my network name is not listed in Available Networks .1 . Verify that your Router is on and thefront-panel light shows solid blue.2 . If you are far from the Router, you might try moving closer to see if you might have been out of range.3 . Using a computer attached to the Router via a network cable, visit http://router/ and ensure that “Broadcast SSID” is ON. This setting is found on the “Channel and SSID” page.My wireless network performance is slow, inconsistent, suffers from weak signal, or I’m having difficulty maintaining a VPN connection .Wireless technology is radio-based, which means connectivity and the throughput performance between devices decreases when the distance between devices increases. Other factors that will cause signal degradation (metal is generally the worst culprit) are obstructions such as wallsand metal appliances. Note also that connection speed may decrease as you move farther away from the Router.In order to determine if wireless issues are related to range, we suggest temporarily moving the computerwithin 10 feet from the Router if possible.Changing the wireless channel—Depending on local wireless traffic and interference, switching the wireless channel of your network can improve performance and reliability. See the section titled “Changing the Wireless Channel” for instructions on how to choose other channels.Limiting the wireless transmit rate—Limiting the wireless transmit rate can help improve range and connection stability. Most wireless cards have the ability to limit the transmission rate. To change this property in Windows, go to the Windows Control Panel, open “Network Connections”, and double-click on your wireless card’s connection. In the properties dialog, select the “Configure” button on the “General” tab, then choose the “Advanced” tab and select the rate property.Wireless client cards are usually set to automatically adjustthe wireless transmit rate for you, but doing so can cause periodic disconnects when the wireless signal is too weak; asa rule, slower transmission rates are more stable. Experimentwith different connection rates until you find the best onefor your environment. Note that all available transmissionrates should be acceptable for browsing the Internet. Formore assistance, see your wireless card’s user manual.I’ve installed this new Router and some of my network clients (computers, game consoles, etc .) are now unable to connect . Your new Router came pre-configured with a network name and password, found printed on an attached card. All clients must use this network name and password to connect wirelessly to your Router. You will need to find the network settings on your client, select the network name printed on the card from the list of available networks, and enter the password when prompted to join the wireless network.。
TT DULWAN 中文设置说明
![TT DULWAN 中文设置说明](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b7dc21cea1c7aa00b52acba0.png)
TT DULWAN 中文版操作说明(飞翔无线制作2010年10月)Tomato DualW AN 功能Tomato DualWAN 使那些能刷Tomato或DD-WRT固件的路由器由原来的单WAN口变成双WAN口,而这一切不需要在路由器上增加任何硬件,只需要刷一下Tomato DualWAN 固件就可以。
刷了Tomato DualWAN之后转变出来的第二个WAN口可以接有线网络也可以接无线网络,双WAN模式支持带宽合并或智能路由。
注意:要工作在双W AN模式,您必须要有两条线路(可以是自己的线路+别人的无线网络)或者有两个宽带帐号,否则无法工作在双W AN模式。
刷了Tomato DualWAN 的路由器除了具备普通路由器的基本功能以外,还提供如下特色功能:带宽合并/负载均衡,可以将两条线路的带宽合并实现快速下载智能路由,自动根据目标IP所属ISP选择最优线路出去,加快用户访问速度QoS/IP限速,合理分配网络带宽设备流量实时查看,了解每台电脑的流量状况ARP绑定,可以阻止非法用户使用网络IPID防电信网络尖兵VPN(PPTP)服务器和客户端,可以将分布在不同地方的办公室组成一个局域网支持Apple(Mac OS X)的NA T-PMP(UPnP的另外一种)BT脱机下载功能(路由器需要有USB接口),睡觉前或者上班的时候让路由器帮你下载喜欢的游戏或者电影,而不需要开着电脑Samba服务器(路由器需要有USB接口),提供文件共享功能,以便直接在PC上播放路由器下载好的电影FTP服务器(路由器需要有USB接口)3G上网功能(路由器需要有USB接口),插上USB接口的3G上网卡或者智能手机后,路由器就变成一个3G路由器,团队出差的时候多人共享上网很方便上网通告功能Tomato DualWAN已知支持下列设备说明:支持VLAN一栏如果是Y的说明该设备的WAN2可以接有线网络或者无线网络,WAN2为原WAN不能接有线网络,但是可以作为无线客户端接入到别人的无线网络。
DWRT V24 万能中继的设置方法)
![DWRT V24 万能中继的设置方法)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b870b1087cd184254b35356b.png)
DWRT V24 万能中继的设置方法!2007-08-20 22:16设置如下:具体环境是这样的阳台上有1个TP-LINK的弱信号,但在房间内无法使用常见参数ddwrt的默认ip地址为192.168.1.1 用户名root 密码 adminlinksys的默认ip地址192.168.1.1 用户名admin 密码 admintplink 的默认ip地址192.168.1.1 用户名admin 密码 admin贝尔金默认ip 地址192.168.2.1 用户名密码空DLINK默认ip地址192.168.0.1 用户名admin 密码空首先当然需要一台刷了v24版DDWRT的无线路由器,我这里有linksys buffalo dell 都可以刷。
第一步需要修改路由器默认的IP,一般刷好DDWRT后的默认IP都是192.168.1.1 这个IP地址和LINKSYS TPLINK 等几款路由的默认IP冲突,做中继的时候无法完成,为安全起见,我们先把自己的IP修改成不同的网段。
到“设置-基本设置”里,把路由本地IP改成其他的网段,比如192.168.20.1 等等都可以。
5、点击【DHCP服务器】---【DHC服务器设置】,把【地址池起始地址】设置为192.168.1.100;把【地址池结束地址】设置为192.168.1.149 点击保存,重启主路由器。
7、由于新的WDS功能于老式的Bridge有所不同,更为高级,所以仅需所有副路由器开启WDS 并填入主路由的信息即可,如主路由开启WDS或Bridge功能,请关闭,否则WDS功能无法使用。
酷玩宽带无线路由器用户手册F7D4301zh 8820zh00378法规信息 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35FCC 声明 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35入门 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1涵盖内容 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1初始安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1高级工具和设置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6贝尔金路由器管理 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7使用浏览器手动安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8将计算机添加到网络 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9添加 USB 设备 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11捆绑软件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14附加功能 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16路由器入门 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17前面板 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17后面板 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18详细技术数据 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19技术特点 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19系统要求 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20故障诊断、支持和保修 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22故障诊断 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22技术支持 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Belkin International, Inc ., 三年有效期产品保修 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32涵盖内容酷玩宽带无线路由器以太网线缆(路由器随附)电源(路由器随附)网络信息卡(路由器随附)Belkin 安装光盘及用户手册初始安装 .路由器安装位置为了获得最佳效果,请将路由器安装在较宽敞的位置且位于调制解调器旁,并远离大型金属物体和磁体(如扬声器中的磁体)。
设置完成点击套用变更值;在左侧的菜单中点击DNS 可以选择使用ISP提供的DNS服务器或者自定义,建议普通用户保持默认;在菜单中切换到MAC地址可以修改无线路由器WAN口的MAC(如果运营商绑定MAC的话会用到)。
配置无线在左侧菜单切换到频道和SSID 来配置无线功能:无线信道:默认选择自动,无需更改。
802.11E QOS:默认关闭,QOS也就是服务质量,开启会占用很大资源,而且貌似用处不大。
贝尔金产品常见问题解答无线路由器FAQQ1: 路由器无法连接InternetA1: 首先需要检查硬件连接,确定所有连线正确,线缆通畅;其次需要确定自己的宽带连接类型;有3种基本连接类型:动态、静态、PPPoE动态:宽带服务商没有提供任何帐号、密码和IP地址等信息的,任何电脑直接连接上宽带网线即可上网,且无需拨号操作的,一般选择动态连接类型,有部分此连接类型宽带需要复制MAC地址静态:宽带服务商没有提供任何帐号、密码信息,但提供了详细的IP地址、子网掩码、默认网关和DNS服务器地址的,一般为静态连接类型,有部分此连接类型宽带需要复制MAC地址PPPoE:宽带服务商提供了详细的用户名和密码的,一般为PPPoE连接类型,大部分需要拨号上网的宽带都是选择此连接类型,有部分此连接类型宽带需要复制MAC地址,使用此类型宽带的客户在填写宽带帐号和密码时,一定要按照宽带服务商所提供的信息准确填写,NN路由器外侧卡牌上的是安全预设功能中的无线SSID名称和密码,需要客户避免将此信息误当做宽带帐号和密码填入PPPoE栏内Q2:搜索不到路由器的无线网络信号A2:首先需要确认电脑中安装有无线网卡,且而并非3G网卡或其他移动服务商所提供的收费类型网卡,目前主流笔记本型电脑都安装有无线网卡,且都有开关,所以还需要确认开关是否开启。
笔记本自带无线网卡往往会有什么个使用程序,其一为Windows 自带无线网络连接,其一为笔记本厂商出厂时预装的无线网卡使用程序,这两个使用程序都可以调用无线网卡,但同时只能有一个程序处于可用状态,并在该程序界面查看到无线网络信号,即看到SSID。