


母亲让施振荣自己开抽屉拿钱,使施振荣养成 自尊自重,不偷鸡摸狗的人格 对孩子的用钱态度,她的方法是:「我教他应 用则用,不应用就一毛钱也不可以用。」她把日 常用的钱放在家中的抽屉中,施振荣要钱用时, 先向她禀明用途,经她允许后,就可以自己开抽 屉拿钱。对有些母亲为孩子定存一大笔钱在银行, 不许孩子自行取用,施陈秀莲认为这个方法是不 对的。她说:「这些孩子明明知道自己名下有一 大笔钱,却不能用,结果就会产生偷钱或偷东西 的行为。」 10/21/2018

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28 10/21/2018
童年饱尝生活艰辛。三岁丧父,他的母亲施 陈秀莲女士则是影响他一生最深的人。 1971年毕业于国立交通大学电子工程研究所。 1976年创办多技国际公司,后改名宏碁公司。 1992年施振荣再造新宏碁1996年被《商业周 刊》选为全球25位最佳企业总裁之一。 2004年底正式由宏碁集团退休,也写下“全 球高科技产业在位最久的CEO”记录。

惠普手写笔用户指南 630-B4731-D01说明书

惠普手写笔用户指南 630-B4731-D01说明书

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pPIC9KA Pichia Vector for Multicopy Integrationand Secreted ExpressionCatalog no. V175–20Version G03 June 201025-0106User ManualiiTable of ContentsKit Contents and Storage (v)Accessory Products (vi)Introduction (1)Overview (1)Materials (5)Methods (6)Cloning into pPIC9K (6)Analysis of E. coli Transformants (9)Transformation into Pichia (10)In Vivo Screening of Multiple Inserts (12)Analyzing Results (16)Troubleshooting (17)Appendix (18)Recipes (18)Pichia Genomic DNA Isolation (19)Easy-DNA™ Protocol for Isolation of DNA from Pichia (21)Determination of Copy Number of Multiple Integrants (22)Map and Features of pPIC9K (24)Technical Support (26)Purchaser Notification (27)References (28)iiiivKit Contents and StoragepPIC9K is shipped on wet ice. Upon receipt, store pPIC9K at –20°C.Shipping andStorageContents This kit contains:20 μg of pPIC9K vector, supplied in suspension as 40 μl of 0.5 μg/μl vector in10 mM Tris–HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0vAccessory ProductsAdditional ProductsThe products listed in this section are intended for use with the pPIC9K vectors.For more information, visit our web site at or contactTechnical Support (page 26).Product QuantityCatalogno. Original Pichia Expression Kit 1 kit K1710–01EasySelect™Pichia Expression Kit 1 kit K1740–01Easy-DNA™ Kit 15–200 reactions K1800–01TA Cloning® Kit 20 reactions K2000–01pPIC3.5K 20 μg each V173–20pAO815 20 μg each V180–20Pichia EasyComp™ Transformation Kit 1 kit K1730–01Pichia Protocols 1 book G100–01One Shot® TOP10 (chemically competent E. coli) 10reactions20 reactionsC4040–10C4040–03One Shot® TOP10 Electrocompetent E. Coli 10 reactions20 reactionsC4040–50C4040–52TOP10 Electrocomp™ Kits 20 reactions2 × 20 reactionsC664–55C664–11Ampicillin Sodium Salt, irradiated 200 mg 11596–027Geneticin® Selective Antibiotic (powder) 5 g25 g11811–03111811–098Geneticin® Selective Antibiotic (liquid) 20 ml100 ml10131–03510131–027viIntroductionOverviewIntroduction Multiple copy integration of recombinant genes in Pichia has been demonstrated to increase expression of the desired gene in some cases (Brierley, et al., 1994;Clare, et al., 1991a; Cregg, et al., 1993; Romanos, et al., 1991; Scorer, et al., 1993;Scorer, et al., 1994; Thill, et al., 1990; Vedvick, et al., 1991.). The pPIC9K vectorincluded in this kit allows isolation of multicopy inserts by an in vivo method, inorder to test whether increasing the copy number of your recombinant gene willlead to a subsequent increase in secreted protein expression. This in vivo methodutilizes resistance to Geneticin® (G418 sulfate) to screen for possible multicopyinserts.Description The pPIC9K vector is identical to pPIC9 except for the presence of the kanamycin resistance gene for in vivo screening of multiple copy inserts. pPIC9K isfunctional in Pichia strains GS115 and KM71. Additional features of the pPIC9Kvector include:•9276 bp fusion vector•Four unique restriction sites for cloning in frame with the α-factor secretionsignal: Sna B I, Eco R I, Avr II, Not I•Secreted expression of your gene using the α-factor secretion signal•For expression, your gene must be cloned in frame with the initiation codonof the signal sequence.•HIS4 selection in Pichia•For gene replacement at AOX1 in GS115, linearize with Bgl II (generatesHis+ Mut S)•For insertion at AOX1 in GS115 or KM71, linearize with Sac I (generatesHis+ Mut+ in GS115 and His+ Mut S in KM71)•For insertion at HIS4, linearize with Sal I (generates His+ Mut+ in GS115 andHis+ Mut S in KM71)See page 10 for alternate restriction sites if your insert DNA has a Bgl II, Sac I, orSal I site.There is no yeast origin of replication in any of the Pichia expression vectors included in this kit. His+ transformants can only be isolated if recombinationoccurs between the plasmid and the Pichia genome.Continued on next page1Frequency of Multicopy InsertsMultiple plasmid integration events occur spontaneously in Pichia at a frequency between 1 and 10% of all His + transformants. The in vivo method allows you to screen for the His + transformants that may have multiple inserts of your gene.Generation of Multicopy Inserts in vivopPIC9K contains the bacterial kanamycin gene (kan from Tn 903) that confers resistance to Geneticin ® in Pichia . Note that kan does not confer resistance to kanamycin in Pichia . The level of Geneticin ® resistance roughly depends on the number of kanamycin genes integrated. A single copy of pPIC9K integrated into the Pichia genome confers resistance to Geneticin ® to a level of ~0.25 mg/ml. Multiple integrated copies of pPIC9K can increase the Geneticin ® resistance level from 0.5 mg/ml (1–2 copies) up to 4 mg/ml (7–12 copies). Because of the genetic linkage between the kanamycin gene and the "expression cassette" (P AOX1 and your gene of interest), one can infer that Geneticin ® resistant clones containmultiple copies of your gene. Secreted protein expression may increase because of a gene dosage effect. Thus, the presence of the kan gene on pPIC9K can be used as a tool to detect pPIC9K transformants that harbor multiple copies of your gene. The graphic below shows multiple insertion of your expression cassette linked to the kan gene.2nd Insertion Event3rd Insertion Event, etc.Continued on next page2Screening on Geneticin®Direct selection of Geneticin® resistance in yeast does not work well because newly transformed cells need time to express sufficient amounts of the resistance factor. Since yeast grow much more slowly than bacteria, significant numbers of recombinant yeast are killed before they accumulate enough of the resistance factor to survive direct plating on antibiotic.Do not use Geneticin® resistance as a selectable marker. The procedure to generate Geneticin® resistant clones requires an initial selection of His+ transformants followed by a screen for varying levels of Geneticin® resistance. Resistance to Geneticin® conferred by the kanamycin gene present on pPIC9K is used as a screen, not as a selection for multicopy integrants.Alternatives for Generating Multicopy Inserts In addition to this vector for secreted expression, Invitrogen has available twoother vectors, pPIC3.5K and pAO815. These vectors are designed for intracellular expression of recombinant proteins. pPIC3.5K also uses Geneticin® resistance to screen for multicopy inserts and uses the in vivo method. pAO815 is used to construct multiple copies of your gene in vitro prior to transformation into Pichia. Multiple copies are cloned in tandem into pAO815 and then are transformed into Pichia. When His+ transformants are selected, they will contain multiple copies of your gene.A summary of each method is presented in the tables provided on the next page.The "best" method is the one that works for your protein; unfortunately, there isno way to predict beforehand which method will work for you.Continued on next page3Methods for Generating Multicopy Inserts A summary of the advantages and disadvantages of the in vivo and in vitro method for generating multicopy inserts (previous page) is presented in the tables below. The "best" method is the one that works for your protein; unfortunately, there is no way to predict beforehand which method will work for you.In vivo Method (pPIC9K and pPIC3.5K vectors)Advantages DisadvantagesEasier to initiate experiment because only one copy of your gene is cloned into pPIC3.5K or pPIC9K before transforming into Pichia Qualitative screen—Geneticin® resistance roughly correlates with the number of copies of your gene.Identifies the 1–10% of spontaneous His+ transformants that have multiple inserts Screening His+ transformants may involve more work because you will need thousands of His+ transformants to generate enough Geneticin®resistant colonies to testAverage size of vector is similar to other Pichia expression vectors The number of multiple inserts is unknown (although this can be determined through Southern or dot blot analysis)Multiple inserts are located at a single locus Screening on Geneticin® is sensitive to the densityof the cells and may result in the isolation of falsepositivesIn vitro Method (pAO815 vector)Advantages DisadvantagesQuantitative—construction of a defined number of multimers More work up front to clone defined number of multimersMost of the His+ transformants will contain the proper, defined number of inserts Size of the vector may become quite large depending on the size of your gene and the number of copies you createIsolation of recombinants with multiple inserts iseasier because most of the His+ transformants willcontain multiple copies of your geneRearrangements in E. coli may occurIn vitro construction allows step-wise analysis ofcopy number effects on protein expressionMultiple inserts are located at a single locusNo need for a second drug resistance marker inthe vector4MaterialsMaterials Needed For the procedures described in this manual, you will need:•Manual from the Pichia Expression System•Microbiological equipment•Electrocompetent or chemically competent E. coli (must be rec A, end A) fortransformation. You will need 3–4 tubes of competent cells per experiment.For protocols to prepare competent E. coli and transformation protocols, seeCurrent Protocols (Ausubel, et al., 1990) or Molecular Biology: A LaboratoryManual (Sambrook, et al., 1989)•Sterile water•Phenol/chloroform• 3 M sodium acetate•100% ethanol•80% ethanol•T4 Ligase (2.5 units/μl)•10X Ligation Buffer (with ATP)•LB medium•LB-ampicillin plates (50–100 μg/ml ampicillin)•16°C, 37°C, and 65°C water baths or temperature blocks•Geneticin®•YPD- Geneticin® plates (see Recipes, page 18)•50 ml conical centrifuge tubes•Hemacytometer•30°C and 37°C incubator•Microtiter plates (optional)Important Procedures for transformation into E. coli and Pichia, analysis of recombinants, and expression are described in the Pichia manual. This manual is available for downloading from our web site at or by contacting Technical Support (page 26).Continued on next pageMethodsCloning into pPIC9KIntroduction It is important to clone your gene in frame with the α-factor signal sequence.Below are some guidelines to consider when developing a cloning strategy forthis vector. Refer to page 8 for the multiple cloning site of pPIC9K.C We recommend that you transform pPIC9K into E. coli, so that you have a permanent stock and a way to make more plasmid.•Dilute 1 μl of the plasmid (1 μg/μl) to 10–100 pg/μl using sterile water or TE buffer.•Transform competent E. coli with 1–2 μl of the diluted plasmid and select on LB with 50–100 μg/ ml ampicillin (LB-Amp).General Considerations The following are some general considerations applicable to pPIC9K.•The codon usage in Pichia is believed to be the same as Saccharomyces cerevisiae.•Many Saccharomyces genes have proven to be cross-functional in Pichia.•Plasmid constructions should be maintained in a rec A, end A mutant E. coli strain such as TOP10. Electrocompetent TOP10 cells are available fromInvitrogen (page vi)•The native 5´ end of the AOX1 mRNA is noted in the multiple cloning site (see page 8). This is needed to calculate the size of the expressed mRNA of the gene of interest if you need to analyze mRNA for any reason.•Translation termination is determined by either stop codons in the gene of interest or in the 3´ AOX1 sequence. The stop codons in the 3´ AOX1 sequence are noted in the multiple cloning site (see page 8).•The premature termination of transcripts because of "AT rich regions" has been observed in Pichia and other eukaryotic systems (Henikoff and Cohen, 1984; Irniger, et al., 1991; Scorer, et al., 1993; Zaret and Sherman, 1984). If you have problems expressing your gene, check for premature termination and AT rich regions. It may be necessary to change the sequence in order toexpress your gene (Scorer, et al., 1993).•The predicted protease cleavage sites for the α-factor signal sequences are indicated in the multiple cloning site (see page 8).•The open reading frame (ORF) of the mature gene of interest should be cloned in frame and downstream of the α-factor signal sequence.Continued on next pageGeneral Cloning Strategies Strategies generally fall into three different categories:1.Ligation of a compatible restriction fragment:a) Forced (directional) insertion involving the use of two different sitesin the multiple cloning site.b) Ligation of the fragment with the same restriction end on both endsinto a single, compatible site.2.PCR amplification of the fragment containing the gene of interest in such away that compatible restriction ends are generated for ligation into theappropriate vector.3.Direct cloning of an amplified fragment containing the gene of interest via theTA Cloning® Kit (Catalog no. K2000–01), followed by subcloning of acompatible fragment into pPIC9K.Cloning Procedures Refer to (Ausubel, et al., 1990), pages 3.16.1 to 3.17.3. or (Sambrook, et al., 1989), pages 5.10 to 5.13. for help with cloning.Signal Sequence Processing The processing of the α-factor mating signal sequence in pPIC9K occurs intwo steps:1.The preliminary cleavage of the signal sequence by the KEX2 gene product,with the final Kex2 cleavage occurring between arginine and glutamine in the sequence Glu-Lys-Arg * Glu-Ala-Glu-Ala, where * is the site of cleavage.2.The Glu-Ala repeats are further cleaved by the STE13 gene product.Optimization of Signal Cleavage In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it has been noted that the Glu-Ala repeats are not necessary for cleavage by Kex2, but cleavage after Glu-Lys-Arg may be more efficient when followed by Glu-Ala repeats. A number of amino acids are tolerated at site X instead of Glu in the sequence Glu-Lys-Arg-X. These amino acids include the aromatic amino acids, small amino acids, and histidine. Proline, however, will inhibit Kex2 cleavage. For more information on Kex2 cleavage, see Brake, et al., 1984.There are some cases where Ste13 cleavage of Glu-Ala repeats is not efficient, and Glu-Ala repeats are left on the N-terminus of the expressed protein of interest. This is generally dependent on the protein of interest.Bacterial Transformation Once you have decided on a cloning strategy, you will need to prepare competent E. coli cells for transformation before setting up your ligation reactions. See Current Protocols in Molecular Biology (Ausubel, et al., 1990) or Molecular Biology: A Laboratory Manual (Sambrook, et al., 1989) for preparation of electrocompetent or chemically competent E. coli or use your laboratory's procedure.Continued on next pagePAOX1 and Multiple Cloning Site of pPIC9K The sequence below shows the detail of the multiple cloning site and surrounding sequences.CAACTAATTA TTCGAAGGAT CCAAACG ATG AGA TTT CCT TCA ATT TTT ACT GCA GTT TTA TTC GCA GCA TCC TCC GCA TTA GCT GCT CCA GTC AAC ACT ACA ACA GAA GAT GAA ACG GCA CAA ATT CCG GCT GAA GCT GTC ATC GGT TAC TCA GAT TTA GAA GGG GAT TTC GAT GTT GCT GTT TTG CCA TTT TCC AAC AGC ACA AAT AAC GGGTTA TTG TTT ATA AAT ACT ACT ATT GCC AGC ATT GCT GCT AAAGTA GAA TTC CCT AGG GCG GCC GCG AAT TAA TTCGCCTTAG ACATGACTGT TCCTCAGTTC AAGTTGGGCA CTTACGAGAA GACCGGTCTT GCTAGATTCT AATCAAGAGG ATGTCAGAAT GCCATTTGCC TGAGAGATGCMet Arg Phe Pro Ser Ile Phe Thr Ala Val Leu Phe Ala Ala Ser Ser Ala Leu Ala Ala Pro Val Asn Thr Thr Thr Glu Asp Glu Thr Ala Gln Ile Pro Ala Glu Ala Val Ile Gly Tyr Ser Asp Leu Glu Gly Asp Phe Asp Val Ala Val Leu Pro Phe Ser Asn Ser Thr Asn Asn Gly Leu Leu Phe Ile Asn Thr Thr Ile Ala Ser Ile Ala Ala Lys Glu Glu Gly Val Ser Leu Glu Lys Arg Glu Ala Glu Ala Tyr Val Glu Phe Pro Arg Ala Ala Ala Asn ***AOX1 mRNA 5'end (824)Sna BI Avr IIEco RI Not I5' AOX1 primer site (855-875)Signal cleavage (1203-1204)3' AOX 1 primer site (1327-1347)a-Factor Signal SequenceStart (949)AOX1 mRNA 3' end (1418)a-Factor primer site (1152-1172) TTATCATCAT TATTAGCTTA CTTTCATAAT TGCGACTGGT TCCAATTGAC AAGCTTTTGA TTTTAACGAC TTTTAACGAC AACTTGAGAA GATCAAAAAA AGGCTTCATT TTTGATACTT TTTTATTTGT AACCTATATA GTATAGGATTSpecial Considerations •The fragment containing the gene of interest must be cloned in frame with the secretion signal open reading frame.•An initiating ATG is provided by the signal sequence. Translation will initiate at the ATG closest to the 5´ end of the mRNA.•If your insert has a Bgl II site, see page 10 for alternate restriction sites to linearize your plasmid for Pichia transformation.Analysis of E. coli TransformantsIntroduction At this point you should have ligation reactions that you will transform by chemical means or electroporation into competent E. coli cells (TOP10 orequivalent) using your method of choice.Analysis of Transformants 1. After transformation, plate 10 μl and 100 μl of the transformation mix ontoLB plates with 50–100 μg/ml ampicillin (see Recipes, page 18) and select ampicillin resistant colonies.2. Pick 10 ampicillin resistant transformants and inoculate into 2 ml LBmedium with 50–100 μg/ml ampicillin. Grow overnight at 37°C withshaking.3. Isolate plasmid DNA by miniprep for restriction analysis and sequencing(see below). To sequence your construct in pPIC9K, use the α-factor and the 3´ AOX1 primer sequences (see below).4. Make a glycerol stock of your desired clone for safekeeping by combining0.85 ml of a overnight bacterial culture with 0.15 ml of sterile glycerol. Mixby vortexing and transfer to a labeled storage tube. Freeze the tube in liquid nitrogen or a dry ice/ethanol bath and store at –70°C.Sequencing Recombinant Clones We strongly recommend that you sequence your construct before transforming into Pichia to confirm that your gene is in frame with the α-factor secretion signal ATG. We suggest using the α-factor and 3´ AOX1 primer sequences to sequence your construct. Refer to the diagram on the previous page for the sequence and location of these primer binding sites.For sequencing protocols, refer to Unit 7 in Current Protocols in Molecular Biology (Ausubel, et al., 1990) or Chapter 13 in Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual (Sambrook, et al., 1989).After Sequencing Once you have cloned and sequenced your insert, proceed to Transformation into Pichia, page 10. You will need to generate enough plasmid DNA totransform Pichia (5–10 μg of each plasmid per each transformation).Transformation into PichiaIntroduction At this point you will have your gene cloned in pPIC9K. You should also have about 5–10 μg of each construct for each transformation into Pichia. For methodsto transform Pichia and select His+ transformants, refer to the Pichia ExpressionSystem manual. To linearize your construct prior to transformation into Pichia,see below.Linearization of Plasmid DNA It is recommended that you linearize your vector in such a manner to generate both Mut+ and Mut S recombinants. It is possible that one phenotype will express your multicopy integrant better than the other. To linearize pPIC9K containing one copy of your gene:•Bgl II for replacement at AOX1 (GS115, Mut S)•Sac I for insertion at AOX1 (GS115, Mut+ or KM71, Mut S)•Sal I for insertion at HIS4 (GS115, Mut+ or KM71, Mut S)Use strain KM71 if you only want Mut S recombinants. If your insert contains any of the above restriction sites, see the table below for alternate sites.Alternate Restriction Sites The table below describes alternate restriction sites for linearizing your construct before transformation into Pichia.pPIC9K. Note that an additional Stu I site was added with the inclusion of thekan gene, eliminating the unique Stu I site in HIS4.RestrictionEnzyme5´ AOX1 3´AOX1 Vectorbackbone HIS4 geneSac I 209 -- -- --Pme I 414 -- -- --Bpu 1102 I 589 -- -- --Xcm I 699 -- -- --Aat II* (9102) -- -- --Tth III I* -- (7034) -- --Bgl II† 2 6875 -- --Dra I†414 6713 6855, 8046, 8065,8757--Sal I -- -- -- 3178Bsp E I-- -- -- 3845*Restriction sites are outside the AOX1 sequences in the vector backbone, butthey are close enough for efficient recombination to occur.†Restriction sites are used to generate gene replacements at AOX1 in GS115 only.Continued on next pageTransformation into Pichia, ContinuedControls We recommend that you include the following controls when transformingPichia.•The parent vector linearized in the same manner as your construct. This willbe used as a control to confirm integration via PCR (see the Pichia ExpressionManual for a protocol) and as control for background in expression analysisand quantitative dot blots or Southern analysis.•Remember to also isolate a His+ transformant with just one copy of your geneinserted. Most of the His+ transformants created by transforming withrecombinant pPIC9K will only have one copy. Make sure that thetransformant you pick is only resistant to 0.25 mg/ml Geneticin®, and that ithas the same Mut phenotype as the putative multimeric recombinants youare testing. This recombinant will be used as a control to compare expressionlevels with multiple copies of your expression cassette and as a control forsingle copy for quantitative dot blot or Southern analysis. This is a veryimportant control as increasing the copy number of the desired gene does notalways lead to increased expression of recombinant protein.Transformation into Pichia Refer to the Pichia Expression Manual for procedures to prepare Pichia for transformation, transformation procedures, selection of His+ recombinants, and screening for Mut+ and Mut S phenotypes (if desired).Once you have generated His+ transformants using recombinant pPIC9K, proceed to In Vivo Screening of Multiple Inserts, next page.In Vivo Screening of Multiple InsertsIntroduction You will need as many His+ transformants as you can conveniently generate.Recall that statistically 1–10% of the His+ transformants will have more than oneinsert. This means that if the frequency of multicopy inserts is 1%, you will haveto screen 1000 His+ transformants to get 10 Geneticin® resistant colonies to test.This may require 1–5 plates containing His+ transformants. It is not unusual toscreen thousands of colonies. Once you have Geneticin® resistant colonies, youcan then characterize them for their Mut phenotype.Methods to Screen for Geneticin®Resistant Transformants There are two methods used to screen His+ transformants for Geneticin®resistance:Method 1 is technically easier and screens a greater number of clones, but is less reliable. After initial selection of His+ transformants, colonies are pooled and plated on YPD- Geneticin® plates containing increasing concentrations of Geneticin®. Method 1 is applicable to spheroplast or electroporation transformation methods.Method 2 is technically more difficult and screens fewer numbers of clones, but it is more reliable. It involves growing clones in microtiter plates until all clones are at the same density. The cultures are then spotted on the YPD-Geneticin®plates and scored for Geneticin® resistance.There is a tendency to isolate false positives when screening with Geneticin®. It is very important to purify your putative Geneticin® resistant clones by streaking for single colonies on YPD and then confirming Geneticin® resistance on YPD-Geneticin® plates. For this reason, we do not recommend replica-plating as a method to screen for Geneticin® resistance. If you do elect to replica-plate, be sure to confirm Geneticin® resistance.The kanamycin resistance gene was cloned into pPIC9K with its native bacterial promoter. The level of expression is very low. You need to have multicopy integrants before you can begin to see resistance to Geneticin®.Continued on next pageBefore Starting Prepare 4 YPD plates containing each of the following concentrations ofGeneticin®:0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 mg/ml (see Recipes, page 18)Method 1, (Spheroplasts)Use this procedure if you transformed using Pichia spheroplasts. Start with plates containing His+ transformants.ing a sterile spreader, remove the top layer of soft agar containing theHis+ transformants and place into a sterile, 50 ml conical centrifuge tube. 2.Add 10 to 20 ml of sterile water. There should be a 2X volume of waterabove the settled agar. Vortex vigorously for 1–2 minutes.3.Set centrifuge tube upright on bench and let agar pieces settle (about1 minute).4.Determine the cell density of the supernatant by using a hemacytometer.You need at least 5 × 105 cells/ml so you can plate ~105 cells in 200 μl or less.(If the cells are too dilute, transfer the liquid to a fresh tube and centrifuge the cells. Resuspend the cell pellet in sterile water in a volume sufficient to give 5 × 105 cells/ml.)5.Plate 105 cells on YPD-Geneticin® plates containing Geneticin® at a finalconcentration of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 mg/ml. Usefour plates for each concentration. (You may want to confirm the titer of the cells on YPD plates without Geneticin® in order to calculate the percent of Geneticin® resistant colonies you obtain for each Geneticin® concentration and determine whether you are getting multimers at 1–10% of thetransformants plated. Prepare 10-5, 10-6, and 10-7 dilutions of the pooledtransformants using sterile water. Plate 100–200 μl per plate.)6.Incubate plates at 30°C and check daily. Geneticin®-resistant colonies willtake 2–5 days to appear while cells plated on YPD without Geneticin® will take 2–3 days. Proceed to Analysis of Results, page 16.Continued on next pageMethod 1, (Electroporation)Use this procedure when electroporation was used to transform Pichia. Transformants will not be plated in top agar. Start with plates containing His+ transformants.1.Pipette 1–2 ml sterile water over the His+ transformants on each plate. Useall the plates that have His+ transformants.2.Resuspend the His+ transformants into the water by using a sterile spreaderand running it across the top of the agar. Be careful not to tear the agar.3.Transfer and pool the cell suspension into a sterile, 50 ml conical centrifugetube and vortex briefly (5–10 seconds).4.Determine cell density using a hemacytometer or spectrophotometer.1 OD600 = 5 × 107 cells/ml. Note: any agar present will interfere with aspectrophotometer reading.5.Plate 105 cells on YPD plates containing Geneticin® at a final concentration of0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 mg/ml. (You may want toconfirm the titer of the cells on the YPD plates without Geneticin® in order to calculate the percent of Geneticin® resistant colonies you obtain for eachGeneticin® concentration and determine whether you are getting multimers at 1–10% of the transformants plated. Prepare 10-5, 10-6, and 10-7 dilutions of the pooled transformants using sterile water. Plate 100–200 μl per plate.) 6.Incubate plates at 30°C and check daily. Geneticin®-resistant colonies willtake 2–5 days to appear while cells plated on YPD will take 2–3 days.Proceed to Analysis of Results, page 16.If you do not plate all of the cell suspension from either method above, add sterile glycerol to 15% and freeze in convenient aliquots at –80°C. You may thaw the aliquots and analyze for Geneticin® resistant colonies at a later date.。


Guidelines of Health Emergency Exercise
近年来,党中央、国务院不断加强政府的应急管理工作,提高防范与应对突发公共事件 能力。作为应急管理的重要内容,卫生部门的卫生应急工作不断加强,在减少突发事件人员 伤亡和健康危害,保障人民群众身体健康和生命安全,维护社会稳定等方面,发挥着越来越 重要的作用。但是,不断增多的各类突发事件,特别是 2008年以来,我国连续经历汶川大地 震、青海玉树地震、舟曲特大山洪泥石流、南方地区洪涝灾害、冰冻雨雪灾害和西南地区旱 灾等重大自然灾害,以及人感染猪链球菌病疫情、甲型(H1N1)流感大流行、人感染高致病 性禽流感、部分地区肺鼠疫疫情、全国手足口病疫情、部分地区无形体病疫情、新型布尼亚 病毒、广东地区登革热及基孔肯雅、人感染H7N9禽流感等重大传染病疫情。这些重大突发事 件不仅对人民群众身体健康和生命安全造成了严重危害,也对如何进一步快速、有序、科学 和有效开展应对工作提出了更高要求。而应急演练作为加强我国卫生应急体系建设发展,提 高应急实战能力的重要手段,必然会发挥越来越重要的作用。近年来,各地各级卫生部门不 断开展各种演练工作,进行了大量演练实践。为进一步规范和指导卫生应急演练工作,在国 务院应急管理办公室制定的《突发事件应急演练指南》的框架下,中国疾病预防控制中心卫 生应急中心组织编写了《卫生应急演练技术指南(2013版)》(以下简称指南),结合卫生 应急工作和演练的特点,提出操作层面和技术层面的指导意见。 本指南主要借鉴的技术文件为世界卫生组织西太区办公室 (WHO/WPRO) 的 《Emergency Exercise Development (2009)》,结合国内近年来开展的各类卫生应急演练活动的特点,从演 练的目的、内容、基本类型、各自特征和用途、演练程序、演练准备、演练设计、演练实施、 增强演练逼真性及演练评估等方面,对组织开展卫生应急演练进行了详细阐述。同时,指南 还提供了在开展演练的各个阶段需要使用的一些具体工具。本指南旨在阐明卫生应急演练的 基本概念,并为医疗卫生机构卫生应急管理人员、卫生应急准备人员以及卫生应急相关专业 技术人员提供一套方便实用的卫生应急演练参考工具,指导进行科学、规范的演练设计、实 施和评估,从而推动全国各级各类医疗卫生机构不断提高演练水平,全面提升我国的卫生应 急能力。 本指南在编写过程中,得到了安徽省、浙江省、重庆市、河北省、广东省和河南省等部 分演练实践经验较为丰富地区疾控机构专家的大力支持,在此一并表示感谢。



Acer = CARE
Acer 产品之内涵与外延
•家用:Easiness 家用: 家用 易用 商用: 商用:Dependability 可靠 •通用:质量、性价比、创新、服务 通用:质量、性价比、创新、 通用
17.10.2011 - Slide 10
Acer Confidential
Acer = CARE
Acer Confidential
丽镜技术 Acer CrystalBrite™ 丽镜技术
• 搭配宽屏显示和 8ms超快响 应时间的高亮宽屏LCD,为 用户提供卓越的高清视觉享 受 • 超细屏幕涂层,提高了滤光 效能,使图像显示更加生动 • 220 流明高亮液晶面板,可 有效防止因内部和周边光线 造成的漫反射,为用户奉献 高清晰画质
Acer Confidential
Acer = CARE
公司的使命: 公司的使命
“打破人与科技的藩离。” 打破人与科技的藩离。 打破人与科技的藩离 “Breaking the Barriers Between People & Technology.”
17.10.2011 - Slide 8
Acer Confidential
售后服务网点 售后服务网点
• 服务网络拓展 L1: 从333家增加到500家; DS:服务覆盖城市扩大到360个(1~5级城市) 全覆盖城市扩大到180个(城市+乡村) L2: 已建28个; L1.5:已建25个; • 华南地区 华南地区: L1:48家; L2:已建12家,其中广州晶芯、芯创、软思 DS:服务覆盖城市扩大到45个(1~5级城市) 全覆盖城市扩大到68个(城市+乡村)
Acer Confidential


Acer宏碁的读音:Hóng Qí 不是宏基(HongJi)
1994年宏碁集团委托全球著名的美国鉴价公司设在台湾的分公司泛美鉴价公司对"Acer"商标进行估价,泛美公司经过对宏碁集团历年经营状况,获利能力,行销策略,竞争影响力及产业前景等诸多条件的评估,折算出Acer商标价值近2亿美金。1996年,"亚洲商业周刊"发表文章,Acer 被评为下一世纪亚洲价值最高的十大商标之一;1997年Acer 被国际著名媒体ASLA INC评为亚洲最具竞争力企业排名第二,仅次于日本的SONY公司。
Acer 的由来
在1986年以前,宏碁电脑对外的英文品牌叫 "Multitech",由于字母太多,难以记忆,同时在当时的许多高科技公司中都惯以Tech为结尾的单词作名称,例如Logitech、Suntek、Unitek...等。另外,由于Multitech在美国、荷兰等国家都发现过同样的商标。宏碁公司认为重复的商标易使顾客对品牌的认同造成混淆。
Acer 名称确定之后,宏碁公司投资近6000万美元在全世界进行商标注册及品牌广告宣传。致使一个新的电脑品牌在短短几个月时间里便名震全球,身价倍增。
不知道为什么,几乎所有人,很多媒体都把宏碁念成“宏基”,包括cctv,宏碁的官方文件从来都没有把宏碁写成宏基。字典里也找不出碁字的“ji”读音。下面有一个视频:/download.php?id=255794&file=新建文件夹.torrent&id2=1132976157 <----------种子地址



Chinaicafe 32宏碁掠夺者高端电竞系列再出新品曲面大屏X38重新定义旗舰标准近日,Acer Predator 掠夺者高端电竞系列曲面大屏显示器X38正式上市。

性能与颜值双在线,凭借旗舰级的电竞参数及配置,该机型自今年年初在美国CES 电子消费展会上首次发布以来引起不小的轰动。


Predator 掠夺者作为Acer 宏碁旗下的高端电竞系列,致力于为热爱电竞的用户提供高端电竞体验,为此,自掠夺者系列诞生以来,X34、X27等旗舰级显示器不断“自我革命”,克服技术难题,发布时下顶配。



曲率高达2300R,这对于IPS 面板来说十分不易,分辨率为UWQHD+(3840*1600),配合21:9的窄边“带鱼屏”,游戏画面高清精致且宽广生动,这使得X38拥有了让玩家深度体验电竞游戏的基础。

疾速电竞不容延迟 内置G—Sync 锻造王者电竞赛场兵贵神速,除去网速手速,对于显示器来说,最大的变量就是硬件本身的刷新率和响应时间。

X38采用Acer 第二代革命级电竞面板,对响应时间进行大幅优化,速度快人一步,制霸游戏全服。



无所畏惧的战场疾行,源于NVIDIA G-Sync 技术的加持。

Predotar 掠夺者全系采用G-Sync 硬件级芯片,利用主动同步原理,随时抓取并显示显卡渲染出的画面帧,实现更高的帧率,杜绝跳帧撕裂和卡顿。

搭配NVIDIA 显卡后,可以更好地将硬件技术优势转化为游戏中的胜势,比对手抢先一步获取战机,或许就可以掌握游戏战场地主动权。

靓影——TCL T21笔记本电脑

靓影——TCL T21笔记本电脑

2 0 年C S 06 E 上伴随英特尔( t 1 I e) n 总裁歇德 声色俱厉 宁发布N A AP 时露脸 的1 英寸宽屏机种T 1 5 3 T 1 高 亮镜面竞丽屏使 用 2的 高清 显示 术和Ga 防炫技术 . 技 le r 屏幕采用 了 黑色的内框, 与银色的矶身构 外. 最新上市的T 1 8 C 今年发布的最小 2 N iT L 巧的1 英寸宽屏笔记本电脑机种 2 成 了 烈的对比. 强 这既是 观设计上的需要 . 也是屏幕 视觉效 果上的需 要—— 黑色内框惜 反差 以提高 可
2 2 T L 约 签 下2 0 年 级 女 声 ’ 月2 日. c 如 05 超 海量电 池 三甲中J 、 气颇高的张臃影作为橇下笔记本 电 T1 2枢轴采用的是大 直 的 田 径 五锁止矾构 启和调 节L n 开 c 瞬倾斜 角 的 尼较犬 , 止 力. 度 阻 锭 有 它的 电 脑 产品 的弗 象 代亩 人 了当红 明 星 的代 言 . 有 由{标 4 0 A 的8 其连续 工作行间可 选5 小时左右: 而 T L 品 线 也 在 2 0 年 融 入 了更 多 的 时 尚 C产 0 6 池灿紧桑附着在柜轴 下方. = 配74 0 m h 芯大容量锂 电池, 电池 被设计为L , 也 垫 挂在矶身上时会支起机 身. 机 身鑫然水 倾 一定角度. 使 平 斜 为键盘 的 作 感提升做 撵 手 和 创 新 元素 . 2 0 年 T L 为 国 内最 活 跃 , 0 5 C成 缝 的笔记本 电脑厂商后, 0 6 2 0 年的T L C 终将 了贡献 = 扮演国内最时尚的笔记本电脑 厂商 除去在
性能攀 的同时. 能耗也 更大 . 散热也 自 成为 然 题 信助 镁铝 台金 良 的导热 性和机 身内细 致设 好 计 刍 热管散 热系统 . 2 成功 地控制 了散热 问题 . 勺 T1 T 1 惜 的是近乎 完美的工艺水准和 精巧的 { 加上较为 出 的 示和声音效 果. 2凭 昆 色 显 尽管美 中 足的 不 而 风扁 噪声也 『 乎可 以忽略不 计, L 是名 符其 实的 是内存配置稍低 , 但仍不能阻挡 它 为 半年国产优秀笔记本 电脑的代表 作。 铂 成 上 冷静 王

从产品化到生活化蝶变 聊聊宏碁的LifeStyle追求

从产品化到生活化蝶变 聊聊宏碁的LifeStyle追求







如何将冰冷的科技产品与终端用户“CONNECT”在一起?将“Acer”从产品品牌转向更为人性化、更有温度的LifeStyle 生活品牌。


宏碁表示,ConceptD系列面向创作者市场的产品中,ConceptD 3 Ezel主要为那些需要进行便携式移动创作(绘画、视频创作等)的设计师打造,Ezel这种可翻转折叠的设计在ConceptD3的基础上为产品赋予了更大的灵性;而以台式机形态出现的ConceptD100则主要针对创意工作团队或是小型的设计创作企业;当然,对那些有大型建模渲染或专业绘图创作的设计师来说,三款ConceptD显示器—ConceptDCP5、ConceptDCP3和ConceptD CM3就能很好地满足他们的需求。



企业slogan 超棒

企业slogan 超棒

世界各类企业sloganNOKIA 科技以人为本!联想人类失去联想,世界将会怎样!李宁一切皆有可能安踏我选择,我喜欢雀巢咖啡,味道好极了钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。

(De Beers钻石)we do , we said世事无绝对,惟有真情趣。

(轩妮诗)Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。

(麦斯威尔咖啡)Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。

(雪碧)The new digital era.数码新时代。

(索尼影碟机)s l~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Iz&gWe lead.Others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。

(理光复印机)we do , we saidImpossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。

(佳能打印机)Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。

(凌志轿车)Just do it. 只管去做。

(耐克运动鞋)Poetry in motion,dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。

(丰田汽车)we do , we saidCome to where the flavors is.Marlboro Country.光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。

(万宝路香烟)me,the past is black and white,but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平礯无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。

(轩尼诗酒)Ask for more. 渴望无限。

(百事流行鞋)The taste is great. 味道好极了。

(雀巢咖啡)Feel the new space. 感受新境界。

ACER概述 (Candy)

ACER概述 (Candy)
999年起连续7年荣获读者文摘亚洲最佳电脑品牌 1993年,北京宏基讯息有限公司在京成立,位于高科技园区 中关村附近的理工科技大厦。公司主要负责Acer 电脑产品在 大陆市场的行销和服务。2005年10月,宏基总部迁到上海, 并更名为宏基电脑(上海)有限公司。现宏基公司在北京、 上海、广州、武汉、成都、沈阳、西安建立有7家分公司。 • 2001年7月,宏基代工事业部独立出宏基成立纬创资通,全 力争取代工客户。 • 2001年12月,明基在苏州宣布全新的“BenQ”品牌诞生,从 此明基的外设产品将不再使用宏基的Acer品牌。 • 宏基集团+明基+纬创资通共同组成了宏基集团
• Aspire系列:多媒體效能、多元影音效果,適合個人、家庭消費者使用 • Travelmate系列:高行動力、效能領先、彈性擴充,適合企業及商務
• Ferrari系列:将成为一级方程式赛车的核心象征:它具有一流的
1.ACER来源 2.ACER成长史 3.贴心产品 4.服务体系 5.市场策略 6.ACER保修 7.编号说明 8.ACER核心卖点 9.ACER缺点
Confidential - Do Not Duplicate
• ACER 来源于ACE 这个英文单词,ACE的意 思是一流的、精英的、精通的,加上一个R就 是一流的公司、一流的人、一流的产品的含义
• • • • • •
市场宣传相对较少,在国内知名度相对较低 无800免费服务电话,只提供5*8服务,总代 理英迈国际提供800技术支持。 部分机型相对厚重,外观一般。 中低端机型无正版操作系统,接口较少。 外壳多为塑料材质,不够坚固。 电池供电时间相对偏短。






































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