标准规范 名称 中英文版
SECTION: 2 第2章混凝土PART 1 GENERAL 第1节总则1 DESCRIPTION 说明All concrete work is governed by this Section.所有混凝土工程受本章的管理。
Work Included: Provide all cast—in-place concrete,complete and in place,as required by the Work,specified hereinon the drawings and specifications. 包括的工作:按照图纸上规定的工作和相关标准要求,完整而到位地提供所有现浇混凝。
RELATED WORK:有关工作1 General Requirements一般要求2 Material 材料3 Concrete Mix 混凝土配合比4 Construction Requests 施工要求1.1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:一般要求1.1.1. Concrete shall be batched only with approved materials, approved mix designs,and atapproved facilities。
只能使用批准的材料、批准的配合比设计和在批准的设施内对混凝土进行配料.1.1.2. The Contractor shall define the method of design of the mix,by reference to arecognised published design method. 承包商应通过参考认可的设计方法确定配合比设计.1.1.3. Plant trials shall be carried out for each grade and type of concrete in the contract, 你unless approved otherwise by the Engineer. 除非监理工程师另有批准,应对每种标号和种类的混凝土进行工厂试验。
38 B18.22.1 - 1965 39 B18.24 - 2004 40 B 18.24.1 41 B18.3 - 2003
42 B 18.3 43 44 45 46 47 B18.3.1M - 1986 B 36.10 B36.10M - 2004 B36.19M - 2004 B46.1 - 2002
54 ISO 898/Ⅱ-1992
55 ISO 4775-1992
56 ISO/IEC 170252005 Rev.2 57 ISO 2178-1982
Mechanical properties of fasteners - Part 2: Nuts with specified proof load values Coarse thread Mechanical Properties of Fasteners, Part Ⅱ,Nuts with Specified Proof Loads Hexagon Nuts For High-Strength Bolting With Large Width Across Flats-Product Grade B Property Classes 8 And 10 Hexagon Nuts for High-Strength Structural Bolting with Large Width Across FlatsProduct Grade B-Property Classes 8 and 10 General requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories Nonmagnetic Coatings on Magnetic Substrate--Measurement of coating Thickness--Magnetic Method SAE标准 Numbering Metals and Alloys Steel Cleanliness, Premium Aircraft-Quality Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure Premium Aircraft Quality Steel Cleanliness Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure Steel Cleanliness, Aircraft Quality Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure Aircraft Quality Steel Cleanliness Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure
车辆标准规范中英文对照车辆综合1 GB 1495-1979 机动车辆允许噪声Permissible noise limit emitted by power-driven vehicles2 GB/T 1496-1979 机动车辆噪声测量方法Measuring method for noise of power-driven vehicles3 GB/T 3730.1-1988 汽车和半挂车的术语和定义车辆类型Motor vehicle and semi-trailer-type-terms and definitions4 GB/T 3730.2-1996 道路车辆质量词汇和代码Road vehicle--Masses--Vocabulary and codes5 GB/T 3730.3-1992 汽车和挂车的术语及其定义车辆尺寸Motor vehicles and towed vehicles—Dimensions of vehicles—Terms and definitions6 GB 4094-1994 汽车操纵件、指示器及信号装置的标志Motor vehicles--Symbols for controls,indicators and tell-tales7 GB/T 4782-1984 道路车辆--操纵件、指示器及信号装置--词汇Road vehicles--Controls, indicators and tell-tales--Vocabulary8 GB/T 4970-1996 汽车平顺性随机输入行驶试验方法Method of random input running test--Automotive ride comfort9 GB/T 7031-1986 车辆振动输入路面平度表示方法Vehicle vibration--Describing method for road surface irregularity10 GB 8410-1994 汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性Flammability of automotive interior materials11 GB/T 9417-1988 汽车产品型号编号规则Motor vehicles-type and model designation12 GB/T 11551-1989 汽车乘员碰撞保护Motor vehicles—Occupant cash protection13 GB 11552-1989 汽车内部凸出物Motor vehicles—Internal protrusions14 GB 11553-1989 汽车正面碰撞时对燃油泄漏的规定Motor vehicles—Regulation of fuel leakage during frontal impact15 GB/T 11559-1989 汽车室内尺寸测量用三维H点装置Motor vehicles—Use in defining their seating accommodations—Three dimensional H point machine16 GB/T 11568-1989 汽车罩锁装置Motor vehicles—Hood latch system17 GB/T 12478-1990 客车防尘密封性试验方法Dust proof performance—Test method for buses18 GB/T 12480-1990 客车防雨密封性试验方法Rain proof performance test mothod for buses19 GB/T 12484-1990 客车车身术语Terms for the bus body20 GB/T 12534-1990 汽车道路试验方法通则Motor vehicles—General rules of road test method21 GB/T 12535-1990 汽车起动性能试验方法Motor vehicles—Starting performance—Test methods22 GB/T 12536-1990 汽车滑行试验方法Motor vehicles—Coastdown—Test method23 GB/T 12537-1990 汽车牵引性能试验方法Motor vehicles—Towing performance—Test method24 GB/T 12538-1990 汽车重心高度测定方法Motor vehicles—Height of gravity center—Measuring method25 GB/T 12539-1990 汽车爬陡坡试验方法Motor vehicles—Steep hill climbing—Test method26 GB/T 12540-1990 汽车最小转弯直径测定方法Motor vehicles—Minimum turning diameter—Method of measurment27 GB/T 12541-1990 汽车地形通过性试验方法Motor vehicles—Passing topography capacity—Test method28 GB/T 12542-1990 汽车发动机冷却系冷却能力道路试验方法Motor vehicles—Cooling capacity for engine cooling system—Test method on road29 GB/T 12543-1990 汽车加速性能试验方法Motor vehicles—Acceleration performance—Test method30 GB/T 12544-1990 汽车最高车速试验方法Motor vehicles—Maximum speed—Test method31 GB/T 12545-1990 汽车燃料消耗量试验方法Motor vehicles—Fuel consumption test method32 GB/T 12546-1990 汽车隔热通风试验方法Motor vehicles—Ventilation and heat insulation—Test method33 GB/T 12547-1990 汽车最低稳定车速试验方法Motor vehicles—Minimum stable speed—Test method34 GB/T 12549-1990 汽车操纵稳定性术语及其定义Automotive controllability and stability—Terms and definitions35 GB/T 12674-1990 汽车质量(重量)参数测定方法Motor vehicles—Weight parameter—Measuring method36 GB/T 12677-1990 汽车技术状况行驶检查方法Motor vehicles—Technical condition—Inspection method37 GB/T 12678-1990 汽车可靠性行驶试验方法Reliability running test method for automobiles38 GB/T 12679-1990 汽车耐久性行驶试验方法Motor vehicles—Durability running—Test method39 GB/T 13860-1992 地面车辆机械振动测量数据的表述方法Mechanical vibrations--Land vehicles-Method for reporting measured data40 GB/T 14168-1993 汽车制动液类别图形标志Motor vehicles--Graphical symbols to designate brake fluid types41 GB/T 14172-1993 汽车静侧翻稳定性台架试验方法Static roll stability test method for motor vehicles42 GB/T 15089-1994 机动车辆分类Motor vehicles--Classification43 GB 15740-1995 汽车防盗装置性能要求Motor vehicle--Protective devices against unauthorized use--Performance requirments44 GB/T 16735-1997 道路车辆车辆识别代号(VIN)位置与固定Road vehicles--Vehicle identification number(VIN)--Location and attachment45 GB/T 16736-1997 道路车辆车辆识别代号(VIN)内容与构成Road vehicles--Vehicle identification number(VIN)--Content and structure46 GB/T 16737-1997 道路车辆世界制造厂识别代号(WMI)Road vehicles--World manufacturer identifier(WMI)code47 GB/T 16738-1997 道路车辆世界零件制造厂识别代号(WPMI) Road vehicler--World parts manufacturer identifier(WPMI)code48 GB 7258-1997 机动车运行安全技术条件Safety specifications for motor vehicles operating on roads49 GB 13094-1997 客车结构安全要求The safety requirements for bus construction50 GB/T 16888-1997 客车安全顶窗The escape hatch of bus汽车发动机1 GB/T 5923-1986 汽车柴油机燃油滤清器的试验方法Test methods of fuel filters for automotive compression ignition engines2 GB/T 5924-1986 汽车柴油机燃油滤清器的试验值及分级Test values and classification of fuel filters for automotive compression ignition engines3 GB/T 12781-1991 汽车供油系气阻试验方法Motor vehicles—Vapor lock for fuel system—Test method4 GB/T 12782-1991 汽车采暖性能试验方法Motor vehicle—Heating performance—Test method5 GB/T 14169-1993 汽车空气滤清器接头A型和B型Air filter connections for motor vehicles--Types A and B6 GB/T 14170-1993 载货汽车空气滤清器滤芯尺寸规范Air filter elements for trucks--Dimensions7 GB/T 8409-1999 汽车发动机旋装式机油滤清器连接尺寸Road vehicles--Intermal combustion engines--Spin-on filters for lubrication oil--Dimension8 GB/T 17653-1999 汽车柴油机旋装式燃油滤清器安装和连接尺寸Road vehicles--Spin-on fuel filters for combustion-ignition engines--Mounting and dimensions9 GB/T 17692-1999 汽车用发动机净功率测试方法Measurement methods of net power for automotive engines汽车底盘与车身1 GB 1589-1989 汽车外廓尺寸限界Outside dimension limits of motor vehicles2 GB/T 2933-1995 充气轮胎用车轮和轮辋的术语、规格代号和标志Wheels/rims for pneumatic tyres--Nomenclature,designation and marking3 GB/T 3487-1996 汽车轮辋规格系列Rim contours for motor vehicles4 GB/T 4095-1995 载货汽车辐板式车轮在轮毂上的安装尺寸Disc wheels for trucks--Dimensional characteristics of attachment on hub5 GB/T 4784-1984 使用非石油基制动液的汽车液压制动软管总成Brake hose assemblies for hydraulic braking systems of motor vehicles used with a non-petroleum base hydrau-lic fluids6 GB/T 5334-1995 轿车钢制车轮性能要求和试验方法Performance requirements and test methods of passenger car steel wheels7 GB/T 5335-1985 汽车制动装置液压试验的连接器Automobile hydraulic pressure test connection for braking equipment8 GB/T 5345-1985 制动液容器的标记Labelling of containers for brake fluid9 GB/T 5620.1-1985 汽车和挂车制动名词术语及其定义制动系种类、组成、力学及现象The terms and definitions of braking of automotive vehicles and their trailers--Types,constituent elements,braking mechanics and phenomenon of braking system10 GB/T 5620.2-1985 汽车和挂车制动名词术语及其定义零部件The terms and definitions of braking of automotive vehicles and their trailers--The parts and components of braking equipment11 GB/T 5909-1995 载货汽车车轮性能要求和试验方法Performance requirements and test methods of truck wheels12 GB/T 5911-1986 转向盘尺寸Steering wheel--Dimensions13 GB/T 5921-1986 汽车和挂车气压制动系部件上接口的识别标记Motor vehicles and towed vehicles--Air braking systems--Identification of connections on units14 GB/T 5922-1986 汽车和挂车气压制动装置压力测试连接器Motor vehicles and towed vehicles--Pressure test connection for compressed-air pneumatic braking equipment15 GB/T 6792-1996 客车车身骨架应力、形变测量方法Measure method of stress and deformation for bus budy skeleton16 GB 7062-1986 汽车气制动软管总成Automotive air brake hose assemblies17 GB 7063-1994 汽车护轮板The wheel guards of motor vehicles18 GB/T 7680-1987 液力变矩器性能试验方法Hydrodynamic torque converter--Method of performance tests19 GB/T 10484-1989 汽车真空制动软管总成Vacuum brake hose assemblies for motor vehicle20 GB/T 11549-1989 汽车安全带总成性能要求和试验方法Motor vehicles—Safety belt assemblies—Performance requirements and test methods21 GB 11550-1995 汽车座椅头枕性能要求和试验方法Motor vehicles--Seats head vestraints--Performance requirements and test methods22 GB 11555-1994 汽车风窗玻璃除雾系统的性能要求及试验方法Motor vehicles--Windshield demisters--Performance requirements and test methods23 GB 11556-1994 汽车风窗玻璃除霜系统的性能要求及试验方法Motor vehicles--Windshield defrosters--Performance requirements and test methods24 GB/T 11558-1989 汽车安全带用卷收器性能要求和试验方法Motor vehicles—Retractors for safety belt—Performance requirements and test methods25 GB 11561-1989 汽车加速器控制系统的技术要求Motor vehicles—Accelerator control systems—Technical requirements26 GB 11562-1994 汽车驾驶员前方视野要求及测量方法Motor vehicles--Forward visibility for drivers--Requirements and measurement methods27 GB/T 11563-1995 汽车H点确定程序Motor vehicles--Procedure for H-point determination28 GB 11565-1989 轿车风窗玻璃刮水器刮刷面积Passenger cars—Windshield wipers—Wiped areas29 GB 11566-1995 轿车外部凸出物Passenger car--External protrusions30 GB 11567-1994 汽车和挂车侧面及后下部防护装置要求Motor vehicles and trailers--Lateral and underrun protections--Requirements31 GB/T 11611-1989 汽车液压制动系金属管、内外螺纹管接头和软管端部接头Motor vehicles—Hydraulic braking systems—Pipes tapped holes, male fittings and hose end fittings32 GB/T 12482-1990 客车侧窗平面玻璃规格系列Side window flat glasses systematization for buses33 GB/T 12483-1990 客车风窗、后窗玻璃规格系列Buses windscreen and rear window glass—Systematization34 GB/T 12673-1990 汽车主要尺寸测量方法Molor vehicles—Basic dimensions—Measuring method35 GB/T 12780-1991 货车、客车制动器台架试验方法Trucks and buses—Brake—Bench test methods36 GB/T 13051-1991 汽车机械式变速器动力输出孔连接尺寸Motor vehicles—Connections for PTO37 GB/T 13053-1991 客车驾驶区尺寸Bus driver compartment dimensions38 GB/T 13054-1991 客车驾驶区尺寸术语Bus driver compartment dimensions terms39 GB/T 13055-1991 客车乘客区尺寸Bus passenger compartment dimensions40 GB/T 13056-1991 客车乘客区尺寸术语Bus passenger compartment dimension terms41 GB/T 13057-1991 客车驾驶员座椅尺寸规格Bus driver seat—Dimensions42 GB/T 13058-1991 客车驾驶员座椅技术条件Bus drivers seat—Technical specification43 GB/T 13059-1991 客车乘客座椅尺寸规格Bus passenger seat—Dimensions44 GB/T 13060-1991 客车乘客座椅技术条件Bus passenger seat—Technical specifications45 GB/T 13061-1991 汽车悬架用空气弹簧橡胶气囊Air spring for automotive suspension—Rubber bellows46 GB 13594-1992 汽车防抱制动系统性能要求和试验方法Vehicles anti-lock braking systems performence requiremants and test procedures47 GB/T 13604-1992 汽车转向球接头尺寸Motor vehicles—Steering ball joints—Dimensions48 GB 14166-1993 汽车安全带性能要求和试验方法Motor vehicles--Safety belt assemblies--Performance requirements and test methods49 GB 14167-1993 汽车安全带安装固定点Motor vehicles--Safety belt anchorages50 GB/T 14171-1993 汽车气制动系管路螺纹孔和管接头外螺纹Motor vehicles--Pneumatic braking systems--Tapped holes and male fittings51 GB 15083-1994 汽车座椅系统强度要求及试验方法Motor vehicles--Seat systems--Strengthrequirements and test methods52 GB 15084-1994 汽车后视镜的性能和安装要求Motor vehicles--Rear view mirrors--Requirements of performance and installation53 GB 15085-1994 汽车风窗玻璃刮水器、洗涤器的性能要求及试验方法Motor vehicles--Windshield wipers and washer systems--Performance requirements and test methods54 GB 15086-1994 汽车门锁及门铰链的性能要求和试验方法Motor vehicles--Door locks and door hinges--Performance requirements and test methods55 GB/T 15087-1994 汽车牵引车与全挂车机械连接装置强度试验Motor vehicles--Drawbar couplings and eyes for hinged drawbars--Strength test56 GB/T 15088-1994 汽车半挂车牵引座牵引销强度试验Motor vehicles--Fifth wheel coupling pins--Strength test57 GB/T 15704-1995 轿车车轮冲击试验方法Passenger cars--Wheels--Impact test procedure58 GB/T 15705-1995 载货汽车驾驶员操作位置尺寸Trucks--Operating position demensions of driver59 GB 15741-1995 汽车和挂车号牌板(架)及其位置The license plates (crackets) and its position on motor vehicles and trailer60 GB 15743-1995 轿车侧门强度Passenger car--Strength of side doors61 GB 16897-1997 制动软管Brake hose62 GB/T 17346-1998 轿车脚踏板的侧向间距Passenger cars--Lateral spacing of foot controls63 GB 11557-1998 防止汽车转向机构对驾驶员伤害的规定The stipulation protecting drivers from being injured by motor vehicle steering mechanism64 GB/T 17351-1998 汽车车轮双轮中心距Dual spaeing of vechicle wheels65 GB 17354-1998 汽车前、后端保护装置Front and rear protective devices for passenger cars66 GB/T 17578-1998 客车上部结构强度的规定Provisions of strength for the Superstructure of bus67 GB 12676-1999 汽车制动系统结构、性能和试验方法Road vehicles-Braking systems-Structure performance and test methods68 GB 17675-1999 汽车转向系基本要求Steering system of motor vehicles-Basic requirements69 GB/T 17676-1999 天然气汽车和液化石油气汽车标志Natural gas vehicle and liquefied petroleum gas vehicle Identification marks车辆通用零部件1 GB/T 1359-1978 汽车与挂车气制动接头型式与尺寸Pneumatic brakes for motor vehicls and their trailers-couplings--Types and dimensions2 GB/T 7726.1-1998 铰接式客车机械连接装置术语Mechanical connections of articulated bus Glossary3 GB/T 7726.2-1998 铰接式客车机械连接装置技术要求Mechanical connections of articulated bus Technical requirements4 GB/T 7726.3-1998 铰接式客车机械连接装置球头销Mechanical connections of articulated bus Ball pin5 GB/T 7726.4-1998 铰接式客车机械连接装置球形衬套Mechanical connections of articulated bus Ball socket6 GB/T 7726.5-1998 铰接式客车机械连接装置伸缩篷Mechanical connections of articulated bus Telescopic tarpaulin车用电子、电气设备与仪表1 GB 4599-1994 汽车前照灯配光性能Photometric characteristics of headlamps for motor vehicles2 GB/T 4659-1984 汽车前照灯类型、主要尺寸和连接尺寸Type,main size and mounted dimension of headlamps for motor vehicle3 GB 4660-1994 汽车前雾灯配光性能Photometric characteristics of front fog lamps for motor vehicles4 GB/T 5053.1-1985 汽车与挂车之间24N 型电连接器Electrical connections between motor vehicles and towed vehicles--Type 24N5 GB/T 5053.2-1985 汽车与挂车之间12N 型电连接器Electrical connections between motor vehicles and towed vehicles--Type 12N6 GB/T 5053.3-1985 汽车与挂车之间电连接器的试验方法与要求Test methods and requirements of electrical connections between motor vehicles and towed vehicles7 GB/T 5054-1985 汽车与挂车的七芯电缆线Seven-core connecting cable of motor vehicles and towed vehicles8 GB/T 5337-1985 汽车电器、灯具和仪表名词术语Nomenclature and terminology for automotive electrical equipment, lighting and instrumentation9 GB 5920-1994 汽车前和后位(侧)灯、示廓灯和制动灯配光性能Photometric characteristics of front and rear position (side)lamps, end-outline marker lamps and stop lamps for motor vehicles and their trailers 10 GB/T 6784-1986 M10×1平座火花塞及其气缸盖安装孔Spark plug M10×1 with flat seating and cylinder head housing11 GB/T 6785-1986 M12×1.25 平座火花塞及其气缸盖安装孔Spark plug M12×1.25 with flat seating and cylinder head housing12 GB/T 6786-1986 M14×1.25 平座火花塞及其气缸盖安装孔Spark plug M14×1.25 with flat seating and cylinder head housing13 GB/T 6787-1986 M14×1.25 矮型平座火花塞及其气缸盖安装孔Compact spark plug M14×1.25 with flat seating and cylinder head housing14 GB/T 6788-1986 M14×1.25 矮型锥座火花塞及其气缸盖安装孔Compact spark plug M14×1.25 with conical seating and cylinder head housing15 GB/T 6789-1986 M14×1.25 锥座火花塞及其气缸盖安装孔Spark plug M14×1.25 with conical seating and cylinder head housing16 GB/T 6790-1986 M18×1.5 平座火花塞及其气缸盖安装孔Spark plug M18×1.5 with flat seating and cylinder head housing17 GB/T 6791-1986 M18×1.5 锥座火花塞及其气缸盖安装孔Spark plug M18×1.5 with conical seating and cylinder head housing18 GB/T 7360-1987 汽车与挂车照明和信号装置的工作电压及其测量Working voltages and their measurement for lights and lighting signal devices fitted to motor vehicles and towed vehicles19 GB/T 7825-1987 火花塞Spark plugs20 GB/T 10485-1989 汽车和挂车外部照明和信号装置基本环境试验Basic environmental testing of lighting and light signalling devices for motor vehicles and their trailers21 GB/T 12548-1990 汽车速度表、里程表检验校正方法Motor vehicles—Speedometer and odometer—Calibration method22 GB 15082-1994 汽车用车速表Motor vehicles--Speed meters23 GB 15235-1994 汽车倒车灯配光性能Photometric characteristics of reversing lamps for motor vehicles and their trailers24 GB 15742-1995 汽车电喇叭的性能要求及试验方法Automotive--Electric horn--Performance requirements and test methods25 GB/T 17348-1998 道路车辆会车光束倾斜角随载荷变化的测量Motor vehicle--Measurement of variations in dipped beam headlamp angle as a function of load26 GB/T 17349.1-1998 道路车辆汽车诊断系统词汇Road vehicles--Diagnostic systems for motor vehicles--Vocabulary27 GB/T 17349.2-1998 道路车辆汽车诊断系统图形符号Rord vehicle Diagnostic systym Graphical symbols28 GB 17509-1998 汽车和挂车转向信号灯配光性能Photometric characteristics of direction indicators for motor vehicles and their trailers29 GB 17510-1998 摩托车光信号装置配光性能Photometric characteristics of light-signalling devices for motorcycles30 GB 4785-1998 汽车及挂车外部照明和信号装置的安装规定Prescription for installation of the external lighting and light signalliug devices for motor vehicles and their trailers31 GB 11554-1998 汽车及挂车后雾灯配光性能Photometric characteristics of rear fog lamp for motor vehicles and their tralers32 GB 11564-1998 机动车回复反射器Retro refletor for motor vehicles33 GB 5948-1998 摩托车白炽丝光源前照灯配光性能Photometric characteristics of motocycle headlamps epuipped with filament light sources汽车1 GB/T 918.1-1989 道路车辆分类与代码机动车Classification and code for road vehicles—Motor vehicle2 GB/T 918.2-1989 道路车辆分类与代码非机动车Classification and code for road vehicles—Non-motor vehicle3 GB/T 1332-1991 载货汽车定型试验规程Trucks—Engineering approval evaluation program4 GB/T 1333-1977 汽车产品质量定期检查试验规程Test code for regular quality inspection of automobile products5 GB/T 4780-1984 载货汽车车身名词、术语Glossary of truck body6 GB/T 4971-1985 汽车平顺性名词术语和定义Terms and definitions--Automotive ride comfort7 GB/T 5902-1986 汽车平顺性脉冲输入行驶试验方法Method of pulse input running test--Automobile ridecomfort8 GB/T 6104-1985 机动工业车辆名词术语Powered industrial trucks--Terminology9 GB/T 6323.1-1994 汽车操纵稳定性试验方法蛇行试验Controllability and stability test procedure for automobiles--Pylon course slalom test10 GB/T 6323.2-1994 汽车操纵稳定性试验方法转向瞬态响应试验(转向盘转角阶跃输入) Eontrollability and stability test procedure for automobiles--Steering transient response test(Steering wheel angle step input)11 GB/T 6323.3-1994 汽车操纵稳定性试验方法转向瞬态响应试验(转向盘转角脉冲输入) Contorllability and stability test procedure for automobiles--Steering transient response test(Steering wheel angle pulse input)12 GB/T 6323.4-1994 汽车操纵稳定性试验方法转向回正性能试验Controllability and stability test procedure for automobiles--Returnability test13 GB/T 6323.5-1994 汽车操纵稳定性试验方法转向轻便性试验Controllability and stability test procedure for automobiles--Steering efforts test procedure14 GB/T 6323.6-1994 汽车操纵稳定性试验方法稳态回转试验Controllability and stability test procedurefor automobiles--Steady static circular test procedure15 GB/T 7361-1987 半挂牵引车的制动及电路连接位置Brake and electrical connection locations of semi-trailer towing vehicle16 GB/T 7362-1987 全挂牵引车和货车的制动及电路连接位置Brake and electrical connection locations of truck andtrailer-towing vehicle17 GB/T 11380-1989 客车车身涂层技术条件Technical requirement for bus body coating18 GB/T 11381-1989 客车顶部静载试验方法Method of static load test for bus top19 GB/T 11382-1989 客车前保险杠效能试验方法正面固定式障壁碰撞试验Effect test procedure of front bumper for bus--Head-on collision with fixed wall20 GB/T 11709-1989 客车产品质量定期检查试验规程The regulated inspecting test procedure for bus21 GB/T 12427-1990 客车产品系列型谱Series and spectrum of buses22 GB/T 12428-1990 客车装载质量计算方法Laden mass calculation of buses23 GB/T 12429-1990 客车车身二氧化碳气体保护焊焊接质量要求及检验方法The quality requirement and test method for the carbon-dioxide arc welding of coach-body24 GB/T 12430-1990 客车乘客扶手杆的固定件基本型式与规格尺寸Basic type and size of fixings for passenger hand-rails in buses25 GB/T 12431-1990 客车乘客扶手杆断面Sections of passengers hand-rails in buses26 GB/T 12432-1990 客车乘客门门泵技术条件Specification for passenger door cylinder of buses27 GB/T 12433-1990 客车乘客门门泵试验方法Testing method for passenger door cylinder of buses28 GB/T 12675-1990 微型货车出厂检验方法Test methods of inspection after production for mini-truck29 GB/T 13043-1991 客车定型试验规程Buses—Engineering approval evaluation program30 GB/T 13044-1991 轻型客车定型试验规程Light buses—Engineering approval evaluation program31 GB/T 13046-1991 轻型客车产品质量定期检查试验规程Testing regulations for light bus and light van periodical inspection32 GB/T 16887-1997 卧铺客车技术条件Specification for sleeper bus33 GB/T 5910-1998 轿车质量分布Passenger car Mass distribution34 GB/T 17347-1998 商用道路车辆尺寸代码Commercial road vehicles Dimensional codes专用汽车1 GB/T 9465.1-1988 高空作业车分类Aerial platform--Classification2 GB/T 9465.2-1988 高空作业车技术条件Aerial platform--Specification3 GB/T 9465.3-1988 高空作业车试验方法Test methods for aerial platform4 GB/T 12503-1995 电视机通用技术条件Generic specification for TV vans5 GB/T 17350-1998 专用汽车和专用半挂车术语和代号Terms and marks in special automobiles and semi-trailers拖拉机1 GB/T 1592-1986 农业拖拉机动力输出轴Power take-off for agricultural tractors2 GB/T 1593.1-1996 农业轮式拖拉机后置式三点悬挂装置第1部分: 1、2、3和4类Agricultural wheeled tractors--Rear-mounted three-point linkage--Part 1: Categories 1,2,3 and 43 GB/T 1593.2-1987 农用轮式拖拉机三点悬挂装置第二部分: 1N类Agricultural wheeled tractors--Three-point linkage--Part 2: CategorY 1 N4 GB/T 1593.3-1987 农业轮式拖拉机三点悬挂装置第三部分: 0 类Agricultural wheeled tractors--Three-point linkage--Part 3: Categories 05 GB 1593.4-1987 农用轮式拖拉机三点悬挂装置第四部分:0类Agricultural wheeled tractors--Three-point linkage--Part 4: Category 06 GB/T 2777-1992 农业拖拉机动力输出轴安全防护罩型式尺寸和强度要求Power take-off safety shield for agricultural tractors--Types, dimensions and strength specifications7 GB/T 2778-1992 农业拖拉机动力输出皮带轮圆周速度和宽度Power take-off pulley for agricultural tractors--Peripheral speed and width8 GB/T 2779-1992 拖拉机拖挂装置型式尺寸和安装要求Tractor's connective equipment for trailers--Types, dimensions and mounting requirements9 GB/T 2780-1992 农业拖拉机牵引装置型式尺寸和安装要求Darwbars for agricultural tractors--Types dimensions and mounting requirements10 GB/T 3373-1982 拖拉机和农业、林业机械用轮辋Rims for tractors,agricultural and forestry machines11 GB/T 3871.1-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第1 部分通用要求Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 1: General requirements12 GB/T 3871.2-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第2 部分整机参数测定Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 2: Measurements of tractor parameters13 GB/T 3871.3-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第3 部分动力输出轴功率试验Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 3: PTO power tests14 GB/T 3871.4-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第4 部分液压提升能力和输出功率试验Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 4: Hydraulic lifting capacity and power tests15 GB/T 3871.5-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第5 部分转向和离合器操纵试验Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 5: Turning and clutch operating tests16 GB/T 3871.6-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第6 部分制动试验Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 6: Braking tests17 GB/T 3871.7-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第7 部分视野测定Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 7: Measurements of operator's field vision18 GB/T 3871.8-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第8 部分噪声测量Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 8: Measurements of noise19 GB/T 3871.9-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第9 部分牵引功率试验Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 9: Drawbar power tests20 GB/T 3871.10-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第10部分低温起动试验Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 10: Low temperature starting tests21 GB/T 3871.11-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第11部分高温适应性试验Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 11: Suitability tests for hot atmosphere22 GB/T 3871.12-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法第12部分使用试验Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 12: Working tests23 GB/T 4329-1984 农业拖拉机三点悬挂装置锁销尺寸Three-point-linkage for agricultural tractors--Dimensions of linch pins24 GB/T 6229-1995 手扶拖拉机试验方法Methods of test for walking tractor25 GB/T 6236-1986 农业拖拉机驾驶座标志点Agricultural tractors--Operator's seat index point26 GB/T 6238-1986 农业拖拉机驾驶室的门道、紧急出口与驾驶员的工作位置尺寸Agricultural tractors--Access, exit and the operator's workplace--Dimensions27 GB 6376-1995 拖拉机噪声限值Noise limitation for tractors28 GB/T 6960.1-1995 拖拉机术语整机Tractor terminology--Complete tractor29 GB/T 6960.2-1995 拖拉机术语传动系Tractor terminology--Transmission system30 GB/T 6960.3-1995 拖拉机术语制动系Tractor terminology--Braking system31 GB/T 6960.4-1995 拖拉机术语行走系Tractor terminology--Running gears and undercarriages32 GB/T 6960.5-1995 拖拉机术语转向系Tractor terminology--Steering system33 GB/T 6960.6-1995 拖拉机术语液压悬挂系及牵引、拖挂装置Tractor terminology--Hydraulic hitch system and drawbar, hook34 GB/T 6960.7-1995 拖拉机术语驾驶室、驾驶座和覆盖件Tractor terminology--Cab, seat and sheet metal35 GB/T 6960.8-1986 拖拉机名词术语第八部分履带行走系统Tractor terminology--Part 8: Endless track installation for track laying tractor36 GB/T 6961-1986 拖拉机动力输出轴和牵引装置的使用要求Operating requirements for tractor power take-off and drawbars37 GB/T 6972-1986 农业轮式拖拉机驾驶座振动的测量Agricultural wheeled tractors--Operator's seat--Measurement of trahsmitted vibration38 GB/T 7120-1986 农用轮式拖拉机三点悬挂农具快速挂接器3N类Three-Point hitch implement quick-attaching coupler of agricultural wheeled tractors--Category 3N39 GB 7121-1986 农林轮式拖拉机防护装置强度试验方法和验收条件Agricultural and forestry wheeled tractors--Protective structures--Test method in the strength and acceptance conditions40 GB/T 7927-1987 手扶拖拉机振动测量方法Method of measurement for walking tractor vibration41 GB/T 8421-1987 农业轮式拖拉机驾驶座传递振动的评价指标Agricultural wheeled tractors--Operator seat--Evaluation criteria of transmitted vibration42 GB/T 10176-1988 手扶拖拉机牵引装置和动力输出皮带轮Walking tractors--Drawbar and pulley of power take off43 GB/T 10910-1989 农业轮式拖拉机驾驶员全身振动的测量Agricultural wheeled tractors—Measurement of whole-body vibration of the operator44 GB/T 10911-1989 农业轮式拖拉机和后悬挂农具的匹配Matching of agricultural wheeled tractors and rear mounted implements45 GB/T 10916-1989 农业轮式拖拉机前悬挂装置第一部分: 1、2类Agricultural wheeled tractors—Front-mounted linkage —Part 1: Category 1, 246 GB/T 10917-1989 农用轮式拖拉机前置动力输出轴Front-mounted power take-off for agricultural wheeled tractors47 GB/T 13875-1992 手扶拖拉机通用技术条件The general specification for walking tractors48 GB/T 13876-1992 农业轮式拖拉机驾驶员全身振动的评价指标Agricultural wheeled tractors--Evaluation criteria of whole body vibration of the operator49 GB/T 13877-1992 农业拖拉机和自走式机具密封驾驶室加压系统试验方法Agricultural tractors and self-propelled machines--Test method for enclosure pressurization systems50 GB/T 13878-1992 农业拖拉机和自走式机具封闭驾驶室采暖和通风系统性能试验方法Agricultural tractors and self-propelled machines--Performance of heating and ventilation systems in closed cabs--Method of test51 GB/T 14226-1993 草坪和园艺拖拉机三点悬挂装置Lawn and garden tractors--Three-point hitch52 GB/T 14785-1993 拖拉机和农林机械车轮侧向负载疲劳试验方法Wheels side load fatigue test methods for tractors, agricultural and forestry machines53 GB/T 14786-1993 拖拉机和农林机械车轮扭转疲劳试验方法Wheels torsion fatigue test methods for tractors, agricultural and forestry machines54 GB 15369-1994 农林拖拉机和机械安全技术要求第三部分: 拖拉机Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry--Technical means for ensuring safety--Part 3: Tractors55 GB/T 15370-1994 农业轮式和履带拖拉机通用技术条件General Specifications for agricultural wheeled and tracking tractors56 GB/T 15832-1995 林业轮式和履带拖拉机通用技术条件General specifications for forestry wheeled and tracklaying tractors57 GB/T 15833-1995 林业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法Test methods for forestry wheeled and tracklaying tractors58 GB/T 6235-1997 农业拖拉机驾驶座及主要操纵装置位置尺寸Agricultural tractors--Operator's seating accommodation--Dimensions59 GB/T 16877-1997 拖拉机禁用与报废Prohibition and scrapping for tractors60 GB/T 17122-1997 草坪和园艺乘座式拖拉机动力输出套管Lawn and garden ride-on (riding) tractors--Power take-off61 GB/T 17123-1997 草坪和园艺乘座式拖拉机单点套管式悬挂装置Lawn and garden ride-on (riding) tractors--One-point tubular sleeve hitch62 GB/T 17124-1997 草坪和园艺乘座式拖拉机牵引杆Lawn and garden ride-on (riding) tractors--Drawbar63 GB/T 6232-1998 农林拖拉机和机械车轮在轮毂上安装尺寸Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry-Wheel-to-hub fixing dimensions挂车1 GB/T 4330-1984 农业挂车Agricultural trailer2 GB/T 4331-1984 农用挂车试验方法Test methods for agricultural trailers3 GB/T 4606-1984 道路车辆半挂车鞍座50号牵引销主要尺寸和安装、互换性尺寸Road vehicles--50 semi-trailer fifth wheel coupling pin--Basic and mounting/interchangeability dimensions4 GB/T 4607-1984 道路车辆半挂车鞍座90号牵引销主要尺寸和安装、互换性尺寸Road vehicles--90 semi-trailer fifth wheel coupling pin--Basic and mounting/interchangeability dimensions5 GB/T 4781-1984 牵引车与全挂车的机械连接装置互换性Mechanical connection between towing vehicle and full trailers for interchangeability6 GB/T 6420-1986 货运挂车系列型谱Freight trailer series pedigree7 GB/T 13872-1992 货运挂车定型试验规程Trailer--Rules for the identification test8 GB/T 13873-1992 货运挂车试验方法Trailer--Test procedure9 GB/T 13874-1992 货运挂车质量定期检查试验规程Trailer--Rules for the periodic quality inspection test10 GB/T 13880-1992 半挂牵引车牵引座的安装Road vehicles--Semi trailer fifth wheel mounting11 GB/T 13881-1992 牵引车与挂车之间气制动管连接器Pneumatic braking connections between motor vehicles and towed vehicles12 GB/T 13202-1997 摩托车轮辋系列Series of motorcycle rims13 GB/T 17275-1998 货运全挂车通用技术条件Technical requirements for freight full trailers摩托车。
管件标准中英文对照Standard Code 规范代号Standard Name 规范名称ASME SA-234 中、高温用钢制碳钢和合金钢管道配件Medium and high temperature used carbon and alloy steel pipe fittings ASME SA-420 低温用锻制碳钢和合金钢管配件Low temperature forged carbon and alloy steel pipe fittingsASME SA-403 锻制奥氏体不锈钢管配件Forged Durimet pipe fittingsASME B16.9 工厂制造的钢制对焊管件Factory-Made wrought steel pipe fittingsASME B16.11 承插焊和螺纹锻钢管件Socket-welding and Threaded forged fittingsASME B16.28 锻钢对焊小半径弯头和回弯头Wrought steel butt-welding short radius elbows and returnsISO 5251 不锈钢对焊管件Stainless steel butt-welding fittingsMSS SP-43 锻制不锈钢对焊管件Wrought stainless steel butt-welding fittingsMSS SP-75 锻钢制对焊管件Forging butt-welding fittingsMSS SP-79 承插焊异径插入件Socket-welding reducing InsertsMSS SP-83 3000磅级的钢制承插焊和螺纹活接头Class 3000 steel socket-welding and threaded unionsMSS SP-95 缩渐管和圆堵头Swaged nipples and round plugsMSS SP-97 承插焊、螺纹和对焊端的整体加紧式管座SW 、TH and BW ends for integrally reinforced forged branch outlet JIS B2311 通用钢制对焊管件Universal steel butt-welding pipe fittingsJIS B2312 钢制对焊管件Steel butt-welding pipe fittingsJIS B2313 钢板制对焊管件Steel plate butt-welding pipe fittingsJIS B2316 钢制承插焊管件Steel socket-welding pipe fittingsDIN 2605 钢制对焊管件弯头和弯管Steel butt-welding pipe fittings.elbows and bendsDIN 2615 钢制对焊管件三通Steel butt-welding pipe fittings.teesDIN 2616 钢制对焊管件异径管Steel butt-welding pipe fittings.reducersDIN 2617 钢制对焊管件管帽Steel butt-welding pipe fittings.capsGB/T 12459 钢制对焊无缝管件Steel butt-welding seamless fittingsGB/T 13401 钢板制对焊管件Steel plate butt-welding pipe fittingsGB/T 14383 锻钢制承插焊管件Forged steel socket-welding pipe fittingsGB/T 14626 锻钢制螺纹管件Forged steel threaded pipe fittingsSH 3065 石油化工管式炉急弯弯管技艺规范Specification for tube fumace sharp bend for petrochemical industrySH 3406 石油化工钢制管法兰Steel pipe flanges for petrochemical industrySH 3408 钢制对焊无缝管件Steel butt-welding seamless fittingsSH 3409 钢板制对焊管件Steel plate butt-welding pipe fittingsSH 3410 锻钢承插焊管件Forged steel socket-welding fittingsHGJ10 (HG/T21634) 锻钢承插焊管件Forged steel socket-welding fittingsHGJ514 (HG/T21635) 碳钢、低合金钢无缝管件Carbon steel、low-alloy steel butt-welding seamless fittingsHGJ528 (HG/T21631) 钢制有缝对焊管件Steel plate butt-welding fittingsGD87-1011 火力发电厂汽水管道零件及部件范例设计手册Typical design manual of pipe parts for steam power plantDL/T515 电站弯管Bends for power plantDL/T695 电站钢制对焊管件Steel butt-welding fittings for power plantSY/T0510 钢制对焊管件Steel butt-welding pipe fittingsSY5257 钢制弯管Steel bendsISO3419 非合金和合金钢对焊管件Non-alloy steel and alloy steel butt-welding fittingsQ/320281AQD01-2000 钢制对焊高压带直段弯头Steel butt-welding elbow with a straight pipe section碳钢弯头Carbon Steel Elbow不锈钢弯头Stainless Steel Elbow高压弯头High-Pressure Elbow NPT=Normal Pressure and Temperature 常温常压, 规范温度与压力90°短半径弯头90°SS Elbow (SR)90°长半径弯头90°SS Elbow (LR)高压厚壁弯头Thickness ElbowTee Equal 相等的三通male plug 插头female socket 插座dust cap 防尘盖等径三通Straight Tee safety cap 平安罩异径三通Reducing Tee等径四通Straight Cross同心异径管Concentric Reducers concentric 同中央的eccentric 差异圆心的偏心异径管Eccentric Reducers高压异径管High-pressure Reducers不锈钢等径三通Stainless Straight Tee碳钢等径三通Carbon Straight Tee不锈钢等径四通Stainless Straight Cross高压三通High-pressure Tee锻制三通Forged Tee异径接头Template管帽Caps法兰flangevalve 阀门类型description 类种Standard规范Design类型Type 类型Type Model 型号Material材质classes 种类specification 规格机床类冲床punching machine机械手robot油压机hydraulic machine车床lathe刨床planer |'plein?|铣床miller磨床grinder(钻床)driller线切割linear cutting金属切削metal cutting机床machine tool管件材质类steel 钢carbon steel 碳素钢rustless steel 不锈钢alloy steel 合金钢angle steel 角钢blister steel 泡钢carburizing steel 渗碳钢cast steel 铸钢cementation steel 渗碳钢chrome steel 铬钢chrome molybdenum steel 铬钼钢chrome-vanadium steel 铬钒钢dies steel 模具钢ferrite steel 铁素体钢ferritic steel 铁素体钢flat steel 扁钢flat-rolled steel 扁钢forged steel 铸造钢hard steel 硬钢hardened stainless steel 硬化不锈钢heat (-resisting) steel 耐热钢hig-carbon steel 高碳钢high manganese steel 高锰钢high-speed steel 高速钢;锋钢high strength steel 高强度钢high tensile steel 高强度钢H-section steel 工字钢low carbon steel 低碳钢low manganese steel 低锰钢mild steel 软钢nickel steel 镍钢nickel-chrome steel 镍铬钢nickel chromium steel 镍铬钢The Tube Inserting (卡套式接头)Compressioned Joint (管路截止阀)Welding Joint (焊接式接头)Velding Joint (扩口式接头)Ream Joint (控油压接头)Pipeline Cut-off Valves (紫铜管件)Fast Fittings (管夹)Oil-Pressure Controlling Connectors (快捷接头)Pagoda-Shape Connectors (宝塔型接头)Hydraulic Rubber Tube Assembly (液压胶管总成)Flange (法兰)Inside-and-Outside Connectors (表里接头)Construction Machinery Connectors (工程机械接头)Connectors for Military Use (军用接头)长径和短径弯头long and short radius elbows同心和偏心异径接头concentric and eccentric reducers 等径和异径三通straight and reducing outlet tees大小头CONCENTRIC REDUCERU型管Return Bend盲法兰Blank Flange弯管Bends翻边stub ends异径接头reducers公称通径nominal diameter外径(mm) outside diameter中央距至端面的距离center to end理论重量(kg/pcs) approx weight双丝头Nipple短节SWAGE NIPPLE表里螺纹活接头Union螺桩studHalf-Coupling单承口管箍Coupling双承口管箍盲板Blind Flangespectacle blind 带双圈的盲板Ecentric 偏心的。
INTERNATIONASTANDARD L国际标准ISO22716First edition2007-11-15第一版本发行于2007年11月15日Cosmetics — Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) — Guidelines on GoodManufacturing Practices化妆品—良好生产规范(GMP)准则ISO 22716:2007(E)标准号ISO22716:2007(E)Contents PageIntroduction (1)1 Scope (1)2 Terms and definitions (1)3 Personnel (4)4 Premises (6)5 Equipment (8)6 Raw materials and packaging materials (10)7 Production (11)8 Finished products (14)9 Quality control laboratory (15)10 Treatment of product that is out of specification (17)11 Wastes (17)12 Subcontracting (18)13 Deviations (19)14 Complaints and recalls (19)15 Change control (19)16 Internal audit (20)17 Documentation (20)目录介绍 (1)1 范围 (1)2 术语和定义 (1)3 员工 (4)4 厂房 (6)5 设备 (8)6 原料和包材 (10)7 生产 (11)8 成品 (14)9 实验室质量控制制 (15)10 不合格品的处理.......................................................... .1711 废弃物 (17)12 外包 (18)13 偏差 (19)14 投诉和召回 (19)15 变更控制 (19)16 内审 (20)17 文档 (20)IntroductionThese guidelines are intended to provide guidance regarding Good Manufacturing Practices for cosmetic products. These guidelines have been prepared for consideration by the cosmetic industry and take into account the specific needs of this sector. These guidelines offer organizational and practical advice on the management of the human, technical and administrative factors affecting product quality.These guidelines have been written to allow them to be used following the flow of products from receipt to shipment. Additionally, in order to clarify the way this document reaches its objectives, a ‘principle’ is added to each major section.Good Manufacturing Practices constitute the practical development of the quality assurance concept through the description of the plant activities that are based on sound scientific judgement and risk assessments. The objective of these GMP guidelines is to define the activities that enable you to obtain a product that meets defined characteristics.Documentation is an integral part of Good Manufacturing Practices.介绍这份准则为化妆品良好生产规范做出指导,是适合化妆品行业并考虑了行业的具体要求,在人员,技术和影响产品质量的综合因素方面提供了系统性的和实际性的建议。
ASTM A 754/A 754M-1996X射线荧光法测量涂层厚度的试验方法Test Method for Coating Thickness by X-Ray FluorescenceASTM B567-1998用B射线背散射法测量涂层厚度的试验方法Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness by the Beta Backscatter MethodASTM B568-1998X射线光谱仪法测量涂层厚度的试验方法Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness by X-Ray SpectrometryASTM C637-1998辐射屏蔽混凝土用集料的标准规范Standard Specification for Aggregates for Radiation-Shielding ConcreteASTM C638-1992辐射屏蔽混凝土集料组分的描述术语Descriptive Nomenclature of Constituents of Aggregates for Radiation-Shielding Concrete ASTM C1455-2000用Y射线谱法无损检定仍然有效特殊核材料指南ASTM D2599-1987X射线光谱法测定汽油含铅量的试验方法(05.02)Test Method for Lead in Gasoline by X-Ray Spectrometry (05.02)ASTM D4294-1998用非色散X射线荧光光谱法测定石油产品中含硫量试验方法Sulfur in Petroleum Products by Non-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry, Method of Test for (05.02)ASTM D4452-1985 土壤样品的X 射线照相法X-Ray Radiography of Soil SamplesASTM D5059-1998X-射线光谱法测定汽油含铅量的试验方法Test Method for Lead in Gasoline by X-Ray Spectroscopy (05.03)ASTM D5187-1991X射线衍射法测定煅烧石油焦炭中结晶尺寸(LC)的试验方法Test Method for Crystallite Size (LC) of Calcined Petroleum Coke by X-Ray Diffraction (05.03) ASTM D6247-1998X射线荧光光谱法分析聚烯烃中元素含量的试验方法Test Method for Analysis of 日emental Content in Polyolefins by X-Ray Fluorescence SpectrometryASTM E94-2004(2010)射线照相检验标准指南Standard Guide for Radiographic Examination ASTM E142-1996 射线照相检测的质量控制方法Method for Controlling Quality of Radiographic TestingASTM E155-2010铝镁合金铸件射线照相检验标准参考照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium CastingsASTM E170-1999有关辐射测量和剂量测定的术语ASTM E181-1998放射性核素探测器的校准和分析的一般方法General Methods for Detector Calibration and Analysis of RadionuclidesASTM E186-2010厚壁(50.8-114mm)钢铸件标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (2 to 4 /2-In./50.8 to 114-mm) Steel Castings ASTM E192-2004(2010)e1宇航用熔模钢铸件标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Investment Steel Castings of AerospaceApplicationsASTM E242-2001(2010)某些参数改变时射线照相图象显示的标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Appearances of Radiographic Images asCertain Parameters Are ChangedASTM E272-2010高强度铜基及银铜合金铸件的标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for High-Strength Copper-Base andNickel-Copper Alloy CastingsASTM E280-2010厚壁(114-305mm)铸钢件标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (4 R to 12-in. (114 to305-mm)) Steel CastingsASTM E310-2010锡青铜铸件标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Tin Bronze CastingsASTM E390-2011钢熔焊焊缝标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Steel Fusion WeldsASTM E431-96(2011)半导体和相关器件射线照片判读指南Standard Guide to Interpretation of Radiographs of Semiconductors andRelated DevicesASTM E446-2010厚度至50.8mm钢铸件的标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings up to 2 in. (50.8 mm) inThicknessASTM E505-2001(2011)铝和镁压铸件检验的标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Die Castings ASTM E545-2005(2010)确定直接热中子射线照相检验成象质量的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Determining Image Quality in Direct ThermalNeutron Radiographic ExaminationASTM E586-88Y与X射线照相检测的术语定义ASTM E592-1999(2009)e16〜51mm厚钢板X射线照相检验和25〜152mm厚钢板钻60照相检验获得ASTM当量穿透灵敏度的标准指南Standard Guide to Obtainable ASTM Equivalent Penetrameter Sensitivity forRadiography of Steel Plates 14 to 2 in. (6 to 51 mm) Thick with X Rays and 1 to 6 in. (25 to 152 mm) Thick with Cobalt-60ASTM E665-1994测量暴露在X闪光射线机的X射线照射下的材料中相对深度的吸收剂量Determining Absorbed Dose Versus Depth in Materials Exposed to the X-RayOutput of Flash X-Ray MachinesASTM E666-1997Y 或X 射线剂量吸收的计算Calculating Absorbed Dose from Gamma or X RadiationASTM E689-2010球墨铸铁标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Ductile Iron CastingsASTM E746-2007测定工业射线照相成像系统相关图象质量响应的标准方法Standard Practice for Determining Relative Image Quality Response ofIndustrial Radiographic Imaging SystemsASTM E747-2004(2010)射线照相用线型象质计(IQI)的设计、制造及材料组分类的标准方法Standard Practice for Design, Manufacture, and Material GroupingClassification of Wire Image Quality Indicators (Iqi) Used for RadiologyASTM E748-2002(2008)材料热中子射线照相标准方法Standard Practices for Thermal Neutron Radiography of MaterialsASTM E801-2006(2011)电子装置射线照相检验的质量控制标准方法Standard Practice for Controlling Quality of Radiological Examination of Electronic Devices ASTM E802-1995(2010)厚度至114mm的灰口铸铁标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Gray Iron Castings up to 4 1 in. (114 mm) in ThicknessASTM E803-1991(2008)确定中子射线透照束长径比的标准方法Standard Method for Determining the L/D Ratio of Neutron Radiography BeamsASTM E915-1996残余应力测量用X射线衍射仪校准检定的试验方法Test Method for Verifying the Alignment of X-Ray DiffractionInstrumentation for Residual Stress MeasurementASTM E999-2010工业射线照相胶片处理的质量控制标准指南Standard Guide for Controlling the Quality of Industrial Radiographic FilmProcessingASTM E1000-98(2009)射线照相检测标准指南Standard Guide for RadioscopyASTM E1025-2011射线照相检测用孔型象质计设计、制造和材料组分类的标准方法Standard Practice for Design, Manufacture, and Material GroupingClassification of Hole-Type Image Quality Indicators(IQI) Used forRadiographyASTM E1030-2005(2011)金属铸件射线照相检验的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Radiographic Examination of Metallic CastingsASTM E1032-2012焊缝射线照相检验的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Radiographic Examination of WeldmentsASTM E1079-2010透射密度计校准的标准方法Standard Practice for Calibration of Transmission DensitometersASTM E1114-2009e1测定铱192工业射线照相源尺寸的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Determining the Size of Iridium -192 IndustrialRadiopraphic SourcesASTM E1161-2009半导体和电子元件射线检验的标准方法Standard Practice for Radiologic Examination of Semiconductors andElectronic ComponentsASTM E1165-2004(2010)用针孔成象法测量工业X射线管焦点的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Measurement of Focal Spots of Industrial X-RayTubes by Pinhole ImagingASTM E1168-1995 核设施工人辐射防护训练Radiological Protection Training for Nuclear Facility WorkersASTM E1254-2008射线照片及未曝光工业射线照相胶片储藏的标准指南Standard Guide for Storage of Radiographs and Unexposed IndustrialRadiographic FilmsASTM E1255-2009射线透视检验标准方法Standard Practice for RadioscopyASTM E1320-2010钛铸件标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Titanium CastingsASTM E1390-2012工业射线照相观片灯标准规范Standard Specification for Illuminators Used for Viewing IndustrialRadiographsASTM E1400-1995高剂量辐射量测定校准实验室的特性和性能规程Characterization and Performance of a High-Dose Radiation DosimetryCalibration Laboratory, Practice for (12.02)ASTM E1411-2009射线照相系统鉴定的标准方法Standard Practice for Qualification of Radioscopic SystemsASTM E1416-2009 焊缝射线检验的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Radioscopic Examination of WeldmentsASTM E1441-2011计算机层析(CT)成像的标准指南Standard Guide for Computed Tomography (CT) ImagingASTM E1441-2000 计算机层析成像(CT)指南Guide for Computed Tomography (CT) Imaging ASTM E1453-2009含模拟或数字射线照相数据的磁带媒体存储标准指南Standard Guide for Storage of Magnetic Tape Media that Contains Analog orDigital Radioscopic DataASTM E1475-2002(2008)数字射线照相检验数据计算机化传输的数据区标准指南Standard Guide for Data Fields for Computerized Transfer of DigitalRadiological Examination DataASTM E1496-2005(2010)中子射线照相尺寸测量的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Neutron Radiographic DimensionalMeasurements(With drawn 2012)ASTM E1570-2011计算机层析(CT)检验标准方法Standard Practice for Computed Tomographic (CT) ExaminationASTM E1647-2009确定射线照相检测对比度灵敏度的标准方法Standard Practice for Determining Contrast Sensitivity in RadiologyASTM E1648-1995(2011)铝熔焊焊缝检验标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiographs for Examination of Aluminum Fusion WeldsASTM E1672-2006选择计算机层析(CT)系统的标准指南Standard Guide for Computed Tomography (Ct) System SelectionASTM E1695-1995(2006)e1计算机层析(CT)系统性能测量的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Measurement of Computed Tomography (Ct) System PerformanceASTM E1734-2009铸件射线照相检验标准方法Standard Practice for Radioscopic Examination of CastingsASTM E1735-2007确定经4-25MV X射线曝光的工业射线胶片相关成像质量的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Determining Relative Image Quality of IndustrialRadiographic Film Exposed to X-Radiation from 4 to 25 MVASTM E174〃E1742M-2011射线照相检验标准方法Standard Practice for Radiographic ExaminationASTM E1814-1996(2007)铸件计算机层析(CT)检验标准方法Standard Practice for Computed Tomographic (CT) Examination of CastingsASTM E1815-2008工业射线照相胶片系统分类的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Classification of Film Systems for IndustrialRadiographyASTM E1817-2008使用典型象质计(RQIs)控制射线检验质量的标准方法Standard Practice for Controlling Quality of Radiological Examination byUsing Representative Quality Indicators(RQI-s)ASTM E1894-1997选择脉冲X射线源用的剂量测定系统的标准指南Standard Guide for Selecting Dosimetry Systems for Application in PulsedX-Ray SourcesASTM E1931-2009X射线康普顿散射层析技术标准指南Standard Guide for X-ray Compton Scatter TomographyASTM E1935-1997(2008)校准和测量计算机层析(CT)密度的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Calibrating and Meausring CT DensityASTM E1936-2003(2011)评估射线照相数字化系统性能的标准参考射线照片Standard Reference Radiograph for Evaluating the Performance ofRadiographic Digitization SystemsASTM E1955-2004(2009)与美国材料与试验协会ASTM E 390参考射线照片等级比较钢中焊缝完善性的标准射线检验Standard Radiographic Examination for Soundness of Welds in Steel byComparison to Graded ASTM E390 Reference RadiographsASTM E2002-1998(2009)测定射线照相图象总不清晰度的标准方法Standard Practice for Determining Total Image Unsharpness in RadiologyASTM E2003-2010中子射线照相波束纯度指示计制作的标准方法Standard Practice for Fabrication of the Neutron Radiographic Beam PurityIndicators [Metric]ASTM E2007-2010计算机射线照相标准指南(用于CR的标准指南)(可激射线发光[PSL]法)Standard Guide for Computed Radiology (Photostimulable Luminescence (PSL)Method)ASTM E2023-2010制作中子射线照相灵敏度指示计的标准方法Standard Practice for Fabrication of Neutron Radiographic SensitivityIndicatorASTM E2033-1999(2006)计算机射线照相的标准方法(用于CR的标准实施方法)(可激射线发光晓1]法)Standard Practice for Computed Radiology (Photostimulable LuminescenceMethod)ASTM E2104-2009优质航空与涡轮材料和构件射线照相检验的标准方法Standard Practice for Radiographic Examination of Advanced Aero andTurbine Materials and ComponentsASTM E2120-2000便携式X射线荧光光谱仪测量涂膜中铅含量的性能评估规程Practice for the Performance Evaluation of the Portable X-Ray FluorescenceSpectrometer for the Measurement of Lead in Paint FilmsASTM E2339-2004无损评价中的数字成像和通讯Digital Imaging and Communication in NDE(DICONDE)ASTM E2422-2011铝铸件标准参考数字射线图像(钛和钢铸件也适用)Standard Digital Reference Images for Al. Casting(Titanium & steel Casting also available) ASTM E2445-2005(2010)计算机射线照相系统的长期稳定性与鉴定的标准方法(用于CR系统的质量认定和长期稳定性的标准实施方法)Standard Practice for Qualification and Long-Term Stability of ComputedRadiology SystemsASTM E2446-2005(2010)计算机射线照相系统分类的标准方法(用于CR系统分类的标准实施方法)Standard Practice for Classification of Computed Radiology SystemsASTM E2597-2007e1数字探测器阵列制造特性的标准规程Standard Practice for Manufacturing Characterization of Digital DetectorArraysASTM E2660-2011航空用优质钢铸件标准参考数字射线图像Standard Digital Reference Images for Investment Steel Castings forAerospace ApplicationsASTM E2662-2009航空用平面与夹芯复合材料射线照相检验的标准方法Standard Practice for Radiologic Examination of Flat Panel Composites andSandwich Core Materials Used in Aerospace ApplicationsASTM E2669-2011数字射线照相(DR)检测方法的数字图像与通信无损评价(DICONDE)的标准方法Standard Practice for Digital Imaging and Communication in NondestructiveEvaluation (DICONDE) for Digital Radiographic (DR) Test MethodsASTM E2698-2010使用数字探测器阵列的射线照相检验标准方法Standard Practice for Radiological Examination Using Digital DetectorArraysASTM E2736-2010数字探测器阵列射线照相检测标准指南Standard Guide for Digital Detector Array RadiologyASTM E2737-2010评价数字探测器阵列性能和长期稳定性的标准方法Standard Practice for Digital Detector Array Performance Evaluation andLong-Term StabilityASTM E2738-2011使用计算机射线照相(CR)检测方法的数字图像与通讯无损评价(DICONDE) 的标准方法Standard Practice for Digital Imaging and Communication NondestructiveEvaluation (DICONDE) for Computed Radiography (CR) Test MethodsASTM E2767-2011使用X射线计算机层析(CT)检测方法的数字图像与通讯无损评价(DICONDE)的标准方法Standard Practice for Digital Imaging and Communication in NondestructiveEvaluation (DICONDE) for X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) Test MethodsASTM E2861-2011测量中子辐射束发散与校准的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Measurement of Beam Divergence and Alignment inNeutron Radiologic BeamsASTM F629-1997铸造金属外科手术植入物射线照相检查实施方法(14)ASTM F727-1981透明照相干版透光度测量的试验方法Test Method for Measuring Transmittance of See-Through PhotoplateASTM F784-1982校准放射性同位素密封测试仪的试验方法Test Method for Calibrating Radioisotope Hermetic Test ApparatusASTM F864-1984 硬表面玻璃照相干板的检验Inspection of Hard-Surface Glass Photoplates ASTM F947-1985测定照相胶片低能级X射线辐射灵敏度的试验方法Test Method for Determining Low-Level X-Radiation Sensitivity ofPhotographic FilmsASTM F1035-1991使用橡胶帘布圆盘验证轮胎X射线成象系统的辩别能力Use of Rubber-Cord Pie Disk to Demonstrate the Discernment Capability of aTire X-Ray Imaging SystemASTM F1039-1987X射线安全屏系统中测量低剂量X辐射的试验方法Test Method for Measurement of Low Level X-Radiation Used in X-RaySecurity Screening SystemsASTM F1467-1999微电子装置电离辐射效应中X射线测试仪(近似等于10keV辐射量子)的使用Use of an X-Ray Tester (is Approximately Equal to 10 keV Photons) inIonizing Radiation Effects Testing of Microelectronic DevicesASTM PS95-1998便携式X射线荧光(XRF)装置现场测定涂料或其它涂层含铅量的质量体系的标准临时操作规程Standard Provisional Practice for Quality Systems for Conducting In SituMeasurements of Lead Content in Paint or Other Coatings usingField-Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) DevicesASTM PS 116-1999测量涂膜含铅量用的便携式X射线荧光光谱仪性能评价的临时操作规程Provisional Practice for the Performance Evaluation of the Portable X-RayFluorescence Spectrometer for the Measurement of Lead in Paint FilmsANSI/ANS6.1.1-1991中子及r射线对剂量因素的影响Neutron and Gamma-Ray Fluence-to-DoseFactorsANSI/IEEE 309-1970 盖革-弥勒计数器的试验程序Geiger-Muller Counters, Test Procedure for ANSI IT9.2-1991成象介质-已处理的照相胶片、平板和相纸-归档盒及储存箱Imaging Media - Photographic Processed Films, Plates and Papers - FilingEnclosures and Storage ContainersANSI IT9.8-1989成象介质-照相胶片耐折强度的测定Imaging Media - Photographic Film - Determination of Folding EnduranceANSI N13.2-1969 辐射监测的管理规程指南Administrative Practices in Radiation Monitoring, Guide toANSI N13.5-1972直读和非直读式袖珍X和Y射线辐射剂量仪的性能Direct Reading and Indirect Reading Pocket Dosimeters for X- and GammaRadiation, PerformanceANSI N13.7-1983辐射防护照相胶片剂量仪性能标准Radiation Protection - Photographic Film Dosimeters - Criteria forPerformanceANSI N13.11-2001 个人剂量测定的试验标准Personnel Dosimetry Performance, Criteria for TestingANSI N13.27-1981袖珍式报警辐射剂量仪和报警记数率计的性能要求Performance Requirements for Pocket-Sized Alarm Dosimeters and AlarmRatemetersANSI N15.36-1994核材料无损化验测量的控制和保证Nuclear materials - Nondestructive assay measurement control and assuranceANSI N15.37-1981核材料控制的自动无损化验系统指南Automation of Nondestructive Assay Systems for Nuclear Materials Control,Guide toANSI N42.16-1986用于液体闪烁计数器的密封放射检查源的规范Specifications for sealed radioactive check sources used in liquid-scintillation countersANSI N42.20-1995 个人辐射监视仪的性能标准Performance criteria foractive personnel radiation monitorsANSI N42.26-1995辐射防护仪器监测设备X和Y辐射个人报警装置Radiation Protection Instrumentation - Monitoring Equipment - PersonalWarning Devices for X and Gamma RadiationsANSI N43.3-1993通用辐射安全非医疗应用的X射线和密封Y射线源的安装能量达10MevGeneral radiation safety - Installations using non-medical X-ray andsealed gamma-ray sources, energies up to 10 MeVANSI N43.6-1997 密封放射性源的分类Classification of SealedRadioactive SourcesANSI N43.9-1991Y射线照相仪器的设计和试验规范Gamma Radiography - Specifications for Design and Testing of ApparatusANSI N322-1996直接和间接读取石英纤维袖珍剂量计的检验和试验规范Inspection and Test Specifications for Direct and Indirect Reading QuartzFiber Pocket Dosimeters ASME Boiler & Pressure VesselCode(ASME锅炉压力容器规范)第V卷《无损检测》2004版,第2篇“射线检测”,强制性附录-包含动态射线照相、实时射线成像检测内容ASME SE-1647确定射线照相对比灵敏度的推荐实施方法ASME Code Case 2476使用荧光成像板的射线照相Radiography using phosphor imaging platesMIL-HDBK-55-66射线照相无损检测手册(已由MIL-HDBK-7285取代)MIL-STD-139A-65射线检测铝镁合金铸件的完好性要求MIL-STD-453C-88射线照相检测MIL-STD-746A-63铸造爆破器材的射线照相检测要求MIL-STD-779-68钢焊缝参考X射线照片(由ASTM E390取代)MIL-STD-1257A-87钻铭合金枪管射线照相及目视检验MIL-R-11470A-71对射线检验设备,操作方法和操作人员的合格审查(由MIL-STD-453取代) MIL-I-36013B-72折迭式X射线观片灯MIL-R-45226-62石墨的射线照相检测(已停用)MIL-R-45774A(92)铝,镁导弹零件熔焊完好性要求-射线照相检测MIL-STD-1948(91)中子射线照相检验的术语和定义汇编MIL-HDBK-7285(92)射线照相检验MIL-HDBK-733(92)复合材料无损检验方法-射线照相法MIL-STD-1166A(91)固体火箭推进剂射线照相检验要求MIL-STD-1264B(93)钢焊缝完好性射线照相检验-与ASTM E390各级参考底片比较MIL-STD-1265A(92)钢铸件射线照相检验分类和完好性要求MIL-STD-1894A(86)不完全焊透钢焊缝的射线照相参考标准及射线照相程序MIL-STD-1895A(86)不完全焊透铝焊缝的射线照相参考标准及射线照相程序BAC 5915(美国波音公司)射线检验DPS 4.736(美国麦道公司)射线检验API 1104(美国石油协会)管道及有关设备的焊接AWS B 5.15射线照相评片资格技术条件。
中国国家标准中英文对照翻译(城镇建设工程标准)中国国家标准——城镇建设工程标准GB〖CJJ1-90〗市政道路工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality test and estimation of municipal road engineering〖CJJ2-2008〗城市桥梁工程施工与质量验收规范Code for construction and quality acceptance of bridge works in city〖CJJ6-85〗排水管道维护安全技术规程Technical specification for safety maintenance of sewerage pipes〖CJJ7-2007〗城市工程地球物理探测规范Code for engineering geophysical prospecting and testing in city〖CJJ8-99〗城市测量规范Code for urban survey〖CJJ11-93〗城市桥梁设计准则The Criteria of Municipal Bridge Design〖CJJ12-99〗家用燃气燃烧器具安装及验收规程Specification for installation and acceptance of domestic gas burning appliances 〖CJJ13-87〗供水水文地质钻探与凿井操作规程Specification for operation of hydrographic geological drilling and digging for water-supply〖CJJ14-2005〗城市公共厕所设计标准Standard for design of public toilets in city〖CJJ15-87〗城市公共交通站、场、厂设计规范Code for design of urban public transportation station, ground and house〖CJJ17-2004〗生活垃圾卫生填埋技术规范Technical code for municipal solid waste sanitary landfill〖CJJ18-88〗市政工程施工、养护及污水处理工人技术等级标准Technical level standard for workers of construction maintenance and sewerage treatment of municipal engineering〖CJJ27-2005〗城镇环境卫生设施设置标准Standard for setting of town environmental sanitation facilities〖CJJ28-2004〗城镇供热管网工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of city heating pipelines〖CJJ/T29-98〗建筑排水硬聚氯乙烯管道工程技术规程Technical specification of PVC-U pipe work for building drainage〖CJJ30-2009〗城市粪便处理厂运行维护及其安全技术规程Technical specification for operation maintenance and safety of night soil treatment plants〖CJJ32-89〗含藻水给水处理设计规范Code for design of water supply treatment for water with algae〖CJJ33-2005〗城镇燃气输配工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of city and town gas distribution works〖CJJ34-2002〗城市热力网设计规范Design code of district heating network〖CJJ36-2006〗城镇道路养护技术规范Technical code of urban road maintenance〖CJJ37-90〗城市道路设计规范Code for design of municipal road〖CJJ39-91〗古建筑修建工程质量检验评定标准(北方地区)Standard for quality test and estimation of ancient building repairing engineering (in northern area)〖CJJ40-91〗高浊度水给水设计规范Code for design of water-supply for muddy water〖CJJ43-91〗热拌再生沥青混合料路面施工及验收规程Specification for construction and acceptance of hot-mixed and regenerated asphalt mixture road face〖CJJ45-2006〗城市道路照明设计标准Standard for lighting design of urban road〖CJJ47-2006〗生活垃圾转运站技术规范Technical code for transfer station of municipal solid waste〖CJJ48-92〗公园设计规范Code for design of parks〖CJJ50-92〗城市防洪工程设计规范Code for design of flood control engineering in city〖CJJ51-2006〗城镇燃气设施运行、维护和抢修安全技术规程Safety technical specification for operation, maintenance and rush-repair of city gas facilities〖CJJ/T52-93〗城市生活垃圾好氧静态堆肥处理技术规程Technical specification for static aerobic composting of municipal solid waste〖CJJ/T53-93〗民用房屋修缮工程施工规程Code for repairing construction of civil buildings〖CJJ/T54-93〗污水稳定塘设计规范Code for design of wastewater stabilization ponds〖CJJ55-93〗供热术语标准Standard for terminology of heat-supply〖CJJ56-94〗市政工程勘察规范Code for investigation and surveying of municipal engineering〖CJJ57-94〗城市规划工程地质勘察规范Code for geotechnical investigation and surveying of urban planning engineering〖CJJ58-2009〗城镇供水厂运行、维护及安全技术规程Technical specification for operation, maintenance and safety of city and town waterworks〖CJJ60-94〗城市污水处理厂运行、维护及其安全技术规程Technical specification for operation, maintenance and safety of municipal wastewater treatment plants〖CJJ61-2003〗城市地下管线探测技术规程Technical specification for detecting and surveying of under-ground pipelines and cables in city〖CJJ62-95〗房屋渗漏修缮技术规程Technical specification for repairing water creep of houses〖CJJ63-2008〗聚乙烯燃气管道工程技术规程Technical specification for polyethylene (PE) gas pipeline engineering〖CJJ64-2009〗城市粪便处理厂设计规范Code for design of night soil treatment plant〖CJJ/T65-2004〗市容环境卫生术语标准Standard for terminology of environmental sanitation〖CJJ66-95〗路面稀浆封层施工规程Slurry sealing specification〖CJJ67-95〗风景园林图例图示标准Standard for graphic of landscape architecture〖CJJ68-2007〗城镇排水管渠与泵站维护技术规程Technical specification for maintenance of sewers & channels and pumping station in city〖CJJ69-95〗城市人行天桥与人行地道技术规范Technical specification of urban pedestrian overcrossing and underpass〖CJJ70-96〗古建筑修建工程质量检验评定标准(南方地区)Standard for quality test and estimation of ancient building repairing engineering (in southern area)〖CJJ71-2000〗机动车清洗站工程技术规程Technical specification for automotive rinsing station engineering〖CJJ72-97〗无轨电车供电线网工程施工及验收规范Code for installation and acceptance of trolley bus network〖CJJ73-97〗全球定位系统城市测量技术规程Technical specification for urban surveying using global positioning system〖CJJ74-99〗城镇地道桥顶进施工及验收规程Specification for construction and acceptance of underpass bridges in town by jacking method〖CJJ75-97〗城市道路绿化规划与设计规范Code for planting planning and design on urban roads〖CJJ/T76-98〗城市地下水动态观测规程Specification for dynamic observation of ground water in urban area〖CJJ/T78-97〗供热工程制图标准Drawing standard of heat-supply engineering〖CJJ/T81-98〗城镇直埋供热管道工程技术规程Technical specification for directly buried heating pipeline engineering in city〖CJJ/T82-99〗城市绿化工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of plant engineering in city and town〖CJJ83-99〗城市用地竖向规划规范Code for vertical planning on urban field〖CJJ/T85-2002〗城市绿地分类标准Standard for classification of urban green space〖CJJ/T86-2000〗城市生活垃圾堆肥处理厂运行、维护及其安全技术规程Technical specification for operation maintenance and safety of municipal solid waste composting plant〖CJJ/T87-2000〗乡镇集贸市场规划设计标准Standard for market planning of town and township〖CJJ/T88-2000〗城镇供热系统安全运行技术规程Technical specification for safe operation of heating system in city〖CJJ89-2001〗城市道路照明工程施工及验收规程Specification for construction and inspection of urban road lighting engineering〖CJJ90-2009〗生活垃圾焚烧处理工程技术规范Technical code for projects of municipal solid waste incineration〖CJJ/T91-2002〗园林基本术语标准Standard for basic terminology of landscape architecture〖CJJ92-2002〗城市供水管网漏损控制及评定标准Standard for leakage control and assessment of urban water supply distribution system〖CJJ93-2003〗城市生活垃圾卫生填埋场运行维护技术规程Technical specification for operation and maintenance of municipal domestic refuse sanitary landfill〖CJJ94-2009〗城镇燃气室内工程施工与质量验收规范Code for construction and quality acceptance of city indoor gas engineering〖CJJ95-2003〗城镇燃气埋地钢质管道腐蚀控制技术规程Technical specification for control of external corrosion on underground gas pipeline of steel in area of cities and towns〖CJJ96-2003〗地铁限界标准Standard of metro gauges〖CJJ/T97-2003〗城市规划制图标准Standard for drawing in urban planning〖CJJ/T98-2003〗建筑给水聚苯乙烯类管道工程技术规程Technical specification of polyethylene (PE), cross-linked polyethylene (PE-X) and polyethylene of raised temperature resistance (PE-RT) pipeline engineering for water supply in building〖CJJ99-2003〗城市桥梁养护技术规范Technical code maintenance for city bridge〖CJJ100-2004〗城市基础地理信息系统技术规范Technical specification for urban fundamental geographic information system〖CJJ101-2004〗埋地聚乙烯给水管道工程技术规程Technical specification for buried polyethylene pipeline of water supply engineering〖CJJ/T102-2004〗城市生活垃圾分类及其评价标准Classification and evaluation standard of municipal solid waste〖CJJ103-2004〗城市地理空间框架数据标准Standard for urban geospatial framework data〖CJJ104-2005〗城镇供热直埋蒸汽管道技术规程Technical specification for directly buried steam heating pipeline in city〖CJJ105-2005〗城镇供热管网结构设计规范Code for structural design of heating pipelines in city and town〖CJJ/T106-2005〗城市市政综合监管信息系统技术规范Technical code for urban municipal supervision and management information system〖CJJ/T107-2005〗生活垃圾填埋场无害化评价标准Standard of assessment on municipal solid waste and fill〖CJJ/T108-2006〗城市道路除雪作业技术规程Technical specification of snow removal operation for city road〖CJJ109-2006〗生活垃圾转运站运行维护技术规程Technical specification for operation and maintenance of municipal solid waste transfer station〖CJJ110-2006〗管道直饮水系统技术规程Technical specification of pipe system for fine drinking water〖CJJ/T111-2006〗预应力混凝土桥梁预制节段逐跨拼装施工技术规程Technical specification for construction of span by span method of precast segment in prestressed concrete bridge〖CJJ112-2007〗生活垃圾卫生填埋场封场技术规程Technical code for municipal solid waste sanitary landfill closure〖CJJ113-2007〗生活垃圾卫生填埋场防渗系统工程技术规范Technical code for liner system of municipal solid waste landfill〖CJJ/T114-2007〗城市公共交通分类标准Standard for classification of urban public transportation〖CJJ/T115-2007〗房地产市场信息系统技术规范Technical code for real estate market information system〖CJJ/T116-2008〗建设领域应用软件测评通用规范General code for measure and evaluation of application software in the field of construction〖CJJ/T117-2007〗建设电子文件与电子档案管理规范Code for management of electronic construction records and archives〖CJJ/T119-2008〗城市公共交通工程术语标准Terminology standard for urban public transport engineering〖CJJ120-2008〗城镇排水系统电气与自动化工程技术规程Technical specification of electrical & automation engineering for city drainage system〖CJJ124-2008〗镇(乡)村排水工程技术规程Technical specification of wastewater engineering for town and village〖CJJ/T126-2008〗城市道路清扫保洁质量与评价标准Standard for quality and assessment of city road sweeping and cleaning〖CJJ/T125-2008〗环境卫生图形符号标准Standard for figure symbols of environmental sanitation〖CJJ122-2008〗游泳池给水排水工程技术规程Technical specification for water supply and drainage engineering of swimming pool〖CJJ123-2008〗镇(乡)村给水工程技术规程Technical specification of water supply engineering for town and village〖CJJ128-2009〗生活垃圾焚烧厂运行维护与安全技术规程Technical specification for operation maintenance and safety of municipal solid waste incineration plant〖CJJ127-2009〗建筑排水金属管道工程技术规程Technical specification of metal pipe work for building drainage。
电子元件标准规范中英文对照[转帖2006.08.31 11:08:37]字号:大中小电子元件标准规范中英文对照1 GB/T 1772-1979 电子元器件失效率试验方法Determination of failure rate of electronic elements and components2 GB/T 2036-1994 印制电路术语Terms for printed circuits3 GB/T 2413-1980 压电陶瓷材料体积密度测量方法Piezoelectric ceramic materials--Measuring methods for determination of volume density4 GB/T 2470-1995 电子设备用固定电阻器、固定电容器型号命名方法Type designation system for fixed resistors and fixed capacitors for use in electronicequipment5 GB/T 2471-1995 电阻器和电容器优先数系Preferred number series for resistors and capacitors6 GB/T 2472-1981 电子设备用固定式电容器工作电压系列Fixed capacitors for electronic equipments--Working voltage series7 GB/T 2473-1981 电子设备用矩形金属外壳电容器外形尺寸系列Capacitors with rectangular metal enclosure for electronic equipments--Outline dimensions series8 GB/T 2474-1981 电子设备用圆形金属外壳电容器外形尺寸系列Capacitors with disc metal enclosure for electronic equipments--Outline dimensions series9 GB/T 2658-1995 小型交流风通用机技术条件A.C. miniature blowers, general specification for10 GB/T 2693-1990 电子设备用固定电容器第一部分: 总规范(可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment—Part 1: Generic specification11 GB/T 2775-1993 手控电子元件的轴端尺寸Dimensions of spendle ends for manually operated electronic components12 GB/T 3351-1982 人造石英晶体的型号命名Designations for synthetic quartz crystals13 GB/T 3388-1982 压电陶瓷材料型号命名方法Designations for types of piezoelectric ceramics14 GB/T 3389.3-1982 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法居里温度Tc的测试Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics--Test for Curie temperature Tc15 GB/T 3389.4-1982 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法柱体纵向长度伸缩振动模式Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics--Longitudinal lengthextension vibration mode for rod16 GB/T 3389.7-1986 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法强场介电性能的测试Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics--Test for dielectric properties inhigh electric field17 GB/T 3389.8-1986 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法热释电系数的测试Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics--Test for the pyroelectriccoefficient18 GB/T 3664-1986 电容器非线性测量方法Method of measurement of non-linearity in capacitors19 GB/T 3788-1995 真空电容器通用技术条件General specification for vacuum capacitors20 GB/T 4071-1983 光致荧光粉测试方法Measuring method for the phosphor excited by light21 GB/T 4072-1983 阴极射线致荧光粉测试方法Measuring method of the phosphor excited by cathod rays22 GB/T 4098.1-1983 射频电缆电晕试验方法Test method of corona for radio-frequency cables23 GB/T 4098.2-1983 射频电缆电容和电容不平衡测量方法Methods of measurement of capacitance and capacitance unbalance for radio-freguency cables24 GB/T 4098.3-1983 射频电缆特性阻抗测量方法Methods of measurement of characteristic impedance for radio-frequency cables25 GB/T 4098.4-1983 射频电缆衰减常数测量方法Methods of measurement of attenuation constant for radio-frequency cables26 GB/T 4098.5-1983 射频电缆电容稳定性试验方法Test method of capacitance stability for radio-frequency cables27 GB/T 4098.6-1983 射频电缆衰减稳定性试验方法Test method of attenuation stability for radio-frequency cables28 GB/T 4098.7-1983 射频电缆高温试验方法Test method of high-temperature for radio-frequency cables29 GB/T 4098.8-1983 射频电缆低温试验方法Test method of low-temperature for radio-frequency cables30 GB/T 4098.9-1983 射频电缆流动性试验方法Test method of flow for radio-frequency cables31 GB/T 4098.10-1983 射频电缆尺寸稳定性试验方法Test method of dimensional stability for radio-frequency cables32 GB/T 4165-1984 电子设备用可变电容器的使用导则Guide to the use of variable capacitors in electronic equipment33 GB/T 4166-1984 电子设备用可变电容器的试验方法Methods of test of variable capacitors in electronic equipment34 GB/T 4210-1984 电子设备用机电元件名词术语Terms of electromechanical components for electronic equipment35 GB/T 4475-1995 敏感元器件术语Terms of sensor36 GB/T 4588.1-1996 无金属化孔单双面印制板分规范Sectional specification:single and double sided printed boards with plain holes37 GB/T 4588.2-1996 有金属化孔单双面印制板分规范Sectional specification:single and double sided printed boards with plated-through holes38 GB/T 4588.3-1988 印制电路板设计和使用Design and use of printed boards39 GB/T 4588.4-1996 多层印制板分规范Seetional spocification--Multilayer printed boards40 GB/T 4588.10-1995 印制板第10部分: 有贯穿连接的刚挠双面印制板规范Printed boards--Part 10: Specification for flex-rigid double-sided printed boards withthrough connections41 GB/T 4596-1984 电子设备用三相变压器形铁心E-cores for three-phase transformers for use in electronic equipment42 GB/T 4677.1-1984 印制板表层绝缘电阻测试方法Test method of surface insulation resistance for printed boards43 GB/T 4677.2-1984 印制板金属化孔镀层厚度测试方法微电阻法Micro-resistance test method of plating thickness of platedthrough holes for printed boards44 GB/T 4677.3-1984 印制板拉脱强度测试方法Test methods of pull strength for printed boards45 GB/T 4677.4-1984 印制板抗剥强度测试方法Test methods of peel strength for printed boards46 GB/T 4677.5-1984 印制板翘曲度测试方法Test methods of platness for printed boards47 GB/T 4677.6-1984 金属和氧化覆盖层厚度测试方法截面金相法Test methods for thickness of metal and oxide coating by microscopical examination of cross-section48 GB/T 4677.7-1984 印制板镀层附着力试验方法胶带法Test method of plating adhesion by adhesive type for printed boards49 GB/T 4677.8-1984 印制板镀涂覆层厚度测试方法β反向散射法Test method of plating and coating thickness by beta backscattering for printed boards50 GB/T 4677.9-1984 印制板镀层孔隙率电图象测试方法The electrographic test method of plating porosity for printed boards51 GB/T 4677.10-1984 印制板可焊性测试方法Test method of solderability for printed boards52 GB/T 4677.11-1984 印制板耐热冲击试验方法Test methods of thermal shock for printed boards53 GB/T 4677.12-1988 印制板互连电阻测试方法Test method of interconnection resistance for printed boards54 GB/T 4677.13-1988 印制板金属化孔电阻的变化热循环测试方法Test method of change in resistance of plated-through holes--Thermal cycling for printed boards55 GB/T 4677.14-1988 印制板蒸汽-氧气加速老化试验方法Test method of steam/oxygen accelerated ageing of printed board56 GB/T 4677.15-1988 印制板绝缘涂层耐溶剂和耐焊剂试验方法Test method for solvent and flux resistance of insulating coating on printed boards57 GB/T 4677.16-1988 印制板一般检验方法General examination method for printed boards58 GB/T 4677.17-1988 多层印制板内层绝缘电阻测试方法Test method for insulation resistance within inner layers of multilayer printed boards59 GB/T 4677.18-1988 多层印制板层间绝缘电阻测试方法Test method for insulation resistance between layers of multilayer printed boards60 GB/T 4677.19-1988 印制板电路完善性测试方法Test method for electrical integrity of printed boards61 GB/T 4677.20-1988 印制板镀层附着性试验方法摩擦法Test method for plating adhesion of printed boards--Burnishing62 GB/T 4677.21-1988 印制板镀层孔隙率测试方法气体暴露法Test method for plating porosity of printed boards--The gas exposure method63 GB/T 4677.22-1988 印制板表面离子污染测试方法Test method for surface ionic contamination of printedboards64 GB/T 4677.23-1988 印制板阻燃性能测试方法Test method for flammability of printed boards65 GB/T 4721-1992 印制电路用覆铜箔层压板通用规则General rules for copper-clad laminated sheets for printed circuits66 GB/T 4722-1992 印制电路用覆铜箔层压板试验方法Test methods for copper-clad laminated sheets for printed circuits67 GB/T 4723-1992 印制电路用覆铜箔酚醛纸层压板Phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheets for printed circuits68 GB/T 4724-1992 印制电路用覆铜箔环氧纸层压板Epoxide cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheets for printed circuits69 GB/T 4725-1992 印制电路用覆铜箔环氧玻璃布层压板Epoxide woven glass fabric copper-clad laminated sheets for printed circuits70 GB/T 4779.1-1984 彩色显象管用荧光粉Y22-G3荧光粉Phosphors for color picture tubes use--Phosphor Y22-G371 GB/T 4779.2-1984 彩色显象管用荧光粉Y22-B2荧光粉Phosphors for color picture tubes use--Phosphor Y22-B272 GB/T 4779.3-1984 彩色显象管用荧光粉Y22-R4荧光粉Phosphors for color picture tubes use--Phosphor Y22-R473 GB/T 4825.1-1984 印制板导线局部放电测试方法Test method for partial discharge of conductors on printed boards74 GB/T 4825.2-1984 印制板导线载流量测试方法Test method for current carrying capacity of conductors on printed boards75 GB/T 4874-1985 直流固定金属化纸介电容器总规范Generic specification for fixed metallized paper dielectric capacitors for direct current76 GB/T 5076-1985 具有两个轴向引出端的圆柱体元件的尺寸测量Measurement of the dimensions of a cylindrical component having two axial terminations77 GB/T 5077-1985 电容器和电阻器的最大外形尺寸Maximum case dimensions for capacitors and resistors78 GB/T 5078-1985 单向引出的电容器和电阻器所需空间的测定方法Method for the determination of the space required by capacitors and resistors withunidirectional terminations79 GB/T 5489-1985 印制板制图Printed board drawing80 GB/T 5594.1-1985 电子元器件结构陶瓷材料性能测试方法气密性测试方法Test methods for properties of structure ceramic used in electronic components--Testmethod for gas-tightness81 GB/T 5594.2-1985 电子元器件结构陶瓷材料性能测试方法杨氏弹性模量、泊松比测试方法Test methods for properties of structure ceramic used in electroniccomponents--Test method for Youngs elastic modulus and Poisson ratio82 GB/T 5594.3-1985 电子元器件结构陶瓷材料性能测试方法平均线膨胀系数测试方法Test methods for properties of structure ceramic used in electronic components--Test method for mean coefficient of linear expansion83 GB/T 5594.4-1985 电子元器件结构陶瓷材料性能测试方法介质损耗角正切值的测试方法Test methods for properties of structure ceramic used in electroniccomponents--Test method for dielectric loss angle tangent value84 GB/T 5594.5-1985 电子元器件结构陶瓷材料性能测试方法体积电阻率测试方法Test methods for properties of structure ceramic used in electronic components--Test method for volume resistivity85 GB/T 5594.6-1985 电子元器件结构陶瓷材料性能测试方法化学稳定性测试方法Test methods for properties of structure ceramic used in electronic components--Test method for chemical durability86 GB/T 5594.7-1985 电子元器件结构陶瓷材料性能测试方法透液性测定方法Test methods for properties of structure ceramic used in electronic components--Testmethod for liquid permeability87 GB/T 5594.8-1985 电子元器件结构陶瓷材料性能测试方法显微结构的测定Test methods for properties of structure ceramic used in electronic components--Determination of microstructure88 GB/T 5598-1985 氧化铍瓷导热系数测定方法Test method for thermal conductivity of beryllium oxide ceramics89 GB/T 5729-1994 电子设备用固定电阻器第一部分: 总规范Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment--Part 1: Generic specification90 GB/T 5730-1985 电子设备用固定电阻器第二部分: 分规范: 低功率非线绕固定电阻器(可供认证用) Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment--Part 2:Sectional specification: Fixed low-power nonwire wound resistors91 GB/T 5731-1985 电子设备用固定电阻器第二部分: 空白详细规范: 低功率非线绕固定电阻器评定水平E (可供认证用) Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment--Part 2: Blank detail specification: Fixed low-power non-wirewound resistors--Assessment level E 92 GB/T 5732-1985 电子设备用固定电阻器第四部分: 分规范: 功率型固定电阻器(可供认证用) Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment--Part 4: Sectionalspecification: Fixed power resistors93 GB/T 5733-1985 电子设备用固定电阻器第四部分: 空白详细规范: 功率型固定电阻器评定水平E (可供认证用) Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment--Part4: Blank detail specification: Fixed power resistors Assessment level E94 GB/T 5734-1985 电子设备用固定电阻器第五部分: 分规范: 精密固定电阻器(可供认证用) Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment--Part 5: Sectionalspecification: Fixed precision resistors95 GB/T 5735-1985 电子设备用固定电阻器第五部分: 空白详细规范: 精密固定电阻器评定水平E (可供认证用) Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment--Part 5:Blank detail specification: Fixed precision resistors--Assessment level E96 GB/T 5838-1986 荧光粉名词术语Terms for phosphors97 GB/T 5966-1996 电子设备用固定电容器第8部分: 分规范: 1类瓷介固定电容器Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 8: Sectional specification:Fixed capacitors of ceramic dielectric, class 198 GB/T 5967-1996 电子设备用固定电容器第8部分: 空白详细规范1类瓷介固定电容器评定水平E Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 8: Blankdetail specification Fixed capacitors of ceramic dielectric, class 1--Assessment level E99 GB/T 5968-1996 电子设备用固定电容器第9部分: 分规范2类瓷介固定电容器Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 9: Sectional specificationFixed capacitors of ceramic dielectric, class 2100 GB/T 5969-1996 电子设备用固定电容器第9部分: 空白详细规范2类瓷介电容器评定水平E Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 9: Blank detailspecification Fixed capacitor of ceramic dielectric, class 2 --Assessment level E101 GB/T 5993-1986 电子设备用固定电容器第四部分: 分规范固体和非固体电解质铝电容器(可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 4:Sectional specification--Aluminium electrolytic capacitors with solid and non-solid electrolyte 102 GB/T 5994-1986 电子设备用固定电容器第四部分: 空白详细规范非固体电解质铝电容器评定水平E (可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 4: Blank detail specification--Aluminium electrolytic capacitors with non-solid electrolyte--Assessment level E103 GB/T 6252-1986 电子设备用A类调谐可变电容器类型规范Type specification for variable tuning capacitors--Type A in electronic equipments104 GB/T 6253-1986 电子设备用B类微调可变电容器类型规范Type specification for variable trimmer capacitors--Type B in electronic equipments105 GB/T 6254-1986 电子设备用C类预调可变电容器类型规范Type specification for variable preset capacitors--Type C in electronic equipments106 GB/T 6346-1986 电子设备用固定电容器第11部分: 分规范: 金属箔式聚乙烯对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯膜介质直流固定电容器(可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use inelectronic equipment--Part 11: Sectional specification: Fixed polyethylene-terephthalate film dielectric metal foil D.C.capacitors107 GB/T 6347-1986 电子设备用固定电容器第11部分: 空白详细规范: 金属箔式聚乙烯对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯膜介质直流固定电容器评定水平E(可供认证用) Fixed capacitorsfor use in electronic equipment--Part 11: Blank detail specification: Fixed polyethylene-terephthalate film dielectric metal foil D.C. capacitors--Assessmentlevel E108 GB/T 6429-1986 石英谐振器型号命名方法The rule of type designation for quartz crystal units109 GB/T 6430-1986 晶体盒型号命名方法The rule of type designation for crystal holders (enclosures)110 GB/T 6452-1986 吸气用锆铝合金粉Zirconium-Aluminium alloy powders for getter111 GB/T 6453-1986 吸气用锆铝合金复合带材Zirconium-Aluminium alloy combined strips for getter112 GB/T 6454-1986 吸气用锆铝合金环件和片件Rings and tablets of zirconium-aluminium alloy for getter113 GB/T 6455-1986 释汞吸气用复合带材Mercury releasing combined strips for getter114 GB/T 6591-1986 电子设备用电容器和电阻器名词术语Terms of capacitor and resistor for electronic equipment115 GB/T 6625-1986 掺氮吸气剂含氮量测试方法Test methods for nitrogen content of nitrogen-doped getter116 GB/T 6626.1-1986 释汞吸气剂性能测试方法释汞吸气剂释汞特性的测试方法Test methods for the characteristics of getter-mercury dispenser--Test methods formercury yield characteristic of getter-mercury dispenser117 GB/T 6626.2-1986 释汞吸气剂性能测试方法释汞吸气剂含汞量的测试方法Test methods for the characteristics of getter-mercury dispenser--Test method formercury content of getter-mercury dispenser118 GB/T 6626.3-1986 释汞吸气剂性能测试方法释汞吸气剂放气量的测试方法Test methods for the characteristics of getter-mercury dispenser--Test method for gasemission of getter mercury dispenser119 GB/T 6626.4-1986 释汞吸气剂性能测试方法释汞吸气剂压粉牢固度的检验方法Test methods for the characteristics of getter-mercury dispenser--Method for peeloff test of getter-mercury dispenser120 GB/T 6627-1986 人造石英晶体棒材型号命名方法Designations for lumbered synthetic quartz crystals121 GB/T 6643-1986 通用硬同轴传输线及其法兰连接器总规范General purpose rigid coaxial transmission lines and their associated flange connectors--Genericspecification122 GB/T 6663-1986 直热式负温度系数热敏电阻器总规范(可供认证用) Generalspecification for the directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors123 GB/T 6664-1986 直热式负温度系数热敏电阻器空白详细规范评定水平E(可供认证用) Blank detail specification for directly heated negative temperaturecoefficient thermistors--Assessment level E124 GB/T 6832-1986 头戴耳机测量方法Methods of measurement on headphones125 GB/T 7016-1986 固定电阻器电流噪声测量方法Method of measurement of current noise generated in fixed resistors126 GB/T 7017-1986 电阻器非线性测量方法Method of measurement of non-linearity in resistors127 GB/T 7153-1987 直热式阶跃型正温度系数热敏电阻器总规范(可供认证用) Generic specification for the directly heated positive step-function temperaturecoefficient thermistors128 GB/T 7154-1987 直热式阶跃型正温度系数热敏电阻器空白详细规范评定水平E (可供认证用) Blank detail specification for the directly heated positive step-function temperature coefficient thermistors--Assessement level E129 GB/T 7213-1987 电子设备用固定电容器第十五部分: 分规范非固体或固体电解质钽电容器(可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 15:Sectional specification--Fixed tantalum capacitors with non-solid or solid electrolyte130 GB/T 7214-1987 电子设备用固定电容器第十五部分: 空白详细规范固体定电解质和多孔阳极钽电容器评定水平E (可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use inelectronic equipment--Part 15: Blank detail specification--Fixed tantalum capacitors with solid electrolyte and porous anode--Assessment level E131 GB/T 7265.1-1987 固体电介质微波复介电常数的测试方法微扰法Test method for complex permittivity of solid dielectric materials at microwave frequencies--Perturbation method132 GB/T 7265.2-1987 固体电介质微波复介电常数的测试方法"开式腔"法Test method for the complex permittivity of solid dielectric materials at microwavefrequencies--" Open cavity" method133 GB/T 7332-1996 电子设备用固定电容器第2部分: 分规范: 金属化聚乙烯对苯二甲酸酯膜介质直流固定电容器Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part2: Sectional specification--Fixed metallized polyethylene-terephthalate film dielectric d.c.capacitors134 GB/T 7333-1996 电子设备用固定电容器第2部分: 空白详细规范金属化聚乙烯对苯二甲酸酯膜介质直流固定电容器评定水平E Fixed capacitors for use in electronicequipment--Part 2: Blank detail specification--Fixed metallized polyethylene-terephthalate filmdielectric d.c.capacitors--Assessment level E135 GB/T 7338-1996 电子设备用固定电阻器第6部分: 分规范各电阻器可单独测量的固定电阻网络Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment--Part 6: Sectionalspecification--Fixed resistor networks with individually measurable resistors136 GB/T 7339-1987 电子设备用固定电阻器第六部分: 空白详细规范: 阻值和功耗相同, 各电阻器可单独测量的固定电阻网络评定水平 E (可供认证用) Fixed resistors foruse in electronic equipment--Part 6: Blank detail specification--Fixed resistor networks with individually measurable resistors, all of equalvalue and equaldissipation--Assessment level E137 GB/T 7340-1987 电子设备用固定电阻器第六部分: 空白详细规范: 阻值和功耗不同, 各电阻器可单独测量的固定电阻网络评定水平 E (可供认证用) Fixed resistors foruse in electronic equipment--Part 6: Blank detail specification--Fixed resistor networks with individually measurable resistor of either different resistancevalues or different rated dissipations--Assessment level E138 GB/T 7345-1994 控制微电机基本技术要求General requirements for electrical micro machine for automatic control system139 GB/T 7423.1-1987 半导体器件散热器通用技术条件Heat sink of semiconductor devices--Generic specification140 GB/T 7423.2-1987 半导体器件散热器型材散热器Heat sink of smiconductor devices--Heat sink, extruded shapes141 GB/T 7423.3-1987 半导体器件散热器叉指形散热器Heat sink of semiconductor devices--Heat sink, Staggered fingers shapes142 GB/T 7556-1987 对称电缆60路载波系统进网特性要求General characteristics complying with the network performance objectives for 60 channel carriertelephone systems on symmetric cable pairs143 GB/T 7557-1987 1.2/4.4mm标准同轴电缆300路载波系统进网特性要求General characteristics complying with the network performance objectives for 300 channelcarrier telephone systems on standardized 1.2/4.4mm coaxial cable pairs144 GB/T 7613.1-1987 印制板导线耐电流试验方法Test method for current proof of conductors on printed boards145 GB/T 7613.2-1987 印制板表层耐电压试验方法Test methods for voltage proof of surface layers on printed boards146 GB/T 7613.3-1987 印制板金属化孔耐电流试验方法Test methods for current proof of plated-through holes on printed boards147 GB/T 7614-1987 校准测耳机用的宽频带型仿真耳An artificial ear of wide band type for the calibration of earphones used in audiometry148 GB/T 8553-1987 晶体盒总规范Holders (Enclosures), crystal, general specification for149 GB/T 8977-1988 调频、电视广播接收机用300Ω/75Ω平衡-不平衡阻抗变换器300Ω/75Ωbalun for FM and TV broadcast receiver150 GB/T 9020-1988 视频同轴连接器总规范Visual-frequency--Coaxial connectors, generic specification of151 GB/T 9023-1988 射频同轴电缆屏蔽效率测量方法(转移阻抗法) Methods of measurement of screening efficiency for radio-frequency coaxial cables (Test methodfor transfer impedance)152 GB/T 9024-1988 印制板用频率低于3MHz的连接器总则和制订详细规范的导则Connectors frequencies below 3 MHz for use with printed boards--Geneneral rules andguide for the preparation of detail specilications153 GB/T 9315-1988 印制电路板外形尺寸系列Series for printed boards outside dimension 154 GB/T 9320-1988 电子设备用固定电容器第八部分(1): 分规范1类高压瓷介电容器(可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 8(1):Sectional specification: Fixed classs 1 high voltage ceramic dielectric capacitors155 GB/T 9321-1988 电子设备用固定电容器第八部分(1): 空白详细规范1 类高压瓷介电容器评定水平E (可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in electronicequipment--Part 8(1): Blank detail specification: Fixed class 1 ceramic dielectric capacitors--Assessment level E156 GB/T 9322-1988 电子设备用固定电容器第九部分(1): 分规范2 类高压瓷介电容器(可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 9(1):Sectional specification: Fixed class 2 high voltage ceramic dielectric capacitors157 GB/T 9323-1988 电子设备用固定电容器第九部分(1): 空白详细规范2类高压瓷介电容器评定水平E (可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in electronicequipment--Part 9(1): Blank detail specification: Fixed class 2 ceramic dielectric capacitors--Assessment level E158 GB/T 9324-1996 电子设备用固定电容器第10部分: 分规范多层片式瓷介电容器Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 10: Sectionalspecification--Fixed multilayer ceramic chip capacitors159 GB/T 9325-1996 电子设备用固定电容器第10部分: 空白详细规范多层片式瓷介电容器评定水平E Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 10: Blankdetail specification Fixed multilayer ceramic chip capacitors Assessment level E160 GB/T 9489.1-1988 刚玉粉分析方法通则General rule for analytical method of alundum powder161 GB/T 9489.2-1988 刚玉粉中氧化钙、氧化镁、二氧化硅、三氧化二铁、二氧化钛的电感耦合高频等离子体发射光谱法测定Determination of CaO,MgO,SiO2,Fe2O3,TiO2 inalundum powder by ICP-AES162 GB/T 9489.3-1988 刚玉粉中三氧化二铁、氧化钙、氧化镁、氧化钠、氧化钾的原子吸收分光光度测定法Determination of Fe2O3,CaO,MgO,Na2O and K2O in alundum powderby atomic absorption spectrophotometry163 GB/T 9489.4-1988 刚玉粉中三氧化二铝含量的络合滴定氟化物释放测定法Determination of Al2O3 in alundum powder by complexometric titration164 GB/T 9489.5-1988 刚玉粉中二氧化硅的比色测定法Determination of SiO2 in alundum powder by colorimetry165 GB/T 9489.6-1988 刚玉粉中二氧化钛的比色测定法Determination of TiO2 in alundum powder by colorimetry166 GB/T 9489.7-1988 刚玉粉中氯根的目视比浊测定法Determination of chloride in alundum powder by visual turbidimetry167 GB/T 9489.8-1988 刚玉粉中碳和硫的测定方法Methods for determination of carbon and sulphur in alundum powder168 GB/T 9489.9-1988 刚玉粉PH值的测定方法Methods for determination of pH in alundum powder169 GB/T 9489.10-1988 刚玉粉灼烧失重的测定方法Method for determination of ignition loss of alundum powder170 GB/T 9506.1-1988 吸气剂性能测试方法通则Generic rules for test method of getter properties171 GB/T 9506.2-1988 蒸散型钡吸气剂得钡量测试方法Test method for barium yield of barium flash getter172 GB/T 9506.3-1988 蒸散型钡吸气剂载料和模中钡量的测定Test method for barium content in getter fill and getter film of barium flash getter173 GB/T 9506.4-1988 吸气剂放气量测试方法Test method for amount of gas evolved from getter174 GB/T 9506.5-1988 掺氮吸气剂释氮吸气动态曲线测试方法Test method for nitrogen-released and gas-absorbed dynamic curve of nitrogen-doped getter175 GB/T 9506.6-1988 掺氮吸气剂钡膜分布测试方法Test method for barium film distribution of nitrogen-doped getter176 GB/T 9506.7-1988 蒸散型钡吸气剂吸气性能测试方法Test method for gettering properties of barium flash getter177 GB/T 9506.8-1988 非蒸散型吸气剂吸气性能测试方法Test method for gettering properties of non-evaporable getter178 GB/T 9506.9-1988 吸气剂装载量测试方法Test method for amount of filling getter179 GB/T 9506.10-1988 吸气剂压制或烧结牢固度测试方法Test method for firmness of getter by pressure or sinter180 GB/T 9506.11-1988 吸气剂支架焊接强度测试方法Test method for weld strenght of getter support181 GB/T 9530-1988 电子陶瓷名词术语Terms for electronic ceramics182 GB/T 9531.1-1988 电子陶瓷零件技术条件General specification for electronic ceramic parts183 GB/T 9531.2-1988 A 类瓷件技术条件Specification for ceramic parts,type A184 GB/T 9531.3-1988 B 类瓷件技术条件Specification for ceramic parts,type B185 GB/T 9531.4-1988 C 类瓷件技术条件Specification for ceramic parts,type C186 GB/T 9531.5-1988 D 类瓷件技术条件Specification for ceramic parts,type D187 GB/T 9531.6-1988 E 类瓷件技术条件Specification for ceramic part,type E188 GB/T 9531.7-1988 F 类瓷件技术条件Specification for ceramic parts,type F189 GB/T 9532-1988 铌酸锂、钽酸锂、锗酸铋、硅酸铋压电单晶材料型号命名方法Designations for LiNbO3, LiTaO3, Bi12, GeO20, Bi12 SiO20 piezoelectric crystals190 GB/T 9533-1988 微波固体电介质材料介电特性测试方法同轴终端短路法Test method for the determination of the dielectric properties of solid dielectricmaterials at microwave frequencies--The method of coaxial terminal short circuit191 GB/T 9534-1988 毫米波频段固体电介质材料介电特性测试方法准光腔法Test method for complex permittivity of solid dielectric materials at millimeter wavefrequencies using "Quasi-Optic Cavity" technique192 GB/T 9536-1995 电子设备用机电开关第1部分: 总规范Electromechanical switches for use in electronic equipment--Part 1: Generic specification193 GB/T 9537-1988 电子设备用键盘开关第一部分: 总规范(可供认证用) Keyboard switches for use in electronic equipment--Part 1: Generic specification194 GB/T 9538-1988 带状电缆连接器总规范General specification of flat cable connector195 GB/T 9546-1995 电子设备用固定电阻器第8部分:分规范:片式固定电阻器Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment--Part 8: Sectional specification: Fixedchip resistors196 GB/T 9547-1994 电子设备用固定电阻器第八部分: 空白详细规范片式固定电阻器评定水平E Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment--Part 8: Blank detailspecification--Fixed chip resistors--Assessment level E197 GB/T 9597-1988 电子设备用固定电容器分规范: 1类高功率瓷介电容器(可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Sectional specification--Fixed high reactive power--Classl 1 ceramic dielectric capacitors198 GB/T 9598-1988 电子设备用固定电容器空白详细规范: 1 类高功率瓷介电容器评定水平E(可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Blankdetail specification--Fixed high reactive power--Classl 1 ceramic dielectric capacitors assessment level E199 GB/T 9623-1988 通信用电感器和变压器磁芯第一部分: 总规范(可供认证用) Inductor and transformer cores for telecommunications--Part 1: Genericspecification200 GB/T 9624-1988 通信用电感器和变压器磁芯第二部分: 分规范电感器用磁性氧化物磁芯(可供认证用) Inductor and transformer cores for telecommunications--Part2: sectional specification: Magnetic oxide cores for inductor applications201 GB/T 9625-1988 通信用电感器和变压器磁芯第二部分: 空白详细规范电感器用磁性氧化物磁芯评定水平A (可供认证用) Inductor and transformer cores fortelecommunications--Part 2: Blank detail specification: Magnetic oxide cores for inductor applications--Assessment level A202 GB/T 9626-1988 通信用电感器和变压器磁芯第三部分: 分规范宽带变压器用磁性氧化物磁芯(可供认证用) Inductor and transformer cores for telecommunications--Part 3: Sectional specification:Magnetic oxide cores for broad-band transformers203 GB/T 9627-1988 通信用电感器和变压器磁芯第三部分: 空白详细规范宽带变压器用磁性氧化物磁芯评定水平A和B (可供认证用) Inductor and transformer cores fortelecommunications--Part 3: Blank detail specification: Magnetic oxide cores for broad-band transformers--Assessment levels A and B204 GB/T 9628-1988 通信用电感器和变压器磁芯第四部分: 分规范电源变压器和扼流圈用磁性氧化物磁芯(可供认证用) Inductor and transformer cores fortelecommunications--Part 4: sectional specification: Magnetic oxide cores for transformers and chokes for power applications205 GB/T 9629-1988 通信用电感器和变压器磁芯第四部分: 空白详细规范电源变压器和扼流圈用磁性氧化物磁芯评定水平A(可供认证用) Inductor and transformer coresfor telecommunications--Part 4: Blank detail specification: Magnetic oxide cores for transformers and chokes for power applications--Assessment level A206 GB/T 9630-1988 磁性氧化物制成的罐形磁芯及其附件的尺寸Dimensions of pot-cores made of magnetic oxides and associated parts207 GB/T 9632-1988 通信用电感器和变压器磁芯测量方法Measuring methods of cores for inductors and transformers for telecommunications208 GB/T 9633-1988 微波频率应用的旋磁材料性能测试方法Measuring methods for properties of gyromagnetic materials intended for application at microwavefrequencies209 GB/T 9634-1988 磁性氧化物零件外形缺陷极限规范的指南Guide to the specification of limits for physical imperfections of parts made from magnetic oxides210 GB/T 9635-1988 天线棒测量方法Measuring methods for aerial rods211 GB/T 9636-1988 磁性氧化物制成的圆天线棒和扁天线棒Aerial rods and slabs made of magnetic oxides212 GB/T 10185-1988 电子设备用固定电容器第7部分:分规范: 金属箔式聚苯乙烯膜介质直流固定电容器Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 7:Sectional specification: Fixed polystyrene film dielectric metal foil d.c. capacitors213 GB/T 10186-1988 电子设备用固定电容器第7部分: 空白详细规范:金属箔式聚苯乙烯膜介质直流固定电容器评定水平E (可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in。
以下是部分铁道技术标准的中英文名称:1. 铁路电气化工程技术标准Technical Standards for Railway Electrification Engineering2. 铁路信号工程技术标准Technical Standards for Railway Signal Engineering3. 铁路机车车辆技术标准Technical Standards for Railway Rolling Stock4. 铁路通信工程技术标准Technical Standards for Railway Communication Engineering5. 铁路建筑工程技术标准Technical Standards for Railway Construction Engineering6. 铁路客运站台技术标准Technical Standards for Railway Passenger Station Platforms7. 铁路桥梁工程技术标准Technical Standards for Railway Bridges8. 铁路隧道工程技术标准Technical Standards for Railway Tunnels9. 铁路接触网技术标准Technical Standards for Railway Overhead Contact System10. 铁路供电系统技术标准Technical Standards for Railway Power Supply System11. 铁路运输安全技术标准Technical Standards for Railway Transport Safety12. 铁路设备检修技术标准Technical Standards for Railway Equipment Maintenance以上是部分铁道技术标准的中英文名称,其具体内容和实施细则需要在相关部门和机构的具体规定下执行。
管件标准中英文对照 Standard Code 规范代号 Standard Name 规范名称 ASME SA-234 中、高温用钢制碳钢和合金钢管道配件 Medium and high temperature used carbon and alloy steel pipe fittings ASME SA-420 低温用锻制碳钢和合金钢管配件 Low temperature forged carbon and alloy steel pipe fittings ASME SA-403 锻制奥氏体不锈钢管配件 Forged Durimet pipe fittings ASME B16.9 工厂制造的钢制对焊管件 Factory-Made wrought steel pipe fittings ASME B16.11 承插焊和螺纹锻钢管件 Socket-welding and Threaded forged fittings ASME B16.28 锻钢对焊小半径弯头和回弯头 Wrought steel butt-welding short radius elbows and returns ISO 5251 不锈钢对焊管件 Stainless steel butt-welding fittings MSS SP-43 锻制不锈钢对焊管件 Wrought stainless steel butt-welding fittings MSS SP-75 锻钢制对焊管件 Forging butt-welding fittings MSS SP-79 承插焊异径插入件 Socket-welding reducing Inserts MSS SP-83 3000磅级的钢制承插焊和螺纹活接头 Class 3000 steel socket-welding and threaded unions MSS SP-95 缩渐管和圆堵头 Swaged nipples and round plugs MSS SP-97 承插焊、螺纹和对焊端的整体加紧式管座 SW 、TH and BW ends for integrally reinforced forged branch outlet JIS B2311 通用钢制对焊管件 Universal steel butt-welding pipe fittings JIS B2312 钢制对焊管件 Steel butt-welding pipe fittings JIS B2313 钢板制对焊管件 Steel plate butt-welding pipe fittings JIS B2316 钢制承插焊管件 Steel socket-welding pipe fittings DIN 2605 钢制对焊管件弯头和弯管 Steel butt-welding pipe fittings.elbows and bends DIN 2615 钢制对焊管件三通 Steel butt-welding pipe fittings.tees DIN 2616 钢制对焊管件异径管 Steel butt-welding pipe fittings.reducers DIN 2617 钢制对焊管件管帽 Steel butt-welding pipe fittings.caps GB/T 12459 钢制对焊无缝管件 Steel butt-welding seamless fittings GB/T 13401 钢板制对焊管件 Steel plate butt-welding pipe fittings GB/T 14383 锻钢制承插焊管件 Forged steel socket-welding pipe fittings GB/T 14626 锻钢制螺纹管件 Forged steel threaded pipe fittings SH 3065 石油化工管式炉急弯弯管技艺规范 Specification for tube fumace sharp bend for petrochemical industry SH 3406 石油化工钢制管法兰 Steel pipe flanges for petrochemical industry SH 3408 钢制对焊无缝管件 Steel butt-welding seamless fittings SH 3409 钢板制对焊管件 Steel plate butt-welding pipe fittings SH 3410 锻钢承插焊管件 Forged steel socket-welding fittings HGJ10 (HG/T21634) 锻钢承插焊管件 Forged steel socket-welding fittings HGJ514 (HG/T21635) 碳钢、低合金钢无缝管件 Carbon steel、low-alloy steel butt-welding seamless fittings HGJ528 (HG/T21631) 钢制有缝对焊管件 Steel plate butt-welding fittings GD87-1011 火力发电厂汽水管道零件及部件范例设计手册 Typical design manual of pipe parts for steam power plant DL/T515 电站弯管 Bends for power plant DL/T695 电站钢制对焊管件 Steel butt-welding fittings for power plant SY/T0510 钢制对焊管件 Steel butt-welding pipe fittings SY5257 钢制弯管 Steel bends ISO3419 非合金和合金钢对焊管件 Non-alloy steel and alloy steel butt-welding fittings Q/320281AQD01-2000 钢制对焊高压带直段弯头 Steel butt-welding elbow with a straight pipe section 碳钢弯头 Carbon Steel Elbow 不锈钢弯头 Stainless Steel Elbow 高压弯头 High-Pressure Elbow NPT=Normal Pressure and Temperature 常温常压, 规范温度与压力 90°短半径弯头 90°SS Elbow (SR) 90°长半径弯头 90°SS Elbow (LR) 高压厚壁弯头 Thickness Elbow Tee Equal 相等的三通 male plug 插头 female socket 插座 dust cap 防尘盖 等径三通 Straight Tee safety cap 平安罩 异径三通 Reducing Tee 等径四通 Straight Cross 同心异径管 Concentric Reducers concentric 同中央的 eccentric 差异圆心的 偏心异径管 Eccentric Reducers 高压异径管 High-pressure Reducers 不锈钢等径三通Stainless Straight Tee 碳钢等径三通 Carbon Straight Tee 不锈钢等径四通Stainless Straight Cross 高压三通 High-pressure Tee 锻制三通 Forged Tee 异径接头 Template 管帽 Caps 法兰 flange valve 阀门 类型 description 类种 Standard 规范 Design 类型 Type 类型 Type Model 型号 Material 材质 classes 种类 specification 规格 机床类 冲床punching machine 机械手robot 油压机hydraulic machine 车床lathe 刨床planer |'plein?| 铣床miller 磨床grinder (钻床)driller 线切割linear cutting 金属切削metal cutting 机床machine tool 管件材质类 steel 钢 carbon steel 碳素钢 rustless steel 不锈钢 alloy steel 合金钢 angle steel 角钢 blister steel 泡钢 carburizing steel 渗碳钢 cast steel 铸钢 cementation steel 渗碳钢 chrome steel 铬钢 chrome molybdenum steel 铬钼钢 chrome-vanadium steel 铬钒钢 dies steel 模具钢 ferrite steel 铁素体钢 ferritic steel 铁素体钢 flat steel 扁钢 flat-rolled steel 扁钢 forged steel 铸造钢 hard steel 硬钢 hardened stainless steel 硬化不锈钢 heat (-resisting) steel 耐热钢 hig-carbon steel 高碳钢 high manganese steel 高锰钢 high-speed steel 高速钢;锋钢 high strength steel 高强度钢 high tensile steel 高强度钢 H-section steel 工字钢 low carbon steel 低碳钢 low manganese steel 低锰钢 mild steel 软钢 nickel steel 镍钢 nickel-chrome steel 镍铬钢 nickel chromium steel 镍铬钢 The Tube Inserting (卡套式接头) Compressioned Joint (管路截止阀) Welding Joint (焊接式接头) Velding Joint (扩口式接头) Ream Joint (控油压接头) Pipeline Cut-off Valves (紫铜管件) Fast Fittings (管夹) Oil-Pressure Controlling Connectors (快捷接头) Pagoda-Shape Connectors (宝塔型接头) Hydraulic Rubber Tube Assembly (液压胶管总成) Flange (法兰) Inside-and-Outside Connectors (表里接头) Construction Machinery Connectors (工程机械接头) Connectors for Military Use (军用接头) 长径和短径弯头long and short radius elbows 同心和偏心异径接头concentric and eccentric reducers 等径和异径三通straight and reducing outlet tees 大小头CONCENTRIC REDUCER U型管 Return Bend 盲法兰 Blank Flange 弯管 Bends 翻边 stub ends 异径接头 reducers 公称通径nominal diameter 外径(mm) outside diameter 中央距至端面的距离center to end 理论重量(kg/pcs) approx weight 双丝头Nipple 短节SWAGE NIPPLE 表里螺纹活接头Union 螺桩stud Half-Coupling单承口管箍 Coupling双承口管箍 盲板Blind Flange spectacle blind 带双圈的盲板 Ecentric 偏心的。
低压电器标准规范中英文对照-技术标准1. GB/T 998-1982 低压电器基本试验方法Basic testing methodof low voltage apparatus2. GB/T 1003-1980 三相插头插座型式、基本参数与尺寸Types, basic parameters and dimensionsof three phase plugs and sockets3. GB 1444-1987 防爆灯具专用螺口式灯座Edison screw lampholders specially used forexplosion-proof luminaires4. GB/T 1497-1985 低压电器基本标准The basic standard for low-voltage apparatus5. GB 2099-1980 单相、三相插头插座技术条件Technical requirements for single-phase andthree- phase plugs and sockets6. GB/T 2900.18-1992 电工术语低压电器Electrotechnical terminology—Low voltage apparatus7. GB/T 3783-1994 船用低压电器基本要求General specification for low-voltage apparatus in ships8. GB/T 3797-1989 电控设备第二部分: 装有电子器件的电控设备Electric-driving controlgear—Part2: Electric-driving controlgear incorporating electronic devices9. GB 3836.1-1983 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备通用要求Electrical apparatus for explosiveatmospheres--General requirements10. GB 3836.2-1983 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备隔爆型电气设备"d" Electrical apparatus forexplosive atmospheres--Flameproof electrical apparatus "d"11. GB 3836.3-1983 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备增安型电气设备"e" Electrical apparatus forexplosive atmospheres--Increased safety electrical apparatus "e"12. GB 3836.4-1983 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备本质安全型电路和电气设备"i" Electrical apparatus forexplosive atmospheres--Intrinsically safe circuits and electrical apparatus"i"13. GB 3836.5-1987 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备正压型电气设备"p" Electrical apparatus forexplosive atmospheres--Pressurized electrical apparatus "p"14. GB 3836.6-1987 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备充油型电气设备"o" Electrical apparatus forexplosive atmospheres--Oil immersed electrical apparatus "o"15. GB 3836.7-1987 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备充砂型电气设备"q" Electrical apparatus forexplosive atmospheres--Sand filled electrical apparatus"q"16. GB 3836.8-1987 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备无火花型电气设备"n" Electrical apparatus forexplosive atmospheres--Non-sparking electrical apparatus "n"17. GB 3836.9-1990 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备浇封型电气设备"m" Electrical apparatus forexplosive atmospheres—Encapsulated electrical apparatus "m"18. GB 3836.10-1991 爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备气密型电气设备"h" Electrical apparatus forexplosive atmospheres—Hermetically sealed electrical apparatus "h"19. GB 3836.11-1991 爆炸性环境用防爆电器设备最大试验安全间隙测定方法Electrical apparatus forexplosive atmospheres—Method of test for ascertainment of maximum experimentalsafe gap20. GB 3836.12-1991 爆炸性环境用防爆电器设备气体或蒸汽混合物按照其最大试验安全间隙和最小点燃电流的分级Electricalapparatus for explosive atmospheres—Classification of gases or vapours with airaccording to their maximum experimental safe gaps and minimum ignitingcurrents21. GB/T 4205-1984 控制电气设备的操作件标准运动方向Standard directions of movement foractuators which control the operation of electrical apparatus22. GB/T 4720-1984 电控设备第一部分: 低压电器电控设备Electric-driving controlgear--Part 1:Electric driving controlgear composed of low-voltage apparatus23. GB 5590-1985 矿用隔爆型电磁起动器Mining type flameproof electric magnetic starters24. GB 6829-1995 剩余电流动作保护器的一般要求General requirements for residual currentoperated protective devices25. GB/T 7061-1986 船用低压开关设备和控制设备装置通用技术条件General specification forlow-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies in ships26. GB/T 7261-1987 继电器及继电保护装置基本试验方法Basic testing method of relay andprotective equipment27. GB/T 7417-1987 AX 系列继电器AX series relays28. GB/T 7957-1987 矿用安全帽灯Safety cap lamp for mines29. GB/T 7958-1987 煤矿用电容式发爆器Capacitor discharge type exploders for coal mines30. GB/T 9393-1988 STZ3型电子测量仪器用连接器STZ3 type connector for electronic measurement instrument31. GB/T 9466-1988 低压成套开关设备基本试验方法Basic testing method of low-voltageswitchgear assembly32. GB/T 10217-1988 电工控制设备造型设计导则The design guide of the outline andstructure for the electric control equipment33. GB/T 10231-1988 保护继电器的结构型式与基本尺寸系列Structural type and series of basicdimensions of protective relay34. GB/T 10962-1989 机床电器可靠性通则General rules of reliability for machine tool electrical components35. GB/T 10964-1989 电器附件、控制器和保护器术语Electrotechnical terminology of electricalaccessories, controls and protectors36. GB/T 11918-1989 工业用插头插座和耦合器一般要求Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers forindustrial purposes—General requirement37. GB/T 11919-1989 工业用插头插座和耦合器插销和插套尺寸互换性的要求Plugs, socket-outlets andcouplers for industrial purposes—Dimensional interchangeability requiements forpin and contact-tube accessories38. GB/T 12173-1990 矿用一般型电气设备Mining electrical apparatus for non hazardous area39. GB 12476.1-1990 爆炸性粉尘环境用防爆电气设备粉尘防爆电气设备Electrical apparatus forexplosive dust atmosphere—Dust ignition-proof apparatus40. GB/T 12944.1-1991 高压穿墙瓷套管技术条件High-voltage ceramic wall bushings—Technical specifi cations41. GB/T 12944.2-1991 高压穿墙瓷套管尺寸与特性High-voltage ceramic wall bushings—Dimensions and characteristics42. GB/T 13539.1-1992 低压熔断器基本要求General requirements for low-voltage fuses43. GB 13539.2-1992 低压熔断器专职人员使用的熔断器的补充要求Low-voltage fuses —Supplementaryrequirements for fuses for use by authorized persons44. GB 13539.4-1992 低压熔断器半导体器件保护用熔断体的补充要求Low-voltage fuses—Supplementaryrequirements for fuse-links for the protection of semiconductor devices45. GB/T 14048.1-1993 低压开关设备和控制设备总则General rules for low-voltage switchgearand controlgear46. GB 14048.2-1994 低压开关设备和控制设备低压断路器Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear--Low-voltage circuit breakers47. GB 14048.3-1993 低压开关设备和控制设备低压开关、隔离器、隔离开关及熔断器组合电器Low-voltage switchgearand controlgear--Low-voltage switches, disconnectors, switch-disconnectors andfuse-combination units48. GB 14048.4-1993 低压开关设备和控制设备低压机电式接触器和电动机起动器Low-voltage switchgear andcontrolgear--Low-voltage electromechanical contactors and motor starters49. GB 14048.5-1993 低压开关设备和控制设备控制电路电器和开关元件第一部分机电式控制电路电器Low-voltageswitchgear and controlgear--Control circuit devices and switchingelements--section 1--Electromechanical control circuit devices50. GB/T 15510-1995 控制用电磁继电器可靠性试验通则General rules for reliability test ofelectromagnetic relay for control circuits51. GB 15934-1996 电线组件Cord sets52. GB 16837-1997 家用和类似用途移动式,无联锁、带开关及熔断器组合插座的安全要求Safety requirements forswitched and fused portable multiple socket-outlet without interlock forhousehold and similar purposes53. GB 13140.1-1997 家用和类似用途低压电路用的连接器件第1部分:通用要求Connecting devices for lowvoltage circuits for household and similar purposes--Part 1: Generalrequirements54. GB 16916.1-1997 家用和类似用途的不带过电流保护的剩余电流动作断路器(RCCB) 第1部分:一般规则Residualcurrent operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection forhousehold similar uses(RCCB)--Part 1: Genaral rules55. GB 16916.21-1997 家用和类似用途的不带过电流保护的剩余电流动作断路器(RCCB)第 2.1部分:一般规则对动作功能与线路电压无关的RCCB的适用性Residual current operated circuit-breakerswithout integral overcurrent protection for household and similaruses(RCCB)--Part 2.1: Applicability of the general rules to RCCB functionallyindependent of line voltage56. GB 16916.22-1997 家用和类似用途的不带过电流保护的剩余电流动作断路器(RCCB)第 2.2部分:一般规则对动作功能与线路电压有关的RCCB的适用性Residual current operated circuit-breakerswithout integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses(RCCB)--Part 2.2: Applicability of the general rules to RCCB functionallydependent on line voltage57. GB 16917.1-1997 家用和类似用途的带过电流保护的剩余电流动作断路器(RCBO) 第1部分:一般规则Residual currentoperated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household andsimilar uses (RCBO)--Part 1: General rules58. GB 16917.21-1997 家用和类似用途的带过电流保护的剩余电流动作断路器(RCB0) 第 2.1部分:一般规则对动作功能与线路电压无关的RCBO的适用性Residual current operated circuit-breakers withintegral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBO) Part 2.1:Applicability of the general rules to RCBO functionally independent of linevoltage59. GB 16917.22-1997 家用和类似用途的带过电流保护的剩余电流动作断路器(RCBO) 第 2.2部分:一般规则对动作功能与线路电压有关的RCBO的适用性Residual current operated circuit-breakers withintegral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses(RCBO) Part 2.2:Applicability of the general rules to RCBO functionally dependent on linevoltage60. GB/T 16935.1-1997 低压系统内设备的绝缘配合第一部分: 原理、要求和试验Insulation coordination foreguipment within low-voltage systems--Part 1: Principles、requirements andtests61. GB 9364.1-1997 小型熔断器第1部分: 小型熔断器定义和小型熔断体通用要求Miniature fuses Part 1:Definitions for miniature fuses and general requirement for miniature fuse-links62. GB 9364.2-1997 小型熔断器第2部分: 管状熔断体Miniature fuses Part 2: Cartridge fuse-links63. GB 9364.3-1997 小型熔断器第3部分; 超小型熔断体Miniature fuses Part 3: Sub-miniaturefuse-links64. GB 7251.1-1997 低压成套开关设备和控制设备第一部分: 型式试验和部分型式试验成套设备Low-voltage switchgearand controlgear assemblies--Part 1; Type-tested and partially type-testedassemblies65. GB 7251.2-1997 低压成套开关设备和控制设备第二部分: 对母线干线系统(母线槽)的特殊要求Low-voltageswitchgear and controlgear assemblies--Part 2: Particular requirements forbusbar trunking systems(busways)66. GB 7251.3-1997 低压成套开关设备和控制设备第三部分: 对非专业人员可进入场地的低压成套开关设备和控制设备--配电板的特殊要求Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies Part 3: Particularrequirements for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies intended tobe installed in places where unskilled persons have access for theiruse--Distribution boards67. GB 3836.13-1997 爆炸性气体环境用电气设备第13部分: 爆炸性气体环境用电气设备的检修Electrical apparatusfor explosive gas atmospheres--Part 13: Repair and overhaul for apparatus usedin explosive gas atmospheres68. GB/T 17193-1997 电气安装用超重荷型刚性钢导管Extra-heavy duty rigid steel conduits forelectrical installations69. GB/T 17194-1997 电气导管电气安装用导管的外径和导管与配件的螺纹Conduits for electricalpurposes--Outside diameters of conduits for electrical installations and threadsof conduits and fittings70. GB 17196-1997 连接器件连接铜导线用的扁形快速连接端头安全要求Connecting devices--Flatquick-connect terminations for electrical copper conductors--Safetyrequirements71. GB/T 9815-1998 家用及类似用途的熔断器Fuses for domestic and similar purposes72. GB 13140.2-1998 家用和类似用途低压电路用的连接器件第2部分: 作为独立部件的带螺纹型夹紧件的连接器件的特殊要求Connecting devices for low voltage circuits for household and similar purposesPart 2: Particular requirements for connecting devices as separate entities withscrew-type clamping units73. GB 13140.3-1998 家用和类似用途低压电路用的连接器件第2部分: 作为独立单元的带无螺纹型夹紧件的连接器件的特殊要求Connecting devices for low voltage circuits for household and similar purposesPart 2: Particular requirements for connecting devices as separate entities withscrewless-type clamping units74. GB 13140.4-1998 家用和类似用途低压电路用的连接器件第2部分: 作为独立单元的带剌穿绝缘型夹紧件的连接器件的特殊要求Connecting devices for low voltage circuits for household and similar purposesPart 2: Particular requirements for connecting devices as separate entities withinsulation piercing clamping units75. GB 17464-1998 连接器件连接铜导线用的螺纹型和无螺纹型夹紧件的安全要求Connecting devices--Safetyrequirements for screw-type and screwless-type clamping units for electricalcopper conductors76. GB 9816-1998 热熔断体的要求和应用导则Thermal-Links-Requirements and applicationguide77. GB 14536.1-1998 家用和类似用途电自动控制器第1部分: 通用要求Automatic electrical controlsfor household and similar use Part 1: General requirements78. GB/T 17499-1998 家用洗衣机电脑程序控制器Microcomputer controller for householdwashing machine79. GB 14048.7-1998 低压开关设备和控制设备辅助电器第1部分: 铜导体的接线端子排low-voltage switchgearand controlgear Ancillary equipment Section 1-Terminal blocks for copperconductors80. GB 14048.8-1998 低压开关设备和控制设备辅助电器第2部分: 铜导体的保护导体接线端子排Low-voltageswitchgear and controlgear Ancillary equipment Section 2: Protective conductorterminal blocks for copper conductors81. GB 14048.6-1998 低压开关设备和控制设备接触器和电动机起动器第2部分: 交流半导体电动机控制器和起动器Low-voltageswitchgear and controlgear Contactors and motor-starters Section 2: ACSemiconductor motor controllers and starters82. GB 14048.9-1998 低压开关设备和控制设备多功能电器(设备) 第2部分: 控制与保护开关电器(设备) Low-voltageswitchgear and controlgear Multiple function equipment Section 2: Control andprotective switching devices(or equipment)(CPS)83. GB 7251.4-1998 低压成套开关设备和控制设备第四部分: 对建筑工地用成套设备(ACS)的特殊要求Low-voltageswitchgear and controlgear assemblies Part 4: Particular requirements forassemblies for construction sites(ACS)84. GB 7251.5-1998 低压成套开关设备和控制设备第五部分: 对户外公共场所的成套设备动力配电网用电缆分线箱(CDCs)的特殊要求Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies Part 5: Particularrequirements for assemblies intended to be installed outdoors in publicplaces--Cable distribution cabinets (CDCs)for power distribution in networks85. GB 13140.5-1998 家用和类似用途低压电路用的连接器件第2部分: 扭接式连接器件的特殊要求Connecitng devicesfor low-voltage circuits for household and similar purposes Part 2: Particularrequirements for twist-on connecting devices86. GB 17701-1999 设备用断路器Circuit-breaker for equipment87. GB 10963-1999 家用及类似场所用过电流保护断路器Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installation。
各级各类科研项目中英文规范名称国家级项目国家科技部“十一五”科技计划资助项目The National Key Technology R&D Program国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划): The National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program)“十一五”国家科技支撑计划(原科技攻关计划): The National Key Technology R&D Program国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划): The National Basic Research Program (973 Program)“长江学者奖励计划”(批准号: ) The Cheung Kong Scholars Programme of China (No.)国防预研究基金(批准号: ) The National Defense Pre-Research Foundation of China (No.)国家博士后科学基金(批准号: ) The National Science Foundation for Post-doctoral Scientists of China (No.)国家超导技术联合研究开发中心(批准号: ) The National Center for Research and Development on Superconductivity of China (No.)国家创新研究群体科学基金. The Funds for Creative Research Groups of China (No.)国家高技术项目联合(批准号: ) The National High Technology Joint Research Program of China(No.)国家高技术研究发展计划(863)(批准号: ) The National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) (No.)国家高技术研究发展计划(863)新材料领域(批准号: ) The National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) for Advanced Materials of China (No.)国家高技术研究发展计划(863)惯性约束聚变领域(批准号: The National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) for Inertial Confinement Fusion of China (No.)国家高性能计算基金(批准号: ) The National High Performance Computing Foundation of China(No.)国家国防基金(批准号: ) The National Defense Foundation of China (No.)国家核科学基金(批准号: ) The Nuclear Science Foundation of China (No.)国家基础研究“非线性科学”基金(批准号: ) The National Basic Research Foundation for “Nonlinear Science” of China (No.)国家教育部高等学校骨干教师基金(批准号: ) The Foundation for University Key Teachers from the Ministry of Education of China (No.)国家教育部光电子信息技术科学重点实验室(批准号: ) The Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Information Technical Science, Ministry of Education of China (No.)国家教育部和国家人事部留学回国人员基金(批准号: ) The Scientific Research Foundation of the State Human Resource Ministry and the Education Ministry for Returned Chinese Scholars, China (No.)国家教育部高等学校优秀青年教师研究基金(批准号: ) The Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China for Outstanding Young Teachers in University (No.)国家教育部归国学者基金(批准号: ) The Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China for Returned Scholars (No.)国家教育部跨世纪人才训练基金(批准号: ) The Trans-Century Training Program Foundation for Talents from the Ministry of Education of China (No.)国家杰出青年科学基金(批准号: ) The National Science Found for Distinguished Young Scholars of China (No.)国家科技部博士后基金(批准号: ) The Science Foundation for Post Doctorate Research from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (No.)国家科技部攀登计划二号重点项目基金(批准号: ) The Grant for Key Research Items No.2 in “Climbing” Program from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (No.)国家科技部攀登计划重点研究项目基金(批准号: ) The Grant for Key Research Items in “Climbing” Program from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (No.)国家攀登计划(纳米晶体材料)(批准号: ) The National “Climbing” Program for Nanocrystalline Materials, China (No.)国家攀登计划(批准号: ) The National “Climbing” Program of China (No.)国家攀登计划基础研究(批准号: ) The National Basic Research in “Climbing” Program of China (No.)国家青年科学基金(批准号: ) The National Science Foundation for Young Scientists of China (No.)国家重大国际(地区)合作研究项目. The Major International (Regional) Joint Research Program of China(No.)国家重大基础研究项目(批准号: ) The National Major Fundamental Research Program of China (No.)国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目(批准号: ) The National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) (No.)国家重点基础研究项目(批准号: ) The State Key Program for Basic Research of China (No.)国家重点基础研究项目特别基金(批准号: ) The National Key Basic Research Special Foundation of China (NKBRSFC) (No.)国家重点基础研究专项基金(批准号: ) The Special Foundation for State Major Basic Research Program of China (No.)国家重点实验室(光技术应用于微加工实验室),上海光学及电子研究所(批准号: ) The State Key Laboratory of Optical Technology for Micro-fabrication, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Electronics, China (No.)国家自然科学基金(批准号: ) The National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.)国家自然科学基金重大项目(批准号: ) The Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.)国家自然科学基金重大研究计划(批准号: ) The Major Research Plan of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.)国家自然科学基金重点项目(批准号: ) The State Key Program of National Natural Science of China(No.)国家农业产业技术体系项目(批准号: ) The National Project for Agricultural Technology System (No.)国家公益性行业科研专项项目(农业)(批准号: ) The National Special Research Fund for Non-Profit Sector (Agriculture)(No.)中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(批准号: ) The Special Fund of Chinese Central Government for Basic Scientific Research Operations in Commonweal Research Institutes (No.)省部级项目教育部磁学与磁性材料重点实验室(批准号: ) The Key Laboratory for Magnetism and Magnetic Material of the Education Ministry of China (No.)教育部科学技术研究重大项目基金(批准号: ) The Foundation for Key Program of Ministry of Education, China(No.)教育部量子光学重点实验室(批准号: ) The Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics, Ministry of Education, China (No.)教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(批准号: ) The Scientific Research Starting Foundation for Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, Ministry of Education, China (No.)教育部重大项目基金(批准号: ) The Research Foundation from Ministry of Education of China (No.)科技部重大基础研究前期研究专项基金(批准号: ) The Special Program for Key Basic Research of the Ministry of Science and Technology, China (No.)空间研究基金(批准号: ) The Aerospace Research Foundation of China (No.)人工微结构和介观物理国家重点实验室(批准号: ) The State Key Laboratory for Artificial Microstructure and Mesoscopic Physics, Peking University, Beijing, China (No.)北京市自然科学基金(批准号: ) The Natural Science Foundation of Beijing, China (No.)高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(批准号: ) The Specialized Research Fund for the DoctoralProgram of Higher Education of China (No.)高等学校优秀青年教师教学、科研奖励基金(批准号: ) The Research Award Fund for Outstanding Young Teachers in Higher Education Institutions, China (No.)广东省自然科学基金(批准号: ) The Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, China (No.)黑龙江省自然科学基金(批准号: ) The Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province, China (No.)湖北省高等学校科研基金(批准号: ) The Scientific Research Foundation of the Higher Education Institutions of Hubei Province, China (No.)湖南省教育厅重点项目和青年项目The Research Foundation of Education Bureau of Hunan Province, China(No.)湖南省教育委员会青年骨干教师和国内访问学者基金(批准号: ) The Young Core Instructor and Domestic Visitor Foundation from the Education Commission of Hunan Province, China (No.)湖南省中青年科技基金The Science-Technology Foundation for Middle-aged and Young Scientist of Hunan Province, China (No.)湖南省自然科学基金(批准号: ) The Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province, China(No.)霍英东教育基金(批准号: ) The Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation, China (No.)霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年教师基金(批准号: ) The Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation for Young Teachers in the Higher Education Institutions of China (No.)吉林省基础研究计划基金(批准号: ) The Jilin Provincial Research Foundation for Basic Research, China (No.)江苏省高校自然科学研究项目(批准号: ) The Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China (No.)山西省归国学者基金(批准号: ) The Shanxi Provincial Foundation for Returned Scholars (Main Program), China (No.)山西省青年科技研究基金(批准号: ) The Natural Science Foundation for Young Scientists of Shanxi Province, China (No.)山西省青年学术带头人基金(批准号: ) The Shanxi Provincial Foundation for Leaders of Disciplines in Science, China (No.)山西省青年学者基金(批准号: ) The Foundation for Young Scholars of Shanxi Province, China (No.)山西省自然科学基金(批准号: ) The Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province, China (No.)上海科技启明星基金(批准号: ) The Shanghai “Phosphor”Science Foundation, China (No.)上海市“曙光”计划(批准号: ) The “Dawn” Program of Shanghai Education Commission, China (No.)上海市博士后基金(批准号: ) The Shanghai Postdoctoral Sustentation Fund, China (No.)上海市科委科技基金(批准号: ) The Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology, China (No.)上海市科学技术发展基金(批准号: ) The Shanghai Foundation for Development of Science and Technology, China (No.)上海市科学技术委员会启明星基金(批准号: ) The Shanghai “Post-Qi-Ming-Xing Plan”for Young Scientists, China (No.)铁道部专项科研基金(批准号: ) The Special Research Foundation of the National Railway Ministry of China (No.)武汉工业大学材料复合新技术国家重点实验室(批准号: ) The State Key Laboratory for Advanced Technology of Materials Compositization, Wuhan University of Technology, China (No.)香港“求实”基金The “Qiu Shi” Foundation of Hong Kong, China香港城市大学研究基金(批准号: ) The City University of Hong Kong Research Grant (No.)香港特别行政区研究拨款委员会(批准号: ) The Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Government, China (No.)英中高级科学家交流基金(批准号: ) Supported by the Exquota Study Visit Funds China-U.K.(No.)中国工程物理研究院科学基金(批准号: ) The Science Foundation of China Academy of Engineering Physics, China (No.)中国工程研究院基金重大项目(批准号: ) The Key Foundation of China Academy of Engineering Physics, China (No.)中国国防科技预研项目(批准号: ) The Chinese Defence Advance Research Program of Science and Technology, China (No.)中国科学院“九五”基础性研究重点项目(批准号: ) The Key Basic Research Foundation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (No.)中国科学院“九五”重大项目基金(批准号: ) The Funds for Key Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the National “9th 5-year Plan”, China (No.)中国科学院百人计划基金(批准号: ) The “100-Talent Project” of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (No.)中国科学院基础研究重大项目(批准号: ) The Major Program for the Fundamental Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (No.)其它星火计划: China Spark Program,科技兴农项目火炬计划: Chinatorch Program,高新技术企业项目国家重点新产品计划: The National New Products Program国家软科学研究计划: The National Soft Science Research Program国际科技合作计划: International S&T Cooperation Program of China国家重点实验室开放基金课题: The State Key Laboratory Program国家工程技术研究中心:Chinese National Engineering Research Center科技型中小企业技术创新基金:Innovation Fund for Technology Based Firms本文引用地址: /blog/user_content.aspx?id=238393 (最后访问时间2010-3-24. 有修改.)。
德国标准和国际标准、中国标准中英文对照表序号德国标准中文品名英文品名国际标准中国标准Item DIN-Standard Description in Chinese Descriptionin English ISO-StandardGB-Standard1 DIN1 圆锥销taper pins ISO2339 GB1172 DIN7 圆柱销parallel pins ISO2338 GB119-863 DIN84 开槽圆柱头螺钉 slotted cheese head screws ISO1207 GB65-854 DIN85 开槽盘头螺钉slotted pan head screws ISO1580 GB67-855 DIN93 单耳止动垫圈tab washers GB8546 DIN94 开口销split cotter pins ISO1234 GB917 DIN95 开槽半沉头木螺钉slotted raised csk head wood screws GB1018 DIN96 开槽半圆头木螺钉slotted round head wood screws GB999 DIN97 开槽沉头木螺钉slotted countersunk head wood screws GB10010 DIN125-A 平垫plain washers ISO7089 GB97.1-8511 DIN125-B 平垫(带倒角) mediun washers ISO7090 GB97.2-8512 DIN126 平垫plain washers ISO709113 DIN127-A 重型弹垫spring lock washers,tang ends GB724414 DIN127-B 标准弹垫spring lock washers,square ends GB93-8715 DIN128-A 鞍形弹垫single coil spring lock washers GB7245-8716 DIN137-A 弹簧止动垫圈curved spring washers17 DIN137-B 波形弹垫wave spring washers GB95518 DIN186 T型方颈螺栓T-head bolts with square neck GB37-8819 DIN188 T型双接头螺栓T-head bolts with double nip20 DIN258 螺纹圆锥销taper pins with threaded end ISO873721 DIN261 T型头螺栓T-head bolts22 DIN315AF 蝶型螺母(美制) wing nuts amercia form23 DIN315DF 蝶型螺母(德制) wing nuts germany form GB62-8824 DIN316AF 蝶型螺钉(美制) wing screws amercia form25 DIN317DF 蝶型螺钉(德制) wing screws germany form26 DIN319 圆球型盖型螺母ball knobs27 DIN404 开槽带孔球面圆柱头螺钉slotted capstan screws GB832-8828 DIN417 开槽长圆柱端紧定螺钉slotted set srews with full dogpointISO7435GB75-8529 DIN427 开槽平端紧定螺钉(半牙) slotted set srews with chamferedendISO2342GB73-8530 DIN431 小六角特薄细牙螺母pipe nuts with thread GB808-8831 DIN432 外舌止动垫圈external tap GB856-8832 DIN433 小垫圈(用于圆柱头螺钉) washers for cheese head screws ISO7092GB848-9533 DIN434 方斜垫圈(U型) square taper washers for U-section GB852-8834 DIN435 方斜垫圈(I型) square taper washers for I-sections GB852-8835 DIN436 方垫圈square washers36 DIN438 开槽凹端紧定螺钉slotted set with cup point ISO7436 GB74-8537 DIN439 六角薄螺母hexagon thin nuts ISO4035 GB6172-8638 DIN439 细牙六角薄螺母hexagon thin nuts ISO8675 GB6173-8639 DIN440 木螺钉专用垫圈rounds washers for wood constructions ISO709440 DIN443 密封帽sealing caps,push-in type41 DIN444 活节螺栓B 型 eye bolts form B GB798-8842 DIN462 内舌止动垫圈internal tab washers43 DIN463 双耳止动垫圈washers with two taps GB855-8844 DIN464 滚花高头螺钉knurled thumb screws with collar GB834-8845 DIN465 开槽滚花高头螺钉slotted knurled thumb screws with collar46 DIN466 滚花高螺母knurled thumb nuts with collar GB806-8847 DIN467 滚花薄螺母knurled thumb thin nuts GB807-8848 DIN470 锁紧垫圈sealing washers49 DIN471 轴用弹性挡圈 retaining rings for shafts(external),circlips GB894.1-8650 DIN472 孔用弹性挡圈retaining rings for bores(internal),circlips GB893.1-8651 DIN478 方头带垫螺栓square head bolts with collar52 DIN479 方头圆柱底端螺栓square head bolts with half dog point53 DIN480 方头带垫半圆底端螺栓square head bolts with collar,half dog point androunded end54 DIN508 T型槽螺母T-slot nutsISO29955 DIN525 单头螺柱single end studs56 DIN529 地脚螺栓masonry bolts GB799-8857 DIN546 带槽圆螺母slotted round nuts GB817-7658 DIN547 端面带孔圆螺母round nuts with drilled holes in one face GB815-8859 DIN551 开槽平端紧定螺钉slotted sit screws with flat point ISO4776 GB73-8560 DIN553 开槽锥端紧定螺钉slotted set screws with cone point ISO7434 GB71-8561 DIN555 六角螺母hexagon nuts ISO403462 DIN557 方螺母-Csquare nuts GB39-8863 DIN558 六角头螺钉hexagon screws ISO401864 DIN561 六角头圆柱端紧定螺钉hexagon set screws with full dog point65 DIN52 薄型方螺母- Bsquare nuts without bevel(pressed nuts)66 DIN571 六角头木螺钉hexagon head wood screws (coach screws)GB102-8667 DIN580 吊环螺钉lifting eye bolts ISO3266 GB825-7668 DIN582 吊环螺母lifting eye nuts69 DIN601 六角头螺栓hexagon bolts ISO401670 DIN603 大半圆头方颈螺栓(马车螺栓) mushroom head square neck bolts (carriage bolts) ISO8677 GB14-8871 DIN604 沉头带插销马车螺栓flat countersunk nib bolts72 DIN605 沉头长方颈马车螺栓flat countersunk long square neck bolts73 DIN607 半圆头带插销马车螺栓cup head nib bolts74 DIN608 沉头短方颈马车螺栓flat countersunk short square neck bolts75 DIN609 六角头精配螺栓(长螺纹)hexagon fitted bolts,long thread76 DIN610 六角头精配螺栓(短螺纹)hexagon fitted bolts,short thread77 DIN653 滚花平头螺钉 knurled thumb screws thin type GB835-8878 DIN660 半圆头铆钉round head rivets ISO1051 GB867-8679 DIN661 沉头铆钉contersunk head rivets ISO1051 GB869-8680 DIN662 半沉头铆钉raised contersunk head rivets ISO105181 DIN674 大扁头铆钉mushroom head rivets ISO105182 DIN703 重型侧面带孔圆螺母adjusting rings,heavy range (shafting collars)83 DIN705 侧面带孔圆螺母 adjusting rings,light range(shafting collars)GB816-8884 DIN741 卡头wire rope clips85 DIN787T 型槽螺钉T-slot screws ISO29986 DIN835 双头螺柱(牙长=2D)studs-metal (end=2d)GB900-8887 DIN906 内六角锥型闭锁螺钉hexagon socket pipe plugs,conical thread88 DIN908 内六角直型闭锁螺钉hexagon socket screw plugs,cyl. thread89 DIN909 外六角锥型闭锁螺钉hexagon head pipe plugs,conical thread90 DIN910 外六角直型闭锁螺钉hexagon head screw plugs,cyl.thread91 DIN911 内六角扳手socket wrenches ISO293692 DIN912 内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon socket cap screws ISO4762 GB70-8593 DIN913 内六角平端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws withflatpointISO4026 GB77-8594 DIN914 内六角尖端紧定螺钉 hexagon socket set screws withconepoint ISO4027 GB78-8595 DIN915 内六角圆柱端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws with dogpoint ISO4028 GB79-8596 DIN916 内六角凹端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws with cuppoint ISO4029 GB80-8597 DIN917 薄型盲螺母hexagon cap nuts98 DIN920 开槽小圆柱头螺钉slotted short cheese head screws99 DIN921 开槽大圆柱头螺钉slotted large cheese head screws GB838-88 100 DIN923 开槽圆柱头轴肩螺钉slotted pan head screws with shoulder GB830-88 101 DIN927 开槽无头轴肩螺钉slotted shoulder screws102 DIN928 焊接方螺母square weld nuts GB/T13680-92103 DIN929 焊接六角螺母hexagon weld nuts GB/T13681-92104 DIN931 六角头螺栓(半牙)hexagon head screws ISO4014 GB5782-86 105 DIN933 六角头螺栓(全牙)hexagon head screws ISO4017 GB5783-86 106 DIN934 六角头螺母(1型) hexagon full nuts ISO4032 GB6170-86 107 DIN934 细牙六角头螺母(1型) hexagon full nuts ISO8673 GB6171-86 108 DIN935 开槽六角螺母hexagon slotted and castle nuts ISO7035 GB6178-86 109 DIN936 六角头薄螺母hexagon thin nuts ISO4035 GB6172.1-86 110 DIN937 六角头开槽薄螺母hexagon thin slotted and castlenuts ISO7038 GB6181-86111 DIN938 双头螺距(牙长=1D)studs metal (end=1d) GB897-88 112 DIN939 双头螺距(牙长=1.25D)studs metal (end=1.25d)GB898-88 113 DIN940 双头螺距(牙长=1.5D)studs metal (end=1.5d)114 DIN960 六角头细牙螺栓(半牙)hexagon head bolts,metric fine pitch thread ISO8765 GB5785-86115 DIN961 六角头细牙螺栓(全牙)hexagon head bolts,metric fine pitch thread ISO8676 GB5786-86116 DIN962 头部穿孔六角头螺栓additional shapes and versions for bolts117 DIN963 开槽沉头螺钉slotted countersund head screwsISO 2009 GB68-85118 DIN964 开槽半沉头螺钉slotted raised countersunk oval head screwsISO 2010 GB69-85119 DIN965 十字槽沉头螺钉cross recessed countersunk headscrews ISO7046 GB819-85120 DIN966 十字槽半沉头螺钉cross recessed raised countersunk headscrews ISO7047 GB820-85121 DIN970 六角头螺母hexagon nuts type-1122 DIN971 六角头螺母hexagon nuts type-2123 DIN972 细牙六角头螺母(2型) hexagon nuts with finethread ISO8674 GB6176-86124 DIN975 牙条(全螺纹) threaded rods(studdings) GB15389-94125 DIN976 螺纹销threaded pins(stud bolts)126 DIN979 六角头开槽薄螺母(2型)hexagon thin slotted and castle nuts127 DIN980 全金属六角锁紧螺母(1型)prevailling torque type hexagon nuts,all metall nuts ISO7199 GB6184-86128 DIN981 圆螺母locknuts ISO2982 GB812-88129 DIN982 六角头尼龙锁紧螺母prevailling torque type hexagon nuts,heavy type ,with nylon insert ISO7040 GB889.1-86130 DIN985 六角头薄型尼龙锁紧螺母prevailling torque type hexagon nuts,heavy type ,with nylon insert ISO10511 GB6172.2-86131 DIN986 六角盖型尼龙锁紧螺母prevailling torque typedomed capnuts with nylon insert132 DIN988 配合垫片shim rings133 DIN1052 木材连接用垫片washers for timber connectors134 DIN1151 沉头钢钉round plain head nails135 DIN1440 销钉专用垫片A型plain washers for clevis pins(A型) ISO8738136 DIN1441 销钉专用垫片plain washers for clevis pins137 DIN1444 带头销钉clevis pins with head ISO2341138 DIN1471 圆锥型槽销grooved pins,taper grooved ISO8744 GB/T13829.2 139 DIN1472 圆锥型槽销(半槽)grooved pins,taper grooved halflength ISO8745 GB/T13829.2140 DIN1473 平行槽销(带倒角) grooved pins,parallel grooved fulllength ISO8740141 DIN1474 前端凹槽槽销grooved pins,reserve grooved halflength ISO8741142 DIN1475 中部凹槽槽销grooved pins,centre grooved ISO8742143 DIN1476 圆头槽销grooved pins with round head ISO8746 GB/T13829.3 144 DIN147 7沉头槽销grooved pins with countersunk head ISO8747145 DIN1479 六角螺母棒turnuckles(centre parts),made out of hexagon bar146 DIN1480 花篮螺栓turnuckles with eye bolt and hook bolt147 DIN1481 弹性圆柱销spring pins,heavy type ISO8752 GB879-86 148 DIN1587 组合式盖型螺母hexagon domed cap nuts GB802-88 149 DIN1804 开槽圆螺母(配合沟头扳手)slotted round nuts for hook spanner150 DIN1816 圆螺母(带插销孔)round nuts with set holes151 DIN2093 盘型弹簧垫圈disc springs152 DIN3017 喉箍hose clamps153 DIN3404 润滑油嘴(旋扭头)lubricating nipples,button head154 DIN3567 管夹shackles for conduilts155 DIN3570 U型螺栓stirrup bolts(U-bolts)156 DIN6319 球面垫圈spherical washers,conical seats GB849-88157 DIN6325 圆柱销parallel pins ISO8734158 DIN6330 厚六角螺母hexagon nuts ,1.5d GB56-88159 DIN6331 厚六角法兰面螺母hexagon nuts ,1.5d with collar GB6177-86 160 DIN6334 长六角螺母hexagon nuts ,3d161 DIN6797-A 外齿锁紧垫圈external teeth lock washers GB862.1-87 162 DIN6797-I 内齿锁紧垫圈internal teeth lock washers GB861.1-87 163 DIN6798-A 外锯齿锁紧垫圈external teeth serrated lock washers GB862.2-87 164 DIN6798-I 内锯齿锁紧垫圈internal teeth serrated lock washers GB861.2-87 165 DIN6799 开口挡圈retaining rings for shafts(E-rings),circlips GB896-76 166 DIN6885 平键(A型)parallel keys(form A ) ISO773/2491167 DIN6888 半圆键woodruff keys ISO3912168 DIN6899 嵌环(支撑环)thimbles169 DIN6900 机器螺钉和垫圈组合件screws and washersassemblies GB9074.1-.17170 DIN6901 自攻螺钉和垫圈组合件tapping screws and washersassemblies GB9074.18-.23171 DIN6912 薄型带孔内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon socket head cap screws with hole,lowhead172 DIN6914 大六角头螺栓hexagon head bolts with large head(friction grip bolts)173 DIN6915 大六角螺母hexagon nuts with large wideth across flat(friction grip nuts)174 DIN6916 大垫圈round washers for friction grip bolts175 DIN6917 楔型方垫圈spuare taper washers for friction grip bolts on T-sections176 DIN6923 六角法兰面螺母hexagon flange nuts ISO4161 GB6177-86 177 DIN6925 全金属六角锁紧螺母(2型)prevailing torque type hexagon nuts,all metallic nuts ISO7042 GB6185.1-2000178 DIN7337 开口型抽芯铆钉(沉头、扁圆头)blind rivets GB12617/12618 179 DIN7338 扁平头半空心/全空心铆钉rivets for brake and clutchlining GB875/975-86180 DIN7343 螺旋夹紧销spiral pins ISO8750181 DIN7346 轻型弹性圆柱销spring pins,light type ISO13337182 DIN7349 重型弹性圆柱销用垫圈washers for bolts with heavy type spring pinss 183 DIN7500 ISO公制螺纹螺钉(多种头型) threadforming screwsfor ISO-metricthread184 DIN7504 自攻自钻螺钉(多种头型) self-drilling tapping screws185 DIN7513 开槽切削螺纹螺钉(多种头型) thread cutting screws186 DIN7516 十字槽切削螺纹螺钉(多种头型) thread cutting screws cross recess187 DIN7965 T型四爪螺母tee nuts with pronge188 DIN7968 钢结构用六角头螺栓连接副hexagon head fitted bolts for steel structures GB1228/1229/1230189 DIN7971 开槽盘头自攻螺钉pan head tapping screws withslot ISO1481 GB5282-85190 DIN7972 开槽沉头自攻螺钉countersunk flat head tapping screws with slot ISO1482 GB5283-85191 DIN7973 开槽半沉头自攻螺钉raised countersunk oval head tapping screws with slot ISO1483 GB5284-85192 DIN7976 六角头自攻螺钉hexagon tapping screws ISO1479 GB5285-85 193 DIN7980 圆柱头螺钉用弹簧垫圈spring lock washers for screws with cylindrical headsISO8738194 DIN7981 十字槽盘头自攻螺钉pan head tapping screws with crossrecessed ISO7049 GB845-85195 DIN7982 十字槽沉头自攻螺钉countersunk flat head tapping screws with cross recessed ISO7050 GB846-85196 DIN7983 十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉raised countersunk oval head tapping screws withcross recessed ISO7051 GB847-86197 DIN7984 薄型内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon socket head cap screws with,reduced head198 DIN7985 十字槽盘头螺钉pan head screws with cross recessed ISO7045GB818-85199 DIN7989 钢结构用垫圈washers for steel structures GB1230-84 200 DIN7990 钢结构用六角头螺栓 hexagon head bolts for steel structuresGB1229-84 201 DIN7991 内六角沉头螺钉hexagon socket countersunk head screws ISO10642 202 DIN7993 轴用钢丝挡圈roundwire snap rings for shafts GB895.2-86 203 DIN7995 十字槽半沉头木螺钉cross recessed raised countersunk head wood screws GB952-86204 DIN7996 十字槽圆头木螺钉cross recessed round head wood screwsGB950-86205 DIN7997 十字槽沉头木螺钉cross recessed countersunk head wood screws GB951-86206 DIN8140 螺纹护套(普通\自锁等)ciol inserts,coarse,fine thread,silf locking207 DIN9021 大外径垫圈washers,outside diameterappro.3d ISO7093 GB96-85208 DIN11024 弹簧卡子spring cotter for a bolt209 DIN13257 平板螺栓belting bolts (elevator bolts)210 DIN18182 干壁钉(墙板钉)dry wall screws211 DIN28129 环型螺母lifting nuts(eye nuts)GB63-88212 DIN70952 圆螺母用止退垫圈tab washers for slotted round nuts GB858-88。
中国标准名称 Chinese standard name 产品几何技术规范(GPS) 极限与配合 第1部分:公差、偏差和配合的 基础 产品几何技术规范(GPS) 极限与配合 第2部分:标准公差等级和孔、轴极限偏 差表 一般公差 未注公差的线性和角度尺寸的 公差 焊接结构件的一般尺寸公差和形位公差 重型机械通用技术条件 第9部分 切削加 工件
国际标准代号 International standard ISO 286-1:2010 ISO 286-2:2010 ISO 2768-1:1989 ISO 13920:1996
国际标准名称 International standard code Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Limits and fits - Part 1: Bases of tolerances, deviations and fits Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Limits and fits - Part 2: Tables of standard tolerance grades and limit deviations for holes and shafts General tolerances--Tolerances for linear and angular dimensions without individual tolerance indications Welding-General tolerances for welded constructionsDimensions for lengths and angles-Shape and position Heavy - duty machines - General technical requirements - Part 9: Machined parts
1 欧洲结构规范EuroCodes• 欧洲规范是由欧洲经济共同体委员会(EEC)1975年决定由欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)在建筑和土木工程领域编制的一套适用于欧洲的工程结构协调设计规范,1992年欧共体进一步发展为欧洲联盟(EU)后,这个联合行动计划得以积极实施。
• 经过欧洲各国的共同努力,这套欧洲规范已逐步形成包括10卷58分册的完整配套的工程结构规范体系,成为在工程建设领域中极具影响力的一套区域性国际标准。
• 目前,全套欧洲规范已陆续发布,并已在欧盟27个成员国取得应用地位。
• 我院2009年批准立项了《欧洲规范系统研究》项目,着重研究其中与公路勘察、设计和施工有关的部分及相应的英国附件和法国附件,并分专题编写设计手册和设计指南。
1.1 欧洲规范0:结构设计基础1.2 欧洲规范1:结构上的作用1.3 欧洲规范2:混凝土结构设计1.4 欧洲规范3:钢结构设计1.5 欧洲规范4:钢与混凝土组合结构设计1.6 欧洲规范5:木结构设计1.7 欧洲规范6:砌体结构设计1.8 欧洲规范7:土工设计1.9 欧洲规范8:结构抗震设计1.10 欧洲规范9:铝结构设计2 其它欧洲规范3 法国规范序号名称1SETRA土建技术指南汇编——护栏2SETRA土建技术指南汇编——挑檐3SETRA支挡构造物通用设计指南4SETRA防撞设施的构造5SETRA拦阻轻型汽车的安全护栏6SETRA针对重型卡车的安全护栏7SETRA道路排水技术指南8SETRA路桥排水治理工程——排水、护坡、疏浚、边沟、水沟9SETRA理解公路主要几何设计参数10SETRA关于高速公路规划的技术条件说明(几何设计终稿)11SETRA公路设计指南12SETRA道路结构的设计构思与尺寸测量技术指南13SETRA城市间主要公路交叉口设计14SETRA桥梁支撑——桥墩模型15SETRA桥面支座——车辆对桥墩的撞击16SETRA板桥设计指南17SETRA框架桥设计指南18SETRA先张预应力预制梁式公路桥设计指南序号名称19SETRA抗震区桥梁设计指南20SETRA桥头搭板的技术与施工21SETRA公路桥梁伸缩缝22SETRA弹性支座使用环境23SETRA桥面支座——工程钢筋类型24SETRA套箍弹性橡胶支座装置25SETRA盆式橡胶支座26SETRA国家道路网络-新型路面结构类型的分类1-附录27SETRA国家道路网络-新型路面结构类型的分类2-理想数据与计算数据28SETRA国家道路网络-新型路面结构类型的分类3-使用注意事项29SETRA国有公路网新型路面结构类型分类30SETRA路面基层国有道路系统标准应用指南31SETRA国家公路网新路面标准结构样本32SETRA支撑结构物通用设计指南33SETRA并列的铁路、公路(或高速公路)路基34教材:极限状态下的预应力混凝土35建筑工程结构设计指南——桥梁36极限状态下钢筋混凝土法国规范BAEL 83使用指南——桥梁工程实施范例4 英国规范4.1 英国结构规范BS5400BS5400是英国标准化协会桥梁技术委员会编制的适用于钢桥、混凝土桥和组合桥的设计、施工、荷载、材料及工艺规范的一套国家标准,在国际上具有相当广泛的影响力。
GB/T 780—1979 汽油发动机化油器出口凸缘尺寸Carbureters for automobile engines--Dimensions of outlet flanges2 GB/T 983-1995 不锈钢焊条Stainless steel covered electrodes3 GB/T 984—1985 堆焊焊条Covered electrodes for hardfacing4 GB/T 985-1988 气焊、手工电弧焊及气体保护焊焊缝坡口的基本形式与尺寸Basic forms and sizes of weld grooves for gas welding manual arc welding and gas—Shielded arc welding5 GB/T 986-1988 埋弧焊焊缝坡口的基本形式和尺寸Basic forms and sizes of weld grooves for submerged arc welding6 GB/T 1173—1995 铸造铝合金Casting aluminium alloys7 GB/T 1174—1992 铸造轴承合金cast bearing metals8 GB/T 1176—1987 铸造铜合金技术条件Specification for cast copper alloys9 GB/T 1177-1991 铸造镁合金Casting magnesium alloys10 GB/T 1348-1988 球墨铸铁件Spheroidal graphite iron castings11 GB/T 1954-1980 铬镍奥氏体不锈钢焊缝铁素体含量测量方法Determination of the weldign seam iron element contentin chromium,nickel austenitic stainless steel12 GB/T 2100-1980 不锈耐酸钢铸件技术条件Stainless acid—resistant steel castings--Specifications13 GB/T 2649-1989 焊接接头机械性能试验取样方法Methods of sampling for mechanical properties tests of welded joint14 GB/T 2650-1989 焊接接头冲击试验方法Method of impact test for welded joint15 GB/T 2651-1989 焊接接头拉伸试验方法Method of tensile test for welded joint16 GB/T 2652-1989 焊缝及熔敷金属拉伸试验方法Method of tensile tests for weld and deposited metal17 GB/T 2653-1989 焊接接头弯曲及压扁试验方法Methods of bend and compression tests for welded joint18 GB/T 2654—1989 焊接接头及堆焊金属硬度试验方法Methods of hardness tests for welded joint and surfacing metal19 GB/T 2655—1989 焊接接头应变时效敏感性试验方法Method of strain—age sensibillity test for welded joint20 GB/T 2656-1981 焊缝金属和焊接接头的疲劳试验法Weld beads metal and welds--Fatigue tests21 GB/T 2684-1981 铸造用原砂及混合料试验方法Foundry sands and sand mixtures for casting——Method of testing22 GB/T 3180—1982 中锰抗磨球墨铸铁件技术条件Specification for medium manganese wear-resistant spheroidal iron castings23 GB/T 3375—1994 焊接术语Welding terminology24 GB/T 3669-1983 铝及铝合金焊条Coated electrodes for aluminium and aluminium alloys25 GB/T 3670-1995 铜及铜合金焊条Coated electrodes for copper and copper alloys26 GB/T 3731-1983 涂料焊条效率、金属回收率和熔敷系数的测定Covered electrodes-—Determination of the efficiency,metal recovery and deposition coefficient27 GB/T 3934—1983 普通螺纹量规Gauges for general purpose screw threads28 GB/T 3965—1995 熔敷金属中扩散氢测定方法Methods for determination of diffusible hydrogen in deposited metal29 GB/T 4675。
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GB/T 14383 GB/T 14626 SH 3065 SH Байду номын сангаас406 SH 3408 SH 3409 SH 3410 HGJ10 (HG/T21634) HGJ514 (HG/T21635) HGJ528 (HG/T21631) GD87-1011 DL/T515 DL/T695 SY/T0510 SY5257 ISO3419
锻钢制承插焊管件 Forged steel socket-welding pipe fittings 锻钢制螺纹管件 Forged steel threaded pipe fittings 石油化工管式炉急弯弯管技术标准 Specification for tube fumace sharp bend for petrochemical industry 石油化工钢制管法兰 Steel pipe flanges for petrochemical industry 钢制对焊无缝管件 Steel butt-welding seamless fittings 钢板制对焊管件 Steel plate butt-welding pipe fittings 锻钢承插焊管件 Forged steel socket-welding fittings 锻钢承插焊管件 Forged steel socket-welding fittings 碳钢、低合金钢无缝管件 Carbon steel、low-alloy steel butt-welding seamless fittings 钢制有缝对焊管件 Steel plate butt-welding fittings 火力发电厂汽水管道零件及部件典型设计手册 Typical design manual of pipe parts for steam power plant 电站弯管 Bends for power plant 电站钢制对焊管件 Steel butt-welding fittings for power plant 钢制对焊管件 Steel butt-welding pipe fittings 钢制弯管 Steel bends 非合金和合金钢对焊管件 Non-alloy steel and alloy steel butt-welding fittings
中、高温用钢制碳钢和合金钢管道配件 Medium and high temperature used carbon and alloy steel pipe fittings 低温用锻制碳钢和合金钢管配件 Low temperature forged carbon and alloy steel pipe fittings 锻制奥氏体不锈钢管配件 Forged Durimet pipe fittings 工厂制造的钢制对焊管件 Factory-Made wrought steel pipe fittings 承插焊和螺纹锻钢管件 Socket-welding and Threaded forged fittings 锻钢对焊小半径弯头和回弯头 Wrought steel butt-welding short radius elbows and returns 不锈钢对焊管件 Stainless steel butt-welding fittings 锻制不锈钢对焊管件 Wrought stainless steel butt-welding fittings 锻钢制对焊管件 Forging butt-welding fittings 承插焊异径插入件 Socket-welding reducing Inserts 3000磅级的钢制承插焊和螺纹活接头 Class 3000 steel socket-welding and threaded unions 缩渐管和圆堵头 Swaged nipples and round plugs 承插焊、螺纹和对焊端的整体加强式管座 SW 、TH and BW ends for integrally reinforced forged branch outlet 通用钢制对焊管件 Universal steel butt-welding pipe fittings 钢制对焊管件 Steel butt-welding pipe fittings 钢板制对焊管件 Steel plate butt-welding pipe fittings 钢制承插焊管件 Steel socket-welding pipe fittings 钢制对焊管件弯头和弯管 Steel butt-welding pipe fittings.elbows and bends 钢制对焊管件三通 Steel butt-welding pipe fittings.tees 钢制对焊管件异径管 Steel butt-welding pipe fittings.reducers 钢制对焊管件管帽 Steel butt-welding pipe fittings.caps 钢制对焊无缝管件 Steel butt-welding seamless fittings 钢板制对焊管件 Steel plate butt-welding pipe fittings
ASME SA-234 ASME SA-420 ASME SA-403 ASME B16.9 ASME B16.11 ASME B16.28 ISO 5251 MSS SP-43 MSS SP-75 MSS SP-79 MSS SP-83 MSS SP-95 MSS SP-97 JIS B2311 JIS B2312 JIS B2313 JIS B2316 DIN 2605 DIN 2615 DIN 2616 DIN 2617 GB/T 12459 GB/T 13401