



Chapter Three Morphology形态学一、定义1. Morphology形态学:t he study of the internal structure of words (内部研究), and the rules by which words are formed.对单词的内部结构和单词构成规则的研究。

2. Morpheme 词素:The smallest unit of language that carries information about meaning or function.最小的语言单位,携带信息的意义或功能。

二、知识点3.2 Distinctions between open and close classes word1. Open class words开放性词类: In English, nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs make up the largest part of vocabulary. They are content words of a language.,which are sometimes called open class words, since new words can be added to these classes regularly. 在英语中,名词、动词、形容词和副词占词汇的绝大部分。


2. Close classes word封闭性词类:Conjunctions, prepositions, articles and pronouns is small and stable since few new words are added , therefore such words have been referred to as closed class words. 构成连词、介词、冠词和代词的词相对较少,通常不添加新词,所以被称为封闭性词类。



Chapter 3 Morphology1. What is word?•Definition: A unit of expression that has universal intuitive recognition by native speakers, whether it is expressed in spoken or written form.• A vague definition.Three senses are involved in defining “word”, none of which is satisfactory to cope with all the situations.1.1 Identification of words•Stability:stable linguistic units.chairman, but not *manchair•Relative uninterruptibility:though we recognize three components in the word disappointment, we cannot pause and add another component in between, as in *disinterestappointment.But we can add another word between words: Paul, (John) and Mary ...• A minimum free form: the smallest unit that can constitute a complete utterance by itself.Sentence---the maximum free formWord---the minimum free form, the smallest unit that can constitute, by itself, a complete utterance•Eg --Is Jane coming tonight?--Possibly.Hi.Wonderful.•词的特征词是由词素构成,比词素高一级的句法单位。

Chapter 3新编语言学教程 Morphology

Chapter 3新编语言学教程  Morphology

the classification of morphemes 1
A. free morpheme自由语素 Morphemes may occur alone or constitute words by themselves. All monomorphemeic单语素词 words are free morphemes.
Free morphemes can be divided into two categories: Lexical morphemes(词汇语素):ordinary nouns, verbs and adjectives which carry the content of messages we convey. E.g. book, desk Functional morphemes(功能语素):conjunctions, articles, prepositions and pronouns. E.g. if, when, because.
2. The smallest unit of morphology & the classification of morphemes
Morpheme(语素): A morpheme is a minimal unit of meaning or grammatical function. It cannot be divided without destroying or drastically altering the meaning, whether it is lexical or grammatical.
1.4 Definition of morphology P52
Morphology refers to the study of the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.

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chapter_3__morphology  ppt课件
look back • Auxiliaries • Pro-form • determiners
• Negation
• I can’t come. I wantn’t come.
• Inversion
• Is he coming? Keeps he coming?
• A morpheme is the smallest meaningful grammatical unit thatis composed of three elemments denoting sound, meaning and form---respectively phoneme, lexeme and grapheme.
• A grammatical unit: sentence clause phrase word morpheme
it of meaning
• It is the smallest/minimal unit in terms of relationship between expression and content, a unit which cannot be further divided without destroying or drastically altering the meaning, whether lexical or grammatical.
The morpheme (语/词素) is to the morph (形素) what a phoneme(音位) is to a phone (音素).

Chapter 3 Morphology 要点总结

Chapter 3 Morphology 要点总结

Chapter 3 Morphology(形态学)1.What is morphology(形态学)?Morphology, as a branch of linguistics , is the study of the internal structure, forms and classes of words.eg. Unfriendly → un + friend + ly2.Morphemes(词素、语素)A morpheme is a minimal unit of meaning or grammatical function.eg. Maps→(2 units)→map + s3.Types of morphemes:free morphemes(自由语素) and bound morphemes(黏着语素)1>Free morphemes(自由语素)A.Some morphemes can stand alone as words, such morphemes are called freemorphemes.B.Rooot(词根) & Stem(词干)❶Root:a root is the based form of a word which cannot be further analyzed . It may be a free morpheme(as black in blackbird, blackboard, blacksmith) as well as a bound morpheme( -ceive in perceive认识,deceive欺骗,receive).❷Stem: a stem is any morpheme or combination of morpheme to which an inflectional affix can be added (friend in friends, friendship in friendships are both stem).C . Free Morphemes can be divided into two categories. They are:Closed Class & Opened Class(封闭词类和开放性词类)❶Closed Class(functional morphemes): a closed class is one whose membership is principle fixed or limited. (封闭类:连介代冠conjunctions, preposition, pronouns, articles)❷Open Class( lexical morphemes): an open class is one whose membership is principle indefinite or unlimited. (包括:名动形副数叹noun, verbs, adjectives)2>Bound Morphemes(黏着语素)A.Some morphemes cannot normally stand alone, but function only as parts of words.Such morphemes are called bound morphemes.Bound morphemes are actually affixes(词缀)—>prefix(前缀), suffix(后缀), infix(中缀).eg. dis- , un- , -ity, -al, -sB. Two Categories of Bound Morphemes:Derivational Morphemes(派生语素) & Inflectional Morphemes(屈折语素)❶Derivational Morphemes(派生语素): ~~ are used to make new words in the language and are often used to make words of a different grammatical category from the stem.eg. nouns→ verbs/ adj. verbs→ nouns/ adj.friend→ unfriend解除朋友关系( noun→ verb)❷Inflectional Morphemes(屈折语素):~~ are not used to produce new words, but rather to show aspects of the grammatical function of a word.①plurality(复数): - s, - es, - ies……②tense(时态): - s, - ing, - en, - ed……③possessive case(所有格): ’s④comparative/ superlative degree(比较级/最高级): -er, - esteg. dislikes → dis + +3> free morphemes(自由语素) & bound morphemes(黏着语素)❶All monomorphemic(单词素/单语素) words are free morphemes;❷These polymorphemic words are either compounds( combination of two or more free morphemes) or derivatives(words derived from free morphemes).4.Morphs(形素) and Allomorphs(语素变体)Morphs: the phonological and orthographic forms which realize morphemes are termed ― morphs‖.(语素的语音及对应拼写法的体现叫形素)Most morphemesSome morphemesAllomorphs: an allomorph is any of the different form of the same morpheme( 语素变体是同一个语素的不同形式).eg. plurality ―- s‖: map→ maps; dog→ dogs; class→ classed; mouse→ mice; sheep→ sheep Complementary distribution(互补分布):allomorph is a member of a set of morph;allomorph can’ t occur in the same environment .5> Types of Word Formation(构词法)❶Compounding(合成法)Words are formed by putting two words together, this way of building new words is called compounding.❷Derivation(派生法)Derivation is done by adding affixes to other words or morphemes.❸Conversion(转换法)Many words have more than one part of speech. A noun can become a verb easily and a verb can be used as a noun.❹Backformation(逆向构词法)As we have editor, we get edit by dropping – or . This process is called ~~❺Clipping(截短法)This process by cutting off part of word is called ~~❻Blending(混合法)A single new word can also be formed by combining two separate forms, this process iscalled ~~~❼Acronymization(缩略法)。



Bound Morpheme 黏着词素
Definition: must be attached to another morpheme
Boy Boys Boy Boy’s Beauty Beautiful Expensive Inexpensive
New word???
Bound Morpheme 黏着词素
hotchpotch mishmash

人人, 天天, 一点点, 冷冰冰,
来来往往, 点点滴滴, ……
4.Blending 拼缀法
similar to compounding,
but some parts of the free morphemes involved
Morpheme: ‘minimal unit of sound and meaning’
A further division: whether they can occur on their own or not:
Bound morpheme 黏着词素
-s in dog-s; -ed in kick-ed; cran- in cran-berry
no new word added not change syntactic class to indicate the grammatical function
E.g.: Only 8 kinds in English: N.: -’s, -s (plural nouns), V.: -ing, -ed/-en, -s (S-V agreement) Adj./Adv.: -est, -er.


河南大学外语学院 马应聪
3.2 Morpheme
▪ It is a minimal unit of meaning or grammatical function.
▪ tourists: tour; -ist; -s ▪ talks; talker; talked; talking ▪ Types of morpheme: free morpheme
河南大学外语学院 马应聪
3.1 Introduction
▪ Definition of morphology ▪ Morphology is a branch of grammar
which studies the internal structure, forms and classes of words. ▪ un -+-ly → unfriendly;unhappily; unkindly; unlonely ▪ -fy → purify; simplify; falsify; amplify
▪ Root: the basic element of a word that can stand by itself: talk, internationalism, work/shop, black/bird
▪ Stem: the element involved in a word without the last added bound morpheme: friends, friendships
河南大学外语学院 马应聪
▪ Prefixes are joined to the beginning of the root or stem. They can change the meaning or function of the word. Impossible, unbelievable, enrich



3.2 Morphemes 1. word: a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.
3.2 Morphemes Discussion: Try to study the internal structures of the following words to find out the smaller meaningful components. internationalization blackboard worked tourists
2) Bound morphemes Free root: (free morpheme) a root which has a clear and definite meaning and which can be used as a word; All the root words are free roots.
3.1 Introduction Morphology: a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed. predict: pre: before dict: speak Can pre- and dict be structurally and semantically further analyzed?
Alter the meaning or derivational affixes: grammatical category of the base

Chapter 3语言学- Morphology

Chapter 3语言学- Morphology
Chapter Three
Teaching Focus
1. What is word? 2. Morphology 3. Lexical change

1. What is word?

1.1 Three senses of “word” 1.2 Identification of words 1.3 Classification of words
1.3 Classification of words

(1) General classification Variable vs. Invariable Words:

Variable words: may have inflective changes. Such as write, writes, writing, wrote, written; cat, cats. Such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs. Invariable words: do not have inflective endings. Such as because, but, seldom, under, etc. Such as conjunctions, prepositions, articles, pronouns.

2. Morphology

Morphology: a branch of linguistics, which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed. 2.1 Morphemes 2.2 Allomorphs 2.3 Types of morphemes 2.4 Word-formation

语言学chapter 3. morphology

语言学chapter 3. morphology

Morph, verb; morphing, noun [U] [V, VN] to change smoothly from one image to another using computer ANIMATION; to make an image change in this way -ology (BrE also -logy) combining form (in nouns), a subject of study: sociology; genealogy a characteristic of speech or writing: phraseology; trilogy

Nouns verbs adjectives adverbs

Conjunctions prepositions articles pronouns
4. Word class
traditional grammar — parts of speech
word class in linguistic analysis — wider range of more precisely defined categories: particles, auxiliaries, pro-forms, determiners.
3.1.1 Three senses of “word”
1. A physically definable unit: a set of sound segments or wirting letters between two pauses or blanks 2. Word both as a general term and as a specific term 3. A grammatical unit, just like morpheme or clause complex



Chapter 3 Morphology 形态学1.Definition 定义Morphology is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.形态学是语法学的一个分支,它研究的是单词的内在结构及单词的构成规则。

The aim of morphology is to find out these rules。


Morphology is divided into two sub-branches:inflectional morphology and lexical or derivational morphology. The former studies the inflections and the latter the study of word-formation.形态学可以划分两个分支:屈折形态学和词汇形态学(也叫派生形态学).前者研究的是单词的屈折变化,后者研究的是构词法。

2.Morpheme 词素2.1Morpheme: the smallest meaningful unit of language词素:语言中最小的意义单位Just as a phoneme is the basic unit in the study of phonology, so is a morpheme the basic unit in the study of morphology。


Monomorphemic words 单词素单词2.2Types of morphemes 词素的类型2.2.1Free morphemes 自由词素The morphemes that are independent units of meaning and can be used freely all by themselves are called free morphemes。


independently but have to be combined with other morphemes to form a word recolleealistic: ideal + ist + ic ex-prisoner: ex + prison + er
Can pre- and dict be structurally and semantically further analyzed?
3.2 Morphemes
1. word:
a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.
3.1 Introduction
➢ If we look at the following words simplify, falsify, justify, diversify, qualify, identify and beautify, we feel that they bear sth. similar in their internal structures. What is it?
3.1 Introduction
Morphology: ➢ a branch of grammar which studies the
internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.
predict: ➢ pre: before ➢ dict: speak
the act of bringing something under international control

戴炜栋语言学-Chapter 3 Morphology

戴炜栋语言学-Chapter 3 Morphology

戴炜栋语言学-Chapter 3 Morphology●开放类和封闭类Open class and closed class●开放性词类(open class words):名词、动词、副词和形容词●封闭性词类(closed words):连词、介词、冠词、代词●词素Morphemes---the minimal units of the meaning●词素的定义the definition●词素morpheme--带着信息和功能的语言的最小单位 a morpheme can be definedas.a minimal unit of meaning.例如:reader是由read和er两个词素组成 boys是由boy和-s两个词素●注意:●词素既不是意义,也不是音阶,而是意义和音阶的组合;●词素通常是任意的,他们的声音和意义之间没有必然的联系;●如果想区分词素之间的区别,可以使用语素(morph);●区分独立词和复杂词的区别:前者为单一词素构成,后者包括两个及以上的词素●词素的分类●自由和黏着词素(Free and bound morphemes)●自由词素:可以独立成词的词素成为自由词素 can be a word by itself●黏着词素:必须依附于另一个词素must be attracted to another one●同质异形体(Allomorphs)The variant forms of a morpheme are called its allomorphs.●Analyzing word structures分析词的结构●root词根 The roots constitutes the core of the word and carries the major component ofits meaning.●The roots typically belongs to a lexical category and are always bound morphemes.●affixes词缀 Affixes do not belong to a lexical category and are always bound morphemes ●Derivational and inflectional morphemes派生词素和曲折词素●派生词素:-en, -ate, and -ic are thus called derivational morphemes●曲折词素:there are bound morphemes which are for the most part of purelygrammatical markers and signify such concepts as tense, number, case and so on.●Morphological rules of word formation构词的形态学规则●词的构成方式被称为形态学规则(morphological rules),这些规则决定了词素怎样组合成为词。

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chapter_3__morphology  ppt课件
• (c) Lexicography, an related branch, is mainly concerned with the inclusion of words and the science of compling dictionaries, dictionary-making.
探讨词的意义及语义关系,阐述词汇变化 过程,涉及相关的词典知识。学习词汇学 就是学习有关词汇的系统知识, 了解词汇
的现状及其历史演变过程,能够对现代词 汇发展中出现的各种现象做出分析和解释。 ----《英语词汇学》,汪榕培
• Lexicology, a branch of linguistics, is the study of lexemes or vocabulary of a langauge, including nature, history, formation, (morphological) structure, meaning, collocation, uses and usages of words.
L Close class words
----- H. Jackson & E. Z. Amvela, Words, Meaning and Vocabulary: An Introduction to Modern English Lexiocology, 2000
• 词汇学是研究词汇背后的规律性和系统性 以及词汇的结构关系和类别的科学,它运 用语言学的相关理论,研究语言中有关词 汇的问题, 讨论词的形态结构及构成方式,
• The essential difference is a matter of emphasis: morpholgy is word grammar with meaning, while lexicology is word semantics with form.

chapter 3 Morphology 英语专业语言学PPT

chapter 3  Morphology 英语专业语言学PPT

Derivational and inflectional morphemes (p.55)
Some derivational morphemes change the grammatical category of words (or grammatical class of words) and others
➢ the smallest unit in terms of relationship between expression and content,
➢ a unit which cannot be divided without destroying or drastically altering the meaning, whether it is lexical or grammatical.
When the root of the word is a free morpheme, we say the word has a free root, such as e.g. hopeful, interpersonal
When it is a bound morpheme, we say the word has a bound root, such as e.g. precede, receive, submit, retain, recur
The identification of words
(2) Relative uninterruptibility(相对的不可 隔 断 性 ): new elements are not to be inserted into a word even when there are several parts in the word. (i.e. outlaws, touch-me-not)

戴炜栋主编英语语言学教程第三章课件 Morphology

戴炜栋主编英语语言学教程第三章课件 Morphology

3.6 Morphological rules of word formaion
--- the rules that govern the formation of words, e.g
un+ADJECTIVE = not ---ADJECTIVE unfair unthinkable unacceptable…
3.2 Open class and closed class
Open class words---content words of a language to which we can regularly add new words, such as nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs,
In other instances, there may be some variation, that is, a morpheme may have alternate shapes or phonetic forms. They are said to be the allomorphs of the morpheme. e.g
3.5 Derivational and Inflectional morphemes
Derivation: combination of a base and an affix to form a new word, e.g
a building an orange;
Each of the variants is called an allomorph of a morpheme.


Chapter 3 Lexicon/Morphology
Chapter 3 Lexicon/Morphology
Teaching objectives: let the students have a brief knowledge about morphemes and the basic word-formation methods Teaching Focus: definition and classification of morphemes; major word-formation methods Time Allocation: Morpheme 30 minutes Word formation 30 minutes Teaching Methods & Strategies: teacher presentation and class discussion
Made by LI Jinmei
(2) Grammatical words vs. lexical words (function words and content words.语法词/词汇词) • The former refers to those words expressing grammatical meanings, such as conjunctions(连词), prepositions(介词), articles(冠词), and pronouns (代词); • the latter refers to words having lexical meanings, those which refer to substance, action etc. such as n., v., adj., and adv..

新编英语语言学教程课件chapter 3 morphology

新编英语语言学教程课件chapter 3 morphology
Chapter 3 Lexicon
3.1 What is word?
3.1.1 Three senses of “word”
*A physically definable unit (自然的有界限的单位)
• 3.1.3 classification of words
• Variable and invariable words
variable words----one could find ordered and regular series of grammatically different word forms; on the other hand, part of the word remains relatively constant. “ follow-followsfollowing”
※some of the categories newly introduced into linguistic
analysis: particles, auxiliaries, pro-form(代词形式“So
do I “), determiners
• It refers to words which are used before the noun acting as head of a noun phrase, and determine the kind of reference the noun phrase has: definite (the) or indefinite( an ), partitive ( some ), or universal (all).
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are English consonants classified?
• 2. How are English Vowels classified?
• 3. What are phonemes and allophones?
Chapter 3
• variable words & invariable words (variability)
• —variable words: the words whose form is
changeable, words which might appear in
different inflective and derivative forms, v. n.
• Suffixes modify the meaning of the original word and in many cases change its part of speech.
• Accordingly, there are noun-forming suffixes, adjective-forming suffixes, adverb-forming suffixes, and verbforming suffixes.
• the part left when all the affixes are removed 词根
• the part left when a certain affix is removed
A certain affix here refers to an inflectional affix: grammatical endings
• variable words & invariable words • open-class words & closed-class words • traditional parts of speech & additional
four categories
Classification of words (2)
的 • -ful (adj) beautiful美麗的, delightful愉悅的,
sorrowful悲傷的 • -en (V 使..) weaken使變弱 , darken, deepen • -ize (v …化) modernize使現代化 • -ly (adj+ -ly=adv n + -ly= adj) slowly慢慢地,
The system of language
Discourses Phrase, clause,
Sentences Words
Pragmatics Syntax
Morphology Phonology Phonetics
Key points
• Definition of morphology • Definition of morphemes • Classifications of morphemes • The formation of words
rearrange) • relative uninterruptibility --internal
structure (can’t insert)
3.1 Classification of words(1)
• Basic word stock & non-basic vocabulary • Content words & functional words • Native words & borrowed words
3.2 The formation of word
• Preview questions:
• 1. What is morphology? • 2. What is morpheme? What is the
biggest difference between morpheme and phoneme? • 3. How can we classify morphemes?
• For example: • Verbs are formed by adding –ify to
either an adjective (adj.) or a noun (n.) • 在形容詞或名詞加-ify變成動詞
*simple (adj.)
simplify (v) 簡化
Types of morphemes (2): Affix
• Affix: normally divided into:
– Prefix (dis-, un-) prefixes occur at
the beginning of a word.
– suffix (-en, -ify) at the end
– infix (foot-feet) in the middle
Prefix 前綴
• mis- 誤 mistake 誤解
• over- 過分 overdo 做得過分
• Prefixes modify the meaning of the stem, but usually do not change the part of speech of the original word.
• Roots may be:
– Free: those that can stand by themselves,
E.g.: black+board; nation+-al; or
– bound: those that cannot stand by themselves,
E.g.: -ceive in receive, perceive, conceive.
Types of morphemes (2): Root
• Root: the base form of a word that cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity,
• E.g.: friend as in unfriendliness.
• Exceptions are the prefixes be-, and en(m)-.
• Added to adjectives or nouns they turn the words into verbs, for example:
• --invariable words: the words whose form
is unchangeable, words which usually occur in the same form such as: since, in, for, of, at, on
Classification of words (3)
friendly友善的 • -ward (往…方向) forward(adv)往前, eastward
Types of morphemes (2): Stem
e.g. He likes the animal, so do i. e.g. The desk is white, so is the chair. Determiners 限定词 ‘the’, ‘a’, ‘some’, ‘all’ e.g. ‘all the beautiful Chinese girls’,
*quality (n)
qualify (v)使具有資格
*identity (n)
identify (v) 認出
3.2.1 Morphemes
• Definition:
• The most basic element of meaning is traditionally called morpheme.
• open-class words & closed-class words (membership)
• --open-class words: membership is
unlimited, n. v. (economic words, scientific words.)
• --closed-class words: membership is
• e.g.: -s in dogs, -ed in worked, dis- in
dislike, un- in unable.
Types of morphemes (2)
• root • stem
• affix
• the part which is attached to other words; usually bound morphemes 词缀
3.2.1 Morphology
sentence clause phrase word
morpheme sound
• Definition: the study of word-formation, or the internal structure of words, or the rules by which words are formed from smaller components: morphemes.
3.1 Definition of a word
• A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.