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training places where students are prepared to get a job.[1]
All in all, the system of American education has its own
special features and attract a lot of countries' attention.
the new syst百度文库m, each individual citizen was obligated to vote according to
his own opinions and conscience, and to take part in the discussion and
decision making at local, state, and national levels. As the nation grew in
As one of the basic contents of social life, education has a close relationship with one nation's growth. There were many people graduated from Oxford College and Cambridge College between the first English settlers to America in the colonial era of 17th century. It is estimated that there is a college student out of every 40 to 50 families. This immigration of higher education background made them attach great importance to education. And the early immigrants from England needed a kind of culture to help them understand The Bible by themselves because of their devotion to religion. These two factors made the education of America start.
republic was founded, literacy was still a primary objective, but for the new
purpose of fulfilling the obligations of citizenship in the new country. Under
Historically, the chief aim of education in early times was literacy in order
that people might be able to read and write the Bible and laws. When the
American Education
15-财政2班 魏瑶 王莹 王馨怡1
The United States is very strong in education and
shoulders huge task of education. To discuss education in
the United States is a very complicated problem, because
diverse and comprehensive. If the objectives of education in America were
it is a multicultural country. American education is also
diverse reflecting on the education, there is no unified
national education system in the United States and fifty
states have 50 different education system. There is no
doubt that mang people pay much attention to the system
of American education. The major difference in education
system can be best understood as a kind of social
institutions that reflect the basic beliefs and fundamental
principles of the nation, rather than simply a kind of skill-
population and in territory, as its economy expanded, and particularly as
the industrial revolution changed the complexity of life and citizenship,
education grew in importance and its goals and purposes became more
system between American and most other countries is
that the education of the United States is for everyone in
society, not only for a few people. American educational