
• Anhui cuisine, of course, is developed from Anhui, which now include Mountain Huang, Jixi and Wuyuan in Anhui province.
Rich natural resources:
slightly spicy and salty heavy oil and sauce
The characteristics of Anhui cuisine
➢ local materials, strict election materials
➢ the fire work original
➢ cooking techniques burn, stewing, smoked, steamed
Red-Cooked Chicken, Fuliji Style
Marinate for fresh GUIYU
Plectorhynchus us
Cloud Meat
Gourd duck
Mao Fengxun reeves shad 毛峰熏鲥(shí)鱼
Ham stewed rhizome
shoots 火腿炖鞭笋
Fur bean curd is one of Anhui’s famous cuisine. It also known as Huizhou “Mao tofu”. As the name suggests, it is the specialty local cuisine of the region of Anhui.

Bao Gong Fish This dish is cold dish, fish is seasoned by vinegar flavor and small fire burning stewing for a long time, finally get crisp bone and tender meat, very delicious
N o w ,I c a n 't w a it to e a t th e s e
Thank You!
Welcome to Anhui.
——Designed by Jerry Dong 10/13/2013
Chrysanthemum fish (菊花鱼 )
Peng peng fish (蓬蓬鱼 )
Egg Dumplings
F ro m n o w o n ,I 'm g o n g in g to in tro d u c e h o w to m ake egg d u m p in g . It is a re a l ru ra l m e a l ,w h ic h is so d e lic io u s th a t I ca n 't to ta s te .W h a t 's
Tofu mouse
• Tofu Han snacks Anhui Huizhou mice. Take on the good meat, white bean as the main ingredient, with ginger, egg, salt, chop fine mud, with a large group of wheat flour egg placed in a bowl of the bowl, his hands repeatedly to winnow the roll, which wrapped into a white group, then put into boiling water, to float out of the water, the fish into the in advance with a good seasoning soup. Tofu mouse is delicate and delicious, elderly and infirm Xian Yi, is also an excellent skin care

八大菜系徽菜英文介绍Anhui cuisine, also known as Huizhou cuisine, is one of the eight major culinary traditions in China. It is known for its unique cooking techniques, aromatic flavors, and emphasis on the use of local ingredients.Some of the distinctive features of Anhui cuisine include:1. Use of wild herbs and mountain vegetables: Anhui cuisine incorporates a variety of wild herbs and mountain vegetables, which are foraged from the lush forests in the region. These ingredients add a unique, earthy flavor to the dishes.2. Stewed and braised dishes: Anhui cuisine is known for its slow-cooked, stewed, and braised dishes. These cooking methods allow the flavors to meld together, creating rich and savory dishes.3. Emphasis on aroma: Anhui cuisine places a strong emphasis on the aroma of the dishes. The use of fragrant herbs and spices, such as anise, cinnamon, and ginger, helps to create a delightful and inviting scent.4. Sweet and salty flavors: Anhui cuisine is known for its balance of sweet and salty flavors. The use of soy sauce, sugar, and other seasonings helps to create a harmonious blend of flavors in the dishes.Some of the famous dishes in Anhui cuisine include:1. Huizhou Fish Ball Soup: A classic dish from Anhui, this soupfeatures a light and clear broth with delicate fish balls made from local fish. It is often served with bamboo shoots, mushrooms, and other vegetables.2. Stewed Turtle: This dish is a specialty of Anhui cuisine and is known for its rich, flavorful broth. The turtle is slow-cooked with a variety of herbs and spices, resulting in tender, flavorful meat.3. Stir-fried Bamboo Shoots with Bacon: This dish showcases the unique flavors of Anhui cuisine, combining the sweetness of bamboo shoots with the saltiness of cured bacon. It is often served as a side dish or appetizer.4. Anhui Style Roast Duck: This dish is famous for its crispy skin and tender meat. The duck is roasted with a blend of spices and herbs, resulting in a flavorful and aromatic dish.Overall, Anhui cuisine is known for its diverse flavors, unique cooking techniques, and emphasis on local ingredients. It is a true reflection of the region's rich culinary traditions and heritage.。

主料Main ingredients: • 700 grams Mandarin fish (鳜鱼700克)
辅料Auxiliary ingredients: • 35 grams Streaky pork (五花肉35克) 20 grams Leek (青蒜20克) 35 grams Winter bamboo shoots (冬笋35克) • 调料seasoning : Soy sauce Ginger Water chestnut powder White sugar
• 口味 flavor: Sweet and a little salty Juicy The meat tender and the taste delicious and not at all greasy
• 制作时间 the time of manufacture: 20minutes
主料Main ingredients: • 500 grams civet cat (果子狸500克) 150 grams pears (梨150克) 调料seasoning : • 葱Shallot 姜Ginger 黄酒Yellow wine 冰糖Rock candy 酱油Soy sauce 猪油Lard
• 口味flavor: Look pretty and have the delicate refreshing flavors of nature Sweet and smell good The meat tender • 制作时间 the time of manufacture: 20minutes
• •
主料Main ingredients: 500 grams bamboo shoots(山笋500克) 50 grams sausage(香肠50 克) 辅料Auxiliary ingredients: 50 grams dried mushrooms (冬菇50克) one ham bone(火腿骨1根) 调料seasoning : 香油 sesame oil 生粉 potato starch 葱shallot 白糖sugar 水water 盐salt
chinese cuisinePPT课件

• Faint scent, fresh and tender,mellow and rich
• Mixing clear soup and creamy soup • Using green onion • Cooking se
Shao Fried pork joint
attention to oil,food color,control of flame.(重油,重色泽,重火候) • Material:Various kind of meat. • Places suggested:聚湘楼 • Famous dishes:火腿炖甲鱼 红烧果子狸 腌鲜鳜鱼 杨梅丸子 徽州圆子 虎皮豆腐皮
an Cuisine
• 3. Kung pao chicken
• Method: sauting diced chicken with peanuts in chili sauce
This is an eye-catching, colorful dish that tastes sweet, spicy, salty, fresh and delicious.
an Cuisine
• 4. Twice cooked pork
cook the pork first, then cut it into thin slices , finally back it into the pot and stirfry
• yhvuf
Hui Dishes
• Seasonings: chili, pepper , prickly ash (美洲花椒)
an Cuisine
• Four well-known dishes

Snow winter pheasant • Snow winter pheasant is anhui traditional seasonal dishes ,which is made of flesh thick tender,the hengshan pheasant.And the ingredients is cabbage, winter bamboo shoot. It tastes fresh and fragrant.
(符离集烧鸡 )
Stewed soft shell turtle with ham (火腿炖甲鱼) “清炖马蹄鳖
Jixi yipin hot pot (绩溪一品锅)
Fu Liji Braised Chicken (符离集烧鸡)
Mao Fengxun Reeves Shad ( 毛峰熏鲥鱼) Wuw ei Smok eD Duck (无为 熏鸡 )
Bao Gong Fish This dish is cold dish, fish is seasoned by vinegar flavor and small fire burning stewing for a long time, finally get crisp bone and tender meat, very delicious
Finalቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱy,you make it.
You are unable to eat them. There are many ways to eat egg dumplings.
Here are some ways to eat egg dumplings.
妈妈,我也要吃安徽菜 ……|…… ………… …… 欲辩已忘 言
The moral of the Stinky Mandarin Fish
The pronunciation of mandarin fish and "Gui" is the same
Thank You
畅想网络 Imagination Network 感谢观看!
Anhui cuisine and Anhui merchants
Why stinky mandarin fish has become a classic Anhui cuisine?
No Mandarin fish
Anhui cuisine and Anhui merchants
spread Anhui cuisine material
The origin of the Stinky Mandarin Fish
How to keep fish fresh?
The origin of the Stinky Mandare Stinky Mandarin Fish
Just have a try
The origin of the Stinky Mandarin Fish
Modern methods of production
wood bucket Temperature. salt .time stone
Modern methods of production
畅想网络 Imagination Network 感谢观看!
wood bucket(木桶)

Thank you for your listening
some typical dishes
One whole soft shell turtle, pork, ham, bamboo shoots, a clove of garlic, shallot, ginger,
tastysoy sauce, salt, rice wine, black pepper, lard are all stewed together in a pot on charcoal fire. The dish is not greasy and Stewed soft shell turtle with hamceanndlleesasdadftineretrassttoes
Anhui cuisine chefs pay more attention to the taste, color of dishes and the temperature to cook them, and are good at braising and stewing. They are experts especially in cooking delicacies from mountains and sea. Anhui dishes preserve most of the original taste and nutrition of the materials. Generally the food here is slightly spicy and salty. Some master dishes usually stewed in brown sauce with stress on heavy oil and sauce.Ham is often added to improve the taste and sugar candy added to gain freshness.
徽菜 - 英文版(1)

Slices of China's eight cuisines
Ham turtle stew
Turtle has a good net blood effect, eat it may reduce blood cholesterol, coronary heart disease in patients with hypertension and thus benefit,
local wild turtle taste delicious and nourishing strong body, which combines road turtle stew ham ham delicious mellow and soft-shelled turtle
Raw material
This dish was light and delicious, high protein content, suitable for the month of meals.
Marinate fresh mandarin fish
Choi Heung Speranskia fresh
To prevent rotten mandarin fish, mandarin fish put in the barrel, a layer sprinkle a layer of salt water fish, mandarin fish so do not degenerate, but exudes a smell. Heat the pan by the chef, a fine after a small fire burning, the flavor Speranskia, especially delicious. In this way, Tunxi "smelly mandarin fish" out of the name.

红烧果子狸 Stewed civet cats
• “红烧果子狸”, 以栖息山中的果 子狸为主料,佐 以净梨等原料, 红烧成菜后,菜 色金黄,汤汁稠 亮,狸肉细烂浓 香,味鲜甜带有 微咸,是冬季时 菜中的珍品。
黄山炖鸽 Mount Huangshan stewed pigeon
虎皮毛豆腐 Tiger fur tofu
• “虎皮毛豆腐”, 以屯溪、休宁一 带的特产毛豆腐 为主料,配以辣 椒酱等佐料烧成。 呈黄色虎皮条纹, 鲜醇爽口,芳香 诱人,有开胃作 用,是徽州特殊 风味菜肴。
香菇板栗 Chestnut mushrooms
• “香菇板栗”,以山 区特产香菇、板栗制 成,呈黄褐色,两色 分明,酥香脆嫩,清 鲜爽口。
Anhui Cuisine
主讲人:杨新炜 1
起源与概述 Origin and Overview
徽菜,即徽州菜肴,为 安徽菜系的主要代表, 是中国八大菜系之一。 徽菜在南宋年间发端于 歙县,即古代的徽州。 清代以后,随着商业的 发展,大量绩溪人从事 徽菜馆业,并逐渐扩大 到长江流域的大小城镇。 新中国成立以后,徽菜 进一步面向全国,甚至
问政山笋 Politics mountain bamboo shoots
• “问政山笋”, 择著名的歙县问 政山竹笋煮后, 浇以麻油等佐料 制成。笋色玉白, 清香脆嫩,鲜甜 微酸。
双爆串飞 The double detonation series fly
• “双爆串飞”,以 山鸡和野鸭脯肉为 主料,以青豆、鸡 蛋清作佐料,用民 间特有的方法制成。 菜白绿相间,形如 麻花,肉鲜嫩,略 带葱、姜和花椒香 味。

promoted the development of local tourism
Sum up
Sum up
As one of the eight major cuisines in China, Huizhou cuisine has unique local characteristics and
Smellyh after special curing and treatment, showing a unique stench, after cooking, the fish meat is fresh and tender, delicious
ics of
The characteristics of Huizhou cuisine
The selection of materials is rigorous:Huizhou cuisine pays attention to the freshness
skills of Huizhou
The cooking skills of Huizhou cuisine
Unique cooking utensils
There are a variety of cooking utensils in Huizhou cuisine, including casseroles, iron pots, bamboo tubes and so on. Different utensils are suitable for different dishes and cooking methods

• 2) The meal must be harmonious, which means that different colored foods must complement each other and that taste and texture should contrast.
Peppery and hot chicken辣炒鸡丁
taste shrimp
Steamed Fish Head with Diced 口味虾 Hot Red Peppers
Famous dishes of hunan cuisine
Jiangsu Cuisine 苏菜
• 1000 years ago, catering industry highly developed. • Geographically, between south and north, combining various cooking
飞的,除了飞 机;地上爬的, 除了火车;水 里游的,除了 船儿。
In fact, people in Northern China often say that Cantonese people will eat anything that flies except airplanes, anything that moves on the ground except trains, and anything that moves in the water except boats
Cutting of the material is the key factor for a good dish

Thank You
25 grams of salt per
5 days
Modern methods of production
more flavor and taste better
Modern methods of production
Materials: ginger(姜) garlic(大蒜) green Onions (葱) chili(辣椒)
Modern methods of production
Cut the fish
Soup can be fully absorbed into meat
Modern methods of production
This is done
Anhui cuisine and Anhui merchants
spread Anhui cuisine material
The origin of the Stinky Mandarin Fish
看来要大 赚一笔了
Commercial opportunity

Welcome to Anhui!
清蒸石蛙: Steamed stone frog Inhabited in caves, stone frog is a special product in Huangshan Mountain. Whose belly is white and back black with stripe. Stone frog is rich in protein, calcium and so on. It has the functions of clearing heat, improving vision and nutrition. It is one of the best exotic dishes from mountains.。
Li Hongzhang hotchpotch ['hɒtʃpɒtʃ] 李鸿章杂碎 Li Hongzhang hotchpotch is a popular dish named after one of Anhui's famous personages. Li Hongzhang was a top official of the late Qing Dynasty. When he was in office, he paid a visit to the US and hosted a banquet for all his American friends. As the specially prepared dishes continued to flow, the chefs, with limited resources, began to fret. Upon Li Hongzhang's order, the remaining kitchen ingredients were thrown together into an impromptu stew, containing sea cucumber, squid, tofu, ham, mushroom, chicken meat and other less identifiable food materials! Thus appetites were quenched and a dish was created.

成员:秦莹 赵玉燕 孙娟娟 张悦 杨雅静
China covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor.
The AnHui Cuisine
• Introduction and History • Feature • Special Cuisine
Introduction and History
• Anhui cuisine,one of the eight most famous cuisines in China—徽菜是中国著名的八大菜系之一
• It developed from the local dishes in Fuzhou 、Quanzhou and Xiamen
• The dishes are delicious ,especially the soup, if you try ,you will neverபைடு நூலகம்forget it
Hunan Cuisine ’s feature is sweet,acid and
spicy has a strong rural flavor 湘菜擅长香酸辣,具
• History:it originated in the
western Han Dynasty ,it is the biggest cuisine in China.
• Originated in a small town under Huangshan—起

徽菜 Hui Cuisine (Anhui Cuisine) 徽菜即安徽风味,一百年前曾蜚声全中国,据说当年的徽菜馆排场相当大,一色的红木家具透着富甲一方的豪气。
徽州Hui Cuisine refers to Anhui Cuisine, which was famedthroughout China a hundred years ago, and, as the story goes,the restaurants of Anhui at that time were large, with the uniformrosewood furniture showing a rich heroic spirit. However, inthe fierce competition of the modern catering industry, it quietlydeclined, and, if one does not travel to the Yellow Mountain, it isnow difficult to taste the authentic Anhui Cuisine elsewhere.Anhui has a mild climate and moderate rainfall and fourdistinct seasons as well as high-quality grains, oil, vegetables andfruit. The mountainous areas of south Anhui and the DabieshanMountains abound in tea, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, agaric,Chinese chestnut, yam, partridge, and soft-shelled turtle. The areasof the Yangtze, Huaihe and Chaohu Rivers within Anhui Provinceare also important production areas for fresh water fish —a majoringredient for Anhui Cuisine. There are more than one thousandtraditional dishes, featuring simple ingredients, specific cookingtimes, pure flavor and various styles. It pays attention to the oil,山区因独特的环境,所产甲鱼质地高出旁地一筹,肉厚背隆起,胶质大,肥嫩,无泥腥气。

Anhui cuisine and Anhui merchants
Why stinky
classic Anhui cuisine?
No Mandarin fish
Anhui cuisine and Anhui merchants
spread Anhui cuisine material
The origin of the Stinky Mandarin Fish
看来要大 赚一笔了
Commercial opportunity
The origin of the Stinky Mandarin Fish
80% land is mountains and hills
Tansportation is inconvenient
wood bucket(木桶)
Modern methods of production
Temperature .salt .time
25 grams of salt per kilogram of fish
25℃ 5 days
Modern methods of production
Anhui Cuisine

Special Cuisine
Marinate for fresh GuiYu
Operator from set roast chicken符离集烧
徽 州 圆 子
方 腊 鱼
当 归 獐 肉
Ham stew turtle
甲 鱼
清 蒸 石 火鸡 腿 炖
Raw material:
● Guiyu one鳜鱼1条
● pork
●ripe bamboo shoots
●accessories:candy salt rice wine and so on
(徽菜与明清徽商的活动有着非常密切的联系,蕴涵着丰富 的安徽传统文化, 徽菜随徽商发展到全国各大都市)
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— 徽菜
成员:陈燕玲 朱琼燕 洪雯婷 刘根苍 庄秦豪 熊贝贝 陈丽霜 李小净
• Originated in a small town under Huangshan —起源于黄山麓下的歙县
• Anhui cuisine originated in the Tang and Song dynasties, flourished in Ming and Qing —徽菜发端于唐宋,兴盛于明清
徽 州 圆 子
方 腊 鱼
当 归 獐 肉
Ham stew turtle
甲 鱼
清 蒸 石 火鸡 腿 炖
Raw material:
● Guiyu one鳜鱼1条
● pork
●ripe bamboo shoots
●accessories:candy salt rice wine and so on
• —徽菜的大多数成分,如穿山甲,石青蛙, 蘑菇,杨梅,茶叶,竹笋等
• Fish, shrimp, crab, turtle, diamond, lotus, lotus, fish and other rich gravy
• —鱼、虾、蟹、鳖、菱、藕、莲、芡等丰 富的水产
• Elegant and simple, authentic, fresh crisp, shades suitable, and have rigorous choice of materials, fire workers unique, stress tonic, focusing on the taste, cuisine and diverse, a common feature of South suitable for all ages.
• —清雅纯朴、原汁原味、酥嫩香鲜、浓淡 适宜,并具有选料严谨、火工独到、讲究 食补、注重本味、菜式多样、南北咸宜的 共同特征。
Special Cuisine
Marinate for fresh GuiYu
Operator from set roast chicken符离集烧
Feature: Fresh Elegant and simple
Thank You
● salted burn
● fry ● Add the pork and bamboo shoots burn together
Taste: Taste fresh and tender
Raw materal:
● turtle one
● ham ● pork ●salt candy rice wine ginger and so on
(徽州因处于两种气候交接地带,物产特别丰富。黄山植 物就有1470多种,其中不少可以食用。 野生动物,栖山而息,徽州是山区,种类就更多。野味, 构成了徽菜主佐料的独到之处。)
Raw material
• Most ingredients in Anhui cuisine, such as pangolin, stone frog, mushroom, bayberry, tea leaves, bamboo shoot,, etc
●Anhuicuisine and the activities of huizhou merchants' has very close connection, contains rich anhui traditional culture, with hui merchants development to the national cuisine metropolis
(徽菜与明清徽商的活动有着非常密切的联系,蕴涵着丰富 的安徽传统文化, 徽菜随徽商发展到全国各大都市)
●Huizhou because two climatic zone in transition, especially rich products. Huangshan plants have 1470 DuoZhong, many of which can eat. Wild animals, habitat and mountain interest, the huizhou is mountainous, type is more. Game, constitute the main cuisine unique seasoning.