



麦当劳的SWOT分析麦当劳(McDonald)是全球最大的连锁快餐企业之一,由麦当劳兄弟和Ray Kroc在50年代的美国开创的、以出售汉堡为主的连锁经营的快餐店。






麦当劳在《财富》2003年度世界500强排序第321位,年营业收入154.05 7亿美元。

另外,麦当劳公司现在还掌控着其他一些餐饮品牌,例如午后浓香咖啡(Aroma Cafe)、Boston Market、Chipotle墨西哥大玉米饼快餐店、Donatos Pizza和Pret a Manger.自从1990年麦当劳第一家中国餐厅在开设以来,麦当劳进入中国市场已经有20余个年头。





S 麦当劳特许经营的优势1.麦当劳利用特许经营实行大规模的低成本扩。

















麦当劳创始人Ray Kroc认为,快餐连锁店要想获得成功,必须坚持统一标准,并持之以恒地贯彻落实。

)、精神文化层(由创始人Ray Kroc在创业之初就提出来的一套独特的经营理念,分别是四个字母(Q-质量/Quality ;S-服务/Service ;C-清洁/Cleanliness ;V-价值/Value)。



“2019年BrandZ ”全球品牌价值100强中,在食品饮料和餐饮领域,麦当劳排名第一,品牌价值达到1303.68亿美元,相比去年增长了3%。



For personal use only in study andresearch; not for commercial use麦当劳的五力分析一、潜在竞争者潜在的行业新进入者是行业竞争的一种重要力量,这些新进入者大都拥有新的生产能力和某些必需的资源,期待能建立有利的市场地位,这就有可能会与同行企业发生原材料与市场份额的竞争,最终导致行业中现有企业盈利水平降低,严重的话还有可能危及这些企业的生存。













商务英语视听说 麦当劳市场分析

商务英语视听说 麦当劳市场分析
This is something about the safety and health of the food. For most consumers, the enough quantities of the meal is very important.
3. Competitors analysis
2. Consumer analysis
(1)The consumers’ requirements of meals
Fast and convenient maybe the most important requirements.
(2) The considerations of consumers
(1) Theme of advertising
The Extra Value Meals of McDonald’s can offer the fashion high-quality and convenient life, at the same time, it is the best mixed product of delicacy, nutrition and extra value.
Most chain stores are in the business centers of the cities, it is not very convenient to buy, and it is very difficult to be native, so it cannot get more marketing share.
(2)The marketing threats
There are too many fast food restaurants in the world.



▪Although McDonald's is the most profitable in the industry, It also faced many challenges from thier competitors, The competitors like SUBWAY, KFC and Starbucks also have the Great strength and A potential threat to McDonald's.
▪History ▪international expansion ▪Industry ▪Competitor ▪Current & fu Ray Kroc as the Agents of the franchise of McDonald, and he deal with the problem of transfer about franchise rights. And very soon Kroc already enable the McDonald to be a very excellent company. So the people already regarded him as one of the founders of McDonald.
Current & future profile
▪The mainly income of McDonald's company comes from Real estate operating revenue, from Franchisee collection to get service charge and Regular Chain surplus. McDonald's company is responsible for helping the alliance business to look for the address of the right stores, and then McDonald Company will hire them to the alliance business.









































麦当劳s w o t分析本页仅作为文档封面,使用时可以删除This document is for reference only-rar21year.March麦当劳swot分析一内部分析(1)优势(Strength)1:麦当劳利用特许经营实行大规模的低成本扩张对于特许商麦当劳来说,借助特许经营的形式,其能够在实行集中控制的同时保持较小的规模,既可赚取合理利润,又不涉及高资本风险,更不必兼顾加盟商的日常琐事。

















M c D o n a l d's C o r p o r a t i o n C o m p a n yTable of ContentsExecutive SummaryIntroduction Industry AnalysisCompetitor AnalysisSWOT AnalysisFuture and RecommendationExecutive SummaryMcDonald's restaurant is a large chain fast food group and it hasapproximately thirty thousand shops in the world, the main selling ishamburgers, French fries, Fried chicken, soda, ice product, salad, fruit. After the financial crisis, most companies are experiencing a situationof fund shortage, how to get more profit has become the problem which thefast food industry must be facing with. Of course, the advantage ofefficiency and convenience will be the important Opportunity to help thefast food industry to solve the problem. Now, McDonald's management i s very good, but it still needs to improve in some places.IntroductionMcDonald's restaurant is a large chain fast food group and it hasapproximately thirty thousand shops in the world, the main selling ishamburgers, French fries, Fried chicken, soda, ice product, salad, fruit. McDonald's restaurants spread all over the world six continents in overcountries. In many countries McDonald's represents of a kind of Americanway of life.In 2001, the net income of McDonald shrunk 17 percent to $ billion.Though McDonald’s . market share remained above that of competitors, itgrew more slowly. Because of the “Big Mac Attack”, McDonald accelerated plans for “New Tastes Menu” items. What’s more, McDonald’s opened McCafe in order to double sales at existing . restaurants over the nextdecade. The gourmet coffee concept was created to be placed within oradjacent to existing McDonald’s restaurants. McDonald’s estimates that the new concept will boost sales by 15 percent.McDonald invested heavily in advertising its product and improving its public image. The advertising message of McDonald focused on tasty andnutritious food, friendly folks, and fun.Industry AnalysisNowadays, customers are tastes changing in the fast-food industry.Customers are eating out less often compared to previous years and eatinghabits are changing. Many younger customers are getting tired of fast food and are thinking about their health. A growing trend is the move b y customers to non-hamburger sandwiches.In allusion to these changes, McDonald’s face to profit drains and earnings declines, so they must innovate and keep their quality in themarket and special promotional strategies. McDonald’s continue discounting and offering a variety of new products to attract customers,they also seek to shed their “cheap and greasy”image with new s hore design. They are trying to increase the speed of drive-though delivery. McDonald’strend is the recognition of the importance of heavy users of fast-foodrestaurants. Because customers do not want to sacrifice the convenienceof fast food industry, they pay attention to meals that more upscale thantraditional fast food, served in nicer restaurants with more comfortablesurroundings, but faster than in traditional restaurants.Competitor Analysis1. Major competitors in the hamburger segmentMcDonald’s has three major competitors in the hamburger segment. These include Burger King, Hardee’s and Wendy’s. Both Burger King and Wendy’s have had small gains in market share while Hardee’s lost share.●Burger King Corp.The menu o verhaul is one part of a major turnaround strategy engineered by Burger King’s chairman and chief executive, John Dasburg, who joinedthe chain in 2000. Its ongoing effort to increase sales and market share,offered a new salad line and a permanent array of value-priced offerings,endeavors already under way at its fast-food competitors.●Hardee’sThe chain posted year-to-year quarterly declines of percent in company-owned same-store sales. The effort to reverse slowing but continuing sales erosion at Hardee’s, the industry’s burger chain, had dominated management’s attention in its conversion of Hardee’s to a format called “Star Hardee’s.”The company attempted to reverse sliding sales by introducing new items on the menu a nd joining the price-promotion burger wars. The company tested individual item discounts at most of Hardee’s company-owned units.●Wendy’s internationalWendy’s has had the strongest same-sales gains of the major burgerchains in recent years. Chain officials and Wall Street analysts attributedat least part of the growth to Wendy’s line of four upscale salads called “Garden Sensations.” The nation’s burger chain holds an enviable position—analysts consistently rank it ahead of chief rival in quality,customer satisfaction, innovation, and unit-level sales. Wendy’s product line includes four core menu i tems: burger, chicken sandwiches, its value menu, and its Garden Sensations salads. The salad line is designed toprovide custom taste comparable to salads offered by casual-dining chains2. Major competitors in the non-hamburger segment●Pizza Hut, “pizza and more “ Pizza Hut is one of the biggest and best-known pizza restaurants inthe world after fifty years of development. One of their main strategiesthat they still follow today is the diversification of the products theyoffer. Pizza Hut is always adding something new to their menu, trying toreach new markets. They were trying to offer many different food items for customers who didn't necessarily want pizza. Another opportunity that Pizza Hut has is their new ordering online system. Anyone with Internet accesscan order whatever they wish and get it delivered to their house withouteven speaking to someone. Lastly, Pizza Hut has always valued customerservice and satisfaction. In 1995, Pizza Hut began two customer satisfaction programs: a 1-800 number customer hotline, and a customercall-back program. These were implemented to make sure their customers were happy, and always wanted to return.●KFCKFC, also known as Kentucky Fried Chicken, is a chain of fast foodrestaurants based in Louisville, Kentucky. KFC is currently one of thelargest businesses of the global food service industry and is widely known around the world as the face of Colonel Sanders. The Colonel has spreadhis industry currently to more than eighty countries globally. Every day, nearly eight million customers are served around the world. KFC's menuincludes Original Recipe chicken -- made w ith the same great taste Colonel Harland Sanders created more than a half-century ago. KFC primarily sells chicken in form of pieces, wraps, salads and sandwiches. While its primary focus is fried chicken, KFC a lso offers a line of roasted chicken products, side dishes and desserts. Outside North America, KFC offers beef basedproducts such as hamburgers or kebabs, pork based products such as ribsand other regional fare.●Taco bellTaco Bell is the Mexican fast-food chain in the , with more than 5,600 locations, and it serves more than million consumers each week .In China, only Shanghai and Shenzhen have such kind of restaurant. It has some u nique food that other fast food restaurants don’t have. Thin flat bread filledwith meat, cheese, particular raw vegetables and hot spicy sauce. A typeof Mexican food made by folding a thin round piece of bread and puttingmeat, beans and cheese inside it. Small pieces of thin dry bread made from corn flour and eaten with melted cheese and a spicy sauce that usually contains beans.Because of its unique, the price of its food is usuallyhigh.SWOT Analysis McDonald'sStrengthsThey successfully and easily adapt their global restaurants to appeal tothe cultural differences. For example, they serve lamb burgers in Indiaand in the Middle East, they provide separate entrances for families andsingle women.They have an efficient, assembly line style of food preparation. In addition they have a systemization and duplication of all their food prep processesin every restaurant.McDonald's takes food safety very seriously. More than 2000 inspectionschecks are performed at every stage of the food process. McDonalds arerequired to run through 72 safety protocols every day to ensure the foodis maintained in a clean contaminate free environment.McDonald's was the first restaurant of its type to provide consumers withnutrition information. Nutrition information is printed on all packagingand more recently added to the McDonald's Internet site. McDonalds offers salads, fruit, roasted chicken, bottled water and other low fat and calorie conscious alternatives.WeaknessesTheir test marketing for pizza failed to yield a substantial product.Leaving them much less able to compete with fast food pizza chains.High employee turnover in their restaurants leads to more money b eing spent on training.They have yet to capitalize on the trend towards organic foods.McDonald's have problems with fluctuations in operating and net profitswhich ultimately impact investor relations. Operating profit was $3,984million (2005) $4,433 million (2006) and $3,879 million (2007). Net profits were $2,602 million (2005), $3,544 million (2006) and $2,395 million(2007).OpportunitiesThey have industrial, Formica restaurant settings; they could provide more upscale restaurant settings, like the one they have in New York City onBroadway, to appeal to a more upscale target market.Provide optional allergen free food items, such as gluten free and peanutfree.In 2008 the business directed efforts at the breakfast, chicken, beverage and convenience categories. For example, hot specialist coffees not onlysecure sales, but also mean that restaurants get increasing numbers ofcustomer visits. In 2009 McDonald's saw the full benefits of a venture into beverages.ThreatsThey have been sued multiple times for having "unhealthy" food, allegedly with addictive additives, contributing to the obesity epidemic in America. In 2004, Michael Spulock filmed the documentary Super Size Me, where hewent on an all McDonalds’ diet for 30 days and wound up getting cirrhosisof the liver. This documentary was a direct attack on the QSR industry asa whole and blamed them for America's obesity epidemic. Due in part to the documentary, McDonalds no longer pushes the super size option at the divethru window.Any contamination of the food supply, especially e-coli.Major competitors, like Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Wendy's, KFC a nd any mid-range sit-down restaurants.Future and RecommendationAfter our group’s analysis, it is necessary for McDonald’s to usethe Porter's five forces model in the production and operation to win theother competitors and get good development in the future. McDonald's know the strengths of competitors in the burger segment. McDonald's shouldanalyses this point about their own enterprises, and make adjustments and improvements in the future. First, we should improve the process of making Hamburg, and improve the output efficiency of hamburgers. Second, at thesame time, McDonald’s must also require food nutrition combination, only healthy food can attract customer. Finally, if the above two do it, wewill be in the price improvement. Based on cost leadership strategy, weshould reduce the cost of production, under the premise of ensuring the quality of products and services, to gain the largest market share in the competitive strategy.。



.McDonald's Corporation CompanyTable of Contents●Executive Summary●Introduction Industry Analysis●Competitor Analysis●SWOT AnalysisFuture and RecommendationExecutive SummaryMcDonald's restaurant is a large chain fast food group and it has approximately thirty thousand shops in the world, the main selling is hamburgers, French fries, Fried chicken, soda, ice product, salad, fruit. After the financial crisis, most companies are experiencing a situation of fund shortage, how to get more profit has become the problem which the fast food industry must be facing with. Of course, the advantage of efficiency and convenience will be the important Opportunity to help the fast food industry to solve the problem. Now, McDonald's management is very good, but it still needs to improve in some places.IntroductionMcDonald's restaurant is a large chain fast food group and it has approximately thirty thousand shops in the world, the main selling is hamburgers, French fries, Fried chicken, soda, ice product, salad, fruit. McDonald's restaurants spread all over the world six continents in over countries. In many countries McDonald's represents of a kind of American way of life.In 2001, the net income of McDonald shrunk 17 percent to $1.64 billion. Though McDonald’s U.S. market share remained above that of competitors, it grew more slowly. Because of the “Big Mac Attack”, McDonald accelerated plans for “New Tastes Menu”items. What’s more, McDonald’s opened McCafe in order to double sales at existingU.S. restaurants over the next decade. The gourmet coffee concept was created to be placed within or adjacent to existing McDonald’s restaurants. McDonald’s estimates that the new concept will boost sales by 15 percent.McDonald invested heavily in advertising its product and improving its public image. The advertising message of McDonald focused on tasty and nutritious food, friendly folks, and fun.Industry AnalysisNowadays, customers are tastes changing in the fast-food industry. Customers are eating out less often compared to previous years and eating habits are changing. Many younger customers are getting tired of fast food and are thinking about their health.A growing trend is the move by customers to non-hamburger sandwiches.In allusion to these changes, McDonald’s face to profit drains and earnings declines, so they must innovate and keep their quality in the market and special promotional strategies. McDonald’s continue discounting and offering a variety of new products to attract customers, they also seek to shed their “cheap and greasy”image with new shore design. They are trying to increase the speed of drive-though delivery. McDonald’s trend is the recognition of the importance of heavy users of fast-food restaurants. Because customers do not want to sacrifice the convenience of fast food industry, they pay attention to meals that more upscale than traditional fast food, served in nicer restaurants with more comfortable surroundings, but faster than in traditional restaurants.Competitor Analysis1. Major competitors in the hamburger segmentMcDonald’s has three major competitors in the hamburger segment. These include Burger King, Hardee’s and Wendy’s. Both Burger King and Wendy’s have had small gains in market share while Hardee’s lost share.●Burger King Corp.The menu overhaul is one part of a major turnaround strategy engineered by Burger King’s chairman and chief executive, John Dasburg, who joined the chain in 2000. Its ongoing effort to increase sales and market share, offered a new salad line and a permanent array of value-priced offerings, endeavors already under way at its fast-food competitors.●Hardee’sThe chain posted year-to-year quarterly declines of 4.8 percent in company-owned same-store sales. The effort to reverse slowing but continuing sales erosion at Hardee’s, the industry’s No.4 burger chain, had dominated management’s attention in its conversion of Hardee’s to a format called “Star Hardee’s.” The company attempted to reverse sliding sales by introducing new items on the menu and joining the price-promotion burger wars. The company tested individual item discounts at most of Hardee’s company-owned units.●Wendy’s internationalWendy’s has had the strongest same-sales gains of the major burger chains in recent years. Chain officials and Wall Street analysts attributed at least part of the growth to Wendy’s line of four upscale salads called “Garden Sensations.” The nation’s No.3 burger chain holds an enviable position—analysts consistently rank it ahead of chief rival in quality, customer satisfaction, innovation, and unit-level sales. Wendy’s product line includes four core menu items: burger, chicken sandwiches, its value menu, and its Garden Sensations salads. The salad line is designed to provide custom taste comparable to salads offered by casual-dining chains2. Major competitors in the non-hamburger segment●Pizza Hut, “pizza and more “Pizza Hut is one of the biggest and best-known pizza restaurants in the worldafter fifty years of development. One of their main strategies that they still follow today is the diversification of the products they offer. Pizza Hut is always adding something new to their menu, trying to reach new markets. They were trying to offer many different food items for customers who didn't necessarily want pizza. Another opportunity that Pizza Hut has is their new ordering online system. Anyone with Internet access can order whatever they wish and get it delivered to their house without even speaking to someone. Lastly, Pizza Hut has always valued customer service and satisfaction. In 1995, Pizza Hut began two customer satisfaction programs: a 1-800 number customer hotline, and a customer call-back program. These were implemented to make sure their customers were happy, and always wanted to return.●KFCKFC, also known as Kentucky Fried Chicken, is a chain of fast food restaurants based in Louisville, Kentucky. KFC is currently one of the largest businesses of the global food service industry and is widely known around the world as the face of Colonel Sanders. The Colonel has spread his industry currently to more than eighty countries globally. Every day, nearly eight million customers are served around the world. KFC's menu includes Original Recipe chicken -- made with the same great taste Colonel Harland Sanders created more than a half-century ago. KFC primarily sells chicken in form of pieces, wraps, salads and sandwiches. While its primary focus is fried chicken, KFC also offers a line of roasted chicken products, side dishes and desserts. Outside North America, KFC offers beef based products such as hamburgers or kebabs, pork based products such as ribs and other regional fare.●Taco bellTaco Bell is the No.1 Mexican fast-food chain in the U.S, with more than 5,600 locations, and it serves more than 36.8 million consumers each week .In China, only Shanghai and Shenzhen have such kind of restaurant. It has some unique food that other fast food restaurants don’t have. Thin flat bread filled with meat, cheese, particularraw vegetables and hot spicy sauce. A type of Mexican food made by folding a thin round piece of bread and putting meat, beans and cheese inside it. Small pieces of thin dry bread made from corn flour and eaten with melted cheese and a spicy sauce that usually contains beans.Because of its unique, the price of its food is usually high.SWOT Analysis McDonald'sStrengths● They successfully and easily adapt their global restaurants to appeal to the cultural differences. For example, they serve lamb burgers in India and in the Middle East, they provide separate entrances for families and single women.● They have an efficient, assembly line style of food preparation. In addition they have a systemization and duplication of all their food prep processes in every restaurant.● McDonald's takes food safety very seriously. More than 2000 inspections checks are performed at every stage of the food process. McDonalds are required to run through 72 safety protocols every day to ensure the food is maintained in a clean contaminate free environment.● McDonald's was the first restaurant of its type to provide consumers with nutrition information. Nutrition information is printed on all packaging and more recently added to the McDonald's Internet site. McDonalds offers salads, fruit, roasted chicken, bottled water and other low fat and calorie conscious alternatives. Weaknesses● Their test marketing for pizza failed to yield a substantial product. Leaving them much less able to compete with fast food pizza chains.● High employee turnover in their restaurants leads to more money being spent on training.● They have yet to capitalize on the trend towards organic foods.● McDonald's have problems with fluctuations in operating and net profits which ultimately impact investor relations. Operating profit was $3,984 million (2005) $4,433 million (2006) and $3,879 million (2007). Net profits were $2,602 million (2005), $3,544 million (2006) and $2,395 million (2007).Opportunities● They have industrial, Formica restaurant settings; they could provide more upscale restaurant settings, like the one they have in New York City on Broadway, to appeal to a more upscale target market.● Provide optional allergen free food items, such as gluten free and peanut free.● In 2008 the business directed efforts at the breakfast, chicken, beverage and convenience categories. For example, hot specialist coffees not only secure sales, but also mean that restaurants get increasing numbers of customer visits. In 2009 McDonald's saw the full benefits of a venture into beverages.Threats● They have been sued multiple times for having "unhealthy" food, allegedly with addictive additives, contributing to the obesity epidemic in America. In 2004, Michael Spulock filmed the documentary Super Size Me, where he went on an all McDonalds’ diet for 30 days and wound up getting cirrhosis of the liver. This documentary was a direct attack on the QSR industry as a whole and blamed them for America's obesity epidemic. Due in part to the documentary, McDonalds no longer pushes the super size option at the dive thru window.● Any contamination of the food supply, especially e-coli.● Major competitors, like Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Wendy's, KFC and any mid-range sit-down restaurants.Future and RecommendationAfter our group’s analysis, it is necessary for McDonald’s to use the Porter's five forces model in the production and operation to win the other competitors and get good development in the future. McDonald's know the strengths of competitors in the burger segment. McDonald's should analyses this point about their own enterprises, and make adjustments and improvements in the future. First, we should improve the process of making Hamburg, and improve the output efficiency of hamburgers. Second, at the same time, McDonald’s must also require food nutrition combination, only healthy food can attract customer. Finally, if the above two do it, we will be in the price improvement. Based on cost leadership strategy, we should reduce the cost of production, under the premise of ensuring the quality of products and services, to gain the largest market share in the competitive strategy.。





本文通过对其 SWOT 分析,从内外部环境分析麦当劳的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。















总之,从 SWOT 分析可以看出,麦当劳作为全球最大的快餐连锁,有着强大品牌知名度和影响力,但也面临着复杂的竞争环境,以及消费偏好带来的风险。


麦当劳作为全球知名的快餐品牌,已经建立了强大的品牌优势,有利于其在 海外市场拓展业务。
麦当劳积极探索海外市场,通过特许经营、合资等方式,拓展其在全球的业 务范围。
麦当劳在包装材料的选择上力求环保,采用可回收材料制作食品包装。同时,通 过采用节能减排技术,降低能源消耗和碳排放。
汇报人:XXX xx年xx月xx日
目 录
• 介绍 • 优势(strengths) • 劣势(weaknesses) • 机会(opportunities) • 威胁(threats) • swot分析总结与建议
麦当劳成立于1954年,由迪克·麦当劳和麦克·麦当劳兄弟在美国加利福尼亚州 创立。
随着全球经济的发展,越来越多的人倾向于选择快捷、方便 、美味的快餐,这为麦当劳等快餐连锁企业提供了广阔的市 场空间。
麦当劳在近年来致力于提供更健康、更营养的食品,如推出 沙拉、果汁等健康套餐,以满足消费者对健康饮食的需求。
随着全球化和城市化进程的加速,快餐市场不 断扩大,为麦当劳提供了更多市场机会。
麦当劳可以利用自身优势和全球市场机会,在 快餐市场继续扩大份额,提高品牌影响力和市 场竞争力。
通过swot分析,麦当劳可以制定更加明智的 决策,优化企业战略和经营策略。



In 1961, McDonald brother make over the all company to Kroc with the price of 2.7 million dollars. In 1966 the McDonald company turn over a billion dollars. Then Kroc enable Turner to manage the company and Turner decided: expand the chain! In the first two tears Turner turn over control the company he massively increase the human being resource of real estate and construction department. Purchasing amass real estate. At the same time, he makes a surprising goal; set up stores from 100 every year increase to 500 every year.
Current & future profile
The mainly income of McDonald's company comes from Real estate operating revenue, from Franchisee collection to get service charge and Regular Chain surplus. McDonald's company is responsible for helping the alliance business to look for the address of the right stores, and then McDonald Company will hire them to the alliance business.



1.Strengths⑴.Strong brand value draws customers to McDonald’s restaurantsMcDonald’s continues to be recognized as a premier franchising company around the world. It has a well-established brand that appeals to customers of all age groups and nationalities. McDonald makes substantial investments in advertising and promotions. Strong brand draws customers to the restaurants of the company and provides it acceptability in India market.⑵.Large scale of operation and product customization.The company as a part of restaurant development strategy, selectively picks locations within the marketplace to expand its target audience. For example, the company operates restaurants in local neighborhoods as well as airports, malls, toll ways, and colleges. Moreover McDonald has bigger economies of scale in terms of revenues to compete with other players in the market. Also, the company customizes its product to suit tastes and preference of consumers in local market. E.g. McDonald replaced its core product by using the mutton patty to avoid offending the sensibilities of Hindus. The lager scale of operation and ability to customize its products allows it to penetrate upcoming markets with relative ease and enhances its revenue generation capacity.⑶Strong supply chain.McDonald's has special material base to get a high standard of raw materials, and have the special logistics companies provide materials distribution services.Weakness(1) In the 21st century "the fast food" trend rise, customer's preference to change. They pay more attention to a balanced diet. While McDonald's fast food is mainly in meat which is not is very good for the health of the person. Such as animal protection organization, vegetarianism and environmental groups work together to against it.(2) McDonald's range of products is too narrow. What’s more, the innovation of work is relatively backward.OpportunityAs people’s living rhythm speeding up, the fast food market will be more and bigger, this is one of the McDonald's chances. Especially in India, which is a developing country. There is a huge market capacity.Threat⑴Growing consumer consciousness for healthy food productsThe fast spreading consciousness of healthy, sugar and salt free meals might influence MacDonald’s growth plans and profitability .More people are switching to healthier options such an salads, fat-free sandwiches, and home cooked food.⑵Intense competition in retail food industryMcDonald operate in a highly competitive retail food industry. The retail food industry is highly competitive with respect to price and quality, new product development, price, advertising levels and promotional initiatives, customer service, reputation, restaurant location, and attractiveness and maintenance of properties.。
















2.经典的经营理念 2。顽固地坚持本 (Q质量、S服务、 土化 C清洁、V价值)
3.人们对美式文化 3.市场份额分散 有了更深的了食品安全问题
一 . 内部分析
(1)优势(Strength) 1.麦当劳利用特许经营实行大规模的低成本扩张 2.经典的经营理念(Q质量、S服务、C清洁、V价 值) 3.良好的企业形象 4.完备的培训体系 5.广告 6.创新优质服务
1.产品开发过慢 2.顽固地坚持本土化 3.品牌形象局限 4.产品范围狭窄满足不了多元化的饮食文化 要求
二 .外部分析
(1)机会(opportunities) 1.人均收入增加 2.人们消费欲望的改变 3.人们对美式文化有了更深的了解
(2) 威胁threats
• 1:外国特色快餐快速发展与崌起 2: 肯德基等品牌的强势进攻 3.麦当劳的营销战略有些不足:
内部优势 内部劣势 外部机会 外部威胁
1.麦当劳利用特许 经营实行大规模的 低成本扩张 1.产品模式固定 1.中国市场巨大潜 1:外国特色快餐 力 快速发展与崌起 2.生活节奏的加快 2.健康意识抬头



SWOT Analysis:1. Strengths:- Strong brand name, image and reputationMcDonalds has built up huge brand equity. It is the no 1 fast food company by sales, with more than 31,000 restaurants serving burgers and fries in almost 120 countries. The image of McDonalds is recognized everywhere. This brand is in top ten of the most powerful brand names in the world with Coca-Cola, Nokia or GM.- Large market shareMcDonalds is considered as the largest player in size and global reach. When Wendy’s or Burgers King are losing market share in 2006, McDonalds still increases its market share. Market share of McDonalds in the recent time is about 19% while Yum!Brands is 9% and both Wendy’s and Burger King is 2%.- Specialized training for managersMcDonalds is very serious on training managers. This company has its own program to train managers the most professionally, which is called Hamburger University. As a result, McDonalds has many good managers who can help company development well.- McDonalds Plan to WinMcDonalds customer –focused Plan to Win provide a common framework for its global business yet allows for local adaptation. Through the execution of initiatives surrounding the five elements of its Plan to Win – People, Products, Place, Price and Promotion –McDonalds has enhanced the restaurant experience for customers worldwide and grown comparable sales and customer visits in each of the last eight years. This Plan, combined with financial discipline, has delivered strong results for company’s shareholders.- Introduction of new productionMcDonalds is considered the first one enter to fast food industry. It initiates to other brand to enter this industry. As a result, when think about fast food, customers always remember McDonalds first. In fact, in some big countries, especially in US, McDonalds is the first choice of a large number of customers.- Technology Innovative:McDonald’s is keeping at the forefront of technology around the globe. For example, In Brazil McDonald’s is currently studying the installati on of Internet access terminals in some outlets as well as enabling customers to order online. This will create a more efficient process that will reduce the amount of lag time between a customer’s orders and pick up of the order.- Good marketing strategies:No matter the continent, children and adults know the face of Ronald McDonald is synonymous with the colossus restaurant chain. This results in wonderful marketing strategies among management which conducts a very thorough market analysis, resulting in much success around the globe.2. Weaknesses:- Unhealthy food imageMcDonald's has been impacted by negative press like the documentary "Supersize Me" by Morgan Spurlock in which he contributed our society’s obesity to McDonald's and other fast food chains. In fact, each McDonalds dishes provides large amount of calories but not too much nutrition.- Customer looses due to fierce competitionMcDonalds has to compete with many strong brand name in fast food industry such as Wendy’s, Burger King or Yum!B rands. This fierce competition makes McDonalds loose a large number of customers who prefer favor of other brands.- Problem related to health issueMcDonalds use Trans - fat and beef oil in their food. Although it is not illegal, it affects badly on custo mer’s health because Trans –fat is causes of some kind of cancer. Consequently, a number of customers who care about their health stop eating at McDonalds restaurants. It makes revenue of company decrease.- Legal action:McDonald’s has been involved in a number of lawsuits and other legal cases in the course. For example, there are many case which involved with trademark issue. McDonald’s force many others restaurant, company of just a coffee shop to change their brand name because of keeping “Mc” letters.- Unbalance meals:Although McDonalds tries to update its menu by healthy criteria, McDonald’s meals are still unbalance. For example, there are many dishes with chicken (both grilled and fried), bacon, beef, rib or egg. Besides, just several dishes are salad with vegetable and fruit. Moreover, amount of fruit or vegetable is not much.- High employee turnover rateAlthough McDonalds has many good managers as well as skillful employees, the turnover rate is still high. Every year many of their employees are fired out of the restaurants. Moreover, many others quit their jobs, especially part time employees because of low salary as well as too high working pressure.- Action related to environmental issueMcDonalds uses HCFC –22 to make polystyrene that is contributing to ozone depletion. The company has to repair this weakness if doesn’t want to be criticized.- Dissatisfied Franchisees:Franchisees are beginning to become very dissatisfied with the fees that McDonald’s are forcing them to pay. As the company continues to expand, they are also increasing the amount of fees franchisees have to pay for the use of the notorious fast-food brand. Many people are not very happy about this and as a result many franchisees are selling their businesses.3. Opportunities:- Growth of the fast food industryFast food industry now is developing significantly. The change of lifestyle leads to the change in people eating habit. In the past, if just workers, drivers or someone who had to work busily and didn’t have enough t ime for a home meal choose fast food;nowadays, almost people eat fast food and a major of them like fast food very much. It is a huge chance for fast food brand to increase their revenues, especially McDonalds.- Conservation:McDonald should research green energies and green packaging solutions and incorporate these finding as a part of their marketing strategies and advertisements.- Globalization, expansion in other countriesMcDonalds has more than 31,000 restaurants serving in almost 120 countries. Of the 31,000 restaurants, at least 14,000 are in US. However, now, because the care of McDonalds about favors and cultures in each countries it enters, McDonalds can open more restaurant in new areas such as China or India –the countries which culture influences on people lifestyle deeply. They are very potential markets. The expansion of these areas is big opportunities For McDonalds.- Low cost menu is preferred by large number of customersWith low cost menu, McDonalds can attract customers who just have low income. This segment makes up a fairly remarkable part, especially in the recent time, when global economic is struggling. It is not difficult for McDonalds to apply low cost menu on all restaurants.- Appearance of freebies and discountsDiscounts given on every food item may help them gain more customers. Moreover, a new trend is rising among customers that they like freebies and discounts, even when they don’t need it or don’t use these freebies after.- Diverse tastes and needs of customersCustome r’s tastes now become more diverse. As a result, they require new format of service in order to satisfy them. McDonalds, with new format of business such as McCafe, it can attract new segment of customer; for instance civil service, who prefer coffee as well as want to use Wi-Fi to work when drink coffee.- Growing health trend among the customers:Although people concern about how McDonalds influence badly on their health, it is also a chance for McDonalds. This company can develop new products, specifically fresh burger or healthy dessert.4. Threats:- Intensity competitorsAlong with the development of fast food industry, there are many new fast food brand enter to the market. It is nothing to say if there is no strong brand which can compete with McDonalds. However, in fact, there are some and they are stronger gradually, for example Yum!Brands, Wendy’s or Burger King. Although market share of these brand are lower than McDonalds, they try to gain more customers from McDonalds. Moreover, more casual dining restaurants increase their burger offering and decrease the price. If we are not really hurry, we may choose this kind of restaurant instead of fast food restaurants. They also become the competitors of McDonalds.- Public health crisisWith a growing number of obesity cases among Americans, fast food chains like McDonalds will continued to be overshadowed by their previous products offerings,for example Supersized Meal, no fruit or yogurt, slim salad selection. Besides, people nowadays are facing heart problem more seriously. As a result, they require nutritious and healthy food as well as lifestyle.- Economic recessionThe company's revenue streams are diversified, but depending on the length of this "recession", they will inevitably be negatively impacted by the trickledown effect. Recession or down turn in economy may affect the retailer sales, as household budgets tighten reducing spend and number of visitors.- Serious environmental issue:Environment is one of the hottest topics all over the world. Any action which influence on the earth and human life is criticized strongly. Consequently, if McDonalds keep using HCFC -22, it may lose customers, especially who really care about the earth.Recommendation:McDonalds is a powerful brand name. Thus, its strategies seem so good. However, in my opinion, I still have several recommendations for this company. Besides, looking at the grand matrix and SWOT matrix, there is something McDonalds should do with its strategies:The first, although saturated in the United States, McDonalds has great expansion capabilities abroad. According to the grand matrix, market development is one strategy that McDonalds should implement. Company should prepare an international strategy which focus on big cities along with high populated areas, especially in Asia. There are not many McDonald restaurants in this potential market. Japan is the only Asian country which has a lot of McDonald’s fast food restaurants. In contrast, China is considered as one of the biggest market in th e world because of this country’s population. Nevertheless, according to the recent figures, China is just in ninth position among the countries which have McDonald’s restaurants with about 1000 restaurant while this number in US is about 14000. If McDonalds can develop more and more in Asia, it is a huge advantage for company to gain market share.The second is about the name recognition. Everywhere, millions of people are familiar with the Golden Arches that are on top of every McDonalds restaurants. McDonalds should use this advantage to gain more attraction from customers. It does not mean that this company should become involved into many areas of the food industry. In fact, soft drink and fast food bring large profit for McDonalds. However, if keep involving in other areas, it would increase the potential for liability to the company because of many intensity competitors. McDonalds has built the McDonald Hotel in Zurich, Switzerland. Needless to say it is a very unique hotel. A lot of customers in other countries want McDonald open the same hotel in their countries. As a result, McDonalds should care about this chance more than developing new kind of food business which the company is not sure about this success. In addition, aside from exploiting brand name, company can exploit its sources of food and drink in McDonald’s fast-food restaurants for the hotel, as well as service skills of employees. In addition, McDonald’s strength as I told above is that introduction to new production. Company should focus on this strength to develop stronger. However, thecompany seems not diversify its products regularly while competitors are stronger and have new products gradually. Because of this reason, McDonalds should spend more money on Research and Development to create new products and services as well as increase the efficiency of operations. First, one thing McDonald should focus on is that the play place for kids. McDonalds has play place but not in every restaurants. If you eat in McDonald’s restaurant, you ca n be free to party while your children play at the place for kids. Customers love this service. Thus, if it is popularized in all restaurant of company, customers will be more satisfy and of course they want to comeback regularly. Moreover, toys have to be cared much more with many new interesting toys as well as safety. Jolly Bee is one brand which applies this strategy very successful. McDonalds can learn from Jolly Bee developing this service to improve its market position. Next, even if the company’s me nu is still relatively inexpensive compare to that of its competitors, it is not totally enough. Because apart from price, customers also make decision rely on menu. After bring a fresh menu with tuna sandwich and salad in some restaurants, especially in Britain and get support from a lot of customers, there is no new one like that. McDonalds focus too much on cheese,beef or chicken menu, more than vegetable. For instance, McDonalds has fruit slice in menu. However, it is served once a week. In the recent time, with the change in eating habit of a large part of customers, McDonalds also should change. Company should bring new vegetarian products to restaurant’s menu. An organic menu is very necessary. This would give customers an alternative while allowing McDonalds to maintain its market share globally.The last one is also about customer service. Managers of McDonalds are trained professionally. As a result, they can train employees well. McDonald’s employees are evaluated high by customers because of their behaviors as well as attitude. However, customers are not pleased at the idea of waiting in long lines and insufficient employees to handle the volume of customers. Just the minority, but sometimes the employees are rude forcing the customers to go to a c ompetitor’s restaurant next time. At the market which has high market share and very huge number of customers such as USA, Canada or United Kingdom, this issue occurs more frequently. McDonalds should find a way to solve it. For example, the company has to rent more employees and increase their salary in order to keep them working for a long time. This time is just enough for them to get skills to service customers well. Besides, it is necessary to increase the number of employees at the weekend or in the lunch time. More employees means that pressures are shared and avoid the bad attitudes. Conclusion:McDonalds has undergone several changes since its inception in San Bernardino, California. The fast food chain has conquered the US and it now focusing on the rest of the world. McDonalds, along with this trend, continues to strive toward customer satisfaction while still enhancing its international market position. The company is doing very well and keeps trying in Africa, China, and the Middle East, which will be continued source of revenue for many coming years. If McDonalds can overcome all of its challenges, makes use of advantages and has right strategies, it will win the market again and hold fast to first position in fast food industry.。



Revenue Net Income Profit margin
$100 $80 $60 $40 $20 $-
Stock Price
McDonald's Growth
S&P Industry Growth
SWOT Analysis - Opportunities
• Product Development
– Successes: Fries, Happy Meal, Big Mac, Egg McMuffin, Promotions
– Failures: McPizza, Fajita, Carrot Sticks, McLean, and the Arch Deluxe
• International expansion • Only serving 1% of the world’s
population • Growing dining-out market
SWOT Analysis - Threats
• Mature/overstored industry • Strength of competition • More health-conscious consumers • Changing demographics • Fluctuation of foreign exchange rates;
42% 32% 17%
* Percent of respondents
SWOT Analysis - Weaknesses
• Declining market share • Weak product development • Disgruntled franchisees • Quality and taste of products • Slowed revenue and income growth
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A business report for TESCO
SWOT is good method to analyze the running of company clearly, now, we will use the SWOT analysis to find out TESCO’S strength, weakness, opportunity and threat .We believe that the analysis will help US find the reason of TESCO’nightmare in America more completely.
Faced the challenge of conquering American market, TESCO have their own advantages:
1.They have Intensively researched for two years.
2.They were Fully reinforced and good competition (UK’s largest groc er and the second largest in the world).
3.They Entered US through the west coast, a region which did not have the dominance of Wal-Mart.
4. They have won the competition with Wal-Mart in
some markets.
5. Huge fund support TESCO’running from financial market.
6.They Opened an hour early in the morning
There are a lot of reasons led Tesco to fail in America, and we point out these reasons as follow:
1.They have too much the "British Style" shops, for example they chose using pre-packed food, small packing and too much self-service, all of these was not American customer’s habit who prefer. In addition, they did not sale a lot of local food and American brand, so, TESCO was not popular in American market.
2.For choosing store locations, their store was not closer to warehouses and less warehouses linked together. So, they could not concentrate around hubs and form the network.
3. Bad business numbers (especially how to react to them) start with less shops -> make them work -> then open more shops (2012 was too late)
- -> budget management
- do research on why the competitors failed
4.The Brand (including positioning Tesco in the market) positioning as a convenience store "locality's neighbourhood market"
- more advertising (TV)
- new Brand name (something without obvious meaning)
Admittedly, TESCO actually have their opportunities to win, although, these opportunities were not too much.
1.At beginning they had chance to take on Wal-Mart in it own backyard, indeed, because they have very good reputation and strength to make them so competitive.
2.In the middle period, they tried to revive their sales and reposition their plan to increase their stores, but they faced too much external pressure, for example, the local economic situation.
To analyze this part, we divide it into two parts and point out this kind reason clearly.
1.The outside threat
Indeed, they faced the US economic crisis in 2007 and the economic downturn of 2009 in California, at the same time, failure in other place increased the pressure they ran in America.
2.The inside threat
Poor strategy, poor execution and too much confidence (Hyped research and planning) made they
running appear too many errors and go against American customer’s habit, so, they face the threat which make them worse and worse.
In addition, loosing too much profit let TESCO bear too much pressure from their shareholder and decreased the growth rate of their development in America.。
