
March 15 to April 15 every year is Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival (Cherry Blossom Festival).The origin of the cherry blossom festival is rooted in 1912, when it was given to the Tokyo mayor in Washington, three thousand trains are symbol of peace, the United States government took back to Japan.Going to Japan in Spring? During spring cherry blossom viewing parties and cherry blossom festivals are held all over Japan. Cherry blossom viewing has been a Japanese custom since the 7th century when the aristocrats enjoyed looking at the cherry blossoms and wrot夏立中 材料翻译:吴婷婷 夏卫鑫 杨敏 PPT制作:吴晨
1.The brief introduction
3. The language of flowers
4.Flower viewing
Japan has more than 30 types of cherry, 300 varieties of the world total of more than 800 varieties. Japanese people think that Sakura has the elegant, bold, delicate and pretty simple and independent spirit. They think cherry is the symbol of industrious, brave, wisdom. Japan has a proverb

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The Flower Language
• Life • Happiness • Never surrender • Devote my all life to loving you • The rule of fate is circulation • Waiting for you
Japanese love cherry blossom, not only for its natural beauty ,but also for the spirit that it experience short-lived and brilliant life.
Thank you for listening!
Japan’s cherry blossom has a wide variety, about Each kind is different from other in shape and color .
The flowers can be in full bloom over a night. But they
Main parts at cheery festival
Delicious sushi(寿司)
Japanese wine(日本清酒) The kimono(和服)
The traditional 源自ctivityDelicious sushi
At cheery festival , people put some sushi in a box to prepare for outing. They call them cherry blossom box lunches(樱花盒饭).

Fuji is Japan‘s tallest peak, a symbol of the Japanese nation, the Japanese people as the "sacred mountain”
日本“圣岳”——富士山富士山是日本第一 高峰,是日本民族的象征,被日本人民誉为 “圣岳”
茶道是日本文化的代表之 一。它集结了日本文化诸 多的特点和精华,形成了 一个综合的文化体系。
Atomic bombardment (6th Augest,1945) 88,000 died that day
Tea is one of the representative of the Japanese culture. It assembled Japanese culture of many characteristics and essence, forming a comprehensive cultural system
1. Cherry blossoms& Mount Fuji 樱花盛开&富士山
2. Japanese food
Cherry blossom (Sakura)
cherry blossom is a national flower of Japan. In the middle of every march to mid April, is a season that Japanese coming from the south to the north to appreciate it.Every year attracts many tourists .

さくら/桜 形状特征
• 樱花是一种植物,蔷薇科,落叶乔木,树 皮紫褐色,平滑有光泽,有横纹。花叶互 生,椭圆形或倒卵状椭圆形,边缘有芒齿, 先端尖而有腺体,表面深绿色,有光泽, 背面稍淡。托叶披针状线形,边缘细裂呈 锯齿状,裂端有腺。花每支三五朵,成伞 状花序,萼片水平开展,花瓣先端有缺刻, 白色、红色。花于3月与叶同放或叶后开花。 核球形,初呈红色,后变紫褐色,7月成熟。
• 樱花因深受日本人欢迎,而在日本广为种植,与象征皇室 的菊花一起被指定为日本国花。奈良县吉野山的樱花最为 闻名,故被誉为“吉野千棵樱” 。整个日本樱花花期约 为五十天,但每个地区从花开到花谢只有七至十天。樱花 种类繁多,故颜色并非纯是粉红色,相应的花种有相符的 颜色。春天赏樱是日本传统习俗之一,日本气象厅每年会 发表樱花开花日期预测,是为“桜前线(sakurazensen)”即 “樱花前线”。 日本樱花多划分为园艺品种及野生种, 比较著名的品种有:寒樱、河津樱、雨情枝垂、染井吉野 樱、大岛樱、寒绯樱、雏菊樱、及一系列八重樱(如八重 红彼岸、奈良八重樱、八重之霞樱、茜八重、八重紫樱 等) 。其中最常见的非染井吉野樱莫属,约占日本樱花数 量之八成,花形为粉红色花瓣五片,但最漂亮的是枝垂樱, 枝垂樱又称瀑布樱花,如粉红瀑布一样悬挂下来,极度的 诗情画意。
• 大岛樱(nnesiana var.speciosa) • 野生樱花的代表,树高可达15米。花期3月 中旬,花叶同开。花白色,单瓣,呈伞房 状开放。萼筒长钟形,萼片呈披针形,边 缘有锯齿,花整体无毛。许多樱花园艺品 种均源自大岛樱。
• • • • • • • • • • 蔷薇科 别名:寒绯樱、绯寒樱、钟花樱。 产地:台湾海拔300~2000公尺之山区。 生长型态:落叶树种,花呈钟状,含蜜甚多。 每年1~3月,花先叶开,整束繁花四锦,为日本国花。其果实硬中带软, 酸甜略涩。 1.叶子:在山樱花的的嫩叶可以找到丝状构造的小叶,这叫「托叶」, 是叶子的一部份,至于老叶就没有托叶,倒是叶片基部有明显的密腺 一对,可以吸引蚂蚁,并藉此赶走其它昆虫。 2.树干:茎干上的竭色横裂以及嘴唇般的皮孔,是枝干上提供气体进出 寒绯桜植物的神秘孔道。 3.花:呈下垂状开放,单生或3至5朵聚集,花梗细长
《樱花》PPT课件2 (共26张PPT)

• 因船迷失了方向而来到了这里,樱の花听了,知 道,他一定会走的,一定会回到自己的国家。樱 の花为了珍惜这段时光,她每天都和他相遇在樱 花树下,天天聊天……但是,好时光总是短暂的, 他要离开了,他来和樱の花道别了。樱の花虽然 早有准备,可还是禁不起这个打击,她背对着他, 只说了一个字“哦”。他走了,在茫茫的海上, 走了。樱の花一个人在樱花树下,哭泣着,樱花 的花瓣为了安慰她,而飘落下来,微风吹过,满 地的花瓣飘了起来,樱の花的心碎了,她哭了几 天几夜,
• 樱花具有嫩肤,增亮 肤色的作用,因此樱 花常被用于护肤品的 原料,樱花通常需要 通过提取精制,瑞士 传奇集团曾把樱花运 用三高新鲜提取技术 提炼成樱花粉嫩油, 樱花粉嫩油与乳木果 油、荷荷芭油等天然 油脂具有良好的亲和 性,常被混合制成唇 膏。
• 以播种、扦插和嫁接繁育为主。 以播种方式繁殖樱花,注意勿 使种胚干燥,应随采随播或湿 沙层积后翌年春播。嫁接繁殖 可用樱桃、山樱桃的实生苗作 砧木。月下旬切接或8月下旬芽 接,接活后经3年到4年培育, 可出圃栽种。栽种时,每坑槽 施腐熟堆肥15~25公斤,7月每 株施硫酸铵1~2公斤。花后和 早春发芽前,需剪去枯枝、病 弱枝、徒长枝,尽量避免粗枝 的修剪,以保持树冠圆满。
• 樱花花色幽香艳丽,为早 春重要的观花树种,常用 于园林观赏,以群植,也 可植于山坡、庭院、路边、 建筑物前。盛开时节花繁 艳丽,满树烂漫,如云 似 霞,极为壮观。可大片栽 植造成“花海”景观,可 三五成丛点缀于绿地形成 锦团,也可孤植,形成 “万绿丛中一点红”之画 意。樱花还可作小路行道 树、绿篱或制作盆景。
• 山樱:花朵大小为中等、 白色到淡红色单层花瓣, 自古以来就深受喜爱的代 表性野生樱花,以花朵一 起绽开的新芽的颜色非常 多样,让山野的景观更加 美丽。 • 冬樱:花朵大小为中朵、 白色单层花瓣,一年开两 次(春、秋)花的樱花。 • 十月樱:花朵大小为中朵、 淡红色多层花瓣,从10月 左右开始开花,隔年春天 还会再开一次,一年开2 次花的珍贵樱花

• Waiting for you等待着你
The c. ultural image of Cheery 文化形象活泼
Cherry influences culture deeply ,especially in literary
At cheery festival , people put some sushi in a box to prepare for outing. They call them cherry blossom box
lunches(樱花盒饭).在愉快 的节日,人们把一些寿司盒 准备郊游。他们称他们为樱 花盒饭(樱花盒饭)。
这些花盛开了一 only last for about a week . 晚。但他们只能持续
The Flower Language 花的语言
• Life生活 • Happiness幸福 • Never surrender永不投降
• Devote my all life to loving you 用我全部的生命去爱你
At last ,I wish that every one can try his or her best to
arrive the top of your life .樱 花漂亮,他们把他们的生命的性 质和春天。 最后,我希望每一个人都能尽自 己最大的努力来顶你的生活。
Thanks for your listening!
The Cherry Blossom
Cherry blossom
origins from China’s

At cherry blossom festival, people go out to appreciate the beauty of blossoms with their families and friends. 在樱花节,人们和他
Japan Cherry Blossom Festival
viewing parties (hanami) and cherry blossom festivals are held all over Japan. Cherry blossom viewing has been a Japanese custom since the 7th century when the aristocrats enjoyed looking at the cherry blossoms and wrote poems. People drink, eat, and sing during the day and night. It is like a picnic. People bring food, do BBQ, or buy food from vendors(供应商). Among various food people eat in cherry blossom viewing,dango(团子) is very popular. It is a chewy['tʃu:i] (柔软而会粘着的 )snack made of rice flour. In Tokyo, Ueno park and Yoyoki park are very popular places for cherry blossom viewing. In those place, there is even competition for the best spot. If you do not like a crowd, you can go to mountains or other quiet places for cherry blossom viewing.

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Romantic Cherry Blossom Theme Template
沉醉樱花 · 赏心悦目
Enjoying Cherry Blossoms
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¯ 树皮紫褐色,平滑有 光泽,有横纹。花与 叶互生,椭圆形或倒 卵状椭圆形,边缘有 芒齿,先端尖而有腺 体,表面深绿色,有 光泽,背面稍淡。托 叶披针状线形,边缘 细裂呈锯齿状,裂端 有腺。花每支三五朵, 成伞状花序,萼片水 平开展,花瓣先端有 缺刻,白色、红色。 花于3月与叶同放或叶
樱花之所以作为日本的国花,是因为樱花 的精神,也就是日本人所说的“樱花情结”, 樱花的花期一般只有3-7天,因为樱花选择 了在自己最辉煌的时候凋谢。这就是樱花 精神。所以又称死亡之花
鼠李糖葡萄糖甙(Sakurarin)、樱桃甙、木材含 d - 儿茶素; 茎、叶含槲皮素 3-半乳糖甙;嫩叶含香豆素、反式一邻羟 基桂皮酸葡萄糖甙、氰甙;种仁含脂肪油32%,主要含 a桐酸、谷甾醇。
樱花的树皮和新鲜嫩 叶可药用。也有的人 在日本将樱花花瓣磨 成花蜜制作果酱和调 味品。
观赏作用:樱花花色幽香艳丽,为早 春重要的观花树种,常用于园林观赏, 以群植,也可植于山坡、庭院、路边、 建筑物前。盛开时节花繁艳丽,满树 烂漫,如云似霞,极为壮观。可大片 栽植造成“花海”景观,可三五成丛 点缀于绿地形成锦团,也可孤植,形 成“万绿丛中一点红”之画意。樱花 还可作小路行道树、绿篱或制作盆景。
《樱花》 1=bE 4/4
《樱花》 1=bE 4/4
“都节调式”特点:其 旋律进行以级进为主。 词乐关系一字对一音为 多.
34671 都节调式音阶(日本风)

The Cherry Blossom
-- A poem of life
Name : Jin Hsu Major : Business Administration Number : M00914237
《When the cherry dancing in the air》
—— Mika Nakashima (中岛美嘉)
——《Cherry Blossoms》
《Card Captor Sakura 》(百变 小樱)—— 《Five centimeters per second》(秒 速5厘米)
In spring , cherry blossoms appear almost everywhere in Japan. And they add up a lot of beauty for this season.
The plum flower stanza *樱花祭(also means the cheery
Snow-like cherry, symbolizing Japanese bushido (武士道精神) and temporary aesthetics (美 学) .
Japanese love cherry blossom, not only for its natural beauty ,but also for the spirit that it experience short-lived and brilliant life.
The flowers can be in full bloom over a night. But they can only last for about a week .

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A peep at some distant orb has power to raise and purify our thoughts like a strain of sacred music, or a noble picture, or a passage from the grander poets. It always does one good. Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased to twinkle. By the same illusion which lifts the horizon of the sea to the level of the spectator on a hillside, the sable cloud beneath was dished out, and the car seemed to float in the middle of an immense dark sphere, whose upper half was strewn with silver.

樱花英语单词The cherry blossoms, a symbol of spring's arrival, bloom in a delicate dance of pink and white. Each petal seems to whisper the promise of renewal.Their fragrance is subtle yet pervasive, filling the air with a scent that is both sweet and fresh, evoking the essence of a new beginning.As the blossoms unfold, they paint the cityscape with their vibrant hues, transforming the urban landscape into a canvas of nature's art.In the language of flowers, the cherry blossom is a messenger of hope and beauty, reminding us that even in the midst of life's uncertainties, there is always a moment of grace.The sakura season is fleeting, a reminder to cherish the transient moments of life, to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us before it fades away.The trees, adorned with these blossoms, become a gathering place for friends and families, a backdrop for laughter and joy, a testament to the community that blooms alongside the flowers.In the quiet moments, when the world is still, one canhear the soft rustle of petals falling, a gentle reminder of the cycle of life and the passage of time.The English word for these flowers, 'sakura,' is borrowed from Japanese, reflecting the cultural significance and the universal appeal of these ephemeral beauties.As the season passes, the memory of the sakura lingers, a reminder to seek out the fleeting moments of joy in our everyday lives.。
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Name:Li Mengxin
♥ A brief introduction about cherry blossom ♥ The cultrual image of cherry ♥ Oriental Cherry Festival(樱花祭) ♥Cherry blossom's spirits
The plum flower stanza f Japanese love for cherry blossom,Japan's government settled for "the cherry blossom festival" on March 15th to April 15th every year.
Main parts at cherry festival • • • • ♥Delicious sushi(寿司) ♥Japanese wine(清酒) ♥The kimono(和服) ♥The traditional activity
At cheery festival,people put some sushi in a box to prepare for outing.They call them cherry blossom box lunches(樱花盒饭)
Famous Japanese wine and kimono
• cherry blossom are besutiful ,they devote their all life to the nature and spring.So can you do for yourself.
The Flower Language
• • • • ♥Happiness ♥Never surrender ♥Devote my all life to loving you ♥Waiting for you
The Cultural Image Of Cheery ♦ Cherry influences Japanese culture deeply,especially in literary,works,music, anime,films,buildings and so on.
Cherry blossom origins from China's Hjmalayas(喜马拉雅山 脉)and it is Japan's national flower,which is most popular with Japanese people.
Japan's cherry blossom has a wide variety,.Each kind is different from other in shape and color.