现代大学英语精读3 复习 总结

English S ummary PhrasesPart I学术生活 academic l ife民族认同 ethnic i dentity种族歧视 racial p rejudice伦理道德观念 ethical v alues政治上的成熟 political m aturity认同危机 identity c risis基因工程 genetic e ngineering偶然事件 chance e vents青少年阶段 adolescence s tage每日工作日程 daily a genda功能独立 functional i ndependence异性 the o pposite s ex生活方式 a w ay o f l ife获得知识 to a cquire k nowledge给这个词下定义 to d efine t he w ord对这种对待感到反感 to r esent t he t reatment确立自己的身份 to e stablish t heir i dentity使学生感到沮丧 to f rustrate t he s tudents宣战 to d eclare w ar拖着脚步 to d rag o ne’s f eet对结果进行评估 to e valuate t he r esult对知识进行加工 to p rocess k nowledge缩小差距 to n arrow t he g ap扩大业务 to e xpand b usiness装配汽车 to a ssemble c ars提出事实 to p resent f actsPart I I决定今天到此为止 to c all i t a d ay获得利益 to m ake p rofit改进性能 to i mprove p erformance停学 to q uit s chool做一笔交易 to m ake a d eal变本加厉重新开始 to s tart a gain w ith a v engeance 注册登记成立一家公司 to i ncorporate a c ompany组装一辆汽车 to a ssemble a c arto g ross(top/net) 10 m illion d ollars营业额达(总数超/纯利达)一千万美元开发产品 to d evelop p roducts营销产品 to m arket p roducts从中得到教训 to d raw a l esson f rom i t实现梦想 to r ealize a d ream捐钱 to d onate m oney游手好闲,不务正业 to f ool a round经济前景 business(economic) p rospects竞争优势 a c ompetitive e dge营业执照 business l icense库存和管理费 inventory a nd o verheads按客户需要配置的电脑 custom-‐made(personalized) c omputers 库存过多 surplus s tock/excess i nventory销售定额 a s ales q uota增值 added v alue零售价格 a r etail p rice千载难逢的机会 the o pportunity o f a l ifetime春假 spring r ecess财务和管理 finance a nd a dministration直销 direct m arketing会计基础 accounting b asics可以退货的保证 a m oney-‐back g uarantee现场服务 on-‐site s ervice市中心 a c ivic c enter犹太人集中的社区 the J ewish c ommunity终端用户 end u sersPart I II继续去写她的东西 to r esume h er w riting流露他的真情 to b etray h is t rue f eelings引起巨大愤怒 to a rouse g reat a nger出自己的洋相 to m ake a f ool o f o neself通知相关的所有人 to i nform e veryone c oncerned问讯 to m ake i nquires遭受巨大痛苦 to s uffer a t errible p ain扔一块石头 to p itch a s tone(因为重要)专门去做某事 to m ake a p oint o f d oing s omething侵犯我的隐私 t o i nfringe o n m y p rivacy放弃研究 to a bandon t he r esearch上一个新项目 to l aunch a n ew p roject重新做人 to s tart o ne’s l ife a fresh采纳一种新方法 to a dopt a n ew m ethod挑起激烈的反应 to p rovoke a v iolent r eaction找回自己丢失的车 to r ecover o ne’s m issing c ar涉及到和各种人打交道 to i nvolve d ealing w ith a ll k inds o f p eoplePart I V将人民币换成外币 t o c onvert C NY i nto f oreign c urrency寻找真理 to s eek t he t ruth抛掉旧的传统 to d iscard t he o ld t raditions讽刺人的虚荣 to s atirize h uman v anity在那岛上住人 to i nhabit t hat i sland钦佩他们的勇气 to a dmire t heir c ourage玩忽职守 to n eglect o ne’s d uty逃避后果 to e scape t he c onsequences挡路 to b lock o ne’s w ay毁掉名誉 to r uin o ne’s r eputation年久失修的防御工事 neglected f ortificationsa s quatter’s h ut擅自占用土地的人搭建的临时简陋房子容易变质的东西 perishable g oods社会习俗 conventions o f s ociety摇摇晃晃、头重脚轻的酒鬼 tottering d runks当前的风云人物 the m an o f t he h our英雄人物 heroic f igures一种带有使命感的神态 an a ir o f d estiny看人时如火一般的眼光 a w ar s care雨点般的石头 a s hower o f s tones一小撮捣乱分子 a h andful o f t rouble-‐makersPart V塑造年轻人的心灵 to m old y oungsters’ t hinking涂上黄油 to s pread b utter污染环境 to c ontaminate t he e nvironment缓和口气 to m odify t he t one造成未曾料到的伤害 to w ork u nknown h arm创造奇迹 to w ork m iracles获得权力 to a cquire p ower抛弃朋友 to d esert o ne’s f riends放弃这一城市 to d esert t he c ity解决这一争端 to s ettle t he d ispute解决这一问题* to s ettle t he m atter赏心悦目 to d elight t he e ye侵入那个国家 to i nvade t hat c ountry侵犯某人隐私 to i nvade o ne’s p rivacy挖一口井 to s ink a w ell严酷的现实 harsh r eality空气污染 air c ontamination致命武器 lethal w eapons人工合成材料 synthetic m aterials事先的调查 advance i nvestigation生死攸关的斗争 a l ife-‐and-‐death s truggle外来物种 introduced s pecies自然保护区 natural r eserves农业的精耕细作 intensification o f a gricultureParagraphsPart IADuring t his t ime, s tudents a re g oing t hrough a n i dentity c risis a nd a re e ndeavoring t o find o ut w ho t hey a re a nd w hat t heir s trengths a nd w eaknesses a re. T hey h ave, o f course, p lenty o f b oth. I t i s i mportant t o k now h ow p eople p erceive t hemselves a s well a s h ow o thers p erceive t hem. A ccording t o p iers a nd l andau, i n a n a rticle discussing t he t heories o f E rik H. E rickson i n i nternational e ncyclopedia o f s ocial sciences (1979), i dentity i s d etermined b y g enetic e ndowment (what i s i nherited from p arents), s haped b y e nvironment, a nd i nfluenced b y c hance e vents. P eople a re influenced b y t heir e nvironment a nd, i n t urn, i nfluence t heir e nvironment. H ow people s ee t hemselves i n b oth r oles i s u nquestionably a p art o f t heir i dentity.BProbably o ne o f t he m ost s tressful m atters f or y oung c ollege s tudents i s e stablishing their f uture s exual i dentity, w hich i ncludes r elating t o t he o pposite s ex a nd projecting t heir f uture r oles a s m en o r w omen. E ach m ust d efine h er o f h is s exual identity i n a f eminine o r m asculine r ole. T hese a re e xciting t imes y e f rustrating t imes. Probably n othing c an m ake s tudents f eel l ower o r h igher e motionally t han t he w ay they a re r elating t o w homever t hey a re h aving a r omantic r elation w ith. F or e xample, when I w as w orking w ith a y oung c ollege s tudent, h e b ounced i nto m y o ffice o nce with a s mile o n h is f ace a nd e xcitement i n h is v oice. T he y oung m an d eclared, “I’ve just h ad t he b est d ay o f m y l ife!” h e w ent o n t o e xplain h ow h e h ad m et a n extraordinary y oung w oman a nd h ow t his r elationship w as a ll h e h ad d reamed a romantic r elationship s hould b e. T hat s ame y oung m an c ame i nto m y o ffice l ess t han a w eek l ater, d ragging h is f eet w ith a d ismayed, d ejected l ook o n h is f ace. H e s at down i n t he s ame c hair, s ighed d eeply, a nd d eclared,” I’ve j ust h ad t he w orst d ay o f my l ife!” h e a nd t he y oung w oman h ad j ust h ad a n a rgument, a nd t heir r elationship was n o l onger g oing w ell. T hus, t he w ay s tudents a re r elating t o t hose o f t he opposite s ex h as a d efinite i nfluence o n t heir e motions.Part I IADell k new t hat I BM r equired i ts d ealers t o t ake a m onthly q uota o f P Cs, i n m ost c ases more t han t hey c ould s ell. H e a lso k new t hat h olding e xcess i nventory w as c ostly. S o he b ought d ealers' s urplus s tock a t c ost. B ack i n h is d orm r oom, h e a dded f eaturesto i mprove p erformance. T he s ouped-‐up m odels f ound e ager b uyers. S eeing t he hungry m arket, D ell p laced l ocal a dvertisements o ffering h is c ustomized c omputers at 15 p ercent o ff r etail p rice. S oon h e w as s elling t o b usinesses, d octors' o ffices a nd law f irms. T he t runk o f h is c ar w as h is s tore; h is r oom t ook o n t he a ppearance o f a small f actory.BThe q uarters h e s hared w ith t wo r oommates l ooked l ike a c ombat z one-‐ b oxes p iledhigh, c omputer b oards a nd t ools s cattered a round. O ne d ay h is r oommates h eaped all h is e quipment i nto a p ile, p reventing D ell f rom e ntering h is r oom. I t w as t ime t o come t o g rips w ith t he m agnitude o f w hat h e h ad c reated. T he b usiness w as n ow grossing m ore t han $ 50 000 a m onth.Part I IIAMr. C rowther, f or h is p art, h ad a lso s uffered s ome d istraction. T hought h e w as pretending t o r ead, h e w as a ctually u nable t o d o s o. F or a ll h is a ppearance o f indifference, t he s ight o f a w ell-‐to-‐do g entleman p itching a s uitcase f rom t he window o f a m oving t rain h ad s urprised h im v ery m uch. B ut h e h ad n ot b etrayed h is surprise. T he f ellow w as o bviously c ounting o n h im f or a v iolent r eaction, a nd s o M r. Crowther m ade a p oint o f n ot r eacting. W hether t he t hing w as a p ractical j oke o r n ot, Mr. C rowther c onsidered i t a n a nnoying i nfringement o f h is p rivacy. I t w as a s i f t he fellow h ad b urst a p aper b ag i n t he h ope o f m aking h im j ump. W ell, h e w asn't g oing to j ump, h e w asn't g oing t o g ive t hat f ellow t he s atisfaction. I f t he f ellow i magined that t o t hrow a s uitcase o ut o f t he w indow g ave h im s ome s ort o f i mportance, w ell, he w as m istaken.BMr. H arraby-‐Ribston t ook t he d isclosure r emarkably w ell. H e d id, i t's t rue, f linch a nd turn a l ittle p ale, b ut i n a f ew m oments h e h ad r ecovered h imself." T hank y ou, s ir," he s aid; a nd l et m e s ay h ow m uch I a ppreciate y our o penness. I n f act, y ou t empt m e to b e e qually f rank w ith y ou. L et m e c onfess, t hen, t hat a s a m atter o f f act I h aven't left m y w ife, f or t he s imple r eason t hat I'm a b achelor. I g row v egetables o n r ather a large s cale a nd o nce a w eek b usiness t akes m e t o L ondon. A s f or t he m atter o f t he suitcase , I h ave s ome f riends w hose h ouse w e p assed a f ew m iles b ack a nd e very week I f ill a s uitcase w ith v egetables, b ring i t w ith m e, a nd t hrow i t o ut o f t he carriage-‐window a s t he t rain p asses t heir h ouse. I t r olls d own t he e mbankment a nd lands u p a gainst t heir r ailings. I t's a p rimitive m ethod, I k now, b ut i t s aves p ostage and y ou c an h ave n o i dea h ow m uch e ntertaining c onversation i t p rovokes w ith m y fellow-‐passengers. Y ou, i f I m ay s ay s o, a re n o e xception."Part I VAOnly t wenty, A lexander w as f ar o lder a nd w iser t han h is y ears. L ike a ll M acedonians he l oved d rinking, b ut h e c ould u sually h andle i t; a nd t oward w omen h e w as n obly restrained a nd c hivalrous. L ike a ll M acedonians h e l oved f ighting; h e w as a magnificent c ommander, b ut h e w as n ot m erely a m ilitary a utomaton. H e c ould think. A t t hirteen h e h ad b ecome a p upil o f t he g reatest m ind i n G reece, A ristotle who g ave h im t he b est o f G reek c ulture. H e t aught A lexander p oetry: t he y oung prince s lept w ith t he I liad u nder h is p illow a nd l onged t o e mulate A chilles, w ho brought t he m ighty p ower o f A sia t o r uin. H e t aught h im p hilosophy, i n p articular t he shapes a nd u ses o f p olitical p ower a nd h e t aught h im t he p rinciples o f s cientific research: d uring h is i nvasion o f t he P ersian d omains A lexander t ook w ith h im a l argecorps o f s cientists, a nd s hipped h undreds o f z oological s pecimens b ack t o G reece f or study. I ndeed, i t w as f rom A ristotle t hat A lexander l earned t o s eek o ut e verything strange w hich m ight b e i nstructive.BNow, A lexander w as i n C orinth t o t ake c ommand o f t he L eague o f G reek S tates, which, h is f ather P hilip h ad c reated a s a d isguise f or t he N ew M acedonian O rder. H e was w elcomed a nd h onored a nd f lattered. H e w as t he m an o f t he h our, o f t he century: h e w as u nanimously a ppointed c ommander-‐in-‐chief o f a n ew e xpedition against o ld, r ich, c orrupt A sia. N early e veryone c rowded t o C orinth i n o rder t o congratulate h im, t o s eek e mployment w ith h im, e ven s imply t o s ee h im. O nly Diogenes, a lthough h e l ived i n C orinth, d id n ot v isit t he n ew m onarch. W ith t hat generosity w hich A ristotle h ad t aught h im , A lexander d etermined t o c all u pon Diogenes.Part VAAnother f actor i n t he m odern i nsect p roblem i s t he s preading o f t housands o f different k inds o f o rganisms f rom t heir n ative h omes. S ome h undred m illion y ears ago, f looding s eas c ut m any l and b ridges b etween c ontinents a nd l iving t hings f ound themselves c onfined i n w hat a n e cologist c alls “colossal s eparate n ature r eserves”. There, i solated f rom o thers o f t heir k ind, t hey d eveloped m any n ew s pecies. W hen some o f t he l and m asses w ere j oined a gain, a bout 15 m illion y ears a go, t hese species b egan t o m ove o ut i nto n ew t erritories-‐-‐-‐a m ovement t hat i s n ot o nly s till i n progress b ut i s n ow r eceiving c onsiderable a ssistance f rom m an.BIt i s n ot m y c ontention t hat c hemical i nsecticides m ust n ever b e u sed. I d o c ontend that w e h ave p ut p oisonous a nd b iologically p otent c hemicals i ndiscriminately i nto the h ands o f p ersons l argely o r w holly i gnorant o f t heir p otentials f or h arm. W e h ave subjected e normous n umbers o f p eople t o c ontact w ith t hese p oisons, w ithout t heir consent a nd o ften w ithout t heir k nowledge. I c ontend, f urthermore, t hat w e h ave allowed t hese c hemicals t o b e u sed w ith l ittle o r n o a dvance i nvestigation o f t heir effect o n s oil, w ater, w ildlife, a nd m an h imself. F uture g enerations a re u nlikely t o forgive o ur l ack o f c oncern f or t he i ntegrity o f t he n atural w orld t hat s upports a ll l ife.TranslatePart I1) 她打算申请那个学术工作。

大学生英语精读4复习期末考试资料大学生英语精读4复习期末考试资料Vocabulary (Unit1)1. A thoughtful person thinks before speaking and considers the feelings of others.(一个考虑周到的人总是先思考再说话,而且总是考虑到别人的感受。
)2. The library is closing. We might as well go home. (图书馆关门了,我们最好还是回家)3. I’draw your attention to the fact that there is some sense after all in the speaker’s nonsense. (我想让你注意到这样一个事实,在演讲者的胡言乱语中总有一定的意义)4. Harry has a vivid imagination; he can make up marvelous stories. (哈利具有丰富的想象力,他能编出奇特的故事)5. Although Margie was swimming so well, she failed to win the first prize and had to settle for the second. (尽管玛吉游泳游的很棒,但他未能获得第一,而只能屈居第二)6. I’m quite determined to have the thing finished and done with before leaving the office. (我坚决完成此事并且要在下班前做完)7. Competitive sports are recommended to young adults to prepare them for the competition world of college and business. (年轻人应该多进行一些经济性的体育运动以适应充满竞争的大学生活和商业活动)pained me to admit that I was such a fool as to repeat the mistake(承认我是个重复犯同样错误的傻瓜,这使我感到痛苦) bonus for the new customers I had signed up(老板付给我工资并发了奖金奖励我签了新客户) 10.A soldier should never shrink form the duty of defending his country even in the face of certain death(即使面对死亡,一名战士也不应该逃避保卫祖国的职责)11. Due to exceptionally bad weather, the ship arrived lateand the delivery of goods was not on time(由于天气突变,船到晚了,货物无法准时送到)12.My wife was rather embarrassed when she overheard some of our guests say they didn’t like the meal she’d cooked for them(当我的妻子无意中听到一些客人说他们不喜欢她做的菜,她相当尴尬)13.People in my hometown tend to eat more sour food on hot summer days presumably because it could help quench their thirst(在我的家乡,炎热的夏天人们好吃酸的食物,因为酸的食物有助于解渴)14.In the United States it is quite easy to find a place for rent ,but the high cost keeps many young people away(在美国,找到一个地方居住根容易,但高昂的价格使许多年轻人止步不前)15. The professor was reluctant to stop grading the stack of papers on her desk, but she was really too tired to read on(教授不情愿停止批改桌上的试卷,但她实在太累了,无法再继续看下去)16. Bacteria reproduce themselves by splitting into two.(细菌靠自己分裂成俩个进行繁殖)Unit51.Her suggestion may sound reasonable in everybody else’seyes I’m afraid it may seem ridiculous.(对你来说他的建议听起来有道理,但在别人的眼里恐怕就太可笑了)2.Some doctors believe it is brutal to tall dying patients thetruth about their condition because they may become so distressed as to commit suicide.(一些医生认为告诉垂危病人实情是残忍的,以为他们可能会因非常沮丧而自杀)3.We note with satisfaction that all those activities have helpedto promote mutual understanding and friendship between our two country(我们满意的注意到所有这些活动有利于我们俩个国家间的互相理解和友谊)4.Contrary to the belief of some doctors, even very old and sickpeople want to know the details of their illness so that they can prepare for death in their own special way(一些医生的观点相反,即使是年纪很大,病情严重的人都想知道他们的病情的详细情况,这样他们可能以自己特殊的方式准备死亡的降临)5.Corruption in government is not tolerated any country thatwants to achieve rapid economic growth and improve the life of its citizens(政府的腐败是任何一个希望经济快速增长,人民生活提高的国家所不能容忍的)6.Mary betrayed her friends by going back on her words(玛丽背叛了她的朋友,违背了诺言)7.The author brings the first chapter of his book to a close bygiving a brief account of the advances science has made since liberation(作者简单的介绍了解放以来所取得的科技成就,以此来结束其著作的第一章)8.In that accident, Julian risked her own life to help a disabledwoman(在那次事故中,朱丽安冒着生命危险去帮助一个残疾妇女)9.It pays in the long run to introduce new techniques.(引进新技术从长远来看是值得的)10.Mrs. Queen gave us a distorted account of what hadhappened; that’s why we no longer believe in the sincerity of her utterances.(格林夫人给我们一个与事实不否的描述,这就是为何我们不再相信她的话的原因)11.In every country parents always remember the first timetheir child utters the word “Mama” or “Dad”.(在每个国家,父母亲总是记得他们的孩子第一次叫妈妈或爸爸的情形)12.At times the oral English class was noisy, with everyoneparticipating in an activity at the same time, but at others, the class just sat there and didn’t say anythin g.(有时英语口语课吵吵闹闹的,大家同时参加一项活动,但其他时候,学生们都坐在那里,一句话不说)Unit 61.Months of training were a necessary prelude to the champions hip bout. (几个月的训练是拳击锦标赛必要的序幕。
现代大学英语精读4 复习资料.doc

Unit 11.我知道,不管发生什么情况,我都可以依靠兄弟的支持。
I know I could rely on my brother to stand by me whatever happened.2.一般说来,年轻一代与老一辈不同,他们对现在而不是对过去更感兴趣。
As a rule, the younger generation tends to be more interested in the present rather than the past unlike the older generation, but both generations will stand to lose if they do not respect the other's needs.3.中国的书面文字是国家完整统一的一个重要因素。
The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating the whole nation.4.在中国的传统艺术和文学中,竹子和松树往往象征着道德上的正直和刚正不阿。
In traditional Chinese art and literature, the bamboo and the pine tree always symbolize moral integrity and uprightness.5.女皇伊丽莎白一世统治英国45年。
Queen Elizabeth the First ruled England for 45 years, and the nation prospered under her rule.6.民主意味着多数人来治理;但不仅如此,尊重少数人反对的权利也是民主不可分的一部分。

PART ONE VocabularyFill in the blanks with words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary. 15 pointsUnit 1 to 10 101. One of his objections to the plan was that it would cost too much.2. The finance question must be answered with in accuracy order to relieve the investors’fears of fraud.3. As soon as the reporter had finished his interview with the mayor,he rushed back to the newsroom and quickly wrote up the article.4. In that neighborhood, black people outnumber white people by a ratio of 4 to 1.5. Frankly,I don’t think you have enough experience to be seriously considered for that job.6. He hasn’t realized it yet,but she is the best thing to ever come to his way.7. The assurance that there will be huge profits in the projects has attracted many an investor.8. This exquisite porcelain vase was made with superb workmanship.9. When I asked her advice, she pondered the matter and then told me not to go.10. The Marlows were always doubtful about their neighbours, often fussing about nothing.11. After such a confrontation between the two parties, any reconciliation would be out of the question.12. He got the money dishonestly, by forging his brother’s signature on a cheek.13. Although he was proud to be promoted to captain of the Eastside Police Station, he knew he would find a much higher incidence of crime there.14.The reading list for that twentieth century literature course contains the works of the best contemporary British and American novelists.15.Joe doesn’t seem interes ted in any academic liberal arts subjects, but when it comes to sports,he is the pride of the class.16. That morning the sunny blue skies gave not the slightest hint of the predicted thunderstorm but it suddenly darkened at noon.17.She tried to defend her selfish attitude by making excuses for herself,but no one was convinced.18.Harley was summoned to appear in court on a charge of reckless driving.19. When the flames die down, we will be able to see the extent of the damage.20.The boy quickly devoured the delicious,home-cooked meal,and his plate could not have been cleaner had he not licked it.21.He was too shrewd to follow them upon a road which.could only lead to an impasse(死胡同).22. That’s a highly controversial point;not many would agree with your opinion.23.The nation must follow its own policy and not be influenced by exterior events.24.He needed time to think out a solution to the dilemma he faced.25. An unprecedented flood hit the valley and submerged most of the farmland there.26. Her panic was eased off/transient and ceased when she began to speak.27. Kelly enlarged his pace as they reached the elevator.28. The man could not explain away the gun and the marked money from the bank robbery that the police found in his car.29.The real estate agent pointed out all the best features of the house to the prospective buyer,but failed to mention the old wiring and lack of a garage.30. When her father died unexpectedly,she found herself in possession of a house,two cars and a business. Reading Comprehension 20 pointsTranslationTranslate the following sentences into English 15 points大学英语精读第六册课后习题答案(1u)四3.史密斯女士刚从波士顿开会回来,老板立刻要她写出一份报告给他。
大学英语精读1 -- 复习提纲

3. 运用不同的词性1)evidence(明显,n.), evident(明显的,adj.), evidently(明显地,adv.)a. Do you have any evidence that Charles stole the jewels (宝石) ?b. Evidently, there is no one at home. The lights are out.c. It is evident that the elderly gentleman has been greatly hurt and will never come back to the store to samplepuddings any more.d. The old lady looked at her daughter with evident pride.2)kindness(善良,n.), kind(善良的,adj.), kindly(善良地,adv.)a. It’s very kind of you to invite me to tea.b. Would you kindly turn down the radio?c.Kindness is one of the qualities we would look for in a friend.d. The policeman treated the lost child very kindly.3)eagerness(渴望,迫切,n.),eager(渴望的,迫切的,adj.), eagerly(渴望地,迫切地,adv.)a. The old man began eagerly to sample one after another of the puddings as soon as he accepted the spoon.b. He is always eager to see new places and keen (渴望的) to meet new people.c. They looked forward to the occasion with great eagerness.d. All the children listened to the story with eager attention.4)sincerity(真挚,n.), sincere(真挚的,adj.), sincerely(真挚地,adv.)a. Was the narrator sincere in his offer to purchase a pudding for the old man?b. The narrator sincerely wished that he could take his tactless words.c. I may say in all sincerity that I did not mean to hurt you.d. Please give my sincere regards to all the members of your family.5)occasion(场合,n.), occasional(偶尔的,adj.), occasionally(偶尔地,adv.)a. We had fine weather all through July except for an occasional thunderstorm.b. Prof. Wilson’s daughter teaches at a high school in California, and she occasionally files to New York to see him.c. I can’t recall the occasion, but I did meet her before.d. In the past two years, Myra has come to see her mother only occasionally.6)surprise(使惊奇,v.), surprise(惊奇,n.), surprising(令人惊讶的,adj.), surprised(感到惊讶的,adv), surprisingly(令人惊讶地,adv.)a. I was surprised to hear that Tom had failed his exam.b. Aunt Sophia paid us a surprise visit last Sunday.c. Surprisingly our team lost for the first time in ten years.d. The news surprised all of us.e. It is not surprising that Jack got fired – he was always daydreaming at work.f. A look of surprise came into his eyes as he read the telegram (电报).7)please(使喜欢,v.), pleasure(愉快,n.), pleasant(令人愉快的,adj.), pleasing(令人高兴的,adj.), pleasantly(令人愉快地,adv.)a. I was pleasantly surprised to find it so easy to pick up new words while reading simplified novels.b. You’ll soon find it isn’t an easy job to try and please everybody in the office.c. It was particularly pleasing to be in this wild area, and to enjoy the unique feelings of peace that only mountainscan inspire.d. Dr. Wang takes great pleasure in helping children to learn painting.e. It was pleasant to sit down in the shade after standing for hours in the sun.8)admire(赞美,羡慕,v.), admiration(赞美,羡慕,n.), admirable(令人钦佩的,adj.), admiring(赞赏的,钦佩的,adj.), admired(赞美的,钦佩的,adj.), admiringly(钦佩地,羡慕地,adv.)a. All those who know him admire him for his frankness (坦白,率直).b. If our admiration is true, genuine, and progressive we will in the end come to admire the good and cease to admire the bad.c. There is nothing so admirable as a man who sacrifices his life and happiness for others.d. He never wrote entirely admiring reviews: “It’s the essence (本质) of a book never to be pe rfect,” he said, “so its writer must expect to come in for a little criticism.”e. He came into the sitting-room, where he looked round admiringly at my furniture and books.f. For twenty years, in fact, he was the most active and admired humanist(人文学者) in the world.9)astonish(使惊讶,v.), astonishment(惊讶,n.), astonishing(可惊讶的,adj.),astonished(惊讶的,adj.), astonishingly(可惊讶地,adv.)a. Lawson, while neither tactful (机敏的) nor popular, was astonishingly successful for a long period.b. She coped with the press with astonishing skill for someone who was just nineteen years old.c. To his astonishment, Judy threw her arms about him and hugged and kissed him.d. Why, Mamma, I could astonish you with a great many words you never heard in your life.e. “I work there,” he replied simply, and when he saw her astonished expression he set his glass down and began to explain.4. 中译英(translation)1. 据报道,那条铁路曾因洪水而停止修建。

高级英语精读5期末复习Unit 1 Who are you and What are you doing here?Paraphrase1.My father had some experience with lawyers,and with policemen,too;he was not well-disposed toward either.My father had some unhappy experiences with lawyers and policemen(implying that he got into some trouble and was punished in some way) and therefore did not like lawyers and policemen. The speaker‟s use of this unashamed admission about his father‟s trouble with the law is humorous.2.Then I had better study literature,unless I had inside information to the effect that reincarnation wasn't just hype,and I'd be able to attend college thirty or forty times.My father advised me to study literature since that was what I really liked. I had only one life, unless I had secret knowledge that we can all be reborn again and again (that reincarnation is not just nonsense)and therefore I can go to college many times. My father of course was totally contemptuous of the whole idea of reincarnation.3.They want the certificate that will give them access to Wall Street, or entrance into law or medical or business school.They want the diploma/credentials which will enable them to get well-paid jobs on Wall Street or go to law schools, medical schools, or business schools to become lawyers, doctors, and business executives.4.The work they are compelled to do to advance--get tenure, promotion, raises, outside offers--is , broadly speaking, scholarly work.In order to be successful, they have to work hard. They must earn the right to keep their job as a professor for as long as they like, keep publishing if they do not want to perish, get higher and higher salaries, and get offers from outside their universities to add to their prestige. And all this can be broadly called scholarly work.5. The professor saves his energies for the profession, while the student saves his for friends, social life, volunteer work, making connections, and getting in position to clasp hands on the true grail, the first job.The professor saves his energies for his own scholarly work while the student saves his energies for his friends, socializing, volunteer work, building a network of people who might be useful for his career, and trying in every possible way to obtain an ideal job upon graduation, which is really the most important goal for him. The speaker is implying that neither the professor nor the student is giving his/her main attention to teaching and learning. 6....the battle of waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton.Eton, as we know is a public (that is, private) school for the British aristocracy. It educates the men who become Britain’s leaders; the ties formed there areall-important as are the unspoken rules you learn. So what Wellington is saying here is that it was this small and cohesive class and its values that defeated Napoleon.7.The quest at the center of a liberal arts education is not a luxury quest;it's a necessity quest.What students are looking for from a liberal arts education is not a luxury,but a necessity. It is not something you could do with, but something you absolutely can‟t do without.8.You may not have read yourself right, and college is the place where you can find out whether you have or not. The reason to read Blake and Dickinson and Freud and Dickens is not to become more cultivated, or more articulate, or to be someone who, at a cocktail party, is never embarrassed.You may be…someone who is never embarrassed in social gatherings because you are so well-read and so knowledgeable (or who can embarrass others by making them appear ignorant).9.For somehow your predecessors are more yourself than you are.For some reason, you find that these writers who lived a long time ago seem to know more about you than you do yourself.10.In reading,I continue to look for one thing—to be influenced,to learn something new,to be thrown off my course and onto another,better way.In reading, I continue to look for one thing. I hope that I can find new ideas and new perspectives that will make me change the course of my life and put me on a new and better road.英翻汉1.只是,聪明的人都习惯于琢磨如何才能顺利谋生的问题。

一、单选:(Units 1-5)1.If you love plants,the chances are you buy them on ____and then wonder where to put them.A. purposeB. Impulse C . display D . Cue2.if you have to go through a smoke-filled area, you’d better ____with your head low .A. crawlB. retreat C . proceed D . Drag3.Mother_____my brother to keep his voice down but he ignored her .A. remarkedB. motioned C . shrugged D . Impressed4.If doing one thing gives you an unpleasant feeling , the normal reaction would be to stop doing it .5.Among these articles, which do you think are most likely to interest our students?6.Long after even the latest apple tree had finally broken into leaf, the mulberry’s branches remained stubbornly bare .7.These schools come under the supervision of locally appointed committees.8. We should see ourselves as part of nature rather than in conflict with it .9.These rows of small trees growing close together create living walls for shelter and privacy in the garden.10.Don’t hesitate to let me know if there’s anything I can do for .11.During the nine months before her baby is born ,her face is one perpetual (永恒的) smile .12.Traditional Chinese food is far superior (较高的;优越的) to McDonald’s and KFC or any fast foods I know .13.Under this law ,consumers have the right to reject faulty goods and demand a refund (退款)14.I was shocked by the conditions in the factory , which constituted definite health and safety hazards.15.His bedroom consists of a single bed with a small television at its foot .16. Linda is 35 years old and ,after two close relationships, the prospect of staying single depresses her .17. Lucy ,who did not even go to grade school , had no prospect of a job at the time .18. The workers in the factory stopped working in protest against their foreman using bad language .19.This technique is traditionally thought to be of Chinese origin .20. The rise in unemployment frustrated the government’s plans for economic recovery.21. Henry seemed bewildered by this completely unexpected turn of events.22.Andrew was determined to pursuer a computer career after graduation.23.The solution to this problem is anticipation(未雨绸缪),that is preventing it from developing by thinking ahead and taking action early.24. Henry’s actually capable of telling lies, pretending to be sick when he’ healthy.25. As a teacher,he thinks his business is to stir up curiosity in his students rather than insist on obedience.26.As a matter of fact ,all those countries with whom we are failing to compete invest more in education than we do .27. That’s just a(n) estimate --nobody really knows what the figure is because nobody bothers to calculate it .28.The body cannot store vitamin C so it is essential to have a fresh supply every day .29.More and more people taking to their bikes as a(n) alternative to driving or using public transport.30.My uncle lived in a comfortable home converted from farm buildings some 15 miles to the northwest of the city .(Units 6-10)1.In view of global warming,coastal buildings should anticipate sea-level rise.2.I feel confident you will extend a helping hand to those who are suffering from cold and hunger.3.My attitude to ageing is that it’s inevitable so there’s very little we can do about it .4.We had better move forward ,for it will not do us any good to dwell on (详述;停留在;居住在...上)the past .5.The book is written so that a reader will benefit in a future encounter with a work of art .6.They took emergency steps to protect themselves from the dreaded disease.7.The spending cuts made it impossible to fill the posts left vacant by retired teachers .8.Can you list a few problems likely to confront the human race in the next few decades?9.More than $10 million in research costs has been lost on a(n) abandoned nuclear safety program .10. They will give presentations on those aspects of engineering that are having an impact on the development of military equipment .11.They got on to the airfield that night and started to place their bombs ,but as the aircraft were widely dispersed ,this took time in the dark .12.Disposable (可支配的) income is steady and consumption has barely fallen,though people have become more cautious about buying luxuries (奢侈品).13.The new project designed to create more jobs for the laid-off has been launched quietly and without fuss.14.His views have been clearly expressed in numerous speeches and newspaper articles .15. There is no real evidence to suggest high-protein diets improve our performance at school .16.The majority of reported incidents on the football field concerned bad language and unsportsmanlike conduct .17.Susan is never known to be tempted to follow fashions ,however attractive they may seem.18.The ability to sing and dance has become increasingly important in the entertainment industry nowadays ,and there are few actors who don’t possess some musical and dance skills .19.Our firm can help you devise a scheme to meet your needs in the most cost-effective way .20.During the talks both sides agreed to explore possible ares of co-operation.21.Mary sat on the edge of her chair and looked about with uneasy glances like a trapped animal.22.Edward had done extremely well in the entrance examinations ,which convinced his father that he was worthy of financial support .23.The nets are intricate structures beautifully woven by the male birds to attract females.24.A(n) verbal agreement is not as binding as a written contract .25.In February ,after a(n)exhausting series of tests ,the doctor told us my father was nearing the end of his life .26.In addition to tax cuts ,the government is also expected to make it easier for foreign investors to take profits out of the country .27.Ann was flattered when she was chosen to speak at the graduation ceremony ,but at the same time she was pretty scared.28.Irene was evidently a heavy smoker ,for the first two fingers of her right hand were stained with nicotine .29.At what point in his or her career should a singer decide to quit the stage and concert platform?30.Reluctant to miss the lecture on Sunday ,I had to cut short the visit and cam back on Saturday .二、阅读(Cloze)Unit 1At a dinner party the guests and their hosts were involved in a heated discussion , or rather an argument concerning the question of whether women had as much self-control as men .As they argued, signs appeared to one of the guests that a cobra was present in the room . While his first impulse was to jump back ,he knew that this would be a mistake;so he urged the other diners in a commanding tone to hold still without telling them why .Shorty , The cobra emerged on the veranda ; and the man ran quickly to the door to slam it shut . It was soon discovered that the cobra had crawled across the foot of the hostess,who kept calm , not uttering a sound.Thus the conclusion of this crisis laid bare the fact that women have as much self-control as men.Unit8As more states require high school students to pass competence exams before graduating , evidence suggests that cheating among students is also on the rise. Many educators are concerned about dishonest behavior among examinees, and have launched a number of campaigns to control cheating . In spite of their efforts , however , cheating seems to be increasingly contagious among students in both high schools and universities . Numerous arguments have been made about the cause of this widespread problem . Some experts believe it is linked to changes in American society as a whole since , unlike earlier times, modern American is largely a nation of strangers . Additionally, moral values are not taught or reinforced as they were in “the good old days.”三、翻译1.While I was waiting to enter university, I saw advertised in a local newspaper a teaching post at a school in a suburb of London about ten miles from where I lived. Being very short money and wanting to do something useful, I applied, fearing as I did so, that without a degree and with no experience in teaching my chances of getting the job were slim.However, three days later a letter arrived, asking me to go to Croydon for an interview. It proved an awkward journey: a train to Croydon station; a ten-minute bus ride and then a walk of at least a quarter of a mile . As a result I arrived on a hot June morning too depressed to feel nervous.. 在我等着进大学期间 我在一份地方报纸上看到一则广告 说是在离我住处大约十英里的伦敦某郊区 有所学校要招聘一名教师。

Unit2Phrase:1、as it were 从某种程度上,可以说2、be chained to sb/sth 被锁住在。
所束缚3、be/become dotted with 布满。
4、carry a long way (气味或者声音)传播很远5、cross one’s mind (想法,意识)掠过某人心头6、fix sth on sb/sth 集中目光,注意力等7、pay no heed to sb 不理会,不听从8、revel in sth 陶醉于9、t ake …for…把。
10、rob sb of sth= deprive sb of sth 剥夺。
Zhuge Liang pretended to be very calm and succeeded in hiding the fact from Sima Yi that the city was really unguarded. He proved himself worthy of the admiration he had received.2、他知道大战在即,而且他的军队和敌人众寡悬殊,所以他假装正在迅速往后方撤退。
He knew that a bloody battle was imminent and his army was terribly outnumbered. So he pretended to be retreating quickly to the rear. Actually he was laying a big trap for the enemy troops.3、这种大规模养殖的鸡和我们以前家养的鸡没法比。


vt. transport, as with a truck, cart, etc. (用卡车、马车等)搬运 haul
a. being sth. that should have occurred earlier
早该有的,早该发生的 overdue
vt. strive to gain or accomplish 努力去获得(完成),追求
vt. state (sth.) as a fact but without proof 宣称、声称 allege
a. calm, quiet and undisturbed 平静的;宁静的 tranquil
a. of, affecting or done by all people or things in the world or in a particular group; applicable to all cases
复杂的,精密的;世故的,老练的 sophisticated
n. person who receives help or advice from a professional person (e.g. a lawyer, an accountant, etc.)
委托人;顾客 17 client
vt. believe to be true, likely or probable; feel doubt about
相信;怀疑 suspect
n. the state or quality of being alone or remote from others
孤独、独居 solitude
vt. bring into existence, produce 形成,产生 generate

当我们在精读课或泛读课上学习一篇课 文的时候、在口语课或听力课上学习一段对话 的时候,在知识性课程(如“英美文化”、 “英语词汇学”等)上学习一个章节的时候, 我们学习这些语言材料的最终目标是什么?
1、学习任何一门外语,都一定要 靠“三习”,即学习、练习和复 习。 2、快学、猛练、常复习。
第二步,将文章中有用的句子选择出来,译成地道汉语。 (学习) 第三步,将英语句子读熟。这一步的关键是看着汉语读英 语,边读边做对比。(练习)
• 4. 能够提升学习境界,将关注重点从语言的一般学习转移到
现代大学英语精读1 复习资料

复习题1.exertion n. great effort2.clutch v. to hold tightly3.irritated adj. annoyed and impatient4.alternative n. choice5.breeze n. a light gentle wind6.apparently adv. Seemingly; as it seems7.irritation n. the feeling of being annoyed about sth.8.curiosity n. the desire to learn and know9.blink v. to shut and open one’s eyes quickly10.chuckle v. to laugh inwardly or quietly11.exhausted adj. very tired12.hatred n. feelings of strong dislike13.fortyish adj. about 4014.idiot n. a foolish person15.display v. to show information16.infancy n. early childhood; babyhood17.conquer v. to defeat or overcome18.ignorance n. having no knowledge or information19.crack n. a sudden loud noise like the sound of a stick being broken20.barter v. to exchange goods for other goods without the use of money21.destination n. a place sb. is going to22.chill v. to make sb. or sth. cold23.gamble n. a risky action or decision24.faint adj. not strong or clear; weak25.doubtful adj. uncertain; feeling unsure26.acceptance n. the act of agreeing with what sb. says or does27.bloom v. (of flowers) to open or to be open28.conscious adj. determined and intentional29.deny v. to say that sth. is not true30.amaze v. to fill with great surprise31.barely adv. Only just; no more than; hardly; almost32.cast v. to throw33.dine v. to eat dinner34.gloomy adj. dark, esp. in a way that seems sad35.extend v. to continue for a longer distance or time36.bubble v. to make a sound like water boiling37.condemn v. to criticize, to censure38.eventually adv. in the end39.flourish v. to grow quickly in a healthy way40.fulfill v. to perform a duty or a task with satisfaction1. permission n.act o allowing2. simultaneously adj.happening or done at exactly the same time3. seedling n. a young plant4. patch n. a small area of ground5. warder n.the head of a prison6. oddly adv.Unusually; in an unusual way7. release v. to let go; to stop holding sth.8. spectator n.(here) an onlooker9. motto n. a short statement used as a guide to behavior.10. recall v.to remember sth.11. shabby adj.in bad repair or condition often due to age12. rarely adv.not very often13. numerous adj.many; countless14. perspective n. a way of thinking about of looking at sth.15. spout v.gush; squirt; to send out with great force16. unexpected adj.not anticipated17. soar v.to fly high up in the sky18. sincerity n.the quality of being honest and true19. thorn n.sharp pointed growth on a plant20. wretched adj..very unhappy21. sill n.the narrow shelf at the base of a window frame22. sloppy adj.careless about clothes23. slender adj. slim24. thrill n. a sudden strong feeling of excitement or pleasure25. replace v.to take the place of26. scent n. a pleasant smell27. strip n. a narrow piece28. textile n.any material made by weaving29. mustache n.hair growing on a man’s upper lip30. passion n.very strong feelings(of hate, anger, love)31. protest v.to complain32. withdrawal n.the act of taking money out of a bank account33. revolve v.to move or turn in a circle around a central point34. misgivings n.(pl.)feelings of doubt and fear35. startled adj. surprised and often slightly frightened36. opportunity n. a chance37. nap n. a short sleep38. shimmer v.to shine with a soft trembling light39. topmost adj.highest40. murmur v.to say sth. In a soft quiet voice that is difficult to hear clearly II. Complete the sentences, using the proper form of the expressions listed below. III. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs. (1'×10=10')IV.Reading (20%)V.Translation (25′) 汉译英(书后)英译汉课文段落。

大学英语精读Book2词汇复习题UNIT 8 MONEY1. Mr. Verder never thought that he would become a member of the board of directors (董事会) because of his __________ origin.A. humbleB. previousC. criticalD. false2. __________ he told us __________.A. Until; that we understoodB. Not until; did we understandC. It was not until; that did we understandD. Not until; then we understood3. Now Thomson has obtained __________ from his boss to extend the field of his investigation.A. purchaseB. insuranceC. determinationD. permission4. __________ I had calmed down, my brain was also beginning to work much better.A. ForB. Now thatC. LestD. Despite5. My mother is anxious to hear any information __________ the results of election.A. concernedB. being concernedC. concerningD. having concerned6. I spent the whole day repairing the car. The work was __________ easy.A. nothing butB. anything butC. something exceptD. all but7.They are turned around in a huge machine to get them __________ the forces they will experience in space flight.A. useB. usedC. used toD. be used to8. Barbara __________ in doing it again though she had failed more than a dozen times.A. consistedB. insistedC. persistedD. assisted9. Very few experts __________ with completely new answers to the world's economic problems.A. come toB. come roundC. come onD. come up10. Conservative (保守的) people tend to __________ traditional ideas.A. stick toB. turn outC. set asideD. take over 11. The development of industry __________ the attitudes of men toward art and architecture.A. effectedB. spunC. affectedD. instructed12. My __________ to this problem is quite different from his.A. mannerB. approachC. behaviorD. means13. John __________ the results of the election with amazing accuracy.A. examinedB. predictedC. overlookedD. governed14. Disabled people should not be __________ the chances to study in university.A. forbiddenB. preventedC. rejectedD. denied15. The Prime Minister refused to __________ on the rumor that he had planned to give up his position.A. relateB. frownC. commentD. catchUNIT 7 CULTURE1. He left the spot immediately, afraid of being ________ in the car accident.A. connectedB. takenC. seatedD. involved2. As the dictionary says, “graciousness” ________ means being polite, kin d and generous.A. literallyB. gracefullyC. exactlyD. constantly3. He insisted that she ________ improve her oral English by doing a lot of practice.A. couldB. wouldC. mightD. should4. We don't believe that those special kinds of leaves are _______.A. actualB. edibleC. ridiculousD. comprehensive5. She was scared to ________ her father’s wishes.A. go aboutB. go throughC. go againstD. go on6. Many a parent ________ to go through this same painful process.A. haveB. hasC. are havingD. is having7. ________ the war finally came to an end.A. It was not until 1972 thatB. No sooner it was 1972 thanC. Hardly it was 1972 thatD. Scarcely it was 1972 when8. He drove to the airport to ________ Mr. Dixon who came to see him from Orillia.A. pick upB. set outC. call forD. tone down9. It is considerate ________ you to do me a favor at this moment.A. toB. forC. ofD. about10. “Please don't worry. We'll give you a _____ delivery of your purchase.” the shop assistant said.A. briefB. promptC. nastyD. well-intentioned11. It is so heavy that it can only be lifted with our ________effort.A. jointB. equalC. aptD. courteous12. She ________ crying very helpful to express her sadness.A. considersB. confirmsC. believesD. pretends13. The plan had been ________, which made him very angry.A. called offB. called upC. called inD. called on14. He smoking when he was still a teenager.A. slipped intoB. got used toC. took leave ofD. contributed to15. Haughtiness invites losses while brings profits.A. dignityB. uprightnessC. respectD. modesty16. We've decided to negotiate the employers about our wage claim.A. toB. onC. for17. The children were from their father.A. leftB. segregatedC. keptD. parted18. makes waste.A. HurryB. RushC. HasteD. Hastiness19. The frightened people fled the fire.A. offB. fromC. withD. away20. Inflation saving.A. admonishesB. discouragesC. warnsD. deters21. I would fire and water to find out the truth of that matter.A. go throughB. work throughC. run throughD. put through22. This is a translation; the is in French.A.archetypeB. copyC. original23. We were thinking of surprising Helen with a birthday present, but Peterthe beans by asking her what she would like.A. spreadB. sloppedC. shedD. spilled24. He is too to criticism.A. sensibleB. responsiveC. activeD. sensitive25. The food was excellent, and the wine.A. likelyB. as wellC. likewiseD. alikeUNIT 6 FOOD1. You shouldn’t go swimming until your food has had a chance to ________.A) digest B) swallow C) melt D) disappear2. I ________ a few words of Turkish when I was in Istanbul.A) picked out B) picked off C) picked through D) picked up3. His casual clothes were not appropriate ____ such occasion.A) for B) with C) on D) at4. ______ dogs do not bite.A) Barking B) Crying C) Speaking D) T alking5.____ the company is losing a lot of money.A) Affluently B) Apparently C) Appealingly D) Appallingly6. Most of the parents agree to ___ their children to smoke.A) forebode B) ban C) forbid D) prohibit7. The album___ many memorable songs.A) contains B) holds C) accommodates D) concludes8. He told me that the firm could not afford ___ such large salaries.A) to pay B) to paying C) at paying D) in paying9. A good ____ is a good sauce.A) appellate B) apprentice C) appetite D) appetency10. He is consumed________ the large amount of money for his tuition fee.A) at B) in C) into D) with11. In China, we saw evidence everywhere _________ a real effort was being made to promote tourism.A) what B) that C) / D) which12. Many of your suggestions are ____________ the new plan.A) combined into B) put into C) incorporated into D) made into13. Jane’s pale face suggested that she _____ ill, and her parents suggested that she ___ a medical examination.A) be…have B) was… had C) be… must have D) was… have14. Ancient Egyptians knew of means to _____ dead bodies from decay.A) conserve B) reserve C) deserve D) preserve15. 100 grams of termites contain more than ______ as 100 grams of cooked hamburger.A) as many twice calories B) twice as many caloriesC) twice as much calorie D) twice calories as many16. ______ the wide variety of food habits in the world, a relatively small number of basic plants and animals supply mostof the world’s food.A) While B) Though C) Despite D) With17. He hoped the firm would ____ him to Paris branch.A) transform B) transmit C) transfer D) transport18. Make sure you choose a _______ of different books so that you can learn some new vocabulary each times.A) variation B) variety C) variable D) array19. Jonny is very ______________ -- he can make the most remarkable sculptures(雕塑) from the most ordinary materials.A) instinctive B) ingenious C) efficient D) experienced20. The hotel has successfully ___________ comfort with convenience.A) combined B) connected C) associated D) joinedUNIT 4 PSYCHOLOGY IN OUR DAILY LIFE1. She is __________ to me by marriage.A) associated B) related C). addicted D) extended2. A Russian space __________ is currently orbiting the Earth.A) tablet B) case C) shell D) capsule3. This will __________ pressure on the trains to some extent.A) reveal B) recover C) relieve D) reassure4. The claim ______ the fact that every year more and more money is being spenton arms.A) backs down B) backs off C) backs up D) backs out5. I'd like to _____ five hundred dollars to my current account.A) shift B) move C) change D) transfer6. Rain is expected to __________ to all parts of the country by this evening.A) expand B) extend C) extent D) expend7. You need a very __________ manager to increase the rate ofproduction.A) adoring B) effective C) preferable D) dynamic8. The final decision __________ the general manager.A) rests with B) goes with C) relies with D) depends with9. Your idea is good in theory, but it doesn't __________ in practice.A) help B) run C) react D) work10. __________, I'm glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as a warning toyou.A) In a way B) In some way C) In other way D) In no way11. The study might __________ new possibilities for further breakthroughs.A) open up B) close up C) wind up D) turn up12. It is better to express your anger, __________ bottle it up.A) other than B) instead of C) rather than D) more than13. He’s ___________a lot of people _________ he’s a millionaire.A) fooled …to believe B) fool …to believeC) fooled …to believing D) fooled…into believing14. He fell off the bike and hurt his leg yesterday. __________ he had to be away from school for two or three months.A) Nevertheless B) As a result C) Furthermore D) Though15. __________ I know is __________ I want to live a different kind of life.A) All…that B) All…what C) All that…/D) All w hat…that16. Nowadays many people are so___________ to mobile games that they become smart phone addicts(低头族).A) absorbed B) addicted C) concentrated D) attracted17. A dark suit is __________ to a light one for evening wear.A) more suitable B) preferable C) more flexible D) more practicable18. The defendant(被告) couldn’t _________ for the fact that the money was found in his house.A) account B) allow C) answer D) apply19. ____________ seasickness, stay outdoors on the top deck and focus on the horizon.A) In case B) In the case C) In case of D) In the case of20. Tom __________ himself that everything was ready.A) insured B) ensured C) assumed D) assuredUNIT 3 BORN TO WIN1. Considering what he did, I think the punishment was ________.A) accurate B) accidental C) appropriate D) additional2. I wouldn't tell any secrets to Linda if I were you — she's not very________.A) flexible B) trustworthy C) memorable D) dependent3. He ran away from home because it was hard to _______ his parents' expectations.A) enter into B) call for C) come to D) live up to4. In the past few years, the fast food restaurant has improved the cooking skill to ____________ different customers.A) appeal to B) apply to C) turn to D) contribute to5. These tests are too difficult—they go beyond the _______ of a 12-year-old child.A) capability B) quality C) limitation D) explanation6. The situation ________ for the government to take immediate action.A) demands B) needs C) calls D) requires7. Economic issues ________ the election campaign.A) evaluated B) dominated C) resisted D) prospered8. This is the ____ piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.A) genuine B) real C) original D) actual9. He was an extraordinary man of courage. So when danger came, he would never ________.A) hold on B) hold back C) hold up D) hold off10. Fortunately, the three lost children were found ________.A) safe and sound B) safely and soundlyC) injured and homeless D) homelessly11. Scientists would soon be able to ____ human genes to control the ageing process.A) deal B) operate C) handle D) manipulate12. I can recognize your handwriting anywhere — it's ________.A) unaware B) rare C) unique D) rigid13. We Chinese ________ the Spring Festival as the beginning of a year.A) think B) serve C) see D) look14. I know we need some extra help but it's ___ of finding the right person for the job.A) an affair B) a thing C) a business D) a matter15. He decided to ________ his energies into something useful, instead of sitting in front of the TV set all day long.A) carry B) channel C) take D) bring16. According to the recent survey, residents of this island have the longest life ____________: 77.2 years.A) rank B) scale C) span D) scope17. Eating too much greasy food can___ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.A) attribute to B) attend to C) contribute to D) devote to18. In this key university only under special circumstances ___ to take make-up tests.A) are students permitted B) permitted are studentsC) students are permitted D) are permitted students19. The speaker will deal with a wide ______ of issues affecting professional women.A) succession B) range C) number D) scale20. The supermarket is __________ a box of sugar to everyone who comes today.A) giving up B) taking away C) giving away D) turning overUNIT 1 LOVE1. He ________ himself very quickly to the heat of the country.A. subjectedB. adjustedC. devotedD. entitled2. He is late again today. I'll ________ that he will not be late tomorrow.A. see to itB. see toC. see forD. see it3. The new comers found it impossible to ________ themselves to the climatesufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country.A. suitB. regulateC. adaptD. coordinate4. They felt helpless, ________, and incapable of handling thejob.A. confidentB. enviousC. independentD. insecure5. A lot of these children have been ________ of a normal home life.A. deprivedB. criticizedC. urgedD. participated6. ________ mistakes and weaknesses, it did a great deal of good work inside thetrade union.A. No matter whatB. AlthoughC. In spiteD. Despite7. He never laughed, ________ lose his temper.A. or he ever didB. or did he everC. nor did he everD. nor he ever did8. ________ I had calmed down, my brain was also beginning to work muchbetter.A. Now thatB. AlthoughC. DespiteD. While9. Many people complain of the rapid ________ of modern life.A. rateB. speedC. paceD. growth10. Astronauts are ________ to all kinds of tests before they are actually sent up ina spacecraft.A. inclinedB. subjectedC. subjectD. coordinated11. But a regular inspection every four or five years cannot provide enoughinformation ________ to judge the effectiveness of a school.A. at whichB. with whichC. by whichD. to which12. Maggie ran back to the kitchen, eggs ________ carefully in her hands.A. heldB. were heldC. holdingD. to be held13. 54% people said they often feel impatient, ________ or irritable at work,especially when demand gets high.A. frustratedB. unworthyC. crippledD. devoted14. Sometimes even the best writers find themselves ________ for words.A. are lostB. to be lostC. loseD. lost15. We’re playing the game just for fun, so why should we stick to those _____rules?A. efficientB. complicatedC. indignantD. reluctant16. At the party we found that shy girl her mother all the time.A. depending onB. coinciding withC. adhering toD. clinging to17. This information is strictly _________. You mustn’t let___ about it.A. confident …outB. confidential…onC. confined… downD. confirmed… out18. The insects are so small that they are difficult __________ without using amicroscope(显微镜).A. in seeingB. to be seenC. to seeD. being seen19. Luck is a rare ________, but the harder a manager works the more he has of it.A. jewelB. commodityC. treasureD. value20. We left the conference, there obviously no point in staying.A. wasB. to beC. beingD. having。

大学英语精读第三册复题第一单元Ⅰ1. From her _________ I guess she's from the Northeast.2. It was very clever of her to __________ his argument __________ himself.3. I found __________ shoes under the bed but they don't make a pair.4. Dr. Bright always __________ as he examines his patients and treats them with extremecare.5. British companies are trying to avoid the __________ their American counterparts havealready suffered .6. Wilfred's remarks __________ me in my opinion that he was an honorable (诚实的)youngman .7. The key __________ for the prosecution (原告方) was offered police protection aftershe received death threats.8. I thought that was the end of the matter but __________ events proved me wrong.9. Having practiced for so long, the New York baseball team __________ of winning theWorld Series (美国职业棒球大赛) this year.10. At the __________, Bob's teacher, who was called as a character witness, said hewas a quiet boy who had never been in trouble before .(1. accent 2 .turn against 3 . a couple of 4 . takes his time 5 . fate 6 . confirme 7 . witness 8 . subsequent 9 . stands a chance 10 . trial )Ⅱ1. I have great faith in traditional Chinese medicine. ____________2. Michael Horden's performance as Hamlet struck us as splendid. ____________3. A Canadian company plans to set up a factory in the area, so this should provide some jobs for local people. ____________4. In the past few years my aunt has set aside enough money to buy a house. ____________5. Weak and lame in one leg, Max never had favourable prospects of getting that job.____________6. Those hurt in the explosion were given $50,000 damages. ___________7. Most likely they can afford to buy an apartment, or they wouldn't be looking.____________8. I was greatly shocked by the way Henry managed the affairs of such a big business.____________9. To our surprise, her unintentional remark about the mission (使命)should have causeda political storm. ____________10. The expansion of the library on which student life centers is one of the mostimportant problems to be solved. ____________( 1. belief 2. brilliant 3. employment 4. has saved up 5. stood a chance 6. were awarded 7. Presumably 8. conducted 9. casual10. around (which student life) revolves )第二单元Ⅰ1. We've just had a very _________ meeting with the management and we're now much morehopeful about the pay rise.2. The book I'm reading explains the _________ of plant and animal life on earth.3. Living in a flat is all right, but it has its _________ -- for example, you don'thave your own garden4. The two witnesses gave contradictory _________ of what had happened that night.5. _________ the fact that there was almost no hope of finding the missing boy, the searchparty still went on looking.6. Alice _________ to go back to work after she has had her baby.7. The report is a bit lengthy; __________, it says that more money should be spent oneducation.8. Without an official pass, the guides will deny you _________ to the courthouse.9. Amy was trying to persuade her father to let her drive but she was getting _________.10. Simon has done a _________ job and deserves to be promoted.11. Sorry the place is so _________; I haven't had time to clean up.12. Mr. White found to his dismay that his son had been spending far too much time chatting with his key pals (网友) _________.(1. fruitful 2. evolution 3. limitations 4. versions 5. Despite 6. intends 7. In short 8. access 9. nowhere 10. super 11. messy 12. online )Ⅱ1. George is determined to travel alone in the desert without taking any notice of hisfriends' warnings. _____________2. By the mid-eighties there was growing knowledge about who was at high risk of gettingAIDS. _____________3. The information gathered during market research will be valuable in designing ourcompany's future products. _____________4. I planned to catch the early train, but I didn't get up in time. _____________5. The problem with Bill is that he doesn't know how far he can go–he just assumeshe can do everything. _____________6. The interview would have been more productive if the questions had been framed moreprecisely. _____________7. A police investigation found evidence of a large-scale illegal trade in wild birds. _____________8. Philip is undoubtedly the best football player in our school. _____________9. If we look at the problem from a different angle, a solution may become more obvious._____________10. The robber was given a lighter punishment than he deserved. _____________11. The creation of the UN was, perhaps, the most outstanding achievements of the 20thcentury. _____________12. Nothing will stop us in our search for the truth. _____________( 1. despite 2. contracting 3. data 4. intended 5. (his) limitations6. fruitful7. uncovered8. definitely9. view 10. milder 11. notable 12. quest )第三单元Ⅰ1. In terms of population, Greater New York City is the largest _________ center in theUnited States.2. The article provides a detailed ____________of the root causes of the accident.3. Many young girls like to _________ for recording their private thoughts and feelings.4. There are obvious benefits in allowing each student to go at his own ___________ .5. The dredger (挖掘机) represents a major _____________advance in keeping the riverclear.6. The tired traveler stopped to _________ and make sure of his directions.7. Bob didn't turn up at the party; I had an __________that something must have gonewrong8. Roger was quite stubborn and it was almost impossible to _________ him of his mistakes.9. In history the war between the Union and the eleven Southern states (1861-1865) iscalled American __________War.10. The office building _________ recently _________ for greater comfort and efficiency. (1. urban 2. analysis 3. keep a diary 4. pace 5. technological 6. catch his breath 7. intuition 8. convince 9. Civil 10. was/has been renovated )Ⅱ1. The secretary kept a detailed record of what the members of the Board of Directors(董事会) had discussed at the meeting. ________________2. He knew he had said the wrong thing and quickly changed the conversation to a lessembarrassing subject. ________________3. Young children are often much more vigorous than adults. ________________4. The visit to the computer center has aroused the pupils' interest in computer science.________________5. All research is based on work completed by previous researchers. _______________6. After a careful investigation, the committee decided to restore the old houseto good condition. ________________7. He has read extensively and won the respect of his colleagues as a man of greatknowledge. ________________8. He wanted very much to run for a second term, but owing to poor health he was forcedto give up the idea. ________________9. As soon as the class began, the teacher gave out the test papers. ________________10. You have taken such good care of our children during our absence that we feel weshall never be able to return your kindness. ________________( 1. took (detailed) notes 2. switched 3. energetic 4. stimulated5. built on/is built on6. renovate7. learned (man)8. compelled9. distributed 10. repay )I1. The June 3, 1996 __________ of *Newsweek* carries a long article about Japan's futureempress (皇后).2. Bound hand and foot, the victim was left __________ in the lavatory (盥洗室).3. They have never met, but they have been in __________with each other for years.4. Quickly picking up the diary, Phil _________ straight to the last entry and beganreading it.5. Her lungs were ___________with fever and the doctor sent her to the isolationward.6. While my wife and kids were away for the long weekend, I __________ the entire house_______.7. The police warned people to be __________ against burglary during the festival.8. Many university students experience severe __________ as final exams draw near.9. Mr. Tyler used to eat with a napkin __________ under his chin.10. We have four hours of English a week, including one ___________ in the languagelaboratory.( 1.issue 2.helpless 3.correspondence 4.flipped 5.racked 6.had … to myself 7.on guard 8.tension 9.tucked 10.session )Ⅱ1. Their holiday trip was spoiled by the hurried search for their lost passports._________________2. Miss Main kept practicing until she finally made herself suitable for the job._________________3. I suppose that you wouldn't like to stay indoors (在室内) if it were not raining. _________________4. She's still working. I'll ask her to call you when she gets home. _________________5. Consumer spending is often an indication of public confidence in the economy._________________6. If you really want to apply for the dangerous job I won't prevent you from doingso, though I think it's a crazy idea. _________________7. On seeing the blanket kicked away by the little boy, she wrapped it tightly aroundhim. _________________8. Though the job is new to us, we are confident we'll learn to do it in a couple ofdays. _________________9. His parents arranged for him to study in a boarding school when he was only sevenyears old. _________________10. It was the first time he and I drank together. As I remember, it was also the lasttime. _________________( 1.frantic 2.qualified 3.assume 4.at work 5.index 6.stand in your way 7.tucked 8.catch on (to it) 9.enrolled him 10.recall )I1. After a careful examination, the doctor _________ a new medicine and a three-day restfor her2. The little girl wore a very thin coat. A sudden gust of cold wind made her _________.3. With tear gas and fire hose the police _________ the demonstrators4. The drink had an _________ taste which I found quite unpleasant.5. The road became so slippery after the rain that several cars _________ sideways intothe ditch.6. Andrew held his elderly mother firmly by the arm in case she _________ on the ice7. Olivia _________ with embarrassment when she couldn't answer the question8. The acrobat (杂技演员) walked along the tightrope with a water jar (罐子)_________on her head.9. If I were you, I would _________; there is no need to be so nervous.10. Philip and his brothers decided to spend their weekend _________their boat.11. After his father explained the difference to him, the boy became _________ andrelaxed.12. Phil was said to have died in the flu______________ in 1916.( 1. prescribed 2. shiver 3. scattered 4. acid 5 slid 6. slipped7. flushed 8. poised 9. take it easy 10. varnishing 11.slack 12.epidemic ) Ⅱ1. The girl's face turned red in shyness when the boy presented her with a red rose.______________2. A heavy smoker, Mr. Parker finds it nearly impossible to give up smoking.______________3. Dora would often look in silence through the window for hours. ______________4. An extremely cold wind blew in from the sea, chasing people into their homes forwarmth. ______________5. As the wedding ceremony began, the bride appeared dressed in white. ______________6. Many people tremble with fear at the thought of having surgery. ______________7. Rigid (严格的) training enables soldiers to keep firm control over themselves ina combat (战斗) situation. ______________8. The children were abusing (虐待) the rabbit (兔子) in the cage , and they suddenlywent off in all directions as soon as they saw their teacher approaching.______________9. The airplane took off on time, climbing up eastward for a while and then was no longerto be seen. ______________10. It's taken me a while but at last I've managed to conquer my fear of public speaking.______________( 1.flushed 2.keep from 3.gaze 4.icy menced 6.shiver 7.hold tight onto themselves 8.scattered 9.out of sight 10.overcome )I1. No one trusts Felix, for he is never punctual (准时的) and often ___________ his duty.2. Greater efforts are needed before we can ___________ our goal of economic reform (改革).3. I hope you ___________ not ___________ his work.4. As it turned out, the speaker was shouted down by the ___________ crowd.5. The events that occurred in his childhood ___________ his whole life.6. Martin finally succeeded in ___________ the two graphs (曲线图) onto the same screenwith an overhead projector (投影仪).7. Young children may run around and make a lot of noise. Actually they are acting___________ for their age.8. I enjoy my job, but I'd like to do something more ___________.9. There is no doubt that these measures ___________ the solution of the problem.10. That child's concentration ___________ is poor –he only listens to the teacherfor a few seconds at a time!11. The 20th century was ___________ for its inventions.12. He would be seeing Sarah tonight, and a ___________ of her face suddenly came intohis mind.13. The singer's voice ___________ easily to the top notes.14. On April 12, 1912 this ___________ unsinkable ship hit an iceberg.( 1.neglects 2.attain 3.will interfere with 4.hostile 5.shaped 6.projecting7.appropriately 8.creative 9.will contribute to 10.span 11.remarkable 12.vision 13.soared 14.supposedly )Ⅱ1. Jimmy found it hard to imagine the life of early men without the tools and comfortsof modern civilization. __________2. Jane is so highly regarded at her job because she can react properly to each situation.__________3. Nina wanted to make a model plane, but she did not know how to start doing it.__________4. Robert will never achieve anything unless he works harder. __________5. It was a great success that they all climbed up to the top of the mountain beforedusk as scheduled. _________6. To our surprise he refused to take our advice, even though it was for his good.__________7. A loving home environment is essential for a child's emotional and intellectualdevelopment. __________8. Because of poor management, the company finally went bankrupt (破产). _________9. There is nothing that can replace practical experience. _________10. Tommy did not think it important to brush his teeth before going to bed. __________11. Helen was very nervous as she waited for the interview. __________( 1)picture 2)appropriately 3)go about 4)amount to 5)achievement 6)benefit7)growth 8)Due to 9)no substitute for 10)neglected brushing 11)tense )第十单元Ⅱ1. Professor Parker's lecture was very _________. It was one of the best lectures I'veever attended.2. The new electrical (电气的)engineer's suggestions _________ in the revised plan.3. Lucy complained about the endless _________ of getting up, going to work and cominghome, day after day.4. It seems that every time her brother returned from a trip, she _________ would wantto go to the same place.5. Constant showers are _________ of the summer in that Asian (亚洲的) country.6. Experiments have proved that this fertilizer (肥料) can _________ the growth of beans.7. To our delight, there were still some tickets _________ for Saturday's performance.8. The police found that the clue was false and _________.9. Thomas recently bought a house in the suburbs, which is located in beautiful _________.10. Official figures show that unemployment reached a _________ in November.11. The dove (鸽子) is a _________ of peace.12. The suggestion was approved, with 42 _________ in favor, and 10 against.13. They sell these clothes at such a big discount (折扣) because the style is _________.14. The damage to the car was a _________ scratch.15. On the top of Mount Tai the tourists can enjoy a __________view of the sunrise ona clear morning.( 1.impressive 2.have been embodied/ were embodied 3.cycle 4.likewise5.characteristic6.accelerate7.available8.misleading9.surroundings 10.peak 11.symbol 12.votes 13.outdated 14.mere 15.fantastic )Ⅲ1. The actress gave us a vivid description of her adventure in the tropical jungle (热带丛林). ______________2. The Ministry (部)of Agriculture is trying to arouse enthusiasm for a project to makesaline-alkali soil (盐碱地) fertile (肥沃的). ______________3. Is there any way we can speed up the construction of the reservoir (水库)?_____________4. The police will give you a ticket if you go beyond the speed limit. _____________5. The herd (群) of cows ate the fodder (饲料) my brothers gathered from the fields.______________6. He applied what he had learned in class in performing the experiment. _____________7. Jack had all the typical symptoms of the disease, including loss of appetite anda high temperature. ______________8. Such expensive dresses are not on sale in ordinary department stores. You must goto a boutique (时装用品商店) to get them. ______________9. I had my grey trousers made shorter last week. ______________10. In recent months, Helen has bought two villas in the suburbs of the city. She mustbe earning a very large amount of money. ______________( 1.account 2.generate 3.accelerate 4.exceed 5.fed on 6.put to work7.classic 8. available 9.shortened 10.fantastic )Unit1 翻译1) 发言人(spokesman)明确表示总统在任何情况下都不会取消(cancel)这次旅行。
大学外语精读第三册 复习资料

大外期末复习(一)单词1. profit n. advantage or good obtained from sth.; money gained in business 益处;利润2. stain vt. make dirty marks on 玷污3. discourage vt. cause to lose courage or confidence 使泄气,使灰心4. reluctant a. unwilling 不情愿的,勉强的5. spiteful a. having or showing ill will 恶意的6. flatter vt. praise too much ;praise insincerely(in order to please ) 过奖;谄媚,奉承7. appreciate vt. understand and enjoy ;be thankful for 欣赏,鉴赏;感谢,感激8. squabble vi. Quarrel, esp. nosily and unreasonably 争吵,口角9. ignore vt. not to take notice of ,pay no attention to 不理,忽视10. youngster n. young person. esp. a boy11. arbitrary a. based on one’s own opinion only, not on reason 任意的,武断的12. subsequent a. following, later 随后的,接下去的13. temporary a. lasting only for a limited time 暂时的14. wander vi. Move about without a purpose 闲逛;漫游15. petty a. small; unimportant 小的;不足道的16. confirm vt. make certain; support 证实,肯定;确认17. conduct vt. direct the course of; manage 指挥,处理18. obscure a. not clearly seen or understood 模糊的;晦涩的19. brilliant a. causing great admiration or satisfaction; splendid 辉煌的;卓越的20. outrage vt. arouse anger or resentment by injury or insult 引起……的气愤21. fruitful a. producing good results; productive or profitable 硕果累累的;多产的,有利的22. parameter n. limiting factor or characteristic; limit (限定的)因素,特性;界限23. outdo vt. do more or better than (sb.) 比某人做得多或做的好;超过;胜过24. sibling n. brother or sister 兄弟姊妹25. messy a. in a taste of disorder; dirty 凌乱的;脏的26. contract vt. catch or develop(an illness) 感染疾病27. reminder n. thing which reminds of sb. of a fact or person 使人回想起某事或某人的某事28. clamor vi. Make a loud demand or protest 大声地要求或抗议29. highway n. main public road 公路;交通要道30. intend vt. have (a particular purpose or plan) in mind; mean 打算;意欲31. sweaty a. covered with sweat, sweating32. convince vt. make (sb.) feel certain; cause (sb.) to realize33. compel vt. force (sb. or sth. to do sth.)34. pace n. rate or speed of development, or in walking, etc. 速度;步速35. reflection n. careful thinking; consideration 深思;考虑36. stimulate vt. encourage; excite 刺激;激励37. loan vt. pay back(money etc.)38.distribute vt. divide among several or many; give or send out 分发;分送39. learned a. showing or requiring much knowledge 博学的40. civil a. of or relating to the citizens of a country 公民的,国内的41. idiot n. a stupid person or sb. who has done sth. stupid 白痴,笨蛋42. statistic n. a set of numbers of which represent facts or measurements 数据43. lousy a. not very good at doing sth. ; of very bad quality 蹩脚的;劣等的44. fancy a. having a lot of decoration or bright colors, or made in a complicated way; expensive and fashionable 花哨的,别致的;高档的,奢华的45. maximum n. the greatest quantity, number or degree possible or permissible 最大值,最大限度a. 最大限度的46. elaborate a. carefully planned and organized; having a lot of small parts put together in a complicated way 精心计划(制作)的;复杂的47. strain vt. exert, use or tax to the utmost; injure by overexertion 尽力使用;使过度劳累,扭伤48. surround vt. encircle, be present on all sides 包围49. grab v. take firmly and suddenly, roughly or rudely; try to get to catch 攫取;抓取50. interpret v. explain the meaning of; translate(esp. oral remarks) 解释;口头翻译51. flip v. turn or move quickly by jumping or with a jerk52. stillness n. silence, quietness53. assume vt. take as true without actual proof; suppose 假设,主观认为54. correspondence n. the act of exchanging letters 通信55. ecstatic a. marked by a state of overwhelming emotion, esp. great joy 欣喜若狂的56. respond vi. act in answer to the action of another; answer57. embarrassment n. a feeling of shyness, shame or guilt58. interrupt vt. stop sb. from speaking or doing by sth. you say or do 打断,打扰59. rack vt. make sb. suffer great mental or physical pain; shake violently 使痛苦,折磨;梦里摇动60. vulnerability n. being liable to be damaged or hurt 易受伤性,脆弱性(二) 选词填空1. Peter was endlessly criticized by his father, who seemed to expect simply too much of him.2. The profits we gained while working in this field were not only financial but also intellectual.3. A good hunting dog is alert to every sound and government pension.4. The job, though not difficult, includes many routine tasks which are quite boring.5. The mayor refused to make any comment on the charges against him.6. From her accent I guess she’s from the Northeast.7. British companies are trying to avoid the fate their American counterparts have already suffered.8. The key witness for the prosecution was offered police protection after she received death threats.9. I thought that was the end of the matter but subsequent events proved me wrong.10. At the trial, Bob’s teacher, who was called as a character witness, said he was a quite boy who had never been in trouble before.11. The book I’m reading explains the evolution of plant and animal life on earth.12. Living in a flat is all right, but it has its limitations –for example, you don’t have your own garden.13. Despite the fact that there was almost no hope of finding the missing boy, the search party still went on looking.14. Without an official pass, the guides will deny you access to the courthouse.15. Sorry the place is so messy; I haven’t had time to clean up.1. In term of population, Greater New York City is the largest urban center in the United States.2. The article provides a detailed analysis of the root causes of the accident.3. There are obvious benefits in allowing each student to go at his own pace.4. Bob didn’t turn up at the party ; I had an intuition that something must have gone wrong.5. Roger was quite stubborn and it was almost impossible to convince him of his mistakes.6. A beautiful newly constructed highway winds its way along the coast of the island.7. Vitamin C helps to combat stress either from worry or from intense physical exercise.8. Not only is measles a killer, but it also causes blindness, deafness and mental handicap in thousands of children every year.9. Click the left mouse button twice and your card design will be printed.10. As a mother, I give advice when my children need it, but basically our relationship is one between equals.11. The June 3,1996 issue of Newsweek carries a long article about Japan’s future empress.12. Bound hand and foot, the victim was left helpless in the lavatory.13. They have never met, but they have been in correspondence with each other for years.14. Her lungs were racked with fever and the doctor sent her to the isolation ward.15. Many university students experience severe tension as final exams draw near.(三) 单词改写1, reluctant the conceited artist seemed unwilling to accept other people’s criticisms 2,ignored the driver paid no attention to the policeman’s warning and finally got into trouble3, exhausting I often feel weary and need a rest after an extremely tiring day 4 measure the new law gives the local goverrments a singnificant amount of controlover their own finances5,rewarding teaching can be a very satisfying career ,even though it can not make you rich6,delief I have great faith in traditional Chinese medicine7,brilliant Michael horden’s performance as hamlet struck us as splendid8,has saved up in the past few years my aunt has set aside enough money to buy house9presumably most likely the can afford to buy an apartment or they wouldn’t be looking10,casual to our surprise her unintentional remark about the mission should have caused a political storm11 contracting(传染)by the mid-eighties there was growing knowledge about who was athigh risk of getting AIDS.12 data the information gathered during market research will be valuable indesigning our company’s future product13 uncovered a police investigation found evidence of a large-scale illegal trade inwild birds14 definite Philip is undoubtedly the best football player in our school15 notable the creation of the UN was, perhaps , the most outstandingachievements of the 20th century16switch he knew he had said the wrong thing and quickly changed the conversation to a less embarrassing subject17 energetic young children are often much more vigorous than adults18 stimulated the visit to the computer center has aroused the pupils’ interest in computerscience.19 renovate after a careful investigation the committee decided to restore the old house togood condidion,20 compelled he wanted very much to run for a second term, but owing to poor healthhe was forced to give up the idea21. runs In America many people don’t care who rules the country and seldom go to thepolls.22. affect It seemed her handicap did not have an effect on her determination to live anindependent life.23. spotted Years can pass before the unwanted effects of a drug are discovered and, eventhen, they may occur in a tiny fraction of patients.24. caught her eye The dress in the window attracted her attention when she walked past thestore.25. sort of It’s somewhat silly, but I’d like a copy of this photograph.26. frantic Their holiday trip was spoiled by hurried search for their lost passports.27. qualified Miss Main kept practicing until she finally made herself suitable for the job.28. index Consumer spending is often an indication of public confidence in the economy.29. stand in your way If you really want to apply for the dangerous job I won’t prevent youfrom doing so, though I think it’s a crazy idea.30. recall It was the first time he and I drank together. As I remember, it was also the last time.(四) 汉译英1.作者想通过这篇文章向读者传达她对赞扬与批评的看法。

第一单元一.VocabularyInto Chinese1.给这个词下定义define the word;6.履行义务 perform ones duty2.反感这种对待 resent the treatment;7.缩小差距narrow the gap3.使学生沮丧 frustrate the students;8.扩大业务expand business4.宣战 declare a war ;9.陈述事实 present the facts5.对结果作出评估 evaluate the resultInto English1.realize ones strengths and weakness认识自己的优缺点2.enter the work world 进入职场3.learn to handle ones personal finances学会理财4.have excessive need for parental approval凡是征求父母同意5.projective our future roles as men or women 为我们将来如何扮演男人活着女人的角色在做准备6.internalize religious faith, value and morals 逐步培养和建立自己的宗教信仰、道德和价值观念。
7.learn to choose ones wardrobe学会选择着装8.establish ones identity 确定个人身份9.question and rebel against old ideas 怀疑并反抗就观念10.defy and challenge authority 蔑视挑战权威二.翻译1.他对他的研究如此专心致志,从来没有过很快就要退休的念头。
He is so devoted to his research that it never occurs to him that he will soon have to retire.2.很多人都曾说过,如果没有有效的制约,我们都有滥用权力的倾向。

UNIT 1 Accomplishment 完成Acquire获得Arrogantly傲慢地Arts艺术Aspirin阿司匹林Assume猜想Available可用的Average平均Beanpole瘦长的人Bull公牛Certify证明Civilized文明的Client客户Contain包含Continuity延续性Cyanide氰化物Democratic民主的Disaster灾难Drugstore杂货店Employ雇佣Enroll登记Essence本质Expertise专门技术Expose接触Faculty全体教员Fragment碎片Generate使形成Graduate获得学位的Grind磨碎Hip髋Humanity人类Implicitly含蓄地Incompetence无能Inevitable必然的Intellect思维能力Invent发明Literal文学的Limitation局限Maintain维持Mechanize使机械化Neanderthal穴居人Nevertheless然而Peculiar特殊的Penetrating理解能力强的人Pest讨厌的人Pharmacy药剂Philosophy哲学Physicist物理学家Pill药剂Preside主持Professional专业的Pursuit追求Push-button按钮操作的Qualified合格的Raise养育Rear培养Resources资源Savage原始的Scroll名册Semester学期Sensitive敏感的Shudder发抖Skill技能Specialize专门从事Species种类Specimen某种类型的人Spiritual精神上的Store储存Stuck不知所措的Suffice使满足Unaided独立的UNIT 4Account 解释Acknowledge 承认Admirable 令人钦佩的Aesthetic 美学的Anonymity 无名的Balding 变秃的Behave 表现Behavior 行为Belt 带子Blast 一阵Budget 预算Casualty 遇难者Challenge 挑战Chaotic 无序的Chunk 大块Clash 碰撞声Collision 冲突Commitment 承诺Congressional 国会的Crash 坠毁Desperate 极想望的Dip 浸泡Distinction 区别Doze 假寐Element 成分Emotional 情绪的Employee 雇员Essential 本质的Flight 航班Florida 弗罗里达Flotation 浮起Freeze 结冰Grope 摸索Gull 海鸥Harsh 严酷的Helicopter 直升机High 集中的Immovable 不动的Impact 碰撞Impersonal 无人情味的Injured 受伤的Jet 喷气飞机Lifeline 救生索Likewise 同样地Location 位置Monument 纪念碑Occasion 时机Possibility 可能Potomac 波托马克河Presidential 总统的Principle 原则Proof 证明Remark 言辞Represent 展现Section 部分Skid 滑橇Slap 掌击Standoff 对峙Stewardess 女服务员Stick 刺Stunning 极好的Survivor 幸存者Tragedy 悲剧Unidentified 未确认的Unique 独特的Universal 宇宙的UNIT 10Absorb 吸收AD 公元Bakery 烤炉Band 一群Bay 海湾Beetle 甲壳虫Board 上船Branch 分支Clatter 撞击声Cloudburst 倾盆大雨Cluster 使成群Collapse 倒塌Column 栏Cram 塞满Crater 火山口Crouch 蹲下Descend 降临Doom 毁灭Drift 漂流Erupt 喷发Explosion 爆炸声Flee 逃走Graze 放牧Harbor 海港Hoof 蹄Huddle 推挤Hurl 丢下Inn 客栈Intact 完好的Jar 坛子Loaf 面包Mediterranean 地中海Mighty 强大的Monoxide一氧化物Nightmare 噩梦Overwhelm 打击Perish 消失Poisonous 有毒的Priest 神父Prosperous 繁荣的Pumice 浮石Quick-witted 头脑敏捷的Reverberate 回响Sack 袋子Savage 凶猛的Shatter 粉碎Shepherd 牧羊者Shimmer 使闪烁Shroud 用…遮蔽Slate 石板Stain 污点Stumble 绊倒Summit 顶点Thicken 变厚Throng 人群Topple 倒塌Torch 火把Trample 践踏Vesuvius 维苏威Victim 受害者Villa 别墅Volcanic 火山的Yawn 打呵欠To be exact 确切地说Hide from sight 藏起来In place 在原地Come to life 复活Restore it to activity 恢复Talk business 谈生意Go over 检查On its way 快到了Break loose 发泄The critical point 临界点Blow UP 爆炸Branch out 扩大范围Die away 逐渐消失At hand 非常近Cram into 塞进becrammed with 塞满Make their way to费了很大劲到Die by the hundreds 成百上千的死亡Descend on 降临到UNIT 11Appalled 震惊Astounded 震惊的Authentic 真实的Broiler烤器Carton 纸板箱Chill 扫兴Chop 排骨Congo刚果Contemptuous 轻视的Cube 立方Define 规定Disgusted厌恶的Dome圆屋顶Eccentric 古怪的Elevator 电梯Frown 皱眉Furor 激怒Gadget 小玩意儿Genuine 真诚的Gesture 姿势Guarded 谨慎的Impulsively 冲动地Indemnity赔偿金Intriguing 有趣的Monetarily 在钱方面Nonetheless尽管如此Numbly 麻木地Pancake烙饼Pat轻拍Pitch 推销Pound 敲打Practical实际的Proposition 提议Repress 抑制Scoffing嘲弄的Screw螺丝钉Shove 推挤Shriek尖叫Shrug耸肩Slippers拖鞋Smash打碎Split 分裂Stack 堆积Steak 牛排Stiffen使坚硬Swallow吞咽Sweep 掠过Transistor 晶体管Tube 管子Vaguely 含糊地Wastebasket废纸篓Whirl使旋转UNIT 1 短语fresh out of刚刚完成reach for伸手拿be exposed to使接触enroll for大学报名put it this way 这么说吧average out to平均为tend to倾向于see to it that确保along with everything else除此之外preside over主持be badly stuck for竭力追求on ones way to doing将要in essence 从本质上●there is not time enough in a single lifetime to invent for oneself everything one needs toknow in order to be a civilized human.●If you are too much in a hurry ,or too arrogantly proud of your own limitations, to accept asa gift to your humanitysome pieces of the minds of Aristotle, or Chaucer or Einstein, you areneither a developed human nor a useful citizen of a democracy.UNIT 4 短语As disasters go 就。
大学生英语精读4复习资料 - 副本

Vocabulary (Unit1)1. A _____person thinks before speaking and considers the feelings of others.2. The library is closing. We ____go home.3. I‟d like to _____________he fact that there is some sense after all in the speaker‟s nonsense.4. Harry has a vivid imagination; he can make up _______tories.5. Although Margie was swimming so well, she failed to win the first prize and had to ________ the second.6. I‟m quite determined to have the thing finished and _________ before leaving the office.7. ________ sports are recommended to young adults to prepare them for the ___________world of college and business. 8. It -_______ to admit that I was such a fool as to repeat the mistake9.My boss paid me and added a ________or the new customers I had signed up(10.A soldier should never _______ form the duty of defending his country even in the face of certain death11. Due to exceptionally bad weather, the ship arrived late and the ______ of goods was not on time12.My wife was rather embarrassed when she ___________some of our guests say they didn‟t like the meal she‟d cooked for them13.People in my hometown tend to eat more________food on hot summer days presumably because it could help quench their thirst14.In the United States it is quite easy to find a place _______but the high cost keeps many young people away 15. The professor was reluctant to stop grading the ________ of papers on her desk, but she was really too tired to read on 16. Bacteria __________themselves by splitting into two. Unit51.Her suggestion may sound reasonable ___everybody else‟s____ I‟m afraid it may seem ridiculous.\2.Some doctors believe it is ______to tall dying patients thetruth about their condition because they may become so distressed as to commit suicide.3.We note with satisfaction that all those activities havehelped to _______mutual understanding and friendship between our two countries4._____________ the belief of some doctors, even very oldand sick people want to know the details of their illness so that they can prepare for death in their own special way 5.____________in government is not tolerated any countrythat wants to achieve rapid economic growth and improve the life of its citizensMary _________her friends by going back on her words 6.The author ________the first chapter of his book ___ ____ ____ by giving a brief account of the advances science has made since liberation7.In that accident, Julian ______ her own life to help adisabled womanIt pays __ __ ___ ____to introduce new techniques.8.Mrs. Queen gave us a ________account of what hadhappened; that‟s why we no longer believe in the sincerity of her utterances.9.In every country parents always remember the first timetheir child _______ the word “Mama” or “Dad”.10.___ -______ the oral English class was noisy, witheveryone participating in an activity at the same time, but at others, the class just sat there and didn‟t say anything.Unit71.1.The nurse on duty hurried to Mr. Spenser’s ward__ ______his bell.\2.__ ___ ___ ___its mother ,the little child stopped cryingand toddled to meet her3.The football players were trying to make ________ on thenational coach4.Banks have to think of ways of making long-term savingsmore _____ individuals and businesses.5.Though he had done a day‟s hard work , ha said hewasn‟t__ ___ ___ tired.6.Mr. David __ __ __ __ knitting his brows whenever heconcentrates on a difficult problem.7.Mother always taught me to be thrifty ad not to live _______ ___ .8.Fruits is best and cheapest when it is ___ ____9....All of a sudden train jerked to a stop and in thesame______ everyone on the train knew that something must have gone wrong10....We would have succeed in fulfilling the task ahead of schedule if the weather had not take a hand in our plan9.The two kidnappers thrust him into the back of a jeepand then drove off at full speed10.T he night was very dark ,and suddenly a_____of lightinglit the skyThe Browns were very ________ to us when we visited Chicago in the summer of 1995.They showed us around most of the city.11.W ays must be found to _______our children a decentstart in life12.I n some countries, the constitution _______ the militaryuse of nuclear energyUnit81.Some teachers claim that________is necessary forchildren to be able to learn in school but others do not feel that leisure activity is all that importantIn order to_______the economy, the government has worked hard to lower the rate of inflation2.__ ___ _____ the problem may seem far too involved butit can certainly be solved whale, out of existence3.There is no commercial excuse for hunting anendangered_______such as the whale , out of existence. 4._________ or artificial fibers such as nylon are not aspopular nowadays as natural fibers like wool or cotton5.The book is too difficult for the children. We are tryingto_________it6.The film__ __ ___ ___ light. How can you expect thephotographs to develop? \7.It seems to me that the Americans area highly_____people. Most of them like to travel whenever they get the chanceThe________of living underground may not be attractive to people who can not stand being away from natural sunlight.“Did you say agreed with him?”“Yes, but ___ ____. I didn‟t make any commitment8.As these vases are handmade, each one ____slightly\9.After such a long delay the house was finally readyfor______Unit101. Dana came back from her holiday with_____ strength and decide to go on with the experiment.(2. Mary is as vain as a peacock and always wants to be the _______ attention3. Timothy‟s letters indicate that he loved his daughter and ___ ___ __ her and her work4. Jim had to_____all his strength to pull the drowning man out of the river5. Jane experienced a loss of ________after giving up her career to get married6. like food, fuel, etc. water is a basic ________of life7. Our organization seeks to improve the social _______of disabled people by providing them with better employment opportunities8. The hall did not have the ________ for such a large number of people so we had to look for a larger auditorium 9. Thomas Jefferson argued that the greatest __________- you can make to your country is to preserve freedom by continuing your education and taking care that your children receive the highest level of education possible10. When Albert got a position in London all of his friends ________ him because the job would offer him more opportunities to go abroad11. If you feel you have any cause for ________ about the service you can call the head office of the company12. In the _________ of any substantial evidence ,the suspect was found not guilty13. Therapies like acupuncture do work and many patientshave been ______ by themCloze(unit1)When Dad told us about ___1___ work it sounded easy, just a piece of cake .The trouble was , we did n‟t take care to____2_ just how much material was__3____ .Before long trucks seemed to be_4_____ up outside our house all day long, leaving___5__ of advertising. It seemed we would have no chance of meeting the_6____ .Then we had this __7____idea. Hiring local kids to help would enable us to get the job done on time .True, it would _____8 _____ our profits, but there was no alternative. Things seemed to be going well, but then we had trouble over a pay claim. Our workers ___9___five dollars an hour, but fortunately for us they were ready to settle for less .As for as, when we finally ___10___ our accounts we ended up earning less than the __11___wage for all our efforts. I guess we should have _12____better than to believe that big bucks come easy.1, delivery 2,inquire 3,involved 4,pulling 5,stacks6,deadline 7,marvelous 8,cut into 9,demanded10,settled 11,minimum 12,knownUnit5Whether or not to tell the seriously ill about their true condition has long been a ___1___ for medical professionals .Many doctorsBelieve that __2____ the facts from those patients will benefit them psychologically and may help them recover. But new studies show that _____3 ______ this widespread belief, the overwhelming majority of patients want to be told the truth, even in the case of ___4____ illnesses. If they are not , they feel___5____ and misled. As it is,lying makes it difficult for patients to make choices___6____ their own health . And keeping a dying patient in the dark __7____ him from making decisions about the end of his life. Lying can also cause doctors to lose their __8____ and credibility and does harm to ___9__ who are honest with their patients. In the long run, lying hurts the entire medical profession. As a __10____of the current concerns, many hospitals have adopted patients‟ bills of rights, but patients still need to be wary because the days of physicians _11_____ patients are certainly not over yet and may never be.1, dilemma 2, concealing 3,contray to 4, grave 5,betrayed 6,concerning 7,prevents 8, integrity 9,colleagues 10, consequence 11,deceivingUnit7While attending a play, the author __1____ sight ___2___ a woman he had taken to luncheon twenty years before . At that time his first ___3___of her was that she was not very ___4____ , around forty years old and over-talkative . He had been too inexperienced to __5____ himself __6_____turn down her request to meet at an extremely expensive restaurant .She started their conversation by __7_____ him that she would eat only a ____8___For lunch .But as she chatted away, she soon appeared to ___9___her small appetite and kept on ordering more food .And she seemed to be ___10____ to older the most expensive food and drink ,such as salmon not in ___11____ and champagne .In fact ,the wick woman ordered so much that when the author picked up the bill, he was startled to see that he had only just enough money to pay and tip the waiter a __12____ three francs .Even then the woman did not in the ___13____ realize that his modest salary was used up and it would be difficult for him to keep _______ __14___ ________ together for the rest of that month .Butfinally he has his __15____ :now she is quite overweight .And he ,of course ,no long feels ___16___ to say yes to a woman just because he is flattered by her attention. 1, caught 2, of 3, impression 4, attractive 5,bring 6, to 7, assuring 8, trifle 9, overlook 10, inclined 11, season 12, mean 13, least 14, body and soul 15, revenge 16, inclinedUnit 8Can you ___1___ what the world would be like if we all lived underground?____ __2___ ______ it may not appear an attractive idea , but someday it may be ___3___ on us as the buildings we construct come to ____4___ ______ more and more of Earth …s surface . _____5 ______ , life below might not be all bad .In some ways it could ___6____our lives .For one thing , __7____light would enable us to get away ___8____ the need to adjust to different local times as we travel around the globe .For another ,___9___ from the surface would save us from being ______10 _____ unfavorable weather conditions .As for other ___11___ , they would benefit from our absence and there would be more wildlife for us to see and enjoy whenever we felt the need to return to the surface for___12____.artificial1, visualize 2, At first thought 3, forced 4, take up 5, Mind you 6, simplify 7, artificial 8, from 9, withdrawing10, exposed to 11,species 12, recreationUnit 10Most people __1____work __2___ punishment or think of it as a necessary burden. But the truth is work provides people with personal satisfaction and, in __3____ , a sense of accomplishment. ___4____ ______offering __5____support, work can keep us healthy not only physically but also mentally.For example, patients suffering from depression can often be __6____ when provided with gainful employment. The___7___ is also true. Retirement and __8____ can be ___9___ to one’s health. People with no chance to _____10_ ______ excess energy and derive __11______from a job may suffer from the ___12__ of a __13____ illness even though they are not physically sick. While ___14_ _______ , people tend to enjoy the company of other _____15___ because the relations among them are not so complicated as those in other areas of life. Besides, people want to work with a winner—a best work group or in awell-known __16____-_____17_ ______ a loser, for a successful unit can bring us status as well as self- confidence. 1, associate 2, with 3, particular 4, Aside from 5, financial 6, healed 7, reverse 8, unemployment 9, harmful 10, work off 11, status 12, symptoms 13, acute 14, at work 15, staff 16, institution 17, rather thanTranslation(Unit1)1.我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。

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大学英语精读复习Last revision on 21 December 2020第一单元一.VocabularyInto Chinese1.给这个词下定义define the word;6.履行义务 perform ones duty2.反感这种对待 resent the treatment;7.缩小差距narrow the gap3.使学生沮丧 frustrate the students;8.扩大业务expand business4.宣战 declare a war ;9.陈述事实 present the facts5.对结果作出评估 evaluate the resultInto English1.realize ones strengths and weakness认识自己的优缺点2.enter the work world 进入职场3.learn to handle ones personal finances学会理财4.have excessive need for parental approval凡是征求父母同意5.projective our future roles as men or women 为我们将来如何扮演男人活着女人的角色在做准备6.internalize religious faith, value and morals 逐步培养和建立自己的宗教信仰、道德和价值观念。
7.learn to choose ones wardrobe学会选择着装8.establish ones identity 确定个人身份9.question and rebel against old ideas 怀疑并反抗就观念10.defy and challenge authority 蔑视挑战权威二.翻译1.他对他的研究如此专心致志,从来没有过很快就要退休的念头。
He is so devoted to his research that it never occurs to him that he will soon have to retire.2.很多人都曾说过,如果没有有效的制约,我们都有滥用权力的倾向。
Many people have observed that, without effective checks, we all have a tendency to abuse our power.3有些国家拒绝卷入这一争端,而且他们对外国的干涉也非常反感。
Some countries refuse to get involved in this dispute and they resent any foreign interference.4.控制沙尘暴需要大量的工作和时间。
The control of sand storms will involve a tremendous amount of work and money.5.你们用这些技术的时候,必须考虑到当地的条件。
You have to take the local conditions into consideration when you apply these technologies.6.所有的申请者都必须填好这些表格,然后邮寄50美元的报名费。
All applicants will have to fill out these forms and mail in anapplication fee of 50 dollars.7.他根据对孩子行为的观察得出结论:学习是一种自然的乐趣。
Based on his observation of children’s behavior, he came to theconclusion that learning is a natural pleasure.8.在一个多民族的国家里,各民族之间的和谐需要小心处理。
In a country of many nationalities, ethnic harmony requires very careful handling.9.政府决定严惩所有涉案的腐败官员。
The government is determined to punish all the corrupt officialsinvolved.10.考试作弊并不经常发生,但一旦发生,学校会采取严厉的态度。
Cheating at/on exams does not occur very often. But when it does, the school takes a very tough position.第二单元一.VocabularyInto Chinesework of art 一件艺术品; pursuits 对知识的追求basement 廉价商品区 character 民族的性格press 印刷机; effect 多米诺骨牌效应source of quotation 引语出处 tool for advancement 晋升手段criticism 文学批评; and hearty 老当益壮the latter half of the century该世纪后叶 virtues of reading 阅读的好处liberal arts college 文学院; sense of superiority 优越感man of action 实干家Into English1.免于恐惧be free from fear;2.从他父亲那里继承财产 inherit property;3.和学生互动 Interact with;4.给年轻人做榜样 act as a model for young people5.对挑战做出反抗 react to the challenge6.反抗压迫 rebel against oppression7.渴望成功 aspire to success8.怀疑他们的动机be suspicious of their motives9.认真记住历史教训 commit the lessons of history to memory10.向这些人让步 give way to these people11.将这区域一分为二 divide the region into two parts12.干涉我们内部事务 interfere in our internal affairs13.主修土木工程(专业) major in civil engineering14.把他们从绝望中救出来save them from despair15.导致经济萧条 result in economic recession/slump/depression二.翻译。
I suspected that the book might not be in print。
I checked with the bookstore people ,and they told me that I was right。
The book had been out of print for years。
One memorable story in the novel concerns how Liu Bei tried not to rouse CaoCao ‘s suspicion about his ambition,because if he did hislife would be at stake。
When Cao Cao called him a real hero,Liu Bei was so shocked that he dropped his chopsticks. But he cleverly covered up his suspicious behavior.4.第一个嫌疑犯是死者的儿子。
The first suspect was the victims son。
The police suspected him of murdering his father because the neighbors had heard them fighting on the night of the killing。
In learning,the important thing is not to commit everything to memory,but to use your imagination and think creatively and critically。
He must have been the funniest burglar imaginable。
He broke into a house, ate and drank to his heart’s content , and remained dead drunk until discovered the next morning , with a perfectly content look on his face.7我现在记人的名字很困难。
I now have trouble remembering people’s names . I imagine it must result from old age.8我们生活在很多想象的威胁当中,结果就常常感到沮丧。
We often live under many imaginary threats and feel disheartened as a result. 9.我怀疑我们的教师有时候低估了学生的智力。
I suspect we teachers sometimes underestimate student’s mental capacities. Young people actually have very imaginative minds.第三单元一.VocabularyInto Chinese1.布置房间 decorate a room; 9.微风中清波荡ripple in the breeze2.使我魂系梦牵be my haunting memory3.深深吸了口气take a deep breath;10.在树上空盘旋hover over the trees4.给予按时give a hint;11.兄弟之间的牢固纽带a bond between brothers5.伸长脖子 stretch ones neck; 12让你在上面走的地毯a carpet for youto walk on6.在河上漂流 drift on the river; 13“啪”的一声合起来snap the door to7.不再深究 let it go at that;14.在当时场合下过于严肃 be serious out ofproportion to the occasion.8.竖起了它的耳朵 prick up its ears; 15.去野餐 go for a picnic16伸手搂抱她 put ones arms around her二.翻译。