简介之阿布丰王创作颚式破碎机在矿山、建材、基建等部份主要用作粗碎机和中碎机.依照进料口宽度年夜小来分为年夜、中、小型三种,进料口宽度年夜于600MM的为年夜型机器,进料口宽度在300-600MM的为中型机,进料口宽度小于300MM的为小型机.颚式破碎机结构简单,制造容易,工作可靠.颚式破碎机的工作部份是两块颚板,一是固定颚板(定颚),垂直(或上端略外倾)固定在机体前壁上,另一是活动颚板(动颚),位置倾斜,与固定颚板形成上年夜下小的破碎腔(工作腔).活动颚板对着固定颚板做周期性的往复运动,时而分开,时而靠近.分开时,物料进入破碎腔,制品从下部卸出;靠近时,使装在两块颚板之间的物料受到挤压,弯折和劈裂作用而破碎.颚式破碎机依照活动颚板的摆动方式分歧,可以分为简单摆动式颚式破碎机(简摆颚式破碎机).复杂摆动式颚式破碎机(复摆颚式破碎机)和综合摆动式颚式破碎机三种.2 发展史近代的破碎机械是在蒸汽机和电念头等动力机械逐渐完善和推广之后相继缔造出来的.1806年呈现了用蒸汽机驱动的辊式破碎机;1858年,美国的布莱克发明了破碎岩石的颚式破碎机;1878年美国发展了具有连续破碎举措的旋回破碎机,其生产效率高于作间歇破碎举措的颚式破碎机;1895年,美国的威廉发明能耗较低的冲击式破碎机.二十20世纪80年代,每小时破碎800吨物料的年夜型颚式破碎机的给料粒度已达1800毫米左右.经常使用的颚式破碎机有双肘板的和单肘板的两种.前者在工作时动颚只作简单的圆弧摆动,故又称简单摆动颚式破碎机;后者在作圆弧摆动的同时还作上下运动.发展现状国内颚式破碎机制造厂家技术水平相差很悬殊,有少数厂家的产物基本接近世界先进水平,而年夜大都厂家的产物与世界先进水平相比差距较年夜.颚式破碎机机架占整机质量的比例很年夜(铸造机架占50%,焊接机架占30%).国外颚式破碎机都是焊接机架,甚至动颚也采纳焊接结构.颚式破碎机采纳焊接机架是发展方向.国内颚式破碎机机架结构设计分歧理实例有许多,其原因就是没按破碎机实际受力情况去安插加强筋保证颚式破碎机最佳性能的根本因素是动颚有最佳的运动特性,这个特性又是借助机构优化设计所获得的.因此,颚式破碎机机构优化设计是保证破碎机有最佳性能的根本方法.借助其中机构优化设计模块对各种规格的破碎机进行优化设计,获得了最佳的动颚运动特性.3 优点1、有效解决了原来石灰石破碎机因产量低招致的运转率高、无检修时间的问题.2、可完成年夜块石灰石的破碎,最年夜破碎粒径为1000*1200mm,有效解决了原来的“一边是石灰石供应紧张、一边贮存年夜量的年夜块石灰石无法使用的问题”.3、两种物料的混合均匀性好,脱硫石灰石的掺加量年夜幅提高.掺加量可以到达60%,有效降低了原资料的本钱.4、电力消耗有所下降.1吨石灰石电耗下降1-2KWh/t每年可节约电费10万元.5、废品粒度小,仅为2-15mm有效解决了原来的石灰石粒度年夜,经常堵溜子甚至影响磨粉机产量的问题.4 缺点(1)破碎过程单一:不能实现多功能破碎,在工作过程中,如果待破碎的物料性质是多项的,传统的破碎工艺不能使他们完全解离,还容易呈现物料过粉碎现象.这种过粉碎使有用成份减少,形成了破碎作业中的废品,造成资源上的浪费;(2)工艺水平落后:目前的颚式破碎机在技术工艺条件下实现超细粉碎很困难,我们需要经过多段作业才华实现粉碎,由于设备整体比力年夜,也比力粗笨,在装置过程中需要占用很年夜的面积及空间,还要坚固的支撑基础;(3)能源消耗年夜:在破碎抗压强度极限到达一定水平的时候,破碎设备将会消耗年夜量的能源但其实不能到达理想的破碎效果,电耗、钢耗等能源消耗很年夜,不能有效地实现节能作用.[1]5 种类单摆颚式原理动颚悬挂在心轴上,可作左右摆动.偏心轴旋转时,连杆做上下往复运动,带动两块推力板也做往复运动,从而推动动颚做左右往复运动,实现破碎和卸料.此种破碎机采纳曲柄双连杆机构,虽然动颚上受有很年夜的破碎反力,而其偏心轴和连杆却受力不年夜,所以工业上多制成年夜型机和中型机,用来破碎坚硬的物料.另外,这种破碎机工作时,动颚上每点的运动轨迹都是以心轴为中心的圆弧,圆弧半径即是该点至轴心的距离,上端圆弧小,下端圆弧年夜,破碎效率较低,其破碎比一般为3-6.由于运动轨迹简单,故称简单摆动颚式破碎机.简摆颚式破碎机结构紧凑简单,偏心轴等传动件受力较小;由于动颚垂直位移较小,加工时物料较少有过度破碎的现象,动颚颚板的磨损较小.复摆颚式原理动颚上端直接悬挂在偏心轴上,作为曲柄连杆机构的连杆,由偏心轴的偏心直接驱动,动颚的下端铰连着推力板支撑到机架的后壁上.当偏心轴旋转时,动颚上各点的运动轨迹是由悬挂点的圆周线(半径即是偏心距),逐渐向下酿成椭圆形,越向下部,椭圆形越偏,直到下部与推力板连接点轨迹为圆弧线.由于这种机械中动颚上各点的运动轨迹比力复杂,故称为复杂摆动式颚式破碎机.复摆式颚式破碎机与简摆式相比力,其优点是:质量较轻,构件较少,结构更紧凑,破碎腔内布满水平较好,所装物料块受到均匀破碎,加以动颚下端强制性推出制品卸料,故生产率较高,比同规格的简摆颚式破碎机的生产率高出20-30%;物料块在动颚下部有较年夜的上下翻滚运动,容易呈立方体的形状卸出结构图鄂式破碎机主要由:固定颚板、活动鄂板、机架、上下护板、调整座、动鄂拉杆等组成.很好的了解鄂式破碎机的内部结构能对鄂式破碎机使用过程中和呈现问题时能起到很好的帮手作用.破碎比破碎比是衡量鄂式破碎机的重要评测指标,颚式破碎机的破碎比就是原料粒度与破碎后产物精度之比.它暗示破碎后原料减小的水平.矿石被破碎后,粒度变小,矿石破碎前的粒度与破碎后的粒度的比值称为破碎比.它暗示矿石破碎后,粒度缩小的倍数.破碎比的计算方法有如下几种:1、用矿石破碎前的最年夜粒度与破碎后的最年夜粒度来计算最年夜粒度法我国在选矿厂设计中常采纳这种计算方法,因为设计时要根据给矿最年夜粒度来确定颚式破碎机给矿口宽度2、用颚式破碎机给料口有效宽度和排料口宽度之比某些颚式破碎机、其排料粒度不是由排料口年夜小来决定的.3、用矿石破碎前后的平均粒度计算,又称平均破碎比特点1、噪音低,粉尘少.2、其破碎比年夜,产物粒度均匀.3、结构简单,工作可靠,运营费用低.4、润滑系统平安可靠,部件更换方便,设备维护调养简单.5、破碎腔深而且无死区,提高了进料能力与产量.6、设备节能:单机节能15%~30%,系统节能一倍以上.7、排料口调整范围年夜,可满足分歧用户的要求.工作原理鄂式破碎机工作时,活动鄂板对固定鄂板作周期性的往复运动,时而靠近,时而离开.当靠近时,物料在两鄂板间受到挤压、劈裂、冲击而被破碎;当离开时,已被破碎的物料靠重力作用而从排料口排出.在将巨年夜石块破碎成小石块的过程中,第一道破碎机通常为“主”破碎机.历史最长,也最坚固的破碎机是颚式破碎机.为颚式破碎机喂料时,物料从顶部入口倒入含有颚齿的破碎室,颚齿以巨年夜力量将物料顶向室壁,将之破碎成更小的石块.支持颚齿运动的是一根偏心住,此偏心轴贯穿机身构架.偏心运动通常由固定在轴两真个飞轮所发生.飞轮和偏心支持轴承经常采纳球面滚子轴承,轴承必需接受巨年夜的冲击载荷,磨蚀性污水和高温.其他类型主要部件机架机架是上下开口的四壁刚性框架,用作支撑偏心轴并接受破碎物料的反作用力,要求有足够的强度和刚度,一般用铸钢整体铸造,小型机也可用优质铸铁取代铸钢.年夜型机的机架需分段铸成,再用螺栓牢固链接成整体,铸造工艺复杂.自制小型颚式破碎机的机架也可用厚钢板焊接而成,但刚度较差.颚板和侧护板定颚和动颚都由颚床和颚板组成,颚板是工作部份,用螺栓和楔铁固定在颚床上.定颚的颚床就是机架前壁,动颚颚床悬挂在周上,要有足够的强度和刚度,以接受破碎反力,因而年夜多是铸钢或铸铁件.传动件偏心轴是破碎机的主轴,受有巨年夜的弯扭力,采纳高碳钢制造.偏心部份须精加工、热处置、轴承衬瓦用巴氏合金浇注.偏心轴一端装带轮,另一端装飞轮.使用说明(一准备工作1、应仔细检查轴承的润滑情况是否良好,轴承内肘板连接处是否有足够的润滑脂.2、应仔细检查所有的紧固件是否完全紧固.3、防护装置是否良好,发现不服安现象,应立即消除之.4、检查破碎腔内有无矿石或其他杂物,如有则应立即消除.(二)起动1、经检查、证明机器与传动部份情况正常,始可起动.2、本机只能在无负荷情况下起动.3、起动后,若发现有不正常的情况时,应立即停车,待查明原因排除隐患,方可再次起动.(三)维护和使用1、破碎机正常运转后,方可投料.2、待破碎资料应均匀地加入破碎腔内,并应防止正面加料,防止负荷突变或单边突增.3、在正常工作情况下,轴承的温升不应超越35℃,最高温度不得超越70℃,否则应立即停车,查明原因加以消除.(四)润滑1、经常注意及时做好磨擦面的润滑工作,可保证机器的正常运转和延长使用寿命.2、本机采纳的润滑脂,应根据使用地址、气温等条件来决定,一般可采纳钙基、钠基或钙钠基润滑脂.3、加入轴承座的润滑脂为其容积的50-70%,每三个月必需更换一次;换新油时必需用干净的汽油或煤油清洗轴承与轴承座内污物.4、肘板与肘板垫接触处在机器开动前,必需加入润滑脂.6 维护调养调养1.按期关颚破机,检查机器.任何石料破碎设备在开关机的时候,都应该注意按期关颚破机,检查机器内部的磨损情况,如中心入料管、锥帽、叶轮上、下流道衬板、圆周护板、耐磨块的磨损水平,及时更换磨损较严重的部件,对这些部件进行修补.同时注意更换部件的重量型号和尺寸等,一定要按原来部件参数更换.2.颚破传动带按期检查.颚破传送带是石料生产线中不成缺少的,机器的带动都是传送带的功劳.按期调整传送带的松紧水平,保证传送带受力均匀.双机电驱动时,两侧三角胶带应进行分组选配,使其每组长度尽可能一致.如发现传动带磨损水平太厉害请及时更换.3.机械部件的润滑.颚式破碎机采纳车用润滑脂特级或3锂基脂,每工作400小时加入适量润滑脂;工作2000小时,翻开主轴总成对轴承进行清洗;一般工作7200小时更换新轴承.另外为保证颚式破碎机正常工作,除正确把持颚破外,必需进行计划性维修,其中包括日常维护检查小修、中修和年夜修.维修1.小修主要内容包括检查并修复颚破调整装置,高速排料口间隙,对磨损的衬板调整或更换.检修传动部份、润滑系统及更换润滑油等.小修的周期为1-3个月左右.2.中修除进行小修的全部工作外,还包括更换推力板、衬板、检查并修复轴瓦等.中修的周期一般为1-2年左右.3.年夜修除进行中修的全部工作外,还包括更换或车削偏心轴和动颚心轴,浇铸连杆头上部的巴氏合金,更换或修复各磨损件.颚式破碎机年夜修的周期一般为5年左右.7 把持(1)颚式破碎机连续运转2小时,轴承温升不得超越30℃.(2)所有紧固件应牢固,无松动现象.(3)飞轮、槽轮运转平稳.(4)所有摩擦部件无擦伤、失落屑和研磨现象,无不正常的响声.(5)排料口的调整装置应能保证排料口的调整范围.(1)颚式破碎机不得有周期性或显著的冲击、撞击声.(2)最年夜给料粒度应符合设计规定.(3)连续运转8h,轴承温升不得超越30℃.(1)仔细检查轴承的润滑情况是否良好,推力板的连接处是否有足够润滑脂.(2)仔细检查所有紧固件是否紧固.(3)仔细检查传动带是否良好.若发现有破损现象时,应及时更换,当传动带或带轮上有油污时,应用抹布将油污擦净.(4)检查防护装置是否良好,发现有不服安现象时,应及时排除.(5)检查破碎腔内有无矿石或杂物,若有矿石或杂物时,则必需清理干净,以确保破碎机空腔起动8 注意事项(1)破碎机正常运转后,方可投料生产.(2)待碎物料应均匀地加入破碎机腔内,应防止侧向加料或堆满加料,以免单边过载或接受过载.(3)正常工作时,轴承的温升不应该超越30℃,最高温度不得超越70℃.超越上述温度时,应立即停车,查明原因并加以排除.(4)停车前,应首先停止加料,待破碎腔内物料完全排出后,方可关闭电源.(5)破碎时,如因破碎腔内物料阻塞而造成停车,应立即关闭电源停止运行,将破碎腔内物料清理干净后,方可再行起动.(6)颚板一端磨损后,可调头使用.(7)破碎机使用一段时间后,应将紧定衬套松动而损伤机器.9 故障解决颚式破碎机在运行过程中接受力矩或振动较年夜,常会造成传动系统故障,罕见的有:皮带轮与轴头部位发生间隙造成的轴头与轮毂磨损,偏心轴受力造成的轴承位磨损等.呈现上述问题后传统维修方法是将轮毂扩孔,补焊或刷镀后机加工修复为主,但两者均存在一定弊端:补焊高温发生的热应力无法完全消除,易造成材质损伤,招致部件呈现弯曲或断裂;而电刷镀受涂层厚度限制,容易剥落,且以上两种方法都是用金属修复金属,无法改变“硬对硬”的配合关系,在各力综合作用下,仍会造成再次磨损.上述维修方法在西方国家已不罕见,今世欧美等发达国家针对以上问题多使用高分子复合资料的修复方法,应用最成熟的是某国技术,其具有超强的粘着力,优异的抗压强度等综合性能,可免装配、免机加工进行现场修复.用高分子资料维修既无补焊热应力影响,修复厚度也不受限制,同时产物所具有的金属资料不具备的退让性,可吸收设备的冲击震动,防止再次磨损的可能,并年夜年夜延长设备部件的使用寿命,为企业节省年夜量的停机时间,缔造巨年夜的经济价值.颚式破碎机机架严重跳动的原因与解决法子在颚式破碎机工作时发现机架严重跳动时应当首先停机检查一下几方面1、地脚栓是否松动或断裂2、飞槽轮位置是否跑偏3、主机基础固定是否稳固,有无隔振办法解决法子有一下几点:如果地脚栓松动用扳手上紧螺栓就可以,如果脚栓断裂,需要更换新的螺栓.解决飞轮位置跑偏的法子是,拆下飞槽轮盖板,放松飞槽轮套紧螺栓,调整飞槽轮位置然后紧定飞槽轮涨紧套螺栓.如果由于主机不稳定造成颚式破碎机严重晃动,应当加固基础,在机器与地之间加枕木或者橡皮条10 维修1. 润滑(1)经常注意并及时做好摩擦面得润滑工作,可确保机器的正常运转和延长其使用寿命.(2)颚式破碎机所采纳润滑脂应根据使用的地址、气温条件下而定,一般情况下采纳钙基、钠基和钙钠基润滑脂.(3)加入轴承座内的润滑脂为其空间容积的50%左右、每3~6个月更换一次.换油时应用洁净的汽油或煤油清洗滚柱轴承的滚道.(4)颚式破碎机开动前,推力板与推力板支座之间应注入适量的润滑脂.2. 维修为保证颚式破碎机的正常工作,除正确把持外,必需进行计划性维修,其中包括日常维护检查,小修、中修和年夜修.(1)小修主要内容包括检查并修复调整装置,调整排料口间隙,对磨损的衬板调头或更换.检查传动部份、润滑系统及时跟换润滑油等.小修的周期为1~3个月左右.(2)中修除进行小修的工作外,还包括更换推力板、衬板、检查并修复轴瓦等.中修的周期一般为1~2年左右.(3)年夜修除处进行中修的工作外,还包括和更换车削偏心轴和鄂心轴,浇铸连杆头上部的巴氏合金,更换或修复个磨损件.年夜修的周期一般为5年左右.故障原因及排除方法故障:飞轮旋转但动颚停止摆动发生原因: 1、推力板折断;2、连杆损坏;3、弹簧断裂.排除方法:1、更换推力板;2、修复连杆;3、更换弹簧.故障:齿板松动、发生金属撞击.发生原因:齿板固定螺钉或侧楔板松动或松动.排除方法:紧固或更换螺钉或侧楔板.故障:轴承温渡过高.发生原因:1、润滑脂缺乏或脏污;2、轴承间隙不适合或轴承接触欠好或轴承损坏.排除方法:1、加入新的润滑脂2、调整轴承松紧水平或修整轴承座瓦或更换轴承.故障:产物粒度变粗.发生原因:齿板下部显著磨损.排除方法:将齿板调头或调整排料口.故障:推力板支承垫发生撞击声发生原因:1、弹簧拉力缺乏;2、支承垫磨损或松动排除方法:1、调整弹簧力或更换弹簧;2、紧固或修正支承座.故障:弹簧断裂.发生原因:调小排料口时未放松弹簧.排除方法:排料口在调小时首先放松弹簧,调整后适本地拧紧拉杆螺母.11 其他平安把持1、根据使用情况,碎石轧料槽上面应设呵护罩,防止碎石由轧料槽内崩出伤人.2、开机前,要清除破碎机内及周围的杂物,必需检查各润滑部位,并用手挪动转移数圈,各部机构灵活才允许开机.3、破碎机工作时,严禁用手从腭板间取出石块,如有故障应用撬棍、铁钩等工具处置.4、若因破碎腔内物料阻塞而造成停车,应立即关闭电念头,待物料清除干净后,再行起动.5、调节排料口时,应先松开拧紧弹簧,待调整好后,再适当调整弹簧的张紧水平并拧紧螺栓,以防衬板在工作时脱落.6、破碎机工作时,要防止石块嵌入张力弹簧中,而影响弹簧强度.故障排除罕见到经检修和初度装置的锤片式粉碎机在试运转中机身发生强烈振动.呈现这种情况主要有以下几个原因:(1)检修装配中锤片装置毛病.锤片换面失落头使用时,为防止转子重量失去平衡,粉碎机内所有的锤片必需一齐换面失落头,否则会在运行中发生强烈振动.(2)对应两组锤片重量之差超越5克.排除的方法是调整锤片重量,使相应两组重量之差少于5克.(3)个别锤片卡得太紧,运行中没有甩开.可停机后用手转动观察,想法子使锤片转动灵活.(4)转子上其他零件重量不服衡,这时需要分别仔细检查调整平衡.(5)主轴弯曲变形.解决的法子是校直或更换.(6)轴承间隙超越极限或损坏.一般都采纳更换新轴承才华解决问题.选材设计在设计时,动颚和定颚的破碎板应该齿峰对齿谷.这样,破碎时对物料除有挤压作用外,还有弯曲作用,物料比力容易破碎.为了加强破碎板的使用寿命,中小型破碎机的破碎板设计成上下对称的形状,当下部磨损后可调头使用;年夜型颚式破碎机的破碎板设计成互相对称的几块,以便磨损后可将破碎板调换使用.破碎板的资料可以选用白口铸铁.白口铸铁硬度较年夜、耐磨性较好、来源容易、价格廉价;缺点是性脆、容易折断、使用寿命短.为了提高破碎板的使用寿命,资料采纳含锰12 %以上的锰钢更好,经常使用的是ZGMn13.锰钢的韧性较好,虽然硬度不高(年夜约为210 HB),可是,因为具有冷加工硬化的特点,在压力作用下会不竭被强化,故在工作中不竭磨损又不竭强化,直到磨损至不能使用才报废.锰钢破碎板浇铸后要通过水韧处置,水韧处置的把持年夜体上与淬火相同,即把铸造出来的锰钢破碎板加热到 1 000~1 100 ℃后在水中快速冷却.水韧处置后可以获得均匀的金相组织,并使金相组织固定下来,防止了在使用中自然发生相变而使性能变差.锰钢的缺点是价格较贵,但从使用寿命、本钱等方面总体考虑,ZGMn13 比白口铸铁使用寿命长、本钱低.组装组装时,破碎板必需牢固地贴在鄂板上,两者之间应该垫平,破碎板与颚板之间要用软金属(如铅、锌等)作垫片,并用螺栓紧固.破碎机工作时,破碎板不应有松动现象,否则容易折断或磨损破碎板,降低破碎板的使用寿命.所以,组装时一定要装置好破碎板,从而延长破碎板的使用寿命.使用过程中改进以加强破碎板的寿命在生产过程中,破碎板与物料直接作用,破碎力很年夜,特别是破碎硬度较年夜的物料时,招致装置破碎板的螺栓振动,螺母松动,使破碎板磨损加剧并产生极年夜的噪音,严重时破碎板脱落或折断使设备停机,影响正常生产.遇到这种情况,只是开机前拧紧螺栓、螺母是不能完全解决问题的,要根据现场的实际情况具体问题具体分析,想法子采用切实可行的方法解决问题.例如,可以采纳弹簧防松减振装置解决破碎板在工作中的松动,从而延长破碎板的使用寿命,提高工作效率.具体做法是利用弹簧做成螺栓防松动及自紧装置,该装置由内弹簧压盖、弹簧、外弹簧压盖组成,把这个装置穿在螺栓上拧紧螺母,由于弹簧被螺母压紧到一定水平后,发生很强的防振效果,由巨年夜的破碎力发生的螺栓松动力被弹簧张紧力自动弥补,故螺栓不致于松动,从而延长破碎板的使用寿命,提高生产效率.总之,在使用过程中可以针对具体情况想法子解决具体问题,防止破碎板松动、磨损加剧、折断等情况,从而延长破碎板的使用寿命,降低本钱,提高工作效率.PE鄂式破碎机结论信有重工颚式破碎板使用寿命从设计选材、组装、使用过程中的改进等方面着手,能很好地加强颚破破碎板使用寿命,从而提高颚式破碎机的生产效率,降低生产本钱.影响因素对影响颚式破碎机生产能力的因素进行一下年夜致的了解.一般说来,影响颚式破碎机生产能力的因素有很多,年夜体来说有这么5。
鄂式破碎机中英文说明书 - 副本
![鄂式破碎机中英文说明书 - 副本](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a661fcfc551810a6f5248683.png)
1机架2、活动鄂板 3.边护板4、皮带轮5、动鄂6、偏心轴7拉紧螺栓8、垫片组9、调整座10、拉紧螺栓11、顶杆螺栓12、电动机13、弹簧14、拉杆15、肘板16、肘板垫17、活动鄂板四、安装说明本机是由制造厂装配后成台供应的,用户收到本机时,应进行检查,以消除在运输过程中可以出现弊病。
第四章 受力分析及主要零件强度计算4.1破碎力的计算破碎机的破碎力是计算机器各个零件强度和刚度的原始数据。
因此,作用在动颚上的最大破碎力可以按下式计算:qgLH P =max (式4—1)式中:q ——衬板单位面积上的平均压力,其值可取27=q 公斤/厘米2; L 、H ——破碎腔的长度和高度。
则 2max 279.890038510916839()P qgLH N -==⨯⨯⨯⨯= (式4—2) 当计算破碎机零件强度时,考虑冲击载荷的影响,应将max P 增大50%,故破碎机的计算破碎力为:max 1.5 1.59168391375.2585()js P P KN ==⨯= (式4—3)4.2 受力分析计算颚式破碎机各个零件的强度和刚度以前,必须先求得作用在各个部件上的外力。
计算破碎力js P 是确定这些外力的原始数据。
根据js P 力利用图解法即可求得各个部件上的计算载荷。
机构运动简图受力分析,如下图所示图 4—1由三角几何关系可得:61.37510()js P N =⨯; 61.41910()k P N =⨯; 61.03110()s P N =⨯。
4.3 主要零件强度计算颚式破碎机的主要零件有:偏心轴、动颚、推力板、动颚的拉杆弹簧、轴承、机架以及飞轮等。
4.3.1 偏心轴强度计算鉴于皮带拉力,飞轮与皮带轮的重量相对破碎力在偏心轴的分力来说其值甚小,为了方便起见可略去不计,这样,偏心轴的受力、扭矩、弯矩及当量弯矩就可按照图所示进行分析计算。
设备外形尺寸和图片Overall dinension and picture of equipment振动给料机:GZD 系列振动给料机,是专为破碎筛分中粗破碎机前均匀输送大块物料而设计的新型振动给料机。
(1)、工作原理: GZD 系列振动给料机是由给料槽体、激振器、弹簧支座、传动装置等组成。
槽体振动给料的振动源是激振器,激振器是由两根偏心轴 (主、被动) 和齿轮副组成,由电动机通过三角带驱动主动轴,再由主动轴上齿轮啮合被动轴转动,主、被动轴同时反向旋转,使槽体振动,使物料连续不断流动,达到输送物料的目的。
GZD 系列振动给料机结构简单,喂料均匀,连续性能好,激振力可调;随时改变和控制流量,操作方便;偏心块为激振源,噪音低,耗电少,调节性能好,无冲料现象;若采用封闭式机身可防止粉尘污染振动平稳、工作可靠、寿命长;可以调节激振力,可随时改变和控制流量,调节方便稳定;振动机电为激振源,噪声低、耗电小、调节性能好,无冲料现象。
Jaw Crusher's Classification And Optimization Abstract:Since the 21st century, the domestic crusher industries and enterprises through continuous introduction of technology and extensive business cooperation,and gradually opened up a vast development prospects, crusher equipment has played a vital role in the field of our country industry. Jaw crusher due to the manufacturing process is relatively simple, wide range of applications, has become the crusher industry's most popular devices. Currently jaw crusher technology gradually improved, occupies a leading position in the development of domestic crusher industry as a whole.However, our crusher industries and enterprises in the future development of the road there are still a huge challenge. Therefore, to further improve the jaw crusher and other equipment technology level of domestic crusherindustry has become the key to the world.Keywords: Jaw crusher; Classification; OptimizationJaw Crusher Description:Jaw Crusher appeared in 1858 . Commonly known as jawcrusher broken jaw , also known as the Tiger mouth . By the dynamic and static jaw jaw jaw plate composed of two crushing chamber to simulate the movement of animals to complete two jaw crusher crushing materials operations . Widely used in mining , smelting, building material, highway , railway, water conservancy and chemical industry in a variety of ores and medium-grained bulk materials broken . Maximum compressive strength of the material to be broken for 320Mpa.Jaw crusher features:Jaw crusher in mining, building materials, construction and other departments are mainly used as coarse crusher andcrusher.According to the width of the inlet size into large , medium and small three , the inlet width is greater than 600MM for large machines , the width of the inlet for the medium-sized machine 300-600MM , 300MM less than the width of the inlet for small machine . Jaw crusher structure is simple, easy manufacturing, reliable work, convenient use and maintenance.Jaw crusher structure:Work part of the jaw crusher is two pieces of jaw plate,one is fixed jaw plate ( fixed jaw ) , vertical (or the upper slightly extraversion) fixed in the front wall of the body , and the other is movable jaw plate ( moving jaw ) , location inclined to form the next big small crushing chamber ( working chamber ) and the fixed jaw . Movable jaw against the fixed jaw do periodic reciprocating motion , sometimes separately , sometimes close . When separated material into the crushing chamber from the lower finished unloading ; Approached,the materials are squeezed between two pieces of jaw plate, bending and fracturing effect and broken.Jaw crusher jaw swing by activity in different ways, can be divided into simple swing jaw crusher ( simple pendulum jaw crusher ) . Complex swing jaw crusher ( compound pendulum jaw crusher ) and integrated swing jaw crusher three.Movable jaw movement is through connecting rod, thrust plate mechanism to achieve. It is composed of a flywheel , the eccentricshaft , connecting rod , the front and rear thrust plate thrust plate. Flywheels are mounted on the ends of the eccentric shaft , the eccentric shaft is supported in the frame side walls of the main bearing , the eccentric shaft mounted in the upper portion of the link , the front and rear end of the thrust plates are supported on both sides of the lower portion of the link bracket on the carriage , the other end of the support plate in the forward thrust of the lower portion of the movable jaw toggle plate holder , the other end of the support plate of the back pressure on the rear wall of the frame toggle plate support . When the motor pulley driven by the eccentric shaft is rotated, so that the connecting rod in motion . The up and down movement rod to drive the thrust motion of the plates . Since the movement of the thrust plate inclination angle changing results , so the movable jaw about the suspension axis reciprocated to the crushed ore . When the movable jaw swings forward , horizontal rod moving through the spring to balance the inertial force generated by jaw thrust plate , so that the thrust plate and moving jaw closely to warrant separation. When the movable jaw backward, but also play a supportive role spring . As the jaw crusher flywheel is intermittent work , that is working stroke and idle stroke ,so it 's very uneven load of the motor . When the load evenly , it is necessary to move the movable jaw backwards ( away from the fixed jaw plate ) , the idle stroke of the energy stored up , so working stroke ( crushed ore ) , and then release all the energy out. Using the principle of inertia , the ends of the eccentric shaft being provided with a flywheel able to achieve this objective. In order to simplify the machine structure , which is usually regarded flywheel serves as a power transmission with a pulley . For two motors are driven using a large jaw crusher , two flywheels are made of pulleys, pulley that is also round off the role .The eccentric shaft or spindle which is the important parts of the crusher , simple pendulum jaw crusher movable jaw hanging called spindle axis . The eccentric shaft is driven by the movement of the rod up and down the main parts , due to the crushing force under great work they are generally made of high quality alloy steel . According to our resources, the eccentric shaft large jaw crusher to adopt manganese , molybdenum, vanadium , manganese, boron and chromium molybdenum and molybdenum alloy steel is more appropriate. Small jaw crusher adopts 45 steel manufacturing . The eccentric shaft should be quenched or normalizing heat treatment to improve the strength and wear resistance. Spindle generally use 45 steel.Only simple rod pendulum jaw crusher have it link by link body and head components. Because when you work under tension , so with steelproduction. There are two rod body and the whole combination , the former used for medium and small jaw crusher , which is mainly used for large jaw crusher . In order to reduce the inertia of the rod , the rod should seek to reduce the weight of the body , so the medium and small jaw crusher generally use the " workers " and the words "ten "-shaped cross-section structure, and a large jaw crusher adopts box sectionform . For hydraulic jaw crusher is concerned, the body is also equipped with a rod hydraulic cylinder ( piston ) , the insurance role overload when starting the machine .Thrust plate , also known as bracketed, it is both the movable jaw moving parts delivery , but also a safety device crusher . Thrust plate to withstand the pressure at work , the whole cast is generally made of cast iron , but also cast two , and then join together rivets or bolts . Both ends of the thrust plate ( elbow head ) wear the most serious. To increase the wear resistance of the first elbow , the elbow may be manufactured separately from the head and the thrust plate and the head portion of the toggle processing should be chilled , but preferably change their structure, such as rolling-contact , in order to facilitate the formation of oil film , reduce wear.Adjusting means it is the crusher mouth size adjustment mechanism . With the broken tooth plate wear, port of discharge increases , crushing granularity constantly thicker. In order to ensure product size requirements , must be used to adjust the device periodically adjusted discharge mouth size.Pai mine mouth adjustment method jaw crusher There are two main forms:1 ) shim adjustments. Between the bearing and the thrustplate rack wall, into a group of equal thickness gasket. By increasing or reducing the number of spacer layers , so that the crusher discharge mouth to decrease or increase . This method can be multi-level adjustment , the machine structure is compact , can reduce the weight of the equipment , but be sure to stop adjusting . Large jaw crusher and more with this adjustment method.2 ) wedge adjustment . With the thrust bearing and the rear panel between the rear wall of the frame relative movement of the two wedge adjustment to achieve the crusher mouth . Turn the nut on thebolt , the adjustment wedge along the back wall of the rack for moving up or down , driving the front wedge " to move forward or backward , thus promoting the movable jaw thrust plate or to reach the port of discharge adjustment purposes. this method can achieve stepless adjustment , easy to adjust, to save time , do not stop to adjust , but increased the size and weight of the machine . , a small jaw crusher is often used such an adjustment device .Jaw Crusher Features:Crushing chamber depth and no dead zone , improved feeding capacity and output ; Its broken than big, uniform particle size of the product ; gasketed discharge opening adjustment device , reliable and convenient , large adjustment range, increase the flexibility of the equipment ;lubrication system safe, reliable, easy to replace parts , small maintenance workload ; simple structure , reliable operation and low operating costs. Stand-alone energy-saving 15% to 30% , saving more than double ; Discharging mouth wide adjustment range, can meet different user requirements ; low noise , less dust .Jaw Crusher Working principle:By periodic motion to the movable jaw crushing material in axially movable jaw fixed jaw around the swing center suspension process , is located between the two jaw crushed material will be subjected to the combined effect , splitting and bending . Starts, less pressure , reduce the volume of material , the material is close between each other tight squeeze ; when the pressure rises to the strength of the material can withstand over time , that crushing occurs Conversely, when moving away from the fixed jaw jaw swing in the opposite direction . they rely onthe weight of the material downward movement . every cyclical movementof the movable jaw so that the material subjected to a crush on the role of a distance to the next carriage . after several cycles , the material was broken machine begins the discharge port outside with the continuous rotation of the motor for the periodic motion of mobile jaw crusher crushing and waste material, to achieve mass production .Jaw Crusher Advantages :1 , good stability , high reliability.Movable jaw assembly constituted using high quality steel castings , heavy eccentric shaft has also adopted forging billet for processing, itall makes are jaw crusher with exceptional stability. Than other same specifications crusher, we use larger and more durable eccentric shaft bearings , it has a higher carrying capacity to ensure its reliability.2 , advanced technology, long service life.Using world-class manufacturing processes , the use of advanced digital processing equipment components to ensure precision machine parts ; selection of the most high-end production of materials , which greatly enhances its compressive strength , abrasion resistance , greatly extending the life of the machine .3, simple structure , easy maintenance.Through continuous improvement and optimization , to improve the performance of the machine at the same time to ensure that the machine structure is simplified . Entire machine easier to operate , more convenient maintenance , down time greatly reduced.4 , large capacity , good working principle .The use of advanced crushing principle , to make the product significantly increased the proportion of the cube , reduce flakiness stones more uniform grain size .Structural parameters of China since 1951 began to imitate compound pendulum jaw crusher since a very long time , the people in order to make the movable jaw has better motion characteristics , to reduce wear and increase processing capacity , have a greater impact on some of thesuch as transmission angle , swing angle brackets , eccentricity , suspension height of the spindle, moving jaw stroke , nip angle , rod length, etc. have done a lot of research work. Optimal design compound pendulum jaw crusher , in a very long period of time , the designer of choice organization size, crank radius with a certain blindness , and most of the same model to determine the reference to foreign analogies . Or to obtain the desired amount of compression , blindly trial and error to be changed , so that the drive can not guarantee the best performance of the machine , to optimize the design of the crank radius , can be guaranteed to get the best agencies in the size of the process parameters to achieve the prerequisite requirements .In recent years, jaw crusher rapid development in China up as an important mining stone crushing equipment , in order to meet the growing demand , we need to be optimized to improve. The following is a jaw crusher optimization direction .First, the jaw crusher materials : it is the choice of steel, the wear-resisting is the core of the crushing equipment requirements, jaw crusher wear parts mainly jaw and retaining plate , jaw plate with high quality and high manganese steel alloy by adjusting the proportion of carbon steel in the process of casting to improve the hardness of materials and resistance.Second, the structure of jaw crusher : including the machine whole appearance, parts and components assembly shape designoptimization.Understands from red star heavy industry, casing of jaw crusher can casting and welding, you can also use the convergence boltsand other ways to connect, , so at the scene of the use of adaptive ability has greatly improved.Optimized cavity shape, that is, tooth plate section to change shape and get a more reasonable crushing cavity curve, the feeding and get the best fit, change the ride height, cut is ride height, even down to zero or negative suspension, to increase the horizontal stroke of the bottom of the movable jaw.Third, improve maintenance system: jaw crusher as the first tobreak the working strength is larger, the daily maintenance and maintenance is not good, will greatly increase the equipment wear and tear, shorten the service life of jaw crusher.At present, the jaw crusher with circulation lubricating oil road and cooling system, can effectively reduce equipment wear and tear, reduce the daily production maintenance and maintenance costs.Fourth, reduce energy consumption : crusher in bulk materials must meet the requirements can be broken , the maximum strength to strength materials can be processed in the crusher . Moreover , the crushing process, the crushing chamber should be prevented from entering the non-broken like iron therein. After crushing the feed materials are mixed together , there are a variety of materials strength inequality , high strength material will protect small strength materials , thereby reducing the intensity of the broken probability of small material and product granularity. Due to the strength of the liner and cause crushing chamber by force is not uniform , and ultimately can lead to uneven wear liner , affecting the normal operation of the crusher. Therefore, to improve the efficiency of the crusher , the parts of the equipment toimprove the forces , fully laminated in the crushing process of crushing function in the production process should try to ensure the uniformity of the feed material requirements of strength .Currently , the crusher equipment in the domestic demand for economic development in the field of strength increasing, many businesses are optimistic about the prospects for the development of domestic crusher industry , joining the tide of competition to domestic crusher industry, prompted domestic crusher industry in the fierce market competition to achieve greater progress. Therefore , crusher equipment and technology to improve the level of development of industries and enterprises will decide on further development speed of China's industrial industries. In recent years , the jaw crusher is widely used modern engineering technology effectively promote the development of domestic industries and enterprises .翻译鄂氏破碎机分类及优化摘要:进入21世纪以来,国内破碎机行业企业经过不断的技术引进和广泛的商业合作,逐步开辟了一片广阔的发展前景,破碎机设备在我国工业行业领域中起到了至关重要的作用。
附录外文翻译APPLICATION OF BLASTING IN DRIVING TUNNEL1 FRAGMENTATION Fragmentation is the breaking of coal oreor rock by blasting so that the bulk ofthe material is small enough to load handle and transport.Fragmentation would be atits best when the debris is not smaller than necessary for handling and not so large asto require hand breaking or secondary blasting . Energy must be supplied to rock by direct or indirect means to fragment that rockand the type of loadingsystem.Fragmentation energy is consumed by the mainmechanisms: 1 creation of new surface area fracture energy 2friction plasticityand 3elastic wave enegy dispersion. The loading method determines the relative proportions and the amount of energyconsumed in fragmenting a given rock type. Unonfined tensile failure consumes theleast energy with an increasing amount of energy required as the rock is more highlyconfined within a compressive stress field during fragmentation The way energy isapplied by tools to cause rock or mineral fragmentation is important in determiningfragmentation efficiency. To best design fragmentation tools and optimizefragmentation systems it would be desirable to know how rock properties influencebreakage. The strength of rock is influenced by the environmental conditions imposed on therock.Those of most importance in rock are 1confining pressure 2pore fluidpressure 3temperature and 4rate of loadapplication .Increase in confiningpressure as with increasing depth beneath th earths surface or under the action of afragmentation tool causes an increase in rockstrength .Apparent rock strengthdecreases as porc fluid pressure increases since it decreases the effect of confiningpressure. Although chemical effects of pore fluids influence rock strength theygenerally are small compared to the confining pressure effect except for a smallminority of rock types .Increase in rock temperature causes a decrease in rockstrength.This effect is very small because of the small ambient temperature changesfound during mining. An increase in rate of load application causes an apparentincrease in rock strength. Rock exhibits directional properties that in fluence the way it breaks. These areembodied in the concept of rock fabric which connotes thestructure or configurationof the aggregate components as well as the physical or mechanical propertymanifestations. Rock fabric ont only relates to the preferred orientation of mineralconstituents and their planes of weakness but also to the configuration ofdiscontinuities microcracks and pores.Joints and bedding planes have great influenceon fragmentation at field scale. Physical properties of rock densityindentationhardnessabrasivehardness andporosity are frequently used in conjunction with mechanical properties to developbetter empirical esti mations of rock fragmentation.2 BLASTHOLE CHARGING METHODS Drill hole charging can be carried out in different ways depending on whether theexplosive used is in cartridges or in the form of loose material. The oldest chargingmethod implies the use of a tamping rod and this system is still used to a very greatextent .During the last 20years compressed air chargers have been used and thesemachines provide both good capacity and also an improved level of chargeconcentration so that the drill holes are utilized to a higher degree. During the last fewyears semi-automatic chargers have been taken into use primarily in undergroundwork. Compressed air chargers for blasting powder in the form of loose material havealso come into use on a large scale. As far as slurry blasting is concerned specialpumping methods have been developed through which charging capacity in the caf large diameter drill holes is practically good. A tamping rod must be made of wood or plastic. It must not be too thick inrelation to the drill hole diameter since this can crush and damage fuse or electricdetonator cables during charging work. If a good degree of packing is to be obtainedduring charging with a tamping rod then only one cartridge at a time should becharged and tamped. The detonator must be correctly fed into the drill hole duringcharging work. Compressed air chargers have been in use is Sweden for about 20 years. The firsttype consisted of aluminum pipes connected together and the cartridges were blowninto the hole with an air pressure of 42 pounds per square inch .since that time thecharging tube has been replaced by anti-static treated plastic hose of a special design.A charger includes a foot-operated valve reduction vavlewith air hose breechconnecting tube and charging hose. The semi-automatic charger permits the continuous insertion of explosivecartridge at the same rate as they are charged in the hole by the hose .Instead of avalve being used the cartridges pass through an air lock between two flaps. The airpressure in the charging hose is retained while cartridges are pressure in the charginghose is retained while cartridges are beins inserted .The semi-automatic chargerpermits considerably higher charging capacity than the normal type of charger. Explosives in the form of the form of loose material usually ammonium nitrateexplosivesANFO require special chargers. Two types can be differentiated:pressrure vessel machines and ejector units. Pressure vessel machines are particularlysuitable for crystalline An explosives with good charging capacity. Ejector units areoperate by an ejector sucking up explosive from a container through a charging hose.The explosive is then blown through the charging hose into the drill hole .There arealso combined pressure ejector machines. The charging hose used for ANFO chargingoperations must conduct electricity and have a resistance of at least 1K/m andmax.30K/M. Nitro Nobel has developed a special pumping procedure which consists of atanker vehicle which is used to pump explosive directly the drill holes. The chargingcapacity is very high in the case of large diameter drill holes.3 CONTROLLED BLASTING TECHNIQUTES Controlled blasting is used to reduce overbreak and minimize fracturing of therock at the boundary of an excavation. The four basic controlled blasting techniquesare: line drilling presplitting cushion blasting and smooth blasting. Line drilling the earliest controlled blasting technique involves drilling a row ofclosely spaced holes along the final excavation line providing a plane of weakness towhich to break. Line drill holes 2or 4 diameters apart and contain no explosive. Theblastholes adjacent to the line drillholes normally are loaded lighter and are on closerspacing than the other blastholes. The maximum depth for line drilling is about30ft .Line drilling involves no blasting in the final row of holes and thus minimizesdamage to the final wall. Presplitting sometimes called preshearing involves asingle row ofboreholes usually 2 to 4 in .in diameter drilled along the final excavation at a spacingof 6 to 12 borehole diameters .Dynamite cartridges 1to 1.5 in . in size on 1 to2ft .centers usually are string-loadde on detonating cord although specialsmall-diameter cartridges with special couplers are available for total columnloading .In unconsolidated formations closer spacings with lighter powder loads arerequired .The bottom 2 to 3ft .of borehole usually is loaded somewhat heavier thanthe remainder .Stemming between and around the individual charges is optional .Thetop 2 to 3 ft . of borehole is not loaded but is stemmed. The depth that can bupresplit is limited by hole alignment with 50ft .being about maximum .The presplitholes are fired before before the adjacent primary holes to provide a fracture plane towhich the primary blast can break .In presplitting it is difficult to determine the resultsuntil the adjacent primary blast is shot .For this reason presplitting too far in advanceis not recommended .Presplitting seldom is done underground. Cushion blasting involves drilling a row of 2 – to 6-in .diameter boreholes alongthe final excavation line loading with a light well-distributed charge completelystemmed and firing after the main excavation is removed rather than before as inpresplitting. The burden on the holes is slightly larger than the spacing .Wedges maybe used to abut the charges to the excavation side of the borehole and minimizedamage to the final wall .Eeplosive loading is similar to that in presplitting .Cushionblasting has been done to depths near 100 ft .in a single lift with the larger-diameterboreholes because alignment is more easily retained .Cushion blasting seldom is doneunderground. Smooth blasting is the underground counterpart of cushion blasting .At theperimeter of the tunnel or drift closely spaced holes with a burden-to-spacing rationear 1.5:1 are loaded with light well-distributed charges .Smooth blasting differs fromcushion blasting in that 1 except at the collar the charges are not stemmed and 2the perimeter holes are fired on the last delay in the same round as the primaryblast .Total column loading is most common although spacers may be used .Theholes are stemmed to prevent the charges from being pulled out by the detonation ofthe previous delayed holes .Smoothblasting reduces overbreak in a drift and alsoprovides a more competent back requiring less support .It involves more perimeterholes than does normal blasting. Combinations of controlled blasting techniques are used .In unconsolidatedrockline drilling sometimes is desirable between presplit or cushion boreholes .Corners sometimes are presplit when cushion blasting is used.4 TUNNEL BLASTING The most common methed of driving a mining tunnel is a cyclic operation in threesequences: 1 Drilling shot holes charging them with explosives and blasting. 2 Removing the resulting muck pile. 3 Inserting the tunnel linings into the newly excaved area and advancing theralls. ventilation arrangements and power supplies ready for the next cycle ofoperations. The basic principle of tunnel blasting in its simplest term is to loosen a volumeof the virgin rock in such a way that when it is removed the line of the tunnel hasadvance in the correct direction with as nearly as possible the correct cross-section. The dilling pattern in which the holes to receive the explosives are drilled intothe working face is designed so that :the holes are easy to drill the minimurd totalquantity of explosive is required and the periphery of the space left after the blastconforms as nearly as possible to the required tunnel section. A blast round consists of cut relief breast and trim holes . The cut portion is themost important . The objective of the cut is to provide a free face to which theremainder of the round may break. The two general types of cuts are the angled cut and the burn .These can be usedin combinations to form various other cuts .Angled cuts are more advantageous thanburn in wide headings due to the fewer boles and less explosive required per foot .Adisadvangtage is the possibility of large pieces of rock being thrown from the “V”. The wedge or V-cut consists of two holes angled to meet or nearly meet at thebottom . The cut can consist of one or several Vs either verticao or horizontal .Fordeeper rounds or hard-breaking rock double Vs can be used .The smaller is called thebaby cut . It is useful in small rge-diameter burn holes provide excellentrelief in big headings .Burn cuts permit deeper rounds than angled cuts and due tothe increased advance per round may prove more economical .In burn cuts theholesmust be drilled parallel with proper spacing and 0.5 : 1 ft deeper than the remainderof the round .Usually one or more holes large-diameter are left unloaded to providerelief for the loaded holes . Various combinations of spacing alignment and holesloaded are possible. Innumerable typesofblastingrounds are used in underground headings .Even in thesame heading the round may have to be altered as different rock charateristicsdevelop.An important factor in any round is the firing sequence .In general the holesare fired so that each hole or series of holes is blasted to the free face provided by thepreceding holes .The depth of drift rounds depends on the complete drifting cycle anddrift size.A general rule is that a round will not break much deeper than the leastcross-sectional dimension of the drift . Rounds can be arranged that provide certainmuck-pile shapes and positions for more efficient loading and cycles . In driftsrequiring close support rounds can be arranged to prevent damage. 爆破在井巷掘进中的应用1 破岩理论破岩是用爆破的方式把煤、矿石或岩石破碎,使大部份物料的块度足够小,知足装载、处置和运输的条件。
颚式破碎机使用说明书郑州市长城重工机械有限公司目录1.敬告用户 (1)2.产品特点 (1)3.产品用途 (1)4.常用颚式破碎机的规格和技术参数 (2)5.结构简述及装配 (3)6.颚破的安装、操作和维修 (10)一、敬告客户为了确保本机正常工作,充分发挥本机应有的性能,希望使用单位在使用本机之前首先熟悉本机说明书,并按照说明书技术要求进行操作。
五、 结构简述及装配图1 颚式破碎机结构图1.定颚(衬板)2.边护板(上)3.动颚衬板4. 动颚5.肘板6.拉紧装置(弹簧和拉杆)7. 边护板(下)8.带轮9.轴承 10.轴承 11.偏心轴 12.飞轮颚式破碎机以电动机为动力,通过电动机皮带轮,由三角皮带和槽轮驱动偏心轴,使动颚按预定轨迹作往复运动。
2、动颚部件 (1) 结构特征:动颚为整体优质铸钢结构,其内孔以及凹槽等部位经过精确加工与检测,确保工作时安全、可靠。
中国地质大学长城学院本科毕业设计外文资料翻译系别:工程技术系专业:机械设计制造及其自动化姓名:田东东学号: 052115162015年3月11日反击式破碎机是一种新型高效率的碎矿设备,其特点是体积小,构造简单,破碎比大(可达40),能耗少,生产能力大,产品粒度均匀,并有选择性的碎矿作用,是很有发展前途的设备。
Influence of some rock strength properties on jaw crusherperformance in granite quarryAbstract:The influence of rock strength properties on Jaw Crusher performance was carried out to determine the effect of rock strength on crushing time and grain size distribution of the rocks.Investigation was conducted on four different rock samples namely marble.dolomite.1imestone and granite which were representatively selected from fragmented lumps in quarries.Unconfined compressive strength and Point load tests were carried out on each rock sample as well as crushing time and size analysis.The results of the strength parameters of each sample were correlated with the crushing time and the grain size distribution of the rock types。
The results of the strength tests show that granite has the highest mean value of 101.67 MPa for Unconfined Compressive Strength(UCS)test.6.43 MPa for Point Load test while dolomite has the least mean value of 30.56 MPa for UCS test and 0.95MPa for Point Load test。
1),使移动下颌颚支持由移动和移动颚板等的影响部分,将采取下巴支持35#scast 钢,并处理通过调整质量。
本毕业设计主要是对950 1250(进料口尺寸(宽×长))的颚式破碎机进行设计,对破碎机上面的各个零件进行拆分,画出各个零件的零件图,然后画出其装配图。
关键词:颚式破碎机动颚破碎偏心轴AbstractJaw crusher is commonly known as the broken jaw, by moving jaw and quiet jaw two jaw plate component crushing cavity, Simulate the movement of animals to complete two jaw crusher material crushing operation, Widely used in mining, building materials, smelting broken highway, railway, water conservancy and chemical industry, all kinds of ores and bulk materials. The highest compressive strength of broken material is 320MPa, jaw crusher’s jaw hang directly on the eccentric shaft. The movable jaw is eccentric driven directly, so the movable jaw plate can do complex swing vertically and horizontally at the same time, jaw crusher of the stone can not only play the role of crushing and breaking, but also play the role of ground. With the development of science and technology, ore industry demand also increases greatly, various types of jaw crusher design is particularly important.This graduation design is mainly to the 950x1250 (inlet size (width * length)) jaw crusher’s design,Split parts of the crusher above, draw all parts drawings, then draw the assembly drawing. Calculation the design of main parameters of jaw crusher and its main structure, the design content mainly includes jaw crusher jaw, eccentric shaft, a belt pulley, a front wall, a side wall, flange, end cover, and other important components, In addition,main parts ‘s working principle and characteristics of jaw crusher is introduced, At the same time on the machine parameters (spindle speed, production capacity, crushing force and power) were calculated and the eccentric shaft made the design. In addition, also introduce the significance and crushing process of crusher, jaw crusher operation and maintenance etc......Key word: Jaw crusher,jaw,crusher,eccentric shaft目录摘要 (1)1 绪论 (1)1.1课题背景及研究意义 (1)1.2 国内外研究现状 (2)1.3 颚式破碎机的工作原理 (3)1.4 颚式破碎机的基本结构 (7)1.5 本章小结 (8)2 颚式破碎机主要参数的选取及计算 (9)2.1颚式破碎机的结构及安装 (9)2.2基本参数的选取与计算 (9) (9) (10) (11) (12) (12) (12) (13) (13) (14) (14) (14)传动角 (15) (16)2.3 主要参数的计算 (16) (16)2.3.2 生产能力Q (17) (17) (18) (18)2.4 本章小结 (7)3 颚式破碎机主要结构的设计 (20)3.1 飞轮的设计 (20)3.2 偏心轴主要尺寸的确定 (20) (20) (22) (22)3.3 动颚体设计 (22) (24)3.4齿板的设计 (24)3.5 肘板(推力板) (25) (26)3.6 机架结构 (26)4 颚式破碎机的主要零部件校核 (28)4.1 偏心轴的校核 (28)4.2 肘板的强度校核 (29)5 颚式破碎机部分零件上的公差和配合 (30)5.1 配合的选择 (30) (30)5.2一般公差的选取 (30)5.3形位公差 (30)结论 (33)致谢 (34)参考文献 (35)附录A:英文资料 (36)附录B:中文翻译 (47)1 绪论1.1 课题背景及研究意义随着当代社会经济的迅速发展,各种金属、非金属矿等物料的社会需求规模日益扩大,需要破磨的物料量迅速增加。
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Influence of some rock strength properties on jaw crusherperformance in granite quarryAbstract:The influence of rock strength properties on Jaw Crusher performance was carried out to determine the effect of rock strength on crushing time and grain size distribution of the rocks.Investigation was conducted on four different rock samples namely marble.dolomite.1imestone and granite which were representatively selected from fragmented lumps in quarries.Unconfined compressive strength and Point load tests were carried out on each rock sample as well as crushing time and size analysis.The results of the strength parameters of each sample were correlated with the crushing time and the grain size distribution of the rock types。
The results of the strength tests show that granite has the highest mean value of 101.67 MPa for Unconfined Compressive Strength(UCS)test.6.43 MPa for Point Load test while dolomite has the least mean value of 30.56 MPa for UCS test and 0.95MPa for Point Load test。
According to the International Society for Rock Mechanic OSRM)standard.the granite rock sample maybe classified as having very high strength and dolomite rock sample,low strength.Also,the granite rock has the highest crushing time(2 1.O s)and dolomite rock has the least value(5.0 s).Based on the results of the investigation,it was found out that there is a great influence of strength properties on crushing time of rock types.1 IntroductionThe strength of a material refers to the materials ability to resist an applied force.Strength property of rock is the ability of the rockmaterial to resist failure when load is applied without yielding or fracture.The mechanical properties of rock depend upon the interaction between the crystals,particles and cementation material of which it is composed.The yield strength of a material is an adequate indicator of the material’s mechanical strength and is the parameter that predicts plastic deformation in the material.from which one can make informed decisions on how to increase the strength of a material depending on its micro-structural properties and the desired end effect.Strength is considered in terms of compressive strength,tensile strength,and shear strength,namely the limit states of compressive stress,tensile stress and shear stress, respectively.According to Reference,the effect of dynamic loading is probably the most important practical part of the strength of materials,especially the problem of fatigue.Repeated loading often initiates brittle cracks,which grow slowly until failure occurs.It is of paramount importance to first carryout size reduction of an ore or rock material on a laboratory scale for the ore or rock material to be profitably andeconomically processed industrially.This permits the determination of parameters such as liberation size,grindability,coarse to medium to fine proportion in any product of the crushing and grinding equipment and the proportion of values of gangues in the fines.Jaw Crusher is used for crushing rock material in mines and quarries。
It provides the latest technology in heavy duty crusher design that delivers high production,infinite setting adjustment,larger feed opening bolted mainframe,cast swing,jaw holder and optional positioning of the crusher support feet to suit installation requirement.This crusher is designed for exceptional heavy and continuous application with heavy duty part for optimum operation and long life and this can be influenced by the strength properties of the rock.The influence of rock strength property can result to the loss of capacity to perform the stipulated function for which jaw crusher was designed. The UCS was the main quantitative method forcharacterizing the strength of rock materials.Point load test is used to determine rock strength indexes in geotechnical practice.Rock lithologies were classified into general categories and conversion factors were determined for each category.This allows for intact rock strength data to be made available through point load testing for numerical geotechnical analysis and empirical rock mass classification systems such as the Coal Mine Roof Rating(CMRR).Crushing is an integral portion for mineral processing operations and is critical for the preparation of ore for downstream process for mineral processing operations.Crushing of quarried rock is carried out in stages,with the primary crushing stage typically carried out using jaw crusher and subsequent(secondary and tertiary).From field observation,the greater the number of crushing stage,the higher the amount of fine produced as a proportion of total plant throughout.The type of crusher used also directly controls the amount of fines produced. A recent study of quarry fines looked at possible relationship between quarry plant operation and the generation of quarry fines.The conclusion drawn have been critically revealed that hard rock aggregate plant production is directly proportional to the number of crushing stages;it increases with an increase in production stage.Low reduction fines generation at each stage especially where the rock or mineral are fragile,however,the cumulative fines production may be higher than a process using fewer stages with higher reduction.The panicle size analysis is the method used to determine the particle size distribution or the grain size distribution of rock/ore materials.In practice,close size control of feed to mineral processing equipment is required in order to reduce the size effect and make the relative motion of the particles separation dependent.The particle size distribution of a matedal is important in understanding its physical andchemical propenies.It affects the strength and load bearing properties of rocks.The easiest conventional method of determining mineral particle size is sieve analysis,where grain size is separated on sieve of different sizes/apertures using Sieve Shaker.Thus the particle size distribution is defined in tems of discrete size ranges and measured in micron.It is usually determined over a list of size ranges that covers nearly all the sizes present in the sample. Some methods of determination allow much narrower size ranges to be defined that can be obtained by use of sieves and are applicable to panicle sizes outside the range available in sieves.However,the idea of notional‘sieve’that‘retains’particles above a certain size and‘passes’panicles below that size is universally used in presenting panicle size distribution data of all kinds.The size distribution may be expressed as a‘range’analysis,in which the amount in each size range is listed in order of fineness of particles.It may also be presented in‘cumulative form’in which the total of all sizes ‘retained’or‘passed’by a single notional‘sieve’is given for a range of sizes.Range analysis is suitable when a particular ideal mid—range panicle size is being sought while cumulative analysis is used where the anlount of ‘under-size’ or‘over-size’must be controlled.2 Materials and methodThe rock samples used for the investigation were obtained from different quarries in Nigeria.Dolomite,limestone and marble samples were collected from Edo State and granite rock samples from Ondo State。