
2024上海高考英语句子翻译模拟试题建议用时:60分钟满分:100分Directions:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words given in the brackets.1.【2023届上海市建平中学高三下学期三模考试英语试题】72.春日阳光和煦,人们不禁想要出去走走。
(prior to)53.信息技术是否改变了年轻一代对世界的认知方式?(perceive)54.三个月后,我们将参加人生最重大的考试之一,它的结果也许会决定我们的人生轨迹。
(represent)55.今年的春晚(The Spring Festival Gala)好戏连台,有悦耳动听的歌曲,美轮美奂的舞蹈,还有风趣幽默的相声,观众们在喜庆的气氛中辞旧迎新。
(so that)4.【2023届上海浦东新区高三三模英语试题】52.四月已至,春意盎然,这给生活带来了新的希望。

10. He feels it his duty to help others.
11. 我盼望收到你的回信。 11. I am looking forward to hearing from you. 12. 他一定要我们俩都接受邀请。 12. He insisted on our both accepting the invitation. 13. 请接受我诚挚的歉意,我昨晚没参加宴会。 13. Will you kindly accept an apology for my
46. 我除了学英语,还学法语。 46. I’m learning French as well as English. 47. 这件事对你我都很重要。 47. It is important for you as well as for me. 48. 他不光给我钱,还给我建议。 48. He gave me money as well as advice. 49. 他不仅是著名诗人,还是著名剧作家。 49. He was not only a famous poet but also a
at last.
71. 10月30日凌晨,地处繁华地段的一幢办公楼 失火。
71. On the early morning of October 30, a big fire broke out in an office building in a busy street.
3. 夏天到湖里游泳多有趣呀!
3. What fun/How interesting it is to swim in a lake in summer!

初三英语句子翻译练习1. 你不应该感到沮丧You shouldn’t _____________.2. 你得定期复习你的功课You ______________________.3. 你应该使用彩色的笔加亮重要的部分You should ___________________highlight the important parts .4. 这将在两个方面帮助你This will help you _____________________.5. 它将帮助你把注意力集中在最重要的部分It will ______you ________________ the most important parts.6. 这将使复习更容易This will ______ reviewing ________.7. 你不必复习所有的材料You __________________ all the material.8. 如果你在睡觉之前考虑这些信息,你也许能够记得更好If you __________the information before you _____________,you might ____________remember it better.9. 另外一个记忆信息的好时间是在早晨__________________information is in the morning.10. __________people go traveling on holidays. 许多人假日外出旅游11. _______ tell your father the thing. 记得告诉你爸爸这件事12. You ________________ in the morning. 早上你得早起134. They13. ____________________ their lessons before the exam. 考试前他们必须要复习功课14. You _________________ you can remember the words easily.你会发现你能够很容易的记住单词15._______________________ the key points. 记住关键点是很容易的16.You _______________ remember the words better. 你将能够更好的记住单词17.You should __________________ in the morning. 你应该尽量在早晨读英语18.I always ___________________________ new words. 我总是记单词有困难。
初中英语句子翻译100 题(附答案)

初中中考英语句子翻译、完成句子练习100题附答案一、根据所给中文,完成相应的英语句子,每空限填一词:1. 多喝水,这对你的健康有好处。
Drink more water. It _______ _______ _______ your health.2. 昨天直到雨停了孩子们才离开学校。
The children _______ leave school _______ the rain stopped yesterday.3. 非常感谢邀请我参加你的聚会。
_______ ______ _______ _______ asking me to your party.4. 钥匙是金属做的,用来锁门。
The key _______ _______ ______ metal and _______ ______ ______ door.5. 你们想拿回你们的电视机,是吗?You want to ________ your TV set ________, _______ you?6. 天太冷了,不能去游泳。
It's too cold _________ ________ ________.7. 我和她年龄一样大。
I'm _______ _______ ________ ________ _______8. 丽丽叫我不要忘记告诉她母亲这条好消息。
Lily asked me _______ _______ _______ ______ tell her mother the good news.9. 昨天当我到达电影院时,电影已经开始半小时了。
When I ______ ______ the cinema yesterday, the film _______ _______ ______ for half an hour.10. 晚饭后为什么不去散步呢?_______ _______ _______ out for a walk after supper?二、根据所给中文,完成相应的英语句子,每空所填词数不限:1. 躺在床上看书对你的眼睛有害。

主语—谓语+宾语)+宾语补语(不定式)There be 句型23.外面有一些人。

100个现在进行时句子带翻译They are playing basketball now. 现在他们正在打篮球.We are playing basketball now. 现在我们正在打篮球.Listen! She is singing an English song. 听,她正在唱英语歌.Look at the picture, the children are flying kites in the park. 看这幅图.那些孩子正在公园放风筝.We are making model planes these days. 这些天他们在做飞机模型.They are making model planes these days. 这些天我们在做飞机模型.It's 6:30 now. I am getting up. 现在是6:30.我正在起床She is speaking. 她正在讲话.He is speaking. 他正在讲话.I am speaking. 我正在讲话.The children are singing. 孩子们正在唱歌.I am listening to the radio. 我正在听无线电.We are listening to the radio. 我们正在听无线电.He is listening to the radio. 他正在听无线电.My brother is writing. 我兄弟正在写字.We are preparing our lesson. 我们正在准备功课.Our teachers are having a meeting. 我们的老师正在开会.The dog is running very fast. 狗正在非常快地跑着.The students are swimming across the river. 学生们正在游泳渡过这条河.Your sister is looking for her pen. 你妹妹正在找她的钢笔.He is telling us an interesting story. 他正在给我们讲一个有趣的故事.We are having a holiday today. 今天我们正在度假.What are you doing these days? 这几天你正在做什么?You are speaking so quickly. 你讲得太快了.Jane’s studying in our school this term.这学期珍妮在我们学校学习.She is preparing her lessons now. 她现在正在预习功课.They are doing their best to finish the work in time. 他们正在努力及时完成这项工作.The workers are building a large factory. 工人们正在建设一座大工厂.I am teaching English in a primary school. 我在小学里教英语.We are going to the school on Monday. 我们星期一去学校.He is coming here tomorrow. 他明天来这儿.Linda's brother is watching TV in his bedroom now. 琳达的哥哥现在正在他的卧室里看电视.We're far from home. What are our parents doing at the moment? 我们现在远离家,我们的父母此刻在干什么呢?These days we are helping the farmers work on the farm. 这些天我们在农场帮农民们干活.They're having a test this week. 这一周他们在进行一次考试.Mr Cheng is visiting our village this month. 这个月程先生在我们村访问.Look! Maria and Tom are dancing under the tree. 看!玛丽亚和汤姆正在树下跳舞.Listen! Our English teacher is singing the popular English song. 听!我们英语老师正在唱那首流行的英文歌曲.Many children are swimming in the river. Can't you see? 许多小孩在河里游泳,你难道看不见吗?No, Jack is doing his homework in the classroom. 不是,杰克正在教室做作业呢.Oh, he is reading a newspaper in the office. 噢,他正在办公室看报.I am eating now. 我在吃饭。

英语习语翻译练习1.Laugh in one‟s face2.Lay something to heart3.Have pity on somebody4.Trojan horse5.Sour grapes6.Sphinx‟s riddle7. A Juda‟s kiss8.hang on somebody‟s lips9.to be full of beans10.bend an ear to11.a skeleton at the feast12.bury one‟s head in the sand13burn the boat14 a bolt from the blue15six of one and half a dozen of the other16one‟s hair stand on end17kill two birds with one stone18kill the goose that lays the golden eggs19.In the country of the blind the one-eyed man is king.20.If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.21.It is an ill wind that blows nobody good.22.Every man has a fool in his sleeve.23.When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war.24.He that sows the wind will reap the whirlwind.25.Like begets like.26.—“How could our silly John fall in love with such agirl?”—“Why not? …Beauty lies in the lover‟s eyes,‟ as the saying goes,” She answered with a gentle smile.27. A good beginning makes a good ending.28.Men may meet but mountains never.29.Who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet.30.to expire31.to breathe the one‟s last32.She is five months gone.33.I‟ll be damned if I do.34.Damn this work!35.Get the hell out of here.36.This is a hell of a place.37.What the devil do you expect me to say?38.It‟s a bloody shame.39.He‟s bloody drunk.40.Oh, fuck! I‟ve lost the address.41.Who has fucked up the TV?。

(as if)9.我突然想起我忘记通知他们考试的时间地点了。
(charity) 17.如果父母和孩子长期分开,孩子会有一种被遗弃的感觉。

中考英语翻译句子练习及答案1、昨天她因为胃疼没去上学because1.一些非洲的儿童没有足够的食物吃enough2.他发现一只狗趴在地上find3.中国是一个历史悠久的国家with4.他儿子已经咳嗽三天了cough5.课间有十分钟的休息时间break6.走了很久后,他们都累了after7.他做饭时用刀伤着了自己hurt8.做决策之前你要三思twice9.多亏了玛丽,我按时完成了作业thank10.警察告诉孩子们不要在街上玩耍tell11.天黑前我们赶到那个山村有点困难difficult12.富贵险中求without13.雷锋总是乐于助人ready14.当我同意帮助他时,他马上高兴起来cheer15.由于大雨,他们推迟了比赛put16.难就难在怎么用更少的钱办更多的事with17.他做了一个如此重要的决定,以至于他父母都大吃一惊such18.当老师对我来说就是梦想成真了dream19.他们俩今天同时到校both20.冰箱里还有几个鸡蛋,所以你没必要去买need21.古天乐已经筹钱建了很多小学raise22.我们应该保护小树而不是砍倒他们instead23.谢谢您为孤儿院捐赠书籍give24.我发现和你交流好难find25.那场车祸对他的人生有了重大影响make26.你能想象他一个人在岛上生活了10年吗imagine27.我做不出来这道题,帮我解决一下work28.他对收集旧报纸很感兴趣take29.班主任随时会检查我们的作业minute30.一到家他就丢下书包打游戏去了throw31.我数学不好,她也不擅长strong32.这对双胞胎彼此都不像take33.当他看到这个价格,他吃惊地叫出来in35.人在巨大的压力下会做出错误的决定make36.他妻子在衣服上面浪费了太多钱waste37.她每天花两个小时在养老院照顾老人spend38.你没必要放弃你自己的梦想need39.你不能永远依赖你的父母depend40.既然这些衣服不合身了,你为什么不捐出去呢fit41.你学习越努力,你的成绩就会越好hard42.我爸妈不允许我熬夜allow43.学生们正在讨论怎么帮助那个残疾儿童disabled44.我打开门的时候发现我妹妹在偷看我的日记through45.我不确定他是否能想出办法解决问题solve46.如果你过多依赖父母,你就不会独立independent47.无论你决定做些什么,我都站在你这边whatever48.她对期末考试太紧张了以至于都不能入睡nervous49.我钥匙忘家里了leave50.那次事故之后,他再也不爬山了anymore51.他一吃完饭就继续打游戏了continue52.你可以拿你自己和他比一比compare53.他们俩都不沉迷于电脑游戏crazy54.在我看来,我们应该尽可能多读书possible55.你帮我接下电话好吗pick56.她面带微笑的和我们交谈with57.他确定所有灯都关了才上床睡觉sure58.把那个钢琴背靠墙地放在那儿against59.他还没意识到学习的重要性importance60.我盼望着我的梦想成真realize61.那本书一个小时前被别人借走了else62.警察已经完全控制了局势situation63.这只钢笔对那个作家有着重大意义meaning64.我不记得在哪见过他anywhere65.这些标志提醒司机必须小心驾驶remind66.这些老照片让我想起了我的童年remind67.她妈妈手里提着一个包回家了hold68.孩子们忍不住打开了礼物stop69.他写了一整夜终于补完了作业whole71.我经常能听见她一个人在练习口语hear72.她戴着墨镜来保护眼睛免受强烈的阳光protect73.那些小鸡处于母鸡的保护下protection74.据我所知,那个塔上周被拆了take75.古代人用带腿的杯子喝酒真是神奇amazing76.门票包含了早餐和午餐include77.这个男孩成功地找到了工作succeed78.在困难面前我们应该勇敢地挑战自己而不是放弃challenge79.没人可以什么都不做就能实现梦想achieve80.一只狮子比一只狗重许多倍weigh81.医生们正在尽力研究古代医学research82.当他成功地解出这道题时,他兴奋地跳了起来excitement83.西游记是中国古代四大名著之一classic84.这书太棒了以至于我都爱不释手excellent85.他匆忙地吃完了晚饭就去看球赛了hurry86.没人比你更适合这份工作fit87.他的脚在沙滩下留下了印记mark88.他两个儿子一个是老师,另一个是医生other89.随着科技的迅速发展,机器人已经代替人们做许多工作了rapid90.每一次和她的玩具熊分开,她都睡不着asleep91.我迫不及待地要看他现场唱歌了wait92.风一定很大吧,这些树已经倒了fall93.绝对不可能是老王,他已经去上海了can’t94.我听说他最近出国了abroad95.随着我长大,我逐渐意识到父母为我做了多少as96.虽然他闭着眼睛,但是事实上他是醒着的actually97.他们自从结婚后就一直待在襄阳ever since98.天道酬勤lead99.名胜古迹是国家的文化遗产belong100.你们应该相互学习而不是相互攀比learn101.笑可以改善人们的健康laughter102.请允许我向你们介绍一下我自己introduce103.让我们在树上做点标记以防迷路in order to104.他没去过游乐园,是吗?Amusement105.校园里几乎没有垃圾,是吗schoolyard107.他考试没及格真是难以置信unbelievable108.你英语进步很快啊progress109.父母应该鼓励孩子独立做事encourage110.每天都会有成千上万的人来参观兵马俑thousand111.一方面这份工作不能给我提供足够多的钱,另一方面我不是很喜欢它hand 112.我们班四分之三的学生是女生quarter113.警察害怕恐怖分子们会向人们射击fear114.不管她赢或是输,她都尽力了whether115.你随时可以向我求助whenever116.你老师教英语多久了十年了teach117.那个德国人已经收集中国茶具很多年了collect118.他们的庭院拍卖会有许多竹制品number119.这些照片给我带回了很多美好的回忆bring back120.警察正在搜查这些玩具娃娃来寻找枪支check out121.说实话,她不是一个诚实的女孩honest122.当我在等公交车时,天下起了大雨while123.她在寻找她丢失的钱search124.她是这些孩子中最小的among125.她考试没及格真是遗憾啊shame126.我把你当我最好的朋友,但你却欺骗我regard127.据他所说,故宫是一个很平静的地方来参观according128.他站在那里,注视着那副画consider129.我正在考虑换一份工作consider130.他的家乡是一个承载着他儿时记忆的地方holdShe didn't go to school yesterday because of a stomachache, becauseSome African children do not have enough food to eat,enoughHe found a dog lying on the ground, find.China is a country with a long history of withHis son has been coughing for three days, coughThere is a ten minute break between classes breakAfter a long walk, they were all tired, afterHe stabbed himself hurt while cookingYou need to think about twice before you make a decisionThanks to Mary, I finished my homework thank on timeThe police told the children not to play tell in the streetIt's a little difficult for us to get to that mountain village before dark difficult Seeking without in Rich and expensive InsuranceLei Feng is always ready to help readyWhen I agreed to help him, he immediately became cheerBecause of the heavy rain, they postponed the match putThe difficulty is how to do more with less money, withHe made such an important decision that his parents were taken aback by such Being a teacher is a dream come true for me, dreamBoth of them are at school at the same time today, both.There are still a few eggs in the fridge, so you don't have to buy needGu Tianle has raised money to build many primary schools, raiseWe should protect the trees, not cut them down, instead.Thank you for donating books to the orphanage, giveI find it difficult to communicate with you, findThe car accident had a big impact on his life, makeCan you imagine him living alone on the island for 10 years, imagineI can't do this problem. Help me solve work.He's interested in collecting old newspapers, take.The head teacher will check our homework minute at any timeAs soon as he got home, he dropped his bag and went to throwI'm not good at math, and she's not good at strong.The twins are not like takeWhen he saw the price, he called out in surpriseHe invited me to drop by his house for a meal, overPeople make wrong decisions under great pressure, makeHis wife wasted too much money on clothes, waste.She spends two hours a day in a nursing home looking after the elderly spend You don't have to give up your dreams, need.You can't always depend on your parents dependSince these clothes don't fit, why don't you donate them, fitThe harder you study, the better your hard will beMy parents won't allow me to stay up late, allow.The students are discussing how to help the disabled child disabledWhen I opened the door, I found my sister peeping at my diary throughI'm not sure if he can figure out how to solve the problem, solve.If you rely too much on your parents, you won't be independent independent Whatever you decide to do, I'm on your side, whatever.She was so nervous about the final exam that she couldn't go to sleep nervous I left my key at home, leave.After the accident, he never climbed the mountain again, anymoreAs soon as he finished his meal, he went on to play games, continueYou can compare yourself to him, compare.Neither of them is addicted to computer games, crazy.In my opinion, we should read possible as much as we can.Will you answer my phone, pick?She spoke to us with a smile, withHe made sure all the lights were off before he went to bed, sure.Put the piano back against the wall there, againstHe's not aware of the importance of learning, importance.I look forward to my dream coming true, realizeThe book was borrowed an hour ago by elseThe police have taken full control of the situation, situation.The pen is of great significance to the writerI don't remember seeing him anywhere, anywhere.These signs remind drivers to drive remind carefullyThese old photos remind me of my childhood remindHer mother came home with a bag in her hand, holdThe children couldn't help opening the gift, stopHe finished his homework all night, wholeIt's a nice day, fine.I can often hear her practicing her oral hear aloneShe wears sunglasses to protect her eyes from the intense sun protect The chicks were under the protection of the hens, protectionAs far as I know, the tower was demolished last week by takeIt's amazing that ancient people drank in legged cups, amazing. Tickets include breakfast and lunch includeThe boy succeeded in finding a job, succeedWe should challenge ourselves bravely in the face of difficulties, not give up challengeNo one can do nothing to realize his dream, achieveA lion weighs more than a dogDoctors are doing their best to study research in ancient medicineWhen he succeeded in solving the problem, he jumped excitedly to excitementTravel to the West is one of the four famous works in ancient China, classicThis book is so great that I can't put it down excellentHe hurried through his dinner and went to the game, hurryNo one is better fit for this job than you do .His feet left a mark under the beach markHis two sons are a teacher and a doctor otherWith the rapid development of science and technology, robots have done a lot of work instead of people, rapid Every time she was separated from her teddy bear, she couldn't sleep asleepI can't wait to see him sing live, waitIt must be windy. These trees have fallen fallIt can't be Lao Wang. He's gone to can't in shanghaiI heard he went abroad recently, abroadAs I grew older, I gradually realized how much my parents had done for me.Although he has closed his eyes, he is in fact a awake actuallyThey have been staying in ever since, Xiangyang since they got married.Heaven's reward leadPlaces of interest and Monuments are the Cultural Heritage of the country belongYou should learn from each other, not compare with each other, learnLaughter can improve people's health laughterAllow me to introduce myself, introduce, to you.Let's mark the trees in case we get lost, in order toHe has never been to an amusement park, has he? AmusementThere is little rubbish on the campus, is it schoolyardEdison was a great inventor. He invented many useful inventions in his life, inventI can't believe he failed the exam, unbelievable.You're making great progress in English, progressParents should encourage their children to do things independently, encourageEvery day thousands of people come to visit the Terracotta Warriors and horses thousandOn the one hand, this job can't give me enough money, on the other hand, I don't like it very much hand. 3/4 students in our class are girls quarterThe police were afraid that terrorists would shoot people at fearWhether she wins or loses, she does her best, whetherYou can always ask me for help, whenever.How long has your teacher been teaching English for ten years, teachThe German has been collecting Chinese tea sets for years, collectTheir yard auction has a lot of bamboo numberThese photos brought back a lot of good memories, bring back.The police are searching the dolls for guns, check outTo be honest, she's not an honest girl, honestWhen I was waiting for a bus , the world had a heavy rain while I was waiting for a bus She's looking for her lost money, search.She is the youngest of these children, amongI'm sorry she failed the exam, shame.I regard you as my best friend, but you cheat me regard.According to him, The Imperial Palace is a quiet place to visit accordingHe stood there watching the painting considerI'm thinking about changing my job, consider.His hometown is a place of childhood memory, hold(范文素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。

Li is careless than Lucy. So she always make the same mistake.2 学英语的最好方法是尽可能多听,多说。
The best method of learning English is what need more listening and speaking.3 他从不向父母要零花钱,是吗?He never get money from his parents, does he?4 小女孩害怕独自在家。
A little girl stay at home which feel afraid.5 学生们正忙着准备期末考试。
Students are busying with the final exam.6 我很高兴听说他通过了这次考试。
I am very glad to hear him to pass this exam.7 这是我最喜欢的裙子。
This is my favorite skirt, I don’t lend out unless you8 我妈妈或爸爸在周末做饭。
My parents always make a meal at the weekend.9 在现代社会越来越多人发现保持健康很重要。
More and more people know important for keeping health in the modern society10 天气变得越来越冷,你最好多穿些衣服。
The weather become cold more and more, you had better put on more clothes.11 你最好把收音机的声音关小点。
你没看见妈妈正在睡觉吗?You had better to turn small on the radio. Do you not see mother to sleeping?12 她经常在妈妈不在家时帮妈妈照看小妹妹。


59. Almost all the newspapers carried this important news.
60. He expressed his satisfaction with the result and added he would work harder. 他对结果表示满意,并补充说他将更加努力地工作。
8. I don’t know why they refused to accept her invitation. 我不知道他们为什么拒绝接受她的邀请。
9. It’s a good chance to get some useful advice from the famous 这是一个从那位著名的艺术家那里得到有用指教的好机会。 artist.
33. With the help of my classmates, I did very well in all the exams. 在同学们的帮助下,我各门考试都考得很好。
34. She agreed to stay with me for a couple of days. 她同意跟我在一起呆几天。
42. As far as I am concerned, I don’t like this kind of music. 就我而言,我不喜欢这种音乐。
43. If you don’t work hard, how can you expect to pass all the 如果你不努力学习,你怎么指望通过所有这些考试呢? exams?
52. Doctor Li often uses some advanced instruments to treat his

高中英语句子翻译专题训练题100题(含答案解析)学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、完成句子1.If you ________ ________ ________ ________ ________,we will wait for you at the school gate at 9 in the morning.如果你想参加,我们将于上午9点在学校大门口等你。
2.My first impression of himwas________________________________________ and thoughtful young man.我对他的第一印象是他是一个友好而又考虑周到的年轻人。
3.We are badly ________ ________ ________ help in our work.我们的工作急需帮助。
4.An idiom is an expression which means something different from the meaning of________ ________ ________.习语是一种不同于个别单词意思的表达方式。
5.While ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________,I do actually like the person.尽管我承认他不够完美,但我确实喜欢这个人。
6.________ ________ by reading aloud in the morning ________ he got his English promoted rapidly.正是由于早上大声朗读,他的英语水平迅速得到提升。
7.________ you ________ your husband is wrong.你和你丈夫都没有错。

句子、段落翻译练习英译汉部分I. Sentence Translation(1) Improve or correct the following translation:Poor translation due to inaccurate comprehension:1. This will go a long way towards overcoming the difficulty.原译:在克服困难上要走很远的路。
改译:2. Go it while you are young.原译:去吧,当你年轻的时候。
改译:3. I could do with more leisure time.原译:有更多的空闲时间我就能做了。
改译:4. This failure was the making of him.原译:这次失败是他造成的。
改译:5. I wish peace could be saved at the eleventh hour.原译:我希望第十一点钟和平可以得救。
改译6. She knew a thing or two about it.原译:她对此事略知一二。
改译:(2) Poor translation due to inappropriate representation:1.This is a 100-hour reliable engine.原译:这是一台100小时可靠的发动机。
改译:2. The OED is the final court of appeal in all matters concerning English words.原译:牛津英语词典是有关英语单词一切问题的最后申诉法院。
改译:3. Linda is a good singer and a good dancer, a great actress and a great joker.原译:琳达是一位好歌手、好舞蹈家、一位伟大的演员和伟大的开玩笑家。

1. 她生气了吗?2. 你在和谁说话?3. 今天早上他离开了这里。
4. 今年暑假你打算做什么?5. 为什么我们不听听音乐呢?6. 树上的鸟儿在歌唱。
7. 当我回来时,我会给你打电话。
8. 我要为他举行一次大聚会。
9. 你的寒假怎么样?10. 你在北京多久了?11. 去年暑假我去了那儿。
12. 对我来说说好英语很难。
13. 昨天下午你为什么不在家?14. 这里经常下雨,因此我很少出门。
15. 昨天下午我看到他和他的朋友在树林里玩。
16. 商店里有很多新玩具。
17. 他去哪儿了?18. 树上的苹果又大又红。
19. 昨天的英语课怎么样?20. 你读完这本书了吗?21. 这些天你在做什么?22. 今天早饭你吃了什么?23. 如果我步行去那儿,我会迟到。
24. 第一次到达这个小岛时,我什么都没有。
25. 我有太多的作业,因此我没有时间做我喜欢的事情。
26. 商丘是一个拥有悠久历史的城市。
27. 我不知道该怎么办。
28. 自从我生病,他就对我精心照顾。
29. 你的生日是什么时候?30. 广场上有很多人在跳舞。
31. 这个人我认识。
32. 这个周日有一场关于如何学好英语的报告。
33. 这恰恰是我所需要的。
34. 许多孩子擅长打电脑游戏而对学习不感兴趣。
35. 这是一个例子。
36. 老师让我们尽可能认真地写作业。
37. 做听力练习是学好英语的秘诀之一。
38. 如果你不能清楚地看到黑板上的每一个单词,你可以坐到前面。
39. 你喜欢在业余时间里做什么?40. 对他来说做出一个决定很难。
41. 玩电脑游戏会妨碍你的学习。
42. 那些坏孩子过去经常让我给他们带一些零食吃。
43. 为了不让他父母失望,他下决心从今以后努力学习。
44. 我的父母想要我放学后帮他们做家务,因为他们很忙。
45. 我已经等他很长一段时间了,我不打算再等了。
46. 如果我父母不在我身边,我就能做我想做的事情。
47. 没有朋友的生活很枯燥。
48. 我要交更多的朋友,因为朋友能使我们的生活更加美好。

二、将以下英文句子翻译成中文(共50题):1、How are you?2、The weather is very nice today.3、I like to eat fruits.4、He goes to school every day.5、She is doing homework.6、We are going shopping tomorrow.7、This is my friend.8、She likes to sing.9、They are playing games.10、Our school has many teachers.11、They are studying English.12、We are going to watch a movie.13、These are my family members.14、She drinks milk every day.15、We are preparing for the exam.16、This is a good idea.17、They like to listen to music.18、We need some help.19、They are doing homework.20、This question is difficult.21、We are going swimming.22、She is watching TV.23、We need some fruits.24、They like to play basketball.25、Our school has many students.26、She likes to draw.27、They have breakfast every day.28、This is my new book.29、She is writing a letter.30、We are going to the zoo.31、This book is interesting.32、They like to play games.33、We need some snacks.34、She likes to dance.35、They are having lunch.36、We are going to travel.37、This is my hometown.38、They are watching a movie.39、We need some books.40、She takes the bus to school every day.41、They are practicing English.42、We are going hiking.43、This question is important.44、She likes to read books.45、They like to watch TV.46、We need some water.47、She goes for a run every day.48、We are going to the park.49、This is my new clothes.50、They like to eat ice cream.三、以下是作业的答案:中文句子翻译成英文:1.How are you?2.The weather is very nice today.3.I like to eat fruits.4.He goes to school every day.5.She is doing homework.6.We are going shopping tomorrow.7.This is my friend.8.She likes to sing.9.They are playing games.10.O ur school has many teachers.11.T hey are studying English.12.W e are going to watch a movie.13.T hese are my family members.14.S he drinks milk every day.15.W e are preparing for the exam.16.T his is a good idea.17.T hey like to listen to music.18.W e need some help.19.T hey are doing homework.20.T his question is difficult.21.W e are going swimming.22.S he is watching TV.23.W e need some fruits.24.T hey like to play basketball.25.O ur school has many students.26.S he likes to draw.27.T hey have breakfast every day.28.T his is my new book.29.S he is writing a letter.30.W e are going to the zoo.31.T his book is interesting.32.T hey like to play games.33.W e need some snacks.34.S he likes to dance.35.T hey are having lunch.36.W e are going to travel.37.T his is my hometown.38.T hey are watching a movie.39.W e need some books.40.S he takes the bus to school every day.41.T hey are practicing English.42.W e are going hiking.43.T his question is important.44.S he likes to read books.45.T hey like to watch TV.46.W e need some water.47.S he goes for a run every day.48.W e are going to the park.49.T his is my new clothes.50.T hey like to eat ice cream. 英文句子翻译成中文:1.你好吗?2.今天天气很好。

4. 众所周知,地球绕着太阳转。 As is known to us all, the earth goes around the sun. As we all know, the earth goes around the sun. What is known to us all is that the earth goes around the
Last year, we paid a visit to that magnificent palace, whose beauty is beyond expressions.
27. 不久他们来到了一条河。在河岸上生长着茂盛的 灌木丛。
Soon they arrived at a river. Thick bushes grew on the river banks. Soon they reached a river, on whose banks grew thick bushes.
24. 由于一块大石头挡在路中间,我们无法通过。 As a big stone got in the way, we couldn’t get through. With a big stone getting in our way, we couldn't get through.
25. 在任何时间、任何地点,我们都应注意言谈举止。
6. 他喜欢运动。他不喜欢看电视。 He likes sports, but he dislikes watching TV. He prefers sports to watching TV.

高考英语翻译题专题综合训练100题(含答案) 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、汉译英(整句)Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1.这里最贵的是哪一件衣服?(clothing)2.时间管理是许多人需要掌握的一项技能。
(ever since; go through)8.(1)不是你所做的而是你做事的方式使得我生气。
(用上强调句型,名词性从句, not … but …, 以及定语从句)_____________________________________________________ made me angry.(2)一个工厂在原来是一片荒地的地方被建立起来。
(用上名词性从句)A factory was set up in _____________________________.模仿造句9.Your friend can’t go until he finishes cleaning his bicycle.[翻译]昨天晚上我做完全部作业后才去睡觉。
________________________________________________________________________ 10.While walking the dog,you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.[翻译]在路边等公交车时,我发现地上有个钱包。
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4. 众所周知,地球绕着太阳转。 As is known to us all, the earth goes around the sun. As we all know, the earth goes around the sun. What is known to us all is that the earth goes around the
8. 她非常激动,结果是一句话也说不出来。
She was very excited. She couldn’t say any word. She was so excited that she couldn’t say a single word. She was too excited to say a single word.
9. 这篇文章很难,在场所有的人都读不懂。 The article is very hard. None of the people present could
understand it. The article is so difficult that everyone present could not
understand it. The article is too hard for everyone present to
10.她是一个乐于助人的热心人。她经常尽其所能去帮助 那些陷入困境的人。
She is a warm-hearted person. She often does what she can to help the people who get into trouble
12. 他父母的健康每况愈下,他为此很是忧虑。
His parents’ health is falling down day by day. He is worried about it very much. What worried him most is that his parents’ health is falling down day by day.
17. 人人都知道台湾是中国的一部分。 People all know that Taiwan belongs to China. As is known to all the people, Taiwan is a part of China.
18. 人们相信体育锻炼有利于健康。
People believe that taking exercise is good for their health. It is believed that taking exercise benefits their health. 19. 有一群人在路边。他们好像在等人。
6. 他喜欢运动。他不喜欢看电视。 He likes sports, but he dislikes watching TV. He prefers sports to watching TV.
7. 在说话时,他变得更加激动。
While he was speaking, he became more cited he became.
in media.
16. 听到她的宠物猫不见了的消息,她哭得十分伤心。
When she heard the news that her pet cat was missing, she cried with great sadness.
Hearing her pet cat was gone, she cried sadly.
sun. It is known to us all that the earth goes around the sun. 5. 许多人对失去了的东西才觉得珍惜,这就是人性。 Such is human nature that many people don’t value the things they possess until they lost them.
江西省临川二中 Fu Guoming 2012.07.12.
1. 他坐在窗前静静地读书。
He sat by the window and read a book quietly. He sat by the window, reading a book quietly.
She is such a warm-hearted person that she is always helping the people who are in great need of help.
11. 他正确发那个单词的音很困难。 He couldn’t pronounce the word correctly. He had great difficulty in pronouncing that word.
14. 那项计划最终是失败的。 The plan was a failure in the end. The plan turned out / proved to be a great failure.
15. 他到澳大利亚去是为了主修新闻媒体专业。
He went to Australia in order to major in media. He went to Australia with the purpose of majoring
2. 我决不相信他的话。
I will never believe what he says. At no time will I believe his words. Never will I believe what he says.
3. 经常有些时候我忘记了锁门。 Sometimes, I forget to lock the door. There are many moments when I forget to lock the door.