



管理学基础领导组织沟通创新企业道德团队建设激励计划管理理论管理学试题一一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1.领班属于下列哪一类管理人员( )A.基层管理人员B.中层管理人员C.高层管理人员D.以上都不是2.沟通、了解、激励下属的管理技能是( )A.技术技能B.诊断技能C.人际关系技能D.分析技能3.法约尔提出了管理的()条原则A.六B.十四C.十三D.五4.以下组织文化的描述中,正确的是( )A.变化较慢,一旦形成便日趋加强B.变化较快,随时补充新的内容C.变化较慢,但每年都会抛弃一些过时的内容D.变化较快,特别是企业管理人员变更时5.近年来,由于国务院进行人事制度改革,一批政府官员卸任离开政府部门。


一般说来,企业聘请他们是为了()A.改善企业的组织文化B.改善企业的组织环境C.提高企业的管理水平D.改善企业的技术水平6.决策过程的第一步是( )A.确定目标B.发现问题C.收集信息D.调查研究、分析情报资料、找出问题7.实行集中控制与分散经营的组织形式是( )A.直线制B.矩阵制C.分部制D.职能制8.工作轮换一般用于提高哪些人的技能?( )A.工程技术人员B.管理人员C.学徒D.普通职工9.以追随者对领导的认同感为基础的影响力是属于( )A.专家权力B.表率权力C.奖励权力D.强制权力E.法定权力10.“大棒”是最为传统的激励手段之一。

以下现象中不属于由“大棒”产生的消极效应的是( )A.消极怠工B.一切向钱看C.生产劣质产品D.对工作漠不关心二、多项选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1.卡茨认为一个主管人员至少应具备的基本技能有 ( )A.概念技能B.人事技能C.技术技能D.管理技能E.分析技能2.目标的作用是 ( )A.指明管理工作方向B.激励作用C.凝聚作用D.考核主管人员和员工绩效的客观标准3.越是组织的最高主管人员,所做出的决策越倾向于以下哪些决策( )A.非肯定性B.例行的C.非常规性D.战略型4.泰罗要求以前由工人承担的工作分成 ( )A.计划职能;由企业管理当局承担B.执行职能;由现场工人执行C.协调职能;有协调工人执行D.控制职能;有工厂工头承包5.“社会人”假设说明( )A.应该否定集体奖励制度B.应该以金钱和地位作为唯一的激励手段C.人们是由社会需求而引起的工作动机D.人们的工作效率随社会需求满足程度的提高而提高6.以下属于激励方式的有( )A.思想政治工作B.奖励C.职工参与管理D.健全规章制度7.目标管理可理解为( )A.是管理管理者的管理B.他强调“自我控制”C.是分权制的结果D.是一种提供考核标准的管理8.关于激励的含义正确的有( )A.人的行为是由动机所支配B.行为的基本过程就是一个激励的过程C.激励指导动机、引导行为指向目标的活动过程D.激励就是施以物质刺激9.企业所处的社会环境,具体包括( )A.人口B.教育与文化C.物质资源状况D.风俗习惯10.下列属于计划类型的是( )A.政策B.规则C.使命D.目标三、问答题(每小题8分,共40分)1.什么是组织的一般环境?应包括哪些内容?答.管理者在计划、组织、领导、控制时必须考虑这些因素,但相对具体环境通常影响要小一些。





( )3.领导者特质理论认为成功的领导基于领导者个人特质,并且这些特质只存在于少数英雄人物身上。

( )4.勒温等人的研究结果显示,民主型领导方式一般要比独裁型领导方式来得更有效。

( )5.如果高层管理团队是高度分散的,只是单个管理者的集合,而非一个团队,那么其整体特征对组织绩效的影响就不大。

( )6.亨利·明茨伯格提出的领导角色理论中,他认为企业家的角色是10种角色中最显著一种角色,也是管理者权力最明显的表现。


( )8.路径—目标理论以激励理论中的期望理论为基础。

( )(二)填空题1.勒温总结了领导方式基本上有三种类型,,.2.布莱克和莫顿在提出管理方格理论时,列举了五种典型的领导方式:、、、、。

3.按照权变理论,领导者的风格分为两类:和__ .4.费德勒的权变模型指出组织的效率取决于两个变量的相互作用:和。










目 录第一部分 清华大学896管理学专业基础综合历年考研真题2016年清华大学公共管理学院896管理学专业基础综合考研真题(回忆版,不完整)第二部分 兄弟院校考研真题2015年上海交通大学845管理学考研真题及详解2015年中国人民大学838管理综合考研真题2015年南京大学921管理学原理考研真题第一部分 清华大学896管理学专业基础综合历年考研真题2016年清华大学公共管理学院896管理学专业基础综合考研真题(回忆版,不完整)(5个分析60分,7个简答70分,一个案例20分。















第二部分 兄弟院校考研真题2015年上海交通大学845管理学考研真题及详解一、辨析题(共8题,每题5分,共40分)1.梅奥试验得到的结论是,人是“经济人”。










《管理学》教材各章节课后测验题及答案 第二章 管理思想与理论的发展

《管理学》教材各章节课后测验题及答案 第二章 管理思想与理论的发展


A. 分工B. 统一指挥C.权利与责任D.等级链2、梅奥认为提高生产效率的主要途径是()。

A. 分工B. 员工个人要服从整体C.提高工人的满意度D.纪律3、科学管理理论着重研究()。

A. 提高劳动生产率B.提高个人满意度C.权利与责任D.等级链4、()被称为“”科学管理“之父。

A. 法约尔B. 泰勒C.西蒙D.罗伯特.卡茨5、()被称为“人事管理”之父。

A. 泰勒B. 法约尔C.罗伯特.欧文D.西蒙6、著名的霍桑试验研究就是采用()研究管理中人际关系的成功例子。

A. 归纳法B. 试验法C.演绎法D.定性分析7、属于人际关系学派的主要观点是()。



A.泰勒B.德鲁克C.梅奥D.法约尔10.科学管理的产生是管理从经验走向理论的标志,下面哪个选项不属于科学管理对管理发展的贡献?( )。





管理学原理试题 (共八套 附答案)

管理学原理试题 (共八套 附答案)

管理学原理试题(一)一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中选出一个正确的答案,并将正确答案的号码填在题后的括号内,每小题1分,共15分)1.决定管理社会属性的是( )(1)生产方式 (2)生产力 (3)生产关系 (4)上层建筑2.被称为组织理论之父的管理学家是()(1)泰罗 (2)法约尔 (3)韦伯 (4)巴纳德3.在计划工作的步骤中,计划决策的关键是( )(1)确定目标 (2)评价各种方案 (3)选择方案(4)制订派生计划4.木桶原理是下列哪一原理的形象说法()(1)限定因素原理 (2)许诺原理 (3)灵活性原理 (4)改变航道原理5.预测研究中最活跃的活动是( )(1)社会未来预测 (2)技术预测 (3)经济预测 (4)市场预测6.一般意义上的组织泛指 ( )(1)按照一定目的和程序组成的一种权责结构 (2)各种各样的社团、企事业单位 (3)具有共同目标的团体 (4)具有不同分工协作的单位7.管理宽度按算术级数增加时,主管人员和下属间的关系将以( )(1)等比级数增加 (2)等比级数减少 (3)几何级数增加(4)几何级数减少8.洛克希德导弹与航天公司确定管理幅度的一种方法是()(1)上下级关系理论 (2)格拉丘纳斯法 (3)变量依据法 (4)分权法9.上层主管人员的重要任务是( )(1)监督执行 (2)协调执行 (3)监督控制 (4)决策控制10.考评的结果要反馈到()(1)考评的评判人员 (2)最高级主管人员 (3)组织的顾问 (4)被考评的主管人员11人与人之间的沟通过程中有重要意义的是( )(1)思想品德因素(2)气质因素 (3)心理因素(4)文化素质因素12.社会人”的基本假设之一是( )(1)人们把追求感情当成主要目的 (2)人是最勤奋的 (3)人是为完成组织目标而工作的(4)人是由社会需求而引起工作动机的13.“用奖赏兼某些恐吓及处罚的方法去鼓励下属;允许一些自下而上传递的信息;向下属征求一些想法与意见,并允许把某些决策权授予下属,但加以严格的政策控制”,是指下列哪种管理方法( ) (1)利用——命令式方法(2)温和命令式方法 (3)商议式方法 (4)集体参与式方法14.最理想的标准是( )(1)实物标准(2)费用标准 (3)资金标准(4)可考核标准15现场控制主要为( )所采用的控制方法(])基层主管人员(2)中层主管人员 (3)高层主管人员 (4)非主管人员二、多项选择题(在每小题的五个备选答案中选出二个至五个正确的答案,并将正确答案的号码分别填在题后的括号内。



《管理学》题库 (8)一、单选题1. “治病不如防病,防病不如讲卫生”。

根据这一说法,以下几利|控制方式屮, (D )方式最有效。

A 、间接控制B 、实时控制C 、反馈控制D 、前馈控制2. 某企业到了 2月底,发现甲产品一季度计划才完成50%,便采取H 夜轮班生 产来平衡实际与计划之间的偏差;发现乙产品供大于求,价格下降,这时决定立 即减少或停止这种产品的生产。

这些措施:(C )A 、均属于前馈控制B 、 均属于反馈控制C 、 前者屈前馈控制,后者屈反馈控制D 、 前者属反馈控制,后者属前馈控制3. 统计工作表明“关键的事总是少数,一般的事常是多数”基于这样的原则,在 7. 促使组织的活动按照计划规定的要求展开,这种职能属于管理职能屮的 (D )。

A.计划职能 C.领导职能 二、多选题1•现场控制的有效性在很大程度上取决于主管人员的(ACE )。

A 、个人素质B 、预测能力C 、个人作风D 、言传身教E 、指导表达方式 2•按照纠正措施的作用环节可将控制划分为(ABC )A 、前馈控制B 、反馈控制C 、现场控制D 、直接控制E 、间接控制3. ( AB )属于前馈控制。

A 、 员工上岗培训B 、 原材料进厂检验C 、 生产进度控制D 、 员工成绩评定E 、 产品质量事故的处理4. 下列属于运用前馈控制的是(BCD) oA 、 企业根据现有产品销售不畅的情况,决定改变产品结构B 、 猎人把瞄准点定在飞奔的野兔的前方C 、 根据虫情预报,农业公司做好农药储备管理控制工作中,必须坚持做到:( A 、控制工作应当避免目标扭曲 C 、控制应同计划组织相适应 4•管理控制工作的基本目的是(A )0A 、维持现状B 、打破现状 5. 严格把关属于(C )。

A 、反馈控制B 、预防性控制 6. 控制工作的首要目的是(A )。

A 、维持现状B 、打破现状 B ) (chp8)B 、 控制应当突出重点,强调例外 D 、控制目标应简明适用C 、改变现状D 、实现创新 C 、 事后控制 D 、现场控制 C 、改革 D 、创新 B.组织职能D.控制职能D、汽车驾驶员在上坡时,为了保持一定的车速,捉前踩加速器E、瞄准靶心射击5.有效控制系统应具备的特征(AECE )A、客观控制B、适时控制C、弹性控制D、严格控制E、适度控制三、判断题1.对原材料质量和数量进行控制属于反馈控制。

《管理学》教材各章节课后测验题及答案 第八章 组织文化与组织变革

《管理学》教材各章节课后测验题及答案 第八章 组织文化与组织变革


A.独特性 B.不稳定性 C.实践性 D.人本性2、组织文化是一种软性的理智约束,通过组织的共同价值观不断地向个人价值观渗透和内化,使组织自动生成一套自我调控机制。


A.约束功能 B.激励功能 C.导向功能 D.辐射功能3、组织文化具有()。





A.战略性变革 B.结构性变革C.流程主导性变革 D.以人为中心的变革8、对()的改变包括对作业流程与方法的重新设计、修正和组合,包括更换机器设备,采用新工艺、新技术和新方法等等。

A.人员 B.结构 C.技术与任务 D. 管理层9、按照组织所处的经营环境状况不同,组织变革的类型是()。

















《管理学》教材各章节课后测验题及答案 第十二章 控制理论

《管理学》教材各章节课后测验题及答案 第十二章 控制理论































第1章自测题1. T F 能够做到生产成本最低的组织就是有效能的组织。

2. T F 在控制职能上花费过多时间的管理者可能令组织偏离目标。

3. T F 行政经理是不涉及特定管理专业的管理者。

4. T F 作为发言人的角色,管理者代表组织对外正式发布信息。

5. T F 现代管理已经主要是一门科学而几乎不再是艺术了。



在这些活动中,管理者扮演了哪种角色?a.发言人b.联络者c.精神领袖d.资源配置者e.传播者9.掌握组织中某类具体工作技能的管理者拥有的是a.决策技能b.概念技能c.诊断技能d.技术技能e.信息技能10.下列哪种挑战和机会是新一代劳动力管理者不会遇到的?a.组织正在吸引合格的残疾人员工b.越来越多的少数族裔员工加入劳动力队伍c.员工的平均年龄正在上升d.越来越多的女性加入劳动力队伍e.新的信息技术令管理者工作节奏减慢第2章自测题1. T F 科学管理注重个人工作的管理,而行政管理则注重组织整体的管理。

2. T F 麦戈雷格认为提高管理效率的前提是承认人们不愿意工作,希望避免工作。

3. T F 定量管理理论的一个主要局限是数学模型不能完全解释或预测人们的行为。

4. T F 权变理论帮助管理者找出“最好的”管理方法。

5. T F 提高品质能够令组织成本下降。




管理学第9版练习题英文版附答案1Chapter 1 Introduction to Management and Organizations TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONSA MANAGER’S DILEMMA1.Today’s managers are just as likely to be women as they are men.2.Management affects employee morale but not a company’s financial performance.WHO ARE MANAGERS?3.In order to be considered a manager, an individual must coordinate the work of others.4.Supervisors and foremen may both be considered first-line managers.WHAT IS MANAGEMENT?5.Effectiveness refers to the relationship between inputs and outputs.6.Effectiveness is concerned with the means of getting things done, while efficiency is concerned withthe attainment of organizational goals.7. A goal of efficiency is to minimize resource costs.8.Efficiency is often referred to as “doing things right.”9.Managers who are effective at meeting organizational goals always act efficiently.WHAT DO MANAGERS DO?10.The four contemporary functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.11.Determining who reports to whom is part of the controlling function of management.12.Directing and motivating are part of the controllingfunction of management.13.Fayol’s management functions are basically equivalent to Mintzberg’s management roles.14.The roles of figurehead, leader, and liaison are all interpersonal roles.15.Disturbance handler is one of Mintzberg’s interpersonal roles.16.Mintzberg’s informational management role involves receiving, collecting, and disseminatinginformation.17.Mintzberg’s resource allocation role is similar to Fayol’s planning function because it involves thecoordination of employee’s activities.18.Resource allocation and disturbance handling are both considered decisional roles.19.A finance manager who reads the Wall Street Journal ona regular basis would be performing thefigurehead role.20.Katz found that managers needed three essential skills: technical, human, and informational.21.Technical skills become less important as a manager moves into higher levels of management.22.Conceptual skills become less important as a manager moves into top management.23.Interpersonal skills involve a manager’s ability to think about abstract situations.24.Coaching and budgeting are skills closely related to the management function of leading.25.Budgeting is a skill that is related to both planning and controlling.26.In today’s world, organizational managers at all levels and in all areas need to encourage theiremployees to be on the look-out for new ideas and new approaches.27.Only first-line managers and employees need to be concerned with being customer-responsive.28.Innovation is only important in high-tech firms.WHAT IS AN ORGANIZATION?29.A distinct purpose is important in defining an organization.30.A nontaxable organization, such as the United Way, cannot be considered an organization. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONSFor each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.A MANAGER’S DILEMM A31.Which of the following statements regarding managers in today’s world is accurate?a.Their age range is limited to between 30 and 65.b.They are found only in large corporations.c.They can be found exclusively in for-profit organizations.d.The single most important variable in employee productivity and loyalty is the quality of therelationship between employees and their direct supervisors.32.According to data collected by Catalyst, a nonprofit research group, _________ percent of corporateofficers in Fortune 500 companies are women.a.55.3b.15.7c.39.7d.21.9WHO ARE MANAGERS?33.Someone who works with and through other people by coordinating their work activities in order toaccomplish organizational goals is ___________.a.an assembly line workerb. a laborerc. a managerd. a salesperson34.In the past, nonmanagerial employees were viewed as employees who ___________.a.reported to top executivesb.reported to middle managersc.supervised othersd.had no others reporting to them35.Which of the following types of managers is responsible for making organization-wide decisions andestablishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization?a.first-line managersb.top managersc.production managersd.research managers36.All levels of management between the supervisory level and the top level of the organization aretermed _____________.a.middle managersb.first-line managersc.supervisorsd.foremen37.Which of the following levels of management is associated with positions such as executive vicepresident, chief operating officer, chief executive officer, and chairman of the board?a.team leadersb.middle managersc.first-line managersd.top managers38.Agency head or plant manager is most likely associated with which of the following?a.team leadersb.middle managersc.first-line managersd.top managers39.The lowest level of management is ______________.a. a nonmanagerial employeeb. a department of research managerc. a vice presidentd. a first-line manager40.Supervisor is another name for which of the following?a.team leaderb.middle managerc.first-line managerd.top manager41.Managers with titles such as regional manager, project leader, or plant manager are_______________.a.first-line managersb.top managersc.production managersd.middle managers42.Which of the following best reflects the management structure of a traditional organization?a.pyramidb.circlec.hub with spokesd.infinite line43.Division manager is associated with which of the following levels of management?a.team leadersb.middle managersc.first-line managersd.top managersWHAT IS MANAGEMENT?44._____________ is the process of getting activities completed efficiently and effectively with andthrough other people.a.Leadingb.Managementc.Supervisiond.Controlling45.The distinction between a managerial position and a nonmanagerial position is _______________.a.planning the work of othersb.coordinating the work of othersc.controlling the work of others/doc/b815723333.html,anizing the work of others46.Which of the following is an example of an efficient manufacturing technique?a.cutting inventory levelsb.increasing the amount of time to manufacture productsc.increasing product reject ratesd.decreasing product output47.Wasting resources is considered to be an example of managerial _____________.a.efficiencyb.effectivenessc.inefficiencyd.ineffectiveness48.An automobile manufacturer that increased the total number of cars produced at the same cost, butwith many defects, would be _____________.a.efficient and effectiveb.increasing efficiencyc.increasing effectivenessd.concerned with inputs49.Effectiveness is synonymous with _____________.a.cost minimizationb.resource controlc.goal attainmentd.efficiency50.Efficiency refers to _____________.a.the relationship between inputs and outputsb.the additive relationship between costs and benefitsc.the exponential nature of costs and outputsd.increasing outputs regardless of cost51.In successful organizations, ______________.a.low efficiency and high effectiveness go hand in handb.high efficiency and low effectiveness go hand in handc.high efficiency and high effectiveness go hand in handd.high efficiency and high equity go hand in hand52.Whereas _____________ is concerned with the means of getting things done, _____________ isconcerned with the ends, or attainment of organizational goals.a.effectiveness; efficiencyb.efficiency; effectivenessc.effectiveness; goal attainmentd.goal attainment; efficiencyWHAT DO MANAGERS DO?MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS53.How many management functions were originally proposed in the early part of the twentieth century?a.threeb.fourc.fived.nine54._____________ was a French industrialist who first identified the basic management functions.a.Weberb.Taylorc.Herzbergd.Fayol55.Today, the basic management functions are considered to be ______________.a.planning, coordinating, staffing, and directingb.planning, organizing, leading, and directing/doc/b815723333.html,manding, organizing, leading, and staffingd.planning, organizing, leading, and controlling56.Which of the following management functions from the mid-1950s is no longer included in the basicfunctions of management?/doc/b815723333.html,mandingb.staffingc.leadingd.controlling57.Writing an organizational strategic plan is an example of the ______________ management function.a.leadingb.coordinatingc.planning/doc/b815723333.html,anizing/doc/b815723333.html,anizing includes _____________.a.defining organizational goalsb.hiring organizational membersc.motivating organizational membersd.determining who does what tasks59.A manager resolving conflict among organizational members is performing what function?a.controlling/doc/b815723333.html,mandingc.directingd.leading60.The process of monitoring, comparing, and correcting is called _____________.a.controllingb.coordinatingc.leading/doc/b815723333.html,anizingMANAGEMENT ROLES61.__________ developed a categorization scheme for defining what managers do, consisting of 10different but highly interrelated roles.a.Henri Fayolb.Henry Fordc.Henry Mintzbergd.Henry Morris62.According to Mintzberg’s management roles, the _____________ roles are those that involve peopleand other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature./doc/b815723333.html,rmationalb.interpersonalc.technicald.decisional63.The roles of disseminator, figurehead, negotiator, liaison, and spokesperson are more important atthe __________ levels of the organization.a.lowerb.middlec.higherd.supervisory64.Which of the following is not an example of a decisional role according to Mintzberg?a.spokespersonb.entrepreneurc.disturbance handlerd.resource allocator65.A human resource manager attending a local Society for Human Resource Management meetingwould be functioning in which role?/doc/b815723333.html,rmationalb.leaderc.liaisond.disseminator66.A finance manager who reads the Wall Street Journal ona regular basis would be performing whichrole?a.figureheadb.monitorc.disseminatord.interpersonal67.The _____________ role is more important for lower-level managers than it is for either middle- ortop-level managers.a.leaderb.entrepreneurc.spokespersond.disseminator68.The emphasis that managers give to various roles seems to be based on their _____________./doc/b815723333.html,anizational levelb.tenure with the organizationc.experience in their fieldd.personality69.Which of the following is not an example of an interpersonal role according to Mintzberg?a.figureheadb.leaderc.liaisond.spokesperson70.According to Mintzberg’s management roles, the ______________ roles involve receiving,collecting, and disseminating information.a.interpersonal/doc/b815723333.html,rmationalc.technicald.decisional71.All of the following are examples of informational roles according to Mintzberg except____________.a.liaisonb.monitorc.disseminatord.spokesperson72.Which of the following is not an example of a decisional role according to Mintzberg?a.spokespersonb.entrepreneurc.disturbance handlerd.resource allocator73.All of the following are managerial roles that are more important at the higher levels of theorganization except ________________.a.leaderb.disseminatorc.figureheadd.negotiator74.Which of the fol lowing represents the most useful way of describing the manager’s job?a.rolesb.functionsc.skills/doc/b815723333.html,anizational level75.Many of Mintzberg’s roles align with the basic functions of management. For example, the_____________ role is a part of planning.a.figureheadb.leaderc.liaisond.resource allocation76.All three o f Mintzberg’s interpersonal roles are part of the _____________ function./doc/b815723333.html,anizingb.planningc.leadingd.controllingMANAGEMENT SKILLS77.Which of the following identified the three essential managerial skills?a.Katzb.Lewisbergc.Rainesd.Chambers78.The three essential managerial skills include _____________.a.technical, human, and empiricalb.human, empirical, and conceptualc.technical, interpersonal, and controllingd.technical, human, and conceptual79.Understanding building codes would be considered a _____________ skill for a building contractor.a.humanb.technicalc.conceptuald.empirical80.Which of the following is true concerning technical and managerial skills?a.Human skills and technical skills remain equally important as managers move to higher levels.b.Technical-skill needs remain necessary and human skills decrease as managers move to higherlevels.c.Human skills remain necessary and technical-skill needs decrease as managers move to higherlevels.d.Both human-skill and technical-skill needs decrease as managers move to higher levels.81.Managers with good __________ are able to get the best out of their people.a.human skillsb.conceptual skillsc.technical skillsd.visual skills82.Technical skills include _______________.a.leadership and efficiency in a certain specialized fieldb.knowledge of and proficiency in a certain specialized fieldc.familiarity with and interest in a general field of endeavord.skill and interest in a general field of endeavor83.The ability to work well with other people, both individually and in a group, requires________________.a.technical skillsb.assessment skillsc.planning skillsd.human skills84.Which of the following types of skills are described with terms such as abstract situations andvisualization?a.interpersonalb.humanc.technicald.conceptual85.Which one of the following phrases is best associated with managerial conceptual skills?a.decision making/doc/b815723333.html,municating with customers/doc/b815723333.html,ing information to solve business problemsd.product knowledge86.Which of the following skills are more important at lower levels of management, as these managersare dealing directly with employees doing the organization’s work?a.humanb.technicalc.conceptuald.empirical87.Budgeting is associated with the management functions of planning and _____________.a.directing/doc/b815723333.html,anizingc.leadingd.controlling88.Mentoring is primarily associated with the management function of _____________.a.planning/doc/b815723333.html,anizingc.leadingd.controllingWHAT IS AN ORGANIZATION?89.An organization is ______________.a.the physical location where people workb. a collection of individuals working for the same companyc. a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purposed. a group of individuals focused on profit making for their shareholders90.One of the common characteristics of all organizations is ____________, which is typicallyexpressed in terms of the organization’s goals.a.its peopleb.its goalsc.its systematic structured.its purpose91.One of the common characteristics of all organizations is _____________, which clarifies members’work relationships.a.its peopleb.its goalsc.its deliberate structured.its purpose92.A deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose is _____________.a. a structure.b. a process.c.an organization.d.an assembly operation93.A difference between traditional organizations and new organizations is that the new organizationstend to be more _____________.a.stable/doc/b815723333.html,mand orientedc.rule orientedd.dynamicWHY STUDY MANAGEMENT?94.Which of the following best describes the concept that management is needed in all types and sizesof organizations, no matter the country in which they’re located?a.the partiality of managementb.the segmentation of managementc.the universality of managementd.the cultures of management95.Universality of management means that _____________a.all managers in all organizations perform the four management functionsb.all managers in all organizations can perform their job thesame wayc.all organizations can hire any manager to perform the management jobsd.any manager can work in any organization and perform any management job96.As members of the general public, we have a vested interest in improving the way organizations aremanaged because _________________.a.we stand to benefit personally from an individual organization’s profitsb.we interact with organizations every single day of our livesc.if organizations don’t improve, we won’t have a place to work in the future/doc/b815723333.html,anizations supply inputs to other organizations/doc/b815723333.html,anizations that are well managed ____________.a.choose the best suppliers for their products/doc/b815723333.html,pete on an international basis because they have the best productsc.always have the lowest-cost productsd.develop a loyal customer base, grow, and prosper98.According to management expert Peter Drucker, management is about ______________.a.profitsb.peoplec.planningd.participation99.Which of the following types of managerial positions is most likely to involve clerical duties?a.shift supervisorb.regional department headc.project managerd.chief executive officer100. A manager’s success is typically _______________.a.dependent on how hard the manager worksb.how closely the manager supervises the employeesc.based on how skilled the manager is at the technical elements of the jobd.dependent on others’ work performance101. A primary responsibility of managers is creating a work environment that _______________.a.is safe and well litb.is clean and organizedc.allows employees to do their work to the best of their abilityd.provides excellent customer service102.Managers often ______________.a.are prevented from making business decisionsb.change their career paths during their work livesc.have opportunities to think creatively and use their imaginationsd.must depend on their employees for guidance in dealing with superiors103.Which of the following represents a challenge of management?a.enjoy relatively easy workb.work with a variety of peoplec.have little influence on organizational outcomesd.have to deal with a variety of personalities104.Each of the following represents a challenge of management except _______________.a.must operate with limited resourcesb.are highly valued by organizationsc.must motivate workers in uncertain situationsd.success depends on others’ performanceSCENARIOS AND QUESTIONSFor each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.WHO ARE MANAGERS?Managerial Basic Training (Scenario)Imagine that your marketing company has just merged with a manufacturing organization. You have been asked to help provide some “basic” managerial training to the engineers in the research and development unit of the new sister company. To make sure you are covering the necessary issues, your boss has asked to see an overview of materials that you will be providing the engineers.105.Now that both companies are merged and are a systematic arrangement of people set to accomplish a specific purpose, they could be described as a(n) _____________.a.business unitb.multinational company/doc/b815723333.html,anizationd.holding company106.One of the first things the engineers need to learn is that _____________ are the people who direct the activities of others in an organization.a.directorsb.managersc.subordinatesd.line workers107.Another fact that engineers need to learn is that supervisors may frequently be referred to as _____________.a.middle managersb.top managersc.project leadersd.first-line managers108.Many of the engineers in the group are unclear about what managers actually do. Your training materials explain that a manager’s job focuses on _____________.a.the performance of clerical dutiesb.personal achievementc.helping others accomplish their work goalsd.supervising groups rather than individual employeesThe Customer Meeting (Scenario)Kelly, a production supervisor, is responsible for 10 employees who assemble components into a finished product that is sold to distributors. Kelly reports to Ben, a production manager, who in turn reports to Dan, a general manager, who reports to McKenna, a vice president of operations. Recently, McKenna asked Dan to have a meeting with Kelly and Ben regarding some customer concerns in the production area. The focus of the meeting was to judge the validity of the customer concerns, and to develop a specific plan to address these concerns.109.What is the commonality among Kelly, Ben, Dan, and McKenna?a.They all produce the same product.b.They all have the same job content.c.They all are managers.d.They all have the same vision.110.Kelly is considered to be what level of management?a.top managerb.superintendent of assemblyc.middle managerd.first-line manager111.Ben and Dan are considered to be what level of management?a.top managersb.middle managersc.superintendents of assemblyd.first-line managers112.McKenna is considered to be what level of management?a.top managerb.superintendent of assemblyc.middle managerd.first-line manager113.The structure of the managerial relationships among McKenna, Dan, Ben, and Kelly can best be described as a ____________.a.flexible work groupb.traditional pyramid structurec.innovative nuclear structure/doc/b815723333.html,munication hubWHAT IS MANAGEMENT?The Perfect Manager (Scenario)Brenda Kraft has proven herself to be an able manager. Her section has a high project completion rate with the highest-quality product and the lowest defects in her division. In addition,she accomplishes this with fewer full-time people than other managers. Some say that the secret of her success is in her ability to delegate responsibility and her understanding of the basic “management functions.”114.Brenda’s ability to complete activities efficiently and effectively with and through other people is known as _____________.a.managementb.leadershipc.coerciond.delegation115.Brenda’s ability to produce the same amount of product with fewer personnel is a reflection of her ___________.a.effectivenessb.process skillsc.leadershipd.efficiency116.The fact that Brenda completes her projects is an indication of her _____________ as a manager.a.leadershipb.effectivenessc.efficiencyd.attention to detail117.If Brenda accomplished her projects on time with high-quality results, but she took more time than other managers in the process, you could say that as a manager she was ____________.a.efficient, but not effectiveb. a leader, but not a top managerc.project oriented, but not effectived.effective, but not efficient118.The “management functions” exemplified by Brenda include all but which of the following?a.planningb.controlling/doc/b815723333.html,anizingd.calibratingWHAT DO MANAGERS DO?Joe the Manager (Scenario)As a production supervisor, Joe decides on Friday afternoon how many units of output his employees will be able to produce and on which days certain products will be run in his department. He also decides which of his employees are going to be responsible for operating which machines within the department next week, as his employees are multi-skilled assemblers. On Monday, he informs his employees of their assignments to specific machines by handing out assignment sheets. He tells the employees that the schedule is going to be difficult this week due to the increased number of units. He goes on to tell them that he is sure they can fulfill the schedule because they are such good and skilled employees. Each day during the week, Joe checks the amount of output that the employees have completed and the number of units that have been rejected.119.When Joe decides how many units of output his employees will be able to produce and on which days certain products will be run, he is performing which of the management functions?a.controllingb.leadingc.planning/doc/b815723333.html,anizing120.When Joe checks the amount of output that the employees have completed and the number of units that have been rejected, he is performing which of the management functions?a.controllingb.leadingc.planning/doc/b815723333.html,anizing121.When Joe tells the employees that he is sure they can fulfill the schedule because they are such good and skilled employees, he is performing which of the management functions?a.controllingb.leadingc.planning/doc/b815723333.html,anizingThe Busy Day (Scenario)Don Eskew, plant manager at Control Systems, Inc., sighed as he sipped his first cup of coffee at 5 A.M. and read his agenda for the day. He is giving two company tours in the morning: the first to a newspaper reporter who is writing a story on the new plant expansion, and the second to a group of Control Systems managers from the east coast. Don then has a meeting with the unit manager, Phil Johnson, to discuss Phil’s recent drop in performanc e (a task Don always hates). Next, Don is spending a couple of hours reviewing the trade journals he receives from his high-tech association and writing up a brief synopsis for his presentation next week to the division president. Finally, in the late afternoon, he will be reviewing the new equipment malfunction and deciding whether to bring in extra people to get the equipment running as soon as possible. Whew! Just anotherday in the glamorous life of a manager. 122.Together, all of the functions that Don performs during his busy day correspond to the management roles discovered in the late 1960s by which one of the following management researchers?a.Herzbergb.Skinnerc.Mintzbergd.Fayol123.When Don conducts the tour for the east coast managers, he will be operating in which of the management roles?a.leaderb.liaisonc.monitord.figurehead124.When Don meets with Phil to discuss Phil’s performance issues, Don will be operating in which management role?a.leaderb.figureheadc.monitord.disturbance handler125.What role will Don be performing when he gives the plant tour to the newspaper reporter?a.monitorb.figureheadc.disseminatord.spokesperson126.When Don reviews the new equipment malfunction, what management role will he play when deciding whether to bring in extra people?a.monitorb.disseminatorc.resource allocatord.disturbance handlerThe General Manager (Scenario)Michael is the general manager of a production facility. In a routine day, Michael might meet with city officials or civic leaders about environmental issues due to the plant’s presen ce in the community. After these meetings, he will then meet with the plant’s functional managers to discuss the concerns expressed by the city representatives. Other times, Michael might meet with the production manager, Betty, and the human resource manager, Joyce, to discuss a complaint filed by one of the employees in a production department. Michael might also spend time on the Internet looking for new technologies that can be used in the production processes of his plant.127.When Michael gains information from city officials or civic l eaders to learn how the plant’s operations may be affecting the environment, he is performing which management role?a.leaderb.resource allocatorc.entrepreneurd.monitor128.When Michael meets with Betty and Joyce to discuss a complaint filed by one of the employees in a production department, he is performing which management role?a.resource allocatorb.disturbance handlerc.liaison。

管理学第9版 练习题 附答案 3

管理学第9版 练习题 附答案 3

Chapter 3 Organizational Culture and Environment: The Constraints TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONSTHE MANAGER: OMNIPOTENT OR SYMBOLIC?1.In the symbolic view of management, managers are seen as directly responsible foran organization’s success or failure.2.The current dominant assumption in management theory suggests that managersare omnipotent.3.The view of managers as omnipotent is consistent with the stereotypical picture ofthe take-charge business executive who can overcome any obstacle in carrying out the organization’s objectives.4.The symbolic view of management impact is useful in explaining the high turnoveramong college and professional sports coaches, who can be considered the “managers” of their teams.5.In the omnipotent view of management, much of an organization’s success orfailure is due to forces outside management’s control.6.In the symbolic view of management, it is unreasonable to expect managers tohave a significant effe ct on the organization’s performance.7.In the omnipotent view of management, a manager’s role is to create meaningout of randomness, confusion, and ambiguity.THE ORGANIZATION’S CULTURE8.An organizational culture refers to a system of shared meaning.anizational cultures influence how employees behave in an organization.anizational culture is a perception, not reality.11.Presently, there is no method for analyzing or assessing organizational culture.12.Strong cultures have more influence on employees than do weak cultures.13.An increasing body of evidence suggests that strong cultures are associated withhigh organizational performance.pensation structures are considered to be a primary dimension oforganizational culture.15.Most organizations have very weak cultures.16.An organization’s founder has little influence on its culture.17.Rituals are repetitive sequences of activities that express and reinforce the keyvalues of an organization.anizational stories typically contain a narrative regarding significant events orpeople.19.Employee stock options are one example of a material symbol that mightrepresent organizational culture.20.T he link between values and managerial behavior is fairly straightforward. CURRENT ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE ISSUES FACING MANAGERS21.A strong ethical culture is likely to have a powerful positive influence on employeebehavior.22.Low risk tolerance generally leads to high ethical standards within an organization.panies that allow their employees freedom tend to encourage innovativecultures.24.To encourage a customer-responsive culture, organizations should formalize andenforce strict customer service policies.25.Customer service employees tend to provide better customer service when they arevery clear about their employee roles.26.To increase customer responsiveness, organizations should hire employees who areoutgoing and friendly.THE ENVIRONMENT27.The part of the environment directly related to achievement of an organization’sgoals is the specific environment.28.The general environment refers to environmental factors operating inside anorganization.29.Environmental uncertainty can be divided into two dimensions: degree of trustand degree of integration.30.Because certainty is a threat to an organization’s effectiven ess, managers try tominimize it.31.The term suppliers includes providers of financial and labor inputs.32.Industry conditions are an example of an organization’s general environment.33.Economic conditions are part of the organization’s specific environment.MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONSFor each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.THE MANAGER: OMNIPOTENT OR SYMBOLIC?34.Which of the following represent the two views of managerial impact on thesuccess or failure of the organization?a.omnipotent and symbolicb.omnipotent and reflectivec.symbolic and interactived.reflective and interactive35.The omnipotent view of management states that ________________.a.the top manager is the only person in chargeb.managers are directly responsib le for an organization’s success or failurec.that there is only one boss in the organization, and she or he is responsible fordelegating ordersd.managers have little or no responsibility for an organization’s success or failure36.The __________ view of management is consistent with the stereotypicalpicture of the take-charge business executive who can overcome anyobstacle in carrying out the organization’s objectives.a.omnipotentb.symbolicc.functionald.systems37.Which of the following most accurately reflects the symbolic view ofmanagement?a.M anagers are directly responsible for an organization’s success or failure.b.M anagers have little or no responsibility for an organization’s success or failure.c.E xternal forces are directly responsible for an organization’s success or failure.d.E mployees are directly responsible for an organization’s success or failure.38.Internal constraints that restrict a manager’s decision options _______________.a.exist within every organizationb.do not exist, as all managers have decision-making discretionc.exist only to the extent that upper management imposes themd.exist only to the extent that followers won’t do as they are told39.The current dominant assumption in management theory suggests_______________.a. a balanced view of managers as symbolic and omnipotentb.an emphasis on the view that managers are symbolicc.an emphasis on the view that managers are omnipotentd.that both the symbolic and omnipotent views are obsolete40.A ccording to the symbolic view, managers have a(n) _____________ effect onsubstantive organizational outcomes.a.neutralb.controllingc.limitedd.unlimited41.Managers may be able to expand their areas of discretion by_______________.a.telling their employees what to dob.changing and influencing their organization’s culture and env ironmentc.electing new government officials at the federal and state leveld.changing employers and working for a different boss42.The symbolic view of management is based upon the belief that managerssymbolize _________.a.control and influenceb.ambiguity and confusionc.stakeholders’ interestsd.decisions of top management43.In reality, managers are most accurately viewed as _________.a.dominant over an organization’s environmentb.neither helpless nor all powerfulc.powerless to influence an organization’s performanced.ultimately responsible for organizational outcomesTHE ORGANIZATION’S CULTURE44.The culture of an organization is analogous to the _____________ of an individual.a.skillsb.personalityc.motivationd.ability45.All organizational cultures consist of each of the following except _________.a.shared valuesb.principlesc.innovationd.traditionsanizational culture is concerned with how members perceive theorganization, not whether they __________.a.like the organizationb.like their peersc.like their bossesd.like their customers47.Strong cultures _____________.a.are found in organizations with high employee turnoverb.have a minimal influence on employee decision makingc.can be found in all organizations that existd.have a greater influence on employees than do weak cultures48.Employees in organizations with strong cultures _______________.a.are more committed to their organizationsb.are more likely to leave their organizationsc.are more willing to perform illegal activitiesd.are more likely to follow directives from peers49.Which of the following phrases is associated with the definition of organizationalculture?a.individual responseb.shared meaningc.diversity of thoughtd.explicit directions50.W hich of the following is not considered to be a dimension of organizationalculture?a.attention to detailb.people orientationc.purchasing policiesd.aggressiveness51.Which of the following dimensions of organizational culture is defined as thedegree to which an organization’s actions and decisions emphasize maintaining the status quo?a.stabilityb.outcome orientationc.team orientationd.innovation and risk taking52.A company whose managers focus on results, rather than how results are achieved,most likely possesses a high degree of which of the following?a.outcome orientationb.people orientationc.team orientationd.aggressiveness53.Sony Corporation’s focus on product innovation is an example of which of thefollowing dimensions of organizational culture?a.attention to detailb.people orientationc.outcome orientationd.aggressiveness54.Which of the following most accurately reflects the difference betweenstrong cultures and weak cultures?a.Strong cultures tend to encourage employee innovation, while weak culturesdo not.b.Weak cultures are found in most organizations, whereas strong cultures arerelatively rare.c.Strong cultures have less of an influence on employee behavior than do weakcultures.pany values are more deeply held and widely shared in strong culturesthan in weak cultures.55.Corporate ___________ are repetitive sequences of activities that expressand reinforce the values of an organization.nguagesb.ritualsc.symbolsd.ceremonies56. Which of the following represents the most significant ways through whichcorporate cultures are transmitted to employees?a.rituals, myths, competitions, and languageb.symbols, rituals, language, and business systemsc.stories, rituals, symbols, and languagenguage, stories, rituals, and rewards57.When employees at Microsoft use terms such as work judo, eating yourown dog food, and flat food, they are using organizational __________.nguagesb.ritualsc.symbolsd.ceremonies58.Most organizations have ____________ cultures.a.very weakb.weak to moderatec.moderated.moderate to strong59.The original source of an organization’s culture usually ________________.a.is shared among the first workers hired into the organizationb.is formulated by the board of directors when the organization is formedc.identifies what the organization is successful doingd.reflects the vision or mission of the organization’s founder60.O rganizational _____________ typically contain narratives about significantevents or people in the organization.a.storiesb.ritualsc.chartsd.material symbols61.All of the following are mentioned in the textbook as examples of materialsymbols except ____________.a.employee dress attireb.size of employee officesc.availability of stock optionsd.reserved parking spaces for certain employees62.The link between organizational values and managerial behavior is _____________.ually uncertainb.fairly straightforwardc.often highly complexd.relatively dynamic63.In learning an organization’s specific language, members are displayingtheir _________________.a.willingness to communicate with the organization’s stockholdersb.confidence that they will soon be promoted to greater responsibilityc.willingness to help preserve the culture of the organizationd.consent to share material symbols with the other members of the organization64.An organization’s culture affects managers by ______________.a.providing them with additional decision-making powerb.restricting them from disciplining certain employeesc.encouraging them to bend or even break company rulesd.establishing what is appropriate and expected behaviorCURRENT ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE ISSUES FACING MANAGERS65.Which of the following is most likely to have a highly ethical organizationalculture?a. a highly aggressive, competitive businessb. a company with high risk tolerancec. a business that focuses strictly on outcomesd. a business with outgoing and friendly employees66.To encourage ethical cultures, managers should _________________.a.enforce strict discipline policiesb.encourage employees to competec.act in their own self-interestd.serve as visible role models67.A company that primarily values a strong sense of purpose throughmeaningful work has a(n) _________________ organizational culture.a.spiritualb.customer-responsivec.ethicald.innovative68.Conscientious employees with good listening skills are highly valuable forbuilding a(n) _________________ organizational culture.a.ethicalb.innovativec.customer-responsived.spiritual69.An innovative organizational culture is characterized by all of the followingcharacteristics except _________________.a.freedomb.conformityc.debatesd.risk taking70.W orkplace spirituality has become important in the contemporaryworkplace because it helps to _________________.a.reduce unemployment ratesb.boost company profitsc.restore a sense of communityd.bring religion into business71.Which of the following is most characteristic of an organization with astrong spiritual culture?a.Employees are encouraged to express themselves.b.Such companies experience high employee turnover.c.Employees are rewarded for innovation and risk taking.d.Employees are required to join organized religions.72.Which of the following best characterizes the relationship betweenspirituality and business profitability?a.Evidence shows that spirituality and business profitability are incompatible.b.Limited evidence suggests that spirituality may be compatible with profitability.c.Research shows that workplace spirituality constrains employee performance.d.High productivity has been extensively documented in spiritual workplaces. THE ENVIRONMENT73.External environment refers to _________________.a.forces outside the organization that limit the organization’s performanceb.factors and forces outside the organization tha t affect the organization’sperformancec.forces and institutions inside the organization that affect the organization’sperformanced.forces inside the organization that increase the organization’s performance74.According to the textbook, the _______________ environment includes thoseconstituencies that have a direct and immediate impact on managers’ decisions and actions and are directly relevant to the achievement of the organization’s goals.a.generalb.specificc.secondaryd.forward75.An organization’s specific en vironment ________________.a.is unique and changes with conditionsb.is the same regardless of the organization’s agec.is determined by the top level of managementd.must be quantified to establish its existence76.The main forces that make up an organization’s sp ecific environment are__________.a.suppliers, legislators, customers, and employeesb.customers, suppliers, competitors, and pressure groupsc.employees, competitors, pressure groups, and regulatorsd.suppliers, employees, competitors, and legislatorsanizations exist to meet the needs of which of the following constituencies?a.customersb.legislatorsc.supplierspetitors78.When you think of an organization’s suppliers, you ________________.a.know that they are the main customers of the organizationb.typically think of governments that pass the laws the organization must followc.know that they are located close to the organization itselfd.typically think in terms of organizations that provide materials and equipment79.Managers seek to ensure a steady __________________.a.cash flow from stockholders into the organizationb.flow of needed inputs at the lowest price availablec.flow of customers at the company’s outlet stored.flow of suppliers to keep the competition among suppliers at a peak80.E ach of the following is considered an organizational supplier exceptproviders of __________________.a.financial inputsbor inputsc.materialsd.political pressure81.The Internet is having an impact on determining whom an organization’scompetitors are because it has _____________.a.defined the common markets for organizationsb.made certain products invaluable to customerc.virtually eliminated the need for shopping mallsd.virtually eliminated geographic boundaries82.For a company such as Walt Disney World in Florida, a bank would be an exampleof what kind of factor in their specific environment?petitorb.supplierc.special-interest groupernment agency83.Which of the following is not an example of a specific environmental factor?a.population demographicsb.political conditionsc.federal lawsd.all of the above84.For organizations such as hospitals, which hire nurses, the labor union and thelocal labor market are examples of which of the following specific environmental factors?petitor and supplierb.customer and pressure groupc.both are examples of suppliersd.both are examples of pressure groups85.Typically, the specific organizational environment includes which of the following?a.economic factorsb.political conditionsc.technological factorspetitors86.United Parcel Service represents which of the following to the U.S. Postal Service?petitorb.supplierc.customerernment agency87.The general environment factor of economic conditions consists of all of thefollowing except _______________.a.legislation recently passed by Congressb.interest ratesc.changes in disposable incomed.stock market fluctuations88.Sociocultural conditions consist of _______________.a.demographic profiles of an organization’s suppliersb.legal issues as determined by court decisionsc.the level of unemployment and real economic incomes of workersd.changing expectations and values within society89.To a national broadcast network such as NBC, your home DVD player isconsidered a _____________.a.customerb.supplierc.special-interest grouppetitor90.G roups such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) are examples of whatfactor in the specific external environment?petitorsb.pressure groupsc.customersernment agencies91.Typically, the general organizational environment includes which of the following?a.political conditionsb.business plansc.stakeholdersd.supplierspared to the specific environment, which of the following is an accuratestatement about the general environment of an organization?a.It has less impact on the organization’s operations.b.It has more impact on the organization’s operatio ns.c.It has about the same impact on an organization’s operations.d.It is predominantly the concern of upper management.93.Which of the following is not a component of an organization’s generalenvironment?a.economic conditionsb.political conditionsc.social conditionsd.industry conditions94.Interest rates, inflation rates, and stock market fluctuations are all examples ofwhat factor in an organization’s general environment?a.economicb.politicalc.sociald.technological95.The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 is an example of a __________.a.sociolegal conditionb.political/legal conditionc.political/sociological conditiond.sociocultural condition96.A decrease in contributions from the public to the United Way charity is mostlikely the result of which of the following general environmental factors?a.politicalb.socialc.technologicald.economic97.Which of the following groups includes individuals who were born between theyears 1946–1964?a.the Depression groupb.the World War II groupc.the baby boomersd.Generation X98.The members of which of the following groups are behaving in fundamentallydifferent ways that are likely to greatly impact organizations and managers?a.the Depression groupb.the World War II groupc.the baby boomersd.Generation Y99.Automation represents an example of a(n) __________ generalenvironmental factor.a.technologicalb.demographicc.political/legald.economic100.Which of the following has been the most rapidly changing component in an organization’s general environment?a.globalb.economicc.sociald.technological101.Which of the following best represents a global general environmental factor?a.increased surveillancecation levelsc.electronic meetingsd.international markets102.Which of the following are the two dimensions of environmental uncertainty?a.degree of change and degree of complexityb.degree of change and degree of volumec.degree of complexity and degree of impactd.degree of impact and degree of timing103.If the components of an organization’s environment change frequently, the organization is operating in a __________ environment.a.disruptiveb.diversec.dynamicd.difficult104.Managers try to minimize __________ because it threatens organizational effectiveness.a.product developmentb.uncertaintyc.price chargesd.the number of suppliers105.__________ are any constituencies in an organization’s external environment that are affected by the organization’s decisions and actions.a.Stockholdersb.Pressure groupsc.Suppliersd.Stakeholders106.Degree of _______________ refers to the number of components in an organization’s environment and the extent of the knowledge th at the organization has about those components.a.stabilityb.opennessplexityd.transition107.The first step of managing external stakeholder relationships is to identify whom the stakeholders are. The second step is to _________________.a.determine what specific approach should be used to manage the stakeholderrelationshipb.determine what the courts might do when stakeholder files a claim against theorganizationc.determine what particular interests or concerns these stakeholders might haved.determine how many stakeholders there are in each stakeholder groupSCENARIOS AND QUESTIONSFor each of the following, choose the answer that most completely answers the question.THE MANAGER: OMNIPOTENT OR SYMBOLIC?Apex Construction has hired Wendell Phillips to provide management consulting for the organization. Wendell’s first assignment involves helping the company to improve productivity by recommending ways to strengthen managers’ supervisory skills.108.Wendell notices that the company’s top executives share a belief that managers are directly responsible for the organization’s success or failure. This belief reflects a(n) ______________ view of management.a.traditionalb.omnipotentc.standardd.symbolic109.Wendell interviews many middle-level managers and discovers that they sharea different view of management. These individuals believe that external factorsconstrain managers’ influence over outcomes. The mid-level managers have a _____________ view of management.a.traditionalb.omnipotentc.standardd.symbolicTHE ORGANIZATION’S CULTURECorporate Takeover (Scenario)Todd works for SeaLan Tech, an environmental consulting firm that has just been purchased by Zerex, Inc., a biomedical research organization. Based on his early encounters with the new upper management from Zerex, Todd feels that SeaLan is a “lower-key, friendlier” organization. He is concerned that the ne w company will eliminate SeaLan’s old culture, and he does not like the prospects.110.If you were talking with Todd and asked him what the term culture meant, he would reply that, basically, it is _________________.a.the formal rules of an organizationb.the nationality of the workers in the companyc. a system of shared meaningd. a system that reflects diversity and respect for differences111.Todd is concerned with the degree to which managers focus on results or outcomes rather than techniques and the processes used to achieve those outcomes. He is concerned with _____________.a.stabilityb.aggressivenessc.team orientationd.outcome orientation112.Todd notices that management is very concerned with the effects of outcomes on people within the organization. This is referred to as _____________.a.stabilityb.aggressivenessc.team orientationd.people orientation113.T odd is assessing the organization’s _____________, the degree to which organizational activities emphasize maintaining the status quo in contrast to growth.a.stabilityb.aggressivenessc.team orientationd.outcome orientation114.Todd has been learning the seven dimensions of organizational culture. Which of the following is not one of those seven dimensions?a.stabilityb.aggressivenessc.member orientationd.outcome orientationChanging Organizational Culture (Scenario)Mary has been asked by the company president to change the organizational culture to reflect the company’s new organizational goa ls. As executive vice president, she certainly understands the goals, but is really not sure that she understands what to do about the culture.115.Mary asked employees if they knew what constituted “good employee behavior.” She found that very few understood, and most had a variety of ideas.This is one indication that her company _______________.a.has a strong cultureb.has a weak culturec.has no cultured.must have high turnover116.Mary also found out that in order to build a strong new culture, she should do all but which of the following?a.hire employees who fit in with the company’s cultureb.develop socialization practices to build culturec.encourage a high turnover rate among employeesd.have management make organizational values clear117.Mary was surprised to find that most organizational cultures are ____________.a.weakb.weak to moderatec.moderate to strongd.strongTHE ENVIRONMENTEnvironmental Constraints (Scenario)It is safe to say that managers do not have complete control over organizational outcomes; the environment has a significant impact. However, there are different environmental factors that shape a manager’s work life.118.As a manager, if you were working in an industry that was dependent on rapidly changing software technologies, with many new companies competing for the same customers, you would be working in what kind of environment?a.generalb.staticc.stabled.dynamic119.Political conditions, which include attitudes that officials hold toward specific industries, fall within an organization’s _____________ env ironment.a.globalb.internalpetitived.generalThe Election (Scenario)At the present time, your organization is faced with many changes. One of these is the election of a new president and Congress. Another concerns new requests from customers for changes to the look of your product design. A third involves changes in the ages and education levels of your customer base. Your customers have also recently expressed a desire to have your product manufactured using a newly discovered type of plastic.120.The changes in the presidency and Congress represent which of the following environmental factors for your organization?a.general environmentb.specific environmentc.pressure group。


12、勒温认为,把权力定位于集体手中的领导者,其领导作风是( b ) A.专制作风 B.民主作风 C.放任自流作风 D.仁慈作风
13、在“管理系统理论”中,领导者允许下属反映意见和提出要求,允许下属有一定的决策 权但严加控制。这类领导方式被称为(b) A.极端专制独裁型 B.仁慈的专制型 C.民主协商型 D.民主参与式型
(5) 一般来说,规模较小的组织、必须时刻保持上下高度一致的组织可以采用(c)的形式。 A.A、现场控制 B.B、反馈控制 C.C、集中控制 D.D、间接控制 ( 7) 侧重于研究领导成功的经验与其本人的人格、才智、需要层次特点等的关系,这类领导 理论是(a ) A.领导特质理论 B.领导行为理论 C.领导权变理论 D.领导艺术理论 ( 8) 勒温认为,把权力定位于领导者个人手中的领导者,其领导作风是(a ) A.专制作风 B.民主作风 C.放任自流作风 D.仁慈作风
14、赫兹伯格把与工作内容紧密相关的因素称为(a) A.激励因素 B.保健因素 C.健康因素 D.心理因素
15、管理者用表扬、赞赏、增加工资、提高待遇、分配有意义的工作等手段来刺激其员工的 积极行为,使其得到发扬光大,这种做法是(a) A.正强化 B.负强化 C.惩罚 D.自然消退
17、在控制过程中,哪项工作的结果连接了其它管理工作与下一个控制工作,使整个控制过 程呈现出一个不断循环的特点( a ) A.A、采取管理行动 B.B、衡量实际工作 C.C、分析衡量结果 D.D、确定控制标准
19、通过情况的观察、规律的掌握、信息的收集整理、趋势的判断预测等活动,正确预计未 来可能出现的问题,防患于未然这种控制方式属于(c ) A.A、现场控制 B.、反馈控制 C、前馈控制 D、间接控制























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管理学试题 8一、单项选择题(每题 1 分,共 20 分)1. 组织理论上把管理层次多而管理幅度小的结构称之为 A •锥形结构B •扁平结构C •直线结构2. 现代人事管理的基本职能是 A •完善人事管理制度 B •健全人事分类制度3 •指挥者的职权力在指挥活动中体现出来的权威是A .现代权威B .人格权威C .技术权威 4 . 合理安排、使用和调配人员的基本依据是A .人事选拔B .人事监督C .人员培训 5. 管理幅度较大、管理层次较少的组织,其结构形态是 A •锥形结构B •扁平结构C •层级结构D •职能结构6 . 尊定管理行为科学基础的是 A •马斯洛的需求层次论 B .赫茨伯格的双因素理论C •麦格雷戈的 X 理论Y 理论D •梅奥的人际关系学说7. 泰勒介导的科学管理特征之一就是工作的制度化与程序化,其中有一项重要的原则称为“例外原则”。

可以理解为:A •管理者有一定的特殊权力,有些问题的处理可以例外,不受制度约束B •将程序化的工作交给下属处理,管理者集中精力处理非程序化的事务 C •规章制度要留有一定的余地,以便特殊情况的处理D •给管理者留下不按制度办事的权力,以便照顾某些特殊关系8. 管理的核心是A •决策B .处理好人际关系C .组织D •控制9.如果一家电脑公司通过自己拥有的分销渠道来销售自己生产的电脑产品,这属于公司层次战略中的A .集中于单一业务B .垂直一体化C .多元化经营D .国际化经营10. 首次提出差别计件工资制的是A .霍桑B .法约尔C .泰罗D .马纳德11. 根据管理方格图理论,最理想的领导方式是 A . 9 , 1 B . 5, 5 C . 9, 9 D . 1, 9 12. 决策树法属于哪种决策方法 A .群体决策型 B .确定型 C .风险型D .不确定型13. 追求创造性思维和尽可能多方案的决策方法是A .德尔菲法B .头脑风暴法C .名义小组法D .单位组合法14. 有利于提高专业水平和组织效率的组织结构类型是A .直线型B .职能型C .分部型D .矩阵型15. 通过事先考虑各种可能的障碍来预测和预防偏差的发生,这种控制方法是 A .前馈控制 B .同步控制 C .反馈控制D .审计控制16. 韦伯提出的理想行政组织的权力应当是A .超凡权力B .传统权力C .理性 - 法律权力D .决策权力 17. 匿名征询专家意见的决策方法,属于 A .组合排列B .头脑风暴法C .名义小组法D .德尔菲法 18. 技术创新不包括 A .材料创新 B .工艺创新 C .设备创新 D .环境创新19. 技术技能对哪一级管理者最重要 A .高层 B .中层 C .基层D .以上都是20. 按照明茨伯的观点,管理者在人际关系方面扮演的角色之一是A .企业家B .谈判者C .联络员D .发言人二、多项选择题(每题 2 分,共 10 分)D •矩形结构C .加强人事管理制度D .法规权威 D .人员考评 D •促进人力资源的优化1.管理控制的目标:A •限制偏差的积累B •适应环境的变化C.增强组织的竞争力 D •提高组织的知名度2 •美国心理学家佛雷德里克•赫兹伯格提出的“双因素理论”是指A .保健因素B .激励因素C .心理因素D .社会因素3.根据明茨伯格的研究,管理者应扮演哪几类角色?A .人际角色B .信息角色C .决策角色D .协调角色4 .战略类型包括A .基本战略姿态B .成长战略C .防御战略D .进攻战略5.组织设计的原则包括A •因事设职和因人设职相结合的原则B •权责对等的原则C.命令统一的原则 D •目标优先原则三、填空题(每题1分,共20 分)1.决策遵循的是满意原则,而不是 _________________ 。

2.针对偶然发生的、性质和结构不明的具有重大影响的“例外问题”做出的决策,称为________________ 。

3.古典决策理论假设,作为决策者的“管理者”都是“完全理性的”,古典决策理论忽视了__________ 在决策中的作用,不一下能指导实际的决策活动。

4.________ ,是将一个具有市场划分成若干个具有不同特点的顾客群,每个顾客群需要相应的产品或市场组合。

5.“管理层次”与“管理幅度”是 __________ 的关系。

6.在管理学中,命令统一的原则是指“组强中的成员只能接受_____ 上司的领导” ,但是这种原则也经常会受到破坏。

7.权力分散有两个途径,一是 ___________ ,二是主管人员在工作中的授权。

8.在组织中,人员配备的原则是:因事择人的原则、因材器使的原则、 ____________ 。

9.管理人员考评的内容,一是 _________ ,二是能力考评。

10. 领导者发动下属讨论,共同商量,集思广益,然后决策.这种类型的领导称为“ __________ ” 。

11. 领导者个人决定一切,布置下属执行。

这种类型的领导称为“ ______________ ”。

12. 可以把人的行为(B)看成是其自身特点(P)及其所处环境(E)的函数B=f(P、E)。

因此,为了引导人们的行为达到激励的目的,既要创造条件促进这些需要的满足,也要采取措施改变个人行动的________ 。

13. 美国心理学家斯金纳的强化理论认为,人的行为是其所获得的刺激的函数,如果这种行为对他有利,这种行为就会 _______ ;若对他不利,这种行为会减弱至消失。

14. 控制工作的三个基本内容:确立标准、衡量成效、_____________ 。

15. 许多新的管理理论和管理学实践已一再证明,计划、组织、领导、________ 、创新这五种管理职能是一切管理活动最基本的职能。

16. 泰罗制的“科学管理”理论把人看成“经济人”而行为科学把人看成 _______ 。

17. 一个人对工作是否能做到完全负责取决于三个因素:1,权限。


3,____________18. 奖惩要分明,公正而_________ 。

19. 由投入经过转换而产出的成果,被称为___________ 。


20. _______ ;单位时间内所取得的效果的数量,反映了劳动时间的利用状况。

四、简答题(每题5分,共30 分)1 .什么是管理?如何理解管理的含义?2.权变管理理论的主要内容?3.什么是企业的核心竞争力,它有什么特点?4.如何理解决策的含义?决策的原则与依据各是什么?5.影响行业进入障碍因素有哪些?6.什么是控制?控制的必要性是什么?五、论述题(每题10分,共20 分)1 .论述创新职能的基本内容?2 .如何认识激励过程,常用的激励手段有哪些?参考答案 8三、填空题 20 分 (每题 1分,共 20 分)1.专权型领导 2.某种动机 3.环境 4. 尚未满足的 5.重复出现 6.纠正偏差 7.放任型领导 8.控制 9. 社会人 10.能力 11.及时 12.效率 13.组织价值观 14.最优原则 15. 程序化决策 16.非经济因素 17.产品 18.制度分权 19.贡献考评 20.直线关系四、简答题 30 分 (每题 5分,6题, 共 30分)1.什么是管理?如何理解管理的含义? 答题要点:管理是指通过计划工作, 组织工作, 领导工作和控制工作的诸过程来协调所有的资源, 以使达到既定的目标。

管理的载体是组织; 管理的本质是分配、 协调或过程; 管理的对象是包括人力资源在内的一切可以调用的资 源;管理的职能是信息获取、决策、计划、组织、领导、控制和创新;管理的目的是实现组织的目标。

2.权变管理理论的主要内容? 答题要点:是 20 世纪 70 年代在美国形成的一种管理理论。

这一理论的核心是力图研究组织与环境的关系, 并确定各种 变量的关系类型和结构类型。


它强调管理要根据组织所处的 环境随机应变, 针对不同的环境寻求不同的管理模式。

权变管理理论着重考察有关环境的变量与各种管理观念和 技术之间的关系,以使采用的管理观念和技术有效地实现目标。

3.什么是企业的核心竞争力,它有什么特点?答题要点: 核心竞争力是一组先进技术的组合, 是企业将技术、 治理机制和集体学习有机结合的产物, 是企业可以在多 个事业中使用和产生效益的一种关键能力。

核心竞争力包括使公司区别于其他公司的专业知识和技能, 使这些专 业知识和技能相互结合的业务过程和管理方式。

从短期看,公司的竞争力在于现有产品的价格、性能特征;从长 期看,公司的竞争力在于使用更低地的成本和更快的速度建立核心竞争力的能力。


核心竞争力为通往多种市场提供潜在通道;用户价值:核心竞争力应该 对最终产品所体现的消费者福利有显著的贡献;独特性。


4.如何理解决策的含义?决策的原则与依据各是什么? 决策是管理者识别并解决问题以及利用机会的过程。

可作如下理解: 1: 决策的主体是管理者 2: 决策的本质 是一个过程,这一过程由多个步骤组成 3: 决策的目的是解决问题或利用机会。


要使得决策达到最优,必须a: 容易获得与决策有关的全部信息b:真实了解全部信息的价值所在,据此控制所有可能的方案 c:准确预期到每个方案在未来的执行结果2:现实中上述条件往往得不到满足。


一、 单项选择题 20 分 (每题 1 分,共 20 分)1、( A )2、( D) 3 、( D ) 4、( D ) 5、( B ) 6、( D ) 7、( A ) 8、( A ) 9、( B )10、( C )11、( C ) 12、( C) 13 、 (B ) 14、( D ) 15、 (A ) 16、( C ) 17、( D) 18、(D ) 19、 ( C ) 20、 (C ) 二、 多项选择题 10 分 (每题 2 分,共 10 分)1、( AB )2、( A B) 3、 (ABC)4、(ABC )5、( ABC )决策的依据是信息。







