申請修讀方式:面授/ 遠程1.個人資料中文姓名:_______________________________________英文姓名:_________________ ____________________(名) (姓)性別:男/ 女*身份證/護照*號碼:_______________________________出生日期:_______年_______月_______日出生地點:_____________________________________ 通訊位址:(中文) _______________________________________________________________________ 聯絡電話:(手機) __________________________________(住宅) __________________________________(辦公室) ________________________________傳真號碼:_________________________________________電郵地址:_________________________________________2.學歷請按年份順序填寫,並附上有關的學歷證明及成績單副本。
就讀院校/國家就讀日期就讀模式(全日制/兼讀制/函授)主修文憑/學位(榮譽等級) <如適用>頒授日期(月/年) 由(月/年)至(月/年)3.專業資格由專業學會或公開考試獲得之會員資格(如適用)。
任職機構職位全職/兼職由(月/年)至(月/年)5.遞交申請表及附件程式請將填妥的申請表連同下列檔遞交,並於適當的空格內填上「 」號。
IMPORTANT NOTES 注意事项Applications can be submitted either IN PERSON, BY EMAIL or BY POST to the Institute / College. 填妥的申请表可亲身、以电邮或以邮递方式交回本学院 / 学校。
Applicants are requested to submit together with this form PHOTOCOPIES of documentary evidence of their academic / professional credentials, identity proof and other relevant documents.填妥的申请表,须连同学历 / 专业资格证明文件、身份证明及其他相关证明文件副本一并缴交。
Applicants will be required to produce the originals of all relevant documents for certification after their arrival in Hong Kong. 申请人抵港后须出示有关文件的正本,以便本学院 / 学校核对资料。
Failure to provide the required information may cause delay or render the Institute / College unable to further process the application. 申请人若未能提供所需资料,将导致延误,或令本学院 / 学校不能进一步处理是项申请。
PART A PERSONAL PARTICULARS 个人资料Name in Chinese Date of Birth 中文姓名 出生日期 Name in English (Must be identical with your Passport) 英文姓名 (必须与护照相同)Surname 姓First / Other Names 名ID Type Passport / Entry-Exit Permit * ID No. Sex Male / Female * 证件类别 护照 / 通行证* 证件号码_______________________________________ 性别 男 / 女*Require Student Visa to Study in HK Yes / No * Expiry Date of Current Student Visa (yyyy/mm/dd) 要申请学生签证在港就读 要 / 不要 * 现在的学生签证到期日 (年/月/日) __________________________________* Please delete as appropriate 请删去不适用者Household RegistrationNationality(Province/ Autonomous Region/City)Language used at Home国籍 _______________________ 户籍 ____________________________ 日常用语言______________________________Daytime Contact Phone No./ Mobile No. Residential Tel. No. 日间联络电话号码/流动电话 (___________)____________________住宅电话号码 (_________)________________________E-mail Address 电邮地址Correspondence Address 通讯地址_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Postal Code Religion (Optional) 地区号码: __________________________________________ 宗教 (可选择自由填报) _____________________________PARENT / GUARDIAN 父母 / 监护人Name in Chinese Name in English (Surname) (First / Other Name)中文姓名 ______________________英文姓名 (姓) __________________________ (名) __________________________RelationshipDaytime Contact Phone No.与申请人关系 ______________________________________ 日间联络电话号码 (___________)________________________Address (Please fill out if it is not the same as above ) 地址 (如与上述通讯地址不同才需填写)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Postal Code______________________________________________________________ 地区号码: __________________________________________PART B PROGRAMME APPLIED FOR 报读课程Please indicate your choice of programmes in the boxes below; “1” being your first choice.请在以下空格按意愿填写你的课程选择,"1"为首选。
香港大学 HKUMSc、MA点击页面最下方"choose your programme"以查看某个专业是否已开始申请。
香港中文大学 CUHKMSc、MA、MPhil、PhD申请时间在线申请:https://.hk/onlineapp/faculty_list.aspx课程截止时间:2011年1月31日香港科技大学 HKUSTMPhil、PhD、MA香港理工大学 Poly UMSc、MA在线申请:https://.hk/aswadm/applIndex.doMPhil、PhD申请时间:https://.hk/rowas/researchFullInfo.jsp在线申请:https://.hk/rowas/在页面中的下拉框选择Mphil/PHD或Msc/MA,请及时留意该网页更新。
用户名: 密码:
Section 4 推荐人信息
Section 3 教育经历
专业(full/part time)
在校成绩查询链接(必填, 没有请说明原因):
Section 5 工作经历
Section 6 语言能力
TOEFL_____ IELTS___其他_______________________________(如有请注明)
Section 1 学生个人基本信息
申请历程:1. 英语准备虽然一直计划出去读PHD,但是因为一些原因(主要开始时想拿CSC资助去德国,有些德国大学不需要英语证明)直到去年11月才第一次考雅思,郁闷的是第一次考砸了,那个成绩连读本科都难,后来今年1月份重考,还是很差(6.0),但毕竟能有一些学校接受了(本人英语一直是硬伤,所以现在还得继续努力)。
但是如果有一个漂亮的语言成绩,会使你海阔天空!2. 疯狂“海套”从去年九月份开始计划,询问一些成功出去的师兄,并开始准备CV,cover letter,还经常逛一些网站(寄托,太傻和飘版),10月终于把CV弄得漂漂亮亮啦(很多同学看了都说确实不错),开始有计划地逐个大学网站去寻找信息,发信去询问教授,那时强迫自己要一个月发上30篇,平均一天1篇。
THE HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY STUDENT VISA CARD APPLICATION FORM 香港理工大學學生VISA 卡申請表格Please fill in the following in BLOCK LETTER and place a "√" in appropriate box. 請以英文正楷填寫表格及在適當方格內加上「√」號。
P L U S T 1675080Customer Services Hotline 客戶服務熱線:(852) 3608 6628 Application by Fax 傳真申請熱線:(852) 3608 6206 If applying by fax, please do not mail the application form. 如已傳真申請,請勿重覆郵寄。
Welcome Gift Terms and Conditions1.Welcome gift offers are valid until 31 December, 2008.2.To qualify for the welcome gift, the Cardholder is required to spend at least HK$1,200 on retail purchases and / orcash advances within 2 months from the date of card issuance. Card spending excludes Octopus Automatic Add Value Service, BEA Traveller's Card reload amounts, "Cash in Hand" handling and administration fees and interest, casino transactions, foreign exchange, finance charges, reversed transactions, late charges, credit card annual fees, etc. The Cardholder's entitlement to the welcome gift will be forfeited if he / she is unable to achieve the spending requirement within the specified period.3.A redemption letter will be mailed to the Cardholder's mailing address within 6 working days after The Bank of EastAsia Limited ("BEA") has confirmed the fulfillment of the spending requirement for the card. The Cardholder will be able to redeem the welcome gift for free with the redemption letter. Redemption details, including the redemption method, redemption centre address, and redemption deadline will be set out in the redemption letter.4.Gift items are available while stocks last. In the event that a gift item is out of stock, or if no selection is made or morethan 1 gift item is selected, BEA reserves the right to choose the welcome gift on behalf of the Cardholder.5.The retail prices specified for the welcome gifts are for reference only. BEA is not responsible for any matters arisingfrom the reference retail prices or the difference between the reference retail prices and the actual retail prices in the market.6.In the case of duplicate redemption or any fraud or abuse in relation to gift redemption, BEA reserves the right to debitan amount equal to the reference retail price of the welcome gift from the Cardholder's account without prior notice.The values of the respective welcome gifts are as follows: Ah Food Premium Set worth HK$400; Agnès b. DÉLICES Dragée Gift Box Set worth HK$450; Agnès b. DÉLICES Nougat Gift Box Set worth HK$450.7.BEA makes no representation or guarantee regarding the quality and availability of the products, services, and/orinformation provided by participating merchants. The participating merchants will be responsible for any matters arising from or in connection with the products, services, and/or information they provide, in relation to which BEA will have no liability whatsoever. Any dispute or complaint in respect of the products, services and/or information should be directed to the relevant merchant.General Terms and Conditions1.Once the application has been approved by BEA, the Cardholder will be deemed to have accepted all terms and conditionslisted below in conjunction with all terms and conditions stated in the Cardholder Agreement.2.The choice of gift item cannot be changed by the Customer once confirmed on the application form or after redemption.3.Offers are only available to the customers who have not held a BEA co-branded university / college credit card in the 6months prior to the date of application. Existing Cardholders of BEA Credit Card or affinity / co-branded card who arrange for new cards by changing their existing cards to a BEA co-branded university / college credit card, for whatever reason, will be ineligible to receive any welcome gifts.4.Should the cardholder cancel his / her university / college credit card within 24 months from the date of account opening,an administration fee of HK$500 shall be charged to the relevant account.5.BEA reserves the right to vary or cancel the promotional programme and / or amend or alter any of these terms andconditions at any time without prior notice. In the event of any dispute, the decision of BEA shall be final and conclusive.6.Unless otherwise stated, words and expressions as defined in the Cardholder Agreement will have the same meaningwhen used in these terms and conditions. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in these terms and conditions will prejudice or affect the terms and conditions of the Cardholder Agreement. These terms and conditions will be in addition to the terms and conditions of the Cardholder Agreement.7.BEA reserves the sole right to approve or decline any BEA Credit Card application.8.Should there be any discrepancy between the English and the Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the Englishversion shall apply and prevail.迎新禮品條款及細則1.迎新禮品優惠有效期至2008年12月31日。
Programme Code 1st choice 2nd choice 3rd choice
Please provide the information of the extra-curricular activities and voluntary services you have participated in, and prizes/medals and other awards you have won in the past three years.
If you have been nominated to participate in the direct admission programme with bonus points awarded by any of the Mainland universities, please fill in the information below:
Architecture Arts
Study Programme
Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies Bachelor of Science in Surveying Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education – English1 (4 years)
有關入學計劃的最新安排將於港大網頁公佈或以電郵方式通知申請人, 港大將不會以電話或書面方式另行通知,請各位申請人密切留意。
香港大学入学申请条件香港大学申请条件:本科:学历要求:应届高考生成绩要求:一本线以上30分语言要求:高考英语120分硕士:学历要求:学士学位或大学在读成绩要求:本科均分需达80语言要求:雅思6.5香港大学申请材料:本科:1)高考成绩2)身份证硕士:1)本科成绩单2)在读证明3)雅思成绩单4)推荐信5)个人陈述6)身份证香港大学申请日期:本科:每年10月至次年2月底硕士:每年10月至次年4月底备注:申请本科及硕士的同学,请尽早确定好学校,以免造成位置紧张香港大学申请时间:本科:每年10月至次年2月底硕士:每年10月至次年4月底备注:申请本科及硕士的同学,请尽早确定好学校,以免造成位置紧张香港大学优势学科香港“大学教育资助委员会”在1997年推出了“卓越学科领域计划(TheAreas of Excellence scheme)在全部18个领域项中,香港大学主持了8 项,并协同其他机构参与了6项;截至2013年,香港大学已完成“经济及商业策略”、“药物合成与研发”两项,关于“海洋环境”、“大规模流行疾病”、“鼻咽癌”、“骨骼疾病”、“高分子材料”、“新兴电子建模与仿真”等领域的研究仍在进行中。
2. 在港大可以用普通话进行研究吗?答:这要看你研究的课题,港大现在有不少的研究都是在内地进行,研究过程都是使用普通话。
3. 能转专业申请硕士研究生、博士吗?答:可以,在港大教育学院就有很多不同学术背景的学生在做研究。
4. 在申请港大时应该注意什么?答:最重要的是去了解你想要找的教授导师,了解他喜欢的领域、尤其是他的研究。
(当然指的是ma/msc的申请)一. 香港中文大学申请费hk$180。
step1. 进入香港中文大学网站,找到网上申请。
step 2. 你要用你的申请号码到下载区去下载他们的推荐信,成绩单封面等相关资料。
step 3. 你需要清楚你的专业要求你提交什么材料。
另外关于personal statement的。
step 4. 就是准备好一切材料,寄到中大。
商学院、法学院、社会科学学院部分专业对3门和4门科目给出明确成绩要求,1A* 3A-2A* 2A。
医学外科课程只能四门A-level申请,且成绩需达到3A* 1A。
商学院、法学院、社会科学学院部分专业对3门和4门科目给出明确成绩要求,1A* 3A-2A* 2A。
医学外科课程只能四门A-level申请,且成绩需达到3A* 1A。
⾹港⼤学⽹申表格Application No. : MScCPM______________________THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONGMaster of Science in Construction Project ManagementSUPPORTING DOCUMENTSPlease post the following required documents directly to the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong by the application deadline. Your application number should be marked on each document. Enclosed (Please tick as appropriate.)Originals or certified true copies of academic transcripts# (except HKU graduates). You maycomplete the Transcript Request Forms below and send it to the institute from which thetranscript is requested, if applicable.TOEFL/IELTS/GCE/IGCSE/CPE/GMAT* official score report (if requested).List of publications (if appropriate).Referee’s Report (Please use the standard form below)Correspondence address labels (see below)# Please note that the University will only ACCEPT originals or copies of the documents that have been duly declared as true copies before a notary public (e.g. a Commissioner for Oaths at a City District Office in Hong Kong). You may bring the originals of the documents together with an additional set of their photocopies to the Academic Services Office, UG-05, Knowles Building for verification. The Registry will then forward copies of your verified documents to the relevant Faculty office. Copies of documents may be certified by the appropriate officials of your home institute if you are an overseas applicant. No photocopies will be accepted.*Please delete as appropriate. Please note that the University’s TOFEL code is 9671.275/1110-ATHE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONGTranscript Request FormI. To the Applicant: Applicants who did not attach their original official transcript shouldcomplete the first part of this form and send it to the appropriate officer of institute from which the transcript is requested. Name of Applicant: ( )in English in Chinese, if any University/College Attended:Dates of Attendance: From ToTitle of Degree/Diploma: Date of Award:Programme applied for admission at The University of Hong Kong:Master of Science in Construction Project Management(FT/PT*) orMSc(CPM) Majoring in Construction Business Administration /Construction Law and Dispute Resolution / Project Finance /Quantity Surveying** Please delete as appropriate.II. To the Officer responsible for issuing transcripts: The applicant named above has applied for admission to a postgraduate curriculum at The University of Hong Kong. Please send a copy of the official transcript together with this form directly to: Faculty of ArchitectureThe University of Hong Kon gPokfulam RoadHong Kong(Ref.: MSc in Construction Project Management)orMSc(CPM) Majoring in Construction Business Administration / ConstructionLaw and Dispute Resolution / Project Finance / Quantity Surveying)PGForm2THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONGPOSTGRADUATE MODULAR PROGRAMMEIN THE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTUREMaster of Science in Construction Project ManagementREFEREE'S REPORT(Note to applicant: Please complete Section 1 below and send a copy to one of your two referees with the request that he/she completes Section 2 and returns it directly to the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, by 31 January 2011.)(Note to referee: The applicant named below is applying for admission to the courses leading to the degree of Master of Science in Construction Project Management or Master of Science in Construction Project Management majoring in Construction Business Administration / Construction Law and Dispute Resolution / Project Finance / Quantity Surveying. It would be helpful to the University in assessing the candidate’s eligibility and suitability to pursue the programme. Kindly complete Section 2 of this report and return it directly to the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, by31 January 2011. Under the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the right to request access to their personal data, including referee reports.)SECTION 1Name of applicant(in block letters, surname first)SECTION 21. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?2. How do you rate the applicant's academic ability?(Please tick the appropriate column.)Excellent Good Adequate Marginal Poor Academic PerformanceAnalytical and ReasoningCapabilityImagination and InnovationLearning PotentialMaturity and Independence13. Please make any further comments on the applicant's academic strengths and weaknesses relevant to this application, and with reference to his/her interest in construction project management issues. Use an additional sheet if more appropriate.4. In what ways might the applicant profit from the Master's programme for which he/she is applying?5. How would you recommend the applicant? (Please tick as appropriate.)Recommend enthusiasticallyRecommend with confidenceRecommendRecommend with reservationDo not recommendSignature of Referee DateName and PositionAddressPlease return this form to the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, by 31 January 2011.2THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONGPOSTGRADUATE MODULAR PROGRAMMEIN THE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTUREMaster of Science in Construction Project ManagementREFEREE'S REPORT(Note to applicant: Please complete Section 1 below and send a copy to one of your two referees with the request that he/she completes Section 2 and returns it directly to the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, by 31 January 2011.)(Note to referee: The applicant named below is applying for admission to the courses leading to the degree of Master of Science in Construction Project Management or Master of Science in Construction Project Management majoring in Construction Business Administration / Construction Law and Dispute Resolution / Project Finance / Quantity Surveying. It would be helpful to the University in assessing the candidate’s eligibility and suitability to pursue the programme. Kindly complete Section 2 of this report and return it directly to the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, by31 January 2011. Under the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the right to request access to their personal data, including referee reports.)SECTION 1Name of applicant(in block letters, surname first)SECTION 21. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?2. How do you rate the applicant's academic ability?(Please tick the appropriate column.)Excellent Good Adequate Marginal Poor Academic PerformanceAnalytical and ReasoningCapabilityImagination and InnovationLearning PotentialMaturity and Independence13. Please make any further comments on the applicant's academic strengths and weaknesses relevant to this application, and with reference to his/her interest in construction project management issues. Use an additional sheet if more appropriate.4. In what ways might the applicant profit from the Master's programme for which he/she is applying?5. How would you recommend the applicant? (Please tick as appropriate.)Recommend enthusiasticallyRecommend with confidenceRecommendRecommend with reservationDo not recommendSignature of Referee DateName and PositionAddressPlease return this form to the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, by 31 January 2011.2Please fill in the following correspondence address labels:Name: Address: Name: Address:Name: Address: Name: Address:。
THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONGAPPLICATION FOR ADMISSION AS A VISITING STUDENT1. PERSONAL INFORMATIONTitle Mr. Miss Ms. Mrs.Gender Male Female (Please tick as appropriate) (Please tick as appropriate)Name in Chinese Characters (if any) HKID Card Name in CC CodeHKU No. (if applicable) Date of BirthAddress in Hong Kong (if any):H.K. Tel. No:Fax No: HomeOfficeEmail Address: Place of Birth: Nationality:Place of Permanent Home:Do you wish to apply for admission via the Elder Academy Scheme? Yes No (Please tick as appropriate) (for applicants who are aged 60 or above)Do you require a student visa/student entry permit to study in HK? Yes No (Please tick as appropriate)There are differential composition fees for local and non-local students. According to the definition laid down by the University Grants Committee, non-local students are persons entering Hong Kong for the purpose of education with a student visa/student entry permit issued by the Director of Immigration.2.PREVIOUS EDUCATIONGive details of your previous education so far as it is relevant to your application for admission as a visiting student.3.CURRENT STUDIESComplete this section if you are still enrolled for a degree or diploma at an institution and have not completed all requirements for its award, including passing final examinations.Title of Degree/Diploma: ____________________________________________________________________________ Institution (state country): ___________________________________________________________________________ By research or coursework: ________________________________ Present stage of studies: ____________________ Expected date of completion of studies: _______________________________4.PERIOD OF STUDY (Please refer to “Closing Dates”on page 1 of the “Notes for Visiting Students”)a.for undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes(Please tick as appropriate)Fall semester (September to December)Spring semester (January to May)Fall and Spring semesters (September to May)b.for research postgraduate programmes (Please specify the date of admission sought)______________________________________________________________________________________________5. PROPOSED STUDY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONGa.Research (To be completed by research students)State the Department in which you wish to undertake your research:Identify the facilities required to undertake the research (including equipment, space, resources, etc.):(Please attach a summary of proposed research)b.Courses(Please refer to the regulations and syllabuses for the relevant curriculum at <>) State the Faculty to which you wish to be admitted as a visiting student:6. COURSEWORK, EXAMINATIONS AND CLASS TESTSPlease complete this section if you wish to apply for permission to participate in the coursework and sit the examinations and class tests of the proposed courses of study.Reason(s) for such an application (Please tick as appropriate):□To seek credit for the work done in this University towards the degree course in my home university.(Section 7 of this form should be completed by the Registrar or Dean of your home institution before theapplication is submitted.)□For the following reason(s). (Please use separate sheet if necessary)7.CERTIFICATION BY HOME INSTITUTION(T o be completed by the Registrar, or Dean, of the applicant’s home institution before the application is su bmitted.)I certify that this applicant is a student registered in the curriculum for the degree of_________________________________________________________________________________________________ at this institution, and that the courses listed in Section 5 above would be acceptable to this institution for the purpose of transferring credit towards the applicant’s present degree course.Date: ________________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________Name and position:_________________________________________________________________________________Name of institution:_________________________________________________________________________________Please affix an official seal.8. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTSI attach the following documents in support of my application:□Academic transcripts with complete record on the courses attended and examination results/certificates/results from _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Note:(i)Photocopies of documents not properly certified will NOT be accepted.(ii)Transcripts and diplomas, which are not in English, must be accompanied by a certified translation in English.□ A summary of proposed research.□ A photocopy of my HKID card/passport.□The proof/authorization of payment of the application fee of HK$350.The information provided by me in support of this application is accurate and complete.Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ February 2011THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONGPayment of Application Fee1. The application fee is HK$350 (non-refundable).2. Methods of Payment:Local applicants residing in Hong Kong:(a)Please pay the application fee, using one of the methods overleaf;or(b)Please complete the form below for payment by credit card.If you are using the payment methods in 2(a) above, it is essential that the original ATM customeradvice / CQM transaction advice, or in the case of internet banking, a printed copy of the bank’sacknowledgement statement which contains the payment reference number be stapled to yourapplication form for submission to the University. Please retain a photocopy of the receipt as proofof payment of the application fee.Overseas applicants should pay by bank draft (in Hong Kong Dollars) drawn on a bank in Hong Kongand made payable to “The University of Hong Kong”, or by credit card (please complete the formbelow).CREDIT CARD PAYMENTFull name of applicant (as given on the application form): ____________________________________________ Please complete and attach this form to your application if you choose to pay the application fee by credit card.To the Registrar:I hereby authorize The University of Hong Kong to charge HK$350 to the above credit card account to cover the application fee for admission as a visiting student.Signature of credit card holder: _________________________________ Date: __________________________ (Please use authorized signature as on your credit card)Methods of Payment (for Local Applicants only)THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG香港大學Date: ____________________ Dear Sir/Madam,Your application for admission has been received and is under consideration.Academic Services OfficeNote: If you wish to receive an acknowledgment of your application, please write your name and address and affix a stamp below.Name: Address: Stamp Here。
The Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityDepartment of Applied Social Sciences香港理工大學應用社會科學系二零一一年至二零一二年度入學申請表社會工作文學碩士學位(家庭本位實務及家庭治療)1. 個人資料 (必須按各項需求,分別用中英文填寫)姓名 (填報之姓名應與身份證相同) 英文姓名 (請先填寫姓氏並於其後加上“,”號)。
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Application No. : MScCPM______________________THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONGMaster of Science in Construction Project ManagementSUPPORTING DOCUMENTSPlease post the following required documents directly to the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong by the application deadline. Your application number should be marked on each document.Enclosed (Please tick as appropriate.)Originals or certified true copies of academic transcripts# (except HKU graduates). You maycomplete the Transcript Request Forms below and send it to the institute from which thetranscript is requested, if applicable.TOEFL/IELTS/GCE/IGCSE/CPE/GMAT* official score report (if requested).List of publications (if appropriate).Referee’s Report (Please use the standard form below)Correspondence address labels (see below)# Please note that the University will only ACCEPT originals or copies of the documents that have been duly declared as true copies before a notary public (e.g. a Commissioner for Oaths at a City District Office in Hong Kong). You may bring the originals of the documents together with an additional set of their photocopies to the Academic Services Office, UG-05, Knowles Building for verification. The Registry will then forward copies of your verified documents to the relevant Faculty office. Copies of documents may be certified by the appropriate officials of your home institute if you are an overseas applicant. No photocopies will be accepted.*Please delete as appropriate. Please note that the University’s TOFEL code is 9671.275/1110-ATHE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONGTranscript Request FormI. To the Applicant: Applicants who did not attach their original official transcript shouldcomplete the first part of this form and send it to the appropriate officer of institute from which the transcript is requested.Name of Applicant: ( )in English in Chinese, if any University/College Attended:Dates of Attendance: From ToTitle of Degree/Diploma: Date of Award:Programme applied for admission at The University of Hong Kong:Master of Science in Construction Project Management(FT/PT*) orMSc(CPM) Majoring in Construction Business Administration /Construction Law and Dispute Resolution / Project Finance /Quantity Surveying** Please delete as appropriate.II. To the Officer responsible for issuing transcripts: The applicant named above has applied for admission to a postgraduate curriculum at The University of Hong Kong. Please send a copy of the official transcript together with this form directly to:Faculty of ArchitectureThe University of Hong Kon gPokfulam RoadHong Kong(Ref.: MSc in Construction Project Management)orMSc(CPM) Majoring in Construction Business Administration / ConstructionLaw and Dispute Resolution / Project Finance / Quantity Surveying)PGForm2THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONGPOSTGRADUATE MODULAR PROGRAMMEIN THE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTUREMaster of Science in Construction Project ManagementREFEREE'S REPORT(Note to applicant: Please complete Section 1 below and send a copy to one of your two referees with the request that he/she completes Section 2 and returns it directly to the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, by 31 January 2011.)(Note to referee: The applicant named below is applying for admission to the courses leading to the degree of Master of Science in Construction Project Management or Master of Science in Construction Project Management majoring in Construction Business Administration / Construction Law and Dispute Resolution / Project Finance / Quantity Surveying. It would be helpful to the University in assessing the candidate’s eligibility and suitability to pursue the programme. Kindly complete Section 2 of this report and return it directly to the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, by31 January 2011. Under the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the right to request access to their personal data, including referee reports.)SECTION 1Name of applicant(in block letters, surname first)SECTION 21. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?2. How do you rate the applicant's academic ability?(Please tick the appropriate column.)Excellent Good Adequate Marginal Poor Academic PerformanceAnalytical and ReasoningCapabilityImagination and InnovationLearning PotentialMaturity and Independence13. Please make any further comments on the applicant's academic strengths and weaknesses relevant to thisapplication, and with reference to his/her interest in construction project management issues. Use an additional sheet if more appropriate.4. In what ways might the applicant profit from the Master's programme for which he/she is applying?5. How would you recommend the applicant? (Please tick as appropriate.)Recommend enthusiasticallyRecommend with confidenceRecommendRecommend with reservationDo not recommendSignature of Referee DateName and PositionAddressPlease return this form to the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, by 31 January 2011.2THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONGPOSTGRADUATE MODULAR PROGRAMMEIN THE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTUREMaster of Science in Construction Project ManagementREFEREE'S REPORT(Note to applicant: Please complete Section 1 below and send a copy to one of your two referees with the request that he/she completes Section 2 and returns it directly to the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, by 31 January 2011.)(Note to referee: The applicant named below is applying for admission to the courses leading to the degree of Master of Science in Construction Project Management or Master of Science in Construction Project Management majoring in Construction Business Administration / Construction Law and Dispute Resolution / Project Finance / Quantity Surveying. It would be helpful to the University in assessing the candidate’s eligibility and suitability to pursue the programme. Kindly complete Section 2 of this report and return it directly to the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, by31 January 2011. Under the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the right to request access to their personal data, including referee reports.)SECTION 1Name of applicant(in block letters, surname first)SECTION 21. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?2. How do you rate the applicant's academic ability?(Please tick the appropriate column.)Excellent Good Adequate Marginal Poor Academic PerformanceAnalytical and ReasoningCapabilityImagination and InnovationLearning PotentialMaturity and Independence13. Please make any further comments on the applicant's academic strengths and weaknesses relevant to thisapplication, and with reference to his/her interest in construction project management issues. Use an additional sheet if more appropriate.4. In what ways might the applicant profit from the Master's programme for which he/she is applying?5. How would you recommend the applicant? (Please tick as appropriate.)Recommend enthusiasticallyRecommend with confidenceRecommendRecommend with reservationDo not recommendSignature of Referee DateName and PositionAddressPlease return this form to the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, by 31 January 2011.2Please fill in the following correspondence address labels:Name: Address: Name: Address:Name: Address: Name: Address:。