编写人:批准人:生效日期:年月日××医院检验科管理文件仪器管理文件编号:版本:第13 页共页仪器自动调焦校准程序目的:保证仪器工作时焦距不发生漂移,照片中细胞等有形成分图像清晰稳定。
不同细胞有不同程度荧光强度(fluorescent light intensity,Fl,从染色尿液细胞发出的荧光主要反映细胞的定量特性如细胞膜、核膜、线粒体和核酸)、散射光强度(这种仪器测定的是前向散射光强度,forward scattered light intensity,Fsc,它成比例反映细胞的大小)和电阻抗的大小(电阻抗电信号主要与细胞的体积成正比)。
4.设备与试剂:4.1 UF-100全自动尿沉渣分析仪。
二、安全操作1. 在操作尿沉渣分析仪之前,请确保已经阅读并理解了仪器的使用说明书,熟悉了仪器的功能和操作方法。
2. 使用仪器时,应戴好手套和护目镜,以防止尿液溅到皮肤或眼睛中。
3. 尽量避免将尿液溅到仪器外部,以免影响仪器的正常工作。
三、仪器准备1. 将尿沉渣分析仪放置在稳定平整的工作台上,并确保仪器表面清洁干燥。
2. 检查仪器的电源线是否连接正常,以确保仪器有稳定的电源供应。
3. 将仪器接通电源,然后按照说明书上的步骤打开仪器的电源开关。
4. 等待仪器自检完成后,根据说明书的要求进行仪器的初始化设置。
四、样本处理1. 将待测尿液样本放置在标有“样本”字样的试管中,并确保试管中的尿液量在仪器要求范围内。
2. 用试管架将试管放入仪器中的样本槽,然后按照仪器操作菜单选择样本处理程序。
3. 样本处理程序会自动将尿液离心、沉淀和过滤,然后将尿沉渣分离出来。
五、分析操作1. 等待样本处理程序完成后,在仪器操作菜单中选择尿沉渣分析程序。
2. 仪器会自动对尿沉渣进行显微镜检测,并根据检测结果生成相应的报告。
3. 仪器将会在屏幕上显示尿沉渣的数量、形态和组成等信息,用户可以根据需要保存或打印报告。
六、仪器维护1. 在完成尿沉渣分析后,将仪器的样本槽、离心盘和过滤系统等部分进行清洁,以保证下次使用前的卫生和工作效果。
2. 定期检查仪器的电源线和连接线是否完好无损,如有损坏应及时更换。
3. 如果发现仪器出现故障或异常,请立即停止使用,并及时与仪器供应商或维修人员联系。
七、注意事项1. 使用尿沉渣分析仪时,应遵守操作规程,严格按照说明书的要求进行操作。
2. 使用前请仔细阅读并理解仪器的使用说明书,以免操作不当导致意外发生。
3. 在进行样本处理和分析操作时,应注意保持工作区域的清洁,尽量避免尿液污染其他物品或仪器。
UF 1000i全自动尿有形成份分析仪作业指导书
UF 1000i全自动尿有形成份分析仪作业指导书1目的规范实验室工作人员操作程序,保证UF 1000i全自动尿有形成份分析仪的正常使用,确保实验过程及结果的准确性与可靠性。
2适用范围适用于本实验室使用UF 1000i全自动尿有形成份分析仪进行尿沉渣定量检测。
4.4 每天开机后先做质控,质控结果在控时方可进行标本分析和结果的报告。
4.5 质控品摇匀后放置30秒后,应混匀后立即测定,避免时间过久沉淀将产生分布不均现象,导致测定误差。
4.6 UF 1000i检测出尿液内病理管型、结晶阳性时,应进行显微镜观察,明确管型、结晶的类型,以便为临床诊断提供更准确的参考指标。
4.7 仪器检测出尿液中WBC、RBC的结果与尿干化学分析中的隐血、白细胞的检测结果差距悬殊时应仔细分析散点图,同时复查干化学,必要时进行手工显微镜观察,以显微镜检查的结果报告,并做好复核记录。
5规范操作程序5.1设备参数5.1.1 分析参数: 定量检测参数(12项):RBC、WBC、EC、CAST、BACT、P-CAST、SRC、YLC、CRYSTAL、SPERM、MUCUS、COND。 研究参数信息(3项):红细胞形态学信息(血尿来源判断);尿电导率分级(尿液浓度信息);UTI信息(尿路感染致病菌初筛)。
Hale Waihona Puke 使用仪器之前应注意事项:1) 首次使用仪器时应详细阅读本说明书。 2) 在连接仪器电源时请检查仪器的使用电压是否与供电电压相匹配,并确
认保护接地线连接良好。 3) 仪器长时间不用或无人监管时应关掉电源并拔掉电源插头。 4) 如果仪器工作不正常或仪器已受损存在危险的情况下不要使用仪器。 5) 使用的试剂和样品可能存在潜在的危害,操作人员应注意适当的防护。
1.2 测量参数 ......................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 结构及组成 ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.4.1 清洗液 A(DETERGENT A)导液管连接................................................................. 10 2.4.2 清洗液 B(DETERGENT B)导液管连接 ................................................................. 10 2.4.3 废液(WASTE)导液管连接 ................................................................................. 10 2.4.4 染色液(DYE)导液管连接..................................................................................... 10 2.5 打印机的安装(选件) ............................................................................................... 11 2.6 显示器、键盘、鼠标的安装 ....................................................................................... 11 2.7 电源线连接 ................................................................................................................... 11 2.8 开机启动 ....................................................................................................................... 11 2.8.1 系统菜单................................................................................................................... 12
UF-100全自动尿沉渣分析仪的维修常见故障排除(1)通过关机可消除报警:开机后出现报警:“Sheath Motor Function Error”,“Analysis Error”,突然的噪音干扰或移动,有时可以通过关机消除报警。
(2)通过“Error Cover”消除报警:进样管碰撞;管架移动错误;管架放置错误;压力错误;浮子开关错误等,可以于主菜单按“Maint”键,接着按“Error Cover”消除报警。
(3)压力及真空值校准:压力错误通过“Error Cover”无法消除时,在主菜单“Mo re”后按“Status”,参照屏幕上的显示,调解左边相应旋钮,可以调准2.2kg/c m(215.74kPa)压力、0.5kg/cm (49.03kPa)压力和53.33kPa(400mmHg)负压,使压力达到标准为止。
分析时出现以下警告:Rack Move Error 1或R ack Move Error 2,表示管架在移动时架底凹槽与2个黑色的滚动轴承之间磨合出错,此时需清洁管架凹凸处,另外检查滚动轴承是否旋转顺利,若滚动轴承阻力增大,用无水酒精清洗数次即可。
如果以上报警不是由于试剂量的不足而引起的,则检查浮子开关,再按“Error Cover”复位。
(7)手动和自动结果都偏低,甚至为零:检查吸样管路,如样本过滤器、SRV、FLOW CELL等是否堵塞。
SediVue Dx 尿液沉渣分析仪参考指南说明书
U rine Sediment GuideAll images from the SediVue Dx * UrineSediment AnalyserReference bar = 20 micronsFigure 18. Numerous small struvite crystalsBlood cellsCastsCrystalsFigure 13. Left and right, hyaline cast Figure 19. Large calcium oxalate dihydratecrystals Figure 23.Ammonium biurate (thorn apple) crystals Figure 27. Uric acid crystals Figure 1. Red blood cells Figure 20. Numerous calcium oxalate dihydrate crystalsFigure 22. Calcium oxalate monohydratecrystals; left , dumbbells; right , hemp seed Figure 28. Likely drug-related crystals Figure 2. Crenated red blood cells Figure 24.Bilirubin crystal with WBCsFigure 14. Cellular (nonhyaline) cast Figure 17. Large struvite crystals Figure 15. Numerous granular (non-hyaline) casts Figure 25. Cholesterol crystals Figure 4. White blood cells Figure 16. Waxy (non-hyaline) cast Figure 26. Cystine crystals with red blood cells Bacteria Figure 9. Rods with white blood cells Figure 10. Rods with white and red blood cells Figure 12. Cocci in chains Figure 11. Cocci with white blood cells Epithelial cellsFigure 5. Squamous epithelial cells Figure 6. Squamous epithelial cells Figure 7. Numerous transitional (non-squamous) epithelial cells with RBCs and WBCs Figure 8. Numerous transitional (non-squamous) epithelial cells (Possible transitional cell carcinoma. Confirm with dry-slide cytology.)Figure 21. Calcium oxalate monohydrate (picket fence) crystals MiscellaneousFigure 29. Lipids Figure 30. Amorphous crystalline debris Figure 31. Hyphae Figure 34. Left , glove powder; right , pollen Figure 33. Left , Pearsonema spp. (Capillaria spp.) ova; right, macrocanidia Figure 32. Sperm with white blood cells Figure 35. Fibre Figure 36. Dust miteConventional microscopyAll images, unless otherwise indicated, are representative of a high power (40x objective) field of view.Conventional images and information provided by Dennis B. DeNicola, DVM, PhD, DACVP; Rick L. Cowell, DVM, MS, MRCVS, DACVP; and Graham Bilbrough, MA, VetMB, CertVA, MRCVS.Figure 22. Left , fat droplets (red arrows, RBC); right , sperm Figure 23. P earsonema plica Figure 24. Contaminant fragmented fibre Blood cellsCrystalsMiscellaneousFigure 1. Erythrocytes and one squamous epithelial cell Figure 13. Hyaline cast (borders outlined)Figure 16. Struvite Figure 19. Ammonium biurate Figure 20. Left , calcium oxalate monohydrate; right , calcium oxalate dihydrateFigure 21. Drug (Tribrissen*) crystals, 10×objective field of view Figure 17. Amorphous (NMB wet prep on right) Figure 18. B ilirubin Figure 2. Erythrocytes and two leukocytes (black arrows)Figure 14 Left , granular cast; right , mixed waxy and granular cast Figure 15. W axy cast Figure 3. Numerous leukocytes and few rod-shaped bacteriaCellsCastsFigure 10. Many rod-shaped bacteria,100× objective field of view Figure 11. Many leukocytes and large rod-shaped bacteria (black arrows)Figure 12. Numerous bacteria and leukocytes BacteriaEpithelial cellsFigure 4. Squamous epithelial cells Figure 7. Left, Transitional cell carcinoma; right, NMB wet prep Figure 6. Transitional epithelial cellsFigure 9. Transitional cell carcinoma, air-dried and Diff-Quik* stained Figure 8. Transitional cell carcinoma (NMB wet prep on right)Figure 5. Epithelial cells (black arrows), RBC (red arrows) and WBC (blue arrows)How to perform a dry prep/line smear678910Performing a dry prep or line smear isan extremely cost-effective means ofconfirming the presence or absence ofbacteria, of differentiating between cocciand short rods, and for characterisingvarious cellular elements in the urinesample.1. L abel your slides appropriately.2. F ill a centrifuge tube with well-mixed, fresh urinetaken from the bottom of the sample tube.3. C entrifuge the sample (and a balance tube) onthe Urine setting (or 400 g).Note: If your centrifuge does not have a Urinesetting, refer to its operator's manual forcentrifugation settings and times.4. A fter centrifugation, a concentrated pellet offormed elements should be visible at the bottomof the tube.Gently aspirate the supernatant down to thepellet, leaving an extremely small amount ofurine to resuspend the pellet.Note: If the sample is extremely hypocellular, itmay be very difficult to see the pellet.5. L ightly flick the bottom of the tube multipletimes with your finger to gently resuspend theformed elements.6. U sing a new pipette, dispense a drop of sampleon a glass slide, similar to preparing a bloodfilm.7. P lace a clean glass spreader slide on yourlabelled slide, at approximately 30°–40°, in frontof the drop of urine.8. B ack the spreader slide into the drop allowingthe material to spread along the edge of thespreader slide.9. M ove the spreader slide toward the end of thespecimen slide, keeping the two in contact witheach other.10. I n the middle of the slide, abruptly stopspreading the urine sample and lift the spreaderslide straight up to form a line of material.11. A ir dry thoroughly and then stain the slideusing your routine haematology/cytology stain(e.g., Diff-Quik*).12. Review microscopically.© 2023 IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. • 06-0039391-00*SediVue Dx is a trademark or registered trademarks of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. All other product and company names and logos are trademarks of their respective holders.。
UF- 1000i 尿液沉渣分析仪标准操作程序
UF- 1000i 尿液沉渣分析仪标准操作程序1保证UF-1000i 尿液分析仪的正常使用,有效检测尿液中的红细胞、白细胞及相关参数对泌尿系统有关的疾病的诊断、治疗以及疗效观察提供参考数据。
2适用于本实验室正在使用的所有该型号仪器3本实验室工作人员均应熟知并严格遵守本 SOP。
44.1 仪器简介UF-1000i 型尿沉渣全自动检测仪是对尿沉渣直接作荧光色素等染色后,利用流式细胞仪原理,以激光散射强度,散射波幅度及荧光强度和荧光波幅度技术,识别和计数尿中红细胞、白细胞、上皮细胞、管型、细菌、结晶体、精子及酵母菌等有形成分。
4.2 仪器工作原理当尿液标本被稀释液稀释并经核酸荧光染色后,在液压作用下逐一通过鞘液流动池,被红色半导体激光光束照射。
不同细胞有不同程度荧光强度(fluorescent light intensity,Fl,从染色尿液细胞发出的荧光主要反映细胞的定量特性如细胞膜、核膜、线粒体和核酸)、散射光强度(这种仪器测定的是前向散射光强度,forward scattered light intensity,Fsc,它成比例反映细胞的大小)和电阻抗的大小(电阻抗电信号主要与细胞的体积成正比)。
UF-1000i 分析仪基于流式细胞计数原理分析尿样中的五个有机成份,如红细胞(RBC)、白细胞 (WBC)、上皮细胞(EC)、管型(CAST)和细菌(BACT),并可定量显示。
【仪器安装运行环境】1、实验室内温度:15~40℃之间;2、实验室湿度:≦85%(有空调为宜);3、电源:交流为220V±10% 50Hz,必须有良好的接地线;4、仪器放置在清洁、平整、稳固的水平台面上;5、禁止将仪器放置在有强光、强磁、潮湿的工作位置;6、尺寸要求:大于1300mm*750mm的实验桌。
LX5000尿沉渣分析仪检测标准操作程序SOP 单位:编号:版本: 年度版,共页实施日期:下次审核日期:编写者:审批者:审批日期:保管者: (院办)保管者: (医务处)保管者: (院档案室)检验科主任:临床检验室:解释:本标准操作程序仅适用于和本仪器操作有关的解释,检测结果的临床使用意义属于各使用医师自行解释。
干化学法检测尿内白细胞的原理,位于粒细胞浆内含有酯 酶,可作为试剂带膜块中的吲哚酚酯。操作时应注意:⑴应 了解此法只能测定粒细胞,不与淋巴细胞反应,在肾移植病 人发生排异反应尿中以淋巴细胞为主时,会出现阴性结果, 此类病人不应用干化学法检查,应该以显微镜检查法为准。 ⑵尿液中污染甲醛,或高浓度胆红素, 或使用某些药物(如 呋喃旦啶)时,可产生假阳性;尿蛋白≥5g/L,或尿液中含有大 剂量先锋Ⅳ、庆大霉素等药物时,可使结果偏低或出现假 阴性。
在化验单上有时出现干化学法白细胞数少,而尿沉渣白 细胞计数多,这是因为干化学法测定的白细胞特异性脂 酶,由于白细胞吞噬细菌时,白细胞核内含有溶菌酶,溶 菌酶杀灭细菌时,大部分白细胞变成了脓球,所以干化学 法测定数少,而尿沉渣计数多,白细胞虽然变成脓球,但 白细胞的形状还存在,计数时仍然计数,如果是过敏性或 变态反应性引起的肾炎,尿沉渣中的细胞,多是淋巴细胞 或嗜酸性粒细胞。
因此在干化学法结果与显微镜下所见出现矛 盾时,要结合临床综合分析,甚至要动态观察, 切不一概否定干化学法结果。 镜检法与干化学法的相应关系
有作者报道干化学与镜检两种方法检查尿 红细胞实验结果的对应关系,发现这两种方法 虽然结果没有明显的对应关系,但每一等级尿 分析仪结果对应镜检红细胞计数有较好的百 分比范围,特别是干化学“neg”档,<3/HP占 100%,红细胞<10/ul,镜检正常占99.82 %。
如均一性红细胞(Isomorphic RBC)的百分比, 非均一性红细胞(Dysmorphic)的百分比, 非 溶血性红细胞的数(Non –Iysed RBC#) 和 百分比(Non –Iysed RBC %)。如尿内红细 胞多时,化验单上提示:
SOP_11-9 尿沉渣分析仪标准操作程序一、目的:确保仪器正常运转,统一项目操作规程,严格检验质量标准,为临床提供及时、可靠的结果报告。
三、操作人员:检验科授权工作人员四、操作步骤:1 原理:1.1 分析仪工作原理:通过微机控制实现尿沉渣标本和染色液的定量吸取及混合染色等一系列自动程序(对高密度标本自动倍量稀释)。
1.2 工作原理说明:操作人员通过键盘向分析仪控制系统发送指令。
2.试剂和材料:一次性尿沉渣离心管;活体染色液;清洗液杭州公司3 方法:3.1 样本收集:3.1.1 尿液留取:晨尿、时段尿、随机尿,尿量30~50ml,记录时间。
3.1.2 运送:常规2h,或2~8ºC 6h。
3.1.3 标记:容器必须要有标记(姓名、特定编号、收集时间等)。
3.1.4 接收:严格的接收制度,认真核对检查标本、检验单。
尿沉渣分析仪实验流程英文回答:Urinalysis is an important diagnostic tool used to assess the health of the urinary system and detect various diseases or conditions. One of the key components of urinalysis is the examination of the urine sediment, which involves analyzing the solid particles present in the urine.The experiment begins by collecting a fresh urine sample from the individual. This can be done by asking the person to urinate into a sterile container. It is important to collect a midstream urine sample to avoid contamination.Once the urine sample is obtained, it is allowed to settle for a few minutes to allow the sediment to separate from the liquid. After this, a small amount of the sediment is transferred onto a glass slide using a pipette or a dropper. The slide is then examined under a microscope.The first step in analyzing the urine sediment is to observe the overall appearance. This includes noting the color, clarity, and odor of the urine. Abnormalities in these aspects can provide important clues about potential health issues.Next, the microscope is used to examine the sediment at low and high magnifications. Various components of the sediment are identified and quantified. These components include red blood cells, white blood cells, epithelial cells, bacteria, crystals, and casts.For example, the presence of red blood cells in theurine sediment may indicate urinary tract infection, kidney stones, or bladder cancer. White blood cells may suggest inflammation or infection in the urinary system. Epithelial cells can provide information about the health of theurinary tract lining. Bacteria may indicate a urinary tract infection.Crystals, such as calcium oxalate or uric acid crystals, can be present in certain medical conditions. Casts, whichare cylindrical structures formed in the kidney tubules, can indicate kidney damage or disease.In addition to visual examination, various chemical tests can be performed on the urine sample to further analyze its composition. These tests can detect the presence of substances such as glucose, protein, ketones, and bilirubin.Once the analysis is complete, the results are interpreted to make a diagnosis or assess the individual's health status. The findings from the urine sediment analysis, along with other clinical information, can help guide further diagnostic investigations or treatment plans.中文回答:尿沉渣分析是一种重要的诊断工具,用于评估泌尿系统的健康状况,检测各种疾病或病情。
UF-500i全自动尿沉渣分析仪的使用及维修保养杨崇勤;胡云岚;柴云飞【摘要】本文介绍了Sysmex UF-500i全自动尿沉渣分析仪的基本组成和工作原理,详细介绍了定量分析参数的影响因素,以及常见问题的处理方法。
【期刊名称】《中国医疗设备》【年(卷),期】2014(000)007【总页数】2页(P154-155)【关键词】全自动尿沉渣分析仪;分析原理;医疗设备维修【作者】杨崇勤;胡云岚;柴云飞【作者单位】荆门市康复医院检验科,湖北荆门 448000;荆门市康复医院检验科,湖北荆门 448000;荆门市康复医院检验科,湖北荆门 448000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TH776Sysmex UF-500i全自动尿沉渣分析仪利用流式细胞计数法对红细胞(RBC)、白细胞(WBC)、上皮细胞(EC)、管型(CAST)、细菌(BACT)进行计数,同时还可对其他有形成分进行提示,包括病理管型、粘液丝、小圆细胞、类酵母细胞、结晶和精子[1-2]。
Sysmex UF-500i全自动尿沉渣分析仪是利用红色半导体激光束照射染色后在鞘流贯流分析池中形成的鞘流样本,并通过对各粒子产生的前向散射光、侧向散色光以及侧向荧光信号转换成的光电信号进行分析,从而对各个粒子进行识别[4]。
应取新鲜中段尿液于干净容器中立即送检,2 h内检测。
SediVue Dx 尿沉渣分析仪使用手册说明书
SediVue Dx* Urine Sediment AnalyzerUser GuideAnalyzer componentsNote: Your analyzer may look slightly different from the photos shown below.Front of the analyzerInside of the analyzerMatch the inside of your analyzer to the applicable image below.SleevelockCartridge holderstageOpticalwindowBack of the analyzerMatch the back of your analyzer to the applicable image below.Fan filterEthernet portversion 1version 2Power portAnalyzing a sample1. Initiate the sample run on the IDEXX VetLab* Station.2. Confirm the patient information, select the SediVue Dx icon, and then tap Run .3. Follow the sample preparation guidelines on the previous page.IMPORTANT—When injecting sample into the cartridge: • Ensure the sample fills the cartridge window but not the overflow channel.• Make sure the pipette tip is firmly seated into the fill port on the cartridge.• Using light downward pressure, depress the plunger slowly to avoid air bubbles.• Only depress plunger to the first stop.•Lift the pipette from the fill port before you release the plunger.4. Press the Start button on the front of the analyzer.Replacing the cartridge sleeveYou’ll receive a message on the IDEXX VetLab Station when the cartridge sleeve is almost empty. You can choose to be reminded again after the next run or when the cartridge sleeve is empty.1. T ap the SediVue Dx icon on the IDEXX VetLab Station Home screen and then tap ReplaceCartridges . ORT ap Replace Cartridges in the alert message.2. Follow the on-screen instructions.IMPORTANT : Do not remove the tape from the sleeve until it is locked into place.3. Close the analyzer door.4. T ap OK to confirm that the loading process is complete.Sample preparationUrine samples can be obtained via cystocentesis, catheterization, or free catch method and should be analyzed within 30 minutes of collection (or stored in the refrigerator and returned to room temperature prior to analysis).If the sample is in a container:1. Cap the container and invert it 10 times to mix—a well-mixed sample is essential to obtaining accurate results.2. Immediately after inversion, use the SediVue* Pipette toaspirate 165 µL of sample from the bottom half of the container, ensuring there are no bubbles in the sample.When using the pipette, follow these important guidelines:• Crystals settleimmediately afterinversion. Aspirate fromthe bottom half of thecontainer.• Remove excess urine on the tip with a lint-free wipe.• Hold vertically.• ONLY depress plunger to the first stop.• Use only IDEXX-supplied pipette tips.If the sample is in a syringe:1. In a 1 cc–5 cc syringecontaining at least 0.5 cc of urine, draw 0.5 cc of air into the syringe.2. Replace the needle with aSediVue* Syringe Tip. 3. Gently invert the syringe 10times to mix the sample. 4. Immediately after inversion,purge all of the air from the syringe and inject 165 µL of urine into the cartridge fillport.23StopReviewing and selecting imagesBy default, the first three images display alongside the results on the Records: T est Results screen. You can use the View Images feature to add up to three additional images, change the magnification of an image, and show image tags next to identified sediment.Note: The View Images feature will display 12 of the 70 images captured during analysis. If additional images are required to confirm results, tap Show All (at the top of the screen) to view the remaining 58 images.1. On the SediVue Dx tab of the Records: T est Results screen, tap View Images .2. Tap the image that you want to view. Then you can:contrastthumbnailspatient reportimage toolbarScroll Scroll through Permanently add imagePerforming a dilution1. Initiate the sample run on the IDEXX VetLab Station.ORIf the patient has already been run once, select the patient from theRecent T est Results list, tap Add T est , and then tap the SediVue Dx icon.2. T ap Run Dilution .3. Use the up/down arrows to specify the desired dilution factor (total parts).4. T ap Run or Append Results .5. In a test tube, mix the urine with the selected parts of 0.9% normal saline.6. Mix the sample 10 times and then immediately inject 165 µL of the dilutedsample into the cartridge fill port. 7. Press the Start button on the analyzer. The results will be adjusted by thedilution factor and noted that the sample was diluted.If the dilution does not yield semiquantitative results, repeat the process using a higher dilution factor.Note: Diluting a urine sample may affect the pH and osmolality of the sample and lead to changes in cellular appearance and the presence of crystals.Enter the dilution information in the center of the Select Instruments screen.Running quality control on your analyzerThe purpose of quality control is to verify the integrity of your results and to verify that your analyzer isfunctioning optimally. IDEXX recommends that you perform quality control once per month.Note: Keep SediVue* QC in the refrigerator—DO NOT freeze. SediVue QC has a 12-month dating.1. T ap the SediVue Dx icon on the IDEXX VetLab* Station Home screen.2. T ap Quality Control, select the QC lot you are using, and then tap Run QC.4. Gently invert the vial 10 times to ensure the cells at the bottom of the vial are completely suspended.5. Using the SediVue* Pipette with a new pipette tip, aspirate 165 µL of L1 QC fluid and inject it into acartridge.6. Press the Start button on the analyzer.7. Repeat the above steps for the L2 QC vial.8. Verify the results are in the target ranges and that the images are sharp and in focus.Cleaning the analyzerT o ensure the optimal performance of your SediVue Dx* Urine Sediment Analyzer, it’s recommended that you clean the internal components of the analyzer on a routine (monthly) or as-needed basis.Note: You’ll need alcohol prep pads and optical tissues when performing routine and preventive maintenance. Need to order more? Get them free at (in Canada, go to idexx.ca/orderinfo).T o clean after a cartridge was overfilled or filled incorrectlyFor best results, after you notice that the cartridge has been inappropriately filled, do not press the Start button as this will drag urine into the internal components of the analyzer. Instead, follow the instructions below.Note:Already pressed the Start button? Follow the instructions for routine monthly maintenance.1. Open the analyzer door.Then with gloved handsuse an optical tissue toabsorb urine on top of thecartridge.2. Remove and dispose of thecartridge.3. Using a new alcohol preppad, clean the feed arm(dispense area), includingthe front of the move arm.Then dry the componentswith an optical tissue.Feed armMove arm4. Close the analyzer door.Once the SediVue Dx iconhas a green, “ready” status,tap the patient icon on theIDEXX VetLab* StationHome screen and tapStart Run. A new cartridgeis placed in the pipettingwindow.T o clean the internal componentsThere are two very similar models of the SediVue Dx analyzer, andthe process for cleaning their internal components (see next pages)can vary slightly. The biggest visual difference between the twomodels is their analyzer door—one model’s door is the full size ofthe front of the analyzer and the other is about half the size of thefront of the analyzer. Be sure to follow the appropriate steps for yourmodel.prep pad, clean the left side of the pusher arm 5 times (ensuring the right edge of the track is cleaned thoroughly), and then dry it with a new dry optical tissue. the left and repeat step 4on the right side of thepusher arm using a newrinsed alcohol prep pad.prep pad, clean theoptical stage and trackrepeatedly to remove alldebris. Then dry with anew dry optical tissue.pad (not rinsed), cleanthe optical window usinga circular motion (3–4times) and then dry it ina circular motion with anew dry optical tissue.7. Remove the centrifugeshield, waste bin, anddrip tray. Then cleanthem with warm waterand dry them with papertowels.pad (not rinsed), cleanthe move arm and thendry it with a new dryoptical tissue.9. Return the waste bin, driptray, centrifuge shield,and cartridge holder totheir locations in theanalyzer.10. Remove the fan filter, rinse itthoroughly with warm water,pat it dry with a paper towel,and return it to its locationin the analyzer. Then on theSediVue Dx Cleaning Guidescreen, tap Done to poweron the SediVue Dx.2. Open the analyzerdoor and clean thetop and bottom of thepipetting window witha damp optical tissue.Then dry with a newdry optical tissue.pusher arm pusher leverpusher armmove armopticalstagetrackmove armopticalwindowIMPORTANT: Do not exert excess pressure on the optical window.pad, clean the cartridge track and the white feedarm thoroughly. Then dry them with a new dry optical tissue.pad, clean the optical window using a circular motion (3–4 times) and then dry it in a circular motion with a new dry optical tissue.IMPORTANT: Do not exert excess pressure on the optical window.6. Remove the centrifugeshield and waste bin. Then clean them with warm water and dry them with paper towels.centrifuge arm to the left and inspect the area below it for debris. If it’s dirty, use a new alcohol prep pad to clean it and then dry it with a new optical tissue.8. Using a new alcohol preppad, clean the move arm and then dry it with a new dry optical tissue.9. Return the waste bin,centrifuge shield, and cartridge holder to their locations in the analyzer.10. Remove the fan filter onthe back of the analyzer, rinse it thoroughly with warm water, pat it dry with a paper towel, and return it to its location in the analyzer.11. On the SediVue DxInstruments screen, tap Turn On SediVue Dx to power on the SediVue Dx.2. Open the analyzer doorand clean the top and bottom of the pipetting window with a damp optical tissue. Then dry with a new dry optical tissue.3. Remove the cartridgeholder, clean it with a new alcohol prep pad, dry it with a new dry optical tissue, and then set it aside.IMPORTANT: Be sure to pipetting windowoptical windowcentrifuge armUnderstanding your resultsIn addition to determining results, the SediVue Dx* convolutional neural network verifies image and result quality with each run. If the image quality cannot be verified or if confirmatory methods should be considered, a message will appear at the bottom of your results indicating possible next steps.DilutionsSamples containing large quantities of overlapping cells, crystals, or debris may require manual review of the images to determine results or a dilution to spread the sediment apart so the convolutional neural network can detect and classify the formed elements.Preanalysis dilutionsThere are times during the physical evaluation of the clarity and color of urine samples when it’s obvious that samples will becrowded with cells, bacteria, debris, or crystals (e.g., gross hematuria). This evaluation will aid in determining if a dilution should be Does the color of the sample suggest evidence of hematuria?RedDark redBrownVery cloudyOpaqueConsider a 1:5 dilution with 0.9% normal saline, remix the diluted sample, and rerun.Postanalysis dilutionsWhen a crowded sample is run on the SediVue Dx analyzer, a message will appear, the semiquantitative results are not reported, and you will be prompted to review the images and consider a dilution. If the images do not provide clinical insight, diluting the urine sample will help to spread the elements apart for more accurate analysis. The dilution ratio will vary depending on the severity of the crowding in the sample.If the images are crowded and:• Provide clinical insight, no dilution is needed—just add comments to the patient record.• There is a moderate amount of cells or crystalline material, perform a 1:5 dilution with 0.9% normal saline and rerun.•There are marked amounts of cells or crystalline material, perform a 1:10 dilution with 0.9% normal saline and rerun.Note:If the majority of sediment is able to be visually identified in the original images, the SediVue* Bacteria Confirmation Kit may be more helpful than a dilution in determining the presence of bacteria.Out of focusWhen the Review images to confirm results message appears, the convolutional neural network cannot verify the quality of focus in the images. This may occur when the sample does not have enough sediment to confirm the quality of focus or if the images are out of focus. If this message appears in several consecutive samples with sediment present, the optical window may require cleaning.Bacteria (suspect presence )When theConfirm bacteria with one of the following: image review, SediVue Bacteria Confirmation Kit, air-dried, stained cytologicalpreparation (“dry prep”), or urine culture message appears, bacteria may be present in the sample. The images should be reviewed to determine if there is sufficient evidence of bacteriuria by identifying uniformly sized structures or if the small structures are in the form of chains or doublets. If bacteria cannot be visually confirmed in the images, consider additional confirmatory steps as recommended. For more information on how to run the SediVue Bacteria Confirmation Kit or how to perform a dry prep, visit /library .Bacteria (present )When the Consider urine culture and sensitivity message appears, bacteria is present in the sample. When this occurs, consider a culture to confirm the bacteria are viable and to provide additional evidence of bacteriuria.© 2021 IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. • 06-0035208-06*SediVue Dx, SediVue, and IDEXX VetLab are trademarks orregistered trademarks of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.。
一对用来测量尿液的电阻抗信号,这对电极位于FLOW CELL入口的两端,电极间通有恒定的电流,当尿有形成份通过时,它们在稀释液中产生电阻的变化,从而产生一个变化的电压信号。
1. 以纱布蘸取消毒液/清洁剂擦拭送样装置,清除任何沉积物。
2. 使用蒸馏水再次擦拭。
3. 干燥。
Sysmex UF-500i全自动尿沉渣分析仪故障及排除
Sysmex UF-500i全自动尿沉渣分析仪故障及排除郑卫东;肖郧;郭亮;刘汉才【期刊名称】《医疗卫生装备》【年(卷),期】2015(036)004【总页数】2页(P152,160)【作者】郑卫东;肖郧;郭亮;刘汉才【作者单位】442000 湖北十堰,湖北医药学院附属人民医院检验科;442000 湖北十堰,湖北医药学院附属人民医院检验科;442000 湖北十堰,湖北医药学院附属人民医院检验科;442000 湖北十堰,湖北医药学院附属人民医院设备科【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R318.6;TH776我院2008年引进了一台SysmexUF-500i全自动尿沉渣分析仪,该仪器能在1h内分析约60份样本[1]。
1.1 故障现象仪器报警信息“溢出”,分析仪停止工作。
1.2 原因分析(1)空气压力泵压力不足;(2)22或24号电磁阀堵塞或损坏,导致混匀室排空不良;(3)废液瓶WC2负压不足;(4)废液瓶WC2脏、堵塞或排废液不良;(5)样本针冲洗杯排废液不良;(6)样本Sed加入端三通脱落;(7)溢出传感器探针短路。
1.3 故障排除(1)空气压力泵压力不足,关机重新启动仪器,一般情况下故障即可排除。
(3)废液瓶WC2负压正常应在-0.053 MPa左右。
若负压不足,则点击仪器IPU菜单——控制器——维护——状态显示,观察-0.05 MPa栏负压值,一般应在-0.053 MPa左右。
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答:这种尿沉渣分析仪应用了流式细胞和电阻抗原理:当尿标本被稀释并染色后,靠液压作用通过鞘液流 动池,它被无粒子颗粒的鞘液包围,使每个细胞以单个纵列的形式通过流动池的中心轴线,并被氩激光光 束照射。仪器将每个细胞发出的荧光、散射光和电阻抗信号转变成电信号。根据每个尿液标本的直方图和 散射图来区分细胞及其形态。 10. 流式细胞法尿沉渣分析仪有何优缺点? 答:流式细胞法尿沉渣分析仪是目前自动化程度最高、分析速度最快的尿沉渣仪(每个样品约需 72 秒钟)。 然而,它也存在着明显不足之处: 无法区分小圆上皮细胞的类别(如肾小管上皮细胞、中层和底层移行上皮细胞等),必须离心染色镜检 才能区分; 只能检测出透明管型和标出有病理管型的存在可能,只有通过离心镜检,才能确认是那一类管型; 仪器对酵母细胞、精子细胞和结晶有标记时都应离心镜检,才能真正区分; 不能提供尿沉渣的真实形态图,而是散射图和直方图。 所以,专家们的共识是:干化学尿液分析仪、流式细胞法尿沉渣分析仪等均只能作为尿液分析的筛 选手段,而只有显微镜检查是最终的。 用户对选择流式细胞法尿沉渣分析仪持谨慎态度的另一些原因是: 仪器价格昂贵,而且日常使用成本也过高,光是试剂成本就高达 6.5 元/人份; 仪器的使用、维护较复杂; 容易发生交叉污染、阻塞等现象。 流式细胞法尿沉渣分析仪适用于标本量非常大的医院,作为尿沉渣筛选检查设备,对有疑问的标本 进一步进行显微镜检查是不可避免的。 11. 流动池式尿沉渣分析仪如何工作? 答:流动池式尿沉渣分析仪目前市场上有两类:一类是定量的,流动池内有计数格;另一类为非定量,流 动池内无计数格,故无法满足尿沉渣定量检查标准的要求。 流动池式定量尿沉渣分析仪一般由流动计数 池、定量加样器、显微镜、计算机、干化学尿分析仪构成。用蠕动泵自动吸入定量尿液,流动计数池刻有 4 个大方格(容积为 0.25μl /大格),每个大方格又分成 25 小方格(容积为 0.01μl /小格)。通过人工操作显 微镜观察标本,计数分型完毕,自动冲洗标本。
答: 《尿沉渣检查标准化的建议(讨论稿)》中规定细胞数或管型,按 XX/μl 报告。尿结晶、细菌、真菌、寄 生虫等以+、++、+++、++++、或 1+、2+、3+、4+形式报告。也就是说,细胞数或管型不再采用 XX/HPF, XX/LPF 的报告方式。 报告形式 尿结晶 盐类 原虫、寄生虫 细菌、真菌 - 无 0 0 0 ± 数个视野散在可见 1~4 个/高倍视野 少量 1 个/每视野~4 个/高倍视野 各个视野均可见 1+ 5~9 个/高倍视野 中等量 5~9 个/高倍视野 数量多或呈团块状集聚 2+ 10~个/高倍视野 多量 10~个/高倍视野 无数 3+ 4. 干化学尿分析是怎样测定白细胞的? 答:干化学法检查尿内白细胞的原理,是基于粒细胞浆内含有酯酶,能水解试剂带膜块中的吲哚酚酯生成 吲哚酚和有机酸,进一步氧化而显色,颜色的深浅与白细胞含量的多少成正比。 高比重尿、维生素 C、高葡萄糖尿、清蛋白、淋巴细胞尿、头孢菌素可造成测定结果的假阴性。 5. 干化学尿分析是怎样测红细胞的? 答:红细胞、血红蛋白及肌红蛋白具有类似过氧化物酶的作用,将无色的底物氧化为有色化合物。 某些氧化物如漂白粉等可导致假阳性反应。尿路感染,由于细菌产生过氧化物酶也会引起假阳性。 尿液中大量维生素 C 的存在而产生还原作用,可抑制试验氧化作用,引起假阴性。甲醛也会使试验 敏感性降低或呈假阴性。 6. 为什么说干化学尿分析只能用于“过筛”? 答:如前所述,干化学测定尿液中白细胞、红细胞都属于间接测量,容易受到各种因素干扰,出现各种假 阴性、假阳性报告。 不同厂家、不同型号的试剂带敏感度不一样,而且还有批间误差的影响。 专家们一再呼吁,干化学尿分析只能作为“过筛”手段,一定要加强形态学检查。 7. 尿沉渣分析仪分成哪几类? 答:尽管近年来在尿沉渣检查中发展了一些新的方法(例如用单克隆抗体识别各种细胞),但就商品化的尿 沉渣分析仪而言,按测量原理分类,目前只分成镜检图像式和流式细胞法两类。 在镜检图像式尿沉渣分析仪中按测量池的不同,又可分为一次性标准定量板式和流动池式两种。
答:经典的尿沉渣显微镜检查已伴随检验界渡过了漫长岁月,至今仍是最直接最权威的方法。尿沉渣分析 仪的历史还是短暂的,新产品正在不断涌现。 1988 年,美国国际遥控图像系统公司研制成功世界上第一台摄像式尿沉渣分析仪,由检验人员在计 算机显示屏上鉴别细胞。 1990 年,日本东亚医疗电子公司与美国国际遥控图像系统公司合作,将原系统改进为图像流式细胞 术的尿沉渣分析仪,但因图像不清,重复性差,价格昂贵而未能普及。 1995 年,日本东亚医疗电子析仪。 1996 年, 德国宝灵曼推出图像式尿沉渣自动分析仪, 采用两个快速移动的 CCD 摄像头对样品计数池 进行扫描。 1997 年,美国戴西斯公司推出流动池式尿沉渣定量分析工作站,1999 年引入中国,尽管该系统显微 镜需人工操作,测定速度较慢,但是由于解决了尿沉渣镜检中精确定量问题, 还是引起了国内检验界关注。 2002 年,中国普利生公司研制成功 AMP2000-U 型自动扫描尿沉渣定量分析系统,采用国际先进的 自动显微平台技术,使尿沉渣镜检的标准化、规范化、自动化达到了一个新的水平。 9. 流式细胞法尿沉渣分析仪的测量原理是什么?
1. 为什么要采用尿沉渣计数板? 答:在中华医学会检验分会发表的《尿沉渣检查标准化的建议(讨论稿)》(中国临床实验室,2002;1(1): 12)中明确指出: “尿沉渣的量和压(涂)片厚度是标准化重要环节,在普通玻片上随意滴加沉渣液或加盖玻 片(甚至不加盖玻片),不能提供标准化的结果。建议使用标准化的沉渣计数板。 ” 2. 尿沉渣的检查内容应包括哪些? 答: 《尿沉渣检查标准化的建议(讨论稿)》中规定尿沉渣的检查内容应包括: A. 细胞:红细胞、白细胞、吞噬细胞、上皮细胞(包括肾小管上皮细胞、移行上皮细胞、鳞状上皮细 胞)、异型细胞等。 B. 管型:透明管型、细胞管型、颗粒管型、蜡样管型、脂肪管型、混合管型、宽形管型等。 C. 结晶:磷酸盐、草酸钙、尿酸结晶和药物结晶等。 D. 细菌、寄生虫(或虫卵)、真菌、精子、粘液等。 E. 临床医生特殊要求的其他成分。 3. 尿沉渣检查的报告形式有何新规定?