总体设计说明 (中英文对照)
产品设计说明 (中英文对照)

产品设计说明 (中英文对照)自己设计的一款小型电动车,做了个中英文对照的产品设计说明Design instructionsBREAD PPT DESIGNED自己设计的一款小型电动车,做了个中英文对照的产品设计说明01CONTENTSDesign reason02 03Product showDesign description 、 s自己设计的一款小型电动车,做了个中英文对照的产品设计说明Now a lot of city traffic is bad, go out a traffic jam.Drivng is not a good choice, with small transport, is a quite good choice. A bicycle? Electric car is too common, why not let travel fun, Today I introduce a small transport, ti is my designToo large!Look,It is my design. Too common自己设计的一款小型电动车,做了个中英文对照的产品设计说明现在城市的交通越来越差,现在许多城市的交通,面临很多环境问题,开车不是一个好的选择,使用小型代步工具是一个不错的选择,自行车?太平常了,没有一点趣味。
自己设计的一款小型电动车,做了个中英文对照的产品设计说明Product show90% 50% 在此录入说明在此录入说明在此录入说明自己设计的一款小型电动车,做了个中英文对照的产品设计说明Small electric vehicles concept design Conventional thinking, and the wheels in the lower part of the body, much less than the design of the body.But if change an Angle to think, will greatly e_ceeds the wheels body, perhaps can have different sense, follow the design concept, and design such a carHope this simple design, can let the people in for a walk, the more convenient, at the same time give people a lot of fun.自己设计的一款小型电动车,做了个中英文对照的产品设计说明小型电动车概念设计常规思维,轮子都在车身的下部,大大小于车身的设计。

I设计文本图名英文翻译一设计说明篇1 设计说明Introduction of design二上位分析篇1 宏观区位分析图Macro location analysis drawing2 微观区位分析图Micro location analysis drawing3 资源分析图Resources analysis drawing4 企业分析图Enterprise analysis drawing5 区位交通分析图Traffic location analysis drawing6 基地现状分析图Existing site analysis plan7 基地高层分析图Highrise analysis drawing8 基地视线分析图Sight line analysis drawing9 山体条件分析图Mountain condition analysis plan10 水体条件分析图Water condition analysis plan 三案例分析篇Case Analysis1 案例分析图Case analysis drawing四城市印象篇Urban Impression1 白天鸟瞰图Aerial View2 夜景鸟瞰图Aerial Night View3 黄昏鸟瞰图Aerial Dusk View4 半鸟瞰图Semi-Aerial View5 局部透视图(白天-夜景-黄昏Partial perspective(day-night-evening 五理念分析篇Concept analysis1 方案构思图Plan Idea diagram2 理念构思图Idea Conceived Diagram3 理念分析图Idea Analysis diagram六规划设计篇1 总体规划平面图Overall planning2 总经济技术指标表General Technological and EconomicIndex3 分地块经济技术指标表Sub Parcel Technological and EconomicIndex分区经济技术指标表Subarea Technological and EconomicIndex4 模型展示图Model exhibition Diagram5 模型分析图Model Analysis Diagram6 功能系统分析图Function System Analysis Diagram7 建筑平面功能分析图Building Plane Function AnalysisDiagram8 建筑空间功能分析图Architecture Space Function Analysis Diagram9 交通系统分析图Traffic System Analysis Diagram10 道路系统分析图Road System Analysis Diagram11 水路系统分析图Water way system Analysis Diagram12 结构系统分析图Structure System Analysis Diagram13 空间结构分析图Space Structure Analysis Diagram14 空间系统分析图Space Structure Analysis Diagram15 开发系统分析图Development system Analysis Diagram16 开发强度示意图Development Intensity Diagram17 消防系统分析图Fire protection system Analysis Diagram18 景观系统分析图Landscape system Analysis Diagram19 空间景观分析图Space Sequence Analysis Diagram20 绿化系统分析图Afforestation system Analysis Diagram21 日照系统分析图Sunshine system Analysis Diagram22 竖向设计分析图Vertical elevation Analysis Plan23 视线系统分析图Sight System Analysis Plan24 地块价值分析图District Value Diagram25 地块价值挖掘分析图26 天际线分析图Skyline Analysis Diagram27 灯光系统分析图Lighting System Analysis Diagram 七建筑设计篇1 首层建筑平面图Ground floor plan2 夹层建筑平面图Mezzanine plan3 二层建筑平面图Second floor plan4 三层建筑平面图Third floor plan5 地下一层平面图Plan for Basement Floor6 地下二层平面图2nd Basement plan7 地下三层平面图3rd Basement plan8 防火分区图Fire Compartmentation Diagram9 建筑立面图Building Elevation drawing10 建筑剖面图Building Section11 户型平面图Layout plan12 材料运用示意图Material Exertion Diagram八建筑意向篇1 户型意向图Housing intention2 建筑意向图Architectural intention九景观意向篇1景观意向图Landscape intention十空间意向篇1 空间意向图Space intention十一场景意向篇1 场景意向图Scene intention* 对于不明确制图图纸的情况,请参考文件最后的图纸导航。

设计理念及说明英文翻译Design Philosophy and ExplanationDesign philosophy plays a critical role in shaping the way we approach and create designs. It serves as a guiding principle that drives our decision-making process and influences the final outcome. In this essay, we will explore my personal design philosophy and provide an explanation for its importance.My design philosophy is centered around the principle of simplicity. I firmly believe that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. In a world filled with complexities and distractions, simplicity cuts through the noise and allows the essence of a design to shine through. By eliminating unnecessary elements and focusing on the core message or function, I strive to create designs that are both aesthetically pleasing and highly effective.One of the reasons why I place such emphasis on simplicity is because it enhances user experience. Users should be able to intuitively understand and interact with a design without any confusion or frustration. Cluttered and complex designs often result in a poor user experience, leading to disengagement and dissatisfaction. On the other hand, simple and intuitive designs enable users to effortlessly navigate and engage with the content, enhancing their overall satisfaction.Moreover, simplicity has a timeless appeal that transcends trends and fads. While styles and preferences may change over time, simplicity remains a universal concept that resonates with people across different cultures and generations. By incorporatingsimplicity into my designs, I aim to create visuals that are not only relevant today but will continue to be relevant in the future.In addition to simplicity, I also prioritize functionality in my design philosophy. A design should not only be visually pleasing but also serve a purpose and fulfill its intended function. I believe that form should follow function and that aesthetic elements should complement the functionality of a design. By combining aesthetics and functionality, I aim to create designs that not only look good but also work effectively.Another aspect of my design philosophy is attention to detail. I believe that every element, no matter how small, contributes to the overall impact of a design. From the choice of colors and typography to the spacing and alignment, every detail matters. By paying attention to the finer details, I strive to create designs that are refined, polished, and visually harmonious.In conclusion, my design philosophy revolves around simplicity, functionality, and attention to detail. By embracing simplicity, I can create designs that are aesthetically pleasing, intuitively understandable, and timeless. Additionally, prioritizing functionality ensures that my designs serve a purpose and fulfill their intended function. Finally, attention to detail allows me to create refined and visually harmonious designs. By adhering to this philosophy, I aim to create impactful and meaningful designs that resonate with users.。

Talking about security loopholesRichard S. Kraus reference to the core network security business objective is to protect the sustainability of the system and data security, This two of the main threats come from the worm outbreaks, hacking attacks, denial of service attacks, Trojan horse. Worms, hacker attacks problems and loopholes closely linked to, if there is major security loopholes have emerged, the entire Internet will be faced with a major challenge. While traditional Trojan and little security loopholes, but recently many Trojan are clever use of the IE loophole let you browse the website at unknowingly were on the move.Security loopholes in the definition of a lot, I have here is a popular saying: can be used to stem the "thought" can not do, and are safety-related deficiencies. This shortcoming can be a matter of design, code realization of the problem.Different perspective of security loo phole sIn the classification of a specific procedure is safe from the many loopholes in classification.1. Classification from the user groups:● Public loopholes in the software category. If the loopholes in Windows, IEloophole, and so on.● specialized software loophole. If Oracle loopholes, Apach e, etc. loopholes.2. Data from the perspective include :● could not reasonably be read and read data, including the memory of thedata, documents the data, Users input data, the data in the database, network,data transmission and so on.● designa ted can be written into the designated places (including the localpaper, memory, databases, etc.)● Input data can be implemented (including native implementation,according to Shell code execution, by SQL code execution, etc.)3. From the point of view of the scope of the role are :● Remote loopholes, an attacker could use the network and directly throughthe loopholes in the attack. Such loopholes great harm, an attacker can createa loophole through other people's computers operate. Such loopholes and caneasily lead to worm attacks on Windows.● Local loopholes, the attacker must have the machine premise accesspermissions can be launched to attack the loopholes. Typical of the local authority to upgrade loopholes, loopholes in the Unix system are widespread, allow ordinary users to access the highest administrator privileges.4. Trigger conditions from the point of view can be divided into:● Initiative trigger loopholes, an attacker can take the initiative to use the loopholes in the attack, If direct access to computers.● Passive trigger loopholes must be computer operators can be carried out attacks with the use of the loophole. For example, the attacker made to a mail administrator, with a special jpg image files, if the administrator to open image files will lead to a picture of the software loophole was triggered, thereby system attacks, but if managers do not look at the pictures will not be affected by attacks.5. On an operational perspective can be divided into:● File opera tion type, mainly for the operation of the target file path can be controlled (e.g., parameters, configuration files, environment variables, the symbolic link HEC), this may lead to the following two questions: ◇Content can be written into control, the contents of the documents can be forged. Upgrading or authority to directly alter the important data (such as revising the deposit and lending data), this has many loopholes. If history Oracle TNS LOG document can be designated loopholes, could lead to any person may control the operation of the Oracle computer services;◇information content can be output Print content has been contained to a screen to record readable log files can be generated by the core users reading papers, Such loopholes in the history of the Unix system crontab subsystem seen many times, ordinary users can read the shadow ofprotected documents;● Memory coverage, mainly for memory modules can be specified, writecontent may designate such persons will be able to attack to enforce the code (buffer overflow, format string loopholes, PTrace loopholes, Windows 2000 history of the hardware debugging registers users can write loopholes), or directly alter the memory of secrets data.● logic errors, such wide gaps exist, but very few changes, so it is difficult todiscern, can be broken down as follows : ◇loopholes competitive conditions (usually for the design, typical of Ptrace loopholes, The existence of widespread document timing of competition) ◇wrong tactic, usually in design. If the history of the FreeBSD Smart IO loopholes. ◇Algorithm (usually code or design to achieve), If the history of Microsoft Windows 95/98 sharing password can easily access loopholes. ◇Imperfections of the design, such as TCP / IP protocol of the three-step handshake SYN FLOOD led to a denial of service attack. ◇realize the mistakes (usually no problem for the design, but the presence of coding logic wrong, If history betting system pseudo-random algorithm)● External orders, Typical of external commands can be controlled (via the PATH variable, SHELL importation of special characters, etc.) and SQL injection issues.6. From time series can be divided into:● has long found loopholes: manufacturers already issued a patch or repairmethods many people know already. Such loopholes are usually a lot of people have had to repair macro perspective harm rather small.● recently discovered loophole: manufacturers just made patch or repairmethods, the people still do not know more. Compared to greater danger loopholes, if the worm appeared fool or the use of procedures, so will result in a large number of systems have been attacked.● 0day: not open the loophole in the private transactions. Usually such loopholes to the public will not have any impact, but it will allow an attacker to the targetby aiming precision attacks, harm is very great.Different perspective on the use of the loopholesIf a defect should not be used to stem the "original" can not do what the (safety-related), one would not be called security vulnerability, security loopholes and gaps inevitably closely linked to use.Perspective use of the loopholes is:● Data Perspective: visit had not visited the data, including reading and writing.This is usually an attacker's core purpose, but can cause very serious disaster (such as banking data can be written).● Competence Perspective: Major Powers to bypass or p ermissions. Permissionsare usually in order to obtain the desired data manipulation capabilities.● Usability perspective: access to certain services on the system of controlauthority, this may lead to some important services to stop attacks and lead to a denial of service attack.● Authentication bypass: usually use certification system and the loopholes willnot authorize to access. Authentication is usually bypassed for permissions or direct data access services.● Code execution perspective: mainly procedures for the importation of thecontents as to implement the code, obtain remote system access permissions or local system of higher authority. This angle is SQL injection, memory type games pointer loopholes (buffer overflow, format string, Plastic overflow etc.), the main driving. This angle is usually bypassing the authentication system, permissions, and data preparation for the reading.Loopholes explore methods mustFirst remove security vulnerabilities in software BUG in a subset, all software testing tools have security loopholes to explore practical. Now that the "hackers" used to explore the various loopholes that there are means available to the model are:● fuzz testing (black box testing), by constructing procedures may lead toproblems of structural input data for automatic testing.● FOSS audit (White Box), now have a series of tools that can assist in thedetection of the safety procedures BUG. The most simple is your hands the latest version of the C language compiler.● IDA anti-compilation of the audit (gray box testing), and above the sourceaudit are very similar. The only difference is that many times you can obtain software, but you can not get to the source code audit, But IDA is a very powerful anti-Series platform, let you based on the code (the source code is in fact equivalent) conducted a safety audit.● dynamic tracking, is the record of proceedings under different conditions andthe implementation of all security issues related to the operation (such as file operations), then sequence analysis of these operations if there are problems, it is competitive category loopholes found one of the major ways. Other tracking tainted spread also belongs to this category.● patch, the software manufacturers out of the question usually addressed in thepatch. By comparing the patch before and after the source document (or the anti-coding) to be aware of the specific details of loopholes.More tools with which both relate to a crucial point: Artificial need to find a comprehensive analysis of the flow path coverage. Analysis methods varied analysis and design documents, source code analysis, analysis of the anti-code compilation, dynamic debugging procedures.Grading loopholesloopholes in the inspection harm should close the loopholes and the use of the hazards related Often people are not aware of all the Buffer Overflow Vulnerability loopholes are high-risk. A long-distance loophole example and better delineation:●R emote access can be an OS, application procedures, version information.●open unnecessary or dangerous in the service, remote access to sensitiveinformation systems.● Remote can be restricted for the documents, data reading.●remotely important or res tricted documents, data reading.● may be limited for long-range document, data revisions.● Remote can be restricted for important documents, data changes.● Remote can be conducted without limitation in the important documents, datachanges, or for general service denial of service attacks.● Remotely as a normal user or executing orders for system and network-leveldenial of service attacks.● may be remote management of user identities to the enforcement of the order(limited, it is not easy to use).● can be remote management of user identities to the enforcement of the order(not restricted, accessible).Almost all local loopholes lead to code execution, classified above the 10 points system for:●initiative remote trigger code execution (such a s IE loophole).● passive trigger remote code execution (such as Word gaps / charting softwareloopholes).DEMOa firewall segregation (peacekeeping operation only allows the Department of visits) networks were operating a Unix server; operating systems only root users and users may oracle landing operating system running Apache (nobody authority), Oracle (oracle user rights) services.An attacker's purpose is to amend the Oracle database table billing data. Its possible attacks steps:● 1. Access pea cekeeping operation of the network. Access to a peacekeepingoperation of the IP address in order to visit through the firewall to protect the UNIX server.● 2. Apache services using a Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability direct accessto a nobody's competence hell visit.● 3. Using a certain operating system suid procedure of the loophole to upgradetheir competence to root privileges.● 4. Oracle sysdba landing into the database (local landing without a password).● 5. Revised target table data.Over five down for process analysis:●Step 1: Authentication bypass●Step 2: Remote loopholes code execution (native), Authentication bypassing ● Step 3: permissions, authentication bypass● Step 4: Authentication bypass● Step 5: write data安全漏洞杂谈Richard S. Kraus 网络安全的核心目标是保障业务系统的可持续性和数据的安全性,而这两点的主要威胁来自于蠕虫的暴发、黑客的攻击、拒绝服务攻击、木马。

设计说明英文Design ExplanationIntroduction:The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive explanation of the design choices made for the development of the product. The product in question is a smartwatch that aims to cater to the needs of fitness enthusiasts. The report will outline the design process, its objectives, and our reasons for implementing them, and the challenges we faced and how we overcame them.Design Objectives:The primary objective of the smartwatch is to track and monitor theuser's fitness activities efficiently. We wanted to make sure that the user gets access to accurate data about their activities, and this data is displayed in an easy-to-understand format.Another important objective was to ensure that the smartwatch is user-friendly and easy to navigate. The user interface should be intuitive and visually appealing.Design Process:The design process began with brainstorming sessions where we tried to identify the key features that our smartwatch should possess. After this initial phase, we gathered user feedback about their pain points and what theywould expect from a fitness tracker. Based on this information, we came up with a list of must-have features and features that would be nice to have.The next step was to create wireframes and prototypes of the app's user interface, and we tested it with a focus group for feedback. Based on the feedback, we made changes to the interface to make it more user-friendly and intuitive.After finalizing the user interface, we moved on to the hardware design. We decided to use a circular display for better aesthetics and a more traditional watch look. We also included a heart rate monitor and GPS tracking capabilities to provide the user with accurate data about their activities.Challenges:One of the biggest challenges we faced was improving the battery life of the smartwatch. With our hardware requirements, the battery life was only around 24 hours, which was not enough for a fitness tracker. We overcame this by creating an efficient energy management system that optimized the device's usage based on the user's activities.Another challenge was balancing the aesthetics and functionality of the smartwatch. As mentioned earlier, we wanted to create a traditional watch look, but we also wanted to ensure that the user interface was easy to navigate and understand. To overcome this challenge, we conducted several rounds of user testing until we found the right balance.Conclusion:In conclusion, the design process for the smartwatch involved gathering user feedback, prototyping, and testing to create a user-friendly and efficient device. The objective was to create a fitness tracker that provides accurate data and easy-to-understand visualizations. Our biggest challenge was improving the battery life of the device without compromising on the hardware requirements or aesthetics. We overcame this challenge by creating an efficient energy management system. We also worked to balance the aesthetics and functionality of the device through several rounds of user testing. Overall, we believe that our smartwatch successfully meets the design objectives and provides an excellent user experience.。

1.2项目背景a.项目的委托单位:XXXXX开发单位:XXXX主管部门:XXXXXXb.该软件系统与其他1. 本软件系统的名称:校级(公共课)学生成绩管理系统。
2. 该软件系统同其他系统或其他机构的基本的相互来往关系:该系统基于IE浏览器,版本为6.0及以上,支持windows系列平台。
1.3定义定义关键词如下:HTTP -- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.(超文本传输协议)。
IIS-- Internet 信息服务。
HTML-- Hyper Text Markup Language(超文本标记语言)。
ASP--Active Server PagesODBC--开放数据库连接ADO ――活动存储对象IPO-- input & process & output(输入、处理、输出)CGI――Common GateWay interface (公用网关接口技术)1.4参考资料GB/T 11457:软件工程术语。
GB/T 8566 -1995:计算机软件开发规范。
GB 8567:计算机软件产品开发文件编制指南。
系统构成图如下:1.数据库模块:2.成绩录入模块:3.打印统计模块:2.2运行环境操作系统:Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server支持环境:IIS 5.0数据库:Microsoft SQL Server 20002.3需求概述校级(公共课)学生成绩管理系统分3个模块:数据库模块、成绩录入模块和统计打印模块。

英文总体设计方案模板Overall Design Proposal TemplateIntroduction:The purpose of this document is to present an overall design proposal for a project. This proposal outlines the design concept, objectives, target audience, and various design elements to be incorporated into the project.Objective:The objective of this project is to create a visually appealing and functional design that effectively communicates the intended message to the target audience. The design should be innovative, modern, and easy to understand, while also reflecting the brand's values and identity.Target Audience:The target audience for this project is young professionals aged 25-35 who are interested in fashion and lifestyle. They are tech-savvy, trendsetters, and value aesthetics and quality. The design should resonate with this audience and capture their attention. Concept:The overall design concept revolves around the theme of minimalism and simplicity. The clean lines, ample white space, and bold typography will create a sleek and contemporary look. This design will create a sense of sophistication and professionalism while still maintaining a modern and approachable feel.Design Elements:1. Colors: The color palette chosen for this project will consist of muted tones such as grey, white, and black, with additional pops of vibrant colors to add visual interest and create a dynamic look.2. Typography: A modern sans-serif font will be used for headings and titles, while a legible serif font will be used for the body text. This combination will create a harmonious and balanced visual hierarchy.3. Layout: The layout will be grid-based to maintain consistency and provide a structured framework. The use of asymmetrical placement and overlapping elements will add depth and create a visually captivating experience.4. Images: High-quality and relevant images will be used throughout the design to enhance the overall aesthetic and convey the desired message. Care will be taken to ensure that the images align with the brand's identity and resonate with the target audience.5. Icons: Consistent and recognizable icons will be used to represent various functions and actions. These icons will be simple and easy to understand, contributing to the overall user-friendliness of the design.Conclusion:In conclusion, this overall design proposal aims to create a visually appealing and functional design that effectively communicates the intended message to the target audience. The minimalist andcontemporary approach will resonate with the young professional audience, while the careful selection of colors, typography, layout, images, and icons will enhance the overall aesthetic and user experience.。

设计说明英语翻译Design Specification1. Introduction2. Project OverviewThe project aims to create a web-based application that allows users to track their daily expenses and manage their personal finances. The application will provide features such as expense tracking, budgeting, goal setting, and reporting.3. Functional Requirements3.1 User Registration and Login- Users should be able to create an account by providing their personal information.- Users should be able to log in to their account usingtheir credentials.3.2 Expense Tracking- Users should be able to create new expense records, including the amount, category, and date.- Users should be able to view and edit their existing expense records.- The application should provide options for categorizing expenses, such as groceries, rent, entertainment, etc.3.3 Budgeting- Users should be able to set monthly budgets for different expense categories.- The application should provide visual representations of budget vs actual spending for each category.- Users should receive notifications when they exceed a certain percentage of their budget for a particular category.3.4 Goal Setting- Users should be able to set financial goals, such as saving a specific amount of money or paying off a debt.- The application should provide progress tracking for each goal, showing how much has been achieved.3.5 Reporting- The application should generate reports summarizing the user's expenses, savings, and overall financial health.- Reports should be customizable and exportable in various formats, such as PDF or Excel.4. Technical Requirements4.1 Platform- The application should be web-based, accessible on various devices, including desktop and mobile.4.2 Database- The application should use a relational database to store user information, expense records, budgets, goals, and reports.4.3 User Interface- The user interface should be intuitive and user-friendly, with clear navigation and appropriate feedback messages.- The interface should be responsive and adaptable to different screen sizes.4.4 Security- The application should implement robust security measures to protect user data, including encryption, secure login, and secure transmission of data.4.5 Performance- The database should be optimized for efficient data retrieval to ensure smooth user experience.5. Conclusion。

设计理念及说明英文版Design Concept and ExplanationDesigning is not just about creating aesthetically pleasing objects, but also about solving problems and improving user experiences. As a designer, my ultimate goal is to create designs that are both functional and visually appealing.I believe that good design should be user-centered. It should consider the needs, preferences, and limitations of the users. By putting myself in the shoes of the users and understanding their perspectives, I can create designs that truly meet their needs and desires.In order to achieve this, I employ a user research and empathy-driven approach. This involves conducting thorough research on the target audience, including their demographics, preferences, behaviors, and needs. By understanding the users' context, I can design products or services that are tailored to their specific requirements.Another important aspect of my design philosophy is simplicity. I strive to create designs that are intuitive and easy to use. A cluttered and complex design can confuse and frustrate users. By simplifying the design and minimizing unnecessary elements, I can enhance the user experience and improve usability. Additionally, I believe that sustainability should be an integral part of design. In a world facing environmental challenges, it is important to consider the environmental impact of the products andservices we design. I focus on creating designs that are environmentally friendly, using materials and manufacturing processes that minimize waste and reduce carbon footprint.Furthermore, I believe that collaboration is essential in the design process. By working closely with clients, stakeholders, and other members of the design team, I can gather different perspectives and insights, leading to better and more innovative designs. Collaboration also allows me to learn from others and continuously improve my skills.Lastly, I strive to incorporate creativity and innovation into my designs. I believe that design should push boundaries and challenge traditional norms. By thinking outside the box and exploring new possibilities, I can create designs that are unique, fresh, and exciting.In conclusion, my design philosophy revolves around user-centered design, simplicity, sustainability, collaboration, and creativity. By focusing on these principles, I aim to create designs that not only solve problems but also enhance the lives of the users and make a positive impact on the world.。

北外滩白玉兰广场酒店项目建筑外墙工程设计说明Design Instructions of Curtain Wall Engineering ofNorth Bund White Magnolia Plaza Hotel Tower目录Contents第一章工程概述CHAPTER 1 PROJECT INTRODUCTION (2)1.北外滩白玉兰广场酒店项目幕墙工程建设单位C ONSTRUCTION U NIT OF C URTAIN W ALLE NGINEERING OF N ORTH B UND W HITE M AGNOLIA P LAZA H OTEL T OWER (2)2.北外滩白玉兰广场酒店项目工程概况I NTRODUCTION TO N ORTH B UND W HITE M AGNOLIAP LAZA H OTEL T OWER (2)3.北外滩白玉兰广场酒店项目幕墙设计条件D ESIGN C ONDITIONS FOR C URTAIN W ALL OFN ORTH B UND W HITE M AGNOLIA P LAZA H OTEL T OWER (3)4.幕墙设计原则D ESIGN P RINCIPLE OF C URTAIN W ALL (3)第二章幕墙工程设计依据和规范、标准CHAPTER 2 DESIGN BASIS, CODES AND STANDARDS FOR CURTAIN WALL ENGINEERING (4)1.设计依据D ESIGN B ASIS (4)2.设计规范与标准D ESIGN C ODES AND S TANDARDS (4)第三章幕墙的设计方案介绍及分析CHAPTER 3 INTRODUCTION AND ANALYSIS ON DESIGN SCHEME OF CURTAIN WALL (6)1.幕墙型A C URTAIN WALL TYPE A (6)2.幕墙型B C URTAIN WALL TYPE B (8)3.幕墙型C C URTAIN WALL TYPE C (9)4.幕墙型D C URTAIN WALL TYPE D (9)5.幕墙型E C URTAIN WALL TYPE E (10)第四章幕墙分包的物理性能及保证措施CHAPTER 4 PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE AND ASSURANCE MEASURES OF CURTAIN WALLSUBCONTRACTING (10)6.抗风压性能W IND P RESSURE R ESISTANCE (10)7.水密性能W ATERTIGHTNESS (12)8.气密性能A IRTIGHTNESS (12)9.热工性能T HERMODYNAMIC P ERFORMANCE (13)10.空气声隔声性能A IR S OUND I SOLATION P ERFORMANCE (15)11.平面内变形性能P LANAR D EFORMATION P ERFORMANCE (15)12.耐撞击性能C OLLISION R ESISTANCE (16)13.幕墙的防雷设计L IGHTNING P ROTECTION D ESIGN OF C URTAIN W ALL (17)14.防火设计F IREPROOF D ESIGN (17)第五章幕墙材料设计CHAPTER 5 DESIGN OF CURTAIN WALLMATERIALS (18)1.幕墙材料设计依据:D ESIGN B ASIS OF C URTAIN W ALL M ATERIALS (18)2.本工程主要材料说明:I NTRODUCTION TO MAIN MATERIALS FOR THE PROJECT (19)第六章设计与其他相关工程的配合CHAPTER 6 COORDINATION WITH DESIGN AND OTHER RELATED PROJECTS (24)1.与擦窗机的配合C OORDINATION WITH W INDOW W IPER (24)2.与灯光工程的配合C OORDINATION WITH LIGHTING ENGINEERING (25)3.与主体钢结构的配合C OORDINATION WITH M AIN S TEEL S TRUCTURE (25)4.与业主、监理和设计院的配合C OORDINATION WITH O WNER,S UPERVISOR AND D ESIGNI NSTITUTE (26)第七章幕墙使用注意事项、保养和维护CHAPTER 7 USE NOTICE & MAINTENANCE OF CURTAIN WALL (26)1.日常维护和保养D AILY M AINTENANCE (26)2.检查和维护I NSPECTION &M AINTENANCE (26)第一章工程概述Chapter 1 Project Introduction1.北外滩白玉兰广场酒店项目幕墙工程建设单位Construction Unit of Curtain WallEngineering of North Bund White Magnolia Plaza Hotel Tower幕墙工程业主方:上海金港北外滩置业有限公司Owner of curtain wall project: Shanghai Jingang North Bund Realy Co,Ltd.建筑设计单位:华东建筑设计研究院有限公司Building design unit: ECADISOM幕墙顾问:上海科进咨询有限公司Curtain wall consultant: WSP2.北外滩白玉兰广场酒店项目工程概况Introduction to North Bund White Magnolia PlazaHotel Tower良好的外观形象是现代建筑对品质的一种追求,通过它可以提升建筑的等级与层次,显示出建筑的高贵、典雅,满足客户对现代建筑高档品质的要求。

设计理念及说明英语翻译Design Philosophy and ExplanationDesign philosophy is a set of guiding principles that drive and inform the design process. It encompasses the overall approach, values, and goals of a designer or design team. In this article, we will explore the importance of design philosophy and how it can shape the outcome of a design project.A design philosophy serves as a roadmap for designers, helping them make informed decisions and stay on track throughout the design process. It provides a sense of direction and purpose, ensuring that the design is aligned with the client's vision and objectives.One key aspect of design philosophy is the consideration of user needs and experiences. Design should be user-centric, aiming to improve the lives and experiences of the end-users. By understanding their needs, preferences, and pain points, designers can create solutions that are intuitive, functional, and enjoyable to use.Another important factor in design philosophy is sustainability. Design should strive to be environmentally friendly and socially responsible. This involves using materials and resources efficiently, minimizing waste and pollution, and creating products that have a long lifespan. Sustainable design not only benefits the planet but also adds value to the end-users by reducing costs and improving efficiency.Design philosophy also encompasses aesthetics and innovation. Design should strive to be visually appealing, as aesthetics play a crucial role in attracting and engaging users. At the same time, design should push boundaries and challenge conventional thinking. Innovation drives progress and allows designers to create novel and impactful solutions.Communication and collaboration are also integral to design philosophy. Designers should communicate effectively with clients and stakeholders to ensure that their expectations are met. Collaboration with other team members, such as engineers and marketers, is essential to achieve a holistic and successful design.Furthermore, design philosophy should be adaptable and flexible. Each project is unique and may require different approaches and solutions. Designers should be open to new ideas and willing to adjust their designs based on feedback and changing circumstances.In conclusion, a design philosophy serves as a guiding framework for designers, shaping their decisions, and actions throughout the design process. It emphasizes user needs, sustainability, aesthetics, innovation, communication, collaboration, and adaptability. By adhering to a well-thought-out design philosophy, designers can create meaningful and impactful designs that meet the needs and desires of both clients and users.。

毕业设计总说明一、工程概况1、工程名称:湖南长沙怡海星城一期A组团117#楼2、工程地点: 湖南省长沙市长沙县暮云镇3、工程规模:1)建筑面积14564.72m2;建筑占地面积:671.76m22)建筑层数:地下两层,地上二十层;建筑总高度:58.93m4、结构体系:剪力墙结构二、毕业设计过程主要内容1、熟悉图纸,拟定简要施工方案了解工程概况:怡海星城一期A组团117#楼,为地上剪力墙结构,抗震设防烈度7度,建筑面积为14564.72㎡,建筑层数为地下两层,地上二十层,建筑总高度为58.93米,建筑占地面积为671.76平方米。

With modern and simple design approach as well as people-oriented principle adopted and European landscape elements integrated in the design, a model refined and artistic residential community with profound cultural implication is created which not only shows its high-end quality but also presents simple but exotic garden landscape. The designer gives concern to the symmetrical pattern of landscape, but also utilizes approaches of dots, lines and interfaces in spatial layout to create an imposing ambience. The spatial design is divided into the ceremonial entry areas with sense of sequence and courtyard spaces serving as leisure areas for the residents. The design with “dispersing shape but concentrating spirit” reveals reflects the main character of the European style. Open and enclosed spaces, changing and varied landscape demonstrates the refinement and nobleness of the European garden.As far as the materials are concerned, simplified and modern materials and processing techniques are employed to achieve the characters of traditional European patterns. Regarding the paving materials, simple and grand paving patterns are used to reflect the simple, unsophisticated, elegant, grand, serene and superior European quality. White, yellow, golden, dark red are the main tones of the European style, with some tint of light colors incorporated to make the color appearing more vivid. The design of the trellises focuses on their slim and gorgeous columns. Besides, approaches of opposite scenery and focal scenery are adopted to render more varied landscape effect.项目位于天津市滨海新区中新天津生态城项目起步区内,北临中新大道,东临中生大道,南邻和韵路。

设计方案英文翻译篇一:建筑设计方案、初设及施工图深度(带英文翻译)2 方案设计2 Project Design/Concept Design2.1 一般要求2.1 General Requirements2.1.1 方案设计文件2.1.1 Project design documents1 设计说明书,包括各专业设计说明以及投资估算等内容;1 The design specifications include various professional design specifications and investment estimation; for those professions involved with building energy-effective design, the design specification shall include the special content related to the building energy-efficiency;2 总平面图以及建筑设计图纸(若为城市区域供热或区域煤气调压站,应提供热能动力专业的设计图纸,具体见2.3.3条);2 The general layout and the building design drawings (forthe urban district heating or regional gas pressure-regulating station,professional thermal power design drawings shall be provided,details are shown in Article 2.3.3);3 设计委托或设计合同中规定的透视图、鸟瞰图、模型等。
3 The scenograph, bird's-eye view and model specified in the design commission or design contract2.1.2 方案设计文件的编排顺序2.1.2 Editing sequence of the project design document1 封面:写明项目名称、编制单位、编制年月;1 Cover: project name, preparation units and preparation date2 扉页:写明编制单位法定代表人、技术总负责人、项目总负责人的姓名,并经上述人员签署或授权盖章;2 Title page: the name of the legal representative, generaltechnical superintendent and the general project superintendent of the preparation unit, and signed by the above person or authorized with stamp;3 设计文件目录;3 design document directory;4 设计说明书;4 design specifications;5 设计图纸。

酒店设计说明英文版内部编号:(YUUT-TBBY-MMUT-URRUY-UOOY-DBUYI-0128)I. General Situation of the projectThe design of hotel design scheme, the project address is located in Sea Lake Scenic Area in Mianyang City, covers an area of about 1500 square meters, beautiful environment, convenient transportation, andis located around the major tourist attractions in the center, so the hotel belongs to environment with superior.II. Investigation and analysisArchitecture is a frozen music and a monument to human civilization. And the hotel, for many city is the city of the living room, is the city of galleries, is the spokesman of the city. As a kind of architecture, hotels have different functional features from other buildings.The hotel is of great significance to the construction and development of the city. However, there are many problems in the current design situation of hotels. For example, most hotels are too demanding luxury and luxury, and this type of hotel is visually satisfying, but the hotel ignores the most important. In this topic, we will give full play to the economic characteristics of the hotel and solve all the problems of the hotel under the current economy, aiming at the characteristics of the hotel. Make the hotel closely linked to leisure and entertainment, two, so that consumer groups isnot just a solution to the problem of accommodation, it is importantto relax the body and mind. Find the feeling of going home.III, design ideasWith the increasing pressure of city life, the relaxing resorthotel has become the place where modern people release their pressure. When people are no longer satisfied, skimming over the surface cursory sightseeing, but looking for a beautiful environment, fresh air, quiet to live down, to achieve a thorough physical and mental relaxation and leisure life. Resort hotels play a part in it.The hotel provides the living conditions for the consumer, not at the expense of the environment, which is the basic requirement of the hotel. On the other hand, to reflect the fashion and sense of atmosphere, will be in the overall design always focus on the theme of, have advanced design idea, the design conforms to the theme at thesame time to lead the new trend, to create a different style hotel culture. Consider the sustainability of the hotel, and also predictthe design ahead of schedule.The word "Jane Yat" literally means simple and easy. Hotel themeis not only these two simple words so simple in fact is the humanization design, is to adhere to the "people-oriented" design is this any different hotel right starting point, to promote family, personalized, features simple, fashion, comfort, taste. It requiresnot only to meet the requirements of resort hotel resort hotel design to meet the people rich emotional life and a high level of spiritual enjoyment, but also moderate individuality, and through various forms to create comfortable and pleasing to the eye and guests a unique artistic charm of the works "". In the design of Jane Yat Hotel, we should convey feelings to guests through small links, and strive to achieve emotional communication between the hotel and guests, reflecting the hotel's humanistic care for guests.Hotels generally have large shared spaces. How to do the lobby outdoor light, water, green into the room, how to make the integration of architecture and interior space to achieve perfect, how to create a simple andstylish space, it needs to lead by all kinds of successful cases, excellent analysis of others, find inspiration to build their own yearning for space need more innovation.The sense of space is a kind of psychological feeling which is built up by a decent person. Integration of indoor and outdoorlighting can often make the space to add color, the original light cannot be replaced by nature as human lighting technology, natural light can make people happy, carefree and content. It also echoes the theme better.In the "Jane Yat" - resort hotel design, through the overall planning of the hotel and its status quo investigation, to determinethe "Jane Yat" hotel design theme positioning, principles and objectives. The main line style of this program is simple, which is to highlight the theme atmosphere. Based on the "modeling - color - material - Lighting - furnishings" five levels, so that not only for consumers to provide a comfortable living environment, but also to their spiritual level to be released, providing spiritual enjoyment. Design styleWith simple style, outstanding theme atmosphere, on this basis, combined with the aesthetic concept of contemporary society and the modern people to the hotel's functional requirements, increase the function of regional division, make full use of space and beautify the space for the purpose, in the layout retains several elements of the hotel lobby, corridor, leisure the guest room and other areas, interaction between regions, distinctive characteristics and the overall unity. A large number of meters, white tones, warm colors, lighting effects, refreshing, in the rhythm of modern social life, to coordinate the balance of people's psychological role.Spatial processing techniqueThe wall structure of A, the hotel uses a lot of transparent material, achieve the illumination effect, fusion to indoor and outdoor light and views, to bring people closer to the nature of the visual feeling, has the sense of vision, to feel close to nature. Thelayout of the whole space is quite regular.B, in furniture using some jump colors, used to adorn space, this kind of furniture is quite distinctive, some strange shapes, some bold colors, some exquisite craft in space, has played a role, so that the design is not in a single..C, the wall adopts simple geometry and blank space, the form is simple, reflects a kind of simple beauty.D uses a lot of white stone, ceiling, solid colors give an empty beauty to furniture make up the wall and the top of the monotonous. Give people a dynamic aesthetic, so that their design is no longer monotonous.一、草方案The content of this design mainly through the construction of the interior shape and design, based on Jane Yat theme on the basis of design. In the indoor space, a large area of the use of white tune, the rest of the main color of the region is beige, a small number of use of beige, this simple combination of colors gives a fresh and elegant feeling.酒店功能分区细节图The hotel is divided into three floors, which are mostly guest rooms, guest rooms and recreational areas.According to the preliminary data collection and investigation,firstly, the hotel functional zoning is subdivided. Entering the hotel, opposite the lobby service counter, the two staff office on the leftof the bar. The right hand of Bian Youwei fifteen meters long conversation area, as the 22 sitting among other partitions, used to distinguish between seat and privacy. Go inside for the conference room. The left hand side is for the reception area and the view elevator. The two floor entrance for the guest room service, the bar has a variety of needs, including personnel scheduling, cashier sound control, but also for customers at this point, consultation. Thekitchen is behind the bar and the left is the guestroom corridor. On both sides for the guest room, to double suite, for example, the main color of the suite is beige, the first floor for the living room and bedroom, the whole for the French window, bedroom with separateleisure area. The aisle exit is a public viewing area. Here, peoplecan relax and enjoy the sightseeing. The sight is a kind of enjoyment. Room interchange for fire corridor, corridor width of two meters, enough double row evacuation. The three floor spaces are all guest rooms. Fire passages at the end of the corridor.From the practical design style and materials to consider, a hotel of big shop 800*800 light grey tiles, white walls and gray collocation to soft furnishings intended to give people, simple atmosphere, bright feeling.Suites, conference rooms, offices with tiles, suites for example, laying 600*600 Beige tiles, matt tiles because the surface is matte material, to reduce visual fatigue caused by reflection at the sametime can be very good to improve the quality of texture highlights.The walls and the top surface is beige stone. M white, the choice of visual effects, visually giving a clean, reserved temperament, suite walls are made of Glass French windows, to better achieve the effectof illumination. Let guests enjoy the light bath while resting, and make people warm, comfortable and free.Aisle and lobby ceiling chart with a large number of white, anduse lamps to foil, highlighting the theme atmosphere. In order toavoid the large area of white open boring feeling, so the top modeling. Make it high and low, rich and level. Use the most common incandescent tube lighting, avoid long time in closed space by depressing feeling,so that people feel more cordial, more comfortable. At the same time, this simple decorative lighting can also give customers a sense of spacious.In the selection of furniture, mainly in solid wood and furniture, local furniture and color collocation furnishings to ornament space, such as table decoration, sofa cushion, wall murals. Can decorate the space very well. Home type, simple and generous, do not lose thedesign sense, wood surface paint or reflect wood grain, or to purewhite enamel based, fabric decoration parts do not appear complex patterns. But it has to be unique. Furniture placed at random, givinga relaxed attitude, more reflect Jane Yat style.Hotel room design notesGuest rooms are the main source of hotel revenue. It is thelongest and most intimate place for guests to stay. This is especially true for Urban Inn. Our hotel guest room layout in architectural design, through more than ten years of long-term mutual imitate and style of a single stage, make a lot of the hotel rooms should be fullof vitality and creativity are very similar, cloning became a popular face. In this "popular hotel", guest rooms are inevitably the "most popular" part.The worst effect of this phenomenon is that it affects a large number of hotel construction investors and operators, and also affects many domestic guests. We have long been this kind of popular hotel rooms and developed a fairly strong visual habits, or has formed akind of psychological: only this "knife" room will look like this room; only the "black hole" type toilet that has its own habits; only seenin the class the room, familiar furniture will use. On the contrary,as long as there is a difference, there is a never met, there is alittle strange, in any case can not accept. The reasons for not accepting are often "not seen", "not approved by guests" and so on. Inshort, is not assured. So far, all domestic institutions investmentand did not invite the international hotel group management andforeign designers in the design of the guest room in the hotel project, there still exists a lot from investors or managers of the habit of thinking of the resistance.In fact, with a complete, rich, detailed content and system design of the guest room, this is the crystallization of many of the world's best hotel decades of management experience; at the same time, along with the progress of the times and technology, and the renewal of human life and the concept of consumption, and make the room - and - this is most closely related to the individual traveler "privatespace" (private space), facing constant, new changes and new requirements;and in the design of the division of responsibilities, guest room design is not only the interior designers, architects on the firstplane room layout is the first step in the design of the guest room.The architect to consider to provide as much as possible the appropriate location, space, size and direction for the room in the landscape architecture design plan, public area saving as much as possible, as far as possible to shorten the evacuation distance and service process traffic layout as much as possible to avoid old toilet decorate and as complete as possible and reasonable arrange all the position of switch power supply and good room, etc.. Interior designerwork is first is to deepen the design of all use function, then was selectedrooms style clear room cultural orientation and business objectives, and for creating a special guest room, choose the right goods and furnishings. The future fate of a hotel room is largely determined by the accuracy and appropriateness of the initial architectural and interior design, experience, culture and foresight.The interior design of hotels and Resorts has three main contents: the first is functional design, the second is style design, and the third is humanized design.In the order of the design process, the function first, style second, humane third; but in the overall design of the concept, the three elements should be unified thinking, unified arrangements, regardless of order, indispensable. The function serves the material, the windThe grid serves the mind, while the humanistic study is the examination and the deep processing of the actual effects after the fusion of the material and the spirit. The common purpose of these three tasks is to win the real success of the brand and management in the hotel.The function of the design defects, design style to highlight is the "short-lived"; the functional design is very comprehensive, but the lack of charm and character style is not good, because it willreduce the room taste and value; and function and style are good hotel rooms, if there is no humanized staff carefully measure then add some more detailed design more deeply, maybe it will regret is not so perfect, not so delicate. Grasp the three design scales, give full play to the role of these three design, the quality of room design is guaranteed. Function design is the basic work of guest room design, including basic function design and detail function design.。

aduation General Information1, Project Name: Character Area Building 2.2, the construction unit: Hunan Country Gain Properties Limited.3, Location: Changsha, Hunan, West Second Ring Road intersection with the northwest corner of Azalea4, the building structure: frame-wall structure.5, the seismic intensity: 6 degrees.6, construction categories: high-rise.7, the size of the project: The total floor area of 24,312.39 square meters, construction area of 2019.03 square meters, building layers underground 1 layer, ground layer 28, one to two shopping centers for the layer, three to twenty eighth floor of a residential class high-rise commercial and residential.8, total building height: 84.1 meters.Second, the main work of the graduate design1, get familiar with the drawings, a clear mandate graduation, fill opening report and mission statement;2, the division of the project, calculate the list of quantities, and calculated under the fixed quantities;3, calculate the amount of steel works;4, calculated measures and other costs project costs;5, the price of collecting information, taking on the fee rate as the machine in preparation;6, combined with the computer preparation of the tender offer, the output valuation results;7, the indicators of project cost analysis, evaluation.Third, the basis for the preparation of the graduation project1, according to International Engineering Design and Research Institute in machine design character of Hunan States Gain Properties Limited 2 # floor area of the civil construction drawings;2, Atlas and drawings related information, etc.;3, the "construction of the Bill of Quantities Specification" (GB50500-2008);4, "consumption of fixed construction projects of Fujian Province" (2005);5, "Building Decoration Engineering of Fujian Province fixed consumption" (2005); 6, the building materials market research information on price and price;7, the "Fujian construction installation engineering cost rating";8, "civil engineering installation period in Fujian Province fixed";9, "gross floor area specifications" (GB/T5053-2005)10, Fujian Province, the existing provisions related to project cost management;11, this project used in April 2011 the price of materials, Jixietaiban fee by the firstquarter of 2011, Fujian Province, the information value, construction labor costs by Min [2007] 15 Man for pricing;Four,graduation calculation conditions1, the standard fee of: engineering class as a class, labor insurance fee of the CPI, taking into account taxes by 3.445 percent;2, total duration: 445 calendar days3, glue the template using the template;4, the main project using premixed concrete, beam, lintel, steeplechase, cushion, structural columns and other use of premixed concrete, mixing concrete materials for the stone;5, outer wall steel tubular scaffolding used scaffolding, masonry scaffolding scaffolding used in the scaffolding and full house;6, the vertical transport machinery construction by two lifts, a crane.Five, graduate design-related description of the problem1, the drawing does not indicate the ring beam, through beam, tailgate of the concrete strength, are used C20;2, the drawing does not indicate the scaffold material, exterior scaffolding with steel tubular scaffolding;3, the drawings are not clear stair handrails, handrails Vincent Fang calculated by stainless steel railings;4, booth decoration ad did not say, calculated according to paint.5, which wall structure of the building construction plans and construction plans do not match, structural drawings shall prevail.Sixth,composed of graduate design results1, cover (quotations)2, the preparation instructions (quotations)3, the bid price table4, single project summary5, the unit construction cost summary table6, sub-segment of the integrated unit quantities of the table7, the list of items the meter measures8, sub-segment of the Bill of Quantities Table9, the statement of fees of10, measures the project cost analysis table11, the main materials price list12, reinforced engineering analysis table13, engineering calculations14, cost index analysis15, the paper of the project claim ----" "16, CD-ROM17 Records of the Graduation Week18 shows the preparation of the total designSeven,graduation price adjustmentTo improve the competitiveness of the tender, according to market price information and construction management level, the engineering business management fee reduction of 30%, profit margin down to 1%; diameter of 10 within the steel from the 6194.68 yuan / ton adjusted to 6094.68 yuan / ton ; diameter of 20 within the steel from the 5759.18 yuan / ton adjusted to 5659.18 yuan / ton; reinforced by the outside diameter of 20 5541.71 yuan / ton adjusted to 5441.71 yuan / ton; project cost from the 12,921,706 yuan notes of 12,494,804 yuan, the cost of 1276.72 yuan unilateral / m adjusted to 1234.54 yuan / square meter; which sub-part of the project fee is9,661,324 yuan, measures costs 1,836,718 yuan, 580,651 yuan for the fees, taxes for the 416,111 yuan.。

总体设计说明-(中英文对照)目录Contents 第一部分文字说明Part One Character Description第一章Chapter 1 建筑设计说明Architectural Design Description第二章Chapter 2 结构设计说明Structural Design Description第三章Chapter 3 给排水设计说明Mechanical Design Description第四章Chapter 4 电气设计说明Electrical Design Description第五章Chapter 5 采暖通风设计说明HVAC Design Description第六章Chapter 6 节能设计说明Energy Saving Design Description第七章Chapter 7 环境保护Environment Protection第八章消防设计专篇Chapter 8 Special Design Description for Fire FightingProtection第九章Chapter 9劳动安全卫生Labor Safety &Sanitation第二部分扩初设计图纸Part Two Preliminary Design Drawings建筑Architecture结构Structure给排水Mechanical电气Electric暖通HVAC第一章建筑设计说明Chapter 1 Architectural Design Description一、设计依据Design Criteria1、政府审批的XXXXXXXX有限公司建设食品研发中心项目建议书的批复, 上海市浦东新区人民政府文件xxxxx号2、XXXXXXX食品有限公司建设食品研发中心新建项目的环评报告批复,上海市浦东新区环境保护局-沪环xxxxxx。
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目 录 Contents第一部分 文字说明Part One Character Description 第一章Chapter 1 建筑设计说明Architectural Design Description 第二章Chapter 2 结构设计说明Structural Design Description 第三章 Chapter 3 给排水设计说明Mechanical Design Description 第四章 Chapter 4 电气设计说明Electrical Design Description 第五章 Chapter 5 采暖通风设计说明HVAC Design Description第六章 Chapter 6 节能设计说明Energy Saving Design Description第七章 Chapter 7 环境保护Environment Protection第八章消防设计专篇Chapter 8 Special Design Description for Fire Fighting Protection第九章 Chapter 9劳动安全卫生Labor Safety &Sanitation第二部分 扩初设计图纸Part Two Preliminary Design Drawings建筑 Architecture结构 Structure给排水 Mechanical电气 Electric暖通 HVAC第一章建筑设计说明Chapter 1 Architectural Design Description一、设计依据Design Criteria1、政府审批的XXXXXXXX有限公司建设食品研发中心项目建议书的批复, 上海市浦东新区人民政府文件xxxxx号2、XXXXXXX食品有限公司建设食品研发中心新建项目的环评报告批复,上海市浦东新区环境保护局-沪环xxxxxx。
Building Technical Specification provided by Pillsbury (China) Corp., Ltd. 4、《工业企业总平面设计规范》(GB50187-93)<Design Code of Industrial Corporation Site Planning> (GB50187-93)5、《建筑设计防火规范》(GB50016-2006)<Code of Design on Building Fire Protection and Prevention> (GB50016-2006)6、国家省市有关规范规定Relevant National and Local Regulations7、业主提供的一期工程竣工图As built drawings of Phase I provided by the Proprietor.8、现行工程建设国家和上海市有关建筑设计规范和标准。
Current State and Shanghai Architectural Design Code and Standard of Construction In Force.二、设计原则Design Principles1、认真执行国家经济建设方针、政策和现行的技术标准、规范,遵守国家法律、法规。
The Design Work Will Be Rigidly In Conformity With the State Economic Guidelines, Policies, Current Technical Standards and Abide By the State Laws and Regulations.2、贯彻有关部门对本项目的批文和要求。
Approvals and Requirements From the Government Relating Departments Will Be Implemented During the Design Process.3、充分考虑工程设计中消防、环境保护、劳动安全卫生和生活福利。
Fire Fighting, Environment Protection, Labor Safety &Sanitation and Work Welfare Will Be Fully Taken Into Consideration During Project Design.4、结合发展规划,因地制宜,优化环境、绿化,使之符合绿色工厂的要求。
Take Proper Actions In Accordance With the Local Conditions, Combining the Development Planning, To Optimize the Environment and Finally Ensure the Design Reaches Up To the Requirements Of A Environmentally-friendly Factory.三、设计范围与分工Design Work Scope1、投资方负责该项目的工艺设备、生产布局的设计及造型。
Investor Shoulders the Responsibility of Design and Modeling Of the ProcessEquipments And Production Arrangements2、本公司承担厂区内总图、建筑、结构、构筑物、道路、以及相应的公用工程的设计。
Design Institute Undertakes the Work Including General Layout Of The Plant Area, Architecture, Structure, Structures, Roads, and Other Relating Public Facilities 四、工程概况Project OutlineXXXXXXX食品有限公司建设食品研发中心新建项目位于上海市浦东新区XXXXXXX食品有限公司现有厂区的东北部。
X五、总平面布置Site General Layout1、基础资料 Basic Information(1).气象资料Meteorology Data冬季平均风速:3.1m/sAverage Wind Speed In Winter: 3.1m/s夏季平均风速:3.2m/sAverage Wind Speed In Summer: 3.2m/s冬季主导风向:东北向Main Direction Of The Wind In Winter: Northeast夏季主导风向:东南向Main Direction of the Wind in summer: Southeast冬季室外大气压力:1025.1kPa Outside Air Pressure In Winter: 1025.1kPa夏季室外大气压力:1005.3kPaOutside Air Pressure In Summer: 1005.3kPa上海市冻结深度:0.08mFrozen Depth In Shanghai:0.08M(2)地形图 Topographic Mapping地形图编制单位:上海市测绘院Compiled By: Shanghai Surveying Institute编号: 20120214065Number: 20120214065坐标:上海市平面直角坐标系Coordinates: Rectangular Plane Coordinate System, Shanghai高程:上海市吴淞高程系统Elevation: Wusong Elevation System of, Shanghai2、设计原则Design Principles(1)服从城市总体规划要求,符合国家现行的法律,法规及条文。
Comply With City General Planning Requirements And State Current Laws And Regulations.精品文档(2)满足消防、安全、环保、卫生、绿化等规范要求。
Meet The Requirements Of Fire-fighting, Security, Environmental Protection And Landscaping.(3)满足工艺流程通顺、合理、物流路线短捷方便。
Process Line Shall be coherent, reasonable and logistic distribution lines are briefand convenient..3. 厂区建(构)筑物一览表Table Of All The Buildings In Site报建建筑Buildings ApplyingFor Construction编号Number名称Description建筑面积TotalFloorAreas耐火等级FireProtectionRating生产火灾危险性分类Fire HazardClassificationForProduction占地面积FootprintAreas层数Stories檐高(m)Height备注Notes 06产业研发中心一期R&DCentrePhase IProject7473.35m2二级Class 2民用CivilPurpose1672.00 m223.85m07 配电房PowerDistribution Room77.76 m2二级Class 2丁类Class D70.00m21 5.90m4、依据业主的要求及产品类型,研发中心按多层民用建筑进行设计,耐火等级二级。
According To The Requirements and Products Types, The Food R&D Centre Is Designed To Be In Compliance With Multi-storey Civil Architecture Specifications, And Fire Resistance Rating Is Class II.5、流线组织Transportation Flow LineXXXXXXX食品有限公司食品研发中心位于现有厂区东北部,总平面规划在流线组织方面对人员流线和货物流线进行了有效分隔,以保障人员安全和提高运行效率。