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D: Hello, how can I helo you.

P: em….

D: What bothers you?

P: Mr.XXX, 我最近总是睡不着觉,体重也减轻了3KG了,您能帮我看看吗

Recently, I can’t sleep well. It’s been a long time. Also, I lost over 3KG weight. I need your help.

D:When did the symptom begin?


It seems that this happened last month. I thought I just had a busy week and need more rest. However, things became worse. Gradually I became grumpy easily. My roommate and I often had a little fight just because of some nonsense.

D:OK, how about your appetite?


So so. I get hungry easily in spite of having a lot of meat.

D:那你出汗量多吗?小便情况怎么样?? How about sweat and urine? Do you sweat a lot?

P:对的,我一直比较怕热,这段时间又是夏天,更难受了。小便还好。Yes. I sweat a lot.

I hate summer, especially the heat. I feel worse in summer. My urine is just fine.

D:All right. Let me check for you. Would you take off your shirt?

30s later。。。

D:我测得你的心率108次/分,你刚刚不是跑到我的诊室的吧?Your heart rate is 108 per minute. Did you run to my clinic?

P:不是,我在外面排队等了一段时间的。No, I’ve been waiting in queue for a short time.

D:你坐在这,我检查下您的颈部。(ok, please sit here ,I will check your neck)

30s later。。。

P:我脖子有什么问题吗?(what’s wrong with my neck?)

D:我刚刚触诊了下,您的甲状腺附件有些肿大,但是没摸到结节和肿块。我初步判断您可能得了甲状腺功能亢进症,但根据您的症状表现,也可能有糖尿病的可能,I think you need some examinations first,我看看一些激素和血糖指标有没有异常。

I think you get a goiter, but there isn’t any nodule and lump jet. The initial diagnose is Hyperthyroidism. According the date of your lab result, you might also get diabetic. Let me see if there’s abnormal index in your Blood sugar and hormone.

P: 好的,谢谢您,Doctor XXX。假如我得了甲亢,是不是要手术啊??? Thank you, doc, If I get this, must I have surgery?



甲状腺肿大显著,或高度怀疑甲状腺恶性肿瘤。(em, the Hyperthyroidism’s treatment is including 3 ways , Antithyroid drug therapy、Radioiodine therapy and Surgical treatment. Antithyroid drug therapy adapt to a wide range of both adults and children, male or female, mild or severe hyperthyroidism, the first onset or recurrence of hyperthyroidism, pregnant or lactating women with hyperthyroidism can be treated with drugs; Hyperthyroid patients with moderate to severe or recurrent hyperthyroidism can adopt Radioiodine therapy;But if particularly serious, to surgical indications, we should take surgery



Oh, I’m afraid of surgery so much, how should I take care of myself?
