

顾客满意策略与顾客满意营销原文来源:《Marketing Customer Satisfaction》自20世纪八十年代末以来,顾客满意战略已日益成为各国企业占有更多的顾客份额,获得竞争优势的整体经营手段。

外文翻译:顾客满意策略与顾客满意营销原文来源:《Marketing Customer Satisfaction》译文正文:自20世纪八十年代末以来,顾客满意战略已日益成为各国企业占有更多的顾客份额,获得竞争优势的整体经营手段。

TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT, VOL. 11, NO. 7, 2000, S869-S882EUGENE W. ANDERSON & CLAES FORNELLNational Quality Research Center, University of Michigan Business School, Ann Arbor,MI 48109-1234, USAABSTRACT How do we know if an economy is performing well? How do we know if a company is performing well? The fact is that we have serious difficulty answering these questions today. The economy—for nations and for corporations—has changed much more than our theories and measurements. The development of national customer satisfaction indices (NCSIs) represents an important step towards addressing the gap between what we know and what we need to know. This paper describes the methodology underlying one such measure, the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI). ACSI represents a uniform system for evaluating, comparing, and—ultimately- enhancing customer satisfaction across ifrms, industries and nations. Other nations are now adopting the same approach. It is argued that a global network of NCSIs based on a common methodology is not simply desirable, but imperative.IntroductionHow do we know if an economy is performing well? How do we know if a company is performing well? The fact is that we have serious difficulty answering these questions today. It is even more difficult to tell where we are going.Why is this? A good part of the explanation is that the economy—for nations and for corporations—has changed much more than our theories and measurements. One can easily make the case that the measures on which we rely for determining corporate and national economic performance have not kept pace. For example, the service sector and information technology play a dominant role in the modern economy. An implication of this change is that economic assets today reside heavily in intangibles—knowledge, systems, customer relationships, etc. (see Fig. 1). The building of shareholder wealth is no longer a matter of the management of ifnancial and physical assets. The same is true with the wealth of nations.As a result, one cannot continue to apply models of measurement and theory developed for a 'tangible' manufacturing economy to the economy we have today. How important is it to know about coal production, rail freight, textile mill or pig-iron production in the modern economy? Such measures are still collected in the US and reported in the media as if theyhad the same importance now as they did over 50 years ago.The problem gets worse when we take all these measures, add them up and draw conclusions. For example, in early 1999, the US stock market set an all time record highCorrespondence: E. W. Anderson, National Quality Research Center, University of Michigan Business School, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1234, USA. Tel: (313) 763-1566; Fax: (313) 763-9768; E-mail: genea@ISSN 0954-4127 print/ISSN 1360-0613 online/00/07S869-14 0 2000 Taylor & Francis LtdS870 E. W. ANDERSON & C. FORNELLDow Jones Industrials:Price-to-Book Ratios11970 1999Source: Business Week, March 9, 1999Figure 1. Tangible versus intangible sources of value, 1970-99.with the Dow Jones Index passing 11 000 points, unemployment was at record lows, the economy expanded and inflation was almost non-existent. These statistics suggested a strong economy, which was also what was reported in the press and in most commentary by economists. As always, however, the real question is: Are we better off? How well are the actual experiences of people captured by the reported measures? Do the things economists and Governments choose to measure correspond with how people feel about their economic well-being? A closer inspection of the numbers and their underlying statistics reveals a somewhat different picture of the US economy than that typically held up as an example.?Corporate earnings growth for 1997 and 1998 were much lower than in the previous2 years, with a negative growth for 1998.?The major portion of the earnings growth in 1995 and 1996 was due to cost-cutting rather than revenue growth.?The trade deficit in 1999 was at a record high and growing.?Wages have been stagnant in the last 15 years (although there were small increases in 1997 and 1998).?The proportion of stock market capitalization versus GDP was about 150% of GDP in 1998 (the historical average is 48%; the proportion before the 1929 stock market crash was 82%).?Consumer and business debt were high and rising.?Even though many new jobs were created, 70% of those who lost their jobs got new jobs that paid less.?The number of bankruptcies was high and growing.?Worker absenteeism was at record highs.?Household savings were negative.Add the above to the fact that there is a great deal of worker anxiety over job security and lower levels of customer satisfaction than 5 years ago, and the question of whether we areyrFOUNDATIONS OF ACSI S871better off is cast in a different light. How much does it matter if we increase productivity,that the economy is growing or that the stock market is breaking records, if customers arenot satisifed? The basic idea behind a market economy is that businesses exist and competein order to create a satisifed customer. Investors will lfock to the companies that are expectedto do this well. It is not possible to increase economic prosperity without also increasingcustomer satisfaction. In a market economy, where suppliers compete for buyers, but buyersdo not compete for products, customer satisfaction defines the meaning of economic activity,because what matters in the final analysis is not how much we produce or consume, but howwell our economy satisfies its consumers.Together with other economic objectives—such as employment and growth—thequality of what is produced is a part of standard of living and a source of national competitiveness. Like other objectives, it should be subjected to systematic and uniform measurement. This is why there is a need for national indices of customer satisfaction. Anational index of customer satisfaction contributes to a more accurate picture of economicoutput, which in turn leads to better economic policy decisions and improvement of standard ofliving. Neither productivitymeasures nor price indices can be properly calibrated without taking quality into account.It is difficult to conduct economic policy without accurate and comprehensive measures. Customer satisfaction is of considerable value as a complement to the traditional measures.This is true for both macro and micro levels. Because it is derived from consumption data(as opposed to production) it is also a leading indicator of future proifts. Customer satisfactionleads to greater customer loyalty (Anderson & Sullivan, 1993; Bearden & Teel, 1983; Bolton& Drew, 1991; Boulding et al., 1993; Fornell, 1992; LaBarbera & Mazurski, 1983; Oliver,1980; Oliver & Swan, 1989; Yi, 1991). Through increasing loyalty, customer satisfactionsecures future revenues (Bolton, 1998; Fornell, 1992; Rust et al., 1994, 1995), reduces thecost of future transactions (Reichheld & Sasser, 1990), decreases price elasticities (Anderson,1996), and minimizes the likelihood customers will defect if quality falters (Anderson & Sullivan, 1993). Word-of-mouth from satisifed customers lowers the cost of attracting new customers and enhances the firm's overall reputation, while that of dissatisifed customersnaturally has the opposite effect (Anderson, 1998; Fornell, 1992). For all these reasons, it isnot surprising that empirical work indicates that ifrms providing superior quality enjoy higher economic returns (Aaker & Jacobson, 1994; Anderson et al., 1994, 1997; Bolton, 1998;Capon et al., 1990).Satisfied customers can therefore be considered an asset to the ifrm and should be acknowledged as such on the balance sheet. Current accounting-based measures are probablymore lagging than leading—they say more about past decisions than they do about tomorrow's performance (Kaplan & Norton, 1992). If corporations did incorporate customer satisfactionas a measurable asset, we would have a better accounting of the relationship between theenterprise's current condition and its future capacity to produce wealth.If customer satisfaction is so important, how should it be measured? It is too complicatedand too important to be casually implemented via standard market research surveys. The remainder of this article describes the methodology underlying the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) and discusses many of the key ifndings from this approach.Nature of the American Customer Satisfaction IndexACSI measures the quality of goods and services as experienced by those that consume them.An individual ifrm's customer satisfaction index (CSI) represents its served market's—its customers'—overall evaluation of total purchase and consumption experience, both actualand anticipated (Anderson et al., 1994; Fonrell, 1992; Johnson & Fornell, 1991).S872 E. W. ANDERSON & C. FORNELLThe basic premise of ACSI, a measure of overall customer satisfaction that is uniform and comparable, requires a methodology with two fundamental properties. (For a complete description of the ACSI methodology, please see the 'American Customer Staisfaction Index: Methodology Report' available from the American Society for Quailty Control, Milwaukee, WI.) First, the methodology must recognize that CSI is a customer evaluation that cannot be measured directly. Second, as an overall measure of customer satisfaction, CSI must be measured in a way that not only accounts for consumption experience, but is also forward-looking.Direct measurement of customer satisfaction: observability with errorEconomists have long expressed reservations about whether an individual's satisfaction or utility can be measured, compared, or aggregated (Hicks, 1934, 1939a,b, 1941; Pareto, 1906; Ricardo, 1817; Samuelson, 1947). Early economists who believed it was possible to produce a 'cardinal' measure of utility (Bentham, 1802; Marshall, 1890; Pigou, 1920) have been replaced by ordinalist economists who argue that the structure and implications of utility-maximizing economics can be retained while relaxing the cardinal assumption. How_ ever, cardinal or direct measurement of such judgements and evaluations is common in other social sciences. For example, in marketing, conjoint analysis is used to measure individual utilities (Green & Srinivasan, 1978, 1990; Green & Tull, 1975).Based on what Kenneth Boulding (1972) referred to as Katona's Law (the summation of ignorance can produce knowledge due to the self-canceling of random factors), the recent advances in latent variable modeling and the call from economists such as the late Jan Tinbergen (1991) for economic science to address better what is required for economic policy, scholars are once again focusing on the measurement of subjective (experience) utility. The challenge is not to arrive at a measurement system according to a universal system of axioms, but rather one where fallibility is recognized and error is admitted (Johnson & Fornell, 1991) .The ACSI draws upon considerable advances in measurement technology over the past 75 years. In the 1950s, formalized systems for prediction and explanation (in terms of accounting for variation around the mean of a variable) started to appear. Before then, research was essentially descriptive, although the single correlation was used to depict the degree of a relationship between two variables. Unfortunately, the correlation coefficient was otfen (and still is) misinterpreted and used to infer much more than what is permissible. Even though it provides very little information about the nature of a relationship (any given value of the correlation coefficient is consistent with an inifnite number of linear relationships), it was sometimes inferred as having both predictive and causal properties. The latter was not achieved until the 1980s with the advent of the second generation of multivariate analysisand associated sotfware (e.g. Lisrel).It was not until very recently, however, that causal networks could be applied to customer satisfaction data. What makes customer satisfaction data difficult to analyze via traditional methods is that they are associated with two aspects that play havoc with most statistical estimation techniques: (1) distributional skewness; and (2) multicollinearity. Both are extreme in this type of data. Fortunately, there has been methodological progress on both fronts particularly from the field of chemometrics, where the focus has been on robust estimation with small sample sizes and many variables.Not only is it now feasible to measure that which cannot be observed, it is also possible to incorporate these unobservables into systems of equations. The implication is that the conventional argument for limiting measurement to that which is numerical is no longer allFOUNDATIONS OF ACSI S873that compelling. Likewise, simply because consumer choice, as opposed to experience, is publicly observable does not mean that it must be the sole basis for utility measurement. Such reasoning only diminishes the influence of economic science in economic policy (Tinbergen 1991).Hence, even though experience may be a private matter, it does not follow that it is inaccessible to measurement or irrelevant for scientific inquiry, for cardinalist comparisons of utility are not mandatory for meaningful interpretation. For something to be 'meaningful,' it does not have to be 'flawless' or free of error. Even though (experience) utility or customer satisfaction cannot be directly observed, it is possible to employ proxies (fallible indicators) to capture empirically the construct. In the ifnal analysis, success or failure will depend on how well we explain and predict.Forward-looking measurement of customer satisfaction: explanation and predictionFor ACSI to be forward-looking, it must be embedded in a system of cause-and-effect relationships as shown in Fig. 2, making CSI the centerpiece in a chain of relationships running from the antecedents of customer satisfaction —expectations, perceived quality and value —to its consequences —voice and loyalty. The primary objective in estimating this system or model is to explain customer loyalty. It is through this design that ACSI captures the served market's evaluation of the ifrm's offering in a manner that is both backward- and forward-looking.Customer satisfaction (ACSI) has three antecedents: perceived quality, perceived value and customer expectations. Perceived quality or performance, the served market's evaluation of recent consumption experience, is expected to have a direct and positive effect on customer satisfaction. The second determinant of customer satisfaction is perceived value, or the perceived level of product quality relative to the price paid. Adding perceived value incorpo-rates price information into the model and increases the comparability of the results across ifrms, industries and sectors. The third determinant, the served market's expectations, represents both the served market's prior consumption experience with the firm's offeringCustomization Complaints to Complaints toinagement PersonnelPriceü GivenQualityQualityGivenPrice DelepurchasePrice Likelihood ToleranceCustomization Reliability O v e r a l l Figure 2. The American Customer Satisfaction Index model.S874 E. W. ANDERSON & C. FORNELLincluding non-experiential information available through sources such as advertising and word-of-mouth—and a forecast of the supplier's ability to deliver quality in the future.Following Hirschman's (1970) exit-voice theory, the immediate consequences of increased customer satisfaction are decreased customer complaints and increased customer loyalty (Fornell & Wemerfelt, 1988). When dissatisifed, customers have the option of exiting (e.g. going to a competitor) or voicing their complaints. An increase in satisfaction should decrease the incidence of complaints. Increased satisfaction should also increase customer loyalty. Loyalty is the ultimate dependent variable in the model because of its value as aproxy for profitability (Reichheld & Sasser, 1990).ACSI and the other constructs are latent variables that cannot be measured directly, each is assessed by multiple measures, as indicated in Fig. 1. To estimate the model requires data from recent customers on each of these 15 manifest variables (for an extended discussion of the survey design, see Fomell et al., 1996). Based on the survey data, ACSI is estimated as shown in Appendix B.Customer satisfaction index properties: the case of the American Customer Satisfaction IndexAt the most basic level the ACSI uses the only direct way to ifnd out how satisifed or dissatisifed customers are—that is, to ask them. Customers are asked to evaluate products and services that they have purchased and used. A straightforward summary of what customers say in their responses to the questions may have certain simplistic appeal, but such an approach will fall short on any other criterion. For the index to be useful, it must meet criteria related to its objectives. If the ACSI is to contribute to more accurate and comprehen-sive measurement of economic output, predict economic returns, provide useful information for economic policy and become an indicator of economic health, it must satisfy certain properties in measurement. These are: precision; validity; reliability; predictive power; coverage; simplicity; diagnostics; and comparability.PrecisionPrecision refers to the degree of certainty of the estimated value of the ACSI. ACSI results show that the 90% confidence interval (on a 0-100 scale) for the national index is ± 0.2 points throughout its first 4 years of measurement. For each of the six measured private sectors, it is an average ± 0.5 points and for the public administration/government sector, it is + 1.3 points. For industries, the conifdence interval is an average ±1.0 points for manufacturing industries, + 1.7 points for service industries and ± 2.5 points for government agencies. For the typical company, it is an average ± 2.0 points for manufacturing ifrms and 2.6 points for service companies and agencies. This level of precision is obtained as a result of great care in data collection, careful variable speciifcation and latent variable modeling. Latent variable modeling produces an average improvement of 22% in precision over use of responses from a single question, according to ACSI research.ValidityValidity refers to the ability of the individual measures to represent the underlying construct customer satisfaction (ACSI) and to relate effects and consequences in an expected manner. Discriminant validity, which is the degree to which a measured construct differs from other measured constructs, is also evidenced. For example, there is not only an importanto-FOUNDATIONS OF ACSI S875 conceptual distinction between perceived quality and customer satisfaction, but also anempirical distinction. That is, the covariance between the questions measuring the ACSI ishigher than the covariances between the ACSI and any other construct in the system.The nomological validity of the ACSI model can be checked by two measures: (1) latentvariable covariance explained; and (2) multiple correlations (R'). On average, 94% of thelatent variable covariance structure is explained by the structural model. The average R2ofthe customer satisfaction equation in the model is 0.75. In addition, all coefficients relatingthe variables of the model have the expected sign. All but a few are statistically signiifcant.In measures of customer satisfaction, there are several threats to validity. The most seriousof these is the skewness of the frequency distributions. Customers tend disproportionately touse the high scores on a scale to express satisfaction. Skewness is addressed by using a fairlyhigh number of scale categories (1-10) and by using a multiple indicator approach (Fornell,1992, 1995). It is a well established fact that vaildity typically increases with the use of more categories (Andrews, 1984), and it is particularly so when the respondent has good knowledgeabout the subject matter and when the distribution of responses is highly skewed. An indexof satisfaction is much to be preferred over a categorization of respondents as either 'satisfied'or 'dissatisfied'. Satisfaction is a matter of degree—it is not a binary concept. If measured asbinary, precision is low, validity is suspect and predictive power is poor.ReliabilityReliability of a measure is determined by its signal-to-noise ratio. That is, the extent to whichthe variation of the measure is due to the 'true' underlying phenomenon versus randomeffects. High reliability is evident if a measure is stable over time or equivalent with identicalmeasures (Fonrell, 1992). Signal-to-noise in the items that make up the index (in terms of variances) is about 4 to 1.Predictive power and financial implications of ACSIAn important part of the ACSI is its ability to predict economic returns. The model, ofwhich the ACSI is a part, uses two proxies for economic returns as criterion variables: (1)customer retention (estimated from a non-linear transformation of a measure of repurchase likelihood); and (2) price tolerance (reservation price). The items included in the index areweighted in such a way that the proxies and the ACSI are maximally correlated (subject tocertain constraints). Unless such weighting is done, the index is more likely to include mattersthat may be satisfying to the customer, but for which he or she is not willing to pay.The empirical evidence for predictive power is available from both the Swedish data andthe ACSI data. Using data from the Swedish Barometer, a one-point increase in the SCSBeach year over 5 years yields, on the average, a 6.6% increase in current return-on-investment (Anderson et al., 1994). Of the firms traded on the Stockholm Stock Market Exchange, it isalso evident that changes in the SCSB have been predictive of stock returns.A basic tenet underlying the ACSI is that satisifed customers represent a real, albeit intangible, economic asset to a ifrm. By deifnition, an economic asset generates future incomestreams to the owner of that asset. Therefore, if customer satisfaction is indeed an economicasset, it should be possible to use the ACSI for prediction of company ifnancial results. It is,of course, of considerable importance that the ifnancial consequences of the ACSI arespecified and documented. If it can be shown that the ACSI is related to ifnancial returns,then the index demonstrates external validity.The University of Michigan Business School faculty have done considerable research onS876 E. W. ANDERSON & C. FORNELLthe linkage between ACSI and economic returns, analyzing both accounting and stock market returns from measured companies. The pattern from all of these studies suggests a statistically strong and positive relationship. Speciifcally:?There is a positive and significant relationship between ACSI and accounting return_ on-assets (Fornell et al., 1995).?There is a positive and signiifcant relationship between the ACSI and the market valueof common equity (Ittner & Larcker, 1996). When controlling for accounting book values of total assets and liabilities, a one-unit change (on the 0-100-point scale used for the ACSI) is associated with an average of US$646 million increase in market value. There are also significant and positive relationships between ACSI and market-to-book values and price/earnings ratios. There is a negative relationship between ACSI and risk measures, implying that firms with high loyalty and customersatisfactionhave less variability and stronger financial positions.?There is a positive and significant relationship between the ACSI and the long-term adjusted financial performance of companies. Tobin's Q is generally accepted as the best measure of long-term performance. It is deifned as the ratio of a firm's present value of expected cash lfows to the replacement costs of its assets. Controlling for other factors, ACSI has a significant relationship to Tobin's Q (Mazvancheryl et al.,1999).?Since 1994, changes in the ACSI have correlated with the stock market (Martin,1998). The current market value of any security is the market's estimate of the discounted present value of the future income stream that the underlying asset will generate. If the most important asset is the satisfaction of the customer base, changes in ACSI should be related to changes in stock price. Until 1997, the stock market went up, whereas ACSI went down. However, in quarters following a sharp drop in ACSI, the stock market has slowed. Conversely, when the ACSI has gone down only slightly, the following quarter's stock market has gone up substantially. For the 6 years of ACSI measurement, the correlation between changes in the ACSI and changes in the Dow Jones industrial average has been quite strong. The interpretation of this relationship suggests that stock prices have responded to downsizing, cost cutting and productivity improvements, and that the deterioration in quality (particularly in the service sectors) has not been large enough to offset the positive effects. It also suggests that there is a limit beyond which it is unlikely that customers will tolerate further decreases in satisfaction. Once that limit is reached (which is now estimated to be approximately —1.4% quarterly decline in ACSI), the stock market will not go up further.ACSI scores of approximately 130 publicly traded companies display a statistically positive relationship with the traditional performance measures used by firms and security analysts (i.e. return-on-assets, return-on-equity, price—earnings ratio and the market-to-book ratio). In addition, the companies with the higher ACSI scores display stock price returns above the market adjusted average (Ittner & Larcker, 1996). The ACSI is also positively correlated with 'market value added'. This evidence indicates that the ACSI methodology produces a reliable and valid measure for customer satisfaction that is forward-looking and relevant to a company's economic performance.CoverageThe ACSI measures a substantial portion of the US economy. In terms of sales dollars, it is approximately 30% of the GDP. The measured companies produce over 40%, but the ACSIFOUNDATIONS OF ACSI S877measures only the sales of these companies to household consumers in the domestic market. The economic sectors and industries covered are discussed in Chapter III. Within each industry, the number of companies measured varies from 2 to 22.The national index and the indices for each industry and sector are relfective of the total value (quality times sales) of products and services provided by the ifrms at each respective level of aggregation. Relative sales are used to determine each company's or agency's contribution to its respective industry index. In turn, relative sales by each industry are used to determine each industry's contribution to its respective sector index. To calculate the national index, the percentage contributions of each sector to the GDP are used to top-weight the sector indices. Mathematically, this is deifned as:Index for industry i in sector s at time t = ES f i;If _S S ,, S I Index for sector s at time t =I g = E ,whereSr…, = sales by ifrm f, industry i, sector s at time t= index for firm f, industry i, sector s at time tandSit = E S,, = total sales for industry i at time tS, = E S i , = total sales for sector s at time t ,The index is updated on a quarterly basis. For each quarter, new indices are estimated for one or two sectors with total replacement of all data annually at the end of the third calendar quarter. The national index is comprised of the most recent estimate for each sectorT S National index at time t — ____________ E 4, V s9t t =T -3 s W,13where I s , = 0 for all t in which the index for a sector is not estimated, and I = I for all ,, quarters in which an index is estimated. In this way, the national index represents company, industry and sector indices for the prior year.SimplicityGiven the complexity of model estimation, the ACSI maintains reasonable simpilcity. It is calibrated on a 0-100 scale. Whereas the absolute values of the ACSI are of interest, much of the index's value, as with most other economic indicators, is found in changes over time, which can be expressed as percentages.DiagnosticsThe ACSI methodology estimates the relationships between customer satisfaction and its causes as seen by the customer: customer expectations, perceived quality and perceived value. Also estimated are the relationships between the ACSI, customer loyalty (as measured by customer retention and price tolerance (reservation prices)) and customer complaints. The。

例如,它可以指任何或所有下列例子:某一特定产品或服务质量的满意度;与正在进行的业务关系的满意度;产品或服务的价格性能比的满意度; 产品/服务的满意度,因为达到或超过客户的期望.根据企业的性质和与客户的具体关系,每个行业都可以添加到这个列表。
最基本的目标应该满足任何测量程序,包括以下内容:了解所有客户的期望和要求;确定公司和其竞争对手如何满足这些期望和要求; 基于你发现的产品标准上进行服务开发;随时间变化的趋势进行检验,以便采取及时的行动; 确定优先事项和标准来判断,你如何达到这些目标;设计适当的客户满意度测量程序之前,以下基本问题必须清楚地回答:我们收集的信息将如何使用?如何将这一信息允许我们采取组织内部的行动呢?我们应该如何使用此信息,以保持我们的客户和寻找新的呢?必须认真考虑组织希望实现何种结果,如何将这一目标传播到整个组织并且如何使用这些信息。
附 录(外文文献--超市的顾客满意度)

附录AppendixCustomer Satisfaction Strategy in Chain Supermarket sCustomer satisfaction strategy’s main idea is: the guideline is that the whole operational activities of supermarkets are for customer satisfaction, in customers’ view to analyze consumpt ion demand. By satisfying customers’ need to realize supermarkets’ operational aim.The fundamental purpose of supermarkets’ customer satisfaction is to cultivate customers’ trust on supermarkets, to enhance customers’ satisfaction for the whole supermarke ts’ operational activities. In order to do this, we must know the new marketing strategy’s content, and carry it out seriously. Its implementary points can be summarized as the following main aspects: (1) Shaping " customer first" business philosophy. The operational philosophy of "customer first" is the most fundamental motivation for serving customers, meanwhile, it also conducts making decisions, connecting all the departments of supermarkets to strive for the customer satisfaction. This operational philosophy is not only emphasized in senior management, more important is to embed it into everyone’s heart, and help personnel understand the importance of this philosophy.From its basic meaning, the operational philosophy of "customer first" has three gradations: customer is the highest, the customer is always right, everything for the customer.Customer is the highest. Customers are the external public who has direct relation with the supermarket’s future and destiny. To some extent, the market is the customer, lost public is the same as losing the market. The fate of one supermarket without market can not be well imagined. Therefore, the essence of the market-oriented is the customer-oriented, in the specific concept, customer is the highest. This idea requires thatsupermarkets should put customers at the first position of operation and management system, let customers feel the God’s real existence, thus, customers will produce acknowledgment and affiliation mentally for supermarkets.The customer is always right. The idea of the customer is always right is very difficult to set up from the logic point of view; it doesn’t conform to the objective reality either. However, in order to achieve the supermarket’s aim, as long as customers’ faults do not constitute a great loss to supermarkets, supermarkets would give" right" to customers. This is the important expression of customer satisfaction. The idea of the customer is always right includes three meanings: first, customers are the purchasers, not trouble makers; second, customers understand their own demand and hobby, which is just the information that supermarkets need to collect; third, because of customers’ "natural consistency", quarrelling with one customer is quarrelling with all the customers, in the concept of customer is wrong, supermarkets are absolutely not the winners, thereby, you will lose customers, it also means losing the market, losing profit.Everything for the customer. If it is said that customer is the highest is the starting point of supermarket management, then everything for the customer is the end-result. Everything for the customer requires supermarkets should consider everything from customers’ point of view, think what customers think, customers’ need is supermarkets’ need.(2) Treat personnel with hospitality. Customers in supermarkets can be broadly divided into two categories: one is the external customer; the other is the internal customer. External customers are the target customers of supermarkets; super markets’ ultimate goal is to satisfy external customers, then gain profit. But most supermarkets ignore the more crucial factor --- internal customers’ satisfaction, that is to say, supermarket personnel’s satisfaction. Personnel are the carriers that prom ote supermarkets’ management philosophy and service mind to final customers, they are also the major components of personnel satisfaction and customer satisfaction. A high personnel loyalty is equally as important as a high customer loyalty. If supermarkets want to retain the best customers, they must retain the best personnel.(3) Try to retain customers. If supermarkets pay attention to customers’ long-term return, they must well prepare for the initial reception of customers’ service work, improve the ratio of repeat buyers. A foreign study shows: A satisfactory customer can incur eight potential deals, at least one of them may be traded; an unsatisfactory customer can affect twenty-five persons’ purchasing will. So, retaining customers is more effective than attracting customers. The key of retaining customers lies in customers’ satisfaction. If one customer really satisfies, he or she would say to others about the nice products of supermarkets, pay little attention to the advertisements of those competitive brands, and not sensitive to price; besides, they will provide some good ideas about goods and service, due to the trading practices, this method can save trading cost. Hence, the strategy of customer satisfaction requires retaining customers by all means; expand customer team by customers’ spread.(4) Listen to more voices of customers. The implementation of customer satisfaction must establish a set of customer satisfaction analytical processing system., examine customers’ satisfaction for supermarkets’ goods and service with scientific means, the information is fed back to supermarket management in time, supermarkets can improve work incessantly, thereby, meet customers’ demand timely and truly. At present, many international chain supermarket companies are trying to shorten the distance between customers with the advanced communication systems. If modern chain supermarkets just want to sell goods out, or make" one-shot deal", these kinds of supermarkets are impossible to succeed in this furious competitive market. Selling these goods out is only the beginning of this deal; the real long-term deal is customers’ after-service response. When some supermarkets sell products, they declare "We will provide the best after-service, solve all your worries", but customers’ opinions, complaints and worries after buying, they think it is customers’ business not theirs. However, they don't know such method sharply dampens customers’ further consumption enthusiasm, it also impairs supermarkets’ image. Excellent supermarkets notice listening to customers’ voices, regard customers’ complaints as opportunities, which is not only in favor of establishing long-term friendly relation with customers, but also builds up favorable supermarket image.The operational philosophy of customer satisfaction is a comprehensive reform of customer service value; its importance is not underestimated. The fundamental standard of measuring supermarket sales performance should be customer satisfaction, not other sales performance. Do not worry about how to earn money, go all out to fulfill customer satisfaction, customers can care for your turnover.连锁超市顾客满意策略顾客满意策略的主导思想是:超市的整个经营活动要以顾客满意度为方针,从顾客的角度、观点来分析消费需求。

外文翻译:顾客满意策略与顾客满意营销原文来源:《Marketing Customer Satisfaction》译文正文:自20世纪八十年代末以来,顾客满意战略已日益成为各国企业占有更多的顾客份额,获得竞争优势的整体经营手段。

服务营销的原则: “顾客关注”的九项原则1、获得一个新顾客比留住一个已有的顾客花费更大。

附录Customer Satisfaction---- One kind of brand-newquality viewby xi chang yangSince long ago, the people all merely treat as the quality question a technical question, speaks of the improvement quality on merely to consider from the technical angle.Along with knowledge economy development and productive forces unceasing enhancement, the people already developed to the product demand from the sole technical nature to the technical efficiency and expand to the spiritual domain, moreover satisfies the proportion which the spiritual demand the product or the product characteristic occupies greatly to surpass satisfies the proportion which the physiological demand occupies. At the same time, is day by day rich along with the material life, more and more from organizes the quality center of gravity and the determination power a side to shift to the customer hand in, the customer satisfied already becomes the appraisal product quality quality the only standard.This caused the quality idea to have the very big change----from examination quality view to tallying quality view, finally formed has satisfied take the customer as the core brand-new quality idea.Customer SatisfactionWho is a customer? The customer is "the receive product organization or individual". Based on ISO9000: 2,000 standards concerned customers define explanation that, The customer may be organizes the interior is the internal customer, also may be exterior the organization namely the external customer. As for the organization interior, "the next working procedure" is "on a working procedure" customer. Therefore, a organization to the customer the understanding should be generalized, cannot merely understand for organizes the product "the customer". At the same time, "supplies the chain" based on the product, the customer may divide into the middle customer and the final customer, the realistic customer and the potential customer, to customer thin, classification and research, is advantageous carries on the different way to us in view of the different customer demand stimulating with the guidance, thus makes the customer to be pleased, achieves organization's goal.Customer satisfaction is "the customer to its request already the degree feeling which satisfied",is the people in has accepted the product or the service including its carried the information after stimulating, makes one kind of firmly psychological condition, is the people to the product one kind of subjective comprehensive appraisal.This meant that, whether the customer does satisfy is decided by its receive product and the information the way and the degree which stimulate to it, when this kind stimulates has satisfied customer's request (including clear instructions or latent demand), can to the customer form is stimulating, thus causes the customer satisfiedly, moreover this kind stimulates the regulation goes past the deep customer to be more satisfied, otherwise, can form to the customer negative stimulates, can make thecustomer not to be pleased, moreover the regulation which stimulates to the customer goes past the depth, the customer is more unsatisfied, can cause the customer to complain, even the customer sues.Likes us to purchase clothes, clothes use value self-evident (winter clothing maintaining warmth, summer clothing penetrability and cool and so on), if only this but the oneself, the customer responded can be very light, but, if to the clothing assembly by the natural novel design, dresses up Li's color, causes us to obtain the accident pleasantly surprised, then can make us to feel one kind of unexpected harvest, we will be satisfied.Customer satisfactory quality view" Customer satisfaction " took one idea, more and more accepts for the multitudinous different type organization. We may understand from following several aspects that,1,the customer satisfies not only is the organization the starting point also falls the foot spot.The Chinese economy comprehensively entered "is too much economical" the time.Statistics have indicated, the consumer wants to choose the refrigerator from 290 kind of refrigerators, chooses the beer from 455 kind of beer, chooses the cosmetics from 478 kind of cosmetics, chooses the shirt from 575 kind of shirts. The price, the quality, the design all day after day hasten with. The buyer market buyer can make the decision.The customer decided wants any, when wants, how wants, to leave how many prices, the customer truly becomes the basic condition organizes depends on, the customer to satisfy the basic power which into the human society develops. Any organization when provides the product or the service, its goal lies in the product or the service which causes it to provide obtains customer's approval, and lets it be glad accepts. This requests the organization to understand the customer needs any type the product and the service, has any type to the product and the service the request---- The fine product, the customer does not need, also cannot obtain customer's approval. Therefore, the organization only had has grasped this starting point, could provide satisfaction for the customer the product or the service. At the same time, the customer satisfies the degree had decided the organization makes money the degree, had decided the organization develops mentality, according to conventional algorithm, an enterprise if preserves 5% stable customer, that this enterprise's profit at least can increase 25%. Therefore, the organization falls foot also to be supposed to lie in causes the customer satisfiedly, only had grasps "the customer to be satisfied" this driving force, the organization can obtain the considerable development.2, " Customer Satisfaction " is the market economy development necessity.The customer satisfies quality view is the market economy development inevitable result. Along with the social productive forces development, the society has brought the extremely rich material resources for the people, thus let the market realize from the seller market to the buyer market transformation, caused the buyer is the customer control the market development direction. Is passing we often by "mineproduct is qualified, customer do not use when" performs to shift responsibility onto others. Now not good, you think own product qualified, but cannot meet my needs, which you on saved in yours warehouse are being good! Who had considered my demand, whose product I do purchase. At the same time, the knowledge economy development enable the organization to have the ability to have the condition not only to satisfy customer's physiological needs, also can meet customer's psychological needs, causes the product to be more richly colorful, causes the service even more to look after with great solicitude.3,Customer satisfaction is the inevitable result which the humanist idea popularizes.The customer satisfies quality view is by the artificial starting point and the center, is revolving the reassignment organization and customer's enthusiasm, the activity, causes the organization unceasingly to satisfy the customer to request, thus realizes the customer to be satisfied, unceasingly realizes the humanity to the happy pursue, improves humanity's quality of life. At the same time, satisfies take the customer as the idea from organizes the quality specification and the determination power a side to change to a customer side, had reflected person's status unceasingly is enhancing. Grasps humanist this "the new melody", persisted according to customer's objective request, wants, for suffices to the foot; Does not want, does not give. Thus and mutually seeps the Chinese Communist Party in the organization and customer's interaction with to build humanity's matter and the spiritual civilization life.4, Customer satisfaction is organizes the eternal pursue the goal.Customer satisfaction is human society's one kind of basic desire, will be the humanity forever the without limits self- pursue. Therefore, meets customer's need and the desire also is organizes the eternal pursue the goal. Enters for the 21st century, the more and more many organization attention "the customer is satisfied" strategic sense. Is the various countries' expert, the entrepreneur, how the administrative personnels all exploring causes own organization to seize the 21st century quality as soon as possible the commanding point, many large-scale organization are formulating the 21st century quality strategies, and "the customer will be satisfied" took the quality strategy the core, took it will support other contents "the outline". "Satisfies customer's request and expected" will substitute for the pursue quality to be qualified or the service reaches the sign to become the highest goal which the enterprise pursues. Grasps the tendency to be able to grasp successfully, thus will grasp the future. In this competition extremely intense time, only has grasps this kind of tendency and the direction, correctly establishes the oneself developmental strategy goal, can in the competition neutrality to the invincible position.How stimulates the customer to be satisfied?Above said, customer satisfaction was the customer has accepted one kind of psychological condition which the product or the service and its the information stimulated produces, was a psychology concept. Then, how we do stimulate customer's this kind of satisfactory mood? "We do well, the customer will satisfy" to? Which first should we pay attention affect customer satisfaction and not the satisfactory factor have:1, not satisfactory factorThe clear instructions forgives which in the product either the service or anticipated provides to customer's use or the service, is the customer thought the self-evident characteristic, it meets the customer need the degree, affects the factor which the customer satisfies, once has the aspect which does not arrive, can create customer's disaffection, usually is called it not the satisfactory factor. For instance: We buy a thermos bottle, its heat preservation characteristic (or said use) is a not satisfactory factor. If buys a thermos bottle not to keep warm, we will be very annoyed and not be unsatisfied, since these characteristics all had, conforms to our requirement, also cannot urge us to satisfy, because we can think this is should.2, neutral factorSome one kind of factor, when customer's demand has not obtained satisfies, will feel very disappointedly; If obtains time satisfying which should obtain, cannot have any intense reflection; But, if organizes to do very much arrives, can increase the customer to be satisfied. We call such factor the neutral factor. For instance agrees time purchase goods, if cannot as scheduled arrive, can cause the customer to complain; If arrives on time, perhaps the customer cannot have any response; If can arrive ahead of time, then the customer can be very happy.3, satisfactory factorThe customer obtains the accident harvest, often can make the customer to be extremely pleased, however, organizes not to provide these product characteristics, also cannot cause the customer to be discontented, we called such factor is the satisfactory factor. For instance we purchase the ultra value service which the product obtained arrives; Enjoys when the service obtained arrives the accident present presents and so on. These accidents are pleasantly surprised often can make us to feel extremely satisfies.Had understood these affect the factor which the customer satisfies, how can we grasp well stimulate the customer to be satisfied. Only dodges forms the customer not satisfactory factor, diligently completes the neutral factor, plans with every effort with the implementation lets the factor which the customer satisfies, can unceasingly satisfy the customer to request, to strengthen the customer to be satisfied, thus achieves the quality goal which the customer satisfies, the promotion enterprise's development.The enterprise should establish and implement the customersatisfactory strategyWe do not avoid the enterprise the goal are the profit maximization. But the enterprise profit goal realization is take customer's existence as the foundation, left the customer, any organization all with difficulty exists. In in the 21st century competitions, who wins customer's adoring with the repayment, who can survive and the development; Otherwise, only can be blind alley. How does customer's adoring with repay, how also is decided to the enterprise causes their satisfaction. Therefore, says from some kind of degree, enterprise's management strategy is the quality strategy, but this all starting points and the home to return to all conclusion is a point: The customer is satisfied. How then we do establish and implement the customersatisfactory strategy?1, the creation " Customer satisfaction " as the central enterprise new management idea.The enterprise must manifests in own management policy and the goal "attracts more customers" and "unceasingly enhances the customer degree of satisfaction" the thought, in educates training to the staff in the foundation, causes the staff to comply with the occupational ethics, the behavior standards, the value idea and the staff quality molds the aspect, all seeps "all to let the customer is satisfied" the idea. Thus creates one kind in the enterprise interior "the internal service" management idea, although you not directly serve the customer, but your work must be for serves customer's person to serve. Inducts " the next working procedure in the enterprise interior is on the working procedure customer" the customer satisfies the idea, namely in the entire operation link, the previous link department treats as the next link department the customer, carries on the service to it, a link serves a link, finally provides the best service for the external customer.2, the promotion " Customer satisfaction " as the objective quality control innovation.The enterprise must frequently organized carry on the customer demand and the market information diagnosis, comprehensively, thoroughly and accurately grasps the customer various aspects the demand, including the latent demand, for the enterprise product market localization, the development design, the improvement and the innovation promptly provides the basis. At the same time, the diagnosis will obtain customer related aspect the and so on product function, quality, price and outward appearance demand, comprehensively accurately will transform as the product design improvement technical parameter, the cost element, and in strictly will request in the process according to the product design or the improvement which the organization will produce, will have to implement "under a link will be the customer" the policy, comprehensive development "internal customer satisfied" the activity, will produce conforms to the product which the customer will request, achieved the customer will be satisfied.3, pays special attention " Customer satisfaction " and serves the management innovation as the criterion enterprise marketing.The enterprise must use the science the method to carry on the customer degree of satisfaction to the enterprise exterior market environment evaluating after testing, through evaluates after testing the customer to enterprise's product quality characteristic, the fine reputation, well-knownness, turning head rate, the sales ability, the complaint rate and so on several aspects satisfaction, provides the basis for the improvement marketing strategy and the enhancement grade of service. At the same time, from enhances the customer "satisfaction" and "the loyalty" the goal embarks, establishes the customer file, omni-directionally implements, the multi- forms standard post-sale service, the realization pre-sale consultation, sells supports, the post-sale increment namely "the help user buys goods" the increment service process, thus "sues" the service after three stages entire processes service substitution.4, takes take " Customer satisfaction " as the guidance enterpriseinformation management innovation.The information technology development, provided the very good condition for our effectively collection and the process information, the enterprise has had in the realization take the enterprise as the center to take the customer as in the central mentality transformation foundation, carried on the enterprise information management the innovation. To the enterprise inside and outside pitch point and the flow and so on information collection, analysis, transmission, feedback, processing design, the speed which as well as various pitch points information current capacity and pasts performs to control, does the system research to the information feedback processing cycle and the time stipulation, thus is the correct development "the customer is satisfied" a series of activities, provides the science effective basis.5, the implementation " Customer satisfaction " as the master line enterprise organizational structure reorganization.While "the customer satisfied" the thought and "the customer satisfied" for the central strategy implementation, the enterprise must take the information bidirectional transmission speed, the information past the attrition rate and the management efficiency three big targets is in the synthesis optimization as a principle, reduces the enterprise excessively many management structure level and the administrative personnel level, causes the enterprise the structure flatly, the decision-making is fast. Realizes "the customer satisfiedly" the management goal is a master line, reasonably adjusts various departments the management function, eliminates the overlap region ofvarious departments function connection place and other management pessimistic areas, the realization management science is highly effective. Thus carries on the enterprise organizational structure the reorganization, the realization enterprise flow makes again.顾客满意——一种全新的质量观杨希昌长期以来,人们都把质量问题仅仅当作一个技术问题,说到改进质量就仅仅从技术角度去考虑。

顾客满意度对员工影响英文参考文献The Impact of Customer Satisfaction on Employee Engagement: An Exploratory Study.Abstract.This study aims to investigate the impact of customer satisfaction on employee engagement in the service industry. The research hypothesizes that customer satisfaction has a positive influence on employee engagement, leading to improved performance and job satisfaction. To test this hypothesis, data were collected from a sample of service industry employees and analyzed using statistical methods. The results indicate a significant positive relationship between customer satisfaction and employee engagement. This study contributes to the existing literature by providing empirical evidence of the link between customersatisfaction and employee engagement.Introduction.In the service industry, customer satisfaction is a critical factor that affects business success. Satisfied customers are more likely to be loyal and repeat customers, which contribute to increased revenue and profitability. However, achieving customer satisfaction is not solely dependent on the quality of services provided. Employee engagement, defined as the emotional attachment and commitment of employees to their work and organization,also plays a significant role. Employee engagement can significantly influence customer satisfaction as engaged employees are more likely to provide high-quality service and positive customer experiences.Theoretical Framework.The theoretical framework of this study is based on the service-profit chain theory proposed by James Heskett et al. (1994). This theory suggests that satisfied employees leadto satisfied customers, which in turn leads to loyal customers and increased profits. Employee engagement is a key component of this chain as it affects employeesatisfaction, effort, and performance. Engaged employees are more likely to be productive, innovative, and provide superior customer service.Methodology.To investigate the impact of customer satisfaction on employee engagement, a quantitative research approach was adopted. A survey questionnaire was developed and distributed to a sample of service industry employees. The questionnaire included measures of customer satisfaction, employee engagement, job satisfaction, and performance. Statistical analysis was performed to test therelationships between these variables.Results.The results of the study indicate a significantpositive relationship between customer satisfaction and employee engagement. Specifically, higher levels of customer satisfaction were associated with higher levels of employee engagement. This relationship was found to beconsistent across different job roles and departments within the service industry.Furthermore, the study found that employee engagement had a positive impact on job satisfaction and performance. Engaged employees reported higher levels of job satisfaction and were more likely to achieve better performance outcomes. These findings suggest that by improving customer satisfaction, organizations can enhance employee engagement, leading to improved job satisfaction and performance.Conclusion.This study provides empirical evidence supporting the positive impact of customer satisfaction on employee engagement in the service industry. The findings have important implications for managers and organizations seeking to improve employee engagement and customer satisfaction.By focusing on enhancing customer satisfaction,organizations can create a positive work environment that fosters employee engagement. This can be achieved through providing excellent customer service, addressing customer complaints promptly, and continuously improving service quality. By doing so, organizations can expect to see improvements in employee engagement, job satisfaction, and performance, ultimately leading to increased customer loyalty and profitability.Practical Implications.Managers in the service industry can benefit from implementing strategies that aim to improve customer satisfaction. Here are some practical implications drawn from this study:1. Focus on Customer Needs: Organizations should strive to understand and meet the needs and expectations of their customers. By providing tailored services that meet customer requirements, organizations can increase customer satisfaction and foster loyal customer relationships.2. Train Employees: Providing regular training and development opportunities for employees can help them improve their skills and knowledge, enabling them to provide better customer service. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and employee engagement.3. Encourage Employee Engagement: Managers should create a work environment that fosters employee engagement. This can be achieved by providing recognition and rewards for good performance, encouraging open communication, and promoting a culture of teamwork and collaboration.4. Monitor and Improve Service Quality: Organizations should regularly monitor and evaluate the quality of their services to ensure they meet customer expectations. By addressing any issues promptly and continuously improving service quality, organizations can maintain high levels of customer satisfaction and employee engagement.5. Collect Customer Feedback: Regularly collecting and analyzing customer feedback can provide valuable insights into areas where improvements can be made. By listening tocustomer feedback and acting on it, organizations can enhance customer satisfaction and employee engagement.In summary, this study highlights the importance of customer satisfaction in enhancing employee engagement in the service industry. By implementing strategies that focus on improving customer satisfaction, organizations can create a positive work environment that fosters employee engagement, leading to improved job satisfaction, performance, and customer loyalty.。
酒店服务与顾客满意度 外文文献翻译

文献出处:Amin M, Yahya Z, Ismayatim W F A, et al. Service quality dimension and customer satisfaction: an empirical study in the Malaysian hotel industry[J]. Services Marketing Quarterly, 2013, 34(2): 115-125.第一部分为译文,第二部分为原文。
默认格式:中文五号宋体,英文五号Times New Roma,行间距1.5倍。
据预测,2011 - 2013年,东盟国家的游客,如中国,印度和中东地区东方将会越来越多地访问马来西亚。

1、对顾客满意定义的研究Oliver和Linda (1981)认为,“顾客满意是一种心理状态,顾客根据消费经验所形成的期望与消费经历一致时而产生的一种情感状态”。
1990年,美国质量协会借鉴了 SCSB的调查方法和模型,构建了美国顾客满意度指数模型,并于1993年在美国进行了测试,该种模型包括六个变量,它在SCSB模型的基础上添加了质量感知因素。

Marketing Customer SatisfactionSince the late eighty s of the 20th century, the customer satisfaction strategy has increasingly become the enterprise has more customers share, overall management means of gaining competitive advantage.Strategy, customer satisfaction is the modern enterprise to obtain customers "currency vote" Change over time, the great abundance of social material wealth, customers also has the subject -- the demands of consumers in the across the material lack of times, the pursuit of the number of times, the pursuit of quality of the era, in the late eighty s of the 20th century into the era of the emotional consumption. In our country, with the rapid development of economy, we also have rapidly across the material lack of times, the pursuit of the number of times and the pursuit of quality of the era, to this day, step by step towards the emotional consumption age. In the emotional consumption era, companies with similar products has been achieved at the same time, homogeneity, can, same price, consumers pursue is no longer the quality, function and price, but comfortable, convenient, safe and secure, speed, newly established, environmental protection, clean, pleasant, interesting, consumers increasingly focus on the product can bring vitality to their lives, enrichment, comfortable, aesthetic and spiritual culture grade, and exceed consumer expectations of pre-sale, sale, after-sales service and consulting. That is to say, people's pursuit of today is to have the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction to the heart of goods, is a high value-added goods and services, the pursuit of values and consciousness, personalized and diversified intangible satisfaction era has come.And adapt to changing consumer value pursuit of the competition between enterprises, also by the product competition, price competition, technological competition, advertisement competition, brand competition development to today's image, reputation, cultural competition and service competition, competition of customer satisfaction. This competition is the enterprise in the field of wide Angle, width of space and time within the scope of the high-level, embodies the comprehensive strength of competition. It includes organization innovation, technology innovation, management innovation, the industrial foresight, product research and development force, centripetal force, service customers, customer affinity, peer RenTongLi, social contribution, pr communication communication forces driving force, enterprise culture, environmental adaptability, and so on. How these integrated image force and the synthetic integrated lasting competitiveness, which is CS strategy to solve the problem. CS era, enterprise is no longer centered on "self", but in the "customer as the center"; "Customers for honour", the slogan of "customer satisfaction" is no longer a mere formality, but the real action based enterprise management of a new philosophy. Companies are no longer with standard quality, your satisfaction is the management idea, but in customer satisfaction, business philosophy to win the customer high loyalty. The focus of enterprise management strategy is no longer to gain or maintain market share, but to gain customer satisfaction as the business philosophy. Therefore, the focus of the marketing strategy is no longer the competitors, but on the customers, and on the demand of the reality and potential customers. When companies provide products and services to customers in advance of expectations, customer basic satisfied; If far exceed customer expectations, and far higher than other peers, customers truly satisfied; If the enterprise can continuously or for long to customer satisfaction, customer loyalty. Loyal customers will not only constantly repeatpurchase, will also buy other related products or services; Loyal customers will not only actively recommend he bought product from others, and to the enterprise competitors promotion has the immune ability of a dissatisfied customer will not satisfied told 16-20 people, and each one will be transmitted to the defendant when 12 to 15 people. In this way, a dissatisfied person will affect the 2, three hundred. In the popularization of the Internet today, its influence is larger. According to the survey of the U.S. auto industry, one will be satisfied with the 8 potential deals, with at least one pen. And another survey shows that companies 5% increase the loyalty of customers, the profit will be increased by 25% to 25%. The 80% of the profits of an enterprise comes from 20% of loyal customers; And a new customer acquisition cost is 6 times to maintain an old customer costs. So, a famous American scholar tang page, Perth, points out that decided to hold the key to the success of an enterprise is not the market share, but in the customer share.Then, companies through extensive market research, direct contact with customers, customer feedback and other ways to get to know customers in all aspects of the real demand and potential demand. Rely on their loyalty to the enterprise satisfaction of sales and service personnel, regular, quantitative and comprehensive measurement of customer satisfaction, in order to accurately grasp the enterprise management and the "customer satisfaction" the gap between target and its key areas, to further improve the business activities of enterprises. Rely on high affinity of the enterprise culture, high efficiency of humanistic management and the joint efforts of the whole, to customers with high value-added products, a high standard of family-like services, to win customers constantly change and improve satisfaction, win more customers. Such as haier has always put customer needs as the first, standing in the customer's point of view of product development, design, and provide personalized, human nature and practical products, from episodic TV to new color TV "anti" change, from a small child prodigy washing machine hand rub type washing machine, from refrigerators to the little prince "wisdom eye" frequency conversion air conditioning, from 17 hours make mike freezers to after-sale one-stop service stars, notting have is not in order to meet customer needs and provide satisfaction to the value of goods and services. And as Microsoft's each kind of product is concentrated the best developers in the world, than customers want good products, at the same time sales of globalization of economies of scale formation, reduce the price to a minimum. And this is the secret to the success of Microsoft in the past 20 years.To sum up, the emotional consumption era, how to decide which products and the production and business operation service power is no longer belongs to the enterprise, but belong to the consumer, to measure efficiency of enterprises and the existing value of the decision to customers, enterprises should try to cater to the customer, value to satisfy customers, to get "monetary vote" from customers as much as possible. And CS strategy to get the votes in competition.Two main steps of marketing strategy, customer satisfaction.First, the cultural establishment in the enterprise to the customer as the center, customer interests first, take customer satisfaction as the goal of business philosophy.Customers in CS theory refers to the internal staff and external customers (including distributors, wholesalers, agents, final consumer and raw materials suppliers, partners, etc.), customer satisfaction, including staff and external customer satisfaction, customer loyalty. Mechanism of enterprise success lies in customer satisfaction and loyalty, employees is thekey to customer satisfaction and loyalty. Employee satisfaction and loyalty of enterprise is consumers' satisfaction and loyalty to the enterprise products and services, customer satisfaction and loyalty is the inevitable result of the employee behavior. No employee satisfaction and loyalty, it is impossible to create customer satisfaction of products and provide premium services, customers are not satisfied with naturally not loyalty, away from the enterprise. When the employee satisfaction and loyalty will be in contact with the customers with great enthusiasm into their intellectual capital, creative service for the customer, customer requirements and timely find trends, improve the added value of products and services in a timely manner, hold fast to the customer's heart, their satisfaction. Fedex, found that when the internal employee satisfaction rate increased to 85%, their customer satisfaction rate is as high as 95%, and corporate profits are very optimistic. Employee attitude determines everything here.Therefore, the enterprise must be customer satisfaction management concept penetration in the in the mind of employees, reflected in the management, loyal to the staff, in their research and development, manufacturing products, provide marketing services to customers. Such as hubei, "all employees get education is centered on the customer is the highest principle of enterprise management. Customers are benefactor, is a friend, is a teacher, is the customer gives us the opportunity to work, the value of work, work fun and work significance. We should sincerely thank to your heart's content as the customer, customer satisfaction is our work goal, create the most value for customers of products and services is our highest goal. Guided by these principles, would rather let oneself can't let to lose customers who has become a" hubei "employees' code of conduct. To make the customer feel the" hubei "consumption is a kind of enjoyment, is a kind of value enjoy. After customers pay a cost, a expectations for their own consumption, and consumers have finally come to consumption in the heart can have a evaluation standards, if the content value, he would come again later, such as value, he may come back later; otherwise, consumers will not come again. So, the purpose of" hubei "is to provide consumers with value of products and services. So under the guidance of business philosophy and customer satisfaction marketing," hubei "fire in the city it is not hard to understand.Second, let customers participate in product design and development.Companies to customers as the center, through the market segmentation, a wide range of research to understand the needs of the target public and value, standing on the customer's point of view of product development, design, providing personalized and humanized high value-added products and services, is correct, but must let customers participate in product design. Use of the Internet and the CAD technology to establish effective communication and information exchange with customers, timely grasp the various requirements of the customer information and customer value, encourage a variety of information sources to timely update the customer information database. After analysis, the summary, understand the nature of customer demand, and the nature of the customer demand information become the enterprise each department of Shared resources. To design products, to provide customer satisfaction services. Now, many companies have adopted a named: "product configurator" system to help users to participate in product design. Namely in the computer to store all the latest information, product module and replace at any time, marketing personnel at the scene of the sales through the Internet, according to user needs or together with the user configuration ofthe need to meet the value of the product. Shanghai gm company production car to operators and users are very satisfied, because let users involved in the design of the product. And haier whether for sichuan farmers can wash sweet potato washing machine production, production of "the little prince" refrigerator for Shanghai users, or the anti color TV, haier's "wisdom eye" frequency conversion air conditioning, star one-stop after-sales service and so on, are all based on the needs of users, absorb the advice of customers participate in product design, the design and development of customer satisfaction of rich humanistic value of goods and services, have won more customers heart naturally.Third, to provide services in the whole process of the customer satisfaction and personality service.Full service for the customer's shopping and consumption of each link to meticulous and thorough service, heart services. Is the whole process of the consumers from the moment they produce consumption desire of commodity use value out of the entire process, tender care for consumers, make consumers is closely combined with its own brand, let consumers enjoy culture, service, concept, feel the benefit, willing to consume your products or services, make consumers feel fully satisfied in every level, and to win customer loyalty. Sales stage --, must ensure that customers receive timely and quality services, pre-sale consultation training participation, transfer information, create shopping needs, make rational choice to customers, help customers to buy their practical gratified commodity; Sale support to provide convenient, maximize product function, make the customer feel the affection and value; After sales services to value-added feedback back, make customers feel warmth and love. Haier air conditioning, is like an old lady bought on my way home by the "dirty" driver ran, haier after learning, free immediately send a new air conditioning, haier to the old lady and decided after delivery in place. Inner Mongolia a user due to fire in the home, just bought the haier refrigerator burn out, haier jump from computer service network to the user after the detailed address, the chosen car fixed with four days to get to the refrigerator. This premium services must win customers satisfaction exceed expectations.In today's emotional consumption era, people pursue the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction to the heart of goods, high added value is highly personalized value goods, the pursuit of values and consciousness of diversification, personalization, and intangible satisfaction. Therefore, the enterprise will no longer attention on all the differences of general demand, should be aimed at the pursuit of the individuality of each different consumers, to design and develop enterprise products and services, to adapt to the current consumption trend of individuation and diversification. In the face of increasingly complex consumption tendency, the enterprise to manage customer demand for personalized marketing, and customer information feedback system is the key to establish customer database, customer relationship management (CRM), collection to understand consumers' requirements and preferences of the constantly changing, and new expectations of the enterprise, in order to better provide customers with personalized service.Fourth, cultivate customer loyalty.In the restaurant industry, the satisfied customer brand transformation in the proportion of 60% to 80%. It shows that satisfied customers do not necessarily can become loyal customers. 80% and 80% of the profits from an enterprise's loyalty customers, marketing customer set Aracature corp. chief executive Larry Light in Advertising Age magazine, saidearnings from loyal customers are nine times as many loyal customers. Sustained growth, wal-mart was able to become a top 500, fundamental reason is that it attracts customer loyalty management ability.Is customer loyalty from customers feel, passing through two-way communication and mutual relationship, the value of is relentlessly to provide special products or services through the enterprise. Make customer loyalty and enterprise top management must have the determination to persistently, and financial support, to define enterprise loyal customer, understand customer's demand is, what was the cause of their departure, who bought a product, why? Know the motivational factors and create customer loyalty. Cultivate loyal customers marketing method has two kinds:One is to properly handle the customer complaints. As long as properly handle customer complaints, 82% of customers will buy goods again. To properly handle the customer complaints, require companies to establish a good set of humanized management "complain" system. First, sets up "the customer complaints, is the best gift to the enterprise, it is good to improve the enterprise management" concept, Second, the enterprise must establish effective complaints handling policy and system, and training staff, correctly handling customer complaints, standing in customer's point of view to deal with customer complaints; Third, handling customer department to rotate, so that each business unit can timely understanding of customer satisfaction, and gain the experience of handling customer complaints; Fourth, the establishment of all customer complaints database, in order to timely treatment and prevent the occurrence of public relations crisis.The second is to build a loyal customer database. Only through the database to track survey analysis, can know exactly what companies have customers share will increase how much, how long does it take to reach a share. The core of loyal customer database is a relational database, it consists of a series of marketing programs from different side of children library. Loyal customer database, can provide information needed for the premium services for employees; To collect all the details related to the customer to create conditions; Strengthen with the customer's quick link; For the development of new products and new services to create conditions; Interactive two-way communication with customers for long time, in order to provide the potential demand, and seems to have thought of the thought of meet the expected value of a product or service.。


Customer satisfaction with the relationship between customer loyalty researchI. INTRODUCTIONMarket competition in today's enterprises have taken place in the nature of revolutionary change. For many businesses, it is important the issue is not statistically significant market share, but has a number of loyal customers, that is, the objectives of the competitiveness of enterprises by the number of the pursuit of market share (market share) to the quality of market share (loyalty the number of customers). The number of customer loyalty determines the survival and development of enterprises, but also the fundamental guarantee for long-term stability ofenterprises.In accordance with the traditional management and marketing theory, the model of customer loyalty and the way is relatively fixed, that is, through the establishment of customer loyalty customer satisfaction, customer loyalty through the profit and long-termdevelopment of enterprises. So, what is customer satisfaction, what is customer loyalty, the relationship between Q, in academia there are still large differences.Based on this, this article is intended to service as an example, on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty to define the concept, at the same time, but also the interaction between the two to do something useful toexplore.Second, define the related concepts1. Customer loyalty. Although customer loyalty in many research papers have emerged on the definition of the concept of customer loyalty, but so far, the academic community has not been the concept of customer loyalty to a unified point of view. I believe that the connotation of the definition of customer loyalty requires not only to describe the act of customer loyalty features (such as repeat purchase behavior), but also stressed that the attitude of the characteristics of customer loyalty, customer loyalty from the customers that the product of love and dependence, is positive and there is continuous. Therefore, the meaning of customer loyalty can be from two aspects of behavior and attitude to define.2. Customer satisfaction. At present, the definition of customer satisfaction, there are two main academic point of view. One view is from the perspective of the definitionof the state of customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction is that the buying behavior of customers after the feelings of the consumer experience is a result generated by. Such as the Howard and Sheth (1969) believe that customer satisfaction is "their customers whether the costs of adequate compensation for a cognitive state"; Oliver and Linda (1981) believe that customer satisfaction is "a state of mind, customers according to consumer expectations formed by experience with the consumer experience from time to time have a consistent emotional state "; Westbrook and Reilly (1983) believe that customer satisfaction is" an emotional response, this response is accompanied by feelings or the process at the time of purchase display products, as well as the overall shopping environment for consumers arising from the psychological impact "; Kotler believes that customer satisfaction is"a person means a product of the effects of perceived expectations and compared his feelings after the formation of the state, is the effect of perception and expectations the difference between the function. "Another view was that from the perspective of the processof the definition of customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction is that after the evaluation of consumer behavior. Such as Hunt (1977) believe that customer satisfaction is "the consumer experience, at least in line with the expectations of the evaluation made from time to time"; Engel and Blackwell (1982) believe that customer satisfaction is the "customer for the purchase of products in line with previous convictions when products made in the evaluation of" ; Tse and Wilton (1988) that customer satisfaction is "the customer before the purchase of products formed by the expectations of quality and consumer perception of quality following the differences between the evaluation." These scholars believe that the meaning of customer satisfaction, the evaluation process is an integral part of its core. From the process point of view of the definition of customer satisfaction include a complete consumer experience, have pointed out the importance of the process of customer satisfaction. Therefore, I prefer the perspective from the process to define customer satisfaction. The author believes that customer satisfaction is a positive post-purchase evaluation, it is felt by customers to purchase productswith the previous product line from time to time faith inthe positive evaluation.3. Bound. Veronica Liljander & Tore Strandvik in its relations on the quality of the model pointed out: it is bound by the introduction of obstacles, is to maintain customer relationships in the service providers a powerful factor. Bound by the so-called (Bonds) is defined as the relationship between customers and enterprises on the chain, there are many legal or other mandatory elements, and do not want to make customers even though the establishment of relations with the enterprises, but unable to leave the business. If these constraints were lifted, then the probability of customer loss is very high. Customers and service providers in between there are many constraints, such as legal constraints, economicconstraints, technical constraints, geographic constraints and time constraints, will be the relationship between the customer be an obstacle to the launch of the service; other constraints, such as knowledge constraints, social constraints, cultural constraints, the concept of restraint and psychological constraints and so on,customers will be "bound" in the business servicesprovided.Third, customer satisfaction and customer loyaltyanalysis1. Customer satisfaction with the controversy over the relationship between customer loyalty. Academia for customer satisfaction and loyalty has been the relationship between the existence of controversy, mainlyin the following views:(1) customer satisfaction, customer loyalty decision (Roland T. Rust & Anthony J. Zahorik, 1993), has a positive correlation between the two. Kotler pointed out that customers such as the key to maintaining customer satisfaction is a high degree of satisfaction with the customers will be loyal to the company longer; company may very satisfied with the loss of 80% customers, 40% of customers satisfied with some small, 20% had no opinion and 10 customers % general satisfaction with the customers, but the company lost only 1% ~ 2% of highly satisfied customers. Hasket (2019) and other scholars of the "service profit chain" model is clearly a direct result of customer satisfaction, customer loyalty.(2) customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is a weakcorrelation. Some scholars (Ellen Garbarino & Mark S. Johnson, 2019) that provides a satisfaction score is only an effective early warning, is not always satisfied with the customer than the customer is not satisfied with the purchase of more, not necessarily dissatisfied with customers than more loyalty, therefore, they concluded that customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is a correlation between the weak and even irrelevant. (3) a direct impact on customer satisfaction, customer loyalty (J. Joseph Cronin, Jr & Steven A. Taylor, 1992). Oliver (2019) results show that customer satisfaction through the indirect effects of variables otherintermediary service staff to establish personal relationships with customers, establishing ties with customers, customer satisfaction on customer loyalty will diminish the impact of satisfaction, can only reach a certain level of loyalty will be increasing rapidly. Reichheld also confirmed the discovery of Oliver, that is, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty while a positive correlation between the existence of, but it is not a linear relationship. United States, however, Bain's survey (1993) show that the claim that satisfaction of thecompany's products even satisfied customers, 65% ~ 85% of the customers will turn to other company's products. Among them, the auto industry 85% ~ 90% of customers satisfied with the re-buy ratio of only 30% to 40%, while food and beverage industry, the brand conversion ratio is as highas 60% ~ 65%.2. Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Analysis. From theperspective of the service industry, customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the psychological root of the formation of customer perceived service quality, that is, the decision quality of service customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction, in part to determinecustomer loyalty.In theory, the level of customer perceived service quality will lead to the psychological state of three types of customers, that is not satisfied, satisfaction and pleasure. The assumption that customer expectations of service quality as q0, actually receive the services to be q1, the customer service expectations and perceived results (the actual acceptance of the services) are not satisfied with the results of comparison, satisfaction orpleasure.There are two cases can lead to customer satisfaction, psychological (q1? Minds q0). But what kind of psychological state can influence the customers to build customer loyalty, based on the above simple comparison, we have no convincing conclusions. Explanation of these issues, we must adopt a dynamic approach, through the Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Analysis of dynamic interaction between scientificconclusions to draw.We set up customer loyalty for the CL (Customer Loyalty), customer satisfaction for CS (Customer Satisfaction), constraints for the R (Restraining Factor), while CL = R f (CS). When R = 0 pm (This is an assumption that research needs, in fact, does not exist), CL = f (CS). It will be customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is divided into the relationship between the two situations to bediscussed.(1) non-binding under the conditions of the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. Bound in the absence of factors, CL = f (CS), that is, customer loyalty is a function of customer satisfaction. Need to pay attention to is that we are talking about here refers tothe satisfaction of customer expectations beyond the satisfaction, or pleasure. Its level of tolerance should be at the region above the desired level of service. Only when the customer perceived service quality and satisfaction of customers, customers can re-consumption, and maintain loyalty. The reason is very simple, customer perceived service quality and customer satisfaction between the so-called "sensitive areas of poor quality." The level of customer satisfaction and customer retention rate and recommend to other customers of the services received by the degree of correlation is not always strong. Non-sensitive areas in terms of quality, despite the high level of customer satisfaction, but customers do not necessarily accept the services again, nor to family, friends or others recommended by the desire to receive services. Only when a very high level of customer satisfaction, the phenomenon of customer loyalty will be there, good word-of-mouth effects also can be generated. In the quality-sensitive customers in the region is the lower part of the destroyer, and the upper part is the so-called preacher. Therefore, in order to enhance customer loyalty, customers become a preacher,enterprises must be very satisfied customers, rather than satisfied or satisfied with. As said: customer satisfaction, customer loyalty does not mean that. 90% of the departure from their previous customers are satisfied with the services received. Therefore, the satisfaction scores provided an effective early warning, but not always satisfied customers than dissatisfied customers to buy more, not necessarily more than the loyal customers arenot satisfied with.(2) under the constraints of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty relationship. Analysis of the above one aspect of corroboration from another point of view the following: satisfaction is not necessarily loyal, but not necessarily dissatisfied with the infidelity. Does not appear to comply may sound reasonable, but the problem is not difficult to explain. Because of the existence of restrictive conditions in the cases (the vast majority of the case), customer loyalty depends on the quality of service not only the level but also on the impact of restrictive conditions, that is, CL = R f (CS). Obviously, when there exist constraints (monopoly, the conversion cost, convenience, psychological barriers,etc.), customer loyalty and emotional behavior can not lead to loyalty. In other words, customer satisfaction and loyalty is a weak correlation, or even at all. Here based on the strength of binding can be broken down in many cases the most extreme case is the infinite bound, followed by strong constraints, the middle and lower bound constraints and so on. Smallest under the constraint strength, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty has nothing to do between the show to a very weak correlation, etc.related to the weak. For example, in the complete monopolization of the industry, the bound is infinite, even though the customer is not satisfied, but the absence of other suppliers or substitutes to choose from, even outraged customers had no choice but loyal to the only manufacturer in China Early in the telecommunications and postal now is the best example. In this industry, customer loyalty and satisfaction is irrelevant, all the customers have shown loyalty to one hundred percent. Fourth, the conclusions and the revelation of management Through the above analysis, theoretically, we can draw the following conclusions: First, the constraints due to the impact of customer satisfaction and loyalty is therelationship between the correlation, but not strong correlation between; second, to provide customers with high quality services, does not mean that we must provide customers with the extra or additional services, we need only one service in each process, to the customer a small "surprise", rather than on how to do the process of service delivery changes This little "surprise", to improve customer perceived service quality, to improving customer loyalty is extremely important; the third, a service provider, the first high-quality service and what not, it is important that In the course of each service should make customers feel happy to be with the customer interaction to build long-term, this is a high customer retention rateof the fundamental.Therefore, in practice, it should be constrained from both sides whether to increase customer loyalty:1. Non-binding under the conditions of competition for satisfaction. From the above analysis that the fully competitive market environment, to cultivate and maintain customer loyalty is the key to greater customer satisfaction than competitors. Therefore, competition is the satisfaction of all the core competitiveness ofenterprises. Who let the customers more satisfied, who will be able to win customer loyalty. However, in order to save costs and improve customer satisfaction in the competition, it is necessary to grasp the principle of proportionality. It is necessary to go beyond the slow zone and competitors, but also the pursuit of perfection can not be too much, otherwise, can only increase costs, reduce profits, is not conducive to long-term development of enterprises. That is why even though many businesses have a new generation of technology but the reasons for thedelay in replacement.2. Increasing constraints on the satisfaction of customer loyalty to reduce the sensitivity. Although the market economy system, the customer can not keep a false loyalty and long-term development of enterprises. However, in a certain period of time, enterprises can still be through technical patents, the monopoly of resources and legal support to obtain a certain degree of monopoly position to drive customer loyalty, and excess profits and monopoly profits can be. Of course, enterprises have to work hard to improve services and improve product quality, in order to avoid monopoly after the disappearance of reprisals bydissatisfied customers (a large number of loss). In addition, even in the fully competitive market, enterprises can also be a membership-based, cumulative consumption Club Award Scheme and the various measures to increase the switching costs, raise barriers to conversion, customer loyalty in order to minimize the sensitivity of satisfaction, to retain customers as long as possible.——Download Center for China paper顾客满意与顾客忠诚的关系研究一、引言当今企业市场竞争的性质已经发生了革命性的变化。

最基本的目标应该满足任何测量程序,包括以下内容:了解所有客户的期望和要求;确定公司和其竞争对手如何满足这些期望和要求;基于你发现的产品标准上进行服务开发;随时间变化的趋势进行检验,以便采取及时的行动; 确定优先事项和标准来判断,你如何达到这些目标;设计适当的客户满意度测量程序之前,以下基本问题必须清楚地回答:我们收集的信息将如何使用?如何将这一信息允许我们采取组织内部的行动呢?我们应该如何使用此信息,以保持我们的客户和寻找新的呢?必须认真考虑组织希望实现何种结果,如何将这一目标传播到整个组织并且如何使用这些信息。
附 录(外文文献--超市的顾客满意度)

附录AppendixCustomer Satisfaction Strategy in Chain Supermarket sCustomer satisfaction strategy’s main idea is: the guideline is that the whole operational activities of supermarkets are for customer satisfaction, in customers’ view to analyze consumpt ion demand. By satisfying customers’ need to realize supermarkets’ operational aim.The fundamental purpose of supermarkets’ customer satisfaction is to cultivate customers’ trust on supermarkets, to enhance customers’ satisfaction for the whole supermarke ts’ operational activities. In order to do this, we must know the new marketing strategy’s content, and carry it out seriously. Its implementary points can be summarized as the following main aspects: (1) Shaping " customer first" business philosophy. The operational philosophy of "customer first" is the most fundamental motivation for serving customers, meanwhile, it also conducts making decisions, connecting all the departments of supermarkets to strive for the customer satisfaction. This operational philosophy is not only emphasized in senior management, more important is to embed it into everyone’s heart, and help personnel understand the importance of this philosophy.From its basic meaning, the operational philosophy of "customer first" has three gradations: customer is the highest, the customer is always right, everything for the customer.Customer is the highest. Customers are the external public who has direct relation with the supermarket’s future and destiny. To some extent, the market is the customer, lost public is the same as losing the market. The fate of one supermarket without market can not be well imagined. Therefore, the essence of the market-oriented is the customer-oriented, in the specific concept, customer is the highest. This idea requires thatsupermarkets should put customers at the first position of operation and management system, let customers feel the God’s real existence, thus, customers will produce acknowledgment and affiliation mentally for supermarkets.The customer is always right. The idea of the customer is always right is very difficult to set up from the logic point of view; it doesn’t conform to the objective reality either. However, in order to achieve the supermarket’s aim, as long as customers’ faults do not constitute a great loss to supermarkets, supermarkets would give" right" to customers. This is the important expression of customer satisfaction. The idea of the customer is always right includes three meanings: first, customers are the purchasers, not trouble makers; second, customers understand their own demand and hobby, which is just the information that supermarkets need to collect; third, because of customers’ "natural consistency", quarrelling with one customer is quarrelling with all the customers, in the concept of customer is wrong, supermarkets are absolutely not the winners, thereby, you will lose customers, it also means losing the market, losing profit.Everything for the customer. If it is said that customer is the highest is the starting point of supermarket management, then everything for the customer is the end-result. Everything for the customer requires supermarkets should consider everything from customers’ point of view, think what customers think, customers’ need is supermarkets’ need.(2) Treat personnel with hospitality. Customers in supermarkets can be broadly divided into two categories: one is the external customer; the other is the internal customer. External customers are the target customers of supermarkets; super markets’ ultimate goal is to satisfy external customers, then gain profit. But most supermarkets ignore the more crucial factor --- internal customers’ satisfaction, that is to say, supermarket personnel’s satisfaction. Personnel are the carriers that prom ote supermarkets’ management philosophy and service mind to final customers, they are also the major components of personnel satisfaction and customer satisfaction. A high personnel loyalty is equally as important as a high customer loyalty. If supermarkets want to retain the best customers, they must retain the best personnel.(3) Try to retain customers. If supermarkets pay attention to customers’ long-term return, they must well prepare for the initial reception of customers’ service work, improve the ratio of repeat buyers. A foreign study shows: A satisfactory customer can incur eight potential deals, at least one of them may be traded; an unsatisfactory customer can affect twenty-five persons’ purchasing will. So, retaining customers is more effective than attracting customers. The key of retaining customers lies in customers’ satisfaction. If one customer really satisfies, he or she would say to others about the nice products of supermarkets, pay little attention to the advertisements of those competitive brands, and not sensitive to price; besides, they will provide some good ideas about goods and service, due to the trading practices, this method can save trading cost. Hence, the strategy of customer satisfaction requires retaining customers by all means; expand customer team by customers’ spread.(4) Listen to more voices of customers. The implementation of customer satisfaction must establish a set of customer satisfaction analytical processing system., examine customers’ satisfaction for supermarkets’ goods and service with scientific means, the information is fed back to supermarket management in time, supermarkets can improve work incessantly, thereby, meet customers’ demand timely and truly. At present, many international chain supermarket companies are trying to shorten the distance between customers with the advanced communication systems. If modern chain supermarkets just want to sell goods out, or make" one-shot deal", these kinds of supermarkets are impossible to succeed in this furious competitive market. Selling these goods out is only the beginning of this deal; the real long-term deal is customers’ after-service response. When some supermarkets sell products, they declare "We will provide the best after-service, solve all your worries", but customers’ opinions, complaints and worries after buying, they think it is customers’ business not theirs. However, they don't know such method sharply dampens customers’ further consumption enthusiasm, it also impairs supermarkets’ image. Excellent supermarkets notice listening to customers’ voices, regard customers’ complaints as opportunities, which is not only in favor of establishing long-term friendly relation with customers, but also builds up favorable supermarket image.3The operational philosophy of customer satisfaction is a comprehensive reform of customer service value; its importance is not underestimated. The fundamental standard of measuring supermarket sales performance should be customer satisfaction, not other sales performance. Do not worry about how to earn money, go all out to fulfill customer satisfaction, customers can care for your turnover.连锁超市顾客满意策略顾客满意策略的主导思想是:超市的整个经营活动要以顾客满意度为方针,从顾客的角度、观点来分析消费需求。

2满意度概念1965年Cardozo [1]首次将“CS”即“顾客满意”这一概念引入营销领域,此后顾客满意度的研究迅速发展起来,各个专家、学者经过研究对顾客满意的定义,基本上可以概括为两类:(1)以消费过程中的行为定义的顾客满意度这一观点被称为特定交易观点,是从顾客个人行为的角度出发的认为顾客满意是事后对购买中某种特定行为的评价。
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Marketing Customer SatisfactionSince the late eighty s of the 20th century, the customer satisfaction strategy has increasingly become the enterprise has more customers share, overall management means of gaining competitive advantage.Strategy, customer satisfaction is the modern enterprise to obtain customers "currency vote" Change over time, the great abundance of social material wealth, customers also has the subject -- the demands of consumers in the across the material lack of times, the pursuit of the number of times, the pursuit of quality of the era, in the late eighty s of the 20th century into the era of the emotional consumption. In our country, with the rapid development of economy, we also have rapidly across the material lack of times, the pursuit of the number of times and the pursuit of quality of the era, to this day, step by step towards the emotional consumption age. In the emotional consumption era, companies with similar products has been achieved at the same time, homogeneity, can, same price, consumers pursue is no longer the quality, function and price, but comfortable, convenient, safe and secure, speed, newly established, environmental protection, clean, pleasant, interesting, consumers increasingly focus on the product can bring vitality to their lives, enrichment, comfortable, aesthetic and spiritual culture grade, and exceed consumer expectations of pre-sale, sale, after-sales service and consulting. That is to say, people's pursuit of today is to have the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction to the heart of goods, is a high value-added goods and services, the pursuit of values and consciousness, personalized and diversified intangible satisfaction era has come.And adapt to changing consumer value pursuit of the competition between enterprises, also by the product competition, price competition, technological competition, advertisement competition, brand competition development to today's image, reputation, cultural competition and service competition, competition of customer satisfaction. This competition is the enterprise in the field of wide Angle, width of space and time within the scope of the high-level, embodies the comprehensive strength of competition. It includes organization innovation, technology innovation, management innovation, the industrial foresight, product research and development force, centripetal force, service customers, customer affinity, peer RenTongLi, social contribution, pr communication communication forces driving force, enterprise culture, environmental adaptability, and so on. How these integrated image force and the synthetic integrated lasting competitiveness, which is CS strategy to solve the problem. CS era, enterprise is no longer centered on "self", but in the "customer as the center"; "Customers for honour", the slogan of "customer satisfaction" is no longer a mere formality, but the real action based enterprise management of a new philosophy. Companies are no longer with standard quality, your satisfaction is the management idea, but in customer satisfaction, business philosophy to win the customer high loyalty. The focus of enterprise management strategy is no longer to gain or maintain market share, but to gain customer satisfaction as the business philosophy. Therefore, the focus of the marketing strategy is no longer the competitors, but on the customers, and on the demand of the reality and potential customers. When companies provide products and services to customers in advance of expectations, customer basic satisfied; If far exceed customer expectations, and far higher than other peers, customers truly satisfied; If the enterprise can continuously or for long to customer satisfaction, customer loyalty. Loyal customers will not only constantly repeatpurchase, will also buy other related products or services; Loyal customers will not only actively recommend he bought product from others, and to the enterprise competitors promotion has the immune ability of a dissatisfied customer will not satisfied told 16-20 people, and each one will be transmitted to the defendant when 12 to 15 people. In this way, a dissatisfied person will affect the 2, three hundred. In the popularization of the Internet today, its influence is larger. According to the survey of the U.S. auto industry, one will be satisfied with the 8 potential deals, with at least one pen. And another survey shows that companies 5% increase the loyalty of customers, the profit will be increased by 25% to 25%. The 80% of the profits of an enterprise comes from 20% of loyal customers; And a new customer acquisition cost is 6 times to maintain an old customer costs. So, a famous American scholar tang page, Perth, points out that decided to hold the key to the success of an enterprise is not the market share, but in the customer share.Then, companies through extensive market research, direct contact with customers, customer feedback and other ways to get to know customers in all aspects of the real demand and potential demand. Rely on their loyalty to the enterprise satisfaction of sales and service personnel, regular, quantitative and comprehensive measurement of customer satisfaction, in order to accurately grasp the enterprise management and the "customer satisfaction" the gap between target and its key areas, to further improve the business activities of enterprises. Rely on high affinity of the enterprise culture, high efficiency of humanistic management and the joint efforts of the whole, to customers with high value-added products, a high standard of family-like services, to win customers constantly change and improve satisfaction, win more customers. Such as haier has always put customer needs as the first, standing in the customer's point of view of product development, design, and provide personalized, human nature and practical products, from episodic TV to new color TV "anti" change, from a small child prodigy washing machine hand rub type washing machine, from refrigerators to the little prince "wisdom eye" frequency conversion air conditioning, from 17 hours make mike freezers to after-sale one-stop service stars, notting have is not in order to meet customer needs and provide satisfaction to the value of goods and services. And as Microsoft's each kind of product is concentrated the best developers in the world, than customers want good products, at the same time sales of globalization of economies of scale formation, reduce the price to a minimum. And this is the secret to the success of Microsoft in the past 20 years.To sum up, the emotional consumption era, how to decide which products and the production and business operation service power is no longer belongs to the enterprise, but belong to the consumer, to measure efficiency of enterprises and the existing value of the decision to customers, enterprises should try to cater to the customer, value to satisfy customers, to get "monetary vote" from customers as much as possible. And CS strategy to get the votes in competition.Two main steps of marketing strategy, customer satisfaction.First, the cultural establishment in the enterprise to the customer as the center, customer interests first, take customer satisfaction as the goal of business philosophy.Customers in CS theory refers to the internal staff and external customers (including distributors, wholesalers, agents, final consumer and raw materials suppliers, partners, etc.), customer satisfaction, including staff and external customer satisfaction, customer loyalty. Mechanism of enterprise success lies in customer satisfaction and loyalty, employees is thekey to customer satisfaction and loyalty. Employee satisfaction and loyalty of enterprise is consumers' satisfaction and loyalty to the enterprise products and services, customer satisfaction and loyalty is the inevitable result of the employee behavior. No employee satisfaction and loyalty, it is impossible to create customer satisfaction of products and provide premium services, customers are not satisfied with naturally not loyalty, away from the enterprise. When the employee satisfaction and loyalty will be in contact with the customers with great enthusiasm into their intellectual capital, creative service for the customer, customer requirements and timely find trends, improve the added value of products and services in a timely manner, hold fast to the customer's heart, their satisfaction. Fedex, found that when the internal employee satisfaction rate increased to 85%, their customer satisfaction rate is as high as 95%, and corporate profits are very optimistic. Employee attitude determines everything here.Therefore, the enterprise must be customer satisfaction management concept penetration in the in the mind of employees, reflected in the management, loyal to the staff, in their research and development, manufacturing products, provide marketing services to customers. Such as hubei, "all employees get education is centered on the customer is the highest principle of enterprise management. Customers are benefactor, is a friend, is a teacher, is the customer gives us the opportunity to work, the value of work, work fun and work significance. We should sincerely thank to your heart's content as the customer, customer satisfaction is our work goal, create the most value for customers of products and services is our highest goal. Guided by these principles, would rather let oneself can't let to lose customers who has become a" hubei "employees' code of conduct. To make the customer feel the" hubei "consumption is a kind of enjoyment, is a kind of value enjoy. After customers pay a cost, a expectations for their own consumption, and consumers have finally come to consumption in the heart can have a evaluation standards, if the content value, he would come again later, such as value, he may come back later; otherwise, consumers will not come again. So, the purpose of" hubei "is to provide consumers with value of products and services. So under the guidance of business philosophy and customer satisfaction marketing," hubei "fire in the city it is not hard to understand.Second, let customers participate in product design and development.Companies to customers as the center, through the market segmentation, a wide range of research to understand the needs of the target public and value, standing on the customer's point of view of product development, design, providing personalized and humanized high value-added products and services, is correct, but must let customers participate in product design. Use of the Internet and the CAD technology to establish effective communication and information exchange with customers, timely grasp the various requirements of the customer information and customer value, encourage a variety of information sources to timely update the customer information database. After analysis, the summary, understand the nature of customer demand, and the nature of the customer demand information become the enterprise each department of Shared resources. To design products, to provide customer satisfaction services. Now, many companies have adopted a named: "product configurator" system to help users to participate in product design. Namely in the computer to store all the latest information, product module and replace at any time, marketing personnel at the scene of the sales through the Internet, according to user needs or together with the user configuration ofthe need to meet the value of the product. Shanghai gm company production car to operators and users are very satisfied, because let users involved in the design of the product. And haier whether for sichuan farmers can wash sweet potato washing machine production, production of "the little prince" refrigerator for Shanghai users, or the anti color TV, haier's "wisdom eye" frequency conversion air conditioning, star one-stop after-sales service and so on, are all based on the needs of users, absorb the advice of customers participate in product design, the design and development of customer satisfaction of rich humanistic value of goods and services, have won more customers heart naturally.Third, to provide services in the whole process of the customer satisfaction and personality service.Full service for the customer's shopping and consumption of each link to meticulous and thorough service, heart services. Is the whole process of the consumers from the moment they produce consumption desire of commodity use value out of the entire process, tender care for consumers, make consumers is closely combined with its own brand, let consumers enjoy culture, service, concept, feel the benefit, willing to consume your products or services, make consumers feel fully satisfied in every level, and to win customer loyalty. Sales stage --, must ensure that customers receive timely and quality services, pre-sale consultation training participation, transfer information, create shopping needs, make rational choice to customers, help customers to buy their practical gratified commodity; Sale support to provide convenient, maximize product function, make the customer feel the affection and value; After sales services to value-added feedback back, make customers feel warmth and love. Haier air conditioning, is like an old lady bought on my way home by the "dirty" driver ran, haier after learning, free immediately send a new air conditioning, haier to the old lady and decided after delivery in place. Inner Mongolia a user due to fire in the home, just bought the haier refrigerator burn out, haier jump from computer service network to the user after the detailed address, the chosen car fixed with four days to get to the refrigerator. This premium services must win customers satisfaction exceed expectations.In today's emotional consumption era, people pursue the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction to the heart of goods, high added value is highly personalized value goods, the pursuit of values and consciousness of diversification, personalization, and intangible satisfaction. Therefore, the enterprise will no longer attention on all the differences of general demand, should be aimed at the pursuit of the individuality of each different consumers, to design and develop enterprise products and services, to adapt to the current consumption trend of individuation and diversification. In the face of increasingly complex consumption tendency, the enterprise to manage customer demand for personalized marketing, and customer information feedback system is the key to establish customer database, customer relationship management (CRM), collection to understand consumers' requirements and preferences of the constantly changing, and new expectations of the enterprise, in order to better provide customers with personalized service.Fourth, cultivate customer loyalty.In the restaurant industry, the satisfied customer brand transformation in the proportion of 60% to 80%. It shows that satisfied customers do not necessarily can become loyal customers. 80% and 80% of the profits from an enterprise's loyalty customers, marketing customer set Aracature corp. chief executive Larry Light in Advertising Age magazine, saidearnings from loyal customers are nine times as many loyal customers. Sustained growth, wal-mart was able to become a top 500, fundamental reason is that it attracts customer loyalty management ability.Is customer loyalty from customers feel, passing through two-way communication and mutual relationship, the value of is relentlessly to provide special products or services through the enterprise. Make customer loyalty and enterprise top management must have the determination to persistently, and financial support, to define enterprise loyal customer, understand customer's demand is, what was the cause of their departure, who bought a product, why? Know the motivational factors and create customer loyalty. Cultivate loyal customers marketing method has two kinds:One is to properly handle the customer complaints. As long as properly handle customer complaints, 82% of customers will buy goods again. To properly handle the customer complaints, require companies to establish a good set of humanized management "complain" system. First, sets up "the customer complaints, is the best gift to the enterprise, it is good to improve the enterprise management" concept, Second, the enterprise must establish effective complaints handling policy and system, and training staff, correctly handling customer complaints, standing in customer's point of view to deal with customer complaints; Third, handling customer department to rotate, so that each business unit can timely understanding of customer satisfaction, and gain the experience of handling customer complaints; Fourth, the establishment of all customer complaints database, in order to timely treatment and prevent the occurrence of public relations crisis.The second is to build a loyal customer database. Only through the database to track survey analysis, can know exactly what companies have customers share will increase how much, how long does it take to reach a share. The core of loyal customer database is a relational database, it consists of a series of marketing programs from different side of children library. Loyal customer database, can provide information needed for the premium services for employees; To collect all the details related to the customer to create conditions; Strengthen with the customer's quick link; For the development of new products and new services to create conditions; Interactive two-way communication with customers for long time, in order to provide the potential demand, and seems to have thought of the thought of meet the expected value of a product or service.。