



核电专业英语 · 课件解析(工程人员用)Contents for TodayUnit 4 核反应堆理论ü链式反应ü热堆中子循环ü转化与增殖ü燃料循环Unit 5 核反应堆概念ü核电反应堆ü核燃料消耗ü反应堆控制ü反应堆运行的其他影响因素ü增殖快堆ü铀原料04Unit 4 核反应堆理论The Theory of Nuclear ReactorsUnit 4 -关键词汇及常用搭配(一)1. assembly(组件,系统)---相近:component(组件,部件)---相近:element(元件)2. critical(临界的)---衍生: subcritical(次临界的)---衍生:supercritical(超临界的)3. predominant(主要的)-侧重有优势的---相近:dominant -侧重处于支配地位的4. emerge from(浮现,出现,露出)e.g. His voice stopped short as he sawthe blade emerge from Tom's pocket.Unit 4 - 课文基础知识点Overviewp Nuclear reactor: The system in which a controlled, self-sustaining fission chain reaction takes place is called a nuclear reactor, and there are many possible types of reactors, depending on the materials of construction and energy of neutrons which cause fission.Unit 4 - 课文基础知识点The Chain Reaction (to be continued)11.The condition that is necessary for a stable, sustaining chain reaction is thatexactly one of the neutrons produced in one fission event proceeds to cause a second fission from which one neutron goes on to cause a third fission, and so on.2.In such a reaction the neutron density and fission rate remain constant.3.This condition can be expressed by means of multiplication factor k, which isthe ratio of the number of neutrons in one generation to the number of neutrons in the preceding generation.4.If k equals to 1, the chain reaction becomes sustaining, the reactor is said tobe critical,if it is greater than one, it’s supercritical, fission rate increase, possibly at an explosive rate, and if less than one, reactor is subcritical, the chain reaction decreases and eventually will dies out.The Chain Reaction (continued)15. A reactor is an assembly of many components of which we need tomention that the most important component of any reactor is the fuel in which fission takes place and energy is released.6.Another important factor is neutrons which are used up or lost in twoways, either leak out of the reactor or absorbed within the reactor.Absorption within the reactor includes fission and capture in the fuel and capture in other materials of the reactor such as the moderator, coolant, cladding and control rods. The rates of neutron production and lost depend on size and composition of the reactor.Neutron cycle in a thermal reactor21.Neutron life cycle: Fast neutrons will be slowed down by scatteringcollision with moderators during which they are thermalized untill they eventually disappear either by absorption in fuel or reactor materials, or being captured in U-238 or by leakage from the reactors. There's probability for each of these processes.2.The thermal utilization factor, f, is defined as the fraction of thermalneutrons absorbed in the reactor, which are absorbed in the fuel.3.It is evident that not all neutrons absorbed in the fuel cause fission, only55% of them cause fission.Unit 4 - 课文基础知识点Conversion and breeding31.In thermal reactors, practically all the fission occurs in U-235.2.In fast reactors, it is U-235 fission that predominates and sustain the chainreaction, while U-238 fission occurs to a very small extent.(强调句)3.Although U-238 can not itself be used as fuel in a nuclear reactor, it doeshave a vital role to play as an isotope from which new fissile fuel can be created called Pu-239. So it is with anohter fertile isotope Th-232.4.The process of transforming from fertile isotope(U-238, Th-232) to fissileisotope (Pu-239, U-233) is called “conversion” or “breeding”.5.Plutonium-239 has the similar characteristics to U-235 as far as fission isconcerned, it can be used both in thermal and fast reactors.Unit 4 - 课文基础知识点1.The vast majority of reactors built in the world have been fueled initially with natural or enriched uranium, of which the breeding ratio is less than 1 so that the amount of Pu-239 produced is less than that of U-235 used.2.Future reactors will be fueled with Pu-239 and depleted uranium as well as pure U-238, but only in fast reactors will the breeding ratio be greater than 1 in which more Pu-239 will be produced than that is destroyed.3.In addition to neutron capture in the moderator, structural materials etc., another point worthy of mention is to reduce or minimize neutron leakage from the core.Fuel cycle4Unit 4 -关键词汇及常用搭配(二)5. practically all(几乎所有的) 4.4---相近:nearly all / almost alle.g. Up to the present, nearly all nuclear reactorshave been fueled with natural or enricheduranium.6. 从句---that/which引导的定语从句---that引导的表语从句 4.1---as引导的原因状语从句 4.0---so that引导的结果状语从句 4.4---provided引导的条件状语从句(Unit 3, 3.3)---Only引导的状语前置(强调句式) 4.4---It is ... that..强调句式 4.3Self-test判断题:1. If the multiplication factor is less than one the reactor is supercritical. ( × )2. Nowadays most of commercial reactors use the slightly enriched uranium U-235 as fuel. ( √ )3. It is evident that all neutrons absorbed in the fuel cause fission. ( × )选择题:1. In the PWR ( D ) is necessary to achieve critical.A. uraniumB. naturally uraniumC. high enriched uraniumD. slightly enriched uranium2. Fast reactors contain no ( B ).A. uraniumB. moderatorC. coolantD. thermal neutron3. If the breeding ratio is much less 1, then ( D ) is used up.A. most of the available uraniumB. no uraniumC. a lot of uraniumD. only a fraction of the available uranium短语填空:1. Another point worthy of mention(值得注意的)is to reduce or minimize neutron leakage from the core.2. Plutonium-239 has the similar characteristics to U-235 as far as fission is concerned(就裂变而言).3. Up to the present, nearly all /almost all / practically all(几乎所有的)nuclear reactors have been fueled with natural or enriched uranium.05Unit 5 核反应堆概念Nuclear Reactor Concepts1. inhibit(防止,防腐蚀)---相近:inhibit sb from doing(防止...做.../约束...不做...)---相近:restain sb from doing(制止...做.../约束...不做...) ---相近:restrict sb to do(制止...做.../约束...不做...)---相反:constain sb to do(力劝/强迫...做... /约束...做...)2. justifiable(合理的,正当的)偏理法方面---相近: reasonable(合情合理的,有道理的)---相近:rational(有道理的,合理的)偏推理方面3. substantial(实质的)---衍生:大量的,重大的---相近:fundamental(基础的,根本的,重要的,重大的)4. suspend(悬浮,暂停)---相近:stop(stop to do停下来做另一件/stop doing停下手头的事)---相近:pause vi.(中途暂停/停顿一会再继续)---相近:halt vt.(突然中断)5. in the long run(从长远来看,归根到底)6. take account of(考虑)----take sb/sth into account(把...考虑在内)相近:take consideration of ----take sb/sth into consideration(把...考虑在内)take full account of = take full consideration of(充分考虑)1. Power Reactors-11.The large-scale reactors used for the production of thermal energy that is convertedto electrical power are much more complex, although the nuclear physics and theories are relatively simple.(理论与实际)2.The fresh fuel installed in a typical PWR consists of cylindrical pellets of slightlyenriched uranium oxide of diameter about 1 cm and length about 1.5 cm.(燃料)3. A zircaloy tube of wall thickness 0.6 mm is filled with the pellets to an active lengthof 365 cm and sealed to form a fuel rod (or pin), also called element.(燃料包壳)4.The tube provides cladding that retains radioactive fission products and protect thefuel from interaction with the coolant.(燃料包壳作用)5.About 200 fuel rods are grouped in a bundle called a fuel assembly, and about150~180 assmeblies are assembled in a cylindrical array to the reactor core.(堆芯构成)1. Power Reactors-26.The reactor core is mounted on supports in a steel pressure vessel of outsidediameter about 5m, height 12m and wall thickness about 30cm.(堆芯布局)7.Control rods are used to change the amount of neutron absorption which areinserted in some vacant fuel pin spaces magnetically connected to drive mechanisms, on interruption of magnet current, the rods drop into the core by the gravity force.(控制棒工作原理)8.The vessel is filled with light water, which serves as neutron moderator and ascoolant to remove fission heat energy, as well as containing boric acid solution which strongly absorbs neutrons and thus inhibits neutron multiplication.—neutron poison(水及硼酸的作用)9. A shield of concrete surrounding the pressure vessel and other equipment is toprovide protection against neutrons and gamma rays from the nuclear reaction.(混凝土防护层的作用)10.The power reactor is designed to withstand the effects of high temperature anderosion from moving coolant and nuclear radiation.(反应堆设计的基本要求)2. Consumption of Nuclear Fuels1.There is a subtle relationship between the consumption of nucelar fuels and otherquantities such as the levels of power, neutron flux, criticality, reactivity control, the expense(成本) of fuel fabrication and storage, the efficiency of conversion of thermal energy to electrical energy, and the time of prolonged(长期的)operation of reactors.(核燃料消耗的多少与很多因素存在关联)3. Reactor Control1.At the beginning, an amount of uranium fuel needed to achieve criticality is loadedinto the reactor, and then if excess fuel is added, some compensating actions must be taken to inhibit the reactor from supercriticality.(防止超临界)2.In the PWR the excess fuel reactivity is reduced by the inclusion(介入)of controlrods and boron solution.(反应性控制手段)3.The reactor is brought to full power and operating temperature and pressure bymeans of rod position adjustment.4.As the reactor operates and fuel begins to burn out, the concentration of boron isreduced. By the end of cycle, the extra fuel is gone and all of the available control absorption has been removed when the reactor is shutdown for refueling. (控制过程)5.Such operation in which the power is kept constant is called “base load operation”.4. Other Effects on Reactor Operation1.Above the f actors mentioned, several other phenomena must be taken into account in the design andoperation of reactors:(影响反应堆运行的其他因素)•If a reactor is fueled with natural uranium or slightly enriched uranium, the generation of plutonium tends to extend the cycle time.(燃料种类对于燃料循环的影响)•Small amounts of higher plutonium isotopes are also formed as important fuels, poisns or nuclear wastes (e.g. Pu-240, Pu-241, Pu-242, they are called transuranic materials or actinides).•The fission products also absorb neutrons, which has an effect on the design of control requirements.(裂变产物的影响)2.The reactor cycle could be increased to a time as long as merely adding more U-235 at thebeginning, but there are limitations to such additions:•The more the excess fuel is added, the greater must be the control by rods or soluble poison (boron);•Radiation and thermal effects on fuel and cladding increase with life.3.Burn-up is the amount of allowable total energy extracted from the uranium, including allfissionable isotopes, expressed as the number of megawatt-day per metric ton uranium (MWd/tU). 4. A typical average value of burn-ups is 30000MWd/tU for current operating PWRs, but larger valuesof this quantity is desirable with further modifications and advancements.5. The Fast Breeder Reactor1.Several fast reactors have been designed and operating successfully throughout theworld. The USA is the first country to generate electricity from an experimental breeder reactor.2.It used liquid metal as coolant, so such FBR is usually called Liquid Metal fastbreeder reactor (LMFBR), most famous FBR: French Phenix and SuperPhenix, Japan’s Monju anf Russia’s BN series.(主流快堆)3.The use of liquid sodium as coolant ensure that there is little neutron moderation infast reactors. But the problems are its high melting point and neutron activation, so an intermediate heat exchanger is employed.(液态钠的利弊及应对措施)4.The French Phenix fast reactor is one of the most sucessful commercial breederreactors, above and below the core and surrounding it is the “blanket”containing depleted uranium (almost U-238) in which neutron absorption occurs to produce plutonium-239. After the reactor is shutdown Pu-239 produced in the blanket is extracted by reprocessing for use as new core fuel.(快堆可产生钚,经后处理再利用)6. Uranium as an Energy Resource1.Almost all nuclear power reactors in the world use uranium fuel to produceelectricity.(铀燃料的地位)2.Uranium is found quite widely in the earth's crust in very small concentrations, andminute quantities in ores and sea water which are not economically justifiable to explore.(铀资源在地壳的分布情况)3.Uranium is comparable with the world’s proved oil reserves and slightly greaterthan the world’s proved natural gas reserves. It is speculated taht each of the three resources will be nearly used up for about 50 years.(铀资源与其他资源的对比)4.Taking account of the large existing stockpiles of depleted uranium, spent fuel andPu-239, if breeder reactors are sucessfully introduced on a large scale without posing any serious operational or safety problems, uranium will present an enormous(巨大的)potential in providing energy for many centuries.(铀资源前景)7. The +比较级1(比较状语从句),the +比较级2(主句)(越...就越...)1)The more ..., the greater ...(5.4)e.g. The more excess fuel is added, the greater must be the control by rods and solublepoison.2)The more..., the better...e.g. The more English you practise, the better your English is.3)The more..., the more...e.g. The more he earns, the more he wants.4)The harder..., the more...e.g. The harder you work, the more you will learn.7. 常用词语burn-up(燃耗)baseload operation(基荷运行)peakload operation(调峰运行)complex(复杂的)----simple(简单的)fresh fuel(新燃料)----spent fuel(乏燃料)intermediate heat exchanger(中间热交换器) thermal efficiency(热效率)neutron poison(中子毒物)expense(成本,开支)----cost(成本)Unit 5 - 重要考点参考判断题:1. In a power reactor the energy production depends on moderator. (×)2.The time of the operating fuel cycle is about several years. ( × )3.The more excess fuel is added, the greater must be the control by rods and soluble poison.( √ )选择题:3. ( ) excess fuel is added, the greater must be the control by rods and soluble poison.A. The moreB. the moreC. MuchD. More4. The liquid sodium is a good ( C ) in the reactor.A. moderatorB. fertile materialC. coolantD. blanket5. Uranium is ( C ) quantity in sea water.A. not present anyB. present largeC. present smallD. some6. The depleted uranium is valuable in ( C ).A. PWRB. heavy water reactorC. a breeder blanketD. tested reactor7. Uranium as an energy resource will mainly depend on the following factors :( D )A. the extent of uranium resourceB. the way it’s usedC. public acceptanceD. all of the abovep课堂及课后作业1.通读Unit 4-5课文,完成Self-test;2.理解Unit 4-5课文基础知识点;3.掌握Unit 4-5的重要词汇及固定搭配(整理笔记)。


3.4 SUMMARY(总结)
Many elements that are found in nature or are manmade are radioactive, emitting alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. The process is governed by an exponential (指数的) relation, such that half of sample decays in a time called the half-life tH. Values of tH range from fractions (小部分, 片断) of a second to billions of years among the hundreds of radioisotopes (放射性同位素) known. Measurement of the activity (放射性测量), as the disintegration rate of a sample, yields half-life values, of importance in radiation use and protection.
the sample and thus to the actprocess is repeated after an elapsed
time for decay. The resulting values of activity are plotted on semi-log graph paper (半对数坐 标纸) as in Fig. 3.3, and a straight line drawn
29 32 8U23 9 4 0Th2 4H e



核电专业英语 · 课件解析(工程人员用)p为什么要学习这本书?ü了解最新研究成果和新技术(来源于美英法等国——英文发表)ü阅读需要(研究、设计、工程、运行、维修等人员——阅览英文原版)ü集团“走出去”的需要(国际会议、国外工程等的直接参与者)ü论文发表需要(工作需要)ü... ...核材料03核反应堆理论04核反应堆概念05(核反应堆)热工水力06核物理的基本概念01辐射02压水堆冷却剂系统的主要部件09压水堆系统与安全壳10汽轮机11主蒸汽、给水与冷凝水系统12反应堆压力容器与堆内构件堆芯与核燃料08压水堆07核电厂的运行13西屋公司的AP1000非能动压水堆欧洲压水堆(EPR)17重水堆18第四代核电技术19辐射风险与屏蔽14核安全152016010*******词汇——掌握核反应堆物理、热工、反应堆设备和原理相关的英文专业词汇写作——掌握一定的英文写作专业文章的基本技巧语法——掌握常见英文专业文献的语法结构阅读——掌握阅读和理解专业英文文献的技巧和方法短语——掌握常用的短语固定搭配p 培训目的学习方法预习环节1)熟悉词汇;2)了解关键词解释;3)了解Self-test的内容;4)了解课文注释;5)熟悉课文(标记每个段落的主要知识点)。


Contents for TodayUnit 1 核物理的基本概念•原子与原子核•同位素•质量亏损•结合能•能级•裂变Unit 2 辐射•放射性•电子激发与电离•原子与的重电荷粒子的减速•原子核引起的重电荷粒子的散射•Ɣ射线与物质间的相互作用•α、β、Ɣ射线的特性Unit 3 核材料•燃料•慢化剂•冷却剂•包壳材料•控制材料Unit 1The Basic Concepts for Nuclear Physics核物理的基本概念Unit 1-关键词汇及常用搭配(一)1. configuration(结构、配置,侧重配置和外形)- structure(侧重内在结构)- arrangement(布局、分布)2. constituent(组成的)-------近义:component动词:constitute(组成、构成)- institute(制定、设立)e.g. constituent nucleons===component nucleonse.g. Volunteers constitute more than 95% of the Center's work force.3. (be) curious about(对...感到好奇,想了解)e.g. Steve was intensely curious about the world I came from.4. decay(衰变) - decay heat(衰变热)- decay coefficient(衰变系数)...5. deficiency(缺乏、不足)- Deficiency in N / N deficiencye.g. Deficiency in vitamins/Vitamin deficiency can lead to illness.e.g. Many children in the poor area had calcium deficiency.**deficient - be deficient in6. discrepancy(矛盾、差错、不符)- difference (in)(差异、区别、不同)e.g. This discrepancy will prevent me from obtaining a visa.7. dormant(固定的、休眠的、静止的)- at rest(静止的)- activee.g. an active / dormant volcano8. glance(一瞥、环顾)** take/have a glance of / glance at - look at(看)- stare/glare at(盯着看,凝视)9. macroscopic(宏观的)- microscopic(微观的)10. moderation(慢化) - moderator (慢化剂)11. permeation(渗透、穿透)- penetration(渗透)12. repulsion(排斥)- attraction(吸引)13. as far as(就...、至于...、据...)- as long as(只要...)e.g. They returned at nine last night, as far as we know.e.g. I will cooperate as long as I am notified on time.** as far as sb/sth be concerned(就...而言,对...来说)e.g. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion.e.g. As far as balance construction materials are concerned, both aluminum and steel may be used.14. more or less(有点、或多或少、大概)- about(前置)- or so(后置) - approximatelye.g. It's an hour's ride more or less from here to the center of the city.15. tend to(趋于、倾向于、助于、留心、关照)Unit 1 - 课文基础知识点1Atoms and Nuclei1.Atoms of all elements consist of three fundamental particles: protons, neutrons andelectrons---more fundamental(基本的).2. A atom consists of a nucleus at the center and electrons in the moving orbitsaround it.3.The arrangement of these particles within the atom, and in particular the number ofprotons and electrons determine the chemical identity of the element.4.The nucleus is formed with protons and neutrons being grouped together(定语后置).5.Protons are positively charged, electrons are negatively charged, while neutronsare electrically neutral.p In a neutral or unionized atom, the No. of protons Z is equal to the No. of electrons, this number Z is the atomic number of a given element.p The sum of the number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus is called the mass number: A =Z+N2Isotopes1.A toms having the same atomic number Z, but different numbers of neutrons N arecalled isotopes of that element identified by Z.(定语后置)2.All elements have a number of isotopes, in some cases 20 or more.3.Naturally occurring elements have one or more stable isotopes, and the otherisotopes are unstable or radioactive, which can be produced artificially.(定语从句)4.Different isotopes are chemically identical because they belong to the same element,but physically different, e.g. different mass….plete identification of an isotope is made by giving its chemical symbol, theatomic number Z as a subscript and the mass number A as a superscript, e.g. 16O, 17O, 18O, .6.Hydrogen is an important element in nuclear :p1H---hydrogenp2H---heavy hydrogen, also called deuterium (氘)p3H---super-heavy hydrogen, also called tritium(氚)p Only case that different isotopes have different names.3Mass Defect1.The mass of atom is not equal to the sum of the masses of its constituent particles.2. E.g. the mass of 16O atom is obviously less than the sum of the masses of 8neutrons and 8 hydrogen atom (8 protons and 8 electrons) .3.The principle of mass conservation appears to be violated.4.The difference between the mass of an atom and the sum of the masses of itsconstituent particles is known as the mass defect.5.The explanation is to be found in the principle of the equivalence of mass andenergy, Einstein stated that mass and energy are two different forms of the same fundamental quantity, E=mc2.6.In many reactions there is an interchange of mass and energy, particularly on anatomic scale. The laws of mass conservation is no longer valid and must be replaced by the laws of conservation of mass and energy.7.So, a decrease of mass is accompanied by the release of energy, and an increase ofmass corresponds to the absorption of energy.4Binding Energy1.The force of electrostatic repulsion between like charges, which varies inversely asthe square of their separation, would be expected to be so large that nuclei could not be formed .2.That they do exist means there is an even larger force of attraction - nuclear force(核力).3.Nuclear force acts only when the nucleons are very close and binds them into acompact stable structure.p The net force is a potential energy of binding, to disrupt a nucleus into its component nucleons, energy must be supplied from the outside.p A given nucleus is lighter than the sum of its separate nucleons, the difference being the binding mass-energy.p The binding energy B =ΔMC2, ΔM=total mass of separate particles minus mass of the atom.5Energy Levels1.N ormally nuclei exist in an equilibrium or stable state condition known as groundstate of energy.2.As a result of nuclear reaction, e.g bombardment of atoms by protons, neutrons orother particles, nuclei can be produced in an excited or unstable condition - called excited state.3.Such excited states or levels in a nucleus are similar to the excited state of atoms.•I n general light nuclei have more widely spaced excited levels and in all nuclei the spacing (能级差) of the levels decreases as the excitation energy increases.•Most excited nuclei exist in this state for only a very short time, typical average lifetime being about 10-14 seconds.•They decay or become de-excited by the emission of high-energy electromagnetic radiation known as gamma radiation, or particles such as neutrons or both.6Fission (to be continued)1.Fission was discovered in Germany in 1938, the process involved the bombardmentof uranium by neutron.2.In the process uranium nucleus split into two fragments which were themselvesnuclei of intermediate mass elements.3.It was shown that neutrons were also emitted in the process and the possibility of achain reaction was realized, in which neutrons emitted in one fission event might be able to cause further fission, thus establishing a continuous reaction.(表语从句)4.The isotopes of uranium include:•Uranium-235 , is basically responsible for fission, occurring only to the extent (abundance) of 0.715 %, fission can be caused by neutrons of any energy, low energy neutrons being the most effective.•Uranium-238, comprises 99.285 % of natural uranium, fission can only be caused by neutrons of energy greater than 1 MeV .5.There are three other isotopes of importance which can undergo fission: thorium钍-232 (Th-232), uranium-233 and plutonium-239.6Fission (Continued)6.The energy released is due to the mass loss after the reaction, about 0.1% of theoriginal mass is converted into energy.7.For each kilogram of Uranium, fission energy is equivalent to the energy availablefrom 3000 tons of coal.8.Only small part of natural uranium can be burned in the fission, however the energypotential of uranium can be increased about 100-fold by conversion of the non-fissile 238U into fissile material, namely plutonium-239 ( 239Pu ).9.The fission can be easily caused by low-speed neutrons, although fast neutron caninteract with 235U, the chance is rare, more fission can be caused if the velocity of neutron can be reduced to 2 km/s, these neutrons are often called thermal neutron.p Nuclear reactor using the fast neutron are called fast reactors.p Those using the slower neutrons are termed thermal reactors.p The process when fast neutrons are converted into thermal neutrons as a result of a series of collision with surrounding atoms is called thermalization or moderation which will be discussed in later units.Unit 1-关键词汇及常用搭配(四)16. consist of (由...组成、包含)近义1:be made up of / be composed of 近义2:constitute (组成,构成)1.1e.g. Search engines consist of 3 main parts.17. positively charged (protons) - uncharged (neutrons) - negatively charged (electrons)1.118. the principle of conservation of mass = the law of conservation of mass(定律、原理)1.219. 用法相同而意思相对的词语:positively charged ---- negatively charged 1.1equal to(相同)---- opposite to(相反)1.1release(释放) of energy ---- absorption(吸收) of energy 1.2decrease(减少) of mass ---- inrease(增加) of mass1.2like charges(同性电荷)---- unlike charges(异性电荷)1.4repulsion(排斥)---- attraction(吸引) 1.4ground state(基态)---- excited state(激发态) 1.5kinetic energy(动能)---- potential energy(势能) 1.6**active(能动的)----passive(非能动的)(后续章节)Unit 1-关键词汇及常用搭配(五)20. 同种意思的不同表达:be accompanied by(伴随)=== correspond to(对应,伴随)1.2Normally = In general = As a rule(一般来说,通常)1.5known as = called(称之为)1.5(be) called = (be) termed(称之为)1.6of importnance(后置定语)= important(前置定语)lighter than = less than the mass of (与....相比质量更少) 1.3e.g. A given nucleus is lighter than the sum of its separate nucleonsbe present in = be found in = exsist in (见于,存在于)e.g. A negatively charged particle which is present in every atom.与...一样:the same as(+人,物,所有格)与the same with(+代词)的区别e.g.:1) A neutral particle found in the nucleus of an atom, which has about the same mass as a proton. 1.1 2)I have the same dream as yours. 3)He was in the same factory with me.e s t S e l f-tUnit 2 Radiation辐射Unit 2-关键词汇及常用搭配(一)1. analogy(类似)- adj. analogous ---- similar2. anxiety(担心,忧虑)- adj. anxious (be anxious about)3. attenuation(衰减)- attenuation coefficient - 相近:decay, disintegration(衰变)4. bulk(大块,大多数,散装,批量,主体,大部分)e.g. in bulk(散装,大批); bulk buying(批发采购);the bulk of sth(主体,大部分)5. competion(竞争)------- e.g. competion between A and B(A和B竞争)competion in sth(在某方面的竞争)6. culminate(达到极致,结束)------- e.g. culminate in failure / in success(以----而告终)7. deduce(推论,导出)------- e.g. deduce that从句(主动语态)be derived from(被动语态)8. distinguish(区别,分类)---- e.g. distinguish A from BUnit 2-关键词汇及常用搭配(二)9. incident(入射的)---- 衍生:小事件(核电厂0级事件,Level 0 incident)10. migrate(迁移)-衍生:immigrate(迁进)----emmigrate(迁出)11. scatter(散射)- 衍生:scattering(散射)----absorption(吸收) (be anxious about)12. stationary(静止的)- 相近:at rest - 相反:moving(移动的)13. vicinity(附近)-e.g. in the vicinity (of) 在...附近14. visualize(目测,观察)-adj. visual - give sth a visual check(目视检查)15. as a rule of thumb(根据经验,一般来说)相近:as usual, usually, in general...Unit 2 - 课文基础知识点1Radioactivity (to be continued)1.Radioactivity is a common natural phenomenon, the discovery of which predatesthe discovery of nuclear fission by more than 40 years.2.It is the invisible nature of radiation that contribute to public anxiety concerningnuclear power, but it can be detected with scientific instruments.(强调句式)3.The radiation is harmful because it has ability to ionize atoms within our bodies; itmay alter the cell structure and even cause cell death in large doses.4.Also there is a risk that harmful cell mutation can survive within the body andpossibly cause various types of cancer---another public concern;5.Radioactivity is a spontaneous, natural and random process that can occur in threebasic forms known as alpha, beta and gamma decay:p Alpha radiation can carry a significant amount of energy, sufficient to do serious damage to any living tissue, but it can travel just a few centimeters of air or a piece of paper, from which the real risk is to be ingested into the lungs or the digestive system.1Radioactivity (continued)p Beta radiation can cause lower biological harm than with alpha radiation, but its penetrating power is greater, from which the potential risk can be eliminated by a sheet of perspex or a metal foil.p Gamma radiation is a very high-energy X-ray, which is extremely penetrating, and several centimeters of lead or meters of concrete are necessary to pratically shield gamma radiation.6.Radioactivity and radiation is all around us, it has been and will always be. Thedoses we get from routine radiation in medicine and dentisty may be much larger than that from living near a nuclear power plant.7.The amount of radioactivity is proportional to the number of atoms present, butwhen decay occurs the number of atoms of the radioactive isotopes remaining to decay would be reduced, and then radioactivity would also be reduced.2Excitation and ionization by electrons1.When electrons of inner orbits in heavy elements are displaced, the resultant high-energy radiation is classified as X-ray so useful for internal examination for the human body.2.Beta particles as electrons from nuclear reactions have energy in the range of0.01~1 MeV, and thus are capable of producing large amounts of ionization as theypenetrate a substance, and in the process beta particles lose energy and eventually are stopped.3.For electrons of 1 MeV energy, the typical distance of penetration is no more than afew mm in liquids and solids or a few meters in air.3Heavy charged particle slowing by atoms1.Charged particles such as protons, alpha particles or ions such as fragments offission are classified as heavy particle, much more massive than the electrons.2.For the same particle energy they have far less speed than an electron, but they areless readily deflected in their motion than electrons because of their inertia.3. A great deal of ionization is produced by the heavy ion as it moves through thematter, as a result of these interactions, the energy of heavy ion is reduced and eventually is stopped in a range that is much shorter than that for electrons.4.For example, a 2 MeV alpha particle has a range of about 1 cm in air…thereforethere is generally no protective shielding problem against alpha particle.Heavy charged particle scattering by nuclei p Charged particles such as protons, alpha particle encounter a very heavy chargednucleus, the projectile is scattered throughan angle that depends on the detailednature of the collision, i.e. the initialenergy and direction of the motion of theincoming ion relative to the target nucleus,and the magnitude of electric charge of theinteracting particles.Unit 2 - 课文基础知识点5Gamma ray interactions with matter1.There are three types of interaction between gamma rays and the matter:•Photoelectric scattering 光电散射•Photoelectric effect 光电效应•Electron-positron pair production 正负电子对产生p Photon-electron scattering,also called Comptom scattering, the photon collides with electrons, the collision may be treated by physical principle of energy and momentum conservation. In the process of photon-electron scattering, the photon is deflected and loses energy, while the electron gains energy and moves away with high speed leaving the atom ionized.p Photoelectric effect, in competition with scattering, an incident photon of high energy knocks out an electron from the atom, leaving a positively charged ion. In doing so, the photon is absorbed and thus lost.p Electron-positron pair production, in which the photon is converted into matter, entirely in accordance with equivalence of mass and energy.Unit 2 - 课文基础知识点6The properties of Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiationp Alpha particle:•Double positive charges, much heavier than electron;•Travel through matter in straight lines, cause intense ionization and lose energy rapidly;•Present no shielding problem since they move very short distance through matter, but harmful when alpha emitting isotope is ingested into the body.p Beta particle:•Emitted from a radioactive isotope with a spectrum of energies;•Interact with matter by causing ionization, but the effect is less than that of alpha;•Travel through matter in zigzag paths, not in straight lines;•penerate through 20 meters in air and 1cm in aluminum, much more penetrating than alpha particles with a similar ingestion hazard.p Gamma radiation:•Much greater penetrating power in matter than Beta particles;•Present a serious shielding problem when it is produced in large quantities, e.g. nuclear reactor to be discussed later in the chapters for radiation hazards and reactor shielding.Unit 2-关键词汇及常用搭配(三)16. be harmful to(对...有害)---e.g. Radioactivity is harmful to living tissue.* do harm to -----e.g. Smoking does harm to your health.17. by the application of(利用)-相近:by the use of18. be vulnerable to sb/sth(容易受到...的伤害)e.g. Our skin tissues are vulnerable to the suns ultraviolet rays.19. travel ... in straight lines(走直线)- 相对- travel ...in zigzag paths(走曲线)e s t S e l f-tUnit 3 Nuclear Materials核材料Unit 3-关键词汇及常用搭配(一)1. exposure to sth(暴露于,受到)-----be exposed toe.g. Continuous exposure to sound above 80 decibels could be harmful.2. fraction(分数,部分)- adj. fractionala fraction of 一小部分---------a part of 一部分3. liable(易于...倾向于...)- be liable to ---- 相近: be subject to(易受...支配,易患...)e.g. He is liable to come today.Drink driving may be liable to 48-hour prison term.e.g. My mother is very subject to headaches.The sale of firearms is subject to many legal restrictions4. scale(规模,尺度) ----in scale(按比例,规模)----on a large scale(大规模地)e.g. The building is in scale with its surroundingse.g. The government's aid programme to the Ya'an Earthquake was very large in scale.关键词Fuel---fissionable fuel to supply energy, selected on the basis of physics and economics1Moderator---slow down the fast neutrons to the thermal energy for sustain the fission process2Coolants---transfer the heat from the core to the steam generator3Cladding materials---the first barrier againstradioactivity4Control materials---neutron absorbing5Structural materials---hold the (heavy) core in place inside the reactor6Unit 3 - 课文基础知识点1Fuels (to be continued)Uranium1.Uranium in one form or another is by far the most common materials uased fornuclear reactors either as pure uranium, a metal or as a compound.2.Uranium carbide-UC, which has not been developed to the same extent as UO2, onlybe used in HTGR-high temperature gas-cooled reactors.3.The abundance of U-235 is only 0.7%, too rare to be used directly, it is necessary toconcentrate (called enrichment).•U-235 will be enriched to 3~5% for use in light water reactors;•The enrichment usually has two processes: gas diffusion and gas centrifuge;•The remaining part of Uranium become less content(<0.3%) is called depleted uranium(贫铀);•Natural uranium can be burned in heavy water reactor.1Fuels (continued)Plutonium1.Plutonium, a transuranic metal element with several isotopes, is very toxic andhighly reactive in moist air, but can be stored in dry air at low temperature.2.Pu can be used for nuclear weapons and reactors, and as a reactor fuel it is used asthe PuO2.3.PuO2 is mixed with UO2 to form MOX fuel used for fast reactors, of which theproperties are similar to those of UO2 alone.Thorium1.Thorium has not been used as a reactor fuel to any great extent yet except in a fewhigh-termperature gas-cooled reactors.2.It is not used as a fuel in its pure form, instead either as ThO2 or ThC2, but to datethey have only been used to a very small extent in a few high-temperature gas-cooled reactors.2Moderator (to be continued)1.The requirements of moderator for a thermal reactor are low mass number, very lowneutron capture cross-section and high scattering cross-section.2.Few materials are suitable choices of moderators for thermal reactors, but three, i.e.hydrogen and its isotope deuterium in the form of compounds (water and heavy water) and carbon in the form of graphite.p Water•It is an obvious choice for the moderator and the coolant of a thermal reactor due to its excellenet neutron slowing down properties.•Due to its relatively high capture cross-section, water moderated reactors require enriched U for criticality.•High pressure (typically 15~16 MPa for PWR) is required to keep water in liquid form from becoming steam.•It is important to maintain water purity to prevent corrosion and from becoming radioactive due to neutron activation.Unit 3 - 课文基础知识点2Moderator (continued)p Heavy water•It is similar to ordinary water in most of its physical and thermodynamic properties.•The main difference is that deuterium has a much lower capture cross-section than hydrogen, and that it is not as a good moderator as hydrogen.•It is necessary to use natural uranium as fuel (lower U concentration than water moderated reactors) for heavy water moderated reactors with rather larger cores than light water moderated reactor cores.•It is very expensive to produce heavy water and the leakage loss must be minimized. p Graphite•It is not as a good moderator as heavy water, but readily obtainable at reasonable cost, easily machined, and of good structural and thermal properties.•Graphite cores are assembled from large numbers of blocks, in which holes are provided for fuel and control elements;•Graphite may undergo dimensional changes due to prolonged neutron irradiation, so it must be kept away from burning at a high-level temperature.Unit 3 - 课文基础知识点3Coolant1.Many proposed coolants are light water, heavy water; gas and liquid metals.2.Both in PWR and BWR, coolant water also serves as moderator.3.Principal requirements for coolant are as follows:•good thermodynamic properties;•chemically non-reactive with other components of the reactors;•very low neutron capture cross-section.•do not become radioactive as a result of (n, γ) reactions which may occur due to neutron irradiation in core.4.In addition to water and heavy water, carbon dioxide and inert helium gas are regarded as twomost suitable gaseous coolants for gas-cooled reactors, and liquid sodium as the standard coolant for fast breeder reactors.•Carbon dioxide chosen as the coolant in British gas-cooled reactors has proved troublesome despite its advantages in many aspects.•Helium gas is perhaps the ideal gaseous coolant, but not readily available in large quantities and expensive, which is used as a reactor coolant now only in few high-temperature gas-cooled reactors.•Only liquid sodium is now regarded as the standard coolant for a few fast breeder reactors.Unit 3 - 课文基础知识点4Cladding materials1.The cladding material requires a very low neutron capture cross-section, goodthermal conductivity, good strength at high temperature to resist thermal stress, corrosion resistance, deformation of the fuel and buildup of fission gas pressure inside cladding, and easy to fabricate.2.Many materials have been tested for use as cladding material:•Berylium has not proved to be suitable material for use in reactors.•Aluminium can only be used as the cladding material for low power research reactors.•Magnesium has been extensively used as the cladding material in British gas-cooled reactors.•Zirconium and the Zircaloys are considered the preeinent fuel cladding materials at present but with explosive hazards above about 1000℃.•Stainless steel is not used as fuel cladding in PWRs, but used in the advanced gas-cooled reactors and fast breeder reactors.Unit 3 - 课文基础知识点5Control materials1.The control materials should be a highly efficient neutron absorber with a very highabsorption cross section for thermal neutrons.2.Boron, alloyed with steel or used in the form of boron carbide encased in steel, isgood at capturing thermal neutrons. It can also be used in the form of boric acid dissolved in the coolant of PWRs for reactivity control and for emergency shutdown system.3.Indium and cadmium, encased in stainless steel, are used as control rods in PWRs.4.Hafnium is an excellent control material, but too expensive to be used in large scalefor commercial reactors.Unit 3 - 课文基础知识点6Structural materials (additional)1.The structural materials serve to hold the core in place and support it during itsservice life, including some heavy components.2.The structural materials should not interfere with neutron operation of the reactors;3.The requirement for such structural materials are as follows:•of high temperature strength and low neutron absorption cross section;•must neither corrode rapidly in the primary coolant, like all other parts of the core, nor contribute to any long-life radioactive materials in the primary coolant;•should be good at resisting neutron irradiation without losing ductility, and available to carry out life-time assessment to ensure their properties are not degrade.Unit 3-关键词汇及常用搭配(二)5. easily available(容易获得)-相近:readily obtainable 3.3e.g. Helium is not readily available in largequantities and is expensive.6. provided (that) +条件状语从句(只要) 3.3e.g. Sodium is not corrosive to most structural materials provided its oxygen content is maintedlow.e s t S e l f-tp课后作业1.通读Unit 1-3课文,完成Self-test;2.翻译Unit 1-3课文基础知识点(笔头作业,下次课前交);3.掌握Unit 1-3的重要词汇及固定搭配(整理笔记);4.预习Unit 4-5。



《核电专业英语》课程教学大纲课程编号:0805307313课程名称:核电专业英语英文名称:Professional English of Nuclear Power Generation课程类型:专业基础课总学时:32 讲课学时:32 实验学时:0学分:2适用对象:热能动力工程专业(核电站集控运行方向)先修课程:大学英语、专业基础课及专业课一、课程性质、目的和任务本课程为四年制本科热能动力工程(核电站集控运行方向)专业的一门专业课程。






三、教学内容及要求1、The Senteces of Nuclear Power English(核电英语短句)2、Words of Nuclear Power English (核电英语词汇)3、Philosophy of Reactor Plant (核电站原理);4、Installation Knowledge of Nuclear Power (核电安装知识);5、General Introduction of API000 Project (AP1000 简介);6、Introduction of 300MGW Pressurized Water Reactor (30 万千瓦压水堆介绍);7、General Introduction of ERP Project (ERP 项目介绍);8、General Introduction of CRP Project (CRP 项目介绍);9、General Introduction of CANDU Project (CANDU 项目介绍);10、Treatment of On-site Problem (现场问题处理)每次课由教师选定英语文献中的重要内容,进行专业词汇、科技英语语法及阅读理解等方面的讲授,并选择相关的阅读材料,指导学生进行阅读、翻译、写作等环节实践。



Auxiliary 辅助的,备用的Blowdown 冷却管突然爆裂,排污管 Compress 压缩,精简Instrument仪器,乐器,工具,仪表 Component组件,部件,成分,设备 Condensate 凝结水,冷凝水,凝结 Condenser凝气器Feed 补给Removal除去,拆除,取出 Containment 安全壳Polishing抛光,磨光,清洗Volume容积;卷,册,书卷;音量,响度 Diverse不同的;多种多样的;变化的 Circulating循环的 ;流动的Actuation动作,驱动,开动,刺激 Processing处理,加工;调整,搬运 Standby备用的人或物,待命Diesel柴油机,内燃机Boiler锅炉,烧水器Storm drain暴雨水沟;暴雨下水道;雨水道Drain 耗尽;排水沟,排水管,下水道 Demineralize去除矿物质,软化,除盐;脱矿Non-class非安全Process过程Trace跟踪,追踪,痕迹Plant工厂,发电厂Cathodic阴极的,负极的;阴极保护 Feedwater给水Startup启动,启动选项Gland填料压盖Seal密封,阀座,密封面Generator发电机,信号发生器Heater 加热器Incore堆内;核心Lub oil润滑油,润滑剂Meteorology气象学,气象Monitoring监控,监测,监听,追踪 Mechanical handling 机械搬运,机械装卸 Operation操作,运行,运转Passive被动的,无源的,非能动的 Sampling抽样,取样 ,采样Potable可以喝的,适合饮用的 Coolant冷却剂,冷却液Roof屋顶,顶部Roof drain屋顶排水,屋顶排水口 Radiation 辐射,放射Residual剩余的,残余的Raw生的,原始的,天然的,未经处理过的 Sanitary卫生的,清洁的,保健的 Sanitary drainage 生活污水排放系统 Drainage 排水,放水;排水系统;下水道 Spent 消耗的,用过的,废的,好近的 Spent fuel乏燃料Seismic地震的,有关地震的Secondary 二回路Vent排气,通气,泄放Relief解除,减轻,排放Diognostic诊断的,判断的ventilation 通风,换气,通风设备 recirculation再循环habitability可居住,适居住性filtration过滤,筛选hydrogen氢气pump house泵房radwaste 放射性废物radwaste building废物厂房leak泄漏chilled以经冷却的annex附属物,附件,附属建筑gasous气体的,气态的,瓦斯的 transmission传输,传送,传递 switchyard户外配电装置offsite 厂区外的,装置外的onsite 现场,厂内excitation励磁,激发voltage电压,载波电压regulation整顿,调节,管理核物理基本概念ion离子system international 国际单位制 molecule分子atom原子,威力 ,原子能nucleus原子核,核心,核子coulomb库伦electron电子proton质子neutron中子defect缺损,缺陷binding 粘合,绑定nucleon核子kinetic动力的,运动的indentity 个性,特性potential潜在的,势的positively带正电的jump跃迁negatively负的,负电性的repulsion排斥,斥力;反感uncharted不带电的neutal中立的,中性的periodic table周期表bombardment轰击,轰炸emission排放,放射,发射atomic number原子序数mass number质量数energy level能级orbital 轨道,轨道的fission分裂,裂变;裂变增值isotope同位素fussion聚变occur发生,出现decay衰退,衰减,腐败,衰变artificial人工的,人造的,虚假的,人为地barium钡bond 连接,接合,键boron硼compound复合物,混合物,化合物 bismuth铋superscript上标,上角标subscript下标uranium铀plutonium钚oxygen氧气thorium钍lithium锂deuterium氘,重氢sodium钠reaction反应、tritium氚,超重氢 carbon碳helium氦,氦气transuranium铀后的,超铀的 radioactive放射性的fissionable可裂变的mean平均数,平均值weighted加权的,加权平均fissile易裂变fragment碎片,断片momentum动量macroscopic宏观的,肉眼可见的 microscopic微观的,显微的,精微的 electromagnetic电磁mesoscopic介观的electrostatic静电的,静电学的放射性Cosmic宇宙射线Inversel相反的Proportional成比例的Ionization电离Bremsstrahlung韧致辐射Inhale吸入,吸气Photon光子,光量子Scattering散射Shielding屏蔽Collision碰撞,冲突Positron正电子Aluminum铝Accelerator加速器Beryllium铍Annihilation湮灭,淹没 Interaction相互作用 Photoelectric光电的Effect效应,效用Ingest摄取,吞下核反应Attenuation衰减Recoil反冲,弹回Amplification放大Cadmium镉Transmutation转变,嬗变Cobalt钴Diffusion扩散Nitrogen氮气Mercury汞flux通量elastic弹性的neutrino中微子inelastic非弹性的radioisotope同位素section截面thermonuclear热核反应核材料Pellet燃料芯块Moderator慢化剂,减速剂Cladding覆层,包层,包壳Rod杆,棒Sublime升华Boric acid硼酸Chromium铬Swelling膨胀,肿胀,隆起Hafnium铪Burnup 燃耗,烧完Gadolinium钆Alloy合金Indium铟Magnox镁诺克斯合金Magnesium镁Zircloy 锆合金Nickel镍Compound合成,复合物,混合物,化合物 Zirconium锆Silicon硅Fission fragment裂变产物Graphite石墨Posion毒液,阴离子Pressing模制,压制Sintering烧结,溶结Oxidize氧化,使生锈Crack开裂,破裂Dioxide二氧化碳Fertile多产的,富饶的,可繁殖的 Hedrocarbon碳氢化合物Breeding增殖,再生Ratio比率,比例 Enriched浓缩的,富集的,强化的 Thermal热的,热量的Conductivity传导率,传导性Specific特有的,专门的,比的 Viscosity粘稠,粘性,粘度Saturation饱和,饱和度,饱和状态Flux通量,流动Shaping修整的,外形塑造Sustaining支持的,持续的Self-sustaining chain reaction自持链式反应Fast Neutron快中子Fuel cycle燃料循环Hexafluxride六氟化铀Critical临界的,极限的Centrifuge离心机Supercitical超临界Gaseous气体的,气态的Siffusion扩散Criticality临界(a)Refuel换料Critical size 临界尺寸Resonance共振,共鸣Elastic有弹性的,灵活的Core堆芯,活性区Facor系数,因子,因素Thermal utilization factor热中子利用系数 Blanket再生区、Slow down慢化Permeable可渗透的Membrane膜,薄膜Spin转转,偏转Depleted废弃的,贫化的Multiplication增殖,增加,乘法 Pressurized waterreactor压水反应堆,压水堆Margin裕度,边缘Moisture水汽,湿气Inservice inspection在役检查Steam dryer干燥器Internal内部的,里面的Fuel pellet燃料芯块Pressurizer加压器,稳压器Vessel导管,容器Reactor vassel.pressure vassel压力容器 Surge波浪,浪涌,涌Surge line波动管Sectional断面的,剖面的Sectional view剖视图Shim薄垫片Chemical shim control 化学补偿控制Pit坑,洞,深坑Reactor pit堆坑Element元素,元件Assembly组件Airtight密封的,不透气的 Mechanism机械装置,机构Nozzle喷嘴,管口,接管Seed点火区Plate板块,平板Utility用户,业主,业界Fuel assembly燃料组件Vendor卖主,供货商Inlet进口,入口Outlet出口Multiple多重的,多样的Barrier栅栏,屏障,障碍Barrel桶Core barrel堆芯吊篮Burnable absorber可燃吸收体 Redundancy多余,过多,冗长,冗余度 Diversity多样性Shell壳,外壳,壳体Steam line 蒸汽管线Contain包容Reactivity反应性Insert插入,嵌入Reactivity insertion反应性引入 Concentration浓度,浓缩,集中Load负荷,转载,负荷量Dilution稀释,摊薄Buildup累积,形成In-core detector system堆内测量系统 Self-powerd neutron detector 自给能中子探测器Axial power distribution轴向功率分布 Axial 轴的,轴向的Conditioning调节,调整 Distribution分布,分配Azimuthal方位的,方位角的Tilt倾斜,倾斜度Trip跳闸,错误,旅行Reactor trip反应堆紧急停堆Turbine trip气机脱扣Departure离开,出发,启程,背离,违反 Departure from nucleate boiling偏离泡核沸腾Nucleate成核的,有核的,具核的 Reliability可信度,可靠性Forging锻造Ring-forging环锻件Velocity速度,速率Surveillance监视,监督Specimen样品,抽样Bypass旁路,绕道,避开Mount安装,支架Phosphorous磷Austenitic奥氏体的Sulfur硫磺,硫Stainless不锈的Stainless steel 不锈钢Weld焊接Flange法兰,凸缘Threshold临界值,限值,阈值 Thermalcouple热电偶Engage接合,啮合,对位Nil零,无,零分Ductility延展性,延伸性Transition转变,转移,过度Nil-ductility transition temperature零延性转变温度Tapered逐渐变细的Fluence通量,注量率,影响Dome圆屋顶,像圆屋顶一样的东西 Integrated集成的,整合的,整体的 Shroud覆盖物,遮盖物,围板Burnable absorber rod 可燃吸收棒 Californium锎Creep潜变,蠕变Indium铟Lattice格子,框架,栅格Ceramic陶瓷的,陶器的Clearance间隙看,空隙Plug塞子,栓,阻力塞Contaminate污染,玷污Reactivity worth反应性价值Grid网格,格子,栅格Specific power比功率Inconel因科镍合金,镍铬合金 Antimony锑Inherent固有的,内在的,与生俱来的 Inherent safty固有安全性Cadmium镉Passive safety非能动安全Active 主动的,活动的Active safty能动安全Spider星形架Sleeve套管,套筒Spacer隔离物Spacer grid定位格架U-tube steam generator U型管蒸汽发生器 Rated 额定的,规定的Reted load额定负荷Azinuthal方位角的,方位的Clearance间隙Amplification放大,扩大,扩增Flux-shaping通量展平Effluent废水,流出物,污水 Radioactive effluent放射性流出物 Inelastic无弹性的,非弹性的Diffusion扩散,传播Head头,封头Mount安装,装Elastic弹性的Crust地壳,面包皮Seed点火区Electromagnetic radiation电磁辐射 Electric.cable电缆Forging锻造Emit发出,射出Flange法兰Be.inversely.proportional.to反比于 Proportional比例的,成比例的Recoil反冲,弹回Orbital轨道,轨道的Enthalpy焓 Weld焊,焊接Alloy合金Valence价,化合价Chemical.identity化学性质Annular环形的Activation product活化产物Delayed慢性的American nuclear society美国核学会 Excite激发,励磁American society of mechanical engineer 美国机械工程师协会Quench急速冷却,淬火Magenesium镁Magnox镁诺克斯合金Heatup加热,升温Friction摩擦,冲突Surveillance监视,监督管理Diverging渐扩的,发散的Wear磨损,损耗Converging收敛的,汇聚的,渐缩的 Concentration浓度,含量,浓缩 Repulsion排斥,厌恶,反感,斥力 Electrostatic静电的,电的Rupture断裂,破裂Sectional断面的,剖面的,部分的 Airtight气密的,密封的Gaseous气体的,气态的Gaseous diffusion process气体扩散工艺 Weighting factor权重因子Thermal shock热冲击Centrifuge离心机,使分离Centrifuge process离心工艺 Superscript上标Bremsstrahlung韧致辐射Hexafluoride六氟化物Uranium hexafluoride六氟化铀Entropy熵,平均信息量Sintering烧结,熔结Sublime升华Dome圆屋顶,圆顶Jump跃迁Service factor使用因子Blanket再生区Manually手动的,手工的Inservice.inspection在役检查 Attenuation衰减,减少Carbide 碳化物Steam line蒸汽管线Ceramic陶瓷的,陶器的Positron正电子Manufacturer制造商Confidence置信度,信心Thrust推力,推动力Neutrino中微子Swelling肿胀Out of service退役的Microscopic微观的,显微的Shroud围板Axial power distribution轴向功率分布 Draw a pressure steam bubble稳压器汽空间建立Tapered逐渐变细的,锥形的,渐缩的 Fouling污垢,结垢Contaminate污染,弄脏,玷污Self-powered neutron detector自给能中子探测器Inhale吸入,吸气Suction吸入口Plug阻力塞,塞子Dilution稀释Signal conditioning信号调理Quality质量,品质,蒸汽干度Spin旋转,偏转Annihilation湮灭Oxidize氧化,使生锈Specimen样品,式样,标本Blade,vane叶片,叶栅,轮叶Sump集水坑,污水坑Containment sump安全壳地坑Safety injection pump安注泵Primary outlet nozzle一次初接管 Primary inlet plenum一次进水室 Primary coolant一次冷却剂Cladding包壳,包层,覆层Saturation饱和,饱和度Threshold阈值,临界值Ductility延展性,柔软性,韧性Nil无,零,零分 Transition转变,转移,过度Nil-ductility transition trmperature零延性转变温度Vender,supplier卖主,供应商Full power(FP)满功率Moserater减速剂Revolution旋转,改革,革命Rpm=revolutions per minute转每分Rps=revolutions per second转没秒 Gland steam system密封蒸汽系统 Blowdown喷放,排污,突然爆裂 Departure离开,偏离Departure from nucleate boiling偏离泡核沸腾Depleted废弃的,贫化的Depleted uranium贫化铀Mean平均值,平均数Mean free path平均自由程Pneumatic气动的,风动的Pneumatic valve气动阀Turbine driven feedwater pump气动给水泵Turbine trip气机脱扣(甩负荷) Turbine generater汽轮发电机Latent潜伏的,潜在的Latent heat 潜热Chernobyl accident切尔诺贝利事故 Thermocouple热电偶,温差电偶 Thermal reactor热中子反应堆Thermalneutron热中子Redunda ncy过多,过度,冗余,冗余度 Conponent部件,元件,设备Graphite石墨Prompt瞬间的,临界的Prompt neutron瞬发中子Outrage停堆,停堆期Flow restrictor限流器Accumulater储压器,蓄压箱Fissile易裂变的Cosmic ray宇宙射线Reinforced加强的,加固的Margin边缘,裕度Prime mover原动力,发动者Nucleus原子核Nuclei原子核Boost pressure增压Booster pressure增压泵Breeding增殖Breeding ratio增殖比Fertile可繁殖的,可增殖的Fertile material增殖材料Lattice格子,框架Viscosity粘性,粘度Mega electron-volt兆电子伏Deflection折射Occupational exposure职业照射Non-return valve止回阀Mass defect质量亏损Defect欠缺,亏损Deuterium氘,重氢Transuranium超铀的,铀后面的 Transuranium element超铀元素Uranium carbide碳化铀Actinide锕系元素Fertile isotope增殖同位素Fusion融合,聚变,核聚变Cross section横截面,断面Fissile易裂变的Canadian deuterium and uranium reactor 加拿大重水铀反应堆British gas-cooled magnox reactor英国气冷堆High temperature gas cooled reactor高温气冷堆Reactor pressure vessel反应堆压力容器 Up closure head上封头Hydraulic水力的,液压的Hydraulic stud tensioner液压螺栓拉伸机(张紧机)Xenon氙Fast breeder reactor快中子增殖堆 Advanced reactor先进反应堆European pressurized water reactor(EPR) Control element assembly控制棒组件(CEA)Control element drive mechanism控制棒驱动机构(CEDM)Barrel吊篮,桶 Reactor vassel internals反应堆内构件 Swelling肿胀,浮肿Corrode腐蚀,浸蚀Integrity完整,完全,完整性Reactor coolant pump 反应堆主泵(RCP) Shaft轴,传动轴Seal密封,封住Shaft seal pump轴封泵Nuclear steam supply system核蒸汽供应系统(NSSS)Primary system一回路系统Pressurizer稳压器(PRZ)Surge line波动管Feed regulating valve给水调节阀 Steam generater(SG)蒸汽发生器Main steam line(MSL)主蒸汽管Moisture separater reheater(MSR)汽水分离再热器(normal/abnormal)operating condition 运行工况Operater操纵员Maintenance维护,维修,保养 Surveillance监视,监督,监测Feed (water) pump给水泵Foundation地基,基础Stack烟囱,烟道Penetration穿透,贯穿件Nuclear island核岛Conventional非核的,常规的,常见的 Balance of plant(BOP)核电厂配套子项 Auxiliary system for primary loop一回路辅助系统Chemical and volume control system(CVCS)化学与容积控制系统Engineered safety feature(ESF)专设安全设施Residual heat-removal system(RHRS)余热排出系统Emergency core cooling system(ECCS)应急堆芯冷却系统Safety injection system(SI)安注系统 Refueling water storage tank(IRWST)换料水箱Diesel柴油机车,内燃机Diesel generator柴油发电机 Automatic protective system(APS)自动保护系统Instrument and control system(A&C system)仪控系统Scram/trip紧急停堆Outage 中断,停运Refueling outage换料停堆Full power operation满功率运行 Insertion插入Withdrawal抽出Reactor regulating system(RRS)反应堆调节系统Transient 瞬态,瞬时,不稳定的 Decay heat衰变热Void coefficient空泡系数Act法案Guidance导则Criteria标准,条件,准则 Radioactivity放射性Scatter分散,散射,散开Diffraction衍射Commission调试Decommissioning退役Main control room主控制室Reactivity insertion accident(RIA)反应性引入事故Inherent固有的,内在的,与生俱来的 Inherent safety固有安全Passive 被动 的,无源的Passive safety非能动安全 Redundancy冗余,过多,冗余度 Diversity多样性,多样化Regulation监管,规则Ionization电离Annihilate湮灭Attenuate 衰减的,减少Projectile 入射离子,抛射Irradiation辐射 照射Exposure照射Fluence注量Dose剂量,一剂药Equivalent当量,等量的Dose equivalent 剂量当量 Coma昏迷Cramp绞痛,抽筋World association of nuclear operators世界核电运营者协会Momentum动量,动力Diarrhea腹泻,拉肚子Tremor颤抖,发抖Vomit呕吐Somatic肉体的,身体的Symptom症状,征兆Therapy治疗,疗法Activation活化,激活Activation product活化产物Effluent废水,污水Natural background天然本底Spectrum谱,光谱,频谱,波谱Radon氡Disposal处理,处置Inertia惯性Magnitude重要性,数量级Eliminate消除,排除,根除 Mechanism ,approach,priciple,theory 机理,原理Susceptible敏感的,易受影响的Toxic有毒的Acute急剧的,极大地,严重的Seismic地震的Tornado旋风,龙卷风Heat sink热阱Coastdown惰转Excursion漂移Power excursion功率漂移Postulate假定,假设Ductility延展性Demonstration reactor示范堆 Prototype原型,蓝本Prototype reactor原型堆Commercial reactor商用堆Blanket转换区Breeding region增殖区Shim rod补偿棒Neutron source中子源Core grid堆芯栅板Reactor lattice反应堆栅格Cell栅元Core barrel堆芯吊篮Control rod drive mechanism控制板驱动机构Pressure Housing耐压壳Moderator慢化剂Irradiation rig辐照装置Reflector反射层Rabbi shuttle跑兔Black黑体Grey灰体Conversion转换Criticality临界Criticalsize临界尺寸Critical volume临界体积Subcriticality次临界Supercriticality超临界Group cross section群截面Neutron diffusion中子扩散Diffusion equation扩散方程 Undermoderated欠慢化 Overmoderated过慢化Flux flattening通量展平Critical position of control rod临界棒位 Shimming补偿Chemical shimming control化学补偿控制 Excess reactivity剩余反应性Reactivity feedback反应性系数 Reactivity coefficient 反应性系数 Temperature coefficient of reactivity反应性温度系数Load factor负荷因子After heat剩余释热Decay heat衰变热Decay power衰变功率Subcooled boiling欠热沸腾Nucleate boiling泡核沸腾Film boiling膜态沸腾Critical heat flux临界热流密度Initial core初始堆芯Scheduled discharge specific burnup计划卸料比燃耗Optimum specific burnup最佳比燃耗 Fission poison裂变毒物 Xenon equilibrium氙平衡Chemical and volume control system化学和容积控制系统Volume control tank容积控制箱 Protection system保护系统Safety action 安全动作Active component能动部件Engineered safety feature专设安全设施 High head safety injection system高压安全注射系统Low head safety injection system低压安全注射系统Accumulator安全注射箱Core spray system堆芯冷却系统 Suppression压制Pressure suppression system压力抑制系统 Recirculation再循环地坑 Recombination复合,再结合Equipment hatch设备闸门Air lock气密闸门Shutdown cooling system停堆冷却系统 Refueling water tank换料水箱Fuel handling and storge system换料装卸和贮存系统Fuel transfer tube燃料运输通道New fuel elevator新燃料升降机Fuel transfer carriage燃料运输小车 Rotating plug旋转屏蔽塞Liquid metal seal液态金属密封In-vessel refueling machine堆内换料机 Primary circuit 一回路 Commissioning调试,试运行Startup test of reactor反应堆启动测试 Precritical临界前试验Power ascension test功率提升试验 Leakage rate 泄漏率Endurance test强度测试Fuel loading装料Reactor start up反应堆启动Shuffing 倒料Discharge卸料Shutdown停堆Shutdown安全停堆Hot standby热备用Boron injection硼注入Dilution稀释,摊薄Outage中断,停机,停运 Decommissioning退役,解除运作Safety system setpoint安全系统整定值 Defence in depth纵深防御Anticipated预期的,预计的 Anticipated operational occurrences预计运行事件Accident condition事故工况Severe accident严重事故Accident management事故处理Design basis accident设计基准事故 Phase阶段,时期Injection phase注入阶段 Recirculation phase再循环阶段Loss of electrical load accident负荷丧失事故Loss of main feed water accident主给水丧失事故Fuel misposition accident燃料错位事故 Critical accident临界事故Control rod stuck卡棒事故Ejection accident弹棒事故Main steam line breake accident主蒸汽管道破裂事故Cladding ballooning包壳臌胀Cladding collapse包壳塌陷Common cause failure共因故障 Redundancy多重性,冗余,冗余度 Specification技术规格书Non-conformance不符合项,不合格项 Audit 监查,审查Per capita人均的,每人Spontaneous自发得 ,无意识的 Undergo经历,发生Emission发射,放射,排放Nuclei核,原子核,核心Scattering散射,分散,散布 Liberation解放,释放Sufficient足够的,充足的Plutonium钚Combustion燃烧,燃烧过程Strike打击,撞,碰 Graphite石墨Instrumentation测量仪表 Conventional常规的,常用的Sensor传感器Convection传送,对流Corrosion腐蚀Chloride氯化物Hazard危险Philosophy哲学Malfunction故障,误动作Postulate假Actinides锕系元素Active放射性的,有源的Acute exposure急性照射 Americium镅Arming system保险解除系统 Assignment批量Demolition爆破Munition弹药,军火Attenuation衰减Attrition消耗,损耗Inventory详细清单Beryllium铍Beta gauge测量计Biological dosimeter生物剂量仪 Bismuth铋Black lead石墨Blanket增殖区Blast爆炸,爆破Blast wave冲击波Boron trifuoride三氟化硼 Contaminate污染,玷污,沾染 Brown oxidizer二氧化铀Buffer缓冲,缓冲剂Byproduct material副产物 Californium锎Calutron同位素分离器Deuterium氘,重氢Carnotite钒钾铀矿Cavity ionization chamber空腔电离室 Centrifuge离心机Cesium铯Challenge inspection质疑监查 Civilian use民用Cobalt钴Prohibition禁止Destruction销毁Destruction毁灭,消灭Ceal隐藏,隐瞒Constant常量Radiant发光的,辐射的Ratio 比例,常数Continuous monitoring连续监测 Counter计数管Critical accident临界事故Cyclotron回旋加速器Decommission退役Density gauge密度计 Denuclearization非核化Depleted uranium贫铀Deployment部署Desired ground zero预计爆心投影点 Deterministic effect确定效应 Deterrence威慑Detonator引爆装置,雷管Dewar flask杜瓦瓶Dismantlement拆除Curve曲线,弧线Dual-use两用Dynamic pressure and overpressure动压与超压Electronvolt(ev)电子伏特Shock wave冲击波Emergency Standby紧急待命 Enrichment浓缩Escalation逐步升级,扩大,增加 Euratom欧洲原子能中心Evaluation评价Evaluation of radiation protetion辐射防护评价Excitation激发,激起Excuting commander执行指挥官 External irradiation外照射Fuel fabrication燃料组合Gas centrifuge 气体离心Gaseous diffusion气体扩散Geiger-muller counter盖革米勒计数器 Germanium锗 High leve waste强放射性废物High yield test高威力试验 Implosion bomb内爆法炸弹Induce引起,感应,感生Initiation引发Initiator起爆器Intermediate中间的,中级的 Intervention介入,干涉,干预 Iridium铱Radius半径Cruiser巡洋舰Krypton氪Nitrogen氮Lithium锂Permissiable允许Lethal致命的,致死的 Demolition爆破Munitions弹药,军需品Milling研磨Mini-nuke小型核武器Molecular分子Medium中型的Negligible微小的,轻微的 Comprehensive广泛的,综合的,全面的 Neptunium镎Neutrino中微子Nominal名义上的,标称的Artillery炮兵,大炮Aviation航空,航空工业,飞行 Warfare战争Bonus奖金,红利,意外收获 Collateral附属的Nuclear column核柱Assessment评估,估计、 Deterrent威慑,制止Doctrine声明,教条Isobar同量异位素Resonance共振,共鸣 Proliferation扩散Propulsion推进Spin自旋Abstract文摘Stockpile储存,储备Burst爆炸Survivability生存能力Threshold阈值,门槛 Transmutation转变 Transformation转变Vulnerability弱点Degradation退化Maneuver手法,操作法Yield当量Nucleon核子Hucleus原子核Nuclide核素Optimization最优化,优化 Optimum最佳Osmium鋨Photon光子Aggragate集合,总数Plasma等离子体Plumbago石墨Plutonium钚Poison毒物Polonium钋Positron正电子,阳离子 Preinitiation提前起爆Prescribed规定的,法定的Prompt neutron瞬发中子 Proportional counter正比计数管 Quality factor品质因子 Contaminiation沾染Meter仪Weighting权重Debris碎片,残渣Leakage 泄漏Radiological放射性的Radiology放射学Radiometric辐射测量的,放射测量的 Radon氡Rarefaction稀薄的Residual剩余的,残余的 Scintillation counter闪烁计数器、 Scintillator闪烁体 Semiconductor detector半导体探测器 Shallow浅的Sievert希沃特Sodium钠 Dome圆顶屋Stochastic随机的,可能的Standstill停止,停顿Strategic bomber战略轰炸机 Strontium锶Subcritical亚临界Surveillance监测Tactical nuclear weapons战术核武器 Target organ靶器官Tellurium碲Thorium钍Transmutation核嬗变Trigger触发器Tritium氚Unsealed未密封的Uranium Hexafluoride六氟化铀 Uranium mining and milling铀矿开采与选矿Uranium trtrafluoride四氟化铀 Verification核查Regime政权,制度Vertical垂直的,纵向的Vitrification玻璃化Reserve储备,保留,预备Weapon grade plutonium武器级钚 Withhold限制,抑制Stock储备Laser激光器Yellowcake黄饼Zirconium锆Auxiliary 辅助的,备用的Blowdown 冷却管突然爆裂,排污管 Compress 压缩,精简Instrument仪器,乐器,工具,仪表 Component组件,部件,成分,设备 Condensate 凝结水,冷凝水,凝结 Condenser凝气器Feed 补给Removal除去,拆除,取出 Containment 安全壳Polishing抛光,磨光,清洗Volume容积;卷,册,书卷;音量,响度 Diverse不同的;多种多样的;变化的 Circulating循环的 ;流动的Actuation动作,驱动,开动,刺激 Processing处理,加工;调整,搬运 Standby备用的人或物,待命Diesel柴油机,内燃机Boiler锅炉,烧水器Storm drain暴雨水沟;暴雨下水道;雨水道Drain 耗尽;排水沟,排水管,下水道 Demineralize去除矿物质,软化,除盐;脱矿Non-class非安全Process过程Trace跟踪,追踪,痕迹Plant工厂,发电厂Cathodic阴极的,负极的;阴极保护 Feedwater给水Startup启动,启动选项Gland填料压盖Seal密封,阀座,密封面Generator发电机,信号发生器Heater 加热器Incore堆内;核心Lub oil润滑油,润滑剂Meteorology气象学,气象Monitoring监控,监测,监听,追踪 Mechanical handling 机械搬运,机械装卸 Operation操作,运行,运转Passive被动的,无源的,非能动的 Sampling抽样,取样 ,采样Potable可以喝的,适合饮用的Coolant冷却剂,冷却液Roof屋顶,顶部Roof drain屋顶排水,屋顶排水口 Radiation 辐射,放射Residual剩余的,残余的Raw生的,原始的,天然的,未经处理过的 Sanitary卫生的,清洁的,保健的 Sanitary drainage 生活污水排放系统 Drainage 排水,放水;排水系统;下水道 Spent 消耗的,用过的,废的,好近的 Spent fuel乏燃料Seismic地震的,有关地震的Secondary 二回路Vent排气,通气,泄放 Relief解除,减轻,排放 Diognostic诊断的,判断的 ventilation 通风,换气,通风设备 recirculation再循环habitability可居住,适居住性 filtration过滤,筛选hydrogen氢气pump house泵房radwaste 放射性废物radwaste building废物厂房leak泄漏chilled以经冷却的annex附属物,附件,附属建筑 gasous气体的,气态的,瓦斯的 transmission传输,传送,传递 switchyard户外配电装置offsite 厂区外的,装置外的 onsite 现场,厂内excitation励磁,激发voltage电压,载波电压 regulation整顿,调节,管理核物理基本概念ion离子system international 国际单位制 molecule分子atom原子,威力 ,原子能 nucleus原子核,核心,核子 coulomb库伦electron电子proton质子neutron中子defect缺损,缺陷binding 粘合,绑定nucleon核子kinetic动力的,运动的indentity 个性,特性potential潜在的,势的 positively带正电的jump跃迁negatively负的,负电性的 repulsion排斥,斥力;反感 uncharted不带电的neutal中立的,中性的periodic table周期表bombardment轰击,轰炸emission排放,放射,发射atomic number原子序数mass number质量数energy level能级orbital 轨道,轨道的fission分裂,裂变;裂变增值isotope同位素fussion聚变occur发生,出现decay衰退,衰减,腐败,衰变artificial人工的,人造的,虚假的,人为地barium钡bond 连接,接合,键boron硼compound复合物,混合物,化合物 bismuth铋superscript上标,上角标subscript下标uranium铀plutonium钚oxygen氧气thorium钍lithium锂deuterium氘,重氢sodium钠reaction反应、tritium氚,超重氢carbon碳helium氦,氦气transuranium铀后的,超铀的 radioactive放射性的fissionable可裂变的mean平均数,平均值weighted加权的,加权平均fissile易裂变fragment碎片,断片momentum动量macroscopic宏观的,肉眼可见的 microscopic微观的,显微的,精微的 electromagnetic电磁mesoscopic介观的 electrostatic静电的,静电学的放射性Cosmic宇宙射线Inversel相反的Proportional成比例的 Ionization电离 Bremsstrahlung韧致辐射 Inhale吸入,吸气Photon光子,光量子 Scattering散射Shielding屏蔽Collision碰撞,冲突Positron正电子Aluminum铝Accelerator加速器Beryllium铍Annihilation湮灭,淹没 Interaction相互作用 Photoelectric光电的Effect效应,效用Ingest摄取,吞下核反应Attenuation衰减Recoil反冲,弹回 Amplification放大Cadmium镉Transmutation转变,嬗变 Cobalt钴Diffusion扩散Nitrogen氮气Mercury汞flux通量elastic弹性的neutrino中微子inelastic非弹性的 radioisotope同位素section截面thermonuclear热核反应核材料Pellet燃料芯块Moderator慢化剂,减速剂Cladding覆层,包层,包壳Rod杆,棒Sublime升华Boric acid硼酸Chromium铬Swelling膨胀,肿胀,隆起Hafnium铪Burnup 燃耗,烧完Gadolinium钆Alloy合金Indium铟Magnox镁诺克斯合金Magnesium镁Zircloy 锆合金Nickel镍Compound合成,复合物,混合物,化合物 Zirconium锆Silicon硅Fission fragment裂变产物Graphite石墨Posion毒液,阴离子Pressing模制,压制Sintering烧结,溶结Oxidize氧化,使生锈Crack开裂,破裂Dioxide二氧化碳Fertile多产的,富饶的,可繁殖的 Hedrocarbon碳氢化合物Breeding增殖,再生Ratio比率,比例Enriched浓缩的,富集的,强化的 Thermal热的,热量的Conductivity传导率,传导性Specific特有的,专门的,比的 Viscosity粘稠,粘性,粘度Saturation饱和,饱和度,饱和状态 Flux通量,流动Shaping修整的,外形塑造Sustaining支持的,持续的Self-sustaining chain reaction自持链式反应Fast Neutron快中子Fuel cycle燃料循环Hexafluxride六氟化铀 Critical临界的,极限的Centrifuge离心机Supercitical超临界Gaseous气体的,气态的Siffusion扩散Criticality临界(a)Refuel换料Critical size 临界尺寸Resonance共振,共鸣Elastic有弹性的,灵活的Core堆芯,活性区Facor系数,因子,因素Thermal utilization factor热中子利用系数 Blanket再生区、Slow down慢化Permeable可渗透的Membrane膜,薄膜Spin转转,偏转Depleted废弃的,贫化的Multiplication增殖,增加,乘法 Pressurized waterreactor压水反应堆,压水堆Margin裕度,边缘Moisture水汽,湿气Inservice inspection在役检查Steam dryer干燥器Internal内部的,里面的Fuel pellet燃料芯块Pressurizer加压器,稳压器Vessel导管,容器Reactor vassel.pressure vassel压力容器 Surge波浪,浪涌,涌Surge line波动管Sectional断面的,剖面的Sectional view剖视图Shim薄垫片Chemical shim control 化学补偿控制Pit坑,洞,深坑Reactor pit堆坑Element元素,元件Assembly组件Airtight密封的,不透气的Mechanism机械装置,机构Nozzle喷嘴,管口,接管Seed点火区Plate板块,平板Utility用户,业主,业界Fuel assembly燃料组件Vendor卖主,供货商Inlet进口,入口Outlet出口Multiple多重的,多样的Barrier栅栏,屏障,障碍Barrel桶Core barrel堆芯吊篮Burnable absorber可燃吸收体 Redundancy多余,过多,冗长,冗余度 Diversity多样性Shell壳,外壳,壳体Steam line 蒸汽管线Contain包容Reactivity反应性Insert插入,嵌入Reactivity insertion反应性引入 Concentration浓度,浓缩,集中Load负荷,转载,负荷量Dilution稀释,摊薄Buildup累积,形成In-core detector system堆内测量系统 Self-powerd neutron detector 自给能中子探测器Axial power distribution轴向功率分布 Axial 轴的,轴向的Conditioning调节,调整Distribution分布,分配Azimuthal方位的,方位角的Tilt倾斜,倾斜度Trip跳闸,错误,旅行Reactor trip反应堆紧急停堆Turbine trip气机脱扣Departure离开,出发,启程,背离,违反 Departure from nucleate boiling偏离泡核沸腾Nucleate成核的,有核的,具核的 Reliability可信度,可靠性Forging锻造Ring-forging环锻件Velocity速度,速率 Surveillance监视,监督Specimen样品,抽样Bypass旁路,绕道,避开Mount安装,支架Phosphorous磷Austenitic奥氏体的Sulfur硫磺,硫Stainless不锈的Stainless steel 不锈钢Weld焊接Flange法兰,凸缘Threshold临界值,限值,阈值 Thermalcouple热电偶Engage接合,啮合,对位Nil零,无,零分Ductility延展性,延伸性Transition转变,转移,过度Nil-ductility transition temperature零延性转变温度Tapered逐渐变细的Fluence通量,注量率,影响Dome圆屋顶,像圆屋顶一样的东西 Integrated集成的,整合的,整体的 Shroud覆盖物,遮盖物,围板Burnable absorber rod 可燃吸收棒 Californium锎Creep潜变,蠕变Indium铟Lattice格子,框架,栅格Ceramic陶瓷的,陶器的Clearance间隙看,空隙Plug塞子,栓,阻力塞Contaminate污染,玷污Reactivity worth反应性价值Grid网格,格子,栅格Specific power比功率Inconel因科镍合金,镍铬合金 Antimony锑Inherent固有的,内在的,与生俱来的 Inherent safty固有安全性Cadmium镉Passive safety非能动安全Active 主动的,活动的Active safty能动安全Spider星形架Sleeve套管,套筒Spacer隔离物Spacer grid定位格架U-tube steam generator U型管蒸汽发生器 Rated 额定的,规定的Reted load额定功率Spray喷雾,喷淋系统Auxiliary辅助的,辅助设备Feed and condensate system 给水与凝汽系统Hot leg热管段Cold leg冷管段Charge上充Letdown下泄Plugging堵漏,封堵Margin差额,储备,裕量Tube plugging margin堵管裕量In the event of在…情况下Backup备用的,备份,后备Heat exchanger换热器Overpressure protection过压保护 Economizer节约装置,节热器,省煤器 Tank槽,油箱,罐Inlet 入口,进口Plenum充实,充满,高压Inlet plenum一次进口水室Nozzle管嘴,喷嘴,管口Primary inlet nozzle一次进口接管 Outlet plenum一次出口水室Tubesheet管板Valve阀门,阀,气门Safety valve安全阀Relief valve泄压阀Downcomer下导管,下降段Quality(蒸汽)干度Void空的,空虚的Fraction分数,小部分Void fraction空泡份额Full power满功率Thermal shock热冲击Rated power额定功率Quench急冷,骤冷Light water reactor Ultimate最终的,最后的,终极的Sink 水池,水槽Ultimate最终热阱Thermal engine热机Primary loop一次回路Prime最初的,原始的Mover推进器,发动机Prime mover原动机Secondary loop二次回路Enthalpy焓Balance of plant核电厂配套子项 Entropy熵,平局信息量Primary pressureboundary一次压力边界 Feedback反馈Isolation隔离Isolation valve隔离阀Pneumatic气动的,风动的,充气的,由压缩空气操作的Pneumatic valve气动阀门Failure 失效,失败,故障Injection注射,注入,喷入Safety injection pump安注泵Fault 故障Malfunction故障,误动作,失灵 Containment安全壳Carnot efficiency卡诺效率Reinforced加固的,加强的,加钢筋的 Reinforced concrete钢筋混凝土Engine efficiency热机效率 Prestressed reinforced concrete 预应力钢筋混凝土Hot reservoir高温热源,储蓄器Cold reservoir低温热源Psi=pounds per aquare inch gauge英制压力单位Refueling换料Annular环形的,环状的Emergency core-cooling system应急堆芯冷却系统Latent 潜伏的,潜在的,隐藏的Latent heat潜热Sensible 可感觉到的,意识到,认识到 Sensible heat显热Bleed出血,流血Feed and bleed补水与排水Hydroxide氢氧化物Engineered safety features专设安全设施 Sodium hydroxide氢氧化钠Caustic苛性的,腐蚀性的,氢氧化钠 Component cooling system设备冷却水系统 Startup启动Missile飞射物,导弹Accumulator 蓄压器,蓄压箱Sump 污水坑,水槽,水坑 Containment sump安全壳地坑Motor-driven valve电动阀Flywheel飞轮Be referded to as 被称为…Blade、 bucket、 vane 叶片,叶栅 Casing缸体,箱体Work功Thrust推力,塞Impulse冲动,冲击,推动Impulse turbine冲动式汽轮机Reaction反动,反作用力,反力,反作用 Reaction turbine反冲动式汽轮机 Lashing捆扎加固Moisture水分水汽,湿气Moisture removal除湿Impulse stage 冲动级Reaction stage 反动级Throttle节流,调节,减速,节流阀Stop-throttle valve节流阀Torque扭矩Degree of reactionf反动度Revolution旋转,运转Rev/s=revolutions per second每秒…转 Rpm=revolutions per minute每分钟…转 Converging渐缩的Diverging渐扩的Nozzle喷嘴,接管Turbine generator汽轮发电机moisture separator reheater汽水分离再热器turbine driven feedwater pump 气动给水泵gland压盖,密封gland steam system密封蒸汽系统 steam dump蒸汽排放flow restrictior 限流器main team isolation valve主蒸汽隔离阀 unit机组,单位,单元hotwell热阱regulating调节,调整feed regulating valve给水流量调节阀 feedwater header给水联箱 regenerative feed heating cycle给水回热循环drain疏水step change阶跃变化wear磨损,损耗ramp change线性变化fouling污垢,结垢overflow溢出,溢流overflow valve溢流阀inventory装量,库存process steam工艺汽dump释放,排放steam dump蒸汽释放trip scram紧急停堆condenser steam dump冷凝器排放 shutdown关机,停堆atmospheric steam dump大气排放 outrage停堆期deoxidizer steam dump除氧器排放 manually手动的,手工的electric cable 电缆automatically自动的,机械的auxiliary feed water system 辅助给水系统 mass flow rate质量流率shutoff valve 关断阀shutoff停止,关闭differential pressure,pressure differential压差code of federal regulations联邦管理法规 condensate凝结液booster升压器,增压器booster pump 增压泵head水压 ,压头turbine trip气机甩扣suction 抽,吸,吸入口process heat 工艺热。


0041 Adopting (or adoption) by equivalent
0042 Adsorber chiller
0043 Aerial cable
0044 Aerodynamic behaviour
0058 Air hose
0059 Air intake
0060 Air pump
0061 Air sampling device
0062 Air self—cooling type
0063 Air submersion dose
0064 Airborne particulate sampler (APS)
大气稳定度 原子吸收光谱
0127 ATWS mitigation system
0128 Audible count rate signal
0129 Audible signals
0130 Audit 0131 Audit follow—up
监查 监查后续行动
0132 Audit plan
0098 Ante—whip device
0099 Anticipated operational occurrences
0100 Anticipated transient without scram (ATWS)
0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 0108 0109 0110 0111 0112 0113 0114 0115 0116 0117 0118 0119 0120 0121 0122 0123



在 PSA 的人员可靠性分析中所考虑的影响人误概率的因素,包括:
40 Performance shaping 人员的培训水平、程序的质量/可用性、实施某项操作的可用时间、
ANS - 美国核学会 ASEP - 事故序列评价程序 ASME - 美国机械工程师学会 ATWS - 未能紧急停堆的预期瞬态 CCF - 共因事件 CCI - 共因始发事件 CDF - 堆芯损坏频率 EOP/AOP - 应急操作规程/异常操作规程 FMEA - 故障模式和影响分析 HFE - 人员失误事件 HLRs - 总体要求 HRA - 人员可靠性分析 HVAC - 暖通空调系统 IAEA - 国际原子能机构 V-LOCA - 一回路接口系统冷却剂丧失事故 LERF - 早期大量释放频率 LOCA - 冷却剂丧失事故 LOOP - 厂外电源丧失 MOV - 电动阀 NEI - 美国核能研究所 NPSH - 净正吸入压头 NRC - 美国核管会 PSA/PRA - 概率安全(风险)评价 PSF - 行为形成因子 PWR - 压水堆 RAW - 风险增加值 RCS/RCP - 反应堆冷却剂系统 RHR - 余热排出系统 RRI - 设备冷却水系统 SAR - 安全分析报告
Accident sequence
Accident sequence
At power



第1章应知应会的单词与专业术语1.1. 原子核、核子及相关术语质子proton中子neutron电子electron核子nucleon核nucleus (pl.)nuclei 原子atom光子photon正电子positron量子quantum, quanta (pl.) 电子伏特electron-volt (eV) 兆电子伏特mega electron-volt (MeV) 同位素isotope原子序数atomic number质量数mass number超铀元素transuranium element元素周期表periodic table热中子thermal neutron快中子fast neutron复合核compound nucleus1.2. 相关元素与材料1.2.1.核燃料与增殖材料铀uranium(U)钚plutonium(Pu)氘,重氢deuterium,heavy hydrogen氚tritium混合氧化物燃料(MOX燃料)Mixed (Uranium and Plutonium) OXide fuel二氧化铀uranium dioxide浓缩铀enriched uranium贫铀depleted uranium 碳化铀uranium carbide钍thorium锂lithium锕系元素actinide element易裂变的fissile可裂变的、可裂变物质fissionable 增殖同位素fertile isotope核嬗变nuclear transmutation转化conversion1.2.2.其它核材料及核电厂用材料慢化剂moderator轻水light water重水heavy water石墨graphite冷却剂coolant氦helium液态金属liquid metal钠sodium包壳cladding铝aluminium镁magnesium锆zirconium锆合金zircaloy不锈钢stainless steel 控制材料control material 通量展平flux-shaping银silver铟indium镉cadmium可燃毒物burnable poison 硼boron硼酸boric acid锂lithium铍beryllium 乏燃料spent fuel因科镍,因康INCONEL不锈钢stainless steel奥氏体不锈钢austenitic stainless steel 铁素体不锈钢ferritic stainless steel马氏体不锈钢martensitic stainless steel1.3. 核反应及相关术语衰变decay裂变fission聚变fusion核反应nuclear reaction链式反应chain reaction截面cross section微观截面microscopic cross section 宏观截面macroscopic cross section 吸收截面absorbing cross section 散射截面scattering cross section靶恩barn缓发中子delayed neutron瞬发中子prompt neutron瞬发临界prompt criticality易裂变的fissile可裂变的fissionable慢化morderate / slow down增殖比breeding ratio燃耗burnup反应性reactivity中子循环neutron cycle裂变产物fission product临界criticality瞬发临界prompt critical通量flux氙xenon 碘iodine锕系(元素)actinide反应性价值reactivity worth慢化剂温度系数 moderator temperature coefficient反应性系数 reactivity coefficient剩余反应性 excess reactivity燃料比功率 fuel specific power倍增因子multiplication factor有效增殖系数effective multiplication factor;effective multiplication constant无限介质增殖系数infinite multiplication factor;infinite multiplication constant快中子增殖系数fast fission factor热中子利用系数thermal utilization factor不泄漏几率nonleakage probability逃脱共振俘获几率resonance escape probability四因子公式four-factor formula多普勒增宽Doppler broadening*总集成中子通量/总积分中子通量Total Integrated Neutron Flux = Integrated Flux or Fluence (注量) = Neutron density ⨯ Velocity ⨯Time [单位:n/m3⋅ m/s ⋅ s = n/m2]1.4. 反应堆压水堆Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR)沸水堆Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)加拿大重水铀反应堆(坎杜堆)CANadian Deuterium and Uranium reactor (CANDU) / pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR)英国气冷堆(美诺克斯堆)British gas-cooled Magnox reactor高温气冷堆high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR)快中子增殖反应堆fast breeder reactor (FBR)轻水堆Light Water Reactor (LWR)先进反应堆advanced reactor超临界水反应堆supercritical water reactor欧洲压水堆(第三代反应堆之一)European Pressurized water Reactor (EPR)(美国)先进压水堆600/1000(第三代(+)反应堆之一)AP(WR)600 / 10001.5. 核电厂部件、设备与系统燃料芯块fuel pellet燃料元件fuel element燃料棒fuel rod燃料组件fuel assembly定位格架spacer grid法兰flange密封环seal ring阻力塞plug(上/下)腔室(upper / lower ) plenum堆芯,活性区core反应堆压力容器Reactor Pressure V essel (RPV)上封头upper closure head液压螺栓拉伸机(张紧机) hydraulic stud tensioner包覆层clad (碳钢表面的防腐蚀堆焊层) 控制棒control rod控制棒组件Control Element Assembly (CEA)可燃吸收棒burnable absorber rod控制棒驱动机构Control Element Drive Mechanism (CEDM)变送器transmitter信号调理signal regulation吊篮barrel进/出口接管inlet / outlet nozzle 冷/热端,冷/热腿,冷/热管段cold / hot leg 反应堆堆内构件reactor vessel internals肿胀swelling腐蚀corrode, corrosion侵蚀erode, erosion氧化oxidation, oxidize完整性integrity反应堆冷却剂泵(主泵)Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP)屏蔽泵canned (motor) pump轴封泵shaft seal pump反应堆冷却剂系统(一回路系统)Reactor Coolant System (RCS)核蒸汽供应系统Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS)一回路primary loop/circuit一回路系统/主回路系统primary system二回路secondary loop稳压器pressurizer (PRZ)波动管surge line汽水分离器moisture separator干燥器(二/三级汽水分离器)steam dryer 安全阀safety valve卸压阀relief valve溢流阀overflow valve主蒸汽隔离阀main steam isolation valve单向阀check valve止回阀non-return valve主蒸汽联箱main steam header给水调节阀feed regulating valve蒸汽发生器Steam Generator (SG)主蒸汽管Main Steam Line (MSL)汽轮机steam turbine汽水分离再热器Moisture Separator Reheater (MSR)给水泵feed (water) pump上充泵charging pump凝汽器condenser发电机(electric) generator安全壳containment地基,基础foundation烟道stack贯穿件penetration核岛nuclear island常规岛conventional island核电厂配套子项Balance of Plant (BOP)一回路辅助系统auxiliary system for primary loop化学与容积控制系统(化容系统)Chemical and V olume Control System (CVCS)专设安全设施Engineered Safety Feature (ESF)余热排出系统Residual Heat-Removal System (RHRS)应急堆芯冷却系统Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS),安注系统Safety Injection (SI) System直接注射系统direct vessel injection (DVI) 换料水箱In-containment Refueling Water Storage Tank (IRWST) (乏)燃料贮存水池(spent) fuel storage pool 燃料装卸系统fuel handling system堆芯补水箱core makeup tank蓄压箱accumulator机组unit辅助喷淋auxiliary spray柴油发电机Diesel generator自动保护系统Automatic Protective System (APS)自动降压系统automatic depressurization system (ADS)仪控系统Instrumentation and Control System (I & C system)开关设备,开关柜switch gear蒸汽轴封系统,压盖蒸汽密封系统gland steam system汽轮机旁路管turbine bypass line辅助给水泵auxiliary feedwater pump汽动给水泵turbine driven feedwater pump 导管conduit冷凝水泵condensate pump冷凝水增压泵condensate booster pump水润滑轴承water lubricated bearing人孔man way检修孔accessory port热电偶thermocouple加热节点热电偶heated junction thermocouple干簧管开关reed switch流量限制器flow restrictor节流孔版orifice1.6. 反应堆运行运行operation运行工况operating condition 操纵员operator 维护maintenance监督、监视surveillance监督试样surveillance specimen辐照监督管irradiation surveillance capsule 辐照监督试样盒surveillance specimen compartment硼浓度boron concentration稀释dilution / dilute硼注入 boron injection停堆shutdown紧急停堆scram / trip停役outage换料停堆refueling outage / refueling shutdown换料refuel卸料 discharge倒料 shuffling满功率运行full power operation负荷跟踪load following甩负荷load shedding, load rejection(控制棒等的)插入insertion(控制棒等的)抽出withdrawal反应堆调节系统Reactor Regulating System (RRS)(蒸汽发生器)排污、下泄blowdown 规程procedure技术规格technical specification瞬态,瞬变transient安装调试installation and commissioning冷态试验 cold functional test热态试验 hot functional test(反应堆)启动试验(reactor) start up test退役decommissioning主控室main control room方位角偏差azimuthal tilt径向功率分布radial power distribution轴向功率分布axial power distribution燃料管理方案fuel management scheme燃料-包壳交互作用fuel-clad interaction effect芯块-包壳交互作用(PCI) pellet-clad interaction(燃料)栅格、晶格lattice积水垢fouling去污cleansing(水的)净化purify (v), purification (n)1.7. 反应堆安全核安全nuclear safety安全功能 safety function衰变热decay heat余热residual heat空泡系数void coefficient法律law法规regulation / code联邦管理法规Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)法案(美)Act导则guidance, guide安全1/2/3级safety class 1/2/3可靠性reliability容限,裕量,边界margin堆芯热裕量core thermal margin 堵管裕量tube plugging margin运行安全裕量operating margin标准,准则criterion,复数形式: criteria概率安全分析Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA)概率风险分析Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA)确定论安全分析deterministic safety analysis初步安全分析报告Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR)最终安全分析报告Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR)安全评价报告safety evaluation report事件incident事故accident后果consequence严重事故severe accident堆芯损毁core damage堆芯融化core meltdown全厂断电station blackout冷却剂丧失事故(失水事故)Loss-of-coolant Accident (LOCA)反应性引入事故Reactivity Insertion Accident (RIA)未能紧急停堆的预计瞬变Anticipated Transient Without Scram (ATWS)失电Loss of Power失流Loss of flow先漏后破leak before break (LBB)故障安全,失效保护fail-safe单一故障准则single-failure criterion共因故障common cause failure固有安全性inherent safety非能动安全passive safety冗余性redundancy多样性diversity多层屏障multiple barrier纵深防御defense in depth潜热latent heat 焓,热函sensible heat, enthalpy定期安全检查periodic safety inspection许可证license监管regulation核安全准则nuclear safety criteria三哩岛事故Three Mile Island (TMI) accident切尔诺贝利事故Chernobyl accident工作不正常,故障malfunction失效failure假设始发事件postulated initiating events 事故工况accident condition严重事故severe accident事故处理accident management设计基准事故design basis accident负荷丧失事故loss of electrical load accident主给水丧失事故loss of main feed water accident卡棒事故stuck rod accident弹棒事故rod ejection accident堵管裕量tube plugging margin管道甩摆限制pipe whip restraint在役检查inservice inspection承压热冲击pressurized thermal shock1.8. 放射性与辐射防护放射性radioactivity散射scatter折射deflect, deflection衍射diffraction穿透penetrate, penetration交互作用interact, interaction电离ionization湮灭annihilate (v.), annihilation (n.) 衰减attenuate(v.), attenuation(n.)入射离子projectile辐射防护radiation protection辐射,射线radiation, ray辐照,(向外)辐射irradiation 内照射internal exposure外照射external exposure职业照射(剂量)occupational dose 注量fluence宇宙射线cosmic rayX射线x-rayα/β/γ射线α/β/γray保健物理health physics屏蔽shielding生物屏蔽biological shield剂量dose剂量当量dose equivalent集体剂量collective dose个人剂量individual dose摄入,摄取ingest, ingestion 吸入inhale, inhalation昏迷coma绞痛cramp腹泻diarrhea颤抖tremor呕吐vomit身体的somatic躯体反应somatic effect辐照病变radiation sickness 征兆symptom治疗therapy 幸存者survivor活化产物activation product废水effluent天然本底natural background希弗sivert谱spectrum雷姆rem氡radon合理可行尽量低as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA)放射性废物处理radioactive waste disposal 高放废物high-level (radioactive) waste低放废物low-level (radioactive) waste1.9. 有关机构国际原子能机构International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)美国机械工程师学会American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)美国核管会Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC/USNRC)美国能源部Department Of Energy (DOE)世界核电运营者协会World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO)国际辐射防护委员会International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) 中国国家原子能机构China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA)国家环保总局State Environment Protection Administration of China1.10. 其它术语1.10.1.表示方向横向lateral纵向longitudinal径向radial垂直于perpendicular to 垂直/立式安装vertically mounted 环向circumferential轴向axial周边periphery1.10.2.材料术语腐蚀corrosion应力腐蚀开裂stress corrosion cracking 断裂rapture, fracture, break破口breach肿胀swelling气蚀cavitation点蚀/孔蚀pitting 缝隙腐蚀crevice corrosion冲蚀erosion流动加速腐蚀FAC flow accelerated corrosion耗蚀wastage凹陷,凹痕(SG tube) dent疲劳fatigue老化ageing降级degradation磨损wear微动磨损fretting wear蠕变creep应力stress应变strain蠕变强度creep strength抗拉强度tensile strength屈服强度yield strength断裂强度rapture strength断裂韧性fracture toughness零延性转变温度nil-ductility transition temperature基准性能baseline property热应力thermal stress辐照肿胀irradiation swelling焊接weld堆焊deposit welding, overlaying, build-up welding, surface welding密封焊seal weld对接焊butt weld焊缝weld seam焊接热影响区heat affected zone (HAZ)锻造forge锻件forging1.10.3.核电工程术语征购procurement安装erection调试commissioning厂址site招标call for bid, call for tender 商务标commercial offer技术标technical offer开工commencement合同contract不可更改的合同firm contract 分包合同subcontract承诺,任务commitment工地,工作现场job site 技术要求technical requirement技术规格technical specification不符合项non-conformance交货delivery仓库warehouse施工计划construction schedule离岸价格Free on Board (FOB)到岸价格Cost Insurance and Freight (CIF) EPC合同-设计采购建造,Engineering, Procurement & Construction电网power grid输变电系统distribution system1.10.4.其它化合物compound混合物mixture质量mass动量momentum能量energy势能potential (energy)动能kinetic energy惯性inertia半衰期half-life平均自由程mean free path 燃料循环fuel cycle 热点hot spot热管因子hot-channel factor偏离泡核沸腾比departure from nucleate boiling ratio (DNBR)传热heat transfer换热器heat exchanger导热heat conduction对流convection热辐射thermal / heat radiation干度quality蒸汽steam预应力钢筋混凝土prestressed reinforced concrete / prestressed concrete钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete铁钢沙混凝土Steel shot concrete筋,钢筋束tendon流量分配flow distribution电网power grid公共事业,业主utility业主owner承包商contractor分包商sub-contractor压降pressure drop压差differential pressure水位(water) level水位指示level indication 规定,条款;保障;装备provision地震earthquake地震的seismic飓风tornado暖通空调Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HV AC)热阱heat sink惰转coastdown惰转流量coastdown flow功率失常激增,功率漂移power excursion 减轻,缓解v. mitigate, n. mitigation公差、容差allowance间隙,公差clearance权重因子weighting factor1.11. 有必要了解的词汇与短语根据经验as a rule of thumb以数量级by orders of magnitude早期故障, 初期故障incipient failure消除eliminate, elimination导出,起源derive, derivation, deduce, deduction机理,原理mechanism, approach, principle, theory敏感的susceptible敏感性susceptibility有毒的toxic 急剧的acute遗传inherit遗传性的hereditary高度altitude假定,假设postulate, postulation 可渗透的, 有渗透性的permeable 不可渗透的impermeable脆性破裂brittle fracture脆化embrittlement韧性toughness延展性ductility1.12. AP1000核电厂相关术语非能动余热导出系统passive decay heat removal system爆破阀squib valve第2章阅读理解题练习2.1. Passage 1As a result reactor designers have paid great attention to the inherent safetyof reactors which can be achieved by negative temperature and power coefficients and fail-safe control systems. It can be said with some confidence that present-day thermal reactors are safe in the sense that under no conceivable circumstance can they explode like a bomb, and control systems have been designed which can, in the event of any malfunction on the part of the reactor or its associated plant, automatically and rapidly shut down the reactor, i.e. make it subcritical by a substantial amount, in a very few seconds.1. According to the paragraph, inherent safety of reactors can be achieved by . (C)A. the operators;B. positive temperature and positive power coefficients;C. negative temperature and negative power coefficients;D. passive safety system and positive power coefficients.2. The best title of the passage may probably be . (D)A. fail-safe control system;B. thermal reactor safety and operation;C. automatic protective system;D. inherent safety design of reactors.2.2. Passage IIThe biological shield should contain some hydrogen compound to slow down fast neutrons, and be dense enough to attenuate gamma radiation effectively. Concrete satisfies both these requirements fairly well and is suitable for landbase reactors. Barytes (重晶石) concrete, containing the heavy element barium, and steel-shot concrete have been used for biological shields. They are more dense than ordinary concrete, with improved shielding properties, however their higher cost offsets this advantage. The biological shield for a marine reactor, which is usually a fairly compact pressurized water reactor, must satisfy a minimum space and weight requirement. This leads to a shield design which consists typically of alternate layers of water (for fast neutron slowing) and steel (for gamma ray attenuation).3. According to the above passage, is not possible for constructing biological shield? (C)A. steel;B. concrete;C. graphite;D. paraffin wax.4. Which of the following sentences is not true? (D)A. The biological shield is designed mainly to slow down fast neutrons and attenuate gamma radiation.B. The marine reactor uses alternative steel and water layers as its biological shield.C. The combination of heavy element concrete and steel bars could improve the shielding properties.D. The biological shield should use hydrogen element to slow down fast neutron and attenuate gamma radiations.2.3. Passage IIIIn order to mitigate the effects of large release of steam (an potentially of radioactivity) in the containment, two full capacity independent safety systems are provided; the reactor building spray system and the reactor building emergency coolers. The systems are designed to provide cool water to condense discharge steam and to prevent containment pressure from reaching its design limit. Individual systems differ considerably but a typical system may be described as follows; The initial capacity of the systems in removing heat from the containment atmosphere is typically 253GJ/hr.When a containment pressure of 4psig is reached, the emergency coolers of the reactor building are actuated. In their post accident mode, the system consists of three units each with a fan and an emergency cooler. As the reactor building air is circulated across a tubular heat exchanger, a portion of steam is condensed. These coolers alone would be capable of returning the containment pressure to near atmospheric within 24 hr after an accident. When the pressure reaches a level of 10 psig, the second safety system, the reactor building spray system, is automatically actuated. It consists of a pump, piping, headers, and spray nozzles arranged uniformly under the containment dome. It can spray borated water into the reactor building at a rate of 11.35m3/min. A sodium hydroxide additive is also provided in the spray water to increase the retention of iodine, and hence, to reduce its concentration in the containment atmosphere in the event of a sizable breach of fuel cladding.5. Two full capacity independent safety systems are provided for the design purpose of . (A)A. condensing the steam released into the containment when pressureexceeds design limit.B. maintaining the high pressure in the containmentC. discharging large amount of steamD. mitigating the effect of radiation hazard to the containment.6. The reactor building spray system will be actuated automatically . (C)A. after 24 hours after the accident;B. immediately after the accident;C. when the containment pressure reaches a level of design limit;D. when the air in the containment is circulated through the heat exchanger.7. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? (B)A. The emergency cooler consists of fans and heat exchangers.B. The emergency cooler system can spray borated water into containment.C. All the two system are applied for returning the containment pressure to be blow atmospheric after the accident.D. Sodium hydroxide additive is provided in the spray water to reduce the amount of radioactive fission produces.2.4. Passage IVMany reactor-years of operating experience have shown that it is not the fission chain reaction in the reactor core that is the most likely source of malfunction and accidents, but the “conventional”components of the power plant such as pumps, valves, switches, relays and parts under stress such as pressure vessel or pipework. Human error on the part of operating and maintenance staff has also proved to be a rather frequent source of trouble in nuclear power plant.These factors are not peculiar to nuclear power plant, but they assume great importance because of the hazardous nature of nuclear reactors. Designers have to ensure that all systems should as far as possible be fail-safe and redundant, i.e. if one system fails to function correctly, another is available to fulfill the same function.As stated above, nuclear reactors cannot explode like nuclear bombs. This primarily because of the fast acting negative thermal feedback due to Doppler broadening of the 238U absorption resonances. In addition in thermal reactors where neutrons are moderated, the prompt neutron lifetime Lp is the order of 10-4 second; in a bomb, since the neutrons are unmoderated, the prompt neuron lifetime is of the order of 10-8 seconds. Finally, reactor fuel consists typically of 2to 3 percent 235U, where as nuclear weapons contain almost pure 239Pu. The net effect of these difference is that, even in a reactor which is totally out of control and gone prompt critical, the reactor period will not be much less than a second or so. In a nuclear bomb, the period is of the order of nanoseconds.(1)According to the text, the most likely source of troubles in a nuclear comes fromA.Core of the reactorB.Conventional componentsC.Parts under stressD.Human error(2)The first sentence of second paragraph “These factors are not peculiar to …”,what does “These factors” mean?A.Human errorB.Malfunction of conventional componentsC.Fission chain reaction in the coreD.All of the above(3)What make the pressurized water reactors can not explode like a nuclear bomb?A.Doppler broadening of the 238U absorption resonancesB.The neutrons are moderatedC.PWR fuel contains much less fissile isotopes than nuclear bombD.All of the above(4)The last two sentences “The net effect of … is of the order of nanoseconds.” Givea comparison about the reactor period, what does the author most likely toexpress?A.The reactor period is too short comparing with a nuclear bombB.The 239Pu in a nuclear bomb is more easily to go prompt criticalityC.The nuclear reactor can not generate large amount of heat as a nuclear bombdoes within very short time, therefore nuclear reactor can not explode.D.The author wants to give us a reference about the data of the reactor periodtime.2.5. Passage VThe primary functions of the control rod drive mechanisms (CRDM) are to insert or withdraw rod cluster control assemblies and gray rod control assembles into or from the core to control average core temperature at a designed speed. A schematic diagram of CRDM is given in Fig 1. Control rod withdrawal one step involves six actions.1) Moveable Gripper Coil B-on.The latch-locking plunger rises andswings the movable gripper latchesinto the drive rod assembly groove. Asmall axial clearance exists betweenthe latch teeth and the drive rod.2) Stationary Gripper Coil A-off.The force of gravity, acting upon thedrive rod assembly and attachedcontrol rod, causes the stationarygripper and plunger to movedownward 1/16 inch, transferring theload of the drive rod assembly andattached control rod to the movablegripper latches. The plungerFig 1. Control rod drive mechanism continues to move downward andswings the stationary gripper latches out of the drive rod assembly groove.3) Lift Coil C-on. The 5/8-inch gap between the movable gripper pole and the lift pole closes, and the drive rod assembly rises one step length.4) Stationary Gripper Coil A-on. The plunger rises and rises the gap below the stationary gripper pole. The three links, pinned to the plunger, swing the stationary gripper latches into a drive rod assembly groove. The latches contact the drive rod assembly and lift it a small fraction of an inch. The small vertical drive rod assembly movement transfers the drive rod assembly load from the movable gripper latches to the stationary gripper latches.5) Movable Gripper Coil –off. The latch-locking plunger separates from the movable gripper pole under the force of a spring and gravity. Three links, pinned to the plunger, swing the three movable gripper latches out of the drive rod assembly groove.6) Lift Coil C –off. The gap between the movable gripper pole and the life pole opens. The movable gripper latches drop 5/8 inch to a position adjacent to a drive rod assemble groove.Repetition of the above six actions will make another step of withdrawal movement of control rod.(1)According to the text, the most likely source of troubles in a nuclear comes fromA.Core of the reactorB.Conventional componentsC.Parts under stressD.Human error(2)According to the text, the most likely source of troubles in a nuclear comes fromA.Core of the reactorB.Conventional componentsC.Parts under stressD.Human error第3章句子翻译-举例3.1. Which 从句(1)The atoms of all elements, which at one time were thought to be thefundamental particles of nature, consist of numbers of three more fundamental particles-protons, neutrons and electrons. 曾经被认为是自然界中基础粒子的原子是由多个更基础的粒子组成-质子、中子和电子。



核电专业英语词汇(完全版)AA[ampere]安培aberrant source异常误差来源ablution清洗,吹除abnormal condition异常工况abnormal event异常事件abnormal occurrence异常事件abnormal operation异常运行abnormality异常abort异常中止above-critical超临界的above-ground地面(上的)above-water水(上的)abradant(研)磨料abrasion磨损[蚀]abrasion resistance test耐磨试验abrasion-proof耐磨(的)abrasive cutting砂轮切割abreuography荧光X射线照相术abruption断裂abscess(金属中)气孔,砂眼absolute alarm绝对值报警absolute error绝对误差absolute filter绝对过滤器absorbance吸收率absorbed dose吸收剂量absorbed dose rate吸收剂量率absorbed fraction吸收部分/份额absorber吸收体[剂]absorber element吸收元件absorber rod吸收棒absorptance吸收率[系数] absorption吸收absorption coefficient吸收系数absorption column吸收柱absorption cross section吸收截面absorption type吸收类型abstraction萃取abundance丰度ac[alternative current]交流[电]acceleration pressure drop加速压降acceleration spring加速弹簧acceptable daily intake[ADI]日容许摄入量acceptable limit可接受限值acceptance验收acceptance criteria验收准则,验收标准acceptance inspection验收检查accepted as noted按说明接受access通道,入口access and use利用access control[A/C]出入口控制access hatch[lock]出入闸门access port人孔,舱出入口access tube通道管access way通路accessibility可达性accessible可进入(的)accession接收accessory附[零]件,辅助(的)accident事故accident analysis事故分析accident condition事故工况accident consequence事故后果accident dose事故剂量accident management事故管理accident mitigation事故缓解accident precursor事故先兆accident prevention事故预防accident progression事故进展accident sequence事故序列accident shutdown事故停堆accident source term事故源项accident with off-site risk有厂外风险的事故accident without significant off-site risk无严重厂外1风险的事故accidental depressurization of the cover gas覆盖气体事故降压accidental error随机误差accidental exposure事故照射accidental failure随机故障accountability衡算accumulated dose累积剂量accumulator(tank)安全注射箱,蓄压箱accuracy精度accuracy of measurement测量精度acetylene乙炔acid pickling酸洗acidic酸性acidity酸度acid-proof tile耐酸瓷砖acoustic insulation隔音层acoustic material隔音材料ACPT[automatic continuous phosphate treatment]自动连续磷酸盐处理acquisition征集acronym(首字母)缩写词acrylic plastic window丙烯酸塑料窗action level[应急]行动水平,应急响应水平activated carbon活性炭activated charcoal filter活性炭过滤器activation活化activation of corrosion product腐蚀产物的活化activation product活化产物active alumina活性氧化铝active carbon bedding活性炭床active carbon filter活性炭过滤器active component能动部件active effluent放射性流出物[排出流]active loss有功损耗active network有源网络active nucleation site活性成核位置active waste放射性废物active zone活性区,放射性区activity(放射性)活度activity concentration放射性浓度activity level活度水平activity median aerodynamic diameter活度中值空气动力学直径activity median thermodynamic diameter活度中值热力学直径actual line实线actual value实际值actuated equipment驱动设备,传动设备actuating mechanism驱动[执行]机构actuation驱动,启动actuation device[触发]驱动装置,执行机构actuator执行[操作]机构,驱动[传动]装置acute exposure急性照射acute intake急性吸入[取]acute radiation injury急性辐射损伤ad hoc专门,特设,特定(的)adapter管接头,异径接头,适配器adaptive control自适应控制ADC[analog-digital converter]模-数转换器add/drop multiplexer[ADM]分插复用器added metal填充金属addendum补遗adder加法器additional items补充(添加)项additional records补充记录additive添加物[剂]additive risk projection model相加风险预测模式adequate distribution均匀分布adherency/adherence粘着〔附〕,附着(力)adhe sion test粘附试验adiabatic绝热(的)adiabatic compression绝热压缩adion吸附离子adjacency相邻,邻接adjoint flux共轭中子通量adjustable wrench/spanner活动扳手adjuster absorber rod调节吸收棒adjuster drive mechanism调节棒驱动机构adjuster extension调节棒延伸段2adjuster rod调节棒adjuster unit调节(棒)装置adjusting pin定位销adjusting valve调节阀adjustment调整adlayer吸附层administrative archives文书档案administrative history组织沿革admiralty brass海军用黄铜admission intake[port]进气[汽]口admittance导纳;允许进入adoption by equation等同采用adoption by equivalent等效采用adsorbent吸附剂adsorption吸附adsorption carrier吸附载体adsorption filter吸附过滤器adulterant掺杂物advance payment预付款advanced control room先进控制室advantage factor有利因子advection平流,平移advective cooling平流冷却adverse conditions不良状况adverse environment有害环境advise all concerned通知有关各方advisory group顾问团AECB[Atomic Energy Control Board](加拿大)原子能管理局AECL[Atomic Energy of Canada Limited]加拿大原子能有限公司aerial cable架空电缆aerify充[掺]气,气化aerobic需[有]氧的aerobiont好氧微生物aerodymanic空气动力(的)aerodymanic dispersion空气动力学弥[分]散aeroradioactivity大气放射性aerosol气溶胶affinity亲合力after-heat余热afterheat cooling余热冷却after-power剩余功率age approximation年龄近似age hardening时效硬化ageing老化,时效ageing degradation老化降级[质,解]ageing management老化管理ageing testing老化试验agglomerant凝聚剂aggressive腐蚀性(的)agitation搅拌agitator搅拌器AI,A/I[analog input]模拟量输入AIM[asset and information management]文档和信息管理air(circuit)breaker空气断路器air admission filter进气[入口]过滤器air balance hoist空气平衡吊车air blast circuit breaker[ABCB]空气[气吹式]断路器air bottle气瓶,气罐air circulating空气循环air compressor空气压缩机air conditioning system空调系统air cooler water piping空气冷却器水管air deflector空气折流板air dryer空气干燥器air entraining agent加气剂air equivalent空气等效(的)air exhaust排风,抽风air extraction flow diagram抽气流程图air extraction system抽气系统air filtration unit[AFU]空气过滤装置air hoist气动[平衡]吊车air injector空气喷射器air inleakage空气漏入air inlet valve进气阀air intake进气[风]口air kerma空气比释动能air leakage testing空气泄漏试验3air lock空气[密封]闸门air lock valve空气闸阀air pollution大气污染air powered brake气动制动器air pressure regulating valve空气压力调节阀air-proof气密的air receiver空气储罐air stream气流air supplied suit气衣air supply供气,气源,送风air tank气罐air vent valve排气阀air/oil package气动/油压动力包air-block valve气阻阀airborne particulate sampler[APS]气载粒子取样器airborne radioactivity气载放射性airlock door气密门airlock lock system闸门锁紧系统airlocked密封的,密闭的airlock空气闸门air-oil tank油气箱air-operated valve气动阀airtight fittings气密连接件airtight joint door密封门airtight ring气密环ALARA[as low as reasonably achievable]合理可行尽量低alarm acknowledge报警确认alarm annunciator报警信号装置alarm conditioning报警条件alarm jumper报警抑制alarm limit报警(限)值alarm reset报警复位alarm value报警值alarm watch报警值班alarm window报警窗albedo反照率alert警戒alga藻类alien外来的aligner准直器aligning pin定位销alignment对中,校直alignment chart[diagram]列线图alignment pin定位销alkaline碱性alkalinity碱度all volatile treatment[AVT]全挥发处理allen screw六角螺栓alleviate减轻,缓和alligator wrench管钳,管扳手allowable burnup允许燃耗allowable error允许误差allowable value允许值allowance公差;允许量alpha decayα衰变alphanumeric字母数字的alphanumeric character字母数字符ALST[alarm status table]报警状态表alternate mode替换模式alum矾alumina particle颗粒状氧化铝alumina pellet粒状氧化铝,氧化铝芯块alveolus凹槽amalgam electrode汞齐电极ambient dose equivalent周围剂量当量ambient pressure环境压力ambient temperature环境温度ambipolar双极(的)ambulance救护车amine胺ammeter电流计ammonia氨amplification放大amplifier放大器amplitude幅值ampoule细颈瓶anaerobe厌氧微生物anaerobic厌氧的4analog模拟量analog input[AI]模拟量输入analog input system模拟量输入系统analog output模拟量输出analog(ue)controller模拟量控制器analog(ue)read-out模拟量示值,模拟量读数analog(ue)signal模拟信号analog(ue)-digital converter[ADC]模-数转换器analyser分析器analysis分析analysis report分析报告ahchor bolt地脚螺栓,锚固螺栓anchor ear(电)抱箍anchoring element锚固件ancillary equipment辅助设备ancillary port辅助孔道ancillary structure附属构筑物anexer阴离子交换树脂angle steel角钢angle(relief)valve角(式卸压)阀angular flux角通量anion阴离子anionic resin阴离子交换树脂anisotropic各向异性(的)ANN[annunciator]信号器anneal退火annual balance sheet年度决算表,年度资产负债表annual dose年剂量annual limit on intake年摄入量限值annual outage年度停役annual processing rate年处理率annual reload年换料量annual risk年度风险annual throughput(燃料)年投量annubar阿牛巴,环杆annular plate环形板annular space bellows环形气隙波纹管annulus gas环隙气体annulus gas system环隙气体系统annulus shielding环隙屏蔽annulus space环形区,环形气隙(区)annulus spacer环形定位圈annunciation报警,(状态)通告annunciation interrogation workstation[AIW]报警查询工作站annunciation window报警窗annunciator信号器,报警器anode阳极anomaly异[反]常ANSI[American National Standards Institute]美国国家标准学会antenna ring触环anticipated operational occurrence预计运行事件anticipated performance预期的性能anticipated transient condition预期瞬态工况anticoincidence反符合anti-corrosion防腐,耐蚀anti-reverse不可逆,防倒转anti-reverse ratchet防倒转棘轮anti-scalant阻垢剂antiscale防垢剂anti-seismic防震anti-seizer lubricant防咬润滑剂AO,A/O[analog output]模拟量输出a/o[atomic percent]原子百分数aperiodicity非周期性aperture孔径apparent表观的apparent output表观功率[输出],视[在]功率appendix附录[件]applicability适用性applicable code and standard适用规范与标准applicant申请者applied dose施予剂量appraisal鉴定approach to criticality逼近临界approach to power提升功率approval批准approved supplier认可/批准的供货商5aquatic pathway(放射性释放)水途径aqueous process水法,湿法aqueous solution水溶液arc flame弧焰arc lamp弧光灯arc strike引弧斑痕architectural finishing建筑饰面archival administrative department档案行政管理部门archival arrangement档案整理archival code档号archival descriptive information centre档案资料目录中心archival evidence档案证明archival information classification档案信息分类archival microform档案缩微品archival publications档案出版物archival repository档案库房archival science档案学archival value档案价值archive area馆区archives档案;档案馆archives building档案馆建筑archives container档案装具archives management档案管理archives thesaurus档案主题词表archives work档案工作area区域,地区,范围;面积area monitor区域监视器area monitoring区域监测area survey区域测量argon氩(气)argon arc cutting氩弧切割arithmetic routine运算程序armature电枢armo(u)red cable铠装电缆arrangement drawing布置图artificial radioactivity人工放射性artificial ventilation人工通风as low as reasonable achievable[ALARA]合理可行尽量低ASAP[as soon as possible]尽快as-built data[ABD]竣工资料as-built drawing竣工图ascending上行[向]的ASCII[American Standard Code for Information Interchange]美国信息交换标准代码ASDV[atmospheric steam discharge valve]大气蒸汽排放阀aseismic抗震的aseismic joint防震缝ASME[American Society of Mechanical Engineers]美国机械工程师学会aspect ratio纵横比asperity粗糙度aspiration pressure(泵)吸水压力,抽气压力assembler汇编程序assembly组件assembly drawing总装配图assessment评价assessment of radiation protection辐射防护评价ASSET[Assessment of Safety Significant Event Team]安全重要事件评价组assistance辅助设备assistant power plant operator[APPO]电站助理操纵员associate关联associated facilities配套设施assumed accident假想事故ASTM[American Society for Testing Materials]美国材料试验学会as-welded焊(后状)态的asychronous motor异步电动机asymmetric line break非对称效应的管路破裂asymmetrical disturbance非对称扰动asymptotic渐近的at saturation达到[处于]饱和atmosphere barrier空气隔板atmospheric contamination大气污染atmospheric control大气控制atmospheric dispersion大气弥散6atmospheric dispersion factor大气弥散因子atmospheric pathway(放射性释放)气途径atmospheric pollution大气污染atmospheric radiation monitoring apparatus大气辐射监测装置atmospheric stability大气稳定度atmospheric steam discharge valve大气蒸汽排放阀atomic absorption原子吸收at-reactor(fuel)storage反应堆现场(燃料)贮存attachment ring安装环attendance and no-attendance出席和缺席attenuation衰减,减弱attenuation factor衰减因子attributable risk归因危险(风险)attribute属性ATWS[anticipated transient without scram]未能紧急停堆的预期瞬态audible alarm音响报警audio-visual archives音像档案audio-visual equipment视听设备audit监查audit team监查小组audit plan监查计划austenitic stainless steel奥氏体不锈钢authority管理机构,当局authorisation许可,批准,授以资格或合格证书authorised activity批准的行动authorised discharge批准的排放authorised facility批准的设施authorised first operator[AFO]授权的首席操纵员authorised inspector授权检查员authorised limit管理限值,特准限值authorised nuclear operator[ANO]授权的核操纵员authorised termination of responsibility授权终止责任authorised transfer许可的转移authorised use授权使用“AUTO”compressor处于“自动”状态下的压缩机AUTO mode自动模式autoclave高压釜autoclave channel高压釜通道autoclave circuit高压釜回路autoclaving高压釜处理autocorrelation自相关autogenous cutting(乙炔)气割automatic自动automatic voltage regulator[AVR]自动电压调节器automatic water purge自动冲水清洗automatic/manual station自动-手动操作台automation自动化autoradiography自射线照相法autoregressive自回归autotransformer自耦变压器auto-turbine run-up system汽机自动升速系统auxiliary辅助(的)auxiliary bay辅助间auxiliary control room辅助控制室auxiliary feed&bleed inlet&outlet[AFBIO]辅助给排水进出口auxiliary feedwater pump[AFP]辅助给水泵auxiliary H2O leakage collection system[AHLCS]辅助轻水泄漏收集系统auxiliary hoist副提升机构auxiliary impeller辅助叶轮auxiliary nitrogen circuit辅助氮气回路auxiliary transformer辅助[厂用]变压器availability可利用率availability factor可利用因子available可用的average flux power平均中子通量功率average fuel rating[duty]燃料平均比功率average zone level[AZL]平均区域液位avertable dose可免剂量averted dose已免剂量Avogadro’s number阿佛加德罗常数AVT[all volatile treatment]全挥发处理away-from-reactor(fuel)storage(燃料)离堆贮存,厂外贮存awu[atomic weight unit]原子量单位axial elongation轴向伸长7axial factor轴向(功率峰)因子axial flaw轴向裂纹axial form factor轴向形状因子axial offset[AO]轴向偏移axial peaking factor轴向峰值因子axial peaking hot factor轴向热点峰因子axial power deviation轴向功率偏差axial tensile load轴向拉伸荷载axisymmetric轴对称(的)azimuthal方位,角向(的)Bb[barn]靶恩(核反应截面单位)back checking返回校验back lighted button带灯按钮backfill回填backflow回[逆,反]流background背景,本底backing pump前级泵backing welding打底焊backlog积压(的待办事项)backspace退格back-up备用back-up air supply备用空气源back-up air tank备用气箱back-up cooling备用冷却backup feedwater pump[BFP]备用给水泵backup heat sink备用热阱back-up injection mode备用注入模式backup seal备用密封back-up water备用水backward反向backwash反洗,反萃取backwash piping反冲洗管back-water valve[BWV]回水阀badge佩章剂量计baffle缓冲板balance header平衡集管balance of nuclear steam plant[BNSP]核蒸汽厂房辅助设施balance of plant[BOP]核电厂配套子项balancing hoist平衡吊车ball bearing滚珠轴承ball check valve止回球阀,球型止回阀ball float valve浮球阀ball plunger(储仓推杆座管的)球销ball screw滚珠丝杠ball spline滚珠花键ball valve球阀ballast镇流器ballast trailer配重拖车bandwidth(频)带宽bank guarantee银行担保bank of cylinder气瓶组bank reconciliation statement银行往来对帐单bar巴(压力单位);杆[棒,条]bar chart棒图,条型图bar list钢筋表bar method贯通法磁粉探伤bare裸的;无反射层的barricade屏蔽板,隔板barrier屏障,隔板base底板,基础baseline基线,扫描线,原始资料base mat底板垫层base material母材base plate基板base rock基岩base-load operation基本负荷运行basement地下室,基板basic碱性;基本的basic design基准设计basic limit基本限值basic safety function基本安全功能basket(过滤用)网篮batch分批batch controller批量调节器batching pump计量泵battery蓄电池,电池组bay水池8baybolt地脚螺栓bayonet插入式;回流管式;卡口,销钉连接bead welding堆焊beak attrition(树脂的)破碎损坏bearing轴承(座),支座bearing(lube)oil pump轴承(润滑)油泵bearing cooling water piping轴承冷却水管bearing housing轴承座(箱)bearing pad支承垫片,轴承衬垫bearing pressure轴承压力bearing sleeve轴承套管[衬套]Becquerel贝可[勒尔](放射性活度单位)beetle一种形似甲虫的水份探测器探头beginning-of-plant life电厂寿期初behaviour行为,性状bell扩散管,喇叭口,漏斗Belleville washer(装卸料机机头内的)贝氏垫圈bellows波纹管bellows assembly波纹管组件bellows attachment ring波纹管连接环bellows expansion joint波纹管膨胀[伸缩]接头bellows-sealed globe valve波纹管密封截止阀belt-driven皮带传动bench-mark水准点,基准点bench run台架试验bend弯管bend extrados弯管外脊bend intrados弯管内脊beneficiary收款人,受益人benefit-cost analysis效益-成本分析bent frame排架beryllium assisted crack penetration铍促使裂缝贯穿beta particleβ粒子beta-activeβ放射性的beyond design basis accident[BDBA]超设计基准事故beveling machine坡口机bias偏置[压]bias error偏置误差bi-cable双电缆bicarbonate重碳酸盐bid evaluation评标bidirectional fuelling双向换料bidirectional refueling双向换料bidirectional switch双向转换开关big repair大修bill of lading(货运)提单bill of material[BM]材料清单bill of quantities工程量清单bimetallic thermometer双金属温度计binary comparator二进制比较器binary digital counter[BDC]二进制数字计数器binary signal二进制信号binomial双重;二项式bioaccumulation factor生物积累因子bioassay生物学检验,生物[学]分析bio-engineering生物工程biological half-life生物半周期,生物半衰期biological shield生物屏蔽biosphere生物层,生物圈bistable双稳态bit位bitumen solidification沥青固化black absorber rod黑体吸收棒black sheet黑铁皮blackout全厂断电bladed U tube翅片U形管blank空格blank flange盲板法兰blanket转换区bled steam抽汽bleed condenser泄放[排气]冷凝器bleed valve排放[水]阀bleed water排水blender搅拌器blind flange盲板法兰,法兰盲板blister起泡blister formation threshold[BFT]汽泡生成阈block数据块9block diagram方框图block sequence welding分段多层焊block switch闭锁开关block wall砌块墙blockage堵塞blocked position闭锁位置blocking piston闭锁活塞blowdown排放,排污blowdown accident喷放[失水]事故blowdown flash tank排污扩容箱blower(排)风机blown fuse熔断保险丝blow-off[out]valve排放阀blowout diaphragm爆破膜,安全膜blowout panel爆破盘blu(e)ing test着色试验blunt(notch-type)flaw钝缺陷BMW[boiler make-up water]蒸汽发生器补水board inward dialing[BID]经话务台接入body dose全身剂量body relief valve[BRV]阀体泄压阀body-bonnet connection阀体与阀盖的联接boiler蒸汽发生器,锅炉boiler blowdown蒸汽发生器排污boiler blowdown system[BBS]蒸汽发生器排污系统boiler feed pump蒸汽发生器给水泵boiler level control[BLC]蒸汽发生器水位控制boiler pressure control[BPC]蒸汽发生器压力控制boiling channel沸腾通道boiling length沸腾长度boiling point沸点BOL[beginning of life]寿期初bolt joint螺栓连接bolt-up螺栓紧固bolt-up material栓接材料bonding忠诚保险bonnet阀帽boom truck汽车吊booster pump增压泵BOP[balance of plant]核电厂配套子项borated water含硼水boric oxide氧化硼boric anhydride硼酸酐boron硼boron addition加硼,硼添加boron dilution硼稀释boron removal除硼boron storage tank硼储存箱boron-lined counter涂硼计数管boss(安装)凸台bottle station气瓶站bottle type heat exchanger立式热交换器bottling-up valve(主泵轴封)回流阀bounce跳[抖]动bowl圆锥型壳,反射罩box foundation箱形基础Bq[becquerel]贝可(放射性活度单位)bracing撑杆[条]bracket“牛腿”,支承架brake制动器,(金属板的)压弯成形机brake circuit制动回路brake drum轮闸鼓brake element制动部件brake ring制动环brake shoe制动瓦,刹车闸brake valve闸阀brakeforming压弯成形B-ram fill flow B推杆供给流branch office分公司brand铭牌,商标brass黄铜braze welding钎焊break down解离,熔断break location破口位置break of contact触点断开break size破口尺寸break-before-make contact先断后合接[触]点breakdown list分项明细表10breaker断路器break-even得失平衡break-even chart损益平衡表breaking capacity遮断容量break-make contact换向接点breathing air system呼吸空气系统breathing apparatus呼吸装置breech尾部bridge桥架bridge column(装卸料机)桥架立柱bridge crane桥式吊车brittle crack[rupture]脆(性破)裂bronze ball valve铜球阀brush电刷,刷子B-scale[binary scale]二进制记数法BSI[basic subject index]基本科目代码BTU[British thermal unit]英热单位bubble chamber气[吹]泡室bubbler鼓泡(侧压)管,气泡式侧压管bubbler header气[吹]泡装置集管bubbler helium header气[吹]泡装置氦气集管bubbly-slug flow泡状团状流buck-and-boost regulator电压升降调节器bucket pump活塞泵buckling曲率budget amendments追加预算,预算修正案budgetary balance sheet预算平衡表buffer缓冲器,减震器buffer room缓冲间buffer space缓冲区buffering chemical缓冲试剂building建筑(物),厂房building components建筑构件building crack厂房裂缝building deterioration厂房(质量)恶化build-up积累,堆积build-up factor累积因子build-up sequence(堆焊或多层焊)熔敷顺序built clean建造清洁built-in内装[部]的,嵌[镶]入的,固定的bulging factor膨胀系数bulk整体,散装bulk boiling整体沸腾bulk correction factor总体修正因子bulk helium supply大量氦气供给bulk memory大容量存储器bulk overpower整体超功率bulk power总体功率bulk purchase散件采购bulkhead舱壁bull’s eye type flow gauge牛眼型流量计bumping碰撞,冲击bundle power棒束功率bundle residence time棒束(堆内)驻留时间bundle structure棒束结构buoyancy浮力burial(放射性废物)埋藏buried cable地下[埋设]电缆burn out燃耗,烧毁burnable poison可燃毒物burnup燃耗burst can元件包壳破损burst slug燃料元件破损bus母线,总线bus duct母线管道bus work母线连接busbar母线,汇流条[排]bushing衬套,套筒,套管bushing type current transformer[BCT]套管式电流互感器business archives企业档案馆business plan业务计划business tax营业税busway母线槽[通道]butt welding对(接)焊butterfly valve蝶阀buzzer蜂鸣器by-pass旁路,旁通管bypass valve旁通阀11by-path valve旁通阀byte(计算机)字节Ccabinet小室,柜cable电缆;(周长大于10″的)缆索,钢丝绳cable box电缆盒cable branching box电缆分线箱cable bridge电缆桥架cable channel[conduit]电缆管道cable clamp电缆夹cable connector电缆接头cable core电缆芯线cable distributor电缆分线盒〔配线架〕cable duct[pan,race,trench]电缆槽[沟]cable end fitting电缆终端配件cable flat电缆层cable gallery电缆廊道cable identification marker电缆标记,电缆标识器cable integrity testing电缆一致〔完整〕性试验cable laying电缆敷设cable layer电缆包层cable-laid电缆敷设的cable list电缆清册cable lug电缆接线片cable pulling vault电缆井cable ring system电缆环网cable socket电缆端头cable spreading电缆敷设cable supply电缆供应cable termination电缆头cable tray电缆托[桥]架cablet(周长不到10″的)小缆索cableway电缆管孔cabling电缆敷设,布线cabling diagram电缆连接图cabling systems by area区域电缆系统cache memory高速缓冲存储器CAD[computer aided design]计算机辅助设计CADD[computer aided design&drawing]计算机辅助设计与制图(系统)cadweld火泥焊CAE[Canadian Aviation Electronics Ltd.]加拿大航空电子公司CAE[computer aided engineering]计算机辅助(设计与)工程(管理)cage motor鼠笼式电动机cage valve套筒阀caisson沉箱calandria排管容器calandria boost排管容器充水calandria boundary排管容器边界calandria head tank排管容器高位箱calandria level control排管容器液位控制calandria outlet temperature[COT]排管容器出口温度calandria pressure relief pipe排管容器卸压管calandria seismic restraint排管容器抗震支撑calandria side tubesheet subassembly[CSTS]排管容器(侧)管板calandria tube排管calandria tube leak排管泄漏calandria tubesheet排管容器管板calandria vault排管容器室,堆腔calculation sheet计算书caliber管径,口径calibrated factor校准因子calibrated log power校准对数功率calibration标定,校准,校验calibration gas标定气体calibration gas composition标定气体成分calibration program检定程序call in(计算机)调入call on(计算机)访问,调用call slip领料单call-up system呼叫系统calorimeter量热计calorstat恒温箱camber拱度CAMLS[computerized annunciation message list system]计算机12报警信息列表系统CAN[National standard of Canada]加拿大国家标准can handling tool(破损燃料)罐操作工具canal管道,通道CANDU[canadian deuterium-uranium reactor]坎杜堆,加拿大重水铀堆CANDU Project Management(CPM)坎杜项目部canister小罐,金属容器;高放密封容器;空气过滤器,箱式真空吸尘器CANLUB(燃料包壳)石墨涂层canned pump(全)密封泵canned centrifugal pump密封式离心泵CANNET[CANDU network]CANDU网络canning equipment封装设备cantilever crane悬臂吊canyon pump屏蔽泵cap screw有头螺钉,带帽螺钉capacitance电容capacitor电容器capacitor stack电容器叠层capacity容量capacity factor容量因子capillary毛细管capsule封套;幅照(样品)盒capsule flange封套法兰capture俘获capture cross section俘获截面capture gamma ray俘获γ射线carbon brush碳刷carbon dioxide二氧化碳carbon dioxide suppression system二氧化碳灭火系统carbon floating ring石墨浮环carbon steel flange碳钢法兰carbonate碳酸盐card插件(板)cardboard filtering element纸质过滤器元件cardinal point基点,座标点caretaker管理员cargo货运carousel转盘贮存器,圆盘传送带carriage滑车;托架;(电)支撑架carriage actuator滑车驱动器carriage return[CR]回车carrier载体;(放射性物质)运输carrier gas载气carrying gas载气carrying idler空载carryover汽(中夹)带水,带水率carryunder水带汽,带汽率cart运输小车cartesian co-ordinate system直角坐标系cartridge(过滤器)芯子;燃料元件盒cartridge filter过滤筒,滤芯cartridge valve插装式阀cascade control串级调节cascade controller串级调节器cascading event触[引]发事件case-by-case逐件地case-hardening表面硬化casing外[泵,机]壳,壳体casing assembly壳体组件cask(-flask)屏蔽容器cassette tape盒(式磁)带cast iron铸铁casting铸造casting crack(铸造)缩裂cast-in-site concrete现浇混凝土catalogue目录cataloguint/description编目catalyser[catalyzer]催化剂,触媒catalyst催化剂catalytic recombination unit催化复合装置catcher捕集器catch-up schedule赶工计划catenary hose悬链软管catenary system(装卸料机)悬链系统catexer阳离子交换树脂cathode阴极13cathode ray tube[CRT]阴极射线管cathodic protection阴极保护cathodic screen CRT屏幕catholyte阴极电解液cation阳离子cation bed阳离子床cation conductivity阳离子电导率cation-anion resin阳-阴离子树脂cationic resin阳离子交换树脂catoloid胶体二氧化硅causality因果律,因果关系cause-consequence tree[CCT]因果树(分析)caustic强碱性,碱性的caustic corrosion碱性腐蚀caustic embrittlement苛性脆化cavitation气蚀cavitation corrosion空蚀,气蚀cavity腔室CCP[critical channel power]临界通道功率CCTV[closed-circuit television]闭路电视CCW[counter-clockwise]反时针方向CED[contract effective date]合同生效日期ceiling天花板ceiling grounding receptacle[CGR]天棚接地插座cell average normalization[CAN](堆)栅元平均归一化cell boundary栅元边界cell configuration栅元布置cell correction factor栅元校正因子cell edge normalization[CEN]栅元边缘归一化cell parameter栅元参数cell radius栅元半径cell-averaging(method)栅元平均(方法)cell-centered flux栅元中心中子通量cell-homogenized cross section栅元均匀化截面cellular多孔的,蜂窝状的Celsius摄氏cement-solidified水泥固化的center of maintenance activity维修活动中心centerline中(心)线centigrade[C]百分度,摄氏central bearing pad中心轴承垫central hole中心孔central processing unit[CPU]中央处理器centralized control集中控制centrifugal离心的centrifugal pump离心泵centripetal向心的centroid矩心,质心centrosymmetry中心对称CEP[condensate extraction pump]凝结水泵ceralloy陶瓷合金ceramic陶瓷(的)ceramic uranium pellet铀陶瓷芯块certificate证书certificate of approval鉴定证书certificate of compliance合格证,税款交清证明书certificate of conformity合格证certification鉴定,证明;证明书,鉴定书,检验证明书certification of authorization授权书certified合格的certified material test report合格材料试验报告CFR[code of federal regulation](美国)联邦管理法规CFV[channel flow verification]通道流量验证chain block手拉葫芦,链动滑轮change in design[CID]设计更改change notice变更通知change request变更申请changeover转向[接]channel通道;管道channel annulus bellows燃料通道环隙波纹管channel annulus spacer[garter spring]燃料通道环形定位圈[箍簧]channel blockage(燃料)通道堵塞channel closure燃料通道密封塞channel coolant flow rate(燃料)通道冷却剂流量channel dwell time(燃料)通道停留时间channel end fitting(燃料)通道端部(组)件14channel flow verification[CFV]system(燃料)通道流量验证系统channel heat output(燃料)通道热功率channel inlet(燃料)通道入口channel inspection and gauging apparatus for reactor [CIGAR]反应堆燃料通道检查和测量装置channel network(燃料)通道网(络)channel outlet(燃料)通道出口channel positioning assembly(燃料)通道定位组件channel power peaking factor[CPPF](燃料)通道功率峰因子channel sealed-in(仪表)通道自保持channel steel槽钢channel temperature monitoring system[CTMS](燃料)通道温度监测系统channel–type reactor压力管式反应堆channeling effect沟道效应character(string)字符(串)characteristic curve特性曲线characterization表征charcoal absorber活性炭吸附器charcoal bed活性炭床charcoal filter活性炭过滤器charge and discharge operations装卸料操作charge release甩负载,甩(循环冷却水)用户charge-coupled device电荷耦合器件charging/discharging装卸料chart-recorded图表记录的chart recorder图形记录仪chartered bank特许银行charting制图,绘图chartographer制图者chasing开槽,车螺纹check and test program检查和试验大纲check bolt防松/制动螺栓check feed valve给水止回阀check meter校验仪表check pin制动销check plate防松板,制动板check valve止回阀checker检验者,检验装置checklist核查单checknut防松螺母,锁紧螺母checkoff检查完毕,查讫checkout检验(完毕),校验,测试checkpoint(控制区入口)检查点checksum检验和chemical addition station化学物添加站chemical addition vessel化学物添加箱chemical additive化学添加剂chemical additive pump化学添加剂供给泵chemical absorption化学吸附chemical affinity化学亲和性[势]chemical cleaning化学清洗chemical dosing pump化学计量加料泵chemical lab化学实验室chemical purification化学净化chemical purity化学(物)纯(度)chemicals化学药物chemisorption化学吸着作用[吸附]chemistry control化学控制chequered plate网[花]纹钢板CHF[critical heat flux]临界热通量chilled water冷冻水chiller冷冻机chimney烟囱Chinese Commodity Inspection Bureau中国商检局chloride氯化物chloridization氯化chlorinating加氯chlorination氯化消毒chlorinator加氯器chlorinity氯含量chromatogram色谱chromatography column色谱柱chromogram立体彩色图chromometer比色计chronic exposure慢性照射15chronic intake慢性吸入[取]chronic potential exposure慢性潜在照射chronicle of events大事记chronological order(运行工况的)编年顺序chronotron延时器CI[contact input]触点输入Ci[curie]居里(以前采用的活度单位)CIGAR[channel inspection&gauging apparatus for reactor]反应堆燃料通道检查和测量装置ciner inclusion夹渣circlip开口弹簧圈circuit电[回]路circuit board电路板circuit breaker断路器circuit breaker opening断路器跳闸circuit diagram电路图circulating pump循环泵circulating water bay循环水水池circulating water condenser循环水冷凝器circulating water screen循环水滤网circulation循环circulator循环风机,循环泵circumference seam weld环形焊缝circumferential flaw周[环]向裂纹circumferential ridge周向环脊CIS[containment isolation system]安全壳隔离系统civil construction土建施工civil engineering土建[木]工程civil works土建工程cladding包壳;覆盖[堆焊]层clamp夹子,夹具,夹紧装置clamp for the down lead(电)门塔引下线夹clamping mechanism(装卸料机)夹紧机构clapper valve瓣阀clarificant澄清剂clarification澄清,净化clarified makeup water净化补给水clarified solution澄清液clarifier澄清槽clarifying and filtration system澄清和过滤系统clarity透明度clash check碰撞检查Class IE IE安全级classⅣbus四级母线class of power电源等级classical Venturi tube经典文丘里管classification分类[级]classified catalogue分类目标classified indexing分类标引classifying and coding分类和编码clean room清洁区[室]cleanable basket可清洗网篮cleaning去污cleaning agent清洗剂cleaning procedure清洗程序cleaning solvent清洗溶剂cleaning solution洗(涤)液cleanliness factor清洁系数cleanout清扫口clean-up清洗,净化cleanup half-life半净化周期clear and distinct(字迹)清晰clearance公隙;间隙clearance control system[CCS]间隙控制系统clearance level清洁解控水平clearance rate余隙率clear-water reservoir清水池clear-way valve消除旋涡闸门client用户cliff dangerous stone悬岩危石climate controlled防风雨的climatology气象[候]学clipper限制[幅]器clock set时钟设定clockwise[C.W.]顺时针方向closed circuit回路,闭合回路closed circuit television[CCTV]闭路电视closed corridor封闭外廊closed feedwater heater闭式给水加热器16。



Let us recall how charged particles are influenced (感应) by electric and magnetic fields. First, visualize (想象) a pair of parallel metal plates separated by a distance d as in the sample capacitor (电容器) shown in Fig. 8. l.
will move in a path called a helix (螺旋状) , like a wire door spring (金属丝制的门弹簧).
Finally, let us release a charge in a region where the magnetic field B is changing with time. If the electron were inside the metal of a circular loop (圆环) of wire of area A as in Fig.8.3, it would experience an electric force induced by the change in magnetic flux (磁通量) BA. The same effect would take place without the presence of the wintroduce a charged particle of mass m,
charge e, and speed v into a region with uniform magnetic field (均匀磁场) B, as in Fig.8.2.

核电专业 词汇表

核电专业 词汇表

核能专业英语词汇(A)2 ionization chamber 2电离室2pulse counting assembly 2脉冲计数装置4 ionization chamber 4电离室4 pulse counting assembly 4脉冲计数装置a battery a电池组a bomb 原子弹a.c. 吸收系数a.m.u. 原子质量单位a.w.u. 原子量单位aarr 阿贡先进研究堆aas 原子吸收光谱法abc neutron source abc中子源abc weapons 原子abernathyite 砷钾铀矿aberration 象差abmr 原子束磁共振abnormal 异常的abnormal exposure 异常照射abnormal exposure condition 异常照射条件abnormal radiation 异常辐射above critical 超临界的above water nuclear explosion 水上核爆炸abrasion 研磨abrasive 研磨材料abscissa 横座标absolute activity 绝对放射性absolute age 绝对年龄absolute assay 绝对鉴定absolute atomic weight 原子的绝对重量absolute blackbody 黑体absolute calibration 绝对校准absolute counting 绝对计数absolute disintegration rate 绝对蜕变速度absolute electrometer 绝对静电计absolute error 绝对误差absolute ether 无水醚absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute measurement 绝对测量absolute temperature 绝对温度absolute unit 绝对单位absolute value 绝对值absolute zero 绝对零度absorb 吸收absorbability 吸收能力absorbed dose index 吸收剂量指标absorbed dose rate 吸收剂量率absorbent 吸收剂absorber 吸收体absorber element 吸收元件absorbing agent 吸收剂absorbing material 吸收物质absorbing medium 吸收介质absorbing power 吸收能力absorbing rod 吸收棒absorption 吸收absorption analysis 吸收分析absorption band 吸收带absorption coefficient 吸收系数absorption column 吸收柱absorption control 吸收控制absorption cross section 吸收截面absorption curve 吸收曲线absorption dose 吸收剂量absorption edge 吸收端absorption equivalent 吸收当量absorption extraction 吸收分离absorption factor 吸收系数absorption index 吸收指数absorption length 吸收长度absorption limit 吸收端absorption line 吸收线absorption mean free path 吸收平均自由程absorption method 吸收法absorption model 吸收模型absorption monte carlo reactor computer code 吸收蒙特卡罗反应堆计算机代码absorption of beta particles 粒子吸收absorption of gamma radiation 射线吸收absorption of radiant energy 辐射能吸收absorption probability 吸收概率absorption spectrum 吸收谱absorptive 吸收的absorptive power 吸收能力absorptivity 吸收能力abundance 丰度abundance of isotopes 同位素的丰度abundance ratio 丰度比ac 交流ac bridge 交羚桥ac voltage 交羚压acc 活性区辅助冷却accel decel aperture 加速减速孔accelerated particle 加速粒子accelerating agent 促进剂accelerating chamber 加速箱accelerating electrode 加速电极accelerating force 加速力accelerating period 加速周期accelerating tube 加速管accelerating voltage 加速电压acceleration 加速度acceleration cavity 加速谐振腔acceleration voltage 加速电压accelerator 促进剂accelerator breeding 加速砌殖accelerator dynamics 加速漂力学accelerator focusing 加速欺焦accelerator mass spectrometry 加速剖谱法accelerator technology 加速萍术accelerometer 加速计acceptance 接收箱面积acceptor 受主access for inspection 为监察的接近accessory 附件accident 事故accident analysis 事故分析accidental coincidence 偶然符合accidental coincidence correction 偶然符合校正accidental detonation 事故爆炸accidental error 偶然误差accidental exposure 事故照射accidental high exposure 事故高照射accidental loss 事故损失accompanying element 伴生元素account 会计account balance 会计差额account total 会计总计accountability 可计量性accountability tank 衡算计量槽accountancy detection probability 衡算计量发现概率accounting for and control of material 物料衡算与管理accounting records 会计记录accounting report 会计报告accumulated dose 累积剂量accumulation 累积accumulation effect 累积效应accumulation ring 累积环accumulator 蓄电池accumulator tank 储蓄槽accuracy 准度accuracy of measurement 测量准度accuracy of reading 读数准度accurate x ray structure analysis 精密x 射线结构分析acd 锕铅achromat 消色差透镜achromatic lens 消色差透镜achromaticity 消色差achromatism 消色差acid 酸acid resistance 耐酸性ack 锕kaclinic line 无倾线acoustic 声的acoustic emission 声发射acoustic frequency 声频acoustic heating 声加热acoustical 声的acoustics 声学acpr 环形堆芯脉冲反应堆acs 辅助冷却系统actinic rays 光化射线actinide 铜系元素actinide element 铜系元素actinide elements 锕系元素actinide lanthanide separation 锕系镧系元素分离actinide metallide 锕系元素金属化物actinide series 锕系actinides 锕系元素actinium 锕actinium a 锕aactinium b 锕bactinium c 锕cactinium emanation 锕射气actinium family 锕系actinium group 锕系actinium k 锕kactinium lead 锕铅actinium series 锕系actinium x 锕xactino uranium 锕铀actino uranium series 锕系actinodermatitis 辐射性皮炎actinogenics 射线发生学actinoid contraction 锕系元素收缩actinology 放射线学actinometer 太阳光能计actinon 锕射气action at a distance 远距离酌action variable 酌变数activable tracer 可活化示踪剂activate 激活activated adsorption 活性吸附activated complex 活化络合物activated molecule 活化分子activated sludge 活性污泥activated water 受过辐射的水activating agent 活化剂activation 放射活化activation cross section 激活截面activation curve 活化曲线activation detector 活化探测器activation energy 激活能activation foil 活化箔activation method 激活法activation method of cross section determination 截面测定活化法activator 活化剂active 放射性的active area 放射性区域active carbon 放射性碳active center 活性中心active deposit 放射性沉降物active element group 放射性元素群active fall out 放射性沉降物active hydrogen 活性氢active lattice 堆芯active laundry 放射性洗衣房active length 活性段长度active loop 放射性回路active mass 有效质量active neutron method 有源中子法active poison 放射性毒物active power 有效功率active solvent 活性溶剂active valence 有效化合价active well coincidence counter 有源井式符合计数器active zone 堆芯activited carbon 活性碳activity 放射性activity build up 放射性积累activity coefficient 活度系数activity concentration 放射性浓度activity curve 放射性衰变曲线activity decay 放射性衰变activity mass formula 放射性质量公式activity meter with automatic changer 自动换样的放射性测量仪activity range 放射性范围activity unit 放射性单位actual 实际的actual ground zero 实际地面零点actual routine inspection effort 实际日常检查工卓actual yield 实际威力acu 锕铀acute effect 急性效应acute exposure 急性照射acute radiation injury 强烈辐射损伤acute radiation sickness 急性放射性疾病acute radiation syndrome 急性放射性综合症ad hoc inspection 特别监查adamantine 金刚石的adaptatior 适应adapter sleeve 紧固套adaptive control 自适应控制adc 模拟数字转换器adherence 附着adhesive force 附着力adhesive power 附着力adhesiveness 胶粘性adhesives 胶粘剂adhesivity 胶粘性adiabatic 绝热的adiabatic change 绝热变化adiabatic compression 绝热压缩adiabatic containment 绝热约束adiabatic curve 绝热曲线adiabatic expansion 绝热膨胀adiabatic heating 绝热加热adiabatic invariance 绝热不变性adiabatic invariant 绝热式不变量adiabatic line 绝热曲线adiabatic nuclear demagnetization 核绝热去磁adiabatic potential 绝热势adiabatic potential curve 绝热势曲线adiabatic principle 寝渐原理adiabatic process 绝热过程adiabatic trap 磁瓶adion 吸附离子adjacent element 相邻元素adjoint flux 伴随中子通量adjoint function 共轭函数adjustment 第adm 原子爆破弹药admissible error 容许误差admixture 混合adp 自动数据处理adps 自动数据处理系统ads 自动减压系统adsorb 吸附adsorbate 吸附质adsorbent 吸附剂adsorption 吸附adsorption capacity 吸附能力adsorption chromatography 吸附色谱法adsorption coprecipitation 吸附共沉淀adsorption method of separation 吸附分离法adsorption potential 吸附势adsorption power 吸附能力adsorption probability 吸附概率adsorption stage 吸附段adu 重铀酸铵advanced epithermal thorium reactor 改进型超热钍反应堆advanced gas cooled reactor 改进型气冷反应堆advanced pressure tube reactor 新型压力管反应堆advanced pressurized water reactor 改进压水反应堆advanced reactivity measurement facility 先进反应性测量设备advanced reactor technology 尖端反应堆技术advanced stellarator 改进型仿星器advanced test reactor 改进型试验反应堆advanced test reactor critical experiment 先进试验堆临界实验装置advanced thermal reactor 改进型热中子反应堆advanced very high resolution radiometer 先进型甚高分辨辐射仪advantage factor 有利因子ae 激活能aecm 原子能委员会手册aeds 原子能探测系统aeg 放射性元素群aeolotropic 蛤异性的aeration 充气aerial radiological measuring system 航空放射测量系统aerodynamic diameter 气体动力学直径aerogel 气凝胶aerometer 量气计aerosol 气溶胶aerosol filter 气溶胶过滤器aerosol sampler 气溶胶取样器aerosol sampling 气溶胶取样aerospace systems test reactor 宇宙空间系统试验反应堆aes 原子发射光谱法aetr 改进型超热钍反应堆af 衰减系数affinity 亲合力affinity labelling 亲和标记afs 原子荧光光谱法after cut 后馏份after effect 滞后效应after heat 残热after power 剩余功率after pulse 寄生脉冲after settler 二次澄清器after treatment 后处理aftercooling 后冷却afterglow 余辉afterloading source 后装源afterloading technique 后装技术afterloading unit 后装机afterpulse 跟随脉冲aftershock 余震age 年龄age determination 测定年代age diffusion approximation 年龄扩散近似age diffusion kernel 年龄扩散核age distribution 年龄分布age equation 费米年龄方程age equation without capture 非俘获年龄方程age hardening 时效硬化age of cosmic ray irradiation 宇宙线辐照年代age theory 年龄理论aged fission product 老裂变产物agent 剂aggregate recoil 集合反冲aggregation 聚集aging 老化agitate 激励agitation 激发agr 改进型气冷反应堆agreement 协定agz 实际地面零点ahf 无水氢氟酸ahr 水均匀反应堆air bath 空气浴air blast 鼓风air bubble 气泡air burst 空中爆炸air compressor 空气压缩机air contamination indicator 空气污染指示器air contamination meter 空气污染测量仪air coolant 空气冷却剂air cooled 空气冷却的air cooled graphite moderated reactor 空气冷却石墨慢化反应堆air cooled oil vapor diffusion pump 空气冷却油扩散泵air cooled reactor 空气冷却反应堆air cooler 空气冷却器air cooling 空气冷却air course 空气流air dose 空气剂量air elutriation 空气淘析air equivalent 空气当量air equivalent ionization chamber 空气等效电离室air equivalent material 空气等效物质air filter 空气过滤器air gamma survey 航空勘测air gap 空隙air gas 风煤气air ionization 空气离子化air ionization chamber 自由空气电离室air ionizing electrode 空气电离电极air lift 空气升液器空气提升器air lift extractor 空气升液萃取器air lift mixer settler 空气升液式混合澄清槽air liquefier 空气液化器air lock 气闸air locked 气密的air monitor 空气污染监测器air monitoring 大气污染监测air oven 空气浴air pollution 大气污染air pressure 空气压力air purifier 空气净化器air radiation 空气辐射air sampler 空气取样设备air sampling 空气取样air sampling equipment 空气取样设备air sampling technique 空气取样技术air shower 空气簇射air thermometer 空气温度计air tight 气密的air wall ionization chamber 空气等效电离室air zero 原子弹空中爆炸中心airblast 空气冲花airblast damage 空气冲火伤airblast decay 冲花衰减airblast induced acceleration 冲花诱导加速airborne contaminants 大气污染物airborne contamination 空气污染;空气沾染airborne debris 空气中核爆炸碎片airborne dust 气载尘埃airborne particulates 气载微粒;在空气中的悬浮粒子airborne plutonium 气飘钚airborne radioactive prospecting 航空放射性勘探airborne radioactivity 大气中的放射性aircraft reactor experiment 飞机用实验反应堆airox process 埃罗克斯过程airplane reactor 飞机用反应堆airshock 空气冲花al 事故损失alabamine 砹alabamium 砹alamogordo bomb 阿拉莫高尔土炸弹alap 尽实际可能的低alara 按实际可达到的尽可能低alara principle 按实际可达到的尽可能低原理alarm circuit 报警回路alarm dosimeter 报警剂量计alarm limit 报警限alarm set 报警回路albedo 反照率alcali 碱alchemy 炼金术alcohol 醇alcohol lamp 酒精灯alcohol thermometer 酒精温度计alcoholic extract 酒精提出物alcoholometer 酒精比重计aldanite 钍铀铅矿aldebaranium 镱alfven velocity 阿尔芬速度alfven wave 阿尔芬波alfven wave instability 阿尔芬波不稳定性ali 年摄入量极限aligning 布置aliquot 等分试样alkali 碱alkali earth metal 碱土金属alkali liquor 碱液alkali metal 碱金属alkali proof 耐碱的alkali resistance 耐碱性alkali resisting 耐碱的alkalimeter 碱量计alkaline accumulator 碱性蓄电池alkaline battery 碱性蓄电池alkaline liquor 碱液alkaline metal 碱金属alkaline solution 碱性溶液alkaline storage battery 碱性蓄电池alkalinity 碱度all metal 全金属的all time record 全时记录allobars 同素异重体allomerism 异质同晶allomorphism 同质异晶allotrope 同素异形体allotropic modification 同素异形变化allotropic transformation 同素异形变化allotropy 同素异形allowable error 容许误差allowed band 容许带allowed beta decay 容许衰变alloy 合金alloy steel 合金钢alluvial deposit 冲积矿床alpha 阿尔法alpha absorption 粒子吸收alpha activity 放射性alpha bearing waste 放射性的废物alpha beta standard source 标准源alpha bombardment 用粒子轰击alpha contamination indicator 污染指示器alpha counter 计数管alpha decay 衰变alpha decay energy 衰变能量alpha disintegration 衰变alpha emission 粒子发射alpha emitter 辐射体alpha emitting foil 放出射线薄膜alpha hand contamination monitor 手污染监测器alpha heating 粒子加热alpha meter 射线表alpha neutron reaction 中子反应alpha particle 粒子alpha particle binding energy 粒子结合能alpha particle dosimetry 粒子剂量测定法alpha particle model 粒子模型alpha particle model of nucleus 核的粒子模型alpha phase 相alpha plutonium 相钚alpha proton reaction 质子反应alpha pulse counting assembly 脉冲计数装置alpha pulse height analysis 脉冲幅度分析alpha radiation 辐射alpha radiator 辐射体alpha radioactive 放射性的alpha radioactive nucleus 放射核alpha ratio 比alpha ray emitter 辐射体alpha ray shield 射线屏蔽alpha ray spectrometer 射线谱仪alpha ray spectrum 粒子谱alpha rays 射线alpha source 射线源alpha spectrometry 粒子谱测定法alpha spectroscopy 粒子谱学alpha spectrum 粒子谱alpha uranium 相铀alphatopic 差氦的alphatron 电离真空计alternate energy source 代用能源alternating 交替alternating current 交流alternating current bridge 交流电桥alternating current voltage 交流电压alternating field 交变场alternating gradient focusing 交变梯度聚焦alternating gradient focusing accelerator 交变梯度聚焦加速器alternating gradient focusing principle 强聚焦原理alternating gradient synchrotron 交变磁场梯度同步加速器alternation 交替altitude curve 高度曲线altitude effect 高程效应alumina 氧化铝alumina cement 矾土水泥aluminium alloy 铝合金aluminium base alloy 铝基合金aluminium foil 铝箔aluminium nitrate 硝酸铝aluminium oxide 氧化铝aluminothermic process 铝热法aluminothermy 铝热法aluminous cement 矾土水泥aluminum 铝aluminum boride 硼化铝aluminum can 铝包壳aluminum jacket 铝包壳alundum 刚铝石alvarez type accelerator cavity 阿尔瓦雷兹加速撇振腔am 镅amalgam 汞齐ambient 周围的ambipolar diffusion 双极扩散americium 镅americium beryllium neutron source 镅铍中子源amine extraction 胺萃取ammeter 安培计ammonia 氨ammonia gas 氨气ammonia water 氨水ammonium diuranate 重铀酸铵ammonium diuranate process 重铀酸铵法ammonium uranyl tricarbonate 三碳酸铀酰铵amorphism 无定形amorphous 无定形的amorphous carbon 无定形碳amorphous substance 非晶形物质amount 量ampangabeite 铌钛铁铀矿amperage 安培数ampere 安ampere hour 安时ampere meter 安培计ampholyte 两性电解质ampholytoid 两性胶体amphoteric colloid 两性胶体amphoteric compound 两性化合物amphoteric electrolyte 两性电解质amphoteric ion 两性离子amplification 放大amplification constant 放大系数amplification factor 放大系数amplified spontaneous emission 放大式自发射amplifier 放大器amplifying valve 放大管amplitude analyzer 脉冲分析器amplitude analyzing assembly 幅度分析装置amplitude discriminator 脉冲幅度甄别器ampoule 安瓿ampulla 安瓿ams 加速剖谱法anabatic wind fall out 上坡风放射性沉降物analog to digital converter 模拟数字转换器analogous 类似的analysis 分析analytic 分析的analytical 分析的analytical balance 分析天平analytical chemistry 分析化学analytical equipment 分析装置analyzing magnet 磁分析器andersonite 碳钠钙铀矿aneroid barometer 空盒气压表anggstrom 埃angle 角angle of emission 发射角angle of friction 摩擦角angle of incidence 入射角angle of reflection 反射角angle of refraction 折射角angle of scattering 散射角angle of torsion 扭转角angle straggling 角分散anglesobaryte 北投石angstrom 埃angstrom unit 埃angular 角的angular acceleration 角加速度angular coordinates 角座标angular correlation 角相关angular dependence of scattering 散射角度相依angular displacement 角位移angular distribution 角分布angular frequency 角频angular kinetic energy 旋转动能angular magnification 角放大率angular momentum 角动量angular momentum conservation law 角动量守恒定律angular momentum quantum number 角量子数angular momentum transfer 角动量转移angular monentum conservation law 动量矩守恒定律angular quantum number 角动量量子数angular resolution 角分辨率angular velocity 角频anhydride 酐anhydrous 无水的anhydrous ether 无水醚anhydrous hydrochlorination of zirconium bearing fuel 含锆燃料的无水氢氯化anhydrous hydrofluoric acid 无水氢氟酸animal black 骨炭animal charcoal 骨炭anion 阴离子anion exchange resin 阴离子交换尸anion exchanger 阴离子交换剂anisotopic element 无同位素的元素anisotropic 蛤异性的anisotropic liquid 蛤异性液体anisotropism 蛤异性anisotropy 蛤异性annealing 退火annihilation 湮没annihilation gamma quantum 湮没光子annihilation photon 湮没光子annihilation radiation 湮没辐射annual 全年的annual dose equivalent limit 年等效剂量极限annual limit on intake 年摄入量极限annual throughput 年物料通过量annualized capital cost 年度投资费annualized energy cost 年度能量费annular core pulse reactor 环形堆芯脉冲反应堆annular counter 环状计数管annulus 环状空间anode 阳极anode battery 阳极电池anode characteristic 屏极特性曲线anode circuit 阳极电路anode circuit efficiency 屏极电路效率anode drop 阳极降anode effect 阳极效应anode load 阳极负载anode loop 阳极电路anode rays 极隧射线anode resistance 阳极电阻anode scrap 阳极降anode supply 屏极电源anode voltage drop 阳极降anodic reaction 阳极反应anodising 阳极处理anodizing 阳极处理anolyte 阳极电解液anomalous 异常的anomalous absorption 反常吸收anomalous atomic scattering method 反常原子散射法anomalous diffusion 反常扩散anomalous magnetic moment 反常磁矩anomalous scattering 反常散射anomalous transmission 反常透射anomalous valence 反常价anthracene 蒽anthracite 无烟煤anthraxolite 碳沥青anti baryon 反重子anti carrier 反载体anti compton gamma ray spectrometer 反康普顿射线谱仪anti electron 正电子anti explosion valve 防爆阀anti seismic site 抗地震试验场antibonding orbital 反键轨函数anticatalyst 反催化剂anticatalyzer 反催化剂anticathode 对阴极anticoagulant 阻凝剂anticoagulating action 阻凝酌anticoincidence 反符合anticoincidence circuit 反符合电路anticoincidence counter 反符合计数器anticoincidence method 反符合法anticoincidence selector 反符合选择器anticoincidence selector unit 反符合选择单元anticontamination clothing 防沾污服anticorrosive 防蚀的anticorrosive paint 防腐涂料antidiffusion grid 反扩散栅格antiferromagnet 反铁磁体antiferromagnetism 反铁磁性antifouling paint 防污涂料antifreeze 阻冻剂antihyperon 反超子antilepton 反轻子antimatter 反物质antimeson 反介子antimony 锑antineutrino 反中微子antineutron 反中子antinucleon 反核子antioxidant 抗氧化剂antioxygen 阻氧化剂antiparallel 逆平行的antiparallel spin 反平行自旋antiparticle 反粒子antiproton 反质子antiproton beam 反质子束antiprotonic atom 反质子原子antisepsis 防腐antiseptic 防腐剂antishadowing 反荫蔽antisymmetry 反对称ao 原子轨道aortography 织脉x光摄影术apdms 轴向功率分布监测系统aperiodic 非周期性的aperiodicity 非周期性aperture 口径aperture diaphragm 孔径光阑apex 顶apex process 阿派克斯过程apha 脉冲幅度分析apparatus 仪谱爸明apparent lifetime 表观寿命appearance potential 出现电位application 应用application of radioisotopes and radiation 放射性同位素和辐射的应用applicator 局部辐照器applied nuclear physicochemistry 应用核物理化学applied nuclear physics 应用核物理学applied nuclear spectroscopy 应用核谱学approach 接近approach to criticality 接近临界approximate solution 近似解approximate value 近似值approximation 近似approximation calculus 近似计算aprd 大气层微粒放射性探测器aprm 平均功率区段监测aptr 新型压力管反应堆apu 辅助动力装置aqua destillata 蒸馏水aqua regia 王水aquarium reactor 水池式反应堆aqueous 水的aqueous ammonia 氨水aqueous emulsion 水乳状液aqueous homogeneous reactor 水均匀反应堆aqueous reprocessing 湿法后处理aqueous solution 水溶液aqueous vapour 蒸汽arbitrary 任意的arbor 阿贡沸水反应堆arc 电弧arc discharge 电弧放电arc furnace 电弧炉arc melting 电弧熔炼ardometer 光测高温计are 飞机用实验反应堆area density 表面密度area monitor 区域辐射监测器area monitoring 区域监测areal velocity 面积速度areometer 比重计areopycnometer 稠液比重计arg 放射自显影法argillaceous 泥质的argm 自动辐射照相argon 氩argon laser 氩激光器argon method 氩法argonaut type research reactor 阿贡诺型研究反应堆argonne advanced research reactor 阿贡先进研究堆argonne boiling water reactor 阿贡沸水反应堆argument 幅角arid 干燥的arie 实际日常检查工卓arithmetic mean 算术均数arm 大气辐射监测器armor 铠装armour 铠装arms 航空放射测量系统aromatic nucleus 芳香基核aromatic ring 芳香基核arrangement 布置array 布置arsenic 砷arsenious acid 亚砷酸art 尖端反应堆技术article 论说artificial 人工的artificial diamond 人造金刚石artificial disintegration 人工蜕变artificial element 人工放射性元素artificial energy source 人工能源artificial graphite 人造石墨artificial illumination 人工照明artificial intelligence 人工智能artificial lighting 人工照明artificial load 仿真负载artificial neutron 人工中子artificial nuclear disintegration 人工核衰变artificial nuclear transformation 人工核转化artificial radioactive 人工放射性的artificial radioactive isotope 人造放射性同位素artificial radioactivity 人工放射性artificial radionuclide 人造放射性核素artificial transformation of element 元素的人工转换artificial ventilation 人工通风as 砷as low as practicable 尽实际可能的低as low as reasonably achievable 按实际可达到的尽可能低asbestos 石棉asbestos thread 石棉线asbestus 石棉ascs 稳定和控制自动系统ase 放大式自发射asepsis 防腐ash content 灰分含量ash free 无灰的ashless filter paper 无灰滤纸asphalt 沥青asphaltic cement 地沥青膏aspirator 吸气器assay 被分析物assay balance 分析天平assay map 试样图assaying 试金assemblage 装配assembler language 汇编程序语言assembling 装配assembly 装配assembly fuel element exchange 组件燃料元件交换assimilation of nitrogen 氮素同化associate 使联合associated corpuscular emission 伴生微粒辐射associated wave 缔合波assumption 假定assurance 保证astatine 砹aston's mass spectrograph 阿斯顿质谱仪astr 宇宙空间系统试验反应堆asymmetric 非对称的asymmetric fission 非对称裂变asymmetrical 非对称的asymmetry 不对称asymptotic distribution 渐近分布asymptotic evaluation method 渐近求值法asymptotic formula 渐近公式asymptotic solution 渐近解asynchronous motor 感应电动机at 砹at.ht. 原子热at.no. 原子序数at.vol. 原子体积at.wt. 原子量atc 自动温度补偿器athenium 锿atmosphere 大气atmosphere particulate radioactivity detector 大气层微粒放射性探测器atmosphere radiation monitor 大气辐射监测器atmospheric attenuation 大气衰减atmospheric depth 大气的深度atmospheric fall out 大气沉降atmospheric pollution 大气污染atmospheric precipitation 大气沉降atmospheric pressure 大气压atom 原子atom bomb 原子弹atom bomb plant 原子弹工厂atom model 原子模型atom physics 原子物理学atom powered ship 原子动力船atom smasher 原子粒子加速器atom structure 原子结构atomdef 原子防御atomic 原子的atomic absorption analysis 原子吸收分析atomic absorption coefficient 原子吸收系数atomic absorption method 原子吸收法atomic absorption photometer 原子吸收光度计atomic absorption spectrochemical analysis 原子吸收光谱分析atomic absorption spectrometry 原子吸收光谱法atomic absorption spectrophotometer 原子吸收分光光度计atomic absorption spectrophotometry 原子吸收分光光度法atomic absorption spectroscopy 原子吸收光谱学atomic absorption spectrum 原子吸收光谱atomic accelerator 原子粒子加速器atomic age 原子时代atomic air burst 空中核爆炸atomic arrangement 原子排列atomic automobile 原子汽车atomic battery 核能电池atomic beam 原子束atomic beam frequency standard 原子束频率标准atomic beam magnetic resonance 原子束磁共振atomic beam resonating method 原子束共振法atomic beam scattering 原子束散射atomic blast 原子弹爆炸atomic bomb 原子弹atomic bomb injury 原子弹损害atomic bombardment 原子轰炸;原子轰击atomic bond 共价键atomic burst 原子弹爆炸atomic car 原子汽车atomic centre 原子中心部分atomic charge 原子序数atomic chart 原子量表atomic chemistry 原子化学atomic clock 原子钟atomic cloud 原子烟云atomic collision 原子碰撞atomic collision physics 原子碰撞物理学atomic constants 原子常数atomic core 原子中心部分atomic cross section 原子截面atomic defence 原子防御atomic demolition munitions 原子爆破弹药atomic density 原子密度atomic diameter 原子直径atomic diffusion 原子扩散atomic disintegration 原子衰变atomic dispersion 原子分散atomic distance 原子距离atomic electron 原子中的电子atomic electron shell 原子的电子壳层atomic emission spectrometry 原子发射光谱法atomic emission spectroscopy 原子发射光谱学atomic energy agreement 原子能协定atomic energy commission 原子能委员会atomic energy commission manual 原子能委员会手册atomic energy detection system 原子能探测系统atomic energy economics 原子能经济学atomic energy law 原子能法律atomic energy plant 原子能发电站atomic energy reaktor 动力反应堆atomic energy science 原子能科学atomic energy storage battery 核能电池atomic engineering 原子工程学atomic envelope 原子的电子壳层atomic excitation 原子激发atomic excitation function 原子激发函数atomic explosion 原子弹爆炸atomic explosion test 原子爆炸试验atomic explosion trial 原子爆炸试验atomic field 原子场atomic fireball 火球atomic fluorescence analysis 原子荧光分析atomic fluorescence spectrometry 原子荧光光谱法atomic fluorescence spectroscopy 原子荧光光谱学atomic fraction 原子分率atomic fragments 原子碎片atomic frequency standard 原子频率标准atomic fuel 核燃料atomic furnace 板应堆atomic group 原子团atomic heat 原子热atomic hydrogen 原子氢atomic hydrogen chemistry 原子氢化学atomic hydrogen welding 原子氢焊接atomic hypothesis 原子假说atomic industry 原子能工业atomic interaction 原子间相互酌atomic interior mechanics 原子内部力学atomic ion 原子离子atomic ionization 原子电离atomic jump 原子跳跃atomic kernel 原子中心部分atomic laser spectroscopy 原子激光光谱学atomic lattice 原子栅格atomic level 原子能级atomic line 原子谱线atomic magnetic moment 原子磁矩atomic mass 原子质量atomic mass constant 原子质量常数atomic mass conversion factor 原子质量换算因子atomic mass formula 原子质量公式atomic mass number 原子质量数atomic mass unit 原子质量单位atomic medicine 原子医学atomic migration 原子迁移atomic moderation ratio 原子慢化比。



核电专业词汇abnormal condition 异常工况absorber rod 吸收棒absorption cross section 吸收截面acceleration pressure drop 加速度压降acceptable daily intake 日允许摄入量acceptance 验收acceptance standard 验收标准acceptance test 验收实验accident analysis 事故分析accident interlocking module 事故联锁组件accident mitigation 事故缓解accident source 事故源accident shutdown 事故停堆accumulator 安注箱activation 活化active component 能动部件active power 有用功率actuate 驱动,动作activity concentration 放射性浓度activity level 放射性活度administration building and emergency center water supply and drainage system办公楼及应急中心给排水系统absorber chiller 吸收式制冷机aerodynamic behavior 空气动力特性after filter(or post-filter) 后置过滤器after-power,residual heat power 剩余功率air change rate 换气率air delivery pipe 供气管道air filter unit 空气过滤机组air flow rate 空气流量air hose 空气软管air pump 抽气泵air self-cooling type 空气自冷式airborne particulate sample 气载粒子取样器alarm(output) module 报警(输出)组件alarm window 报警窗absorbed dose rate 吸收剂量absorption coefficient 吸收系数absorption ratio 吸收比acceleration pressure loss 加速度损失acceptance limit 可接受限值acceptance criterion 验收准则acceptance report 验收报告access 通道,入口accident conditions 事故工况accident management 事故处理accident prevention 事故预防accidental exposure 事故照射accumulated dose 累积剂量acid-proof tile 耐酸瓷砖active carbon filter 活性碳过滤器active core height 堆芯活性高度activity 活度administration building and emergency center ventilation system办公楼及应急中心通风系统adoption by equivalent 等同采用aerial cable 架空电缆aerosol 气溶胶after-heat, residual heat 剩余释热air breaker 空气断路器air cooler 空气冷却器air filter and absorber unit 空气过滤吸附机组air handling unit 空气处理机组air intake 采风口,进风口air sampling device 空气取样设备air submerasion dose 空气浸没剂量airborne radioactivity 气载放射性alarm 警报,报警alarm signal 报警信号albedo 反射率aligning pin 定位销alphanumeric keyboard 字母数字键盘American Concrete Institute 美国混凝土学会American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准学会American Nuclear Society 美国核学会American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程学会Ampacity 载流量analog/digital converter 模拟/数字转换器analog signals 模拟信号anchor bolt 地角螺栓annex 附录(参考件)anti-rust agent 防锈漆anti-vibration bar 防振条anticipated operational occurrences 预期运行事件antifoam reagent 防泡剂appendix 附录(补充件)application program 应用程序arc-lamp 弧光灯armored cable 铠装电缆array 排列as-built drawing 竣工图aseismic joint 防震缝psr1 第 3 页4/26/2022603assessment 评价assessment of radiation protection 辐射防护评价atmospheric corrosion 大气腐蚀atmospheric overvoltage 大气过电压atmospheric radiation monitoring apparatus 大气辐射监测装置ATMS mitigation system ATMS 缓解系统audible count rate signal 计数率音响系统audit 监查audit plan 监查计划all volatile treatment 挥发处理ambient temperature 环境温度American Institute of Steel Construction 美国钢铁结构协会American Society for Testing and Material 美国材料与试验学会American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师学会Ammeter 电流表analog channel 模拟量通道analog input 模拟量输入analog output 模拟量输出analogue link 模拟接续线anion bed 阴离子床anti-whip device 管道防甩装置anti-seizer lubricant 防咬润滑剂anti-vibration bar 防震杆anticipated transient without scram(ATWS) 未能紧急停堆的预计瞬态apparent power 视在功率application package 应用软件包approval 批准,认可,审定area radiation monitoring system 区域辐射监测系统as low as reasonable achievable(ALARA) 合理可行尽量低assembler 汇编程序assessment of exposure 照射评价assignor 委托者,指派者asynchronous motor 异步电动机atmospheric dispersion factor 大气弥散因子atmospheric pressure 大气压力atmospheric stability 大气稳定度atom absorption spectroscopy 原子吸收谱audible signals 音响信号audit follow-up 监查后续行动audit record 监查记录circuit diagram 电路图circulating cooler 循环冷风机circulating cooling water energy disoersion 循环冷却水排放口消能系统circulating cooling water pumping station system 循环冷却水泵房系统circulating cooling water yard pipe network system 循环冷却水厂区管路系统circulation ratio 循环倍率civil works 土建工程civil construction/engineering 土木建筑/工程psr1 第3 页4/26/2022civil architecture 民用建筑civil hospital 地方医院civil service 行政事务cladding 包壳cladding flattening 包壳压扁clarification 澄清,净化classification of records 记录分类cleanout 清扫口clevis insert (堆内构件)镶块clock system 时钟系统closed circuit TV system 闭路电视系统closed-circulating cooling water 闭路循环冷却水closure head 顶盖coarse sand 粗砂coated electrode 药皮焊条cobalt-base alloy 钴基合金code case 规范案例code of federal regulation(CFR) 联邦管理法规coil stack assembly 线圈组件cold leg 冷段cold shutdown 冷停堆cold test 冷态试验cold-wall effect 冷壁效应collapse level 坍塌水位color code 色标commissioning 调试common base plate 公用底板common switchboard 公共配电盘communication system 通讯系统circular railway 环形轨道circulating cooling water drainage system 循环冷却水排放系统circulating cooling water intake system 循环冷却水吸入系统circulating cooling water treatment system 循环冷却水处理系统circulating water pump 循环水泵circumferential ridge 周向环脊clad pellet gap 包壳与芯块间的间隙cladding creep 包壳蠕变cladding strain 包壳应变clarifier 澄清槽cleaning 清水池climatology 清洗clear-water reservation 气候学clockwise 顺时针方向closed cycle cooling water system 闭式循环冷却水系统closing(circuit breaker) 合闸(断路器)coagulant 凝聚剂coast down flow 惯性流量coaxial cable 同轴电缆psr1 第 5 页4/26/2022605code 代码code controller 编码控制器coefficient of thermal expansion 热膨胀系数coil 线圈cold junction box 冷端补偿箱cold performance test 冷态性能试验cold startup 冷态启动cold void volume 冷空腔collapse 压扁collapse-fissure 塌陷裂缝collective dose equivalent 集体剂量当量command 命令committed dose equivalent 待积剂量当量common point 公共点communication link 通讯连接company standard 企业标准compartment 隔间,小室compensation 补偿compiler 编译程序completion certificate 完工证书compliance with requirements 符合要求component cooling water heat exchanger 设备冷却水热交换器component cooling water system 设备冷却水系统compressible flow 可压缩流computer network 计算机网络conceptual design 方案设计condensate cooler 凝结水冷却器condensate pump 凝结水泵condensate transfer pump 凝结水输送泵condenser vacuum system 冷凝器抽真空系统conducing wire 引出线conductor 导体,导线confidence 置信度confined point 约束点connection box 接线盒connection point 连接点conservation of energy 能量守衡conservation of momentum 动量守衡constant current power supply 恒流电源construction manager 工程经理construction quality 施工质量contractor 接触器containment air cleanup system 安全壳空气净化系统containment hydrogen recombiner system 安全壳消氢系统containment instrumentation system 安全壳仪表系统containment penetration 安全壳贯穿件containment reactor coolant drain system 安全壳疏排系统containment spray pump 安全壳喷淋泵psr1 第5 页4/26/2022compensated ionization chamber 补偿电离室compensation cable 补偿电缆complete logbook 全日志completion of erection release 安装完工证书component cooling water 设备冷却水component cooling water pump 设备冷却水泵component cooling water surge tank 设备冷却水波动箱composite structure 混合结构compressed air system 压缩空气系统concentrate storage tank 浓缩液储存箱condensate 凝结水condensate polishing system 凝结水净化系统condenser 冷凝器condition adverse to quality 不利于质量条件conductive integral 积分热导率conduit 电缆管,电线套configuration 配置conical head 锥形封头connection diagram 接线图connector 连接器conservation of mass 质量守恒console 控制台constant voltage power supply 恒压电源construction permit 建造许可证contact conductance 接触热导contained source 内在源containment hydrogen mixing system 安全壳氢气混合系统containment hydrogen ventilation system 安全壳氢气排风系统containment isolation signal 安全壳隔离信号containment purge ventilation system 安全壳清洗通风系统containment spray heat exchanger 安全壳喷淋热交换器containment spray signal 安全壳喷淋信号containment spray system heat exchanger 安全壳喷淋系统热交换器continuity 连续性contraction coefficient 收缩系数control 控制,调节control (rod) bank 调节棒组control (rod) cluster 控制棒组control board 控制盘control damper 控制风阀control logic cabinet 控制逻辑柜control of items 物项管理control rod 控制棒control rod drive line 控制棒驱动线control rod drive mechanism(CRDM) 控制棒驱动机构control rod ejection 弹棒control rod movement speed 控制棒移动速度control rod withdrawal 控制棒提升psr1 第7 页4/26/2022607control switch 控制开关controller area access personal dose monitoring and management system控制区出入口剂量监测和管理系统conventional island(CI) 常规岛converter 转换装置conveyer car 运输小车coolant flow rate 冷却剂流速coolant mixing 冷却剂交混cooler 冷却器cooling tower 冷却塔core area 堆芯区域core barrel cylinder 堆芯吊篮组件core configuration 堆芯布置core integrity 堆芯完整性core mixing subfactor 堆芯交混分因子core reflooding 堆芯再淹没core support pad 堆芯支承块containment spray system 安全壳喷淋系统containment sump 安全壳地坑content by weight 重量含量continuous welding 连接焊contraction pressure loss 收缩压力损失control (rod) assembly 控制棒组件control (rod) calibration 控制棒刻度control (rod) group 调节棒组control cable 控制电缆control level of surface contamination 表面污染控制水平control of purchased items 已购物项管理control rod control system 控制棒控制系统control rod drive line alignment 控制线对中control rod dropping time 控制棒落棒时间control rod guide thimble 控制棒导向管control rod position indication 控制棒棒位指示control volume 控制容积controlled area 控制区convection boiling 对流沸腾conventional island DC&AC UPS system 常规岛直流和交流电源系统conveyer belt 传送带coolant chemistry 冷却剂水化学coolant mass flow rate 冷却剂质量流量coolant specific enthalpy 冷却剂比焓cooling coil 冷却盘管cooling water 冷却水core average heat flux(density) 堆芯平均热通量core barrel flange 吊篮筒体法兰core flow subfactor 堆芯流量分因子core maximum heat flux 堆芯最大热通量core physics 堆芯物理core shell 筒体段,堆芯筒体psr1 第7 页4/26/2022core thermal design 堆芯热工设计core uncover 堆芯裸露core void fraction 芯空泡份额corridor 走廊corrosion fatigue 腐蚀疲劳corrosion inhibitor addition tank 缓蚀剂添加箱corrosion rate 腐蚀速率cosmic radiation 宇宙射线counter area monitor 计数管区域监测仪coupling breaker 耦合开关cover 盖板CPU(central processing unit) 中央处理机CRDM cooling system 控制棒驱动机构冷却通风系统CRDM ventilation system 控制棒驱动机构通风系统crevice corrosion 缝隙腐蚀critical concentration 临界浓度critical exposure pathway 关键照射途径critical heat flux(CHF) 临界热流密度critical heat flux modified shape factor 临界热流密度形状修正因子critical load 危险载荷critical mass 临界质量critical mass flux 临界质量流密度critical size 临界尺寸critical volume 临界体积criticality alarm system 临界报警系统criticality safety 临界安全cross section 截面CRT (cathode-ray tube) 屏幕显示装置culvert 涵洞current density 电流密度cursor 光标cushion 垫层cut-off valve 断流阀DC hold cabinet 直流保持柜Dado 护壁板core unloading 堆芯卸料corrective action 纠正措施corrosion 腐蚀corrosion inhibitor 缓蚀剂corrosion medium 腐蚀介质corrosion product 腐蚀产物corrosion resistance 耐腐蚀性cost benefit analysis 成本效益分析counter flow 反向流coupon 试块CRDM power supply system 棒电源系统CRDM adaptor 驱动机构管座CRDM ventilation shroud 驱动机构通风管座psr1 第9 页4/26/2022609Creep 蠕变creepage distance 表面漏电距离criterion 准则critical experiment 临界实验critical flow 临界流critical heat flux modified coldwall factor 临界热流密度冷壁修正因子critical heat flux modified spacer factor 临界热流密度格架修正因子critical mass flux 临界质量流量critical nuclide 关键核素critical transfer pathway 临界键转移途径criticality accident 临界事故criticality approach curve 接近临界曲线cross flow 横向流crossover leg U型管段cubicle 小室current curve versus time 电流波形图current transformer 电流互感器curvature 曲率cut-off energy 切割能cylindrical shell 筒形壳体DC stabilized power supply 直流稳压电源daily variation coefficient 日变化系数damper 风阀dashpot characteristics 缓冲特性dashpot region 缓冲区data acquisition and processing system 数据采集和处理系统data bus 数据总线data communication system 数据传输系统data organization 数据结构date of standard implementation 标准实施日期DC&AC UPS system 直流和交流不停电电源系统deborating demineralizer 除硼床decay 衰变decay constant 衰变常数decay tank 衰变箱decontamination 去污decontamination system 去污系统degradation 恶劣degree of subcooling 过冷度delay circuit module 延迟电路组件delayed neutron fraction 缓发中子份额delithium demineralizer 除锂床demineralized water 除盐水demineralizer 除盐装置demineralized pre-filter 床前过滤器densimeter 密度计density wave 密度波deoxygenated water 除氧水psr1 第9 页4/26/2022deoxygenated water pump 除氧水泵departure from film boiling DFB 偏离膜态沸腾departure from nuclear boiling ratio (DNBR) DNB 偏离核态沸腾?Depletion 燃耗,烧乏deposited corrosion product 沉积腐蚀产物deposition 沉积量depth of corrosion 腐蚀深度derived air concentration 导出空气浓度description for drawing up standard 标准编制说明dashpot action 缓冲作用dashpot drop time 缓冲落棒时间dashpot section 缓冲段data acquisition 数据采集data base 数据基础data channel 数据通道data file 数据文件data processing module 数据处理模块daughter product 子体产物dead band 死区debug 查错decay chain 衰变链decay heat 衰变热decommissioning 退役decontamination factor 去污因子deformation 畸变degree of enrichment 富集度degree of superheat 过热度delayed critical 缓发临界delayed neutron 缓发中子delta connection 三角形连接demineralizer after-filter 床后过滤器demography 人口统计学densification 密实化denting 凹陷deoxygenated water cooler 除氧水冷却器deoxygenated water tank 除氧水箱departure from nuclear boiling(DNB) 偏离核态沸腾depleted fuel 乏燃料deposit corrosion 沉积腐蚀deposited metal 熔敷金属depressurization 卸压depth of foundation 基础埋置深度derived limit 导出极限design assumption 设计假设design basis 设计基准design basis accident(DBA) 设计基准事故design basis source terms 设计基准源项design code 设计规范psr1 第11 页4/26/20226011design control 设计管理design interface control 设计接口管理design objective limit 设计目标限值design report 设计报告design specification 设计规范书design verification 设计验证designation of system 系统名称detail design 施工设计detector push-pull device 探测器推拉装置detector well 探测器孔道dialog keyboard 对话键盘dielectric strength 绝缘强度diesel generator set 柴油发电机组differential pressure controller 差压调节器differential pressure transmitter 差压变送器differential worth 微分价值diffuser 导叶diffusion coefficient 扩散系数digital filtering 数字滤波digital misalignment alarm module 数字失步报警dilution 稀释dimineralized water pump 除盐水泵direct grounding 直接接地direct outward dialing 直接外拨direction of welding 焊接方向disadvantage factor 不利因子discharge pump 排放泵disconnect 断连,断路disconnect plug 可拆接头dished head 碟形封头disinfection 消毒disk file 磁盘文件disk storage 磁盘存储器display 显示design basis event 设计基准事件design change 设计变更design condition 设计工况design for reactor core safety in NPP 核电厂堆芯安全设计design pressure 设计压力design review 设计审查design temperature 设计温度designation 名称desilting basin 沉砂池detection limit 探测限值detector storage tube 探测器存放管diagnostic program 诊断程序diaphragm valve 隔膜阀diesel generator 柴油发电机psr1 第11 页4/26/2022differential pressure gauge 差压计differential protection 差动保护differentiator module 微分器组件diffuser plate 流量分配板diffusion theory 扩散理论digital input 数字输入digital voltmeter module 数字电压表组件digital/anolog (D/A) converter 数/模转换器dilution factor 稀释因子direct burial 直埋direct inward dialing(DID) 直接内拨directory 目录discharge burnup 卸料燃耗discharge 卸料disconnect button 拆卸按钮disconnect rod 拆卸杆dished pellet 碟形芯块disk 磁盘disk operation system 磁盘操作系统dispersed flow 弥散流display frame 显示帧帽display operation station (显示)操作器distributed network 分布式网络distribution cabinet 分配柜distribution system 配水管DNB heat flux DNB 热流密度Document change 文件变更Document control manager 文件管理经理document preparation 文件编制document review 文件审查domestic water yard pipe network system 生活水厂区管网系统Doppler effect 多普勒效应Dose commitment 剂量负担Dose equivalent commitment 剂量当量负担Dose rate conversion factor 剂量率转换因子Double ended break 双端断裂Double hook 双钩double-pole single-throw(DPST) switch 双极单掷开关downhand welding 平焊draft standard for approval 标准待批稿drain flash tank 扩容器drain tank 疏水箱drawing 图纸drawing volume list 图册目录drip pan 集油盘drive shaft assembly 驱动轴部件drop time 落棒时间droplet entraiment 液滴夹带psr1 第13 页4/26/20226013dry bulb temperature 干球温度dry-insulated transformer 干式绝缘变压器dryer 干燥器dryout 干涸dual-frequency simplex operation 共频单工操作duckwork 管网duplication 复制,转储dye penetrant examination 着色渗透检查distributed computer system 分布式计算机系统distribution box 配电柜distribution list 分发清单division 篇document approval 文件批准document control 文件管理document distribution 文件分发document retention 文件保存domestic water 生活水domestic sewage 生活污水Doppler coefficient 多普勒系数dose assessment 剂量评价dose equivalent 剂量当量dose equivalent limit 剂量当量限值dosemeter reader 剂量计读数器double fume chamber and hood 双位通风柜double period 倍增周期double-pulse generator 双脉冲发生器double-reeling system 双卷绕系统downstream 下游draft standard for examination 标准送审稿drain recovery tank 疏水回收箱drawer 抽屉drawing list 图纸目录drift flux 漂移流密度drive shaft 驱动轴drive unit 驱动机构droplet 液滴drum 卷筒dry deposition 干沉降dry-type transformer 干式变压器drying oven 干燥箱,烘干箱,烘箱,干燥炉dual trace oscilloscope 双踪示波器dual-tone multifrequency 双音多频duct 风管duplex transceiver 双工收发信机duration time 持续时间dynamic analysis 动态分析dynamic equilibrium 动态平衡dynamic instability 动力学不稳定性psr1 第13 页4/26/2022earth leakage protection 接地保护earthing 接地earthing system 接地系统earthquake subsidence 震陷ejector 喷射器effective dose equivalent 有效剂量当量effective flow rate 有效流量effluent radiation monitoring system 排出流辐射监测系统(rod)ejection accident 弹棒事故elastic scattering 弹性散射electric dispatch network 电力调度网electric heater 电加热器electric monorail hoist 单轨电动葫芦electric building 电气厂房electric building cooler system 电气厂房循环冷风机组系统electric building ventilation system 电气厂房通风系统electrical conduit 引出线管electrical penetration 电气贯穿件electromagnetic braker 电磁制动器electro-slag remelting 电渣重熔electro-sound telephone system 检修电话系统electrotechnical box 电气箱ellipsoidal head 椭圆形封头emergency announcement 紧急通知emergency control room system 应急控制室emergency diesel generator building water supply and drainage system应急柴油发电机厂房给排水系统emergency disk braker 应急盘式制动器emergency drain 应急疏水emergency feedwater tank 应急给水箱emergency outlet 事故排出口dynamic balance 动平衡动压头dynamic head 动压头dynamic parameter 动态参数earth return 大地回馈earthing resistance 接地电组earthquake 地震editor 编辑程序effective delayed neutron fraction 缓发中子份额effective full power days 等效满功率天egg crate grid 蛋篓型格架ejector 抽气器electret microphone 驻极体传声器electric furnace 电炉electric horn 电喇叭electric-hydraulic actuating brake 电磁液压制动器electric building smoker exhaust system 电气厂房排烟系统electric building water supply and drainage system 电气厂房给排水系统psr1 第15 页4/26/20226015electrical panel 配电屏electroacoustic component 电声元件electromagnetic flowmeter 电磁流量计electronic pocket dosimeter 电子式袖珍剂量计elevation 立面embedded part 预埋件emergency boration 紧急硼化emergency core cooling 应急堆芯冷却emergency diesel generator room ventilation system 应急柴油发电机通风系统emergency diesel generation system 应急柴油发电机系统emergency exposure 应急照射emergency oil pump 应急油泵emergency power 应急电源emergency power source(or supply) 应急电源emergency telephone system 应急自动电话系统emergency trip time 紧急停堆时间enclosed motor 封闭式电机,防水电动机end of life(EOL) 寿期末end truck 端梁end-of travel limit switch 行程终端限位开关energization 通电energy level 能级energy response 能量响应engineer station 工程师站engineering company 工程公司engineering enthalpy rise factor 工程焓升因子engineering manual 工程手册enriched 浓缩的enriched uranium 浓缩铀enrichment 浓缩度,富集度enthalpy rise factor 焓升因子enthalpy rise uncertainty factor 焓升不确定因子environment qualification 环境鉴定environment monitoring vehicle 环境监测车epicenter 震中equilibrium enrichment 平衡富集度equipment hatch 设备闸门equipotential connection 等电压连接equivalent diameter 当量直径escape rate coefficient 逃脱率系数essential chilled water system 重要冷冻水系统essential service water pump 重要厂用水泵essential service water yard pipe network 重要厂用水厂区管路系统evaporator 蒸发器event 事件examination 检验excess letdown heat exchanger 过剩下泄热交换器emergency shutdown 紧急停堆psr1 第15 页4/26/2022emergency transfer equipment 应急电源转换设备end of cycle 循环末end plug 端塞end-of erection state report 安装完工报告end-window counter 钟罩形计数管energy group 能群energy resolution 能量分辨率energy spectrum 能谱engineering heat flux hot spot factor 工程热通量热点因子engineering factor 工程因子engineering heat flux hot channel factor 工程热通量热管因子enriched fuel 富集燃料enriched uranium reactor 浓缩铀反应堆enthapy rise engineering hot channel factor 焓升工程热管因子entrainment 夹带environmental monitoring 环境监测environmental assessment(EA) 环境评价environmental quality(EQ) 环境质量epithermal neutron 超热中子equilibrium poisoning 平衡中毒equipment list 设备明细表equivalent core diameter 堆芯等效直径erosion corrosion 磨损腐蚀escape 泄漏,逃逸essential service water intake filteration system 重要厂用水取水过滤系统essential service water pumping station system 重要厂用水泵房系统evaporative air cooling(EA V) unit 蒸发式空气冷却机组ex-core instrumentation 堆外测量excess letdown 过剩下泄excess power 超功率excitation 励磁exhaust cleanup unit(ECU) 排风净化机组exhaust hole 排气孔expansion joint 膨胀结合,伸缩缝expansion tank 膨胀水箱expert's opinion 专家意见external exposure 外照射external load 外负荷face of weld 焊缝正面failed fuel assembly location detecting system 破损燃料足见定位检测系统failure detector module 故障检测元件fast connector 快拆接头fast fission factor 快裂变因子fast neutron flux 快中子通量feasibility study 可行性研究feed water heater 给水加热器feed water storage tank 给水箱feedwater inlet nozzle 给水进口管嘴psr1 第17 页4/26/20226017fiberglass 玻璃纤维field change 现场修改file 文件fill 充注fillet welding 角焊film boiling 膜态沸腾filter 滤池final acceptance 最终验收final safety analysis report(FSAR) 最终安全分析报告fire alarm 失火报警fire break 防火墙fire damper 防火阀fire extinction agent 灭火剂(器)fire fighting foam system 泡沫消防系统fire hose 消防水龙带fire proof installation 防火设施fire protection 消防excess reactivity 过剩反应性exclusion area boundary 禁区边界exhaust fan 排风机exhausting smoke fan 排烟风机expansion ring 膨胀环expert's report 专家报告external contamination 外污染external interface 外部接口external pressure 外压face plate 面板failed fuel fraction 破损燃料份额failure 失效,故障,损坏fan 风机fast neutron fluence 快中子通量fault 故障,事故feed water 给水feed water pump 给水泵feeder 馈电线feeder ring 给水环管field 字段field inspection 巡回检查filing 归档filler metal 填充金属film badge 胶片剂量计filter 过滤器fin 散热片final acceptance report 最终验收报告final storage of document 文件最终储存fine sand 细砂fire annihilation protecting equipment 熄火保护装置fire extinction 灭火psr1 第17 页4/26/2022fire extinction pump 消防泵fire-fighting water 消防水fire hydrant 消火栓fire protection water system 消防水系统fire rating 耐火等级fire resistant 耐火的fire stopping wall 挡火墙first core 第一堆芯fissile nucleus 易裂变核fission chain 裂变链fission chamber(miniature) 裂变室(微型)fission energy 裂变能fission gas 裂变气体fission product 裂变产物fission source 裂变源fission yield 裂变产额fitting 配件fixed radio station 无线固定台flame arrester 阻火器flame resistant 耐火焰的flange welding 卷边焊flare groove welding 喇叭型坡口焊flashing 闪蒸flask ,cask 屏蔽容器flexible connection 柔性连接flexible coupling 挠性联轴器,挠性接头float charge 浮充电floating point 浮点flooding 淹没floor drain 楼面疏水floppy disk 软盘flow diagram (工艺)流程图flow distribution plate 流量分配板flow instability 流动不稳定性flow restrictor 限流器flow-head cure 流量-扬程曲线flush pump 冲洗泵flushing water 冲洗水flux density 通量密度flux flattening 通量展平flux instrumentation guide tube 通量测量导向管follow-up action 后续行动forced circulation 强迫循环fire stop 阻火件first collision probability 首次碰撞几率first out alarm 首发报警fission and corrosion product activity 裂变和腐蚀产物活度fission cross section 裂变截面psr1 第19 页4/26/20226019fission fragment 裂变碎片fission neutron 裂变中子fission rate 裂变率fission spectrum 裂变谱fissionable 可裂变的fixed point 固定点fixed tube 固定套管flammable 易燃的flanged connection 法兰连接flare test (传热管)扩口试验flashing alarm 闪光报警flat head 平封头flexible cord 柔线float type flowmeter 浮子流量计floatation 气浮池flood light 泛光灯,探照灯floor contamination monitor 地面污染监测仪floor drain tank 楼面疏水箱flow coastdown 惯性流量下降flow distribution 流量分配flow induced vibration 流致振动flow lift force 流动升力flow transmitter 流量变送器fluorescent lamp 荧光灯flush-mounted 镶嵌,暗装flux 通量flux distribution 通量分布flux gradient 通量梯度flux map 通量分布图food chain 事物链foreground 前台foreign material 杂质forging 锻造former 辐板(堆芯围板的径向支撑板)fracture mechanics 断裂力学framework 框架,构架frequency analysis 频谱分析fresh water 淡水fretting wear 微振磨损front computer 前置计算机functional assignment 职责分工fuel assembly 燃料组件fuel assembly visual inspection equipment 燃料组件目视检查装置fuel building bridge 燃料厂房桥架fuel building ventilation system 燃料厂房通风系统fuel burnup 燃料燃耗fuel column 燃料柱fuel cycle lifetime 燃料循环寿期psr1 第19 页4/26/2022fuel element failure accident 燃料元件破碎事故fuel loading and unloading 装料与卸料fuel mispositioning accident 错装料事故fuel pool bridge 燃料抓取机(燃料池桥架)fuel shipping container rig 燃料运输容器吊具fuel swelling 燃料肿胀fuel transfer system 燃料运输系统fuel tube 燃料包壳管full penetration welding 全透焊逢full-load torque 满载能力function test 功能试验fuse 熔断器fuse switch 熔断器开关fusion welding 熔焊gantry 龙门架gap conductance 间隙导热forged parts 锻制件format 格式化fouling coefficient 污垢系数frame 框架free-standing cladding 自立式包壳frequency meter 频率计,周波表fretting corrosion 激振腐蚀friction coefficient 摩擦系数friction loss 摩擦损失front panel 前面板fuel 燃料组件fuel assembly sipping device 燃料组件啜吸装置fuel basket 燃料篮fuel building 燃料厂房fuel building crane 燃料厂房起重机fuel building water supply and drainage system 燃料厂房给排水系统fuel cluster 燃料棒束fuel cycle 燃料循环fuel element 燃料元件fuel handling system 燃料装卸系统fuel inventory 燃料装量fuel management 燃料管理fuel pellet 燃料芯块fuel rod 燃料棒fuel storage, transportation and inspection system 燃料储运和检验系统fuel transfer shielding 燃料运输屏蔽fuel transfer tube 燃料运输通道full penetration weld 全穿透焊full power 满功率function key 功能键foundation ring 基础环fuse isolator 熔断器闸刀psr1 第21 页4/26/20226021gantry crane 龙门吊gas accumulated flowmeter 气体累计流量计gas chromatograph 气体色谱gas heater 气体加热器gas stripper 脱气塔gas stripping 脱气gaseous sample 气体取样gaseous waste treatment system 气体废物处理系统gear coupling 齿轮联轴器Geiger-Muller counter 盖革/弥勒管general corrosion 全面腐蚀general standard 通用标准generation 生成genetic effect 遗传效应geography 地理girth welding 环缝焊接glass dosimeter 玻璃剂量计glove box 手套箱governor valve 调节阀grain-size 晶粒度graphic package 图形软件包graphic screen 图形显示屏Gray code 葛莱码Gray/Gy 戈瑞grid cell 定位格架栅元grid telephone network 电网通话网络groove (焊接)坡口groove welding 坡口焊ground water 地下水grounding conductor 接地导体grounding wire 接地线group display 成组显示guide 导则guide rail 导向轨道guide tube 导向管guide tube support plate 压紧顶帽(导向管支撑板)habitability area (可)居留区hand hole 手孔handrail 扶手gas cooler 气体冷却器gas insulated switchgear(GIS) 气体绝缘开关装置gas stripping unit 脱气装置gaseous space 气空间gasket 垫片gate valve 闸阀gear reducer 齿轮减速器general arrangement 厂房总布置图general scientillation counter 通用闪烁计数器psr1 第21 页4/26/2022generator & main transformer system 发电机和主变压器系统girder 主梁gland packing 压盖填料globe valve 截止阀go pulse 启动脉冲grab sampling 手选取样graphic display 图形显示graphic printer 图形打印机gravelly sand 砾砂Gray code shaper 葛莱码整形器Grid 电网,栅栏grid spring 定位格架gripper 抓具groove angle 坡口角度ground fault 接地不良grounded electrode 接地电极grounding resistance 接地电阻groundwater level 地下水位group selector 组选择器guide cylinder 导流筒guide vane 导向管hand and foot monitor 手足监测仪handling opening 吊装孔hands-free speaking telephone set 免提扬声电话hanger 支吊架hard copy printer 硬拷贝打印机harmful effect 有害影响head block assembly 定滑轮组head flange insulation 顶盖法兰保温层heat tracing(electric) 加热保温(电)heading 标题health physics program 保健物理大纲heat(or ladle) analysis 熔炼分析heat balance 热平衡heat conductivity 热导率heat exchanger 热交换器heat flux 热通量heat load 热负荷heat transfer coefficient 热交换系数heater 加热器heating ventilation and air conditioning 采暖通风及空调helium leak check 氦气检漏hexadecimal 十六进制的high energy pipe 高能管道high efficient filter 高效过滤器high range gamma radiation monitor for accident 事故用高量程¥辐射监测仪high voltage power supply 高压电源high-pressure ionization chamber 高压电离室psr1 第23 页4/26/20226023high-purity germanium 高纯锗hold down spring 压紧弹簧环hold point 停工待检点hood 通风柜horizontal acceleration 水平加速度horizontal pipe 横管horn loudspeaker 号筒扬声器hot channel factor 热管因子hot laundry ventilation system 洗衣房通风系统hot point factor 热点因子hot sink 热井hardware 硬件hazardous atmosphere 危险环境head dome insulation 顶盖球冠保温层head loss 水头损失head 封头headset 头戴式送受话器health physics system 保健物理系统heat affected zone 热影响区heat capacity 热容heat diffusion 热扩散heat flow rate 热流量heat generation 释热heat sink 热井heat treatment 热处理heating coil 加热盘管heavy oil 重油helical-wrap drive cable 螺旋形驱动电缆hemispherical head 半球形封头high efficiency particulate and air filter 高效过滤器high neutron flux trip 中子高通量紧急停堆high range ionization chamber area gamma monitor 高量程电离室区域γ监测high-level noble gas gamma monitor 高放惰性气体γ监测仪hoist speed 提升速度hold-down support assembly 压紧支撑结构hold-up tank 暂存箱hook 吊钩horizontal guide wheel 水平导向轨horizontal position welding 横焊hot cell 热室hot channel 热通道hot leg 热段hot performance test 热态性能试验hot shutdown 热停堆hot spot factor 热点因子hot standby 热备用hot test 热态试验hot water system 热水系统psr1 第23 页4/26/2022。



psr1 第1 页8/7/2013601 核电专业词汇abnormal condition 异常工况absorber rod 吸收棒absorption cross section 吸收截面acceleration pressure drop 加速度压降acceptable daily intake 日允许摄入量acceptance 验收acceptance standard 验收标准acceptance test 验收实验accident analysis 事故分析accident interlocking module 事故联锁组件accident mitigation 事故缓解accident source 事故源accident shutdown 事故停堆accumulator 安注箱activation 活化active component 能动部件active power 有用功率actuate 驱动,动作activity concentration 放射性浓度activity level 放射性活度administration building and emergency center water supply and drainage system办公楼及应急中心给排水系统absorber chiller 吸收式制冷机aerodynamic behavior 空气动力特性after filter(or post-filter) 后置过滤器after-power,residual heat power 剩余功率air change rate 换气率air delivery pipe 供气管道air filter unit 空气过滤机组air flow rate 空气流量air hose 空气软管air pump 抽气泵air self-cooling type 空气自冷式airborne particulate sample 气载粒子取样器alarm(output) module 报警(输出)组件alarm window 报警窗absorbed dose rate 吸收剂量absorption coefficient 吸收系数absorption ratio 吸收比acceleration pressure loss 加速度损失acceptance limit 可接受限值acceptance criterion 验收准则acceptance report 验收报告psr1 第1 页8/7/2013psr1 第2 页8/7/2013602 access 通道,入口accident conditions 事故工况accident management 事故处理accident prevention 事故预防accidental exposure 事故照射accumulated dose 累积剂量acid-proof tile 耐酸瓷砖active carbon filter 活性碳过滤器active core height 堆芯活性高度activity 活度administration building and emergency center ventilation system办公楼及应急中心通风系统adoption by equivalent 等同采用aerial cable 架空电缆aerosol 气溶胶after-heat, residual heat 剩余释热air breaker 空气断路器air cooler 空气冷却器air filter and absorber unit 空气过滤吸附机组air handling unit 空气处理机组air intake 采风口,进风口air sampling device 空气取样设备air submerasion dose 空气浸没剂量airborne radioactivity 气载放射性alarm 警报,报警alarm signal 报警信号albedo 反射率aligning pin 定位销alphanumeric keyboard 字母数字键盘American Concrete Institute 美国混凝土学会American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准学会American Nuclear Society 美国核学会American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程学会Ampacity 载流量analog/digital converter 模拟/数字转换器analog signals 模拟信号anchor bolt 地角螺栓annex 附录(参考件)anti-rust agent 防锈漆anti-vibration bar 防振条anticipated operational occurrences 预期运行事件antifoam reagent 防泡剂appendix 附录(补充件)application program 应用程序arc-lamp 弧光灯armored cable 铠装电缆array 排列as-built drawing 竣工图aseismic joint 防震缝psr1 第2 页8/7/2013psr1 第3 页8/7/2013603 assessment 评价assessment of radiation protection 辐射防护评价atmospheric corrosion 大气腐蚀atmospheric overvoltage 大气过电压atmospheric radiation monitoring apparatus 大气辐射监测装置ATMS mitigation system ATMS 缓解系统audible count rate signal 计数率音响系统audit 监查audit plan 监查计划all volatile treatment 挥发处理ambient temperature 环境温度American Institute of Steel Construction 美国钢铁结构协会American Society for Testing and Material 美国材料与试验学会American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师学会Ammeter 电流表analog channel 模拟量通道analog input 模拟量输入analog output 模拟量输出analogue link 模拟接续线anion bed 阴离子床anti-whip device 管道防甩装置anti-seizer lubricant 防咬润滑剂anti-vibration bar 防震杆anticipated transient without scram(ATWS) 未能紧急停堆的预计瞬态apparent power 视在功率application package 应用软件包approval 批准,认可,审定area radiation monitoring system 区域辐射监测系统as low as reasonable achievable(ALARA) 合理可行尽量低assembler 汇编程序assessment of exposure 照射评价assignor 委托者,指派者asynchronous motor 异步电动机atmospheric dispersion factor 大气弥散因子atmospheric pressure 大气压力atmospheric stability 大气稳定度atom absorption spectroscopy 原子吸收谱audible signals 音响信号audit follow-up 监查后续行动audit record 监查记录circuit diagram 电路图circulating cooler 循环冷风机circulating cooling water energy disoersion 循环冷却水排放口消能系统circulating cooling water pumping station system 循环冷却水泵房系统circulating cooling water yard pipe network system 循环冷却水厂区管路系统circulation ratio 循环倍率civil works 土建工程civil construction/engineering 土木建筑/工程psr1 第3 页8/7/2013psr1 第4 页8/7/2013604 civil architecture 民用建筑civil hospital 地方医院civil service 行政事务cladding 包壳cladding flattening 包壳压扁clarification 澄清,净化classification of records 记录分类cleanout 清扫口clevis insert (堆内构件)镶块clock system 时钟系统closed circuit TV system 闭路电视系统closed-circulating cooling water 闭路循环冷却水closure head 顶盖coarse sand 粗砂coated electrode 药皮焊条cobalt-base alloy 钴基合金code case 规范案例code of federal regulation(CFR) 联邦管理法规coil stack assembly 线圈组件cold leg 冷段cold shutdown 冷停堆cold test 冷态试验cold-wall effect 冷壁效应collapse level 坍塌水位color code 色标commissioning 调试common base plate 公用底板common switchboard 公共配电盘communication system 通讯系统circular railway 环形轨道circulating cooling water drainage system 循环冷却水排放系统circulating cooling water intake system 循环冷却水吸入系统circulating cooling water treatment system 循环冷却水处理系统circulating water pump 循环水泵circumferential ridge 周向环脊clad pellet gap 包壳与芯块间的间隙cladding creep 包壳蠕变cladding strain 包壳应变clarifier 澄清槽cleaning 清水池climatology 清洗clear-water reservation 气候学clockwise 顺时针方向closed cycle cooling water system 闭式循环冷却水系统closing(circuit breaker) 合闸(断路器)coagulant 凝聚剂coast down flow 惯性流量coaxial cable 同轴电缆psr1 第4 页8/7/2013psr1 第5 页8/7/2013605 code 代码code controller 编码控制器coefficient of thermal expansion 热膨胀系数coil 线圈cold junction box 冷端补偿箱cold performance test 冷态性能试验cold startup 冷态启动cold void volume 冷空腔collapse 压扁collapse-fissure 塌陷裂缝collective dose equivalent 集体剂量当量command 命令committed dose equivalent 待积剂量当量common point 公共点communication link 通讯连接company standard 企业标准compartment 隔间,小室compensation 补偿compiler 编译程序completion certificate 完工证书compliance with requirements 符合要求component cooling water heat exchanger 设备冷却水热交换器component cooling water system 设备冷却水系统compressible flow 可压缩流computer network 计算机网络conceptual design 方案设计condensate cooler 凝结水冷却器condensate pump 凝结水泵condensate transfer pump 凝结水输送泵condenser vacuum system 冷凝器抽真空系统conducing wire 引出线conductor 导体,导线confidence 置信度confined point 约束点connection box 接线盒connection point 连接点conservation of energy 能量守衡conservation of momentum 动量守衡constant current power supply 恒流电源construction manager 工程经理construction quality 施工质量contractor 接触器containment air cleanup system 安全壳空气净化系统containment hydrogen recombiner system 安全壳消氢系统containment instrumentation system 安全壳仪表系统containment penetration 安全壳贯穿件containment reactor coolant drain system 安全壳疏排系统containment spray pump 安全壳喷淋泵psr1 第5 页8/7/2013psr1 第6 页8/7/2013606 compensated ionization chamber 补偿电离室compensation cable 补偿电缆complete logbook 全日志completion of erection release 安装完工证书component cooling water 设备冷却水component cooling water pump 设备冷却水泵component cooling water surge tank 设备冷却水波动箱composite structure 混合结构compressed air system 压缩空气系统concentrate storage tank 浓缩液储存箱condensate 凝结水condensate polishing system 凝结水净化系统condenser 冷凝器condition adverse to quality 不利于质量条件conductive integral 积分热导率conduit 电缆管,电线套configuration 配置conical head 锥形封头connection diagram 接线图connector 连接器conservation of mass 质量守恒console 控制台constant voltage power supply 恒压电源construction permit 建造许可证contact conductance 接触热导contained source 内在源containment hydrogen mixing system 安全壳氢气混合系统containment hydrogen ventilation system 安全壳氢气排风系统containment isolation signal 安全壳隔离信号containment purge ventilation system 安全壳清洗通风系统containment spray heat exchanger 安全壳喷淋热交换器containment spray signal 安全壳喷淋信号containment spray system heat exchanger 安全壳喷淋系统热交换器continuity 连续性contraction coefficient 收缩系数control 控制,调节control (rod) bank 调节棒组control (rod) cluster 控制棒组control board 控制盘control damper 控制风阀control logic cabinet 控制逻辑柜control of items 物项管理control rod 控制棒control rod drive line 控制棒驱动线control rod drive mechanism(CRDM) 控制棒驱动机构control rod ejection 弹棒control rod movement speed 控制棒移动速度control rod withdrawal 控制棒提升psr1 第6 页8/7/2013psr1 第7 页8/7/2013607 control switch 控制开关controller area access personal dose monitoring and management system控制区出入口剂量监测和管理系统conventional island(CI) 常规岛converter 转换装置conveyer car 运输小车coolant flow rate 冷却剂流速coolant mixing 冷却剂交混cooler 冷却器cooling tower 冷却塔core area 堆芯区域core barrel cylinder 堆芯吊篮组件core configuration 堆芯布置core integrity 堆芯完整性core mixing subfactor 堆芯交混分因子core reflooding 堆芯再淹没core support pad 堆芯支承块containment spray system 安全壳喷淋系统containment sump 安全壳地坑content by weight 重量含量continuous welding 连接焊contraction pressure loss 收缩压力损失control (rod) assembly 控制棒组件control (rod) calibration 控制棒刻度control (rod) group 调节棒组control cable 控制电缆control level of surface contamination 表面污染控制水平control of purchased items 已购物项管理control rod control system 控制棒控制系统control rod drive line alignment 控制线对中control rod dropping time 控制棒落棒时间control rod guide thimble 控制棒导向管control rod position indication 控制棒棒位指示control volume 控制容积controlled area 控制区convection boiling 对流沸腾conventional island DC&AC UPS system 常规岛直流和交流电源系统conveyer belt 传送带coolant chemistry 冷却剂水化学coolant mass flow rate 冷却剂质量流量coolant specific enthalpy 冷却剂比焓cooling coil 冷却盘管cooling water 冷却水core average heat flux(density) 堆芯平均热通量core barrel flange 吊篮筒体法兰core flow subfactor 堆芯流量分因子core maximum heat flux 堆芯最大热通量core physics 堆芯物理core shell 筒体段,堆芯筒体psr1 第7 页8/7/2013psr1 第8 页8/7/2013608 core thermal design 堆芯热工设计core uncover 堆芯裸露core void fraction 芯空泡份额corridor 走廊corrosion fatigue 腐蚀疲劳corrosion inhibitor addition tank 缓蚀剂添加箱corrosion rate 腐蚀速率cosmic radiation 宇宙射线counter area monitor 计数管区域监测仪coupling breaker 耦合开关cover 盖板CPU(central processing unit) 中央处理机CRDM cooling system 控制棒驱动机构冷却通风系统CRDM ventilation system 控制棒驱动机构通风系统crevice corrosion 缝隙腐蚀critical concentration 临界浓度critical exposure pathway 关键照射途径critical heat flux(CHF) 临界热流密度critical heat flux modified shape factor 临界热流密度形状修正因子critical load 危险载荷critical mass 临界质量critical mass flux 临界质量流密度critical size 临界尺寸critical volume 临界体积criticality alarm system 临界报警系统criticality safety 临界安全cross section 截面CRT (cathode-ray tube) 屏幕显示装置culvert 涵洞current density 电流密度cursor 光标cushion 垫层cut-off valve 断流阀DC hold cabinet 直流保持柜Dado 护壁板core unloading 堆芯卸料corrective action 纠正措施corrosion 腐蚀corrosion inhibitor 缓蚀剂corrosion medium 腐蚀介质corrosion product 腐蚀产物corrosion resistance 耐腐蚀性cost benefit analysis 成本效益分析counter flow 反向流coupon 试块CRDM power supply system 棒电源系统CRDM adaptor 驱动机构管座CRDM ventilation shroud 驱动机构通风管座psr1 第8 页8/7/2013psr1 第9 页8/7/2013609 Creep 蠕变creepage distance 表面漏电距离criterion 准则critical experiment 临界实验critical flow 临界流critical heat flux modified coldwall factor 临界热流密度冷壁修正因子critical heat flux modified spacer factor 临界热流密度格架修正因子critical mass flux 临界质量流量critical nuclide 关键核素critical transfer pathway 临界键转移途径criticality accident 临界事故criticality approach curve 接近临界曲线cross flow 横向流crossover leg U型管段cubicle 小室current curve versus time 电流波形图current transformer 电流互感器curvature 曲率cut-off energy 切割能cylindrical shell 筒形壳体DC stabilized power supply 直流稳压电源daily variation coefficient 日变化系数damper 风阀dashpot characteristics 缓冲特性dashpot region 缓冲区data acquisition and processing system 数据采集和处理系统data bus 数据总线data communication system 数据传输系统data organization 数据结构date of standard implementation 标准实施日期DC&AC UPS system 直流和交流不停电电源系统deborating demineralizer 除硼床decay 衰变decay constant 衰变常数decay tank 衰变箱decontamination 去污decontamination system 去污系统degradation 恶劣degree of subcooling 过冷度delay circuit module 延迟电路组件delayed neutron fraction 缓发中子份额delithium demineralizer 除锂床demineralized water 除盐水demineralizer 除盐装置demineralized pre-filter 床前过滤器densimeter 密度计density wave 密度波deoxygenated water 除氧水psr1 第9 页8/7/2013psr1 第10 页8/7/20136010 deoxygenated water pump 除氧水泵departure from film boiling DFB 偏离膜态沸腾departure from nuclear boiling ratio (DNBR) DNB 偏离核态沸腾?Depletion 燃耗,烧乏deposited corrosion product 沉积腐蚀产物deposition 沉积量depth of corrosion 腐蚀深度derived air concentration 导出空气浓度description for drawing up standard 标准编制说明dashpot action 缓冲作用dashpot drop time 缓冲落棒时间dashpot section 缓冲段data acquisition 数据采集data base 数据基础data channel 数据通道data file 数据文件data processing module 数据处理模块daughter product 子体产物dead band 死区debug 查错decay chain 衰变链decay heat 衰变热decommissioning 退役decontamination factor 去污因子deformation 畸变degree of enrichment 富集度degree of superheat 过热度delayed critical 缓发临界delayed neutron 缓发中子delta connection 三角形连接demineralizer after-filter 床后过滤器demography 人口统计学densification 密实化denting 凹陷deoxygenated water cooler 除氧水冷却器deoxygenated water tank 除氧水箱departure from nuclear boiling(DNB) 偏离核态沸腾depleted fuel 乏燃料deposit corrosion 沉积腐蚀deposited metal 熔敷金属depressurization 卸压depth of foundation 基础埋置深度derived limit 导出极限design assumption 设计假设design basis 设计基准design basis accident(DBA) 设计基准事故design basis source terms 设计基准源项design code 设计规范psr1 第10 页8/7/2013psr1 第11 页8/7/20136011 design control 设计管理design interface control 设计接口管理design objective limit 设计目标限值design report 设计报告design specification 设计规范书design verification 设计验证designation of system 系统名称detail design 施工设计detector push-pull device 探测器推拉装置detector well 探测器孔道dialog keyboard 对话键盘dielectric strength 绝缘强度diesel generator set 柴油发电机组differential pressure controller 差压调节器differential pressure transmitter 差压变送器differential worth 微分价值diffuser 导叶diffusion coefficient 扩散系数digital filtering 数字滤波digital misalignment alarm module 数字失步报警dilution 稀释dimineralized water pump 除盐水泵direct grounding 直接接地direct outward dialing 直接外拨direction of welding 焊接方向disadvantage factor 不利因子discharge pump 排放泵disconnect 断连,断路disconnect plug 可拆接头dished head 碟形封头disinfection 消毒disk file 磁盘文件disk storage 磁盘存储器display 显示design basis event 设计基准事件design change 设计变更design condition 设计工况design for reactor core safety in NPP 核电厂堆芯安全设计design pressure 设计压力design review 设计审查design temperature 设计温度designation 名称desilting basin 沉砂池detection limit 探测限值detector storage tube 探测器存放管diagnostic program 诊断程序diaphragm valve 隔膜阀diesel generator 柴油发电机psr1 第11 页8/7/2013psr1 第12 页8/7/20136012 differential pressure gauge 差压计differential protection 差动保护differentiator module 微分器组件diffuser plate 流量分配板diffusion theory 扩散理论digital input 数字输入digital voltmeter module 数字电压表组件digital/anolog (D/A) converter 数/模转换器dilution factor 稀释因子direct burial 直埋direct inward dialing(DID) 直接内拨directory 目录discharge burnup 卸料燃耗discharge 卸料disconnect button 拆卸按钮disconnect rod 拆卸杆dished pellet 碟形芯块disk 磁盘disk operation system 磁盘操作系统dispersed flow 弥散流display frame 显示帧帽display operation station (显示)操作器distributed network 分布式网络distribution cabinet 分配柜distribution system 配水管DNB heat flux DNB 热流密度Document change 文件变更Document control manager 文件管理经理document preparation 文件编制document review 文件审查domestic water yard pipe network system 生活水厂区管网系统Doppler effect 多普勒效应Dose commitment 剂量负担Dose equivalent commitment 剂量当量负担Dose rate conversion factor 剂量率转换因子Double ended break 双端断裂Double hook 双钩double-pole single-throw(DPST) switch 双极单掷开关downhand welding 平焊draft standard for approval 标准待批稿drain flash tank 扩容器drain tank 疏水箱drawing 图纸drawing volume list 图册目录drip pan 集油盘drive shaft assembly 驱动轴部件drop time 落棒时间droplet entraiment 液滴夹带psr1 第12 页8/7/2013psr1 第13 页8/7/20136013 dry bulb temperature 干球温度dry-insulated transformer 干式绝缘变压器dryer 干燥器dryout 干涸dual-frequency simplex operation 共频单工操作duckwork 管网duplication 复制,转储dye penetrant examination 着色渗透检查distributed computer system 分布式计算机系统distribution box 配电柜distribution list 分发清单division 篇document approval 文件批准document control 文件管理document distribution 文件分发document retention 文件保存domestic water 生活水domestic sewage 生活污水Doppler coefficient 多普勒系数dose assessment 剂量评价dose equivalent 剂量当量dose equivalent limit 剂量当量限值dosemeter reader 剂量计读数器double fume chamber and hood 双位通风柜double period 倍增周期double-pulse generator 双脉冲发生器double-reeling system 双卷绕系统downstream 下游draft standard for examination 标准送审稿drain recovery tank 疏水回收箱drawer 抽屉drawing list 图纸目录drift flux 漂移流密度drive shaft 驱动轴drive unit 驱动机构droplet 液滴drum 卷筒dry deposition 干沉降dry-type transformer 干式变压器drying oven 干燥箱,烘干箱,烘箱,干燥炉dual trace oscilloscope 双踪示波器dual-tone multifrequency 双音多频duct 风管duplex transceiver 双工收发信机duration time 持续时间dynamic analysis 动态分析dynamic equilibrium 动态平衡dynamic instability 动力学不稳定性psr1 第13 页8/7/2013psr1 第14 页8/7/20136014 earth leakage protection 接地保护earthing 接地earthing system 接地系统earthquake subsidence 震陷ejector 喷射器effective dose equivalent 有效剂量当量effective flow rate 有效流量effluent radiation monitoring system 排出流辐射监测系统(rod)ejection accident 弹棒事故elastic scattering 弹性散射electric dispatch network 电力调度网electric heater 电加热器electric monorail hoist 单轨电动葫芦electric building 电气厂房electric building cooler system 电气厂房循环冷风机组系统electric building ventilation system 电气厂房通风系统electrical conduit 引出线管electrical penetration 电气贯穿件electromagnetic braker 电磁制动器electro-slag remelting 电渣重熔electro-sound telephone system 检修电话系统electrotechnical box 电气箱ellipsoidal head 椭圆形封头emergency announcement 紧急通知emergency control room system 应急控制室emergency diesel generator building water supply and drainage system应急柴油发电机厂房给排水系统emergency disk braker 应急盘式制动器emergency drain 应急疏水emergency feedwater tank 应急给水箱emergency outlet 事故排出口dynamic balance 动平衡动压头dynamic head 动压头dynamic parameter 动态参数earth return 大地回馈earthing resistance 接地电组earthquake 地震editor 编辑程序effective delayed neutron fraction 缓发中子份额effective full power days 等效满功率天egg crate grid 蛋篓型格架ejector 抽气器electret microphone 驻极体传声器electric furnace 电炉electric horn 电喇叭electric-hydraulic actuating brake 电磁液压制动器electric building smoker exhaust system 电气厂房排烟系统electric building water supply and drainage system 电气厂房给排水系统psr1 第14 页8/7/2013psr1 第15 页8/7/20136015 electrical panel 配电屏electroacoustic component 电声元件electromagnetic flowmeter 电磁流量计electronic pocket dosimeter 电子式袖珍剂量计elevation 立面embedded part 预埋件emergency boration 紧急硼化emergency core cooling 应急堆芯冷却emergency diesel generator room ventilation system 应急柴油发电机通风系统emergency diesel generation system 应急柴油发电机系统emergency exposure 应急照射emergency oil pump 应急油泵emergency power 应急电源emergency power source(or supply) 应急电源emergency telephone system 应急自动电话系统emergency trip time 紧急停堆时间enclosed motor 封闭式电机,防水电动机end of life(EOL) 寿期末end truck 端梁end-of travel limit switch 行程终端限位开关energization 通电energy level 能级energy response 能量响应engineer station 工程师站engineering company 工程公司engineering enthalpy rise factor 工程焓升因子engineering manual 工程手册enriched 浓缩的enriched uranium 浓缩铀enrichment 浓缩度,富集度enthalpy rise factor 焓升因子enthalpy rise uncertainty factor 焓升不确定因子environment qualification 环境鉴定environment monitoring vehicle 环境监测车epicenter 震中equilibrium enrichment 平衡富集度equipment hatch 设备闸门equipotential connection 等电压连接equivalent diameter 当量直径escape rate coefficient 逃脱率系数essential chilled water system 重要冷冻水系统essential service water pump 重要厂用水泵essential service water yard pipe network 重要厂用水厂区管路系统evaporator 蒸发器event 事件examination 检验excess letdown heat exchanger 过剩下泄热交换器emergency shutdown 紧急停堆psr1 第15 页8/7/2013psr1 第16 页8/7/20136016 emergency transfer equipment 应急电源转换设备end of cycle 循环末end plug 端塞end-of erection state report 安装完工报告end-window counter 钟罩形计数管energy group 能群energy resolution 能量分辨率energy spectrum 能谱engineering heat flux hot spot factor 工程热通量热点因子engineering factor 工程因子engineering heat flux hot channel factor 工程热通量热管因子enriched fuel 富集燃料enriched uranium reactor 浓缩铀反应堆enthapy rise engineering hot channel factor 焓升工程热管因子entrainment 夹带environmental monitoring 环境监测environmental assessment(EA) 环境评价environmental quality(EQ) 环境质量epithermal neutron 超热中子equilibrium poisoning 平衡中毒equipment list 设备明细表equivalent core diameter 堆芯等效直径erosion corrosion 磨损腐蚀escape 泄漏,逃逸essential service water intake filteration system 重要厂用水取水过滤系统essential service water pumping station system 重要厂用水泵房系统evaporative air cooling(EA V) unit 蒸发式空气冷却机组ex-core instrumentation 堆外测量excess letdown 过剩下泄excess power 超功率excitation 励磁exhaust cleanup unit(ECU) 排风净化机组exhaust hole 排气孔expansion joint 膨胀结合,伸缩缝expansion tank 膨胀水箱expert's opinion 专家意见external exposure 外照射external load 外负荷face of weld 焊缝正面failed fuel assembly location detecting system 破损燃料足见定位检测系统failure detector module 故障检测元件fast connector 快拆接头fast fission factor 快裂变因子fast neutron flux 快中子通量feasibility study 可行性研究feed water heater 给水加热器feed water storage tank 给水箱feedwater inlet nozzle 给水进口管嘴psr1 第16 页8/7/2013psr1 第17 页8/7/20136017 fiberglass 玻璃纤维field change 现场修改file 文件fill 充注fillet welding 角焊film boiling 膜态沸腾filter 滤池final acceptance 最终验收final safety analysis report(FSAR) 最终安全分析报告fire alarm 失火报警fire break 防火墙fire damper 防火阀fire extinction agent 灭火剂(器)fire fighting foam system 泡沫消防系统fire hose 消防水龙带fire proof installation 防火设施fire protection 消防excess reactivity 过剩反应性exclusion area boundary 禁区边界exhaust fan 排风机exhausting smoke fan 排烟风机expansion ring 膨胀环expert's report 专家报告external contamination 外污染external interface 外部接口external pressure 外压face plate 面板failed fuel fraction 破损燃料份额failure 失效,故障,损坏fan 风机fast neutron fluence 快中子通量fault 故障,事故feed water 给水feed water pump 给水泵feeder 馈电线feeder ring 给水环管field 字段field inspection 巡回检查filing 归档filler metal 填充金属film badge 胶片剂量计filter 过滤器fin 散热片final acceptance report 最终验收报告final storage of document 文件最终储存fine sand 细砂fire annihilation protecting equipment 熄火保护装置fire extinction 灭火psr1 第17 页8/7/2013psr1 第18 页8/7/20136018 fire extinction pump 消防泵fire-fighting water 消防水fire hydrant 消火栓fire protection water system 消防水系统fire rating 耐火等级fire resistant 耐火的fire stopping wall 挡火墙first core 第一堆芯fissile nucleus 易裂变核fission chain 裂变链fission chamber(miniature) 裂变室(微型)fission energy 裂变能fission gas 裂变气体fission product 裂变产物fission source 裂变源fission yield 裂变产额fitting 配件fixed radio station 无线固定台flame arrester 阻火器flame resistant 耐火焰的flange welding 卷边焊flare groove welding 喇叭型坡口焊flashing 闪蒸flask ,cask 屏蔽容器flexible connection 柔性连接flexible coupling 挠性联轴器,挠性接头float charge 浮充电floating point 浮点flooding 淹没floor drain 楼面疏水floppy disk 软盘flow diagram (工艺)流程图flow distribution plate 流量分配板flow instability 流动不稳定性flow restrictor 限流器flow-head cure 流量-扬程曲线flush pump 冲洗泵flushing water 冲洗水flux density 通量密度flux flattening 通量展平flux instrumentation guide tube 通量测量导向管follow-up action 后续行动forced circulation 强迫循环fire stop 阻火件first collision probability 首次碰撞几率first out alarm 首发报警fission and corrosion product activity 裂变和腐蚀产物活度fission cross section 裂变截面psr1 第18 页8/7/2013psr1 第19 页8/7/20136019 fission fragment 裂变碎片fission neutron 裂变中子fission rate 裂变率fission spectrum 裂变谱fissionable 可裂变的fixed point 固定点fixed tube 固定套管flammable 易燃的flanged connection 法兰连接flare test (传热管)扩口试验flashing alarm 闪光报警flat head 平封头flexible cord 柔线float type flowmeter 浮子流量计floatation 气浮池flood light 泛光灯,探照灯floor contamination monitor 地面污染监测仪floor drain tank 楼面疏水箱flow coastdown 惯性流量下降flow distribution 流量分配flow induced vibration 流致振动flow lift force 流动升力flow transmitter 流量变送器fluorescent lamp 荧光灯flush-mounted 镶嵌,暗装flux 通量flux distribution 通量分布flux gradient 通量梯度flux map 通量分布图food chain 事物链foreground 前台foreign material 杂质forging 锻造former 辐板(堆芯围板的径向支撑板)fracture mechanics 断裂力学framework 框架,构架frequency analysis 频谱分析fresh water 淡水fretting wear 微振磨损front computer 前置计算机functional assignment 职责分工fuel assembly 燃料组件fuel assembly visual inspection equipment 燃料组件目视检查装置fuel building bridge 燃料厂房桥架fuel building ventilation system 燃料厂房通风系统fuel burnup 燃料燃耗fuel column 燃料柱fuel cycle lifetime 燃料循环寿期psr1 第19 页8/7/2013psr1 第20 页8/7/20136020 fuel element failure accident 燃料元件破碎事故fuel loading and unloading 装料与卸料fuel mispositioning accident 错装料事故fuel pool bridge 燃料抓取机(燃料池桥架)fuel shipping container rig 燃料运输容器吊具fuel swelling 燃料肿胀fuel transfer system 燃料运输系统fuel tube 燃料包壳管full penetration welding 全透焊逢full-load torque 满载能力function test 功能试验fuse 熔断器fuse switch 熔断器开关fusion welding 熔焊gantry 龙门架gap conductance 间隙导热forged parts 锻制件format 格式化fouling coefficient 污垢系数frame 框架free-standing cladding 自立式包壳frequency meter 频率计,周波表fretting corrosion 激振腐蚀friction coefficient 摩擦系数friction loss 摩擦损失front panel 前面板fuel 燃料组件fuel assembly sipping device 燃料组件啜吸装置fuel basket 燃料篮fuel building 燃料厂房fuel building crane 燃料厂房起重机fuel building water supply and drainage system 燃料厂房给排水系统fuel cluster 燃料棒束fuel cycle 燃料循环fuel element 燃料元件fuel handling system 燃料装卸系统fuel inventory 燃料装量fuel management 燃料管理fuel pellet 燃料芯块fuel rod 燃料棒fuel storage, transportation and inspection system 燃料储运和检验系统fuel transfer shielding 燃料运输屏蔽fuel transfer tube 燃料运输通道full penetration weld 全穿透焊full power 满功率function key 功能键foundation ring 基础环fuse isolator 熔断器闸刀psr1 第20 页8/7/2013psr1 第21 页8/7/20136021 gantry crane 龙门吊gas accumulated flowmeter 气体累计流量计gas chromatograph 气体色谱gas heater 气体加热器gas stripper 脱气塔gas stripping 脱气gaseous sample 气体取样gaseous waste treatment system 气体废物处理系统gear coupling 齿轮联轴器Geiger-Muller counter 盖革/弥勒管general corrosion 全面腐蚀general standard 通用标准generation 生成genetic effect 遗传效应geography 地理girth welding 环缝焊接glass dosimeter 玻璃剂量计glove box 手套箱governor valve 调节阀grain-size 晶粒度graphic package 图形软件包graphic screen 图形显示屏Gray code 葛莱码Gray/Gy 戈瑞grid cell 定位格架栅元grid telephone network 电网通话网络groove (焊接)坡口groove welding 坡口焊ground water 地下水grounding conductor 接地导体grounding wire 接地线group display 成组显示guide 导则guide rail 导向轨道guide tube 导向管guide tube support plate 压紧顶帽(导向管支撑板)habitability area (可)居留区hand hole 手孔handrail 扶手gas cooler 气体冷却器gas insulated switchgear(GIS) 气体绝缘开关装置gas stripping unit 脱气装置gaseous space 气空间gasket 垫片gate valve 闸阀gear reducer 齿轮减速器general arrangement 厂房总布置图general scientillation counter 通用闪烁计数器psr1 第21 页8/7/2013psr1 第22 页8/7/20136022 generator & main transformer system 发电机和主变压器系统girder 主梁gland packing 压盖填料globe valve 截止阀go pulse 启动脉冲grab sampling 手选取样graphic display 图形显示graphic printer 图形打印机gravelly sand 砾砂Gray code shaper 葛莱码整形器Grid 电网,栅栏grid spring 定位格架gripper 抓具groove angle 坡口角度ground fault 接地不良grounded electrode 接地电极grounding resistance 接地电阻groundwater level 地下水位group selector 组选择器guide cylinder 导流筒guide vane 导向管hand and foot monitor 手足监测仪handling opening 吊装孔hands-free speaking telephone set 免提扬声电话hanger 支吊架hard copy printer 硬拷贝打印机harmful effect 有害影响head block assembly 定滑轮组head flange insulation 顶盖法兰保温层heat tracing(electric) 加热保温(电)heading 标题health physics program 保健物理大纲heat(or ladle) analysis 熔炼分析heat balance 热平衡heat conductivity 热导率heat exchanger 热交换器heat flux 热通量heat load 热负荷heat transfer coefficient 热交换系数heater 加热器heating ventilation and air conditioning 采暖通风及空调helium leak check 氦气检漏hexadecimal 十六进制的high energy pipe 高能管道high efficient filter 高效过滤器high range gamma radiation monitor for accident 事故用高量程¥辐射监测仪high voltage power supply 高压电源high-pressure ionization chamber 高压电离室psr1 第22 页8/7/2013psr1 第23 页8/7/20136023 high-purity germanium 高纯锗hold down spring 压紧弹簧环hold point 停工待检点hood 通风柜horizontal acceleration 水平加速度horizontal pipe 横管horn loudspeaker 号筒扬声器hot channel factor 热管因子hot laundry ventilation system 洗衣房通风系统hot point factor 热点因子hot sink 热井hardware 硬件hazardous atmosphere 危险环境head dome insulation 顶盖球冠保温层head loss 水头损失head 封头headset 头戴式送受话器health physics system 保健物理系统heat affected zone 热影响区heat capacity 热容heat diffusion 热扩散heat flow rate 热流量heat generation 释热heat sink 热井heat treatment 热处理heating coil 加热盘管heavy oil 重油helical-wrap drive cable 螺旋形驱动电缆hemispherical head 半球形封头high efficiency particulate and air filter 高效过滤器high neutron flux trip 中子高通量紧急停堆high range ionization chamber area gamma monitor 高量程电离室区域γ监测high-level noble gas gamma monitor 高放惰性气体γ监测仪hoist speed 提升速度hold-down support assembly 压紧支撑结构hold-up tank 暂存箱hook 吊钩horizontal guide wheel 水平导向轨horizontal position welding 横焊hot cell 热室hot channel 热通道hot leg 热段hot performance test 热态性能试验hot shutdown 热停堆hot spot factor 热点因子hot standby 热备用hot test 热态试验hot water system 热水系统psr1 第23 页8/7/2013。



(一)核物理基本概念元素element粒子particle离子ion分子molecule原子atom原子的atomic原子核nucleus (pl. nuclei)核的nuclear质子proton中子neutron电子electron核子nucleon化学性质chemical identity带正电的positively charged带负电的negatively charged不带电的uncharged电中性的electrically neutral(元素)周期表periodic table原子序数atomic number质量数mass number轨道电子orbital electron同位素isotope天然存在的naturally occurring人工的artificial化学键chemical bond化合物compound上标superscript下标subscript氧oxygen氢,氕hydrogen重氢,氘heavy hydrogen, deuterium 重氢核,氘核deuterion超重氢,氚tritium碳carbon氦helium放射性的radioactive加权平均weighted mean质量mass动量momentum能量energy单位,机组unit 国际单位制System International, SI 千克kilogram (kg)伏特volt (V)摩尔mole (mol)库仑coulomb电子伏特electron-volt (eV)兆电子伏特mega electron-volt (MeV) 质量亏损mass defect结合能binding energy动能kinetic energy势能potential, potential energy 跃迁jump核力nuclear force排斥repulsion吸引attraction轰击bombardment发射(出)emission (n.), emit (v.)能级energy level裂变fission聚变fusion衰变decay钡barium硼boron铋bismuth铀uranium钚plutonium钍thorium锂lithium钠sodium核反应nuclear reaction链式反应chain reaction辐射,射线radiation超铀元素transuranium element可裂变的fissionable易裂变的fissile碎片fragment宏观的macroscopic微观的microscopic介观的mesoscopic激发excite静电的electrostatic库仑力Coulomb force电磁辐射electromagnetic radiation(二)放射性宇宙射线cosmic ray电离ionization韧致辐射bremsstrahlung(brakingradiation)辐射,射线radiation正比于be proportional to 反比于be inversely proportional to 根据经验as a rule of thumbα射线alpha rayβ射线beta rayγ射线gamma ray带电粒子charged particle 光子photon散射scattering衍射diffraction折射deflection碰撞collision铝aluminum铍beryllium氦helium相互作用interaction摄入ingest吸入inhale动能kinetic energy势能potential (energy)量子quantum屏蔽shielding正电子positron加速器accelerator放射性radioactivity湮灭annihilation光电效应photoelectric effect (三)核反应衰减attenuation放大amplification镉cadmium钴cobalt氧oxygen氮nitrogen汞mercury弹性的elastic非弹性的inelastic宏观截面macroscopic cross section 微观截面microscopic cross section 靶恩barn 反冲,反作用recoil平均自由程mean free path转变,转化transmutation扩散diffusion中子扩散neutron diffusion斐克扩散定律Fick’s law of diffusion 通量flux中微子neutrino放射性同位素radioisotope半衰期half-life热核反应堆thermonuclear reactor 化合价valence(四)核材料燃料fuel 燃料芯块fuel pellet慢化剂moderator冷却剂coolant包壳cladding控制棒control rod硼酸boric acid铬chromium铪hafnium钆gadolinium铟indium镁magnesium镍nickel锆zirconium硅silicon重水heavy water石墨graphite碳化物carbide氧化物oxide氧化oxidize二氧化物dioxide二氧化碳carbon dioxide碳氢化合物hydrocarbon密度density热导率,传热系数thermal conductivity比热specific heat粘性viscosity饱和saturation热力性质,热物性thermodynamic property 反应性reactivity升华sublime中子俘获截面neutron capture crosssection散射截面scattering cross section 辐照损伤radiation damage肿胀swelling燃耗burnup合金alloy镁诺克斯合金Magnox锆合金zircaloy金属间化合物inter-metallic compound 裂变产物fission product裂变碎片fission fragment腐蚀产物corrosion product可燃毒物burnable poison冷轧cold pressing烧结sintering开裂crack蠕变creep增殖材料fertile material增殖比breeding ratio浓缩铀enriched uranium高温气冷堆High TemperatureGas-cooled Reactor(HTGR)(中子)通量展平flux-shaping(五)核反应堆理论自持的链式反应self-sustaining chainreaction燃料循环fuel cycle临界(a) critical次临界(a) subcritical超临界(a) supercritical临界(n) criticality临界尺寸critical size共振resonance弹性散射碰撞elastic scattering collision 热中子利用系数thermal utilization factor 慢化slow down热中子thermal neutron 快中子fast neutron六氟化物hexafluoride六氟化铀uranium hexafluoride离心工艺centrifuge process气体扩散工艺gaseous diffusion process 换料(v) refuel快中子增殖反应堆,快堆Fast BreedingReactor (FBR)堆芯,活性区core再生区blanket半透膜semi-permeable membrane 旋转spin (过去分词:spun)贫铀depleted uranium热中子反应堆,热堆thermal reactor快堆fast reactor倍增系数multiplication factor(十)压水反应堆压水反应堆,压水堆Pressurized WaterReactor (PWR)蒸汽发生器steam generator一次侧primary side二次侧secondary side发电机electrical generator,generator燃料芯块fuel pellet包壳cladding堆芯core给水泵feed(water) pump反应堆(压力)容器reactor vessel, pressurevessel硼酸boric acid化学补偿控制chemical shim control 堆坑reactor pit气密的airtight封头head接管,喷嘴nozzle点火区seed再生区blanket用户,业主,业界utility卖主,供应商vendor, supplier制造商manufacturer多重屏障multiple barriers纵深防御defense in depth冗余性redundancy多样性diversity独立性independence包容contain美国机械工程师协会American Society ofMechanical Engineer(ASME)美国核学会American Nuclear Society (ANS) 安全级safety class失效failure安全功能safety function裕度margin 反应堆冷却剂系统Reactor Coolant System(RCS)在役检查inservice inspection汽水分离器moisture separator干燥器steam dryer堆内构件reactor internals反应堆冷却剂泵,主泵reactor coolantpump (RCP), mainpump稳压器pressurizer波动管surge line剖视图sectional view控制棒control rod控制棒组件Control ElementAssembly (CEA)控制棒驱动机构Control Element DriveMechanism (CEDM)控制棒导向管Control Rod GuideTube (CRGT)上部支撑板upper support plate燃料组件fuel assembly进口接管inlet nozzle出口接管outlet nozzle堆芯吊篮core barrel可燃吸收体burnable absorber管侧tube side壳侧shell side蒸汽管线steam line一次冷却剂primary coolant主蒸汽main steam反应性引入reactivity insertion浓度concentration参考负荷reference load冷却剂平均温度coolant averagetemperature稀释dilution裂变产物fission product积累buildup反应堆调节系统Reactor RegulatingSystem (RRS)(程序)整定值programmed value峰值线释热率peak linear heat rate轴向功率分布axial power distribution 方位角azimuthal(中子通量)方位角偏差azimuthal tilt偏离泡核沸腾Departure fromNucleate Boiling (DNB) 偏离泡核沸腾比Departure fromNucleate Boiling Ratio(DNBR)堆内测量系统In-Core Detector System(ICDS)自给能中子探测器Self-Powered NeutronDetector (SPND)信号调理signal conditioning反应堆紧急停堆reactor trip汽机脱扣turbine trip可靠性reliability规范,法规code燃耗burnup(十一)反应堆容器与堆内构件环锻件ring-forging锻造forge锻件forging监视surveillance样品,试样specimen安装mount奥氏体的austenitic不锈钢stainless steel法兰flange热电偶thermocouple零延性转变温度nil-ductility transitiontemperature (T NDT)注量率fluence集成中子通量NVT=Total IntegratedNeutron Flux = IntegratedFlux = Fluence = Neutrondensity ⨯ Velocity ⨯ Time【unit】:[n/m3⋅m/s⋅s]=[n/m2]旁通,支路bypass磷phosphorous硫sulfur = sulphur焊weld临界值,限值threshold(机)接合,啮合,对位engage凸缘,凸起部,轮毂boss逐渐变细的tapered圆顶dome围板shroud(十二)反应堆堆芯与燃料可燃吸收棒burnable absorber rod 蠕变creep栅格lattice中子源neutron source阻力塞plug反应性价值reactivity worth比功率specific power锑antimony镉cadmium锎californium 铟indium陶瓷(状)的ceramic (机)间隙clearance污染contaminate 栅格架;电网;网格grid因科镍inconel固有安全性inherent safety 非能动安全passive safety 能动安全active safety套管,套筒sleeve定位格架spacer grid星形架,蜘蛛spider乏燃料spent fuel(十三)压水堆冷却剂系统主要设备U形管蒸汽发生器U-tube steam generator 核供汽系统Nuclear Steam SupplySystem (NSSS)一次系统primary system二次系统secondary system主蒸汽main steam汽轮机,透平机械turbine给水与凝汽系统feed and condensate system 热管段,热腿hot leg冷管段,冷腿cold leg堵管裕量tube plugging margin在 情况下in the event of换热器heat exchanger (HX)节热器,省煤器economizer给水feedwater一次进口水室inlet plenum一次进口接管primary inlet nozzle一次出口水室outlet plenum一次出口接管primary outlet nozzle管板tubesheet喷放;(SG)排污blowdown上升段riser下降段downcomer满功率full power (FP)额定功率rated power 额定负荷rated load化学和容积控制系统Chemical and VolumeControl System (CVCS) 加热,升温heatup冷却,降温cooldown喷淋管线spray line辅助喷淋管线auxiliary spray line上充泵charging pump上充charge下泄letdown水位water level, level备用的backup过压保护overpressure protection 安全壳内换料水箱In-containmentRefueling Water StorageTank (IRWST)换料水箱Refueling Water StorageTank (RWST)安全阀safety valve卸压阀relief valve全厂断电station blackout (SBO) (蒸汽)干度quality空泡份额void fraction热冲击thermal shock急冷,骤冷quench(十四)压水堆系统与安全壳裂变碎片fission fragment轻水反应堆Light Water Reactor(LWR)热机thermal engine原动机prime mover焓enthalpy熵entropy反馈feedback热力学第二定律second law of thermo-dynamics最终热阱ultimate sink一(次)回路primary loop二(次)回路secondary loop核电厂配套子项Balance of Plant (BOP) 一次压力边界primary pressureboundary隔离阀isolation valve失效failure故障fault, malfuction卡诺效率Carnot efficiency热机效率engine efficiency高温热源,热库hot reservoir低温热源cold reservoir摩擦friction余热排出系统Residual Heat-RemovalSystem (RHRS)换料(n) refueling应急堆芯冷却系统Emergency Core-Cooling System (ECCS) 补水与排水feed and bleed专设安全设施Engineered Safety Feature(ESF)设备冷却水系统Component CoolingSystem止回阀non-return valve蓄压箱accumulator电动阀motor-driven valve气动阀pneumatic valve 安注泵safety injection pump安全壳containment钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete预应力钢筋混凝土prestressed reinforcedconcrete英制压力单位psi = pounds per squareinch英制压力单位(表压)psig = pounds persquare inch gauge环形的annular潜热latent heat显热sensible heat氢氧化物hydroxide氢氧化钠sodium hydroxide苛性钠,氢氧化钠caustic启动startup飞射物,导弹missile蒸汽管线steamline安全壳地坑containment sump(十五)蒸汽轮机飞轮flywheel叶片,叶栅blade, bucket, vane 功work冲动式汽轮机impulse turbine反动式汽轮机reaction turbine冲动级impulse stage反动级reaction stage反动度degree of reaction 渐缩的converging渐扩的diverging喷嘴,接管nozzle 被称为⋯⋯be referred to as缸体,箱体casing推力thrust拉金lashing除湿moisture removal节流阀stop-throttle valve扭矩torque每秒⋯转rev/s = revolutions persecond每分钟⋯转rpm = revolutions perminute(十六)主蒸汽、给水与凝汽系统汽轮发电机turbine generator汽动给水泵turbine driven feedwaterpump蒸汽排放steam dump汽水分离再热器Moisture SeperatorReheater (MSR)密封蒸汽系统gland steam system 限流器flow restrictor主蒸汽隔离阀main steam isolation valve 机组unit负荷load主蒸汽集管main steam header给水联箱feedwater header给水回热循环regenerative feed heatingcycle磨损wear污垢,结垢fouling装量inventory蒸汽(旁路)排放steam dump冷凝器排放condenser steam dump 大气排放atmospheric steam dump 除氧器排放deoxidizer steam dump 电缆electric cable辅助给水系统auxiliary feedwatersystem压差differential pressure,pressure differential,pressure difference增压泵booster pump增压boost pressure吸入口suction凝汽器condenser 凝汽器热阱condenser hotwell给水流量调节阀feed regulating valve 给水调节旁通阀feed regulating bypassvalve疏水drain阶跃变化step change线性(斜坡)变化ramp change溢流阀overflow valve工艺汽process steam紧急停堆trip; scram停堆shutdown停堆,停堆期outrage手动地manually自动地automatically质量流率mass flow rate关断阀shutoff valve(美国)联邦管理法规CFR = Code ofFederal Regulations 凝结液condensate水头,压头head汽机脱扣(甩负荷)turbine trip(十七)核电厂运行工艺热process heat公用电网utility grid基础负荷运行base load operation退役的out of service运行因子operation factor负荷因子load factor使用因子,运行因子service factor可利用因子availability技术规范technical specification稳压器汽空间建立draw a pressure steambubble未能紧急停堆的预计瞬变AnticipatedTransient Without Scram(ATWS)未能紧急停堆的预计瞬变AnticipatedTransient Without Trip(ATWT)失电loss of power失流loss of flow辅助喷淋auxiliary spray采样sampling(美国)核管会Nuclear RegulatoryCommission (NRC)负荷跟踪load following(十八)辐射危害与屏蔽屏蔽shielding 核辐射nuclear radiation发射,发出emit剂量dose剂量率dose rate保健物理health physics天然本底辐射natural background radiation 轰击bombardment地壳the earth’s crust(放射性)坠尘fallout职业照射occupational exposure放射性流出物radioactive effluent幸存者survivor辐射防护radiological protection国际辐射防护委员会InternationalCommission on RadiologicalProtection (ICRP)合理可行尽量低As Low As ReasonablyAchievable (ALARA)希弗Sivert 急性的acute慢性的delayed辐射病radiation sickness吸入inhalation摄入ingestion食物链food chain权重因子weighting factor活化产物activation product生物屏蔽biological shield氡radon氪krypton钋polonium钾potassium铋bismuth稀有气体noble gas残骸debris征兆symptom谱spectrum (pl. spectra)(十九)核安全核安全nuclear safety过热overheating裂变速率fission rate缓发中子delayed neutron瞬发中子prompt neutron后果consequence破裂rupture置信度confidence负温度系数negative temperaturecoefficient事故accident堆年reactor-year快堆fast reactor热堆thermal reactor失效安全fail safe三哩岛事故Three Mile Island accident(TMI accident)切尔诺贝利事故Chernobyl accident设计基准事故Design Basis Accident (DBA) 严重事故severe accident熔融meltdown多普勒展宽Doppler broadening反应性引入事故Reactivity InsertionAccident (RIA)冷却剂丧失事故,失水事故Loss-Of-Coolant Accident(LOCA)自动保护系统Automatic Protective System(APS)居里(活度单位)Curie瞬发临界prompt critical蒸汽发生器传热管破裂Steam GeneratorTube Rapture (SGTR)确定性安全分析deterministic safetyanalysis概率安全分析Probabilistic SafetyAssessment (PSA)。



英文2 ionization chamber2 pulse counting assembly4 ionization chamber4 pulse counting assemblyA batterya bomba.c.a.m.u.a.w.u.A/D converteraarraasabc neutron source abcabc weaponsabernathyiteaberrationabilityabmrabnormalabnormalabnormal conditionabnormal exposureabnormal exposure conditionabnormal operationabnormal operation transientabnormal radiationabnormal temperature riseabove criticalabove water nuclear explosion abovegroundaboveground cableabrading particlesabrasionabrasiveabrasiveabrasive blasting abrasive flap wheel abrasive particles abrasive wearabrasive wheelabscissaabsence of hang-up absolute activity absolute ageabsolute assayabsolute atomic weight absolute blackbody absolute calibration absolute counting absolute densityabsolute disintegration rate absolute electrometer absolute encoder absolute errorabsolute errorabsolute etherabsolute filterabsolute filter bank absolute filter package absolute fluxabsolute humidity absolute measurement absolute pressure absolute specific gravity absolute temperatureabsolute temperature absolute unitabsolute valueabsolute zeroabsorbabsorbabilityabsorbed doseabsorbed dose equivalent rate absorbed dose index absorbed dose rate absorbed dose rate absorbed dose rate absorbentabsorbent capacity absorberabsorberabsorber chillerabsorber element absorber rodabsorbing agent absorbing material absorbing medium absorbing power absorbing rodabsorptionabsorptionabsorption analysis absorption analysis absorption band absorption build-up factor absorption coefficient absorption coefficient absorption columnabsorption controlabsorption controlabsorption cross sectionabsorption cross sectionabsorption curveabsorption doseabsorption edgeabsorption efficiencyabsorption equivalentabsorption extractionabsorption factorabsorption factorabsorption indexabsorption lengthabsorption lengthabsorption limitabsorption lineabsorption lineabsorption mean free pathabsorption methodabsorption modelabsorption monte carlo reactor computer code absorption of beta particlesabsorption of gamma radiationabsorption of radiant energyabsorption peakabsorption probabilityabsorption ratioabsorption spectrumabsorption spectrumabsorptiveabsorptive powerabsorptivityabundanceabundanceabundance of isotopes abundance ratio abundance ratio (isotopes)acac bridgeAC generatorAC motorac voltageaccaccel decel aperture accelerated particle accelerating agent accelerating chamber accelerating electrode accelerating force accelerating period accelerating tube accelerating voltage accelerationaccelerationacceleration cavity acceleration period(motor) acceleration pressure loss acceleration voltage acceleratoraccelerator breeding accelerator dynamics accelerator focusing accelerator mass spectrometry accelerator technology accelerometeraccelerometeracceptable quality level acceptable results acceptanceacceptanceacceptance criteria acceptance criterion acceptance limit acceptance report acceptance standard acceptance testacceptance testacceptance tested(filler metals) acceptoraccessaccess areaaccess authorization for…access for inspectionaccess hatchaccess panelaccess plugaccess portaccess rampaccessibilityaccessibleaccessible-neutral accessories(filters,scoops,etc.) accessoryaccidentaccident analysisaccident analysisaccident conditionaccident conditionsaccident interlocking module accident managementaccident mitigationaccident operating conditions accident preventionaccident shutdownaccident sourceaccidental coincidenceaccidental coincidence correction accidental detonationaccidental erroraccidental exposureaccidental exposureaccidental exposureaccidental high exposure accidental lossaccidental releaseaccompanying elementaccountaccount balanceaccount totalaccountabilityaccountability tankaccountancy detection probability accounting for and control of material accounting recordsaccounting reportaccoustic emission detector accreditationaccreditedaccumulated doseaccumulated doseaccumulated doseaccumulated pressure accumulationaccumulationaccumulation effect accumulation ringaccumulatoraccumulatoraccumulatoraccumulator injection accumulator tankaccumulator tankaccuracyaccuracyaccuracy of measurement accuracy of readingaccurate x ray structure analysis acdachievement of qualityachromatachromatic lensachromaticityachromatismacidacid coveringacid etchingacid resistanceacid-proofacid-proof coatingacid-proof tileackacknowledgement(signal,alarm,etc.) aclinic lineacousticacoustic emissionacoustic frequencyacoustic heatingacoustic pressureacoustic strain gauge(containment instrumentation) acoustic velocityacoustic waveacousticalacoustical adj.acousticsacpracquisition rateacsactie energyactinic raysactinideactinide elementactinide elementsactinide lanthanide separationactinide metallideactinide seriesactinidesactiniumactinium aactinium bactinium cactinium emanationactinium familyactinium groupactinium kactinium leadactinium seriesactinium xactino uraniumactino uranium series actinodermatitis actinogenicsactinoid contraction actinologyactinometeractinonactionaction at a distanceaction planaction variableactivable traceractivateactivated adsorption activated carbonactivated charcoalactivated charcoal filter activated charcoal filter bank activated charcoal filter package activated complexactivated moleculeactivated nucleusactivated sludgeactivated wateractivated wateractivating agentactivationactivationactivation analysisactivation cross section activation curveactivation detectoractivation detectoractivation energyactivation energyactivation foilactivation methodactivation method of cross section determination activation productsactivatoractiveactiveactive areaactive carbonactive carbon filteractive centeractive componentactive componentactive core heightactive depositactive element groupactive failureactive fall outactive fuel lengthactive height(fuel)active hydrogenactive latticeactive laundryactive lengthactive loopactive loopactive massactive neutron methodactive poisonactive poweractive poweractive poweractive power meteractive solventactive surface agentactive valenceactive volumeactive well coincidence counter active zoneactivited carbonactivityactivityactivityactivity affecting qualityactivity build upactivity coefficientactivity concentrationactivity concentrationactivity concentrationactivity curveactivity curveactivity decayactivity levelactivity levelactivity mass formulaactivity meteractivity meter with automatic changer activity rangeactivity supervisoractivity unitactualactual capacity(compressor)actual ground zeroactual routine inspection effortactual yieldactuateactuate v.actuating variableactuationactuatoractuator armactuator manufactureracuacute effectacute exposureacute exposureacute radiation injuryacute radiation sicknessacute radiation syndromead hoc inspectionadamantineadaptatioradapter sleeveadaptive controladaptoradaptor lugadaptor plate(fuel assembly to nozzle)adcadderaddition or deletion of variables(welding procedure qualification) additional contactsadditional HP governing valveadditional lightingadditional loadadditional power sourceadditional workadditiveaddressadherenceadhesionadhesiveadhesive adj.adhesive forceadhesive poweradhesive tapeadhesivenessadhesivesadhesivityadiabaticadiabatic changeadiabatic compression adiabatic containment adiabatic curveadiabatic expansionadiabatic heatingadiabatic invarianceadiabatic invariantadiabatic lineadiabatic nuclear demagnetization adiabatic potentialadiabatic potential curve adiabatic principleadiabatic processadiabatic trapadionadjacent elementadjoint fluxadjoint fluxadjoint functionadjoint of the neutron flux densityadjust v.adjustableadjustable blade propelleradjustable pliersadjustable wrenchadjustingadjusting bolt bearingadjusting ring set screwadjusting screwadjustmentadjustment deviceadjustment moduleadjustment pelletadmadministration buildingadministration building and emergency center ventilation system administration building and emergency center water supply and drainage system administrative lockoutadministrative manageradmissible erroradmission pressureadmixtureadoption by equivalentadpadpsadsadsorbadsorbateadsorbentadsorptionadsorption capacityadsorption chromatographyadsorption coprecipitationadsorption method of separation adsorption potentialadsorption poweradsorption probabilityadsorption stageaduadvanced epithermal thorium reactor advanced fuel assemblyadvanced gas cooled reactoradvanced pressure tube reactor advanced pressurized water reactor advanced reactivity measurement facility advanced reactor technology advanced stellaratoradvanced test reactoradvanced test reactor critical experiment advanced thermal reactoradvanced very high resolution radiometer advantage factoradvantage factoraeaecmaedsaegaeolotropicaerationaerialaerial cableaerial radiological measuring system aerial viewaerodynamic behavioraerodynamic diameteraerogelaerometeraerosolaerosolaerosolaerosol filteraerosol monitoraerosol sampleraerosol sampling aerospace systems test reactor aesaetrafaffinityaffinity labellingAFI test (filters)afsafter cutafter effectafter filter(or post-filter) after heatafter powerafter pulseafter settlerafter treatment aftercoolingafterglowafterglowafter-heatafter-heatafterloading source afterloading technique afterloading unitafter-powerafter-power, residual heat power afterpulseafterset insertaftershockAG 5aluminum-zinc alloyageage determinationage diffusion approximationage diffusion kernelage distributionage equationage equation without capture age hardeningage hardeningage of cosmic ray irradiation age peaking factorage theoryage v.aged fission productaged uraniumagentagglomeratedagglomerated (powder) agglomerated fluxaggregateaggregate recoilaggregate recoilaggregationaggressiveaggressive atmosphere aggressive mediumaggressive wateragingagingagitateagitationagitatoragragreementagzahfahrair adj.air bathair bindingair blastair blast breakerair bleed valveair breakerair bubbleair burstair carbon arc gougingair change rateair change rateair compressorair conditioningair conduitair contaminationair contamination indicatorair contamination meterair contamination meterair contamination monitorair coolantair cooledair cooled graphite moderated reactorair cooled oil vapor diffusion pump air cooled reactorair coolerair coolerair cooler duct (electric motor)air coolingair coolingair courseair curtainair cylinderair delivery pipeair doseair dryerair ductair eductorair elutriationair entrainmentair equivalentair equivalentair equivalent ionization chamber air equivalent materialair equivalent materialair exhaustair filterair filterair filter and absorber unitair filter unitair flow baffleair flow rateair gamma surveyair gapair gapair gasair gaugeair handling unitair heaterair hoseair inletair intakeair intakeair ionizationair ionization chamberair ionizing electrodeair liftair lift extractorair lift mixer settlerair liquefierair lockair lockair lockedair magnetic breakerair monitorair monitoringair operated disk cutterair operated jawsair outletair ovenair pocketair pollutionair pressureair pressure amplifierair pumpair purifierair radiationair radiation monitor(gas or air-particulate monitors) air recirculation fanair regulatorair removalair renewalair renewal rateair samplerair samplerair samplingair sampling deviceair sampling deviceair sampling equipmentair sampling techniqueair self-cooling typeair setair set pressure test(for relief valves) air showerair specific gravityair speedair submerasion doseair supplyair supply fanair supply supportair supply terminalair thermometerair tightair to push downair to push upair transportair valveair velocityair ventair wall ionization chamberair washerair zeroair/bead mixtureairblastairblast damageairblast decayairblast induced accelerationairborne contaminantsairborne contaminationairborne debrisairborne dustairborne particulate controlairborne particulate sampleairborne particulatesairborne particulatesairborne plutoniumairborne radioactive prospectingairborne radioactivityairborne radioactivityair-break circuit breakerair-bubbler type level measurementair-bubbler type specific gravity measurement air-cooled condenserair-cooled transformeraircraft crashaircraft reactor experimentaircraft warning lightsair-entraining agent(concrete)air-entraining vortexairing circuitair-line assemblyair-operated adj.air-operated valveairox processairplane reactorairshockairtightairtight door airtightnessair-to-air coolerair-to-close valveair-to-open on-off valve air-to-open valveair-to-water cooleralalabamine alabamium alamogordo bomb alapalaraalara principlealarmalarmalarm annunciator alarm boxalarm circuitalarm dosimeter alarm lampalarm limitalarm processing alarm setalarm signalalarm windowalarm windowalarm(output) module alarmedalbedoalbedoalcalialchemyalcoholalcohol lampalcohol thermometer alcoholic extract alcoholometer aldanite aldebaraniumalfven velocity alfven wavealfven wave instability alialigningaligning pin alignmentalignment hole alignment pinaliquotalkalialkali earth metal alkali liquoralkali metalalkali proofalkali resistance alkali resisting alkalimeteralkaline accumulator alkaline battery alkaline battery alkaline cleaning alkaline liquor alkaline metalalkaline solutionalkaline storage batteryalkalinityall metalall time recordall volatile treatmentall volatile treatmentAllen screwalligatoringallobarsallomerismallomorphismallotropeallotropic modificationallotropic transformation allotropyallowableallowable errorallowable loadallowable stressallowanceallowance for fabrication tolerances allowed bandallowed beta decayalloyalloy steelalloy steelalloyed steelalluvial depositall-welded frameall-weld-metal tension(or tensile)test almen intensityalmen stripalphaalpha absorptionalpha activityalpha bearing wastealpha beta standard sourcealpha bombardmentalpha contamination indicator alpha counteralpha decayalpha decayalpha decay energyalpha disintegrationalpha emissionalpha emissionalpha emitteralpha emitteralpha emitting foilalpha hand contamination monitor alpha heatingalpha meteralpha neutron reactionalpha particlealpha particle binding energy alpha particle dosimetryalpha particle modelalpha particle model of nucleus alpha phasealpha plutoniumalpha proton reactionalpha pulse counting assembly alpha pulse height analysis alpha radiationalpha radiatoralpha radioactivealpha radioactive nucleusalpha radioactivityalpha ratioalpha ratioalpha ray emitteralpha ray shieldalpha ray spectrometeralpha ray spectrumalpha raysalpha raysalpha sourcealpha spectrometryalpha spectroscopyalpha spectrumalpha uraniumalphanumeric code alphanumeric keyboardalpha-phase producing(metallurgy) alphatopicalphatronalterationalternate energy source alternate energy sources alternate systemalternatingalternating currentalternating currentalternating current bridge alternating current motor alternating current voltage alternating fieldalternating gradient focusingalternating gradient focusing accelerator alternating gradient focusing principle alternating gradient synchrotron alternating slidingalternating stressalternationalternative energy sourcesalternatoraltitude curvealtitude effectaluminaalumina cementaluminium alloyaluminium base alloyaluminium foilaluminium nitratealuminium oxidealuminothermic process aluminothermyaluminous cementaluminous cementaluminumaluminum boridealuminum canaluminum jacketalundumalvarez type accelerator cavityamamalgamambientambient conditionsambient does rateambient lightingambient temperatureambipolar diffusionAmerican Concrete InstituteAmerican Institute of Steel Construction American National Standards Institute American Nuclear SocietyAmerican Society for Testing and Material American Society of Civil Engineers American Society of Mechanical Engineers American standard pipe thread plug americiumamericium beryllium neutron source amine extractionammeterAmmeterammeterammoniaammonia gasammonia waterammonium diuranateammonium diuranateammonium diuranate process ammonium uranyl tricarbonate amorphismamorphousamorphous carbonamorphous substanceamountampacityampangabeiteamperageampereampere hourampere meterampholyteampholytoidamphoteric colloid amphoteric compound amphoteric electrolyte amphoteric ionamphoteric metalamplfier relayamplificationamplification channel amplification constant amplification factoramplified spontaneous emission amplifieramplifieramplifying valveamplitude analyzer amplitude analyzing assembly amplitude discriminator ampouleampullaamsanabatic wind fall outanaloganalog channelanalog channelanalog controlleranalog diagramanalog digital converter analog feedback control analog inputanalog instrumentationanalog measurement analog outputanalog relayanalog signalanalog signalsanalog to digital converter analog variableanalog/digital converter analogousanalogue linkanalyseranalysisanalysis lineanalysis(of data)analyticanalyticalanalytical balance analytical chemistry analytical equipment analyzeranalyzing magnet anchoranchor baranchor boltanchor boltanchor channelanchor coneanchor drillinganchor plateanchor pointanchor ring(reactor vessel) anchor rodanchoringanchoring pointandersoniteaneroid barometeranggstromangleangleangleangle beam examinationangle beam probeangle beam ultrasonic examinationangle check valveangle control valveangle gear driveangle ironangle jointangle of emissionangle of frictionangle of frictionangle of incidenceangle of reflectionangle of refractionangle of scatteringangle of the electron gun(electron beam welding) angle of torsionangle patternangle poleangle stragglingangle styleangle towerangle valveanglesobaryteangstromangstrom unitangularangular accelerationangular adjustmentangular coordinatesangular correlationangular dependence of scatteringangular displacementangular displacement transducerangular distributionangular frequencyangular kinetic energyangular magnificationangular momentumangular momentumangular momentum conservation lawangular momentum quantum numberangular momentum transferangular monentum conservation lawangular quantum numberangular resolutionangular velocityanhydrideanhydrousanhydrous etheranhydrous hydrochlorination of zirconium bearing fuel anhydrous hydrofluoric acidanimal blackanimal charcoalanionanion bedanion bed demineralizeranion bed ion exchangeranion exchange resinanion exchange resinanion exchangeranion exchangeranion resinanion vacanciesanisotopic element anisotropicanisotropic liquid anisotropismanisotropyanisotropy factorannealedannealingannealingannealing passannealing temperature annexannihilationannihilation gamma quantum annihilation photon annihilation radiation annualannual dose equivalent limit annual limit on intake annual throughput annualized capital cost annualized energy cost annular core pulse reactor annular counterannular lightingannulusannulus(containment) annunciatedannunciatorannunciator boardannunciator lightannunciator panelanodeanode batteryanode characteristicanode circuitanode circuit efficiencyanode dropanode effectanode loadanode loopanode raysanode resistanceanode scrapanode supplyanode voltage dropanodic reactionanodisinganodizinganolyteanomalousanomalous absorption anomalous atomic scattering method anomalous diffusionanomalous magnetic moment anomalous scatteringanomalous transmission anomalous valenceanomalyanthraceneanthraciteanthraxoliteanti baryonanti carrieranti compton gamma ray spectrometeranti electronanti explosion valveanti seismic siteanti-backlash(gears)antibirdantibonding orbitalanticatalystanticatalyzeranticathodeantichatteranticipatedanticipated operational occurrences anticipated transient without scram(ATWS) anticlockwiseanticoagulantanticoagulating actionanticoincidenceanticoincidenceanticoincidence circuitanticoincidence counteranticoincidence methodanticoincidence selectoranticoincidence selector unitanti-condensation heater(reactor coolant pump) anticontamination clothinganticorrosiveanticorrosive paintantidiffusion gridantidustantiferromagnetism antifoam reagentanti-foaming agent antifouling paint antifreezeantifreezeantifriction bearinganti-frieezing agent(concrete) antihyperonantileptonantimatterantimesonantimonyantineutrinoantineutronantinucleonanti-oil whip(pump) antioxidantantioxygenantiparallelantiparallel spin antiparticleanti-popout tube antiprotonantiproton beam antiprotonic atomanti-reverseanti-reverse deviceanti-reverse system antirotation deviceanti-rotation device antirotation luganti-rust agentanti-rust paintanti-seismic plateanti-seizer lubricant antisepsisantisepticantishadowinganti-simmerantisimmer pressure relief valve antisimmer(valve) antisymmetryantivibrationanti-vibration baranti-vibration baranti-vibration bar antivibration bar attachment anti-vibration spacer baranti-whip deviceanti-whip deviceanvilaoaortographyapdmsaperiodicaperiodicityapertureaperture cardaperture diaphragmapexapex processaphaapparatusapparatusapparent lifetimeapparent powerapparent powerappearance potentialappendageappendage sensorappendixapplicabilityapplicationapplicationapplication of new lead seal application of radioisotopes and radiation application packageapplication programapplicatorapplied nuclear physicochemistry applied nuclear physicsapplied nuclear spectroscopy approachapproach to criticalityapproach to criticalityapproach(cooling tower,condenser) approvalapprovalapproved packingapproximate solutionapproximate valueapproximationapproximation calculusaprdaprmaptrapuaqua destillataaqua regiaaquarium reactoraqueousaqueous ammoniaaqueous emulsionaqueous homogeneous reactor aqueous reprocessing aqueous solutionaqueous vapouraquiferarbitraryarborarcarc blowarc chutearc dischargearc energyarc furnacearc initiationarc meltingarc strike(welding)arc trajectory(missile)archarch damarchitectural drawing architectural line weights arcing contactarc-lampardometerareareaarea containing removable ceiling or wall panels area densityarea drainarea monitorarea monitorarea monitoringarea radiation monitorarea radiation monitoring systemarea radiation monitoring systemarea supervisorarea under the notch(impact test)areal velocityarea-weighted averagingareometerareopycnometerargargillaceousargmargonargon hoseargon laserargon methodargonaut type research reactorargonne advanced research reactorargonne boiling water reactorargumentaridariearithmetic meanarithmetic meanarmarmarm rotationarmaturearmorarmorarmored cable armoring wirearmourarmourarmsaromatic nucleus aromatic ringaround-the-clock arrangement arrangement arrangement drawing arrangement of runs arrayarrayarrayarrisarsenicarsenious acidartarticlearticulated arm articulated camera mount artificail radionuclide artificialartificial diamond artificial disintegration artificial element artificial energy source artificial graphite artificial illuminationartificial intelligenceartificial lightingartificial loadartificial neutronartificial nuclear disintegrationartificial nuclear transformation artificial radioactiveartificial radioactive isotopeartificial radioactivityartificial radioactivityartificial radionuclideartificial transformation of element artificial ventilationasas builtas isas low as practicableas low as reasonable achievable(ALARA) as low as reasonably achievable asbestosasbestos cementasbestos cement sleeveasbestos paperasbestos threadasbestusas-built dimensionas-built drawingas-built(drawings)as-castas-coated roughnessascsas-deposited claddingase。

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核电领域专业英语(不断补充中)作者:Bluestars一、English—Chineseanalogy n.类似, 类推accommodate 供应, 供给, 使适应, 调节, 和解, 向...提供, 容纳, 调和vi适应actinide 锕系元素activity 【放射性】活度additive 添加物aleed 泄放;排泄;抽气alternate adj.交替的, 轮流的, 预备的v.交替, 轮流, 改变annihilate vt.消灭, 歼灭,湮灭anode n.[电]阳极, 正极ANSI-American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准协会arbitrary 任意的,随机的ASME-American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师协会atomic 原子的,原子能的,很小的;极小的attenuation n.变薄, 稀薄化, 变细, 衰减Avogadros Number=6.023*1023mol-1BDBA-Beyond Design Basic Accident 超设计基准事故beryllium n.[化]铍(元素符号Be)blow down 排放,排污blowout n.(车胎)爆裂, 喷出, 保险丝烧断, 井中喷水或油等bombardment n炮击, 轰击bremsstrahlung 韧致辐射buildup n.组合, 集结, 累积, 形成canal 渠道,管道,通道;槽,沟cathode n.阴极caustic 腐蚀性的, 刻薄的cavity 腔,腔室,空穴CDF Core dissolving frequency堆芯熔化频率charcoal 炭,活性炭CIS-Containment Isolation System 安全壳隔离系统compartment 间隔,分隔;隔间,隔板,隔离框架(用于贮运易裂变物质,以保临界安全)component n.成分adj.组成的, 构成的condensate 冷凝物;冷缩物,冷凝水,凝结水;冷凝,凝结;凝缩condenser 凝汽器,【热管的】冷凝段;电容器;聚光器constituent adj组成的:作为整体一部分的,组成的; 有选举权的;有宪法制定[修改]权的Coulomb n.[电]库仑(电量单位)credible accident 可信事故criterion (复数为critera)标准,准则,判据,规范culminate v.达到顶点curie(Ci) 居里(以前采用的活度单位,等于3.7 ×e10Bq)cyclotron n.回旋加速器DBA-Design Basic Accident 设计基准事故decay vi.腐朽, 腐烂, 衰减, 衰退n.腐朽, 腐烂, 衰减, 衰退v.衰落decay 【放射性】衰变,衰减deflect v.(使)偏斜, (使)偏转depletion 贫化(核技术);损耗,消耗,耗尽(半导体);减压,降低deuterium n.[化]氘discrete adj.不连续的, 离散的disintergration 衰变;分裂,解体,分解dislodge v.驱逐displace vt.移置, 转移, 取代, 置换v.转移disrupt v.使中断, 使分裂, 使瓦解, 使陷于混乱, 破坏dissipated heat 散逸热,散失热duct 管,管道,风道,孔道dumbbell n.[体] 哑铃n.<美俚> 蠢人, 笨蛋, 傻瓜ECCS-Emergency Core Cooling System安全注射系统又称为应急堆芯冷却系统effluent 排除物,流出物,流出夜;污水,腐夜ejection n.喷出, 排出物electron n, 电子embrace vt.拥抱, 互相拥抱, 包含, 收买, 信奉vi.拥抱n.拥抱emit vt.发出, 放射, 吐露, 散发, 发表, 发行equilibrium n.平衡, 平静, 均衡, 保持平衡的能力, 沉着, 安静erode 侵蚀erythrocyte 红细胞ESF-Engineered Safety Feature 专设安全设施exothermic 放热的,放能的fallout 辐射微尘, 原子尘, 附带结果fissile adj.易分裂的, 易裂的, 分裂性的, 可分裂的, 裂变的fissionable n.可裂变物质adj.可引起核分裂的,可分裂的flammability 可燃性fluorescent adj.荧光的, 莹光的force n.力量, 武力, 精力, 魄力, 势力, 暴力, [复]军队, 影响力frothing 起沫geometric/geometrical 几何的getter 【真空】吸气剂,吸气器gonad 性腺halogen 卤(素)helium n.氦(化学元素, 符号为He)HFT-hot functional test 热态测试hitherto adv.迄今, 至今hood 【压力容器】顶盖;罩;防护罩;通风橱hydrogen n.氢hyperbolic adj.双曲线的impart vt.给予(尤指抽象事物), 传授, 告知, 透露impingement 冲击,撞击,打击;震incipient adj.初始的inert adj.无活动的, 惰性的, 迟钝的inertia n.惯性, 惯量inhibited 羞怯的, 内向的inleakage 漏入,渗入inservice 运行,在役instantaneous adj.瞬间的, 即刻的, 即时的interchange vt.(指两人等)交换v.相互交换intermediate adj.中间的n.媒介invert adj.转化的vt.使颠倒, 使转化n.颠倒的事物iodine 碘Iirradiate v.照射isotope n, [化]同位素kinetic adj.(运)动的, 动力(学)的lineup 阵容, 阵形, 一组人load 负荷,负载,载荷;装载,装料;【矿】装药log 记录,测井记录;运行记事手册,测程器;对数符LPCI-Low Pressure Coolant Injection 低压冷却剂注射magnitude n.大小, 数量, 巨大, 广大, 量级materialize 使成真,实现; 使物质化,使具体化medium n.媒体, 方法, 媒介adj.中间的, 中等的, 半生熟的migrate vi.移动, 移往, 移植, 随季节而移居, (鸟类的)迁徙v t.使移居, 使移植miniscule 草写小字的, 小字的mitigation 调节,减轻,缓和,消除(清除或减少某些费劲的、有害的、危险的或灾难性情况)monochromatic adj.[物]单色的, 单频的neutrino n.微中子neutron 中子noble 贵重的,高贵的NSSS-Nuclear Steam Supply System 核蒸汽供应系统nuclei nucleus 的复数形nucleon [核]核子nucleus 核,核心,中心,核心OBE-Operating Basic Earthquakeobiviate 消除, 排除(危险、障碍等), 回避, 预防, 避免orientation 取向,定向,方位,方向性;面向;适应particle 粒子, 点, 极小量, 微粒, 质点,particulate 微粒Periodic Table周期表photon n.[物]光子position n.位置, 职位, 立场, 形势, 阵地vt.安置, 决定...的位置postulate 假定,公设,假设postulated accident 假想事故precursor 先驱;前身;初级粒子;【产物】母体,先驱核(素);前驱波projectile n.射弹adj.发射的propagate v.繁殖, 传播, 宣传proximity 近似,接近,附近PSA -possibility of safety analysis 概率安全分析PSAR-Preliminary Safety Analysis Report 初步安全分析报告Purge 净化,清洗,清除,吹洗,驱汽;换汽qualitative adj.性质上的, 定性的radiolysis 辐解,辐照分解radionuclide 放射性核素radiotoxic放射性毒的RCI-Reactor Core Isolation 反应堆堆芯隔离冷却(系统)RCS-reactor coolant system 反应堆冷却剂系统recoil 反冲redundant 多余的,冗余的,累赘的;n redundancyrepulsion n.推斥, 排斥, 严拒, 厌恶, 反驳resultant adj.作为结果而发生的, 合成的retention 滞留(量),驻留;保留(指从靶中分离不出来的放射性原子的分数);保留值RHR-Residual Heat Removal 余热排除RPR 反应堆保护系统rupture 破裂,断裂,破断,裂开schematic adj.示意性的scheme 方案,计划,规划;图,图解,线路图,流程图,设计图;电路shrapnel 榴散弹shround 稳流套(核燃料组件活性段包壳,起稳定通过组件冷却剂流量的作用);【堆】围筒,护罩,遮板,屏蔽板,包壳sloshing 晃动solenoid 螺线管,筒形电磁线圈solution 溶液;溶解;【数】解,解法solvent 溶剂,溶媒spleen 脾split v.劈开, (使)裂开, 分裂, 分离n.裂开, 裂口, 裂痕spontaneuous adj.自发的, 自然产生的SSE-Safety Shutdown Earthquakestandby 可以信任的人, 使船待命的信息;备用stem n.茎, 干, 词干, 茎干;v.滋生, 阻止strontium 锶(Sr)submersion n.淹没subscript adj, 写在下方的subsequent adj.后来的, 并发的sump 污水坑, 水坑, 池, 机油箱superscript adj.写在上边的n.上角文字, 上标suppression pool 弛压水池sweep 扫;扫描;【云室】净化;摆动;展开;范围thyroid 甲状腺tornado 旋风, 龙卷风, 大雷雨, 具有巨大破坏性的人(或事物)torus n.[植]花托, 花床, 圆环面transuranium adj.[化](元素)铀后的,超铀的tritiate 氚化tritium n.[化]氚(氢的放射性同位素undergo vt.经历, 遭受, 忍受velocity n.速度, 速率, 迅速, 周转率vicinity n.邻近, 附近, 接近vintage 同年代的一批产品vt.强制, 强加, (用武力)夺取, 促使, 推动, 施加压力warrant n.授权, 正当理由, 根据, 证明, 凭证, 委任状, 批准, 许可证vt.保证, 辩解, 担保, 批准, 使有正当理由weir 堰,坝,水口;溢流道,空腔;谐振腔zigzag n.Z字形, 锯齿形, 蜿蜒曲折adj.曲折的, 锯齿形的,Z字形的adv.作Z形地, 弯弯曲曲地v.成Z字形, 作Z字形行进, 曲折前进zinc galvanized 镀锌的二、Chinese—English定量的 quantitative定性的 qualitative扩散 diffuse ;diffusion慢化 moderate ;moderation热工水力 thermal hydraulics瞬态 transience ;transient,adj微观能量单位 electron-volt(eV) mega electron-volt(MeV) 1eV=1.60 2*10-19joule微观质量单位1u=1.6604*10-27kg C12质量的1/12,或1kg=6.023*1026u。



第一课词汇:• Concept概念, conception概念, conceive构想、理解• Isotope同位素, isomer同质异能素• element, atom, nucleus, nucleon– element, elements,– molecule, molecules, molecular– atom, atoms, atomic,– nucleus['nju:kliəs,'nu:kliəs]原子核 , nuclei, nuclear,– nucleon['nju:kliɔn]核子, nucleons, nucleonic核子的– particle, particles,• fissile易裂变的, fissionable可以发生裂变的• fertile可裂变的,fertile materials增殖材料• fission, fusion, decay• inner, innermost / outer, outermost• chain reaction• fragment碎片Expression:• times– A is ten times B.• varies inversely as• E equals m times c squared. E = mc2• the n-th power of a: an• result in / result from• is accompanied by / correspond to• The discovery of fission was made in Germany in 1938 by Hahn......• Be composed of 由…组成• Binding energy 结合能• Discrete excited states 不连续的激发态• Electromagnetic radiation 电磁辐射• Ev:electron-volt• Conservation of mass/energy 质量/能量守恒练习:• 电子带负电,质子带正电。



Source: /The energy contextIncreasing energy requirementsBy 2050, the Earth's population will have risen to between 8 and 10 billion, compared to today's figure of 6 billion, of whom almost one third are without electricity! Energy needs will increase considerably, since mankind will naturally aspire to improved living conditions and a more equitable sharing of the benefits of economic progress and . Nuclear energy should contribute greatly to meeting these requirements in a context of sustainable development.According to the OECD's International Energy Agency, the total consumption of primary energy (coal, oil, gas, nuclear power, hydro power and other forms of renewable energy), including that used to generate electricity, currently stands at around 9 billion of metric tons of oil equivalent, and is set to increase by 50% by 2030.The OECD has also released figures for the European Union, indicating an expected annual increase in electricity consumption of 1.4% between 2000 and 2030, making allowance for energy saving initiatives. Given that a number of power plants will be reaching the end of their service life, 600 GWe of new plants would have to be built to increase output by 330 GWe over this period.On the basis of the projected annual increase in the demand for electricity in France published by the DGEMP*, consumption will increase by 140 TWh between 2002 and 2020; this increase means a need of an additional generation capacity of 18 GWe used with a utilization rate of 90%. These requirements cannot be met only by extending the use of renewable energies.* DGEMP :General Directorate for Energy and Raw Materials of the Ministry for Industry, Economy and Finance, whose role is toprepare and implement France's policy for energy and the supply of raw materialsEnergy sources that complement each otherAll energy sources have their uses; rather than being in competition, they complement each other, and all have their own particularities that make them useful in specific areas.Fossil fuels remain important for transportation, chemistry and heat generation on an industrial scale. They could be used more widely to generate electricity in countries where industrialization is in early development, before envisaging a switch to nuclear energy.The use of solar and wind energy is likely to become more widespread in sunny and windy areas with scattered populations.These energy sources are completely dependent on weather conditions: for example, wind mills can only operate for 20 to 30% of the time.In our part of the world, they are more suitable for generating electricity that is required temporarily in addition to that generated continuously by nuclear or hydroelectric plants.Fossil fuel supplies will not last forever - projected oil and gas supplies will be dwindling, after reaching a production peak in the middle of this century. And for all fossil fuels, especially coal, transportation from their points of extraction remains a challenging issue.Using nuclear power to generate electricity means that fossil fuels can be reserved for areas in which they are indispensable.The nuclear industry is competitiveSeveral studies -published between 1997 and 2002(1)-, clearly illustrate that the nuclear MWh cost compares favorably with the cheapest form of electricity generated using fossil fuels, i.e. in combined cycle gas plants.Discount rate of 5 to 10% for generation, and taken as zero forenvironmental impactsFurthermore, the nuclear MWh cost is only slightly affected by the price of natural Uranium:A 10% variation in Uranium price results in a variation of less than0.5% in the MWh cost. In addition, Uranium price is particularly stable.Conversely, the cost of MWh generated using natural gas is closely linked to the price of fuel:A 10% variation in gas price results in a variation of more than 6% in the MWh cost, and the price of gas could increase considerably if the markets come under strain in the future.The competitiveness of nuclear power over other electricity sources will become increasingly apparent as the environmentalimpact of CO2 and Carbon emissions are gradually taken into account from an economic point of view, as stipulated by the European directive regarding release permits, set to come into force in 2005…in other words, very soon.(1) DGEMP and OECD studies, Messrs Galley and Bataille parliamentary report, report to the Prime Minister carried out by Messrs Charpin, Pellat and Dessus, Finnish study published by essrs Rissanen and Tarjanne.(2) ExternE is a study carried out by researchers from all the member states of the European Union and the United States, with the support of the EU Commission, to quantify the social and environmental costs of electricity generation.Advantages of the French nuclear programFrance is currently reaping the benefits of its nuclear program Thanks to its nuclear energy program, France is presently able to meet on a self-sufficient basis 50% of its energy requirements compared to 20% thirty years ago.Thanks to its nuclear energy program, France is presently able to meet on a self-sufficient basis 50% of its energy requirements compared to 20% thirty years ago.Maintaining this level of self-sufficiency means:being less vulnerable to erratic changes in fossil fuel pricesresulting from political instability,minimizing the energy bill: only 0.9% of GNP in 1999 (before the recent increase in oil prices) as opposed to 5% in the early eighties, guaranteeing the supply of electricity at low and stable production costs, keeping our industry more competitive.Furthermore, thanks to our comprehensive expertise in nuclear technology, our country owns a highly-skilled workforce and exports its products and know-how worldwide.Controlled release of greenhouse gasesControlled release of greenhouse gasesNuclear power plants do not produce any greenhouse gases, dust particles or chemical substances that pollute the atmosphere and so they rise to one of the major challenges of this century, namely protecting the environment.The challenge of environmental protection is enormous, given the orders of magnitude involved, with "savings" of hundreds of millions of metric tons of CO2 to be achieved for Europe alone. The figures below show the extent to which nuclear power plants can reduce greenhouse gas emissions.CO2 emissions per inhabitant in 2002 (t/inhabitant)EDF's fleet of power plants, which is mainly constituted of nuclear and hydraulic units, releases, on average, eight times less CO2 per kWh generated than all the other plants in the rest of the European Union, most of which burn fossil fuels*.The EPR: the advanced reactorThe European pessurized water reactorThe EPR (European Pressurized water Reactor) is based on long proven pressurized water reactor (PWR) technology, as are all the reactors currently operated by EDF. It uses Uranium oxide fuel slightly enriched in U235 up to 5%, or mixed Uranium and Plutonium oxide fuel (MOX). Its net electrical power is in the range of 1600 MWe.To find out more about how a PWR works:How a pressurized water reactor works?In a PWR, the pressurized water in the primary system is used as a moderator to slow down the neutrons, allowing a nuclear reaction to occur in the core, and to transfer the heat generated during the reaction to the steam generators.The EPR has four steam generators - one for each of the four heat removal loops composing the primary system. Steam generators are heat exchangers. On their primary side, they receive heat from the nuclear reactor, and on their secondary side, they deliver heat to the non nuclear part of the facility (there is a leak-tight separation between the primary and secondary sides of the steam generators). That secondary heat produces steam to power the turbine generator which in turn generates electricity.It has the following advantages over its predecessors:its performance level have been greatly improved, resulting in increased competitiveness,it includes a considerable number of advanced technological features that make it extremely safe,operation and maintenance are simplified,it provides solutions to sustainable development issues, notably by generating less waste and effluents.The main characteristics of the EPR :* Average burn up of the fuel reloadsThe EPR, a pressing decisionCommissioning of new plants designed to replace the retiring plants will have to begin around 2020 in France. The oldest plants currently in operation will be reaching the end of their service life around this time.Given the strategic importance of replacement, the decision to start building a new series of plants, which will have to be taken in 2015, will require the backing of at least three years' operating feedback from a reference plant: a "Pilot".That pilot will therefore have to be commissioned in 2011.Given the time required to complete layout studies, construction and testing, 2011 is just around the corner!Nuclear energy guarantees security of supply and stable costs and has a rightful place in the energy "mix" of the 21st century, where sustainable development is a major issue.The EPR is the European solution: it is safe, reliable, competitive and environmentally-friendly, meets the requirements of the Safety Authorities and lives up to the expectations of electrical utilities. The EPR is ready to be built.Building a pilot in the near future would mean:enabling France and the rest of Europe to continue controlling their energy options;increasing the safety and competitiveness of existing plants, and being ready to replace them when the time comes;confirming and strengthening our industry's position as an international leader, and perpetuating its skills and industrial network.A highly efficient and low-consuming reactorThe EPR has been designed to optimize the use of nuclear fuels and to minimize the production of actinides. Thanks to its large core, surrounded by a neutron reflector to ensure that a maximum number of neutrons contributes to energy generation in the core, the EPR uses less Uranium resources (savings of 15%) and produces less actinides (15% fewer) than the existing EDF reactors under their present operating conditions.Consequently, the EPR reduces by 15% the amount of long-lived radioactive elements produced.The EPR design also makes it easier to control the Plutonium inventory, since it offers additional opportunities for using recycled fuels, even to the extent of utilizing fuel cores consisting totally of MOX fuel assemblies.If required, the Plutonium inventory could be reduced even more through multi-recycling (1).(1) multi-recycling: fuels produced by recycling are used in the reactor to produce energy and are then reprocessed themselves. The remaining Plutonium is extracted and used to make new fuel elements that are in turn used to produce energy in the reactor.Enhanced radiological protectionWith the EPR, the radiological protection of operating and maintenance staff has been improved.The aim is to keep the collective dose in the region of 0.4 man x Sievert per reactor per year.This is considerably lower than the average value of 1 man x Sievert currently observed in nuclear power plants in the OECD countries.Reduction in the annual collective dose in nuclear powerplants operatingin France, Germany, Japan and the USAIn existing French nuclear power plants, consistently with the observed average collective dose of 1 man x Sievert, it is observed annual individual doses to workers of around 5 milliSievert (mSv/year) on average.By way of comparison, the doses received by the French public due to natural background radiation vary between 1 and 6 mSv/year, depending on the environment; in other words, the average occupational dose recorded in existing nuclear power plants is comparable to the doses that can be attributed to naturally-occurring radiation in France.It should also be pointed out that in some parts of the world, the doses due to natural background radiation can be even higher:- more than 10 mSv/year in the south of India,- around 175 mSv/year in some parts of Brazil,- and up to 400 mSv/year in some parts of Iran.Cooperation between European countriesThe EPR is the result of a joint venture between Framatome and Siemens KWU - whose nuclear activities have since been merged to form Framatome ANP, an AREVA and Siemens company.EDF and the major German electrical utilities also participated in the project; the safety authorities of the two countries worked together to harmonize the regulations that would apply to the next generation of PWR plants.Civaux Nuclear Power Plant - FranceThe EPR was designed to satisfy three objectives, all of whichhave been met:it had to meet the expectations of nuclear operators, making allowance for their specifications for future plants,it had to further increase the competitiveness of the nuclear energy by generating a MWh that was 10% cheaper than that produced by the N4 reactor series (1)it had to comply with the safety approach laid down by the French Safety Authority and its German counterpart for the next generation of pressurized water reactors.The basic design work was completed at the end of 1999 and was followed by technical and economic optimization studies. The EPR is now ready to be built.The EPR is a direct descendant of the most recent French N4 reactors (Chooz, Civaux) and German KONVOI reactors (Emsland, Isar, Neckarwestheim). The EPR design makes full use of operating feedback from existing plants, and incorporates the very latest techniques resulting from the R&D work being carried out with the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and German research institutes.Neckar Nuclear Power Plant - Germany(1) N4 reactors, with a capacity of 1450 MWe, are the most recent plants operating in France today ; two were commissioned at Chooz, in the Ardennes region, in 2000 and two at Civaux, near Poitiers, in 2002).A competitive reactorThe performance level of nuclear power plants has been improving steadily for the last thirty years: safety, service life, availability and burn up are on the increase; fuel, operation and maintenance costs are on the decrease.The EPR offers even more advantages:shorter construction time (57 months) and lower construction costs,longer service life of 60 years,increased availability, reaching more than 90% over the entire service life of the plant,lower operating costs,optimized use of fuel resulting in 15% savings on Uranium, meaning that a reactor series of this type would generate base-load electricity (1) at a cost of almost 20% less than that of the most advanced high-efficiency, high-output combined cycle gas power stations.(1) i.e. to provide the electricity required on a permanent basis, outside peak demand periodsA reactor for maximum safetyPWR reactors are extremely safe industrial facilities (and are also non-proliferating). The EPR offers even greater safety due to its design, the materials used and the improved safety systems.These systems have been simplified, diversified and more fully automated. There is also a greater degree of redundancy.For example, to provide emergency cooling of the reactor core, there are four independent sub-systems or "trains", each of them capable of fully cooling the core.Each sub-system is separated from the others. They are located in separate parts of the plant, each with its own protection features. The risk of simultaneous failure of all the sub-systems due to events of internal or external origin (such as fire or aircraft crash) is thus avoided.Despite the fact that these systems reduce the probability of a serious accident to near zero, the EPR is designed in such a way that should an accident occur, the leaktight containment around the reactor would prevent radioactivity and its effects from spreading outside.The containment could withstand high pressure and temperature, even during extremely severe accidents involving core meltdown and piercing of the steel reactor vessel.Under these circumstances, if any part of the molten core did manage to escape from the reactor vessel, it would be collected and cooled in a specially designed area inside the containment, protected by a refractory layer.Even in such an extreme situation, the accident would be confined within the containment building.The containment building which houses the reactor is particularly robust.It rests on a six-meter thick concrete base.The upper part comprises two walls: one outer reinforced concrete shell and one inner pre-stressed concrete wall, both 1.3 meters thick, giving a total of 2.6 meters of concrete.In addition, this makes the EPR extremely resistant to external hazards.The EPR at a glanceThe reactor containment building has two walls: an inner pre-stressed concrete housing (5) and an outer reinforced concrete shell (6), both 1.30 m thick.It houses the reactor coolant system, the main components of which are the reactor vessel (1),the steam generators (2),the pressurizer (3) and the reactor coolant pumps (4).Inside the containment there is a special area with a refractory layer (7).In the event of core meltdown, this is where any part of the molten core escaping from the reactor vessel would be collected and cooled.The plant is operated from the control room (8) where all operating data are centralized. The control room is located in one of the safeguards buildings, protected by the outer shell.In the event of a power blackout, diesel generators, housed in two separate buildings (9), supply electricity to the safety functions. The turbine building (10) houses the equipment that transforms the steam produced into electricity: the turbine, the alternator and the transformer, which is connected to the grid.The outer shell (1) covers the reactor building (2), the spent fuel building (3) and two of the four safeguards buildings (4).The other two safeguard buildings (5) are protected by being in a different location.The major safety systems comprise four sub-systems or “trains” and each train is capable of performing itself the complete safety function.There is one train in each of the four safeguard buildings (1),separated from each other by the reactor building (2)to prevent simultaneous common-cause failure of the trains.。

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Unit 4UNIT 4—4.2It is often convenient to consider an infinitely large reactor, as this enables us neglect neutron diffusion and leakage. The multiplication factor is then referred to as the infinite multiplication factor, and is expressed by important four factor formula: The relationship between the two multiplication factors is:It was pointed out that for certain types of reactor enriched uranium is necessary to achieve criticality. The most important example is the pressurized water reactor which requires slightly enriched uranium with 2 to 3 percent of U. Some current British graphite moderated reactors use fuel of a similar composition. Uranium fueled fast reactors require highly enriched uranium with 25 to 50 percent of U.The process of enriching uranium involves a partial separation of the U and U so that the product has a higher concentration of U than that of natural uranium. The waste, known as the tails, has a lower concentration. two processes are available for uranium enrichment on a commercial scale. In both of them; natural uranium is converted to gaseous compound uranium hexafluoride UF and two isotopes of uranium produce two gases of slightly different density, the UF being slightly more dense than the UF. Both processes make use of slight difference in density to achieve separation of the isotopes. In the gaseous diffusion process the UF gas diffuses through a series of semi-permeable membranes, and in the centrifuge process the UF gas is spun at high rotational speed in a centrifuge.4.3 Conversion and BreedingOne important point to emerge from earlier section of this lesson is that in thermal reactors fueled with uranium, either natural or enriched, practically all the fission occurs in U. In fast reactors, which contain no moderator and in which neutron energies are much higher than in thermal reactor, U fission occurs to a small extent, but even in this type of reactor, it is U fission which predominates and sustains the chain reaction. It is nearly correct to say, therefore, that only the U in natural uranium contributes energy directly from its own fission.Although U cannot itself be used as the fuel in a nuclear reactor, it does have a vital role to play as an isotope from which new fissile fuel can be created. In a uranium fueled reactor, a significant fraction of the neutrons produced by fission, possible 30~40 percent, are captured in U and produce U by an reaction. U is the start of a radioactive decay chain which produces NP, also radioactive and PU, which has a very long half-life and almost be regarded as a stable isotope. The processes involved are:PU, as already pointed out, is fissile, its characteristics as far as fission is concerned are similar to those of U, and it can be used as the fuel in both fast and thermal reactors.Another isotope which has characteristics similar to U is TH, the only naturally occurring isotope of the element thorium. This isotope can only undergo fission with neutrons of energy greater than about 1.4MeV, so it cannot sustain a chain reactionand be used directly as a nuclear fuel. However, as a result of neutron capture in TH the following process take places:U is fission with neutrons of all energies and like U and PU it can be used as the fuel for nuclear reactors.The importance of U and TH lies in their ability to act as fertile materials from which, as a result of neutron capture in nuclear reactors, the fissile isotopes PU and U are produced. This process is known as breeding or conversion, and it provides the method whereby U and TH can be used as sources of energy through fission.An important characteristic of a nuclear reactor, particularly one which is designed to produce new fissile material by one of the processes just described as well as power, is the Ratio of the rate at which fertile material and fissile material are used up. This ratio is the breeding ratio B and is defined as the number of new fissile atoms produced in a reactor per atom of existing fissile fuel consumed by fission and neutron capture.If the breeding ratio is exactly 1 then the quantity of fissile fuel remains constant, if it is greater than l the quantity of fissile fuel increase. And if it is less than 1 the quantity of fissile fuel decreases. In order to utilize all the world's resources of U and TH it is essential that some, though not necessarily all, of the world's reactors are designed so that their breeding ratios are greater than 1 .The following simplified argument illustrates this point. Consider a reactor (or a number of reactors) whose breeding ratio is B, fueled with natural uranium, the total mass of U being M tons. If all the U is burned up, the quantity of U converted to Pu is approximately BMM tons. If this plutonium is used to provide the second charge of fuel for the reactors, and if the value of B is the same for a plutonium fueled reactor as for a uranium fueled reactor (which is not strictly true as we shall see), then the use of BM tons of 239Pu results in another B2M tons of U being converted to 239Pu, and so on. The total amount of uranium used up would be M+BM+B2M+..., If B<1, then this is equal to M/(l-B). If this results were exact, which it is not, the value of B necessary to use up all the natural uranium originally in the reactors would be about 0.993, or for all practical purposes 1. In fact it is necessary that the value of B should be slightly greater than l as the foregoing argument neglects the inevitable losses of plutonium and uranium during chemical processing, separation of fission products and manufacture of fuel elements.If the value of B is much less than l then only a fraction of the available uranium is used up, for example if B=0.75, then theoretically 2.86 percent of the natural uranium can be used, still a very small fraction which in practice would be even smaller.The dependence of the breeding ratio on other reactor parameters can be deduced from the following argument. When a neutron is absorbed in an atom of fissile fuel, that atom is consumed (in the sense used in the definition of the breeding ratio) and neutrons are produced, where is the average number of neutrons produced per neutron absorbed in the fissile fuel. For a steady chain reaction in a reactor one of these neutrons must be absorbed in another atom of fissile fuel to keep the reaction going, and according to the definition of the breeding ratio, B neutrons must be captured in the fertile material. Some neutrons will inevitably be captured in non-fuel materials,and some will leak out of the reactor. The sum of these two processes is represented by neutrons per neutron absorbed in the fissile fuel. These processes are shown in Fig.4.1. It is clear that in order to maintain a steady chain reaction the following items should be meeted.Clearly if B is to be greater than l, 77f must exceed 2 by an amount that allows for the term, whose value is likely to be about 0.2. Values of for the three fissile isotopes for fission caused by thermal and high energy neutrons are given in Table 4.1 .It will be seen from Table 4.1 that, allowing for reasonable non-fuel neutron capture and leakage, only a 233U fueled thermal reactor can achieve a breeding ratio greater than l .In fast reactors there is a considerable improvement, and reactors of this type are capable of giving breeding ratios greater than l . The value of B in a fast reactor is actually greater than that given by equation due to the effect of fast fission in 238U or 232Th, which is very slight in a thermal reactor but may be considerable in a fast reactor in which as much as 20 percent of the fission may be in the 238U(less in 232Th).4.4 Fuel CyclesFig.4.2 shows a thermal react or fueled initially with natural or enriched uranium, it is typical of the vast majority of reactors built up to the present. The breeding ratio of such a reactor is less than I so the amount of 239Pu produced is less than the amount of 235U used. When the reactor is refueled, although the 239Pu might be recycled with the depleted uranium (which contains much less than 0.715 percent of 235U), some additional fissile fuel is needed to make up the deficit. Practically all the plutonium produced in this way has been stockpiled for nuclear weapons and future reactor, so that up to the present nearly all nuclear reactors have been fueled with natural or enriched uranium and stocks of plutonium and depleted uranium are steadily accumulating in several countries.Future reactors will be fueled with 239Pu and depleted uranium, which can be regarded as pure 238U, and in such reactors 238U will be converted t0 239Pu, but only in fast reactors will the breeding ratio be greater than I and in such reactors more 239Pu will be produced than is destroyed. Fig.4.3 shows the fuel cycle of a fast reactor fueled with 239Pu and 238U in which the breeding ratio is greater than l .When the first fuel charge is unloaded from the reactor it contains more 239Pu and less 238U than it did when new, and it is contaminated with fission products which must be removed during reprocessing. Some 239Pu is available for other uses such as fueling thermal reactors, while the rest recycled. The 238U is recycled but there is less of this isotope than in the original charge, so an additional supply 238U is required for the second and subsequent fuel loadings. The important point about this fuel cycle is that the reactor is kept going by fresh supplies of non-fissile 238U, and in this way 238U can be completely converted t0 239Pu and used as a source of energy.If the reactor of Fig.4.3 had been a thermal reactor in which the breeding ratio is less than 1, it would require a continuous supply of 239Pu as well as 238U to keep it going. It is obvious that in a planned long-term nuclear power program a combination of fast and thermal reactors will be able to utilize all the world's resources of uranium.Similar ideas apply to reactors making use of the 232Th-233U breeding process.A reactor fueled initially with either 235U or 239Pu as the fissile material, and 232Th as the fertile material will produce 233U. When sufficient 233U is produced it can be used as the fuel charge in either a fast or thermal reactor with 232Th, and in such a reactor a breeding ratio greater than 1 is possible. In such a reactor the 233U can be recycled, and the only fuel requirement is 232Th, which can thus be completely used for the production of energy.In reactors which are designed for breeding as well as power production the core may be subdivided into two regions. In this type of reactor the inner region, called the core, contains nearly all the fissile material (239Pu), and it is in this part of the reactor that most of the energy is released by fission. The outer region is called the blanket and contains the fertile material (238U). At the start of the reactor's life there is very little fission in the blanket, However neutrons produced by fission in the core may diffuse into the blanket and be captured in 238U to produce 239Pu. As the operation of this reactor proceeds, fissile material builds up in the blanket and provision must be made to remove the energy released by fission from the blanket as well as from the core.Another point worthy of mention is that in any reactor designed for breeding, neutron capture in the moderator, structural materials, etc. , and neutron leakage from the core should be reduced to a minimum. This capture and leakage is the term, and it is clear from this equation that any increase of the term reduces the possible value of the breeding ratio. As an example of this, it is generally true to say that the breeding ratio in a water-moderated reactor is less than in a graphite or heavy water-moderated reactor due to the rather high capture cross-section of water. In a reactor with a reasonably high value of the breeding ratio (say between 0.8 and l.0) new fissile fuel is being produced almost as fast as it is being consumed, and the fuel in such a reactor can be used to a very high burn-up, thus prolonging the periods between refueling and reducing fuel costs.In an expanding program of nuclear power using breeder reactors to produce new fuel for later reactors, an important parameter is the doubling time, Td, which is defined as the time required for the quantity of fissile fuel in a breeder reactor to double itself. Clearly, it can be interpreted as the time required for a breeder reactor to produce enough new fuel to provide the first fuel charge for another identical reactor, and this time will control the rate at which a breeder reactor program can be expanded.。
