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一.听音,选择听到的单词(10点)( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

二.听力,选择听到的短语。(10点)(). make a cake B. make a plane

C. make a kite

( ) . use chopsticks B. use a knife

C. use a fork

( ) . go to the shop to the park

C. go to the cinema

( ) train driver B. a bus driver

C. a taxi driver

( ) jump B. long jump

C. jump far


()1. A. I’m going to go to the cinema.

B. I’m reading a book.

C. I can ride a bike.

2. , he is. , he does.

C. Yes, he can.

3. A. No, I am not. , I haven’t.

, I don’t.

4. are rowing a boat.

B. They are in the cinema.

C. They are going to the cinema.

5. A. They are over there. B. They are five.

C. There is a bird on the tree.



1. c__reful ( )

2. m__use ( )

3. eleph__nt ( ) ( ) 5. r__ce ( ) 6. dr__ver ( )

7. airp__rt ( ) 8. s__a ( ) 9. an__mal ( ) ( )


( )1. Look! There are some stone ________.

A. animal

B. animals

C. animal’s

( )2. There ______ five people in my family.

B. am

C. are

( )3. I’m going to _______ a pilot.

B. am

C. be

( ) is ______ sweater. It’s yellow.

B . Lingling’s C. Linglings

( )5. Sam has got ______ old bag.

B. an

( )6. A: What are you going to do ______ Friday.

( )7. The girls are _____ some ducks.

A. feed

B. feeding

C. feeds ( )8. My grandpa ______ in Shanghai.

B. living

C. .lives.

( ) is his new book It’s in my desk.

A. What

B. Whose

C. Where ( ) mother is ______ a cake.



.\is\giraffe\this _____________

\you\what\are\to\do\going ______________

\my\in\Hong Kong\lives _______________

4. are\where\going\you ______________

\are\going\we\to\sea\the\in _____________



( )1. Where are you going A. No, I haven’t.

( )2. How many boys are B. I’m going to be a driver.

there in your class

( )3. What are you going C. There are ten.

to be

( )4. Where does your D. I’m going to Beijing.

Grandma live

( )5. Have you got a teddy E. She lives in Shanghai.


八. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选词填空。(15点)

Sam is an English boy. He is seven years old. His mother is a nurse. His father is a doctor. His grandfather is a teacher of Chinese. Sam doesn’t want to be a teacher or a doctor. He is going to be a policeman.

1. Sam is a\an _______ boy. (English, Chinese)

2. He is _______. (six, seven)

3. His father is a ________. (policeman, doctor)

4. His mother is a ________. (teacher, nurse)

5. Sam is going to be a ________.(policeman, doctor)
