
《医学英文摘要写作》详解医学英文摘要写作How to write a medical English abstract第一章概述一、摘要的定义、用途、和长度二、摘要的内容三、摘要的类型四、摘要的写作格式五、摘要写作的注意事项What is an abstract?An abstract is a brief summary of the most important points in a scientific paper.摘要是作者研究过程、研究目的、研究方法和研究结果的简要陈述和概括。
Purposes for AbstractsAbstracts typically serve five main goals:Help readers decide if they should read an entire article Help readers and researchers remember key findings on a topic Help readers understand a text by acting as a pre-reading outline of key pointsIndex articles for quick recovery and cross-referencing Allow supervisors to review technical work without becoming bogged down in details二、摘要的内容Contents1. Title2. Name of the author3. Unit of the author/address4. Text of the abstract5. Keywords1)目的2)方法3)结果4)结果的分析、比较、评价以及应用,提出的问题以及建议5)其他三、摘要的类型1. descriptive abstract ——描述性摘要2. informative abstract——资料性摘要3. descriptive-informative abstract——描述-资料性摘要1. Non-structured abstract (非结构式摘要)2. Structured abstract (结构式摘要)full-structuredsemi-structured1.描述性摘要Descriptive Abstract/ Indicative AbstractThe descriptive abstracts tell what topics are taken up in the paper. They contain indicative information on purpose, scope, or methodology in the original documents, but mention little or nothing about details of results, conclusions or recommendations. The advantages of a descriptive abstract are that it is easy to write and is usually short; a serious disadvantage is that it contains little information.一般只用两三句话概括论文或报道的主题,而不涉及具体的数据和结论,通常用于综述、会议报告等。

医学护理论文英文摘要(本站推荐)第一篇:医学护理论文英文摘要(本站推荐)The application of nursing safety management in rooming-inFengliPeople's Hospital of Obstetrics and GynecologyGuangchang County Jiangxi province 344900Abstract:purpose Objective to avoid the ridden risks of rooming-in safety nursing effectively, reduce rooming-in nursing defects and ensure safety.method Strengthening nursing safety management in the application of rooming-in.Strengthening nursing safety education and training.Firmly establish consciousness of nursing security.Strengthen the rooming-in ward safety facilities.Improve the implementation of the system.Identify and evaluate the potential safety hazard in rooming-in clinical nursing work and timely put forward corresponding improvement measures to ensure the safety of nursing care.Through regular nursing safety inspection, timely detect problems and timely rectify and reform to avoid the potential safety hazard of rooming-in safety nursing, ensure safety.result By strengthening the safety education and training for nursing staff to firmly establish consciousness of nursing security, strengthen the rooming-in ward security settings, perfect and implement each system and promptly recognize the potential safety hazard of rooming-in.Then put forward the corresponding preventive measures to make the incidence of nursing errors significantly reduced.In 2 years, there are no serious mistakes and nursing disputes.General error by 8 in 2009 dropped to 2 in 2011.Hospital maternal and their families are satisfied, the inpatient satisfaction rate is more than98%.conclusion Nursing safety management application to rooming in ward can effectively reduce the rooming-in ward nursing defects, ensure the rooming-in ward nursing quality.Key words:Nursing safety management;direct rooming-in;application第二篇:英文论文摘要大规模灾害下应急物流运作的动态救灾需求管理(2010年)摘要:本文提出了一种在大规模自然灾害中,不完全信息条件下应急物流运作的动态救援需求管理模式。

• 视网膜小动脉改变是冠心病的一种征兆
• Retinal Arteriolar Changes Are an Indicator of Coronary Heart Disease
• *Experimental Investigation on Treatment of 30 Cases of External Humeral Epicondylitis (肱骨 外上髁炎)
• (6) Application of + 方法,药物 + to …
• *Application of Acupuncture and Moxibustion to Trigeminal Neuralgia (三叉神经痛)
• 2、指示性(Indicative)摘要
• 只介绍论文主题,不涉及研究方法、材料、数 据和结果等具体内容。篇幅100字左右或更短。
• 3、资料-指示性摘要
• 以资料性摘要的形式表述论文中价值最高的那 部分内容,以指示性摘要形式表达其余部分。
• 1)简明扼要:标题通常为一行,不宜太长,通 常不含有缩略词(除非业内普遍接受的,如 AIDS, DNA, CT, 等)。
A (preliminary) Study / Research / Investigation / Exploration on/into… (On…; An analysis of …; A comparative Study of …)
4) 标题中的冠词。题首通常省略,题中不省。
5) 标题中的大小写。

How to write an abstract
1) 本文的目的或要解决的问题(What I want to do?) 2) 解决问题的方法及过程(How I did it?) 3) 主要结果及结论(What results did I get and what
conclusions can I draw?) 4) 本文的创新、独到之处(What is new and original
然而在一般箔况下,摘要并不一定都包括以上四个部分,也可能只包含 其中的某几个项目。其中研究过程与结果以及作者的结论是最关键的内容。 大多数摘要一般都包括这两个方面。至于研究目的与背景以及对未来的展 望,则较为次要,写亦可,不写亦可。
资料-指示性摘要(InfoFra bibliotekmative-indicative abstract)
这是一种综合性的摘要,即在资料性摘要的写作中搀杂 有通报性摘要的某些写作手法,从而简化了摘要内容中 某些部分的叙述,使其具有一定的通报性。事实上在摘 要的写作中,各种写作手法及格式并非泾渭分明,而是 相互渗透,综合使用的。若要严格区分,也仅仅是孰轻 孰重的问题。
传统式摘要格式不固定,层次不够分明,作者( 尤其是非编辑 出身、不经常写摘要者) 不能反应文章的主要思想,遗漏主要信 息,也不利于二次文献的整理加工。
Research direction; Medical English teaching and translating
Teaching and translating experiences
Requirements: attendance; class performance

医学英语论文摘要写法李树桐 李若冰(大理医学院外语教研室 大理671000)3 通报性摘要3.1 通报性摘要用于报道性论文。
常用于开头的句型有:This paper describes…(本文报道……)The paper analysed…(本文分析/论述了……)In this paper…(本文讨论了)A…is presented.The problem of…is discussed.(本文报道……,并讨论了……的问题)This is a report of…(这是一篇关于……的报道)…was/were tested/detected.The results revealed…(对……进行了检验,结果显示……)The trea tment of…by…was summed up.(本文总结了用……治疗……的经验)…were/was compared with…(对……与……进行了比较)T He relationship between…and…was studied.(对……与……之间的关系进行了研究)This a rticle introduces a…(本文介绍一种……)下面是一篇通报性论文的摘要(选自本刊年第六卷第四期)Surgical Treatment ofUnila teral Vocal Cord ParalysisThis pa per discussed in detail the three main methods,injection on the lat-era l cord,larygeal framework surgery and re-innerva tion rehabilitation,to treat unilatera l vocal cord paralysis in and out of the country.单侧声带麻痹的外科治疗本文对国内外治疗单侧声带麻痹的外科方法:声带外侧组织内注射法,喉支架声带内移术和神经支配重建术进行了系统论述。

完整的医学英文摘要包括标题title、作者姓名name of the author、作者单位和地址unit of the author/address、摘要正文text of the abstract和关键词keywords。
[2]1.1 英语医学论文的标题title英语医学论文标题一般都有几个名次加上必要的功能词组合而成。
词组式标题是英语医学论文标题最常采用的标题模式,这种模式可以使标题简明醒目和主题突出,如:Effects of Glucose on Neuroblastoma in Vitro and in Vivo葡萄糖在体外和体内对成神经细胞的疗效。
主谓式标题在英美杂志中偶尔可以见到,这种论文的内容比较具体和单纯,用以陈述一个事实或提出一项呼吁,如:Dietary Cholesterol Is Carcinogenic for HumanColon Cancer食物胆固醇可导致结肠癌。

Promotion of rapid testing for HIV in primary care (RHIVA2): a cluster-randomised群组随机的 controlled trial
初诊治疗中快速检测HIV的推广(艾滋病协会康复分会试验 之二): 一个群组随机对照试验 primary care (由医护人员提供的)最初保健护理(其后病人可转到专 科就诊);初诊治疗;初级治疗;初级医疗保健.
In this cluster randomised controlled trial in Hackney (London, UK), general practices were randomly assigned (1:1) to offer either opt-out rapid HIV testing to newly registering adults or continue usual care. All practices were invited to take part. Practices were randomised by an independent clinical trials unit statistician with a minimisation program最小化程序, maintaining allocation concealment隐秘性. 在哈克尼(英国伦敦)进行的群组随机对照试验中,全科医生被 〔1 随机分配(1:1),一组对新注册的成年病人进行opt-out 〕 HIV快速检测 / 常规HIV快速检测 ;另一组则继续常规护理。
CD4细胞计数低于200个/ μL的患者在干预组中和对照组中分 别为28%及46%(0.60,0.32〜1.13)(增译法) 所有快速检测诊断出的患者均顺利转入专科治疗。无不良事 件发生。


共同点:姓在前,名在后。 不能将王典晖写成 DianhuiWang,将张坚写成 Jian Zhang, 否则可能把姓和名混淆。 其次,中文姓名须按照现代汉语拼音方式进行拼写,过去 的各种拼写法均视为错误。 如:“王” Wong (现应为 Wang), “许” Hsu (现应为Xu)等等。 上述关于作者姓名的英语署名法,第1种( WANG Dianhui )可能逐渐成为主流,采用的期刊较多,因为它具备 表姓和表名的较多鲜明特征。当然,摘要中的拼法要符合 投稿杂志的使用习惯。
1. 4 短语或句子 标题一般应采用短语形式 (包括短语中套短语 ), 不宜用完整的句子形式。但在国际一些著名的杂 志上仍有少量论文标题是以句子形式出现。
Leabharlann 2 标题语言结构 语言结构主要有下列几种。作者可根据论文标题的 内容采用一种适合的形式。 2. 1 名词短语 Transabdominal transcolonic polypectomy 经腹经结肠息肉切除术; Multiphoton excitation microscopy 多光子激发显微术; Genetic neurological channelopathies 遗传性神经离子通道病; Implant-related inflammatory arthritis 植入物引起的炎症性关节炎
A biodialysis system for liver support tested in a porcine hepatic failure model 用猪的肝脏衰竭模型检验一种支持肝脏的生物透析系统。
2. 6 主标题 + 副标题 Renal hypertension: A clinical analysis of 655 cases 肾性高血压 655例临床分析; Bacterial endocarditis: A review of 148 cases 细菌性心内膜炎:148病例综述; Immunization and anesthesia--- an international survey 免疫接种和麻醉---一项国际调查; Pediatric liver disease in the United States: Epidemiology and impact 美国的儿科肝病:流行病学及影响。

infarction, stroke, diabetes, cancer, pneumonia, 在中位随访4· 0年期间(IQR2· 9-5· 1),我们评估了 全因死亡率,心血管病死亡率,非心血管病死亡, 心肌梗死,中风,糖尿病,癌症,肺炎;
hospital admission for pneumonia or chronic obstructive
Grip strength was a stronger predictor of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality than systolic blood pressure. We found no significant association between grip strength and incident diabetes, risk of hospital admission for pneumonia or COPD, injury from fall, or fracture.
在高收入国家,癌症风险与握力呈正相关(0· 916, 0· 880-0· 953,P<0· 0001),但在中低等收入国家无 此关联性。
Three sources were positively associated with mental fatigue and body fatigue.
例 1:(四段式)
Preoperative oral carbohydrate improves postoperative protein and glucose kinetics
Background: Preoperative oral carbohydrate (CHO) reduces postoperative insulin resistance. This randomized trial investigated the effect of CHO on postoperative whole-body protein turnover. Methods: We studied glucose and protein kinetics … before and on the first day after colorectal resection. Fifteen patients were randomized to receive a preoperative beverage with high or low CHO content. Results: After surgery, whole-body protein balance did not change in the high CHO group, whereas it was more negative in the low CHO group. Conclusion: Whole-body protein balance is better maintained when patients receive a CHO-rich beverage before surgery.



医学论文英语摘要的写作及难句翻译【摘要】Medical research papers are an essential part of the academic world, and writing abstracts in English can be a challenging task for many researchers. This article covers the key points to consider when writing a medical research paper abstract, including the necessary structural elements and tips for translating complex sentences. Common translation techniques for complex sentences are also discussed, along with case studies to illustrate these techniques. The importance of writing a clear and concise medical research paper abstract is emphasized in the conclusion, along with suggestions for improving translation skills and future research directions. This article serves as a guide for researchers looking to enhance their abstract writing and translation abilities in the field of medicine.【关键词】医学论文英语摘要、写作、注意事项、结构要素、翻译、难句、技巧、案例分析、重要性、提高、建议、未来研究方向1. 引言1.1 医学论文英语摘要的写作及难句翻译Introduction:Writing an abstract for a medical paper in English can be a challenging task for many researchers and authors. This is because the abstract plays a crucial role in communicating the key findings and implications of a study to a wide audience, including scientists, clinicians, and policymakers. In addition, translating complex medical concepts and technical terms into English can sometimes pose difficulties, especially for non-native English speakers. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to both the content and language of the abstract to ensure that it effectively conveys the significance of the research.2. 正文2.1 写作医学论文英语摘要的注意事项Another important aspect to consider is the language and writing style of the abstract. It should be clear, concise, and free of jargon or technical terms that may be difficult for non-experts to understand. The abstract should also be written in a formal tone and follow the appropriate format and structure for a scientific paper.2.2 医学论文英语摘要的结构要素The structure of a medical paper abstract is crucial in conveying the key points of the research effectively. Awell-structured abstract should typically include the following elements:2.3 如何翻译医学论文英语摘要中的难句When translating difficult sentences in medical paper abstracts, it is important to first understand the meaning of the original sentence. Here are some tips on how to effectively translate complex sentences in medical paper abstracts:2.4 常见难句翻译技巧Common Techniques for Translating Difficult Sentences in Medical Research Paper AbstractsTranslating medical research paper abstracts can be challenging, especially when dealing with complex or technical language. Here are some common techniques to help you tackle difficult sentences in a medical context:2.5 案例分析Case Study:In order to better illustrate the process of translating difficult sentences in medical research abstracts, we will analyze a specificexample taken from a recent study on the efficacy of a new drug for treating cardiovascular disease.Translation: 该研究进行了一项随机临床试验,评估了这种药物对重症冠状动脉疾病患者群体的影响,采用了双盲方法和安慰剂对照设计。

Informative Abstracts The informative abstracts give the gist, or essence, of a piece of writing: they include the most significant material in the original writing. It is the original document in miniature. Important information on purpose, scope and method of the research are included in this type of abstracts. They also contain key results, conclusions, or recommendations. The advantage of an informative abstracts is that it provides much more information than does a descriptive abstract. But it is usually longer than the descriptive type.
full-structured semi-structured
Descriptive Abstract/ Indicative Abstract The descriptive abstracts tell what topics are taken up in the paper. They contain indicative information on purpose, scope, or methodology in the original documents, but mention little or nothing about details of results, conclusions or recommendations. The advantages of a descriptive abstract are that it is easy to write and is usually short; a serious disadvantage is that it contains little information. 一般只用两三句话概括论文或报道的主题,而不涉及 具体的数据和结论,通常用于综述、会议报告等。

• Clinical Observation on Longkeshuan Capsule in Treatment of Stroke
• 动名词、介词短语参见教材P35
• (2) 句式
• 陈述式(无句号) • 学龄儿童反复腹痛与不能耐受乳糖有关
• Recurrent Abdominal Pain in School-aged Children Is Related to Lactose Intolerance
• 简介 • A brief introduction to… • 进展 • Development / Advancement of… • 评述 • A review of… • 回顾 • A retrospective study of… • 比较 • Comparison between…
• Pancreatitis in SLE: A Case Report and Literature Review
• e. 提问或选择时 • 听诊器是潜在的医院感染源吗? • Is stethoscope a potential source of hospital infection? • Stethoscope: A Potential Source of Hospital Infection?
• a. 突出病例数时 • 对急诊室170例腹痛病例的回顾性研究 • A Retrospective Study on 170 Cases of Abdominal Pain in
Emergency Room • Abdominal Pain in Emergency Room: Retrospective Study of
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医学英文摘要写作How to write a medical English abstract第一章概述一、摘要的定义、用途、和长度二、摘要的内容三、摘要的类型四、摘要的写作格式五、摘要写作的注意事项What is an abstract?An abstract is a brief summary of the most important points in a scientific paper.摘要是作者研究过程、研究目的、研究方法和研究结果的简要陈述和概括。
Purposes for AbstractsAbstracts typically serve five main goals:Help readers decide if they should read an entire article Help readers and researchers remember key findings on a topicHelp readers understand a text by acting as a pre-reading outline of key pointsIndex articles for quick recovery and cross-referencing Allow supervisors to review technical work without becoming bogged down in details二、摘要的内容Contents1. Title2. Name of the author3. Unit of the author/address4. Text of the abstract5. Keywords1)目的2)方法3)结果4)结果的分析、比较、评价以及应用,提出的问题以及建议5)其他三、摘要的类型1. descriptive abstract —— 描述性摘要2. informative abstract——资料性摘要3. descriptive-informative abstract——描述-资料性摘要1. Non-structured abstract (非结构式摘要)2. Structured abstract (结构式摘要)full-structuredsemi-structured1.描述性摘要Descriptive Abstract/ Indicative AbstractThe descriptive abstracts tell what topics are taken up in the paper. They contain indicative information on purpose, scope, or methodology in the original documents, but mention little or nothing about details of results, conclusions or recommendations. The advantages of a descriptive abstract are that it is easy to write and is usually short; a serious disadvantage is that it contains little information.一般只用两三句话概括论文或报道的主题,而不涉及具体的数据和结论,通常用于综述、会议报告等。
Samples of descriptive abstracts:例一:心得宁引起的胸膜纤维化我们报道两例患者服用心得宁后继发胸膜纤维化Pleural Fibrosis After Practolol TherapyWe describe two patients who developed pleural fibrosis after treatment with practolol.例二:论原发性胃肠道淋巴瘤本文综述了治疗原发性胃肠道淋巴瘤的主要经验,并就该病的临床、病理及治疗等问题进行了讨论。
Primary Lymphomas of the Gastrointestinal TractAn institutional experience with primary gastrointestinal lymphoma (PGL) is reviewed. The clinical, pathologic, and therapeutic aspects of PGL are discussed.2.资料性(报道性)摘要Informative AbstractsThe informative abstracts give the gist, or essence, of a piece of writing: they include the most significant material in the original writing. It is the original document in miniature. Important information on purpose, scope and method of the research are included in this type of abstracts. They also contain key results, conclusions, or recommendations. The advantage of an informative abstracts is that it provides much more information than does a descriptive abstract. But it is usually longer than the descriptive type.概括论文的主要信息,一般阐明研究的问题和关键的研究成果,其特点是全面、简要地概括论文的目的、方法、主要数据和结论。
Malignant Hypertension and Cigarette SmokingThe smoking habit of 48 patients with malignant hypertension was compared with that of 92 consecutive patients with non- malignant hypertension. Thirty-three of the patients with malignant and 34 of the patients with non-malignant hypertension were smokers when first diagnosed, the difference were considered separately. Results suggest that malignant hypertension is yet another disease related to cigarette smoking.Informative-Indicative Abstracts以报道性文摘的形式表述一次文献中信息价值较高的部分,而以指示性文摘的形式表述其余部分的文摘。
字数200词左右为宜Traditional Abstract 传统式摘要IMRADIntroduction 引言Materials and Methods 材料与方法Results 结果Discussion 讨论全结构式摘要(Full-structured Abstract)1974年4月,加拿大McMaster 大学医学中心的Dr R Brian Haynes首先提出建立临床研究论文的结构式摘要。
在Dr Edward J Huth创导下,美国《内科学记事》(Annuals of Internal Medicine)在国际上率先采用了全结构式(full-structured)摘要。
1.目的(Objective):说明论文要解决的问题2.设计(Design):说明研究的基本设计,包括的研究性质3.地点(Setting):说明进行研究的地点和研究机构的等级4.对象(Patients, participants or subjects):说明参加并完成研究的病人或受试者的性质、数量及挑选方法5.处理(Interventions):说明确切的治疗或处理方法6.主要测定项目(Main outcome measures):说明为评定研究结果而进行的主要测定项目7.结果(Results):说明主要客观结果8 .结论(Conclusion):说明主要结论,包括直接临床应用意义与非结构式摘要相比,。
全结构式摘要观点更明确(more explicitness),信息量更大(more information),差错更少(fewer errors).但其缺点也是显而易见的,即繁琐、重复、篇幅过长, 而且不是所有研究都能按以上8个要素分类的。
于是更多的杂志扬长避短,采用半结构式摘要(semi-structured)半结构式摘要(Semi-structured Abstract)半结构式摘要也称为四要素摘要,包括:目的(objective/purpose/aim)、方法(methods)、结果(results)结论(conclusion)目前国内许多杂志正从非结构式摘要向半结构式摘要过度。
Does smoking predispose to peptic ulcer relapse after eradication of Helicobacter pylori?Chan F.k.l. –Department of Medicine, Prince of Wales Hospital,..Objective: To investigate whether smoking would increase ulcer recurrence after…Methods: A total of 287 patients with gastric ulcers …Results: Of the 83 smokers,3 had ulcer recurrence, Conclusions: Cigarette smoking did not increase the recurrence of peptic ulcers after eradication of H. Pylori. About the tense1)目的部分:背景介绍:一般现在时或现在完成时目的说明:一般现在时/现在完成时,或一般过去时2)材料、方法和结果部分:除指示性说明外,一律用一般过去时。